diff --git a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
index 9ffdc32ed..22f5d817c 100644
--- a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
+++ b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-# New extension
-- [ ] Extension has a reasonable name (not too general, not too narrow, suggests what the extension is for)
-- [ ] Repository name is Slicer+ExtensionName
-- [ ] Repository is associated with `3d-slicer-extension` GitHub topic so that it is listed [here](https://github.com/topics/3d-slicer-extension). To edit topics, click the settings icon in the right side of "About" section header and enter `3d-slicer-extension` in "Topics" and click "Save changes". To learn more about topics, read https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-topics
-- [ ] Extension description summarizes in 1-2 sentences what the extension is usable (should be understandable for non-experts)
-- [ ] Any known related patents must be mentioned in the extension description.
-- [ ] LICENSE.txt is present in the repository root. MIT (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/) or Apache (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/apache-2.0/) license is recommended. If source code license is more restrictive for users than MIT, BSD, Apache, or 3D Slicer license then the name of the used license must be mentioned in the extension description.
-- [ ] Extension URL and revision (scmurl, scmrevision) is correct, consider using a branch name (main, release, ...) instead of a specific git has to avoid re-submitting pull request whenever the extension is updated
-- [ ] Extension icon URL is correct (do not use the icon's webpage but the raw data download URL that you get from the download button - it should look something like this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/user/repo/main/SomeIcon.png)
-- [ ] Screenshot URLs (screenshoturls) are correct, contains at least one
-- [ ] Homepage URL points to valid webpage containing the following:
- - [ ] Extension name
- - [ ] Short description: 1-2 sentences, which summarizes what the extension is usable for
- - [ ] At least one nice, informative image, that illustrates what the extension can do. It may be a screenshot.
- - [ ] Description of contained modules: at one sentence for each module
- - [ ] Tutorial: step-by-step description of at least the most typical use case, include a few screenshots, provide download links to sample input data set
- - [ ] Publication: link to publication and/or to PubMed reference (if available)
- - [ ] License: We suggest you use a permissive license that includes patent and contribution clauses. This will help protect developers and ensure the code remains freely available. We suggest you use the [Slicer License](https://github.com/Slicer/Slicer/blob/main/License.txt) or the [Apache 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). Always mention in your README file the license you have chosen. If you choose a different license, explain why to the extension maintainers. Depending on the license we may not be able to host your work. Read [here](https://opensource.guide/legal/#which-open-source-license-is-appropriate-for-my-project) to learn more about licenses.
- - [ ] Content of submitted s4ext file is consistent with the top-level CMakeLists.txt file in the repository (description, URLs, dependencies, etc. are the same)
-- Hide unused features in the repository to reduce noise/irrelevant information:
- - [ ] Click `Settings` and in repository settings uncheck `Wiki`, `Projects`, and `Discussions` (if they are currently not used)
- - [ ] Click the settings icon next to `About` in the top-right corner of the repository main page and uncheck `Releases` and `Packages` (if they are currently not used)
+# New extension
+- [ ] Extension has a reasonable name (not too general, not too narrow, suggests what the extension is for)
+- [ ] Repository name is Slicer+ExtensionName
+- [ ] Repository is associated with `3d-slicer-extension` GitHub topic so that it is listed [here](https://github.com/topics/3d-slicer-extension). To edit topics, click the settings icon in the right side of "About" section header and enter `3d-slicer-extension` in "Topics" and click "Save changes". To learn more about topics, read https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-topics
+- [ ] Extension description summarizes in 1-2 sentences what the extension is usable (should be understandable for non-experts)
+- [ ] Any known related patents must be mentioned in the extension description.
+- [ ] LICENSE.txt is present in the repository root. MIT (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/) or Apache (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/apache-2.0/) license is recommended. If source code license is more restrictive for users than MIT, BSD, Apache, or 3D Slicer license then the name of the used license must be mentioned in the extension description.
+- [ ] Extension URL and revision (scmurl, scmrevision) is correct, consider using a branch name (main, release, ...) instead of a specific git has to avoid re-submitting pull request whenever the extension is updated
+- [ ] Extension icon URL is correct (do not use the icon's webpage but the raw data download URL that you get from the download button - it should look something like this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/user/repo/main/SomeIcon.png)
+- [ ] Screenshot URLs (screenshoturls) are correct, contains at least one
+- [ ] Homepage URL points to valid webpage containing the following:
+ - [ ] Extension name
+ - [ ] Short description: 1-2 sentences, which summarizes what the extension is usable for
+ - [ ] At least one nice, informative image, that illustrates what the extension can do. It may be a screenshot.
+ - [ ] Description of contained modules: at one sentence for each module
+ - [ ] Tutorial: step-by-step description of at least the most typical use case, include a few screenshots, provide download links to sample input data set
+ - [ ] Publication: link to publication and/or to PubMed reference (if available)
+ - [ ] License: We suggest you use a permissive license that includes patent and contribution clauses. This will help protect developers and ensure the code remains freely available. We suggest you use the [Slicer License](https://github.com/Slicer/Slicer/blob/main/License.txt) or the [Apache 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). Always mention in your README file the license you have chosen. If you choose a different license, explain why to the extension maintainers. Depending on the license we may not be able to host your work. Read [here](https://opensource.guide/legal/#which-open-source-license-is-appropriate-for-my-project) to learn more about licenses.
+ - [ ] Content of submitted s4ext file is consistent with the top-level CMakeLists.txt file in the repository (description, URLs, dependencies, etc. are the same)
+- Hide unused features in the repository to reduce noise/irrelevant information:
+ - [ ] Click `Settings` and in repository settings uncheck `Wiki`, `Projects`, and `Discussions` (if they are currently not used)
+ - [ ] Click the settings icon next to `About` in the top-right corner of the repository main page and uncheck `Releases` and `Packages` (if they are currently not used)
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 175be59f4..dc682cd29 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -7,3 +7,12 @@ repos:
- id: check-case-conflict
- id: check-merge-conflict
- id: check-symlinks
+ - id: end-of-file-fixer
+ - id: mixed-line-ending
+ - id: trailing-whitespace
+- repo: https://github.com/Lucas-C/pre-commit-hooks
+ rev: "v1.5.4"
+ hooks:
+ - id: forbid-tabs
+ - id: remove-tabs
diff --git a/ABLTemporalBoneSegmentation.s4ext b/ABLTemporalBoneSegmentation.s4ext
index fd9ca13a5..f4f3bc83a 100644
--- a/ABLTemporalBoneSegmentation.s4ext
+++ b/ABLTemporalBoneSegmentation.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Auditory-Biophysics-Lab/Slicer-ABLTemp
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Temporal bone deep-learning segmentation and pre-processing module.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/ABC.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/ABC.s4ext
index f8a5430b7..6dc65fa4c 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/ABC.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/ABC.s4ext
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ status Beta
description Utah atlas based segmentation pipeline. Generates output images after bias correction and co-registration along with segmentation label image.
# Space separated list of urls
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/AutoTract.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/AutoTract.s4ext
index a1c42c40d..aa94da62d 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/AutoTract.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/AutoTract.s4ext
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ status beta
description Automated tractography in diffusion tensor images and fiber tract classification using a deep learning approach
# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://www.nitrc.org/project/screenshot.php?group_id=948&screenshot_id=934
+screenshoturls https://www.nitrc.org/project/screenshot.php?group_id=948&screenshot_id=934
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/CBC_3D_I2MConversion.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/CBC_3D_I2MConversion.s4ext
index e6792b092..c907e511a 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/CBC_3D_I2MConversion.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/CBC_3D_I2MConversion.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://wiki.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/3/3e/I2M_logo.jpg
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description CBC 3D (CRTC's BCC & Compression) I2M (Image-To-Mesh) Conversion for Image Guided Therapy. The extension encapsulates two CLI modules: (1) Body Centric Cubic (BCC) Mesh Generation. This module generates a Body Centric Cubic (BCC) mesh from a labeled image. Initially the generated mesh is homogeneous, that means does not distinguish different tissues. Later the component specifies which tissue each tetrahedron belongs to. Each tissue is capable of automatically adjusting its resolution based on its geometric complexity and the predefined subdivision criterion. (2) Mesh Compression (MC). This module deforms an input tetrahedral mesh towards the boundaries of the input labeled image. Two point sets are extracted for the mesh deformation. The first (source point set) consists of the surface vertices of the input mesh. The second (target point set) consists of the surface edge points in the input labeled image. Then the input mesh is deformed by registering the source to the target point set using a Physics-Based Non-Rigid Registration method.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/DTIAtlasFiberAnalyzer.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/DTIAtlasFiberAnalyzer.s4ext
index 4bc18298b..1dd1a9e63 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/DTIAtlasFiberAnalyzer.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/DTIAtlasFiberAnalyzer.s4ext
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ category Diffusion
iconurl http://www.nitrc.org/project/screenshot.php?group_id=403&screenshot_id=606
# Extension development status
# One line stating what the module does
description DTIAtlasFiberAnalyzer allows the user to study the behavior of water diffusion (using DTI data) along the length of the white matter fiber-tracts.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/DTIPrep.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/DTIPrep.s4ext
index a903bb109..82ad53bf7 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/DTIPrep.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/DTIPrep.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.nitrc.org/project/screenshot.php?group_id=283&screenshot_i
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand beind?
# One line stating what the module does description This extension provides the tool DTIProcess integrated in Slicer
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/DTIProcess.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/DTIProcess.s4ext
index 04446d6c2..b5d2d92dd 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/DTIProcess.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/DTIProcess.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.nitrc.org/project/screenshot.php?group_id=312&screenshot_i
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand beind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension provides the tool DTIProcess integrated in Slicer
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/DeepInfer.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/DeepInfer.s4ext
index 253ba1291..531ddaf31 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/DeepInfer.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/DeepInfer.s4ext
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ depends NA
build_subdirectory .
# homepage
-homepage https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/Nightly/Modules/DeepInfer
+homepage https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/Nightly/Modules/DeepInfer
contributors Alireza Mehrtash(UBC, BWH, SPL), Mehran Pesteie(UBC)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ iconurl https://www.slicer.org/w/images/a/a9/Deepinfer-256.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand beind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Deep learning deployment toolkit for medical imaging.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/Eigen3.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/Eigen3.s4ext
index edb7ab378..62dc8dcb9 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/Eigen3.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/Eigen3.s4ext
@@ -25,6 +25,3 @@ status Release
# One line stating what the module does
description a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/FiberViewerLight.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/FiberViewerLight.s4ext
index feabf4cee..2fd39c5ae 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/FiberViewerLight.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/FiberViewerLight.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.nitrc.org/project/screenshot.php?group_id=534&screenshot_i
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description FiberViewerLight is an open-source software to visualize and edit fibers
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/GraphCutSegment.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/GraphCutSegment.s4ext
index 5a9e13aaf..c1780ec81 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/GraphCutSegment.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/GraphCutSegment.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.example.com/Slicer/Extensions/GraphCutSegment.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Graph cut algorithm based segmentation tool.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/IASEM.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/IASEM.s4ext
index 8122ee3fd..e5cdd52c4 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/IASEM.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/IASEM.s4ext
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ iconurl http://raw.github.com/blowekamp/Slicer-IASEM/master/IASEM.png
status Experimental
# One line stating what the module does
# Space separated list of urls
screenshoturls http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/c/cd/IASEM-Screenshot1.png
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/LAScarSegmenter.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/LAScarSegmenter.s4ext
index 89f6353a8..396e2405d 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/LAScarSegmenter.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/LAScarSegmenter.s4ext
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ homepage http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/Documentation/Nightly/Ex
# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Liangjia Zhu (SBU), Yi Gao (UAB), Josh Cates (Utah), Alan Morris (Utah), Danny Perry (Utah), Greg Gardner (Utah), Rob MacLeod (Utah), Allen Tannenbaum (SBU)
+contributors Liangjia Zhu (SBU), Yi Gao (UAB), Josh Cates (Utah), Alan Morris (Utah), Danny Perry (Utah), Greg Gardner (Utah), Rob MacLeod (Utah), Allen Tannenbaum (SBU)
# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
category Segmentation
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/LASegmenter.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/LASegmenter.s4ext
index 2dec0202c..4efd3e9c3 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/LASegmenter.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/LASegmenter.s4ext
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ homepage http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php?title=Documentation/Nightly/
# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Liangjia Zhu (SBU), Yi Gao (UAB), Josh Cates (Utah), Alan Morris (Utah), Danny Perry (Utah), Greg Gardner (Utah), Rob MacLeod (Utah), Allen Tannenbaum (SBU)
+contributors Liangjia Zhu (SBU), Yi Gao (UAB), Josh Cates (Utah), Alan Morris (Utah), Danny Perry (Utah), Greg Gardner (Utah), Rob MacLeod (Utah), Allen Tannenbaum (SBU)
# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
category Segmentation
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/0/0b/LASegmenter.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This module performs segmentation of the left atrium from MR images
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/LesionSimulator.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/LesionSimulator.s4ext
index 05822cae5..e015ba3ed 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/LesionSimulator.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/LesionSimulator.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://www.slicer.org/w/images/d/d5/LesionSimulator-logo.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension offer a set of tools for brain lesion simulation, based on MRI images. At moment, the modules MS Lesion Simulator and MS Longitudinal Lesion Simulator are available, where it can simulate both baseline scan lesion volumes (given a lesion load) and longitudinal image simulations, respectively. In summary, a statistical lesion database is generated based on a set of manual lesion mark-ups, being non-linearly registered to MNI152 space (isotropic 1mm of voxel resolution). Using a small set of parameters (lesion load, lesion homogeneity, lesion intensity indenpendence and lesion variability), it is possible to generate a broad range of MS lesions patterns in multimodal MRI imaging techniques (at moment, T1, T2, T2-FLAIR, PD, DTI-FA and DTI-ADC images are provided). For more details about this project, please see the original paper (DOI: 10.1088/2057-1976/ab08fc ) and the wiki page.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/LesionSpotlight.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/LesionSpotlight.s4ext
index a32f87a47..aae28fdb2 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/LesionSpotlight.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/LesionSpotlight.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://www.slicer.org/w/images/7/71/LesionSpotlight-logo.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension provides an recent image segmentation and enhancement approaches in order to highlight abnormal white matter voxels in magnetic resonance images. At moment, there are available the LS Segmenter module (specific for hyperintense Multiple Sclerosis lesion segmentation on T2-FLAIR images) and LS Contrast Enhancement Module (specific to increase the contrast of abnormal voxels of the same T2-FLAIR images). The LS Segmenter module implements a hyperintense T2-FLAIR lesion segmentation based on a hybrid segmentation algorithm, published by Senra Filho, A.C. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11517-017-1747-2). In addition, a simple implementation of another recent MS lesion segmentation algorithm is provided, being the method described in Cabezas M. et al. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2014.04.006)
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/LightWeightRobotIGT.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/LightWeightRobotIGT.s4ext
index 6d55973bc..077c48af4 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/LightWeightRobotIGT.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/LightWeightRobotIGT.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/5/58/LightWeightRobotIGT.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description 3D Slicer module for communication between 3D Slicer and LightWeight robot.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/LongitudinalPETCT.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/LongitudinalPETCT.s4ext
index 7af3423b1..f5a1a7c05 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/LongitudinalPETCT.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/LongitudinalPETCT.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/0/08/LongitudinalPETCTLogo.p
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand beind?
