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Danylo Lytvynenko edited this page Sep 21, 2020 · 3 revisions

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Google Doc Connector Pro

The Google Sheets API lets you read and modify any aspect of a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets have many settings that let you craft beautiful and functional sheets, so the API has many settings too.

NPM Package openupm Licence Issues

API Reference

Quick links to explore the library:

Install from NPM

  • Navigate to the Packages directory of your project.
  • Adjust the project manifest file manifest.json in a text editor.
  • Ensure is part of scopedRegistries.
    • Ensure com.stansassets is part of scopes.
    • Add to the dependencies, stating the latest version.

A minimal example ends up looking like this. Please note that the version X.Y.Z stated here is to be replaced with the latest released version which is currently NPM Package.

  "scopedRegistries": [
      "name": "npmjs",
      "url": "",
      "scopes": [
  "dependencies": {
    "": "X.Y.Z",
  • Switch back to the Unity software and wait for it to finish importing the added package.

Install from OpenUPM

  • Install openupm-cli npm install -g openupm-cli or yarn global add openupm-cli
  • Enter your unity project folder cd <YOUR_UNITY_PROJECT_FOLDER>
  • Install package openupm add

Install from a Git URL

Yoy can also install this package via Git URL. To load a package from a Git URL:

  • Open Unity Package Manager window.
  • Click the add + button in the status bar.
  • The options for adding packages appear.
  • Select Add package from git URL from the add menu. A text box and an Add button appear.
  • Enter the Git URL in the text box and click Add.
  • You may also install a specific package version by using the URL with the specified version.
    • Please note that the version X.Y.Z stated here is to be replaced with the version you would like to get.
    • You can find all the available releases here.
    • The latest available release version is Last Release

Referencing packages from private repositories by SSH

Unity Package Manager supports referencing packages from private repositories by SSH, see an example: "": "ssh://[email protected]/Company/app.git#X.Y.Z". But easy to stumble if doing it the first time because Unity Package Manager requires the only SSH key without a passphrase. A quick guide to starting with:

  • Start Git Bash and generate SSH key without a passphrase if you don't have one already. (Git SSH Guide)
  • Add SSH key to an ssh-agent. Reboot PC.
  • Create some temporary directory on a PC and go there by executing command cd C:\Repositories\SSHTestRepository. Clone repository that going to be referenced as a package with git clone [email protected]/Company/app.git, agree with adding to a hosts list.
  • Done! Feel free to delete previously cloned repository.

For more information about what protocols Unity supports, see Git URLs.

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