My .emacs.d/ home directory.
This repository contains my emacs24 configuration.
It’s largely inspired from Prelude and my old prelude-personal that I have used few years!
Clone this repository in your home directory:
git clone ~/.emacs.d
Use Cask to install package dependencies (installation instructions here):
cd ~/.emacs.d
cask install
Submodules includes:
Clone submodule:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Start emacs!
My emacs.d core library, contains general configuration and some prelude-editor.el
Contains my emacs-lisp code that I’ve not yet packaged:
is a global minor mode to enable/disable my custom keybindings.
Is a set of personal modules. See modules.el to enable/disable modules.
Contains enabled modules definitions. Simply require provided module..
Reveal.js code source, will be present only if you install submodules.
Drop here your custom themes.
Contains cache files, savefiles etc..
Some package that are not packaged with package.el. Actually there is:
Keybinding | Command |
C-o a | auto-complete |
C-o b | emacsd-helm-buffers-right-side |
C-o d | direx:jump-to-directory-other-window |
C-o i | iedit-mode |
C-o k | emacsd-set-cmd-to-kbd |
C-o s | eshell |
C-o P | proced |
C-o w | whitespace-mode |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o h c | helm-stumpwm-commands |
C-o h f | helm-find-files |
C-o h g | helm-ls-git-ls |
C-o h p | helm-pydoc |
C-o h q | helm-quickrun |
C-o h r | helm-git-grep |
C-o h s | helm-github-stars |
C-o h w | helm-swoop |
C-o h y | helm-c-yas-complete |
C-o h b | helm-bookmarks |
C-o h R | helm-recentf |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o p d | direx-project:jump-to-project-root-other-window |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o f n | flymake-goto-next-error |
C-o f p | flymake-goto-prev-error |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o q a | quickrun-with-arg |
C-o q e | quickrun-region |
C-o q q | quickrun |
C-o q r | quickrun-replace-region |
C-o q s | quickrun-shell |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o g s | magit-status |
C-o g b | magit-blame |
C-o g l | magit-log-buffer-file |
C-o g d | magit-diff-buffer-file |
C-o g p | magit-process-buffer |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o t s | emamux:send-command |
C-o t r | emamux:run-command |
C-o t l | emamux:run-last-command |
C-o t z | emamux:zoom-runner |
C-o t i | emamux:inspect-runner |
C-o t k | emamux:interrupt-runner |
C-o t K | emamux:close-runner-pane |
C-o t c | emamux:clear-runner-history |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o m b | mc/edit-beginnings-of-lines |
C-o m e | mc/edit-ends-of-lines |
C-o m E | mc/edit-lines |
C-o m > | mc/mark-next-like-this |
C-o m < | mc/mark-previous-like-this |
C-o m a | mc/mark-all-like-this |
C-o m n | mc/mark-next-lines |
C-o m p | mc/mark-previous-lines |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o r i | yari-helm |
Keybinding | Command |
M-x | helm-M-x |
M-<up> | windmove-up |
M-<down> | windmove-down |
M-<left> | windmove-left |
M-<right> | windmove-right |
C-x C-b | ibuffer |
C-+ | text-scale-increase |
C-- | text-scale-decrease |
C-x g | magit-status |
C-c h | helm-custom |
Keybinding | Command |
C-c d | crux-duplicate-current-line-or-region |
C-c b | crux-switch-to-previous-buffer |