We present SparseIR.jl
, a Julia library for constructing and working with the intermediate representation of correlation functions [1–4]. The intermediate representation (IR) takes the matrix kernel occurring in transforming propagators between the real-frequency axis and the imaginary-time axis and performs a singular value expansion (SVE) on it, decomposing it into a set of singular values as well as two sets of functions. One of those lives on the real-frequency axis and one on the imaginary-time axis. Expressing a propagator in terms of either basis–by an ordinary least squares fit–then allows us to easily transition between them. In combination with a prescription for constructing sparse sets of sampling points on each axis, we have a method for optimally compressing propagators.
implements the intermediate representation, providing on-the-fly computation of basis functions and singular values accurate to full precision along with routines for sparse sampling. It is further fully unit tested, featuring near-complete code coverage. Here, we will explain its inner workings by means of an example use case. In preparing this document, SparseIR.jl
version 1.0.18
and Julia version 1.11.1
were used.
Problem statement
We take a problem to be solved from the sparse-ir
paper [4].
Let us perform self-consistent second-order perturbation theory for the single impurity Anderson model at finite temperature. Its Hamiltonian is given by
\[ H = U c^\dagger_\uparrow c^\dagger_\downarrow c_\downarrow c_\uparrow + \sum_{p\sigma} \big(V_{p\sigma} f_{p\sigma}^\dagger c_\sigma + V_{p\sigma}^* c_\sigma^\dagger f_{p\sigma}\big) + \sum_{p\sigma} \epsilon_{p} f_{p\sigma}^\dagger f_{p\sigma}\]
where $U$ is the electron interaction strength, $c_\sigma$ annihilates an electron on the impurity, $f_{p\sigma}$ annihilates an electron in the bath, $\dagger$ denotes the Hermitian conjugate, $p\in\mathbb R$ is bath momentum, and $\sigma\in\{\uparrow, \downarrow\}$ is spin. The hybridization strength $V_{p\sigma}$ and bath energies $\epsilon_p$ are chosen such that the non-interacting density of states is semi-elliptic with a half-bandwidth of one, $\rho_0(\omega) = \frac2\pi\sqrt{1-\omega^2}$, $U=1.2$, $\beta=10$, and the system is assumed to be half-filled.
To provide an overview, we first give the full code used to solve the problem with SparseIR.jl
using SparseIR
+Guide · SparseIR.jl Introduction
We present SparseIR.jl
, a Julia library for constructing and working with the intermediate representation of correlation functions [1–4]. The intermediate representation (IR) takes the matrix kernel transforming propagators between the real-frequency axis and the imaginary-time axis and performs a singular value expansion (SVE) on it. This decomposes the matrix kernel into a set of singular values as well as two sets of functions. One of those lives on the real-frequency axis and one on the imaginary-time axis. Expressing a propagator in terms of either basis–by an ordinary least squares fit–then allows us to easily transition between them. In combination with a prescription for constructing sparse sets of sampling points on each axis, we have a method for optimally compressing propagators.
implements the intermediate representation, providing on-the-fly computation of basis functions and singular values accurate to full precision along with routines for sparse sampling. It is further fully unit tested, featuring near-complete code coverage. Here, we will explain its inner structure by means of an example use case. In preparing this document, SparseIR.jl
version 1.0.18
and Julia version 1.11.1
were used.
Problem statement
We take a problem to be solved from the sparse-ir
paper [4].
Let us perform self-consistent second-order perturbation theory for the single impurity Anderson model at finite temperature. Its Hamiltonian is given by
\[ H = U c^\dagger_\uparrow c^\dagger_\downarrow c_\downarrow c_\uparrow + \sum_{p\sigma} \big(V_{p\sigma} f_{p\sigma}^\dagger c_\sigma + V_{p\sigma}^* c_\sigma^\dagger f_{p\sigma}\big) + \sum_{p\sigma} \epsilon_{p} f_{p\sigma}^\dagger f_{p\sigma}\]
where $U$ is the electron interaction strength, $c_\sigma$ annihilates an electron on the impurity, $f_{p\sigma}$ annihilates an electron in the bath, $\dagger$ denotes the Hermitian conjugate, $p\in\mathbb R$ is bath momentum, and $\sigma\in\{\uparrow, \downarrow\}$ the spin. The hybridization strength $V_{p\sigma}$ and bath energies $\epsilon_p$ are chosen such that the non-interacting density of states is semi-elliptic with a half-bandwidth of one, $\rho_0(\omega) = \frac2\pi\sqrt{1-\omega^2}$, $U=1.2$, $\beta=10$, [...]
To provide an overview, we first give the full code used to solve the problem with SparseIR.jl
using SparseIR
β = 10.0; ωmax = 8.0; ε = 1e-6;
@@ -56,34 +56,24 @@
- 2.2623276239584257e-6
There is quite a lot happening behind the scenes in this first innocuous-looking statement, so we will break it down:
Consider a propagator/Green's function defined on the imaginary-time axis
\[ G(\tau) \equiv -\ev{T_\tau A(\tau) B(0)}\]
and the associated spectral function in real frequency $\rho(\omega) = -(1/\pi) \;\mathrm{Im}\;G(\omega)$. These are related via
\[ G(\tau) = -\int_{-\omega_\mathrm{max}}^{+\omega_\mathrm{max}} \dd{\omega} \tilde K(\tau, \omega) \rho(\omega)\]
with the integral kernel
\[ \tilde K(\tau, \omega) = \frac{e^{-\tau\omega}}{e^{-\beta\omega} + 1}\]
mediating between them. If we perform an SVE on this kernel, yielding the decomposition
\[ \tilde K(\tau, \omega) = \sum_{\ell=1}^\infty U_\ell(\tau) S_\ell V_\ell(\omega),\]
with the $U_\ell$s and $V_\ell$s each forming an orthonormal system, we can write
\[ G(\tau) = \sum_{\ell=1}^\infty U_\ell(\tau) G_\ell = \sum_{\ell=1}^L U_\ell(\tau) G_\ell + \epsilon_{L+1}(\tau)\]
with expansion coefficients given by
\[ G_\ell = -\int_{-\omega_\mathrm{max}}^{+\omega_\mathrm{max}} \dd{\omega} S_\ell V_\ell(\omega) \rho(\omega).\]
The singular values decay at least exponentially quickly $\log S_\ell = \order{-\ell / \log(\beta\omega_\mathrm{max})}$, so the error $\epsilon_{L+1}(\tau)$ we incur by representing the Green's function in this way and cutting off the sum after $L$ terms does too. If we know its expansion coefficients, we can easily compute the propagator's Fourier transform by
\[ \hat G(\mathrm{i}\omega) = \int_0^\beta \dd{\tau} e^{\mathrm{i}\omega\tau} G(\tau) \approx \sum_{\ell=1}^L \hat U_\ell(\mathrm{i}\omega) G_\ell,\]
where $\mathrm{i}\omega = (2n+1)\mathrm{i}\pi/\beta$ with $n \in \mathbb Z$ is a Matsubara frequency. The representation in terms of these expansion coefficients is what is called the intermediate representation and what SparseIR.jl
is concerned with.
