Oldschool action role-playing game powered by Python 3 and Pygame 2.
Your objective is to descend into dungeon and find a magical artifact, so-called 'blackrock'.
First steps:
Choose New Character and Start to begin a new game. Use [MOUSE] to walk around. To zoom in and out, use + and - on numpad. IMPORTANT: the game MAY crash when zooming out. To change position of your Character on screen to where your mouse cursor is, Press "v" on your keyboard. Click on the doors to operate them. Click on mobs to fight them. Pickup and equip weapons. Watch out for items' durability. Use Hud buttons to open different windows. Hover over monsters with cursor to reveal targeting window. Visit Trading Post in Options (button with a door on HUD). To shoot bows and slings use Shot skill from skillbook! Cosmologist has to hold a magical weapon (like a wand) to be able to cast spells from skillbook!
Don't forget to eat or you will die of starvation!
I appreciate any feedback. Damn, just write me something. [email protected]