This tutorial go through all steps of DNA seq variant calling from read mapping to vcf filtration.
VcfHunter tools
Go to the VcfHunter folder (Scripts can be run from any folder but the command lines in this tutorial assume you are in this folder and that you have python 3 version).
data/reference/ is a folder containing a fasta file with the reference sequence and a gff file containing the reference sequence annotation data/reads/ is a folder containing DNAseq paired reads simulated from 3 gene pools of diploid ancestral accessions (11, 10 and 9 accessions from each gene pool respectively). data/config/ is a folder containing one configuration files needed for the DNAseq variant calling.
A specific folder as been created to test the tools (TestTools). Go to this folder to run all command lines of this toolbox. But these tools can also be launched from everywhere you have permission to write, you will only have to change path to the configuration files.
For the following example, we will assume that you have a computer with 8 processors. If it is not the case or is you want to use less processors than available you should/can change the number of processors you allow the program to use.
In this tutorial we assume that you have performed the preliminary steps of checking your reads and filtered if necessary. After that, it is time to begin the variant calling.
In this step, reads are aligned against the reference sequence using BWA mem algorithm
python3 ../bin/ -c ../data/config/DNAseq.conf -t 8 -p DNAseq -s a
40 folders have been created containing each:
- *.sam.stat files with mapping statistics
- *_merged.bam file containing aligned read merged in one bam file
- *_merged.bai file (index of the bam file)
- STAT folder containing a .html file summarising statistics on libraries.
In this step, read duplicates (resulting from PCR before sequencing) are removed.
python3 ../bin/ -c ../data/config/DNAseq.conf -t 8 -p DNAseq -s b
3 new files have been added in each folders:
- *_rmdup.bam file containing non redundant reads resulting from PCR and optical duplicates
- *_rmdup.bai file (index of the bam file)
- *_duplicate file summarising read duplication statistics
In this step, read are realigned around indels.
python3 ../bin/ -c ../data/config/DNAseq.conf -t 8 -p DNAseq -s c
2 new files have been added in each folders:
- *_realigned.bam file reads realigned around indels
- *_realigned.bai file (index of the bam file)
In this step, reads base sequencing quality are recalculated. This step is recommended by GATK best practice but we do not recommend to use it if you use our pipeline.
python3 ../bin/ -c ../data/config/DNAseq.conf -t 8 -p DNAseq -s d
5 new files have been added in each folders:
- *_real_recal.bam file reads bases recalibrated
- *_real_recal.bai file (index of the bam file)
- *_recalibration_plot.pdf file
- *_selected.vcf file containing variant sites used for base recalibration (if no vcf have been provided)
- *_selected.vcf.idx file (index of the vcf file)
In this step, reads are used to count for each covered sites the number of reads supporting each bases (A,T,G,C,N,*=deletion).
python3 ../bin/ -c ../data/config/DNAseq.conf -t 8 -p DNAseq -s e
Several new files have been added in each folders:
- *.gz files recording, for each chromosomes/sequences in the fasta provided as reference, the count of the number of reads supporting each bases (A,T,G,C,N,*=deletion) at each covered site.
Generate the vcf for all accessions in the configuration file. WARNING: The genotypes found in the output vcf are indicative and may not reflect the correct genotype! For example, only two allele are authorized in one genotype to gain computation time. This program must be used in conjunction with (see following section of this tutorial) which have been specifically designed to perform a variant calling on a selected set of polymorph markers based on user specification.
python3 ../bin/ -c ../data/config/DNAseq.conf -t 8 -p DNAseq -s f
Several new files in the current directory:
- prefix_*_all_allele_count.vcf file for each chromosomes/sequences in the fasta provided as reference.
