This guide explains general info on how to debug issues if a cluster creation fails.
If you are using https, and when you encounter issues like:
kubectl logs -n cspo-system -l control-plane=controller-manager
[manager] 2024-04-15T15:20:07Z DEBUG events Post "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority {"type": "Warning", "object": {"kind":"OpenStackNodeImageRelease","namespace":"cluster","name":"openstack-ferrol-1-27-ubuntu-capi-image-v1.27.8-v2","uid":"93d2c1c8-5a19-45f8-9f93-8e8bd5227ebf","apiVersion":"","resourceVersion":"3773"}, "reason": "OpenStackProviderClientNotSet"}
you must specify the CA certificate in your secret, which contains the access data to the OpenStack instance, then secret should look similar to this example:
apiVersion: v1
clouds.yaml: <ENCODED_CLOUDS_YAML>
kind: Secret
labels: "true"
name: "openstack"
namespace: cluster