diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_az.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_az.ts
index 7e48a08914..51646e5a37 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_az.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_az.ts
@@ -877,55 +877,55 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ Proqramı ilə Aç
+ Sigil
+ Seçilmiş faylları əlifba sırasında sıralam istədiyinizə əminsinizmi?
+ Bu əməliyyat bərpa olunmaz
+ "%1" faylı mövcud deyildir.
+ Mövcud Faylları Əlavə Et
@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
@@ -952,12 +952,12 @@ OK to replace?
Əvəz etmək üçün OK?
+ "%1" Faylı silmək vəya əvəz etmək mümkün deyildir.
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Bu adlı fayl artıq kitabda mövcuddur.
@@ -975,235 +975,235 @@ Bu adlı fayl artıq kitabda mövcuddur.
+ Fayl Olaraq Yadda saxla
+ Faylı yadda saxlamaq mümkün deyildir.
+ Faylları yadda saxlamaq üçün kataloqu seçin
+ Bir vəya daha çox fayl artıq mövcuddur. Üstünə yazmaq üçün OK?
+ Faylları yadda saxlamaq olmur. Səbəb karaloq ola bilər.
+ Faylları yadda saxlamaq olmur.
+ Faylın adını dəyişdirmək olmur, bu fayl adının dublikasiyasının nəticəsində ola bilir.
+ Nav sənəd silinə bilməz.
+ Bütün HTML fayllarını silə bilməzsiniz. Həmişə, ən azından, bir dənə olmalıdır.
+ Faylı qapak şəkli olaraq təyin etmək mümkünsüzdür.
+ Hamısını Seç
+ Boş HTML Faylını Əlavə ET
+ Boş Stil Səhifəsi Əlavə Et
+ Boş SVG Rəsm Əaləvə Et
+ Mövcud Faylları Əlavə Et...
+ Surətini Əlavə Et
+ Yenidən Adlandır
+ Sil
+ Qapak Rəsmi
+ Birləştir
+ Yoxdur
+ Adobe metodlarından istifadə et;
+ IDPF'in Metodunu İstifadə Et
+ Sırala
+ Mündəricat girişlərini təkrar sırala
+ Stil Səhifəsini İşarələ...
+ Semantikaları Əlavə Et...
+ W3C ilə Təsdiqlə
+ ... Kimi Yadda Saxla
+ Əvvəlki faylları birləşdir, vəya çox faylı birində birləşdir.
+ Seçilmiş faylın(faylların) adını dərişdir
+ Üslublar cədvəlini seçilmiş faylla(fayllarla) əlaqələndir.
+ Seçilmiş fayla(fayllara) semantika əlavə edin.
+ Diğər Tətbiq
@@ -1774,12 +1774,12 @@ Dəyişikliklərinizi yadda saxlamaq istəyirsinizmi?
+ Hamısını Daralt
+ Hamısını Genişlət
@@ -3622,363 +3622,363 @@ mended.
+ Təşəkkürlər
+ İşin həyata keçirilməsinə cəlb olunan təşkilatlara təşəkkürləri ehtiva edən qisim..
+ Sözardı
+ Müəllifin ya da hekayəyə önəm verən bir nəfərin qapanış ifadəsi, tipik olara1 hekayənin necə yazılmasından, bunun önəmi veya o zamandan günümüzə qədər ortaya çıxan hadisələrlə bağlı məlumat verir.
+ Əlavə
+ Tamamlayıcı informasiya.
+ Arxa Hissə
+ Bir nəşrin ana məzmunundan sonra ortaya çıxan indekslır, əlavələr v.b. kimi yardmıçı materiallar
+ Biblioqrafiya
+ Göstərilən əsərlərin siyahısı.
+ Metn
+ Bir yayının əsas mətn məzmununun başlanğıcı.
+ Nəşriyyatın emblemi
+ Ümumyyətlə, nəşrin sonunda yerləşən, istehsalat qeydlərindən ibarət qısa təsvir..
+ Son
+ Tipik olaraq işi bitirən son bir bölüm
+ Həmmüəlliflər
+ Həmmüəlliflərin siyahısı.
+ Müəllif haqqları Səhifəsi
+ İşin Müəllif haqqları Səhifəsi
+ Qapaq
+ Nəşrlərin qapaq(lar)ı, jaket məlumatları v.s.
+ İthaf
+ Bir və ya bir neçə şəxs(lər)ə ünvanlanmış bir yazı.
+ Son söz - Epilogue
+ Hekayənin bir parçası olmaqla bərabər, ana hekayədən daha geç bir zaman dövründə yazılmış olan bir final bölümü.
+ Epiqraf
+ Mətnin tərkibinə uyğundur amma mətnlə inteqrasiya olunmur.
+ Yazı xətası
+ Bir qayda olaraq,nəşrlərin çap edilməsi olan yazı xətasıdı, əsərlər adətən əl ilə yerləşdirildiyindən boş bir səhifə qoyula bilir və işdə xətalar üçün düzəlişlər olandır
+ Səhifəaltı haşiyələr
+ Səhifənin aşağısında yerləşən qeydlər kolleksiyası
+ Ön söz
+ İşin Giriş hissəsi, bir qayda olaraq müəllif tərəfindən yazılmır.
+ Ön Qisim
+ Nəşrin əsas məzmununa aid, məzmun cədvəlləri, həsrlər v.s. kimi, hazırlıq materialları.
+ Sözlük
+ Müəyyən bilik sahəsindəki terminlərin əlifba sırasında izahlı siyahısı..
+ Yarım Başlıq Səhifə
+ Yalnız tituldan ibarət olan işin yarı titul səhifəsi
+ İzin
+ İşin nəşrinə icazə verən rəsmi bəyanat
+ Möhür vurmaq
+ İşin nəşr edilməsi və ya paylanması ilə bağlı məlumat.
+ İndeks
+ Bir nəşrdəki spesifik məlumatların, bir qayda olaraq əlifba sırasında hazırlanmış, ətraflı bir siyahısı.
+ Müqəddimə
+ Əsərin başlanğıcında yerləşən və oxucunu əsərin məzmununun xarketeri və ya əhatə dairəsi ilə tanış edən bölmə
+ İllüstrasiyaların siyahısı
+ Əsərdə olan illyustrasiyaların siyahısı.
+ Audio Kliplərin siyahısı
+ İşdə olan audio kliplərin siyahısı
+ Cədvəllərin siyahısı
+ İşdə olan cədvəllərin siyahısı.
+ Video Kliplərin siyahısı
+ Əsərdə olan Video Kliplərin siyahısı
+ Qeydlər
+ Bir qeydlər toplusu. Köhnə adlandırma razılaşması istənmədiyində, dipnotları, arxa qeydləri, marjinal qeydləri, sətıriçi qeydləri ve bənzərlərini tərif etmək üçün istifadə olunur. Hal: İstifadən götürülmüş - Dəyişdirilən: 'dipnotlar', 'arxa qeydləri'
+ Digər kreditlər
+ Əvvəllər nəşr olunan hissələrin, illüstrasiyalı kreditlərin və müəllif hüququ materialından sitat gətirilməsinə icazə verildi
+ Preambula
+ Əsərin başlanğıcında, işin məzmununun əhatə dairəsinə və ya təbiətinə dair giriş və / və ya izahlı prosedurları əhatə edən bir hissə.
+ Önsöz (Preface)
+ Bir qayda olaraq əsərin müəllifi tərəfindən yazılan, giriş bölümündən əvvəl gələn bir bölüm.
+ Proloq
+ Hekayənin arxa planı, povestin tipik bir hissəsini əks etdirən giriş bölməsi
+ Arxa qeydləri
+ Əsərin arxa (arxa planında) və ya bir hissənin sonunda görünən arxa qeydləri toplusu
+ Titul səhifəsi
+ Bir kitabın başlanğıcında titulunu, müəlliflərini, nəşrçi ve digrnəşr məlumatlarını verən bir səhifə..
+ Məzmunlar Cədvəli
+ Kitabın vəya sənədin başlıqlar vəya bölümlerinin bir siyahısı olan, məzmuna uyğun sırada hazırlanan bir məzmunlar cədvəli. Bir qayda olaraq işin ön qismində vəya bir bölümün başında görünür.
@@ -4215,67 +4215,67 @@ Siz yuxarıdakı siyahıda ayrı ayrı başlıqların qarşısındakı bayraqcı
Miniatür ölçüsü:
+ Adı
+ Faylın ölçüsü (KB)
+ Dəfə İstifadə edildi
+ Eni
+ Hündürlük
+ Piksellər
+ Rəng
+ Rəsm
+ Hesabatı Vergüllə Ayrılmış Fayl kimi Yadda Saxla
+ Sigil
+ Hesabat Faylı Yadda Saxlanmır.
+ Kitabdan Sil
@@ -4673,483 +4673,483 @@ Dəyişiklikləri yadda saxlamaq istəyirsinizmi?
+ Təşəkkürlər
+ İşin həyata keçirilməsində payı ola hər kəsə təşəkkür bildirilən bir passaj.
+ Sözardı
+ Müəllifin ya da hekayəyə önəm verən bir nəfərin qapanış ifadəsi, tipik olara1 hekayənin necə yazılmasından, bunun önəmi veya o zamandan günümüzə qədər ortaya çıxan hadisələrlə bağlı məlumat verir.
+ Annotasiya
+ İşdəki parçalar haqqında geniş izahat. Statusu: Köhnəlmişdir
+ Əlavə
+ Tamamlayıcı informasiya.
+ Qiymətləndirmə
+ Bir tələbənin öyrədilən materialı qavramasını ölçməyə yardımçı olan bir test, sınaq veya başqa bir fəaliyyət.
+ Arxa Hissə
+ Bir nəşrin ana məzmunundan sonra ortaya çıxan indekslır, əlavələr v.b. kimi yardmıçı materiallar
+ Biblioqrafiya
+ Göstərilən əsərlərin siyahısı.
+ Əsas qisim
+ Nəşrin əsas məzmunu.
+ Fəsil
+ Bir yazı parçasının əsas struktur bölünməsi.
+ Nəşriyyat evinin emblemi
+ Bir qayda olaraq bir nəşrin sonunda yerləşir və çapla bağlı istehsal qeydlərindən ibarət kiçik bir izahatdır.
+ Son
+ Tipik olaraq işi bitirən son bir bölüm
+ Həmmüəlliflər
+ Həmmüəlliflərin siyahısı.
+ Müəllif haqqları səhifəsi
+ İşin Müəllif haqqları səhifəsi
+ Qapaq
+ Nəşrlərin qapağı(qapaqları), jaket məlumatları v.b.
+ İthaf
+ Bir və ya bir neçə şəxsə ünvanlanmış bir yazı.
+ Bölmə
+ Bir bölümün altsturkturu olaraq da görünəbilen önəmli bir struktur bölünmə (xüsusi ilə qanunlar).
+ Epiqraf
+ Münasib, ancaq mətnin ayrılmaz parçası olmayan, bir sitat.
+ Son söz - Epilogue
+ Hekayənin bir parçası olmaqla bərabər, ana hekayədən daha geç bir zaman dövründə yazılmış olan bir final bölümü.
+ Yazı xətası
+ Bir qayda olaraq,nəşrlərin çap edilməsi olan yazı xətasıdı, əsərlər adətən əl ilə yerləşdirildiyindən boş bir səhifə qoyula bilir və işdə xətalar üçün düzəlişlər olandır
+ Səhifəaltı haşiyələr
+ Səhifənin aşağısında yerləşən qeydlər kolleksiyası
+ Önsöz
+ İşdən əvvəl yazılan bir hissəsidir, adətən əsərin müəllifi tərəfindən yazılmayır.
+ Ön Qisim
+ Nəşrin əsas məzmununa aid, məzmun cədvəlləri, həsrlər v.s. kimi, hazırlıq materialları.
+ Lüğət
+ Bəlli bir sahədə olan terminlərin əlifba sırasında siyahısı və bu terminlərin izahı.
+ Yarım Başlıq Səhifə
+ Yalnız tituldan ibarət olan işin yarı titul səhifəsi
+ İzin
+ İşin nəşrinə icazə verən rəsmi bəyanat
+ Möhür vurmaq
+ İşin nəşr edilməsi və ya paylanması ilə bağlı məlumat.
+ İndeks
+ Bir nəşrin spesifik məlumatlarından ibarət, adətən əlifba sırasında olan ətraflı məlumat siyahısı.
+ Müqəddimə
+ Əsərin başlanğıcında yerləşən və oxucunu əsərin məzmununun xarketeri və ya əhatə dairəsi ilə tanış edən bölmə
+ İşarələr
+ Nəşrdə tanınmış / təkrarlanan komponentlərə istinadlar toplusu
+ Audio Kliplərin siyahısı
+ İşdə olan audio kliplərin siyahısı
+ İllyustrasiyaların siyahısı
+ Əsərdə olan İllyustrasiyaların siyahısı.
+ Cədvəllərin siyahısı
+ Əsərdə olan cədvəllərin siyahısı.
+ Video Kliplərin siyahısı
+ Əsərdə olan Video Kliplərin siyahısı
+ Resenziya
+ Xüsusi diqqət tələb edən məlumatlar buraxılmamalı və ya gizlədilməməlidir. Məsələn: həyəcan, xəbərdarlıq, ehtiyatlıq, təhlükə, vaciblik siqnalları
+ Digər kreditlər
+ Əvvəllər nəşr olunan hissələrin, illüstrasiyalı kreditlərin və müəllif hüququ materialından sitat gətirilməsinə icazə verildi
+ Səhifə siyahısı
+ Ebookın çap versiyasından səhifə ayırıcılarına (başlanğıc yerləri) istinadlar siyahısı
+ Hissə
+ Bir yazı parçasının əsas struktur bölünməsi, adətən bir sıra əlaqəli fəsillərdən ibarətdir
+ Preambula
+ Əsərin başlanğıcında, işin məzmununun əhatə dairəsinə və ya təbiətinə dair giriş və / və ya izahlı prosedurları əhatə edən bir hissə.
+ Önsöz
+ Adətən əsərin müəllifi tərəfindən yazılan, giriş bölümündən öncə gələn bir müqəddimə bölümü.
+ Proloq
+ Hekayənin arxa planı, povestin tipik bir hissəsini əks etdirən giriş bölməsi
+ Suallar və Cavablar
+ Bir sual və cavab bölümü.
+ Arxa qeydləri
+ Əsərin arxa (arxa planında) və ya bir hissənin sonunda görünən arxa qeydləri toplusu
+ Reviziya Tarixi
+ Əsərə edilən dəyişikliklərin yazısı
+ Alt Bölüm
+ Bir fəslin əsas alt-bölməsi
+ Titul Səhifəsi
+ Kitabın başlanğıcında adı, müəllifi, naşir və digər nəşr məlumatları verən bir səhifə.
+ Mündəricat
+ Başlıqlar siyahısından və ya kitabıb hissələrindən ya da sənəddən ibarət və göründüyü şəkildə sıralanmış məzmunlar cədvəli. Adətən, əsərin önündə vəya bölümün başlanğıcında görünür.
+ Cild
+ Toplunun komponenti
+ Xəbərdarlıq
+ Xəbərdarlıq və ya ehtiyatlılıq haqqında spesifik material. Statusu: Çıxarıldı- 'notice ' ilə Dəyişdrildi
@@ -8444,13 +8444,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- Əlavələr
@@ -8469,6 +8468,11 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Add Existing
@@ -10827,6 +10831,31 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Show Log of Checkpoints
@@ -10941,37 +10970,37 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
+ Sigil
@@ -10991,17 +11020,17 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3
@@ -11246,356 +11275,356 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
Təsvir mövcud deyildir
+ Adı çəkilən CSS üslubları yoxdur
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> mövcud deyildir (və daha çox ola bilər). Bu şərtlər altında parçalanma və ya birləşmə pozulmuş linklərə səbəb ola bilər.</p><p> Hələ də davam etmək istəyirsiniz?</p></html>
+ Qapaq səhifəsi Əlavə et
+ Gözlənilməz səhv. Qapaq səhifəsi üçün yalnız təsvir faylları istifadə edilə bilər
+ Qapaq səhifəsi Əlavə edildi
+ Epub2 üçün mövcud deyil
+ OPF Manifest Xüsusiyyətləri Yenliəndi.
+ Üslublar silindilər
+ XML-in yaxşı formalaşmadığı səbəbindən Hesabatların hazırlanması ləğv edildi
+ XML-in yaxşı formalaşmadığı səbəbindən İstifadə Olunmayan Mediya Faylları silin
+ İstifadə Olunmayan Mediya Faylları silindi
+ Silmək üçün istifadə olunmayan təsvir, video və ya audio faylları yoxdur.
+ XML-in yaxşı formalaşmadığı səbəbindən İstifadə Olunmayan Üslubları silin
+ Bu mövqedə fayl əlavə edə bilməzsiniz
+ Fayl Əlavə et
+ Fayl"%1" mövcud deyildir.
+ Bu mövqedə id idxal edə bilməzsiniz
+ ID etibarsızdır - hərf ilə başlamalıdır və sonra istənilən sayda hərf, rəqəm _: ola bilər və ya.
+ Bu mövqedə bir link əlavə edə bilməzsiniz.
+ Link etibarsızdır - '<' vəya '>apos ehtiva edə bilməz;
+ Siz indeksi bu mövqedə qeyd edə vəya mətni seçmədən işarələyə bilməzsiniz
+ Giriş etibarsızdır-'<' vəya '>' ehtiva edə biməz
+ Siz bu pozisiyada indeksi qeyd edə bilməzsiniz.
+ İlk növbədə yapışdırmaq üçün təyinat yerini seçin
+ Yapışdırılmış klip girişi % 1.
+ Bir resurs seçilmişdir və birləşmə üçün bir əvvəlki resurs yoxdur.
+ Seçilmiş faylları birləşdirmək istədiyinizə əminsinizmi?
Bu hərəkət bərpa edilə bilməz.
+ %1 faylını birləşdirmək mümkün deyildir.
+ Birləşmə tamamlandı. Sizə Məzmunlar Cədvəlinin yenilənməsi və ya redaktə edilməsi lazım ola bilər
+ Üslublar cədvəli linki dayandırıldı: %1, XML yaxşı formalaşdırılmamışdır.
+ Söz yeniləndi
+ Fayl(lar) silindi.
+ Məzmunlar Cədvəlinin redaktəsi dayandırıldı
+ Məzmunlar Cədvəli redaktə edildi.
+ Mündəricatın generasiyası dayandırıldı.
+ Məzmunlar Cədvəli generasiya olundu.
+ Məzmunlar Cədvəlini dəyişməyə zərurət yoxdur.
+ Mətn seçimi qeyd edildi
+ Mətn seçimi qeyd edilməmişdir.
+ Metadata Redaktoru dayandırıldı.
+ Metadata redaktə olundu.
+ Bu EPUB, validasiya üçün heç bir CSS üslublar cədvəlini ehtiva etmir.
+ Sətir: %1, Sütun: %2
+ Fayl bu mövqedə bölüşdürülə bilməz.
+ Bölüşdürmə tamamlandı.
+ Ən azı bir fayl HTML faylı olmadığı üçün bölüşdürmə edilə bilməz.
+ Bölüşdürmə mümkün deyildir: %1 XML yaxşı formalaşmamışdır
+ Bölüşdürmə mümkün deyildir,çünki ən azı bir fayl HTML faylı olmaya bilər.
+ Bölüşdürmə tamamlandı. Sizə Məzmunlar Cədvəlinin yenilənməsi lazım ola bilər
+ Faylı bölmə markerləri tapılmadı. Əlavəetmə İstifadə edin->Bölmə Marküeri.
+ Bu sənəd modifikasiya edilmişdir
Dəyişiklikləri yadda saxlamaq istəyirsinizmi?
+ Fayl tipi üçün idxalçı yoxdur:% 1
+ Fayl yüklənir...
+ Fayl yükləndi
+ Bu faylın yaradıcısı DRM ilə şifrələnmişdir.
+ EPUB-ı yükləmək mümkün olmur: %1
+ Faylı yükləmək mümkün olmur %1: %2
+ EPUB yadda saxlanılır...
+ Sigil bu tip faylları yadda saxlaya bilmir "%1".
Xahiş edirik ki, başqa format seçəsiniz.
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB yadda saxlandı, amma bütün HTML faylları yaxşı formalaşmamışdır
+ EPUB saved.EPUB yadda saxlandı.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Fayla yadda saxlamaq mümkün olmadı %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)EPUB faylları (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTML faylları (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Mətn faylları (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Bütün fayllar (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)EPUB faylı (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:İndi mövcud başlıq atributlarını qoruyun :
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15559,12 +15618,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][Başlıq burada]
+ [Main title here][Əsas başlıq burada]
@@ -16193,128 +16252,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ Launcher process crashedBuraxılma prosesi çökdü
+ Status: finishedStatus: bitdi
+ Status: failedStatus: uğursuz oldu
+ Status: No Changes MadeStatus: dəyişiklik edilmədi
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesXəta: Plugin Son XHTML faylı silməyə çalışdı .. dəyişikliklər dayandırıldı
+ Status:
+ Plugin failed to startPlugin işləməyə başlamadı
+ Status: errorStatus: xəta
+ Plugin cancelledPlugin dayandırıldı
+ Status: cancelledStatus: dayandırıldı
+ Error Parsing Result XML: XML xətasının analizinin nəticəsi:
+ Status: checking
+ Incorrect XHTML:
+ Line/Col
+ Check ReportHesabatı yoxlayın
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Yanlış XHTML / XML təsbit edildi
Davam etmək istədiyinizə əminsinizmi?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting files
+ Status: deleting
+ Status: Loading
+ Input PluginGiriş Plagini
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedSizin mövcud kitabınız yadda saxlanmayan dəyişikliklərin itkiləri ilə tamamilə dəyişdiriləcəkdir ... Davam etmək istədiyinizə əminsinizmi?
+ Status: adding
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesStatus: təmizlənmə - modifikasiyalanan fayllar
+ Status: modifying
@@ -16591,43 +16650,43 @@ Obyektlər sətır, vergül və ya boşluqlarla ayrıla bilər.
+ PreviewÖn Baxış
+ Inspect Page
+ Select-All
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoard
+ Update Preview Window
+ Cycle Custom CSS Files
+ Print Preview View
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.x
@@ -16787,7 +16846,7 @@ Sətir:% 1 Sütun% 2 -% 3
+ Adding Existing Files..Mövcud faylları əlavə etmək ..
@@ -16817,19 +16876,19 @@ Sətir:% 1 Sütun% 2 -% 3
<p>Daha yeni versiyası olan Sigil, versiyası <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Yükləmə səhifəsinə getmək istəyirsiniz?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Fayl oxunmur %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil bir problemlə qarşılaşdı.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigilin bağlanması lazımdır.
@@ -16855,28 +16914,28 @@ Sətir:% 1 Sütun% 2 -% 3
Yanlış NCX faylı: %1
+ Quit
+ AboutHaqqında
+ PreferencesÜstün tutmalar
+ New
+ OpenAç
@@ -18954,32 +19013,32 @@ your book and automatically insert into your document.
+ Files In the BookKitabdakı Fayllar
+ ThumbnailsMiniatür rəsmlər
+ shadesKölgələr
+ colorsRənglər
+ GrayscaleBoz şkala
+ ColorRəng
@@ -19551,17 +19610,17 @@ Orfoqrafia yoxlayıcısı açıq olduqda hər hansı bir HTML faylını redaktə
+ The file "%1" does not exist."%1" faylı mövcud deyildir.
+ Collapse AllHamısını Darald
+ Expand AllHamısını Genişlət
@@ -19577,12 +19636,12 @@ Orfoqrafia yoxlayıcısı açıq olduqda hər hansı bir HTML faylını redaktə
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ca.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ca.ts
index 8854e32b25..edda556978 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ca.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ca.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ si el CSS n'indica una sense serifs
+ Open WithObre amb
+ %n file(s)
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Esteu segur que voleu ordenar els arxius seleccionats alfanumèricament?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Aquesta acció no es pot desfer.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.El fitxer «%1» no existeix.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.
+ Add Existing FilesAfegeix fitxers
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ si el CSS n'indica una sense serifs
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ si el CSS n'indica una sense serifs
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
Voleu reemplaçar-lo?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".No s'ha pogut esborrar ni reemplaçar el fitxer «%1».
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Al llibre, ja hi ha un fitxer amb el mateix nom.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ Al llibre, ja hi ha un fitxer amb el mateix nom.
+ File(s) added or replaced.
+ Save As FileDesa com a fitxer
+ Unable to save the file.No s'ha pogut desar el fitxer.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toEscolliu el directori on voleu desar els fitxers
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Un o més fitxers ja existeixen. Voleu sobreescriure'ls?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.No s'ha pogut desar els fitxers. La destinació ha de ser un directori.
+ Unable to save files.No s'ha pogut desar els fitxers.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.No s'ha pogut canviar el nom dels fitxers ja que es repetirien noms.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.No es pot esborrar el document NAV.
+ The NCX can not be removed.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.No podeu esborrar tots els fitxers HTML.
Com a mínim, n'hi ha d'haver un.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.No s'ha pogut establir el fitxer com a imatge de la coberta.
+ Select AllSelecciona-ho tot
+ Add Blank HTML FileAfegeix un fitxer HTML en blanc
+ Add Blank StylesheetAfegeix un full d'estils en blanc
+ Add Blank Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG ImageAfegeix una imatge SVG en blanc
+ Add Existing Files...Afegeix fitxers...
+ Add CopyAfegeix una còpia
+ RenameCanvia el nom
+ RegEx Rename
+ Move
+ DeleteEsborrar
+ Cover ImageImatge de la coberta
+ MergeCombina
+ NoneCap
+ Use Adobe's MethodUtilitza el mètode d'Adobe
+ Use IDPF's MethodUtilitza el mètode de l'IDPF
+ SortOrdena
+ Renumber TOC EntriesTorna a numerar les entrades de la taula de continguts
+ Link Stylesheets...Enllaça-hi fulls d'estils...
+ Link Javascripts...
+ Add Semantics...Afegeix informació semàntica...
+ Validate with W3CValida amb el W3C
+ Save AsAnomena i desa
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.
+ Rename selected file(s)
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folder
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).
+ Other ApplicationUna altra aplicació
@@ -1779,12 +1779,12 @@ Voleu desar-ne els canvis?
+ Collapse AllRedueix-ho tot
+ Expand AllAmplia-ho tot
@@ -3629,362 +3629,362 @@ mended.
+ AcknowledgementsAgraïments
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Apartat que conté agraïments a les persones o entitats que han participat en la realització de l'obra.
+ AfterwordEpíleg
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Exposició final de l'autor o d'una persona important per a la història on, normalment, s'explica com va ser que la història es va acabar escrivint, la seva rellevància o els fets relacionats que s'han esdevingut des d'aleshores.
+ AppendixApèndix
+ Supplemental information.Informació suplementària.
+ Back MatterSeccions posteriors
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Material auxiliar que es troba després el contingut principal d'una publicació, com ara índexs, annexos, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografia
+ A list of works cited.Llista de les paraules citades.
+ TextText
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Inici del text principal del contingut d'una publicació.
+ ColophonColofó
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Descripció breu, situada normalment al final de la publicació, que descriu les notes de producció rellevants per a l'edició.
+ ConclusionConclusió
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Secció final que, normalment, clausura l'obra.
+ ContributorsContribuïdors
+ A list of contributors to the work.Llista dels contribuïdors de l'obra.
+ Copyright PageCrèdits
+ The copyright page of the work.La pàgina de crèdits de l'obra.
+ CoverCoberta
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.La coberta (o cobertes) de la publicació, informació de la sobrecoberta, etc.
+ DedicationDedicatòria
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Inscripció adreçada a una o més persones particulars.
+ EpilogueEpíleg
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Secció de clausura normalment situada més tard en el temps que la història principal encara que també pertany a la narració.
+ EpigraphEpígraf
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Cita escaient però no essencial per al text.
+ ErrataFe d'errades
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Fe d'errades de la publicació. En obres impreses, usualment és un full solt inserit a mà o, de vegades, enquadernat, amb les correccions de les errades de l'obra.
+ FootnotesNotes al peu
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Grup de notes del peu d'una pàgina.
+ ForewordPrefaci de l'autor
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Secció introductòria que encapçala l'obra; normalment és d'un altre autor.
+ Front MatterPreliminars
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Material preliminar previ al cos de l'obra, com ara taules de continguts, dedicatòries, etc.
+ GlossaryGlossari
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Llista alfabètica dels termes d'una àrea de coneixement concreta amb les seves definicions.
+ Half Title PagePortadella
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Portadella de l'obra amb el títol i prou.
+ ImprimaturImprimàtur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Llicència de l'autoritat eclesiàstica per publicar l'obra.
+ ImprintPeu d'impremta
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Dades relatives a la publicació o a la distribució de l'obra.
+ IndexÍndex
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Llista detallada, normalment en ordre alfabètic, de la informació específica d'una publicació.
+ IntroductionIntroducció
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Secció dels preliminars en què, normalment, es presenta al lector el caràcter o l'abast de l'obra.
+ List of IllustrationsLlista d'il·lustracions
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Llista de les il·lustracions incloses a l'obra.
+ List of Audio ClipsLlista de fragments d'àudio
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Llista dels fragments d'àudio inclosos a l'obra.
+ List of TablesLlista de taules
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Llista de les taules incloses a l'obra.
+ List of Video ClipsLlista de fragments de vídeo
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Llista dels fragments de vídeo inclosos a l'obra
+ NotesNotes
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Recull de notes. Es pot usar per identificar notes al peu, finals, marginals, en línia i similars quan no es vol usar les convencions de nomenclatura formals. Estat: Obsolet - Reemplaçat per: 'notes al peu', 'notes finals'
+ Other CreditsAltres crèdits
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Agraïments de fragments de l'obra publicats anteriorment, crèdits de les il·lustracions i permís per citar obres amb drets d'autor vigents.
+ PreamblePreàmbul
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentSecció dels preliminars que, normalment, conté un text introductori que tracta del caràcter o l'abast de l'obra.
+ PrefacePrefaci
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Secció introductòria que encapçala l'obra; normalment del mateix autor.
+ ProloguePròleg
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Secció introductòria que estableix el rerefons d'una història; normalment, és part de la narració.
+ Rear NotesNotes finals
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Recull de notes que figuren al final de tot (a la secció posterior) de l'obra o al final d'una secció qualsevol.
+ Title PagePortada
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Pàgina del plec inicial del llibre amb el títol, l'autor, l'editor i altres informacions de la publicació.
+ Table of ContentsTaula de continguts
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Taula de continguts. Llista dels apartats o seccions del llibre o del document organitzada per ordre d'aparició. Usualment, es troba als preliminars de l'obra o encapçalant una secció.
@@ -4216,67 +4216,67 @@ podeu activar-les o desactivar-les individualment a la llista de dalt.Mida de la miniatura:
+ NameNom
+ File Size (KB)Mida del fitxer (kB)
+ Times UsedVegades que s'utilitza
+ WidthAmplada
+ HeightAlçada
+ PixelsPíxels
+ ColorColor
+ ImageImatge
+ %n file(s)
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileDesa un informe com a fitxer de text separat per comes
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.No es pot desar el fitxer d'informe.
+ Delete From BookEsborra del llibre
@@ -4674,482 +4674,482 @@ Voleu desar els canvis?
+ AcknowledgmentsAgraïments
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Apartat que conté agraïments a les persones o entitats que han participat en la realització de l'obra.
+ AfterwordEpíleg
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Exposició final de l'autor o d'una persona important per a la història on, normalment, s'explica com va ser que la història es va acabar escrivint, la seva rellevància o els fets relacionats que s'han esdevingut des d'aleshores.
+ AnnotationNota d'aclariment
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedExplicació que aclareix algun episodi de l'obra. Estat: Obsolet
+ AppendixApèndix
+ Supplemental information.Informació suplementària.
+ AssessmentAvaluació
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Examen, prova o una altra activitat que permet mesurar el grau de comprensió d'un estudiant sobre la lliçó.
+ Back MatterSeccions posteriors
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Material auxiliar que es troba després el contingut principal d'una publicació, com ara índexs, annexos, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografia
+ A list of works cited.Llista de les paraules citades.
+ Body MatterCos de l'obra
+ The main content of a publication.El contingut principal d'una publicació.
+ ChapterCapítol
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Divisió amb certa unitat de contingut d'una obra escrita.
+ ColophonColofó
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Descripció breu, situada normalment al final de la publicació, que descriu les notes de producció rellevants per a l'edició.
+ ConclusionConclusió
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Secció final que, normalment, clausura l'obra.
+ ContributorsContribuïdors
+ A list of contributors to the work.Llista dels contribuïdors de l'obra.
+ Copyright PageCrèdits
+ The copyright page of the work.La pàgina de crèdits de l'obra.
+ CoverCoberta
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.La coberta (o cobertes) de la publicació, informació de la sobrecoberta, etc.
+ DedicationDedicatòria
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Inscripció adreçada a una o més persones particulars.
+ DivisionTítol
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Subdivisió d’un codi, d’un reglament, etc., que tracta d’una matèria determinada (especialment en legislació).
+ EpigraphEpígraf
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Cita escaient però no essencial per al text.
+ EpilogueEpíleg
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Secció de clausura normalment situada més tard en el temps que la història principal encara que també pertany a la narració.
+ ErrataFe d'errades
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Fe d'errades de la publicació. En obres impreses, usualment és un full solt inserit a mà o, de vegades, enquadernat, amb les correccions de les errades de l'obra.
+ FootnotesNotes al peu
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Grup de notes del peu d'una pàgina.
+ ForewordPrefaci de l'autor
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Secció introductòria que encapçala l'obra; normalment és d'un altre autor.
+ Front MatterPreliminars
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Material preliminar previ al cos de l'obra, com ara taules de continguts, dedicatòries, etc.
+ GlossaryGlossari
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Llista alfabètica dels termes d'una àrea de coneixement concreta amb les seves definicions.
+ Half Title PagePortadella
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Portadella de l'obra amb el títol i prou.
+ ImprimaturImprimàtur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Llicència de l'autoritat eclesiàstica per publicar l'obra.
+ ImprintPeu d'impremta
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Dades relatives a la publicació o a la distribució de l'obra.
+ IndexÍndex
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Llista detallada, normalment en ordre alfabètic, de la informació específica d'una publicació.
+ IntroductionIntroducció
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Secció dels preliminars en què, normalment, es presenta al lector el caràcter o l'abast de l'obra.
+ LandmarksFites
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationRecull de referències a episodis molt coneguts o recurrents d'una publicació.
+ List of Audio ClipsLlista de fragments d'àudio
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Llista dels fragments d'àudio inclosos a l'obra.
+ List of IllustrationsLlista d'il·lustracions
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Llista de les il·lustracions incloses a l'obra.
+ List of TablesLlista de taules
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Llista de les taules incloses a l'obra.
+ List of Video ClipsLlista de fragments de vídeo
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Llista dels fragments de vídeo inclosos a l'obra
+ NoticeAvís
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Informació que demana una atenció especial i que no s'ha d'ignorar ni suprimir. Alguns exemples: alerta, avís, precaució, perill, important.
+ Other CreditsAltres crèdits
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Agraïments de fragments de l'obra publicats anteriorment, crèdits de les il·lustracions i permís per citar obres amb drets d'autor vigents.
+ Page ListLlista de pàgines
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookLlista de referències a salt de pàgina (punts d'inici) de la versió impresa d'un llibre electrònic.
+ PartPart
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Divisió estructural d'una obra escrita que, normalment, agrupa un conjunt de capítols relacionats entre sí.
+ PreamblePreàmbul
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentSecció dels preliminars que, normalment, conté un text introductori que tracta del caràcter o l'abast de l'obra.
+ PrefacePrefaci
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Secció introductòria que encapçala l'obra; normalment del mateix autor.
+ ProloguePròleg
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Secció introductòria que estableix el rerefons d'una història; normalment, és part de la narració.
+ Questions and AnswersPreguntes i respostes
+ A question and answer section.Secció de preguntes i respostes.
+ Rear NotesNotes finals
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Recull de notes que figuren al final de tot (a la secció posterior) de l'obra o al final d'una secció qualsevol.
+ Revision HistoryHistorial de revisions
+ A record of changes made to a work.Registre dels canvis fets a l'obra.
+ SubchapterSubcapítol
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Subdivisió major d'un capítol.
+ Title PagePortada
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Pàgina del plec inicial del llibre amb el títol, l'autor, l'editor i altres informacions de la publicació.
+ Table of ContentsTaula de continguts
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Taula de continguts. Llista dels apartats o seccions del llibre o del document organitzada per ordre d'aparició. Usualment, es troba als preliminars de l'obra o encapçalant una secció.
+ VolumeVolum
+ A component of a collection.Element d'un recull.
+ WarningAvís
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Avís o alerta sobre un material concret. Estat: obsolet - Reemplaçat per 'avís'.
@@ -8445,13 +8445,12 @@ La llista estableix els fulls d'estil amb prioritat decreixent.
- Plugins
- Connectors
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8470,6 +8469,11 @@ La llista estableix els fulls d'estil amb prioritat decreixent.Add Existing
+ Checkpoints
+ Index
@@ -10833,6 +10837,31 @@ La llista estableix els fulls d'estil amb prioritat decreixent.Show Log of Checkpoints
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10947,37 +10976,37 @@ La llista estableix els fulls d'estil amb prioritat decreixent.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -10997,17 +11026,17 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - EPUB%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]
@@ -11255,357 +11284,357 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
La imatge no existeix:
+ or
+ No CSS styles namedNo hi ha cap estil CSS anomenat
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>L'href <b>%1</b> trobat en <b>%2</b> no existeix (hi poden haver-hi més). La divisió o fusió sota aquestes condicions pot donar lloc a enllaços trencats.</p><p>Encara voleu continuar?</p></html>
+ Add CoverAfegeix una coberta
+ An existing Cover file has been found.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Hi ha hagut un error. Per a la coberta, només es poden fer servir fitxers d'imatge.
+ Cover added.S'ha afegit la coberta.
+ Not Available for epub2.No disponible per a l'EPUB2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.S'han actualitzat les propietats del manifest OPF.
+ NCX and Guide removed.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.
+ NCX and Guide generated.
+ An existing Index file has been found.
+ Styles deleted.S'han esborrat els estils.
+ Reports Being Generated.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.S'han cancel·lat els informes ja que l'XML és mal format.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.S'ha cancel·lat la supressió de fitxers multimèdia sense utilitzar ja que l'XML és mal format.
+ Unused media files deleted.S'han suprimit els fitxers multimèdia no utilitzats.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.No hi ha cap imatge, vídeo o fitxer d'àudio sense utilitzar.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Esborra els fulls d'estil sense utilitzar cancel·lats per tenir l'XML mal format.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.No es pot inserir un fitxer en aquesta posició.
+ Insert FileInsereix un fitxer
+ The file "%1" does not exist.El fitxer «%1» no existeix.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.No es pot inserir un identificador en aquesta posició.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .L'identificador no és vàlid; ha de començar amb una lletra seguida de lletre, números _ : o .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.No es pot inserir un enllaç en aquesta posició
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'L'enllaç no és correcte; no ha de tenir «<» ni «>»
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.No es pot marcar un índex en aquesta posició o sense seleccionar text.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'L'entrada no és correcta; no ha de tenir «<» ni «>»
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.No es pot marcar un índex en aquesta posició.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Seleccioneu una destinació per enganxar-hi a dins.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.S'ha enganxat l'entrada de retall %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Hi ha un recurs seleccionat i cap recurs previ per combinar-lo dins seu.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Esteu segur que voleu combinar els fitxers seleccionats?
Aquesta acció no es pot desfer.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.
+ Cannot merge file %1No es pot combinar el fitxer %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.S'ha completat la combinació. Si cal, editeu o tornau a generar la taula de continguts.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.S'ha cancel·lat l'enllaç amb el full d'estil %1 ja que l'XML no és ben format.
+ Word updated.S'ha actualitzat la paraula.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.
+ File(s) deleted.S'han esborrat els fitxers.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.S'ha cancel·lat l'edició de la taula de continguts.
+ Table Of Contents edited.S'ha editat la taula de contonguts.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.S'ha cancel·lat la generació de la taula de continguts.
+ Table Of Contents generated.S'ha generat la taula de continguts.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.No cal fer canvis a la taula de continguts.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.
+ Text selection marked.S'ha marcat el text seleccionat.
+ Text selection unmarked.S'ha desmarcat el text seleccionat.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.S'ha cancel·lat l'editor de metadades.
+ Metadata edited.S'han editat les metadades.
+ RunPlugin
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Aquest EPUB no conté cap full d'estil CSS per validar.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Línia %1 - Columna %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.El fitxer no es pot dividir en aquesta posició.
+ Split completed.S'ha completat la divisió.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.No es po dividir ja que un dels fitxers, com a mínim, no és HTML.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedNo es pot dividir %1 ja que l'XML no és ben format
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.No es pot dividir ja que un dels fitxers, com a mínim, potser no és HTML.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.S'ha completat la divisió. Si cal, actualitzau la taula de continguts.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.No s'ha trobat cap marcador de divisió de fitxer.
Utilizeu l'ordre «Marcador de divisió» del menú «Insereix».
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?El document s'ha modificat.
Voleu desar-ne els canvis?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?
+ No importer for file type: %1No es poden importar els fitxers de tipus %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11618,111 +11647,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Proveu de canviar les preferències de netedat del codi triant l'opció «Repara el codi font XHTML en obrir» i torneu a carregat el fitxer.
+ Loading file...S'està carregant el fitxer...
+ File loaded.S'ha carregat el fitxer.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.El creador d'aquest fitxer l'ha encriptat amb DRM. El Sigil no pot obrir aquests fitxers.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1No es pot carregar l'EPUB %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2No es pot carregar el fitxer %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...S'està desant l'EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.El Sigil no pot desar fitxers del tipus «%1».
Trieu un altre format.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.S'ha desat l'EPUB, però no tots els fitxers HTML són ben formats.
+ EPUB saved.S'ha desat l'EPUB.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2No es pot desar el fitxer %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)Fitxers EPUB (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)Fitxers HTML (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Fitxers de text (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Tots els fitxers (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)Fitxer EPUB (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Conservació d'atributs d'encapçalament:
+ ONActiu
+ OFFInactiu
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15575,12 +15634,12 @@ El fet que no s'indiqui cap dret no vol dir que la publicació no en tingui
+ [Title here]
+ [Main title here]
@@ -16209,128 +16268,128 @@ El fet que no s'indiqui cap dret no vol dir que la publicació no en tingui
+ Launcher process crashedEl procés d'execució ha sofert un error
+ Status: finishedEstat: finalitzat
+ Status: failedEstat: ha fallat
+ Status: No Changes MadeEstat: No s'ha fet cap canvi
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesError: El connector a intentat eliminar l'últim fitxer XHTML ... s'estan interrompent els canvis
+ Status:
+ Plugin failed to startEl connector ha fallat en inicialitzar-se
+ Status: errorEstat: error
+ Plugin cancelledConnector cancel·lat
+ Status: cancelledEstat: cancel·lat
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Error d'anàlisi XML:
+ Status: checking
+ Incorrect XHTML:
+ Line/Col
+ Check ReportComproveu l'informe
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?S'ha detectat XHTML/XML incorrecte
Esteu segur de voler continuar?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesEstat: netejant - s'està eliminant fitxers
+ Status: deleting
+ Status: Loading
+ Input PluginEntrada del connector
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedEl vostre llibre serà reemplaçat perdent qualsevol canvi no desat ... Esteu segur que voleu procedir
+ Status: adding
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesEstat: netejant - s'està modificant fitxers
+ Status: modifying
@@ -16607,43 +16666,43 @@ Podeu separar les entitats amb línies, comes o espais.
+ PreviewPrevisualització
+ Inspect Page
+ Select-All
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoard
+ Update Preview Window
+ Cycle Custom CSS Files
+ Print Preview View
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.x
@@ -16803,7 +16862,7 @@ Línia %1 - Columna %2 - %3
El fitxer OPF no conté cap fitxer NCX.
+ Adding Existing Files..S'estan afegint els fitxers...
@@ -16833,19 +16892,19 @@ Línia %1 - Columna %2 - %3
<p>Hi ha una nova versió del Sigil disponible, versió <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Voleu anar a la pàgina de descàrregues?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.No es pot llegir el fitxer %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.El Sigil ha tingut un problema.
+ Sigil may need to close.
@@ -16871,28 +16930,28 @@ Línia %1 - Columna %2 - %3
El fitxer NCX no és correcte: %1
+ Quit
+ AboutQuant al Sigil
+ PreferencesPreferències
+ NewNou
+ Openobrir
@@ -18976,32 +19035,32 @@ des del vostre ordinador i s'inserirà automàticament al document.Àudio
+ Files In the BookFitxers del llibre
+ ThumbnailsMiniatures
+ shadesnivells
+ colorscolors
+ GrayscaleEscala de grisos
+ ColorColor
@@ -19584,17 +19643,17 @@ ortogràfica és oberta.
Taula de continguts
+ The file "%1" does not exist.El fitxer «%1» no existeix.
+ Collapse AllRedueix-ho tot
+ Expand AllAmplia-ho tot
@@ -19610,12 +19669,12 @@ ortogràfica és oberta.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_cs.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_cs.ts
index a158621326..a0a7e39f33 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_cs.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_cs.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ pokud je ve vašem CSS stanovena rodina bezpatkového písma
+ Open WithOtevřít s
+ %n file(s)%n soubor%n soubory%n souborů%n souborů
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Opravdu chcete třídit vybrané soubory alfanumericky?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Tento krok nelze vrátit zpět.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Soubor "%1" neexistuje.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Javascript není EPUB 2 podporován.
+ Add Existing FilesPřidat stávající soubory
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ pokud je ve vašem CSS stanovena rodina bezpatkového písma
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ pokud je ve vašem CSS stanovena rodina bezpatkového písma
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
Nahradit jej?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Nelze smazat nebo nahradit soubor "%1".
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Soubor s tímto názvem již v knize je.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ Soubor s tímto názvem již v knize je.
+ File(s) added or replaced.Soubor(y) byl přidán nebo nahrazen.
+ Save As FileUložit jako soubor
+ Unable to save the file.Nelze uložit soubor.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toVyberte adresář, do něhož se mají soubory ukládat
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Jeden nebo více souborů již existuje. Přepsat je?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Nelze uložit soubory. Cíl může být adresář.
+ Unable to save files.Nelze uložit soubory.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Soubory nelze přejmenovat, protože by to vedlo ke zdvojeným souborovým názvům.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"Cílová složka má neplatnou cestu "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Soubory nelze přesunout, protože by to vedlo ke zdvojeným souborovým názvům.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Dokument nemohl být odstraněn.
+ The NCX can not be removed.NCX nelze odstranit.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.Pro EPUB je požadován OPF a nelze jej odstranit.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Nemůžete odstranit všechny soubory html.
Vždy tu musí být alespoň jeden.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Nelze nastavit soubor jako obrázek obalu.
+ Select AllVybrat vše
+ Add Blank HTML FilePřidat prázdný soubor HTML
+ Add Blank StylesheetPřidat prázdný stylový list
+ Add Blank JavascriptPřidat prázdný Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG ImagePřidat prázdný obrázek SVG
+ Add Existing Files...Přidat stávající soubory...
+ Add CopyPřidat kopii
+ RenamePřejmenovat
+ RegEx RenamePřejmenování pomocí regulárního výrazu
+ MovePřesunout
+ DeleteSmazat
+ Cover ImageObrázek obalu
+ MergeSloučit
+ NoneŽádný
+ Use Adobe's MethodPoužít způsob Adobe
+ Use IDPF's MethodPoužít způsob IDPF
+ SortTřídit
+ Renumber TOC EntriesPřečíslovat položky obsahu
+ Link Stylesheets...Propojit stylové listy...
+ Link Javascripts...Odkaz na Javascripty...
+ Add Semantics...Přidat význam...
+ Validate with W3CSchválit pomocí W3C
+ Save AsUložit jako
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Sloučit s předchozím souborem nebo sloučit více souborů do jednoho.
+ Rename selected file(s)Přejmenovat vybrané soubory
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Použít regulární výrazy pro přejmenování vybraného souboru(ů)
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderPřesunout vybraný soubor(y) do nové složky
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Propojit stylové listy s vybraným(i) souborem(y).
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Propojit Javascripty s vybraným(i) souborem(y).
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Přidat sémantiku do vybraného(ých) souboru(ů).
+ Other ApplicationJiný program
@@ -1779,12 +1779,12 @@ Chcete uložit své změny?
+ Collapse AllSbalit vše
+ Expand AllRozbalit vše
@@ -3636,362 +3636,362 @@ opraven.
+ AcknowledgementsPoděkování
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Pasáž obsahující poděkování lidem zúčastněným na uskutečnění díla.
+ AfterwordDoslov
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Závěrečná výpověď autora nebo osoby s významem pro příběh, obyčejně poskytující vhled do toho, jak došlo k tomu, že byl příběh napsán, poučení o jeho významu, nebo do souvisejících události, které poté vyšly najevo.
+ AppendixDodatek
+ Supplemental information.Dodatečné údaje.
+ Back Matter
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografie
+ A list of works cited.Seznam citovaných prací
+ TextText
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Začátek hlavního textového obsahu knihy.
+ ColophonTiráž
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Krátký popis obyčejně umístěný na konci knihy. Přináší výrobní poznámky týkající se vydání.
+ ConclusionZávěr
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Konečná část, která zakončuje práci.
+ ContributorsPřispěvatelé
+ A list of contributors to the work.Seznam přispěvatelů práce.
+ Copyright PageStránka s autorskými právy
+ The copyright page of the work.Stránka s autorskými právy k dílu.
+ CoverObal
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Obal publikace, informace na přebalu atd.
+ DedicationVěnování
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Věnování (přípis) adresovaný jedné nebo několika zvláštním osobám.
+ EpilogueDoslov
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Závěrečná část, která je obyčejně napsána později než hlavní příběh, ačkoli je pořád součástí vyprávění.
+ EpigraphEpigraf
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Citát, který se vztahuje k textu, ale není jeho nedílnou součástí.
+ ErrataSeznam omylů a chyb
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Seznam omylů a chyb, v tištěné knize obvykle ručně vložený volný list; někdy vázaná stránka obsahující opravy omylů v práci.
+ FootnotesPoznámky pod čarou
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Soubor poznámek objevujících se na straně dole.
+ ForewordPředmluva
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Úvodní část, která předchází práci. Obvykle ji nepíše autor práce.
+ Front Matter
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.
+ GlossarySlovníček
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Abecední seznam odborných názvů ve zvláštním znalostním oboru s vysvětlením těchto pojmů.
+ Half Title PageStránka s předtitulem
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Stránka s předtitulem práce, která přináší jen samotný název.
+ ImprimaturSvolení
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Formální prohlášení o dání svolení k vydání práce.
+ ImprintTiráž
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Údaje týkající se vydání nebo šíření práce.
+ IndexRejstřík
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Podrobný seznam určitých údajů v knize, obyčejně uspořádaný abecedně.
+ IntroductionPředmluva
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Část na začátku díla, obvykle seznamující čtenáře se záběrem nebo povahou obsahu práce.
+ List of IllustrationsSeznam kreseb
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Seznam ilustrací obsažených v práci.
+ List of Audio ClipsSeznam zvukových záznamů
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Výčet zvukových záznamů obsažených v práci.
+ List of TablesSeznam tabulek
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Seznam tabulek obsažených v práci.
+ List of Video ClipsSeznam obrazových záznamů
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Výčet obrazových záznamů obsažených v práci.
+ NotesPoznámky
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Seznam poznámek. Lze použít k vyčlenění poznámek pod čarou, poznámek na konci, poznámek na okraji, propojených poznámek a podobně, když sejsou požadovány přesnější údaje. Stav: Zastaralé - Nahrazeno poznámkami pod čarou a poznámkami na konci.
+ Other CreditsJiné zásluhy
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Poděkování za dříve vydané části práce, zásluhy za kresby a svolení k citaci materiálu chráněného autorským právem.
+ PreambleÚvod
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentČást na začátku díla, obvykle obsahující úvodní a/nebo vysvětlující, objasňující text týkající se záběru nebo povahy obsahu práce.
+ PrefaceÚvod
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Úvodní část, která předchází vlastní práci. Obvykle ji píše autor práce.
+ PrologueÚvodní slovo
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Úvodní kapitola seznamující s pozadím příběhu. Obyčejně je částí vyprávění.
+ Rear NotesPoznámky na konci
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Soubor poznámek objevujících se na konci práce (koncové strany knihy), nebo na konci kapitoly.
+ Title PageTitulní strana
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Strana na začátku knihy udávající její název, autory, vydavatele a další údaje o spisu.
+ Table of ContentsObsah
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Obsah, což je seznam nadpisů nebo dílů knihy nebo dokumentu, uspořádaný v pořadí, v němž se objevují. Obvykle se nachází na úvodní/titulní stránce díla, nebo na začátku jeho části.
@@ -4223,67 +4223,67 @@ Pak můžete označit nebo zrušit označení jednotlivých nadpisů v seznamu v
Velikost náhledu:
+ NameNázev
+ File Size (KB)Velikost souboru (KB)
+ Times UsedPoužito
+ WidthŠířka
+ HeightVýška
+ PixelsPixely
+ ColorBarva
+ ImageObrázek
+ %n file(s)%n soubor%n soubory%n souborů%n souborů
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileUložit zprávu jako čárkou oddělený soubor
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Nelze uložit soubor se zprávou.
+ Delete From BookSmazat v knize
@@ -4682,482 +4682,482 @@ Chcete uložit své změny?
+ AcknowledgmentsPoděkování
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Pasáž obsahující poděkování lidem zúčastněným na uskutečnění díla.
+ AfterwordDoslov
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Závěrečná výpověď autora nebo osoby s významem pro příběh, obyčejně poskytující vhled do toho, jak došlo k tomu, že byl příběh napsán, poučení o jeho významu, nebo do souvisejících události, které poté vyšly najevo.
+ AnnotationVysvětlivka
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedVysvětlení úryvků práce. Stav: Zastaralé.
+ AppendixDodatek
+ Supplemental information.Dodatečné údaje.
+ AssessmentOhodnocení
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Zkouška, vědomostní soutěž nebo jiná činnost, která napomáhá změření žákova porozumění učivu.
+ Back Matter
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografie
+ A list of works cited.Seznam citovaných prací.
+ Body Matter
+ The main content of a publication.Hlavní obsah knihy.
+ ChapterKapitola
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Hlavní stavební rozdělení spisu.
+ ColophonTiráž
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Krátký popis obyčejně umístěný na konci knihy. Přináší výrobní poznámky týkající se vydání.
+ ConclusionZávěr
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Konečná část, která zakončuje práci.
+ ContributorsPřispěvatelé
+ A list of contributors to the work.Seznam přispěvatelů práce.
+ Copyright PageStránka s autorskými právy
+ The copyright page of the work.Stránka s autorskými právy k dílu.
+ CoverObal
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Obal knihy, informace na přebalu atd.
+ DedicationVěnování
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Věnování (přípis) adresovaný jedné nebo několika zvláštním osobám.
+ DivisionRozdělení
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Hlavní stavební rozdělení, které se může objevit i jako základní stavba části (zejména ve vydaných zákonech).
+ EpigraphEpigraf
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Citát, který se vztahuje k textu, ale není jeho nedílnou součástí.
+ EpilogueDoslov
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Závěrečná část, která je obyčejně napsána později než hlavní příběh, ačkoli je pořád součástí vyprávění.
+ ErrataSeznam omylů a chyb
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Seznam omylů a chyb, v tištěné knize obvykle ručně vložený volný list; někdy vázaná stránka obsahující opravy omylů v práci.
+ FootnotesPoznámky pod čarou
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Soubor poznámek objevujících se na straně dole.
+ ForewordPředmluva
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Úvodní část, která předchází práci. Obvykle ji nepíše autor práce.
+ Front Matter
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.
+ GlossarySlovníček
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Abecední seznam odborných názvů ve zvláštním znalostním oboru s vysvětlením těchto pojmů.
+ Half Title PageStránka s předtitulem
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Stránka s předtitulem práce, která přináší jen samotný název.
+ ImprimaturSvolení
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Formální prohlášení o dání svolení k vydání práce.
+ ImprintTiráž
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Údaje týkající se vydání nebo šíření práce.
+ IndexRejstřík
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Podrobný seznam určitých údajů v knize, obyčejně uspořádaný abecedně.
+ IntroductionPředmluva
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Část na začátku díla, obvykle seznamující čtenáře se záběrem nebo povahou obsahu práce.
+ LandmarksMezníky
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publication
+ List of Audio ClipsSeznam zvukových záznamů
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Výčet zvukových záznamů obsažených v práci.
+ List of IllustrationsSeznam kreseb
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Seznam ilustrací obsažených v práci.
+ List of TablesSeznam tabulek
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Seznam tabulek obsažených v práci.
+ List of Video ClipsSeznam obrazových záznamů
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Výčet obrazových záznamů obsažených v práci.
+ NoticeUpozornění
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.
+ Other CreditsJiné zásluhy
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Poděkování za dříve vydané části práce, zásluhy za kresby a svolení k citaci materiálu chráněného autorským právem.
+ Page ListSeznam stran
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookSeznam odkazů na stránky (jejich začátky) v tištěné verzi elektronické knihy
+ PartČást
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.
+ PreambleÚvod
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentČást na začátku díla, obvykle obsahující úvodní a/nebo vysvětlující, objasňující text týkající se záběru nebo povahy obsahu práce.
+ PrefaceÚvod
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Úvodní část, která předchází vlastní práci. Obvykle ji píše autor práce.
+ PrologueÚvodní slovo
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Úvodní kapitola seznamující s pozadím příběhu. Obyčejně je částí vyprávění.
+ Questions and AnswersOtázky a odpovědi
+ A question and answer section.Kapitola s otázkami a odpověďmi
+ Rear NotesPoznámky na konci
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Soubor poznámek objevujících se na konci práce (koncové strany knihy), nebo na konci kapitoly.
+ Revision HistoryHistorie změn
+ A record of changes made to a work.Záznam změn udělaných v práci.
+ SubchapterPodkapitola
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Hlavní podrozdělení kapitoly.
+ Title PageTitulní strana
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Strana na začátku knihy udávající její název, autory, vydavatele a další údaje o knize.
+ Table of ContentsObsah
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Obsah, což je seznam nadpisů nebo dílů knihy nebo dokumentu, uspořádaný v pořadí, v němž se objevují. Obvykle se nachází na úvodní/titulní stránce díla, nebo na začátku jeho části.
+ VolumeSvazek
+ A component of a collection.Součást sbírky.
+ WarningVarování
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.
@@ -8455,13 +8455,12 @@ Stylové listy, které jsou uvedeny jako první, mají přednost před pozdějš
- Plugins
- Přídavné moduly
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8480,6 +8479,11 @@ Stylové listy, které jsou uvedeny jako první, mají přednost před pozdějš
Add Existing
+ Checkpoints
+ Index
@@ -10846,6 +10850,31 @@ Stylové listy, které jsou uvedeny jako první, mají přednost před pozdějš
Show Log of Checkpoints
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10960,37 +10989,37 @@ Stylové listy, které jsou uvedeny jako první, mají přednost před pozdějš
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11011,17 +11040,17 @@ Tento krok nelze vrátit zpět.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]
@@ -11270,356 +11299,356 @@ Tento krok nelze vrátit zpět.
Obrázek neexistuje:
+ ornebo
+ No CSS styles namedŽádné pojmenované styly CSS
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.nalezeno, nebo není stylový list propojen.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html>
+ Add CoverPřidat obal
+ An existing Cover file has been found.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Neočekávaná chyba. Pro obal lze použít pouze obrázkové soubory.
+ Cover added.Obal přidán.
+ Not Available for epub2.Nedostupné pro EPUB 2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.Vlastnosti manifestu OPF aktualizovány.
+ NCX and Guide removed.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.
+ NCX and Guide generated.
+ An existing Index file has been found.
+ Styles deleted.Styly smazány.
+ Reports Being Generated.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Zprávy zrušeny kvůli nedobře utvořenému XML.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Smazání nepoužívaných multimediálních souborů zrušeno kvůli nedobře utvořenému XML.
+ Unused media files deleted.Nepoužívané multimediální soubory smazány.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Nejsou žádné nepoužívané obrázky, obrazové nebo zvukové záznamy ke smazání.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Smazání nepoužívaných stylů zrušeno kvůli nedobře utvořenému XML.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Nemůžete vložit soubor v této poloze.
+ Insert FileVložit soubor
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Soubor "%1" neexistuje.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Nemůžete vložit ID v této poloze.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ID je neplatné - musí začínat písmenem, následováno číslem písmene _ : - nebo .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Nemůžete vložit odkaz v této poloze.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Odkaz je neplatný - nemůže obsahovat '<' nebo '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Nemůžete označit rejstřík v této poloze nebo bez vybrání textu.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Položka je neplatná - nemůže obsahovat '<' nebo '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Nemůžete označit rejstřík v této poloze.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Vyberte cíl, do kterého vkládat nejprve.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Vložena položka úryvku %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Jeden zdroj byl vybrán, ale není tu předchozí zdroj, se kterým by se sloučil.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Jste si jistý, že chcete sloučit vybrané soubory?
Tento krok nelze vrátit zpět.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.
+ Cannot merge file %1Nelze sloučit soubor %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Sloučení dokončeno. Možná bude potřeba vytvořit obsah znovu nebo jej upravit.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Odkazování stylových listů zrušeno: %1, XML není dobře utvořen.
+ Word updated.Slovo aktualizováno.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.
+ File(s) deleted.Soubor(y) smazán.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Upravení obsahu zrušeno.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Obsah upraven.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Vytvoření obsahu zrušeno.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Obsah vytvořen.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Nebyly nutné žádné změny obsahu.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.
+ Text selection marked.Výběr textu označen.
+ Text selection unmarked.Výběr textu odznačen.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Editor popisu zrušen.
+ Metadata edited.Popisná data upravena.
+ RunPluginSpustit přídavný modul
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Tento EPUB neobsahuje žádné stylové listy ke schválení.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Řádek: %1, sloupec: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Soubor nelze v tomto místě rozdělit.
+ Split completed.Rozdělení dokončeno.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Nelze rozdělit, protože alespoň jeden soubor není souborem HTML.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedNelze rozdělit: %1 XML není dobře utvořen
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Nelze rozdělit, protože alespoň jeden soubor nemusí být souborem HTML.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Rozdělení dokončeno. Možná bude potřeba obnovit obsah.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Nenalezeny žádné značky pro rozdělení souboru. Použijte Vložka->Značka pro rozdělení.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Dokument byl změněn.
Chcete uložit své změny?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?
+ No importer for file type: %1Žádný zavaděč pro souborový typ: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11632,111 +11661,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Pokuste se nastavit nastavení pro uklizení zdroje na Spravit zdrojový kód XHTML při otevření a soubor nahrát znovu.
+ Loading file...Nahrává se soubor...
+ File loaded.Soubor nahrán.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.Tvůrce tohoto souboru jej zašifroval DRM. Sigil takové soubory otevřít nedokáže.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Nelze nahrát EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Nelze nahrát soubor %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Ukládá se EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil nedokáže ukládat soubory typu "%1".
Vyberte, prosím, jiný formát.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB uložen, ale ne všechny soubory HTML jsou utvořeny dobře.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB uložen.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Nelze uložit soubor %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)Soubory EPUB (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)Soubory HTML (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Textové soubory (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Všechny soubory (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)Soubor EPUB (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Zachování stávajících vlastností nadpisů je nyní:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15583,12 +15642,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][Název]
+ [Main title here][Hlavní název]
@@ -16217,128 +16276,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Stav: Běží
+ Launcher process crashedProces spouštěče se zhroutil.
+ Status: finishedStav: Dokončeno
+ Status: failedStav: Nepodařilo se
+ Status: No Changes MadeStav: Neprovedeny žádné změny
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesChyba: Přídavný modul se pokusil odstranit poslední soubor XHTML. Ruší se změny
+ Status:Stav:
+ Plugin failed to startPřídavný modul se nepodařilo spustit
+ Status: errorStav: Chyba
+ Plugin cancelledPřídavný modul zrušen
+ Status: cancelledStav: zrušeno
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Chyba při zpracování výsledného XML:
+ Status: checkingStav: Ověřuje se
+ Incorrect XHTML:Nesprávné XHTML:
+ Line/ColŘádek/Sloupec
+ Check ReportZpráva o kontrole
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Zjištěn nesprávný XHTML/XML
Jste si jistý, že chcete pokračovat?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesStav: Uklízí se. Mažou se soubory
+ Status: deletingStav: Maže se
+ Status: LoadingStav: Nahrává se
+ Input PluginZadat přídavný modul
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedVaše nynější kniha bude zcela nahrazena. Budou ztraceny všechny neuložené změny. Jste si jistý, že chcete pokračovat?
+ Status: addingStav: Přidává se
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesStav: Uklízí se. Mění se soubory
+ Status: modifyingStav: Mění se
@@ -16615,43 +16674,43 @@ Entity mohou být oddělena řádky, čárkami, nebo mezerami.
+ PreviewNáhled
+ Inspect Page
+ Select-All
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoard
+ Update Preview Window
+ Cycle Custom CSS Files
+ Print Preview View
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xFunkce není dostupná před verzí Qt5.12.x
@@ -16811,7 +16870,7 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
Soubor OPF neobsahuje soubor NCX.
+ Adding Existing Files..Přidávají se stávající soubory...
@@ -16841,19 +16900,19 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
<p>Je dostupná novější verze programu Sigil, verze <b>%1</b>.</p><p>Chcete přejít na stránku pro stahování?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Nelze přečíst soubor %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil se potkal s potížemi.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil může potřebovat zavřít.
@@ -16879,28 +16938,28 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
Neplatný soubor NCX: %1
+ QuitUkončit
+ AboutO programu
+ PreferencesNastavení
+ NewNový
+ OpenOtevřít
@@ -18981,32 +19040,32 @@ se mají přidat do vaší knihy a automaticky vložit do vašeho dokumentu.Zvuk
+ Files In the BookSoubory v knize
+ ThumbnailsNáhledy
+ shadesOdstíny
+ colorsBarvy
+ GrayscaleStupnice šedi
+ ColorBarva
@@ -19589,17 +19648,17 @@ Použijte v případě, že upravujete jakékoli soubory HTML, když je otevřen
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Soubor "%1" neexistuje.
+ Collapse AllSbalit vše
+ Expand AllRozbalit vše
@@ -19615,12 +19674,12 @@ Použijte v případě, že upravujete jakékoli soubory HTML, když je otevřen
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_da_DK.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_da_DK.ts
index 9365027c56..1ff847e95b 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_da_DK.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_da_DK.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ hvis en sans-serif-font er angivet i CSS-filen
+ Open WithÅbn med
+ %n file(s)%n fil%n filer
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Er du sikker på, at du vil sortere de valgte filer alfanumerisk?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Denne handling kan ikke fortrydes.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Filen "%1" findes ikke.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Javascript er ikke understøttet i EPUB 2.
+ Add Existing FilesTilføj eksisterende filer
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ hvis en sans-serif-font er angivet i CSS-filen
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ hvis en sans-serif-font er angivet i CSS-filen
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
OK for at erstatte?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Kan ikke slette eller erstatte filen "%1".
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,242 +970,242 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
En fil med dette navn findes allerede i bogen.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1Den følgende fil(filer) blev ikke hentet på grund af ugyldigt indhold eller ikke valid XML:⏎ ⏎ %1
+ File(s) added or replaced.File(r) tilføjet eller erstattet.
+ Save As FileGem som fil
+ Unable to save the file.Kan ikke gemme filen.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toVælg den mappe til at gemme filerne i
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?En eller flere filer findes allerede. OK at overskrive?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Kan ikke gemme filer. Destinationen kan være en mappe.
+ Unable to save files.Kan ikke gemme filer.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Kan ikke omdøbe filer, da dette ville resultere i dobbelte filnavne.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"Stien til destinationsmappe er ugyldig "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Kan ikke flytte filer, da det vil medføre duplet filenavne.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Nav-dokumentet må ikke fjernes.
+ The NCX can not be removed.NCX-filen kan ikke slettes.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.OPF-filen er obligatorisk i en EPUB og kan derfor ikke slettes.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Du kan ikke slette alle HTML-filerne.
Der skal altid være mindst en.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Kunne ikke indstille filen som omslag.
+ Select AllVælg alt
+ Add Blank HTML FileTilføj tom HTML-fil
+ Add Blank StylesheetTilføj tomt typografiark
+ Add Blank JavascriptTilføj tomt Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG ImageTilføj tomt SVG-billede
+ Add Existing Files...Tilføj eksisterende filer...
+ Add CopyTilføj kopi
+ RenameOmdøb
+ RegEx RenameOmdøb RegEx
+ MoveFlyt
+ DeleteSlet
+ Cover ImageOmslagsbillede
+ MergeFlet
+ NoneIngen
+ Use Adobe's MethodBenyt Adobes metode
+ Use IDPF's MethodBenyt IDPF's metode
+ SortSortér
+ Renumber TOC EntriesOmnummér indholdsfortegnelsesindtastningerne
+ Link Stylesheets...Forbind typografiark...
+ Link Javascripts...Link til Javascripts...
+ Add Semantics...Tilføj semantik...
+ Validate with W3CValidér med W3C
+ Save AsGem som
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Sammenflet med forgående fil, eller flet flere filer til én.
+ Rename selected file(s)Omdøb valgt(e) fil(er)
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Brug Regular Expressions til at omdøbe valgte fil(er)
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderFlyt valgte fil(er) til en ny mappe
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Link typografiark til valgt(e) fil(er).
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Link Javascripts til valgte fil(er).
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Tilføj semantik til valgte fil(er).
+ Other ApplicationAndet program
@@ -1776,12 +1776,12 @@ Vil du gemme dine ændringer?
+ Collapse AllSkjul alle
+ Expand AllUdvid alle
@@ -3644,362 +3644,362 @@ mended.
+ AcknowledgementsTakord
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Et kort afsnit som takker de involverede i udarbejdelsen af værket.
+ AfterwordEfterord
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Et afsluttende tekst skrevet at forfatteren eller en til historien relevant person, som kaster lys over historiens tilblivelse, betydning eller de omstændigheder, der har fundet sted siden bogen blev skrevet.
+ AppendixAppendiks
+ Supplemental information.Supplerende oplysninger.
+ Back MatterBagside
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Ekstra materiale som kommer efter hovedindholdet i en udgivelse, såsom registre, appendiks, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografi
+ A list of works cited.En liste over anførte værker.
+ TextTekst
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Begyndelsen af selve hovedteksten i en publikation.
+ ColophonKolofon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.En kort beskrivelse, ofte placeret sidst i publikationen, som beskriver produktionsnoter, der er relevante for selve udgaven.
+ ConclusionKonklusion
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Et afsluttende kapitel som typisk opsummerer hele værket.
+ ContributorsBidragydere
+ A list of contributors to the work.En liste af bidragydere til værket.
+ Copyright PageCopyright-side
+ The copyright page of the work.Copyright-siden af værket.
+ CoverForside
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Udgivelsens forside, smudscover-information, etc.
+ DedicationDedikation
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).En tekst, som er stilet til én eller flere bestemt(e) person(er).
+ EpilogueEpilog
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Et afsluttende afsnit, som typisk skrives på et senere tidspunkt end hovedteksten, men stadig en del af fortællingen.
+ EpigraphEpigraf
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Et citat, der er relevant, men ikke integreret i teksten.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Trykfejl i udgivelsen, ofte i form af et indlagt løsark i den trykte bog, andre gange er rettelser indsat som en fast side.
+ FootnotesFodnoter
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.En samling noter som vises nederst på en side.
+ ForewordForord
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Et indledende afsnit, som kommer før hovedteksten og ofte ikke skrevet af værkets forfatter.