# One line stating what the module does
description The purpose of the Longitudinal PET/CT Analysis module is to provide a user friendly Slicer interface for quantification of DICOM PET/CT image data by computing the standardized uptake value (SUV) based on bodyweight for different regions of interest and for different timepoints.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/MABMIS.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/MABMIS.s4ext
index 9d5281851..8525b8454 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/MABMIS.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/MABMIS.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://wiki.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/e/e2/MABMIS_Icon.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand beind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Multi-Atlas Based Group Segmentation
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/MFSDA.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/MFSDA.s4ext
index cd6a95d04..db4e6d813 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/MFSDA.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/MFSDA.s4ext
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# This is source code manager
scm git
scmurl https://github.com/DCBIA-OrthoLab/MFSDA_Python.git
-scmrevision master
+scmrevision master
# list dependencies
# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ homepage https://github.com/DCBIA-OrthoLab/MFSDA_Python#readme
# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Mateo Lopez (University of North Carolina), Juan Carlos Prieto (University of North Carolina)
+contributors Mateo Lopez (University of North Carolina), Juan Carlos Prieto (University of North Carolina)
# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
category Shape Analysis
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DCBIA-OrthoLab/MFSDA_Python/master/MFS
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Modules for statistical shape analysis. A multivariate varying coefficient model is introduced to build the association between the multivariate shape measurements and demographic information and other clinical variables. Statistical inference, i.e., hypothesis testing, is also included in this package, which can be used in investigating whether some covariates of interest are significantly associated with the shape information. The hypothesis testing results are further used in clustering based analysis.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/MultiLevelRegistration.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/MultiLevelRegistration.s4ext
index 020eb99fb..02fe49dfd 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/MultiLevelRegistration.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/MultiLevelRegistration.s4ext
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ homepage http://slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/Documentation/Nightly/Extensions
# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Emily Hammond (University of Iowa), Jessica C. Sieren (University of Iowa)
+contributors Emily Hammond (University of Iowa), Jessica C. Sieren (University of Iowa)
# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
category Registration
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://github.com/emily-hammond/LongitudinalAnalysis/blob/master/MultiL
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Perform rigid registration with increasingly smaller volumes of data defined by regions of interest focusing on a desired anatomy.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/OpenCVExample.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/OpenCVExample.s4ext
index a75d005b6..24da26980 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/OpenCVExample.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/OpenCVExample.s4ext
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ status stable
description This is an example of an extension that depends on the SlicerOpenCV extension
# Space separated list of urls
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/ROBEXBrainExtraction.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/ROBEXBrainExtraction.s4ext
index 2a28357de..392c1e7a9 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/ROBEXBrainExtraction.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/ROBEXBrainExtraction.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://www.slicer.org/w/images/7/7a/ROBEXBrainExtraction-logo.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension aims to extract the brain from the skull. This tool was intensively tested with T1 MRI images, but the pipeline could be applied to any other structural MRI images, namely T2 and PD. This module is an adaptation of ROBEX brain extraction tool, given by Iglesias, J. E. et al (2011). Robust Brain Extraction Across Datasets and Comparison With Publicly Available Methods. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 30(9). DOI:10.1109/TMI.2011.2138152
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/ResampleDTIlogEuclidean.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/ResampleDTIlogEuclidean.s4ext
index 2ef976c8c..2b213ac3b 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/ResampleDTIlogEuclidean.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/ResampleDTIlogEuclidean.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/1/13/ResampleDTIlogEuclidean-128
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description ResampleDTIlogEuclidean resamples Diffusion Tensor Images (DTI) in the log-euclidean framework. More information is available in the Insight Journal: http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/742
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/SegmentationWizard.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/SegmentationWizard.s4ext
index 9dbb9fd83..e46317cde 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/SegmentationWizard.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/SegmentationWizard.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QTIM-Lab/SlicerSegmentationWizard/mast
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-status Beta
+status Beta
# One line stating what the module does
description This is a 3D model-based segmentation tool for 3D Slicer. It includes utilities for calculating subtraction maps and thresholding intensities.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/ShapeQuantifier.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/ShapeQuantifier.s4ext
index 950961ab0..81f17a561 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/ShapeQuantifier.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/ShapeQuantifier.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbvimort/ShapeQuantifier/master/ShapeQ
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension contains different modules that allow the user to either quantify differences between two models or make measurements on the shape of a model.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/SlicerAstro.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/SlicerAstro.s4ext
index 12a07e798..3405ddfa4 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/SlicerAstro.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/SlicerAstro.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Punzo/SlicerAstro/master/SlicerAstroIc
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Extension for enabling Astronomical (HI) visualization in Slicer
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/exStone.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/exStone.s4ext
index ae0f58544..2fbb6c4bd 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/exStone.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/exStone.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://www.slicer.org/w/images/e/e7/Urinary_calculi.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension is a software for the analysis of the density of urinary stones. The exStone can achieved the segmentation of urinary calculi from CT Image, and automaticly extract the slice's parameters in any angle of the urinary stones volume as well as perpendicular to the X/Y/Z axis. The CT maximum, minimum, average, average optical density and integral density of each slice of the stone were calculated. At finally,it can support export parameters to the Excel file.
diff --git a/ARCHIVE/lapdMouseBrowser.s4ext b/ARCHIVE/lapdMouseBrowser.s4ext
index a073d34a9..9dea4f3f3 100644
--- a/ARCHIVE/lapdMouseBrowser.s4ext
+++ b/ARCHIVE/lapdMouseBrowser.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lapdMouse/Slicer-lapdMouseBrowser/
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Connect to the lapdMouse archive, browse the collection, download and visualize data files.
diff --git a/AblationPlanner.s4ext b/AblationPlanner.s4ext
index dcb5de6a3..b0e537d19 100644
--- a/AblationPlanner.s4ext
+++ b/AblationPlanner.s4ext
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ scmrevision main
# list dependencies
# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends ModelToModelDistance
+depends ModelToModelDistance
# Inner build directory (default is ".")
build_subdirectory .
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ iconurl https://github.com/naterex23/SlicerAblationPlanner/raw/main/AblationPlan
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
-description This extension enables the user to place virtual ablation profiles and evaluate a theoretical margins associated with these profiles.
+description This extension enables the user to place virtual ablation profiles and evaluate a theoretical margins associated with these profiles.
# Space separated list of urls
screenshoturls https://github.com/naterex23/SlicerAblationPlanner/raw/main/Screenshots/combined_probes.png https://github.com/naterex23/SlicerAblationPlanner/raw/main/Screenshots/fiducial_placement.png https://github.com/naterex23/SlicerAblationPlanner/raw/main/Screenshots/margin_colors.png
diff --git a/AirwaySegmentation.s4ext b/AirwaySegmentation.s4ext
index 58d0e3487..186e9a0b9 100644
--- a/AirwaySegmentation.s4ext
+++ b/AirwaySegmentation.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Slicer/SlicerAirwaySegmentation/ma
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Automated airway segmentation in chest CT images
diff --git a/AnglePlanesExtension.s4ext b/AnglePlanesExtension.s4ext
index 147d22040..1bec10584 100644
--- a/AnglePlanesExtension.s4ext
+++ b/AnglePlanesExtension.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DCBIA-OrthoLab/AnglePlanes-Extension/m
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This Module is used to calculate the angle between two planes by using the normals. The user gets the choice to use two planes which are already implemented on Slicer or they can define a plane by using landmarks (at least 3 landmarks). Plane can also be saved to be reused for other models.
diff --git a/AnomalousFiltersExtension.s4ext b/AnomalousFiltersExtension.s4ext
index 25d0f65f6..f9a6e181e 100644
--- a/AnomalousFiltersExtension.s4ext
+++ b/AnomalousFiltersExtension.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/8/89/AnomalousDiffusionExtensio
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension aims to provide several approaches in order to apply the anomalous spatial filters on medical images. The methods provided here are numerical solution of the generalized anomalous diffusion proposed by Constantino Tsallis, which, in other words, provide a numerical solution to the porous media equation (Fokker-Planck anomalous heat equation). At the moment, the Modules available are suppose to be used on MRI volumes namely T1, T2, T2-FLAIR and PD weighted images, and diffusion weighted images (DWI and DTI). Future developments will add new functionalities in order to attenuate image noise in other imaging modalities. More details could be found in the wiki page.
diff --git a/ArduinoController.s4ext b/ArduinoController.s4ext
index da11823ee..df081375c 100644
--- a/ArduinoController.s4ext
+++ b/ArduinoController.s4ext
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# This is source code manager
scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/pzaffino/SlicerArduinoController.git
+scmurl https://github.com/pzaffino/SlicerArduinoController.git
scmrevision master
# list dependencies
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ build_subdirectory .
# homepage
homepage https://www.slicer.org/w/index.php/Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/ArduinoController
-contributors Paolo Zaffino (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy), Domenico Leuzzi (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy), Virgilio Sabatino (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy), Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's), Maria Francesca Spadea (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy)
+contributors Paolo Zaffino (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy), Domenico Leuzzi (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy), Virgilio Sabatino (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy), Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's), Maria Francesca Spadea (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy)
# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
category Developer Tools
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ status alpha
description This extension links Slicer and Arduino. Connection is managed and on top of this additional module can be implemented.
# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pzaffino/SlicerArduinoController/master/ArduinoController_screenshot.png
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pzaffino/SlicerArduinoController/master/ArduinoController_screenshot.png
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/AutomatedDentalTools.s4ext b/AutomatedDentalTools.s4ext
index 5294b15fd..3f0089bc7 100644
--- a/AutomatedDentalTools.s4ext
+++ b/AutomatedDentalTools.s4ext
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DCBIA-OrthoLab/SlicerAutomatedDentalTo
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension will allow clinicians to perform automatic CBCT scan segmentation as well as automatic lamndmark identification in CBCT and IOS using machine learning tools
diff --git a/BigImage.s4ext b/BigImage.s4ext
index e6d3e100a..2a6a68ba1 100644
--- a/BigImage.s4ext
+++ b/BigImage.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gaoyi/SlicerBigImage/main/SlicerBigIma
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description BigImage is the extension hosting 3D Slicer based GB-level microscopic image viewing and computing.
diff --git a/BoneTextureExtension.s4ext b/BoneTextureExtension.s4ext
index 3be15077b..6f4016286 100644
--- a/BoneTextureExtension.s4ext
+++ b/BoneTextureExtension.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://www.slicer.org/w/img_auth.php/0/09/Logo-BoneTextureExtension.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extensions contain several modules that can be used to compute feature maps of N-Dimensional images using well-known texture analysis methods. Key Features: 8 coocurrence textural features: energy, entropy, correlation, inertia, cluster Shade... / 10 run length textural features: run length emphasis, grey level non uniformity, run length non uniformity, low grey level long run emphasis... / Input configurable parameters: locality of the texture, offset directions for co-ocurrence and run length computation, the number of bins for the intensity histograms, and the intensity range or the range of run lengths.
diff --git a/BoneThicknessMapping.s4ext b/BoneThicknessMapping.s4ext
index 2262779eb..572f16c4e 100644
--- a/BoneThicknessMapping.s4ext
+++ b/BoneThicknessMapping.s4ext
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/Auditory-Biophysics-Lab/SlicerBoneThicknessMappingExtension
-scmrevision master
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/Auditory-Biophysics-Lab/SlicerBoneThicknessMappingExtension
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-contributors Evan Simpson (Western University)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Shape Analysis
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Auditory-Biophysics-Lab/SlicerBoneThicknessMappingExtension/master/BoneThicknessMapping.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-status beta
-# One line stating what the module does
-description This module calculates and visualizes bone thickness of a volume using VTK ray-casting
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Auditory-Biophysics-Lab/SlicerBoneThicknessMappingExtension/master/Images/general_screenshot.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/Auditory-Biophysics-Lab/SlicerBoneThicknessMappingExtension
+scmrevision master
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/Auditory-Biophysics-Lab/SlicerBoneThicknessMappingExtension
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+contributors Evan Simpson (Western University)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Shape Analysis
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Auditory-Biophysics-Lab/SlicerBoneThicknessMappingExtension/master/BoneThicknessMapping.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+status beta
+# One line stating what the module does
+description This module calculates and visualizes bone thickness of a volume using VTK ray-casting
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Auditory-Biophysics-Lab/SlicerBoneThicknessMappingExtension/master/Images/general_screenshot.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/BreastImplantAnalyzer.s4ext b/BreastImplantAnalyzer.s4ext
index f4e3ee8ae..f55d6d736 100644
--- a/BreastImplantAnalyzer.s4ext
+++ b/BreastImplantAnalyzer.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lancelevine/SlicerBreastImplantAnalyze
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension allows the user to calculate the volume of a breast implant from breast MRI data with minimal user input.
diff --git a/BreastUltrasoundAnalysis.s4ext b/BreastUltrasoundAnalysis.s4ext
index 603e1af1b..6d9ef9832 100644
--- a/BreastUltrasoundAnalysis.s4ext
+++ b/BreastUltrasoundAnalysis.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZhyBrian/SlicerBreastUltrasoundAnalysi
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This module is designed to help physicians diagnose intramammary lesions based on breast ultrasound images with nodules.
diff --git a/Breast_DCEMRI_FTV.s4ext b/Breast_DCEMRI_FTV.s4ext
index 8c034c769..83529fde9 100644
--- a/Breast_DCEMRI_FTV.s4ext
+++ b/Breast_DCEMRI_FTV.s4ext
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/rnadkarni2/SlicerBreast_DCEMRI_FTV
-scmrevision master
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/rnadkarni2/SlicerBreast_DCEMRI_FTV
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Rohan Nadkarni (UCSF Breast Imaging Research Group), David Newitt (UCSF Breast Imaging Research Group)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category FTV Segmentation
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rnadkarni2/SlicerBreast_DCEMRI_FTV/master/Breast_DCEMRI_FTV.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description This extension contains both of the modules needed to compute functional tumor volume (FTV) from a dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) exam of a breast cancer patient. The current version of this extension is intended for use on bilateral breast MR exams with axial slices.
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rnadkarni2/SlicerBreast_DCEMRI_FTV/master/Module1Screenshot.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rnadkarni2/SlicerBreast_DCEMRI_FTV/master/Module2Screenshot.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/rnadkarni2/SlicerBreast_DCEMRI_FTV
+scmrevision master
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/rnadkarni2/SlicerBreast_DCEMRI_FTV
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Rohan Nadkarni (UCSF Breast Imaging Research Group), David Newitt (UCSF Breast Imaging Research Group)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category FTV Segmentation
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rnadkarni2/SlicerBreast_DCEMRI_FTV/master/Breast_DCEMRI_FTV.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description This extension contains both of the modules needed to compute functional tumor volume (FTV) from a dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) exam of a breast cancer patient. The current version of this extension is intended for use on bilateral breast MR exams with axial slices.
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rnadkarni2/SlicerBreast_DCEMRI_FTV/master/Module1Screenshot.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rnadkarni2/SlicerBreast_DCEMRI_FTV/master/Module2Screenshot.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/CMFreg.s4ext b/CMFreg.s4ext
index c2dba535d..022ad93a4 100644
--- a/CMFreg.s4ext
+++ b/CMFreg.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/b/bc/BaselineFollowupSCANRegiste
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Tools package for the cranio-maxillofacial registration
diff --git a/ColocZStats.s4ext b/ColocZStats.s4ext
index c1c594ea7..121106b8a 100644
--- a/ColocZStats.s4ext
+++ b/ColocZStats.s4ext
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/ChenXiang96/SlicerColoc-Z-Stats.git
-scmrevision main
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/ChenXiang96/SlicerColoc-Z-Stats
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-contributors Xiang Chen (Memorial University of Newfoundland), Oscar Meruvia-Pastor (Memorial University of Newfoundland), Touati Benoukraf (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Quantification
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChenXiang96/SlicerColoc-Z-Stats/main/ColocZStats.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description This is an extension for computing the proteins' colocalization (Spatial overlap between different channels) metrics of multi-channel Z-stack images.
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChenXiang96/SlicerColoc-Z-Stats/main/Images/Screenshots.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/ChenXiang96/SlicerColoc-Z-Stats.git
+scmrevision main
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/ChenXiang96/SlicerColoc-Z-Stats
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+contributors Xiang Chen (Memorial University of Newfoundland), Oscar Meruvia-Pastor (Memorial University of Newfoundland), Touati Benoukraf (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Quantification
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChenXiang96/SlicerColoc-Z-Stats/main/ColocZStats.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description This is an extension for computing the proteins' colocalization (Spatial overlap between different channels) metrics of multi-channel Z-stack images.
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChenXiang96/SlicerColoc-Z-Stats/main/Images/Screenshots.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/CurveMaker.s4ext b/CurveMaker.s4ext
index fa4826606..266df2eb2 100644
--- a/CurveMaker.s4ext
+++ b/CurveMaker.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/b/b7/CurveMakerIcon.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This is a module to generate a curve based on a list of fiducial points.
diff --git a/DCMQI.s4ext b/DCMQI.s4ext
index ef9f59e23..82b5a92b0 100644
--- a/DCMQI.s4ext
+++ b/DCMQI.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QIICR/dcmqi/master/dcmqi.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description dcmqi (DICOM (dcm) for Quantitative Imaging (qi)) is a collection of libraries and command line tools with minimum dependencies to support standardized communication of quantitative image analysis research data using DICOM standard.
diff --git a/DICOMwebBrowser.s4ext b/DICOMwebBrowser.s4ext
index 6828cc772..2c5594679 100644
--- a/DICOMwebBrowser.s4ext
+++ b/DICOMwebBrowser.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/lassoan/SlicerDICOMwebBrowser
-scmrevision main
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/lassoan/SlicerDICOMwebBrowser#dicomwebbrowser
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's), Alireza Mehrtash (Brigham and Women's Hospital), Andrey Fedorov (Brigham and Women's Hospital)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Informatics
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerDICOMwebBrowser/main/DICOMwebBrowser.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description Browse and download data from DICOMweb servers into 3D Slicer.
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerDICOMwebBrowser/main/Docs/Screenshot01.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/lassoan/SlicerDICOMwebBrowser
+scmrevision main
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/lassoan/SlicerDICOMwebBrowser#dicomwebbrowser
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's), Alireza Mehrtash (Brigham and Women's Hospital), Andrey Fedorov (Brigham and Women's Hospital)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Informatics
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerDICOMwebBrowser/main/DICOMwebBrowser.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description Browse and download data from DICOMweb servers into 3D Slicer.
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerDICOMwebBrowser/main/Docs/Screenshot01.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/DRRGenerator.s4ext b/DRRGenerator.s4ext
index 8f6bb87f5..9a514db95 100644
--- a/DRRGenerator.s4ext
+++ b/DRRGenerator.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/lassoan/SlicerDRRGenerator.git
-scmrevision master
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://slicerdrrregistration.000webhostapp.com/drrgenerator
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Lance Levine
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Filtering
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://slicerdrrregistration.000webhostapp.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/DRRGenerator.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description This extension allows the user to generate DRRs via a highly customizable GUI
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://slicerdrrregistration.000webhostapp.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/screenshot-1024x556.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/lassoan/SlicerDRRGenerator.git
+scmrevision master
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://slicerdrrregistration.000webhostapp.com/drrgenerator
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Lance Levine
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Filtering
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://slicerdrrregistration.000webhostapp.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/DRRGenerator.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description This extension allows the user to generate DRRs via a highly customizable GUI
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://slicerdrrregistration.000webhostapp.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/screenshot-1024x556.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/DebuggingTools.s4ext b/DebuggingTools.s4ext
index 4edd54c9a..573ce9555 100644
--- a/DebuggingTools.s4ext
+++ b/DebuggingTools.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/SlicerRt/SlicerDebuggingTools.git
-scmrevision master
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/DebuggingTools
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's University), Mikael Brudfors (Laboratorio de Imagen Medica, Hospital Gregorio Maranon - http://image.hggm.es/)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Developer Tools
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SlicerRt/SlicerDebuggingTools/master/DebuggingTools.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description This extension contains various tools useful for developing and debugging modules. Includes a tool for connecting Slicer to remote visual debugger for Python scripts using PyDev (http://pydev.org/) and node update performance statistics
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/f/f2/PyDevRemoteDebugSlicer.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/SlicerRt/SlicerDebuggingTools.git
+scmrevision master
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/DebuggingTools
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's University), Mikael Brudfors (Laboratorio de Imagen Medica, Hospital Gregorio Maranon - http://image.hggm.es/)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Developer Tools
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SlicerRt/SlicerDebuggingTools/master/DebuggingTools.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description This extension contains various tools useful for developing and debugging modules. Includes a tool for connecting Slicer to remote visual debugger for Python scripts using PyDev (http://pydev.org/) and node update performance statistics
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/f/f2/PyDevRemoteDebugSlicer.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/DiffusionQC.s4ext b/DiffusionQC.s4ext
index 32a730255..c8df5a0f5 100644
--- a/DiffusionQC.s4ext
+++ b/DiffusionQC.s4ext
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ contributors Tashrif Billah, Isaiah Norton, Yogesh Rathi, Sylvain Bouix (Brigham
category Diffusion
-iconurl https://github.com/pnlbwh/SlicerDiffusionQC/raw/master/Misc/DiffusionQC-icon-128x128.png
+iconurl https://github.com/pnlbwh/SlicerDiffusionQC/raw/master/Misc/DiffusionQC-icon-128x128.png
screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pnlbwh/SlicerDiffusionQC/master/Misc/DiffusionQC-screenshot.jpg
status WIP
diff --git a/EasyClip.s4ext b/EasyClip.s4ext
index 127279dae..0640a2eba 100644
--- a/EasyClip.s4ext
+++ b/EasyClip.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DCBIA-OrthoLab/EasyClip-Extension/mast
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This Module is used to clip one or different 3D Models according to a predetermined plane. Plane can be saved to be reused for other models. After clipping, the models are closed and can be saved as new 3D Models.
diff --git a/ErodeDilateLabel.s4ext b/ErodeDilateLabel.s4ext
index cb490aa23..7ee64fcee 100644
--- a/ErodeDilateLabel.s4ext
+++ b/ErodeDilateLabel.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/a/ac/ErodeDilateLabelIcon.pn
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand beind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension applies binary erosion and dilation to label maps. The extension uses binary erosion and dilation filters in ITK based on N.Nikopoulos et al. An efficient algorithm for 3d binary morphological transformations with 3d structuring elements for arbitrary size and shape. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. Vol. 9. No. 3. 2000. pp. 283-286.
diff --git a/ExtraMarkups.s4ext b/ExtraMarkups.s4ext
index fed6dcfb8..07f0517c0 100644
--- a/ExtraMarkups.s4ext
+++ b/ExtraMarkups.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://github.com/chir-set/SlicerExtraMarkups/raw/main/ExtraMarkups.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension adds a Label markups node that draws an arrow with a text label, and a Shape markups node that can draw defined primitive shapes (circle, cone...). The result is controlled by placing usual control points in slice views and 3D views. Each object can be saved in scene and reloaded.
diff --git a/FiducialsToModelDistance.s4ext b/FiducialsToModelDistance.s4ext
index e9436582d..b1ee58ef2 100644
--- a/FiducialsToModelDistance.s4ext
+++ b/FiducialsToModelDistance.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ReynoldsJ20/SlicerFiducialsToModelDist
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This module computes the distances between a set of fiducial points and either the surface of a model, or another set of fiducial points. The results are displayed in two tables.
diff --git a/FilmDosimetryAnalysis.s4ext b/FilmDosimetryAnalysis.s4ext
index f891af84e..6dd6044d4 100644
--- a/FilmDosimetryAnalysis.s4ext
+++ b/FilmDosimetryAnalysis.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/1/16/FilmDosimetry_Logo_128x128.