To standardize our variables, we define $x \in [-1,+1]$ and $y \in [-1,+1]$ by
\[ \tau = \beta (x+1)/2 \qand \omega = \omega_\mathrm{max} y\]
so that the kernel can be written
\[ K(x, y) = \frac{e^{-\Lambda y (x + 1) / 2}}{e^{-\Lambda y} + 1},\]
with $\Lambda = \beta\omega_\mathrm{max} = 80$. This is represented by the object LogisticKernel(80.0)
, which FiniteTempBasis
uses internally.
Singular value expansion
Central is the singular value expansion's [5] computation, which is handled by the function SVEResult
: Its purpose is to construct the decomposition
\[ K(x, y) \approx \sum_{\ell = 0}^L U_\ell(x) S_\ell V_\ell(y)\]
where $U_\ell(x)$ and $V_\ell(y)$ are called $K$'s left and right singular functions respectively and $S_\ell$ are its singular values. By construction, the singular functions form an orthonormal basis, i.e.
\[ \int \dd{x} U_\ell(x) U_{\ell'}(x) = \delta_{\ell\ell'} = \int \dd{y} V_\ell(y) V_{\ell'}(y).\]
and thus above equation is equivalent to a pair of eigenvalue equations
+ 2.2623276239584257e-6
There is quite a lot happening behind the scenes in this first innocuous-looking statement, so we will break it down:
Consider a propagator/Green's function defined on the imaginary-time axis
\[ G(\tau) \equiv -\ev{T_\tau A(\tau) B(0)}\]
and the associated spectral function in real frequency $\rho(\omega) = -(1/\pi) \;\mathrm{Im}\;G(\omega)$. These are related via
\[ G(\tau) = -\int_{-\omega_\mathrm{max}}^{+\omega_\mathrm{max}} \dd{\omega} \tilde K(\tau, \omega) \rho(\omega)\]
with the integral kernel
\[ \tilde K(\tau, \omega) = \frac{e^{-\tau\omega}}{e^{-\beta\omega} + 1}\]
mediating between them. If we perform an SVE on this kernel, yielding the decomposition
\[ \tilde K(\tau, \omega) = \sum_{\ell=1}^\infty U_\ell(\tau) S_\ell V_\ell(\omega),\]
with the $U_\ell$s and $V_\ell$s each forming an orthonormal system, we can write
\[ G(\tau) = \sum_{\ell=1}^\infty U_\ell(\tau) G_\ell = \sum_{\ell=1}^L U_\ell(\tau) G_\ell + \epsilon_{L+1}(\tau)\]
with expansion coefficients given by
\[ G_\ell = -\int_{-\omega_\mathrm{max}}^{+\omega_\mathrm{max}} \dd{\omega} S_\ell V_\ell(\omega) \rho(\omega).\]
The singular values decay at least exponentially with $\log S_\ell = \order{-\ell / \log(\beta\omega_\mathrm{max})}$. Hence, the error $\epsilon_{L+1}(\tau)$ we incur by representing the Green's function in this way and cutting off the sum after $L$ terms does, too. If we know its expansion coefficients, we can easily compute the propagator's Fourier transform by
\[ \hat G(\mathrm{i}\omega) = \int_0^\beta \dd{\tau} e^{\mathrm{i}\omega\tau} G(\tau) \approx \sum_{\ell=1}^L \hat U_\ell(\mathrm{i}\omega) G_\ell,\]
where $\mathrm{i}\omega = (2n+1)\mathrm{i}\pi/\beta$ with $n \in \mathbb Z$ is a Matsubara frequency. The representation in terms of these expansion coefficients is called the intermediate representation, which SparseIR.jl
is concerned with.
To standardize our variables, we define $x \in [-1,+1]$ and $y \in [-1,+1]$ by
\[ \tau = \beta (x+1)/2 \qand \omega = \omega_\mathrm{max} y\]
so that the kernel can be written
\[ K(x, y) = \frac{e^{-\Lambda y (x + 1) / 2}}{e^{-\Lambda y} + 1},\]
with $\Lambda = \beta\omega_\mathrm{max} = 80$. This is represented by the object LogisticKernel(80.0)
, which FiniteTempBasis
uses internally.
Singular value expansion
Central is the singular value expansion [5], which is handled by the function SVEResult
: Its purpose is to construct the decomposition
\[ K(x, y) \approx \sum_{\ell = 0}^L U_\ell(x) S_\ell V_\ell(y)\]
where $U_\ell(x)$ and $V_\ell(y)$ are called $K$'s left and right singular functions respectively and $S_\ell$ are its singular values. By construction, the singular functions form an orthonormal basis, i.e.
\[ \int \dd{x} U_\ell(x) U_{\ell'}(x) = \delta_{\ell\ell'} = \int \dd{y} V_\ell(y) V_{\ell'}(y).\]
and thus above equation is equivalent to a pair of eigenvalue equations
S_\ell U_\ell(x) &= \int \dd{y} K(x, y) V_\ell(y) \\
S_\ell V_\ell(y) &= \int \dd{x} K(x, y) U_\ell(x)
Here and in what follows, unless otherwise indicated, integrals are taken to be over the interval $[-1,+1]$ (because we rescaled to $x$ and $y$ variables).