+ Front MatterIndløb
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Indløbssider til hovedteksten i en publikation, som fx indholdsfortegnelse, dedikation, osv.
+ GlossaryOrdliste
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.En alfabetisk liste over begreber inden for et bestemt vidensområde med deres definitioner.
+ Half Title PageSmudstitel
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Smudstitelsiden indeholder kun selve værkets titel.
+ ImprimaturImprint
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.En formel erklæring som tillader offentliggørelse af værket.
+ ImprintImprint
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Oplysninger om udgivelsen eller om værkets distribution.
+ IndexIndeks
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.En detaljeret liste, ofte alfabetisk med specifikke oplysninger i en udgivelse.
+ IntroductionIntroduktion
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Et afsnit i begyndelsen af værket, som typisk introducerer læseren for omfanget eller genren af værkets indhold.
+ List of IllustrationsBilledliste
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.En liste over illustrationer inkluderet i bogen.
+ List of Audio ClipsListe med lydklip
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.En liste over lydklip inkluderet i arbejdet.
+ List of TablesTabelliste
+ A listing of tables included in the work.En liste over tabeller i bogen.
+ List of Video ClipsListe med videoer
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.En liste over videoer i bogen.
+ NotesNoter
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'En notesamling. Den kan bruges til fodnoter, slutnoter, marginalnoter, kildehenvisninger i teksten og lignende, når ældre navngivningskonventioner ikke ønskes. Status: Frarådes - Erstattet af: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'
+ Other CreditsAnden kreditering
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Anerkendelser af tidligere offentliggjorte dele af værket, kreditering af illustrationer og tilladelse til at citere fra ophavsretligt beskyttet materiale.
+ PreamblePræambel
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentEt afsnit i begyndelsen af værket, som typisk indeholder indledende og/eller forklarende tekst om omfanget eller arten af værkets indhold
+ PrefaceIndledning
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Et indledende afsnit placeret før selve hovedværket, ofte skrevet af forfatteren selv.
+ PrologueProlog
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Et indledende afsnit, som sætter baggrunden for en historie, oftest en del af selve fortællingen.
+ Rear NotesSlutnoter
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.En samling noter placeret bagerst i værket (i udløbet) eller sidst i et afsnit.
+ Title PageTitelside
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.En side i begyndelsen af en bog med titel, forfatter(e), udgiver og andre oplysninger om udgivelsen.
+ Table of ContentsIndholdsfortegnelse
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.En indholdsfortegnelse som er en liste af overskrifter eller bogens større dele (eller dokument) i den rækkefølge de optræder som, oftest placeret i værkets indløb eller i begyndelsen af et afsnit.
@@ -4231,67 +4231,67 @@ Herefter kan du vælge eller fravælge de enkelte overskrifter på listen ovenfo
+ NameNavn
+ File Size (KB)Filstørrelse (KB)
+ Times UsedAntal gange benyttet
+ WidthBredde
+ HeightHøjde
+ PixelsPixel
+ ColorFarve
+ ImageBillede
+ %n file(s)%n fil%n filer
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileGem rapport som kommasepareret fil
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Rapportfilen kan ikke gemmes.
+ Delete From BookSlet fra bog
@@ -4689,482 +4689,482 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ AcknowledgmentsTak
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Et kort afsnit som takker de involverede i udarbejdelsen af værket.
+ AfterwordEfterord
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Et afsluttende tekst skrevet at forfatteren eller en til historien relevant person, som kaster lys over historiens tilblivelse, betydning eller de omstændigheder, der har fundet sted siden bogen blev skrevet.
+ AnnotationAnmærkning
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedForklarende oplysninger om passager i værket. Status: Frarådes
+ AppendixAppendiks
+ Supplemental information.Supplerende oplysninger.
+ AssessmentVurdering
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.En test, quiz eller anden aktivitet, som hjælper med at måle en elevs forståelse af, hvad der undervises i.
+ Back MatterBagside
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Ekstra materiale som kommer efter hovedindholdet i en udgivelse, såsom registre, appendiks, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografi
+ A list of works cited.En liste over anførte værker.
+ Body MatterHovedteksten
+ The main content of a publication.Hovedindholdet i en udgivelse.
+ ChapterKapitel
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.En stor del af tekstens strukturelle helhed.
+ ColophonKolofon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.En kort beskrivelse, ofte placeret sidst i publikationen, som beskriver produktionsnoter, der er relevante for selve udgaven.
+ ConclusionKonklusion
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Et afsluttende kapitel som typisk opsummerer hele værket.
+ ContributorsBidragydere
+ A list of contributors to the work.En liste af bidragydere til værket.
+ Copyright PageCopyrightside
+ The copyright page of the work.Copyright-siden (til dette værk).
+ CoverForside
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Udgivelsens cover, info fra smuds cover, etc.
+ DedicationDedikation
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).En tekst, som er stilet til en eller flere bestemt(e) person(er).
+ DivisionDel(e)
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).En stor del af tekstens strukturelle helhed, som også kan fremstå som en underbygning af en del (især i lovgivning).
+ EpigraphEpigraf
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Et citat, som er relevant, men ikke integreret i teksten.
+ EpilogueEpilog
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Et afsluttende afsnit, som typisk skrives på et senere tidspunkt end hovedteksten, men stadig en del af fortællingen.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Trykfejl i udgivelsen, ofte i form af et indlagt løsark i den trykte bog, andre gange er rettelser indsat som en fast side.
+ FootnotesFodnoter
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.En samling noter som vises nederst på en side.
+ ForewordForord
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Et indledende afsnit, som kommer før hovedteksten og ofte ikke skrevet af værkets forfatter.
+ Front MatterIndløb
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Indløbssider til hovedteksten i en publikation, som fx indholdsfortegnelse, dedikation, osv.
+ GlossaryOrdliste
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.En alfabetisk liste over begreber inden for et bestemt vidensområde med deres definitioner.
+ Half Title PageSmudstitel
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Smudstitel-siden indeholder kun selve værkets titel.
+ ImprimaturImprint
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.En formel erklæring som tillader offentliggørelse af værket.
+ ImprintImprint
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Oplysninger om udgivelsen eller om værkets distribution.
+ IndexIndeks
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.En detaljeret liste, ofte alfabetisk med specifikke oplysninger i en udgivelse.
+ IntroductionIntroduktion
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Et afsnit i begyndelsen af værket, som typisk introducerer læseren for omfanget eller genren af værkets indhold.
+ LandmarksLandmarks
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationEn samling af henvisninger til kendte/gentagne dele af publikationen
+ List of Audio ClipsListe med lydklip
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.En liste over lydklip i bogen.
+ List of IllustrationsBilledliste
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.En liste over illustrationer i bogen.
+ List of TablesTabelliste
+ A listing of tables included in the work.En liste over tabeller i bogen.
+ List of Video ClipsListe med videoer
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.En liste over videoer i bogen.
+ NoticeBemærk
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Oplysninger som kræver særlig opmærksomhed, og som ikke må springes over eller undertrykkes. Det er fx: Alvorlig advarsel, Advarsel, OBS!, Fare, Vigtigt.
+ Other CreditsAnden kreditering
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Anerkendelser af tidligere offentliggjorte dele af værket, kreditering af illustrationer og tilladelse til at citere fra ophavsretligt beskyttet materiale.
+ Page ListPage List
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookEn liste med sidetal for papirbogens sideskift til brug i e-bogen
+ PartDel
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.En større strukturel opdeling af et stykke tekst, ofte for at indkapsle et sæt relaterede kapitler.
+ PreamblePræambel
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentEt afsnit i begyndelsen af værket, der typisk indeholder indledende og/eller forklarende tekst om omfanget eller arten af værkets indhold
+ PrefaceIndledning
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Et indledende afsnit placeret før selve hovedværket, ofte skrevet af forfatteren selv.
+ PrologueProlog
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Et indledende afsnit, som sætter baggrunden for en historie, oftest en del af selve fortællingen.
+ Questions and AnswersSpørgsmål og svar
+ A question and answer section.Et afsnit med spørgsmål og svar.
+ Rear NotesSlutnoter
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.En samling noter placeret bagerst i værket eller sidst i et afsnit.
+ Revision HistoryÆndringshistorik
+ A record of changes made to a work.Oversigt over ændringer som er foretaget i et værk.
+ SubchapterUnderkapitel
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.En større under-inddeling af et kapitel.
+ Title PageTitelside
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.En side i begyndelsen af en bog med titel, forfatter(e), udgiver og andre oplysninger om udgivelsen.
+ Table of ContentsIndholdsfortegnelse
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.En indholdsfortegnelse som er en liste af overskrifter eller bogens større dele (eller dokument) i den rækkefølge de optræder som, oftest placeret i værkets indløb eller i begyndelsen af et afsnit.
+ VolumeUdgave
+ A component of a collection.Del af en samling.
+ WarningAdvarsel
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.En advarsel eller 'udvis forsigtighed' om et specifikt materiale. Status: Frarådes - Erstattet af 'OBS!'.
@@ -8460,14 +8460,13 @@ Typografiark, der er listet først går forud for efterfølgende typografiark.
- Plugins
- Plugins
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
- Checkpoints
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8485,6 +8484,11 @@ Typografiark, der er listet først går forud for efterfølgende typografiark.
Add ExistingTilføj
+ Checkpoints
+ Checkpoints
+ Index
@@ -10858,6 +10862,31 @@ Typografiark, der er listet først går forud for efterfølgende typografiark.
Show Log of Checkpoints
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10972,37 +11001,37 @@ Typografiark, der er listet først går forud for efterfølgende typografiark.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11023,17 +11052,17 @@ Denne handling kan ikke gøres om.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11281,356 +11310,356 @@ Denne handling kan ikke gøres om.
Billede findes ikke:
+ oreller
+ No CSS styles namedIngen CSS-typografi navngivet
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.fundet, eller stylesheet ikke linket.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>The href <b>%1</b> fundet i <b>%2</b> findes ikke (og der kan være endnu flere). Opdeling eller fletning under disse forhold kan resultere i døde links.</p><p>Ønsker du stadig at fortsætte?</p></html>
+ Add CoverTilføj omslag
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Der blev fundet en eksisterende forside-fil.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Uventet fejl. Kun billedfiler kan anvendes til omslaget.
+ Cover added.Omslag tilføjet.
+ Not Available for epub2.Ikke tilgængeligt for EPUB 2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.Opdateret egenskaber i OPF-filens manifest.
+ NCX and Guide removed.Fjernet NCX-filen og guides.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.Skabelse af NCX-fil eller guides mislykkedes.
+ NCX and Guide generated.Skabelse af NCX-fil eller guides lykkedes.
+ An existing Index file has been found.Der blev fundet en eksisterende indeksfil.
+ Styles deleted.Typografier slettet.
+ Reports Being Generated.Der genereres rapporter.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Rapporter afbrudt på grund af ikke velformet XML.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Slet ubrugte medier filer afbrudt på grund af ikke velformet XML.
+ Unused media files deleted.Ubenyttede mediefiler slettet.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Der er ingen ubenyttede billede-, video- eller lydfiler at slette.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Sletning af ubrugte typografier annulleret grund af ikke velformet XML.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.Der er ikke fundet ubrugte Stylesheet Selectors til sletning.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Du kan ikke indsætte en fil ved denne position.
+ Insert FileIndsæt fil
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Filen "%1" findes ikke.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Du kan ikke indsætte et ID ved denne placering.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ID er ugyldigt - skal starte med et bogstav, efterfulgt af bogstav nummer _ : - eller .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Du kan ikke indsætte et link ved denne placering.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Link er ugyldig - kan ikke indeholde '<' eller '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Du kan ikke markere et index på denne position eller uden at markere tekst.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Optegnelse er ugyldig - kan ikke indeholde '<' eller '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Du kan ikke markere et indeks ved denne position.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Vælg først destinationen for at indsætte.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Indsat klipoptegnelse %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.En ressource valgt, og der er ingen forrige ressource til at flette ind i.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Er du sikker på du, at vil flette de valgte filer?
Denne handling kan ikke fortrydes.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Fletning annulleret: XHTML-filer som skulle flettes er ikke velformet.
+ Cannot merge file %1Kan ikke flette fil %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Fletning udført. Du skal muligvis gengenerere eller redigere din indholdsfortegnelse.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Forbind typografiark afbrudt: %1, ikke velformet XML.
+ Word updated.Ord opdateret.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.
+ File(s) deleted.Fil(er) slettet.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Redigering af indholdsfortegnelse afbrudt.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Indholdsfortegnelse redigeret.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Generér indholdsfortegnelse annulleret.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Indholdsfortegnelse genereret
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Ingen ændringer til indholdsfortegnelsen var nødvendige.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.Der blev fundet en eksisterende HTML-indholdsfortegnelses-fil.
+ Text selection marked.Tekstmarkering markeret.
+ Text selection unmarked.Tekstmarkering umarkeret.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.'Metadata Editor' blev afsluttet.
+ Metadata edited.Metadata er ændret.
+ RunPluginKør Plugin
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Denne EPUB indholder ingen CSS-typografiark, der kan valideres.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Denne EPUB indeholder ingen CSS-typografiark, som skal omformateres.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Linje: %1, Kolonne: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Fil kunne ikke opdeles ved denne placering.
+ Split completed.Opdeling udført.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Kan ikke opdele da mindst én fil ikke er en HTML-fil.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedKan ikke opdele: %1 XML er ikke velformet
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Kan ikke opdele da mindst én fil ikke kan være en HTML-fil.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Opdeling udført. Du skal muligvis opdatere indholdsfortegnelsen.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Ingen fildelingsmarkører fundet. Benyt Indsæt->Opdelingsmarkør.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Dokumentet er blevet ændret.
Vil du gemme dine ændringer?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Skal Sigil overskrive denne fil?
+ No importer for file type: %1Denne filtype kan ikke importeres: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11643,113 +11672,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Forsøg at sætte Rens kilde-indstillingen til Rens XHTML kildekode ved åbning og genindlæs filen.
+ Loading file...Indlæser fil...
+ File loaded.Fil indlæst.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.Forfatteren har krypteret denne fil med DRM. Sigil kan ikke åbne denne type filer.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Kan ikke indlæse EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Kan ikke indlæse filen %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Gemmer EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil kan ikke gemme filer af typen "%1".
Vælg et anden format.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- Denne EPUB har HTML filer, som ikke er velformede og din nuværende ‘Clean Source’-indstillinger er sat til automatisk at fixe, idet filen gemmes. Når du gemmer en fil som ikke er velformet, kan det i sjældne tilfælde resultere i noget tab af data, fordi filen automatisk fixes.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Ønsker du at reparere filen automatisk, inden du gemmer?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB gemt, men ikke alle HTML-filer velformede.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB gemt.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Kan ikke gemme filen %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)EPUB-filer (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTML-filer (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Tekstfiler (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Alle filer (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)EPUB-fil (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Bevar nu overskriftsattributter som:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15597,12 +15654,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][Skriv titel her]
+ [Main title here][Titel her]
@@ -16231,129 +16288,129 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Status: kører
+ Launcher process crashed‘Launcher’-processen crashede
+ Status: finishedStatus: færdig
+ Status: failedStatus: fejler
+ Status: No Changes MadeStatus: Ingen ændringer foretaget
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changes
Fejl: Plugin forsøgte at fjerne den sidste XHTML- fil … afbryder uden at ændre
+ Status:Status:
+ Plugin failed to startPlugin fejlede med at starte
+ Status: errorStatus: fejl
+ Plugin cancelledPlugin annulleret
+ Status: cancelledStatus: Annulleret
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Fejl under fortolkning, resultat for xml er:
+ Status: checkingStatus: Kontrollerer
+ Incorrect XHTML:Ugyldig xhtml:
+ Line/ColLinje/Kolonne
+ Check ReportCheck Rapport
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Ikke-korrekt xhtml/xml er registreret.
Er du sikker på, du vil fortsætte?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesStatus: Rydder op - sletter filer
+ Status: deletingStatus: Sletter
+ Status: LoadingStatus: Indlæser
+ Input PluginInput Plugin
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedDin nuværende e-bog vil blive erstattet, og evt. ikke-gemte ændringer vil ikke blive gemt. … Er du sikker på, du vil fortsætte?
+ Status: addingStatus: Tilføjer
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesStatus: rydder op - modificerer filer
+ Status: modifyingStatus: ændrer
@@ -16630,43 +16687,43 @@ Adskil objekter med linjeskift, komma eller mellemrum.
+ PreviewForhåndsvisning
+ Inspect PageUndersøg siden
+ Select-AllVælg alt
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardKopiér det valgte til udklipsholder
+ Update Preview WindowOpdatér forhåndsvisningsvindue
+ Cycle Custom CSS Files
+ Print Preview View
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xFunktion en er ikke tilgængelig før Qt5.12.x
@@ -16826,7 +16883,7 @@ Linje: %1 Kolonne %2 - %3
OPF-filen indeholder ikke en NCX-fil.
+ Adding Existing Files..Tilføjer eksisterende filer …
@@ -16856,19 +16913,19 @@ Linje: %1 Kolonne %2 - %3
<p>En nyere version af Sigil findes, version <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Ønsker du at gå til download-side?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Kan ikke indlæse fil %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil er stødt på et problem.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil må muligvis lukke ned.
@@ -16894,28 +16951,28 @@ Linje: %1 Kolonne %2 - %3
Ugyldig NCX-fil: %1
+ QuitAfslut
+ AboutOm
+ PreferencesIndstillinger
+ NewNy
+ OpenÅbn
@@ -18992,32 +19049,32 @@ din bog og automatisk indsætte i dit dokumentet.
+ Files In the BookFiler i bogen
+ ThumbnailsMiniaturer
+ shadesnuancer
+ colorsfarver
+ GrayscaleGråskala
+ ColorFarve
@@ -19599,17 +19656,17 @@ Benyt, hvis du redigerer nogen HTML-filer, mens stavekontrol er åben.Indholdsfortegnelse
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Filen "%1" findes ikke.
+ Collapse AllSkjul alle
+ Expand AllUdvid alle
@@ -19625,12 +19682,12 @@ Benyt, hvis du redigerer nogen HTML-filer, mens stavekontrol er åben.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_de.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_de.ts
index cafcd1c4fc..30575d275e 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_de.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_de.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ Sans-Serif-Schriftfamilie in der CSS-Datei angegeben wurde.
+ Open WithÖffnen mit
+ %n file(s)%n Datei(en)%n Datei(en)
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Sollen die ausgewählten Dateien wirklich alphanummerisch sortiert werden?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Die Datei "%1" existiert nicht.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.JavaScript in Epub2-Dateien wird nicht unterstützt.
+ Add Existing FilesVorhandene Dateien hinzufügen
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ Sans-Serif-Schriftfamilie in der CSS-Datei angegeben wurde.
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ Sans-Serif-Schriftfamilie in der CSS-Datei angegeben wurde.
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
OK zum Ersetzen?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Datei "%1" kann nicht gelöscht oder ersetzt werden.
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Eine Datei mit diesem Namen existiert bereits im Buch.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ Eine Datei mit diesem Namen existiert bereits im Buch.
+ File(s) added or replaced.Datei(en) hinzugefügt oder ersetzt.
+ Save As FileSpeichern als Datei
+ Unable to save the file.Die Datei nicht kann nicht gespeichert werden.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toVerzeichnis zum Speichern der Dateien auswählen
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Eine oder mehrere Dateien existieren bereits. OK zum Überschreiben?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Datei kann nicht gespeichert werden. Das Ziel ist möglicherweise ein Verzeichnis.
+ Unable to save files.Dateien können nicht gespeichert werden.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Dateien können nicht umbenannt werden, da dies zu doppelten Dateinamen führen würde.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"Zielordner-Pfad "%1" ist ungültig
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Die Dateien können nicht verschoben werden, weil sie dieselben Namen wie bereits vorhandene Dateien haben.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Die Nav-Datei kann nicht gelöscht werden.
+ The NCX can not be removed.Die NCX-Datei kann nicht gelöscht werden.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.Die OPF-Datei ist ein wesentlicher EPUB-Bestandteil und kann nicht gelöscht werden.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Sie können nicht alle HTML-Dateien entfernen.
Mindestens eine Datei muss verbleiben.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Datei kann nicht als Cover-Bild verwendet werden.
+ Select AllAlles auswählen
+ Add Blank HTML FileLeere HTML-Datei hinzufügen
+ Add Blank StylesheetLeeres Stylesheet hinzufügen
+ Add Blank JavascriptLeere JavaScript-Datei hinzufügen
+ Add Blank SVG ImageLeeres SVG-Bild hinzufügen
+ Add Existing Files...Vorhandene Dateien hinzufügen...
+ Add CopyKopie hinzufügen
+ RenameUmbenennen
+ RegEx RenameRegEx-Umbenennen
+ MoveVerschieben
+ DeleteLöschen
+ Cover ImageCover-Bild
+ MergeZusammenfügen
+ NoneKeine
+ Use Adobe's MethodAdobe-Algorithmus verwenden
+ Use IDPF's MethodIDPF-Algorithmus verwenden
+ SortSortieren
+ Renumber TOC EntriesEinträge im Inhaltsverzeichnis neu nummerieren
+ Link Stylesheets...Stylesheets verknüpfen...
+ Link Javascripts...JavaScript-Dateien verknüpfen...
+ Add Semantics...Semantik hinzufügen...
+ Validate with W3CMit W3C überprüfen
+ Save AsSpeichern unter
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Mit vorheriger Datei zusammenfügen oder mehrere Dateien zusammenfügen.
+ Rename selected file(s)Ausgewählte Datei(en) umbenennen
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Die ausgewählten Dateien mithilfe von regulären Ausdrücken umbenennen.
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderAusgewählte Datei(en) in neuen Ordner verschieben
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Stylesheets mit ausgewählten Dateien verknüpfen.
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).JavaScript-Dateien mit den ausgewählten Dateien verknüpfen
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Semantik zu ausgewählten Dateien hinzufügen.
+ Other ApplicationAndere Anwendung
@@ -1777,12 +1777,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Collapse AllAlle minimieren
+ Expand AllAlle anzeigen
@@ -3650,362 +3650,362 @@ HTML-Datei bereinigen.
+ AcknowledgementsDanksagungen
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Ein Abschnitt mit Danksagungen an Personen und Einrichtungen, die an der Realisierung des Werks beteiligt waren.
+ AfterwordNachwort
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Eine abschließende Aussage des Autors oder einer Person von Bedeutung, die charakteristische Einblicke in die Entstehungsgeschichte der Geschichte, ihre Bedeutung oder verwandte Ereignisse seit ihrer Entstehung gibt.
+ AppendixAnhang
+ Supplemental information.Zusätzliche Informationen.
+ Back MatterEndbogen
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Zusätzliches Material nach dem Haupt-Inhalt einer Publikation, etwa Anhänge, Register, etc.
+ BibliographyQuellenangaben
+ A list of works cited.Eine Liste der zitierten Werke.
+ TextText
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Der Anfang des hauptsächlichen Inhalts einer Publikation.
+ ColophonSchlussschrift
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Eine kurze Beschreibung, die sich normalerweise am Ende einer Publikation befindet, die editionsspezifische Produktionsinformationen enthält.
+ ConclusionFazit
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Ein abschließendes Kapitel das normalerweise den Inhalt zusammenfasst.
+ ContributorsMitwirkende
+ A list of contributors to the work.Eine Liste der Mitwirkenden an diesem Werk.
+ Copyright PageCopyright-Seite
+ The copyright page of the work.Die Copyright-Seite dieses Werks.
+ CoverCover
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Das Cover oder der Schutzumschlag eines Buchs.
+ DedicationWidmung
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Eine Widmung für eine oder mehrere Personen.
+ EpilogueEpilog
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Ein abschließendes Kapitel, das normalerweise eine spätere Periode als die Hauptgeschichte beschreibt, obwohl es immer noch Teil der Erzählung ist.
+ EpigraphEpigraph
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Ein vorangestelltes Zitat, das nicht Bestandteil des Texts ist.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Publikationsfehler, bei Druckwerken typischerweise ein loser Bogen, der von Hand eingelegt wird; manchmal eine gebundene Seite, die Korrekturen für Arbeitsfehler enthält.
+ FootnotesFußnoten
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Eine Sammlung von Notizen am Ende einer Seite.
+ ForewordVorwort
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Eine vorangestellte Einführung, die normalerweise nicht vom Autor geschrieben wurde.
+ Front MatterTitelei
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Bestandteile einer Publikation, die vor dem Haupttext stehen, wie z.B. das Inhaltsverzeichnis, die Zuordnung zu einer Publikation, etc.
+ GlossaryGlossar
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Eine alphabetische Liste mit Fachbegriffen und Definitionen.
+ Half Title PageSchmutztitelseite
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Die Schmutztitelseite enthält nur den Titel des Werks.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Eine offizielle Erklärung, die die Veröffentlichung des Werks erlaubt.
+ ImprintImpressum
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Informationen über die Veröffentlichung oder Verbreitung des Werks.
+ IndexIndex
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Ein normalerweise alphabetisch angeordnetes, detailliertes Stichwortverzeichnis.
+ IntroductionEinführung
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Ein Kapitel am Anfang des Werks, das normalerweise den Leser in das Feld oder die Art der Inhalte des Werks einführt.
+ List of IllustrationsBilderverzeichnis
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Eine Liste der im Werk verwendeten Illustrationen.
+ List of Audio ClipsAudioclipverzeichnis
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Eine Liste der im Werk verwendeten Audioclips
+ List of TablesTabellenverzeichnis
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Eine Liste der im Werk verwendeten Tabellen.
+ List of Video ClipsVideoclipverzeichnis
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Eine Liste der im Werk verwendeten Videoclips
+ NotesAnmerkungen
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Eine Liste von Noten. Kann für Fußnoten, Endnoten, Randnoten usw. verwendet werden, wenn genauere Angaben nicht gewünscht werden. Status: veraltet - wurde durch Fuß- und Endnoten ersetzt.
+ Other CreditsAndere Copyright-Angaben
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Verantwortlichkeit für bereits veröffentlichte Teile des Werks und Illustrationen und Erlaubnis, aus urheberrechtlich geschütztem Material zu zitieren.
+ PreamblePräambel
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentEin Kapitel zu Beginn des Werks, gekennzeichnet durch eine einleitende und/oder erklärende Prosa, die sich auf das Gebiet oder die Art des Inhalts des Werks bezieht.
+ PrefaceEinleitung
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Eine vorangestellte Einführung, die normalerweise vom Autor geschrieben wurde.
+ PrologueProlog
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Ein einleitendes Kapitel, das den Hintergrund einer Geschichte erzählt, die als Teil der Erzählung charakteristisch ist.
+ Rear NotesEndnoten
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Eine Sammlung von Notizen am Ende des Werks oder am Ende eines Abschnitts.
+ Title PageTitel-Seite
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Eine Seite am Anfang des Buch mit Informationen zu Titel, Autoren, Verlag und anderen publizistischen Informationen.
+ Table of ContentsInhaltsverzeichnis
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Ein Inhaltsverzeichnis, das aus einer Liste der Überschriften oder Bestandteilen eines Buchs oder Dokuments in der Originalreihenfolge besteht. Es steht normalerweise nach dem Haupttitel oder am Anfang eines Abschnitts.
@@ -4237,68 +4237,68 @@ Sie können in obiger Liste einzelne Überschriften aus- oder abwählen.Miniaturbild-Größe:
+ NameName
+ File Size (KB)Dateigröße (KB)
+ Times UsedMal verwendet
+ WidthBreite
+ HeightHöhe
+ PixelsPixel
+ ColorFarbe
+ ImageBild
+ %n file(s)%n Datei(en)%n Datei(en)
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileBericht als CSV-Datei (durch Komma getrennte Elemente) speichern
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Die Berichtdatei kann nicht gespeichert werden.
+ Delete From BookAus Buch löschen
@@ -4698,482 +4698,482 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ AcknowledgmentsDanksagungen
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Ein Abschnitt mit Danksagungen an Personen und Einrichtungen, die an der Realisierung des Werks beteiligt waren.
+ AfterwordNachwort
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Eine abschließende Aussage des Autors oder einer Person von Bedeutung, die charakteristische Einblicke in die Entstehungsgeschichte der Geschichte, ihre Bedeutung oder verwandte Ereignisse seit ihrer Entstehung gibt.
+ AnnotationAnmerkung
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedErläuternde Informationen über Teile des Textes im Werk. Status: Veraltet
+ AppendixAnhang
+ Supplemental information.Zusätzliche Informationen.
+ AssessmentBewertungstest
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Ein Test, ein Quiz oder eine andere Aktivität, die dazu dient, das Verständnis des Schülers für die Thematik zu messen.
+ Back MatterEndbogen
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Zusätzliches Material nach dem Haupt-Inhalt einer Publikation, etwa Anhänge, Register, etc.
+ BibliographyQuellenangaben
+ A list of works cited.Eine Liste der zitierten Werke.
+ Body MatterHauptteil
+ The main content of a publication.Der hauptsächliche Inhalt einer Publikation.
+ ChapterKapitel
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Ein wichtiger struktureller Teil einer Schrift.
+ ColophonSchlussschrift
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Eine kurze Beschreibung, die sich normalerweise am Ende einer Publikation befindet, die editionsspezifische Produktionsinformationen enthält.
+ ConclusionFazit
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Ein abschließendes Kapitel das normalerweise den Inhalt zusammenfasst.
+ ContributorsMitwirkende
+ A list of contributors to the work.Eine Liste der Mitwirkenden an diesem Werk.
+ Copyright PageCopyright-Seite
+ The copyright page of the work.Die Copyright-Seite dieses Werks.
+ CoverCover
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Das Cover oder der Schutzumschlag eines Buchs.
+ DedicationWidmung
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Eine Widmung für eine oder mehrere Personen.
+ DivisionAbschnitt
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Ein wichtiges Strukturelement, das auch als Unterteilung eines Teils (insbesondere in der Gesetzgebung) auftreten kann.
+ EpigraphEpigraph
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Ein vorangestelltes Zitat, das nicht Bestandteil des Texts ist.
+ EpilogueEpilog
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Ein abschließendes Kapitel, das normalerweise eine spätere Periode als die Hauptgeschichte beschreibt, obwohl es immer noch Teil der Erzählung ist.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Publikationsfehler, bei Druckwerken typischerweise ein loser Bogen, der von Hand eingelegt wird; manchmal eine gebundene Seite, die Korrekturen für Arbeitsfehler enthält.
+ FootnotesFußnoten
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Eine Sammlung von Notizen am Ende einer Seite.
+ ForewordVorwort
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Eine vorangestellte Einführung, die normalerweise nicht vom Autor geschrieben wurde.
+ Front MatterTitelei
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Bestandteile einer Publikation, die vor dem Haupttext stehen, wie z.B. das Inhaltsverzeichnis, die Zuordnung zu einer Publikation, etc.
+ GlossaryGlossar
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Eine alphabetische Liste mit Fachbegriffen und Definitionen.
+ Half Title PageSchmutztitelseite
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Die Schmutztitelseite enthält nur den Titel des Werks.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Eine offizielle Erklärung, die die Veröffentlichung des Werks erlaubt.
+ ImprintImpressum
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Informationen über die Veröffentlichung oder Verbreitung des Werks.
+ IndexIndex
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Ein normalerweise alphabetisch angeordnetes, detailliertes Stichwortverzeichnis.
+ IntroductionEinführung
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Ein Kapitel am Anfang des Werks, das normalerweise den Leser in das Feld oder die Art der Inhalte des Werks einführt.
+ LandmarksOrientierungsmarken
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationEine Sammlung von Verweisen auf bekannte/wiederkehrende Komponenten in der Publikation.
+ List of Audio ClipsAudioclipverzeichnis
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Eine Liste der im Werk verwendeten Audioclips
+ List of IllustrationsBilderverzeichnis
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Eine Liste der im Werk verwendeten Illustrationen.
+ List of TablesTabellenverzeichnis
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Eine Liste der im Werk verwendeten Tabellen.
+ List of Video ClipsVideoclipverzeichnis
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Eine Liste der im Werk verwendeten Videoclips
+ NoticeHinweis
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Informationen, die besondere Aufmerksamkeit erfordern und nicht übersprungen oder unterdrückt werden sollten. Beispiele hierfür sind Warnungen unterschiedlicher Schweregrade und wichtige Hinweise.
+ Other CreditsAndere Copyright-Angaben
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Verantwortlichkeit für bereits veröffentlichte Teile des Werks und Illustrationen und Erlaubnis, aus urheberrechtlich geschütztem Material zu zitieren.
+ Page ListSeitenliste
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookEine Liste mit Seitenzahlenverweisen (Pagebreaks) auf Seiten in der Druckausgabe des eBooks.
+ PartTeil
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Ein wichtiger struktureller Teil einer Schrift, der typischerweise eine Gruppe verwandter Kapitel enthält.
+ PreamblePräambel
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentEin Kapitel zu Beginn des Werks, gekennzeichnet durch eine einleitende und/oder erklärende Prosa, die sich auf das Gebiet oder die Art des Inhalts des Werks bezieht.
+ PrefaceEinleitung
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Eine vorangestellte Einführung, die normalerweise vom Autor geschrieben wurde.
+ PrologueProlog
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Ein einleitendes Kapitel, das den Hintergrund einer Geschichte erzählt, die als Teil der Erzählung charakteristisch ist.
+ Questions and AnswersFragen und Antworten
+ A question and answer section.Ein Kapitel mit Fragen und Antworten.
+ Rear NotesEndnoten
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Eine Sammlung von Notizen am Ende des Werks oder am Ende eines Abschnitts.
+ Revision HistoryÄnderungsübersicht
+ A record of changes made to a work.Eine Übersicht über die Änderungen, die am Werk vorgenommen wurden.
+ SubchapterUnterkapitel
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Eine wichtige Unterteilung eines Kapitels.
+ Title PageTitelseite
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Eine Seite am Anfang des Buch mit Informationen zu Titel, Autoren, Verlag und anderen publizistischen Informationen.
+ Table of ContentsInhaltsverzeichnis
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Ein Inhaltsverzeichnis, das aus einer Liste der Überschriften oder Bestandteilen eines Buchs oder Dokuments in der Originalreihenfolge besteht. Es steht normalerweise nach dem Haupttitel oder am Anfang eines Abschnitts.
+ VolumeBand
+ A component of a collection.Ein Teil einer Sammlung.
+ WarningWarnung
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Eine Warnung vor speziellen Inhalten. Status: Veraltet - Ersetzt durch 'Benachrichtigung'.
@@ -8471,14 +8471,13 @@ Zuerst aufgeführte Stylesheets haben Vorrang vor später hinzugefügten Stylesh
- Plugins
- Plugins
+ &Plugins
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
- Prüfpunkte
+ Chec&kpoints
+ Prüfpun&kte
@@ -8496,6 +8495,11 @@ Zuerst aufgeführte Stylesheets haben Vorrang vor später hinzugefügten Stylesh
Add ExistingVorhandene Dateien hinzufügen
+ Checkpoints
+ Prüfpunkte
+ Index
@@ -10862,6 +10866,31 @@ Zuerst aufgeführte Stylesheets haben Vorrang vor später hinzugefügten Stylesh
Show Log of CheckpointsPrüfpunkt-Protokolle anzeigen
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Fokus auf Quelltext-Ansicht
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Fokus auf Buch-Ansicht
+ Focus on Preview
+ Fokus auf Vorschau
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Fokus auf Inhaltsverzeichis
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Fokus auf Clips-Fenster
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10976,37 +11005,37 @@ Zuerst aufgeführte Stylesheets haben Vorrang vor später hinzugefügten Stylesh
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11027,17 +11056,17 @@ Diese Änderung kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [Std]
@@ -11286,356 +11315,356 @@ Diese Änderung kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.
Bild ist nicht vorhanden:
+ oroder
+ No CSS styles namedKeine CSS Styles benannt
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.gefunden oder das Stylesheet wurde nicht verknüpft.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>Der Link <b>%1</b> und möglicherweise weitere Links in <b>%2</b> existieren nicht. Wenn sie trotzdem Dateien aufteilen oder kombinieren, kann das zu fehlerhaften Links führen.</p><p>Möchten Sie dennoch weitermachen?</p></html>
+ Add CoverCover hinzufügen
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Das Buch enthält bereits eine Cover-Datei.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Unerwarteter Fehler. Nur Bild-Dateien können für ein Cover verwendet werden.
+ Cover added.Cover wurde hinzugefügt.
+ Not Available for epub2.Nicht verfügbar für ePub2-Dateien.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.OPF-Manifest-Eigenschaften wurden aktualisiert.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX und Guide wurden gelöscht.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.NCX und Guide konnten nicht erstellt werden.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX und Guide wurden erstellt.
+ An existing Index file has been found.Das Buch enthält bereits eine Index-Datei.
+ Styles deleted.Styles gelöscht.
+ Reports Being Generated.Berichte werden erstellt
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Berichte konnten wegen nicht erstellt werden, weil das XML-Dokument nicht ordnungsgemäß formatiert ist.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Unbenutzte Mediendateien konnten nicht gelöscht werden, weil das XML-Dokument nicht ordnungsgemäß formatiert ist.
+ Unused media files deleted.Unbenutzte Mediendateien gelöscht.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Es sind keine unbenutzten Bilder-, Video- oder Audio-Dateien zum Löschen vorhanden.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Unbenutzte Styles konnten nicht gelöscht werden, weil das XML-Dokument nicht ordnungsgemäß formatiert ist.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.Es gibt keine unbenutzten Stylesheet-Selektoren, die gelöscht werden könnten.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Sie können keine Datei an dieser Stelle einfügen.
+ Insert FileDatei einfügen
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Die Datei "%1" existiert nicht.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.An dieser Stelle können Sie keine ID einfügen.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ID ist ungültig - muss mit einem Buchstaben beginnen, gefolgt von Buchstaben, Nummer, _:- oder .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Sie können keine Verknüpfung an dieser Stelle einfügen.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Verknüpfung ist ungültig - darf kein '<' oder '>' enthalten
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.An dieser Stelle können Sie keinen Index markieren oder ohne Text auswählen.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Eingabe ist ungültig - darf kein '<' oder '>' enthalten
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.An dieser Stelle können Sie keinen Index markieren.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Wählen Sie erst das Ziel zum Einfügen aus.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Eingefügter Clip-Eintrag %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Eine Ressource ausgewählt, aber keine vorherige vorhanden, mit der zusammengefügt werden kann.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Sind Sie sicher, dass die ausgewählten Dateien zusammengefügt werden sollen?
Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Zusammenfügung abgebrochen: XHTML-Dateien sind nicht ordnungsgemäß formatiert.
+ Cannot merge file %1Datei %1 kann nicht zusammengeführt werden
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Zusammenführung fertig. Sie müssen möglicherweise Ihr Inhaltsverzeichnis bearbeiten oder neu erstellen lassen.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Stylesheet-Verknüpfung abgebrochen: %1, XML-Dokument ist nicht ordnungsgemäß formatiert.
+ Word updated.Wort aktualisiert.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.JavaScript-Datei konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden: %1, XML ist nicht ordnungsgemäß formatiert.
+ File(s) deleted.Datei(en) gelöscht.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Bearbeitung des Inhaltsverzeichnisses abgebrochen.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Inhaltsverzeichnis bearbeitet.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Erstellung des Inhaltsverzeichnisses abgebrochen.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Inhaltsverzeichnis erstellt.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Keine Änderung des Inhaltsverzeichnisses notwendig.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.Das Buch enthält bereits eine HTML-Inhaltsverzeichnis-Datei.
+ Text selection marked.Textauswahl markiert.
+ Text selection unmarked.Textauswahl-Markierung aufgehoben.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Metadaten-Editor wurde abgebrochen.
+ Metadata edited.Metadaten wurden bearbeitet.
+ RunPluginRunPlugin
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Dieses EPUB enthält keine CSS-Stylesheets, die überprüft werden könnten.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Diese EPUB-Datei enthält keine CSS-Stylesheets, die neu formatiert werden könnten.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Zeile: %1, Spalte: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Datei kann nicht an dieser Position geteilt werden.
+ Split completed.Teilung abgeschlossen.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Es kann nicht geteilt werden da mindestens eine Datei keine HTML-Datei ist.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedTeilung nicht möglich: %1 XML-Dokument ist nicht ordnungsgemäß formatiert.
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Teilen nicht möglich, weil mindestens eine Datei möglicherweise keine HTML-Datei ist.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Teilung abgeschlossen. Eine Aktualisierung des Inhaltsverzeichnisses könnte erforderlich sein.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Keine Datei-Teilungsmarkierungen gefunden. Benutzen Sie Einfügen->Teilungsmarkierung.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Das Dokument wurde verändert.
Sollen die Änderungen gespeichert werden?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Soll Sigil diese Datei überschreiben?
+ No importer for file type: %1Kein Importfilter für Dateityp: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11649,113 +11678,141 @@ Aktivieren Sie unter Quelltext säubern die Option
XHTML-Quellcode bereinigen beim Öffnen und öffnen Sie die Datei erneut.
+ Loading file...Datei wird geladen...
+ File loaded.Datei geladen.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.Der Ersteller dieser Datei hat diese mit Kopierschutz (DRM) versehen. Sigil kann solche Dateien nicht öffnen.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1EPUB: %1 kann nicht geöffnet werden
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Die Datei "%1: %2" kann nicht geladen werden
+ Saving EPUB...EPUB wird gespeichert...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil kann keine Datei des Typs "%1" speichern.
Bitte wählen Sie ein anderes Format.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- Diese EPUB-Datei enthält ungültige HTML-Dateien und Ihre aktuelle Einstellung zum Säubern des Quelltexts ist auf die automatische Bereinigung beim Speichern eingestellt. Das Speichern einer ungültigen Datei veranlasst eine automatische Bereinigung, die in seltenen Fällen den Verlust von Daten zur Folge haben kann.
-Möchten Sie die Dateien vor dem Speichern automatisch bereinigen?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB gespeichert, aber nicht alle HTML-Dateien sind ordnungsgemäß formatiert.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB gespeichert.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Die Datei "%1: %2" kann nicht gespeichert werden
+ EPUB files (*.epub)EPUB-Dateien (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTML-Dateien (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Text-Dateien (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Alle Dateien (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)EPUB-Datei (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Vorhandene Überschriften-Attribute beibehalten:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Fokuswechsel auf Quelltext-Ansicht-Fenster
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Fokuswechsel auf Buch-Ansicht-Fenster
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Fokuswechsel auf Vorschau-Fenster
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Fokuswechsel auf Inhaltsverzeichnis-Fenster
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ Fokuswechsel auf Clips-Fenster
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15603,12 +15660,12 @@ Möchten Sie die Dateien vor dem Speichern automatisch bereinigen?
+ [Title here][Titel hier eingeben]
+ [Main title here][Haupttitel hier eingeben]
@@ -16237,128 +16294,128 @@ Möchten Sie die Dateien vor dem Speichern automatisch bereinigen?
Status: Ausführung
+ Launcher process crashedStarter-Prozess abgestürzt
+ Status: finishedStatus: abgeschlossen
+ Status: failedStatus: fehlgeschlagen
+ Status: No Changes MadeStatus: Keine Änderungen vorgenommen
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesFehler: Plugin versucht, die letzte XHTML-Datei zu entfernen. ... Änderungen werden abgebrochen
+ Status:Status:
+ Plugin failed to startPlugin konnte nicht gestartet werden
+ Status: errorStatus: Fehler
+ Plugin cancelledPlugin abgebrochen
+ Status: cancelledStatus: abgebrochen
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Ergebnis-XML-Datei-Analyse-Fehler:
+ Status: checkingStatus: Überprüfung
+ Incorrect XHTML:XHTML ungültig:
+ Line/ColZeile/Spalte
+ Check ReportÜberprüfungsbericht
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Fehlerhaftes XHTML/XML erkannt.
Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortsetzen wollen?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesStatus: Bereinigung - Dateien löschen
+ Status: deletingStatus: Löschen
+ Status: LoadingStatus: Laden
+ Input PluginEingabe-Plugin
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedIhres aktuellen Buches wird komplett ersetzt und alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen gehen verloren. ... Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten
+ Status: addingStatus: Hinzufügen
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesStatus: Bereinigung - Dateien ändern
+ Status: modifyingStatus: Ändern
@@ -16635,43 +16692,43 @@ HTML-Entitäten können durch Zeilen, Komma oder Leerzeichen getrennt werden.
+ PreviewVorschau
+ Inspect PageSeite untersuchen
+ Select-AllAlles auswählen
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardAuswahl in die Zwischenablage kopieren
+ Update Preview WindowVorschaufenster aktualisieren
+ Cycle Custom CSS FilesZwischen benutzerdefinierten CSS-Dateien wechseln
+ Print Preview ViewSeitenansicht-Ansicht
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xFunktion erfordert mindestens Qt 5.12.x
@@ -16831,7 +16888,7 @@ Zeile: %1 Spalte %2 - %3
Die OPF-Datei enthält keine NCX-Datei.
+ Adding Existing Files..Vorhandene Dateien hinzufügen..
@@ -16861,19 +16918,19 @@ Zeile: %1 Spalte %2 - %3
<p>Eine neuere Version von Sigil ist verfügbar: Sigil <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Möchten Sie die Download-Website besuchen?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Die Datei "%1" kann nicht gelesen werden:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil hat ein Problem festgestellt.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil muss u.U. geschlossen werden.
@@ -16899,28 +16956,28 @@ Zeile: %1 Spalte %2 - %3
Ungültige NCX-Datei: %1
+ QuitVerlassen
+ AboutInfo
+ PreferencesEinstellungen
+ NewNeu
+ OpenÖffnen
@@ -19003,32 +19060,32 @@ Buch hinzugefügt und automatisch in das Dokument einfügt werden sollen.Audio
+ Files In the BookDateien im Buch
+ ThumbnailsThumbnails
+ shadesTöne
+ colorsFarben
+ GrayscaleGraustufen
+ ColorFarbe
@@ -19610,17 +19667,17 @@ wenn HTML-Dateien bearbeitet werden, während die Rechtschreibprüfung offen ist
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Die Datei "%1" existiert nicht.
+ Collapse AllAlle minimieren
+ Expand AllAlle anzeigen
@@ -19636,12 +19693,12 @@ wenn HTML-Dateien bearbeitet werden, während die Rechtschreibprüfung offen ist
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_en.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_en.ts
index b9f2031dc7..169fb72fe3 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_en.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_en.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ Open WithOpen With
+ %n file(s)%n file(s)%n file(s)
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?
+ This action cannot be reversed.This action cannot be reversed.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.The file "%1" does not exist.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Javascript is not supported on epub2.
+ Add Existing FilesAdd Existing Files
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
OK to replace?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Unable to delete or replace file "%1".
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ File(s) added or replaced.File(s) added or replaced.
+ Save As FileSave As File
+ Unable to save the file.Unable to save the file.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toChoose the directory to save the files to
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.
+ Unable to save files.Unable to save files.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.The Nav document can not be removed.
+ The NCX can not be removed.The NCX can not be removed.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Unable to set file as cover image.
+ Select AllSelect All
+ Add Blank HTML FileAdd Blank HTML File
+ Add Blank StylesheetAdd Blank Stylesheet
+ Add Blank JavascriptAdd Blank Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG ImageAdd Blank SVG Image
+ Add Existing Files...Add Existing Files...
+ Add CopyAdd Copy
+ RenameRename
+ RegEx RenameRegEx Rename
+ MoveMove
+ DeleteDelete
+ Cover ImageCover Image
+ MergeMerge
+ NoneNone
+ Use Adobe's MethodUse Adobe's Method
+ Use IDPF's MethodUse IDPF's Method
+ SortSort
+ Renumber TOC EntriesRenumber TOC Entries
+ Link Stylesheets...Link Stylesheets...
+ Link Javascripts...Link Javascripts...
+ Add Semantics...Add Semantics...
+ Validate with W3CValidate with W3C
+ Save AsSave As
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.
+ Rename selected file(s)Rename selected file(s)
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderMove selected file(s) to a new folder
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Link Javascripts to selected file(s).
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Add Semantics to selected file(s).
+ Other ApplicationOther Application
@@ -1778,12 +1778,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Collapse AllCollapse All
+ Expand AllExpand All
@@ -3653,362 +3653,362 @@ mended.
+ AcknowledgementsAcknowledgements
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.
+ AfterwordAfterword
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.
+ AppendixAppendix
+ Supplemental information.Supplemental information.
+ Back MatterBack Matter
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliography
+ A list of works cited.A list of works cited.
+ TextText
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.The start of the main text content of a publication.
+ ColophonColophon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.
+ ConclusionConclusion
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.An ending section that typically wraps up the work.
+ ContributorsContributors
+ A list of contributors to the work.A list of contributors to the work.
+ Copyright PageCopyright Page
+ The copyright page of the work.The copyright page of the work.
+ CoverCover
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.
+ DedicationDedication
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).
+ EpilogueEpilogue
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.
+ EpigraphEpigraph
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.
+ FootnotesFootnotes
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.
+ ForewordForeword
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.
+ Front MatterFront Matter
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.
+ GlossaryGlossary
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.
+ Half Title PageHalf Title Page
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.
+ ImprintImprint
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.
+ IndexIndex
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.
+ IntroductionIntroduction
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.
+ List of IllustrationsList of Illustrations
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.A listing of illustrations included in the work.
+ List of Audio ClipsList of Audio Clips
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.A listing of audio clips included in the work.
+ List of TablesList of Tables
+ A listing of tables included in the work.A listing of tables included in the work.
+ List of Video ClipsList of Video Clips
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.A listing of video clips included in the work.
+ NotesNotes
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'
+ Other CreditsOther Credits
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.
+ PreamblePreamble
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentA section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's content
+ PrefacePreface
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.
+ ProloguePrologue
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.
+ Rear NotesRear Notes
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.
+ Title PageTitle Page
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.
+ Table of ContentsTable of Contents
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.
@@ -4240,67 +4240,67 @@ You can then check or uncheck individual headings in the list above.Thumbnail size:
+ NameName
+ File Size (KB)File Size (KB)
+ Times UsedTimes Used
+ WidthWidth
+ HeightHeight
+ PixelsPixels
+ ColorColor
+ ImageImage
+ %n file(s)%n file(s)%n file(s)
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileSave Report As Comma Separated File
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Cannot save report file.
+ Delete From BookDelete From Book
@@ -4700,482 +4700,482 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ AcknowledgmentsAcknowledgments
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.
+ AfterwordAfterword
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.
+ AnnotationAnnotation
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedExplanatory information about passages in the work. Status: Deprecated
+ AppendixAppendix
+ Supplemental information.Supplemental information.
+ AssessmentAssessment
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.
+ Back MatterBack Matter
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliography
+ A list of works cited.A list of works cited.
+ Body MatterBody Matter
+ The main content of a publication.The main content of a publication.
+ ChapterChapter
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.A major structural division of a piece of writing.
+ ColophonColophon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.
+ ConclusionConclusion
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.An ending section that typically wraps up the work.
+ ContributorsContributors
+ A list of contributors to the work.A list of contributors to the work.
+ Copyright PageCopyright Page
+ The copyright page of the work.The copyright page of the work.
+ CoverCover
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.
+ DedicationDedication
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).
+ DivisionDivision
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).
+ EpigraphEpigraph
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.
+ EpilogueEpilogue
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.
+ FootnotesFootnotes
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.
+ ForewordForeword
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.
+ Front MatterFront Matter
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.
+ GlossaryGlossary
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.
+ Half Title PageHalf Title Page
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.
+ ImprintImprint
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.
+ IndexIndex
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.
+ IntroductionIntroduction
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.
+ LandmarksLandmarks
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationA collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publication
+ List of Audio ClipsList of Audio Clips
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.A listing of audio clips included in the work.
+ List of IllustrationsList of Illustrations
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.A listing of illustrations included in the work.
+ List of TablesList of Tables
+ A listing of tables included in the work.A listing of tables included in the work.
+ List of Video ClipsList of Video Clips
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.A listing of video clips included in the work.
+ NoticeNotice
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.
+ Other CreditsOther Credits
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.
+ Page ListPage List
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookA list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebook
+ PartPart
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.
+ PreamblePreamble
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentA section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's content
+ PrefacePreface
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.
+ ProloguePrologue
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.
+ Questions and AnswersQuestions and Answers
+ A question and answer section.A question and answer section.
+ Rear NotesRear Notes
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.
+ Revision HistoryRevision History
+ A record of changes made to a work.A record of changes made to a work.
+ SubchapterSubchapter
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.A major sub-division of a chapter.
+ Title PageTitle Page
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.
+ Table of ContentsTable of Contents
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.
+ VolumeVolume
+ A component of a collection.A component of a collection.
+ WarningWarning
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.
@@ -8473,14 +8473,13 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- Plugins
- Plugins
+ &Plugins
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
- Checkpoints
+ Chec&kpoints
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8498,6 +8497,11 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Add Existing
Add Existing
+ Checkpoints
+ Checkpoints
+ Index
@@ -10871,6 +10875,31 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Show Log of Checkpoints
Show Log of Checkpoints
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10985,37 +11014,37 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11036,17 +11065,17 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11294,356 +11323,356 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
Image does not exist:
+ oror
+ No CSS styles namedNo CSS styles named
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.found, or stylesheet not linked.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html>
+ Add CoverAdd Cover
+ An existing Cover file has been found.An existing Cover file has been found.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.
+ Cover added.Cover added.
+ Not Available for epub2.Not Available for epub2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.OPF Manifest Properties Updated.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX and Guide removed.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.NCX and Guide generation failed.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX and Guide generated.
+ An existing Index file has been found.An existing Index file has been found.
+ Styles deleted.Styles deleted.
+ Reports Being Generated.Reports Being Generated.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.
+ Unused media files deleted.Unused media files deleted.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.You cannot insert a file at this position.
+ Insert FileInsert File
+ The file "%1" does not exist.The file "%1" does not exist.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.You cannot insert an id at this position.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.You cannot insert a link at this position.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.You cannot mark an index at this position.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Select the destination to paste into first.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Pasted clip entry %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.
+ Cannot merge file %1Cannot merge file %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.
+ Word updated.Word updated.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.
+ File(s) deleted.File(s) deleted.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Edit Table of Contents cancelled.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Table Of Contents edited.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Generate TOC cancelled.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Table Of Contents generated.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.
+ Text selection marked.Text selection marked.
+ Text selection unmarked.Text selection unmarked.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Metadata Editor cancelled.
+ Metadata edited.Metadata edited.
+ RunPluginRunPlugin
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Line: %1, Col: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.File cannot be split at this position.
+ Split completed.Split completed.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedCannot split: %1 XML is not well formed
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Should Sigil overwrite this file?
+ No importer for file type: %1No importer for file type: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11656,113 +11685,143 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and reloading the file.
+ Loading file...Loading file...
+ File loaded.File loaded.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Cannot load EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Cannot load file %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Saving EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB saved.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Cannot save file %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)EPUB files (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Text files (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)All files (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)EPUB file (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Preserve existing heading attributes is now:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15610,12 +15669,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][Title here]
+ [Main title here][Main title here]
@@ -16244,128 +16303,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Status: running
+ Launcher process crashedLauncher process crashed
+ Status: finishedStatus: finished
+ Status: failedStatus: failed
+ Status: No Changes MadeStatus: No Changes Made
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesError: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changes
+ Status:Status:
+ Plugin failed to startPlugin failed to start
+ Status: errorStatus: error
+ Plugin cancelledPlugin cancelled
+ Status: cancelledStatus: cancelled
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Error Parsing Result XML:
+ Status: checkingStatus: checking
+ Incorrect XHTML:Incorrect XHTML:
+ Line/ColLine/Col
+ Check ReportCheck Report
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesStatus: cleaning up - deleting files
+ Status: deletingStatus: deleting
+ Status: LoadingStatus: Loading
+ Input PluginInput Plugin
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedYour current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceed
+ Status: addingStatus: adding
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesStatus: cleaning up - modifying files
+ Status: modifyingStatus: modifying
@@ -16642,43 +16701,43 @@ Entities can be separated by lines, commas, or spaces.
+ PreviewPreview
+ Inspect PageInspect Page
+ Select-AllSelect-All
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardCopy Selection To ClipBoard
+ Update Preview WindowUpdate Preview Window
+ Cycle Custom CSS FilesCycle Custom CSS Files
+ Print Preview ViewPrint Preview View
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xFeature not available before Qt5.12.x
@@ -16838,7 +16897,7 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
The OPF file does not contain an NCX file.
+ Adding Existing Files..Adding Existing Files..
@@ -16868,19 +16927,19 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
<p>A newer version of Sigil is available, version <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Would you like to go to the download page?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Cannot read file %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil has encountered a problem.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil may need to close.
@@ -16906,28 +16965,28 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
Invalid NCX file: %1
+ QuitQuit
+ AboutAbout
+ PreferencesPreferences
+ NewNew
+ OpenOpen
@@ -19010,32 +19069,32 @@ your book and automatically insert into your document.
+ Files In the BookFiles In the Book
+ ThumbnailsThumbnails
+ shadesshades
+ colorscolors
+ GrayscaleGrayscale
+ ColorColor
@@ -19617,17 +19676,17 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
Table Of Contents
+ The file "%1" does not exist.The file "%1" does not exist.
+ Collapse AllCollapse All
+ Expand AllExpand All
@@ -19643,12 +19702,12 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_es.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_es.ts
index fc23a5f58f..ef551385b0 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_es.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_es.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ si se especifica un tipo de letra «sans-serif» en el CSS
+ Open WithAbrir con
+ %n file(s)%n archivo%n archivos%n archivos
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?¿Está seguro de querer ordenar alfabéticamente los archivos seleccionados?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Esta acción no se puede deshacer.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.El archivo «%1» no existe.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.El formato epub2 no admite javascript.
+ Add Existing FilesAñadir archivos existentes
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ si se especifica un tipo de letra «sans-serif» en el CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ si se especifica un tipo de letra «sans-serif» en el CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
¿Quiere sustituirlo?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".No se pudo borrar o sustituir el archivo «%1».
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Ya hay un archivo con este nombre en el libro.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ Ya hay un archivo con este nombre en el libro.
+ File(s) added or replaced.Archivo(s) añadido(s) o sustituido(s)
+ Save As FileGuardar archivo como
+ Unable to save the file.No se pudo guardar el archivo.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toElija el directorio donde guardar los archivos
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Uno o más archivos ya existe(n). ¿Quiere sobreescribirlo(s)?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.No se pudieron guardar los archivos. Puede que el destino sea un directorio.
+ Unable to save files.No se pudo guardar el archivo.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.No se pudo cambiar el nombre porque daría lugar a nombres de archivo duplicados.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"La carpeta de destino tiene una ruta incorrecta «%1»
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.No se pueden mover los archivos porque resultaría en nombres de archivo duplicados.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.El documento Nav no se puede eliminar.
+ The NCX can not be removed.El archivo NCX no puede eliminarse.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.El archivo OPF es necesario para el epub y no puede eliminarse.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.No se pueden eliminar todos los archivos HTML.
Siempre debe haber al menos uno.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.No se puede usar el archivo como imagen de portada.
+ Select AllSeleccionar todo
+ Add Blank HTML FileAñadir archivo HTML en blanco
+ Add Blank StylesheetAñadir una hoja de estilos en blanco
+ Add Blank JavascriptAñadir javascript en blanco
+ Add Blank SVG ImageAñadir imagen SVG en blanco
+ Add Existing Files...Añadir archivos existentes...
+ Add CopyAñadir copia
+ RenameCambiar el nombre
+ RegEx RenameCambiar el nombre con expresión regular
+ MoveMover
+ DeleteBorrar
+ Cover ImageImagen de portada
+ MergeFusionar
+ NoneNinguna
+ Use Adobe's MethodUsar el método de Adobe
+ Use IDPF's MethodUsar el método de IDPF
+ SortOrdenar
+ Renumber TOC EntriesRenumerar las entradas del índice de contenido
+ Link Stylesheets...Enlazar hojas de estilos...
+ Link Javascripts...Enlazar javascripts...
+ Add Semantics...Añadir concepto...
+ Validate with W3CValidar con W3C
+ Save AsGuardar como
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Fusionar con el archivo precedente o fusionar múltiples archivos en uno.
+ Rename selected file(s)Cambiar el nombre de archivos seleccionados
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Usar expresión regular para cambiar el nombre de archivos seleccionados
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderMover los archivos seleccionados a una nueva carpeta
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Enlazar hojas de estilos a los archivos seleccionados
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Enlazar javascripts a los archivos seleccionados.
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Añadir conceptos a los archivos seleccionados
+ Other ApplicationOtra aplicación
@@ -1778,12 +1778,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Collapse AllContraer todo
+ Expand AllExpandir todo
@@ -3649,362 +3649,362 @@ mended.
+ AcknowledgementsAgradecimientos
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Un texto con agradecimientos o reconocimientos a entidades que han tomado parte en la realización de la obra.
+ AfterwordPalabras finales
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Un comentario final del autor o una persona importante para la historia, normalmente con información sobre cómo llegó a escribirse la historia, su significado o sucesos relacionados que han tenido lugar después del tiempo de la historia.
+ AppendixApéndice
+ Supplemental information.Información suplementaria.
+ Back MatterContenido final
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Material adicional que aparece después del contenido principal de una publicación, como índices, apéndices, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografía
+ A list of works cited.Una lista de obras citadas.
+ TextTexto
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.El inicio del contenido textual principal de una publicación.
+ ColophonColofón
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Una breve descripción, normalmente al final de una publicación, con detalles de producción relevantes para la edición.
+ ConclusionConclusión
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Una sección final que normalmente completa la obra.
+ ContributorsColaboradores
+ A list of contributors to the work.Una lista de colaboradores de la obra
+ Copyright PagePágina de copyright
+ The copyright page of the work.La página de copyright de la obra.
+ CoverPortada
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.La(s) portada(s) de la publicación, sobrecubierta, etc.
+ DedicationDedicatoria
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Una inscripción dirigida a una o varias personas.
+ EpilogueEpílogo
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Una sección final que normalmente está escrita desde una perspectiva temporal posterior a la historia principal, aunque sigue siendo parte de la narrativa.
+ EpigraphEpígrafe
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Una cita relacionada con el texto, pero que no forma parte integral de él.
+ ErrataErratas
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Erratas de la publicación, normalmente como una hoja suelta introducida a mano en obras impresas; a veces una página encuadernada con correcciones de errores en la obra.
+ FootnotesNotas al pie
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Un conjunto de notas que aparecen en la parte inferior de una página
+ ForewordPrólogo
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Una sección introductoria que precede al texto, normalmente no escrita por el autor de la obra.
+ Front MatterContenido inicial
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Material preliminar al contenido principal de una publicación, como índices de contenido, dedicatorias, etc.
+ GlossaryGlosario
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Una lista alfabética de términos en un ámbito de conocimiento particular, con las definiciones de dichos términos.
+ Half Title PagePortadilla
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.La portadilla de una obra, que no incluye más que el título.
+ ImprimaturVisto bueno
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Una autorización formal para la publicación de la obra.
+ ImprintEdición
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Información relativa a la publicación o distribución de la obra.
+ IndexÍndice temático
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Una lista detallada, normalmente ordenada alfabéticamente, de la información específica en una publicación.
+ IntroductionIntroducción
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Una sección al inicio de una obra, que normalmente introduce al lector en el ámbito o contexto del contenido de la obra.
+ List of IllustrationsLista de ilustraciones
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Un listado de las ilustraciones incluidas en la obra.
+ List of Audio ClipsLista de fragmentos sonoros
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Un listado de fragmentos sonoros incluidos en la obra.
+ List of TablesLista de cuadros
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Un listado de los cuadros o tablas incluidos en la obra.
+ List of Video ClipsLista de fragmentos visuales
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Un listado de framentos visuales incluidos en la obra.
+ NotesNotas
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Un conjunto de notas. Puede usarse para identificar notas al pie, notas finales, notas al margen, notas intercaladas y otras similares cuando no se desea usar otrasconvenciones. Estado: Anticuado - Sustituido por: «notas al pie», «notas finales»
+ Other CreditsOtros créditos
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Reconocimentos de partes de la obra publicadas previamente, créditos de ilustraciones y permisos para reproducir material protegido por copyright.
+ PreamblePreámbulo
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentUna sección al inicio de la obra, que normalmente contiene texto introductorio o explicativo relacionado con el ámbito o contexto del contenido de la obra.
+ PrefacePrefacio
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Una sección introductoria que precede al texto, normalmente escrita por el autor de la obra.
+ ProloguePrólogo
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Una sección introductoria que plantea el trasfondo de una historia, normalmente parte de la narrativa.
+ Rear NotesNotas finales
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Un conjunto de notas que aparecen al final (contenido final) de la obra, o al final de una sección.
+ Title PagePágina de título
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Una página al inicio de un libro, con su título, autores, editorial y otra información de publicación
+ Table of ContentsÍndice de contenido
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Un índice que es una lista de los encabezados o partes de un libro o documento, organizados en el orden en que aparecen. Normalmente figura en los contenidos iniciales o al principio de una sección
@@ -4236,67 +4236,67 @@ Después puede marcar o desmarcar las entradas individuales de la lista de arrib
Tamaño de miniatura:
+ NameNombre
+ File Size (KB)Tamaño de archivo (kiB)
+ Times UsedNúmero de veces usado
+ WidthAnchura
+ HeightAltura
+ PixelsPíxeles
+ ColorColor
+ ImageImagen
+ %n file(s)%n archivo%n archivos%n archivos
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileGuardar informe como un archivo separado por comas
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.No se pudo guardar el archivo de informe.
+ Delete From BookEliminar del libro
@@ -4696,482 +4696,482 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ AcknowledgmentsAgradecimientos
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Un texto con agradecimientos o reconocimientos a entidades que han tomado parte en la realización de la obra.
+ AfterwordPalabras finales
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Un comentario final del autor o una persona importante para la historia, normalmente coninformación sobre cómo llegó a escribirse la historia, su significado o sucesos relacionados que han tenido lugar después del tiempo de la historia.
+ AnnotationAnotación
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedInformación explicativa sobre partes de la obra. Estado: Anticuado
+ AppendixApéndice
+ Supplemental information.Información suplementaria.
+ AssessmentEvaluación
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Un examen, prueba u otra actividad que sirve para evaluar en qué medida un alumno ha comprendido lo que se le ha enseñado.
+ Back MatterContenido final
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Material adicional que aparece después del contenido principal de una publicación, como índices, apéndices, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografía
+ A list of works cited.Una lista de obras citadas.
+ Body MatterContenido principal
+ The main content of a publication.El contenido principal de una publicación.
+ ChapterCapítulo
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Una división estructural de importancia en una obra escrita.
+ ColophonColofón
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Una breve descripción, normalmente al final de una publicación, con detalles de producción relevantes para la edición.
+ ConclusionConclusión
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Una sección final que normalmente completa la obra.
+ ContributorsColaboradores
+ A list of contributors to the work.Una lista de colaboradores de la obra
+ Copyright PagePágina de copyright
+ The copyright page of the work.La página de copyright de la obra.
+ CoverPortada
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.La(s) portada(s) de la publicación, sobrecubierta, etc.
+ DedicationDedicatoria
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Una inscripción dirigida a una o varias personas.
+ DivisionDivisión
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Una división estructural de importancia que también puede aparecer como subestructura de una parte (especialmente en textos legales).
+ EpigraphEpígrafe
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Una cita relacionada con el texto, pero que no forma parte integral de él.
+ EpilogueEpílogo
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Una sección final que normalmente está escrita desde una perspectiva temporal posterior a la historia principal, aunque sigue siendo parte de la narrativa.
+ ErrataErratas
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Erratas de la publicación, normalmente como una hoja suelta introducida a mano en obras impresas; a veces una página encuadernada con correcciones de errores en la obra.
+ FootnotesNotas al pie
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Un conjunto de notas que aparecen en la parte inferior de una página
+ ForewordPrólogo
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Una sección introductoria que precede al texto, normalmente no escrita por el autor de la obra.
+ Front MatterContenido inicial
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Material preliminar al contenido principal de una publicación, como índices de contenido, dedicatorias, etc.
+ GlossaryGlosario
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Una lista alfabética de términos en un ámbito de conocimiento particular, con las definiciones de dichos términos.
+ Half Title PagePortadilla
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.La portadilla de una obra, que no incluye más que el título.
+ ImprimaturVisto bueno
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Una autorización formal para la publicación de la obra.
+ ImprintEdición
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Información relativa a la publicación o distribución de la obra.
+ IndexÍndice temático
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Una lista detallada, normalmente ordenada alfabéticamente, de la información específica en una publicación.
+ IntroductionIntroducción
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Una sección al inicio de una obra, que normalmente introduce al lector en el ámbito o contexto del contenido de la obra.
+ LandmarksHitos
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationUna colección de referencias a componentes conocidos o frecuentes de la publicación.
+ List of Audio ClipsLista de fragmentos sonoros
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Un listado de fragmentos sonoros incluidos en la obra.
+ List of IllustrationsLista de ilustraciones
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Un listado de las ilustraciones incluidas en la obra.
+ List of TablesLista de cuadros
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Un listado de los cuadros o tablas incluidos en la obra.
+ List of Video ClipsLista de fragmentos visuales
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Un listado de framentos visuales incluidos en la obra.
+ NoticeAviso
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Información que requiere especial atención y que no debe saltarse u omitirse. Por ejemplo: atención, advertencia, cuidado, peligro, importante.
+ Other CreditsOtros créditos
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Reconocimentos de partes de la obra publicadas previamente, créditos de ilustraciones y permisos para reproducir material protegido por copyright.
+ Page ListLista de páginas
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookUna lista de referencias a saltos de página (ubicaciones de inicio) de una versión impresa del libro
+ PartParte
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Una división estructural de importancia en una obra escrita, que normalmente contiene un conjunto de capítulos relacionados.
+ PreamblePreámbulo
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentUna sección al inicio de la obra, que normalmente contiene texto introductorio o explicativo relacionado con el ámbito o contexto del contenido de la obra.
+ PrefacePrefacio
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Una sección introductoria que precede al texto, normalmente escrita por el autor de la obra.
+ ProloguePrólogo
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Una sección introductoria que plantea el trasfondo de una historia, normalmente parte de la narrativa.
+ Questions and AnswersPreguntas y respuestas
+ A question and answer section.Una sección de preguntas y respuestas.
+ Rear NotesNotas finales
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Un conjunto de notas que aparecen al final (contenido final) de la obra, o al final de una sección.
+ Revision HistoryHistorial de revisiones
+ A record of changes made to a work.Un registro de cambios hechos en una obra.
+ SubchapterSubcapítulo
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Una subdivisión principal de un capítulo.
+ Title PagePágina de título
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Una página al inicio de un libro, con su título, autores, editorial y otra información de publicación.
+ Table of ContentsÍndice de contenido
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Un índice que es una lista de los encabezados o partes de un libro o documento, organizados en el orden en que aparecen. Normalmente figura en los contenidos iniciales o al principio de una sección.
+ VolumeVolumen
+ A component of a collection.Un componente de una colección.
+ WarningAdvertencia
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Una advertencia o aviso sobre material específico. Estado: Anticuado - Sustituido por «aviso».
@@ -8469,14 +8469,13 @@ Las hojas de estilo que aparecen primero tienen prioridad sobre las posteriores.
- Plugins
- Complementos
+ &Plugins
+ &Complementos
- Checkpoints
- Puntos de control
+ Chec&kpoints
+ Puntos de &control
@@ -8494,6 +8493,11 @@ Las hojas de estilo que aparecen primero tienen prioridad sobre las posteriores.
Add ExistingAñadir existente
+ Checkpoints
+ Puntos de control
+ Index
@@ -10865,6 +10869,31 @@ Las hojas de estilo que aparecen primero tienen prioridad sobre las posteriores.
Show Log of CheckpointsMostrar registro de puntos de control
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Foco en la vista de código
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Foco en el explorador de libros
+ Focus on Preview
+ Foco en la vista previa
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Foco en el índice
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Foco en la ventana de fragmentos
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10979,37 +11008,37 @@ Las hojas de estilo que aparecen primero tienen prioridad sobre las posteriores.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11030,17 +11059,17 @@ Esta acción no se puede deshacer.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11288,356 +11317,356 @@ Esta acción no se puede deshacer.
