This table will have only one line
Field | Type | Description |
workunitName | text | The work unit name |
fpopsEstimate | double | Getting the fpops estimate and multiplying it with 10 to get the bound |
fpopsBound | double | fpopsEstimate*1000 |
memBound | int(11) | The workunit will only be sent to clients with at least this much available RAM. If exceeded the workunit will be aborted |
diskBound | int(11) | An upper bound on the amount of disk space required to process the workunit |
delayBound | int(11) | An upper bound on the time (in seconds) between sending a result to a client and receiving a reply |
redundancy | int(11) | The number of redundant calculations. Set to two or more to achieve redundancy |
copies | int(11) | The number of copies of the workunit to issue to clients |
errors | int(11) | The number of errors from clients before the workunit is declared to have an error |
numIssues | int(11) | The total number of clients to issue the work unit to before it is declared to have an error |
resultsWithoutConcensus | int(11) | The total number of returned results without a concensus is found before the workunit is declared to have an error |
appName | text | The app name (usually is sixtrack) |
appVer | int(11) | The app version (e.g. 50210) |
This table will have only one line
Field | Type | Description |
madx_exe | text | The madx executable |
sixtrack_exe | text | The sixtrack executable |
study_path | text | The absolute path of this study |
preprocess_in | text | The input folder for preprocess jobs |
preprocess_out | text | The output folder for preprocess jobs |
sixtrack_in | text | The input folder for sixtrack jobs |
sixtrack_out | text | The output folder for sixtrack jobs |
gather | text | The input folder for gather job which is used for collecting results |
templates | text | The template folder |
boinc_spool | text | The boinc spool for submitting jobs to boinc |
test_turn | int(11) | When submitting jobs to boinc, we need to test the jobs on HTCondor firstly |
emit | double | Normalized emittance |
gamma | double | The relativistic gamma |
kmax | int(11) | The number of phase space angles |
boinc_work | text | The absolute path of work directory which is the spool directory on the boinc volume to hold the input files of sixtrack |
boinc_results | text | The absolute path of results directory which is the spool directory on the bonic volume to hold the results |
surv_percent | int(11) | When testing jobs on HTCondor, survival percent decides whether to submit jobs to boinc |
This table will have only one line
Field | Type | Description |
mask_file | blob | The mask file of madx input file |
fort_file | blob | The mother file of fort.3 |
This table will have as many lines as the machine configurations
Field | Type | Description |
wu_id | int(11) | The work unit id |
job_name | text | The job name |
input_file | blob | Hold all the required informations for the executable python script '' which is used for runing madx job and oneturn sixtrack job |
batch_name | text | The batch name of this job in HTCondor |
unique_id | text | The unique id of this job on HTCondor, usually is ClusterId.ProcId |
status | text | The status of this job, 'complete', 'incomplete' or 'submitted' |
task_id | int(11) | The id of the latest submitted task |
mtime | bigint(20) | The Last modification time |
SEEDRAN | int(11) | The seed for madx job |
QP | int(11) | A parameter for the machine |
IOCT | int(11) | A parameter for the machine |
This table have at least as many lines as the preprocess_wu table
Field | Type | Description |
task_id | int(11) | The unique task id |
wu_id | int(11) | The work unit id |
madx_in | blob | The input file of madx job |
madx_stdout | blob | The output file of madx job |
job_stdout | blob | The standard output of HTCondor job |
job_stderr | blob | The standard err of HTCondor job |
job_stdlog | blob | The log file of HTCondor job |
status | text | The status of this task, 'Success' or 'Failed' |
mtime | bigint(20) | Last modification time |
fort_2 | mediumblob | fort.2 |
fort_3_mad | mediumblob | fort.3.mad |
fort_3_aux | mediumblob | fort.3.aux |
fort_8 | mediumblob | fort.8 |
fort_16 | mediumblob | fort.16 |
fort_34 | mediumblob | fort.34 |
oneturnresult | mediumblob | the result of oneturn job |
This table has only one line
Field | Type | Description |
turnss | int(11) | The tracking turn |
nss | int(11) | Amplitude step in normalised amplitude |
ax0s | double | Start amplitude in normalised unit [mm] |
ax1s | double | End amplitude in normalised unit [mm] |
imc | int(11) | Number of variations of the relative momentum deviation |
iclo6 | int(11) | This switch allows to calculate the 6D closed orbit and optical functions at the starting point, using the differential algebra package. |