The function first calls the choose_accuracy
helper and thereby sets the appropriate working precision. Because we did not specify a working accuracy $\varepsilon^2$, it chooses for us machine precision eps(Float64)
, i.e. $\varepsilon \approx 2.2 \times 10^{-16}$ and working type Float64x2
- a 128 bits floating point type provided by the MultiFloats.jl package - because in computing the SVD we incur a precision loss of about half our input bits, leaving us with full double accuracy results only if we use quad precision during the computation.
Then - by calling out to the CentrosymmSVE
constructor - a support grid $\{x_i\} \times \{y_j\}$ for the kernel to later be evaluated on is built. Along with these support points weights $\{w_i\}$ and $\{z_j\}$ are computed. These points and weights consist of repeated scaled Gauss integration rules, such that
\[ \int \dd{x} f(x) \approx \sum_i f(x_i) w_i
Here and in what follows, unless otherwise indicated, integrals are taken to be over the interval $[-1,+1]$ (because we rescaled to $x$ and $y$ variables).
The function first calls the choose_accuracy
helper and thereby sets the appropriate working precision. Because we did not specify a working accuracy $\varepsilon^2$, it chooses machine precision eps(Float64)
, i.e. $\varepsilon \approx 2.2 \times 10^{-16}$ and working type Float64x2
- a 128 bits floating point type provided by the MultiFloats.jl package - because in computing the SVD we incur a precision loss of about half our input bits. This leaves us with full double accuracy results only if we use quad precision during the computation.
Then - by calling out to the CentrosymmSVE
constructor - a support grid $\{x_i\} \times \{y_j\}$ for the kernel to be evaluated later on is built. Along with these support points, weights $\{w_i\}$ and $\{z_j\}$ are computed. These points and weights consist of repeated scaled Gauss integration rules, such that
\[ \int \dd{x} f(x) \approx \sum_i f(x_i) w_i
- \int \dd{y} g(y) \approx \sum_j g(y_j) z_j.\]
To get an idea regarding the distribution of these sampling points, refer to following figure, which shows $\{x_i\} \times \{y_j\}$ for $\Lambda = 80$:
The points do not cover $[-1, 1] \times [-1, 1]$ but only $[0, 1] \times [0, 1]$. This is actually a special case as we exploit the kernel's centrosymmetry, i.e. $K(x, y) = K(-x, -y)$. It is straightforward to show that the left/right singular vectors then can be chosen as either odd or even functions.
Consequentially, we actually sample from a reduced kernel $K^\mathrm{red}_\pm$ on $[0, 1] \times [0, 1]$ that is given as either
\[ K^\mathrm{red}_\pm(x, y) = K(x, y) \pm K(x, -y),\]
gaining a 4-fold speedup (because we take only a quarter of the domain) in constructing the SVE. The full singular functions can be reconstructed by (anti-)symmetrically continuing them to the negative axis.
Using the integration rules allows us to approximate
+ \int \dd{y} g(y) \approx \sum_j g(y_j) z_j.\]
To get an idea regarding the distribution of these sampling points, refer to Fig. 2.2, which shows $\{x_i\} \times \{y_j\}$ for $\Lambda = 80$:
The points do not cover $[-1, 1] \times [-1, 1]$ but only $[0, 1] \times [0, 1]$. This is actually a special case as we exploit the kernel's centrosymmetry, i.e. $K(x, y) = K(-x, -y)$. It is straightforward to show that the left/right singular vectors then can be chosen as either odd or even functions.
Consequentially, we actually sample from a reduced kernel $K^\mathrm{red}_\pm$ on $[0, 1] \times [0, 1]$ that is given as either
\[ K^\mathrm{red}_\pm(x, y) = K(x, y) \pm K(x, -y),\]
gaining a 4-fold speedup (because we take only a quarter of the domain) in constructing the SVE. The full singular functions can be reconstructed by (anti-)symmetrically continuing them to the negative axis.
Using the integration rules allows us to approximate
S_\ell U_\ell(x_i) &\approx \sum_j K(x_i, y_j) V_\ell(y_j) z_j &&\forall i \\
S_\ell V_\ell(y_j) &\approx \sum_i K(x_i, y_j) U_\ell(x_i) w_i &&\forall j
which we now multiply by $\sqrt{w_i}$ and $\sqrt{z_j}$ respectively to normalize our basis functions, yielding
which we now multiply by $\sqrt{w_i}$ and $\sqrt{z_j}$ respectively to normalize our basis functions, yielding
S_\ell \sqrt{w_i} U_\ell(x_i) &\approx \sum_j \sqrt{w_i} K(x_i, y_j) \sqrt{z_j} \sqrt{z_j} V_\ell(y_j) \\
S_\ell \sqrt{z_j} V_\ell(y_j) &\approx \sum_i \sqrt{w_i} K(x_i, y_j) \sqrt{z_j} \sqrt{w_i} U_\ell(x_i)
If we now define vectors $\vec u_\ell$, $\vec v_\ell$ and a matrix $K$ with entries $u_{\ell, i} \equiv \sqrt{w_i} U_\ell(x_i)$, $v_{\ell, j} \equiv \sqrt{z_j} V_\ell(y_j)$ and $K_{ij} \equiv \sqrt{w_i} K(x_i, y_j) \sqrt{z_j}$, then
If we now define vectors $\vec u_\ell$, $\vec v_\ell$ and a matrix $K$ with entries $u_{\ell, i} \equiv \sqrt{w_i} U_\ell(x_i)$, $v_{\ell, j} \equiv \sqrt{z_j} V_\ell(y_j)$ and $K_{ij} \equiv \sqrt{w_i} K(x_i, y_j) \sqrt{z_j}$, we obtain
S_\ell u_{\ell, i} &\approx \sum_j K_{ij} v_{\ell, j} \\
S_\ell v_{\ell, j} &\approx \sum_i K_{ij} u_{\ell, i}
S_\ell \vec u_\ell &\approx K^{\phantom{\mathrm{T}}} \vec v_\ell \\
S_\ell \vec v_\ell &\approx K^\mathrm{T} \vec u_\ell.