La imagen no existe:
+ oro
+ No CSS styles namedNo hay estilos CSS
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.encontrado, o la hoja de estilos no está vinculada.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>El href <b>%1</b> encontrado en <b>%2</b> no existe (y puede haber más). Dividir o mezclar bajo estas condiciones puede resultar en enlaces rotos.</p><p>¿Aún desea continuar?</p></html>
+ Add CoverAñadir portada
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Se ha encontrado un archivo de portada existente.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Error inesperado. Sólo se pueden usar para la portada archivos de imagen.
+ Cover added.Portada añadida.
+ Not Available for epub2.No disponible para epub2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.Propiedades del manifiesto OPF actualizadas.
+ NCX and Guide removed.Archivo NCX y guía eliminados.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.La generación del archivo NCX y guía falló.
+ NCX and Guide generated.Archivo NCX y guía generados.
+ An existing Index file has been found.Se ha encontrado un archivo de índice existente.
+ Styles deleted.Estilos borrados.
+ Reports Being Generated.Se están generando los informes.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Generación de informes cancelada porque el XML no es correcto.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Borrado de archivos sin usar cancelado porque el XML no es correcto.
+ Unused media files deleted.Archivos sin usar borrados.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.No hay archivos de imagen, vídeo o audio sin usar que borrar.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Borrado de estilos sin usar cancelado porque el XML no es correcto.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.No hay selectores de hojas de estilo sin usar que borrar.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.No se puede insertar un archivo en esta posición.
+ Insert FileInsertar archivo
+ The file "%1" does not exist.El archivo «%1» no existe.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.No puede insertar un ID en esta posición.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .El ID no es válido, debe empezar por una letra, seguida de letras, números, «_», «:», «-» o «.».
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.No se puede insertar un enlace en esta posición.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'El enlace no es válido, no puede contener «<» ni «>»
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.No se puede marcar para el índice temático en esta posición o sin texto seleccionado.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'La entrada no es válida, no puede contener «<» ni «>»
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.No se puede marcar para el índice temático en esta posición.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Seleccione primero el destino donde pegar.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Fragmento %1 pegado.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Un recurso seleccionado y no hay recurso anterior con el que fusionarlo.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.¿Está seguro de querer fusionar los archivos seleccionados?
Esta acción no puede deshacerse.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Fusión cancelada: los archivos XHMTL implicados en la fusión no son correctos.
+ Cannot merge file %1No se pudo fusionar el archivo %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Fusión completada. Puede que tenga que regenerar o modificar el índice de contenido.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Enlace de hojas de estilos cancelado: %1, el XML no es correcto.
+ Word updated.Palabra actualizada.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Enlace de javascripts cancelado: %1, el código XML no es correcto.
+ File(s) deleted.Archivo(s) borrado(s).
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Modificación de índice de contenido cancelada.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Índice de contenido modificado.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Generación del índice de contenido cancelada.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Índice de contenido generado.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.No es necesario hacer cambios en el índice de contenido.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.Se ha encontrado un archivo de índice HTML existente.
+ Text selection marked.Selección de texto marcada.
+ Text selection unmarked.Selección de texto desmarcada.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Editor de metadatos cancelado.
+ Metadata edited.Metadatos modificados.
+ RunPluginEjecutar complemento
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Este EPUB no contiene hojas de estilo CSS para validar.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Este EPUB no contiene ninguna hoja de estilo CSS para reordenar.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Línea: %1; columna: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.El archivo no se puede dividir en este punto.
+ Split completed.División completada.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.No se pudo dividir porque al menos un archivo no es HTML.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedNo se pudo dividir: %1, el XML no es correcto
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.No se pudo dividir porque al menos un archivo puede no ser HTML.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.División completada. Puede que tenga que actualizar el índice de contenido.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.No hay marcas de división de archivo. Use Insertar->Marca de división.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?El documento ha sido modificado.
¿Quiere guardar los cambios?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?¿Desea que Sigil sustituya el archivo?
+ No importer for file type: %1No hay posibilidad de importar el tipo de archivo: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11650,113 +11679,143 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Pruebe a cambiar las preferencias de «Limpiar código» a para corregir el código XHTML al abrir y vuelva a cargar el archivo.
+ Loading file...Cargando archivo...
+ File loaded.Archivo cargado.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.El creador de este archivo lo ha codificado con DRM. Sigil no puede abrir este tipo de archivos.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1No se pudo cargar el EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2No se puede cargar el archivo %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Guardando EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil no puede guardar archivos de tipo «%1».
Elija un formato diferente.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- Este EPUB contiene archivos HTML que no son correctos y la configuración actual de Limpiar código es corregir automáticamente al guardar. Guardar un archivo que no es correcto hace que se corrija automáticamente, lo que en raras ocasiones puede causar alguna pérdida de datos.
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Este EPUB tiene archivos HTML que no están bien formados y las preferencias actuales para «Limpiar código» están establecidas para corregir al guardar.
-¿Quiere corregir los archivos automáticamente antes de guardar?
+¿Desea corregir automáticamente los archivos antes de guardar? ¿O cancelar el guardado?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ Guardando EPUB... cancelado
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB guardado, pero no todos los archivos HTML son correctos.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB guardado.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2No se pudo guardar el archivo %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)Archivos EPUB (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)Archivos HTML (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Archivos de texto (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Todos los archivos (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)Archivo EPUB (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Actualmente la conservación de atributos del encabezamiento está:
+ ONActivada
+ OFFDesactivada
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Foco cambiado a la ventana de vista de código.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Foco cambiado a la ventana del explorador de libros.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Foco cambiado la ventana de vista previa.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Foco cambiado a la ventana de índice.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ Foco cambiado a la ventana de fragmentos.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15604,12 +15663,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][Título aquí]
+ [Main title here][Título principal aquí]
@@ -16238,128 +16297,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Estado: en ejecución
+ Launcher process crashedEl proceso del ejecución falló
+ Status: finishedEstado: finalizado
+ Status: failedEstado: fallo
+ Status: No Changes MadeEstado: no se han hecho cambios
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesError: el complemento intentó eliminar el último archivo XHTML... anulando cambios
+ Status:Estado:
+ Plugin failed to startEl complemento falló al iniciarse
+ Status: errorEstado: error
+ Plugin cancelledComplemento cancelado
+ Status: cancelledEstado: cancelado
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Error al analizar resultados XML:
+ Status: checkingEstado: comprobando
+ Incorrect XHTML:XHTML incorrecto:
+ Line/ColLínea/columna
+ Check ReportInforme de verificación
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?XHTML/XML incorrecto y detectado
¿Seguro que desea continuar?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesEstado: limpiando, eliminando archivos
+ Status: deletingEstado: eliminando
+ Status: LoadingEstado: cargando
+ Input PluginComplemento de entrada
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedEl libro actual será completamente reemplazado, perdiendo cualquier cambio no guardado... ¿Seguro que desea continuar?
+ Status: addingEstado: añadiendo
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesEstado: limpiando, modificando archivos
+ Status: modifyingEstado: modificando
@@ -16635,43 +16694,43 @@ Entities can be separated by lines, commas, or spaces.
+ PreviewVista previa
+ Inspect PageExaminar página
+ Select-AllSeleccionar todo
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardCopiar selección al portapapeles
+ Update Preview WindowActualizar ventana de vista previa
+ Cycle Custom CSS FilesCambiar archivos CSS personalizados
+ Print Preview ViewVista previa de impresión
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xEsta función no está disponible antes de Qt5.12.x
@@ -16831,7 +16890,7 @@ Línea: %1 Columna %2 - %3
El archivo OPF no contiene un archivo NCX.
+ Adding Existing Files..Añadiendo archivos existentes...
@@ -16861,19 +16920,19 @@ Línea: %1 Columna %2 - %3
<p>Hay una versión de Sigil más reciente disponible: <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>¿Desea ir a la página de descargas?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.No se pudo leer el archivo %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil ha encontrado un problema.
+ Sigil may need to close.Puede que Sigil necesite cerrarse.
@@ -16899,28 +16958,28 @@ Línea: %1 Columna %2 - %3
Archivo NCX no válido: %1
+ QuitSalir
+ AboutAcerca de
+ PreferencesPreferencias
+ NewNuevo
+ OpenAbrir
@@ -19001,32 +19060,32 @@ al libro e insertar automáticamente en el documento.
+ Files In the BookArchivos en el libro
+ ThumbnailsMiniaturas
+ shadesniveles
+ colorscolores
+ GrayscaleEscala de grises
+ ColorColor
@@ -19610,17 +19669,17 @@ de Ortografía está abierta.
Índice de contenido
+ The file "%1" does not exist.El archivo «%1» no existe.
+ Collapse AllContraer todo
+ Expand AllExpandir todo
@@ -19636,12 +19695,12 @@ de Ortografía está abierta.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_fi.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_fi.ts
index 7cb8036d7d..2e354b15f0 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_fi.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_fi.ts
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ jos CSS-koodisi asettaa pääteviivattoman fonttityypin
+ Open WithAvaa ohjelmalla
+ %n file(s)%n tiedosto(a)%n tiedosto(a)
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Oletko varma, että haluat lajitella valitut tiedot aakkosjärjestykseen?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Tätä toimintoa ei voida perua.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Tiedostoa "%1" ei ole.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Javascript ei ole tuettu epub2:ssa.
+ Add Existing FilesLisää valmiita tiedostoja
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ jos CSS-koodisi asettaa pääteviivattoman fonttityypin
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ jos CSS-koodisi asettaa pääteviivattoman fonttityypin
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
Haluatko korvata sen?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Tiedostoa "%1" ei voi poistaa tai korvata.
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Tämän niminen tiedosto on jo kirjassa.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ Tämän niminen tiedosto on jo kirjassa.
+ File(s) added or replaced.Tiedosto(ja) lisätty tai korvattu.
+ Save As FileTallenna tiedostona
+ Unable to save the file.Tiedostoa ei voi tallentaa.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toValitse hakemisto, johon tiedostot tallennetaan
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Yksi tai useampia tiedostoja on jo olemassa. Kirjoitetaanko päälle?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Tiedostoja ei voi tallentaa. Kohde ei ehkä ole hakemisto.
+ Unable to save files.Tiedostoja ei voi tallentaa.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Tiedostoja ei voi nimetä uudelleen, koska se aiheuttaisi, että sama nimi on usealla tiedostolla.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"Kohdekansion polku "%1" on virheellinen.
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Tiedostoja ei voi siirtää, koska se johtaisi päällekkäisiin tiedostonimiin.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Nav-tiedostoa ei voi poistaa.
+ The NCX can not be removed.NCX tiedostoa ei voi poistaa.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.OPF tarvitaan epubia varten, eikä sitä voi poistaa.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Et voi poistaa kaikkia HTML-tiedostoja.
Niitä on oltava ainakin yksi.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Tiedostoa ei voi asettaa kansikuvaksi.
+ Select AllValitse kaikki
+ Add Blank HTML FileLisää tyhjä HTML-tiedosto
+ Add Blank StylesheetLisää tyhjä tyyliohje
+ Add Blank JavascriptLisää tyhjä Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG ImageLisää tyhjä SVG-kuva
+ Add Existing Files...Lisää valmiita tiedostoja...
+ Add CopyLisää kopio
+ RenameNimeä uudelleen
+ RegEx RenameRegEx uudelleennimeäminen
+ MoveSiirrä
+ DeletePoista
+ Cover ImageKansikuva
+ MergeYhdistä
+ NoneEi mitään
+ Use Adobe's MethodKäytä Adoben menetelmää
+ Use IDPF's MethodKäytä IDPF:n menetelmää
+ SortLajittele
+ Renumber TOC EntriesNumeroi sisällysluettelon kohdat uudestaan
+ Link Stylesheets...Linkitä tyyliohjeita...
+ Link Javascripts...Linkkitä Javascriptit...
+ Add Semantics...Lisää semantiikka...
+ Validate with W3CTarkasta W3C:n validaattorilla
+ Save AsTallenna nimellä
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Yhdistä edellisen tiedoston kanssa tai yhdistä useita tiedostoja yhdeksi
+ Rename selected file(s)Nimeä valittu(t) tiedosto(t) uudelleen
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Käytä säännöllisiä lausekkeita valitun tiedoston uudelleennimeämiseen
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderSiirrä valittu tiedosto(t) uuteen kansioon.
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Linkitä tyyliohjeet valittuihin tiedostoihin
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Linkitä Javascripti(t) valitun tiedoston kanssa.
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Lisää semantiikkaa valittuihin tiedostoihin
+ Other ApplicationMuu sovellus
@@ -1778,12 +1778,12 @@ Haluatko tallentaa muutokset?
+ Collapse AllSupista kaikki
+ Expand AllLavenna kaikki
@@ -3621,18 +3621,18 @@ korjattu.
Preview Print Settings
+ Tulostusasetusten esikatseluSkip Print Preview
+ Ohita tulostuksen esikatseluPrint DPI:
+ Tulosta DPI:
@@ -3653,362 +3653,362 @@ korjattu.
+ AcknowledgementsKiitokset
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Tekstijakso sisältää ilmoituksia tahoista, jotka ovat olleet mukana teoksen toteuttamisessa.
+ AfterwordJälkisanat
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Loppulause, jonka on kirjoittanut tekijä tai kertomuksen kannalta tärkeä henkilö. Esittää tyypillisesti kuvauksen siitä, miten kertomuksen kirjoittamiseen päädyttiin, sen merkityksestä tai siihen liittyvistä tapahtumista, jotka ovat sattuneet sen aikajänteen jälkeen.
+ AppendixLiite
+ Supplemental information.Lisäinformaatiota.
+ Back MatterLopputekstit
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Oheisaineisto, joka on julkaisun pääsisällön jälkeen, kuten hakemistot, liitteet yms.
+ BibliographyKirjallisuusluettelo
+ A list of works cited.Luettelo teoksista, joihin on viitattu.
+ TextTeksti
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Julkaisun varsinaisen tekstisisällön alku
+ ColophonKolofoni
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Lyhyt kuvaus, joka sisältää huomautuksia julkaisun tuotantoprosessista. Sijaitsee tavallisesti lopussa.
+ ConclusionYhteenveto
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Loppujakso, joka tyypillisesti kokoaa yhteen teoksen sisältöä.
+ ContributorsAvustajat
+ A list of contributors to the work.Teoksen avustajien luettelo.
+ Copyright PageTekijänoikeussivu
+ The copyright page of the work.Teoksen tekijänoikeussivu
+ CoverKansi
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Julkaisun kansi t. kannet, tietoa päällysteistä yms.
+ DedicationOmistuskirjoitus
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Kirjoitus, joka on osoitettu yhdelle tai useammalle nimetylle henkilölle
+ EpilogueEpilogi
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Loppujakso, joka on tyypillisesti kirjoitettu kertomuksen pääosan aikaa myöhemmän ajankohdan kannalta, mutta joka on silti osa kerrontaa.
+ EpigraphMotto
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Lainaus, joka liittyy tekstiin, mutta ei ole sen olennainen osa.
+ ErrataKorjauksia
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Julkaisun virheiden korjauksia. Painetuissa teoksissa tyypillisesti irtolehti, joka on lisätty käsin. Joskus sidottu sivu, joka sisältää korjauksia teoksen virheisiin.
+ FootnotesAlaviitteet
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Kokoelma huomautuksia, jotka ovat sivun alalaidassa.
+ ForewordEsipuhe
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Johdattava tekstijakso, joka edeltää teosta ja jonka on tyypillisesti kirjoittanut joku muu kuin teoksen tekijä.
+ Front MatterEsiö
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Valmistavaa aineistoa, joka edeltää julkaisun varsinaista sisältöä, kuten sisällysluetteloja, omistuskirjoituksia ym.
+ GlossarySanasto
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Aakkosellinen luettelo tietyn alan termejä ja niiden määritelmiä.
+ Half Title PageSuojanimiö
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Teoksen suojanimiösivu, joka sisältää vain teoksen nimen.
+ ImprimaturPainatuslupa
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Muodollinen lausuma, joka antaa oikeuden teoksen julkaisemiseen.
+ ImprintValmistusmerkintä
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Tietoa, joka koskee julkaisua tai teoksen jakelua.
+ IndexHakemisto
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Yksityiskohtainen, tavallisesti aakkosellisesti järjestetty luettelo julkaisun sisältämästä tiedosta.
+ IntroductionJohdanto
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Teoksen alussa oleva jakso, joka tyypillisesti johdattaa lukijaa teoksen sisällön aihepiiriin tai luonteeseen.
+ List of IllustrationsKuvaluettelo
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Teokseen sisältyvien kuvien luettelo.
+ List of Audio ClipsÄänileikeluettelo
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Teokseen sisältyvien äänileikkeiden luettelo.
+ List of TablesTaulukkoluettelo.
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Teokseen sisältyvien taulukoiden luettelo.
+ List of Video ClipsVideoleikeluettelo.
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Teokseen sisältyvien videoleikkeiden luettelo.
+ NotesHuomautuksia
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Kokoelma huomautuksia. Sitä voidaan käyttää ilmoittamaan alaviitteet, loppuviitteet, reunuksissa olevat huomautukset, tekstissä olevat huomautukset ja vastaavat silloin, kun ei haluta soveltaa vanhoja nimeämiskäytäntöjä. Asema: ei suositella – tilalle suositellaan vaihtoehtoja ”Alaviitteet” ja ”Loppuviitteet”.
+ Other CreditsMuut maininnat
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Ilmoitukset teoksen aiemmin julkaistuista osista, kuvien tekijöistä ja luvista käyttää tekijänoikeuden alaista aineistoa.
+ PreambleJohdantojakso
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentTeoksen alussa oleva jakso, joka tyypillisesti sisältää johdattavaa tai selittävää tekstiä, joka käsittelee teoksen sisällön aihepiiriä tai luonnetta.
+ PrefaceAlkulause
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Johdattava tekstijakso, joka edeltää teosta ja jonka on tyypillisesti kirjoittanut sen tekijä.
+ ProloguePrologi
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Johdattava jakso, joka esittää tarinan taustan, tyypillisesti osana kerrontaa.
+ Rear NotesLoppuviitteet
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Kokoelma huomautuksia, jotka ovat teoksen lopussa (lopputeksteissä) tai luvun lopussa.
+ Title PageNimiösivu
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Kirjan alussa oleva sivu, joka ilmoittaa sen nimen, tekijät, julkaisijan ja muuta julkaisutietoa.
+ Table of ContentsSisällysluettelo
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Sisällysluettelo, joka on luettelo kirjan tai dokumentin otsikoista tai osista siinä järjestyksessä, jossa ne esiintyvät. Sijaitsee tyypillisesti teoksen esiössä tai osan alussa.
@@ -4240,67 +4240,67 @@ Voit sitten valita tai poistaa yksittäisiä otsikoita yllä olevasta listasta.<
Pienoiskuvan koko:
+ NameNimi
+ File Size (KB)Tiedoston koko (kB)
+ Times UsedKäyttökerrat
+ WidthLeveys
+ HeightKorkeus
+ PixelsPikseleitä
+ ColorVäri
+ ImageKuva
+ %n file(s)%n tiedosto(a)%n tiedosto(a)
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileTallenna raportti CSV-tiedostona, Comma Separated Values
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Raporttitiedostoa ei voi tallentaa,
+ Delete From BookPoista kirjasta
@@ -4700,482 +4700,482 @@ Haluatko tallentaa muutokset?
+ AcknowledgmentsKiitokset
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Tekstijakso sisältää ilmoituksia tahoista, jotka ovat olleet mukana teoksen toteuttamisessa.
+ AfterwordJälkisanat
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Loppulause, jonka on kirjoittanut tekijä tai kertomuksen kannalta tärkeä henkilö. Esittää tyypillisesti kuvauksen siitä, miten kertomuksen kirjoittamiseen päädyttiin, sen merkityksestä tai siihen liittyvistä tapahtumista, jotka ovat sattuneet sen aikajänteen jälkeen.
+ AnnotationHuomautus
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedSelittävää tietoa teoksen jaksoista. Asema: ei suositella.
+ AppendixLiite
+ Supplemental information.Lisäinformaatiota.
+ AssessmentTehtävä
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Testi, kysely tai muu toiminta, joka auttaa mittaamaan sitä, miten opiskelija ymmärtää opetettavan asian.
+ Back MatterLopputekstit
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Oheisaineisto, joka on julkaisun pääsisällön jälkeen, kuten hakemistot, liitteet yms.
+ BibliographyKirjallisuusluettelo
+ A list of works cited.Luettelo teoksista, joihin on viitattu.
+ Body MatterVarsinainen sisältö
+ The main content of a publication.Julkaisun pääsisältö.
+ ChapterLuku
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Kirjoituksen isohko rakenneosa.
+ ColophonKolofoni
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Lyhyt kuvaus, joka sisältää huomautuksia julkaisun tuotantoprosessista. Sijaitsee tavallisesti lopussa.
+ ConclusionYhteenveto
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Loppujakso, joka tyypillisesti kokoa yhteen teoksen sisältöä.
+ ContributorsAvustajat
+ A list of contributors to the work.Teoksen avustajien luettelo.
+ Copyright PageTekijänoikeussivu
+ The copyright page of the work.Teoksen tekijänoikeussivu
+ CoverKansi
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Julkaisun kansi t. kannet, tietoa päällysteistä yms.
+ DedicationOmistuskirjoitus
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Kirjoitus, joka on osoitettu yhdelle tai useammalle nimetylle henkilölle
+ DivisionJako-osa
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Isohko rakenneosa, joka voi esiintyä myös osan sisäisenä rakenteena (erityisesti lainsäädännössä).
+ EpigraphMotto
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Lainaus, joka liittyy tekstiin, mutta ei ole sen olennainen osa.
+ EpilogueEpilogi
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Loppujakso, joka on tyypillisesti kirjoitettu kertomuksen pääosan aikaa myöhemmän ajankohdan kannalta, mutta joka on silti osa kerrontaa.
+ ErrataKorjauksia
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Julkaisun virheiden korjauksia. Painetuissa teoksissa tyypillisesti irtolehti, joka on lisätty käsin. Joskus sidottu sivu, joka sisältää korjauksia teoksen virheisiin.
+ FootnotesAlaviitteet
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Kokoelma huomautuksia, jotka ovat sivun alalaidassa.
+ ForewordEsipuhe
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Johdattava tekstijakso, joka edeltää teosta ja jonka on tyypillisesti kirjoittanut joku muu kuin teoksen tekijä.
+ Front MatterEsiö
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Valmistavaa aineistoa, joka edeltää julkaisun varsinaista sisältöä, kuten sisällysluetteloja, omistuskirjoituksia ym.
+ GlossarySanasto
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Aakkosellinen luettelo tietyn alan termejä ja niiden määritelmiä.
+ Half Title PageSuojanimiö
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Teoksen suojanimiösivu, joka sisältää vain teoksen nimen.
+ ImprimaturPainatuslupa
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Muodollinen lausuma, joka antaa oikeuden teoksen julkaisemiseen.
+ ImprintValmistusmerkintä
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Tietoa, joka koskee julkaisua tai teoksen jakelua.
+ IndexHakemisto
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Yksityiskohtainen, tavallisesti aakkosellisesti järjestetty luettelo julkaisun sisältämästä tiedosta.
+ IntroductionJohdanto
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Teoksen alussa oleva jakso, joka tyypillisesti johdattaa lukijaa teoksen sisällön aihepiiriin tai luonteeseen.
+ LandmarksMaamerkit
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationKokoelma viittauksia hyvin tunnettuihin tai toistuviin komponentteihin julkaisussa.
+ List of Audio ClipsÄänileikeluettelo
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Teokseen sisältyvien äänileikkeiden luettelo.
+ List of IllustrationsKuvaluettelo
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Teokseen sisältyvien kuvien luettelo.
+ List of TablesTaulukkoluettelo.
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Teokseen sisältyvien taulukoiden luettelo.
+ List of Video ClipsVideoleikeluettelo.
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Teokseen sisältyvien videoleikkeiden luettelo.
+ NoticeIlmoitus
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Informaatio, joka vaatii erityistä huomiota ja jota ei saa ohittaa tai jättää pois. Esimerkkejä ovat hälytys, varoitus, muistutus, vaara ja tärkeä.
+ Other CreditsMuut maininnat
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Ilmoitukset teoksen aiemmin julkaistuista osista, kuvien tekijöistä ja luvista käyttää tekijänoikeuden alaista aineistoa.
+ Page ListSivuluettelo
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookLista viittauksia sivunvaihtoihin (sivujen alkuihin), jotka esiintyvät e-kirjan tulostusversiossa.
+ PartOsa
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Kirjoituksen iso rakenneosa, joka tyypillisesti koostuu joukosta toisiinsa liittyviä lukuja.
+ PreambleJohdantojakso
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentTeoksen alussa oleva jakso, joka tyypillisesti sisältää johdattavaa tai selittävää tekstiä, joka käsittelee teoksen sisällön aihepiiriä tai luonnetta.
+ PrefaceAlkulause
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Johdattava tekstijakso, joka edeltää teosta ja jonka on tyypillisesti kirjoittanut sen tekijä.
+ ProloguePrologi
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Johdattava jakso, joka esittää tarinan taustan, tyypillisesti osana kerrontaa.
+ Questions and AnswersKysymyksiä ja vastauksia
+ A question and answer section.Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia -jakso
+ Rear NotesLoppuviitteet
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Kokoelma huomautuksia, jotka ovat teoksen lopussa (lopputeksteissä) tai luvun lopussa.
+ Revision HistoryMuutoshistoria
+ A record of changes made to a work.Kuvaus teokseen tehdyistä muutoksista.
+ SubchapterAlaluku
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Lukua lähinnä alemman tason rakenneosa.
+ Title PageNimiösivu
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Kirjan alussa oleva sivu, joka ilmoittaa sen nimen, tekijät, julkaisijan ja muuta julkaisutietoa.
+ Table of ContentsSisällysluettelo
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Sisällysluettelo, joka on luettelo kirjan tai dokumentin otsikoista tai osista siinä järjestyksessä, jossa ne esiintyvät. Sijaitsee tyypillisesti teoksen esiosassa tai osan alussa.
+ VolumeVolyymi
+ A component of a collection.Kokoelman osa.
+ WarningVaroitus
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Varoitus tai muistutus erityisestä aineistosta. Asema: ei suositella – suositeltu vaihtoehto on ”ilmoitus”.
@@ -8473,14 +8473,13 @@ Ensimmäiseksi mainituilla tyyliohjeilla on suurempi prioriteetti kuin myöhemmi
- Plugins
- Lisäosat
+ &Plugins
+ &Laajennukset
- Checkpoints
- Tarkastuspisteet
+ Chec&kpoints
+ Tar&kistuspisteet
@@ -8498,6 +8497,11 @@ Ensimmäiseksi mainituilla tyyliohjeilla on suurempi prioriteetti kuin myöhemmi
Add ExistingLisää olemassa oleva
+ Checkpoints
+ Tarkastuspisteet
+ Index
@@ -10871,6 +10875,31 @@ Ensimmäiseksi mainituilla tyyliohjeilla on suurempi prioriteetti kuin myöhemmi
Show Log of CheckpointsNäytä tarkistuspisteloki
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Keskity koodinäkymään
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Keskity kirjaselaimeen
+ Focus on Preview
+ Keskity esikatseluun
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Keskity sisällysluetteloon
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Keskity leikeikkunaan
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10985,37 +11014,37 @@ Ensimmäiseksi mainituilla tyyliohjeilla on suurempi prioriteetti kuin myöhemmi
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11036,17 +11065,17 @@ Tätä toimenpidettä ei voi peruuttaa.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11294,356 +11323,356 @@ Tätä toimenpidettä ei voi peruuttaa.
Kuvaa ei ole:
+ ortai
+ No CSS styles namedEi nimettyjä CSS-tyylejä
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.löydy, tai tyyliohjetta ei ole linkitetty.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>Href-määritteen arvoa <b>%1</b>, joka esiintyy kohteessa <b>%2</b>, ei ole olemassa (ja tällaisia tapauksia voi olla useita). Näissä oloissa tiedostojen jakaminen tai yhdistäminen voi tuottaa rikkinäisiä linkkejä.</p><p>Haluatko silti jatkaa?</p></html>
+ Add CoverLisää kansi
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Olemassa oleva kansitiedosto löydetty.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Odottamaton virhe. Kantta varten voidaan käyttää vain kuvatiedostoja.
+ Cover added.Kansi lisätty.
+ Not Available for epub2.Ei käytettävissä Epub2:lle.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.OPF-manifestin ominaisuudet päivitetty.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX ja Guide poistettu.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.NCX:n ja oppaan luominen epäonnistui.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX ja Guide luotu.
+ An existing Index file has been found.Olemassa oleva hakemistotiedosto löydetty.
+ Styles deleted.Tyylit poistettu.
+ Reports Being Generated.Luodut raportit.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Raporttien tuottaminen peruutettiin, koska XML ei ole oikeamuotoista.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Käyttämättömien mediatiedostojen poisto peruuntui, koska XML ei ole oikeamuotoista.
+ Unused media files deleted.Käyttämättömät mediatiedostot poistettu.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Ei ole käyttämättömiä kuva-, video- tai audiotiedostoja poistettavaksi.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Käyttämättömien tyylien poisto peruuntui, koska XML ei ole oikeamuotoista.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.Poistettavia käyttämättömiä tyylilajivalitsimia ei ole.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Et voi liittää tiedostoa tähän kohtaan.
+ Insert FileLisää tiedosto
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Tiedostoa "%1" ei ole.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Et voi lisätä tähän paikkaan tunnistetta
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .Tunniste on virheellinen. Tunnisteen pitää alkaa kirjaimella, ja siinä saa olla kirjaimia, numeroita ja merkkejä ”_:-.”.
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Tähän kohtaan ei voi lisätä linkkiä.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Linkki on virheellinen – ei voi sisältää merkkiä ”<” tai ”>”.
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Et voi tehdä hakemistomerkintää tähän kohtaan tai valitsematta tekstiä.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Kohta on virheellinen – ei voi sisältää merkkiä ”<” tai ”>”.
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Et voi tehdä hakemistomerkintää tähän kohtaan.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Valitse ensin kohde, johon liitetään.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Liitettiin leike %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Yksi resurssi on valittuna eikä sitä ennen ole resurssia, johon sen voisi yhdistää.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Oletko varma, että haluat yhdistää valitut tiedostot?
Tätä toimenpidettä ei voi peruuttaa.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Yhdistäminen peruutettu: yhdistämiseen liittyvät XHTML-tiedostot eivät ole hyvin muotoiltuja.
+ Cannot merge file %1Ei voi yhdistää tiedostoa %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Yhdistäminen tehty. Sisällysluettelon uudelleen luominen tai muokkaaminen voi olla tarpeellista.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Tyyliohjeiden linkitys peruutettiin: %1, XML ei ole oikeamuotoista
+ Word updated.Sana päivitetty.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Javascriptien linkitys peruutettu: %1, XML ei ole hyvin muodostettu.
+ File(s) deleted.Tiedosto(ja) poistettu.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Sisällysluettelon muokkaus peruutettu.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Sisällysluetteloa muokattu.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Sisällysluettelon luonti peruutettiin.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Sisällysluettelo luotu.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Sisällysluetteloon ei tarvittu muutoksia.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.Olemassa oleva HTML-sisällysluettelotiedosto löydetty.
+ Text selection marked.Valittu teksti merkitty.
+ Text selection unmarked.Valitun tekstin merkitseminen poistettu.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Metatietoeditorista poistuttiin.
+ Metadata edited.Metatietoa editoitiin.
+ RunPluginLisäosan suoritus
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Tämä kirja ei sisällä CSS-tyyliohjeita tarkistettavaksi.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Tämä EPUB ei sisällä CSS-tyylitaulukoita, jotka pitäisi muotoilla uudelleen.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Rivi: %1, sarake: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Tiedostoa ei voida jakaa tästä kohdasta.
+ Split completed.Jako suoritettu.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Ei voi jakaa, koska ainakin yksi tiedoista ei ole HTML-tiedosto.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedEi voi jakaa: %1 XML ei ole oikeamuotoista
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Ei voi jakaa, koska ainakin yksi tiedoista ei ehkä ole HTML-tiedosto.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Jako tehty. Sisällysluettelon uudelleen luominen voi olla tarpeellista.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Jakokohtamerkintöjä ei löytynyt. Käytä komentoa Lisää → Jakokohta.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Dokumenttia on muutettu.
Haluatko tallentaa muutoksesi?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Pitäisikö Sigilin korvata tämä tiedosto?
+ No importer for file type: %1Ei tuontiohjelmaa tyyppiä ”%1” olevalle tiedostolle
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11656,113 +11685,143 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Kokeile, auttaako tähän se, että teet yleisissä asetuksissa asetuksen ”Korjaa XHTML-lähdekoodi, kun toiminto on Avaa” ja avaat tiedoston uudestaan.
+ Loading file...Ladataan tiedostoa...
+ File loaded.Tiedosto ladattu.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.Tämän tiedoston tuottaja on salannut sen DRM:llä. Sigil ei voi avata sellaisia tiedostoja.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Kirjaa ei voi ladata: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Ei voi ladata tiedostoa %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Kirjaa tallennetaan...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil ei voi tallentaa tyyppiä ”%1” olevia tiedostoja.
Valitse toinen muoto.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- Tässä EPUB:ssa on HTML-tiedostoja, jotka eivät ole hyvin muotoiltuja, ja nykyiset puhtaan lähdekoodin asetuksesi korjataan automaattisesti tallennuksen yhteydessä. Jos tallennat huonosti muotoillun tiedoston, se korjataan automaattisesti, mikä saattaa hyvin harvoin johtaa tietojen menetykseen.
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Tässä EPUB-tiedostossa on HTML-tiedostoja, jotka eivät ole hyvin muotoiltuja, ja nykyiset Puhdista lähde -asetukset on asetettu korjaamaan ne tallennuksen yhteydessä.
-Haluatko korjata tiedostot automaattisesti ennen tallennusta?
+Haluatko korjata tiedostot automaattisesti ennen tallentamista? Tai peruuttaa Tallennuksen?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB tallennus... peruutettu
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.Kirja on tallennettu, mutta kaikki HTML-tiedostot eivät ole oikeamuotoisia.
+ EPUB saved.Kirja tallennettu.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Ei voi tallentaa tiedostoa %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)Epub-tiedostot (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTML-tiedostot (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Tekstitiedostot (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Kaikki tiedostot (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)Epub-tiedosto (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Säilytä olemassaolevat otsikoiden määritteet on nyt:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Keskitys vaihdettiin koodi-ikkunaan.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Keskitys vaihdettiin kirjan selainikkunaan.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Keskitys vaihdettiin esikatselu-ikkunaan.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Keskitys vaihdettiin sisällysluettelo-ikkunaan.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ Keskitys vaihdettiin leikeikkunaan.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15612,12 +15671,12 @@ Haluatko korjata tiedostot automaattisesti ennen tallennusta?
+ [Title here][Nimi tähän]
+ [Main title here][Päänimi tähän]
@@ -16246,128 +16305,128 @@ Haluatko korjata tiedostot automaattisesti ennen tallennusta?
Tila: käynnissä
+ Launcher process crashedKäynnistysprosessi päättyi epänormaalisti
+ Status: finishedTila: päättynyt
+ Status: failedTila: epäonnistui
+ Status: No Changes MadeTila: muutoksia ei tehty
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesVirhe: Lisäosa yritti poistaa viimeisen XHTML-tiedoston – muutokset hylätään
+ Status:Tila:
+ Plugin failed to startLisäosa ei käynnistynyt
+ Status: errorTila: virhe
+ Plugin cancelledLisäosan suoritus peruutettiin
+ Status: cancelledTila: peruutettu
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Virhe XML-koodin jäsennyksessä:
+ Status: checkingTila: tarkistaminen
+ Incorrect XHTML:Virheellinen HTML
+ Line/ColRivi/sarake
+ Check ReportTarkista raportti
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Virheellistä XHTML:ää tai XML:ää havaittu.
Oletko varma, että haluat jatkaa.
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesTila: siivoaminen – tiedostojen poistaminen
+ Status: deletingTila: poisto
+ Status: LoadingTila: lataaminen
+ Input PluginSyötön lisäosa
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedNykyinen kirjasi korvautuu kokonaan, jolloin kaikki tallentamattomat muutokset häviävät. Oletko varma, että haluat jatkaa
+ Status: addingTila: lisääminen
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesTila: siivoaminen – tiedostojen muuttaminen
+ Status: modifyingTila: muuttaminen
@@ -16644,43 +16703,43 @@ Viittaukset voidaan erottaa rivinvaihdoilla, pilkuilla tai välilyönneillä.
+ PreviewEsikatselu
+ Inspect PageTarkista sivu
+ Select-AllValitse kaikki
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardKopioi valinta leikepöydälle
+ Update Preview WindowPäivitä esikatseluikkuna
+ Cycle Custom CSS FilesKierrä mukautettuja CSS-tiedostoja
+ Print Preview ViewTulosta esikatselunäkymä
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xOminaisuus ei ole käytettävissä ennen Qt5.12.x:ää.
@@ -16840,7 +16899,7 @@ Rivi: %1 Sarake %2 - %3
OPF-tiedosto ei sisällä NCX-tiedostoa.
+ Adding Existing Files..Lisätään valmiita tiedostoja...
@@ -16870,19 +16929,19 @@ Rivi: %1 Sarake %2 - %3
<p>Sigilistä on saatavilla uudempi versio, versio <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Haluaisitko siirtyä lataussivulle?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Ei voi lukea tiedostoa %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil on kohdannut ongelman.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigilin täytyy ehkä pysäyttää itsensä.
@@ -16908,28 +16967,28 @@ Rivi: %1 Sarake %2 - %3
Virheellinen OPF-tiedosto: %1
+ QuitLopeta
+ AboutTietoja ohjelmasta
+ PreferencesAsetukset
+ NewUusi
+ OpenAvaa
@@ -19016,32 +19075,32 @@ kirjaan ja liitetään automaattisesti siihen.
+ Files In the BookKirjan tiedostot
+ ThumbnailsPienoiskuvat
+ shadessävyä
+ colorsväriä
+ GrayscaleHarmaasävy
+ ColorVäri
@@ -19626,17 +19685,17 @@ aikaa, kun oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistus on avoinna.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Tiedostoa "%1" ei ole.
+ Collapse AllSupista kaikki
+ Expand AllLavenna kaikki
@@ -19652,12 +19711,12 @@ aikaa, kun oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistus on avoinna.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_fr.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_fr.ts
index d0b132089c..01f4ef7c57 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_fr.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_fr.ts
@@ -881,62 +881,62 @@ si aucune famille sans-serif de police n'est spécifiée dans votre CSS
+ Open WithOuvrir avec
+ %n file(s)%n fichier(s)%n fichier(s)%n fichier(s)
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Voulez-vous vraiment trier les fichiers sélectionnés en ordre alphanumérique ?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Cette action est irréversible.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Le fichier "%1" n'existe pas.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Javascript n'est pas supporté sur ePub2.
+ Add Existing FilesAjouter les fichiers existants
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
"%1".Le fichier "%1" n'est pas une image et ne peut être utilisé.
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ si aucune famille sans-serif de police n'est spécifiée dans votre CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -954,12 +954,12 @@ OK to replace?
Le remplacer ?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Impossible de supprimer ou de remplacer le fichier "%1"
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Un fichier du même nom existe déjà dans le livre.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -977,235 +977,235 @@ Un fichier du même nom existe déjà dans le livre.
+ File(s) added or replaced.Fichier(s) ajouté(s) ou remplacé(s).
+ Save As FileEnregistrer ce fichier sous
+ Unable to save the file.Impossible d'enregistrer le fichier.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toChoisissez le répertoire dans lequel enregistrer les fichiers.
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Un ou plusieurs des fichiers existent déjà. Voulez-vous les écraser ?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Impossible d'enregistrer les fichiers. La cible est peut être un répertoire.
+ Unable to save files.Impossible d'enregistrer les fichiers.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Impossible de renommer les fichiers car le nom des fichiers serait en double.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"Le dossier de destination a un chemin d'accès invalide "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Impossible de déplacer des fichiers car cela entraînerait des noms de fichiers en double.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Le document Nav ne peut pas être supprimé.
+ The NCX can not be removed.Le NCX ne peut pas être supprimé.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.L'OPF est requit dans un ePub et ne peut pas être supprimé.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer tous les fichiers HTML.
Il faut toujours au minimum un fichier HTML.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Impossible de définir le fichier comme image de couverture.
+ Select AllSélectionnez tout
+ Add Blank HTML FileAjouter une page HTML vierge
+ Add Blank StylesheetAjouter une feuille de style vierge
+ Add Blank JavascriptAjouter un Javascript vierge
+ Add Blank SVG ImageAjouter image SVG vierge
+ Add Existing Files...Ajouter des fichiers existants…
+ Add CopyAjouter une copie
+ RenameRenommer
+ RegEx RenameRenommer avec un Regex
+ MoveDéplacer
+ DeleteSupprimer
+ Cover ImageImage de couverture
+ MergeFusionner
+ NoneAucun
+ Use Adobe's MethodUtilisez la méthode Adobe
+ Use IDPF's MethodUtilisez la méthode de l'IDPF
+ SortTrier
+ Renumber TOC EntriesRenuméroter les entrées de la TDM
+ Link Stylesheets...Lier des feuilles de style…
+ Link Javascripts...Lier des Javascripts…
+ Add Semantics...Ajouter des propriétés sémantiques…
+ Validate with W3CValider avec W3C
+ Save AsEnregistrer sous
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Fusionner avec le fichier précédent ou fusionner plusieurs fichiers en un seul.
+ Rename selected file(s)Renommer le(s) fichier(s) sélectionné(s)
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Utiliser les expressions régulières pour renommer le(s) fichier(s) sélectionné(s)
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderDéplacer le(s) fichier(s) sélectionné(s) vers un nouveau dossier
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Lier les feuilles de style au(x) fichier(s) sélectionné(s).
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Lier des Javascripts au(x) fichier(s) sélectionné(s).
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Ajouter des propriétés sémantiques au(x) fichier(s) sélectionné(s).
+ Other ApplicationAutre application
@@ -1776,12 +1776,12 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer les changements ?
+ Collapse AllRéduire tout
+ Expand AllDévelloper tout
@@ -3651,363 +3651,363 @@ réparé.
+ AcknowledgementsRemerciements
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Un passage contenant des remerciements pour les entités impliquées dans la réalisation du travail.
+ AfterwordPostface
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Déclaration de clôture de l'auteur ou d'un des personnages important de l'histoire, qui généralement donne un aperçu de la façon dont l'histoire a été écrite, sa signification ou les événements liés qui ont eu lieu depuis.
+ AppendixAnnexe
+ Supplemental information.Information complémentaire
+ Back MatterFin d'ouvrage
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Annexes et accessoire se plaçant après le contenu principal d'une œuvre, comme les indices, les annexes, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliographie
+ A list of works cited.Une liste des travaux cités.
+ TextTexte
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Le début du contenu textuel principal d'une publication.
+ ColophonColophon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Brève description habituellement située à la fin de l'ouvrage, décrivant les remarques pertinentes de production lors de l'édition.
+ ConclusionConclusion
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Section de fin qui généralement clos l'ouvrage
+ ContributorsContributeurs
+ A list of contributors to the work.Liste des contributeurs à l'ouvrage
+ Copyright PagePage de Copyright
+ The copyright page of the work.La page de Copyright de l'ouvrage.
+ CoverCouverture
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Couverture(s) de l'ouvrage, informations sur la couverture, etc.
+ DedicationDédicace
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Inscription adressée à une ou plusieurs personnes particulière(s).
+ EpilogueEpilogue
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Section de conclusion qui est généralement écrite à partir d'un point dans le futur de l'action présente de l'histoire, bien qu'il fasse toujours partie de l'écrit actuel.
+ EpigraphEpigraphe
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Citation en tête d'un livre ou d'un chapitre illustrant la réflexion ou les sentiments qu'il aborde.
+ ErrataErratum
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Erreurs d'édition, généralement lors de l'impression de l'ouvrage telle qu'une feuille insérée à la main ; parfois une page liée contenant les corrections relatives aux erreurs de l'ouvrage.
+ FootnotesNotes de bas-de-page
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Regroupement de notes apparaissant à la bas d'une page.
+ ForewordAvant-propos
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Introduction qui précède la lecture, généralement pas écrite par l'auteur lui-même.
+ Front MatterDébut d'ouvrage
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Pages liminaires au contenu principal d'une publication, telles que les tables des matières, dédicaces, etc.
+ GlossaryGlossaire
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Liste alphabétique des termes particuliers au domaine de connaissance, avec la définition pour chacun d'eux.
+ Half Title PageFaux titre
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.La page de faux titre d'un ouvrage ne contient que le titre lui-même.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Une déclaration officielle autorisant la publication de l'œuvre.
+ ImprintImpressum
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Éléments relatifs à la publication, distribution, traduction, etc.
+ IndexIndex
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Liste détaillée, habituellement triée par ordre alphabétique, d'informations spécifiques dans l'ouvrage.
+ IntroductionIntroduction
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Section au début de l'ouvrage, permettant d'introduire le lecteur dans le cadre ou la nature du contenu de l'ouvrage.
+ List of IllustrationsListe des illustrations
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Liste des illustrations contenues dans l'ouvrage.
+ List of Audio ClipsListe des pistes audio
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Liste des pistes audio contenues dans l'ouvrage
+ List of TablesListe des tableaux
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Liste des tableaux contenues dans l'ouvrage.
+ List of Video ClipsListe des pistes vidéos
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Liste des pistes vidéos contenues dans l'ouvrage
+ NotesNotes
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Ensemble des remarques. Peut être utilisé pour repérer les notes de pied de page, les notes de fin, les notes marginales, les notes dans le texte, et autres dès lors que les conventions de nommage hérités ne sont pas désirées.
Obsolète : remplacées par les « notes de pied de page » et les « notes de fin ».
+ Other CreditsAutres crédits
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Connaissance de morceaux de l'ouvrage précédemment publiés, crédits pour les illustrations et permissions de citation de droits d'auteur.
+ PreamblePréambule
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentSection au début de l'ouvrage, généralement contenant une introdution et/ou des précisions en regard du contenu ou de la nature de l'ouvrage
+ PrefacePréface
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Section d'introduction qui précède l'ouvrage proprement dit, généralement écrit par l'auteur.
+ ProloguePrologue
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Section introductive qui place le décor d'une histoire, généralement faisant partie de la narration
+ Rear NotesNotes de fin
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Regroupement de notes apparaissant à la fin de l'ouvrage, ou à la fin d'une section.
+ Title PagePage de Titre
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Page en début de livre indiquant son titre, son auteur, l'éditeur et d'autres informations relatives à la publication.
+ Table of ContentsTable des matières
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Un sommaire sous forme d'une liste des chapitres ou des parties d'un livre ou d'un document, organisée selon leur ordre d'apparition. Elle est généralement placée juste avant le début du livre à proprement parlé, ou au début d'une partie.
@@ -4239,67 +4239,67 @@ Vous pouvez alors cocher ou non chaque rubriques de la liste ci-dessus.Taille de la vignette :
+ NameNom
+ File Size (KB)Taille du fichier (Ko)
+ Times UsedTemps d'utilisation
+ WidthLargeur
+ HeightHauteur
+ PixelsPixels
+ ColorCouleur
+ ImageImage
+ %n file(s)%n fichier(s)%n fichier(s)%n fichier(s)
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileEnregistrer le fichier de rapport au format CSV (Comma Separated Values)
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Impossible d'enregistrer le rapport.
+ Delete From BookEffacer du livre
@@ -4699,483 +4699,483 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer les changements ?
+ AcknowledgmentsRemerciements
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Un passage contenant des remerciements pour les entités impliquées dans la réalisation du travail.
+ AfterwordPostface
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Déclaration de clôture de l'auteur ou d'un des personnages important de l'histoire, qui généralement donne un aperçu de la façon dont l'histoire a été écrite, sa signification ou les événements liés qui ont eu lieu depuis.
+ AnnotationCommentaire
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedÉclaircissements sur certains passages de l'ouvrage.
Statue : Obsolète.
+ AppendixAnnexe
+ Supplemental information.Information complémentaire
+ AssessmentEvaluation
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Test, questionnaire, ou tout autre activité permettant de mesurer la compréhension des élèves de ce qui vient d'être enseigné
+ Back MatterFin d'ouvrage
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Annexes et accessoire se plaçant après le contenu principal d'une œuvre, comme les indices, les annexes, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliographie
+ A list of works cited.Une liste des travaux cités.
+ Body MatterCorps de texte
+ The main content of a publication.Contenu principal d'un ouvrage
+ ChapterChapitre
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Division structurelle majeure d'un morceau d'écrit
+ ColophonColophon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Brève description habituellement située à la fin de l'ouvrage, décrivant les remarques pertinentes de production lors de l'édition.
+ ConclusionConclusion
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Section de fin qui généralement clos l'ouvrage
+ ContributorsContributeurs
+ A list of contributors to the work.Liste des contributeurs à l'ouvrage
+ Copyright PagePage de Copyright
+ The copyright page of the work.La page de Copyright de l'ouvrage.
+ CoverCouverture
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Couvertures de l'ouvrage, informations sur la couverture, etc.
+ DedicationDédicace
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Inscription adressée à une ou plusieurs personnes particulières.
+ DivisionDivision
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Division structurelle majeure qui peut aussi apparaître comme une sous-structure d'un tout (particulièrement dans la législation).
+ EpigraphEpigraphe
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Citation en tête d'un livre ou d'un chapitre illustrant la réflexion ou les sentiments qu'il aborde.
+ EpilogueEpilogue
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Section de conclusion qui est généralement écrite à partir d'un point dans le futur de l'action présente de l'histoire, bien qu'il fasse toujours partie de l'écrit actuel.
+ ErrataErratum
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Erreurs d'édition, généralement lors de l'impression de l'ouvrage telle qu'une feuille insérée à la main ; parfois une page liée contenant les corrections relatives aux erreurs de l'ouvrage.
+ FootnotesNotes de bas-de-page
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Regroupement de notes apparaissant à la bas d'une page.
+ ForewordPréface
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Introduction qui précède la lecture, généralement pas écrite par l'auteur lui-même.
+ Front MatterDébut d'ouvrage
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Pages liminaires au contenu principal d'une publication, telles que les tables des matières, dédicaces, etc.
+ GlossaryGlossaire
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Liste alphabétique des termes particuliers au domaine de connaissance, avec la définition pour chacun d'eux.
+ Half Title PageFaux titre
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.La page de faux titre d'un ouvrage ne contient que le titre lui-même.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Une déclaration officielle autorisant la publication de l'œuvre.
+ ImprintImpressum
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Éléments relatifs à la publication, distribution, traduction, etc.
+ IndexIndex
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Liste détaillée, habituellement triée par ordre alphabétique, d'informations spécifiques dans l'ouvrage.
+ IntroductionIntroduction
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Section au début de l'ouvrage, permettant d'introduire le lecteur dans le cadre ou la nature du contenu de l'ouvrage.
+ LandmarksPoints de repère
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationUn recueil de références à des composants bien connus/récurrents dans la publication.
+ List of Audio ClipsListe des pistes audio
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Liste des pistes audio contenues dans l'ouvrage
+ List of IllustrationsListe des illustrations
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Liste des illustrations contenues dans l'ouvrage
+ List of TablesListe des tableaux
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Liste des tableaux contenues dans l'ouvrage
+ List of Video ClipsListe des pistes vidéos
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Liste des pistes vidéos contenues dans l'ouvrage
+ NoticeAvertissement
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Information qui requière une attention spéciale, et qui ne doit pas être ôtée ou supprimée. Exemples d'inclusions : Alerte, Attention, Danger, Important, mise en garde, Risques, Précautions.
+ Other CreditsAutres crédits
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Connaissance de morceaux de l'ouvrage précédemment publiés, crédits pour les illustrations et permissions de citation de droits d'auteur.
+ Page ListSommaire
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookListe des références de chapitre avec pagination pour la version imprimée de l'ePub
+ PartPartie
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Division structurelle majeur d'un morceau d'écrit, généralement regroupant un jeu de chapitres apparentés.
+ PreamblePréambule
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentSection au début de l'ouvrage, généralement contenant une introdution et/ou des précisions en regard du contenu ou de la nature de l'ouvrage
+ PrefacePréface
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Section d'introduction qui précède l'ouvrage proprement dit, généralement écrit par l'auteur.
+ ProloguePrologue
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Section introductive qui place le décor d'une histoire, généralement faisant partie de la narration
+ Questions and AnswersQuestions et réponses
+ A question and answer section.Section des questions et réponses
+ Rear NotesNotes de fin
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Regroupement de notes apparaissant à la fin de l'ouvrage, ou à la fin d'une section.
+ Revision HistoryHistorique des révisions
+ A record of changes made to a work.Enregistrement des changements faits lors de la création de l'ouvrage
+ SubchapterSous-chapitre
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Une subdivision principale d'un chapitre
+ Title PagePage de Titre
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Page en début de livre indiquant son titre, son auteur, l'éditeur et d'autres informations relatives à la publication.
+ Table of ContentsTable des matières
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Une Table des matières est une liste des chapitres ou des parties d'un livre ou d'un document, organisée selon leur ordre d'apparition. Elle est généralement placée juste avant le début du livre à proprement parlé, ou au début d'une partie.
+ VolumeVolume
+ A component of a collection.Composant d'une collection
+ WarningAvertissement
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Avertissement ou mise-en-garde concernant certaines matières spécifiques.
Obsolète, remplacé par « Avertissement »
@@ -8474,14 +8474,13 @@ Les feuilles de style qui sont listés en premier ont la priorité sur les feuil
- Plugins
- Greffons
+ &Plugins
+ &Greffons
- Checkpoints
- Points de contrôle
+ Chec&kpoints
+ Point de &contrôle
@@ -8499,6 +8498,11 @@ Les feuilles de style qui sont listés en premier ont la priorité sur les feuil
Add ExistingAjout de fichiers
+ Checkpoints
+ Points de contrôle
+ Index
@@ -10854,6 +10858,31 @@ soit redemarré.
Show Log of CheckpointsAfficher le journal des points de contrôle
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus sur Vue code
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus sur Navigateur du livre
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus sur Prévisualisation
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus sur Table des matières
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Focus sur Fenêtre de clips
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10968,37 +10997,37 @@ soit redemarré.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11019,17 +11048,17 @@ Cette action ne peut pas être annulée.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - ePub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11277,355 +11306,355 @@ Cette action ne peut pas être annulée.
L'image n'existe pas :
+ orou
+ No CSS styles namedAucun styles CSS nommés
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.trouvé, ou feuilles de styles non liée.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>Le lien <b>%1</b> trouvé en <b>%2</b> n'existe pas (et cela pourrait être pire). Diviser ou fusionner à ces conditions pourraient générer des liens cassés.</p><p>Voulez-vous malgré tout continuer ?</p></html>
+ Add CoverAjouter une page couverture
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Un fichier de Couverture pré-existant a été trouvé.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Erreur imprévue. Seuls les fichiers image peuvent être utilisés pour la page couverture.
+ Cover added.Page couverture ajoutée.
+ Not Available for epub2.Non disponible pour ePub2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.Propriétés OPF du manifeste mises à jour.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX et Guide supprimé.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.NCX et Guide généré avec succès.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX et Guide généré.
+ An existing Index file has been found.Un fichier d'Index pré-existant a été trouvé.
+ Styles deleted.Styles effacés.
+ Reports Being Generated.Rapports en cours de génération.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Rapports annulés en raison d'une erreur dans la syntaxe XML.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Annulation de la suppression des fichiers médias inutilisés en raison d'une erreur dans la syntaxe XML.
+ Unused media files deleted.Fichiers médias inutilisés supprimés.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Il n'y a aucune image, vidéo ou fichiers audio à supprimer.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Annulation de l'effacement des styles inutilisés en raison d'une erreur dans la syntaxe XML.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.Il n'y a pas de sélecteurs inutilisés à supprimer dans les feuilles de style.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Impossible d'insérer un fichier à cet endroit.
+ Insert FileInsérer le fichier
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Le fichier "%1" n'existe pas.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Impossible d'insérer un id à cet endroit.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .L'ID n'est pas valide – doit commencer par une lettre, suivie suivi du numéro de la lettre _ : - ou .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Impossible d'insérer un lien à cet endroit.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Le lien n'est pas valide – il ne peut contenir “<” ou “>”
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Impossible de définir un index à cet endroit ou sans avoir sélectionné du texte au préalable.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'L'entrée est non valide – elle ne peut contenir “<” ou “>”
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Impossible de définir un index à cet endroit.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Avant de coller, choisir la destination.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.L'entrée clip %1 collée.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Une ressource a été choisie, mais il n'y a pas d'autre(s) ressource(s) pour la fusion.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Voulez-vous vraiment fusionner les fichiers sélectionnés ? Cette action est irréversible.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Fusion annulée : les fichiers XHTML impliqués dans la fusion ne sont pas bien formés.
+ Cannot merge file %1Impossible de fusionner le fichier %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Fusion effectuée. Il faudra peut-être actualiser ou éditer la Table des matières.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Association des feuilles de style annulée : %1, fichier XML incorrect.
+ Word updated.Mot actualisé.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Association des Javascripts annulée : %1, fichier XML incorrect.
+ File(s) deleted.Fichier(s) effacé(s).
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Édition de la Table des matières annulée.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Table des matières éditée.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Création de la Table des matières annulée.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Table des matières générée.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Pas de changements nécessaires à la Table des matières.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.Un fichier de table des matières HTML pré-existant a été trouvé.
+ Text selection marked.Texte sélectionné marqué.
+ Text selection unmarked.Texte sélectionné non marqué.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Éditeur de métadonnées annulé.
+ Metadata edited.Métadonnées éditées.
+ RunPluginLancer un Greffon
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Cet ePub ne contient aucune feuille de styles CSS à valider.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Cet ePub ne contient aucune feuille de styles CSS à reformater.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Ligne : %1, Col : %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Impossible de subdiviser le fichier à cet endroit.
+ Split completed.Subdivision effectuée.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Impossible de subdiviser puisqu'au moins un fichier n'est pas au format HTML.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedImpossible de subdiviser: %1 XML est incorrect
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Impossible de subdiviser puisqu'au moins un fichier n'est probablement pas au format HTML.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Subdivision effectuée. Il faudra actualiser la Table des matières.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Aucun marqueur de séparation trouvé. Utilisez Insérer → Marqueur de séparation
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Le document a été modifié.
Voulez-vous enregistrer vos modifications ?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Sigil doit-il écraser ce fichier ?
+ No importer for file type: %1Pas de module d'importation pour ce type de fichier : %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11638,113 +11667,143 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Essayez de régler la préférence Nettoyer la source sur Corriger le code source XHTML dans Ouvrir et de recharger le fichier.
+ Loading file...Chargement du fichier…
+ File loaded.Fichier chargé.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.Le créateur de ce fichier l'a chiffré avec des DRM. Sigil ne peut pas l'ouvrir.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Impossible de charger le fichier ePub : %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Impossible de charger le fichier %1 : %2
+ Saving EPUB...Enregistrement du ePub…
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Impossible d'enregistrer les fichiers de ce type "%1".
Veuillez choisir un format différent.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- Cette ePub contient des fichiers HTML qui ne sont pas bien formés et vos préférences « Nettoyage de la Source » actuelles sont réglées pour se réparer automatiquement lors de l'enregistrement. L'enregistrement d'un fichier qui n'est pas bien formé entraînera sa correction automatique, ce qui peut très rarement entraîner une perte de données.
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Cet ePub contient des fichiers HTML qui ne sont pas bien formés et vos préférences actuelles de Corriger le code source sont réglées sur réparer et Enregistrer.
-Voulez-vous réparer automatiquement les fichiers avant de les enregistrer ?
+Voulez-vous modifier automatiquement les fichiers avant de les enregistrer ? Ou annuler l'enregistrement ?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ Enregistrement de l'ePub… annulée
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.Epub enregistré, mais certains fichiers HTML sont incorrects.
+ EPUB saved.Epub enregistré.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Impossible d'enregistrer le fichier %1 : %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)Fichiers ePub (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)Fichiers HTML (*. htm *. html *. xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Fichiers texte (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Tous les fichiers (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)Fichier ePub (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:La préservation des attributs d'en-tête existants est maintenant :
+ ONActif
+ OFFInactif
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changé vers la fenêtre Vue code.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changé vers la fenêtre Navigateur du livre.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changé vers la fenêtre Prévisualisation.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changé vers la fenêtre Table des matières.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ Focus changé vers la fenêtre Clips.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15594,12 +15653,12 @@ propriété
+ [Title here][Titre ici]
+ [Main title here][Titre principal ici]
@@ -16228,128 +16287,128 @@ propriété
Statut : en cours
+ Launcher process crashedLe processus de lancement s'est arrêté
+ Status: finishedStatut : terminé
+ Status: failedStatut : échec
+ Status: No Changes MadeStatut : pas de changements effectués
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesErreur : le greffon a essayé de supprimer le dernier fichier XHTML… abandon des changements
+ Status:Statut :
+ Plugin failed to startLe démarrage du greffon a échoué
+ Status: errorStatut : erreur
+ Plugin cancelledGreffon annulé
+ Status: cancelledStatut : annulé
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Erreur durant la lecture du résultat XML :
+ Status: checkingStatus : vérification
+ Incorrect XHTML:XHTML incorrect :
+ Line/ColLigne / Colonne
+ Check ReportVérifier le Rapport
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?XHTML/XML incorrect détecté.
Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir poursuivre ?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesStatut : nettoyage – supression des fichiers
+ Status: deletingStatut : effacement
+ Status: LoadingStatut : Chargement
+ Input PluginGreffon d'entrée
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedVotre livre actuel sera complètement remplacé, perdant ainsi toute modification non sauvegardée. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer
+ Status: addingStatut : ajout
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesStatut : nettoyage – modification des fichiers
+ Status: modifyingStatut : modification
@@ -16626,43 +16685,43 @@ Les entités peuvent être séparées pas des lignes, des virgules ou des espace
+ PreviewPrévisualisation
+ Inspect PageInspecter la page
+ Select-AllSélectionner tout
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardCopier la sélection dans le presse-papier
+ Update Preview WindowMettre a jour la fenêtre de prévisualisation
+ Cycle Custom CSS FilesCycle les fichiers CSS personnalisés
+ Print Preview ViewAperçu avant impression
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xFonctionnalité non disponible avant Qt5.12.x
@@ -16822,7 +16881,7 @@ Ligne : %1 Colonne %2 - %3
Le fichier OPF n'a pas de fichier NCX.
+ Adding Existing Files..Ajout des fichiers existants…
@@ -16852,19 +16911,19 @@ Ligne : %1 Colonne %2 - %3
<p>Une nouvelle version de Sigil est disponible, la version <b>%1</b>.</p><p>Voulez-vous aller à la page de téléchargement ?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Impossible de lire le fichier %1 :
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil a rencontré un problème.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil pourrait devoir se fermer.
@@ -16890,28 +16949,28 @@ Ligne : %1 Colonne %2 - %3
Fichier NCX invalide : %1
+ QuitQuitter
+ AboutÀ propos
+ PreferencesPréférences
+ NewNouveau
+ OpenOuverture
@@ -18994,32 +19053,32 @@ your book and automatically insert into your document.
+ Files In the BookFichiers dans le Livre
+ ThumbnailsVignettes
+ shadesNuances
+ colorsCouleurs
+ GrayscaleNiveaux de gris
+ ColorCouleur
@@ -19602,17 +19661,17 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
Table des matières
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Le fichier "%1" n'existe pas.
+ Collapse AllRéduire tout
+ Expand AllDévelloper tout
@@ -19628,12 +19687,12 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_gl.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_gl.ts
index 9e2a02629b..5635de76a1 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_gl.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_gl.ts
@@ -877,55 +877,55 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ Open WithAbrir Con
+ %n file(s)
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Ten a certeza de que quere ordenar os ficheiros seleccionados alfabeticamente?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Esta acción non se pode desfacer.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.O ficheiro "%1" non existe.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.
+ Add Existing FilesEngadir Ficheiros Existentes
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -952,12 +952,12 @@ OK to replace?
OK para reemprazar?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Non se pode eliminar ou remprazar ficheiro "%1".
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Un ficheiro con este nome xa existe neste libro.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -975,235 +975,235 @@ Un ficheiro con este nome xa existe neste libro.
+ File(s) added or replaced.
+ Save As FileGardar Ficheiro Coma
+ Unable to save the file.Desactivar salvar o ficheiro.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toElixir o directorio onde salvar os ficheiros
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Xa existe un ou máis ficheiros. OK para sobrescribilos?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Non se poden gardar os ficheiros. O destino pode ser un directorio.
+ Unable to save files.Desactivar salvar ficheiros
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Non se pode renomear os ficheiros xa que serían nomes duplicados.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.O documento Nav non pode ser removido.
+ The NCX can not be removed.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Non se poden eliminar todos os ficheiros HTML.
Sempre ten que haber cando menos un.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Non se pode usar o ficheiro como imaxe de portada.
+ Select AllSeleccionar todo
+ Add Blank HTML FileEngadir Ficheiro HTML en Branco
+ Add Blank StylesheetEngadir unha folla de estilo en branco
+ Add Blank Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG ImageEngadir Imaxe SVG en Branco
+ Add Existing Files...Engadir ficheiros existentes...
+ Add CopyEngadir Copia
+ RenameRenomear
+ RegEx Rename
+ Move
+ DeleteBorrar
+ Cover ImagePortada
+ MergeUnir
+ NoneNingún
+ Use Adobe's MethodEmpregar o método Adobe
+ Use IDPF's MethodEmpregar o método IDPF
+ SortOrdenar
+ Renumber TOC EntriesRenumerar entradas TOC
+ Link Stylesheets...Ligazón Follas de Estilo...
+ Link Javascripts...
+ Add Semantics...Engadir Concepto...
+ Validate with W3CValidar con W3C
+ Save AsGardar Coma
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Fusiona cun ficheiro previo, ou fusiona múltiplos ficheiros nun.
+ Rename selected file(s)Borrar ficheiro(s) escolmado
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folder
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Ligazón a Follas de Estilo ao escolmar ficheiro(s).
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Engadir Semántica aos ficheiro(s) escolmados.
+ Other ApplicationOutra Aplicación
@@ -1774,12 +1774,12 @@ Queres gardar os trocos?
+ Collapse AllColapsar Todo
+ Expand AllExpandir Todo
@@ -3623,362 +3623,362 @@ mended.
+ AcknowledgementsRecoñecementos
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Un pasaxe contén involucrando coñecemento a entidades na realización do traballo.
+ AfterwordEpílogo
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Unha declaración final do autor ou dunha persoa de importancia para a historia, que polo xeral proporciona unha visión de como se escribiu a historia, o seu significado ou os eventos relacionados que ocurriron desde a súa liña de tempo.
+ AppendixApéndice
+ Supplemental information.Información Suplementaria.
+ Back MatterAsuntos Anteriores
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Material auxiliar que aparece despois do contido dunha publicación, tal como índices, apéndices, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografía
+ A list of works cited.Lista de palabras citadas.
+ TextTexto
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.O inicio do texto principal contido da publicación.
+ ColophonColofón
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Unha ampla descrición usualmente localizada ao fin da publicación, notas da produción relevante descrita na edición.
+ ConclusionConclusión
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Unha sección final que tipicamente termina no traballo.
+ ContributorsColaboradores/as
+ A list of contributors to the work.Unha lista de contribuidores no traballo.
+ Copyright PagePáxina Copyright
+ The copyright page of the work.Páxina copyright do traballo
+ CoverCapa
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.As cuberta(s) das publicacións, jacket información, etc.
+ DedicationDedicatoria
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Unha inscrición dirixida a unha ou varias persoa(s) particulares.
+ EpilogueEpílogo
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Unha sección final que tipicamente está escrita dende un punto final á que a historia principal, aínda que forma parte da narrativa.
+ EpigraphEpígrafe
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Unha citación que é pertinente pero non integral no texto
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Publicación de errata, en impresión traballo tipicamente unha folla perdida instertada a man, ás veces unha páxina unida que conten correccións para erros no traballo.
+ FootnotesNotas ao pé
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Unha colección de notas aparece na parte baixa da páxina.
+ ForewordPrólogo
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Sección introdutoria que precede ao traballo, tipicamente non escrito polo autor.
+ Front MatterAsuntos da Fronte
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Material preliminar ao contido principal da publicación, tal como táboas de contidos, dedicatorias, etc
+ GlossaryGlosario
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Lista alfabética de termos en dominios particulares de coñecemento, coas definicións deses termos.
+ Half Title PageTítulo a Media Páxina
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Título a media páxina do traballo que leva o título en si.
+ ImprimaturProdutor
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Un autorizado estamento para publicar o traballo.
+ ImprintImpresor
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Información relativa á publicación ou distribución do traballo.
+ IndexIndex
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Lista polo miúdo, habitualmente ordenada alfabeticamente de información específica nunha publicación.
+ IntroductionIntrodución
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Unha sección ao principio da obra, tipicamente introduce ao lector no alcance ou natureza do contido do traballo.
+ List of IllustrationsLista de Ilustracións
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Unha lista de ilustracións incluídas no traballo.
+ List of Audio ClipsLista de Audio Clips
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Unha lista de audio clips incluída no traballo.
+ List of TablesListaxe de Táboas
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Unha lista de táboas incluída no traballo.
+ List of Video ClipsLista de Vídeo Clips
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Unha lista de vídeo clips incluída no traballo.
+ NotesNotas
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Unha escolma de notas. Usada para identificar notas a pé de páxina, notas finais, notas ao marxe, notas na liña e similares cando signifiquen convencións legais non desexadas. Estado: Desaprobado - Reemprazado por: 'notas a pé', 'notas principais'
+ Other CreditsOutros créditos
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Recoñecemento de partes previas publicadas do traballo, créditos das ilustracións e permiso a citacións dende material con dereitos de autor.
+ PreamblePreámbulo
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentUnha sección ao principio do traballo, tipicamente contendo prosa introdutoria e/ou explicatoria sobre o alcance ou naturada do contido da obra.
+ PrefacePrefacio
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Unha sección da introdución precede ao traballo, tipicamente escrita polo autor.
+ ProloguePrólogo
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Unha sección introdutoria que axusta o escritorio a unha historia, tipicamente parte da narración.
+ Rear NotesNotas posteriores
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Unha escolma de notas aparece ao final (trasfondo) do traballo, ou ao fin dunha sección.
+ Title PageTítulo da Páxina
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Unha páxina do principio dun libro dando título, autor, editor e outra información da publicación.
+ Table of ContentsTáboa de Contidos
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Unha táboa de contidos os cales son unha lista de titulares ou partes do libro ou documento, organizados nun orde no cal aparecen. Tipicamente aparecen un formato de traballo ou xunto dunha sección.
@@ -4210,67 +4210,67 @@ Podes marcar ou desmarcar titulares individuais na lista anterior.
Miniaturas tamaño:
+ NameNome
+ File Size (KB)Tamaño de Ficheiro (KB)
+ Times UsedVeces Empregado
+ WidthAncho
+ HeightAltura
+ PixelsPixels
+ ColorCor
+ ImageImaxe
+ %n file(s)
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileGardar Reporte Con Ficheiros Separados por Coma
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Non gardar ficheiro reporte
+ Delete From BookBorrar Dende Libro
@@ -4668,482 +4668,482 @@ Queres gardar os trocos?
+ AcknowledgmentsAgradecementos
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Un pasaxe contén involucrando coñecemento a entidades na realización do traballo.
+ AfterwordEpílogo
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Unha declaración final do autor ou dunha persoa de importancia para a historia, que polo xeral proporciona unha visión de como se escribiu a historia, o seu significado ou os eventos relacionados que ocurriron desde a súa liña de tempo.