Generate a single vcf from all chromosome/sequences in the fasta provided as reference. This step is not needed here has only one sequence is passed but you can try the command line anyway ;-)
python3 ../bin/ -c ../data/config/DNAseq.conf -t 8 -p DNAseq -s g
1 new file is created in the current directory:
- prefix_all_allele_count.vcf file
Compute mapping statistics.
python3 ../bin/ -c ../data/config/DNAseq.conf -t 8 -p DNAseq -s h
Several new files in the current directory:
- *_lib.stats file containing mapping statistics per libraries
- *_acc.stats file containing mapping statistics per accessions
All the steps can be lauched in one command line. First remove the generated files:
rm -rf *
Run the pipeline again (without step d)
python3 ../bin/ -c ../data/config/DNAseq.conf -t 8 -p DNAseq -s abcefgh
Once the variant calling is performed, it is now time to filter the calling. This is a necessary step with this pipeline because all variant sites are reported (one read, on one accession supporting a variant). The phylosophie of process_reseq is to report all variant sites and then decide to filter the vcf (what is error and what is not) based on understandable and simple parametres using VcfPreFilter tool which also performs a better calling with these selected sites. For the following step we will work on the vcf file generated on Variant calling section. VcfPreFilter can be launched as followed:
python3 ../bin/ -v DNAseq_all_allele_count.vcf -m 10 -M 10000 -f 0.05 -c 3 -o DNAseq_prefiltered.vcf -d y
The output is a vcf file (named as filled in -o option) in which the variant line are filtered as followed:
- 1 - an accession of a variant line is considered only if its site coverage is comprised in [-m : -M] (in this example [10:10000]),
- 2 - for each considered accession, an allele is considered only if its frequency at in the accession if equal or greater than -f (in this example: 0.05) and its coverage is equal or greater than -c (in this example: 3),
- 3 - the line is kept only if their is at least one allele different from the reference kept in at least one accession at the end of the process,
The variant calling is recalculated for each accessions based on selected alleles (even accessions which are not enough covered according our parameters will have a genotype). An additional tag (GC) is added in the FORMAT column of the VCF. This tag is calculated as followed : (best genotype probability)/(second best genotype probability) and give an idea of the quality of the calling at the data point. Two "types" of genotypes can be called: if the -d y option is passed (default), only two alleles are authorized in a genotype (ie a triploid accession cannot be 0/1/2). This gain computation time but genotype can be erroneous if divergent time between haplotypes is great. If -d n option is passed, all possible combinations of each alleles are tested and not only bi-allelic combination. In this case the computation time can be a lot more important if the ploidy level is high.
Sometime we want to filter the VCF to keep only calling for some accession, only biallelic sites, convert to unknown genotype data-point which are not sufficiently covered, remove variant sites with too much missing data, ... The purpose of the following script is to perform those filter. As there are several filtering options possible, we will show an example of filtering that can be applied but you can have a look at filtering options available in the README file or directly in with the program with the following command line:
python3 ../bin/ -h
In this tutorial we will use program to apply some filter to all accessions of the vcf. To do so, we first need to create a file in which we list accessions to perform filter on. This can be done with the following command line:
head -n 1000 DNAseq_prefiltered.vcf | grep "#CHROM" | sed 's/\t/\n/g' | tail -n +10 >
When performing this filter, we only want to keep bi-allelique sites. In other word we want to remove mono-allelic, tri-allelic, tetra-allelic sites. However as there are two other type of variant state possible with our pipeline: unknown base (N) or deletion relative to reference (*) penta and hexa allelic state can also be possible we also need to remove these state. This can be done with the following option: --RmAlAlt 1:3:4:5:6. We also want to convert to missing data, all data-points which are too much covered (probably resulting from repeat sequences and thus being multiloci) and those who are not enough covered (in which variant calling may be approximative). This can be done with the following options: --MinCov 10 --MaxCov 300. In addition, we want that each alleles of a genotype is covered by at least 3 reads. If not, this genotype is converted to missing data. This can be done with the following option: --MinAl 3. At last we do not want more than 1 missing data per variant line. This can be done with the following option: --nMiss 1. We want the new vcf to be generated in a file prefixed DNAseq_Filtered. This can be done with the following option: --prefix DNAseq_Filtered. At last we want to compress the final vcf to gain disc space. This can be done with the following command line: -g y. Now we run the analysis:
python3 ../bin/ --vcf DNAseq_prefiltered.vcf --names --MinCov 10 --MaxCov 300 --MinAl 3 --nMiss 1 --RmAlAlt 1:3:4:5:6 --prefix DNAseq_Filtered -g y
The output is a vcf file (named DNAseq_Filtered_filt.vcf.gz) in which the variant line have been filtered.