To create a Pin interactively, select the Pins mode, and klick on the Pin start position, move the mouse to the pin end position, and click again. The pin will get a default number and name attribute.
To modify the number and name, you can select the pin, and then use the attributes widget to modify the values. You can move the whole pin, or one of its endpoints to change its orientation. The position of the name and number attribute is adjusted automaically. You may also detach the attributes, move them, and reatach them. But whenever you move the Pin, the attributes are again automatically adjusted.
For creating many pins, you can use the command entry widget. Enter a command like
pin x1 y1 x2 y2 number name dx dy n
This will create a set of n pins, all with name "name" and starting with number "number", displaced by dx and dx. x1 and y1 are absolute coordinates, while x2 and y2 can be absolute values, or offsets to x1 and y1, when the value starts with a plus sign. For name you can use "_" — in that case the actual names are read from the data window. The command works without the starting "pin" symbol when the Pins mode is selected. When you intent to create only a single pin, then the last three parameters are not necessary.