+ AnnotationAnotación
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedInformación explicatoria sobre pasaxes no traballo. Estado: Desprezado
+ AppendixApéndice
+ Supplemental information.Información Suplementaria.
+ AssessmentAvaliador
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Un probador, ou outra actividade que axuda a medir o entendemento dos estudantes do que se está ensinando.
+ Back MatterAsuntos Anteriores
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Material auxiliar que aparece despois do contido dunha publicación, tal como índices, apéndices, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografía
+ A list of works cited.Lista de palabras citadas.
+ Body MatterAsunto do Corpo
+ The main content of a publication.O principal contido da publicación.
+ ChapterCapítulo
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Unha principal división estrutural dunha peza de escritura.
+ ColophonColofón
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Unha ampla descrición usualmente localizada ao fin da publicación, notas da produción relevante descrita na edición.
+ ConclusionConclusión
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Unha sección final que tipicamente termina no traballo.
+ ContributorsColaboradores/as
+ A list of contributors to the work.Unha lista de contribuidores no traballo.
+ Copyright PagePáxina Copyright
+ The copyright page of the work.Páxina copyright do traballo
+ CoverCapa
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.As cuberta(s) das publicacións, jacket información, etc.
+ DedicationDedicatoria
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Unha inscrición dirixida a unha ou varias persoa(s) particulares.
+ DivisionDivisión
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Unha maior división estrutural que pode só aparece como subestrutura de parte (esp. en lexislación).
+ EpigraphEpígrafe
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Unha citación que é pertinente pero non integral no texto
+ EpilogueEpílogo
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Unha sección final que tipicamente está escrita dende un punto final á que a historia principal, aínda que forma parte da narrativa.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Publicación de errata, en impresión traballo tipicamente unha folla perdida instertada a man, ás veces unha páxina unida que conten correccións para erros no traballo.
+ FootnotesNotas ao pé
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Unha colección de notas aparece na parte baixa da páxina.
+ ForewordPrólogo
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Sección introdutoria que precede ao traballo, tipicamente non escrito polo autor.
+ Front MatterAsuntos da Fronte
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Material preliminar ao contido principal da publicación, tal como táboas de contidos, dedicatorias, etc
+ GlossaryGlosario
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Lista alfabética de termos en dominios particulares de coñecemento, coas definicións deses termos.
+ Half Title PageTítulo a Media Páxina
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Título a media páxina do traballo que leva o título en si.
+ ImprimaturProdutor
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Un autorizado estamento para publicar o traballo.
+ ImprintImpresor
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Información relativa á publicación ou distribución do traballo.
+ IndexIndex
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Lista polo miúdo, habitualmente ordenada alfabéticamente de información específica nunha publicación.
+ IntroductionIntrodución
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Unha sección ao principio da obra, tipicamente introduce ao lector no alcance ou natureza do contido do traballo.
+ LandmarksMarcos
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationUnha colleita de referencias do bo saber/recorrentes a compoñentes da publicación
+ List of Audio ClipsLista de Audio Clips
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Unha lista de audio clips incluída no traballo.
+ List of IllustrationsLista de Ilustracións
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Unha lista de ilustracións incluídas no traballo.
+ List of TablesListaxe de Táboas
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Unha lista de táboas incluída no traballo.
+ List of Video ClipsLista de Vídeo Clips
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Unha lista de vídeo clips incluída no traballo.
+ NoticeAviso
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Información que require especial atención e que non debe ser omitida ou suprimida. Exemplos incluídos: alerta, aviso, precaución, perigo, importante.
+ Other CreditsOutros créditos
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Recoñecemento de partes previas publicadas do traballo, créditos das ilustracións e permiso a citacións dende material con dereitos de autor.
+ Page ListLista de Páxinas
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookUnha lista de referencias a saltos de páxinas (localizacións iniciais) dende versión de imprenta do libro
+ PartParte
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.A maior división estrutural dunha peza escrita, tipicamente encapsulado nos axustes relativos a capítulos.
+ PreamblePreámbulo
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentUnha sección ao principio do traballo, tipicamente contendo prosa introdutoria e/ou explicatoria sobre o alcance ou naturada do contido da obra.
+ PrefacePrefacio
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Unha sección da introdución precede ao traballo, tipicamente escrita polo autor.
+ ProloguePrólogo
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Unha sección introdutoria que axusta o escritorio a unha historia, tipicamente parte da narración.
+ Questions and AnswersPreguntas e Respostas
+ A question and answer section.Sección dunha resposta e pregunta.
+ Rear NotesNotas posteriores
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Unha escolma de notas aparece ao final (trasfondo) do traballo, ou ao fin dunha sección.
+ Revision HistoryHistórico de Revisións
+ A record of changes made to a work.Unha gravación de trocos feitos no traballo.
+ SubchapterSubcapítulo
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.A principal sub división do capítulo.
+ Title PageTítulo da Páxina
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Unha páxina do principio dun libro dando título, autor, editor e outra información da publicación.
+ Table of ContentsTáboa de Contidos
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Unha táboa de contidos os cales son unha lista de titulares ou partes do libro ou documento, organizados nun orde no cal aparecen. Tipicamente aparecen un formato de traballo ou xunto dunha sección.
+ VolumeVolume
+ A component of a collection.Un compoñente da colección.
+ WarningCoidado
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Aviso ou precaución sobre material específico. Estado: Desprezado - reemprazado por 'aviso'.
@@ -8437,13 +8437,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- Plugins
- Plugins
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8462,6 +8461,11 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Add Existing
+ Checkpoints
+ Index
@@ -10827,6 +10831,31 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Show Log of Checkpoints
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10941,37 +10970,37 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -10991,17 +11020,17 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]
@@ -11249,356 +11278,356 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
A imaxe non existe:
+ orou
+ No CSS styles namedSen estilos chamados CSS
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.atopar, ou follas de estilo non ligadas.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>O href <b>%1</b> atopado en <b>%2</b> non existe (e pode haber máis). A difusión ou fusión nestas condicións pode levar ligazóns rotas.</p><p>Desexas continuar?</p></html>
+ Add CoverEngadir Capa
+ An existing Cover file has been found.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Erro inesperado. Só ficheiros imaxe poden ser usados na cuberta.
+ Cover added.Capa engadida.
+ Not Available for epub2.Non Dispoñible para epub2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.Manifesto OPF Propiedades Actualizadas.
+ NCX and Guide removed.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.
+ NCX and Guide generated.
+ An existing Index file has been found.
+ Styles deleted.Estilos detectados.
+ Reports Being Generated.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Os informes foron cancelados ao estar mal formateados en XML.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Borrar Ficheiros Media sen uso cancelados debido a formato XML non bo.
+ Unused media files deleted.Ficheiros media non usados borrados.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Non hai imaxes sen uso, vídeo ou ficheiros de audio a borrar.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Borrar Estilos sen uso cancelados só en formato XML non bo.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Non se pode inserir un ficheiro nesta posición.
+ Insert FileInserir Ficheiro
+ The file "%1" does not exist.O ficheiro "%1" non existe.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Non se pode inserir un id nesta posición.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ID é inválido - debe iniciarse cunha letra, seguida por alfanumérico _ : - ou .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Non podes inserir unha ligazón nesta posición.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'A ligazón é inválida - non pode conter '<' ou '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Non debes marcar un índice nesta posición ou sen escolmar texto.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'A entrada é inválida - non contén '<' ou '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Non podes marcar un índice nesta posición.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Escolma o destino a pegar primeiro.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Pegar entrada clip %1
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Tes un recurso seleccionado mais non hai un recurso anterior con que unilo.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Tes a certeza de que queres unir os ficheiros seleccionados?
Esta acción é irreversible.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.
+ Cannot merge file %1Non fusionado ficheiro %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Fusión completada. Pode necesitar rexeración ou edición da túa Táboa de Contidos.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Ligazón a Folla de Estilos Cancelada: %1, XML non ben formateado.
+ Word updated.Palabra actualizada.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.
+ File(s) deleted.Ficheiro(s) borrados.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Editar Táboa de Contidos cancelada.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Táboa de Contidos editada.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Xeración TOC cancelada.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Táboa de Contidos xerada.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Non foi necesario facer trocos na Táboa de Contidos.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.
+ Text selection marked.Escolma de Texto marcado.
+ Text selection unmarked.Escolma de Texto sen marcar.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Editor Metadatos cancelado.
+ Metadata edited.Editados metadatos.
+ RunPlugin
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Este EPUB non contén ningunha folla de estilos CSS a validar.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Liña: %1, Col: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.O ficheiro non pode ser dividido nesta posición.
+ Split completed.División completada.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Non se pode dividir xa que canda menos un ficheiro non é HTML.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedNon divisible: %1 XML non ben formado
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Non divisible xa que canda menos un ficheiro pode non ser HTML.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.División completada. Podes necesitar actualizar a Táboa de Contidos.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Marcas de división de ficheiro non atopadas. Use Insertar->Marcas División.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?O documento foi modificado.
Queres gardar os cambios?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?
+ No importer for file type: %1Non importado para ficheiro tipo: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11611,111 +11640,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Tentar axustar as preferencias de Limpeza de Código ao Reparar o Código Fonte XHTML en Aberto e recargar o ficheiro.
+ Loading file...Cargando ficheiro...
+ File loaded.Ficheiro cargado.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.O creador deste ficheiro protexeuno con DRM. Sigil non pode abrir ficheiros deste tipo.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Non se pode cargar EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Non se pode cargar o ficheiro %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Gardando EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil non pode gardar ficheiros de tipo "%1".
Fai o favor de elixir un formato diferente.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB salga, pero non ben formateados tódolos ficheiros HTML.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB gardado.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Non se pode gardar o ficheiro %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)Ficheiros EPUB (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)Ficheiros HTML (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Ficheiros de texto (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Todos os ficheiros (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)Ficheiro EPUB (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Preservar os atributos do cabeceiro existente agora:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15562,12 +15621,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][Título aquí]
+ [Main title here][Título principal aquí]
@@ -16196,128 +16255,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Estado: correndo
+ Launcher process crashedLanzador de procesos petado
+ Status: finishedEstado: terminado
+ Status: failedEstado: fallado
+ Status: No Changes MadeEstado: Trocos Non Feitos
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesErro: Tentando Remover Plugin do Último ficheiro XHTML abortando trocos
+ Status:Estado:
+ Plugin failed to startPlugin fallou ao iniciar
+ Status: errorEstado: error
+ Plugin cancelledPlugin cancelado
+ Status: cancelledEstado: cancelado
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Erro Análise de Resultado XML:
+ Status: checkingEstado: comprobando
+ Incorrect XHTML:Incorrecto XHTML:
+ Line/ColLiña/Columna
+ Check ReportComprobar Reporte
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Incorrecto XHTML/XML Detectado
Estás Certo Que Queres Continuar?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesEstado: limpando - borrando ficheiros
+ Status: deletingEstado: borrando
+ Status: LoadingEstado: Cargando
+ Input PluginEntrada Plugin
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedTe actual libro será completamente reemprazado perdendo calquera troco non gardado... Estás certo que queres proceder
+ Status: addingEstado: engadindo
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesEstado: limpando - modificando ficheiros
+ Status: modifyingEstado: modificando
@@ -16594,43 +16653,43 @@ Entidades poden ser separadas por liñas, comas ou espazos.
+ PreviewPrevisual
+ Inspect Page
+ Select-All
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoard
+ Update Preview Window
+ Cycle Custom CSS Files
+ Print Preview View
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.x
@@ -16790,7 +16849,7 @@ Liña: %1 Columna %2 - %3
O ficheiro OPF non conte un ficheiro NCX.
+ Adding Existing Files..Engadir a Ficheiros Existentes...
@@ -16820,19 +16879,19 @@ Liña: %1 Columna %2 - %3
<p>Unha nova versión de Sigil está dispoñible, versión <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Gustaríache ir á páxina de descarga?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Non se pode ler o ficheiro %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil atopou un problema
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil pode que deba pechar.
@@ -16858,28 +16917,28 @@ Liña: %1 Columna %2 - %3
Inválido NCX ficheiro: %1
+ QuitSaír
+ AboutAcerca de
+ PreferencesPreferencias
+ NewNovo
+ OpenAbrir
@@ -18959,32 +19018,32 @@ teu libro e automaticamente inserido no teu documento.
+ Files In the BookFicheiros no Libro
+ ThumbnailsMiniaturas
+ shadestonalidades
+ colorscores
+ GrayscaleEscala de grises
+ ColorCor
@@ -19564,17 +19623,17 @@ Use se edita calquera ficheiro HTML cando a revisión estea aberta.Índice de contidos
+ The file "%1" does not exist.O ficheiro "%1" non existe.
+ Collapse AllContraer todo
+ Expand AllExpandir todo
@@ -19590,12 +19649,12 @@ Use se edita calquera ficheiro HTML cando a revisión estea aberta.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_it.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_it.ts
index ca315595cc..38917ac3ca 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_it.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_it.ts
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ se c'è una famiglia di caratteri senza grazie specificata nel CSS
Remove NCX and OPF Guide from Epub3.
+ Rimuovi NCX e Guide (dall'OPF) dall'Epub3
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ se c'è una famiglia di caratteri senza grazie specificata nel CSS
+ Open WithApri con
+ %n file(s)%n file(s)%n file(s)%n file(s)
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Sicuri di voler ordinare i file selezionati alfanumericamente?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Questa azione non può essere annullata.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Il file "%1" non esiste.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Javascript non è supportato in epub2.
+ Add Existing FilesAggiungi file esistenti
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ se c'è una famiglia di caratteri senza grazie specificata nel CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ se c'è una famiglia di caratteri senza grazie specificata nel CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
OK alla sostituzione?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Impossibile cancellare o sostituire il file "%1".
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Un file con questo nome esiste già nel libro.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ Un file con questo nome esiste già nel libro.
+ File(s) added or replaced.File aggiunto/i o sostituito/i.
+ Save As FileSalva come file
+ Unable to save the file.Impossibile salvare il file.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toScegli la cartella dove salvare i file
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Uno o più file con questo nome esistono già. Sovrascrivere?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Impossibile salvare i file. La destinazione potrebbe essere una cartella.
+ Unable to save files.Impossibile salvare i file.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Impossibile rinominare i file perché potrebbero risultare dei nomi di file duplicati.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"La Cartella di Destinazione ha un percorso non valido "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Impossibile spostare i file poiché ciò comporterebbe nomi di file duplicati.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Il documento Nav non può essere rimosso.
+ The NCX can not be removed.Il file NCX non può essere cancellato
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.Il file OPF è indispensabile per epub e non può essere cancellato.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Non puoi cancellare tutti i file html.
Ce ne deve essere sempre almeno uno.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Impossibile usare il file come immagine di copertina.
+ Select AllSeleziona tutto
+ Add Blank HTML FileAggiungi un file HTML vuoto
+ Add Blank StylesheetAggiungi foglio di stile vuoto
+ Add Blank JavascriptAggiungi Javascript Vuoto
+ Add Blank SVG ImageAggiungi un'immagine SVG vuota
+ Add Existing Files...Aggiungi file esistenti...
+ Add CopyAggiungi copia
+ RenameRinomina
+ RegEx RenameRinomina con RegEx
+ MoveSposta
+ DeleteCancella
+ Cover ImageImmagine di copertina
+ MergeUnione
+ NoneNessuno
+ Use Adobe's MethodUsa il metodo di Adobe
+ Use IDPF's MethodUsa il metodo di IDPF
+ SortOrdina
+ Renumber TOC EntriesRinumera le voci dell'indice
+ Link Stylesheets...Collegamento ai fogli di stile...
+ Link Javascripts...Collega javascript...
+ Add Semantics...Aggiungi semantiche...
+ Validate with W3CConvalida con W3C
+ Save AsSalva con nome
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Unisci con il file precedente, o unisci più file in uno.
+ Rename selected file(s)Rinomina i file selezionati
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Usa le Espressioni Regolari per Rinominare i file selezionati
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderSposta i file selezionati in una nuova cartella
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Collega gli Stylesheets ai file selezionati.
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Collega javascript ai file selezionati.
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Aggiungi Semantica ai file selezionati.
+ Other ApplicationAltra applicazione
@@ -1778,12 +1778,12 @@ Vuoi salvare le modifiche?
+ Collapse AllRiduci tutto
+ Expand AllEspandi tutto
@@ -3633,362 +3633,362 @@ automaticamente riparato.
+ AcknowledgementsRiconoscimenti
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Un passaggio che contiene riconoscimenti a enti coinvolti nella realizzazione dell'opera.
+ AfterwordPostfazione
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Una dichiarazione finale da parte dell'autore o di una persona di importanza per la storia, fornendo in genere un'idea di come la storia sia stata scritta, del suo significato o di eventi correlati che sono accaduti durante la sua scrittura.
+ AppendixAppendice
+ Supplemental information.Informazione supplementare.
+ Back MatterCopertina posteriore
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Materiale accessorio che si trova dopo il contenuto principale di una pubblicazione, come ad esempio gli indici, appendici, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografia
+ A list of works cited.Un elenco di lavori citati.
+ TextTesto
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.L'inizio del testo principale di una pubblicazione.
+ ColophonColophon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Una breve descrizione normalmente situata alla fine della pubblicazione, che descrive le annotazioni di produzione rilevanti per l'edizione.
+ ConclusionConclusione
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Una sezione finale che in genere avvolge l'opera.
+ ContributorsContributori
+ A list of contributors to the work.Un elenco di collaboratori al lavoro.
+ Copyright PagePagina del Copyright
+ The copyright page of the work.La pagina dei diritti d'autore del lavoro.
+ CoverCopertina
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.La copertina di pubblicazione, risvolti di copertina, ecc.
+ DedicationDedica
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Un'iscrizione indirizzata in particolare a una o più persone.
+ EpilogueEpilogo
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Una sezione conclusiva che è tipicamente scritto in un tempo futuro rispetto alla storia principale, anche se ancora parte della narrazione.
+ EpigraphEpigrafe
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Una citazione che è pertinente ma non integrata nel testo.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Errata Corrige, nelle opere a stampa in genere un foglio sciolto inserito a mano; talvolta una pagina associata che contiene correzioni degli errori nell'opera.
+ FootnotesNote a piè di pagina
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Un insieme di note che appaiono in fondo alla pagina.
+ ForewordPrefazione
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Una sezione introduttiva che precede il lavoro, tipicamente non scritta dall'autore del lavoro.
+ Front MatterFronte di copertina
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Materiale preliminare al contenuto principale di una pubblicazione, come ad esempio sommari, dediche, etc.
+ GlossaryGlossario
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Un elenco alfabetico di termini di un particolare ambito di conoscenza, comprensivo della loro definizione.
+ Half Title PagePagina intermedia del titolo
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.La pagina intermedia, dietro la copertina, che solitamente contiene solo il titolo ripetuto.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Una dichiarazione formale che autorizza la pubblicazione del lavoro.
+ ImprintColophon
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Informazioni relative alla pubblicazione o alla distribuzione del lavoro.
+ IndexIndice analitico
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Un elenco dettagliato, solitamente in ordine alfabetico, di specifiche informazioni di una pubblicazione.
+ IntroductionIntroduzione
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Una sezione all'inizio dell'opera, che solitamente introduce il lettore allo scopo od alla natura del contenuto del lavoro.
+ List of IllustrationsLista delle Illustrazioni
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Un elenco di illustrazioni incluse nel lavoro.
+ List of Audio ClipsElenco degli spezzoni audio
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Un elenco dei ritagli audio inclusi nel lavoro.
+ List of TablesLista delle Tavole
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Un elenco delle tabelle incluse nel lavoro.
+ List of Video ClipsElenco dei ritagli video
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Un elenco dei ritagli video inclusi nel lavoro.
+ NotesNote
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Una raccolta di appunti. Può essere utilizzato per identificare note a piè di pagina, note posteriori, note a margine, note in linea, e simili quando non si desidera usare le convenzioni esistenti di denominazione. Stato: Deprecato - Sostituito da: 'note a piè di pagina', 'note posteriori'
+ Other CreditsAltri Riconoscimenti
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Riconoscimenti di parti precedentemente pubblicate del lavoro, crediti delle illustrazioni e permesso di citare materiale protetto da copyright.
+ PreamblePreambolo
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentUna sezione all'inizio dell'opera, che solitamente contiene una prosa introduttiva/esplicativa riguardante lo scopo o la natura del contenuto del lavoro.
+ PrefacePrefazione
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Una sezione introduttiva che precede il lavoro, tipicamente scritta dall'autore del lavoro.
+ ProloguePrologo
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Una sezione introduttiva che imposta il contesto della storia, tipicamente parte della narrativa.
+ Rear NotesNote Posteriori
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Un insieme di note che appaiono nel retro (appendice) dell'opera o alla fine di una sezione..
+ Title PagePagina del Titolo
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Una pagina all'inizio di un libro che illustra titolo, autori, editore e altre informazioni di pubblicazione.
+ Table of ContentsTavola dei Contenuti (TOC)
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Un tavola dei contenuti (TOC) è una lista delle voci o parti del libro o del documento, organizzata nell'ordine in cui appaiono. Tipicamente appare nell'avantesto dell'opera, o all'inizio di una sezione.
@@ -4220,67 +4220,67 @@ You can then check or uncheck individual headings in the list above.
Dimensione della Miniatura:
+ NameNome
+ File Size (KB)Dimensione del File (KB)
+ Times UsedTempo Usato
+ WidthLarghezza
+ HeightAltezza
+ PixelsPixels
+ ColorColore
+ ImageImmagine
+ %n file(s)%n file(s)%n file(s)%n file(s)
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileSalva Rapporto Come File Separato da Virgole
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Impossibile salvare il file di rapporto.
+ Delete From BookCancella dal Libro
@@ -4678,482 +4678,482 @@ Vuoi salvare le tue modifiche?
+ AcknowledgmentsRiconoscimenti
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Un passaggio che contiene riconoscimenti a enti coinvolti nella realizzazione dell'opera.
+ AfterwordPostfazione
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Una dichiarazione finale da parte dell'autore o di una persona di importanza per la storia, fornendo in genere un'idea di come la storia sia stata scritta, del suo significato o di eventi correlati che sono accaduti durante la sua scrittura.
+ AnnotationAnnotazione
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedInformazioni esplicative sui passaggi del lavoro. Stato: Deprecato
+ AppendixAppendice
+ Supplemental information.Informazione supplementare.
+ AssessmentValutazione
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Un test, quiz o altre attività che aiutano a verificare la comprensione di uno studente di quanto gli è stato insegnato.
+ Back MatterCopertina posteriore
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Materiale accessorio che si trova dopo il contenuto principale di una pubblicazione, come ad esempio gli indici, appendici, etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografia
+ A list of works cited.Un elenco di lavori citati.
+ Body MatterCorpo
+ The main content of a publication.Il contenuto principale di una pubblicazione.
+ ChapterCapitolo
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Una divisione strutturale principale di uno scritto.
+ ColophonColophon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Una breve descrizione normalmente situata alla fine della pubblicazione, che descrive le annotazioni di produzione rilevanti per l'edizione.
+ ConclusionConclusione
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Una sezione finale che in genere avvolge l'opera.
+ ContributorsContributori
+ A list of contributors to the work.Un elenco di collaboratori al lavoro.
+ Copyright PagePagina del Copyright
+ The copyright page of the work.La pagina dei diritti d'autore del lavoro.
+ CoverCopertina
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.La copertina di pubblicazione, risvolti di copertina, ecc.
+ DedicationDedica
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Un'iscrizione indirizzata in particolare a una o più persone.
+ DivisionDivisione
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Un importante divisione strutturale che può anche apparire come una sottostruttura di una parte (specialmente nelle leggi).
+ EpigraphEpigrafe
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Una citazione che è pertinente ma non integrata nel testo.
+ EpilogueEpilogo
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Una sezione conclusiva che è tipicamente scritto in un tempo futuro rispetto alla storia principale, anche se ancora parte della narrazione.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Errata Corrige, nelle opere a stampa in genere un foglio sciolto inserito a mano; talvolta una pagina associata che contiene correzioni degli errori nell'opera.
+ FootnotesNote a piè di pagina
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Un insieme di note che appaiono in fondo alla pagina.
+ ForewordPrefazione
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Una sezione introduttiva che precede il lavoro, tipicamente non scritta dall'autore del lavoro.
+ Front MatterFronte di copertina
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Materiale preliminare al contenuto principale di una pubblicazione, come ad esempio sommari, dediche, etc.
+ GlossaryGlossario
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Un elenco alfabetico di termini di un particolare ambito di conoscenza, comprensivo della loro definizione.
+ Half Title PagePagina intermedia del titolo
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.La pagina intermedia, dietro la copertina, che solitamente contiene solo il titolo ripetuto.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Una dichiarazione formale che autorizza la pubblicazione del lavoro.
+ ImprintColophon
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Informazioni relative alla pubblicazione o alla distribuzione del lavoro.
+ IndexIndice analitico
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Un elenco dettagliato, solitamente in ordine alfabetico, di specifiche informazioni in una pubblicazione.
+ IntroductionIntroduzione
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Una sezione all'inizio dell'opera, che solitamente introduce il lettore allo scopo od alla natura del contenuto del lavoro.
+ LandmarksPunti di riferimento
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationUna collezione di riferimenti a ben-noti/ricorrenti componenti all'interno della pubblicazione
+ List of Audio ClipsElenco degli spezzoni audio
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Un elenco dei ritagli audio inclusi nel lavoro.
+ List of IllustrationsLista delle Illustrazioni
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Un elenco di illustrazioni incluse nel lavoro.
+ List of TablesLista delle Tavole
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Un elenco delle tabelle incluse nel lavoro.
+ List of Video ClipsElenco dei ritagli video
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Un elenco dei ritagli video inclusi nel lavoro.
+ NoticeNotizia
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Informazione che richiede particolare attenzione, e che non deve essere ignorata o soppressa. Gli esempi includono: avviso, avvertimento, cautela, pericolo, importante.
+ Other CreditsAltri Riconoscimenti
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Riconoscimenti di parti precedentemente pubblicate del lavoro, crediti delle illustrazioni e permesso di citare materiale protetto da copyright.
+ Page ListElenco pagine
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookUn elenco di riferimenti ad interruzioni di pagina (punti iniziali) da una versione stampata dell'ebook
+ PartParte
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Un importante divisione strutturale di un pezzo di scrittura che incorpora di solito una serie di capitoli correlati.
+ PreamblePreambolo
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentUna sezione all'inizio dell'opera, che solitamente contiene una prosa introduttiva/esplicativa riguardante lo scopo o la natura del contenuto del lavoro.
+ PrefacePrefazione
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Una sezione introduttiva che precede il lavoro, tipicamente scritta dall'autore del lavoro.
+ ProloguePrologo
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Una sezione introduttiva che imposta il contesto della storia, tipicamente parte della narrativa.
+ Questions and AnswersDomande e risposte
+ A question and answer section.Una sezione domande e risposte.
+ Rear NotesNote Posteriori
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Un insieme di note che appaiono nel retro (appendice) dell'opera o alla fine di una sezione..
+ Revision HistoryCronologia revisioni
+ A record of changes made to a work.La cronologia dei cambiamenti effettuati su un lavoro.
+ SubchapterSottocapitolo
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.La principale suddivisione di un capitolo.
+ Title PagePagina del Titolo
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Una pagina all'inizio di un libro che illustra titolo, autori, editore e altre informazioni di pubblicazione.
+ Table of ContentsTavola dei Contenuti (TOC)
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Un tavola dei contenuti (TOC) è una lista delle voci o parti del libro o del documento, organizzata nell'ordine in cui appaiono. Tipicamente appare nell'avantesto dell'opera, o all'inizio di una sezione.
+ VolumeVolume
+ A component of a collection.Un componente di una collezione.
+ WarningAttenzione
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Un avvertimento o cautela su materiale specifico. Stato: Deprecato - Sostituito da 'comunicazione'.
@@ -8449,14 +8449,13 @@ I fogli di stile che vengono elencati per primi hanno la precedenza sui successi
- Plugins
- Plugin
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
- Punti di Controllo
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8474,6 +8473,11 @@ I fogli di stile che vengono elencati per primi hanno la precedenza sui successi
Add ExistingAggiungi esistente
+ Checkpoints
+ Punti di Controllo
+ Index
@@ -8878,14 +8882,14 @@ I fogli di stile che vengono elencati per primi hanno la precedenza sui successi
- &Italico
+ &Corsivo<p style="padding-top: 0.5em;" ><b>Italic</b></p>
<p style="margin-left: 0.5em;">Make the selected text italic.</p>
- <p style="padding-top: 0.5em;" ><b>Italico</b></p>
+ <p style="padding-top: 0.5em;" ><b>Corsivo</b></p>
<p style="margin-left: 0.5em;">Rende corsivo il testo selezionato.</p>
@@ -10834,6 +10838,31 @@ I fogli di stile che vengono elencati per primi hanno la precedenza sui successi
Show Log of Checkpoints
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10948,37 +10977,37 @@ I fogli di stile che vengono elencati per primi hanno la precedenza sui successi
+ SigilSigil
@@ -10999,17 +11028,17 @@ Questa azione non può essere annullata.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11257,356 +11286,356 @@ Questa azione non può essere annullata.
L'immagine non esiste:
+ oro
+ No CSS styles namedNon ci sono stili CSS con nome
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.trovato, o foglio di stile non collegato.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>Il href <b>%1</b> trovato in <b>%2</b> non esiste (e potrebbe esserci altro). La divisione o l'unione in queste condizioni possono causare collegamenti interrotti.</p><p>Siete certi di voler continuare?</p></html>
+ Add CoverAggiungi Copertina
+ An existing Cover file has been found.È stato trovato un file Copertina esistente.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Errore inaspettato. Solo i file di immagini possono essere usati per la copertina.
+ Cover added.Copertina aggiunta.
+ Not Available for epub2.Non Disponibile per epub2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.Proprietà del Manifesto OPF Aggiornate.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX e Guida cancellati.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.Generazione NCX e Guida fallita.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX e Guida generati.
+ An existing Index file has been found.È stato trovato un file di Indice analitico esistente.
+ Styles deleted.Stili cancellati.
+ Reports Being Generated.Rapporti in Fase di Generazione.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Rapporti cancellati a causa del XML non ben formato.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Elimina File Multimediali Inutilizzati interrotto a causa del XML non ben formato.
+ Unused media files deleted.File multimediali Inutilizzati cancellati...
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Non ci sono immagini,video o audio inutilizzati da eliminare.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Elimina Stili Inutilizzati interrotto a causa del XML non ben formato.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.Non ci sono selettori di fogli di stile inutilizzati da eliminare.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Non puoi inserire un file in questa posizione.
+ Insert FileInserisci File
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Il file "%1" non esiste.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Non puoi inserire un'id in questa posizione.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ID non valido - deve iniziare con una lettera, seguita da lettera numero _ : - o .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Non puoi inserire un link ipertestuale in questa posizione.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Il collegamento non è valido - non può contenere '<' or '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Non è possibile marcare un indice analitico in questa posizione o senza selezionare del testo.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'La voce non è valida - non può contenere '<' or '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Non è possibile marcare un indice analitico in questa posizione.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Seleziona prima la destinazione dove incollare.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Incollata voce degli appunti %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.E' stata selezionata una risorsa e non c'è alcuna risorsa precedente in cui fonderla.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Sei sicuro di voler unire i file selezionati?
Questa azione non può essere annullata.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.
+ Cannot merge file %1Impossibile unire il file %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Unisci completato. E' necessario rigenerare o modificare la Tavola dei Contenuti.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Collegamento ai Fogli di stile annullato: %1, XML non ben formato.
+ Word updated.Parola aggiornata.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Collegamento ai Javascripts annullato: %1, XML non ben formato.
+ File(s) deleted.File(s) cancellati.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Modifica Tavola dei Contenuti (TOC) annullato.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Tavola dei Contenuti (TOC) modificata.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Generazione TOC annullata.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Tavola dei Contenuti (TOC) generata.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Non è necessaria alcuna modifica della Tavola dei Contenuti (TOC).
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.È stato trovato un file Tavola dei Contenuti esistente.
+ Text selection marked.Selezione di testo marcata.
+ Text selection unmarked.Selezione di testo smarcata.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Modifica dei metadati annullata
+ Metadata edited.Metadati modificati.
+ RunPluginAvviaPlugin
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Questo EPUB non contiene alcun foglio di stile CSS da convalidare.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Questo EPUB non contiene alcun foglio di stile CSS da riformattare.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Riga: %1, Col: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Il file non può essere diviso in questa posizione.
+ Split completed.Divisione completata.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Impossibile dividere perché almeno un file non è un file HTML.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedImpossibile dividere: %1 XML non è ben formato
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Impossibile dividere perché almeno un file potrebbe non essere un file HTML.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Divisione completata. Bisogna aggiornare la Tavola dei Contenuti (TOC).
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Nessun marcatore di divisione trovato. Utilizza Inserisci->Marcatore di Divisione.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Il documento è stato modificato.
Vuoi salvare le modifiche?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Sigil deve sovrascrivere questo file?
+ No importer for file type: %1Nessun tipo di importatore per il file: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11619,113 +11648,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Prova ad impostare le preferenze di Pulizia Sorgente per Riparare il Codice Sorgente XHTML all'Apertura e ricarica il file.
+ Loading file...Caricamento file...
+ File loaded.File caricato.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.Il creatore di questo file lo ha protetto con il DRM. Sigil non può aprire questi file.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Impossibile caricare l'EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Impossibile caricare il file %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Salvataggio EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil non può salvare i file di tipo "%1".
Scegli un formato differente.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- L'EPUB ha dei file HTML che non sono ben formati e le preferenze correnti di Pulisci Sorgente sono impostate sulla pulizia automatica quando si Salva. Il salvataggio di un file non ben formato comporterà la correzione automatica, il che, molto raramente, può causare la perdita di dati.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Vuoi riparare automaticamente i file prima di salvare?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB salvato, ma non tutti i file HTML sono ben formati.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB salvato.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Impossibile salvare il file %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)File EPUB (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)File HTML (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)File di testo (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Tutti i file (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)File EPUB (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Mantieni gli attuali attributi del titolo è ora:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15574,12 +15631,12 @@ eseguito il fac-simile.
+ [Title here][Titolo]
+ [Main title here][Titolo principale]
@@ -16208,128 +16265,128 @@ eseguito il fac-simile.
Stato: in corso
+ Launcher process crashedIl processo del lanciatore si è interrotto
+ Status: finishedStato: finito
+ Status: failedStato: fallito
+ Status: No Changes MadeStato: Nessun Cambiamento Effettuato
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesErrore: il Plugin ha Provato a Rimuovere l'Ultimo file XHTML .. sto eliminando i cambiamenti
+ Status:Stato:
+ Plugin failed to startIl plugin ha fallito l'avvio
+ Status: errorStato: errore
+ Plugin cancelledPlugin cancellato
+ Status: cancelledStato: cancellato
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Errore di analisi del Risultato del XML:
+ Status: checkingStato: in controllo
+ Incorrect XHTML:XHTML non corretto:
+ Line/ColRiga/Col
+ Check ReportControllo del Rapporto
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Trovato XHTML/XML Non Corretto
Sei Sicuro di Voler Continuare?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesStato: sto pulendo - cancellando i file
+ Status: deletingStato: in cancellazione
+ Status: LoadingStato: Caricamento
+ Input PluginPlugin di Input
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedIl tuo Libro corrente sarà completamente sostituito perdendo ogni cambiamento non salvato ... Sei sicuro di voler proseguire
+ Status: addingStato: in aggiunta
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesStato: sto pulendo - modificando i file
+ Status: modifyingStato: in modifica
@@ -16606,43 +16663,43 @@ Le entità possono essere separate da linee, virgole o spazi.
+ PreviewAnteprima
+ Inspect PageIspeziona Pagina
+ Select-AllSeleziona Tutto
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardCopia Selezione negli Appunti
+ Update Preview WindowAggiorna Finestra Anteprima
+ Cycle Custom CSS Files
+ Print Preview View
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xFunzionalità non disponibile prima di Qt5.12.x
@@ -16802,7 +16859,7 @@ Linea: %1 Colonna %2 - %3
Il file OPF non contiene un file NCX.
+ Adding Existing Files..Sto aggiungendo i File Esistenti...
@@ -16832,19 +16889,19 @@ Linea: %1 Colonna %2 - %3
<p>E'' disponibile una versione più recente di Sigil , versione <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Vuoi andare alla pagina di download?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Impossibile leggere il file %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil ha incontrato un problema.
+ Sigil may need to close.Potrebbe essere necessario chiudere Sigil.
@@ -16870,28 +16927,28 @@ Linea: %1 Colonna %2 - %3
File NCX non valido: %1
+ QuitEsci
+ AboutInformazioni
+ PreferencesPreferenze
+ NewNuovo
+ OpenApri
@@ -18970,32 +19027,32 @@ al tuo libro ed inseriscile automaticamente nel documento.
+ Files In the BookFile nel Libro
+ ThumbnailsMiniature
+ shadesombre
+ colorscolori
+ GrayscaleScala di Grigi
+ ColorColore
@@ -19577,17 +19634,17 @@ Usalo se hai modificato un file HTML mentre era aperto il Correttore Ortografico
Tavola dei Contenuti (TOC)
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Il file "%1" non esiste.
+ Collapse AllRiduci Tutto
+ Expand AllEspandi Tutto
@@ -19603,12 +19660,12 @@ Usalo se hai modificato un file HTML mentre era aperto il Correttore Ortografico
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ja.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ja.ts
index 438fd0e349..427070ed3b 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ja.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ja.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ Open Withアプリケーションから開く
+ %n file(s)%n 個のファイル
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?本当に選択されたファイルをアルファベット順にソートしますか?
+ This action cannot be reversed.この操作は元に戻せません。
+ The file "%1" does not exist.ファイル "%1" は存在しません。
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.epub2では、Javascriptはサポートされていません。
+ Add Existing Files既存のファイルを追加
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".ファイル "%1" を削除または上書きできません。
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,236 +979,236 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ File(s) added or replaced.ファイルを追加または置換しました。
+ Save As Fileファイルに保存
+ Unable to save the file.ファイルに保存できませんでした。
+ Choose the directory to save the files toファイルを保存するディレクトリを選択
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?すでに1つ以上のファイルが存在します。OKを押して上書きしますか?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.ファイルに保存できません。保存先がディレクトリのようです。
+ Unable to save files.ファイルを保存できません。
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.ファイル名が重複するため、ファイル名を変更できません。
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"コピー先フォルダーのパス "%1" が無効です。
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.ファイル名が重複するため、ファイルを移動できません。
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Navドキュメントを削除できません。
+ The NCX can not be removed.NCXを削除できません。
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.OPFはepubに必要であり、削除できません。
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.HTMLをすべて削除することはできません。
+ Unable to set file as cover image.ファイルを表紙画像として設定できません。
+ Select Allすべて選択
+ Add Blank HTML File空のHTMLファイルを追加
+ Add Blank Stylesheet空のスタイルシートを追加
+ Add Blank Javascript空のJavaScriptを追加
+ Add Blank SVG Image空のSVG画像を追加
+ Add Existing Files...既存のファイルを追加...
+ Add Copyコピーを追加
+ Rename名前を変更
+ RegEx Rename正規表現で名前を変更
+ Move移動
+ Delete削除
+ Cover Image表紙の画像
+ Mergeマージ
+ Noneなし
+ Use Adobe's MethodAdobe方式を利用
+ Use IDPF's MethodIDPF方式を利用
+ Sortソート
+ Renumber TOC Entries目次のエントリーの数字をつけ直す
+ Link Stylesheets...スタイルシートにリンク...
+ Link Javascripts...JavaScriptにリンク...
+ Add Semantics...セマンティクスを追加...
+ Validate with W3CW3Cで検証
+ Save As名前を付けて保存
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.前のファイルとマージするか、複数のファイルを1つにマージします。
+ Rename selected file(s)選択したファイルの名前を変更します。
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)正規表現を使用して、選択したファイルの名前を変更します。
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folder選択したファイルを新しいフォルダーに移動します。
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).選択したファイルにスタイルシートをリンクします。
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).選択したファイルにJavaScriptをリンクします。
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).選択したファイルにセマンティクスを追加します。
+ Other Application他のアプリケーション
@@ -1779,12 +1779,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Collapse Allすべて閉じる
+ Expand Allすべて広げる
@@ -3653,362 +3653,362 @@ mended.
+ Acknowledgements謝辞
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.作業の実現に関与するエンティティへの謝辞を含む一節。
+ Afterwordあとがき
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.著者またはストーリーにとって重要な人物からの最後の声明。通常、ストーリーがどのように書かれたか、その重要性、またはタイムライン以降に発生した関連イベントに関する洞察を提供します。
+ Appendix付録
+ Supplemental information.補足情報。
+ Back Matter後付け
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.インデックス(索引)や付録など、出版物のメインコンテンツの後に生じる補助資料。
+ Bibliography参考文献
+ A list of works cited.引用された作品のリスト。
+ Textテキスト
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.出版物のメインテキストコンテンツの開始。
+ Colophon奥付
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.通常、出版物の最後に置かれる簡単な説明。エディションに関連する制作ノートを説明します。
+ Conclusion結論
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.通常は作品を終結させる終わりのセクション。
+ Contributors貢献者
+ A list of contributors to the work.作品への貢献者のリスト。
+ Copyright Page著作権ページ
+ The copyright page of the work.作品の著作権ページ。
+ Cover表紙
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.出版物の表紙やブックカバー情報など
+ Dedication献辞
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).1人または複数の特定の人に宛てられた碑文(献呈の辞)。
+ Epilogueエピローグ(終章)
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.ストーリーの一部ではあるが、通常は本編(メインストーリー)よりも後の時点から書かれる結論セクション(最終章)。
+ Epigraph題辞
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.関連するが、テキストに必須ではない引用。
+ Errata正誤表
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.出版物の正誤表は、印刷されたものでは、通常手で挿入されるゆるいシート。場合によっては、作品の間違いを修正するための綴じページ。
+ Footnotes脚注
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.ページの下部に表示されるノート(注釈)のコレクション。
+ Foreword序文
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.通常、作品の著者によって書かれていない、作品に先行する導入セクション。
+ Front Matter前付け
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.目次、献辞など、出版物のメインコンテンツ(主要な内容)に関する予備資料。
+ Glossary用語集
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.特定の知識分野における用語のアルファベット順の一覧と、それらの用語の定義。
+ Half Title Pageハーフタイトルページ
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.作品のタイトルそのものだけを掲載したハーフタイトルページ。
+ Imprimatur免責事項
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.作品の出版を承認する正式な声明。
+ Imprint奥付け
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.作品の出版または配布に関する情報。
+ Indexインデックス(索引)
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.文書内の特定情報の詳細リスト(通常はアルファベット順に配置)。
+ Introduction紹介
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.作品の冒頭のセクション。通常は、作品のコンテンツの範囲や性質を読者に紹介するもの。
+ List of Illustrationsイラスト一覧
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.作品に含まれるイラストの一覧。
+ List of Audio Clipsオーディオクリップのリスト
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.作品に含まれるオーディオクリップのリスト。
+ List of Tablesテーブル一覧
+ A listing of tables included in the work.作品に含まれるテーブルの一覧。
+ List of Video Clipsビデオクリップのリスト
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.作品に含まれるビデオクリップのリスト。
+ Notes備考
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'ノート(メモや備考)のコレクション。従来の命名規則が不要な場合、脚注、リアノート(背面のメモ)、マージンノート(欄外のメモ)、インラインノート(文中のメモ)などを識別するために使用できます。ステータス: 非推奨 - 代替: "脚注 (footnotes)"、"リアノート (rearnotes)"。
+ Other Creditsその他のクレジット
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.過去に出版された作品の一部への謝辞、イラストのクレジット、著作物からの引用の許可。
+ Preamble前文
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's content作品の冒頭のセクション。通常、作品のコンテンツの範囲や性質に関する紹介文、および/または、説明文を含む。
+ Preface前書き
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.通常、作品の著者によって書かれた、作品に先行する導入セクション。
+ Prologueプロローグ(序幕)
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.ストーリーの背景を設定する導入セクション。通常は、物語の一部。
+ Rear Notesリアノート
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.作品の背面(バックマター)またはセクションの最後に表示されるノートのコレクション。
+ Title Pageタイトルページ
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.本の冒頭にある、タイトル、著者、出版社、その他の出版情報を示すページ。
+ Table of Contents目次
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.目次。ブックまたはドキュメントの見出しまたは一部のリストで、表示順に編成される。通常、作品の前書きまたはセクションの最初に表示される。
@@ -4240,67 +4240,67 @@ You can then check or uncheck individual headings in the list above.
+ Name名前
+ File Size (KB)ファイルサイズ(KB)
+ Times Used使用回数
+ Width幅
+ Height高さ
+ Pixelsピクセル
+ Colorカラー
+ Image画像
+ %n file(s)%n 個のファイル
+ Save Report As Comma Separated Fileカンマ区切りのファイルとしてレポートを保存
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.レポートファイルを保存できません。
+ Delete From Book本から削除
@@ -4700,482 +4700,482 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Acknowledgments謝辞
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.作業の実現に関与するエンティティへの謝辞を含む一節。
+ Afterwordあとがき
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.著者またはストーリーにとって重要な人物からの最後の声明。通常、ストーリーがどのように書かれたか、その重要性、またはタイムライン以降に発生した関連イベントに関する洞察を提供します。
+ Annotation注釈
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: Deprecated作品のパッセージ(一節や段落)に関する説明情報。ステータス:非推奨
+ Appendix付録
+ Supplemental information.補足情報。
+ Assessment評価
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.テスト、クイズ、または教えられていることに対する生徒の理解度を測定するのに役立つその他のアクティビティ(活動)。
+ Back Matter後付け
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.インデックス(索引)や付録など、出版物のメインコンテンツの後に生じる補助資料。
+ Bibliography参考文献
+ A list of works cited.引用された作品のリスト。
+ Body Matter本文
+ The main content of a publication.出版物のメインコンテンツ(主となる内容)
+ Chapterチャプター
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.文書の主要な構造的区分の1セット。
+ Colophon奥付
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.通常、出版物の最後に置かれる簡単な説明。エディションに関連する制作ノートを説明する。
+ Conclusion結論
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.通常は作品を終結させる終わりのセクション。
+ Contributors貢献者
+ A list of contributors to the work.作品への貢献者のリスト。
+ Copyright Page著作権ページ
+ The copyright page of the work.作品の著作権ページ。
+ Cover表紙
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.出版物の表紙やブックカバー情報など
+ Dedication献辞
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).1人または複数の特定の人に宛てられた碑文(献呈の辞)。
+ Divisionディビジョン(部、章)
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).パート(部)の基礎構造として表示される主要な構造的区分(とくに法律において)。
+ Epigraph題辞
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.関連するが、テキストに必須ではない引用。
+ Epilogueエピローグ(終章)
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.ストーリーの一部ではあるが、通常は本編(メインストーリー)よりも後の時点から書かれる結論セクション(最終章)。
+ Errata正誤表
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.出版物の正誤表は、印刷されたものでは、通常手で挿入されるゆるいシート。場合によっては、作品の間違いを修正するための綴じページ。
+ Footnotes脚注
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.ページの下部に表示されるノート(注釈)のコレクション。
+ Foreword序文
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.通常、作品の著者によって書かれていない、作品に先行する導入セクション。
+ Front Matter前付け
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.目次、献辞など、出版物のメインコンテンツ(主要な内容)に関する予備資料。
+ Glossary用語集
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.特定の知識分野における用語のアルファベット順の一覧と、それらの用語の定義。
+ Half Title Pageハーフタイトルページ
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.作品のタイトルそのものだけを掲載したハーフタイトルページ。
+ Imprimatur免責事項
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.作品の出版を承認する正式な声明。
+ Imprint奥付け
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.作品の出版または配布に関する情報。
+ Index索引
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.文書内の特定情報の詳細リスト(通常はアルファベット順に配置)。
+ Introduction紹介
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.作品の冒頭のセクション。通常は、作品のコンテンツの範囲や性質を読者に紹介するもの。
+ Landmarksランドマーク
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publication出版物内の既知の構成、または繰り返しの構成要素への参照コレクション。
+ List of Audio Clipsオーディオクリップのリスト
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.作品に含まれるオーディオクリップのリスト。
+ List of Illustrationsイラスト一覧
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.作品に含まれているイラストの一覧。
+ List of Tablesテーブル一覧
+ A listing of tables included in the work.作品に含まれているテーブルの一覧。
+ List of Video Clipsビデオクリップのリスト
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.作品に含まれるビデオクリップのリスト。
+ Notice注意
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.特別な注意が必要で、スキップまたは抑制してはならない情報。例としては、アラート、警告、注意、危険、重要などが含まれる。
+ Other Creditsその他のクレジット
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.過去に出版された作品の一部への謝辞、イラストのクレジット、著作物からの引用の許可。
+ Page Listページリスト
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebook電子書籍の印刷版からの改ページ(開始場所)への参照のリスト。
+ Partパート(部)
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.通常は、一連の関連する章をカプセル化する、文書の主要な構造的区分。
+ Preamble前文
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's content作品の冒頭のセクション。通常、作品のコンテンツの範囲や性質に関する紹介文、および/または、説明文を含む。
+ Prefaceはじめに
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.通常、作品の著者によって書かれた、作品に先行する導入セクション。
+ Prologueプロローグ(序幕)
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.ストーリーの背景を設定する導入セクション。通常は、物語の一部。
+ Questions and Answers質問と回答
+ A question and answer section.質問と回答のセクション。
+ Rear Notesリアノート
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.作品の背面(バックマター)またはセクションの最後に表示されるノートのコレクション。
+ Revision History改訂履歴
+ A record of changes made to a work.作品に加えられた変更の記録
+ Subchapterサブチャプター
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.章(チャプター)の主要な下位区分(サブディビジョン)。
+ Title Pageタイトルページ
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.本の冒頭にある、タイトル、著者、出版社、その他の出版情報を示すページ。
+ Table of Contents目次
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.目次。ブックまたはドキュメントの見出しまたは一部のリストで、表示順に編成される。通常、作品の前書きまたはセクションの最初に表示される。
+ Volumeボリューム
+ A component of a collection.コレクションの構成要素(コンポーネント)
+ Warning警告
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.特定の素材(マテリアル)に関する警告または注意。ステータス:非推奨 - "通知 (notice)"に置き換えられた。
@@ -8473,14 +8473,13 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- Plugins
- プラグイン
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
- チェックポイント
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8498,6 +8497,11 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Add Existing
+ Checkpoints
+ チェックポイント
+ Index
@@ -10871,6 +10875,31 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Show Log of Checkpoints
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10985,37 +11014,37 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11036,17 +11065,17 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11294,356 +11323,356 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ orまたは
+ No CSS styles namedという名前のCSSスタイルが
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.見つからないか、スタイルシートがリンクされていません。
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p><b>%2</b> で見つかった、href <b>%1</b> が存在しません(それ以外に存在する可能性があります)。このような状況で、分割またはマージを行うと、リンクが壊れる可能性があります。</p><p>続行しますか?</p></html>
+ Add Cover表紙を追加
+ An existing Cover file has been found.既存の表紙用ファイルが見つかりました。
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.予期せぬエラーです。表紙には画像ファイルのみ使用できます。
+ Cover added.表紙を追加しました。
+ Not Available for epub2.epub2では使用できません。
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.OPFマニフェストプロパティが更新されました。
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCXおよびガイドが削除されました。
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.NCXおよびガイドの生成に失敗しました。
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCXおよびガイドが生成されました。
+ An existing Index file has been found.既存のインデックスファイルが見つかりました。
+ Styles deleted.スタイルが削除されました。
+ Reports Being Generated.レポートが生成されました。
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.XMLが整形式でないため、レポートがキャンセルされました。
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.XMLが整形式でないため、未使用のメディアファイルの削除がキャンセルされました。
+ Unused media files deleted.未使用のメディアファイルを削除しました。
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.削除すべき未使用の画像、動画、オーディオファイルがありません。
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.XMLが整形式でないため、未使用のスタイルの削除がキャンセルされました。
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.削除すべき未使用のスタイルシートセレクターがありません。
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.この位置にはファイルを挿入できません。
+ Insert Fileファイルを挿入
+ The file "%1" does not exist.ファイル "%1" は存在しません。
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.この位置にIDを挿入できません。
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .IDが無効です。文字で始まり、文字の後に「数字」「_」「:」「-」「.」が続く必要があります。
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.この位置にリンクを挿入できません。
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'リンクは有効です - '<'または'>'は含めません
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.この位置で、またはテキストが選択されていない状態で、インデックスをマークできません。
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'エントリーが無効です - '<' または '>' を含むことはできません。
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.この位置でインデックスをマークできません。
+ Select the destination to paste into first.最初に貼り付ける貼り付け先を選択します。
+ Pasted clip entry %1.クリップエントリー %1 を貼り付けます。
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.1つのリソースが選択されていますが、マージする前のリソースがありません。
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.選択したファイルをマージしますか?
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.マージをキャンセル: マージに関係するXHTMLファイルが整形式ではありません。
+ Cannot merge file %1ファイル %1 をマージできません
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.マージが完了しました。目次の再生成または編集が必要な場合があります。
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.スタイルシートへのリンクをキャンセル: %1, XMLが整形式ではありません。
+ Word updated.単語が更新されました。
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.JavaScriptへのリンクをキャンセル: %1, XMLが整形式ではありません。
+ File(s) deleted.ファイルを削除しました。
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.目次の編集をキャンセルしました。
+ Table Of Contents edited.目次を編集しました。
+ Generate TOC cancelled.目次の生成をキャンセルしました。
+ Table Of Contents generated.目次を生成しました。
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.目次を変更する必要はありませんでした。
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.既存のHTML目次ファイルが見つかりました。
+ Text selection marked.テキスト選択をマークしました。
+ Text selection unmarked.テキスト選択をマーク解除しました。
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.メタデータエディターがキャンセルされました。
+ Metadata edited.メタデータが編集されました。
+ RunPluginプラグイン実行
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.このEPUBには検証するCSSスタイルシートが含まれていません。
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.このEPUBには再フォーマットするCSSスタイルシートが含まれていません。
+ Line: %1, Col: %2行: %1 列: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.この位置でファイルを分割することはできません。
+ Split completed.分割が完了しました。
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.少なくとも1つのファイルがHTMLファイルではないため、分割できません。
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formed分割できません: %1、XMLが整形式ではありません。
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.少なくとも1つのファイルがHTMLファイルでない可能性があるため、分割できません。
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.分割が完了しました。必要に応じて目次を更新してください。
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.分割ファイルマーカーが見つかりません。挿入->分割マーカーを使用してください。
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?ドキュメントは変更されています。
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Sigilがこのファイルを上書きしてもよいですか?
+ No importer for file type: %1ファイルタイプ %1 のインポーターがありません
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11656,113 +11685,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
+ Loading file...ファイルを読み込んでいます...
+ File loaded.ファイルを読み込みました。
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.このファイルの作者はDRMでの暗号化を行っています。Sigilはこういったファイルは開けません。
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1EPUBをロードできません: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2ファイル %1 を読み込めません: %2
+ Saving EPUB...EPUBを保存しています...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigilは、タイプ "%1" のファイルを保存できません。
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- このEPUBには、整形式でないHTMLファイルが含まれており、現在の[XHTMLソースコードを修繕するタイミング]設定では、"保存"時に自動で修正されるように設定されています。整形式でないファイルを保存すると、ファイルが自動的に修正されて、データが失われることはほとんどありません。
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUBは保存されましたが、すべてのHTMLファイルが整形式とは限りません。
+ EPUB saved.EPUBを保存しました。
+ Cannot save file %1: %2ファイル %1 を保存できません: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)EPUBファイル (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTMLファイル (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)テキストファイル (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)すべてのファイル (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)EPUBファイル (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:既存の見出し属性を保持するようになりました。
+ OFFオフ
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15610,12 +15667,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][ここにタイトルを入力]
+ [Main title here][ここにメインタイトルを入力]
@@ -16244,128 +16301,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
状態: 起動中
+ Launcher process crashed起動プロセスがクラッシュしました
+ Status: finished状態: 完了
+ Status: failed状態: 失敗
+ Status: No Changes Made状態: 変更なし
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesエラー: プラグインは最後のXHTMLファイルを削除しようとしました .. 変更を中止します
+ Status:状態:
+ Plugin failed to startプラグインの起動に失敗しました
+ Status: error状態: エラー
+ Plugin cancelledプラグインをキャンセルしました
+ Status: cancelled状態: キャンセル
+ Error Parsing Result XML: 結果XMLの解析エラー:
+ Status: checking状態: チェック中
+ Incorrect XHTML:不正なXHTML:
+ Line/Col行/列
+ Check Report確認レポート
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?誤った XHTML/XML が検出されました。
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting files状態: クリーンアップ - ファイルを削除中
+ Status: deleting状態: 削除中
+ Status: Loading状態: 読み込み中
+ Input Pluginプラグインの入力
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceed現在のブックは完全に置き換えられ、保存されていない変更は失われます ... 続行してもよろしいですか?
+ Status: adding状態: 追加中
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying files状態: クリーンアップ - ファイルを変更中
+ Status: modifying状態: 変更中
@@ -16643,43 +16700,43 @@ Entities can be separated by lines, commas, or spaces.
+ Previewプレビュー
+ Inspect Pageページの検査
+ Select-Allすべて選択
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoard選択範囲をクリップボードにコピー
+ Update Preview Windowプレビューウィンドウの更新
+ Cycle Custom CSS FilesカスタムCSSファイルのサイクル
+ Print Preview View印刷プレビューの表示
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xQt 5.12.x より前の機能は利用できません。
@@ -16839,7 +16896,7 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
+ Adding Existing Files..既存のファイルを追加中...
@@ -16869,19 +16926,19 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
<p>新しいバージョンのSigilがあります。バージョン <b>%1</b> <br/><p>ダウンロードページに移動しますか?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.ファイル %1 を読み込めませんでした:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigilで問題が発生しました。
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigilを閉じる必要があるかもしれません。
@@ -16907,28 +16964,28 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
無効なNCXファイル: %1
+ Quit終了
+ About情報
+ Preferences設定
+ New新規
+ Open開く
@@ -19011,32 +19068,32 @@ your book and automatically insert into your document.
+ Files In the Bookブック中のファイル
+ Thumbnailsサムネイル
+ shades階調
+ colorsカラー
+ Grayscaleグレースケール
+ Colorカラー
@@ -19616,17 +19673,17 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.ファイル "%1" は存在しません。
+ Collapse Allすべて閉じる
+ Expand Allすべて開く
@@ -19642,12 +19699,12 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ko.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ko.ts
index 9a4ba98494..5813ab83e4 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ko.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ko.ts
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
Select your icon theme:
- 아이콘 테마를 선택하세요.
+ 아이콘 테마 선택
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
Adjust the size of the icons in the main menu.
- 메인 메뉴 아이콘 크기 조절
+ 기본 메뉴 아이콘 크기 조절
@@ -470,22 +470,22 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
Determine if the BookBrowser should show full paths
- 책 찾아보기에 전체 경로가 표시되어야하는지 결정
+ 책 탐색기에 전체 경로가 표시되어야하는지 결정Control Book Browser Appearance:
- 책 찾아보기 설정:
+ 책 탐색기 설정:Check to make BookBrowser show full paths.
- 책 찾아보기에 전체 경로가 표시되어야 할 경우 선택
+ 책 탐색기에 전체 경로가 표시되어야 할 경우 선택BookBrowser should show full paths.
- 책 찾아보기에 전체 경로가 표시돼야 함
+ 책 탐색기에 전체 경로가 표시돼야 함
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
- 감지
+ 자동 감지
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
Mend and Prettify all XHtml files.
- 모든 XHtml 파일을 Mend and Prettify 방식으로 정리합니다.
+ 모든 xhtml 파일의 오류를 수정하고 가독성을 향상시킵니다.
@@ -807,22 +807,22 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
Select all CSS Files in BookBrowser
- 책 찾아보기에서 모든 CSS 파일 선택
+ 책 탐색기에서 모든 CSS 파일 선택Select all HTML Files in BookBrowser
- 책 찾아보기에서 모든 HTML 파일 선택
+ 책 탐색기에서 모든 HTML 파일 선택Select all Image Files in BookBrowser
- 책 찾아보기에서 모든 이미지 파일 선택
+ 책 탐색기에서 모든 이미지 파일 선택Reset BookBrowser to its initial selection
- 책 찾아보기를 초기 선택으로 재설정합니다.
+ 책 탐색기를 초기 선택으로 재설정합니다.
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
Book Browser
- 책 찾아보기
+ 책 탐색기
@@ -877,55 +877,55 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ Open With외부 프로그램으로 편집
+ %n file(s)%n 파일
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?선택한 파일을 사전순으로 정렬하시겠습니까?
+ This action cannot be reversed.이 작업의 실행을 취소할 수 없습니다.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.파일 "%1" 는(은) 존재하지 않습니다.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.EPUB2에서는 자바스크립트가 지원되지 않습니다.
+ Add Existing Files기존 파일 추가
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -941,19 +941,19 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?멀티미디어 파일 "%1"이(가) 이미 추가되어 있습니다. 교체하시겠습니까?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1"."%1" 파일을 지우거나 교체할 수 없습니다.
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
이 이름을 갖는 파일이 이미 책에 있습니다.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -969,235 +969,235 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ File(s) added or replaced.파일 추가 또는 교체
+ Save As File파일로 저장
+ Unable to save the file.파일을 저장할 수 없습니다.
+ Choose the directory to save the files to파일을 저장할 디렉토리를 선택하세요.
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?하나 이상의 파일이 이미 존재합니다. 덮어쓰시겠습니까?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.파일을 저장할 수 없습니다. 대상이 디렉토리입니다.
+ Unable to save files.파일을 저장할 수 없습니다.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.동일한 파일명이 있어 파일명을 수정할 수 없습니다.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"대상 폴더에 잘못된 경로 "%1"이(가) 있습니다.
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.동일한 파일명이 있어 파일을 이동할 수 없습니다.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Nav 문서는 삭제할 수 없습니다.
+ The NCX can not be removed.NCX파일은 삭제할 수 없습니다.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.OPF 파일은 EPUB에 반드시 필요하기 때문에 삭제할 수 없습니다.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.모든 HTML 파일을 삭제할 수 없습니다.
적어도 하나는 항상 있어야 합니다.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.파일을 표지 이미지로 설정할 수 없습니다.
+ Select All모두 선택
+ Add Blank HTML File빈 HTML 파일 추가하기
+ Add Blank Stylesheet빈 스타일시트 추가
+ Add Blank Javascript빈 자바스크립트 추가
+ Add Blank SVG Image빈 SVG 이미지를 추가
+ Add Existing Files...기존 파일 추가...
+ Add Copy복사본 추가
+ Rename이름 바꾸기
+ RegEx Rename정규식으로 이름변경
+ Move이동
+ Delete삭제
+ Cover Image표지 그림
+ Merge합치기
+ None없음
+ Use Adobe's MethodAdobe 방식 사용하기
+ Use IDPF's MethodIDPF 방식 사용하기
+ Sort정렬
+ Renumber TOC Entries차례 항목 번호 다시 매기기
+ Link Stylesheets...스타일시트 연결...
+ Link Javascripts...자바스크립트 연결...
+ Add Semantics...시맨틱 추가
+ Validate with W3CW3C로 검증하기
+ Save As다른 이름으로 저장
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.선택한 파일을 이전 파일과 병합하거나 여러개의 선택된 파일을 하나의 파일로 병합합니다.
+ Rename selected file(s)선택한 파일의 파일명을 변경합니다.
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)정규식을 사용하여 선택한 파일 이름 바꾸기
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folder선택한 파일을 새 폴더로 이동
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).선택한 파일에 스타일시트를 연결합니다.
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).선택한 파일에 자바스크립트 연결
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).선택한 파일에 시맨틱을 추가합니다.
+ Other Application다른 응용프로그램
@@ -1768,12 +1768,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Collapse All모두 접기
+ Expand All모두 펼치기
@@ -1833,22 +1833,22 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Mend and Prettify Code
- Ment and Prettify 코드 방식
+ 오류 수정 및 가독성 향상Mend and Prettify Code - All HTML Files
- Ment and Prettify 코드 방식 - 모든 파일에 적용
+ 오류 수정 및 가독성 향상 - 모든 파일에 적용Mend Code
- Mend 코드 방식
+ 오류 수정Mend Code - All HTML Files
- Mend 코드 방식 - 모든 파일에 적용
+ 오류 수정 - 모든 파일에 적용
@@ -2115,7 +2115,7 @@ other end to continue searching.
Restrict the find or replace to the HTML files selected in the Book Browser in Code View.
- 책 찾아보기에서 HTML 파일 선택 후 코드보기 창에서 찾거나 바꿉니다. 선택된 파일 내에서만 검색을 합니다.
+ 책 탐색기에서 HTML 파일 선택 후 코드보기 창에서 찾거나 바꿉니다. 선택된 파일 내에서만 검색을 합니다.
@@ -2147,7 +2147,7 @@ other end to continue searching.
Restrict the find or replace to the CSS files selected in the Book Browser in Code View.
- 찾기 또는 바꾸기를 코드보기의 책 브라우저에서 선택한 CSS 파일로 제한합니다.
+ 찾기 또는 바꾸기를 코드보기의 책 탐색기에서 선택한 CSS 파일로 제한합니다.
@@ -3125,7 +3125,7 @@ HTML 파일을 검색할 때만 유효합니다.
Restrict the find or replace to the HTML files selected in the Book Browser in Code View.
- 책 찾아보기에서 HTML 파일 선택 후 코드보기 창에서 찾거나 바꿉니다. 선택된 파일 내에서만 검색을 합니다.
+ 책 탐색기에서 HTML 파일 선택 후 코드보기 창에서 찾거나 바꿉니다. 선택된 파일 내에서만 검색을 합니다.
@@ -3157,7 +3157,7 @@ HTML 파일을 검색할 때만 유효합니다.
Restrict the find or replace to the CSS files selected in the Book Browser in Code View.
- 찾기 또는 바꾸기를 코드보기의 책 브라우저에서 선택한 CSS 파일로 제한합니다.
+ 찾기 또는 바꾸기를 코드보기의 책 탐색기에서 선택한 CSS 파일로 제한합니다.
@@ -3395,7 +3395,7 @@ mended.
Mend Not Well Formed HTML Source Code On:
- 문법에 맞지 않는 HTML 코드 자동 수정
+ HTML 코드 오류 자동 수정
@@ -3476,7 +3476,7 @@ mended.
Control Use of Javascript by Epubs.
- EPUB에서 자바스크립트 사용 여부
+ EPUB에서 자바스크립트 사용
@@ -3600,7 +3600,7 @@ mended.
Preview Print Settings
- 인쇄 설정 미리보기
+ 인쇄 미리보기 설정
@@ -3632,364 +3632,364 @@ mended.
+ Acknowledgements감사의 말
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.출판의 작업과 관련되어 작가의 감사를 포함하고 있는 구절을 말한다.
+ Afterword후기
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.저자가 직접 작성하거나 또는 출판물의 중요 공헌을 한 사람이 작성하는 마무리하
는 글이다. 일반적으로 스토리가 작성된 방법, 본문의 타임 라인 이후에 발생한 연
관된 사건이나 중요한 사건을 나열한다. 발문(跋文)으로 칭하기도 한다.
+ Appendix
- 부록
+ 부록(부속물)
+ Supplemental information.보충 정보.
+ Back Matter권말
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.색인, 부록 등과 같은 출판물의 주요 내용 이후에 발생하는 보조 자료를 말한다.
+ Bibliography
- 참고서적
+ 서지
+ A list of works cited.인용된 작품 목록
+ Text텍스트
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.발행물의 주가 되는 텍스트 내용의 시작.
+ Colophon
- 판권 페이지
+ 판권지
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.출판물의 뒷부분에 위치한 간략한 설명으로 해당 판과 관련된 서명, 저자명, 출판지, 출판사, 출판년, 인쇄지, 인쇄자명, 인쇄년, 판차, 인차, 발행자의 주소 및 연락처, 정가, 판권인, 출판물목록정보 등의 사항을 담는다. 판권장, 간기 등으로 불린다.
+ Conclusion결론
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.일반적으로 작업을 마무리하는 결말 부분이다.
+ Contributors기여자
+ A list of contributors to the work.작업에 참여한 사람들
+ Copyright Page저작권 페이지
+ The copyright page of the work.작업물에 대한 저작권 페이지
+ Cover표지
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.발행물의 표지, 책 커버 정보 등.
+ Dedication
- 헌정 페이지
+ 헌정사
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).한 명 또는 여러 명의 특정인에게 보내는 비문.
+ Epilogue발문(Epilogue)
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.글이나 말의 끝마무리가 되는 부분.
+ Epigraph지문(Epigraph)
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.출판물의 전체적인 분위기나 주제를 알리기 위하여 작품의 시작 부분에 위치한 인용문구 영역이다.
+ Errata정오표
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.잘못된 글자나 부분을 바로잡아 만든 일람표
+ Footnotes각주
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.페이지 하단에 나타나는 부가 설명이나 참고 문헌
+ Foreword머리말
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.일반적으로 작품의 저자가 쓰지 않으며, 작품을 소개하는 부분으로 서문으로도 칭한다.
+ Front Matter권두
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.차례, 헌정의 말 등 출판물의 주요 내용을 포함하는 책의 첫머리 부분이며 전문 또는 서문 등과 같은 의미로 사용한다.
+ Glossary
- 용어
+ 용어집
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.출판물에 사용한 용어를 낱자 순(알파벳 순)으로 정리한 목록이며 해당 용어에 대한 정의를 포함한다.
+ Half Title Page중간 제목 페이지
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.출판물의 중간 제목 페이지
+ Imprimatur출판허가
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.작품의 출판을 승인하는 공식 진술.
+ Imprint간기
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.작품의 출판 또는 배포와 관련된 정보. 책의 간기(刊記): 발행자 명, 주소, 발행 연월일 등
+ Index색인
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.책 속의 세부 내용이나 사항 따위를 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있도록 항목별로 그 쪽수를 표시해 놓은 목록
+ Introduction소개, 서론
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.출판물의 앞부분 영역으로 일반적으로 작업 내용의 범위나 성격을 독자에게 소개한다.
+ List of Illustrations일러스트레이션 목록
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.작품에 포함 된 삽화 목록.
+ List of Audio Clips오디오 클립 목록
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.작품에 포함 된 오디오 클립 목록.
+ List of Tables표 목록
+ A listing of tables included in the work.작업에 포함 된 테이블 목록.
+ List of Video Clips비디오 클립 목록
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.작품에 포함 된 비디오 클립 목록.
+ Notes참고
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'(더 이상 사용되지 않으며 각주, 후면노트로 대체됨) 메모 모음. 레거시 명명 규칙이 필요하지 않은 경우 각주, 후면 노트, 한계 노트, 인라인 노트 등을 식별하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.
+ Other Credits기타 크레딧
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.전에 출판 된 작품의 일부에 대한 승인, 일러스트레이션 크레디트 및 저작권이있는 자료를 인용 할 수있는 권한.
+ Preamble전문
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's content작품의 시작 부분에 일반적으로 작품 내용의 범위 또는 성격에 관한 입문 또는 설명이 포함 된 섹션
+ Preface
- 머리말
+ 지은이의 말
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.일반적으로 작품의 저자가 쓴 작품 앞에 나오는 소개 영역이며 서문으로도 칭한다.
+ Prologue서두
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.일반적으로 이야기의 일부가 되는 배경 이야기를 설정하는 소개 섹션입니다.
+ Rear Notes후주
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.출판물의 뒷부분 또는 단원의 끝 부분에 위치한 주석
+ Title Page제목 페이지
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.책의 시작 부분에 제목, 저자, 출판사 및 기타 출판 정보를 제공하는 페이지입니다.
