The purpose of this script is to easy install all the necessary tools/configurations in a kali machine. The supported installations/configurations in this moment are:
- vscode
- zsh, ohmyz and powerlevel10k
- pyenv and enable virtualenv version on zsh bash
- docker-ce, docker compose plugin
- golang (v1.21.6 x86-64)
wget -qO
chmod 744 ./
./ --help [-h] [-v] [--all] [--vscode] [--zsh] [--user] [--pl10k] [--pyenv] [--docker] [--golang] -s stable-debian-version -u zsh-user --log-path-file log-playbook
Available options:
-h, --help Print this help and exit
-v, --verbose Print script debug info
-l, --log-path-file log path file (if not specified only default messages are printed on the terminal)
-a, --all Install all the tools listed above
-c, --vscode Install vscode
-z, --omz Install zsh and oh-my-zsh
-u, --user Specify the user to install components
-k, --pl10k Install powerlevel10k template on zsh
-p, --pyenv Install pyenv
-d, --docker Install docker-ce and docker-compose-plugin
-g, --golang Install golang 1.21.6 x86-64
-s, --stable-debian-version Specify debian stable version to install the right versions of the component (eg: bookworm)
# install all components
./ --all --stable-debian-version bookworm --user kali --log-path-file log
# install vscode
./ --vscode --log-path-file log
# install oh-my-zsh and powerlevel10k
./ --omz --pl10k --user kali --log-path-file log
# install pyenv
./ --pyenv --user kali --log-path-file log
# install docker-ce, docker compose plugin
./ --docker --stable-debian-version bookworm --user kali --log-path-file log
# install golang v1.21.6 x86-64
./ --golang --log-path-file log
Template bash script template is taken from In this following link you can find the full article. I added the source code template under /Bash folder with mine useful comments.
Tested on
- kali-linux-2023.3-vmware-amd64 version (
SHA256sum cda701776d4e17c24845c0b2d57e40f4fecab5c7de22d88ddc7bdaef671b0838