writebins | int(11) | This defines after how many turns data are written to output files |
ratios | int(11) | Denotes the emittance ratio (eII/eI) of horizontal and vertical motion |
Runnam | text | The title of the job reported in fort.3 |
idfor | int(11) | The closed orbit is added to the initial coordinates (0) or not (1) |
ibtype | int(11) | Use the Erskine/McIntosh optimised error function of a complex number(1) or not (0) |
ition | int(11) | Transition energy switch |
POST | text | 'POST' |
POS1 | text | '' |
ndafi | int(11) | Number of data files to be processed. |
tunex | double | Horizontal tune |
tuney | double | Vertical tune |
inttunex | double | Values of the horizontal tune (integer part) to be added to the averaged phase advance and to the Q values of the FFT analysis |
inttuney | double | Values of the vertical tune... |
DIFF | text | '/DIFF' |
DIF1 | text | / |
pmass | double | Proton mass |
emit_beam | double | Emittance |
e0 | int(11) | Energy |
bunch_charge | double | Bunch charge |
CHROM | int(11) | To correct for slight differences between MAD and SixTrack the chromaticity is routinely corrected by setting 'chrom' to 1 and using chrom_eps=0.0000001 |
chrom_eps | double | chrome_eps |
dp1 | double | Momentum deviation for particle 1 |
dp2 | double | Momentum deviation for particle 2 |
chromx | int(11) | chromx |
chromy | int(11) | chromy |
rfvol | double | RF Voltage |
sigz | double | r.m.s bunch length |
sige | double | r.m.s energy spread |
This table will have as many lines as the machine configurations
Field | Type | Description |
task_id | int(11) | The task id |
wu_id | int(11) | The work unit id |
betax | float | Horizontal beta-function |
betax2 | float | Secondary horizontal beta-function |
betay | float | Vertical beta-function |
betay2 | float | Secondary beta-function |
tunex | float | Horizontal tune |
tuney | float | Vertical tune |
chromx | float | Horizontal chromaticity |
chromy | float | Vertical chromaticity |
x | float | x |
xp | float | xp |
y | float | y |
yp | float | yp |
z | float | z |
zp | float | zp |
chromx_s | float | chromx obtained by calculation (second_turn_tune-first_turn_tune)/chrom_eps |
chromy_s | float | chromy obtained by calculation |
chrom_eps | float | Used for calculating chromaticity |
tunex1 | float | First turn horizontal tune |
tuney1 | float | First turn vertical tune |
tunex2 | float | Second turn horizontal tune |
tuney2 | float | Second turn vertical tune |
mtime | bigint(20) | Last modification time |
This table will have as many lines as the cartesian product between machine configurations and the beam phase space scan points
Field | Type | Description |
wu_id | int(11) | The work unit id |
last_turn | int(11) | The last turn of the tracking |
first_turn | int(11) | The first turn of the tracking |
preprocess_id | int(11) | The work unit id of preprocess job |
job_name | text | The job name |
input_file | blob | Hold all the required informations for the executable python script '' which is used for running actual sixtrack job |
batch_name | text | The batch name of this job in HTCondor |
unique_id | text | The unique id of this job in HTCondor, usually is ClusterId.ProcId |
status | text | The status of this job, 'complete', 'incomplete' or 'submitted' |
task_id | int(11) | The task id which point to a submission |
boinc | text | Submit to boinc ('true') or not ('false') |
mtime | bigint(20) | The Last modification time |
turnss | int(11) | The tracking turn |
nss | int(11) | Amplitude step [mm] |
ax0s | double | Start amplitude [mm] |
ax1s | double | End amplitude [mm] |
imc | int(11) | Number of variations of the relative momentum deviation |
iclo6 | int(11) | This switch allows to calculate the 6D closed orbit and optical functions at the starting point, using the differential algebra package. |
writebins | int(11) | This defines after how many turns data are written to output files |
ratios | int(11) | Denotes the emittance ratio (eII/eI) of horizontal and vertical motion |
Runnam | text | The running name |
idfor | int(11) | The closed orbit is added to the initial coordinates (0) or not (1) |
ibtype | int(11) | Use the Erskine/McIntosh optimised error function of a complex number(1) or not (0) |
ition | int(11) | Transition energy switch |
POST | text | 'POST' |
POS1 | text | '' |
ndafi | int(11) | Number of data files to be processed. |
tunex | double | Horizontal tune |
tuney | double | Vertical tune |
inttunex | double | Values of the horizontal tune (integer part) to be added to the averaged phase advance and to the Q values of the FFT analysis |
inttuney | double | Values of the vertical tune... |
DIFF | text | '/DIFF' |
DIF1 | text | / |
pmass | double | Proton mass |
emit_beam | double | Emittance |
e0 | int(11) | Energy |
bunch_charge | double | Bunch charge |