+ Table of Contents차례
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.책 또는 문서의 제목 또는 부분의 목록인 차례로, 순서대로 표시됩니다. 일반적으로 작품의 전면 또는 섹션 시작 부분에 나타납니다.
@@ -4176,7 +4176,7 @@ You can then check or uncheck individual headings in the list above.
<Select headings to include in TOC>
- <포함할 제목 스타일 선택>
+ <포함할 제목 태그 선택>
@@ -4214,67 +4214,67 @@ You can then check or uncheck individual headings in the list above.
썸네일 크기:
+ Name이름
+ File Size (KB)파일 크기 (KB)
+ Times Used사용한 횟수
+ Width폭
+ Height높이
+ Pixels픽셀
+ Color색상
+ Image이미지
+ %n file(s)%n 파일
+ Save Report As Comma Separated File보고서를 콤마로 구분된 파일(Comma Sparated File)로 저장
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.리포트 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다.
+ Delete From Book책에서 삭제하기
@@ -4652,7 +4652,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
- 할당(Assign)
+ 단축키 할당
@@ -4662,7 +4662,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
- 지우기
+ 제거
@@ -4673,484 +4673,484 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Acknowledgments
- 감사의 말
+ 감사의 글
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.작업을 하며 받은 도움에 대해 감사를 표시함
+ Afterword후기
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.저자가 직접 작성하거나 또는 출판물의 중요 공헌을 한 사람이 작성하는 마무리하
는 글이다. 일반적으로 스토리가 작성된 방법, 본문의 타임 라인 이후에 발생한 연
관된 사건이나 중요한 사건을 나열한다. 발문(跋文)으로 칭하기도 한다.
+ Annotation주석
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: Deprecated작품의 구절에 대한 설명 정보. 상태 : 더 이상 사용되지 않음
+ Appendix
- 부록
+ 부록(부속물)
+ Supplemental information.보충 정보.
+ Assessment평가
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.학습 내용에 대한 학생의 이해도를 측정하는 데 도움이되는 시험, 퀴즈 또는 기타 활동.
+ Back Matter권말
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.색인, 부록 등과 같은 출판물의 주요 내용 이후에 발생하는 보조 자료
+ Bibliography
- 참고서적
+ 서지
+ A list of works cited.인용된 작품 목록
+ Body Matter본문
+ The main content of a publication.발행물의 주요 내용
+ Chapter장
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.글쓰기의 주요 구조를 분할하기 위해 사용.
+ Colophon
- 판권 페이지
+ 판권지
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.출판물의 뒷부분에 위치한 간략한 설명으로 해당 판과 관련된 서명, 저자명, 출판지, 출판사, 출판년, 인쇄지, 인쇄자명, 인쇄년, 판차, 인차, 발행자의 주소 및 연락처, 정가, 판권인, 출판물목록정보 등의 사항을 담는다. 판권장, 간기 등으로 불린다.
+ Conclusion결론
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.일반적으로 작업을 마무리하는 결말 부분이다.
+ Contributors기여자
+ A list of contributors to the work.작업에 참여한 사람들
+ Copyright Page저작권 페이지
+ The copyright page of the work.작업물에 대한 저작권 페이지
+ Cover표지
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.발행물의 표지, 책 커버 정보 등.
+ Dedication
- 헌정 페이지
+ 헌정사
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).한 명 또는 여러 명의 특정인에게 보내는 비문.
+ Division분할
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).부(part)의 하위 구조로도 나타날 수있는 주요 구조 구분(esp. in legislation).
+ Epigraph
- 명구
+ 지문(Epigraph)
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.(권두나 장 머리에 붙이는) 본문과 관련은 있지만 본문에 포함되지 않는 명구 또는 인용구
+ Epilogue발문(Epilogue)
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.글이나 말의 끝마무리가 되는 부분.
+ Errata정오표
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.출판물 따위에서, 잘못된 글자나 부분을 바로잡아 만든 일람표
+ Footnotes각주
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.페이지 하단에 나타나는 부가 설명이나 참고 문헌
+ Foreword머리말
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.일반적으로 작품의 저자가 쓰지 않으며, 작품을 소개하는 부분으로 서문으로도 칭한다.
+ Front Matter권두
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.차례, 헌정의 말 등 출판물의 주요 내용을 포함하는 책의 첫머리 부분이며 전문 또는 서문 등과 같은 의미로 사용한다.
+ Glossary
- 용어
+ 용어집
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.출판물에 사용한 용어를 낱자 순(알파벳 순)으로 정리한 목록이며 해당 용어에 대한 정의를 포함한다.
+ Half Title Page중간 제목 페이지
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.출판물의 중간 제목 페이지
+ Imprimatur출판허가
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.작품의 출판을 승인하는 공식 진술.
+ Imprint간기
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.작품의 출판 또는 배포와 관련된 정보. 책의 간기(刊記): 발행자 명, 주소, 발행 연월일 등
+ Index색인
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.책 속의 세부 내용이나 사항 따위를 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있도록 항목별로 그 쪽수를 표시해 놓은 목록
+ Introduction소개, 서론
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.출판물의 앞부분 영역으로 일반적으로 작업 내용의 범위나 성격을 독자에게 소개한다.
+ Landmarks랜드마크
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publication간행물 내에서 잘 알려진 / 반복적인 구성 요소에 대한 참조 모음
+ List of Audio Clips오디오 클립 목록
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.작품에 포함 된 오디오 클립 목록.
+ List of Illustrations일러스트레이션 목록
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.작품에 포함 된 삽화 목록.
+ List of Tables표 목록
+ A listing of tables included in the work.작업에 포함 된 테이블 목록.
+ List of Video Clips비디오 클립 목록
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.작품에 포함 된 비디오 클립 목록.
+ Notice주의
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.특별한 주의가 필요하며 생략하거나 억제해서는 안되는 정보. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다. 경고, 경보,주의, 위험, 중요.
+ Other Credits기타 크레딧
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.전에 출판 된 작품의 일부에 대한 승인, 일러스트레이션 크레디트 및 저작권이있는 자료를 인용 할 수있는 권한.
+ Page List페이지 목록
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebook전자책의 인쇄 버전에서 페이지 나누기 (시작 위치)에 대한 참조 목록
+ Part부
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.일반적으로 여러개의 관련 장(chapter)을 묶은 단위로 글쓰기의 주요 구조를 분할하기 위해 사용.
+ Preamble전문
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's content작품의 시작 부분에 일반적으로 작품 내용의 범위 또는 성격에 관한 입문 또는 설명이 포함 된 섹션
+ Preface
- 머리말
+ 지은이의 말
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.일반적으로 작품의 저자가 쓴 작품 앞에 나오는 소개 영역이며 서문으로도 칭한다.
+ Prologue서두
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.일반적으로 이야기의 일부로 설정하는 소개 섹션입니다.
+ Questions and Answers질의 응답
+ A question and answer section.질의 응답 영역
+ Rear Notes후주
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.출판물의 뒷부분 또는 단원의 끝 부분에 위치한 주석
+ Revision History개정 이력
+ A record of changes made to a work.작업에 대한 변경 기록.
+ Subchapter하위 장
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.장(chapter)의 중요한 하위 장
+ Title Page제목 페이지
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.책의 시작 부분에 제목, 저자, 출판사 및 기타 출판 정보를 제공하는 페이지입니다.
+ Table of Contents차례
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.책 또는 문서의 제목 또는 부분의 목록인 차례로, 순서대로 표시됩니다. 일반적으로 작품의 전면 또는 섹션 시작 부분에 나타납니다.
+ Volume
- 볼륨
+ 권
+ A component of a collection.컬렉션의 구성 요소
+ Warning경고
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.특정 항목에 대한 경고 또는주의. 상태 : 더 이상 사용되지 않음- '알림'으로 대체되었습니다.
@@ -8369,12 +8369,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- 클립(&p)
+ 클립01(&p)Cli&p2
- 클립2(&p)
+ 클립02(&p)
@@ -8389,7 +8389,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- 제목 스타일(&H)
+ 제목 태그(&H)
@@ -8429,7 +8429,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- 맞춤법검사(&l)
+ 맞춤법 검사(&l)
@@ -8448,14 +8448,13 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- Plugins
+ &Plugins플러그인(&P)
- Checkpoints
- 체크포인트(&C)
+ Chec&kpoints
+ 체크포인트(&k)
@@ -8473,6 +8472,11 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Add Existing
기존 파일 추가
+ Checkpoints
+ 체크포인트(&C)
+ Index
@@ -8517,7 +8521,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- 메타데이터 편집기
+ 도구
@@ -8552,7 +8556,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- 제목 스타일
+ 제목 태그
@@ -8597,7 +8601,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Clip Bar
- 클립 바 1
+ 클립 바1
@@ -9030,14 +9034,14 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
&Split At Cursor
- 현재 커서 위치에서 나누기(&S)
+ 현재 커서 위치에서 분할(&S)<p style="padding-top: 0.5em;" ><b>Split At Cursor</b></p>
<p style="margin-left: 0.5em;">Split the current file into two files using your cursor location as the dividing point.</p>
- <p style="padding-top: 0.5em;" ><b>커서 위치에서 나누기</b></p>
+ <p style="padding-top: 0.5em;" ><b>커서 위치에서 분할</b></p>
<p style="margin-left: 0.5em;">커서가 있는 위치에서 현재 파일을 두 개의 파일로 분할합니다.</p>
@@ -9122,9 +9126,9 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.<p style="padding-top: 0.5em;" ><b>Numbering</b></p>
<p style="margin-left: 0.5em;">Create a numbered list.</p>
- <p style="padding-top: 0.5em;" ><b>번호 매기기</b></p>
+ <p style="padding-top: 0.5em;" ><b>글머리 숫자</b></p>
-<p style="margin-left: 0.5em;">번호 매긴 목록 만들기.</p>
+<p style="margin-left: 0.5em;">글머리 숫자 목록 만들기.</p>
@@ -9393,7 +9397,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- <p style="margin-left: 0.5em;">열기 및 닫기 태그 쌍을 제거합니다.</p>
+ <p style="margin-left: 0.5em;">열기 및 닫기 태그 쌍 제거</p>
@@ -9591,7 +9595,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Validate Stylesheets With &W3C
- W3C로 스타일시트 검증하기(&W)
+ W3C CSS 검사(&W)
@@ -9636,7 +9640,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
&Next Misspelled Word
- 다음 철자가 잘못된 단어(&N)
+ 맞춤법 틀린 단어 찾기(&N)
@@ -9691,12 +9695,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
&Delete Unused Media Files...
- 사용하지 않는 미디어 파일 삭제(&D)
+ 미사용 미디어 파일 삭제(&D)Delete &Unused Stylesheet Selectors...
- 사용하지 않는 스타일 시트 선택자 삭제...(&U)
+ 미사용 CSS 선택자 삭제...(&U)
@@ -9877,12 +9881,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Clip &1
- 클립 &1
+ 클립 0&1Insert Clip 1
- 클립 1 삽입
+ 클립 01 삽입
@@ -9892,12 +9896,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Clip &2
- 클립 &2
+ 클립 0&2Insert Clip 2
- 클립 2 삽입
+ 클립 02 삽입
@@ -9907,12 +9911,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Clip &3
- 클립 &3
+ 클립 0&3Insert Clip 3
- 클립 3 삽입
+ 클립 03 삽입
@@ -9922,12 +9926,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Clip &4
- 클립 &4
+ 클립 0&4Insert Clip 4
- 클립 4 삽입
+ 클립 04 삽입
@@ -9937,12 +9941,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Clip &5
- 클립 &5
+ 클립 0&5Insert Clip 5
- 클립 5 삽입
+ 클립 05 삽입
@@ -9952,12 +9956,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Clip &6
- 클립 &6
+ 클립 0&6Insert Clip 6
- 클립 6 삽입
+ 클립 06 삽입
@@ -9967,12 +9971,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Clip &7
- 클립 &7
+ 클립 0&7Insert Clip 7
- 클립 7 삽입
+ 클립 07 삽입
@@ -9982,12 +9986,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Clip &8
- 클립 &8
+ 클립 0&8Insert Clip 8
- 클립 8 삽입
+ 클립 08 삽입
@@ -9997,12 +10001,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Clip &9
- 클립 &9
+ 클립 0&9Insert Clip 9
- 클립 9 삽입
+ 클립 09 삽입
@@ -10337,7 +10341,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
&Zoom Reset
- 줌 리셋(&Z)
+ 확대 초기화(&Z)
@@ -10584,7 +10588,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Add the selected text to the Index Editor.
- 색인 편집기에 선택한 텍스트를 추가합니다.
+ 색인 편집기에 선택한 텍스트 추가
@@ -10779,12 +10783,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Mend and &Prettify All HTML Files
- 모든 HTML 파일 코드 자동 정리(&P)
+ 모든 HTML 파일 오류 수정 및 가독성 향상(&P)&Mend All HTML Files
- 잘못된 코드 고치기(&M)
+ 모든 HTML 파일 오류 수정(&M)
@@ -10794,7 +10798,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Generate &NCX/Guide for epub2 e-readers
- NCX/EPUB2 리더를 위한 가이드 만들기(&N)
+ EPUB2용 NCX/Guide 생성(&N)
@@ -10804,7 +10808,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
Remove the NCX and Guide
- NCX와 Guide 삭제
+ NCX와 Guide 제거
@@ -10836,6 +10840,31 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Show Log of Checkpoints
체크포인트 로그 보기
+ Focus on CodeView
+ 코드 보기로 이동
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ 책 탐색기로 이동
+ Focus on Preview
+ 미리보기로 이동
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ 차례 창으로 이동
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ 클립 창으로 이동
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10950,37 +10979,37 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11001,17 +11030,17 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11259,356 +11288,356 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
존재하지 않는 이미지:
+ or또는
+ No CSS styles namedCSS 스타일 이름이 없습니다.
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.찾거나 스타일 시트가 연결되지 않았습니다.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p><b>%2</b>에서 찾은 링크 경로 <b>%1</b>은(는) 존재하지 않습니다. 이러한 조건에서 분할하거나 병합하면 링크가 끊어 질 수 있습니다.</p><p>계속 진행하시겠습니까?</p></html>
+ Add Cover표지 추가
+ An existing Cover file has been found.기존 표지 파일이 발견되었습니다.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.예상치 못한 오류. 표지에는 이미지 파일 만 사용할 수 있습니다.
+ Cover added.표지가 추가되었습니다.
+ Not Available for epub2.EPUB2에서 사용할 수 없습니다.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.OPF 매니페스트 속성이 업데이트되었습니다.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX와 Guide가 삭제되었습니다.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.NCX 와 Guide 생성에 실패했습니다.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX 와 Guide가 생성되었습니다.
+ An existing Index file has been found.기존 색인 파일이 발견되었습니다.
+ Styles deleted.스타일 삭제됨.
+ Reports Being Generated.보고서 생성중
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.XML이 문법에 맞지 않아 보고서가 취소되었습니다.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.XML이 문법에 맞지 않아 사용하지 않는 미디어 파일 삭제 작업이 취소되었습니다.
+ Unused media files deleted.
- 사용하지 않는 미디어 파일 삭제
+ 미사용 미디어 파일 삭제
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.삭제할 미사용 이미지, 비디오 또는 오디오 파일이 없습니다.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.XML이 문법에 맞지 않아 사용하지 않는 스타일 삭제가 취소되었습니다.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.
- 삭제할 사용하지 않는 스타일 시트 선택자가 없습니다.
+ 삭제할 미사용 CSS 선택자가 없습니다.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.이 위치에는 파일을 삽입 할 수 없습니다
+ Insert File파일 삽입
+ The file "%1" does not exist.파일 "%1" 이(가) 존재하지 않습니다.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.이 위치에는 ID를 넣을 수 없습니다.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .잘못된 ID 이름 - 반드시 영문으로 시작하고 영문, 숫자, 언더바(_) 콜론(:), 하이픈(-) 혹은 점(.)만 사용 가능
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.이 위치에는 링크를 삽입할 수 없습니다.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'잘못된 링크 - '<'나 '>'는 포함할 수 없음
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.색인 항목을 선택하지 않았거나 색인을 추가할 수 없는 위치입니다.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'입력이 유효하지 않습니다- '<'또는 '>'를 포함 할 수 없습니다
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.색인을 추가할 수 없는 위치입니다.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.붙여 넣기 할 대상을 먼저 선택하십시오.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.붙여 넣은 클립 항목 %1
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.하나의 리소스가 선택되었으며 병합 할 이전 리소스가 없습니다.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.선택된 파일들을 합치시겠습니까?
합친 뒤에는 되돌릴 수 없습니다.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.병합 취소됨 : 병합하려는 XHTML 파일의 형식이 올바르지 않습니다.
+ Cannot merge file %1파일 %1을 병합하지 못했습니다.
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.병합을 완료했습니다. 차례를 다시 생성해야 합니다.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.스타일시트 연결 실패: %1, XML이 문법에 맞지 않습니다.
+ Word updated.단어를 업데이트 했습니다.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.자바스크립트 연결이 취소됨: %1, XML 형식이 잘못되었습니다.
+ File(s) deleted.파일이 삭제되었습니다.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.차례 편집을 취소했습니다.
+ Table Of Contents edited.차례를 편집했습니다.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.차례 생성을 취소했습니다.
+ Table Of Contents generated.차례가 만들어 졌습니다.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.차례 변경이 필요하지 않습니다.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.기존 HTML 차례 파일이 발견되었습니다.
+ Text selection marked.선택한 텍스트를 표시(mark)했습니다.
+ Text selection unmarked.선택한 텍스트의 표시(mark)를 삭제했습니다.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.메타데이터 편집을 취소했습니다.
+ Metadata edited.메타데이터를 편집했습니다.
+ RunPlugin플러그인 실행
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.이 EPUB에는 유효성을 검사 할 CSS 스타일 시트가 없습니다.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.이 EPUB에는 다시 설정할 CSS 스타일시트가 없습니다.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2행: %1, 열: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.이 위치에서는 파일을 나눌 수 없습니다.
+ Split completed.나누기가 끝났습니다.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.하나 이상의 파일이 HTML 파일이 아니기 때문에 분할할 수 없습니다.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formed분할 취소: %1 XML이 문법에 맞지 않습니다.
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.하나 이상의 파일이 HTML 파일이 아니기 때문에 분할 할 수 없습니다.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.분할이 완료되었습니다. 차례 갱신이 필요합니다.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.장 나누기 표시가 없습니다. 추가->장 나누기 표시를 이용하세요.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?이 문서가 수정되었습나더.⏎
변경 사항을 저장하시겠습니까?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Sigil이 이 파일을 덮어쓸까요?
+ No importer for file type: %1추가할 수 없는 파일 타입 : %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11621,113 +11650,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
파일을 열거 나 다시로드 할 때 소스 정리 환경 설정을 Mend XHTML 소스 코드로 설정하십시오.
+ Loading file...파일을 불러오는 중...
+ File loaded.파일을 불러옴.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.이 파일를 만든 사람이 DRM으로 암호화했습니다. Sigil은 이 파일을 열 수 없습니다.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1EPUB를 불러들일 수 없습니다: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2파일 %1 을 불러들 일 수 없습니다: %2
+ Saving EPUB...EPUB 저장 중...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil은 "%1" 형식의 파일로 저장할 수 없습니다.
다른 포맷을 선택해주세요.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- 이 EPUB에는 문법에 맞지 않는 HTML 파일이 있으며 현재 정리 소스 환경 설정이 저장시 자동으로 수정되도록 설정되어 있습니다. 제대로 구성되지 않은 파일을 저장하면 파일이 자동으로 수정되며 일부 데이터 손실이 발행할 수 있습니다.
-저장하기 전에 파일을 자동으로 수정 하시겠습니까?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB이 저장되었습니다. 하지만 일부 HTML 파일이 문법에 맞지 않습니다.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB이 저장되었습니다.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2파일 %1 를 저장할 수 없습니다: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)EPUB 파일 (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTML 파일 (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)텍스트 파일 (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)모든 파일 (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)EPUB 파일 (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:기존 제목 속성 유지는 다음과 같습니다:
+ ON켜기
+ OFF끄기
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ 코드보기 창으로 이동하였습니다.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ 책 탐색기 창으로 이동하였습니다.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ 미리보기 창으로 이동하였습니다.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ 차례 창으로 이동하였습니다.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ 클립 창으로 이동하였습니다.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -13808,7 +13865,7 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- 발행인(Publisher)
+ 발행처(Publisher)
@@ -14688,7 +14745,7 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- 발행인(Publisher)
+ 발행처(Publisher)
@@ -14783,19 +14840,19 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
A reference to a related resource. The recommended best practice is to identify the referenced resource by means of a string or number conforming to a formal identification system.
- 관련 리소스에 대한 참조 권장되는 모범 사례는 공식 식별 시스템을 따르는 문자열 또는 숫자를 사용하여 참조 된 자원을 식별하는 것입니다.
+ 관련 리소스에 대한 참조입니다. 권장되는 모범 사례는 공식 식별 체계에 부합하는 문자열 또는 숫자를 사용하여 참조된 리소스를 식별하는 것입니다.Coverage
- 적용 범위(Coverage)
+ 내용범위(Coverage)The extent or scope of the content of the publication's content.
- 출판물 내용의 범위 또는 범위.
+ 출판물이 다루는 내용의 범위 또는 규모
@@ -14807,7 +14864,7 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Information about rights held in and over the publication. Rights information often encompasses Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Copyright, and various Property Rights. If the Rights element is absent, no assumptions may be made about any rights held in or over the publication.
- 출판물에 대한 권리에 관한 정보. 권리 정보에는 종종 지적 재산권 (IPR), 저작권 및 다양한 재산권이 포함됩니다. Rights 요소가 없으면 출판물에 포함 된 권리에 대한 어떠한 가정도 할 수 없습니다.
+ 출판물에 대한 권리 정보입니다. 이 정보는 지적 재산권 (IPR), 저작권, 그리고 다양한 재산권 등을 포함하는 경우가 많습니다. 만약 권리 정보 요소가 누락되어 있다면, 출판물에 대한 어떠한 권리도 보유하고 있다고 가정하지 말아야 합니다.
@@ -14818,7 +14875,7 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Represents the name of a person, organization, etc. responsible for the creation of the content of an EPUB Publication. The Role property can be attached to the element to indicate the function the creator played in the creation of the content.
- EPUB 출판물의 콘텐츠 작성을 담당하는 사람, 조직 등의 이름을 나타냅니다. Role 속성을 요소에 연결하여 콘텐츠를 만들 때 제작자가 어떤 작업을 했는지 설명 할 수 있습니다.
+ EPUB 출판물의 콘텐츠 생성을 담당하는 사람, 조직 등의 이름을 나타냅니다. Role 속성을 요소에 첨부하여 제작자가 콘텐츠 제작에서 수행한 역할을 나타낼 수 있습니다.
@@ -14829,7 +14886,7 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Represents the name of a person, organization, etc. that played a secondary role in the creation of the content of an EPUB Publication. The Role property can be attached to the element to indicate the function the creator played in the creation of the content.
- EPUB 간행물의 콘텐츠 제작에 부차적인 역할을 한 사람, 조직 등의 이름을 나타냅니다. Role 속성을 요소에 연결하여 콘텐츠를 만들 때 제작자가 어떤 작업을 했는지 설 할 수 있습니다.
+ EPUB 출판물의 콘텐츠 제작에 보조적인 역할을 한 사람, 조직 등의 이름을 나타냅니다. Role 속성을 통해 제작자가 담당한 구체적인 역할을 표시할 수 있습니다.
@@ -14839,7 +14896,7 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Identifies the name of a collection to which the EPUB Publication belongs. An EPUB Publication may belong to one or more collections.
- EPUB 간행물이 속하는 컬렉션의 이름을 식별합니다. EPUB 간행물은 하나 이상의 컬렉션에 속할 수 있습니다.
+ EPUB 출판물이 속한 컬렉션의 이름을 식별하는 속성입니다. EPUB 출판물은 하나 이상의 컬렉션에 속할 수 있습니다.
@@ -14850,7 +14907,7 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
A title of the publication. A publication may have only one main title but may have numerous other title types. These include main, subtitle, short, collection, edition, and expanded title types.
- 출판물의 제목. 간행물에는 주 제목이 하나만있을 수 있지만 다른 많은 제목 유형이있을 수 있습니다. 여기에는 기본, 자막, 짧은, 컬렉션, 에디션 및 확장 타이틀 유형이 포함됩니다.
+ 출판물의 제목입니다. 출판물은 주제목 하나만 가질 수 있지만, 부제, 단축 제목, 시리즈명, 판명, 확장 제목 등 다양한 종류의 제목을 가질 수 있습니다.
@@ -15085,7 +15142,7 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
File As
- 다른 이름으로 저장
+ 정렬을 위한 이름
@@ -15574,12 +15631,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][제목을 넣으세요]
+ [Main title here][메인 제목을 넣으세요]
@@ -16209,85 +16266,85 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
상태: 진행중
+ Launcher process crashed실행기 프로세스 충돌
+ Status: finished상태: 종료
+ Status: failed상태: 실패
+ Status: No Changes Made상태 : 변경 사항 없음
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changes오류: 플러그인이 마지막 XHTML 파일을 제거하려고 시도했습니다. 변경 중단
+ Status:상태:
+ Plugin failed to start플러그인 실행 실패
+ Status: error상태: 오류
+ Plugin cancelled플러그인 취소됨
+ Status: cancelled상태: 취소됨
+ Error Parsing Result XML: 파싱 결과 XML 오류:
+ Status: checking상태: 확인중
+ Incorrect XHTML:잘못된 XHTML:
+ Line/Col행/열
+ Check Report보고서 확인
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?잘못된 XHTML / XML 감지
@@ -16295,43 +16352,43 @@ Are you Sure You Want to Continue?
계속 진행하시겠습니까?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting files상태: 정리중 - 파일 삭제중
+ Status: deleting상태: 삭제중
+ Status: Loading삭제: 불러오는 중
+ Input Plugin플러그인 입력
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceed저장하지 않은 변경 사항을 모두 잃어 버리고 현재 책이 완전히 교체됩니다. 계속 하시겠습니까?
+ Status: adding상태: 추가 중
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying files상태: 정리중 - 파일 수정 중
+ Status: modifying상태: 수정 중
@@ -16347,7 +16404,7 @@ Are you Sure You Want to Continue?
Path to Interpreter Executable
- 파이선(인터프리터) 실행 경로
+ Python(인터프리터) 실행 경로
@@ -16608,43 +16665,43 @@ Entities can be separated by lines, commas, or spaces.
+ Preview미리보기
+ Inspect Page페이지 검사
+ Select-All선택-모두
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoard클립 보드에 선택 항목 복사
+ Update Preview Window미리보기 창 업데이트
+ Cycle Custom CSS Files사용자 정의 CSS 바꾸기
+ Print Preview View인쇄 미리 보기
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xQt5.12.x 이전에는 사용할 수 없었던 기능
@@ -16804,7 +16861,7 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
OPF 파일에 NCX 파일이 없습니다.
+ Adding Existing Files..기존 파일 추가하는 중...
@@ -16834,19 +16891,19 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
<p>Sigil 최신 버전 <b>%1</b>을 사용할 수 있습니다.<br/><p>다운로드 페이지로 이동하시겠습니까?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.다음 파일을 읽을 수 없습니다 %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.시길에 문제가 발생했습니다.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil을 종료해야 합니다.
@@ -16872,28 +16929,28 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
잘못된 NCX 파일: %1
+ Quit나가기
+ AboutSigil 정보
+ Preferences기본 설정
+ New새로
+ Open열기
@@ -18965,32 +19022,32 @@ your book and automatically insert into your document.
+ Files In the Book책에 있는 파일
+ Thumbnails썸네일
+ shades그림자
+ colors색상
+ Grayscale회색조(Grayscale)
+ Color색상
@@ -19327,7 +19384,7 @@ The selected word does not have to be misspelled.
Change Selected Word To:
- 선택한 단어를 다음으로 변경:
+ 다음으로 수정:
@@ -19431,7 +19488,7 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
- 맞춤법에 맞춰 수정하시겠습니까?
+ 맞춤법 틀림
@@ -19561,17 +19618,17 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.파일 "%1" 가 존재하지 않습니다.
+ Collapse All모두 접기
+ Expand All모두 펼치기
@@ -19587,12 +19644,12 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_nl.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_nl.ts
index 7cd9d2e5f5..29bb59f47d 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_nl.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_nl.ts
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
+ pdf
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ als een schreefloze lettertypefamilie is opgegeven in uw CSS
Use OK to commit your changes to the file, otherwise use Cancel.
+ Gebruik "OK" om de wijzigingen op te slaan in het bestand, gebruik anders "Annuleren".
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ als een schreefloze lettertypefamilie is opgegeven in uw CSS
+ Open WithOpenen met
+ %n file(s)%n bestand%n bestand(en)
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde bestanden alfanumeriek wilt sorteren?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Bestand "%1" bestaat niet.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Epub2 ondersteunt geen JavaScript.
+ Add Existing FilesBestaande bestanden toevoegen
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ als een schreefloze lettertypefamilie is opgegeven in uw CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ als een schreefloze lettertypefamilie is opgegeven in uw CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
Wilt u dit vervangen?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Kan bestand "%1" niet verwijderen of vervangen.
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Er bestaat in het boek al een bestand met deze naam.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,238 +979,238 @@ Er bestaat in het boek al een bestand met deze naam.
+ File(s) added or replaced.Bestand(en) toegevoegd of vervangen.
+ Save As FileAls bestand opslaan
+ Unable to save the file.Kan het bestand niet opslaan.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toDe map kiezen waar de bestanden worden opgeslagen
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Een of meer bestanden bestaan al.
Wilt u deze bestanden overschrijven?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Kan bestanden niet opslaan.
De bestemming zou een map kunnen zijn.
+ Unable to save files.Kan bestanden niet opslaan.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.De namen van de bestanden kunnen niet gewijzigd worden, aangezien dit zou leiden tot dubbele bestandsnamen.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"Doelmap heeft ongeldig pad "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Bestanden kunnen niet verplaatst worden, aangezien dit zou leiden tot dubbele bestandsnamen.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Het NAV-bestand mag niet verwijderd worden.
+ The NCX can not be removed.De NCX kan niet worden verwijderd.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.De OPF is verplicht voor epub en kan niet worden verwijderd.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Het is niet mogelijk alle HTML-bestanden te verwijderen.
Er moet altijd minstens één overblijven.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Kan het bestand niet gebruiken als omslagafbeelding.
+ Select AllAlles selecteren
+ Add Blank HTML FileLeeg HTML-bestand toevoegen
+ Add Blank StylesheetLeeg CSS-stijlblad toevoegen.
+ Add Blank JavascriptLege JavaScript toevoegen
+ Add Blank SVG ImageLege SVG-afbeelding toevoegen
+ Add Existing Files...Bestaande bestanden toevoegen...
+ Add CopyKopie toevoegen
+ RenameNaam wijzigen
+ RegEx RenameNaam wijzigen (regex)
+ MoveVerplaatsen
+ DeleteVerwijderen
+ Cover ImageOmslagafbeelding
+ MergeSamenvoegen
+ NoneGeen
+ Use Adobe's MethodVolgens de methode van Adobe
+ Use IDPF's MethodVolgens de methode van IDPF
+ SortSorteren
+ Renumber TOC EntriesVermeldingen inhoudsopgave hernummeren
+ Link Stylesheets...Stijlbladen koppelen...
+ Link Javascripts...JavaScripts koppelen...
+ Add Semantics...Betekenis toevoegen...
+ Validate with W3CValideren door W3C
+ Save AsOpslaan als
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Samenvoegen met vorig bestand, of meerdere bestanden samenvoegen.
+ Rename selected file(s)Naam van geselecteerde bestand(en) wijzigen
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Reguliere expressies gebruiken om de naam van geselecteerde bestand(en) te wijzigen
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderGeselecteerde bestand(en) verplaatsen naar een nieuwe map
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Stijlbladen koppelen aan geselecteerde bestand(en).
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).JavaScripts koppelen aan geselecteerde bestand(en).
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Betekenis toevoegen aan geselecteerde bestand(en).
+ Other ApplicationAndere toepassing
@@ -1781,12 +1781,12 @@ Wilt u uw wijzigingen opslaan?
+ Collapse AllAlles samenvouwen
+ Expand AllAlles uitvouwen
@@ -3618,18 +3618,18 @@ mended.
Preview Print Settings
+ Instellingen afdrukvoorbeeldSkip Print Preview
+ Afdrukvoorbeeld overslaanPrint DPI:
+ Resolutie van afdruk in DPI:
@@ -3650,362 +3650,362 @@ mended.
+ AcknowledgementsDankwoord
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Een tekstgedeelte met dankbetuiging aan hen die betrokken waren bij de totstandkoming van het werk.
+ AfterwordNawoord
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Een afsluitende verklaring van de auteur of een persoon van betekenis, kenmerkend inzicht gevend in hoe het verhaal tot stand kwam, zijn betekenis of verwante gebeurtenissen die zich hebben voorgedaan sinds zijn totstandkoming.
+ AppendixBijlage
+ Supplemental information.Aanvullende informatie.
+ Back MatterNawerk
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Ondergeschikte bestanddelen die zich in de publicatie bevinden na de hoofdtekst, zoals registers, bijlagen, enz.
+ BibliographyBibliografie
+ A list of works cited.Een lijst met aangehaalde werken.
+ TextTekst
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Het begin van de hoofdtekst van een publicatie.
+ ColophonColofon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Een korte beschrijving, meestal aan het einde van een publicatie, die de productienotities beschrijft die van toepassing zijn op de uitgave.
+ ConclusionBesluit
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Een afsluitend hoofdstuk dat kenmerkend het werk afsluit.
+ ContributorsBijdragers
+ A list of contributors to the work.Een lijst van bijdragers aan het werk.
+ Copyright PageInformatie auteursrecht
+ The copyright page of the work.Een pagina met informatie over het auteursrecht.
+ CoverOmslag
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.De omslag(en), omslaginformatie, enz. van de publicatie.
+ DedicationOpgedragen aan
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Een opschrift gericht aan een of meer bijzondere personen.
+ EpilogueEpiloog
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Een afsluitend hoofdstuk dat kenmerkend een latere periode beschrijft dan het hoofdverhaal, alhoewel het nog steeds een deel van de vertelling vormt.
+ EpigraphEpigraaf
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Een citaat dat toepasselijk is, maar geen integraal onderdeel van de tekst vormt.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Publicatiefouten, in gedrukte werken kenmerkend een met de hand ingevoegd los blad; soms een gebonden pagina die verbeteringen voor fouten in het werk bevat.
+ FootnotesVoetnoten
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Een verzameling noten onderaan een pagina.
+ ForewordVoorwoord (van iemand anders dan de auteur)
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Een inleidend hoofdstuk dat vooraf gaat aan het werk en niet werd geschreven door de auteur van het werk.
+ Front MatterVoorwerk
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Bestanddelen van een publicatie die voor de hoofdtekst staan, zoals de inhoudsopgave, opgedragen aan, e.d.
+ GlossaryVerklarende woordenlijst
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Een alfabetische lijst van termen in een bepaald kennisdomein, met de definities van deze termen.
+ Half Title PageFranse titel
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.De Franse titel bevat alleen de titel van het werk.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Een officiële verklaring die publicatie van het werk toestaat.
+ ImprintImpressum
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Informatie over de publicatie of distributie van het werk.
+ IndexRegister
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Een gedetailleerde lijst, gewoonlijk alfabetisch gerangschikt, met de specifieke informatie in een publicatie.
+ IntroductionInleiding
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Een hoofdstuk aan het begin van het werk, kenmerkend de lezer inleidende in het gebied of de aard van de inhoud van het werk.
+ List of IllustrationsLijst van illustraties
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Een opsomming van illustraties die zijn opgenomen in het werk.
+ List of Audio ClipsLijst van geluidsfragmenten
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Een opsomming van geluidsfragmenten die zijn opgenomen in het werk.
+ List of TablesLijst van tabellen
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Een opsomming van tabellen die zijn opgenomen in het werk.
+ List of Video ClipsLijst van videofragmenten
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Een opsomming van videofragmenten die zijn opgenomen in het werk.
+ NotesNoten
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Een verzameling noten. Zij kan gebruikt worden om voetnoten, eindnoten, kanttekeningen, in de tekst geplaatste noten en dergelijke te herkennen als conventionele naamgeving niet gewenst is. Status: Afgekeurd - Vervangen door: 'voetnoten', 'eindnoten'
+ Other CreditsAndere eervermeldingen
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Verantwoording van eerder gepubliceerde delen van het werk en illustraties en toestemming te citeren uit auteursrechtelijk beschermd materiaal.
+ PreambleInleiding
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentEen hoofdstuk in het begin van het werk, kenmerkend met inleidende en/of verklarende proza met betrekking tot het gebied of de aard van de inhoud van het werk
+ PrefaceVoorwoord (van auteur)
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Een inleiding die aan het werk voorafgaat, geschreven door de auteur van het werk.
+ PrologueProloog
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Een inleidend hoofdstuk dat de achtergrond van een verhaal vertelt kenmerkend als deel van de vertelling.
+ Rear NotesEindnoten
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Een verzameling noten aan het einde (nawerk) van het werk, of aan het einde van een hoofdstuk.
+ Title PageTitelpagina
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Een pagina aan het begin van een boek bevattende zijn titel, auteur, uitgever en andere publicatiegegevens.
+ Table of ContentsInhoudsopgave
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Een inhoudsopgave is een overzicht van de koppen of delen van het boek of document, geordend op volgorde waarin ze verschijnen. Kenmerkend opgenomen in het voorwerk, of aan het begin van een hoofdstuk.
@@ -4237,67 +4237,67 @@ U kunt dan de afzonderlijke koppen aan- of uitvinken in de bovenstaande lijst.
Afmeting miniatuur:
+ NameNaam
+ File Size (KB)Grootte (kB)
+ Times UsedMaal gebruikt
+ WidthBreedte
+ HeightHoogte
+ PixelsPixels
+ ColorKleur
+ ImageAfbeelding
+ %n file(s)%n bestand%n bestand(en)
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileRapport opslaan als CSV-bestand
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Kan rapportbestand niet opslaan.
+ Delete From BookVerwijderen uit boek
@@ -4698,482 +4698,482 @@ Wilt u de wijzigingen opslaan?
+ AcknowledgmentsDankwoord
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Een tekstgedeelte met dankbetuiging aan hen die betrokken waren bij de totstandkoming van het werk.
+ AfterwordNawoord
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Een afsluitende verklaring van de auteur of een persoon van betekenis, kenmerkend inzicht gevend in hoe het verhaal tot stand kwam, zijn betekenis of verwante gebeurtenissen die zich hebben voorgedaan sinds zijn totstandkoming.
+ AnnotationAnnotatie
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedVerklarende informatie over tekstgedeelten in het werk. Status: Afgekeurd
+ AppendixBijlage
+ Supplemental information.Aanvullende informatie.
+ AssessmentOverhoring
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Een test, quiz, of andere activiteit die dient om het begrip van de leerstof bij de student te meten.
+ Back MatterNawerk
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Ondergeschikte bestanddelen die zich in de publicatie bevinden na de hoofdtekst, zoals registers, bijlagen, enz.
+ BibliographyBibliografie
+ A list of works cited.Een lijst met aangehaalde werken.
+ Body MatterHoofdwerk
+ The main content of a publication.De hoofdtekst van een publicatie.
+ ChapterHoofdstuk
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Een belangrijk structureel onderdeel van een geschrift.
+ ColophonColofon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Een korte beschrijving, meestal aan het einde van een publicatie, die de productienotities beschrijft die van toepassing zijn op de uitgave.
+ ConclusionBesluit
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Een afsluitend hoofdstuk dat kenmerkend het werk afsluit.
+ ContributorsBijdragers
+ A list of contributors to the work.Een lijst van bijdragers aan het werk.
+ Copyright PageInformatie auteursrecht
+ The copyright page of the work.Een pagina met informatie over de houders van het auteursrecht over het werk.
+ CoverOmslag
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.De omslag(en), omslaginformatie, enz. van de publicatie.
+ DedicationOpgedragen aan
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Een opschrift gericht aan een of meer bijzondere personen.
+ DivisionRubriek
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Een belangrijk structureel onderdeel dat ook als onderverdeling van een deel kan verschijnen (met name in wetgeving).
+ EpigraphEpigraaf
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Een citaat dat toepasselijk is, maar geen integraal onderdeel van de tekst vormt.
+ EpilogueEpiloog
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Een afsluitend hoofdstuk dat kenmerkend een latere periode beschrijft dan het hoofdverhaal, alhoewel het nog steeds een deel van de vertelling vormt.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Publicatiefouten, in gedrukte werken kenmerkend een met de hand ingevoegd los blad; soms een gebonden pagina die verbeteringen voor fouten in het werk bevat.
+ FootnotesVoetnoten
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Een verzameling noten onderaan een pagina.
+ ForewordVoorwoord (van iemand anders dan de auteur)
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Een inleidend hoofdstuk dat vooraf gaat aan het werk, kenmerkend niet geschreven door de auteur van het werk.
+ Front MatterVoorwerk
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Bestanddelen van een publicatie die voor de hoofdtekst staan, zoals de inhoudsopgave, opgedragen aan, e.d.
+ GlossaryVerklarende woordenlijst
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Een alfabetische lijst van termen in een bepaald kennisdomein, met de definities van deze termen.
+ Half Title PageFranse titel
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.De Franse titel bevat alleen de titel van het werk.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Een officiële verklaring die publicatie van het werk toestaat.
+ ImprintImpressum
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Informatie over de publicatie of distributie van het werk.
+ IndexRegister
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Een gedetailleerde lijst, gewoonlijk alfabetisch gerangschikt, met de specifieke informatie in een publicatie.
+ IntroductionInleiding
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Een hoofdstuk aan het begin van het werk, kenmerkend de lezer inleidende in het gebied of de aard van de inhoud van het werk.
+ LandmarksBakens
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationEen verzameling verwijzingen naar bekende / terugkerende onderdelen in de publicatie
+ List of Audio ClipsLijst van geluidsfragmenten
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Een opsomming van geluidsfragmenten die zijn opgenomen in het werk.
+ List of IllustrationsLijst van illustraties
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Een opsomming van illustraties die zijn opgenomen in het werk.
+ List of TablesLijst van tabellen
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Een opsomming van tabellen die zijn opgenomen in het werk.
+ List of Video ClipsLijst van videofragmenten
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Een opsomming van videofragmenten die zijn opgenomen in het werk.
+ NoticeKennisgeving
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Informatie die speciale aandacht vereist, en die niet moet worden overgeslagen of onderdrukt. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn: waarschuwing, kennisgeving, voorzichtigheid geboden, gevaar, belangrijk.
+ Other CreditsAndere eervermeldingen
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Verantwoording van eerder gepubliceerde delen van het werk en illustraties en toestemming te citeren uit auteursrechtelijk beschermd materiaal.
+ Page ListPaginalijst
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookEen lijst met verwijzingen naar bladovergangen (startlocaties) uit een gedrukte versie van het e-boek.
+ PartDeel
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Een belangrijk structureel onderdeel van een geschrift, kenmerkend bevattend een groep verwante hoofdstukken.
+ PreambleInleiding
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentEen hoofdstuk in het begin van het werk, kenmerkend met inleidende en/of verklarende proza met betrekking tot het gebied of de aard van de inhoud van het werk
+ PrefaceVoorwoord (van auteur)
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Een inleiding die aan het werk voorafgaat, kenmerkend geschreven door de auteur van het werk.
+ PrologueProloog
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Een inleidend hoofdstuk dat de achtergrond van een verhaal vertelt kenmerkend als deel van de vertelling.
+ Questions and AnswersVragen en antwoorden
+ A question and answer section.Een hoofdstuk met vragen en antwoorden.
+ Rear NotesEindnoten
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Een verzameling noten aan het einde (nawerk) van het werk, of aan het einde van een hoofdstuk.
+ Revision HistoryWijzigingshistorie
+ A record of changes made to a work.Een overzicht van wijzigingen die zijn aangebracht aan het werk.
+ SubchapterParagraaf
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Een belangrijke onderverdeling van een hoofdstuk.
+ Title PageTitelpagina
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Een pagina aan het begin van een boek bevattende zijn titel, auteur, uitgever en andere publicatiegegevens.
+ Table of ContentsInhoudsopgave
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Een inhoudsopgave is een overzicht van de koppen of delen van het boek of document, geordend op volgorde waarin ze verschijnen. Is kenmerkend opgenomen in het voorwerk of aan het begin van een hoofdstuk.
+ VolumeDeel
+ A component of a collection.Een onderdeel van een verzameling.
+ WarningWaarschuwing.
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Een waarschuwing over bijzondere inhoud. Status: Afgekeurd - Vervangen door 'kennisgeving'.
@@ -8469,14 +8469,13 @@ Stijlbladen die eerst vermeld staan hebben voorrang boven latere stijlbladen.
- Plugins
- Plug-ins
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
- Herstelversies
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8494,6 +8493,11 @@ Stijlbladen die eerst vermeld staan hebben voorrang boven latere stijlbladen.Add Existing
Bestaande toevoegen
+ Checkpoints
+ Herstelversies
+ Index
@@ -10852,11 +10856,36 @@ style="margin-left: 0.5em;">De geselecteerde tekst doorhalen.</p
Edit Checkpoint Descriptions
+ Beschrijvingen herstelversies bewerkenShow Log of Checkpoints
+ Logboek van herstelversies weergeven
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
@@ -10973,37 +11002,37 @@ style="margin-left: 0.5em;">De geselecteerde tekst doorhalen.</p
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11024,17 +11053,17 @@ Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]
@@ -11087,12 +11116,12 @@ Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.
Diff Failed. No checkpoints found
- Vergelijken mislukt. Geen herstelversies gevonden
+ Vergelijken is mislukt. Er zijn geen herstelversies gevondenDiff Failed. No checkpoint selected for comparison
- Vergelijken mislukt. Geen herstelversie geselecteerd voor vergelijking.
+ Vergelijken is mislukt. Er is geen herstelversie geselecteerd voor vergelijking.
@@ -11108,22 +11137,22 @@ Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.
Description Edit Failed. No checkpoints found
+ Bewerken van beschrijvingen mislukt. Er zijn geen herstelversies gevonden.Description Edit Failed. No checkpoint selected to edit
+ Bewerken van beschrijving is mislukt. Er is geen herstelversie geselecteerd om te bewerken.Edit checkpoint Description
+ Beschrijving herstelversie bewerkenNew Checkpoint Description:
+ Nieuwe beschrijving herstelversie
@@ -11282,356 +11311,356 @@ Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.
Afbeelding bestaat niet:
+ orof
+ No CSS styles namedGeen CSS-stijlen benoemd
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.gevonden, of stijlblad niet gekoppeld.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>De href <b>%1</b> gevonden in <b>%2</b> bestaat niet (en er zijn misschien meer). Splitsen of samenvoegen onder deze omstandigheden kan koppelingen opleveren die niet werken.</p><p>Wilt u nog steeds verder gaan?</p></html>
+ Add CoverOmslag toevoegen
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Er bestaat al een omslagbestand.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Onverwachte fout. Alleen afbeeldingen kunnen worden gebruikt voor de omslag.
+ Cover added.Omslag toegevoegd.
+ Not Available for epub2.Niet beschikbaar voor epub2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.Manifest in OPF is bijgewerkt.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX en Guide verwijderd.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.Genereren van NCX en Guide is mislukt.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX en Guide gegenereerd.
+ An existing Index file has been found.Er bestaat al een registerbestand.
+ Styles deleted.Stijlen verwijderd.
+ Reports Being Generated.Rapporten worden aangemaakt.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Rapporten geannuleerd vanwege grammaticaal incorrecte XML.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Verwijderen van ongebruikte mediabestanden geannuleerd vanwege grammaticaal incorrecte XML.
+ Unused media files deleted.Ongebruikte mediabestanden verwijderd.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Er zijn geen ongebruikte afbeeldings-, video- of audiobestanden om te verwijderen.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Verwijderen van ongebruikte stijlen is geannuleerd vanwege grammaticaal incorrecte XML.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.Er zijn geen ongebruikte stijlregels om te verwijderen.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Op deze positie kunt u geen bestand invoegen.
+ Insert FileBestand invoegen
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Het bestand "%1" bestaat niet.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Op deze positie kunt u geen referentie invoegen.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .Referentie is ongeldig. Deze moet beginnen met een letter, gevolgd door letter, cijfer, laag streepje, dubbele punt, koppelteken of punt.
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Op deze positie kunt u geen koppeling invoegen.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Koppeling is ongeldig - mag geen "<" of ">" bevatten
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.U kunt geen index markeren op deze plaats of zonder tekst te selecteren.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Vermelding is ongeldig - mag geen "<" of ">" bevatten
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Op deze plaats kunt u geen register markeren.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Selecteer de bestemming om als eerste heen te plakken.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Geplakt knipsel %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Er is een bron geselecteerd, maar er is geen vorige bron om mee samen te voegen.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde bestanden wilt samenvoegen?
Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Samenvoegen geannuleerd: XHTML-documenten betrokken bij samenvoeging zijn grammaticaal incorrect.
+ Cannot merge file %1Kan bestand %1 niet samenvoegen
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Samenvoegen voltooid. Het kan nodig zijn de inhoudsopgave bij te werken.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Koppelen stijlbladen geannuleerd: %1, XML is niet grammaticaal correct.
+ Word updated.Woord bijgewerkt.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Koppelen Javascripts geannuleerd: %1, XML is niet grammaticaal correct.
+ File(s) deleted.Bestand(en) verwijderd.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Bewerken van inhoudsopgave geannuleerd.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Inhoudsopgave bewerkt.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Genereren van inhoudsopgave geannuleerd.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Inhoudsopgave gegenereerd.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Het was niet nodig om de inhoudsopgave bij te werken.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.Er bestaat al een HTML-bestand met inhoudsopgave.
+ Text selection marked.Geselecteerde tekst gemarkeerd.
+ Text selection unmarked.Markering van geselecteerde tekst opgeheven.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Bewerken van metagegevens geannuleerd.
+ Metadata edited.Metagegevens gewijzigd.
+ RunPluginPlug-inUitvoeren
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Deze EPUB bevat geen CSS-stijlbladen om te laten valideren.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Deze EPUB bevat geen CSS-stijlbladen om opnieuw op te maken.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Regel: %1, Kol: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Bestand kan op deze plaats niet gesplitst worden.
+ Split completed.Splitsen voltooid.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Splitsen niet mogelijk, omdat ten minste één bestand geen HTML-bestand is.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedSplitsen niet mogelijk: %1 XML is niet grammaticaal correct.
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Splitsen niet mogelijk, omdat ten minste één bestand waarschijnlijk geen HTML-bestand is.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Splitsen voltooid. Het kan nodig zijn de inhoudsopgave bij te werken.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Geen splitsmarkeringen gevonden. Gebruik Invoegen->Splitsmarkering.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Het document is gewijzigd.
Wilt u de wijzigingen opslaan?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Moet Sigil dit bestand overschrijven?
+ No importer for file type: %1Geen importfilter voor bestandstype: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11644,113 +11673,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Probeer de voorkeur voor Broncode opschonen te wijzigen naar XHTML-broncode repareren bij openen en daarna het bestand opnieuw in te lezen.
+ Loading file...Bestand wordt ingelezen ...
+ File loaded.Bestand ingelezen.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.De maker van dit bestand heeft het versleuteld met DRM. Sigil kan dit soort bestanden niet openen.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Kan EPUB niet inlezen: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Kan bestand %1 niet inlezen: %2
+ Saving EPUB...EPUB wordt opgeslagen...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil kan geen bestanden opslaan van het type "%1".
Kies alstublieft een ander formaat.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- Deze EPUB bevat HTML-bestanden die grammaticaal incorrect zijn en bij uw voorkeuren staat het repareren van grammaticaal incorrecte HTML-broncode bij opslaan aangevinkt. Opslaan van een bestand dat grammaticaal incorrect is, leidt ertoe dat het automatisch wordt gerepareerd, wat in uitzonderlijke gevallen kan leiden tot enig gegevensverlies.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Wilt u de bestanden automatisch laten repareren voor het opslaan?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB opgeslagen, maar niet alle HTML-bestanden zijn grammaticaal correct.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB opgeslagen.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Kan bestand %1 niet opslaan: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)EPUB-bestanden (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTML-bestanden (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Tekstbestanden (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Alle bestanden (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)EPUB-bestand (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Behouden van bestaande kopeigenschappen is nu:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -14846,7 +14903,7 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
Related To
+ Verwant aan
@@ -14887,7 +14944,7 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
Represents the name of a person, organization, etc. responsible for the creation of the content of an EPUB Publication. The Role property can be attached to the element to indicate the function the creator played in the creation of the content.
+ Geeft de naam van een persoon, organisatie en dergelijke aan die verantwoordelijk is voor de totstandkoming van de inhoud van een EPUB-publicatie. De eigenschap "rol" kan aan het element worden gekoppeld om aan te geven welke rol de maker heeft gespeeld bij het maken van de inhoud.
@@ -14898,7 +14955,7 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
Represents the name of a person, organization, etc. that played a secondary role in the creation of the content of an EPUB Publication. The Role property can be attached to the element to indicate the function the creator played in the creation of the content.
+ Geeft de naam van een persoon, organisatie en dergelijke aan die een secundaire rol speelde in de totstandkoming van de inhoud van een EPUB-publicatie. De eigenschap "rol" kan aan het element worden gekoppeld om aan te geven welke rol de maker heeft gespeeld bij de totstandkoming van de inhoud.
@@ -14995,7 +15052,7 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
An empty primary metadata element you can modify.
+ Een leeg primair metagegeven dat u zelf kunt aanpassen.
@@ -15018,12 +15075,12 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
Optional, language specifying attribute. Uses same codes as Language. Not for use with Language, Date, or Identifier metadata elements.
+ Optionele eigenschap die de taal van het metagegeven aangeeft. Gebruikt dezelfde codes als het metagegeven "taal". Niet bedoeld voor gebruik met de metagegevens "taal", "datum" en "identificatiecode".Uses Right To Left Text
+ Gebruikt tekstrichting van rechts naar links.
@@ -15033,7 +15090,7 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
Uses Left to Right Text
+ Gebruikt tekstrichting van links naar rechts.
@@ -15083,7 +15140,7 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
Title: Edition Title
+ Titel: Titel van uitgave
@@ -15108,7 +15165,7 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
Provides an alternate expression of the associated property value in a language and script identified by an xml:lang attribute.
+ Bevat een alternatieve tekst voor het gekoppelde metagegeven in een taal die aangegeven wordt door de eigenschap "alternatieve taal".
@@ -15165,7 +15222,7 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
Position In Group
+ Volgnummer in groep
@@ -15203,7 +15260,7 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
This attribute is typically added to Identifier, Source, Creator, or Contributors to indicate the controlled vocabulary system employed. (e.g. marc:relators to specify valid values for the role property.
+ Deze eigenschap wordt kenmerkend toegevoegd aan de metagegevens "identificatiecode", "bron", "maker" en "bijdrager" om de vastgestelde waardenlijst die gebruikt wordt aan te geven. (Bijv. "marc: relators" voor geldige waarden voor de eigenschap "rol".)
@@ -15228,7 +15285,7 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
Optional text direction attribute for this metadata item.
+ Optionele eigenschap voor het aangeven van de tekstrichting van dit metagegeven.
@@ -15644,12 +15701,12 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
+ [Title here][Plaats hier de titel]
+ [Main title here][Plaats hier de hoofdtitel]
@@ -16278,128 +16335,128 @@ Let op: Het betreft hier de "respondent-appellee" volgens de Angelsaks
Status: wordt uitgevoerd
+ Launcher process crashedUitvoeren van plug-in is vastgelopen
+ Status: finishedStatus: voltooid
+ Status: failedStatus: mislukt
+ Status: No Changes MadeStatus: geen wijzigingen aangebracht
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesFout: Plug-in probeert het laatste XHTML-bestand te verwijderen ... wijzigingen worden afgebroken
+ Status:Status:
+ Plugin failed to startOpstarten van plug-in mislukt
+ Status: errorStatus: fout
+ Plugin cancelledUitvoeren van plug-in is geannuleerd
+ Status: cancelledStatus: geannuleerd
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Fout bij ontleden XML van resultaat:
+ Status: checkingStatus: controleren
+ Incorrect XHTML:Onjuiste XHTML:
+ Line/ColRegel/kolom
+ Check ReportControlerapport
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Onjuiste XHTML/XML geconstateerd
Weet u zeker dat u wilt doorgaan?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesStatus: opschonen - bestanden verwijderen
+ Status: deletingStatus: verwijderen
+ Status: LoadingStatus: inlezen
+ Input PluginInvoer plug-in
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedUw huidige boek zal geheel worden vervangen met verlies van alle niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen... Weet u zeker dat u wilt doorgaan?
+ Status: addingStatus: toevoegen
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesStatus: opschonen - wijzigen bestanden
+ Status: modifyingStatus: wijzigen
@@ -16676,43 +16733,43 @@ Entiteiten kunnen worden gescheiden door regeleinden, komma's of spaties.
+ PreviewVoorbeeldweergave
+ Inspect PagePagina onderzoeken
+ Select-AllAlles selecteren
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardSelectie kopiëren naar het klembord
+ Update Preview WindowVoorbeeldweergave bijwerken
+ Cycle Custom CSS Files
+ Print Preview View
+ Voorbeeldweergave afdrukken
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xFunctie niet beschikbaar vóór Qt5.12.x
@@ -16834,17 +16891,17 @@ Regel: %1 Kolom %2 - %3
A temporary media type of "%1" has been assigned. You should edit your OPF file to fix this problem.
- Er is een tijdelijk media-type "%1" toegekend. U moet uw OPF-bestand bewerken om dit probleem op te lossen.
+ Er is een tijdelijk media-type "%1" toegekend. U moet het OPF-bestand bewerken om dit probleem op te lossen.The OPF has an illegal Manifest entry for a file inside the META-INF folder for file "%1"
+ De OPF heeft een ongeldige vermelding in het manifest voor een bestand in de map META-INF voor bestand "%1".You should edit your OPF file to remove this entry.
+ U moet het OPF-bestand bewerken om deze vermelding te verwijderen.
@@ -16872,7 +16929,7 @@ Regel: %1 Kolom %2 - %3
Het OPF-bestand bevat geen NCX-bestand.
+ Adding Existing Files..Bestaande bestanden worden toegevoegd...
@@ -16902,19 +16959,19 @@ Regel: %1 Kolom %2 - %3
<p>Er is een nieuwere versie van Sigil beschikbaar, versie <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Wilt u naar de dowloadpagina gaan?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Kan bestand %1 niet lezen:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil is op een probleem gestuit.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil moet mogelijk afsluiten.
@@ -16940,28 +16997,28 @@ Regel: %1 Kolom %2 - %3
Ongeldig NCX-bestand: %1
+ QuitAfsluiten
+ AboutOver Sigil
+ PreferencesVoorkeuren
+ NewNieuw
+ OpenOpenen
@@ -19039,32 +19096,32 @@ worden toegevoegd aan uw boek en automatisch worden ingevoegd in uw document.Audio
+ Files In the BookBestanden in het boek
+ ThumbnailsMiniaturen
+ shadestinten
+ colorskleuren
+ GrayscaleGrijstinten
+ ColorKleur
@@ -19642,17 +19699,17 @@ Te gebruiken als u een HTML-bestand bewerkt wanneer spellingcontrole open staat.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Het bestand "%1" bestaat niet.
+ Collapse AllAlles samenvouwen
+ Expand AllAlles uitvouwen
@@ -19668,12 +19725,12 @@ Te gebruiken als u een HTML-bestand bewerkt wanneer spellingcontrole open staat.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_pl.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_pl.ts
index c383282fa2..9f97359e9a 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_pl.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_pl.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ została określona rodzina czcionek bezszeryfowych
+ Open WithOtwórz za pomocą
+ %n file(s)%n plik%n pliki%n plików%n plików
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Czy na pewno uporządkować alfabetycznie zaznaczone pliki?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Tej akcji nie można cofnąć.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Plik "%1" nie istnieje.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Javascript nie jest obsługiwany w plikach EPUB2.
+ Add Existing FilesDodaj istniejące pliki
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ została określona rodzina czcionek bezszeryfowych
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ została określona rodzina czcionek bezszeryfowych
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
Chcesz go zastąpić?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Nie można usunąć lub nadpisać pliku "%1".
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Plik o tej samej nazwie już jest w książce.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ Plik o tej samej nazwie już jest w książce.
+ File(s) added or replaced.Plik(i) dodano lub podmieniono.
+ Save As FileZapisz jako plik
+ Unable to save the file.Nie można zapisać do pliku.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toWybierz folder by zapisać plik do
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Jeden lub więcej plików już istnieje. Nadpisać?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Nie można zapisać pliku. Obiekt docelowy może być folderem.
+ Unable to save files.Nie można zapisać plików.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Nie można zmienić nazwy pliku ponieważ podobna nazwa już istnieje.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"Folder docelowy ma błędną ścieżkę "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Nie można przenieść plików, ponieważ spowodowałoby to zduplikowanie nazw plików.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Dokumentu Nav nie można usunąć.
+ The NCX can not be removed.Nie można usunąć pliku NCX.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.OPF musi istnieć w pliku EPUB i nie można go usunąć.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Nie możesz usunąć wszystkich plików html.
Zawsze musi być przynajmniej jeden.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Nie można ustawić pliku jako obraz okładki.
+ Select AllZaznacz wszystko
+ Add Blank HTML FileDodaj pusty plik HTML
+ Add Blank StylesheetDodaj pusty arkusz stylów
+ Add Blank JavascriptDodaj pusty plik Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG ImageDodaj pusty obraz SVG
+ Add Existing Files...Dodaj istniejące pliki...
+ Add CopyDodaj kopię
+ RenameZmień nazwę
+ RegEx RenameZmień nazwę (RegEx)
+ MovePrzenieś
+ DeleteUsuń
+ Cover ImageObraz okładki
+ MergeScal
+ NoneBrak
+ Use Adobe's MethodUżyj metody Adobe
+ Use IDPF's MethodUżyj metody IDPF
+ SortPorządkuj
+ Renumber TOC EntriesPrzenumeruj wpisy spisu treści
+ Link Stylesheets...Łącza do arkuszy stylów...
+ Link Javascripts...Łącza do skryptów...
+ Add Semantics...Dodaj semantykę...
+ Validate with W3CSprawdzenie przy pomocy W3C
+ Save AsZapisz jako
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Scal z poprzednim plikiem lub scal wiele plików w jeden.
+ Rename selected file(s)Zmień nazwy zaznaczonych plików
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Zmień nazwy zaznaczonych plików z wykorzystaniem wyrażeń regularnych
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderPrzenieś zaznaczony(e) plik(i) do nowego folderu
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Dodaj lub usuń łącza do arkuszy stylów w zaznaczonych plikach.
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Dodaj lub usuń łącza do skryptów w zaznaczonych plikach.
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Dodaj semantykę w zaznaczonych plikach.
+ Other ApplicationInna aplikacja
@@ -1779,12 +1779,12 @@ Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany?
+ Collapse AllZwiń wszystkie
+ Expand AllRozwiń wszystkie
@@ -3656,362 +3656,362 @@ automatycznie poprawiany.
+ AcknowledgementsPodziękowania
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Fragment zawierający podziękowania dla podmiotów uczestniczących w realizacji prac.
+ AfterwordPosłowie
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Zamykające oświadczenie autora lub osoby znaczącej dla fabuły, zapewniające wgląd w jaki sposób historia została napisana, jej znaczenie lub podobne zdarzenia, które zaszły od momentu napisania publikacji.
+ AppendixDodatek
+ Supplemental information.Informacje uzupełniające.
+ Back MatterReszta publikacji
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Materiał pomocniczy do występujących po głównej treści publikacji, takich jak indeksy, załączniki itp.
+ BibliographyBibliografia
+ A list of works cited.Lista cytowanych prac.
+ TextTekst
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Początek publikacji treści tekstu głównego.
+ ColophonKolofon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Krótki opis zazwyczaj znajdujący się na końcu publikacji, opisujący uwagi dotyczące produkcji istotne dla wydania.
+ ConclusionWniosek
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Końcowa sekcja, która zazwyczaj podsumowuje pracę.
+ ContributorsWspółautorzy
+ A list of contributors to the work.Lista współautorów pracy.
+ Copyright PagePrawa autorskie
+ The copyright page of the work.Strona praw autorskich do dzieła.
+ CoverOkładka
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Okładka(i) publikacji, informacje obwoluty itp.
+ DedicationDedykacja
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Napis skierowany do jednej lub kilku szczególnych osób.
+ EpilogueEpilog
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Zawiera sekcję która jest zwykle napisana w późniejszym czasie niż główny wątek, chociaż nadal jest częścią narracji.
+ EpigraphEpigraf
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Cytat, który jest istotny, ale nie jest integralną częścią tekstu.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Errata publikacji, w dziełach drukowanych zwykle na luźnej kartce włożonej między strony; czasami dołączona strona, która zawiera poprawki błędów w pracy.
+ FootnotesPrzypisy
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Zbiór informacji dodatkowych umieszczonych na spodzie strony.
+ ForewordPrzedmowa
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Sekcja wprowadzająca, która poprzedza pracę, zazwyczaj nie napisana przez autora utworu.
+ Front MatterPoczątek publikacji
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Wstępny materiał do głównej treści meritum publikacji, taki jak tabele zawartości, dedykacje itp.
+ GlossaryGlosariusz
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Alfabetyczna lista warunków w określonej domenie wiedzy, z definicji tych terminów.
+ Half Title PageStrona przedtytułowa
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Strona przedtytułowa dzieła, zawiera jedynie tytuł.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Oficjalne oświadczenie upoważniające do publikacji pracy.
+ ImprintImprint
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Informacje odnoszące się do publikacji lub rozpowszechniania utworu.
+ IndexIndeks
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Szczegółowa lista, zwykle ułożone alfabetycznie, konkretnych informacji w publikacji.
+ IntroductionWprowadzenie
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Sekcja na początku pracy, zazwyczaj wprowadza czytelnika w zakres lub treść rodzaju pracy.
+ List of IllustrationsSpis ilustracji
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Spis ilustracji zawartych w pracy.
+ List of Audio ClipsSpis klipów audio
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Spis klipów audio zawartych w pracy.
+ List of TablesSpis tabel
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Spis tabel zawartych w pracy.
+ List of Video ClipsSpis klipów wideo
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Spis klipów wideo zawartych w pracy.
+ NotesNotatki
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Zbiór notatek. Może służyć do identyfikowania przypisów, notatek końcowych, notatek na marginesie, notatek w tekście, i podobnych, gdy starsze konwencje nazewnictwa nie są pożądane. Stan: Przestarzałe - Zastąpione przez: „przypisy dolne”, „notatki końcowe”
+ Other CreditsInne podziękowania
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Podziękowania do wcześniej publikowanych części pracy, ilustracji wyróżnień, oraz zgoda na cytat z materiałów chronionych prawem autorskim.
+ PreamblePreambuła
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentSekcja na początku pracy, zwykle zawierająca wstęp i/lub wyjaśnienia dotyczące zakresu i charakteru treści dzieła
+ PrefaceWstęp
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Sekcja wprowadzająca, która poprzedza pracę, zazwyczaj pisana przez autora utworu.
+ PrologueProlog
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Sekcja wprowadzająca która opisuje kontekst historii, zwykle część narracji.
+ Rear NotesNotatki końcowe
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Zbiór notatek umieszczonych z tyłu pracy (reszcie publikacji) albo na końcu sekcji.
+ Title PageStrona tytułowa
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Strona na początku książki, podająca jej tytuł, autora, wydawcę i inne podstawowe informacje o publikacji.
+ Table of ContentsSpis treści
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Spis treści, którym jest lista nagłówków czy też części książki lub dokumentu, zorganizowany w kolejności w jakiej występują. Zazwyczaj pojawia się na początku publikacji lub na początku sekcji.
@@ -4243,67 +4243,67 @@ Możesz następnie zaznaczyć lub odznaczyć pojedyncze pozycje na liście powy
Wielkość miniaturki:
+ NameNazwa
+ File Size (KB)Wielkość pliku (KB)
+ Times UsedIle razy użyty
+ WidthSzerokość
+ HeightWysokość
+ PixelsPikseli
+ ColorKolor
+ ImageObraz
+ %n file(s)%n plik%n pliki%n plików%n plików
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileZapisz raport jako plik CSV (wartości rozdzielone przecinkiem)
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Nie można zapisać pliku raportu.
+ Delete From BookUsuń z książki
@@ -4704,482 +4704,482 @@ Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany?
+ AcknowledgmentsPodziękowania
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Fragment zawierający podziękowania dla podmiotów uczestniczących w realizacji prac.
+ AfterwordPosłowie
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Zamykające oświadczenie autora lub osoby znaczącej dla fabuły, zapewniające wgląd w jaki sposób historia została napisana, jej znaczenie lub podobne zdarzenia, które zaszły od momentu napisania publikacji.
+ AnnotationAdnotacja
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedInformacje wyjaśniające na temat fragmentów pracy. Status: Przestarzałe
+ AppendixDodatek
+ Supplemental information.Informacje uzupełniające.
+ AssessmentOcena
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Test, quiz, lub inne czynności, która pomagają ocenić ucznia, zrozumienie materiału z nauczanego zakresu.
+ Back MatterReszta publikacji
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Materiał pomocniczy do występujących po głównej treści publikacji, takich jak indeksy, załączniki itp.
+ BibliographyBibliografia
+ A list of works cited.Lista cytowanych prac.
+ Body MatterMeritum publikacji
+ The main content of a publication.Główna treść publikacji.
+ ChapterRozdział
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Główny podział strukturalny, fragment pisma.
+ ColophonKolofon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Krótki opis zazwyczaj znajdujący się na końcu publikacji, opisujący uwagi dotyczące produkcji istotne dla wydania.
+ ConclusionWniosek
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Końcowa sekcja, która zazwyczaj podsumowuje pracę.
+ ContributorsWspółautorzy
+ A list of contributors to the work.Lista współautorów pracy.
+ Copyright PagePrawa autorskie
+ The copyright page of the work.Strona praw autorskich do publikacji.
+ CoverOkładka
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Okładka(i) publikacji, informacje obwoluty itp.
+ DedicationDedykacja
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Napis skierowany do jednej lub kilku szczególnych osób.
+ DivisionPodział
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Główny podział strukturalny, który może również pojawić się jako fundament części (zwł. w legislacji).
+ EpigraphEpigraf
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Cytat, który jest istotny, ale nie jest integralną częścią tekstu.
+ EpilogueEpilog
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Zawiera sekcję która jest zwykle napisana w późniejszym czasie niż główny wątek, chociaż nadal jest częścią narracji.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Errata publikacji, w dziełach drukowanych zwykle na luźnej kartce włożonej między strony; czasami dołączona strona, która zawiera poprawki błędów w pracy.
+ FootnotesPrzypisy
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Zbiór informacji dodatkowych umieszczonych na spodzie strony.
+ ForewordPrzedmowa
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Sekcja wprowadzająca, która poprzedza pracę, zazwyczaj nie napisana przez autora utworu.
+ Front MatterPoczątek publikacji
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Wstępny materiał do głównej treści meritum publikacji, taki jak tabele zawartości, dedykacje itp.
+ GlossaryGlosariusz
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Alfabetyczna lista warunków w określonej domenie wiedzy, z definicji tych terminów.
+ Half Title PageStrona przedtytułowa
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Strona przedtytułowa dzieła, zawiera jedynie tytuł.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Oficjalne oświadczenie upoważniające do publikacji pracy.
+ ImprintImprint
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Informacje odnoszące się do publikacji lub rozpowszechniania utworu.
+ IndexIndeks
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Szczegółowa lista, zwykle ułożone alfabetycznie, konkretnych informacji w publikacji.
+ IntroductionWprowadzenie
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Sekcja na początku pracy, zazwyczaj wprowadza czytelnika w zakres lub treść rodzaju pracy.