Together with the property $\vec u_\ell^\mathrm{T} \vec u_{\ell'} \approx \delta_{\ell\ell'} \approx \vec v_\ell^\mathrm{T} \vec v_{\ell'}$ we have successfully translated the original SVE problem into an SVD, because
\[ K = \sum_\ell S_\ell \vec u_\ell \vec v_\ell^\mathrm{T}.\]
The next step is calling the matrices
function which computes the matrix $K$ derived in the previous step.
Note The function is named in the plural because in the centrosymmetric case it actually returns two matrices $K_+$ and $K_-$, one for the even and one for the odd kernel. The SVDs of these matrices are later concatenated, so for simplicity, we will refer to $K$ from here on out.
Info Special care is taken here to avoid FP-arithmetic cancellation around $x = -1$ and $x = +1$.
Take the truncated singular value decomposition (trSVD) of $K$, or rather, of $K_+$ and $K_-$. We use here a custom trSVD routine written by Markus Wallerberger which combines a homemade rank-revealing QR decomposition with GenericLinearAlgebra.svd!
. This is necessary because there is currently no trSVD for quad precision types available.
Via the function truncate
, we throw away superfluous terms in our expansion. More specifically, we choose the basis size $L$ such that $S_\ell / S_0 > \varepsilon$ for all $\ell \leq L$. Here $\varepsilon$ is our selected precision, in our case it's equal to the double precision machine epsilon, $2^{-52} \approx 2.22 \times 10^{-16}$.
Finally, we need a postprocessing step implemented in postprocess
which performs some technical manipulation to turn the SVD result into the SVE we actually want. The functions are represented as piecewise Legendre polynomials, which model a function on the interval $[x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}]$ as a set of segments on the intervals $[a_i, a_{i+1}]$, where on each interval the function is expanded in scaled Legendre polynomials. The interval endpoints are chosen such that they reflect the approximate position of roots of a high-order singular function in $x$.
The finishing touches
The difficult part of constructing the FiniteTempBasis
is now over. Next we truncate the left and right singular functions by discarding $U_\ell$ and $V_\ell$ with indices $\ell > L$ to match the $S_\ell$. The functions are now scaled to imaginary-time and frequency according to
\[ \tau = \beta/2 (x + 1) \qand \omega = \omega_\mathrm{max} y\]
and to match them, the singular values are multiplied by $\sqrt{(\beta/2)\omega}$, because $K(x,y) \sqrt{\dd x\dd y} = K(\tau,\omega) \sqrt{\dd\tau\dd\omega}$. We also add to our basis $\hat{U}_\ell(\mathrm{i}\omega)$, the Fourier transforms of the left singular functions, defined on the fermionic Matsubara frequencies $\mathrm{i}\omega = \mathrm{i}(2n+1)\beta/\pi$ (with integer $n$). This is particularly simple, because the Legendre polynomials' Fourier transforms are known analytically and given by spherical Bessel functions, for which we can rely on Bessels.jl
We can now take a look at our basis functions to get a feel for them:
Looking back at the image of the kernel $K(x,y)$ we can imagine how it is reconstructed by multiplying and summing (including a factor $S_\ell$) $U_\ell(\tau)$ and $V_\ell(\omega)$. An important property of the left singular functions is interlacing, i.e. $U_\ell$ interlaces $U_{\ell+1}$. A function $g$ with roots $\alpha_{n-1} \leq \ldots \leq \alpha_1$ interlaces a function $f$ with roots $\beta_n \leq \ldots \leq \beta_1$ if
\[ \beta_n \leq \alpha_{n-1} \leq \beta_{n-1} \leq \ldots \leq \beta_1.\]
We will use this property in constructing our sparse sampling set.
As for the Matsubara basis functions, we plot only the non-zero components, i.e. $\mathrm{Im}\;\hat U_\ell\,(\mathrm{i}\omega)$ with odd $\ell$ and $\mathrm{Re}\;\hat U_\ell\,(\mathrm{i}\omega)$ with even $\ell$.
Constructing the samplers
With our basis complete, we construct sparse sampling objects for fermionic propagators on the imaginary-time axis and on the Matsubara frequency axis.
julia> sτ = TauSampling(basis);
+\end{aligned}\]Together with the property $\vec u_\ell^\mathrm{T} \vec u_{\ell'} \approx \delta_{\ell\ell'} \approx \vec v_\ell^\mathrm{T} \vec v_{\ell'}$ we have successfully translated the original SVE problem into an SVD, because
\[ K = \sum_\ell S_\ell \vec u_\ell \vec v_\ell^\mathrm{T}.\]
The next step is calling the matrices
function which computes the matrix $K$ derived in the previous step.
Note The function is named in the plural because in the centrosymmetric case it actually returns two matrices $K_+$ and $K_-$, one for the even and one for the odd kernel. The SVDs of these matrices are later concatenated, so for simplicity, we will refer to $K$ from here on out.
Info Special care is taken here to avoid FP-arithmetic cancellation around $x = -1$ and $x = +1$.
Take the truncated singular value decomposition (trSVD) of $K$, or rather, of $K_+$ and $K_-$. We use here a custom trSVD routine written by Markus Wallerberger which combines a homemade rank-revealing QR decomposition with GenericLinearAlgebra.svd!
. This is necessary because there is currently no trSVD for quad precision types available.