CHROM | int(11) | To correct for slight differences between MAD and SixTrack the chromaticity is routinely corrected by setting 'chrom' to 1 and using chrom_eps=0.0000001 |
chrom_eps | double | chrome_eps |
dp1 | double | Momentum deviation for particle 1 |
dp2 | double | Momentum deviation for particle 2 |
chromx | int(11) | chromx |
chromy | int(11) | chromy |
rfvol | double | RF Voltage |
sigz | double | r.m.s bunch length |
sige | double | r.m.s energy spread |
amp | text | The amplitudes (list) |
kang | int(11) | The angles in phase space (list) |
This table at least have as many lines as the sixtrack_wu
Field | Type | Description |
task_id | int(11) | The unique task id for a submission |
last_turn | int(11) | The last turn of the tracking |
wu_id | int(11) | The work unit id |
fort3 | blob | The fort.3 file |
job_stdout | blob | The standard output of HTCondor job |
job_stderr | blob | The standard err of HTCondor job |
job_stdlog | blob | The log file of HTCondor job |
status | text | The status of this task, 'Success' or 'Failed' |
mtime | bigint(20) | Last modification time |
fort_10 | blob | The fort.10 file (result) |
This table hold the results of sixtrack jobs which will have as many lines as the points in all scans
Field | Type | Description |
six_input_id | int(11) | unique id for each sixtrack task |
row_num | int(11) | rownumber |
turn_max | int(11) | Maximum turn number |
sflag | int(11) | Stability Flag (0=stable 1=lost) |
qx | float | Horizontal Tune |
qy | float | Vertical Tune |
betx | float | Horizontal beta-function |
bety | float | Vertical beta-function |
sigx1 | float | Horizontal amplitude 1st particle |
sigy1 | float | Vertical amplitude 1st particle |
deltap | float | Relative momentum deviation Deltap |
dist | float | Final distance in phase space |
distp | float | Maximum slope of distance in phase space |
qx_det | float | Horizontal detuning |
qx_spread | float | Spread of horizontal detuning |
qy_det | float | Vertical detuning |
qy_spread | float | Spread of vertical detuning |
resxfact | float | Horizontal factor to nearest resonance |
resyfact | float | Vertical factor to nearest resonance |
resorder | int(11) | Order of nearest resonance |
smearx | float | Horizontal smear |
smeary | float | Vertical smear |
smeart | float | Transverse smear |
sturns1 | int(11) | Survived turns 1st particle |
sturns2 | int(11) | Survived turns 2nd particle |
sseed | float | Starting seed for random generator |
qs | float | Synchrotron tune |
sigx2 | float | Horizontal amplitude 2nd particle |
sigy2 | float | Vertical amplitude 2nd particle |
sigxmin | float | Minimum horizontal amplitude |
sigxavg | float | Mean horizontal amplitude |
sigxmax | float | Maximum horizontal amplitude |
sigymin | float | Minimum vertical amplitude |
sigyavg | float | Mean vertical amplitude |
sigymax | float | Maximum vertical amplitude |
sigxminld | float | Minimum horizontal amplitude (linear decoupled) |
sigxavgld | float | Mean horizontal amplitude (linear decoupled) |
sigxmaxld | float | Maximum horizontal amplitude (linear decoupled) |
sigyminld | float | Minimum vertical amplitude (linear decoupled) |
sigyavgld | float | Mean vertical amplitude (linear decoupled) |
sigymaxld | float | Maximum vertical amplitude (linear decoupled) |
sigxminnld | float | Minimumhorizontal amplitude (nonlinear decoupled) |
sigxavgnld | float | Mean horizontal amplitude (nonlinear decoupled) |
sigxmaxnld | float | Maximumhorizontal amplitude (nonlinear decoupled) |
sigyminnld | float | Minimum vertical amplitude (nonlinear decoupled) |
sigyavgnld | float | Mean vertical amplitude (nonlinear decoupled) |
sigymaxnld | float | Maximum vertical amplitude (nonlinear decoupled) |
emitx | float | Emittance Mode I |
emity | float | Emittance Mode II |
betx2 | float | Secondary horizontal beta-function |
bety2 | float | Secondary vertical beta-function |
qpx | float | Qx |
qpy | float | Qy |
version | float | Dummy1 |
cx | float | Dummy2 |
cy | float | Dummy3 |
csigma | float | Dummy4 |
xp | float | Dummy5 |
yp | float | Dummy6 |
delta | float | Dummy7 |
mtime | bigint(20) | Last modification time |
The preprocess job aims to generate sixtrack input file from madx, e.g.
fort.2,fort.8,fort.16 ..., and also get some machine parameters from oneturn sixtrack job, e.g. tune, chromaticity, beta ...
The sixtrack job is the actual tracking job for the study.
The *_wu tables hold the points of the scan parameters for the jobs (preprocess job or sixtrack job)
The *_task tables record every submission of the jobs, no matter success or failure.
# Get the preprocess_wu line linked to a given task:
preprocess_task.wu_id = preprocess_wu.wu_id
# Get the latest/reference task of a given wu:
preprocess_wu.task_id = preprocess_task.task_id
N.B. The detailed descritption of some input parameters for sixtrack could be found in the User's Reference Manual of sixtrack