+ LandmarksPunkty orientacyjne
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationZbiór punktów odniesienia dobrze znanych / powtarzających się elementów w publikacji
+ List of Audio ClipsSpis klipów audio
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Spis klipów audio zawartych w pracy.
+ List of IllustrationsSpis ilustracji
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Spis ilustracji zawartych w pracy.
+ List of TablesSpis tabel
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Spis tabel zawartych w pracy.
+ List of Video ClipsSpis klipów wideo
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Spis klipów wideo zawartych w pracy.
+ NoticeWzmianka
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Informacja, która wymaga szczególnej uwagi, i że nie może być pomijana lub tłumiona. Przykłady obejmują: alarm, ostrzeżenie, ostrożnie, niebezpieczeństwo, ważne.
+ Other CreditsInne podziękowania
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Podziękowania do wcześniej publikowanych części pracy, ilustracji wyróżnień, oraz zgoda na cytat z materiałów chronionych prawem autorskim.
+ Page ListLista stron
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookLista odnośników do podziałów stron (miejsc startowych) z wersji drukowanej ebooka
+ PartCzęść
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Główny podział strukturalny kawałka pisma, zazwyczaj razem w zestawie z odpowiednimi jej rozdziałami.
+ PreamblePreambuła
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentSekcja na początku pracy, zwykle zawierająca wstęp i/lub wyjaśnienia dotyczące zakresu i charakteru treści dzieła
+ PrefaceWstęp
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Sekcja wprowadzająca, która poprzedza pracę, zazwyczaj pisana przez autora utworu.
+ PrologueProlog
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Sekcja wprowadzająca która opisuje kontekst historii, zwykle część narracji.
+ Questions and AnswersPytania i odpowiedzi
+ A question and answer section.Sekcja pytań i odpowiedzi.
+ Rear NotesNotatki końcowe
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Zbiór notatek umieszczonych z tyłu pracy (reszcie publikacji) albo na końcu sekcji.
+ Revision HistoryHistoria zmian
+ A record of changes made to a work.Zapis zmian wprowadzonych do pracy.
+ SubchapterPodrozdział
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Główny podział rozdziału.
+ Title PageStrona tytułowa
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Strona na początku książki, nadająca jej tytuł, autora, wydawcę i inne informacje o publikacji.
+ Table of ContentsSpis treści
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Spis treści, którym jest lista nagłówków czy też części książki lub dokumentu, zorganizowany w kolejności w jakiej występują. Zazwyczaj pojawia się na początku publikacji, lub na początku sekcji.
+ VolumeTom
+ A component of a collection.Element zbioru.
+ WarningOstrzeżenie
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Ostrzeżenie lub uwaga na temat konkretnego materiału. Status: Przestarzałe - zastąpione przez „wzmianka”.
@@ -8477,14 +8477,13 @@ Arkusze stylów, które są pierwsze na liście, mają pierwszeństwo przed pó
- Plugins
- Wtyczki
+ &Plugins
+ W&tyczki
- Checkpoints
- Punkty kontrolne
+ Chec&kpoints
+ Punkty &kontrolne
@@ -8502,6 +8501,11 @@ Arkusze stylów, które są pierwsze na liście, mają pierwszeństwo przed pó
Add ExistingDodaj istniejący
+ Checkpoints
+ Punkty kontrolne
+ Index
@@ -10873,6 +10877,31 @@ Tworzy nowy dokument ePub3.</p>
Show Log of CheckpointsPokaż dziennik punktów kontrolnych
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Uaktywnij Widok kodu
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Uaktywnij Zawartość książki
+ Focus on Preview
+ Uaktywnij Podgląd
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Uaktywnij Spis treści
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Uaktywnij Wycinki
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10987,37 +11016,37 @@ Tworzy nowy dokument ePub3.</p>
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11038,17 +11067,17 @@ Tej akcji nie można cofnąć.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11296,356 +11325,356 @@ Tej akcji nie można cofnąć.
Obraz nie istnieje:
+ orlub
+ No CSS styles namedBrak nazw stylów CSS
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.lub arkusz stylów nie połączony.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>Nie istnieje odnośnik <b>%1</b> znaleziony w pliku <b>%2</b> (może być więcej takich problemów). Dzielenie i scalanie w takich warunkach może skutkować niedziałającymi linkami.</p><p>Czy chcesz kontynuować?</p></html>
+ Add CoverDodaj okładkę
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Znaleziono istniejący plik okładki.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Niespodziewany błąd. Tylko pliki obrazów mogą być użyte jako okładka.
+ Cover added.Dodano okładkę.
+ Not Available for epub2.Niedostępne dla epub2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.Zaktualizowano właściwości manifestu OPF.
+ NCX and Guide removed.Plik NCX oraz sekcja Guide zostały usunięte.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.Nie udało się wygenerować pliku NCX oraz sekcji Guide.
+ NCX and Guide generated.Wygenerowano plik NCX oraz sekcję Guide.
+ An existing Index file has been found.Znaleziono istniejący plik z indeksem.
+ Styles deleted.Style usunięte.
+ Reports Being Generated.Generowanie raportów.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Raport anulowany z powodu błędów składniowych XML.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Usuwanie nieużywanych plików mediów anulowane z powodu błędów składniowych XML.
+ Unused media files deleted.Usunięto nieużywane pliki mediów.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Brak nieużywanych plików obrazów, plików wideo lub audio do usunięcia.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Usunięcie nieużywanych stylów anulowane z powodu błędów składniowych XML.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.Brak nieużywanych selektorów w arkuszach stylów do usunięcia.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Nie można wstawić pliku w tej pozycji.
+ Insert FileWstaw plik
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Plik "%1" nie istnieje.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Nie można wstawić identyfikatora w tej pozycji.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .Identyfikator jest błędny - musi zaczynać się od litery, a następnie składać się z litery, liczby, znaków _ : - lub .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Nie można wstawić łącza w tym miejscu.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Łącze jest nieprawidłowe - nie może zawierać '<' lub '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Nie można oznaczyć indeksu w tej pozycji lub bez zaznaczania tekstu.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Wpis jest nieprawidłowy - nie może zawierać '<' lub '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Nie można oznaczyć indeksu w tym miejscu.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Najpierw wybierz miejsce docelowe do wklejenia.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Wklejono wpis wycinka %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Jeden zasób wybrany i nie ma możliwości scalenia go z poprzednim.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Czy na pewno scalić zaznaczone pliki?
Tej akcji nie można cofnąć.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Scalanie anulowane: pliki XHTML przeznaczone dla scalenia nie są poprawne składniowo.
+ Cannot merge file %1Nie można scalić pliku %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Scalanie zakończone. Sprawdź, czy nie trzeba poprawić lub edytować spisu treści.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Łącze do arkusza stylów anulowane: %1, XML nie jest poprawny składniowo.
+ Word updated.Słowo uaktualniono.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Łącze do skryptu anulowane: %1, XML nie jest poprawny składniowo.
+ File(s) deleted.Plik(ów) usunięto.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Anulowano edycję spisu treści.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Edycja spisu treści.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Anulowano generowanie spisu treści (TOC).
+ Table Of Contents generated.Utworzono spis treści.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Spis treści nie wymagał zmian.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.Znaleziono istniejący plik ze spisem treści HTML.
+ Text selection marked.Wybrany tekst zaznaczono.
+ Text selection unmarked.Wybrany tekst odznaczono.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Anulowano edycję metadanych.
+ Metadata edited.Edycja metadanych.
+ RunPluginUruchom wtyczkę
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Ten EPUB nie zawiera żadnych arkuszy stylów CSS do sprawdzania.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Ten EPUB nie zawiera żadnych arkuszy stylów CSS do przeformatowania.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Linia: %1 Kolumna: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Plik nie może być podzielony w tym miejscu.
+ Split completed.Podział zakończony.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Nie można podzielić, ponieważ co najmniej jeden plik nie jest plikiem HTML.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedNie można podzielić: %1, XML nie jest poprawny składniowo.
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Nie można podzielić, ponieważ co najmniej jeden plik może nie być plikiem HTML.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Podział zakończony. Sprawdź, czy nie musisz zaktualizować spisu treści.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Nie znaleziono znaczników podziału. Użyj Wstaw -> Znacznik podziału.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Dokument został zmieniony.
Czy chcesz zapisać swoje zmiany?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Czy Sigil ma nadpisać ten plik?
+ No importer for file type: %1Nie można zaimportować plików typu: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11658,113 +11687,143 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Spróbuj włączyć w ustawieniach poprawianie kodu źródłowego XHTML przy otwieraniu oraz ponownie załaduj plik.
+ Loading file...Wczytywanie pliku...
+ File loaded.Plik załadowano.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.Twórca tego pliku zaszyfrował go przy pomocy technologi DRM. Sigil nie może odczytać takich plików.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Nie można wczytać EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Nie można załadować pliku %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Zapisywanie EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil nie może zapisać pliku typu "%1".
Proszę wybrać inny format.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- Ten EPUB zawiera pliki HTML z błędami składniowymi, a bieżące ustawienia nakazują automatyczne poprawianie plików podczas zapisu. Zapisanie plików z błędami składni spowoduje ich automatyczne naprawienie, co w bardzo rzadkich przypadkach może spowodować utratę niektórych danych.
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Ten EPUB zawiera pliki HTML z błędami składniowymi, a bieżące ustawienia nakazują automatyczne poprawianie plików podczas zapisu.
-Czy automatycznie poprawić pliki przed zapisaniem?
+Czy automatycznie poprawić pliki przed zapisaniem? Lub anulować zapisywanie?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ Zapisywanie pliku EPUB... anulowano
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB został zapisany, jednak nie wszystkie pliki HTML są poprawne składniowo.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB zapisany.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Nie można zapisać pliku %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)Pliki EPUB (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)Pliki HTML (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Pliki tekstowe (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Wszystkie pliki (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)Plik EPUB (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Zachowaj istniejące atrybuty nagłówków:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Zmiana aktywnego okna na Widok kodu.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Zmiana aktywnego okna na Zawartość książki.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Zmiana aktywnego okna na Podgląd.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Zmiana aktywnego okna na Spis treści.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ Zmiana aktywnego okna na Wycinki.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15611,12 +15670,12 @@ Czy automatycznie poprawić pliki przed zapisaniem?
+ [Title here][Tutaj tytuł]
+ [Main title here][Tutaj tytuł główny]
@@ -16245,128 +16304,128 @@ Czy automatycznie poprawić pliki przed zapisaniem?
Status: uruchamianie
+ Launcher process crashedAwaria procesu uruchamiania
+ Status: finishedStatus: ukończone
+ Status: failedStatus: nie powiodło się
+ Status: No Changes MadeStatus: Nie dokonano zmian
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesBłąd: Wtyczka próbowała usunąć ostatni plik XHTML... porzucono zmiany
+ Status:Status:
+ Plugin failed to startUruchomienie wtyczki nie powiodło się
+ Status: errorStatus: błąd
+ Plugin cancelledAnulowano uruchomienie wtyczki
+ Status: cancelledStatus: anulowanie
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Błąd podczas analizowania wynikowego pliku XML:
+ Status: checkingStatus: sprawdzanie
+ Incorrect XHTML:Nieprawidłowy XHTML:
+ Line/ColLinia/Kolumna
+ Check ReportSprawdź raport
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Wykryto nieprawidłowy XHTML/XML
Czy na pewno kontynuować?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesStatus: czyszczenie - usuwanie plików
+ Status: deletingStatus: usuwanie
+ Status: LoadingStatus: ładowanie
+ Input PluginWtyczka wejściowa
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedAktualna książka zostanie całkowicie zastąpiona, stracisz niezapisane zmiany... Czy na pewno kontynuować?
+ Status: addingStatus: dodawanie
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesStatus: czyszczenie - modyfikacja plików
+ Status: modifyingStatus: modyfikacja
@@ -16643,43 +16702,43 @@ Encje mogą być oddzielone liniami, przecinkami lub spacjami.
+ PreviewPodgląd
+ Inspect PageSprawdź stronę
+ Select-AllZaznacz wszystko
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardKopiuj zaznaczenie do schowka
+ Update Preview WindowUaktualnij okno Podglądu
+ Cycle Custom CSS FilesPrzełącz własne pliki CSS
+ Print Preview ViewDrukuj podgląd
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xFunkcja nie jest dostępna dla Qt w wersji niższej niż 5.12.x
@@ -16839,7 +16898,7 @@ Linia: %1 Kolumna %2 - %3
Plik OPF nie zawiera pliku NCX.
+ Adding Existing Files..Dodawanie istniejących plików...
@@ -16869,19 +16928,19 @@ Linia: %1 Kolumna %2 - %3
<p>Nowy Sigil w wersji <b>%1</b> jest już dostępny.<br/><p>Czy przejść do strony pobierania?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Nie można odczytać pliku %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil napotkał problem.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil może wymagać zamknięcia.
@@ -16907,28 +16966,28 @@ Linia: %1 Kolumna %2 - %3
Uszkodzony plik NCX: %1
+ QuitWyjście
+ AboutO programie
+ PreferencesUstawienia
+ NewNowy
+ OpenOtwierania
@@ -17733,22 +17792,22 @@ Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany?
left single quote
- lewy pojedynczy cudzysłów
+ pojedynczy cudzysłów otwierającyright single quote
- prawy pojedynczy cudzysłów
+ pojedynczy cudzysłów zamykający (apostrof poprawny typograficznie)left double quote
- lewy podwójny cudzysłów
+ podwójny cudzysłów otwierającyright double quote
- prawy podwójny cudzysłów
+ podwójny cudzysłów zamykający
@@ -19014,32 +19073,32 @@ do książki i automatycznie wstawić do dokumentu.
+ Files In the BookPliki w książce
+ ThumbnailsMiniatury
+ shadesodcieni(e)
+ colorskolory(ów)
+ GrayscaleSkala szarości
+ ColorKolor
@@ -19620,17 +19679,17 @@ Użyj, jeśli edytowałeś jakieś pliki HTML podczas sprawdzania pisowni.Spis treści
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Plik "%1" nie istnieje.
+ Collapse AllZwiń wszystko
+ Expand AllRozwiń wszystko
@@ -19646,12 +19705,12 @@ Użyj, jeśli edytowałeś jakieś pliki HTML podczas sprawdzania pisowni.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
@@ -19786,7 +19845,7 @@ Czy kontynuować przy użyciu żądanej nazwy pliku?
quotation mark
- znacznik cytatu
+ cudzysłów prosty
@@ -19866,7 +19925,7 @@ Czy kontynuować przy użyciu żądanej nazwy pliku?
left-pointing double angle quotation mark
- podwójny lewy apostrof drukarski
+ podwójny cudzysłów ostrokątny skierowany w lewo
@@ -19946,7 +20005,7 @@ Czy kontynuować przy użyciu żądanej nazwy pliku?
right-pointing double angle quotation mark
- prawy cudzysłów
+ podwójny cudzysłów ostrokątny skierowany w prawo
@@ -20636,32 +20695,32 @@ Czy kontynuować przy użyciu żądanej nazwy pliku?
left single quotation mark
- lewy apostrof drukarski
+ pojedynczy cudzysłów otwierającyright single quotation mark
- prawy apostrof drukarski
+ pojedynczy cudzysłów zamykający (apostrof poprawny typograficznie)single low-9 quotation mark
- pojedynczy cudzysłów dolny
+ pojedynczy cudzysłów otwierający dolnyleft double quotation mark
- lewy cudzysłów
+ podwójny cudzysłów otwierający górnyright double quotation mark
- prawy cudzysłów
+ podwójny cudzysłów zamykający górnydouble low-9 quotation mark
- dolny cudzysłów
+ podwójny cudzysłów otwierający dolny
@@ -20701,12 +20760,12 @@ Czy kontynuować przy użyciu żądanej nazwy pliku?
single left-pointing angle quotation mark
- lewy apostrof drukarski
+ pojedynczy cudzysłów ostrokątny skierowany w lewosingle right-pointing angle quotation mark
- prawy apostrof drukarski
+ pojedynczy cudzysłów ostrokątny skierowany w prawo
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_pt_BR.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_pt_BR.ts
index 15b6a2a05c..db20cad577 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_pt_BR.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_pt_BR.ts
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
Default font size to be used for Preview
if no font-size specified in your CSS
- Tamanho padrão de fonte utilizada no WebView se nenhum outro tamanho for especificado no CSS
+ Tamanho padrão de fonte utilizada na Pré-Visualização se nenhum outro tamanho for especificado no CSS
@@ -880,55 +880,55 @@ se uma família de fontes sem serifa tiver sido especificada no seu CSS
+ Open WithAbrir Com
+ %n file(s)%n arquivo%n arquivo(s)%n arquivo(s)
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Tem certeza que deseja ordenar os arquivos selecionados em sequência alfanumérica?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Essa ação não pode ser desfeita.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.O arquivo "%1" não existe.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Não há suporte a Javascript em epub2.
+ Add Existing FilesAdicionar arquivos existentes
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ se uma família de fontes sem serifa tiver sido especificada no seu CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ se uma família de fontes sem serifa tiver sido especificada no seu CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -955,12 +955,12 @@ OK to replace?
OK para substituir?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Não é possível excluir ou substituir o arquivo "%1".
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Um arquivo com este nome já existe no livro.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -978,235 +978,235 @@ Um arquivo com este nome já existe no livro.
+ File(s) added or replaced.Arquivo(s) incluídos ou substituídos.
+ Save As FileSalvar como Arquivo
+ Unable to save the file.Não é possível salvar o arquivo.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toEscolha o diretório para salvar os arquivos
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Um ou mais arquivos já existem. OK para sobrescrever?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Não é possível salvar arquivos. O destino deve ser um diretório.
+ Unable to save files.Não é possível salvar arquivos.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Não foi possível renomear os arquivos pois resultará em arquivos duplicados.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"O diretório de destino possui o caminho inválido "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Não é possivel mover arquivos pois esta ação resultará em nomes de arquivos duplicados.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.O arquivo NAV não pode ser removido.
+ The NCX can not be removed.O NCX não pode ser removido.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.O OPF é essencial para epubs e não pode ser removido.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Você não pode remover todos os arquivos html.
Sempre tem que ser um de cada vez.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Não foi possível definir o arquivo como imagem de capa.
+ Select AllSelecionar tudo
+ Add Blank HTML FileAdicionar arquivo HTML em branco
+ Add Blank StylesheetAdicionar folha de estilo em branco
+ Add Blank JavascriptAdicionar um Javascript em branco.
+ Add Blank SVG ImageAdicionar imagem SVG em branco
+ Add Existing Files...Adicionar arquivos existentes...
+ Add CopyAdicionar Cópia
+ RenameRenomear
+ RegEx RenameRenomear por RegEx
+ MoveMover
+ DeleteExcluir
+ Cover ImageImagem de capa
+ MergeMesclar
+ NoneNenhum
+ Use Adobe's MethodUsar o método da Adobe
+ Use IDPF's MethodUsar o método do IDPF
+ SortOrdenar
+ Renumber TOC EntriesRenumerar entradas de Sumário
+ Link Stylesheets...Vincular Folha de estilos...
+ Link Javascripts...Ligar Javascripts...
+ Add Semantics...Adicionar Semântica...
+ Validate with W3CValidar com W3C
+ Save AsSalvar como
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Combinar com o arquivo anterior ou mesclar múltiplos arquivos em um só.
+ Rename selected file(s)Renomear o(s) arquivo(s) selecionado(s)
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Usar Expressões Regulares para renomear o(s) arquivo(s) selecionado(s).
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderMover o(s) arquivo(s) selecionado(s) para uma nova pasta
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Vincular CSS ao(s) arquivo(s) selecionado(s).
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Ligar Javascripts a arquivo(s) selecionado(s).
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Adicionar Semântica(s) aos arquivo(s) selecionado(s)
+ Other ApplicationOutro Aplicativo
@@ -1777,12 +1777,12 @@ Deseja salvar as alterações?
+ Collapse AllFechar Todos
+ Expand AllExpandir todos
@@ -3651,172 +3651,172 @@ reparado.
+ AcknowledgementsAgradecimentos
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Um pequeno texto expressando agradecimento aos entes envolvidos na produção de sua obra.
+ AfterwordPosfácio
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Uma declaração de encerramento do autor ou de uma pessoa importante para a história, geralmente fornecendo informações sobre como a história passou a ser escrita, seu significado ou eventos relacionados que ocorreram desde a sua linha do tempo.
+ AppendixApêndice
+ Supplemental information.Informação suplementar.
+ Back MatterMatéria Pós Textual
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Material auxiliar que ocorre após o conteúdo principal de uma publicação, como índices, apêndices etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografia
+ A list of works cited.Uma lista das palavras citadas.
+ TextTexto
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.O início do texto principal de conteúdo de uma publicação.
+ ColophonColofão
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Uma breve descrição geralmente localizada no final de uma publicação, descrevendo as notas de produção relevantes para a edição.
+ ConclusionConclusão
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Uma seção final que normalmente encerra o trabalho.
+ ContributorsContribuidores
+ A list of contributors to the work.Uma lista de colaboradores para o trabalho.
+ Copyright PagePágina de Direitos Autorais.
+ The copyright page of the work.A página de direitos autorais do trabalho.
+ CoverCapa
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.A/s capa(s) da publicação, informações da capa, etc.
+ DedicationDedicatória
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Uma inscrição endereçada a uma ou várias pessoa(s) específicas.
+ EpilogueEpílogo
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Uma seção final tipicamente escrita a partir de um momento posterior à história principal, embora ainda faça parte da narrativa.
+ EpigraphEpígrafe
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Uma citação que é pertinente, mas não integral ao texto.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Publicação errata, em trabalhos impressos normalmente uma folha solta inserida manualmente; às vezes uma página encadernada que contém correções por erros no trabalho.
+ FootnotesNotas de rodapé
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Uma coleção de notas que aparecem na parte inferior de uma página.
+ ForewordPrefácio
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.PREFÁCIO
@@ -3833,152 +3833,152 @@ Ao inserir um Prefácio e um Prólogo juntos em seu livro, lembre-se de colocar
Todo livro precisa de um Prefácio? Não.
+ Front MatterPágina Inicial
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Material preliminar ao conteúdo principal de uma publicação, como sumários, dedicatórias, etc.
+ GlossaryGlossário
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Uma lista alfabética dos termos de um campo específico do conhecimento, com as definições destes termos.
+ Half Title PagePágina de título
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.A página de título de um trabalho é uma página que contém apenas o próprio título.
+ ImprimaturPermissão para impressão
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Uma frase formal autorizando a publicação do trabalho.
+ ImprintEstampa
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Informação relacionada à publicação ou distribuição do trabalho.
+ IndexÍndice
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Uma lista detalhada, geralmente organizada em ordem alfabética, contendo informações específicas de uma publicação.
+ IntroductionIntrodução
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Una seção no começo do trabalho, normalmente introduzindo o leitor ao escopo ou natureza do conteúdo do trabalho.
+ List of IllustrationsLista de figuras
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Uma lista das figuras incluídas no trabalho.
+ List of Audio ClipsLista de clipes de áudio
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Uma listagem dos clipes de audio inclusos no trabalho.
+ List of TablesLista de tabelas
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Uma lista das tabelas incluídas no trabalho.
+ List of Video ClipsLista de clipes de vídeo
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Uma listagem dos clipes de vídeo inclusos no trabalho.
+ NotesNotas
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Uma coleção de anotações. Pode ser utilizada para identificar notas de rodapé ou de margem, comentários ou similares, quando for preciso. Estado atual: Descontinuado - Substituído por: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'
+ Other CreditsOutros créditos
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Reconhecimento de partes do trabalho previamente publicadas, creditos das ilustrações e permissões para citações de materiais protegidos por direitos autorais.
+ PreamblePreâmbulo
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentUma seção no começo do trabalho, normalmente contendo texto introdutório e/ou explicativo a respeito do escopo ou natureza do conteúdo do trabalho.
+ PrefacePrefácio
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.O Prólogo se encontra no começo do livro, é o início da história de um livro, ou o meio. Calma vou explicar.
@@ -3991,42 +3991,42 @@ Não se preocupe com o tamanho do prólogo, há livros com prólogos de cinco p
Todo livro precisa de um Prólogo? Não.
+ ProloguePrólogo
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Uma seção introdutória que estabelece um plano de fundo para uma história, normalmente parte da narrativa.
+ Rear NotesNotas de fim
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Uma seleção de notas que vêm no fim do trabalho (informações adicionais) ou no final se uma seção.
+ Title PagePágina de Título
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Uma página no começo do livro contento o título da obra, seus autores, a editora e outras informações como data, local, etc.
+ Table of ContentsSumário
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Um sumário contendo os títulos das seções de um documento, organizados por ordem de aparição. Normalmente aparece no início da obra, ou no início de uma seção.
@@ -4258,67 +4258,67 @@ Você pode marcar ou desmarcar cabeçalhos individualmente na lista acima.Tamanho da miniatura:
+ NameNome
+ File Size (KB)Tamanho do Arquivo(KB)
+ Times UsedTodas de Vezes Usado
+ WidthLargura
+ HeightAltura
+ PixelsPixels
+ ColorCor
+ ImageImagem
+ %n file(s)%n arquivo%n arquivo(s)%n arquivo(s)
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileSalvar relatório como CSV
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Não foi possível salvar relatório.
+ Delete From BookDeletar Do Livro
@@ -4718,212 +4718,212 @@ Deseja salvar as alterações?
+ AcknowledgmentsAgradecimentos
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Um pequeno texto expressando agradecimento aos entes envolvidos na produção de sua obra.
+ AfterwordPosfácio
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Uma declaração de encerramento do autor ou de uma pessoa importante para a história, geralmente fornecendo informações sobre como a história passou a ser escrita, seu significado ou eventos relacionados que ocorreram desde a sua linha do tempo.
+ AnnotationAnotação
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedInformações explicativas sobre passagens no trabalho. Estado: Depreciado
+ AppendixApêndice
+ Supplemental information.Informação suplementar.
+ AssessmentAvaliação
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Um teste, enquete ou outra atividade que ajuda a medir a compreensão de um aluno sobre o que está sendo ensinado.
+ Back MatterMatéria Pós Textual
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Material auxiliar que ocorre após o conteúdo principal de uma publicação, como índices, apêndices etc.
+ BibliographyBibliografia
+ A list of works cited.Uma lista das palavras citadas.
+ Body MatterCorpo Principal da Obra
+ The main content of a publication.O conteúdo principal de uma publicação.
+ ChapterCapítulo
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Uma divisão estrutural importante de uma peça de escrita.
+ ColophonColofão
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Uma breve descrição geralmente localizada no final de uma publicação, descrevendo as notas de produção relevantes para a edição.
+ ConclusionConclusão
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Uma seção final que normalmente encerra o trabalho.
+ ContributorsContribuidores
+ A list of contributors to the work.Uma lista de colaboradores para o trabalho.
+ Copyright PagePágina de Direitos Autorais.
+ The copyright page of the work.A página de direitos autorais do trabalho.
+ CoverCapa
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.A(s) capa(s) da publicação, informações da capa, etc.
+ DedicationDedicatória
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Uma inscrição endereçada a uma ou várias pessoas específicas.
+ DivisionDivisão
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Uma divisão estrutural importante que também pode aparecer como uma subestrutura de uma peça (especialmente na legislação).
+ EpigraphEpígrafe
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Uma citação que é pertinente, mas não integral ao texto.
+ EpilogueEpílogo
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Uma seção final tipicamente escrita a partir de um momento posterior à história principal, embora ainda faça parte da narrativa.
+ ErrataErrata
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Publicação errata, em trabalhos impressos normalmente uma folha solta inserida manualmente; às vezes uma página encadernada que contém correções por erros no trabalho.
+ FootnotesNotas de rodapé
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Uma coleção de notas que aparecem na parte inferior de uma página.
+ ForewordPrefácio
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.PREFÁCIO
@@ -4940,182 +4940,182 @@ Ao inserir um Prefácio e um Prólogo juntos em seu livro, lembre-se de colocar
Todo livro precisa de um Prefácio? Não.
+ Front MatterPágina Inicial
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Material preliminar ao conteúdo principal de uma publicação, como sumários, dedicatórias, etc.
+ GlossaryGlossário
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Uma lista alfabética dos termos de um campo específico do conhecimento, com as definições destes termos.
+ Half Title PagePágina de título
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.A página de título de um trabalho é uma página que contém apenas o próprio título.
+ ImprimaturPermissão para impressão
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Uma frase formal autorizando a publicação do trabalho.
+ ImprintEstampa
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Informação relacionada à publicação ou distribuição do trabalho.
+ IndexÍndice
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Uma lista detalhada, geralmente organizada em ordem alfabética, contendo informações específicas de uma publicação.
+ IntroductionIntrodução
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Uma seção no começo do trabalho, normalmente introduzindo o leitor ao escopo ou natureza do conteúdo do trabalho.
+ LandmarksPontos de referência
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationColeção de referências para itens conhecidos ou recorrentes na publicação
+ List of Audio ClipsLista de clipes de áudio
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Uma listagem dos clipes de audio inclusos no trabalho.
+ List of IllustrationsLista de figuras
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Uma lista das figuras incluídas no trabalho.
+ List of TablesLista de tabelas
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Uma lista das tabelas incluídas no trabalho.
+ List of Video ClipsLista de clipes de vídeo
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Uma listagem dos clipes de vídeo inclusos no trabalho.
+ NoticeAviso
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Informação que requer atenção especial e não deve ser ignorada ou suprimida. Exemplos: alerta, aviso, cautela, perigo, importante.
+ Other CreditsOutros créditos
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Reconhecimento de partes do trabalho previamente publicadas, creditos das ilustrações e permissões para citações de materiais protegidos por direitos autorais.
+ Page ListLista de paginas
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookUma lista de referências para quebra de pagina (inícios) da versão impressa do livro
+ PartParte
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Uma grande divisão estrutural de uma peça de redação, tipicamente encapsulando um conjunto de capítulos relacionados.
+ PreamblePreâmbulo
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentUma seção no começo do trabalho, normalmente contendo texto introdutório e/ou explicativo a respeito do escopo ou natureza do conteúdo do trabalho.
+ PrefacePrefácio
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.O Prólogo se encontra no começo do livro, é o início da história de um livro, ou o meio. Calma vou explicar.
@@ -5128,92 +5128,92 @@ Não se preocupe com o tamanho do prólogo, há livros com prólogos de cinco p
Todo livro precisa de um Prólogo? Não.
+ ProloguePrólogo
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Uma seção introdutória que estabelece um plano de fundo para uma história, normalmente parte da narrativa.
+ Questions and AnswersPerguntas e Respostas
+ A question and answer section.Uma seção de perguntas e respostas.
+ Rear NotesNotas de fim
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Uma seleção de notas que vêm no fim do trabalho (informações adicionais) ou no final se uma seção.
+ Revision HistoryRevisão Histórica
+ A record of changes made to a work.Um histórico de alterações feitas em um trabalho.
+ SubchapterSubcapítulo
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Uma subdivisão principal de um capítulo.
+ Title PagePágina de Título
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Uma página no começo do livro contento o título da obra, seus autores, a editora e outras informações como data, local, etc.
+ Table of ContentsSumário
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Um sumário contendo os títulos das seções de um documento, organizados por ordem de aparição. Normalmente aparece no início da obra, ou no início de uma seção.
+ VolumeVolume
+ A component of a collection.Um componente de uma coleção.
+ WarningCuidado
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Um aviso ou advertência sobre material específico. Estado: Descontinuado - Substituído por "informação".
@@ -8511,14 +8511,13 @@ Folhas de estilos que são listadas primeiro tem precedência sobre as demais.
- Plugins
- Extensões
+ &Plugins
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
- Pontos de verificação
+ Chec&kpoints
+ Pontos de &Verificação
@@ -8536,6 +8535,11 @@ Folhas de estilos que são listadas primeiro tem precedência sobre as demais.
Add ExistingAdicione Existente
+ Checkpoints
+ Pontos de verificação
+ Index
@@ -10908,6 +10912,31 @@ Folhas de estilos que são listadas primeiro tem precedência sobre as demais.
Show Log of CheckpointsMostrar log de Pontos de verificação
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Foco na Visualização de Código
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Foco no Navegador de Livro
+ Focus on Preview
+ Foco na Pré-Visualização
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Foco no Sumário
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Foco na janela de Recortes
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -11022,37 +11051,37 @@ Folhas de estilos que são listadas primeiro tem precedência sobre as demais.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11073,17 +11102,17 @@ Essa ação não poderá ser desfeita.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [padrão]
@@ -11331,356 +11360,356 @@ Essa ação não poderá ser desfeita.
Imagem não existe:
+ orou
+ No CSS styles namedNenhum estilo CSS nomeado
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.encontrado, ou folha de estilo não linkada.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>O href<b>%1</b> encontrado em <b>%2</b> não existe (e pode haver mais). Dividir ou mesclar sobre essas condições pode resultar em links quebrados.</p><p>Você ainda deseja prosseguir?</p></html>
+ Add CoverInserir capa
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Foi encontrado um arquivo de capa.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Ocorreu um erro inesperado. Apenas arquivos de imagem podem ser usados como capa.
+ Cover added.Capa adicionada.
+ Not Available for epub2.Não disponível para epub2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.Propriedades do Manifesto OPF atualizadas.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX e Guia removido.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.Falha na geração do NCX e do Guia.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX e Guia gerados com sucesso.
+ An existing Index file has been found.Um arquivo de índice foi encontrado.
+ Styles deleted.Estilo deletado.
+ Reports Being Generated.Os relatórios estão sendo gerados.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Relatórios cancelados devido a XML malformado.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Exclusão de arquivos de mídia cancelados devido ao XML estar malformado.
+ Unused media files deleted.Arquivos de mídia não usados excluídos.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Não existem arquivos de imagem, vídeo ou áudio não usados para excluir.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Deleta Estilos Cancelados Não-utilizados devido a XML mal formatado.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.Não existem marcadores de folha de estilos não utilizados para apagar.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Você não pode inserir um arquivo nesta posição.
+ Insert FileInserir arquivo
+ The file "%1" does not exist.O arquivo "%1" não existe.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Você não pode inserir um id nesta posição
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ID inválida - deve iniciar com letra, seguida de número _ : - ou .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Você não pode inserir um link nesta posição.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'O link é inválido - não pode conter '<' ou '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Não é possível marcar uma posição do índice neste posição ou sem texto selecionado.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Entrada inválida - não pode conter '<' ou '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Não é possível marcar um índice nesta posição.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Selecionar o destino para colar em primeiro lugar.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Entrada recorte de %1 colada.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Apenas uma fonte selecionada e não há outras que a antecedam para mesclar.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Tem certeza que deseja unir os arquivos selecionados?
Esta ação não pode ser desfeita.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Mesclagem cancelada: os arquivos XHTML envolvidos na mesclagem não estão bem formados.
+ Cannot merge file %1Não foi possível fundir o arquivo %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Fusão completa. Pode ser necessário regerar ou criar seu Sumário.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Link de Folhas de Estilo cancelado: %1, XML mal formatado
+ Word updated.Palavra atualizada.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Links Javascripts cancelados: %1, XML não está bem formado.
+ File(s) deleted.Arquivo(s) deletado(s).
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Edição do Sumário cancelada.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Sumário editado.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Criação de TOC cancelada.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Sumário gerado.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Não foram necessárias alterações no Sumário.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.Um arquivo HTML de Sumário foi encontrado.
+ Text selection marked.Seleção de texto marcada.
+ Text selection unmarked.Seleção de texto desmarcada.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Editor de metadados cancelado.
+ Metadata edited.Metadado editado.
+ RunPluginExecutar extensão
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Este EPUB não contém nenhuma Folha de Estilos para ser validada.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Este EPUB não tem folhas de estilo CSS para reformatar.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Linha: %1, Col: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.O arquivo não pode ser dividido nesta posição.
+ Split completed.Divisão completa.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Impossível separar devido a existência de arquivo não HTML.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedNão foi possível separar: %1 XML não está formatado corretamente
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Não foi possível separar devido a existência de arquivo não HTML.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Divisão completada. Pode ser necessário atualizar o Sumário.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Nenhuma marca de divisão encontrada. Utilize Inserir -> Marca de Divisão.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?The document has been modified.
Você quer salvar as alterações?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?O Sigil pode sobrescrever este arquivo?
+ No importer for file type: %1Sem importador para arquivo do tipo: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11693,113 +11722,143 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Tente configurar as preferências de Fonte de Limpeza para reparar o código XHTML ou abrir e recarregar o arquivo.
+ Loading file...Carregando arquivo...
+ File loaded.Arquivo carregado.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.O criador deste arquivo foi criptografado com DRM. Sigilo não pode abrir esses arquivos.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Não foi possível carregar EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Não foi possivel ler o arquivo %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Salvando EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.O Sigil não pode salvar arquivos do tipo "%1".
Por favor, escolha um formato diferente.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- Este EPUB possui arquivos HTML que estão malformados e a suas preferências de fonte de limpeza estão configuradas para reparar e salvar automaticamente. Salvar um arquivo malformado fará com que ele seja consertado de forma automática, o que muito raramente pode resultar em alguma perda de dado.
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Este EPUB tem arquivos HTML que não estão bem formatados e as suas preferências atuais de Fonte Limpo estão configuradas para corrigir ao Salvar.
-Você deseja reparar automaticamente os arquivos antes de salvá-los?
+Deseja corrigir automaticamente os arquivos antes de salvar? Ou cancelar o salvamento?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ Salvamento do EPUB... cancelado
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB salvo, contudo, alguns arquivos HTML estão malformados.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB salvo.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Não pode ser gravado o arquivo %1:%2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)Arquivo EPUB (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)Arquivo HTML (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Arquivo de Texto (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Todos os arquivos (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)Arquivo EPUB (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Preservar os atributos de títulos existentes está agora:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Foco alterado par a janela de Visualização de Código.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Foco alterado para a janela de Navegador de Livro.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Foco alterado para a janela de Pré-Visualização.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Foco alterado para a janela de Sumário.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ Foco alterado para a janela de Recortes.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15647,12 +15706,12 @@ Você deseja reparar automaticamente os arquivos antes de salvá-los?
+ [Title here][Título aqui]
+ [Main title here][Título principal aqui]
@@ -16281,128 +16340,128 @@ Você deseja reparar automaticamente os arquivos antes de salvá-los?Status: executando
+ Launcher process crashedProcesso do lançador finalizado com erro
+ Status: finishedStatus: finalizado
+ Status: failedStatus: falhou
+ Status: No Changes MadeStatus: sem alterações realizadas
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesErro: Extensão tentou remover o último arquivo XHTML .. cancelando mudanças
+ Status:Status:
+ Plugin failed to startFalha ao inicializar extensão
+ Status: errorStatus: erro
+ Plugin cancelledExtensão cancelada
+ Status: cancelledStatus: cancelado
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Erro na análise do XML resultante:
+ Status: checkingStatus: verificando
+ Incorrect XHTML:XHTML incorreto:
+ Line/ColLinha/coluna
+ Check ReportVerificar relatório
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Arquivo XHTML/XML incorreto detectado
Tem certeza que deseja continuar?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesStatus: limpando - excluindo arquivos
+ Status: deletingStatus: excluindo
+ Status: LoadingStatus: carregando
+ Input PluginExtensão de entrada
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedSeu livro atual será substituído, perdendo qualquer alteração não salva ... Está certo de que deseja prosseguir?
+ Status: addingStatus: adicionando
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesStatus: limpando - modificando arquivos
+ Status: modifyingStatus: modificando
@@ -16679,43 +16738,43 @@ Entidades podem ser separadas por linhas, vírgulas ou espaços em branco.
+ PreviewPré-Visualizar
+ Inspect PageInspecionar página
+ Select-AllSelecionar Tudo
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardCopiar seleção para a Área de transferência
+ Update Preview WindowAtualizar a Janela de Pré-visualização
+ Cycle Custom CSS FilesAlternar arquivos CSS personalizados
+ Print Preview ViewPré-visualizar Impressão
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xRecurso não disponível antes da versão Qt5.12.x
@@ -16875,7 +16934,7 @@ Linha: %1 Coluna %2 - %3
O arquivo OPF não contém um arquivo NCX.
+ Adding Existing Files..Adicionando arquivos existentes...
@@ -16905,19 +16964,19 @@ Linha: %1 Coluna %2 - %3
<p>Um nova versão do Sigil está disponível, versão <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Deseja acessar a página de download?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Não é possível ler o arquivo %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil encontrou um problema.
+ Sigil may need to close.Pode ser que o Sigil necessite ser fechado.
@@ -16943,28 +17002,28 @@ Linha: %1 Coluna %2 - %3
Arquivo NCX inválido: %1
+ QuitSair
+ AboutSobre
+ PreferencesPreferências
+ NewNovo
+ OpenAbrir
@@ -19046,32 +19105,32 @@ your book and automatically insert into your document.
+ Files In the BookArquivos no Livro
+ ThumbnailsMiniaturas
+ shadessombras
+ colorscores
+ GrayscaleTons de Cinza
+ ColorCor
@@ -19647,17 +19706,17 @@ Use se você editar qualquer arquivo HTML enquanto o Verificador ortográfico es
+ The file "%1" does not exist.O arquivo "%1" não existe.
+ Collapse AllFechar Todos
+ Expand AllExpandir Tudo
@@ -19673,12 +19732,12 @@ Use se você editar qualquer arquivo HTML enquanto o Verificador ortográfico es
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ru.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ru.ts
index 684607150d..e09807630a 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ru.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_ru.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ Open WithОткрыть с помощью
+ %n file(s)%n файл%n файла%n файлов%n файлов
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Вы уверены, что хотите сортировать выбранные файлы по алфавиту и порядку чисел?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Это действие нельзя будет отменить.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Файл «%1» не существует.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Javascript не поддерживается в epub2.
+ Add Existing FilesДобавить существующие файлы
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
Нажмите ОК чтобы заменить.
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Не удалось удалить или заменить файл «%1».
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Файл с таким именем уже есть в книге.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ File(s) added or replaced.Файл(ы) добавлены или заменены.
+ Save As FileСохранить как файл
+ Unable to save the file.Не удалось сохранить этот файл.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toВыберите папку для сохранения файлов на
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Один или несколько файлов уже существуют. Нажмите OK, чтобы заменить.
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Невозможно сохранить файлы. Конечный объект может быть каталогом.
+ Unable to save files.Невозможно сохранить файлы.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Невозможно переименовать файлы, так как это приведёт к дублированию имён файлов.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"У папки назначения недопустимый путь «%1»
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Невозможно переместить файлы, так как это приведёт к дублированию имён файлов.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Невозможно удалить документ Nav.
+ The NCX can not be removed.NCX не может быть удалён.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.OPF требуется для EPUB и не может быть удалён.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Вы не можете удалить все файлы HTML.
Должен остаться хотя бы один.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Невозможно установить файл как изображение обложки.
+ Select AllВыделить всё
+ Add Blank HTML FileДобавить пустой файл HTML
+ Add Blank StylesheetДобавить пустой файл CSS
+ Add Blank JavascriptДобавить пустой Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG ImageДобавить пустое изображение SVG
+ Add Existing Files...Добавить существующие файлы…
+ Add CopyДобавить копию
+ RenameПереименовать
+ RegEx RenameПереименовать RegEx
+ MoveПереместить
+ DeleteУдалить
+ Cover ImageИзображение обложки
+ MergeОбъединить
+ NoneНе использовать
+ Use Adobe's MethodМетод Adobe
+ Use IDPF's MethodМетод IDPF
+ SortСортировать
+ Renumber TOC EntriesПеренумеровать элементы TOC
+ Link Stylesheets...Связать с таблицей стилей...
+ Link Javascripts...Ссылка на Javascript...
+ Add Semantics...Добавить семантику...
+ Validate with W3CПроверить с помощью W3C
+ Save AsСохранить как
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Объединение с предыдущим файлом или нескольких файлов в один.
+ Rename selected file(s)Переименовать выбранные файлы
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Используйте регулярные выражения для переименования выбранных файлов
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderПереместить выбранный файл(ы) в новую папку
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Связать с таблицей стилей в выбранных файлах.
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Связать Javascript с выбранными файлами.
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Добавить семантику в выбранные файлы.
+ Other ApplicationДругое приложение
@@ -1778,12 +1778,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Collapse AllСвернуть всё
+ Expand AllРазвернуть всё
@@ -3654,362 +3654,362 @@ HTML-код.
+ AcknowledgementsБлагодарности
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Отрывок, содержащий благодарности всем вовлечённым в создании книги.
+ AfterwordЗаключение
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Заключительное слово автора или важной для произведения личности, обычно содержит историю создания, значимость событий или раскрывает события выясненные позже.
+ AppendixПриложение
+ Supplemental information.Дополнительная информация.
+ Back MatterПриложения
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Вспомогательные материалы, печатаемые после основного содержания, такие как указатели, приложения и т.п.
+ BibliographyБиблиография
+ A list of works cited.Перечень цитируемых работ.
+ TextТекст
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Начало основного текстового содержания издания.
+ ColophonКолофон
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Краткое описание, обычно находится в конце публикации, содержащие производственные заметки, относящиеся к этому изданию.
+ ConclusionВывод
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Последняя секция, обычно подводящая итоги произведения.
+ ContributorsСоавторы
+ A list of contributors to the work.Список соавторов работы.
+ Copyright PageСтраница авторских прав
+ The copyright page of the work.Страница книги с описанием авторских прав.
+ CoverОбложка
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Обложки изданий, информация на обложках и т.д.
+ DedicationПосвящение
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Надпись, адресуемая одному или нескольким определённым людям.
+ EpilogueЭпилог
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Заключительная часть, обычно описывающая более поздние, чем остальное произведение, события, но всё ещё являющаяся частью повествования.
+ EpigraphЭпиграф
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Цитата, которая уместна, но не является неотъемлемой частью текста.
+ ErrataСписок опечаток
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Обнаруженные ошибки – в печатных работах, обычно, отдельный листок-вкладыш, иногда страница, содержащие исправления в работе.
+ FootnotesСноски
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Множество примечаний внизу страницы.
+ ForewordПредисловие
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Введение, предшествующее работе, но, как правило, написанное не автором произведения.
+ Front MatterВступительная часть
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Предваряющий текст к основному содержимому публикации, такой как оглавление, благодарности и т.п.
+ GlossaryГлоссарий
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Список терминов в алфавитном порядке из определённой области знаний с определениями этих терминов.
+ Half Title PageШмуцтитул
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Шмуцтитул произведения, который содержит только название.
+ ImprimaturРазрешение на издание
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Официальное заявление о разрешении на публикацию работы.
+ ImprintОтпечатано
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Информация, относящаяся к публикации или распространению работы.
+ IndexУказатель
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Подробный список, обычно в алфавитном порядке, конкретной информации содержащейся в публикации.
+ IntroductionВведение
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Раздел в начале работы, обычно вводящий читателя в сферу или характер содержимого произведения.
+ List of IllustrationsСписок иллюстраций
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Список иллюстраций включённых в произведение.
+ List of Audio ClipsСписок аудиодорожек
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Перечень аудиодорожек, включённых в произведение.
+ List of TablesСписок таблиц
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Список таблиц включённых в произведение.
+ List of Video ClipsСписок видео отрывков
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Перечень видео отрывков, включённых в произведение.
+ NotesПримечания
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Коллекция сносок. Может быть использована для сносок внизу страницы, затекстовых, сносок на полях, внутритекстовых и подобных. Статус: нежелательно – заменено на: «footnotes», «rearnotes»
+ Other CreditsИные благодарности
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Благодарности за ранее опубликованные части работы, авторские права на иллюстрации и разрешение на цитирование материалов, защищённых авторским правом.
+ PreambleПреамбула
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentРаздел в начале, обычно содержащий вводный и/или пояснительный текст относительно объёма или характера содержания произведения
+ PrefaceПредисловие автора
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Вводный раздел, предшествующий работе, как правило, написанный автором произведения.
+ PrologueПролог
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Вводный раздел, который описывает предысторию событий, как правило, часть повествования.
+ Rear NotesПриложения, указатели
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Примечания, помещённые в конце (после) произведения, или в конце раздела.
+ Title PageТитульная страница
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Страница в начале книги, включающая её название, имена авторов, издателя и другую информацию публикации.
+ Table of ContentsОглавление
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Оглавление – это список заголовков разделов книги или документа, в порядке их появления в тексте. Обычно указывается в начале работы или раздела.
@@ -4241,67 +4241,67 @@ You can then check or uncheck individual headings in the list above.
Размер миниатюры:
+ NameНазвание
+ File Size (KB)Размер файла (КБ)
+ Times UsedИспользовано
+ WidthШирина
+ HeightВысота
+ PixelsПикселов
+ ColorЦвет
+ ImageИзображение
+ %n file(s)%n файл%n файла%n файлов%n файлов
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileСохранить отчёт как файл с разделителями запятыми
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Не удалось сохранить файл отчёта.
+ Delete From BookУдалить из книги
@@ -4701,482 +4701,482 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ AcknowledgmentsБлагодарности
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Отрывок содержащий благодарности всем вовлечённым в создании книги.
+ AfterwordЗаключение
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Заключительное слово автора или важной для произведения личности, обычно содержит историю создания, значимость событий или раскрывает события выясненные позже.
+ AnnotationАннотация
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedПояснительная информация к отрывкам работы. Статус: устаревшее.
+ AppendixПриложение
+ Supplemental information.Дополнительная информация.
+ AssessmentПроверочная работа
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Контрольная или проверочная работа, или другой род деятельности позволяющий оценить понимание студентом того, чему его обучают.
+ Back MatterПриложения
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Вспомогательные материалы, печатаемые после основного содержания, такие как указатели, приложения и т.п.
+ BibliographyБиблиография
+ A list of works cited.Перечень цитируемых работ.
+ Body MatterОсновной текст
+ The main content of a publication.Основное содержание публикации.
+ ChapterГлава
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Основное структурное подразделение написанного.
+ ColophonКолофон
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Краткое описание, обычно находится в конце публикации, содержащие производственные заметки, относящиеся к этому изданию.
+ ConclusionВывод
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Последняя секция, обычно подводящая итоги произведения.
+ ContributorsСоавторы
+ A list of contributors to the work.Список соавторов работы.
+ Copyright PageСтраница авторских прав
+ The copyright page of the work.Страница книги с описанием авторских прав.
+ CoverОбложка
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Обложка (-и) изданий, информация на обложках и т.д.
+ DedicationПосвящение
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Надпись, адресуемая одному или нескольким определённым людям.
+ DivisionРаздел
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Основная структурная часть, может быть оформлена как подраздел (характерно для нормативно-правовых актов).
+ EpigraphЭпиграф
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Цитата, которая уместна, но не является неотъемлемой частью текста.
+ EpilogueЭпилог
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Заключительная часть, обычно описывающая более поздние, чем остальное произведение, события, но всё ещё являющаяся частью повествования.
+ ErrataСписок опечаток
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Обнаруженные ошибки – в печатных работах, обычно, отдельный листок-вкладыш, иногда страница, содержащие исправления в работе.
+ FootnotesСноски
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Множество примечаний внизу страницы.
+ ForewordПредисловие
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Введение, предшествующее работе, но, как правило, написанное не автором произведения.
+ Front MatterВступительная часть
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Предваряющий текст к основному содержимому публикации, такой как оглавление, благодарности и т.п.
+ GlossaryГлоссарий
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Список терминов в алфавитном порядке из определённой области знаний с определениями этих терминов.
+ Half Title PageШмуцтитул
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Шмуцтитул произведения, который содержит только название.
+ ImprimaturРазрешение на издание
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Официальное заявление о разрешении на публикацию работы.
+ ImprintОтпечатано
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Информация, относящаяся к публикации или распространению работы.
+ IndexУказатель
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Подробный список, обычно в алфавитном порядке, конкретной информации содержащейся в публикации.
+ IntroductionВведение
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Раздел в начале работы, обычно вводящий читателя в сферу или характер содержимого произведения.
+ LandmarksПометки
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationПеречень ссылок на известные или повторяющиеся компоненты в публикации
+ List of Audio ClipsСписок аудиодорожек
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Перечень аудиодорожек, включённых в произведение.
+ List of IllustrationsСписок иллюстраций
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Список иллюстраций, включённых в произведение.
+ List of TablesСписок таблиц
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Список таблиц, включённых в произведение.
+ List of Video ClipsСписок видео отрывков
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Перечень видео отрывков, включённых в произведение.
+ NoticeУведомление
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Информация, требующая особого внимания, которую нельзя пропустить или скрыть. Например: оповещение, предупреждение, предостережение, опасность, важное.
+ Other CreditsИные благодарности
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Благодарности за ранее опубликованные части работы, авторские права на иллюстрации и разрешение на цитирование материалов, защищённых авторским правом.
+ Page ListСписок страниц
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookСписок ссылок на разрывы страниц (местоположения начал) из печатной версии электронной книги
+ PartЧасть
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Основное структурное разделение произведения, обычно включающее набор связанных глав.
+ PreambleПреамбула
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentРаздел в начале, обычно содержащий вводный и/или пояснительный текст относительно объёма или характера содержания произведения
+ PrefaceПредисловие автора
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Вводный раздел, предшествующий работе, как правило, написанный автором произведения.
+ PrologueПролог
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Вводный раздел, который описывает предысторию событий, как правило, часть повествования.
+ Questions and AnswersВопросы и ответы
+ A question and answer section.Секция вопросов и ответов.
+ Rear NotesПриложения, указатели
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Приложения или заметки, помещённые в конце (после) произведения, или в конце раздела.
+ Revision HistoryИстория Изменений
+ A record of changes made to a work.Перечень изменений сделанных в работе.
+ SubchapterПодраздел
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Крупное подразделение главы.
+ Title PageТитульная страница
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Страница в начале книги, включающая её название, имена авторов, издателя и другую информацию публикации.
+ Table of ContentsОглавление
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Оглавление — это список заголовков разделов книги или документа, в порядке их появления в тексте. Обычно указывается в начале работы или раздела.
+ VolumeТом
+ A component of a collection.Элемент коллекции.
+ WarningПредупреждение
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Предупреждение или предостережение об особом содержании. Статус: осуждается — должно быть заменено на «уведомление».
@@ -8474,14 +8474,13 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- Plugins
- Модули
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
- Архивариус
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8499,6 +8498,11 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Add Existing
Добавить существующий
+ Checkpoints
+ Архивариус
+ Index
@@ -10870,6 +10874,31 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Show Log of Checkpoints
Показать журнал Архивариуса
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10984,37 +11013,37 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11035,17 +11064,17 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] – epub%2 – %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11293,356 +11322,356 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
Изображение не существует:
+ orили
+ No CSS styles namedНет названных CSS-стилей
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.найдено, или таблица стилей не связана.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>Указатель <b>%1</b>, найденный в <b>%2</b> не существует (и их может быть больше). Разделение или слияние в таких условиях может привести к нарушению ссылок.</p><p>Вы всё ещё хотите продолжить?</p></html>
+ Add CoverДобавить обложку
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Найден существующий файл обложки.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Непредвиденная ошибка. Только изображение может быть использовано как обложка.
+ Cover added.Обложка добавлена.
+ Not Available for epub2.Недоступно для EPUB 2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.Обновлены свойства манифеста OPF.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX и Guide удалены.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.Ошибка при создании NCX и Guide.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX и Guide созданы.
+ An existing Index file has been found.Найден существующий файл Указателя.
+ Styles deleted.Стили удалены.
+ Reports Being Generated.Создаются Отчёты.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Отчёты отменены из-за ошибок в структуре XML.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Невозможно удалить неиспользуемые изображения из-за ошибок в структуре XML.
+ Unused media files deleted.Неиспользуемые изображения удалены.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Нет неиспользуемых медиафайлов.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Невозможно удалить неиспользуемые стили из-за ошибок в структуре XML.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.Нет неиспользуемых селекторов CSS.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Невозможно вставить сюда файл.
+ Insert FileВставить файл
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Файл «%1» не существует.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Невозможно вставить ID в эту позицию.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ID недействителен – он должен начинаться с буквы, затем следует любое количество букв/цифр/знаков «_», «:», «-» или «.».
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Невозможно вставить сюда ссылку.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Ссылка недействительна — она не должна содержать «<» или «>»
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Вы не можете создать метку Указателя в этом месте или не выделили текст.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Элемент недействителен — он не должен содержать «<» или «>»
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Вы не можете создать метку Указателя в этом месте.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Выберите место для вставки в первую очередь.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Вставленный элемент фрагмента %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Не выбран второй элемент для объединения.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Вы уверены, что хотите объединить выбранные файлы?
Это действие нельзя отменить.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Объединение отменено из-за ошибок в структуре XΗΤML.
+ Cannot merge file %1Нельзя объединить файл %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Объединение завершено. Может потребоваться обновление оглавления.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Ссылка таблицы стилей отменена: %1, ошибки в структуре XML.
+ Word updated.Слово обновлено.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Ссылка на Javascript отменена: %1, ошибки в структуре XML.
+ File(s) deleted.Файлы удалены.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Изменение оглавления отменено.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Оглавление изменено.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Создание оглавления отменено.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Оглавление создано.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Нет необходимых изменений оглавления.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.Найден существующий HTML-файл оглавления.
+ Text selection marked.Выделение отмечено.
+ Text selection unmarked.Отметка снята.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Редактирование метаданных отменено.
+ Metadata edited.Метаданные отредактированы.
+ RunPluginЗапуститьПлагин
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.В этом файле отсутствуют таблицы стилей CSS.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Этот EPUB не содержит таблиц стилей CSS, которые нужно переформатировать.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Строка: %1, Столбец: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Файл невозможно разделить в этой позиции.
+ Split completed.Разделение завершено.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Разделение невозможно, так как выделен не файл HTML.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedНе удаётся разделить файл %1: ошибки в структуре XML
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Не удаётся разделить, поскольку по крайней мере один файл может не быть HTML-файлом.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Разделение завершено. Может потребоваться обновление оглавления.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Не найдено меток разделения файла. Используйте Вставка->Метка разделения.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Этот документ был изменён.
Вы хотите сохранить изменения?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Должен ли Sigil перезаписать этот файл?
+ No importer for file type: %1Нет импортёра для файлового типа: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11656,113 +11685,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
затем перезагрузите файл.
+ Loading file...Загрузка файла...
+ File loaded.Файл загружен.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.Создатель этого файла зашифровал его. Sigil не может открывать такие файлы.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Не удалось загрузить EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Не удалось загрузить файл %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Сохранение файла EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil не может сохранить файлы типа «%1».
Пожалуйста, выберите другой формат.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- В этом EPUB есть HTML-файлы, имеющие ошибки в структуре, а текущие настройки «Clean Source» – автоматическое исправление при сохранении. Сохранение файла с ошибками в структуре приведёт к его автоматическому исправлению, что очень редко может вызвать потерю некоторых данных.
-Вы хотите автоматически исправить файлы перед сохранением?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB сохранён, но некоторые HTML-файлы имеют ошибки в структуре.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB сохранён.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Невозможно сохранить файл %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)Файлы EPUB (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)Файлы HTML (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Текстовые файлы (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Все файлы (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)Файл EPUB (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Сохранить имеющиеся атрибуты заголовков прямо сейчас:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15610,12 +15667,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][Место заголовка]
+ [Main title here][Место для основного заголовка]
@@ -16244,128 +16301,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Состояние: выполнение
+ Launcher process crashedВ процессе запуска произошёл сбой
+ Status: finishedСостояние: завершено
+ Status: failedСостояние: ошибка
+ Status: No Changes MadeСостояние: нет изменений
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesОшибка: подключаемый модуль попытался удалить последний XHTML-файл. Изменения будут отменены.
+ Status:Состояние:
+ Plugin failed to startНе удалось запустить модуль
+ Status: errorСостояние: ошибка
+ Plugin cancelledПодключаемый модуль отменён
+ Status: cancelledСостояние: отменено
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Ошибка при обработке результата XML:
+ Status: checkingСостояние: проверка
+ Incorrect XHTML:Некорректный XHTML:
+ Line/ColСтрока/Столбец
+ Check ReportОтчёт проверки
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Обнаружен неверный XHTML/XML
Вы уверены, что хотите продолжить?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesСостояние: очистка – удаление файлов
+ Status: deletingСостояние: удаление
+ Status: LoadingСостояние: загрузка
+ Input PluginВвод подключаемого модуля
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedТекущая книга будет полностью заменена, возможна потеря всех несохранённых изменений. Вы уверены, что хотите продолжить?
+ Status: addingСостояние: добавление
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesСостояние: очистка — изменение файлов
+ Status: modifyingСостояние: изменение
@@ -16642,43 +16699,43 @@ Entities can be separated by lines, commas, or spaces.
+ PreviewПредпросмотр
+ Inspect PageОбследование Страницы.
+ Select-AllВсё-Выделено
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardКопировать выделенное в буфер обмена
+ Update Preview WindowОбновить окно предпросмотра
+ Cycle Custom CSS FilesСледующий пользовательский CSS-файл
+ Print Preview ViewРежим предпросмотра печати
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xФункция недоступна до Qt5.12.x
@@ -16838,7 +16895,7 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
OPF-файл не содержит NCX-файл.
+ Adding Existing Files..Добавление существующих файлов...
@@ -16868,19 +16925,19 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
<p>Доступна новая версия Sigil — версия <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Вы хотите перейти на страницу загрузки?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Невозможно прочитать файл %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.В Sigil обнаружена проблема.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil может потребоваться закрыть.
@@ -16906,28 +16963,28 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
Недействительный NCX-файл: %1
+ QuitВыход
+ AboutО программе
+ PreferencesНастройки
+ NewСоздать
+ OpenОткрыть
@@ -19009,32 +19066,32 @@ your book and automatically insert into your document.
+ Files In the BookФайлы в книге
+ ThumbnailsМиниатюры
+ shadesоттенки
+ colorsцвета
+ GrayscaleЧ/Б
+ ColorЦветное
@@ -19616,17 +19673,17 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Файл «%1» не существует.
+ Collapse AllСвернуть всё
+ Expand AllРазвернуть всё
@@ -19642,12 +19699,12 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_sr.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_sr.ts
index 48bc168590..03a21e3669 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_sr.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_sr.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ Open WithОтвори помоћу
+ %n file(s)%n фајл%n фајла%n фајлова
+ SigilСигил
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Да ли сте сигурни да желите алфанумерички сортирати изабране фајлове?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Ова акција не може да се поништи.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Фајл "%1" не постоји.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Javascript се не подржава у epub2.
+ Add Existing FilesДодај постојеће фајлове
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
Да га заменим?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Фајл "%1" не може да се обрише или замени.
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Фајл са овим именом већ постоји у књизи.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ File(s) added or replaced.Фајлови су додати или замењени.
+ Save As FileСачувај фајл као
+ Unable to save the file.Не могу да сачувам фајл.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toОдабери фасциклу за чување фајлова
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Један или више фајлова већ постоји. Да их препишем?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Не могу да сачувам фајлове. Одредиште је можда фасцикла.
+ Unable to save files.Не могу да сачувам фајлове.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Не могу да преименујем фајлове јер би то могло да доведе до фајлова са истим именима.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"Циљни фолдер има неисправну путању "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Не могу да преместим фајловејер би то могло да доведе до фајлова са истим именима.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Nav документ не може да се уклони.
+ The NCX can not be removed.NCX не може да се уклони.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.OPF је неопходан за epub и не може да се уклони.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Не можете да уклоните све html фајлове.
Увек мора да постоји макар један.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Не могу да поставим фајл као слику корица.
+ Select AllОдабери све
+ Add Blank HTML FileДодај празан HTML фајл
+ Add Blank StylesheetДодај празан опис стилова
+ Add Blank JavascriptДодај празан Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG ImageДодај празну SVG слику
+ Add Existing Files...Додај постојеће фајлове...
+ Add CopyДодај копију
+ RenameПреименуј
+ RegEx RenameРегизраз преименовање
+ MoveПремештање
+ DeleteОбриши
+ Cover ImageСлика корица
+ MergeСпоји
+ NoneНиједан
+ Use Adobe's MethodКористи Adobe-јев метод
+ Use IDPF's MethodКористи IDPF-ов метод
+ SortСортирај
+ Renumber TOC EntriesРенумериши ставке садржаја
+ Link Stylesheets...Повежи описе стилова
+ Link Javascripts...Повежи Javascript фајлове...
+ Add Semantics...Додај семантику...
+ Validate with W3CПровери исправност са W3C
+ Save AsСачувај као
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Спаја са претходним фајлом, или спаја више фајлова у један.
+ Rename selected file(s)Преименује одабране фајлове
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Користи регуларне изразе за промену имена изабран(ог/их) фајл(а/ова)
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderПремешта изабране фајлове у нови фолдер
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Повезује описе стилова са одабраним фајловима.
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Повезује Javascript фајлове са изабраним фајло(м/вима).
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Додаје семантичко значење одабранима фајловима.
+ Other ApplicationДруга апликација
@@ -1778,12 +1778,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Collapse AllСкупи све
+ Expand AllПрошири све
@@ -3653,362 +3653,362 @@ mended.
+ AcknowledgementsПризнања
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Пасаж који садржи признања ентитетима укљученим у реализацију дела.
+ AfterwordПоговор
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Завршна изјава аутора или особе од важности за причу, која типично даје увид у то како је прича написана, њену важност, или повезане догађаје који су се догодили од када је почео њен временски ток.
+ AppendixДодатак
+ Supplemental information.Додатне информације.
+ Back MatterПозадинска материја
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Допунски материјал који се јавља иза главног садржаја публикације, као што су индекси, додаци, итд.
+ BibliographyБиблиографија
+ A list of works cited.Листа цитираних дела.
+ TextТекст
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Почетак главног текста садржаја публикације
+ ColophonКолофон
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Кратак опис који се обично налази на крају публикацје, описује напомене o изради које се тичу издања.
+ ConclusionЗакључак
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Завршни одељак који типично завршава дело.
+ ContributorsСарадници
+ A list of contributors to the work.Листа сарадника који су допринели делу.
+ Copyright PageСтрана о ауторским правима
+ The copyright page of the work.Страна о ауторским правима дела
+ CoverКорице
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Корица(е) публикације, информације на омоту, итд.
+ DedicationПосвета
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Натпис упућен једној или више одређених особа
+ EpilogueЕпилог
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Завршни одељак који је типично писан касније него главна прича, иако је и даље део нарације.
+ EpigraphЕпиграф
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Навод који се тиче текста, али није његов интегрални део.
+ ErrataЕрата
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Штампарске грешке у публикацији. У штампаном делу, најчешће неувезан лист; понекад и увезана страна која садржи исправке штампарских грешака у делу.
+ FootnotesФусноте
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Колекција белешки која се јавља на дну странице.
+ ForewordУводна реч
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Уводни одељак који претходи делу, обично га није написао сам аутор дела.
+ Front MatterУводна материја
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Материјал који претходи главном садржају публикације, као што су садржај, посвете итд.
+ GlossaryРечник
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Азбучна листа израза у одређеном домену знања, са дефиницијама тих израза.
+ Half Title PageПолунасловна страна
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Полунасловна страна дела која садржи једино сам наслов.
+ ImprimaturИмприматур
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Формална изјава која ауторизује издање дела.
+ ImprintИмпринт
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Информације које се тичу издавања или дистрибуције дела.
+ IndexИндекс
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Детаљна листа специфичних информација у публикацији, обично поређана по азбучном реду.
+ IntroductionУвод
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Одељак на почетку дела који најчешће уводи читаоца у тему или природу садржаја дела.
+ List of IllustrationsЛиста илустрација
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Списак илустрација укључених у дело.
+ List of Audio ClipsЛиста аудио клипова
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Списак аудио клипова укључених у дело.
+ List of TablesЛиста табела
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Списак табела укључених у дело
+ List of Video ClipsЛиста видео клипова
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Списак видеклипова укључених у дело.
+ NotesБелешке
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Скуп белешки. Може да се користи да идентификује фусноте, белешке на крају, белешке на маргинама, белешке у самом тексту и слично када није пожељно да се користе застареле конвенције именовања. Статус: Застарело - Замењено са: "фусноте", "белешке на крају"
+ Other CreditsОстале заслуге
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Признања претходно објављених делова рада, заслуге за илустрације, и дозволе за навођење материјала заштићеног аутосрким правима.
+ PreambleПреамбула
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentОдељак на почетку дела који најчешће садржи уводну и/или објашњујућу прозу која се тиче теме или природе садржаја дела.
+ PrefaceПредговор
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Уводни одељак који претходи делу, обично га је написао сам аутор дела.
+ PrologueПролог
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Уводни одељак који даје позадину приче, обично је део наратива.
+ Rear NotesБелешке на крају
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Колекција белешки која се јавља на крају дела (у позадинској материји), или на крају одељка.
+ Title PageНасловна страна
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Страна на почетку књиге која на којој се наводи њен наслов, аутори, издавач и остале информације о издању.
+ Table of ContentsСадржај
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Садржај, тј. листа наслова или делова књиге или документа, организована у редоследу у којем се појављују. Типично се налази испред главног дела рада, или на почетку одељка.
@@ -4240,67 +4240,67 @@ You can then check or uncheck individual headings in the list above.
Величина сличица:
+ NameИме
+ File Size (KB)Величина фајла (KБ)
+ Times UsedУпотребљено пута
+ WidthШирина
+ HeightВисина
+ PixelsПиксели
+ ColorБоја
+ ImageСлика
+ %n file(s)%n фајл%n фајла%n фајлова
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileСачувај извештај као фајл раздвојен запетама
+ SigilСигил
+ Cannot save report file.Не могу да сачувам фајл извештаја.
+ Delete From BookУклони из књиге
@@ -4700,482 +4700,482 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ AcknowledgmentsПризнања
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Пасаж који садржи признања ентитетима укљученим у реализацију дела.
+ AfterwordПоговор
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Завршна изјава аутора или особе од важности за причу, која типично даје увид у то како је прича написана, њену важност, или повезане догађаје који су се догодили од када је почео њен временски ток.
+ AnnotationБелешка
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedОбјашњујућа инфорамција о пасажима у делу. Статус: Застарело
+ AppendixДодатак
+ Supplemental information.Додатне информације.
+ AssessmentПроцена
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Тест, квиз или нека друга активност која помаже да се оцени учениково разумевање онога што учи.
+ Back MatterПозадинска материја
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Допунски материјал који се јавља иза главног садржаја публикације, као што су индекси, додаци, итд.
+ BibliographyБиблиографија
+ A list of works cited.Листа цитираних дела.
+ Body MatterГлавна материја
+ The main content of a publication.Главни садржај публикације.
+ ChapterПоглавље
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Главна структурална подела писаног дела.
+ ColophonКолофон
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Кратак опис који се обично налази на крају публикацје, описује напомене o изради које се тичу издања.
+ ConclusionЗакључак
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Завршни одељак који типично завршава дело.
+ ContributorsСарадници
+ A list of contributors to the work.Листа сарадника који су допринели делу.
+ Copyright PageСтрана о ауторским правима
+ The copyright page of the work.Страна о ауторским правима дела
+ CoverКорице
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Насловна(е) страна(е) публикације, информације на омоту, итд.
+ DedicationПосвета
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Натпис упућен једној или више одређених особа
+ DivisionПараграф
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Главна структурална подела која такође може да се јави и као подструктура једног дела рада (посебно у законодавству).
+ EpigraphЕпиграф
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Навод који се тиче текста, али није његов интегрални део.
+ EpilogueЕпилог
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Завршни одељак који је типично писан касније него главна прича, иако је и даље део нарације.
+ ErrataЕрата
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Штампарске грешке у публикацији. У штампаном делу, најчешће неувезан лист; понекад и увезана страна која садржи исправке штампарских грешака у делу.
+ FootnotesФусноте
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Колекција белешки која се јавља на дну странице.
+ ForewordПредговор
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Уводни одељак који претходи делу, обично га није написао сам аутор дела.
+ Front MatterУводна материја
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Материјал који претходи главном садржају публикације, као што су садржај, посвете итд.
+ GlossaryРечник
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Азбучна листа израза у одређеном домену знања, са дефиницијама тих израза.