Via the function truncate
, we throw away superfluous terms in our expansion. More specifically, we choose the basis size $L$ such that $S_\ell / S_0 > \varepsilon$ for all $\ell \leq L$. Here $\varepsilon$ is our selected precision, in our case it's equal to the double precision machine epsilon, $2^{-52} \approx 2.22 \times 10^{-16}$.
Finally, we need a postprocessing step implemented in postprocess
which performs some technical manipulation to turn the SVD result into the SVE we actually want. The functions are represented as piecewise Legendre polynomials, which model a function on the interval $[x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}]$ as a set of segments on the intervals $[a_i, a_{i+1}]$, where on each interval the function is expanded in scaled Legendre polynomials. The interval endpoints are chosen such that they reflect the approximate position of roots of a high-order singular function in $x$.
Finishing touches
The difficult part of constructing the FiniteTempBasis
is now over. Next we truncate the left and right singular functions by discarding $U_\ell$ and $V_\ell$ with indices $\ell > L$ to match the $S_\ell$. The functions are now scaled to imaginary-time and frequency according to
\[ \tau = \beta/2 (x + 1) \qand \omega = \omega_\mathrm{max} y.\]
This means the singular values need to be multiplied by $\sqrt{(\beta/2)\omega_\mathrm{max}}$, because $K(x,y) \sqrt{\dd x\dd y} = K(\tau,\omega) \sqrt{\dd\tau\dd\omega}$. We also add to our basis $\hat{U}_\ell(\mathrm{i}\omega)$, the Fourier transforms of the left singular functions, defined on the fermionic Matsubara frequencies $\mathrm{i}\omega = \mathrm{i}(2n+1)\beta/\pi$ (with integer $n$). This is particularly simple, because the Legendre polynomials' Fourier transforms are known analytically and given by spherical Bessel functions, for which we can rely on Bessels.jl
We can now take a look at our basis functions to get a feel for them:
Looking back at the image of the kernel $K(x,y)$ we can imagine how it is reconstructed by multiplying and summing (including a factor $S_\ell$) $U_\ell(\tau)$ and $V_\ell(\omega)$. An important property of the left singular functions is interlacing, i.e. $U_\ell$ interlaces $U_{\ell+1}$. A function $g$ with roots $\alpha_{n-1} \leq \ldots \leq \alpha_1$ interlaces a function $f$ with roots $\beta_n \leq \ldots \leq \beta_1$ if
\[ \beta_n \leq \alpha_{n-1} \leq \beta_{n-1} \leq \ldots \leq \beta_1.\]
We will use this property for constructing our sparse sampling set.
As for the Matsubara basis functions, we plot only the non-zero components, i.e. $\mathrm{Im}\;\hat U_\ell\,(\mathrm{i}\omega)$ with odd $\ell$ and $\mathrm{Re}\;\hat U_\ell\,(\mathrm{i}\omega)$ with even $\ell$.
Constructing the samplers
With our basis complete, we construct sparse sampling objects for fermionic propagators on the imaginary-time axis and on the Matsubara frequency axis.
julia> sτ = TauSampling(basis);
julia> show(sampling_points(sτ))
[0.018885255323127792, 0.10059312563754808, 0.25218900406693556, 0.4822117319309194, 0.8042299148252774, 1.2376463941125326, 1.8067997157763205, 2.535059399842931, 3.4296355795122793, 4.45886851573216, 5.541131484267839, 6.570364420487721, 7.464940600157068, 8.19320028422368, 8.762353605887466, 9.195770085174722, 9.51778826806908, 9.747810995933065, 9.899406874362452, 9.981114744676873]
@@ -91,7 +81,7 @@
julia> siω = MatsubaraSampling(basis; positive_only=true);
julia> show(sampling_points(siω))
-FermionicFreq[FermionicFreq(1), FermionicFreq(3), FermionicFreq(5), FermionicFreq(7), FermionicFreq(9), FermionicFreq(11), FermionicFreq(17), FermionicFreq(27), FermionicFreq(49), FermionicFreq(153)]
Both functions first determine a suitable set of sampling points on their respective axis. In the case of TauSampling
, the sampling points $\{\tau_i\}$ are chosen as the extrema of the highest-order basis function in imaginary-time; this works because $U_\ell$ has exactly $\ell$ roots. This turns out to be close to optimal with respect to conditioning for this size (within a few percent). Similarly, MatsubaraSampling
chooses sampling points $\{\mathrm{i}\omega_n\}$ as the (discrete) extrema of the highest-order basis function in Matsubara. By setting positive_only=true
, one assumes that functions to be fitted are symmetric in Matsubara frequency, i.e.
\[ \hat G(\mathrm{i}\omega) = \qty(\hat G(-\mathrm{i}\omega))^*.\]
In this case, sparse sampling is performed over non-negative frequencies only, cutting away half of the necessary sampling space, so we get only 10 sampling points instead of the 20 in the imaginary-time case.
Then, both compute design matrices by $E^\tau_{i\ell} = u_\ell(\tau_i)$ and $E^\omega_{n\ell} = \hat{u}_\ell(i\omega_n)$ as well as their SVDs. We are now able to get the IR basis coefficients of a function that is known on the imaginary-time sampling points by solving the fitting problem
\[ G_\ell = \mathrm{arg\,min}_{G_\ell} \sum_{\{\tau_i\}} \norm{G(\tau_i) - \sum_\ell E^\tau_{i\ell} G_\ell}^2,\]
which can be done efficiently once the SVD is known. The same can be done on the Matsubara axis
\[ G_\ell = \mathrm{arg\,min}_{G_\ell} \sum_{\{\mathrm{i}\omega_n\}} \norm{\hat{G}(\mathrm{i}\omega_n) - \sum_\ell E^\omega_{n\ell} G_\ell}^2\]
and taken together we now have a way of moving efficiently between both. In solving these problems, we need to take their conditioning into consideration; in the case of the Matsubara axis, the problem is somewhat worse conditioned than on the imaginary-time axis due to its discrete nature. We augment it therefore with 4 additional sampling frequencies.