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Film dosimetry analysis is a 2D dosimetry tool used in commissioning new radiation techniques and to validate the accuracy of radiation treatment by enabling visual comparison of the planned dose to the delivered dose
diff --git a/GelDosimetryAnalysis.s4ext b/GelDosimetryAnalysis.s4ext
index ceafeee71..c76057cef 100644
--- a/GelDosimetryAnalysis.s4ext
+++ b/GelDosimetryAnalysis.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/f/f1/GelDosimetry_Logo_128x1
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Slicelet covering the gel dosimetry analysis workflow used in commissioning new radiation techniques and to validate the accuracy of radiation treatment by enabling visual comparison of the planned dose to the delivered dose, where correspondence between the two dose distributions is achieved using embedded landmarks. Gel dosimetry is based on imaging chemical systems spatially fixed in gelatin, which exhibit a detectable change upon irradiation.
diff --git a/GeodesicSlicer.s4ext b/GeodesicSlicer.s4ext
index 37b52136d..096cc4e93 100644
--- a/GeodesicSlicer.s4ext
+++ b/GeodesicSlicer.s4ext
@@ -42,4 +42,3 @@ screenshoturls https://www.slicer.org/w/img_auth.php/c/ce/Screen-shot_of_the_Geo
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/ImageCompare.s4ext b/ImageCompare.s4ext
index c7a57b357..7752c2486 100644
--- a/ImageCompare.s4ext
+++ b/ImageCompare.s4ext
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pzaffino/SlicerImageCompare/master/
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand beind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension compares two images such as a synthetic CT and a ground truth CT.
diff --git a/ImageMaker.s4ext b/ImageMaker.s4ext
index 845bd673e..e5ed2c2f3 100644
--- a/ImageMaker.s4ext
+++ b/ImageMaker.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/e/e5/QuickToolsLogo.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand beind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This is a CLI module to create an image from scratch.
diff --git a/IntensitySegmenter.s4ext b/IntensitySegmenter.s4ext
index 754cc08f7..1a6a8e879 100644
--- a/IntensitySegmenter.s4ext
+++ b/IntensitySegmenter.s4ext
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ iconurl http://wiki.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/f/f6/IntensitySegmenterIcon
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand beind?
-status beta
+status beta
# One line stating what the module does
-description IntensitySegmenter is a simple tool that segments an image according to intensity value. It is mainly used to segment CT scans using the Hounsfield scale but the ranges of intensities and their corresponding labels can be specified in an input text file.
+description IntensitySegmenter is a simple tool that segments an image according to intensity value. It is mainly used to segment CT scans using the Hounsfield scale but the ranges of intensities and their corresponding labels can be specified in an input text file.
# Space separated list of urls
screenshoturls http://wiki.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/7/7c/IntensitySegmenter-OutputScreenshot.png
diff --git a/KidneyStoneCalculator.s4ext b/KidneyStoneCalculator.s4ext
index a79b52231..fe29710dd 100644
--- a/KidneyStoneCalculator.s4ext
+++ b/KidneyStoneCalculator.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/fredericpanthier/SlicerKidneyStoneCalculator.git
-scmrevision 667aa7d8f74a50e6528a1e8aae7423d1fb66a93e
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/KidneyStoneCalculator
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Frédéric Panthier (APHP, Paris), Lounès Illoul (PIMM lab, Paris), Laurent Berthe (PIMM lab, Paris), Steeve Doizi (APHP, Paris), Oliver Traxer (APHP, Paris)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Segmentation
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fredericpanthier/SlicerKidneyStoneCalculator/master/icon.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description volumetric evaluation of kidney stones and estimatation of lithotripsy time (surgical duration)
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fredericpanthier/SlicerKidneyStoneCalculator/master/screenshot.jpg
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/fredericpanthier/SlicerKidneyStoneCalculator.git
+scmrevision 667aa7d8f74a50e6528a1e8aae7423d1fb66a93e
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/KidneyStoneCalculator
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Frédéric Panthier (APHP, Paris), Lounès Illoul (PIMM lab, Paris), Laurent Berthe (PIMM lab, Paris), Steeve Doizi (APHP, Paris), Oliver Traxer (APHP, Paris)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Segmentation
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fredericpanthier/SlicerKidneyStoneCalculator/master/icon.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description volumetric evaluation of kidney stones and estimatation of lithotripsy time (surgical duration)
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fredericpanthier/SlicerKidneyStoneCalculator/master/screenshot.jpg
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/LanguagePacks.s4ext b/LanguagePacks.s4ext
index 1090bba5e..9cc1e3638 100644
--- a/LanguagePacks.s4ext
+++ b/LanguagePacks.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Slicer/SlicerLanguagePacks/main/Langua
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Extension for deploying language packs and editing translations.
diff --git a/LungCTAnalyzer.s4ext b/LungCTAnalyzer.s4ext
index 20161bd0f..35b4e495b 100644
--- a/LungCTAnalyzer.s4ext
+++ b/LungCTAnalyzer.s4ext
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rbumm/SlicerLungCTAnalyzer/master/Lung
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
-description Extension for segmentation and analysis of lung CTs. Analysis consists of producing five different segmentations of lungs based on Hounsfield unit range: Bulla / emphysema, ventilated lung, infiltrated llung, collapsed lung and thoracic vessels. It allows a volume quantification as well as a spacial representation of the diseased lung regions. Furthermore, we introduce a new parameter - CovidQ - for an instant estimation of the severity of infestation.
+description Extension for segmentation and analysis of lung CTs. Analysis consists of producing five different segmentations of lungs based on Hounsfield unit range: Bulla / emphysema, ventilated lung, infiltrated llung, collapsed lung and thoracic vessels. It allows a volume quantification as well as a spacial representation of the diseased lung regions. Furthermore, we introduce a new parameter - CovidQ - for an instant estimation of the severity of infestation.
# Space separated list of urls
screenshoturls https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18140094/98554410-f5ddd600-22a0-11eb-9196-b9223c8ada3f.jpg https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18140094/98554914-9207dd00-22a1-11eb-9bae-7f537a765cc3.jpg https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18140094/98555178-e6ab5800-22a1-11eb-8cbf-7dfa3e346b43.jpg
diff --git a/MEMOS.s4ext b/MEMOS.s4ext
index 45e915af5..ae3b44b6c 100644
--- a/MEMOS.s4ext
+++ b/MEMOS.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/SlicerMorph/SlicerMEMOS
-scmrevision main
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends PyTorch
-# Inner build directory (default is .)
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/SlicerMorph/SlicerMEMOS
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Sara Rolfe (SCRI), Murat Maga (SCRI, UW)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Segmentation
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://github.com/SlicerMorph/SlicerMEMOS/raw/main/MEMOS/Resources/Icons/MEMOS.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-status Beta
-# One line stating what the module does
-description This extension enables deep learning-powered segmentation of 50 anatomical structures from microCT scans of embryonic mice.
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://github.com/SlicerMorph/SlicerMEMOS/raw/main/memos.jpg
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/SlicerMorph/SlicerMEMOS
+scmrevision main
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends PyTorch
+# Inner build directory (default is .)
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/SlicerMorph/SlicerMEMOS
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Sara Rolfe (SCRI), Murat Maga (SCRI, UW)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Segmentation
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://github.com/SlicerMorph/SlicerMEMOS/raw/main/MEMOS/Resources/Icons/MEMOS.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+status Beta
+# One line stating what the module does
+description This extension enables deep learning-powered segmentation of 50 anatomical structures from microCT scans of embryonic mice.
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://github.com/SlicerMorph/SlicerMEMOS/raw/main/memos.jpg
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/MHubRunner.s4ext b/MHubRunner.s4ext
index cd401bc36..d0824baed 100644
--- a/MHubRunner.s4ext
+++ b/MHubRunner.s4ext
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/MHubAI/SlicerMRunner
-scmrevision main
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-# depends PyTorch
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-# TODO: add mhub.ai website once ready
-homepage https://mhub.ai/
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-contributors Leonard Nürnberg (AIM, Mass General Brigham)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Examples
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/MHubAI/SlicerMRunner
+scmrevision main
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+# depends PyTorch
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+# TODO: add mhub.ai website once ready
+homepage https://mhub.ai/
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+contributors Leonard Nürnberg (AIM, Mass General Brigham)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Examples
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description MHub Runner is a 3D Slicer plugin that seamlessly integrates Deep Learning models from the Medical Hub repository (MHub) into 3D Slicer.
-# Space separated list of urls
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description MHub Runner is a 3D Slicer plugin that seamlessly integrates Deep Learning models from the Medical Hub repository (MHub) into 3D Slicer.
+# Space separated list of urls
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/MONAILabel.s4ext b/MONAILabel.s4ext
index 3fd9b72ce..771d1559f 100644
--- a/MONAILabel.s4ext
+++ b/MONAILabel.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://github.com/Project-MONAI/MONAILabel/raw/main/plugins/slicer/MONA
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension offers Active Learning solution developed under project MONAILabel (Powered by the NVIDIA, KCL).
diff --git a/MONAIViz.s4ext b/MONAIViz.s4ext
index 3ff63aef8..77563816e 100644
--- a/MONAIViz.s4ext
+++ b/MONAIViz.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Project-MONAI/SlicerMONAIViz/main/MONA
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension helps to run chain of MONAI transforms and visualize every stage over an image/label. See more information in MONAILabel documentation.
diff --git a/MUST-segmenter.s4ext b/MUST-segmenter.s4ext
index cc2c20738..72aa1b261 100644
--- a/MUST-segmenter.s4ext
+++ b/MUST-segmenter.s4ext
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyliekeijzer/Slicer-PET-MUST-segmenter
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Multiple SUV Thresholding (MUST)-segmenter is a semi-automated PET image segmentation tool that enables delineation of multiple lesions at once, and extracts the lesions' features.
# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyliekeijzer/Slicer-PET-MUST-segmenter/master/screenshots/Slicer-MUST-segmenter_screenshot.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyliekeijzer/Slicer-PET-MUST-segmenter/master/screenshots/9.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyliekeijzer/Slicer-PET-MUST-segmenter/master/screenshots/12.png
-https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyliekeijzer/Slicer-PET-MUST-segmenter/master/screenshots/10.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyliekeijzer/Slicer-PET-MUST-segmenter/master/screenshots/25.png
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyliekeijzer/Slicer-PET-MUST-segmenter/master/screenshots/Slicer-MUST-segmenter_screenshot.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyliekeijzer/Slicer-PET-MUST-segmenter/master/screenshots/9.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyliekeijzer/Slicer-PET-MUST-segmenter/master/screenshots/12.png
+https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyliekeijzer/Slicer-PET-MUST-segmenter/master/screenshots/10.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyliekeijzer/Slicer-PET-MUST-segmenter/master/screenshots/25.png
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
\ No newline at end of file
+enabled 1
diff --git a/MarkupsToModel.s4ext b/MarkupsToModel.s4ext
index 3e8496c91..641ac0d85 100644
--- a/MarkupsToModel.s4ext
+++ b/MarkupsToModel.s4ext
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ iconurl https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerMarkupsToModel/raw/master/MarkupsToMo
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Create tube or closed surface models from points of a markup fiducial node.
# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerMarkupsToModel/raw/master/ClosedSurface.png https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerMarkupsToModel/raw/master/Curve.png
+screenshoturls https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerMarkupsToModel/raw/master/ClosedSurface.png https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerMarkupsToModel/raw/master/Curve.png
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/MatlabBridge.s4ext b/MatlabBridge.s4ext
index c3f9fc90b..98892dfd2 100644
--- a/MatlabBridge.s4ext
+++ b/MatlabBridge.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/e/e8/MatlabBridgeLogo.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description The Matlab Bridge extension allows running Matlab scripts as command-line interface (CLI) modules directly from 3D Slicer. The only prerequisites for running Matlab scripts are having this extension and Matlab installed on the 3D Slicer computer (building of 3D Slicer, MEX files, etc. is not needed).
diff --git a/MedialSkeleton.s4ext b/MedialSkeleton.s4ext
index 49689fb28..ccbd51184 100644
--- a/MedialSkeleton.s4ext
+++ b/MedialSkeleton.s4ext
@@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ description Modules for creating medial skeletons
screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JolleyLab/SlicerMedialSkeleton/main/SkeletonTool/Screenshots/SkeletonTool01.png https://github.com/JolleyLab/SlicerMedialSkeleton/raw/main/SyntheticSkeleton/Resources/Screenshots/SyntheticSkeleton01.png https://github.com/JolleyLab/SlicerMedialSkeleton/raw/main/InflateMedialModel/Screenshots/InflateMedialModel01.png
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
\ No newline at end of file
+enabled 1
diff --git a/MeshStatisticsExtension.s4ext b/MeshStatisticsExtension.s4ext
index f9aa283b7..d9edd590b 100644
--- a/MeshStatisticsExtension.s4ext
+++ b/MeshStatisticsExtension.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DCBIA-OrthoLab/MeshStatisticsExtension
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Mesh Statistics allows users to compute descriptive statistics over specific and predefined regions
diff --git a/ModelCropper.s4ext b/ModelCropper.s4ext
index 57fb03d48..4b9455775 100644
--- a/ModelCropper.s4ext
+++ b/ModelCropper.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://github.com/sebastianandress/Slicer-ModelCropper/raw/master/Model
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Simple extension that crops a surface model along a roi box. It uses vtkBooleanOperationPolyDataFilter for the cropping.
diff --git a/ModelToModelDistance.s4ext b/ModelToModelDistance.s4ext
index 4f0ff57ab..9bc64d9b3 100644
--- a/ModelToModelDistance.s4ext
+++ b/ModelToModelDistance.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/4/43/Slicer4ExtensionModelToModelDis
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension computes the distance between two 3D models
diff --git a/NvidiaAIAssistedAnnotation.s4ext b/NvidiaAIAssistedAnnotation.s4ext
index cc1601d8d..ed61a5353 100644
--- a/NvidiaAIAssistedAnnotation.s4ext
+++ b/NvidiaAIAssistedAnnotation.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NVIDIA/ai-assisted-annotation-client/m
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension offers automatic segmentation using NVIDIA AI-Assisted Annotation framework (Powered by the Clara Train SDK).
diff --git a/OrthodonticAnalysis.s4ext b/OrthodonticAnalysis.s4ext
index eb63a604c..2d7e9c6b5 100644
--- a/OrthodonticAnalysis.s4ext
+++ b/OrthodonticAnalysis.s4ext
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/OrthodonticAnalysis/SlicerOrthodonticAnalysis
-scmrevision master
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/OrthodonticAnalysis/SlicerOrthodonticAnalysis
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Joao Vitor Lima Coimbra (Federal University of Espirito Santo), Vinicius Campos de Oliveira Batista (Federal University of Espirito Santo), Rafhael Milanezi de Andrade (Federal University of Espirito Santo), Pedro Lima Emmerich Oliveira (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Lincoln Issamu Nojima (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Orthodontics
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OrthodonticAnalysis/SlicerOrthodonticAnalysis/master/OrthodonticAnalysis.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description The extension was developed to perform the most common dental analysis: model space discrepancies, Bolton and Peck and Peck. All point instructions for performing the analysis are available in Python interactor after study method points are selected. The Analysis button shows the result.
-The model discrepancy calculates the difference between the required space and the present space. If the difference is positive, there is an excess of space available, if the difference is negative, it means that there is a space deficit.
-The required upper and lower spaces are obtained from measurements of the mesiodistal diameters of the incisors, canines, and premolars. The present spaces are obtained in six straight line segments: from the mesial face of the first molar to the distal face of the canine, from the distal face of the canine to the mesial face of the canine and from the mesial face of the canine to the midline.
-Bolton's analysis takes into account two proportional size ratios between the upper and lower arches. The first is based on the sums of mesiodistal diameters of the teeth from the first molars, including the same, totaling 12 teeth per arch. The second is based on the sums of mesiodistal diameters of the teeth from the canines, including the canines, totaling 6 teeth per arch.
-The teeth evaluated in Peck and Peck analysis are the lower incisors. The measurements taken are the mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters. The value of the mesiodistal diameter is divided by the buccolingual diameter to obtain the proportion and make the evaluation.
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OrthodonticAnalysis/SlicerOrthodonticAnalysis/master/OrthodonticAnalysisScreenshot.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/OrthodonticAnalysis/SlicerOrthodonticAnalysis
+scmrevision master
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/OrthodonticAnalysis/SlicerOrthodonticAnalysis
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Joao Vitor Lima Coimbra (Federal University of Espirito Santo), Vinicius Campos de Oliveira Batista (Federal University of Espirito Santo), Rafhael Milanezi de Andrade (Federal University of Espirito Santo), Pedro Lima Emmerich Oliveira (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Lincoln Issamu Nojima (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Orthodontics
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OrthodonticAnalysis/SlicerOrthodonticAnalysis/master/OrthodonticAnalysis.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description The extension was developed to perform the most common dental analysis: model space discrepancies, Bolton and Peck and Peck. All point instructions for performing the analysis are available in Python interactor after study method points are selected. The Analysis button shows the result.
+The model discrepancy calculates the difference between the required space and the present space. If the difference is positive, there is an excess of space available, if the difference is negative, it means that there is a space deficit.
+The required upper and lower spaces are obtained from measurements of the mesiodistal diameters of the incisors, canines, and premolars. The present spaces are obtained in six straight line segments: from the mesial face of the first molar to the distal face of the canine, from the distal face of the canine to the mesial face of the canine and from the mesial face of the canine to the midline.
+Bolton's analysis takes into account two proportional size ratios between the upper and lower arches. The first is based on the sums of mesiodistal diameters of the teeth from the first molars, including the same, totaling 12 teeth per arch. The second is based on the sums of mesiodistal diameters of the teeth from the canines, including the canines, totaling 6 teeth per arch.
+The teeth evaluated in Peck and Peck analysis are the lower incisors. The measurements taken are the mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters. The value of the mesiodistal diameter is divided by the buccolingual diameter to obtain the proportion and make the evaluation.
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OrthodonticAnalysis/SlicerOrthodonticAnalysis/master/OrthodonticAnalysisScreenshot.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/PBNRR.s4ext b/PBNRR.s4ext
index cae07e281..ac5d3dc1b 100644
--- a/PBNRR.s4ext
+++ b/PBNRR.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.github.com/aangelos28/PBNRR/master/PBNRR.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This Slicer extension non-rigid registers a moving to a fixed MRI using a linear homogeneous bio-mechanical model to compute a dense deformation field that defines a transformation for every point in the fixed to the moving image.
diff --git a/PET-IndiC.s4ext b/PET-IndiC.s4ext
index cc72e43cc..256241d20 100644
--- a/PET-IndiC.s4ext
+++ b/PET-IndiC.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QIICR/PET-IndiC/master/PET-IndiC.p
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description The PET-IndiC Extension allows for fast segmentation of regions of interest and calculation of quantitative indices.
diff --git a/PETCPhantom.s4ext b/PETCPhantom.s4ext
index f635c1408..4228bc211 100644
--- a/PETCPhantom.s4ext
+++ b/PETCPhantom.s4ext
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QIICR/SlicerPETPhantomAnalysis/mas
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description The PETCPhantom Extension allows measurement of calibration and uniformity in a cylinder phantom PET scan.
# Space separated list of urls
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/PETDICOMExtension.s4ext b/PETDICOMExtension.s4ext
index 7c1550055..351be71c7 100644
--- a/PETDICOMExtension.s4ext
+++ b/PETDICOMExtension.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QIICR/Slicer-PETDICOMExtension/mas
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description The PET DICOM Extension provides tools to import PET Standardized Uptake Value images from DICOM into Slicer.
diff --git a/PETLiverUptakeMeasurement.s4ext b/PETLiverUptakeMeasurement.s4ext
index fcc334fcf..4e6723555 100644
--- a/PETLiverUptakeMeasurement.s4ext
+++ b/PETLiverUptakeMeasurement.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QIICR/PETLiverUptakeMeasurement/ma
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extensions contains a module for automated measurement of liver uptake in whole-body FDG-18 PET scans.
diff --git a/PETTumorSegmentation.s4ext b/PETTumorSegmentation.s4ext
index 81b48d4a1..3dc269637 100644
--- a/PETTumorSegmentation.s4ext
+++ b/PETTumorSegmentation.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QIICR/PETTumorSegmentation/master/
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Tumor and lymph node segmentation in PET scans
diff --git a/ParallelProcessing.s4ext b/ParallelProcessing.s4ext
index b3bff5104..3c363bfbc 100644
--- a/ParallelProcessing.s4ext
+++ b/ParallelProcessing.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/pieper/SlicerParallelProcessing
-scmrevision master
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/pieper/SlicerParallelProcessing
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Steve Pieper (Isomics, Inc.)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Utilities
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://github.com/pieper/SlicerParallelProcessing/raw/master/ParallelProcessing.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description Manage helper processes to perform background tasks in parallel.
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://camo.githubusercontent.com/f32d3911615ff1ff73af2e453fb8d1233f43a831339317618229a6e622859a01/687474703a2f2f696d672e796f75747562652e636f6d2f76692f6c6f3830346352446d70512f302e6a7067
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/pieper/SlicerParallelProcessing
+scmrevision master
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/pieper/SlicerParallelProcessing
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Steve Pieper (Isomics, Inc.)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Utilities
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://github.com/pieper/SlicerParallelProcessing/raw/master/ParallelProcessing.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description Manage helper processes to perform background tasks in parallel.
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://camo.githubusercontent.com/f32d3911615ff1ff73af2e453fb8d1233f43a831339317618229a6e622859a01/687474703a2f2f696d672e796f75747562652e636f6d2f76692f6c6f3830346352446d70512f302e6a7067
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/PathReconstruction.s4ext b/PathReconstruction.s4ext
index 43e17f32b..ea52b16ab 100644
--- a/PathReconstruction.s4ext
+++ b/PathReconstruction.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerPathReconstruction.git
-scmrevision master
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends MarkupsToModel SlicerIGT SlicerRT
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerPathReconstruction
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Tamas Ungi (Queen's University), Junichi Tokuda (Brigham and Women's Hospital), Andras Lasso (Queen's University), Isaiah Norton (Brigham and Women's Hospital), Matthew Holden (Queen's University), Laurent Chauvin (SNR), Atsushi Yamada (SNR), Franklin King (Queen's University), Jaime Garcia-Guevara (Queen's University), Amelie Meyer (Queen's University)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category IGT
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerPathReconstruction/master/PathReconstruction.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-status experimental
-# One line stating what the module does
-description The module allows creation of catheter models from electromagnetic spatial tracking.
-# Space separated list of urls
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerPathReconstruction.git
+scmrevision master
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends MarkupsToModel SlicerIGT SlicerRT
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerPathReconstruction
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Tamas Ungi (Queen's University), Junichi Tokuda (Brigham and Women's Hospital), Andras Lasso (Queen's University), Isaiah Norton (Brigham and Women's Hospital), Matthew Holden (Queen's University), Laurent Chauvin (SNR), Atsushi Yamada (SNR), Franklin King (Queen's University), Jaime Garcia-Guevara (Queen's University), Amelie Meyer (Queen's University)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category IGT
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerPathReconstruction/master/PathReconstruction.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+status experimental
+# One line stating what the module does
+description The module allows creation of catheter models from electromagnetic spatial tracking.