+ Half Title PageПолунасловна страна
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Полунасловна страна дела која садржи једино сам наслов.
+ ImprimaturИмприматур
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Формална изјава која ауторизује издање дела.
+ ImprintИмпринт
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Информације које се тичу издавања или дистрибуције дела.
+ IndexИндекс
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Детаљна листа специфичних информација у публикацији, обично поређана по азбучном реду.
+ IntroductionУвод
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Одељак на почетку дела који најчешће уводи читаоца у тему или природу садржаја дела.
+ LandmarksОријентири
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationКолекција референци на општепознате/понављајуће компоненте у публикацији.
+ List of Audio ClipsЛиста аудио клипова
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Списак аудио клипова укључених у дело.
+ List of IllustrationsЛиста илустрација
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Списак илустрација укључених у дело.
+ List of TablesЛиста табела
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Списак табела укључених у дело
+ List of Video ClipsЛиста видео клипова
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Списак видеклипова укључених у дело.
+ NoticeОбјава
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Информација која захтева посебну пажњу и која не сме да се прескочи или скрајне. На пример: опрез, упозорење, узбуна, опасност, важно.
+ Other CreditsОстале заслуге
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Признања претходно објављених делова рада, заслуге за илустрације, и дозволе за навођење материјала заштићеног аутосрким правима.
+ Page ListЛиста страна
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookЛиста референци на преломе страна (места почетка) у штампаној верзији е-књиге.
+ PartДео
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Главна структурална подела писаног дела, која обично обухвата скуп повезаних поглавља.
+ PreambleПреамбула
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentОдељак на почетку дела који најчешће садржи уводну и/или објашњујућу прозу која се тиче теме или природе садржаја дела.
+ PrefaceПредговор
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Уводни одељак који претходи делу, обично га је написао сам аутор дела.
+ PrologueПролог
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Уводни одељак који даје позадину приче, обично је део наратива.
+ Questions and AnswersПитања и одговори
+ A question and answer section.Одељак питања и одговора.
+ Rear NotesБелешке на крају
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Колекција белешки која се јавља на крају дела (у позадинској материји), или на крају одељка.
+ Revision HistoryИсторија ревизија
+ A record of changes made to a work.Евиденција промена које су урађене на делу.
+ SubchapterПодпоглавље
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Главна подподела поглавља.
+ Title PageНасловна страна
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Страна на почетку књиге која на којој се наводи њен наслов, аутори, издавач и остале информације о издању.
+ Table of ContentsСадржај
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Садржај, тј. листа наслова или делова књиге или документа, организована у редоследу у којем се појављују. Типично се налази испред главног дела рада, или на почетку одељка.
+ VolumeТом
+ A component of a collection.Део колекције.
+ WarningУпозорење
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Упозорење или опрез у вези специфичног материјала. Статус: Превазиђено - Заменити са ’објава’
@@ -8404,12 +8404,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- &Помоћ
+ Помо&ћFor&mat
- Фор&мат
+ Фо&рмат
@@ -8419,7 +8419,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- &Приказ
+ Пр&иказ
@@ -8439,7 +8439,7 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- &Прозор
+ Про&зор
@@ -8473,14 +8473,13 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- Plugins
- Додаци
+ &Plugins
+ &Додаци
- Checkpoints
- Контролни пунктови
+ Chec&kpoints
+ &Контролни пунктови
@@ -8498,6 +8497,11 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Add Existing
Додај постојеће
+ Checkpoints
+ Контролни пунктови
+ Index
@@ -10871,6 +10875,31 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Show Log of Checkpoints
Приказ дневника Контролних пунктова
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Фокус на Приказ кода
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Фокус на Истраживач књиге
+ Focus on Preview
+ Фокус на Преглед
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Фокус на Садржај
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Фокус на прозор Шаблони
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10985,37 +11014,37 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
+ SigilСигил
@@ -11036,17 +11065,17 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Сигил [стд]
@@ -11294,356 +11323,356 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
Слика не постоји:
+ orили
+ No CSS styles namedНије именован ни један CSS стил
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.пронађено, или опис стилова није повезан
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>href <b>%1</b> пронађен на <b>%2</b> не постоји (а можда и више њих). Раздвајање или спајање под овим условима може да доведе до неисправних веза.</p><p>Да ли и даље желите да наставите?</p></html>
+ Add CoverДодај корице...
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Пронађена је постојећа слика омота.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Неочекивана грешка. За корице могу да се користе само фајлови слика.
+ Cover added.Корица је додата.
+ Not Available for epub2.Није доступно за epub2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.Својства OPF манифеста су ажурирана.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX и Водич успешно уклоњени.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.Генерисање NCX и Водича није успело.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX и Водич су успешно је генерисани.
+ An existing Index file has been found.Пронађен је постојећи фајл индекса.
+ Styles deleted.Стилови обрисани.
+ Reports Being Generated.Извештаји се генеришу.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Извештаји су отказани јер XML није добро обликован.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Брисање некоришћених медијских фајлова је отказано јер XML није добро обликован.
+ Unused media files deleted.Некоришћени медијски фајлови су избрисани.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Нема некоришћених фајлова слика, видеа или звука за брисање.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Брисање некоришћених стилова је отказано јер XML није добро обликован.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.Нема некоришћених селектора описа стилова за брисање.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Фајл не можете да уметнете на ову позицију.
+ Insert FileУметни фајл
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Фајл "%1" не постоји.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Не можете да уметнете ид на ову позицију.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ИД није исправан - мора да почне словом које прати број _ : - или .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Не можете да уметнете линк на ову позицију.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Линк је неисправан - не може садржати '<' or '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Не можете да маркирате индекс на овој позицији без обележавања текста.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Ставка је неисправна - не може садржати '<' or '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Не можете да маркирате индекс на овој позицији.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Одаберите прво дестинацију за налепи.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Налепљена ставка шаблона %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Изабран је један ресурс а нема претходних ресура са којим би требало да се споји.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Да ли сте сигурни да желите да спојите одабране фајлове?
Резултат ове радња не може да се поништи.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Спајање отказано: XHTML фајлови који се спајају нису добро обликовани.
+ Cannot merge file %1Фајл %1 не може да се споји
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Спајање завршено. Можда ћете морати да регенеришете или уредите садржај.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Линк стила је оштећен: %1, XML није добро формиран.
+ Word updated.Реч је ажурирана.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Повезивање Javascript фајлова је оказано: %1, XML није добро обликован.
+ File(s) deleted.Фајл(ови) је/су обрисан(и).
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Измена садржаја је отказана.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Садржај је измењен.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Генерисање садржаја отказано.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Садржај је генерисан.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Није било неопходно да се промени садржај.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.Пронађен је постојећи HTML садржај.
+ Text selection marked.Избор текста је означен.
+ Text selection unmarked.Избор текста је одзначен.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Едитор метаподатака је отказан.
+ Metadata edited.Метаподаци су измењени.
+ RunPluginПокрени Додатaк
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Овај EPUB не садржи било какав CSS стил за потврђивање.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Овај EPUB не садржи ниједну CSS листу стилова која може да се реформатира.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Лин: %1, Кол: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Фајл не може да се раздвоји на овој позицији.
+ Split completed.Раздвајање је завршено.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Раздвајање је немогуће јер бар један фајл није HTML фајл.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedРаздвајање је немогуће: %1 XML није добро обликован
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Раздвајање је немогуће јер бар један фајл можда није HTML фајл.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Дељење је завршено. Можда ћете морати да ажурирате садржај.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Није пронађен ниједан маркер за раздвајање фајла. Употребите Уметање->Маркер за раздвајање.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Документ је измењен.
Да ли желите да сачувате промене?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Да ли да Сигил препише овај фајл?
+ No importer for file type: %1Нема увозника за тип фајла: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11656,113 +11685,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Покушајте да поставите подешавање параметра Пречисти изворни код на Поправи XHTML изворни код приликом отварања и поновног учитавања.
+ Loading file...Учитавање фајла...
+ File loaded.Фајл је учитан.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.Творац је шифровао овај фајл користећи DRM. Сигил не може да отвори такве фајлове.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Не могу учитати EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Не могу да учитам фајл %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Чување EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Сигил не може да сачува фајлове типа "%1".
Молимо одаберите другачији формат.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- Овај EPUB садржи HTML фајлове који нису добро обликовани и ваша тренутна подешавања параметара Пречисти изворни код су постављена на аутоматско поправљање приликом чувања. Чување фајла који није добро обликован ће покренути аутоматску поправку, што изузетно ретко може да доведе до губитка мало података.
-Да ли желите аутоматски да поправите фајлове пре чувања?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB је сачуван, али нису сви HTML фајлови добро формирани.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB сачуван.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Не могу да сачувам фајл %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)EPUB фајлови (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTML фајлови (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Текстуални фајлови (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Сви фајлови (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)EPUB фајл (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Задржи постојеће атрибуте је тренутно:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Фокус се померио на прозор Приказ кода
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Фокус се померио на прозор Истраживач књиге
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Фокус се померио на прозор Преглед
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Фокус се померио на прозор Садржај
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ Фокус се померио на прозор Шаблони
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15610,12 +15667,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][Овде иде наслов]
+ [Main title here][Овде иде главни наслов]
@@ -16244,128 +16301,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Статус: извршавање
+ Launcher process crashedПроцес покретања је срушен
+ Status: finishedСтатус: завршено
+ Status: failedСтатус: неуспешно
+ Status: No Changes MadeСтатус: Нису извршене промене
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesГрешка: Додатак је покушао да уклони последњи XHTML фајл... измене се прекидају.
+ Status:Статус:
+ Plugin failed to startНеуспео старт додатка
+ Status: errorСтатус: грешка
+ Plugin cancelledДодатак је отказан
+ Status: cancelledСтатус: отказано
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Грешка код парсирања резултујућег XML:
+ Status: checkingСтатус: проверавање
+ Incorrect XHTML:Неисправан XHTML:
+ Line/ColЛин/Кол
+ Check ReportПровера извештаја
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Детектован је неисправан XHTML/XML
Да ли сте сигурни да желите да наставите?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesСтатус: чишћење - брисање фајлова
+ Status: deletingСтатус: брисање
+ Status: LoadingСтатус: Учитавање
+ Input PluginУлазни додатак
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedВаша текућа књига ће бити потпуно замењена и све несачуване промене изгубљене ... Да ли сте сигурни да желите да наставите
+ Status: addingСтатус: додавање
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesСтатус: чишћење - измена фајлова
+ Status: modifyingСтатус: измена
@@ -16642,43 +16699,43 @@ Entities can be separated by lines, commas, or spaces.
+ PreviewПреглед
+ Inspect PageПрегледај Страницу
+ Select-AllИзабери-Све
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardКопирај избор у Клипборд
+ Update Preview WindowОсвежи Прозор за Преглед
+ Cycle Custom CSS FilesКружи по прилагођеним CSS фајловима
+ Print Preview ViewПоглед прегледа пре штампе
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xМогућност није доступна пре Qt5.12.x
@@ -16838,7 +16895,7 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
OPF фајл не садржи NCX фајл.
+ Adding Existing Files..Додавање постојећих фајлова...
@@ -16868,19 +16925,19 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
<p>Доступна је новија верзија програма Сигил, верзија <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Да ли желите да идете на страну за преузимање?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Фајл %1 не може да се прочита:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Сигил је наишао на проблем.
+ Sigil may need to close.Сигил можда мора да се затвори.
@@ -16906,28 +16963,28 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
Неважећи NCX фајл: %1
+ QuitНапуштање
+ AboutО програму
+ PreferencesПодешавања
+ NewНово
+ OpenОтварања
@@ -19010,32 +19067,32 @@ your book and automatically insert into your document.
+ Files In the BookФајлови у књизи
+ ThumbnailsСличице
+ shadesсенке
+ colorsбоје
+ GrayscaleЦрно-бело
+ ColorБоја
@@ -19620,17 +19677,17 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Фајл "%1" не постоји.
+ Collapse AllСкупи све
+ Expand AllПрошири све
@@ -19646,12 +19703,12 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ SigilСигил
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_sv.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_sv.ts
index 33c3e9d315..c7c8116435 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_sv.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_sv.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ om ingen sans-serif-teckensnittsfamilj anges i din CSS
+ Open WithÖppna med
+ %n file(s)%n fil%n filer
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Är du säker på att du vill sortera de valda filerna alfanumeriskt?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Denna åtgärd kan inte ångras.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Filen "%1" finns inte.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.
+ Add Existing FilesLägg till befintliga filer
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ om ingen sans-serif-teckensnittsfamilj anges i din CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ om ingen sans-serif-teckensnittsfamilj anges i din CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
Ok för att ersätta?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Det går inte att radera eller ersätta filen "%1".
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
En fil med det här namnet finns redan i boken.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,237 +979,237 @@ En fil med det här namnet finns redan i boken.
+ File(s) added or replaced.
+ Save As FileSpara som fil
+ Unable to save the file.Det går inte att spara filen.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toVälj mapp att spara filer till
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?En eller flera filer finns redan. Okej att skriva över?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Det går inte att spara filer. Destination kan vara en mapp.
+ Unable to save files.Det går inte att spara filer.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Det går inte att byta namn på filer eftersom detta skulle resultera i dubbla filnamn.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"Målmappen har ogiltig sökväg "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Det går inte att flytta filer eftersom detta skulle resultera i dubbla filnamn.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Nav-dokumentet kan inte tas bort.
+ The NCX can not be removed.NCX kan inte tas bort.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.OPF krävs för EPUB och kan inte tas bort.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Du kan inte ta bort alla html-filer.
Det måste alltid finnas minst en.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Det går inte att ställa in filen som omslagsbild.
+ Select AllVälj alla
+ Add Blank HTML FileLägg till en tom HTML-fil
+ Add Blank StylesheetLägg till tom formatmall
+ Add Blank Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG ImageLägg till tom SVG-bild
+ Add Existing Files...Lägg till befintliga filer...
+ Add CopyLägg till kopia
+ RenameByt namn
+ RegEx Rename
+ MoveFlytta
+ DeleteTa bort
+ Cover ImageOmslagsbild
+ MergeSammanfoga
+ NoneIngen
+ Use Adobe's MethodAnvänd Adobes metod
+ Use IDPF's MethodAnvänd IDPF:s metod
+ SortSortera
+ Renumber TOC EntriesNumrera om innehållsförteckning
+ Link Stylesheets...Länka formatmallar...
+ Link Javascripts...
+ Add Semantics...Lägg till semantik...
+ Validate with W3CValidera med W3C
+ Save AsSpara som
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Sammanfoga med föregående fil, eller sammanfoga flera filer till en.
+ Rename selected file(s)Byt namn på vald fil(er)
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Använd reguljära uttryck för att byta namn på vald fil/valda filer
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderFlytta vald fil/valda filer till en ny mapp
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Länka formatmallar till markerad fil/markerade filer.
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Lägg till semantik till vald(a) fil(er).
+ Other ApplicationAndra program
@@ -1780,12 +1780,12 @@ Vill du spara dina ändringar?
+ Collapse AllKollapsa alla
+ Expand AllExpandera alla
@@ -3633,362 +3633,362 @@ mended.
+ AcknowledgementsBekräftelse
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.En passage som innehåller bekräftelser till enheter som är involverade i förverkligandet av arbetet.
+ AfterwordEfterord
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.En avslutande uttalande från författaren eller en person av betydelse för berättelsen, vanligtvis ger insikt i hur berättelsen kom att skrivas, dess betydelse eller relaterade händelser som har framkommit sedan dess tidslinje.
+ AppendixAppendix
+ Supplemental information.Kompletterande information.
+ Back MatterBaksida
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Tillhörande material som förekommer efter huvudinnehållet i en publikation, t.ex. index, bilagor o.s.v.
+ BibliographyBibliografi
+ A list of works cited.En lista över citerade verk.
+ TextText
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Början av huvudtextinnehållet i en publikation.
+ ColophonKolofon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.En kort beskrivning som vanligtvis finns i slutet av en publikation, beskriver produktionsnoteringar som är relevanta för upplagan.
+ ConclusionSlutsats
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.En slutsektion som vanligtvis sveper upp arbetet.
+ ContributorsBidragsgivare
+ A list of contributors to the work.En lista över bidragsgivare till arbetet.
+ Copyright PageUpphovsrättssida
+ The copyright page of the work.Arbetets upphovsrättssida.
+ CoverOmslag
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.
+ DedicationEngagemang
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).En inskription adresserad till en eller flera särskilda personer.
+ EpilogueEpilog
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.En avslutande sektion som vanligtvis skrivs från en senare tidpunkt än huvudhistorien, men fortfarande en del av berättelsen.
+ EpigraphInskrift
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.En citat som är relevant men inte integrerad i texten.
+ ErrataRättelse
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Publiceringsrättelse, i tryckta verk infogas vanligtvis ett löst ark för hand; ibland en bunden sida som innehåller korrigeringar för misstag i arbetet.
+ FootnotesFotnoter
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.En samling anteckningar som visas längst ner på en sida.
+ ForewordFörord
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Ett inledande avsnitt som föregår arbetet, vanligtvis inte skrivet av arbetets författare.
+ Front MatterFrämre material
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Preliminärt material till huvudinnehållet i en publikation, till exempel innehållsförteckningar, dedikationer o.s.v.
+ GlossaryOrdlista
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.En alfabetisk förteckning över termer inom ett visst kunskapsområde, med definitionerna för dessa termer.
+ Half Title PageHalv titelsida
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Halvtitelsidan av arbetet som bär bara titeln själv.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Ett formellt uttalande som godkänner publiceringen av arbetet.
+ ImprintAvtryck
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Information om publiceringen eller distribution av arbetet.
+ IndexIndex
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.En detaljerad förteckning, vanligtvis ordnad alfabetiskt, av den specifika informationen i en publikation.
+ IntroductionIntroduktion
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Ett avsnitt i början av arbetet, som vanligtvis introducerar läsaren till omfattningen eller arten av arbetets innehåll.
+ List of IllustrationsFörteckning över illustrationer
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.En förteckning över illustrationer som ingår i arbetet.
+ List of Audio ClipsFörteckning över ljudklipp
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.En förteckning över ljudklipp som ingår i arbetet.
+ List of TablesFörteckning över tabeller
+ A listing of tables included in the work.En förteckning över tabeller som ingår i arbetet.
+ List of Video ClipsFörteckning över videoklipp
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.En lista över videoklipp som ingår i arbetet.
+ NotesAnteckningar
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'
+ Other CreditsAndra erkännanden
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Bekräftelse av tidigare publicerade delar av verket, illustrationserkännanden och tillstånd att citera från upphovsrättsskyddat material.
+ PreambleIngress
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentEtt avsnitt i början av arbetet, som vanligtvis innehåller inledande och/eller förklarande prosa om omfattningen eller arten av arbetets innehåll
+ PrefaceFörord
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.En inledande sektion som föregår arbetet, vanligtvis skrivet av arbetets författare.
+ PrologueProlog
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.En inledande sektion som sätter bakgrunden till en berättelse, vanligtvis en del av berättelsen.
+ Rear NotesBakanteckningar
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.En samling anteckningar som visas på baksidan (backmatter) av arbetet, eller i slutet av en sektion.
+ Title PageTitelsida
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.En sida i början av en bok som ger sin titel, författare, utgivare och annan publikationsinformation.
+ Table of ContentsInnehållsförteckning
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.En innehållsförteckning som är en förteckning över rubriker eller delar av boken eller dokumentet, organiserade i den ordning de visas. Vanligtvis förekommer i arbetets främre material, eller i början av en sektion.
@@ -4220,67 +4220,67 @@ Du kan sedan kontrollera eller avmarkera enskilda rubriker i listan ovan.Miniatyrbildsstorlek:
+ NameNamn
+ File Size (KB)Filstorlek (KB)
+ Times UsedGånger använd
+ WidthBredd
+ HeightHöjd
+ PixelsPixlar
+ ColorFärg
+ ImageBild
+ %n file(s)%n fil%n filer
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileSpara rapport som kommaseparerad fil
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Det går inte att spara rapportfilen.
+ Delete From BookTa bort från bok
@@ -4678,482 +4678,482 @@ Vill du spara dina ändringar?
+ AcknowledgmentsErkännanden
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.En passage som innehåller bekräftelser till enheter som är involverade i förverkligandet av arbetet.
+ AfterwordEfterord
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.En avslutande uttalande från författaren eller en person av betydelse för berättelsen, vanligtvis ger insikt i hur berättelsen kom att skrivas, dess betydelse eller relaterade händelser som har framkommit sedan dess tidslinje.
+ AnnotationKommentar
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedFörklarande information om avsnitt i arbetet. Tillstånd: Föråldrad
+ AppendixAppendix
+ Supplemental information.Kompletterande information.
+ AssessmentBedömning
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Ett test, frågesport eller annan aktivitet som hjälper till att mäta en elevs förståelse för vad som lärs ut.
+ Back MatterBaksida
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Tillhörande material som förekommer efter huvudinnehållet i en publikation, t.ex. index, bilagor o.s.v.
+ BibliographyBibliografi
+ A list of works cited.En lista över citerade verk.
+ Body MatterFramsida
+ The main content of a publication.Huvudinnehållet i en publikation.
+ ChapterKapitel
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.En stor strukturell uppdelning av ett skrivande.
+ ColophonKolofon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.En kort beskrivning som vanligtvis finns i slutet av en publikation, beskriver produktionsnoteringar som är relevanta för upplagan.
+ ConclusionSlutsats
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.En slutsektion som vanligtvis sveper upp arbetet.
+ ContributorsBidragsgivare
+ A list of contributors to the work.En lista över bidragsgivare till arbetet.
+ Copyright PageCopyright-sida
+ The copyright page of the work.Arbetets upphovsrättssida.
+ CoverOmslag
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.
+ DedicationEngagemang
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).En inskription adresserad till en eller flera särskilda personer.
+ DivisionUppdelning
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).En stor strukturell uppdelning som också kan framstå som en understruktur av en del (särskilt i lagstiftning).
+ EpigraphInskrift
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.En citat som är relevant men inte integrerad i texten.
+ EpilogueEpilog
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.En avslutande sektion som vanligtvis skrivs från en senare tidpunkt än huvudhistorien, men fortfarande en del av berättelsen.
+ ErrataRättelse
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Publiceringsrättelse, i tryckta verk infogas vanligtvis ett löst ark för hand; ibland en bunden sida som innehåller korrigeringar för misstag i arbetet.
+ FootnotesFotnoter
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.En samling anteckningar som visas längst ner på en sida.
+ ForewordFörord
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Ett inledande avsnitt som föregår arbetet, vanligtvis inte skrivet av arbetets författare.
+ Front MatterFrämre material
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Preliminärt material till huvudinnehållet i en publikation, till exempel innehållsförteckningar, dedikationer o.s.v.
+ GlossaryOrdlista
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.En alfabetisk lista över termer inom ett visst kunskapsområde, med definitionerna för dessa termer.
+ Half Title PageHalv titelsida
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Halvtitelsidan av arbetet som bär bara titeln själv.
+ ImprimaturImprimatur
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Ett formellt uttalande som godkänner publiceringen av arbetet.
+ ImprintAvtryck
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Information om publiceringen eller distribution av arbetet.
+ IndexIndex
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.En detaljerad lista, vanligtvis ordnad alfabetiskt, av den specifika informationen i en publikation.
+ IntroductionIntroduktion
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Ett avsnitt i början av arbetet, som vanligtvis introducerar läsaren till omfattningen eller arten av arbetets innehåll.
+ LandmarksLandmärken
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationEn samling referenser till välkända/återkommande komponenter i publikationen
+ List of Audio ClipsFörteckning över ljudklipp
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.En förteckning över ljudklipp som ingår i arbetet.
+ List of IllustrationsFörteckning över illustrationer
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.En lista över illustrationer som ingår i arbetet.
+ List of TablesFörteckning över tabeller
+ A listing of tables included in the work.En förteckning över tabeller som ingår i arbetet.
+ List of Video ClipsFörteckning över videoklipp
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.En lista över videoklipp som ingår i arbetet.
+ NoticeNotis
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Information som kräver särskild uppmärksamhet, och det får inte hoppas över eller undertryckas. Exempel är: varning, fara, viktigt.
+ Other CreditsAndra erkännanden
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Bekräftelse av tidigare publicerade delar av verket, illustrationserkännanden och tillstånd att citera från upphovsrättsskyddat material.
+ Page ListSidlista
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookEn lista med referenser till sidbrytningar (startplatser) från en utskriftsversion av e-boken
+ PartDel
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.En stor strukturell uppdelning av en bit av skrivande, vanligtvis inkapslar en uppsättning relaterade kapitel.
+ PreambleIngress
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentEtt avsnitt i början av arbetet, som vanligtvis innehåller inledande och/eller förklarande prosa om omfattningen eller arten av arbetets innehåll
+ PrefaceFörord
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.En inledande sektion som föregår arbetet, vanligtvis skrivet av arbetets författare.
+ PrologueProlog
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.En inledande sektion som sätter bakgrunden till en berättelse, vanligtvis en del av berättelsen.
+ Questions and AnswersFrågor och svar
+ A question and answer section.Ett fråga och svar avsnitt.
+ Rear NotesBakanteckningar
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.En samling anteckningar som visas på baksidan (backmatter) av arbetet, eller i slutet av en sektion.
+ Revision HistoryRevisionshistorik
+ A record of changes made to a work.Ett register över ändringar som gjorts i ett arbete.
+ SubchapterAvsnitt
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.En stor del av ett kapitel.
+ Title PageTitelsida
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.En sida i början av en bok som ger sin titel, författare, utgivare och annan publikationsinformation.
+ Table of ContentsInnehållsförteckning
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.En innehållsförteckning som är en förteckning över rubriker eller delar av boken eller dokumentet, organiserade i den ordning de visas. Vanligtvis förekommer i arbetets främre material, eller i början av en sektion.
+ VolumeVolym
+ A component of a collection.En komponent av en samling.
+ WarningVarning
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.En varning om specifikt material. Status: Föråldrad - Ersatt med "notis".
@@ -8449,14 +8449,13 @@ Formatmallar som listas först har företräde framför senare formatmallar.
- Plugins
- Insticksmoduler
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
- Kontrollpunkter
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8474,6 +8473,11 @@ Formatmallar som listas först har företräde framför senare formatmallar.Add Existing
Lägg till befintlig
+ Checkpoints
+ Kontrollpunkter
+ Index
@@ -10845,6 +10849,31 @@ Formatmallar som listas först har företräde framför senare formatmallar.Show Log of Checkpoints
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10959,37 +10988,37 @@ Formatmallar som listas först har företräde framför senare formatmallar.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11010,17 +11039,17 @@ Denna åtgärd kan inte ångras.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - EPUB%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]
@@ -11268,356 +11297,356 @@ Denna åtgärd kan inte ångras.
Bilden finns inte:
+ oreller
+ No CSS styles namedInga CSS-stilar som heter
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.hittad, eller formatmall inte länkad.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html>
+ Add CoverLägg till omslag
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Ett befintligt omslag har hittats.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Oväntat fel. Endast bildfiler kan användas för omslaget.
+ Cover added.Omslag tillagt.
+ Not Available for epub2.Inte tillgänglig för EPUB2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.OPF-manifestets egenskaper uppdaterades.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX och Guide borttagna.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.NCX och Guide skapande misslyckats.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX och Guide skapade.
+ An existing Index file has been found.En befintlig indexfil har hittats.
+ Styles deleted.Stilar borttagna.
+ Reports Being Generated.Rapporter genereras.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Rapporter avbruten på grund av XML inte välformade.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Ta bort oanvända mediefiler avbruten på grund av att XML inte är välformad.
+ Unused media files deleted.Oanvända mediefiler borttagna.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Det finns inga oanvända bild-, video- eller ljudfiler att ta bort.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Ta bort oanvända stilar avbruten på grund av att XML inte är välformad.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Du kan inte infoga en fil i den här positionen.
+ Insert FileInfoga fil
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Filen "%1" finns inte.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Du kan inte infoga ett id i denna position.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ID är ogiltigt - måste börja med en bokstav, följt av bokstavsnummer _ : - eller .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Du kan inte infoga en länk i denna position.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Länken är ogiltig - kan inte innehålla "<" eller ">"
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Du kan inte markera ett index på den här positionen eller utan att markera text.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Posten är ogiltig - kan inte innehålla "<" eller ">"
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Du kan inte markera ett index i denna position.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Välj den destination som ska klistras in först.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Klistrade in klippost %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.En resurs vald och det finns ingen tidigare resurs att slå samman med.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Är du säker på att du vill slå samman de valda filerna?
Denna åtgärd kan inte ångras.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.
+ Cannot merge file %1Det går inte att sammanfoga filen %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Sammanfogning klar. Du kan behöva regenerera eller redigera innehållsförteckningen.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Länka formatmallar avbruten: %1, XML inte välformad.
+ Word updated.Ordet uppdaterat.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.
+ File(s) deleted.Fil/filer borttagna.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Redigera innehållsförteckning avbruten.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Innehållsförteckning redigerad.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Generera innehållsförteckning avbruten.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Innehållsförteckning genererad.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Inga ändringar av innehållsförteckningen var nödvändiga.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.En befintlig HTML-innehållsförteckningsfil har hittats.
+ Text selection marked.Vald text markerad.
+ Text selection unmarked.Vald text avmarkerad.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Metadata-redigerare avbruten.
+ Metadata edited.Metadata redigerad.
+ RunPluginRunPlugin
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Denna EPUB innehåller inga CSS-formatmallar att validera.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Rad: %1, Kol: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Filen kan inte delas i denna position.
+ Split completed.Delning klar.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Det går inte att dela eftersom minst en fil inte är en HTML-fil.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedDet går inte att dela: %1 XML är inte välformad
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Det går inte att dela eftersom minst en fil kanske inte är en HTML-fil.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Delning klar. Du kan behöva uppdatera innehållsförteckningen.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Inga delningsfilmarkörer hittades. Använd Infoga->Delningsmarkör.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Dokumentet har ändrats.
Vill du spara dina ändringar?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Ska Sigil skriva över den här filen?
+ No importer for file type: %1Ingen importör för filtyp: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11630,111 +11659,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Prova att ställa in Rensa källkod inställningen för att reparera XHTML-källkod på Öppna och läs om filen.
+ Loading file...Läser in fil...
+ File loaded.Filen inläst.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.Skaparen av den här filen har krypterat den med DRM. Sigil kan inte öppna sådana filer.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Kan inte läsa in EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Det går inte att läsa filen %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Sparar EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil kan inte spara filer av typen %1.
Välj ett annat format.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB sparad, men alla HTML-filer är inte välformade.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB sparad.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Det går inte att spara filen %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)EPUB-filer (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTML-filer (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Textfiler (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Alla filer (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)EPUB-fil (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Bevara befintliga rubrikattribut är nu:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15582,12 +15641,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][Titel här]
+ [Main title here][Huvudtitel här]
@@ -16216,128 +16275,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Status: körs
+ Launcher process crashedStartarens process kraschade
+ Status: finishedStatus: färdig
+ Status: failedStatus: misslyckades
+ Status: No Changes MadeStatus: Inga ändringar gjorda
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesFel: Insticksmodulen försökte ta bort den sista XHTML-filen .. avbryter ändringar
+ Status:Status:
+ Plugin failed to startInsticksmodulen kunde inte starta
+ Status: errorStatus: fel
+ Plugin cancelledInsticksmodul avbruten
+ Status: cancelledStatus: avbruten
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Feltolkning av resultat XML:
+ Status: checkingStatus: kontrollerar
+ Incorrect XHTML:Felaktig XHTML:
+ Line/ColRad/Kol
+ Check ReportKontrollrapport
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Felaktig XHTML/XML upptäckt
Är du säker på att du vill fortsätta?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesStatus: städar upp - tar bort filer
+ Status: deletingStatus: tar bort
+ Status: LoadingStatus: Läser in
+ Input PluginInmatningsinsticksmodul
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedDin nuvarande bok kommer att ersättas och förlora alla osparade ändringar ... Är du säker på att du vill fortsätta
+ Status: addingStatus: lägger till
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesStatus: städar upp - ändrar filer
+ Status: modifyingStatus: ändrar
@@ -16614,43 +16673,43 @@ Enheter kan separeras med rader, kommatecken eller mellanslag.
+ PreviewFörhandsgranskning
+ Inspect PageInspektera sida
+ Select-AllVälj-alla
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardKopiera markering till urklipp
+ Update Preview WindowUppdatera förhandsgranskningsfönstret
+ Cycle Custom CSS Files
+ Print Preview View
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xFunktionen är inte tillgänglig för Qt-versioner före 5.12.x
@@ -16810,7 +16869,7 @@ Rad: %1 Kolumn %2 - %3
OPF-filen innehåller inte en NCX-fil.
+ Adding Existing Files..Lägger till befintliga filer..
@@ -16840,19 +16899,19 @@ Rad: %1 Kolumn %2 - %3
<p>En nyare version av Sigil är tillgänglig, version <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Vill du gå till hämtningssidan?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Det går inte att läsa filen %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil har stött på ett problem.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil kan behöva stängas.
@@ -16878,28 +16937,28 @@ Rad: %1 Kolumn %2 - %3
Ogiltig NCX-fil: %1
+ QuitAvsluta
+ AboutOm
+ PreferencesInställningar
+ NewNy
+ OpenÖppna
@@ -18979,32 +19038,32 @@ din bok och automatiskt infoga i dokumentet.
+ Files In the BookFiler i boken
+ ThumbnailsMiniatyrbilder
+ shadesnyanser
+ colorsfärger
+ GrayscaleGråskala
+ ColorFärg
@@ -19586,17 +19645,17 @@ Använd om du redigerar HTML-filer medan Stavningskontroll är öppen.Innehållsförteckning
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Filen "%1" finns inte.
+ Collapse AllKollapsa alla
+ Expand AllExpandera alla
@@ -19612,12 +19671,12 @@ Använd om du redigerar HTML-filer medan Stavningskontroll är öppen.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_th.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_th.ts
index 37946df03c..28d38f2c2e 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_th.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_th.ts
@@ -877,55 +877,55 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ Open Withเปิดด้วย
+ %n file(s)%n ไฟล์
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?คุณต้องการเรียงไฟล์ตามลำดับอักษรใช่ไหม?
+ This action cannot be reversed.ไม่สามารถย้อนกลับการกระทำนี้ได้
+ The file "%1" does not exist.ไฟล์ "%1" ไม่มีอยู่
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.
+ Add Existing Filesเพิ่มไฟล์ที่มี
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -952,12 +952,12 @@ OK to replace?
ตกลง เพื่อแทนที่?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".ไม่สามารถลบหรือแทนที่ไฟล์ "%1" ได้
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -975,235 +975,235 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ File(s) added or replaced.
+ Save As Fileบันทึกไฟล์เป็น
+ Unable to save the file.บันทึกไฟล์ไม่ได้
+ Choose the directory to save the files toเลือกไดเร็กทอรีเพื่อบันทึกไฟล์ไว้
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?มีไฟล์อยู่แล้วมากกว่าหนึ่งไฟล์ ตกลงที่จะเขียนทับ?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.ไม่สามารถบันทึกไฟล์ได้ ปลายทางอาจเป็นไดเร็กทอรี
+ Unable to save files.บันทึกไฟล์ไม่ได้
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.เปลี่ยนชื่อไฟล์ไม่ได้เพราะชื่อไฟล์นี้มีอยู่แล้ว
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.ไม่สามารถลบเอกสาร Nav ได้
+ The NCX can not be removed.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.คุณไม่สามารถลบไฟล์ html ทั้งหมดได้
+ Unable to set file as cover image.ตั้งค่าไฟล์เป็นรูปปกไม่ได้
+ Select Allเลือกทั้งหมด
+ Add Blank HTML Fileเพิ่มไฟล์ HTML
+ Add Blank Stylesheetเพิ่มไฟล์ Stylesheet
+ Add Blank Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG Imageเพิ่มรูปภาพ SVG
+ Add Existing Files...เพิ่มไฟล์ที่มี...
+ Add Copyเพิ่มสำเนา
+ Renameเปลี่ยนชื่อ
+ RegEx Rename
+ Moveย้าย
+ Deleteลบ
+ Cover Imageรูปปก
+ Mergeรวม
+ Noneไม่มี
+ Use Adobe's Methodใช้ Adobe's Method
+ Use IDPF's Methodใช้ IDPF's Method
+ Sortเรียง
+ Renumber TOC Entriesเปลี่ยนรายการสารบัญใหม่
+ Link Stylesheets...เชื่อมโยงสไตล์ชีต...
+ Link Javascripts...
+ Add Semantics...เพิ่มความหมาย...
+ Validate with W3Cตรวจสอบความถูกต้องกับ W3C
+ Save Asบันทึกเป็น
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.ผสานกับไฟล์ก่อนหน้าหรือรวมไฟล์หลายไฟล์เข้าไว้ด้วยกัน
+ Rename selected file(s)เปลี่ยนชื่อไฟล์ที่เลือก
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folder
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).เชื่อมโยงสไตล์ชีตกับไฟล์ที่เลือก
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).เพิ่มความหมายลงในไฟล์ที่เลือก
+ Other Applicationแอพพลิเคชันอื่น
@@ -1774,12 +1774,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Collapse Allหุบทั้งหมด
+ Expand Allขยายออกทั้งหมด
@@ -3622,362 +3622,362 @@ mended.
+ Acknowledgementsการรับรอง
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.ข้อความที่มีการตอบรับต่อหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการทำงาน
+ Afterwordเล่ม
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.คำแถลงการปิดบัญชีจากผู้เขียนหรือบุคคลที่มีความสำคัญกับเรื่องราว โดยทั่วไปจะให้ข้อมูลเชิงลึกว่าเรื่องราวจะถูกเขียนขึ้นอย่างไร ความสำคัญหรือเหตุการณ์ที่เกี่ยวข้องซึ่งเกิดขึ้นตั้งแต่ช่วงเวลานั้น
+ Appendixภาคผนวก
+ Supplemental information.ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
+ Back Matterเรื่องหลัง
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.วัสดุเสริมที่เกิดขึ้นหลังจากเนื้อหาหลักของสิ่งพิมพ์เช่นดัชนีภาคผนวก ฯลฯ
+ Bibliographyบรรณานุกรม
+ A list of works cited.รายการงานที่อ้างถึง
+ Textข้อความ
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.จุดเริ่มต้นของเนื้อหาข้อความหลักของสิ่งพิมพ์
+ ColophonColophon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.คำอธิบายสั้น ๆ มักจะอยู่ที่ตอนท้ายของสิ่งตีพิมพ์อธิบายบันทึกการผลิตที่เกี่ยวข้อง
+ Conclusionข้อสรุป
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.ส่วนที่สิ้นสุดซึ่งมักจะสรุปผลงาน
+ Contributorsผู้มีส่วนช่วย
+ A list of contributors to the work.รายชื่อของผู้ให้ข้อมูลการทำงาน
+ Copyright Pageหน้าลิขสิทธิ์
+ The copyright page of the work.หน้าลิขสิทธิ์ของการทำงาน
+ Coverปก
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.ปกสิ่งพิมพ์, แจ็คเก็ตข้อมูล ฯลฯ
+ Dedicationการอุทิศ
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).การอุทิศถึงบุคคลใดบุคคลหนึ่งหรือหลายคน
+ Epilogueถ้อยคำ
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.ส่วนสรุปที่เขียน โดยทั่วไปเขียนในเวลาภายหลังเรื่องหลัก แม้ว่าจะยังคงเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการเล่าเรื่อง
+ Epigraphคำสลัก
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.ใบเสนอราคาที่เกี่ยวข้อง แต่ไม่รวมถึงข้อความ
+ Errataคหบดี
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.ที่ตีพิมพ์คหบดีในงานพิมพ์ทั่วไปแล้วจะเป็นแผ่นแทรกด้วยมือ บางครั้งหน้าที่มีการแก้ไขข้อผิดพลาดในการทำงาน
+ Footnotesเชิงอรรถ
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.ชุดของโน้ตที่ปรากฏที่ด้านล่างของหน้า
+ Forewordคำนำ
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.ส่วนแนะนำที่นำเสนอผลงานโดยปกติแล้วไม่ได้เขียนโดยผู้เขียนของผลงาน
+ Front Matterส่วนหน้า
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.เนื้อหาเบื้องต้นเกี่ยวกับเนื้อหาหลักของสิ่งพิมพ์เช่น สารบัญ การอุทิศ เป็นต้น
+ Glossaryอภิธานศัพท์
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.รายการคำศัพท์ตามตัวอักษรในโดเมนเฉพาะของความรู้โดยมีคำนิยามสำหรับคำเหล่านั้น
+ Half Title Pageหน้าชื่อเรื่อง
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.หน้าชื่อเรื่องของผลงานที่มีเพียงแค่ชื่อเรื่อง
+ Imprimaturความเห็นชอบ
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.แถลงการณ์อย่างเป็นทางการที่อนุญาตให้เผยแพร่ผลงาน
+ Imprintประทับใจ
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับการตีพิมพ์หรือเผยแพร่ผลงาน
+ Indexดัชนี
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.รายละเอียดโดยปกติจะจัดเรียงตามลำดับตัวอักษรของข้อมูลเฉพาะในสิ่งพิมพ์
+ Introductionบทนำ
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.ส่วนหนึ่งของจุดเริ่มต้นของงานโดยทั่วไปจะแนะนำผู้อ่านถึงขอบเขตหรือลักษณะของเนื้อหาของงาน
+ List of Illustrationsรายชื่อภาพประกอบ
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.รายชื่อภาพประกอบที่รวมอยู่ในผลงาน
+ List of Audio Clipsรายการคลิปเสียง
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.รายชื่อคลิปเสียงที่รวมอยู่ในงาน
+ List of Tablesรายการของตาราง
+ A listing of tables included in the work.รายชื่อของตารางรวมอยู่ในผลงาน
+ List of Video Clipsรายการคลิปวีดีโอ
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.รายการคลิปวิดีโอที่รวมอยู่ในผลงาน
+ Notesการบันทึก
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'คอลเลกชันของบันทึกย่อ สามารถใช้เพื่อระบุเชิงอรรถบันทึกย่อด้านหลังบันทึกย่อขอบกระดาษโน้ตแบบอินไลน์และอื่น ๆ เมื่อไม่ต้องการอนุสัญญาการตั้งชื่อเดิม สถานะ: เลิกใช้ - แทนที่ด้วย: "เชิงอรรถ", "บันทึกหลัง"
+ Other Creditsเครดิตอื่น ๆ
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.คำขอบคุณจากส่วนที่ตีพิมพ์ก่อนหน้า ของงานภาพประกอบเครดิตและการอนุญาตให้อ้างอิงจากเนื้อหาที่มีลิขสิทธิ์
+ Preambleคำขึ้นต้น
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentส่วนที่เป็นจุดเริ่มต้นของงานซึ่งโดยปกติแล้วจะมีร้อยแก้วแนะนำ และ/หรือ อธิบายเกี่ยวกับขอบเขตหรือลักษณะของเนื้อหาของงาน
+ Prefaceคำนำ
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.ส่วนแนะนำที่นำเสนอผลงานเขียนโดยผู้เขียนงาน
+ Prologueอารัมภบท
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.ส่วนแนะนำที่กำหนดพื้นหลังของเรื่องราวโดยทั่วไปเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการเล่าเรื่อง
+ Rear Notesหมายเหตุด้านหลัง
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.ชุดของโน้ตที่ปรากฏที่ด้านหลัง(ส่วนท้าย)ของงานหรือในตอนท้ายของส่วน
+ Title Pageหน้าชื่อเรื่อง
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.หน้าเริ่มต้นของหนังสือให้ชื่อผู้เขียน สำนักพิมพ์และสิ่งพิมพ์ ข้อมูลอื่น ๆ
+ Table of Contentsสารบัญ
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.สารบัญซึ่งเป็นรายการส่วนหัวหรือส่วนของหนังสือหรือเอกสารจัดเรียงตามลำดับที่ปรากฏ โดยปกติจะปรากฏในส่วนหน้าของงานหรือที่ส่วนเริ่มต้น
@@ -4209,67 +4209,67 @@ You can then check or uncheck individual headings in the list above.
+ Nameชื่อ
+ File Size (KB)ขนาดไฟล์ (KB)
+ Times Usedเวลาที่ใช้
+ Widthกว้าง
+ Heightสูง
+ Pixelsพิกเซล
+ Colorสี
+ Imageรูปภาพ
+ %n file(s)%n ไฟล์
+ Save Report As Comma Separated Fileบันทึกรายงานเป็นไฟล์ที่แบ่งด้วยจุลภาค
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.บันทึกไฟล์รายงานไม่ได้
+ Delete From Bookลบออกจากหนังสือ
@@ -4667,482 +4667,482 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Acknowledgmentsการรับรอง
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.ข้อความที่มีการตอบรับต่อหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการทำงาน
+ Afterwordเล่ม
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.คำแถลงการปิดบัญชีจากผู้เขียนหรือบุคคลที่มีความสำคัญกับเรื่องราว โดยทั่วไปจะให้ข้อมูลเชิงลึกว่าเรื่องราวจะถูกเขียนขึ้นอย่างไร ความสำคัญหรือเหตุการณ์ที่เกี่ยวข้องซึ่งเกิดขึ้นตั้งแต่ช่วงเวลานั้น
+ Annotationคำอธิบายประกอบ
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: Deprecatedข้อมูลอธิบายเกี่ยวกับอายุที่ผ่าน ๆ ในการงาน สถานะ: เลิกใช้แล้ว
+ Appendixภาคผนวก
+ Supplemental information.ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
+ Assessmentการประเมิน
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.การทดสอบแบบทดสอบหรือกิจกรรมอื่น ๆ ที่ช่วยวัดความเข้าใจของนักเรียนเกี่ยวกับสิ่งที่กำลังเรียนอยู่
+ Back Matterเรื่องหลัง
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.วัสดุเสริมที่เกิดขึ้นหลังจากเนื้อหาหลักของสิ่งพิมพ์เช่นดัชนีภาคผนวก ฯลฯ
+ Bibliographyบรรณานุกรม
+ A list of works cited.รายการงานที่อ้างถึง
+ Body Matterเนื้อเรื่อง
+ The main content of a publication.เนื้อหาหลักของสิ่งพิมพ์
+ Chapterบท
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.ส่วนโครงสร้างที่สำคัญของชิ้นงานเขียน
+ ColophonColophon
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.คำอธิบายสั้น ๆ มักจะอยู่ที่ตอนท้ายของสิ่งตีพิมพ์อธิบายบันทึกการผลิตที่เกี่ยวข้อง
+ Conclusionข้อสรุป
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.ส่วนที่สิ้นสุดซึ่งมักจะสรุปผลงาน
+ Contributorsผู้มีส่วนช่วย
+ A list of contributors to the work.รายชื่อของผู้ให้ข้อมูลการทำงาน
+ Copyright Pageหน้าลิขสิทธิ์
+ The copyright page of the work.หน้าลิขสิทธิ์ของการทำงาน
+ Coverปก
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.ปกสิ่งพิมพ์, แจ็คเก็ตข้อมูล ฯลฯ
+ Dedicationการอุทิศ
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).การอุทิศถึงบุคคลใดบุคคลหนึ่งหรือหลายคน
+ Divisionหมวด
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).ส่วนโครงสร้างหลักที่อาจปรากฏเป็นโครงสร้างย่อยของส่วนหนึ่ง (esp ในกฎหมาย)
+ Epigraphคำสลัก
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.ใบเสนอราคาที่เกี่ยวข้อง แต่ไม่รวมถึงข้อความ
+ Epilogueถ้อยคำ
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.ส่วนสรุปที่เขียน โดยทั่วไปเขียนในเวลาภายหลังเรื่องหลัก แม้ว่าจะยังคงเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการเล่าเรื่อง
+ Errataคหบดี
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.ที่ตีพิมพ์คหบดีในงานพิมพ์ทั่วไปแล้วจะเป็นแผ่นแทรกด้วยมือ บางครั้งหน้าที่มีการแก้ไขข้อผิดพลาดในการทำงาน
+ Footnotesเชิงอรรถ
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.ชุดของโน้ตที่ปรากฏที่ด้านล่างของหน้า
+ Forewordคำนำ
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.ส่วนแนะนำที่นำเสนอผลงานโดยปกติแล้วไม่ได้เขียนโดยผู้เขียนของผลงาน
+ Front Matterส่วนหน้า
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.เนื้อหาเบื้องต้นเกี่ยวกับเนื้อหาหลักของสิ่งพิมพ์เช่น สารบัญ การอุทิศ เป็นต้น
+ Glossaryอภิธานศัพท์
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.รายการคำศัพท์ตามตัวอักษรในโดเมนเฉพาะของความรู้โดยมีคำนิยามสำหรับคำเหล่านั้น
+ Half Title Pageหน้าชื่อเรื่อง
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.หน้าชื่อเรื่องของผลงานที่มีเพียงแค่ชื่อเรื่อง
+ Imprimaturความเห็นชอบ
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.แถลงการณ์อย่างเป็นทางการที่อนุญาตให้เผยแพร่ผลงาน
+ Imprintประทับใจ
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับการตีพิมพ์หรือเผยแพร่ผลงาน
+ Indexสารบัญ
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.รายละเอียดโดยปกติจะจัดเรียงตามลำดับตัวอักษรของข้อมูลเฉพาะในสิ่งพิมพ์
+ Introductionบทนำ
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.ส่วนหนึ่งของจุดเริ่มต้นของงานโดยทั่วไปจะแนะนำผู้อ่านถึงขอบเขตหรือลักษณะของเนื้อหาของงาน
+ Landmarksสถานที่สำคัญ
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationชุดของการอ้างอิงไปยังส่วนประกอบที่รู้จักกันดี / เกิดซ้ำภายในสิ่งพิมพ์
+ List of Audio Clipsรายการคลิปเสียง
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.รายชื่อคลิปเสียงที่รวมอยู่ในงาน
+ List of Illustrationsรายชื่อภาพประกอบ
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.รายชื่อภาพประกอบที่รวมอยู่ในผลงาน
+ List of Tablesรายการตาราง
+ A listing of tables included in the work.รายชื่อของตารางรวมอยู่ในผลงาน
+ List of Video Clipsรายการคลิปวีดีโอ
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.รายการคลิปวิดีโอที่รวมอยู่ในผลงาน
+ Noticeประกาศ
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.ข้อมูลที่ต้องให้ความสนใจเป็นพิเศษและไม่ควรข้ามหรือถูกระงับ ตัวอย่างเช่น การแจ้งเตือน คำเตือน ระวัง อันตราย สำคัญ
+ Other Creditsเครดิตอื่น ๆ
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.คำขอบคุณจากส่วนที่ตีพิมพ์ก่อนหน้า ของงานภาพประกอบเครดิตและการอนุญาตให้อ้างอิงจากเนื้อหาที่มีลิขสิทธิ์
+ Page Listรายการหน้า
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookรายการการอ้างอิงถึงจุดสิ้นสุดหน้า (ตำแหน่งเริ่มต้น) จาก eBook ฉบับพิมพ์
+ Partส่วน
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.ส่วนโครงสร้างที่สำคัญของชิ้นส่วนของการเขียนโดยปกติจะ encapsulating ชุดของบทที่เกี่ยวข้อง
+ Preambleคำขึ้นต้น
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentส่วนที่เป็นจุดเริ่มต้นของงานซึ่งโดยปกติแล้วจะมีร้อยแก้วแนะนำ และ/หรือ อธิบายเกี่ยวกับขอบเขตหรือลักษณะของเนื้อหาของงาน
+ Prefaceคำนำ
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.ส่วนแนะนำที่นำเสนอผลงานเขียนโดยผู้เขียนงาน
+ Prologueอารัมภบท
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.ส่วนแนะนำที่กำหนดพื้นหลังของเรื่องราวโดยทั่วไปเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการเล่าเรื่อง
+ Questions and Answersคำถามและคำตอบ
+ A question and answer section.ส่วนคำถามและคำตอบ
+ Rear Notesหมายเหตุด้านหลัง
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.ชุดของโน้ตที่ปรากฏที่ด้านหลัง(ส่วนท้าย)ของงานหรือในตอนท้ายของส่วน
+ Revision Historyประวัติการแก้ไข
+ A record of changes made to a work.บันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ทำกับงาน
+ Subchapterหมวดย่อย
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.ส่วนย่อยที่สำคัญของบท
+ Title Pageหน้าชื่อเรื่อง
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.หน้าเริ่มต้นของหนังสือให้ชื่อผู้เขียน สำนักพิมพ์และสิ่งพิมพ์ ข้อมูลอื่น ๆ
+ Table of Contentsสารบัญ
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.สารบัญซึ่งเป็นรายการส่วนหัวหรือส่วนของหนังสือหรือเอกสารจัดเรียงตามลำดับที่ปรากฏ โดยปกติจะปรากฏในส่วนหน้าของงานหรือที่ส่วนเริ่มต้น
+ VolumeVolume
+ A component of a collection.ส่วนประกอบของคอลเล็กชัน
+ Warningคำเตือน
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.คำเตือนหรือความระมัดระวังเกี่ยวกับวัสดุเฉพาะ สถานะ: เลิกใช้ - แทนที่ด้วย "ประกาศ"
@@ -8437,13 +8437,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- Plugins
- ส่วนเสริม
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8462,6 +8461,11 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Add Existing
+ Checkpoints
+ Index
@@ -10827,6 +10831,31 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Show Log of Checkpoints
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10941,37 +10970,37 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -10991,17 +11020,17 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]
@@ -11249,356 +11278,356 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ orหรือ
+ No CSS styles namedไม่มีชื่อสไตล์ CSS
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.พบหรือสไตล์ชีสไม่ได้เชื่อมโยง
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>เชื่อมโยง href <b>%1</b> ไม่พบ<b>%2</b> ไม่มี (และอาจมีมากกว่านี้) การแบ่งหรือควบรวมภายใต้เงื่อนไขดังกล่าวอาจทำให้เกิดการเชื่อมโยงที่ไม่สมบูรณ์</p><p>คุณยังต้องการที่จะดำเนินการต่อหรือไม่?</p></html>
+ Add Coverเพิ่มปก
+ An existing Cover file has been found.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.ข้อผิดพลาดที่ไม่คาดคิด เฉพาะไฟล์ภาพสามารถใช้สำหรับปก
+ Cover added.เพิ่มปกแล้ว
+ Not Available for epub2.ไม่สามารถใช้ได้สำหรับ EPUB2
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.คุณสมบัติ Manifest OPF อัปเดตแล้ว
+ NCX and Guide removed.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.
+ NCX and Guide generated.
+ An existing Index file has been found.
+ Styles deleted.ลบสไตล์แล้ว
+ Reports Being Generated.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.รายงานถูกยกเลิกเนื่องจาก XML ไม่ได้สร้างอย่างถูกต้อง
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.ลบไฟล์มีเดียที่ไม่ได้ใช้ที่ยกเลิกไปเนื่องจาก XML ไม่ได้สร้างอย่างถูกต้อง
+ Unused media files deleted.ลบไฟล์มีเดียที่ไม่ได้ใช้แล้ว
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.ไม่มีภาพวิดีโอหรือไฟล์เสียงที่ไม่ได้ใช้ที่ต้องลบ
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.ลบสไตล์ที่ไม่ได้ใช้ถูกยกเลิกเนื่องจาก XML ไม่ได้สร้างอย่างถูกต้อง
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.คุณไม่สามารถแทรกไฟล์ได้ที่ตำแหน่งนี้
+ Insert Fileแทรกไฟล์
+ The file "%1" does not exist.ไฟล์ "%1" ไม่มีอยู่
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.คุณไม่สามารถแทรกไอดีได้ที่ตำแหน่งนี้
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ไอดีไม่ถูกต้อง - ต้องขึ้นต้นด้วยตัวอักษรตามด้วยตัวอักษร _ : - หรือ .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.คุณไม่สามารถแทรกเชื่อมโยงที่ตำแหน่งนี้ได้
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'การเชื่อมโยงไม่ถูกต้อง - ต้องไม่มี '<' หรือ '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.ไม่สามารถทำเครื่องหมายดัชนีไว้ที่ตำแหน่งนี้หรือไม่เลือกข้อความ
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'รายการไม่ถูกต้อง - ต้องไม่มี '<' หรือ '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.คุณไม่สามารถแทรกดัชนีได้ที่ตำแหน่งนี้
+ Select the destination to paste into first.เลือกปลายทางที่ต้องการวางไว้ก่อน
+ Pasted clip entry %1.วางรายการคลิป %1
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.ทรัพยากรที่เลือกและไม่มีทรัพยากรก่อนหน้านี้ที่จะรวมเข้าด้วยกัน
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.แน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าคุณต้องการรวมไฟล์ที่เลือกไว้?
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.
+ Cannot merge file %1ไม่สามารถรวมไฟล์ %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.รวมเสร็จแล้ว คุณอาจต้องสร้างหรือแก้ไขสารบัญของคุณ
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.การเชื่อมโยงสไตล์ซีสถูกยกเลิก:%1, XML ไม่ได้สร้างอย่างถูกต้อง
+ Word updated.อัปเดตคำแล้ว
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.
+ File(s) deleted.ลบไฟล์แล้ว
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.การแก้ไขสารบัญถูกยกเลิก
+ Table Of Contents edited.แก้ไขสารบัญแล้ว
+ Generate TOC cancelled.การสร้างสารบัญถูกยกเลิก
+ Table Of Contents generated.สร้างสารบัญแล้ว
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.ไม่มีการเปลี่ยนแปลงในสารบัญ
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.
+ Text selection marked.ข้อความที่เลือกทำเครื่องหมายไว้แล้ว
+ Text selection unmarked.ข้อความที่เลือกยกเลิกทำเครื่องหมายแล้ว
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.ตัวแก้ไขข้อมูลเมตาถูกยกเลิก
+ Metadata edited.ตัวแก้ไขข้อมูลเมตา
+ RunPlugin
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.EPUB นี้ไม่มี CSS สไตล์ชีตเพื่อตรวจสอบความถูกต้อง
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2บรรทัด: %1, คอลัมน์: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.ไม่สามารถแบ่งไฟล์ออกได้ที่ตำแหน่งนี้
+ Split completed.แบ่งสำเร็จ
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.ไม่สามารถแบ่งออกได้เนื่องจากไฟล์อย่างน้อยหนึ่งไฟล์ไม่ใช่ไฟล์ HTML
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedไม่สามารถแยก: %1 XML ไม่ได้สร้างอย่างถูกต้อง
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.ไม่สามารถแบ่งได้เนื่องจากไฟล์อย่างน้อยหนึ่งไฟล์อาจไม่ใช่ไฟล์ HTML
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.แบ่งเสร็จแล้ว คุณอาจต้องแก้ไขสารบัญของคุณ
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.ไม่พบเครื่องหมายไฟล์ที่แบ่ง ใช้ แทรก-> เครื่องหมายแบ่ง
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?เอกสารได้ถูกแก้ไขแล้ว
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?
+ No importer for file type: %1ไม่มีตัวนำเข้าไฟล์ประเภทนี้: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11611,111 +11640,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
ลองตั้งค่าทำความสะอาดต้นฉบับเพื่อแก้ไขโค้ด XHTML เปิดและลองโหลดไฟล์ใหม่
+ Loading file...กำลังโหลดไฟล์...
+ File loaded.โหลดไฟล์แล้ว
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.ผู้สร้างไฟล์นี้ได้เข้ารหัสด้วย DRM Sigil ไม่สามารถเปิดไฟล์ดังกล่าวได้
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1ไม่สามารถ EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2ไม่สามารถไฟล์ %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...กำลังบันทึก EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil ไม่สามารถบันทึกไฟล์ประเภท "% 1"
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.PUB ได้รับการบันทึกไว้ แต่ไฟล์ HTML บางส่วนไม่ถูกต้อง
+ EPUB saved.บันทึก EPUB แล้ว
+ Cannot save file %1: %2ไม่สามารถไฟล์ %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)ไฟล์ EPUB (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)ไฟล์ HTML (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)ไฟล์ข้อความ (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)ไฟล์ทั้งหมด (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)ไฟล์ EPUB (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:รักษาคุณลักษณะส่วนหัวที่มีอยู่ตอนนี้:
+ ONเปิด
+ OFFปิด
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15562,12 +15621,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][ป้อนหัวเรื่อง]
+ [Main title here][ป้อนหัวเรื่องหลัก]
@@ -16196,128 +16255,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
สถานะ: กำลังทำงาน
+ Launcher process crashedกระบวนการเปิดใช้งานล้มเหลว
+ Status: finishedสถานะ: เสร็จแล้ว
+ Status: failedสถานะ: ล้มเหลว
+ Status: No Changes Madeสถานะ: ไม่มีการเปลี่ยนแปลงเกิดขึ้น
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesข้อผิดพลาด: ปลั๊กอินพยายามลบไฟล์ XHTML ล่าสุด .. ยกเลิกการเปลี่ยนแปลง
+ Status:สถานะ:
+ Plugin failed to startส่วนเสริมล้มเหลวในการเริ่มต้น
+ Status: errorสถานะ: ผิดพลาด
+ Plugin cancelledส่วนเสริมถูกยกเลิก
+ Status: cancelledสถานะ: ถูกยกเลิก
+ Error Parsing Result XML: ข้อผิดพลาดในการแยกวิเคราะห์ผล XML:
+ Status: checkingสถานะ: กำลังตรวจสอบ
+ Incorrect XHTML:XHTML ไม่ถูกต้อง:
+ Line/Colบรรทัด/คอลัมน์
+ Check Reportตรวจสอบรายงาน
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?ตรวจพบ XHTML / XML ไม่ถูกต้อง
คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ ว่าคุณต้องการดำเนินการต่อ?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesสถานะ: กำลังทำความสะอาด - ลบไฟล์
+ Status: deletingสถานะ: กำลังลบ
+ Status: Loadingสถานะ: กำลังอ่าน
+ Input Pluginใส่ส่วนเสริม
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedหนังสือเล่มปัจจุบันของคุณจะถูกแทนที่โดยสมบูรณ์ซึ่งจะสูญเสียการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ไม่ได้บันทึกไว้ ... คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการดำเนินการต่อ
+ Status: addingสถานะ: กำลังเพิ่ม
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesสถานะ: กำลังทำความสะอาด - แก้ใขไฟล์
+ Status: modifyingสถานะ: กำลังปรับเปลี่ยน
@@ -16594,43 +16653,43 @@ Entities can be separated by lines, commas, or spaces.
+ Previewตัวอย่าง
+ Inspect Pageตรวจสอบหน้า
+ Select-Allเลือกทั้งหมด
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardคัดลอกที่เลือกไปคลิบบอร์ด
+ Update Preview Windowอัพเดทหน้าต่างแบบร่าง
+ Cycle Custom CSS Files
+ Print Preview View
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.x
@@ -16790,7 +16849,7 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
ไฟล์ OPF ไม่มีไฟล์ NCX
+ Adding Existing Files..เพิ่มไฟล์ที่มี...
@@ -16820,19 +16879,19 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
<p>มี Sigil รุ่นใหม่กว่าออกแล้ว รุ่น<b>%1</b>.<br/><p>คุณต้องการไปที่หน้าดาวน์โหลดหรือไม่?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.ไม่สามารถไฟล์ %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil ประสบปัญหา
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil อาจจำเป็นต้องปิด
@@ -16858,28 +16917,28 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
ไฟล์ NCX ไม่ถูกต้อง: %1
+ Quitปิด
+ Aboutเกี่ยวกับ
+ Preferencesการตั้งค่า
+ Newใหม่
+ Openเปิด
@@ -18958,32 +19017,32 @@ your book and automatically insert into your document.
+ Files In the Bookไฟล์ในหนังสือ
+ Thumbnailsขนาดรูปย่อ
+ shadesเฉดสี
+ colorsสี
+ Grayscaleโทนสีเทา
+ Colorสี
@@ -19563,17 +19622,17 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.ไฟล์ "%1" ไม่มีอยู่
+ Collapse Allหุบทั้งหมด
+ Expand Allขยายออกทั้งหมด
@@ -19589,12 +19648,12 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_tr.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_tr.ts
index 4fec7bf4cf..241bb07b7a 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_tr.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_tr.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ CSS'nizde bir sans-serif yazı tipi ailesi belirtilmişse
+ Open WithBirlikte Aç
+ %n file(s)%n dosya(lar)%n dosya(lar)
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Seçili dosyaları alfanümerik olarak sıralamak istediğinizden emin misiniz?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Bu eylem tersine çevrilemez.
+ The file "%1" does not exist."%1" dosyası yok.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Javascript, epub2'de desteklenmez.
+ Add Existing FilesMevcut Dosyaları Ekle
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ CSS'nizde bir sans-serif yazı tipi ailesi belirtilmişse
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ CSS'nizde bir sans-serif yazı tipi ailesi belirtilmişse
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
Değiştirmek için uygun mu?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1"."%1" dosyası silinemiyor veya değiştirilemiyor.
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Bu isimde bir dosya kitapta zaten var.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ Bu isimde bir dosya kitapta zaten var.
+ File(s) added or replaced.Dosya(lar) eklendi veya değiştirildi.
+ Save As FileDosya Olarak Kaydet
+ Unable to save the file.Dosya kaydedilemiyor.
+ Choose the directory to save the files toDosyaların kaydedileceği dizini seçin
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Bir veya daha fazla dosya zaten var. Üzerine yazılsın mı?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Dosyalar kaydedilemiyor. Hedef bir dizin olabilir.
+ Unable to save files.Dosyalar kaydedilemiyor.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Yinelenen dosya adlarına neden olacağından dosyalar yeniden adlandırılamaz.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"Hedef Klasörde geçersiz "%1" yolu var
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Yinelenen dosya adlarına neden olacağından dosyalar taşınamaz.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Nav belgesi kaldırılamaz.
+ The NCX can not be removed.NCX kaldırılamaz.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.OPF epub için gereklidir ve kaldırılamaz.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Tüm html dosyalarını kaldıramazsınız.
Her zaman en az bir tane olmalıdır.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Dosya kapak resmi olarak ayarlanamıyor.
+ Select AllTümünü Seç
+ Add Blank HTML FileBoş HTML Dosyası Ekle
+ Add Blank StylesheetBoş Stil Sayfası Ekle
+ Add Blank JavascriptBoş Javascript Ekle
+ Add Blank SVG ImageBoş SVG Resmi Ekle
+ Add Existing Files...Mevcut Dosyaları Ekle...
+ Add CopyKopya Ekle
+ RenameYeniden Adlandır
+ RegEx RenameRegEx Yeniden Adlandır
+ MoveTaşı
+ DeleteSil
+ Cover ImageKapak resmi
+ MergeBirleştir
+ NoneHiçbiri
+ Use Adobe's MethodAdobe'nin Yöntemini Kullanın
+ Use IDPF's MethodIDPF Yöntemini Kullanın
+ SortSırala
+ Renumber TOC EntriesTOC Girişlerini Yeniden Numaralandır
+ Link Stylesheets...Stil Sayfalarını Bağla...
+ Link Javascripts...Javascript'i bağla...
+ Add Semantics...Anlambilim Ekle...
+ Validate with W3CW3C ile doğrula
+ Save AsFarklı kaydet
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Önceki dosyayla birleştirin veya birden çok dosyayı tek bir dosyada birleştirin.
+ Rename selected file(s)Seçili dosya(ları) yeniden adlandırın
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Seçili dosya(ları) yeniden adlandırmak için Normal İfadeler Kullanın
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderSeçili dosya(ları) yeni bir klasöre taşı
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Stil Sayfalarını seçili dosya(lara) bağlayın.
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Dosyaları seçmek için Javascript'i bağlayın().
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Seçili dosya(lara) Anlamsallık ekleyin.
+ Other ApplicationDiğer Uygulamalar
@@ -1778,12 +1778,12 @@ Değişikliklerinizi kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?
+ Collapse AllHepsini Daralt
+ Expand AllTümünü Genişlet
@@ -3653,362 +3653,362 @@ tamir edildi.
+ AcknowledgementsTeşekkürler
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.İşin gerçekleştirilmesinde yer alan kuruluşlara teşekkür içeren bir pasaj.
+ AfterwordSonsöz
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Yazardan veya öykü için önemli olan bir kişiden kapanış cümlesi, tipik olarak öykünün nasıl yazıldığı, önemi veya zaman çizelgesinden bu yana meydana gelen ilgili olaylara ilişkin içgörü sağlar.
+ AppendixEk
+ Supplemental information.Supplemental information.
+ Back MatterArka Konu
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Bir yayının ana içeriğinden sonra ortaya çıkan yardımcı materyaller, örneğin indeksler, ekler vb.
+ BibliographyKaynakça
+ A list of works cited.Alıntı yapılan çalışmaların listesi.
+ TextMetin
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Bir yayının ana metin içeriğinin başlangıcı.
+ ColophonYayınevi amblemi
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Basımla ilgili üretim notlarını açıklayan, genellikle bir yayının sonunda yer alan kısa bir açıklama.
+ ConclusionSonuç
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Genellikle işi tamamlayan bir bitiş bölümü.
+ ContributorsKatkıda Bulunanlar
+ A list of contributors to the work.Çalışmaya katkıda bulunanların listesi.
+ Copyright PageTelif hakkı sayfası
+ The copyright page of the work.Çalışmanın telif hakkı sayfası.
+ CoverKapak
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Yayınlar kapak(lar), ceket bilgileri vb.
+ Dedicationİthaf
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Bir veya birkaç belirli kişiye (kişilere) yönelik bir yazıt.
+ EpilogueSonsöz
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Hala anlatının bir parçası olmasına rağmen, genellikle ana hikayeden daha sonraki bir zamandan itibaren yazılmış bir sonuç bölümü.
+ EpigraphYazıt
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Metne uygun olan ancak tamamlayıcı olmayan bir alıntı.
+ ErrataHatalar
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Yayın hataları, basılı çalışmalarda tipik olarak elle yerleştirilen gevşek bir sayfa; bazen çalışmadaki hatalar için düzeltmeler içeren ciltli bir sayfa.
+ FootnotesDipnotlar
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Bir sayfanın altında görünen bir not koleksiyonu.
+ ForewordÖnsöz
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Çalışmadan önce gelen, genellikle eserin yazarı tarafından yazılmayan bir giriş bölümü.
+ Front MatterÖn Konu
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Bir yayının ana içeriği için içindekiler, ithaflar vb. Gibi ön materyal.
+ GlossarySözlük
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Belirli bir bilgi alanındaki terimlerin, bu terimlerin tanımlarıyla birlikte alfabetik bir listesi.
+ Half Title PageYarım Başlık Sayfası
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Sadece başlığın kendisini taşıyan eserin yarım başlık sayfası.
+ ImprimaturTastik
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Çalışmanın yayınlanmasına izin veren resmi bir beyan.
+ ImprintKünye
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Eserin yayınlanması veya dağıtımı ile ilgili bilgiler.
+ IndexDizin
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Bir yayındaki belirli bilgilerin genellikle alfabetik olarak düzenlenmiş ayrıntılı listesi.
+ IntroductionGiriş
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Çalışmanın başlangıcında, tipik olarak okuyucuyu çalışmanın içeriğinin kapsamını veya doğasını tanıtan bir bölüm.
+ List of IllustrationsÇizimler listesi
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Çalışmaya dahil edilen resimlerin bir listesi.
+ List of Audio ClipsSes Kliplerinin Listesi
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Çalışmaya dahil edilen ses kliplerinin bir listesi.
+ List of TablesTablo listesi
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Çalışmaya dahil edilen tabloların bir listesi.
+ List of Video ClipsVideo Klip Listesi
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Çalışmaya dahil edilen video kliplerin listesi.
+ NotesNotlar
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Notlardan oluşan bir koleksiyon. Eski adlandırma kuralları istenmediğinde dipnotları, arka notları, marjinal notları, satır içi notları ve benzerlerini tanımlamak için kullanılabilir. Durum: Kullanımdan Kaldırıldı - Şununla değiştirildi: 'dipnotlar', 'arka notlar'
+ Other CreditsDiğer Katkı sağlayanlar
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Çalışmanın daha önce yayınlanmış bölümlerinin teşekkürleri, illüstrasyon katkıları ve telif hakkıyla korunan materyalden alıntı yapma izni.
