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Releases: Sitecore/jss

Sitecore JSS 13.1.0

26 Jun 08:19
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Sitecore JSS 13.1.0 for Sitecore 9.3

New Features & Improvements

  • PR #357 [Doc] Updated context extension docs around caching
  • Commit [Doc] Extend JSS Forms documentation regarding customizing labels of different field types
  • Commit Add --skipValidation for jss setup command
  • PR #338 Section field template can use FormFieldSection in order to pass cssClass to the fieldset element and be able to customize the styles for it.
  • PR #346 Responsive image srcset fallback with src output
  • PR #303 [React-Native sample] documentation is improved and extended.

Bug Fixes

  • PR #373 [Vue Sample] Fix route changes with path and a hash
  • Bug #141 Cannot add components to placeholder without saving first
  • PR #374 [React sample] Fixed start:connected-ssr npm script
  • Commit [Doc] Sitecore Forms + JSS article doesn't mention that the provided sample doesn't work for Headless mode
  • Bug #348 Publishing configuration for sitecore-jss-angular gives errors for Angular 9 ngcc
  • Commit [React sample] 'deploy template' does not accept --acceptCertificate
  • Bug #358 [Vue sample] SSR - fixed hydration bailouts
  • Bug #360 Quick Start with vue is failing
  • Bug #363 Wrong Type Definition for ItemLink
  • Bug #328 Item Links failing to find reference with disconnected mode
  • PR #341 jss setup does not work with Sitecore Docker
  • PR #359 Add description of import service URL question
  • PR #356 [Doc] Fix broken react-native link on homepage
  • Bug #299 SitecoreContextReactContext.Provider is not working properly, because value never changes as it is always same class instance
  • Bug #333 [Doc] Document addPlaceholder function
  • PR #353 [Doc] Move Forms installation documentation section above sample implementation
  • PR #351 [React sample] Include polyfills for IE11
  • Bug #257 [Doc] Add doc for --acceptCertificate param
  • Bug #336 [Vue sample] CLI deploy options do not trigger build step
  • PR #337 [Vue sample] set i18n initial language based on SSR language
  • PR #335 Vue sample Specimen component updated with correct implementation path
  • Bug #287 Potential memory leak in React SitecoreContextFactory
  • PR #300 [React sample] set i18n init lang to prevent SSR hydration from re-rendering app
  • Commit react app - Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
  • Bug #314 Angular scaffolding has error in polyfill.ts
  • Bug #311 [React sample] npm run eject throws error
  • PR #281 Wrong GraphQLEndpoint assembly name
  • PR #302 Correctly evaluates the value of SITECORE_ENABLE_DEBUG variable
  • PR #285 Commit Include media from Droptree and Multilist content
  • PR #306 [Doc] Docs missing configuration of fetcher

SXA and Sitecore Forms compatibility table

Sitecore JSS SXA Forms
9.3 13.1 9.3 Yes
9.3 13.0 9.3 Yes
9.2 12.0 1.9 Yes
9.1.1 11.1 1.9 No
9.1 11.0 No No
9.0 11.0 No No

Sitecore JSS 14.0.0

23 Jul 10:47
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Sitecore JSS 14.0 for Sitecore 10


There are migration instructions from JSS 13-based applications.

New Features & Improvements

  • PR #347 Fixes withSitecoreContext typescript definition
  • PR #350 The types of the render functions in the Placeholder component props are not correct or missing

SXA and Sitecore Forms compatibility table

Sitecore JSS SXA Forms
10 14.0 10 Yes
9.3 13.1 9.3 Yes
9.3 13.0 9.3 Yes
9.2 12.0 1.9 Yes
9.1.1 11.1 1.9 No
9.1 11.0 No No
9.0 11.0 No No

Sitecore JSS 13.0.5

01 Apr 11:45
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Bug Fixes

  • PR #351 Include polyfills for IE11 in react sample app
  • PR #338 Modified the section field template to use FormFieldSection in order to pass cssClass to the fieldset element and be able to customize the styles for it.
  • Bug #257 Add doc for --acceptCertificate param
  • PR #346 Adding srcSet to Image component removes the src Attribute
  • Bug #336 CLI deploy options do not trigger build step (Vue sample app)
  • PR #335 Vue sample Specimen component was displaying an incorrect implementation path
  • PR #337 Vue sample - Set i18n initial language based on SSR language or static config defaultLanguage to prevent re-renders in multi-lingual apps during the hydration process

