This block is a SmartBlocks Framework plugin. It allows converting markdown to HTML, and contains a simple editor app.
This block uses evilstreak's markdown.js library.
You need an up and running SmartBlocks Framework instance.
For more info go on SmartBlocks's core github page.
Download the latest release, and drop the folder into SmartBlocks' Plugins folder.
Simple Usage
Once the block is installed, you'll have access to the following main methods :
Simple conversion
This methods just returns HTML code from the markdown formatted variable text
Simple markdown editor
To get a Backbone View containing a simple editor, and add it in the dom as a popup, just call :
var editor = SmartBlocks.Blocks.Markdown.Main.showEditor();
This method returns the view.
You can then call the following methods on the editor :
This method returns the raw markdown text.
This method returns the text converted in HTML.
editor.addAction("Action Name", function (editor) {
//some actions
This method adds a button at the bottom of the editor. Clicking on the button will call the passed callback.
Written with StackEdit.