Initializing the iteration
Because the non-interacting density of states is given $\rho_0(\omega) = \frac{2}{\pi}\sqrt{1 - \omega^2}$, we can easily get the IR basis coefficients for the non-interacting propagator
\[ {G_0}_\ell = -S_\ell {\rho_0}_\ell = -S_\ell \int \dd{\omega} V_\ell(\omega) \rho_0(\omega)\]
by utilizing the overlap
function, which implements integration.
julia> U = 1.2
+FermionicFreq[FermionicFreq(1), FermionicFreq(3), FermionicFreq(5), FermionicFreq(7), FermionicFreq(9), FermionicFreq(11), FermionicFreq(17), FermionicFreq(27), FermionicFreq(49), FermionicFreq(153)]
Both functions first determine a suitable set of sampling points on their respective axis. In the case of TauSampling
, the sampling points $\{\tau_i\}$ are chosen as the extrema of the highest-order basis function in imaginary-time; this works because $U_\ell$ has exactly $\ell$ roots. This turns out to be close to optimal with respect to conditioning for this size (within a few percent). Similarly, MatsubaraSampling
chooses sampling points $\{\mathrm{i}\omega_n\}$ as the (discrete) extrema of the highest-order basis function in Matsubara. By setting positive_only=true
, one assumes that functions to be fitted are symmetric in Matsubara frequency, i.e.
\[ \hat G(\mathrm{i}\omega) = \qty(\hat G(-\mathrm{i}\omega))^*.\]
In this case, sparse sampling is performed over non-negative frequencies only, cutting away half of the necessary sampling space, so we get only 10 sampling points instead of the 20 in the imaginary-time case.
Then, both compute design matrices by $E^\tau_{i\ell} = u_\ell(\tau_i)$ and $E^\omega_{n\ell} = \hat{u}_\ell(i\omega_n)$ as well as their SVDs. We are now able to get the IR basis coefficients of a function that is known on the imaginary-time sampling points by solving the fitting problem
\[ G_\ell = \mathrm{arg\,min}_{G_\ell} \sum_{\{\tau_i\}} \norm{G(\tau_i) - \sum_\ell E^\tau_{i\ell} G_\ell}^2,\]
which can be done efficiently once the SVD is known. The same can be done on the Matsubara axis
\[ G_\ell = \mathrm{arg\,min}_{G_\ell} \sum_{\{\mathrm{i}\omega_n\}} \norm{\hat{G}(\mathrm{i}\omega_n) - \sum_\ell E^\omega_{n\ell} G_\ell}^2\]
and taken together we now have a way of moving efficiently between both. In solving these problems, we need to take their conditioning into consideration; in the case of the Matsubara axis, the problem is somewhat worse conditioned than on the imaginary-time axis due to its discrete nature. We augment it therefore with 4 additional sampling frequencies.
Initializing the iteration
Because the non-interacting density of states is given $\rho_0(\omega) = \frac{2}{\pi}\sqrt{1 - \omega^2}$, we can easily get the IR basis coefficients for the non-interacting propagator
\[ {G_0}_\ell = -S_\ell {\rho_0}_\ell = -S_\ell \int \dd{\omega} V_\ell(\omega) \rho_0(\omega)\]
by utilizing the overlap
function, which implements integration.
julia> U = 1.2
julia> ρ₀(ω) = 2/π * √(1 - clamp(ω, -1, +1)^2)
@@ -145,7 +135,7 @@
1.6747120525708993e-16 - 0.8633270688082162im
1.627612150170272e-17 - 0.06489281188294724im
- 6.134766817544449e-19 - 0.020802317001514643im
Self-consistency loop
We are now ready to tackle the coupled equations from the start, and will state them here for the reader's convenience:
\[ \Sigma(\tau) = U^2 \pqty{G(\tau)}^3\]
and the Dyson equation
\[ \hat G(\mathrm{i}\omega) = \pqty{\pqty{\hat G_0(\mathrm{i}\omega)}^{-1} - \hat\Sigma(\mathrm{i}\omega)}^{-1}.\]
The first one is diagonal in $\tau$ and the second is diagonal in $\mathrm{i}\omega$, so we employ the IR basis to efficiently convert between the two bases. Starting with our approximation to $G_\ell$ we evaluate in the $\tau$-basis to get $G(\tau)$, from which we can compute the self-energy on the sampling points $\Sigma(\tau)$ according to the first equation. This can now be fitted to the $\tau$-basis to get $\Sigma_\ell$, and from there $\hat\Sigma(\mathrm{i}\omega)$ via evaluation in the $\mathrm{i}\omega$-basis. Now the Dyson equation is used to get $\hat G(\mathrm{i}\omega)$ on the sampling frequencies, which is then fitted to the $\mathrm{i}\omega$-basis yielding $G_\ell$ and completing the loop. This is now performed until convergence.
julia> while !isapprox(Gl, Gl_prev, rtol=ε)
+ 6.134766817544449e-19 - 0.020802317001514643im
Self-consistency loop
We are now ready to tackle the coupled equations from the start, and will restate them here for the reader's convenience:
\[ \Sigma(\tau) = U^2 \pqty{G(\tau)}^3\]
and the Dyson equation
\[ \hat G(\mathrm{i}\omega) = \pqty{\pqty{\hat G_0(\mathrm{i}\omega)}^{-1} - \hat\Sigma(\mathrm{i}\omega)}^{-1}.\]
The first one is diagonal in $\tau$ and the second is diagonal in $\mathrm{i}\omega$, so we employ the IR basis to efficiently convert between the two bases. Starting with our approximation to $G_\ell$ we evaluate in the $\tau$-basis to get $G(\tau)$, from which we can compute the self-energy on the sampling points $\Sigma(\tau)$ according to the first equation. This can now be fitted to the $\tau$-basis to get $\Sigma_\ell$, and from there $\hat\Sigma(\mathrm{i}\omega)$ via evaluation in the $\mathrm{i}\omega$-basis. Now the Dyson equation is used to get $\hat G(\mathrm{i}\omega)$ on the sampling frequencies, which is then fitted to the $\mathrm{i}\omega$-basis yielding $G_\ell$ and completing the loop. This is now performed until convergence.