Sitecore JSS 13.0.4

02 Mar 11:00
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Bug Fixes

  • Bug #324 Bug #287 Memory leak in React app + node headless proxy. Change language and translation on every request, instead of create new i18n instance

Sitecore JSS 13.0.3

27 Feb 15:10
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Bug Fixes

  • PR #285 [sitecore-jss-manifest] Include media from Droptree and Multilist content
  • Bug #323 Ability to eject react application
  • Bug #324 Bug #287 Memory leak in React app + node headless proxy
  • PR #330 React sample - set i18n init lang to prevent SSR hydration from re-rendering app

Sitecore JSS 13.0.2

18 Feb 09:44
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Bug Fixes

  • Commit react app - Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined

Sitecore JSS 13.0.1

13 Feb 14:11
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Bug Fixes

  • PR #314 Angular scaffolding has error in polyfill.ts
  • PR #287 Potential memory leak in React SitecoreContextFactory

Sitecore JSS 12.0.0

25 Jul 18:13
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Sitecore JSS 12.0.0 for Sitecore 9.2


No special upgrade steps needed, it's safe to promote to newer version.

New Features & Improvements

  • JSS now supports Sitecore Forms. This means several things:
    • JSS now provides a special content resolver for form components, which enables the Layout Service to send complete serialized form data
    • a new framework-agnostic npm package is available (sitecore-jss-forms), which defines data types and components for forms.
    • a React implementation of forms is also available via the new sitecore-jss-react-forms package (this package extends sitecore-jss-forms)
  • JSS now integrates with SXA. When SXA is installed, it's possible to create JSS tenants and sites that make it easier to scale JSS apps. Additional benefits:
    • SXA site management for JSS apps.
    • Cross-site presentation sharing using page designs and partial designs.
    • Cross-site content sharing.
    • Cross-site reusability of renderings.
    • Cross-site linking.
    • More info available on the SXA documentation site
  • Angular projects can now take advantage of the new *scRouterLink component which creates a link that uses Angular routing from a Sitecore link field, instead of refreshing the page.
  • Angular placeholders now expose a loaded event that can be hooked for apps that need to know when a placeholder is done loading, i.e. <sc-placeholder [...] (loaded)="onPlaceholderLoaded($event)"></sc-placeholder>
  • PR #214 Pass through component props types when using withSitecoreContext
  • PR #213 Add angular directive for general links that can be both internal and external.
    This allows Content Editors to not be limited to one type of predefined linkfield while maintaining angular routerlinks
  • The documentation site now has an initial draft of a new "guided learning" area for the JSS Developer Trial:

Note: JSS 12.0 includes all the features of JSS 11.1

Bug Fixes

  • PR #211 Fix the case when working on a mac or linux with git config for autocrlf all the line endings in the repo are set to lf which fails eslint
  • Bug #194 Implement acceptCertificate parameter in jss deploy component/template
  • Bug #174 Resolve inherited templates/fields when building media output for the manifest
  • PR #170 Changed proptypes of missingComponentComponent and errorComponent to PropTypes.func in
    packages/sitecore-jss-react/src/components/PlaceholderCommon.tsx to prevent console warning "Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop missingComponentComponent of type function supplied to PlaceholderComponent, expected object."
  • PR #151 Re-add !noDebug to jss-proxy console logging to allow disabling of logging.
  • Various fixes to docs (Thank you, community!!)

SXA and Sitecore Forms compatibility table

Sitecore JSS SXA Forms
9.2 12.0 1.9 Yes
9.1.1 11.1 1.9 No
9.1 11.0 No No
9.0 11.0 No No

Sitecore JSS 11.0.2

18 Jan 20:18
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There are no changes to the JSS server for this release, only the npm packages. There are no breaking changes in this release and there are no migration instructions.