+# Space separated list of urls
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/PedicleScrewSimulator.s4ext b/PedicleScrewSimulator.s4ext
index d4d12a023..3abdabe3d 100644
--- a/PedicleScrewSimulator.s4ext
+++ b/PedicleScrewSimulator.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/PedicleScrewSimulator/master/P
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description 3D Slicer module for pedicle screw insertion training
diff --git a/PerkTutor.s4ext b/PerkTutor.s4ext
index 46c2e02b6..7b4838930 100644
--- a/PerkTutor.s4ext
+++ b/PerkTutor.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/2/21/PerkTutorLogo.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension holds modules for training of needle interventions and analysis of operator performance.
diff --git a/PetSpectAnalysis.s4ext b/PetSpectAnalysis.s4ext
index df7530f0a..5150a6f7a 100644
--- a/PetSpectAnalysis.s4ext
+++ b/PetSpectAnalysis.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/b/b1/DPetBrainQuantification
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description First Version of the Pet Spect Analysis Extension
diff --git a/PickAndPaintExtension.s4ext b/PickAndPaintExtension.s4ext
index 8eaa98ce0..e3f6c09ae 100644
--- a/PickAndPaintExtension.s4ext
+++ b/PickAndPaintExtension.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DCBIA-OrthoLab/PickAndPaintExtension/m
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Pick 'n Paint tool allows users to select ROIs on a reference model and to propagate it over different time point models.
diff --git a/Pipelines.s4ext b/Pipelines.s4ext
index f73724a04..32b53ef52 100644
--- a/Pipelines.s4ext
+++ b/Pipelines.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KitwareMedical/SlicerPipelines/main/Pi
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description SlicerPipelines is an extension for 3DSlicer that offers the ability to create simple modules (aka pipelines) via a GUI interface with no coding knowledge needed
diff --git a/Q3DC.s4ext b/Q3DC.s4ext
index 3feadf74a..b9ef8fafd 100644
--- a/Q3DC.s4ext
+++ b/Q3DC.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DCBIA-OrthoLab/Q3DCExtension/master/Q3
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension contains one module of the same name. Using placed fiducials, it allows users to compute 2D angles: Yaw, Pitch and Roll; and decompose the 3D distance into the three different components: R-L , A-P and S-I. It is possible to compute the middle point between two fiducials and export the values.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ac2d37513..02dc9f93f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -38,4 +38,3 @@ License
[extension description file]: https://slicer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developer_guide/extensions.html#extension-description-file
[extensions catalog]: https://extensions.slicer.org/catalog/All/30117/win
[extensions server]: https://slicer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developer_guide/extensions.html#extensions-server
diff --git a/RawImageGuess.s4ext b/RawImageGuess.s4ext
index 4f1508fe9..f74b8fc96 100644
--- a/RawImageGuess.s4ext
+++ b/RawImageGuess.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://github.com/acetylsalicyl/SlicerRawImageGuess/raw/master/RawImage
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension allows loading images from unknown file formats. Image dimensions, bit depth, etc. parameters can be determined by trial and error, based on live preview.
diff --git a/ResectionPlanner.s4ext b/ResectionPlanner.s4ext
index b409c4775..e30343c60 100644
--- a/ResectionPlanner.s4ext
+++ b/ResectionPlanner.s4ext
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-build_subdirectory .
-category IGT
-contributors Matt Lougheed (Queen's University)
-depends NA
-description Modules for surgical resection planning.
-enabled 1
-homepage http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php?title=Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/ResectionPlanner
-iconurl http://wiki.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/d/d6/ResectionPlannerLogo.png
-scm git
-scmrevision master
-scmurl https://github.com/SlicerIGT/ResectionPlanner.git
-screenshoturls http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/File:ResectionVolume_Screenshot.png
+build_subdirectory .
+category IGT
+contributors Matt Lougheed (Queen's University)
+depends NA
+description Modules for surgical resection planning.
+enabled 1
+homepage http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php?title=Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/ResectionPlanner
+iconurl http://wiki.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/d/d6/ResectionPlannerLogo.png
+scm git
+scmrevision master
+scmurl https://github.com/SlicerIGT/ResectionPlanner.git
+screenshoturls http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/File:ResectionVolume_Screenshot.png
diff --git a/Sandbox.s4ext b/Sandbox.s4ext
index 02402a8a4..7c9325e16 100644
--- a/Sandbox.s4ext
+++ b/Sandbox.s4ext
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ iconurl https://github.com/PerkLab/SlicerSandbox/raw/master/Sandbox_Logo_128.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Collection of utilities that are not polished implementations but can be useful to users
# Space separated list of urls
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/ScatteredTransform.s4ext b/ScatteredTransform.s4ext
index c09964d7d..fbe66333e 100644
--- a/ScatteredTransform.s4ext
+++ b/ScatteredTransform.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grandwork2/ScatteredTransform/master/S
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Creates a BSpline transform from a displacement field defined at scattered points by using the Multi-level BSpline interpolation algorithm.
diff --git a/SegmentEditorExtraEffects.s4ext b/SegmentEditorExtraEffects.s4ext
index 09e57a0da..57415d69f 100644
--- a/SegmentEditorExtraEffects.s4ext
+++ b/SegmentEditorExtraEffects.s4ext
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerSegmentEditorExtraEffect
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Experimental effects for Segment Editor
# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerSegmentEditorExtraEffects/master/FastMarchingInput.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerSegmentEditorExtraEffects/master/FastMarchingOutput.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerSegmentEditorExtraEffects/master/WatershedOutput.png
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerSegmentEditorExtraEffects/master/FastMarchingInput.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerSegmentEditorExtraEffects/master/FastMarchingOutput.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerSegmentEditorExtraEffects/master/WatershedOutput.png
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/SegmentMesher.s4ext b/SegmentMesher.s4ext
index 4be42425a..6ea7c8cfa 100644
--- a/SegmentMesher.s4ext
+++ b/SegmentMesher.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerSegmentMesher/master/Sli
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Create volumetric mesh from segmentation using Cleaver2 or TetGen.
diff --git a/SegmentRegistration.s4ext b/SegmentRegistration.s4ext
index ed9a3cbfe..b9e9c5d73 100644
--- a/SegmentRegistration.s4ext
+++ b/SegmentRegistration.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://github.com/SlicerRt/SegmentRegistration/raw/master/Logo/SegmentR
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Segment registration is an extension that contains generic and more specialized modules for registering two delineations of the same structure, and propagating other segmented structures from one dataset to the other (also called fusion or contour propagation).
diff --git a/SegmentationAidedRegistration.s4ext b/SegmentationAidedRegistration.s4ext
index f171c2f2f..5cde3bcd6 100644
--- a/SegmentationAidedRegistration.s4ext
+++ b/SegmentationAidedRegistration.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/b/ba/SegAidedRegSquareFocus128.p
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Performe the registration with the aid from segmentation so that the segmented regions have close match.
diff --git a/SequenceRegistration.s4ext b/SequenceRegistration.s4ext
index 970ac6ec7..6e4bb3897 100644
--- a/SequenceRegistration.s4ext
+++ b/SequenceRegistration.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moselhy/SlicerSequenceRegistration/mas
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension registers 4D volume sequences for motion compensation or motion analysis.
diff --git a/ShapePopulationViewer.s4ext b/ShapePopulationViewer.s4ext
index b4397a53a..c77889d5c 100644
--- a/ShapePopulationViewer.s4ext
+++ b/ShapePopulationViewer.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://www.nitrc.org/project/screenshot.php?group_id=759&screenshot_id=
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Visualize and interact with multiple surfaces at the same time to easily compare them
diff --git a/SkeletalRepresentation.s4ext b/SkeletalRepresentation.s4ext
index 2c047cd09..c80b22621 100644
--- a/SkeletalRepresentation.s4ext
+++ b/SkeletalRepresentation.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KitwareMedical/SlicerSkeletalRepresent
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Toolkit that provides users to establish, refine, and visualize skeletal representation of an object.
diff --git a/SkinMouldGenerator.s4ext b/SkinMouldGenerator.s4ext
index 8192822c4..e0859e384 100644
--- a/SkinMouldGenerator.s4ext
+++ b/SkinMouldGenerator.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/PerkLab/SlicerSkinMouldGenerator.git
-scmrevision master
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/SkinMouldGenerator
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Mark Schumacher (PerkLab, Queen's University), Jacob Andreou (PerkLab, Queen's University), Ian Cumming (PerkLab, Queen's University), Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's University)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Radiotherapy
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://github.com/PerkLab/SlicerSkinMouldGenerator/raw/master/SkinMouldGenerator.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description 3D Slicer extension for generating 3D-printable HDR Brachytherapy applicator for treatment of skin cancer.
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://github.com/PerkLab/SlicerSkinMouldGenerator/raw/master/Doc/MouldInputs.png https://github.com/PerkLab/SlicerSkinMouldGenerator/raw/master/Doc/MouldResult.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/PerkLab/SlicerSkinMouldGenerator.git
+scmrevision master
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/SkinMouldGenerator
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Mark Schumacher (PerkLab, Queen's University), Jacob Andreou (PerkLab, Queen's University), Ian Cumming (PerkLab, Queen's University), Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's University)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Radiotherapy
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://github.com/PerkLab/SlicerSkinMouldGenerator/raw/master/SkinMouldGenerator.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description 3D Slicer extension for generating 3D-printable HDR Brachytherapy applicator for treatment of skin cancer.
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://github.com/PerkLab/SlicerSkinMouldGenerator/raw/master/Doc/MouldInputs.png https://github.com/PerkLab/SlicerSkinMouldGenerator/raw/master/Doc/MouldResult.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/SkullStripper.s4ext b/SkullStripper.s4ext
index fbb286387..fdd3f635a 100644
--- a/SkullStripper.s4ext
+++ b/SkullStripper.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/f/f2/SkullStripper.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Skull stripping for structural MR images of the brain, tested on T1 and T2 contrast.
diff --git a/SlicerAIGT.s4ext b/SlicerAIGT.s4ext
index 950556e7f..79d6ff644 100644
--- a/SlicerAIGT.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerAIGT.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://github.com/SlicerIGT/aigt/raw/master/SlicerAIGTLogo.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension contains modules to assist in deep learning for guided medical interventions. Included modules can collect data, train networks, and deploy models for real-time image classification.
diff --git a/SlicerAutoscoperM.s4ext b/SlicerAutoscoperM.s4ext
index 6b1525678..5e461a737 100644
--- a/SlicerAutoscoperM.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerAutoscoperM.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrownBiomechanics/SlicerAutoscoperM/ma
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description SlicerAutoscoperM is an extension for 3D Slicer for 2D-3D image registration integrating with Autoscoper for image-based 3D motion tracking of skeletal structures.
diff --git a/SlicerAutoscroll.s4ext b/SlicerAutoscroll.s4ext
index 929a48f8a..3124cf351 100644
--- a/SlicerAutoscroll.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerAutoscroll.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://github.com/lassoan/SlicerAutoscroll/raw/master/Autoscroll.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Autoscroll through slices using slice range and speed
diff --git a/SlicerBatchAnonymize.s4ext b/SlicerBatchAnonymize.s4ext
index 0feb3666d..252a923cc 100644
--- a/SlicerBatchAnonymize.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerBatchAnonymize.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://github.com/hina-shah/SlicerBatchAnonymize/blob/main/SlicerBatchA
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description SlicerBatchAnonymize is a Slicer extension that provides a user friendly interface to anonymize a 'batch' of DICOM images.
diff --git a/SlicerBiomech.s4ext b/SlicerBiomech.s4ext
index 410bf6370..d89a70a57 100644
--- a/SlicerBiomech.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerBiomech.s4ext
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# This is source code manager
scm git
scmurl https://github.com/jmhuie/SlicerBiomech.git
-scmrevision main
+scmrevision main
# list dependencies
# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
diff --git a/SlicerCMF.s4ext b/SlicerCMF.s4ext
index 6161812b8..c54715e42 100644
--- a/SlicerCMF.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerCMF.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DCBIA-OrthoLab/SlicerCMF/master/Slicer
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description SlicerCMF is a 3D Slicer extension providing registration, segmentation and quantification modules for dental images analysis that may support patient-specific decision making and assessment in the context of disease progression.
diff --git a/SlicerCervicalSpine.s4ext b/SlicerCervicalSpine.s4ext
index a54c7e61a..1a37f49bf 100644
--- a/SlicerCervicalSpine.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerCervicalSpine.s4ext
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# This is source code manager
scm git
scmurl https://github.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCervicalSpine
-scmrevision master
+scmrevision master
# list dependencies
# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCe
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Cervical Spine is the upper part of the spine that supports the head and the neck. It contains certebrae C1-C7. This extension provides tools for cervical spine segmentation in addition to ligaments insertion and origin points detetction. There are two modules in this extension. The first provide tools for a single cervical spine, the second provide the same tools for the whole cervical spine. This extension require few seconds to complete the task. It uses a cusomised set of parameters for elastix toolbox. The extension depends on SlicerElastix extension. It downloads a few necessary files so it will take some minutes when use first time. For testing, cervical spine sample datasets can be downloaded using Slicer Data Store module. This extension can be extended easily to cover registration and segmentation of the whole spine in addition to extract more spine points and features(future works). You are welcome to contribute by optimising the code or sharing your cervical spine dataset. For questions or problems using this extension please post in the gitHub issue or in Slicer forum. For more details please read the related publications:
-Ibraheem AL-Dhamari, Sabine Bauer, Eva Keller and Dietrich Paulus, (2019), Automatic Detection Of Cervical Spine Ligaments Origin And Insertion Points, EEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Venice, Italy.
-Ibraheem Al-Dhamari, Sabine Bauer, Dietrich Paulus, (2018), Automatic Multi-modal Cervical Spine Image Atlas Segmentation Using Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Descent, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018 pp 303-308.
+Ibraheem AL-Dhamari, Sabine Bauer, Eva Keller and Dietrich Paulus, (2019), Automatic Detection Of Cervical Spine Ligaments Origin And Insertion Points, EEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Venice, Italy.