julia> while !isapprox(Gl, Gl_prev, rtol=ε)
Gl_prev = copy(Gl)
Gτ = evaluate(sτ, Gl)
Στ = @. U^2 * Gτ^3
@@ -161,7 +151,7 @@
\hat\Sigma(\mathrm{i}\omega_n) &= \sum_\ell \hat U_\ell(\mathrm{i}\omega_n) \Sigma_\ell \\
\hat G(\mathrm{i}\omega_n) &= \pqty{\pqty{\hat G_0(\mathrm{i}\omega_n)}^{-1} - \hat\Sigma(\mathrm{i}\omega_n)}^{-1} \\
G_\ell &= \mathrm{arg\,min}_{G_\ell} \sum_{\{\mathrm{i}\omega_n\}} \norm{\hat G(\mathrm{i}\omega_n) - \sum_\ell \hat U_\ell(\mathrm{i}\omega_n) G_\ell}^2
-\end{aligned}\]We consider the iteration converged when the difference between subsequent iterations does not exceed the basis accuracy, i.e. when
\[ \norm{G_\ell - G^\mathrm{prev}_\ell} \leq \varepsilon \max\Bqty{\norm{G_\ell}, \norm{G^\mathrm{prev}_\ell}},\]
where the norm is $\norm{G_\ell}^2 = \sum_{\ell=1}^L G_\ell^2$.
The entire script, as presented in Appendix: Optimized script, takes around 60ms to run and allocates roughly 19MiB on a laptop CPU from 2019.
Visualizing the solution
To plot our solution for the self-energy, we create a MatsubaraSampling
object on a dense box of sampling frequencies. In this case, we only need it for expanding, i.e. multiplying a vector, hence there is no need for constructing the SVD, so we pass factorize=false
julia> box = FermionicFreq.(1:2:79)
+\end{aligned}\]We consider the iteration converged when the difference between subsequent iterations does not exceed the basis accuracy, i.e. when
\[ \norm{G_\ell - G^\mathrm{prev}_\ell} \leq \varepsilon \max\Bqty{\norm{G_\ell}, \norm{G^\mathrm{prev}_\ell}},\]
where the norm is $\norm{G_\ell}^2 = \sum_{\ell=1}^L G_\ell^2$.
The entire script, as presented in Appendix: Optimized script, takes around 60ms to run on a laptop CPU from 2019 (Intel Core i7-9750H) and allocates roughly 19MB in the process.
Visualizing the solution
To plot our solution for the self-energy, we create a MatsubaraSampling
object on a dense box of sampling frequencies. In this case, we only need it for expanding, i.e. multiplying a vector, hence there is no need for constructing the SVD, so we pass factorize=false
julia> box = FermionicFreq.(1:2:79)
40-element Vector{FermionicFreq}:
@@ -177,7 +167,7 @@
2.0279596075077236e-17 - 0.1225916020773678im
-6.624594477591435e-17 - 0.014786512975659354im
- -7.08391512971528e-17 - 0.01441676347590391im
We are now in a position to visualize the results of our calculation:
- In the main plot, the imaginary part of the self-energy in Matsubara alongside the sampling points on which it was computed. This illustrates very nicely one of the main advantages of our method: During the entire course of the iteration we only ever need to store and calculate with the values of all functions on the sparse set of sampling points and are still able to expand the result the a dense frequency set in the end.
- In the inset, the IR basis coefficients of the self-energy and of the propagator, along with the basis singular values. We only plot the non-vanishing basis coefficients, which are those at odd values of $\ell$ because the real parts of $\hat G(\mathrm{i}\omega)$ and $\hat \Sigma(\mathrm{i}\omega)$ are almost zero. The singular values $S_\ell/S_1$ are the bound for $\abs{G_l / G_1}$ and $\abs{\Sigma_\ell / \Sigma_1}$.
Summary and outlook
We introduced SparseIR.jl
, a full featured implementation of the intermediate representation in the Julia programming language. By means of a worked example, we explained in detail how to use it and the way it works internally. In this example, we solved an Anderson impurity model with elliptical density of states to second order via a self-consistent loop. We successfully obtained the self-energy (accurate to second order) with minimal computational effort.
Regarding further work, perhaps the single most obvious direction is the extension to multi-particle quantities; And indeed, [7, 8] did exactly this, with Markus Wallerberger writing the as of yet unpublished Julia library OvercompleteIR.jl
which builds on top of SparseIR.jl
. This library has already found applications in solving the parquet equations for the Hubbard model and for the Anderson impurity model [9].
- [1]
- H. Shinaoka, J. Otsuki, M. Ohzeki and K. Yoshimi. Compressing Green's function using intermediate representation between imaginary-time and real-frequency domains. Physical Review B 96, 35147 (2017).
- [2]
- J. Li, M. Wallerberger, N. Chikano, C.-N. Yeh, E. Gull and H. Shinaoka. Sparse sampling approach to efficient ab initio calculations at finite temperature. Physical Review B 101, 035144 (2020).
- [3]
- H. Shinaoka, N. Chikano, E. Gull, J. Li, T. Nomoto, J. Otsuki, M. Wallerberger, T. Wang and K. Yoshimi. Efficient ab initio many-body calculations based on sparse modeling of Matsubara Green’s function. SciPost Physics Lecture Notes (2022-09).
- [4]
- M. Wallerberger, S. Badr, S. Hoshino, S. Huber, F. Kakizawa, T. Koretsune, Y. Nagai, K. Nogaki, T. Nomoto, H. Mori, J. Otsuki, S. Ozaki, T. Plaikner, R. Sakurai, C. Vogel, N. Witt, K. Yoshimi and H. Shinaoka, sparse-ir: Optimal compression and sparse sampling of many-body propagators. SoftwareX 21, 101266 (2023-02).