Fixes in this release:

  • General: Sample apps' out of the box dependencies have been upgraded (React 16.7, Angular 7.2, Vue 2.5.22). (#131)
  • Angular: scaffolding components has been fixed (#90)
  • Angular: sample app will no longer cause loops when clicking navigation links on styleguide page in EE mode (#132)
  • Angular: AOT compilation (jss build) has been fixed with lazy loading component registration (#121)
  • Angular: JssModule.withComponents() no longer breaks if the second optional parameter is not passed (#110)
  • Headless proxy: The dictionary service URL is no longer hard coded into a method in config.js; it is now a config variable/environment variable (#127)
  • Headless proxy: Fixed a bug where debug info would be emitted to the console when debug was disabled (34a7757)
  • Manifesting: The allowedPlaceholders property has been added to the TypeScript typing for adding components to the manifest. It already worked, but is now documented. (#120)
  • Disconnected: The customizeRendering method now receives additional context params (HTTP request, response, manifest) (#117)
  • Sitecore-first scaffolding has had some bug fixes applied (#119)
  • Layout Service: The ability to render a single placeholder has been documented (#111)
  • Azure deployment documentation has been updated to discuss using WDPs (#136)

Sitecore JSS 11.0.1

13 Dec 21:16
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There are no changes to the JSS server for this release, only the npm packages. There are no breaking changes in this release and there are no migration instructions.

Sitecore JSS 11.1 for Sitecore 9.1.1


No special upgrade steps needed, it's safe to promote to newer version.

New Features & Improvements

  • JSS now integrates with SXA. When SXA is installed, it's possible to create JSS tenants and sites that make it easier to scale JSS apps. Additional benefits:
    • SXA site management for JSS apps.
    • Cross-site presentation sharing using page designs and partial designs.
    • Cross-site content sharing.
    • Cross-site reusability of renderings.
    • Cross-site linking.
    • More info available on the SXA documentation site
  • Angular projects can now take advantage of the new *scRouterLink component which creates a link that uses Angular routing from a Sitecore link field, instead of refreshing the page.
  • Angular placeholders now expose a loaded event that can be hooked for apps that need to know when a placeholder is done loading, i.e. <sc-placeholder [...] (loaded)="onPlaceholderLoaded($event)"></sc-placeholder>
  • PR #214 Pass through component props types when using withSitecoreContext
  • PR #213 Add angular directive for general links that can be both internal and external.
    This allows Content Editors to not be limited to one type of predefined linkfield while maintaining angular routerlinks
  • The documentation site now has an initial draft of a new "guided learning" area for the JSS Developer Trial:
  • PR #105 Move all sample apps to use minor version dependency ranges
    Reliability improvement; existing apps need no changes
  • PR #95 Modify SSR handling in React and Vue
    Updated sample apps serialize SSR state 3x faster and are more compatible with CSP.
  • PR #94 Make disconnected appRoot mean appRoot not scriptsRoot
    Clarity improvement. Backwards compatible.
  • PR #92 Alter typing to enable strong typed placeholder names
    Nonbreaking TypeScript typing change
  • PR #89 Add angular change detection to placeholder component
    Change detection now passes through the placeholder component properly
  • PR #88 Pass query string params from configuration to LayoutService
    Allows headless SSR proxy to pass custom query string params to Layout Service
  • PR #83 Register multiple component in JssModule.forChild method
    Bundle together multiple Angular components when using lazy loading

Bug Fixes

  • PR #211 Fix the case when working on a mac or linux with git config for autocrlf all the line endings in the repo are set to lf which fails eslint
  • Bug #194 Implement acceptCertificate parameter in jss deploy component/template
  • Bug #174 Resolve inherited templates/fields when building media output for the manifest
  • PR #170 Changed proptypes of missingComponentComponent and errorComponent to PropTypes.func in
    packages/sitecore-jss-react/src/components/PlaceholderCommon.tsx to prevent console warning "Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop missingComponentComponent of type function supplied to PlaceholderComponent, expected object."
  • PR #151 Re-add !noDebug to jss-proxy console logging to allow disabling of logging.
  • Various fixes to docs (Thank you, community!!)