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Sentence Similarity

This folder contains examples and best practices, written in Jupyter notebooks, for building sentence similarity models. The gensen and pretrained embeddings utility scripts are used to speed up the model building process in the notebooks.
The sentence similarity scores can be used in a wide variety of applications, such as search/retrieval, nearest-neighbor or kernel-based classification methods, recommendations, and ranking tasks.

What is sentence similarity

Sentence similarity or semantic textual similarity is a measure of how similar two pieces of text are, or to what degree they express the same meaning. Related tasks include paraphrase or duplicate identification, search, and matching applications. The common methods used for text similarity range from simple word-vector dot products to pairwise classification, and more recently, deep neural networks.

Sentence similarity is normally calculated by the following two steps:

  1. obtaining the embeddings of the sentences

  2. taking the cosine similarity between them as shown in the following figure(source):

    Sentence Similarity


Notebook Environment Description Dataset
Creating a Baseline model Local A baseline model is a basic solution that serves as a point of reference for comparing other models to. The baseline model's performance gives us an indication of how much better our models can perform relative to a naive approach. STS Benchmark
BERT Sentence Encoder Local In this notebook, we show how to extract features from pretrained BERT as sentence embeddings. Handcrafted sample data
BERT with SentEval AzureML In this notebook, we show how to use SentEval to compare the performance of BERT sequence encodings with various pooling strategies on a sentence similarity task. We leverage AzureML resources such as Datastore and AmlCompute to autoscale our compute cluster and run the experiments in parallel. STS Benchmark
Gensen Local, AzureML This notebook serves as an introduction to an end-to-end NLP solution for sentence similarity building one of the State of the Art models, GenSen. We provide two notebooks. One, which runs on the AzureML platform. We show the advantages of AzureML when training large NLP models with GPU in this notebook. The other example walks through using a GPU enabled VM to train and score Gensen. SNLI
Automated Machine Learning(AutoML) with Deployment on Azure Container Instance Azure Container Instances This notebook shows users how to use AutoML on local machine and deploy the model as a webservice to Azure Container Instances (ACI) to get a sentence similarity score. STS Benchmark
Google Universal Sentence Encoder with Azure Machine Learning Pipeline, AutoML with Deployment on Azure Kubernetes Service AzureML This notebook shows a user how to use AzureML pipelines and deploy the pipeline output model as a webservice to Azure Kubernetes Service which can be used as an end point to get sentence similarity scores. STS Benchmark

Using GPU vs Azure ML Compute

We did a comparative study to make it easier for you to choose between a GPU enabled Azure VM and Azure ML compute. The table below provides the cost vs performance trade-off for each of the choices.

  • The "Azure VM" column refers to the running time of the gensen local notebook. All the other columns refer to the gensen AzureML notebook.
  • Both the Azure VM and each Azure ML Compute node are Standard_NC6 with 1 NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU with 12 GB GPU memory.
  • The total time in the table stands for the training time + setup time.
  • Cost is the estimated cost of running the Azure ML Compute Job or the VM up-time.

Please note: These were the estimated cost for running these notebooks as of July 1st, 2019. Please look at the Azure Pricing Calculator to see the most up to date pricing information.

--- Azure VM AML 1 Node AML 2 Nodes AML 4 Nodes AML 8 Nodes
Training Loss​ 4.91​ 4.81​ 4.78​ 4.77​ 4.58​
Total Time​ 1h 05m 1h 54m 1h 44m​ 1h 26m​ 1h 07m​
Cost $1.12​ $2.71​ $4.68​ $7.9​ $12.1​