+Ibraheem Al-Dhamari, Sabine Bauer, Dietrich Paulus, (2018), Automatic Multi-modal Cervical Spine Image Atlas Segmentation Using Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Descent, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018 pp 303-308.
# Space separated list of urls
screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCervicalSpine/master/Screenshots/CS00.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCervicalSpine/master/Screenshots/CVT01.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCervicalSpine/master/Screenshots/CVT02.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCervicalSpine/master/Screenshots/CVT03.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCervicalSpine/master/Screenshots/CVT04.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCervicalSpine/master/Screenshots/CVT05.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCervicalSpine/master/Screenshots/CST01.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCervicalSpine/master/Screenshots/CST02.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCervicalSpine/master/Screenshots/CST03.png
diff --git a/SlicerCochlea.s4ext b/SlicerCochlea.s4ext
index 3306dce0b..bb8d5c285 100644
--- a/SlicerCochlea.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerCochlea.s4ext
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCo
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description The cochlea is a very important part of the inner ear. It is responsible for the transfer of audio signals to the brain. There are two modules in this extension. The first module, Cochlea Registration, registers and fuses cochlea images from different modalities. The second plugin, Cochlea Segmenttaion, segment out the cochlea structure, scala tympani and other scalae (media and vestibuli) in addition to measure the length and the size of the scala tympani. Both modules required a few seconds to complete the tasks. They use a cusomised set of parameters for elastix toolbox. The extension will download elastix binaries and other necessary files so it will take some minutes when use first time. For testing, cochlea sample datasets can be downloaded using Slicer Data Store module. You are welcome to contribute by optimising the code or sharing your cochlea dataset. For questions or problems using this extension please post in the gitHub issue or in Slicer forum. For more details please read the related publications:
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Ibraheem Al-Dhamari, Sabine Bauer, Dietrich Paulus and Roland Jacob, (2017): Aut
Ibraheem Al-Dhamari, Sabine Bauer, Dietrich Paulus, Friedrich Lisseck and Roland Jacob, (2017): ACIR: automatic cochlea image registration. In: Proceedings SPIE Medical Imaging 2017: Image Processing
# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCochlea/master/Screenshots/c.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCochlea/master/Screenshots/r1.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCochlea/master/Screenshots/r2.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCochlea/master/Screenshots/s1.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCochlea/master/Screenshots/s2.png
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCochlea/master/Screenshots/c.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCochlea/master/Screenshots/r1.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCochlea/master/Screenshots/r2.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCochlea/master/Screenshots/s1.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MedicalImageAnalysisTutorials/SlicerCochlea/master/Screenshots/s2.png
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/SlicerDensityLungSegmentation.s4ext b/SlicerDensityLungSegmentation.s4ext
index f854eae10..d5289ee82 100644
--- a/SlicerDensityLungSegmentation.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerDensityLungSegmentation.s4ext
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ build_subdirectory .
# homepage
homepage https://github.com/pzaffino/SlicerDensityLungSegmentation
-contributors Paolo Zaffino (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy), Maria Francesca Spadea (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy)
+contributors Paolo Zaffino (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy), Maria Francesca Spadea (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy)
# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
category Segmentation
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ status alpha
This extension labels lung tissues on basis of density (air, healthy, ground-glass opacities, consolidation, and denser tissues). Voxel-per-voxel label is provided alongside with an averaged volume.
# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pzaffino/SlicerDensityLungSegmentation/main/DensityLungSegmentation_screenshot.png
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pzaffino/SlicerDensityLungSegmentation/main/DensityLungSegmentation_screenshot.png
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/SlicerDentalModelSeg.s4ext b/SlicerDentalModelSeg.s4ext
index 59e565a5a..68d79ec10 100644
--- a/SlicerDentalModelSeg.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerDentalModelSeg.s4ext
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ iconurl https://github.com/DCBIA-OrthoLab/SlicerDentalModelSeg/raw/main/examples
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension aims to provide a GUI for a deep-learning automated teeth segmentation tool.
diff --git a/SlicerElastix.s4ext b/SlicerElastix.s4ext
index 069dc9c3b..fde397566 100644
--- a/SlicerElastix.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerElastix.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerElastix/master/SlicerEla
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension makes available Elastix medical image registration toolbox (http://elastix.isi.uu.nl/) available in Slicer.
diff --git a/SlicerFab.s4ext b/SlicerFab.s4ext
index df277195b..2418d42d0 100644
--- a/SlicerFab.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerFab.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://cdn.rawgit.com/SlicerFab/SlicerFab/0f141879/slices.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Tools for 3D object fabrication.
diff --git a/SlicerFreeSurfer.s4ext b/SlicerFreeSurfer.s4ext
index eca4bbd9b..0b038f491 100644
--- a/SlicerFreeSurfer.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerFreeSurfer.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://github.com/PerkLab/SlicerFreeSurfer/raw/master/SlicerFreeSurfer.
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Extension for handling FreeSurfer files in Slicer. Features importer for models, scalar overlay, and segmentations. Handles transformation of models to from FreeSurfer to Slicer coordinate system.
diff --git a/SlicerIGSIO.s4ext b/SlicerIGSIO.s4ext
index 37ad84568..65dbf3faf 100644
--- a/SlicerIGSIO.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerIGSIO.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://github.com/IGSIO/SlicerIGSIO/raw/master/SlicerIGSIO.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This is a utility extension that is developed as part of the Image Guided Surgery InterOperability (IGSIO) organization (see http://igsio.github.io/), and should be used as a dependency for other extensions (Ex. SlicerIGT) to provide access to tools and algorithms implemented by IGSIO (https://github.com/IGSIO/IGSIO).
diff --git a/SlicerIGT.s4ext b/SlicerIGT.s4ext
index 5a71ea597..799e8b950 100644
--- a/SlicerIGT.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerIGT.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/2/2b/SlicerIGTLogo.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension contains modules that enable rapid prototyping of applications for image-guided interventions. Intended users should have real-time imaging and/or tracking hardware (e.g. tracked ultrasound) connected to 3D Slicer through OpenIGTLink network. Specific modules allow patient registration to the navigation coordinate system in 3D Slicer, and real-time update of tracked models and images.
diff --git a/SlicerLayoutButtons.s4ext b/SlicerLayoutButtons.s4ext
index 2aa6c99a3..2a898631b 100644
--- a/SlicerLayoutButtons.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerLayoutButtons.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QIICR/SlicerLayoutButtons/master/Resou
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension provides a user interface with buttons organized the same way as the Slicer slice views are aligned. The user can directly select foreground/background volume and label map to be displayed in the associated slice view.
diff --git a/SlicerMorph.s4ext b/SlicerMorph.s4ext
index 2bf8db650..89864d148 100644
--- a/SlicerMorph.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerMorph.s4ext
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# This is source code manager
scm git
scmurl https://github.com/SlicerMorph/SlicerMorph.git
-scmrevision master
+scmrevision master
# list dependencies
# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SlicerMorph/SlicerMorph/master/Sli
status Beta
# One line stating what the module does
-description This extension enables retrieval, visualization, measurement and annotation of high-resolution specimen data from volumetric scans (CTs and MRs) or 3D surface scans.
+description This extension enables retrieval, visualization, measurement and annotation of high-resolution specimen data from volumetric scans (CTs and MRs) or 3D surface scans.
# Space separated list of urls
screenshoturls https://na-mic.github.io/ProjectWeek/PW30_2019_GranCanaria/Projects/SlicerMorphGeometricMorphometricToolset/SM_screen.png https://na-mic.github.io/ProjectWeek/PW30_2019_GranCanaria/Projects/SlicerMorphGeometricMorphometricToolset/SM2.png
diff --git a/SlicerNeuro.s4ext b/SlicerNeuro.s4ext
index f19b13f1b..a1c540b60 100644
--- a/SlicerNeuro.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerNeuro.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/Slicer/SlicerNeuro
-scmrevision main
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends UKFTractography SwissSkullStripper SlicerFreeSurfer SlicerDcm2nii SlicerDMRI HDBrainExtraction SlicerWMA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/Slicer/SlicerNeuro
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Andras Lasso (PerkLab (Queen's University))
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Neuroimaging
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Slicer/SlicerNeuro/main/SlicerNeuro.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description This extension provides ACPC coordinate transformation tool and installs extensions commonly needed for neuroimaging.
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Slicer/SlicerNeuro/main/Docs/module_acpctransform_1.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/Slicer/SlicerNeuro
+scmrevision main
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends UKFTractography SwissSkullStripper SlicerFreeSurfer SlicerDcm2nii SlicerDMRI HDBrainExtraction SlicerWMA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/Slicer/SlicerNeuro
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Andras Lasso (PerkLab (Queen's University))
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Neuroimaging
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Slicer/SlicerNeuro/main/SlicerNeuro.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description This extension provides ACPC coordinate transformation tool and installs extensions commonly needed for neuroimaging.
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Slicer/SlicerNeuro/main/Docs/module_acpctransform_1.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/SlicerNeuroSegmentation.s4ext b/SlicerNeuroSegmentation.s4ext
index f470b5421..15373845a 100644
--- a/SlicerNeuroSegmentation.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerNeuroSegmentation.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HOA-2/SlicerNeuroSegmentation/main/Sli
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Extension for performing segmentation of brain MRI images and parcellation of FreeSurfer surfaces in Slicer.
diff --git a/SlicerOpenAnatomy.s4ext b/SlicerOpenAnatomy.s4ext
index 13b6e7828..04f690b1f 100644
--- a/SlicerOpenAnatomy.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerOpenAnatomy.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PerkLab/SlicerOpenAnatomy/master/Slice
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description 3D Slicer extension for exporting Slicer scenes to use in the OpenAnatomy.org browser
diff --git a/SlicerOpenCV.s4ext b/SlicerOpenCV.s4ext
index 706d60c9f..23966dd7d 100644
--- a/SlicerOpenCV.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerOpenCV.s4ext
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SBU-BMI/SlicerOpenCV/master/Slicer
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension provides a wrapper around OpenCV libraries
# Space separated list of urls
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/SlicerOpenIGTLink.s4ext b/SlicerOpenIGTLink.s4ext
index 90104abe3..66b13910b 100644
--- a/SlicerOpenIGTLink.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerOpenIGTLink.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openigtlink/SlicerOpenIGTLink/master/O
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension adds OpenIGTLink communication interface to 3D Slicer to exchange real-time imaging, tracking, and other data.
diff --git a/SlicerProstateAblation.s4ext b/SlicerProstateAblation.s4ext
index 0538c5f8a..d887b4f8a 100644
--- a/SlicerProstateAblation.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerProstateAblation.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SlicerProstate/SlicerProstateAblation/
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension provides support for prostate cryoablation.
diff --git a/SlicerVirtualMouseCursor.s4ext b/SlicerVirtualMouseCursor.s4ext
index cb5bfdc6c..a256f903b 100644
--- a/SlicerVirtualMouseCursor.s4ext
+++ b/SlicerVirtualMouseCursor.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KitwareMedical/SlicerVirtualMouseCurso
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description SlicerVirtualMouseCursor is an extension to replace the usual application mouse pointer with a virtual 3D cursor that is directly rendered in the scene.
@@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ description SlicerVirtualMouseCursor is an extension to replace the usual applic
screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KitwareMedical/SlicerVirtualMouseCursor/main/SlicerVirtualCursorScene.png
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
\ No newline at end of file
+enabled 1
diff --git a/SoundControl.s4ext b/SoundControl.s4ext
index 85227f731..4cdf0c50a 100644
--- a/SoundControl.s4ext
+++ b/SoundControl.s4ext
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ iconurl https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerSoundControl/raw/master/SoundControl.
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Navigate using sound feedback
# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerSoundControl/raw/master/OpenSoundControl.png https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerSoundControl/raw/master/SoundNavigation.png https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerSoundControl/raw/master/PureData.png
+screenshoturls https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerSoundControl/raw/master/OpenSoundControl.png https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerSoundControl/raw/master/SoundNavigation.png https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerSoundControl/raw/master/PureData.png
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/Stereotaxia.s4ext b/Stereotaxia.s4ext
index eb7a84c3c..8d9f134d1 100644
--- a/Stereotaxia.s4ext
+++ b/Stereotaxia.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/JBeninca/SlicerStereotaxia
-scmrevision main
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/JBeninca/SlicerStereotaxia#stereotaxia
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Dr. Miguel Ibanez, Dr. Dante Lovey, Dr. Lucas Vera, Dr. Elena Zema, Dr. Jorge Beninca, Marc Jermann (Institute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics, FHNW, Muttenz, Switzerland), Dorian Vogel (Institute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics, FHNW, Muttenz, Switzerland)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category IGT
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://github.com/JBeninca/SlicerStereotaxia/raw/main/Stereotaxia.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description Compute stereotactic frame coordinates for neurosurgery planning.
