- References
- Initialization
- Generate Schemata JAR artifact
- Schemata utilities to validate and document the data contracts
Created by gh-md-toc
- If not already done so, install Java (JDK 17) and Maven. The easiest
is to use SDKMan
- To install SDKMan (behind some corporate firewalls, one may need to setup
a proxy with
Shell environment variables):
- To install SDKMan (behind some corporate firewalls, one may need to setup
a proxy with
$ curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
- Proceed as requested by SDKMan (check that the SDKMan initialization is done properly within the Shell init scripts)
- In order to check the currently installed versions of Java, Maven
and so on, use
sdk list tool
, for instance:- Check the installed versions of Java:
$ sdk list java
- Check the installed versions of Maven:
$ sdk list maven
- Install the Amazon Coretto JDK17 (or whatever else JDK you prefer, but it has to be some JDK with version 17):
$ sdk install 17.0.6-amzn
- Install Maven:
$ sdk install 3.9.1
If not already done so, clone the Data contracts Git repository
Go into the Data contracts Schemata quickstart directory:
$ pushd ~/dev/infra/data-contracts/schemata/quickstart
- JQ comes handy to parse JSON structures. It is packages on most of the systems (MacOS, Linux)
As of April 2023, Schemata does not release its JAR artifact on public repositories such as Maven Central. Hence, one has to clone the Schemata Git repository and to generate the JAR artifact locally.
- If not already done so, clone the Schemata Git repository:
$ mkdir -p ~/dev/infra && \
git clone [email protected]:ananthdurai/schemata.git ~/dev/infra/schemata
- Go into the Schemata directory:
pushd ~/dev/infra/schemata
- Compile and package (generate the JAR artifact for) Schemata:
$ make build-all
- Check that the JAR artifacts have been correctly generated:
$ ls -lFh target/*.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 112K Apr 13 16:27 target/original-schemata-1.0.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 7.8M Apr 13 16:27 target/schemata-1.0-sources.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 20M Apr 13 16:27 target/schemata-1.0.jar
- Leave the Schemata directory:
$ popd
- Go into the Data contracts Schemata quickstart directory:
$ pushd ~/dev/infra/data-contracts/schemata/quickstart
- Copy the just generated Schemata JAR artifact:
$ cp ~/dev/infra/schemata/target/schemata-1.0.jar target/
- Leave the Data contracts Schemata quickstart directory:
$ popd
- Go into the Data contracts Schemata quickstart directory:
$ pushd ~/dev/infra/data-contracts/schemata/quickstart
- Generate the data contract descriptors (they are needed by the Shell scripts and need to be refreshed/re-generated whenever the data contracts change):
$ make all
- Check that the data contract descriptors have been correctly generated:
$ ls -lFh *.desc
-rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 111K Apr 13 17:01 model.desc
$ strings model.desc | head -3
- Validate the model:
$ ./validate.sh
Schema validation success. No error to report
- Score the model:
$ ./score.sh org.examples.User
Schemata score for org.examples.User : 0.19
- Document the model
- Raw output:
$ ./document.sh
- Parsed with JQ:
$ ./document.sh |grep -v "^[0-9]\{2\}"|jq
"name": "org.examples.Category",
"description": "This is the description of the Category table",