Run a macOS VM to test docker-machine
and nested boot2docker Linux VM's and Linux containers.
Adjust the versions in the Vagrantfile for the macOS VM to be used, VMware Fusion, docker-machine and the docker CLI. Then run
vagrant up
Now inside the VM - either with vagrant rdp
or just using the desktop of the visible VM.
First you have to enter a valid VMware Fusion license or start the 30 days trial. To install and/or use vmware-fusion you may need to enable their kernel extension in
System Preferences → Security & Privacy → General
Then open a Terminal.
Then run this command and specify the version of the boot2docker URL. There are several versions of docker-machine downloaded (0.13.0 to 0.16.0).
docker-machine-0.13.0 -D create -d vmwarefusion --vmwarefusion-boot2docker-url= test
During the creation you can see the boot2docker VM by opening the vmx file:
open ~/.docker/machine/machines/test/test.vmx
If that works try if the shared folder is mounted in the boot2docker VM:
docker-machine ssh test ls /Users
If that also works try to run a container with a shared folder mounted:
eval $(docker-machine env test)
docker run --rm -v /Users:/Users alpine ls /Users
If that also works you found a working combination.
To try another boot2docker version destroy the current docker machine:
docker-machine rm -f test
This combination works fine
- docker-machine 0.13.0 with
driver - boot2docker 18.06.1
Any newer docker-machine binary does not work and aborts at vmrun enableSharedFolders.