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://github.com/JBeninca/SlicerStereotaxia/raw/main/Screenshot.jpg https://github.com/JBeninca/SlicerStereotaxia/raw/main/resources/Images/Screenshot_02_StereotacticTrajectories.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/JBeninca/SlicerStereotaxia
+scmrevision main
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/JBeninca/SlicerStereotaxia#stereotaxia
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Dr. Miguel Ibanez, Dr. Dante Lovey, Dr. Lucas Vera, Dr. Elena Zema, Dr. Jorge Beninca, Marc Jermann (Institute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics, FHNW, Muttenz, Switzerland), Dorian Vogel (Institute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics, FHNW, Muttenz, Switzerland)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category IGT
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://github.com/JBeninca/SlicerStereotaxia/raw/main/Stereotaxia.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description Compute stereotactic frame coordinates for neurosurgery planning.
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://github.com/JBeninca/SlicerStereotaxia/raw/main/Screenshot.jpg https://github.com/JBeninca/SlicerStereotaxia/raw/main/resources/Images/Screenshot_02_StereotacticTrajectories.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/SurfaceFragmentsRegistration.s4ext b/SurfaceFragmentsRegistration.s4ext
index 8d11fbe1a..35e959678 100644
--- a/SurfaceFragmentsRegistration.s4ext
+++ b/SurfaceFragmentsRegistration.s4ext
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ A polydata/model registration and validation method that finds multiple high acc
screenshoturls https://github.com/sebastianandress/Slicer-SurfaceFragmentsRegistration/raw/master/Resources/screenshot1.png
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
\ No newline at end of file
+enabled 1
diff --git a/SurfaceMarkup.s4ext b/SurfaceMarkup.s4ext
index 9c155bf50..e69c32867 100644
--- a/SurfaceMarkup.s4ext
+++ b/SurfaceMarkup.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/SlicerHeart/SlicerSurfaceMarkup.git
-scmrevision master
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/SlicerHeart/SlicerSurfaceMarkup/tree/master
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Csaba Pinter (Pixel Medical / Ebatinca), Rafael Palomar (Oslo University Hospital / NTNU), Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Informatics
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://github.com/SlicerHeart/SlicerSurfaceMarkup/raw/master/SurfaceMarkupLogo_128.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description 3D Slicer extension adding a new markup type for grid based surfaces such as NURBS or Bézier surfaces.
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://github.com/SlicerHeart/SlicerSurfaceMarkup/raw/master/Screenshots/NURBS.png https://github.com/SlicerHeart/SlicerSurfaceMarkup/raw/master/Screenshots/Bezier.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/SlicerHeart/SlicerSurfaceMarkup.git
+scmrevision master
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/SlicerHeart/SlicerSurfaceMarkup/tree/master
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Csaba Pinter (Pixel Medical / Ebatinca), Rafael Palomar (Oslo University Hospital / NTNU), Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Informatics
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://github.com/SlicerHeart/SlicerSurfaceMarkup/raw/master/SurfaceMarkupLogo_128.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description 3D Slicer extension adding a new markup type for grid based surfaces such as NURBS or Bézier surfaces.
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://github.com/SlicerHeart/SlicerSurfaceMarkup/raw/master/Screenshots/NURBS.png https://github.com/SlicerHeart/SlicerSurfaceMarkup/raw/master/Screenshots/Bezier.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/T1Mapping.s4ext b/T1Mapping.s4ext
index bb4dfc27f..6f3fd77a1 100644
--- a/T1Mapping.s4ext
+++ b/T1Mapping.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl http://slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/3/32/T1_Mapping_Logo_Resized.png
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description T1 mapping estimates effective tissue parameter maps (T1) from multi-spectral FLASH MRI scans with different flip angles.
diff --git a/T1_ECVMapping.s4ext b/T1_ECVMapping.s4ext
index bb8a21e13..3f50a9981 100644
--- a/T1_ECVMapping.s4ext
+++ b/T1_ECVMapping.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.github.com/RivettiLuciano/SlicerT1_ECVMapping/master/T1_ECVM
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This module takes advantage of the properties of the Look Locker sequence to calculate the Native and Post-contrast cardiac T1 Mapping. This also allows the creation of the ECV Map using both Mappings.
diff --git a/T2mapping.s4ext b/T2mapping.s4ext
index dd0a2e5c8..2a4d092ea 100644
--- a/T2mapping.s4ext
+++ b/T2mapping.s4ext
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gattia/Slicer-T2mapping/master/T2m
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand beind?
-status Calculations work. Im sure improvements to Slicer related code could be made.
+status Calculations work. Im sure improvements to Slicer related code could be made.
# One line stating what the module does
-description T2mapping creates a T2 Map from an inputed 4D multi-echo MRI.
+description T2mapping creates a T2 Map from an inputed 4D multi-echo MRI.
# Space separated list of urls
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
\ No newline at end of file
+enabled 1
diff --git a/TITAN.s4ext b/TITAN.s4ext
index 422daf2bb..f2994a3c8 100644
--- a/TITAN.s4ext
+++ b/TITAN.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sindhurathiru/TITAN/master/HypModuleCo
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description TITAN is responsible for the pre-processing and analysis tasks of imaging mass cytometry (IMC) data. It performs visualization, segmentation, and various analyses functions on IMC data.
diff --git a/TOMAAT.s4ext b/TOMAAT.s4ext
index 1e535274a..64afbd1fa 100644
--- a/TOMAAT.s4ext
+++ b/TOMAAT.s4ext
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/faustomilletari/TOMAAT-Slicer/master/T
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description Segmentation of volumetric data via Deep learning based methods in the cloud
# Space separated list of urls
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
diff --git a/TomoSAM.s4ext b/TomoSAM.s4ext
index 1c4f80dd3..720d5a361 100644
--- a/TomoSAM.s4ext
+++ b/TomoSAM.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fsemerar/SlicerTomoSAM/main/TomoSAM/Re
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description TomoSAM helps with the segmentation of 3D data from tomography or other imaging techniques using the Segment Anything Model (SAM).
@@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ description TomoSAM helps with the segmentation of 3D data from tomography or ot
screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fsemerar/SlicerTomoSAM/main/TomoSAM/Resources/Media/tomosam_screenshot_1.png
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
\ No newline at end of file
+enabled 1
diff --git a/TotalSegmentator.s4ext b/TotalSegmentator.s4ext
index 19906198c..f26dbeb64 100644
--- a/TotalSegmentator.s4ext
+++ b/TotalSegmentator.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/lassoan/SlicerTotalSegmentator
-scmrevision main
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends PyTorch
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/lassoan/SlicerTotalSegmentator
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's University)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Segmentation
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerTotalSegmentator/main/TotalSegmentator.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description Fully automatic whole-body CT segmentation of 104 structures, using TotalSegmentator AI model.
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerTotalSegmentator/main/Screenshot01.jpg
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/lassoan/SlicerTotalSegmentator
+scmrevision main
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends PyTorch
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/lassoan/SlicerTotalSegmentator
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's University)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Segmentation
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerTotalSegmentator/main/TotalSegmentator.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description Fully automatic whole-body CT segmentation of 104 structures, using TotalSegmentator AI model.
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassoan/SlicerTotalSegmentator/main/Screenshot01.jpg
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/TrackingErrorInspector.s4ext b/TrackingErrorInspector.s4ext
index a63b8ee6d..c4a04e934 100644
--- a/TrackingErrorInspector.s4ext
+++ b/TrackingErrorInspector.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerTrackingErrorInspector
-scmrevision master
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerTrackingErrorInspector
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Vinyas Harish, Aidan Baksh, Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's University)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category IGT
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerTrackingErrorInspector/raw/master/TrackingErrorInspector.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description Slicer modules for evaluating pose tracking error using a ground truth pose tracker
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerTrackingErrorInspector/raw/master/TrackingSetup.png https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerTrackingErrorInspector/raw/master/CleanAndDistortedFields.jpg
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerTrackingErrorInspector
+scmrevision master
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerTrackingErrorInspector
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Vinyas Harish, Aidan Baksh, Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's University)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category IGT
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerTrackingErrorInspector/raw/master/TrackingErrorInspector.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description Slicer modules for evaluating pose tracking error using a ground truth pose tracker
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerTrackingErrorInspector/raw/master/TrackingSetup.png https://github.com/SlicerIGT/SlicerTrackingErrorInspector/raw/master/CleanAndDistortedFields.jpg
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/VolumeClip.s4ext b/VolumeClip.s4ext
index 2af00c868..d5f955bc5 100644
--- a/VolumeClip.s4ext
+++ b/VolumeClip.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/PerkLab/SlicerVolumeClip.git
-scmrevision master
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends NA
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/VolumeClip
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Andras Lasso, Matt Lougheed (PerkLab, Queen's University)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Segmentation
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/c/c2/VolumeClipLogo.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-# One line stating what the module does
-description Clip volumes with surface models and ROI boxes
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/4/4c/VolumeClipScreenshot1.png http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/5/57/VolumeClipScreenshot2.png http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/1/1a/VolumeClipScreenshot3.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/PerkLab/SlicerVolumeClip.git
+scmrevision master
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends NA
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/VolumeClip
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Andras Lasso, Matt Lougheed (PerkLab, Queen's University)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Segmentation
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/c/c2/VolumeClipLogo.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+# One line stating what the module does
+description Clip volumes with surface models and ROI boxes
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/4/4c/VolumeClipScreenshot1.png http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/5/57/VolumeClipScreenshot2.png http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/1/1a/VolumeClipScreenshot3.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/ZFrameRegistration.s4ext b/ZFrameRegistration.s4ext
index 97e2d6273..885251e56 100644
--- a/ZFrameRegistration.s4ext
+++ b/ZFrameRegistration.s4ext
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SlicerProstate/SlicerZFrameRegistratio
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
# One line stating what the module does
description This extension provides support for procedures with ZFrame Registration
diff --git a/mpReview.s4ext b/mpReview.s4ext
index 3e7d99b53..68e05d4d0 100644
--- a/mpReview.s4ext
+++ b/mpReview.s4ext
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
-# (including spaces) is the value.
-# - the value can be blank
-# This is source code manager
-scm git
-scmurl https://github.com/SlicerProstate/mpReview.git
-scmrevision master
-# list dependencies
-# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
-# - The dependencies will be built first
-depends SlicerDevelopmentToolbox
-# Inner build directory (default is ".")
-build_subdirectory .
-# homepage
-homepage https://github.com/SlicerProstate/mpReview
-# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
-# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
-contributors Andrey Fedorov (Brigham and Women's Hospital), Deepa Krishnaswamy (Brigham and Women's Hospital), Andras Lasso (Queen's University), Alireza Mehrtash (Brigham and Women's Hospital)
-# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
-category Informatics
-# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
-iconurl https://github.com/SlicerProstate/mpReview/blob/master/Resources/Icons/mpReviewExtensionLogo.png
-# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
-# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
-status Work in progress
-# One line stating what the module does
-description mpReview extension facilitates review and annotation (segmentation) of multi-parametric imaging datasets.
-# Space separated list of urls
-screenshoturls https://github.com/SlicerProstate/mpReview/Resources/Icons/mpReview-screenshot.png
-# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
-enabled 1
+# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
+# (including spaces) is the value.
+# - the value can be blank
+# This is source code manager
+scm git
+scmurl https://github.com/SlicerProstate/mpReview.git
+scmrevision master
+# list dependencies
+# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
+# - The dependencies will be built first
+depends SlicerDevelopmentToolbox
+# Inner build directory (default is ".")
+build_subdirectory .
+# homepage
+homepage https://github.com/SlicerProstate/mpReview
+# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
+# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
+contributors Andrey Fedorov (Brigham and Women's Hospital), Deepa Krishnaswamy (Brigham and Women's Hospital), Andras Lasso (Queen's University), Alireza Mehrtash (Brigham and Women's Hospital)
+# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
+category Informatics
+# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
+iconurl https://github.com/SlicerProstate/mpReview/blob/master/Resources/Icons/mpReviewExtensionLogo.png
+# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
+# - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?
+status Work in progress
+# One line stating what the module does
+description mpReview extension facilitates review and annotation (segmentation) of multi-parametric imaging datasets.
+# Space separated list of urls
+screenshoturls https://github.com/SlicerProstate/mpReview/Resources/Icons/mpReview-screenshot.png
+# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
+enabled 1
diff --git a/scripts/check_description_files.py b/scripts/check_description_files.py
index b804ecbfa..70e32e21d 100644
--- a/scripts/check_description_files.py
+++ b/scripts/check_description_files.py
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ def main():
extension_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0]
failures = []
metadata = parse_s4ext(file_path)
for check in checks: