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[BugFix] Fix tablet scheduler exception (#52925) #256

[BugFix] Fix tablet scheduler exception (#52925)

[BugFix] Fix tablet scheduler exception (#52925) #256

GitHub Actions / Admit Report (Release ubuntu) failed Nov 25, 2024 in 0s

506 tests run, 505 passed, 0 skipped, 1 failed.


Check failure on line 1 in TestStandardSqlset

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Admit Report (Release ubuntu)


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `lineorder` ( `lo_orderkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_linenumber` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_custkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_partkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_suppkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_orderdate` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_orderpriority` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_shippriority` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_quantity` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_extendedprice` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_ordtotalprice` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_discount` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_revenue` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_supplycost` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_tax` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_commitdate` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_shipmode` varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "" ) DUPLICATE KEY(`lo_orderkey`) COMMENT "OLAP" DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`lo_orderkey`) BUCKETS 192 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3", "colocate_with" = "ae92f1d2groupaa1", "in_memory" = "false", "storage_format" = "DEFAULT" );   CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `customer` ( `c_custkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_name` varchar(26) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_address` varchar(41) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_city` varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_nation` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_region` varchar(13) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_phone` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_mktsegment` varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "" ) DUPLICATE KEY(`c_custkey`) COMMENT "OLAP" DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`c_custkey`) BUCKETS 12 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3", "colocate_with" = "ae92f1d2groupaa2", "in_memory" = "false", "storage_format" = "DEFAULT" );   CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `dates` ( `d_datekey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_date` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_dayofweek` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_month` varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_year` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_yearmonthnum` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_yearmonth` varchar(9) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_daynuminweek` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_daynuminmonth` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_daynuminyear` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_monthnuminyear` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_weeknuminyear` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_sellingseason` varchar(14) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_lastdayinweekfl` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_lastdayinmonthfl` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_holidayfl` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_weekdayfl` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "" ) DUPLICATE KEY(`d_datekey`) COMMENT "OLAP" DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`d_datekey`) BUCKETS 10 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3", "in_memory" = "false", "colocate_with" = "ae92f1d2groupaa3", "storage_format" = "DEFAULT" );  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `supplier` ( `s_suppkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `s_name` varchar(26) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `s_address` varchar(26) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `s_city` varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `s_nation` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `s_region` varchar(13) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `s_phone` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT "" ) DUPLICATE KEY(`s_suppkey`) COMMENT "OLAP" DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`s_suppkey`) BUCKETS 12 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3", "colocate_with" = "ae92f1d2groupaa4", "in_memory" = "false", "storage_format" = "DEFAULT" );  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `part` ( `p_partkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_name` varchar(23) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_mfgr` varchar(7) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_category` varchar(8) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_brand` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_color` varchar(12) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_type` varchar(26) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_size` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_container` varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "" ) DUPLICATE KEY(`p_partkey`) COMMENT "OLAP" DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`p_partkey`) BUCKETS 12 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3", "colocate_with" = "ae92f1d2groupaa5", "in_memory" = "false", "storage_format" = "DEFAULT" ); =>{'status': False, 'msg': (5063, 'Colocate tables must have same replication num: 1, with group 67268.67272, partition info type: UNPARTITIONED; 287420 is HDD: true data_property: Storage medium[HDD]. cool down[9999-12-31 23:59:59]. replica number: 3 in memory: false')}
Raw output
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/", line 59, in testPartExecutor
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/", line 615, in run
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/nose/", line 170, in runTest
  File "/home/runner/_work/starrocks/starrocks/StarRocksTest/case/system_case/test_dql/test_operator/", line 136, in test_ssb_1g_check
  File "/home/runner/_work/starrocks/starrocks/StarRocksTest/case/system_case/test_dql/test_operator/", line 85, in prepare_ssb_1g_data
  File "/home/runner/_work/starrocks/starrocks/StarRocksTest/case/system_case/test_dql/test_operator/", line 52, in _exec_ddl
    eq_(res["status"], True, statement + " =>" + str(res))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/nose/tools/", line 22, in eq_
    raise AssertionError(msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b))
AssertionError:  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `lineorder` ( `lo_orderkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_linenumber` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_custkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_partkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_suppkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_orderdate` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_orderpriority` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_shippriority` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_quantity` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_extendedprice` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_ordtotalprice` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_discount` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_revenue` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_supplycost` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_tax` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_commitdate` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `lo_shipmode` varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "" ) DUPLICATE KEY(`lo_orderkey`) COMMENT "OLAP" DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`lo_orderkey`) BUCKETS 192 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3", "colocate_with" = "ae92f1d2groupaa1", "in_memory" = "false", "storage_format" = "DEFAULT" );   CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `customer` ( `c_custkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_name` varchar(26) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_address` varchar(41) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_city` varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_nation` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_region` varchar(13) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_phone` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `c_mktsegment` varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "" ) DUPLICATE KEY(`c_custkey`) COMMENT "OLAP" DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`c_custkey`) BUCKETS 12 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3", "colocate_with" = "ae92f1d2groupaa2", "in_memory" = "false", "storage_format" = "DEFAULT" );   CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `dates` ( `d_datekey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_date` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_dayofweek` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_month` varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_year` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_yearmonthnum` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_yearmonth` varchar(9) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_daynuminweek` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_daynuminmonth` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_daynuminyear` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_monthnuminyear` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_weeknuminyear` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_sellingseason` varchar(14) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_lastdayinweekfl` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_lastdayinmonthfl` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_holidayfl` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `d_weekdayfl` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "" ) DUPLICATE KEY(`d_datekey`) COMMENT "OLAP" DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`d_datekey`) BUCKETS 10 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3", "in_memory" = "false", "colocate_with" = "ae92f1d2groupaa3", "storage_format" = "DEFAULT" );  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `supplier` ( `s_suppkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `s_name` varchar(26) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `s_address` varchar(26) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `s_city` varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `s_nation` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `s_region` varchar(13) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `s_phone` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT "" ) DUPLICATE KEY(`s_suppkey`) COMMENT "OLAP" DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`s_suppkey`) BUCKETS 12 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3", "colocate_with" = "ae92f1d2groupaa4", "in_memory" = "false", "storage_format" = "DEFAULT" );  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `part` ( `p_partkey` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_name` varchar(23) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_mfgr` varchar(7) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_category` varchar(8) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_brand` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_color` varchar(12) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_type` varchar(26) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_size` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `p_container` varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "" ) DUPLICATE KEY(`p_partkey`) COMMENT "OLAP" DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`p_partkey`) BUCKETS 12 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3", "colocate_with" = "ae92f1d2groupaa5", "in_memory" = "false", "storage_format" = "DEFAULT" ); =>{'status': False, 'msg': (5063, 'Colocate tables must have same replication num: 1, with group 67268.67272, partition info type: UNPARTITIONED; 287420 is HDD: true data_property: Storage medium[HDD]. cool down[9999-12-31 23:59:59]. replica number: 3 in memory: false')}

[Standard Output]: 

case exec connect time:  1732530925 2024-11-25 18:35:24
show backends;

case exec close time:  1732530925 2024-11-25 18:35:24
show backends;
create database standard_sqlset_faf4d968_ab18_11ef_a02a_0242ac160010;
use standard_sqlset_faf4d968_ab18_11ef_a02a_0242ac160010;
drop database default_catalog.standard_sqlset_faf4d968_ab18_11ef_a02a_0242ac160010 ;

case exec close time:  1732530925 2024-11-25 18:35:24