- [5]
- P. C. Hansen. Discrete Inverse Problems: Insights and Algorithms (SIAM, 2010).
- [6]
- M. Helton and O. Smith. Bessels.jl (2022).
- [7]
- H. Shinaoka, J. Otsuki, K. Haule, M. Wallerberger, E. Gull, K. Yoshimi and M. Ohzeki. Overcomplete compact representation of two-particle Green's functions. Physical Review B 97, 205111 (2018-05).
- [8]
- M. Wallerberger, H. Shinaoka and A. Kauch. Solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation with exponential convergence. Physical Review Research 3, 033168 (2021-08).
- [9]
- M. Michalek. Solving the Anderson impurity model with intermediate representation of the parquet equations. Master's thesis.
Appendix: Optimized script
With minimal modifications we can transform our code to be more optimized for performance:
- Put script in a function. This is because globals are type instable in Julia.
- Add
annotation to ensure type inferrability of ρ₀l
. Gl
in the loop will be a Vector{ComplexF64}
in the loop, so make it complex
right away for type stability.- Preallocate and reuse arrays to remove allocations in the loop, minimizing total allocations and time spent garbage collecting. Here we benefit from
providing in-place variants fit!
and evaluate!
using SparseIR
+ -7.08391512971528e-17 - 0.01441676347590391im
We are now in a position to visualize the results of our calculation in Fig 2.9:
- In the main plot, the imaginary part of the self-energy in Matsubara alongside the sampling points on which it was computed. This illustrates very nicely one of the main advantages of our method: During the entire course of the iteration we only ever need to store and calculate the values of all functions on the sparse set of sampling points and are still able to expand the result on a dense frequency set in the end.
- In the inset, the IR basis coefficients of the self-energy and of the propagator are shown, along with the basis singular values. We only plot the non-vanishing basis coefficients, which are those at odd values of $\ell$ because the real parts of $\hat G(\mathrm{i}\omega)$ and $\hat \Sigma(\mathrm{i}\omega)$ are almost zero. The singular values $S_\ell/S_1$ are the bound for $\abs{G_l / G_1}$ and $\abs{\Sigma_\ell / \Sigma_1}$.
Summary and outlook
We introduced SparseIR.jl
, a full featured implementation of the intermediate representation in the Julia programming language. By means of a simple example, we explained in detail how to use it and the way it works internally. In this example, we solved an Anderson impurity model with elliptical density of states to second order perturbation theory in the interaction via a self-consistent loop. We successfully obtained the self-energy (accurate to second order) with minimal computational effort.
Regarding further work, perhaps the single most obvious direction is the extension to multi-particle quantities; And indeed, Refs. [7, 8] did exactly this, with Markus Wallerberger writing the as of yet unpublished Julia library OvercompleteIR.jl
which builds upon SparseIR.jl
. So, as a transitive dependency, the library of the present thesis has already found applications in solving the parquet equations for the Hubbard model and for the Anderson impurity model [9].
- [1]
- H. Shinaoka, J. Otsuki, M. Ohzeki and K. Yoshimi. Compressing Green's function using intermediate representation between imaginary-time and real-frequency domains. Physical Review B 96, 35147 (2017).
- [2]
- J. Li, M. Wallerberger, N. Chikano, C.-N. Yeh, E. Gull and H. Shinaoka. Sparse sampling approach to efficient ab initio calculations at finite temperature. Physical Review B 101, 035144 (2020).
- [3]
- H. Shinaoka, N. Chikano, E. Gull, J. Li, T. Nomoto, J. Otsuki, M. Wallerberger, T. Wang and K. Yoshimi. Efficient ab initio many-body calculations based on sparse modeling of Matsubara Green's function. SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes, 63 (2022).
- [4]
- M. Wallerberger, S. Badr, S. Hoshino, S. Huber, F. Kakizawa, T. Koretsune, Y. Nagai, K. Nogaki, T. Nomoto, H. Mori, J. Otsuki, S. Ozaki, T. Plaikner, R. Sakurai, C. Vogel, N. Witt, K. Yoshimi and H. Shinaoka, sparse-ir: Optimal compression and sparse sampling of many-body propagators. SoftwareX 21, 101266 (2023-02).
- [5]
- P. C. Hansen. Discrete Inverse Problems: Insights and Algorithms (SIAM, 2010).
- [6]
- M. Helton and O. Smith. Bessels.jl (2022).
- [7]
- H. Shinaoka, J. Otsuki, K. Haule, M. Wallerberger, E. Gull, K. Yoshimi and M. Ohzeki. Overcomplete compact representation of two-particle Green's functions. Physical Review B 97, 205111 (2018-05).
- [8]
- M. Wallerberger, H. Shinaoka and A. Kauch. Solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation with exponential convergence. Physical Review Research 3, 033168 (2021-08).
- [9]
- M. Michalek. Solving the Anderson impurity model with intermediate representation of the parquet equations (2024).
Appendix: Optimized script
With minimal modifications we can transform our code to be more optimized for performance:
- Put script in a function. This is because globals are type instable in Julia.
- Add
annotation to ensure type inferrability of ρ₀l
. Gl
in the loop will be a Vector{ComplexF64}
in the loop, so make it complex
right away for type stability.- Preallocate and reuse arrays to remove allocations in the loop, minimizing total allocations and time spent garbage collecting. Here we benefit from
providing in-place variants fit!
and evaluate!
using SparseIR
function main(; β=10.0, ωmax=8.0, ε=1e-6)
# Construct the IR basis and sparse sampling for fermionic propagators
@@ -217,4 +207,4 @@
fit!(Gl, siω, Giω)
return basis, Σl
This document was generated with Documenter.jl version 1.7.0 on Tuesday 22 October 2024. Using Julia version 1.11.1.