Add documentation
Add option of custom license
Fix some broken/missing markdown links
Add alias for "default-branch"
Redo alias "cleaner" to be simpler, and add alias "cleanest"
Rename aliases that are abbreviations for consistency:
From "me" to "mncnf" (merge --no-commit --no-ff)
From "pp" to "prp" (pull --rebase=preserve)
From "log-changes" to "lor" (log --oneline --reverse)
Rename aliases for clarity and consistency:
From "topic-base" to "topic-base-branch"
From "lasttagged" to "last-tagged"
From "top-name" to "top"
From "log-…-date" to "log-date-…"
From "log-like" to "log-list", and from "log-like-love" to "log-list-long"
From "…earliest…" to "…first…", and from "…latest…" to "…last…"
From "reset-commit-clean" to "reset-commit-hard-clean", and from "undo-commit-clean" to "undo-commit-hard-clean"
From "topic-start"/"topic-stop" to "topic-begin"/"topic-end"
From "cull…" to "hew…" in order to be more-semantic that we're axing branches; also add "hew…-dry-run" in order to show what's happening without delete.
Refactor short aliases to call long semantic aliases
"dd" calls diff-deep
"gg" calls grep-group
"ll" calls log-list
"lll" calls log-list-long