+ PreambleÖnsöz
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentÇalışmanın başlangıcında, tipik olarak çalışmanın içeriğinin kapsamı veya doğası ile ilgili giriş ve / veya açıklayıcı düzyazı içeren bir bölüm
+ PrefaceÖnsöz
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Tipik olarak eserin yazarı tarafından yazılan, çalışmadan önce gelen bir giriş bölümü.
+ PrologueGiriş Bölümü
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Bir hikayenin arka planını, tipik olarak anlatının bir parçası olarak ayarlayan bir giriş bölümü.
+ Rear NotesArka Notlar
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Çalışmanın arkasında (arka malzeme) veya bir bölümün sonunda görünen bir not koleksiyonu.
+ Title PageGiriş sayfası
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Kitabın başındaki, yazarlarını, yayıncısını ve diğer yayın bilgilerini veren bir sayfa.
+ Table of Contentsİçindekiler
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Kitap veya belgenin başlıklarının veya bölümlerinin göründükleri sıraya göre düzenlenmiş bir listesi olan içindekiler tablosu. Tipik olarak çalışmanın ön kısmında veya bir bölümün başında görünür.
@@ -4240,67 +4240,67 @@ Daha sonra yukarıdaki listeden tek tek başlıkları işaretleyebilir veya bunl
Küçük resim boyutu:
+ NameAd
+ File Size (KB)Dosya Boyutu (KB)
+ Times UsedKullanılan Kere
+ WidthGenişlik
+ HeightYükseklik
+ PixelsPiksel
+ ColorRenk
+ ImageGörüntü
+ %n file(s)%n dosya(lar)%n dosya(lar)
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileRaporu Virgülle Ayrılmış Dosya Olarak Kaydet
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Rapor dosyası kaydedilemiyor.
+ Delete From BookKitaptan Sil
@@ -4700,482 +4700,482 @@ Değişikliklerinizi kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?
+ AcknowledgmentsTeşekkürler
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.İşin gerçekleştirilmesinde yer alan kuruluşlara teşekkür içeren bir pasaj.
+ AfterwordSonsöz
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Yazardan veya öykü için önemli olan bir kişiden kapanış cümlesi, tipik olarak öykünün nasıl yazıldığı, önemi veya zaman çizelgesinden bu yana meydana gelen ilgili olaylara ilişkin içgörü sağlar.
+ AnnotationAçıklamalar
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedEserdeki pasajlar hakkında açıklayıcı bilgiler. Durum: Kullanımdan Kaldırıldı
+ AppendixEk
+ Supplemental information.Tamamlayıcı bilgiler.
+ AssessmentDeğerlendirme
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Bir öğrencinin ne öğretildiğini anladığını ölçmeye yardımcı olan bir test, sınav veya başka bir etkinlik.
+ Back MatterArka Konu
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Bir yayının ana içeriğinden sonra ortaya çıkan yardımcı materyaller, örneğin indeksler, ekler vb.
+ BibliographyKaynakça
+ A list of works cited.Alıntı yapılan çalışmaların listesi.
+ Body MatterAna Konu
+ The main content of a publication.Bir yayının ana içeriği.
+ ChapterBölüm
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Bir yazı parçasının büyük bir yapısal bölümü.
+ ColophonYayınevi amblemi
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Basımla ilgili üretim notlarını açıklayan, genellikle bir yayının sonunda yer alan kısa bir açıklama.
+ ConclusionSonuç
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Genellikle işi tamamlayan bir bitiş bölümü.
+ ContributorsKatkıda Bulunanlar
+ A list of contributors to the work.Çalışmaya katkıda bulunanların listesi.
+ Copyright PageTelif hakkı sayfası
+ The copyright page of the work.Çalışmanın telif hakkı sayfası.
+ CoverKapak
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Yayınlar kapak(lar), ceket bilgileri vb.
+ Dedicationİthaf
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Bir veya birkaç belirli kişiye (kişilere) yönelik bir yazıt.
+ DivisionBölüm
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Bir parçanın alt yapısı olarak da görünebilen (özellikle mevzuatta) büyük bir yapısal bölüm.
+ EpigraphYazıt
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Metne uygun olan ancak tamamlayıcı olmayan bir alıntı.
+ EpilogueSonsöz
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Hala anlatının bir parçası olmasına rağmen, genellikle ana hikayeden daha sonraki bir zamandan itibaren yazılmış bir sonuç bölümü.
+ ErrataHatalar
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Yayın hataları, basılı çalışmalarda tipik olarak elle yerleştirilen gevşek bir sayfa; bazen çalışmadaki hatalar için düzeltmeler içeren ciltli bir sayfa.
+ FootnotesDipnotlar
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Bir sayfanın altında görünen bir not koleksiyonu.
+ ForewordÖnsöz
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Çalışmadan önce gelen, genellikle eserin yazarı tarafından yazılmayan bir giriş bölümü.
+ Front MatterÖn Konu
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Bir yayının ana içeriği için içindekiler, ithaflar vb. Gibi ön materyal.
+ GlossarySözlük
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Belirli bir bilgi alanındaki terimlerin, bu terimlerin tanımlarıyla birlikte alfabetik bir listesi.
+ Half Title PageYarım Başlık Sayfası
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Sadece başlığın kendisini taşıyan eserin yarım başlık sayfası.
+ ImprimaturTastik
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Çalışmanın yayınlanmasına izin veren resmi bir beyan.
+ ImprintKünye
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Eserin yayınlanması veya dağıtımı ile ilgili bilgiler.
+ IndexDizin
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Bir yayındaki belirli bilgilerin genellikle alfabetik olarak düzenlenmiş ayrıntılı listesi.
+ IntroductionGiriş
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Çalışmanın başlangıcında, tipik olarak okuyucuyu çalışmanın içeriğinin kapsamını veya doğasını tanıtan bir bölüm.
+ LandmarksSınır İşareti
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationYayındaki iyi bilinen / yinelenen bileşenlere atıflar koleksiyonu
+ List of Audio ClipsSes Kliplerinin Listesi
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Çalışmaya dahil edilen ses kliplerinin bir listesi.
+ List of IllustrationsÇizimler listesi
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Çalışmaya dahil edilen resimlerin bir listesi.
+ List of TablesTablo listesi
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Çalışmaya dahil edilen tabloların bir listesi.
+ List of Video ClipsVideo Klip Listesi
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Çalışmaya dahil edilen video kliplerin listesi.
+ NoticeBildiri
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Özel dikkat gerektiren ve atlanmaması veya bastırılmaması gereken bilgiler. Örnekler şunları içerir: uyarı, uyarı, dikkat, tehlike, önemli.
+ Other CreditsDiğer Katkı sağlayanlar
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Çalışmanın daha önce yayınlanmış bölümlerinin teşekkürleri, illüstrasyon katkıları ve telif hakkıyla korunan materyalden alıntı yapma izni.
+ Page ListSayfa Listesi
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookE-kitabın basılı bir sürümünden sayfa sonlarına (başlangıç konumları) referansların listesi
+ PartParça
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Bir yazı parçasının, tipik olarak bir dizi ilgili bölümü kapsayan büyük bir yapısal bölümü.
+ PreambleÖnsöz
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentÇalışmanın başlangıcında, tipik olarak çalışmanın içeriğinin kapsamı veya doğası ile ilgili giriş ve / veya açıklayıcı düzyazı içeren bir bölüm
+ PrefaceÖnsöz
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Tipik olarak eserin yazarı tarafından yazılan, çalışmadan önce gelen bir giriş bölümü.
+ PrologueGiriş Bölümü
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Bir hikayenin arka planını, tipik olarak anlatının bir parçası olarak ayarlayan bir giriş bölümü.
+ Questions and AnswersSorular ve cevaplar
+ A question and answer section.Bir soru ve cevap bölümü.
+ Rear NotesArka Notlar
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Çalışmanın arkasında (arka malzeme) veya bir bölümün sonunda görünen bir not koleksiyonu.
+ Revision HistoryRevizyon Geçmişi
+ A record of changes made to a work.Bir çalışmada yapılan değişikliklerin kaydı.
+ SubchapterAlt Bölüm
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Bir bölümün büyük bir alt bölümü.
+ Title PageGiriş sayfası
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Kitabın başındaki, yazarlarını, yayıncısını ve diğer yayın bilgilerini veren bir sayfa.
+ Table of Contentsİçindekiler
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Kitap veya belgenin başlıklarının veya bölümlerinin göründükleri sıraya göre düzenlenmiş bir listesi olan içindekiler tablosu. Tipik olarak çalışmanın ön kısmında veya bir bölümün başında görünür.
+ VolumeSes Düzeyi
+ A component of a collection.Bir koleksiyonun bileşeni.
+ WarningUyarı
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Belirli bir malzeme hakkında bir uyarı veya ikaz. Durum: Kullanımdan Kaldırıldı - "bildirim" ile değiştirildi.
@@ -8473,14 +8473,13 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- Plugins
- Eklentiler
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
- Kontrol noktaları
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8498,6 +8497,11 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Add Existing
Mevcut Olanı Ekle
+ Checkpoints
+ Kontrol noktaları
+ Index
@@ -10871,6 +10875,31 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Show Log of Checkpoints
Kontrol Noktalarının Günlüğünü Göster
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10985,37 +11014,37 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11036,17 +11065,17 @@ Bu eylem tersine çevrilemez.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11294,356 +11323,356 @@ Bu eylem tersine çevrilemez.
Görüntü mevcut değil:
+ oryada
+ No CSS styles namedAdlandırılmış CSS stili yok
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.bulundu veya stil sayfası bağlantılı değil.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p><b>%2</b>içinde bulunan href <b>%1</b> mevcut değil (ve daha fazlası olabilir). Bu koşullar altında bölmek veya birleştirme, bağlantıların kopmasına neden olabilir.</p><p>Yine de devam etmek istiyor musunuz?</p></html>
+ Add CoverKapak Ekle
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Mevcut bir Kapak dosyası bulundu.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Beklenmeyen hata. Kapak için yalnızca resim dosyaları kullanılabilir.
+ Cover added.Kapak eklendi.
+ Not Available for epub2.Epub2 için mevcut değildir.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.OPF Manifest Özellikleri Güncellendi.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX ve Kılavuz kaldırıldı.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.NCX ve Kılavuz oluşturma başarısız oldu.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX ve Kılavuz oluşturuldu.
+ An existing Index file has been found.Mevcut bir dizin dosyası bulundu.
+ Styles deleted.Stiller silindi.
+ Reports Being Generated.Oluşturulan Raporlar.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.XML iyi biçimlendirilmediğinden raporlar iptal edildi.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Kullanılmayan Medya Dosyalarını Silme, XML'nin düzgün biçimlendirilmemesi nedeniyle iptal edildi.
+ Unused media files deleted.Kullanılmayan medya dosyaları silindi.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Silinecek kullanılmayan görüntü, video veya ses dosyası yok.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Kullanılmayan Stilleri Sil, XML'nin iyi biçimlendirilmemesi nedeniyle iptal edildi.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.Silinecek kullanılmayan stil sayfası seçici yok.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Bu konuma dosya ekleyemezsiniz.
+ Insert FileDosya Ekle
+ The file "%1" does not exist."%1" dosyası yok.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Bu konuma bir kimlik ekleyemezsiniz.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .Kimlik geçersiz - bir harfle başlamalı ve ardından _: - veya harf numarası gelmelidir.
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Bu konuma bir bağlantı ekleyemezsiniz.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Bağlantı geçersiz - '<' veya '>' içeremez
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Bu konumda veya metin seçmeden bir dizini işaretleyemezsiniz.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Giriş geçersiz - '<' veya '>' içeremez
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Bu konumda bir indeksi işaretleyemezsiniz.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Önce yapıştırılacak hedefi seçin.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.%1 klibi girişi yapıştırıldı.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Bir kaynak seçildi ve birleştirilecek daha önce kaynak yok.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Seçili dosyaları birleştirmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?
Bu eylem tersine çevrilemez.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Birleştirme iptal edildi: Birleştirmeye katılan XHTML dosyaları düzgün biçimlendirilmemiş.
+ Cannot merge file %1%1 dosyası birleştirilemiyor
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Birleştirme tamamlandı. İçindekilerinizi yeniden oluşturmanız veya düzenlemeniz gerekebilir.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Bağlantı Stil Sayfaları iptal edildi: %1, XML iyi biçimlendirilmedi.
+ Word updated.Kelime güncellendi.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Bağlantı JavaScript'leri iptal edildi: %1, XML iyi biçimlendirilmemiş.
+ File(s) deleted.Dosya(lar) silindi.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.İçindekiler Tablosunu Düzenleme iptal edildi.
+ Table Of Contents edited.İçindekiler Tablosu düzenlendi.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.TOC oluşturma iptal edildi.
+ Table Of Contents generated.İçindekiler Tablosu oluşturuldu.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.İçindekiler Tablosu değişikliği gerekli değildi.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.Mevcut bir HTML İçindekiler dosyası bulundu.
+ Text selection marked.Metin seçimi işaretlendi.
+ Text selection unmarked.Metin seçimi işaretlenmemiş.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Meta Veri Düzenleyicisi iptal edildi.
+ Metadata edited.Meta veriler düzenlendi.
+ RunPluginEklentiyi Çalıştır
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Bu EPUB, doğrulanacak herhangi bir CSS stil sayfası içermiyor.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Bu EPUB, yeniden biçimlendirilecek herhangi bir CSS stil sayfası içermiyor.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Satır: %1, Sütun: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Dosya bu konumda bölünemez.
+ Split completed.Bölünme tamamlandı.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.En az bir dosya bir HTML dosyası olmadığı için bölünemez.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedBölünemiyor: %1 XML doğru biçimlendirilmemiş
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.En az bir dosya HTML dosyası olamayacağı için bölünemez.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Bölünme tamamlandı. İçindekiler Tablosunu güncellemeniz gerekebilir.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Bölünmüş dosya işaretçisi bulunamadı. Ekle-> Bölünmüş İşaretleyiciyi kullanın.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Belge değiştirildi.
Değişikliklerinizi kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Sigil bu dosyanın üzerine yazmalı mı?
+ No importer for file type: %1Dosya türü için içe aktarıcı yok: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11656,113 +11685,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Temiz Kaynak tercihini, dosyayı Açarken ve yeniden yüklerken XHTML Kaynak Kodunu Düzelt olarak ayarlamayı deneyin.
+ Loading file...Dosya yükleniyor...
+ File loaded.Dosya yüklendi.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.Bu dosyanın yaratıcısı, dosyayı DRM ile şifreledi. Sigil bu tür dosyaları açamaz.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1EPUB yüklenemiyor: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2%1 dosyası yüklenemiyor: %2
+ Saving EPUB...EPUB kaydediliyor...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil, "%1" türündeki dosyaları kaydedemez.
Lütfen farklı bir format seçin.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- Bu EPUB, iyi biçimlendirilmemiş HTML dosyalarına sahip ve geçerli Temiz Kaynak tercihleriniz, Kaydetme işleminde otomatik olarak düzeltilecek şekilde ayarlanmış. İyi biçimlendirilmemiş bir dosyanın kaydedilmesi, dosyanın otomatik olarak düzeltilmesine neden olur ve bu da çok nadiren bazı veri kaybına neden olabilir.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Kaydetmeden önce dosyaları otomatik olarak onarmak istiyor musunuz?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB kaydedildi, ancak tüm HTML dosyaları düzgün biçimlendirilmedi.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB kaydedildi.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2%1: %2 dosyası kaydedilemiyor
+ EPUB files (*.epub)EPUB dosyaları (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTML dosyaları (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Metin dosyaları (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Tüm dosyalar (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)EPUB dosyası (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Mevcut başlık özniteliklerini korumak artık:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15610,12 +15667,12 @@ Kaydetmeden önce dosyaları otomatik olarak onarmak istiyor musunuz?
+ [Title here][Başlık burada]
+ [Main title here][Ana başlık burada]
@@ -16244,128 +16301,128 @@ Kaydetmeden önce dosyaları otomatik olarak onarmak istiyor musunuz?Durum: çalışıyor
+ Launcher process crashedBaşlatıcı işlemi çöktü
+ Status: finishedDurum: tamamlandı
+ Status: failedDurum: başarısız oldu
+ Status: No Changes MadeDurum: Değişiklik Yapılmadı
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesHata: Eklenti Son XHTML dosyasını Kaldırmaya Çalıştı .. Değişiklikler iptal ediliyor
+ Status:Durum:
+ Plugin failed to startEklenti başlatılamadı
+ Status: errorDurum: hata
+ Plugin cancelledEklenti iptal edildi
+ Status: cancelledDurum: iptal edildi
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Sonuç XML'i Ayrıştırma Hatası:
+ Status: checkingDurum: kontrol ediliyor
+ Incorrect XHTML:Yanlış XHTML:
+ Line/ColSatır / Sütun
+ Check ReportRaporu Kontrol Et
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Yanlış XHTML / XML Algılandı
Devam etmek istediğine emin misin?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesDurum: temizleniyor - dosyalar siliniyor
+ Status: deletingDurum: siliniyor
+ Status: LoadingDurum: Yükleniyor
+ Input PluginGiriş Eklentisi
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedMevcut kitabınız, kaydedilmemiş değişiklikleri kaybederek tamamen değiştirilecek ... Devam etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz
+ Status: addingDurum: ekleniyor
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesDurum: temizleme - dosyaları değiştirme
+ Status: modifyingDurum: değiştiriliyor
@@ -16642,43 +16699,43 @@ Varlıklar çizgiler, virgül veya boşluklarla ayrılabilir.
+ PreviewÖnizle
+ Inspect PageSayfayı İncele
+ Select-AllTümünü Seç
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardSeçimi Panoya Kopyala
+ Update Preview WindowÖnizleme Penceresini Güncelle
+ Cycle Custom CSS FilesÖzel CSS Dosyalarında Döngü
+ Print Preview ViewBaskı Önizleme Görünümü
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xQt5.12.x'ten önce özellik mevcut değil
@@ -16838,7 +16895,7 @@ Satır: %1 Sütun %2 - %3
OPF dosyası bir NCX dosyası içermiyor.
+ Adding Existing Files..Mevcut Dosyaları Ekleme..
@@ -16868,19 +16925,19 @@ Satır: %1 Sütun %2 - %3
<p>Sigil'in daha yeni bir sürümü mevcut, sürüm <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>İndirme sayfasına gitmek ister misiniz?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.%1 dosyası okunamıyor:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil bir sorunla karşılaştı.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil'in kapatılması gerekebilir.
@@ -16906,28 +16963,28 @@ Satır: %1 Sütun %2 - %3
Geçersiz NCX dosyası: %1
+ QuitÇıkış
+ AboutHakkında
+ PreferencesTercihler
+ NewYeni
+ OpenAç
@@ -19010,32 +19067,32 @@ kitabınızı ve otomatik olarak belgenize ekleyin.
+ Files In the BookKitaptaki Dosyalar
+ ThumbnailsÖrneklendirmeler
+ shadesgölgeler
+ colorsrenkler
+ GrayscaleGri Tonlama
+ ColorRenk
@@ -19617,17 +19674,17 @@ Yazım Denetimi açıkken herhangi bir HTML dosyasını düzenlerseniz kullanın
+ The file "%1" does not exist."%1" dosyası yok.
+ Collapse AllTümünü Daralt
+ Expand AllTümünü Genişlet
@@ -19643,12 +19700,12 @@ Yazım Denetimi açıkken herhangi bir HTML dosyasını düzenlerseniz kullanın
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_uk.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_uk.ts
index 9a188d559c..bb68da5ba6 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_uk.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_uk.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ Open WithВідкрити за допомогою
+ %n file(s)%n файл%n файли%n файлів%n файл(и)
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?Ви впевнені, що хочете відсортувати обрані файли в абетко-цифровому форматі?
+ This action cannot be reversed.Цю дію не можна буде повернути.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Файл «%1» не існує.
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.Javascript не підтримується в epub2.
+ Add Existing FilesДодати існуючі файли
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
натисніть «ОК», якщо бажаете замінити?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".Неможливо видалити або замінити файл «%1».
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
Файл з цим ім’ям вже є у книзі.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ File(s) added or replaced.Файл(и) додано або замінено.
+ Save As FileЗберегти як файл
+ Unable to save the file.Неможливо зберегти файл
+ Choose the directory to save the files toОберіть каталог для збереження файлів
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?Один або декілька файлів вже існують. Бажаєте перезаписати?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.Неможливо зберегти файли. Місце призначення має бути каталогом.
+ Unable to save files.Неможливо зберегти файли.
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Неможливо змінити назву файлу, через можливість повторення імен.
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"У папки призначення недійсний шлях «%1»
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.Неможливо перемістити файли, через можливість повторення імен.
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Документ Nav не може бути видалений.
+ The NCX can not be removed.NCX не може бути видалений.
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.OPF необхідний для epub і не може бути видалений.
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.Ви не можете видалити всі html файли
Там завжди повинен бути принаймні один.
+ Unable to set file as cover image.Неможливо встановити файл як зображення обкладинки.
+ Select AllВибрати все
+ Add Blank HTML FileДодати порожній файл HTML
+ Add Blank StylesheetДодати порожній файл CSS
+ Add Blank JavascriptДодати бланк Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG ImageДодати порожнє SVG зображення
+ Add Existing Files...Додати існуючі файли…
+ Add CopyДодати копію
+ RenameПерейменувати
+ RegEx RenameПерейменувати RegEx
+ MoveПеремістити
+ DeleteВидалити
+ Cover ImageЗображення обкладинки
+ MergeОб'єднати
+ NoneНема
+ Use Adobe's MethodЗробити методом Adobe
+ Use IDPF's MethodЗробити методом IDPF
+ SortСортувати
+ Renumber TOC EntriesПеренумерувати елементи змісту
+ Link Stylesheets...Зв'язати з Таблицею Стилів…
+ Link Javascripts...Підключити Javascripts…
+ Add Semantics...Додати семантику…
+ Validate with W3CПеревірка за допомогою W3C
+ Save AsЗберегти як
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.Об’єднати з попереднім файлом або об'єднати декілька файлів в один.
+ Rename selected file(s)Перейменувати вибраний файл(и)
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)Використовуйте регулярні вирази для перейменування вибраних файлів
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folderПеремістити вибраний файл(и) до нової папки
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).Зв'язати Таблицю Стилів з вибраними файлами.
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).Зв’язати Javascripts з вибраними файлами.
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).Додати семантику до вибраних файлів.
+ Other ApplicationІнша програма
@@ -1778,12 +1778,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Collapse AllЗгорнути все
+ Expand AllРозгорнути все
@@ -3653,362 +3653,362 @@ mended.
+ AcknowledgementsДякування
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Уривок, який містить подяки суб’єктам, які беруть участь у реалізації твору.
+ AfterwordПіслямова
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Заключне висловлювання автора чи людини, що має важливе значення для розповіді, як правило, забезпечує розуміння того, як історія була написана, її значення чи пов’язані з нею події, що набули свого часу.
+ AppendixДодаток
+ Supplemental information.Додаткова інформація.
+ Back MatterПрикінцеві матеріали
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Допоміжний матеріал, що виникає після основного змісту публікації, наприклад, індекси, додатки тощо.
+ BibliographyБібліографія
+ A list of works cited.Список цитованих робіт.
+ TextТекст
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.Початок основного текстового змісту публікації.
+ ColophonКолофон
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Короткий опис, зазвичай розміщений в кінці публікації, описує виробничі нотатки, що стосуються видання.
+ ConclusionЗавершення
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Кінцевий розділ, який зазвичай завершує роботу.
+ ContributorsСпівавтори
+ A list of contributors to the work.Список співавторів твору.
+ Copyright PageСторінка авторських прав
+ The copyright page of the work.Сторінка авторських прав на твір.
+ CoverОбкладинка
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Обкладинка(-ки) видань, інформація на суперобкладинках і т.д.
+ DedicationПрисвячення
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Напис, адресований одній або декільком окремим особам.
+ EpilogueЕпілог
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Заключний розділ, який, як правило, пишеться з пізнішого часу, ніж основний сюжет, хоча все ще є частиною оповідання.
+ EpigraphЕпіграф
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Цитата, яка доречна, але не є невід’ємною частиною тексту.
+ ErrataДрукарські помилки
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Друкарські помилки видання, у друкованих творах, як правило, вільний аркуш, вставлений вручну; іноді переплетена сторінка, яка містить виправлення помилок у роботі.
+ FootnotesВиноски
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Збірка приміток та пояснень до тексту, що з’являються внизу сторінки.
+ ForewordПередмова
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Вступний розділ, що передує твору, як правило, не написаний автором твору.
+ Front MatterВступні матеріали
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Попередній матеріал до основного змісту публікації, такий як зміст, присвяти тощо.
+ GlossaryГлосарій
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Алфавітний перелік термінів у певній галузі знань із визначеннями для цих термінів.
+ Half Title PageШмуцтитул
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Окрема сторінка, де поміщають заголовок частини, розділу чи розділ книги, а деколи окремих творів, які входять у збірник.
+ ImprimaturДозвіл цензури
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Офіційна заява про дозвіл на публікацію твору.
+ ImprintІмпринт
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Інформація, що стосується публікації чи розповсюдження твору.
+ IndexПокажчик
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Детальний список, який зазвичай розташований в алфавітному порядку, певної інформації в публікації.
+ IntroductionВведення
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Розділ на початку твору, як правило, знайомить читача зі сферою чи характером змісту твору.
+ List of IllustrationsСписок ілюстрацій
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Перелік ілюстрацій, включених до твору.
+ List of Audio ClipsСписок аудіокліпів
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Перелік аудіокліпів, включених до твору.
+ List of TablesСписок таблиць
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Перелік таблиць, включених до твору.
+ List of Video ClipsСписок відеокліпів
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Перелік відеокліпів, включених до твору.
+ NotesПримітки
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'Збірка нотаток. Її можна використовувати для ідентифікації виносок, задніх нотаток, граничних приміток, вбудованих нотаток тощо, коли застарілі угоди про іменування не бажані. Статус: застарілий - замінено на: «виноски», «замітки»
+ Other CreditsІнші подяки
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Подяка за раніше опубліковані частини твору, права на ілюстрацій та дозвіл на цитування матеріалів, захищених авторським правом.
+ PreambleПреамбула
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentРозділ на початку твору, який зазвичай містить вступну та/або пояснювальну прозу щодо обсягу чи характеру змісту твору
+ PrefaceВступ
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Вступний розділ, що передує твору, як правило, написаний автором твору.
+ PrologueПролог
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Вступний розділ, який задає тло сюжету, як правило, є частиною розповіді.
+ Rear NotesПрикінцеві примітки
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Збірка приміток, що з’являються ззаду (позаду, в кінці) твору або в кінці розділу.
+ Title PageТитульний аркуш
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Сторінка на початку книги, що містить її назву, авторів, видавця та іншу інформацію про видання.
+ Table of ContentsЗміст
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Зміст – це перелік заголовків або частин книги чи документа, впорядкованих у тому порядку, в якому вони відображаються. Зазвичай з’являється в передній частині твору або на початку розділу.
@@ -4240,67 +4240,67 @@ You can then check or uncheck individual headings in the list above.
Розмір мініатюри:
+ NameНазва
+ File Size (KB)Розмір файлу (КБ)
+ Times UsedВикористано
+ WidthШирина
+ HeightВисота
+ PixelsПікселі
+ ColorКолір
+ ImageЗображення
+ %n file(s)%n файл(ів)%n файл(ів)%n файл(ів)%n файл(ів)
+ Save Report As Comma Separated FileЗберегти звіт як файл у форматі CSV
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.Не можу зберегти файл звіту.
+ Delete From BookВидалити з книги
@@ -4700,482 +4700,482 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ AcknowledgmentsДякування
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.Уривок, який містить подяки суб’єктам, які беруть участь у реалізації твору.
+ AfterwordПіслямова
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.Заключне висловлювання автора чи людини, що має важливе значення для розповіді, як правило, забезпечує розуміння того, як історія була написана, її значення чи пов’язані з нею події, що набули свого часу.
+ AnnotationАнотація
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: DeprecatedПояснювальні відомості про уривки у творі. Статус: застарілий
+ AppendixДодаток
+ Supplemental information.Додаткова інформація.
+ AssessmentОцінка знань
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.Тест, контрольна або перевірочна робота чи інша діяльність, яка допомагає оцінити розуміння студентом того, що йому викладається.
+ Back MatterПрикінцеві матеріали
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.Допоміжний матеріал, що виникає після основного змісту публікації, наприклад, індекси, додатки тощо.
+ BibliographyБібліографія
+ A list of works cited.Список цитованих робіт.
+ Body MatterОсновний текст
+ The main content of a publication.Основний зміст публікації.
+ ChapterРозділ
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.Основна структурна частина твору.
+ ColophonКолофон
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.Короткий опис, зазвичай розміщений в кінці публікації, описує виробничі нотатки, що стосуються видання.
+ ConclusionЗавершення
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.Кінцевий розділ, який зазвичай завершує роботу.
+ ContributorsСпівавтори
+ A list of contributors to the work.Список співавторів твору.
+ Copyright PageСторінка авторських прав
+ The copyright page of the work.Сторінка авторських прав на твір.
+ CoverОбкладинка
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.Обкладинка(-ки) видань, інформація на суперобкладинках і т.д.
+ DedicationПрисвячення
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).Напис, адресований одній або декільком окремим особам.
+ DivisionРозділ
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).Основний структурний розділ, який також може виступати як підструктура частини (особливо у законодавстві).
+ EpigraphЕпіграф
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.Цитата, яка доречна, але не є невід’ємною частиною тексту.
+ EpilogueЕпілог
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.Заключний розділ, який, як правило, пишеться з пізнішого часу, ніж основний сюжет, хоча все ще є частиною оповідання.
+ ErrataДрукарські помилки
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.Друкарські помилки видання, у друкованих творах, як правило, вільний аркуш, вставлений вручну; іноді переплетена сторінка, яка містить виправлення помилок у роботі.
+ FootnotesВиноски
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.Збірка приміток та пояснень до тексту, що з’являються внизу сторінки.
+ ForewordПередмова
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.Вступний розділ, що передує твору, як правило, не написаний автором твору.
+ Front MatterВступні матеріали
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.Попередній матеріал до основного змісту публікації, такий як зміст, присвяти тощо.
+ GlossaryГлосарій
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.Алфавітний перелік термінів у певній галузі знань із визначеннями для цих термінів.
+ Half Title PageШмуцтитул
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.Окрема сторінка, де поміщають заголовок частини, розділу чи розділ книги, а деколи окремих творів, які входять у збірник.
+ ImprimaturДозвіл цензури
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.Офіційна заява про дозвіл на публікацію твору.
+ ImprintІмпринт
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.Інформація, що стосується публікації чи розповсюдження твору.
+ IndexПокажчик
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.Детальний список, який зазвичай розташований в алфавітному порядку, певної інформації в публікації.
+ IntroductionВведення
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.Розділ на початку твору, як правило, знайомить читача зі сферою чи характером змісту твору.
+ LandmarksПам'ятка
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publicationЗбірник посилань на відомі/повторювані компоненти в публікації
+ List of Audio ClipsСписок аудіокліпів
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.Перелік аудіокліпів, включених до твору.
+ List of IllustrationsСписок ілюстрацій
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.Перелік ілюстрацій, включених до твору.
+ List of TablesСписок таблиць
+ A listing of tables included in the work.Перелік таблиць, включених до твору.
+ List of Video ClipsСписок відеокліпів
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.Перелік відеокліпів, включених до твору.
+ NoticeУвага
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.Інформація, яка потребує особливої уваги, і яку не слід пропускати чи приховувати. Приклади включають: тривога, попередження, обережно, небезпечно, важливо.
+ Other CreditsІнші подяки
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.Подяка за раніше опубліковані частини твору, права на ілюстрацій та дозвіл на цитування матеріалів, захищених авторським правом.
+ Page ListСписок сторінок
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebookСписок посилань на розриви сторінок (початкові місця) з версії для друку електронної книги
+ PartЧастина
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.Основний структурний поділ фрагмента написаного, як правило, укладає набір пов'язаних з ним розділів.
+ PreambleПреамбула
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's contentРозділ на початку твору, який зазвичай містить вступну та/або пояснювальну прозу щодо обсягу чи характеру змісту твору
+ PrefaceВступ
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.Вступний розділ, що передує твору, як правило, написаний автором твору.
+ PrologueПролог
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.Вступний розділ, який задає тло сюжету, як правило, є частиною розповіді.
+ Questions and AnswersПитання та Відповіді
+ A question and answer section.Розділ запитань та відповідей.
+ Rear NotesПрикінцеві примітки
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.Збірка приміток, що з’являються ззаду (позаду, в кінці) твору або в кінці розділу.
+ Revision HistoryІсторія внесених змін
+ A record of changes made to a work.Перелік змін, внесених до твору.
+ SubchapterПідрозділ
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.Основний підрозділ глави.
+ Title PageТитульний аркуш
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.Сторінка на початку книги, що містить її назву, авторів, видавця та іншу інформацію про видання.
+ Table of ContentsЗміст
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.Зміст – це перелік заголовків або частин книги чи документа, впорядкованих у тому порядку, в якому вони відображаються. Зазвичай з’являється у передній частині твору або на початку розділу.
+ VolumeТом
+ A component of a collection.Компонент колекції.
+ WarningПопередження
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.Попередження або застереження щодо особливого матеріалу. Статус: Депрекація – замінено на «повідомлення».
@@ -8473,14 +8473,13 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- Plugins
- Модулі
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
- Архіваріус
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8498,6 +8497,11 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Add Existing
Додати існуючі
+ Checkpoints
+ Архіваріус
+ Index
@@ -10871,6 +10875,31 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Show Log of Checkpoints
Показати журнал Архіваріуса
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10985,37 +11014,37 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11036,17 +11065,17 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] – epub%2 – %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11294,356 +11323,356 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
Зображення не існує:
+ orабо
+ No CSS styles namedНемає назв стилів CSS
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.знайдено або таблиця стилів не пов’язана.
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>Гіперпосилання <b>%1</b> знайдене у <b>%2</b> не існує (і їх може бути більше). Розділення або злиття в цих умовах може призвести до розриву зв’язків або посилань.</p><p>Ви все ще хочете продовжувати?</p></html>
+ Add CoverДодати обкладинку
+ An existing Cover file has been found.Знайдено існуючий файл обкладинки.
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.Неочікувана помилка. Для обкладинки можуть використовуватися лише файли зображень.
+ Cover added.Обкладинку додано.
+ Not Available for epub2.Недоступно для epub2.
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.Оновлені властивості маніфесту OPF.
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX та Посібник видалені.
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.Помилка генерації NCX та Посібника.
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX та Посібник сгенеровані.
+ An existing Index file has been found.Знайдено існуючий файл покажчика.
+ Styles deleted.Стилі видалено.
+ Reports Being Generated.Звіти формуються.
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.Звіти скасовуються через неправильне формування XML.
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.Видалення невикористаних медіафайлів скасовано через неправильне формування XML.
+ Unused media files deleted.Невикористані медіафайли видалено.
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.Немає використаних файлів зображень, відео чи аудіо, які можна видалити.
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.Видалення невикористаних стилів скасовано через неправильне формування XML.
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.Немає невикористаних селекторів таблиць стилів, які потрібно видалити.
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.Ви не можете вставити файл у цій позиції.
+ Insert FileВставити Файл
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Файл «%1» не існує.
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.Ви не можете вставити ідентифікатор у цю позицію.
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ID недійсний – повинен починатися з літери, після чого можуть додаватися букви, цифри, знаки «-», «_», «:», або «.»
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.Ви не можете вставити посилання у цю позицію.
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Посилання недійсне – не може містити «<» або «>»
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.Ви не можете поставити маркер покажчика у цій позиції або не вибрали текст.
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'Запис недійсний – не може містити «<» або «>»
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.Ви не можете поставити маркер покажчика на цій позиції.
+ Select the destination to paste into first.Виберіть місце призначення, що слід вставити спочатку.
+ Pasted clip entry %1.Вставлено елемент фрагменту %1.
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.Вибраний тільки один ресурс, другий ресурс для об’єднання відсутній.
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.Ви впевнені, що хочете об'єднати вибрані файли?
Цю дію неможливо відмінити.
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.Об’єднання скасовано: файли XHTML, залучені до злиття, сформовані неправильно.
+ Cannot merge file %1Неможливо об'єднати файл %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.Об’єднання успішно завершено. Можливо, Вам доведеться обновити або відредагувати зміст.
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Зв'язування з Таблицями Стилів скасовано: %1, XML неправильно сформований.
+ Word updated.Слово оновлено.
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.Зв'язування з Таблицями Стилів скасовано: %1, XML неправильно сформований.
+ File(s) deleted.Файл(и) видалено.
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.Редагування Змісту скасовано.
+ Table Of Contents edited.Зміст відредаговано.
+ Generate TOC cancelled.Створення Змісту скасовано.
+ Table Of Contents generated.Зміст сформовано.
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.Зміни Змісту не потрібні.
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.Знайдено існуючий HTML-файл змісту.
+ Text selection marked.Вибраний текст позначений.
+ Text selection unmarked.Знято позначення вибраного тексту.
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.Роботу Редактора МетаДаних скасовано.
+ Metadata edited.МетаДані відредаговані.
+ RunPluginЗапуститиМодуль
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.Цей EPUB не містить таблиць стилів CSS для перевірки.
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.Цей EPUB не містить таблиць стилів CSS для переформатування.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2Рядок: %1, Стовпець: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.Файл неможливо розділити з цієї позиції.
+ Split completed.Розділення завершено.
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.Неможливо розділити, оскільки принаймні один файл не є файлом HTML.
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formedНеможливо розділити: %1 XML неправильно сформований
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.Неможливо розділити, оскільки принаймні один файл може бути не HTML файлом.
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.Розділення завершено. Можливо, Вам доведеться оновити Зміст.
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.Не знайдено маркерів розділення файлу. Використовуйте Вставити -> Маркер розділення.
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?В документ були внесені зміни.
Ви хочете зберегти свої зміни?
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Чи повинен Sigil перезаписати цей файл?
+ No importer for file type: %1Відсутній контейнер для типу файлу: %1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11656,113 +11685,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
Спробуйте настроїти параметр Clean Source на «Виправляти вихідний код XHTML при відкритті» та перезавантажте файл.
+ Loading file...Завантаження файлу…
+ File loaded.Файл завантажено.
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.Той хто створив цей файл зашифрував його за допомогою DRM. Sigil не може відкрити такі файли.
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1Неможливо завантажити EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2Неможливо завантажити файл %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...Збереження EPUB…
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil не може зберігати файли типу «%1».
Будь ласка, виберіть інший формат.
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- Цей EPUB містить файли HTML, які не сформовані належним чином, і Ваші поточні настройки «Clean Source» налаштовані автоматично виправляти формат при збереженні. Збереження недостатньо сформованого файлу призведе до його автоматичного виправлення, що дуже рідко може призвести до втрати даних.
-Ви хочете, автоматично виправляти формат файлів перед збереженням?
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB збережено, але не всі файли HTML добре сформовані.
+ EPUB saved.EPUB збережено.
+ Cannot save file %1: %2Неможливо зберегти файл %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)Файли EPUB (*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)Файли HTML (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Текстові файли (*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)Усі файли (*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)Файл EPUB (*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:Зберегти існуючі атрибути заголовка зараз:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15610,12 +15667,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][Назва отут]
+ [Main title here][Основний заголовок отут]
@@ -16244,128 +16301,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
Статус: виконання
+ Launcher process crashedЗбій у запущенному Процесі
+ Status: finishedСтатус: закінчено
+ Status: failedСтатус: неполадка
+ Status: No Changes MadeСтатус: зміни відсутні
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changesПомилка: Модуль намагався видалити останній XHTML-файл … подальші зміни перервано
+ Status:Статус:
+ Plugin failed to startНе вдалося запустити модуль
+ Status: errorСтатус: помилка
+ Plugin cancelledМодуль відмінено
+ Status: cancelledСтатус: скасовано
+ Error Parsing Result XML: Помилка синтаксичного аналізу XML:
+ Status: checkingСтатус: перевірка
+ Incorrect XHTML:Неправильний XHTML:
+ Line/ColРядок/Стовпець
+ Check ReportПеревірити Звіт
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?Виявлено неправильний XHTML/XML
Ви впевнені, що хочете продовжувати?
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting filesСтатус: очищення – видалення файлів
+ Status: deletingСтатус: видалення
+ Status: LoadingСтатус: Завантаження
+ Input PluginВвести модуль
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceedВаша поточна книга буде повністю замінена, можливо з втратою будь-яких незбережених змін … Ви впевнені, що хочете продовжити
+ Status: addingСтатус: додавання
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying filesСтатус: очищення – модифікація файлів
+ Status: modifyingСтатус: модифікація
@@ -16642,43 +16699,43 @@ Entities can be separated by lines, commas, or spaces.
+ PreviewПерегляд
+ Inspect PageРевізувати Сторінку
+ Select-AllВибрати-Все
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoardКопіювати вибране у буфер обміну
+ Update Preview WindowОновити вікно попереднього Перегляду
+ Cycle Custom CSS FilesНаступний CSS-файл користувача
+ Print Preview ViewРежим перегляду перед друком
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xФункція недоступна до Qt5.12.x
@@ -16838,7 +16895,7 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
Файл OPF не містить файл NCX.
+ Adding Existing Files..Додавання існуючих файлів…
@@ -16868,19 +16925,19 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
<p>Доступна нова версія Sigil, версія <b>%1</b>.<br/><p>Ви хочете перейти на сторінку завантаження?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.Неможливо прочитати файл %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.У Sigil виникли проблеми.
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil, має закритися.
@@ -16906,28 +16963,28 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
Неприпустимий NCX-файл: %1
+ QuitВихід
+ AboutПро програму
+ PreferencesНалаштування
+ NewНовий
+ OpenВідкрити
@@ -19010,32 +19067,32 @@ your book and automatically insert into your document.
+ Files In the BookФайли в книзі
+ ThumbnailsМініатюри
+ shadesтіні
+ colorsкольори
+ GrayscaleВідтінки сірого
+ ColorКолір
@@ -19617,17 +19674,17 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.Файл «%1» не існує.
+ Collapse AllЗгорнути все
+ Expand AllРозгорнути все
@@ -19643,12 +19700,12 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_zh_CN.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_zh_CN.ts
index 88b6224510..da68761fff 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_zh_CN.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ Open With打开方式
+ %n file(s)%n 个文件
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?你确定你选定的文件要按字母数字进行排序吗?
+ This action cannot be reversed.这个动作不能逆转。
+ The file "%1" does not exist.文件“%1”不存在。
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.epub2不支持Javascript。
+ Add Existing Files添加现有文件
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".无法删除或替换文件 "%1"。
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -980,235 +980,235 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ File(s) added or replaced.文件已添加或替换。
+ Save As File另存为文件
+ Unable to save the file.无法保存文件。
+ Choose the directory to save the files to选择保存文件的目录
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?一个或多个文件已经存在. 是否覆盖?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.无法保存文件。 目标可能是一个目录。
+ Unable to save files.无法保存文件。
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.不能重命名文件,这可能导致文件名重复。
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"目标文件夹包含非法路径 "%1"
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.无法移动文件,因为这将导致文件重名。
+ The Nav document can not be removed.Nav文档不可以被移除。
+ The NCX can not be removed.无法删除NCX
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.epub要求包含该OPF,无法删除。
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.您不能删除所有的HTML文件。
+ Unable to set file as cover image.未能设置文件为封面图像。
+ Select All选择所有
+ Add Blank HTML File添加空白HTML文件
+ Add Blank Stylesheet新增空白样式表
+ Add Blank Javascript添加空白Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG Image添加空白SVG图片
+ Add Existing Files...添加现有文件...
+ Add Copy添加副本
+ Rename重命名
+ RegEx RenameRegEx 重命名
+ Move移动
+ Delete删除
+ Cover Image封面图片
+ Merge合并
+ None无
+ Use Adobe's Method使用Adobe的方法
+ Use IDPF's Method使用IDPF的方法
+ Sort排序
+ Renumber TOC Entries重新编排目录项
+ Link Stylesheets...链接样式表...
+ Link Javascripts...链接到Javascript...
+ Add Semantics...添加语义...
+ Validate with W3C用W3C验证
+ Save As另存为
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.合并先前的文件,或合并多个文件为一个。
+ Rename selected file(s)重命名所选文件
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)使用正则表达式来重命名所选文件
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folder将所选文件移入一个新文件夹
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).将所选文件与样式表进行链接
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).将Javascript链接到所选文件。
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).将语义加入所选文件
+ Other Application其他程序
@@ -1779,12 +1779,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Collapse All全部折叠
+ Expand All全部展开
@@ -3655,362 +3655,362 @@ mended.
+ Acknowledgements致谢
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.一段包含对完成工作的实体的感谢的段落。
+ Afterword后记
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.作者或对故事有重要意义的人的结束语,通常提供对故事是如何撰写的、其意义或自其时间线以来发生的相关事件的洞察力。
+ Appendix附录
+ Supplemental information.补充信息。
+ Back Matter结文
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.出现在出版物主要内容之后的辅助材料,如索引、附录等。
+ Bibliography参考书目
+ A list of works cited.引用的作品列表。
+ Text文本
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.出版物正文内容的开头。
+ Colophon版权页
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.一种简短的描述,通常位于出版物的末尾,描述与版本相关的作品注释。
+ Conclusion结论
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.一个结束部分,通常用来结束作品。
+ Contributors贡献者
+ A list of contributors to the work.这项工作的贡献者名单。
+ Copyright Page版权页
+ The copyright page of the work.作品版权页
+ Cover封面
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.出版物封面、书套信息等。
+ Dedication贡献
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).写给一个或几个特定的人的题词。
+ Epilogue后记
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.总结部分,通常是在比主要故事晚的时间点撰写的,尽管仍是叙述的一部分。
+ Epigraph题词
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.一个引文,与正文相关但不完整。
+ Errata勘误表
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.出版物勘误表,在印刷作品中,通常是用手插入的散页; 有时是一个装订页,其中包含对工作中的错误的更正。
+ Footnotes脚注
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.一组注释,出现在页面底部。
+ Foreword前言
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.作品之前的介绍性部分,通常不是由作品的作者撰写的。
+ Front Matter扉页
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.出版物主要内容的初步材料,例如目录,奉献等。
+ Glossary词汇
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.特定知识领域中按字母顺序排列的术语列表,以及这些术语的定义。
+ Half Title Page内封页
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.作品的半标题页,只有标题本身。
+ Imprimatur出版许可
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.授权发表作品的正式声明。
+ Imprint出版商名称
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.与作品出版或发行有关的信息。
+ Index索引
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.出版物中特定信息的详细列表,通常按字母顺序排列。
+ Introduction简介
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.作品开始部分,通常向读者介绍作品内容的范围或性质。
+ List of Illustrations插图列表
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.作品中包含的插图清单
+ List of Audio Clips音频剪辑列表
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.作品中包含的音频剪辑列表。
+ List of Tables目录表
+ A listing of tables included in the work.作品中包含的表格清单
+ List of Video Clips视频剪辑列表
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.作品中包含的视频剪辑列表。
+ Notes注释
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'笔记集。当不需要传统的命名约定时,它可以用于标识脚注、尾注、边缘注释、内联注释和类似内容。状态:已弃用-替换为:“脚注”、“后注释”
+ Other Credits其他信誉
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.对之前发表的作品部分的确认、插图致谢,以及从受版权保护的材料中引用的许可。
+ Preamble序言
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's content作品开头的一节,通常包含关于作品内容范围或性质的介绍性和/或解释性散文
+ Preface序言
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.作品前面的介绍性部分,通常由作品的作者撰写。
+ Prologue前言
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.为故事设定背景的介绍性部分,通常是叙述的一部分。
+ Rear Notes后记
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.出现在作品后面(背面)或某一部分结尾处的笔记集。
+ Title Page标题页
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.在书的开头的一页,给出书名、作者、出版商和其他出版信息。
+ Table of Contents目录
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.一个目录,它是书或文档的标题或部分的列表,按其出现的顺序进行组织。 通常出现在作品的前题或部分开头。
@@ -4243,67 +4243,67 @@ You can then check or uncheck individual headings in the list above.
+ Name名称
+ File Size (KB)文件大小(KB)
+ Times Used使用次数
+ Width宽
+ Height高
+ Pixels像素
+ Color颜色
+ Image图片
+ %n file(s)%n 个文件
+ Save Report As Comma Separated File保存报告为逗号分割的文件
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.无法保存报告文件。
+ Delete From Book从书中删除
@@ -4703,482 +4703,482 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Acknowledgments致谢
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.一段包含对完成工作的实体的感谢的段落。
+ Afterword后记
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.作者或对故事有重要意义的人的结束语,通常提供对故事是如何撰写的、其意义或自其时间线以来发生的相关事件的洞察力。
+ Annotation评注
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: Deprecated关于作品段落的解释性信息。状态:已弃用
+ Appendix附录
+ Supplemental information.补充信息。
+ Assessment评语
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.一项测试,测验或其他活动,有助于衡量学生对所教课程的理解。
+ Back Matter结文
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.出现在出版物主要内容之后的辅助材料,如索引、附录等。
+ Bibliography参考书目
+ A list of works cited.引用的作品列表。
+ Body Matter正文内容
+ The main content of a publication.出版物的主要内容。
+ Chapter章节
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.一篇文章的主要结构部分。
+ Colophon版权页
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.一种简短的描述,通常位于出版物的末尾,描述与版本相关的作品注释。
+ Conclusion结论
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.一个结束部分,通常用来结束作品。
+ Contributors贡献者
+ A list of contributors to the work.这项工作的贡献者名单。
+ Copyright Page版权页
+ The copyright page of the work.作品版权页
+ Cover封面
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.出版物封面、书套信息等。
+ Dedication贡献
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).写给一个或几个特定的人的题词。
+ Division部门
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).一种主要的结构划分,也可以作为一个部分的子结构出现(特别是在立法中)。
+ Epigraph题词
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.一个引文,与正文相关但不完整。
+ Epilogue后记
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.总结部分,通常是在比主要故事晚的时间点撰写的,尽管仍是叙述的一部分。
+ Errata勘误表
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.出版物勘误表,在印刷作品中,通常是用手插入的散页; 有时是一个装订页,其中包含对工作中的错误的更正。
+ Footnotes脚注
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.一组注释,出现在页面底部。
+ Foreword前言
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.作品之前的介绍性部分,通常不是由作品的作者撰写的。
+ Front Matter扉页
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.出版物主要内容的初步材料,例如目录,奉献等。
+ Glossary词汇
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.特定知识领域中按字母顺序排列的术语列表,以及这些术语的定义。
+ Half Title Page内封页
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.作品的半标题页,只有标题本身。
+ Imprimatur出版许可
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.授权发表作品的正式声明。
+ Imprint出版商名称
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.与作品出版或发行有关的信息。
+ Index索引
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.出版物中特定信息的详细列表,通常按字母顺序排列。
+ Introduction简介
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.作品开始部分,通常向读者介绍作品内容的范围或性质。
+ Landmarks里程碑
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publication对出版物中知名/重复出现的组成部分的引用的集合
+ List of Audio Clips音频剪辑列表
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.作品中包含的音频剪辑列表。
+ List of Illustrations插图列表
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.作品内的插图清单
+ List of Tables目录表
+ A listing of tables included in the work.作品中包含的表格清单
+ List of Video Clips视频剪辑列表
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.作品中包含的视频剪辑列表。
+ Notice须知
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.需要特别注意的信息,不能跳过或禁止显示。 示例包括:警报,警告,小心,危险,重要。
+ Other Credits其他信誉
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.对之前发表的作品部分的确认、插图致谢,以及从受版权保护的材料中引用的许可。
+ Page List页列表
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebook印刷版电子书中对分页符(起始位置)的引用列表
+ Part章
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.一篇文章的主要结构部分,通常包含一系列相关章节。
+ Preamble序言
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's content作品开头的一节,通常包含关于作品内容范围或性质的介绍性和/或解释性散文
+ Preface序言
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.作品前面的介绍性部分,通常由作品的作者撰写。
+ Prologue前言
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.为故事设定背景的介绍性部分,通常是叙述的一部分。
+ Questions and Answers问题与回答
+ A question and answer section.问答部分。
+ Rear Notes后记
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.出现在作品后面(背面)或某一部分结尾处的笔记集。
+ Revision History版本历史
+ A record of changes made to a work.对作品所做的修改的记录。
+ Subchapter分章
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.一章的主要子部分。
+ Title Page标题页
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.在书的开头的一页,给出书名、作者、出版商和其他出版信息。
+ Table of Contents目录
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.一个目录,它是书或文档的标题或部分的列表,按其出现的顺序进行组织。 通常出现在作品的前题或部分开头。
+ Volume卷
+ A component of a collection.作品集一个部分
+ Warning警告
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.有关特定材料的警告或注意事项。 状态:已弃用-由“通知”代替。
@@ -8477,13 +8477,12 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- Plugins
- 插件
+ &Plugins
+ 插件(&P)
- Checkpoints
+ Chec&kpoints检查点
@@ -8502,6 +8501,11 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Add Existing
+ Checkpoints
+ 检查点
+ Index
@@ -10874,6 +10878,31 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Show Log of Checkpoints
+ Focus on CodeView
+ 聚焦代码视图
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ 聚焦书籍浏览器
+ Focus on Preview
+ 聚焦预览
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ 聚焦目录
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ 聚焦片段窗口
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10988,37 +11017,37 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11039,17 +11068,17 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]Sigil [std]
@@ -11297,356 +11326,356 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ or或
+ No CSS styles named没有CSS样式命名
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.找到,或样式表未链接。
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>在<b>%2</b>中的href<b>%1</b>不存在 (并且可能有更多)。在这些条件下拆分或合并可能导致链接断开。</p><p>你希望继续吗?</p></html>
+ Add Cover添加封面
+ An existing Cover file has been found.已找到现有封面文件。
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.未知错误。仅图像文件可以用作封面。
+ Cover added.封面已添加。
+ Not Available for epub2.不可用于epub2。
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.OPF清单属性已更新。
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX和指南已删除。
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.NCX和指南生成失败。
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX和指南已生成。
+ An existing Index file has been found.已找到现有的索引文件。
+ Styles deleted.样式表已删除。
+ Reports Being Generated.正在生成报告。
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.由于XML格式不正确保存报告失败。
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.由于XML格式不正确,删除未使用的媒体文件已取消。
+ Unused media files deleted.已删除未使用的媒体文件。
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.没有未使用的图片、视频或音频文件可删。
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.由于XML格式不正确删除未使用过的的样式失败。
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.没有要删除的未使用的样式表选择器。
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.您无法在此处插入文件。
+ Insert File插入文件
+ The file "%1" does not exist.文件“%1”不存在。
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.您无法在此处插入id。
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ID是无效的,必须以字母开头,后面跟_ : - 或 .符号。
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.您无法在此处插入链接。
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'链接无效-不能包含‘<’或‘>’
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.此处无法标记为索引或没有选择文本。
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'条目无效-不能包含‘<’或‘>’
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.此处无法标记为索引。
+ Select the destination to paste into first.选择粘贴到第一个目标。
+ Pasted clip entry %1.剪辑条目 %1已粘贴。
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.选择了一个资源,并且没有以前要合并的资源。
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.您确定要合并选定的文件吗?
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.合并取消: 合并中涉及的 XHTML 文件格式不正确。
+ Cannot merge file %1无法合并件 %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.合并完成,您可能需要更新或修改目录。
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.链接样式表已取消:%1,XML格式不正确。
+ Word updated.单词已更新。
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.链接Javascripts已取消:%1,XML格式不正确。
+ File(s) deleted.文件已删除。
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.目录编辑被取消。
+ Table Of Contents edited.目录已编辑
+ Generate TOC cancelled.取消生成目录。
+ Table Of Contents generated.目录已生成。
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.目录变动不是必要的。
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.已找到现有的HTML目录文件。
+ Text selection marked.选中文本已标识。
+ Text selection unmarked.选中文本已取消标识。
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.元数据编辑器已取消。
+ Metadata edited.元数据已编辑。
+ RunPlugin运行插件
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.此EPUB没有包含任何CSS样式表来验证。
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.此EPUB文件不包含任何可用于格式化的CSS样式表。
+ Line: %1, Col: %2行:%1,列:%2
+ File cannot be split at this position.文件在此处无法分割。
+ Split completed.分割完成。
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.由于至少有一个不是HTML文件,无法拆分文件。
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formed无法拆分: %1 XML格式不正确
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.由于至少有一个不是HTML文件,无法拆分文件。
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.拆分完成,您可能需要更新目录。
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.没有拆分标记,点击菜单 插入-> 拆分标记。
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?该文件已被修改。
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Sigil是否应该覆盖此文件?
+ No importer for file type: %1没有文件类型的导入程序:%1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11660,113 +11689,143 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
+ Loading file...正在加载文件......
+ File loaded.文件已加载。
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.这个文件的创建者使用DRM加密。Sigil无法打开此类文件。
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1无法加载EPUB:%1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2无法加载文件%1:%2
+ Saving EPUB...正在保存EPUB......
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil无法保存为文件为“%1”格式。
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- 此EPUB包含格式不正确的HTML文件,并且当前的“干净源”首选项设置为“保存时自动修复”。保存一个格式不好的文件会导致它被自动修复,这很少会导致一些数据丢失。
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ 此 EPUB 文件含格式不正确的 HTML 文件,你当前的“清洁源文件”选项设为在保存时进行修补。
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ 正保存 EPUB... 已取消
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB已保存,但并非所有HTML文件被正确生成。
+ EPUB saved.EPUB已保存。
+ Cannot save file %1: %2无法保存文件%1:%2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)EPUB文件(*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTML文件(*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)文本文件(*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)所有文件(*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)EPUB文件(*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:保留现有的标题属性是:
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ 焦点更改到代码视图窗口
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ 焦点更改到书籍浏览器窗口
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ 焦点更改到预览窗口
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ 焦点更改到目录窗口
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ 焦点更改到片段窗口
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15614,12 +15673,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][此处填写标题]
+ [Main title here][此处填写主标题]
@@ -16248,128 +16307,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ Launcher process crashed启动进程崩溃
+ Status: finished已完成
+ Status: failed状态:失败
+ Status: No Changes Made状态: 没有改变
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changes错误: 插件试图删除上一个XHTML文件...取消改变
+ Status:状态:
+ Plugin failed to start插件启动失败
+ Status: error发生错误
+ Plugin cancelled取消的插件
+ Status: cancelled已取消
+ Error Parsing Result XML: 结果XML分析错误:
+ Status: checking状态:检查中
+ Incorrect XHTML:错误的 XHTML:
+ Line/Col行/列
+ Check Report查看报告
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?检测到不正确的XHTML/XML。
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting files清理 - 正在删除文件
+ Status: deleting状态:正在删除
+ Status: Loading状态:正在加载
+ Input Plugin输入插件
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceed当前书籍未保存内容将会全部丢失...是否确定继续
+ Status: adding状态:正在添加
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying files清理 - 正在整理文本
+ Status: modifying状态:正在修改
@@ -16646,43 +16705,43 @@ Entities can be separated by lines, commas, or spaces.
+ Preview预览
+ Inspect Page检查页面
+ Select-All选择-全部
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoard复制已选内容到剪贴板
+ Update Preview Window更新预览窗口
+ Cycle Custom CSS Files循环自定义 CSS 文件
+ Print Preview View打印预览视图
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.xQt5.12.x之前的版本无法使用该功能
@@ -16842,7 +16901,7 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
+ Adding Existing Files..添加现有文件...
@@ -16872,19 +16931,19 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
+ Cannot read file %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil出现一个问题了。
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil可能需要关闭。
@@ -16910,28 +16969,28 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
+ Quit退出
+ About关于
+ Preferences首选项
+ New新建
+ Open打开
@@ -19013,32 +19072,32 @@ your book and automatically insert into your document.
+ Files In the Book书籍中的文件
+ Thumbnails缩略图
+ shades渐变
+ colors颜色
+ Grayscale灰度
+ Color颜色
@@ -19619,17 +19678,17 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.文件“%1”不存在。
+ Collapse All全部折叠
+ Expand All全部展开
@@ -19645,12 +19704,12 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ SigilSigil
+ The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working with some readers.
Continue using the requested filename?
diff --git a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_zh_TW.ts b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_zh_TW.ts
index 70a784710d..16e55f94a4 100644
--- a/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_zh_TW.ts
+++ b/src/Resource_Files/ts/sigil_zh_TW.ts
@@ -881,55 +881,55 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ Open With開啟方式
+ %n file(s)%n 個檔案
+ SigilSigil
+ Are you sure you want to sort the selected files alphanumerically?您真的要按照字母排序選擇的檔案?
+ This action cannot be reversed.這個動作無法復原。
+ The file "%1" does not exist.檔案 "%1" 不存在。
+ Javascript is not supported on epub2.epub2 不支援 Javascript。
+ Add Existing Files新增已存在的檔案
+ File is not an image and cannot be used:
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ File is not multimedia (image, video, audio) and cannot be inserted:
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ if a sans-serif font-family specified in your CSS
+ The multimedia file "%1" already exists in the book.
OK to replace?
@@ -956,12 +956,12 @@ OK to replace?
+ Unable to delete or replace file "%1".無法刪除或取代檔案 "%1"。
+ Unable to load "%1"
A file with this name already exists in the book.
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ The following file(s) were not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
@@ -979,235 +979,235 @@ A file with this name already exists in the book.
+ File(s) added or replaced.檔案已加入或取代。
+ Save As File存成檔案
+ Unable to save the file.無法儲存檔案。
+ Choose the directory to save the files to選擇檔案要儲存在哪個目錄
+ One or more files already exists. OK to overwrite?有一個以上的檔案存在。要覆寫嗎?
+ Unable to save files. Destination may be a directory.無法儲存檔案。目標可能是個目錄。
+ Unable to save files.無法儲存檔案。
+ Cannot rename files since this would result in duplicate filenames.無法重新命名檔案,因為會導致檔名重覆。
+ Destination Folder has invalid path "%1"目標資料夾路徑「%1」無效
+ Cannot move files since this would result in duplicate filenames.無法移動檔案,因為會導致檔案名稱重覆。
+ The Nav document can not be removed.無法移除 Nav 文件。
+ The NCX can not be removed.無法移除 NCX。
+ The OPF is required for epub and can not be removed.epub 需要 OPF,無法移除。
+ You cannot remove all html files.
There always has to be at least one.您無法移除所有的 html 檔。
+ Unable to set file as cover image.無法設定檔案為封面圖片。
+ Select All全部選取
+ Add Blank HTML File新增空白 HTML 檔
+ Add Blank Stylesheet新增空白樣式
+ Add Blank Javascript新增空白 Javascript
+ Add Blank SVG Image新增空白 SVG 圖片
+ Add Existing Files...增加已存在的檔案...
+ Add Copy新增複本
+ Rename重新命名
+ RegEx Rename正規表示式重新命名
+ Move移動
+ Delete刪除
+ Cover Image封面圖片
+ Merge合併
+ None無
+ Use Adobe's Method使用Adobe的方法
+ Use IDPF's Method使用IDPF的方法
+ Sort排序
+ Renumber TOC Entries重新編號目錄條目
+ Link Stylesheets...連結樣式表...
+ Link Javascripts...連結 Javascript...
+ Add Semantics...加入語義...
+ Validate with W3C以 W3C 驗證
+ Save As另存新檔
+ Merge with previous file, or merge multiple files into one.與上一個檔案合併,或將多個檔案合併為一個。
+ Rename selected file(s)重新命名選取的檔案
+ Use Regular Expressions to Rename selected file(s)使用正規表示式來重新命名選取的檔案
+ Move selected file(s) to a new folder將選取的檔案移動到新的資料夾
+ Link Stylesheets to selected file(s).連結樣式表到選取的檔案。
+ Link Javascripts to selected file(s).連結 Javascript 到選取的檔案。
+ Add Semantics to selected file(s).加入語義到選取的檔案。
+ Other Application其他應用程式
@@ -1778,12 +1778,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Collapse All全部折疊
+ Expand All全部展開
@@ -3629,362 +3629,362 @@ mended.
+ Acknowledgements致謝
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.包含對參與實際工作的致謝段落。
+ Afterword後記
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.來自作者或對故事重要人物的結束陳述,通常提供對故事如何編寫的深入了解、其意義或自其時間表以來發生的相關事件。
+ Appendix附錄
+ Supplemental information.補充資訊。
+ Back Matter附屬資料
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.出現在出版物的主要內容之後的補充材料,如索引、附錄等。
+ Bibliography參考書目
+ A list of works cited.引用作品的清單。
+ Text文字
+ The start of the main text content of a publication.出版物主要文字內容的開始。
+ Colophon版權頁
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.位於出版物末尾的簡要說明,通常描述與該版本相關的出版說明。
+ Conclusion結論
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.結尾章節, 通常對全書做總結。
+ Contributors貢獻者
+ A list of contributors to the work.作品的貢獻者清單。
+ Copyright Page版權頁
+ The copyright page of the work.作品的版權頁。
+ Cover封面
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.出版物的封面和封套資訊等等。
+ Dedication題詞
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).給一個或幾個特定人的題詞。
+ Epilogue尾聲
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.結論章節,通常在比主故事稍晚的時候完成,雖然仍然是敘事的一部分。
+ Epigraph引言
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.與文字相關,但不是文字組成部分的引文。
+ Errata勘誤表
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.出版物勘誤表,在印刷品中通常是手工插入的紙;有時是包含作品中錯誤更正的綁定頁面。
+ Footnotes腳註
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.出現在頁面底部的註解集合。
+ Foreword前言
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.在作品之前的介紹部分,通常不是作品的作者寫的。
+ Front Matter前頁
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.出版物主要內容前的材料, 如目錄、題詞等。
+ Glossary詞彙表
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.按字母順序排列的特定知識領域中術語的列表,以及這些術語的定義。
+ Half Title Page簡名頁
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.作品的簡名頁,只帶有標題本身。
+ Imprimatur出版許可
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.授權發佈作品的正式聲明。
+ Imprint版本說明
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.與作品的出版或銷售有關的資訊。
+ Index索引
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.通常按字母順序排列的出版物中特定資訊的詳細清單。
+ Introduction引言
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.作品的開始部分,通常向讀者介紹作品內容的範圍或性質。
+ List of Illustrations插圖清單
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.作品中包括的插圖的清單。
+ List of Audio Clips音訊剪輯清單
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.作品中包含的音訊剪輯的清單。
+ List of Tables表格清單
+ A listing of tables included in the work.作品中包括的表格的清單。
+ List of Video Clips影片剪輯清單
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.作品中包含的影片剪輯的清單。
+ Notes註解
+ A collection of notes. It can be used to identify footnotes, rear notes, marginal notes, inline notes, and similar when legacy naming conventions are not desired. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by: 'footnotes', 'rearnotes'註解的集合。當不需要舊的命名約定時,它可以用於識別腳註、後注、邊注、內聯註釋等。狀態:已棄用 - 被「腳註」、「後注」取代
+ Other Credits其他致謝
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.致謝作品中之前發佈的部分、插圖致謝和引用受版權保護的材料的許可。
+ Preamble前言
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's content作品開頭的部分,通常包含關於作品內容的範圍或性質的介紹性和/或說明性的內容
+ Preface前言
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.在作品之前的介紹部分,通常是作品的作者寫的。
+ Prologue序幕
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.介紹部分,設定故事的背景,通常是敘事的一部分。
+ Rear Notes後注
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.出現在作品後部或章節結尾的備註。
+ Title Page標題頁
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.書籍開頭,給出標題、作者、出版商和其他出版資訊的頁面。
+ Table of Contents目錄
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.目錄是書籍或文件的標題或部分的清單,按照出現的順序排序。通常出現在作品的前端或在節的開頭。
@@ -4216,67 +4216,67 @@ You can then check or uncheck individual headings in the list above.
+ Name名稱
+ File Size (KB)檔案大小 (KB)
+ Times Used使用次數
+ Width寬度
+ Height高度
+ Pixels像素
+ Color顏色
+ Image圖片
+ %n file(s)%n 個檔案
+ Save Report As Comma Separated File將報告儲存為用逗號分隔的資料檔
+ SigilSigil
+ Cannot save report file.無法儲存報告檔。
+ Delete From Book從書本刪除
@@ -4674,482 +4674,482 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Acknowledgments致謝
+ A passage containing acknowledgments to entities involved in the realization of the work.包含對參與實際工作的致謝段落。
+ Afterword後記
+ A closing statement from the author or a person of importance to the story, typically providing insight into how the story came to be written, its significance or related events that have transpired since its timeline.來自作者或對故事重要人物的結束陳述,通常提供對故事如何編寫的深入了解、其意義或自其時間表以來發生的相關事件。
+ Annotation註解
+ Explanatory information about passages in the work. Status: Deprecated關於作品中的段落的解釋性資訊。狀態:已棄用
+ Appendix附錄
+ Supplemental information.補充資訊。
+ Assessment評估
+ A test, quiz, or other activity that helps measure a student's understanding of what is being taught.測試、測驗或其他有助於衡量學生對正在教授內容的理解的活動。
+ Back Matter附屬資料
+ Ancillary material occurring after the main content of a publication, such as indices, appendices, etc.出現在出版物的主要內容之後的補充材料,如索引、附錄等。
+ Bibliography參考書目
+ A list of works cited.引用作品的清單。
+ Body Matter主體
+ The main content of a publication.出版物的主要內容。
+ Chapter章節
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing.一個作品的主要結構分割。
+ Colophon版權頁
+ A brief description usually located at the end of a publication, describing production notes relevant to the edition.位於出版物末尾的簡要說明,通常描述與該版本相關的出版說明。
+ Conclusion結論
+ An ending section that typically wraps up the work.結尾章節,通常對全書做總結。
+ Contributors貢獻者
+ A list of contributors to the work.作品的貢獻者清單。
+ Copyright Page版權頁
+ The copyright page of the work.作品的版權頁。
+ Cover封面
+ The publications cover(s), jacket information, etc.出版物的封面和封套資訊等等。
+ Dedication題詞
+ An inscription addressed to one or several particular person(s).給一個或幾個特定人的題詞。
+ Division分隔
+ A major structural division that may also appear as a substructure of a part (esp. in legislation).一個主要的結構分割, 也可以作為一個部分的子結構(特別是在立法中)。
+ Epigraph引言
+ A quotation that is pertinent but not integral to the text.與文字相關,但不是文字組成部分的引文。
+ Epilogue尾聲
+ A concluding section that is typically written from a later point in time than the main story, although still part of the narrative.結論章節,通常在比主故事稍晚的時候完成,雖然仍然是敘事的一部分。
+ Errata勘誤表
+ Publication errata, in printed works typically a loose sheet inserted by hand; sometimes a bound page that contains corrections for mistakes in the work.出版物勘誤表,在印刷品中通常是手工插入的紙;有時是包含作品中錯誤更正的綁定頁面。
+ Footnotes腳註
+ A collection of notes appearing at the bottom of a page.出現在頁面底部的註解集合。
+ Foreword前言
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically not written by the work's author.在作品之前的介紹部分,通常不是作品的作者寫的。
+ Front Matter前頁
+ Preliminary material to the main content of a publication, such as tables of contents, dedications, etc.出版物主要內容前的材料, 如目錄、題詞等。
+ Glossary詞彙表
+ An alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge, with the definitions for those terms.按字母順序排列的特定知識領域中術語的列表,以及這些術語的定義。
+ Half Title Page簡名頁
+ The half title page of the work which carries just the title itself.作品的簡名頁,只帶有標題本身。
+ Imprimatur出版許可
+ A formal statement authorizing the publication of the work.授權發佈作品的正式聲明。
+ Imprint版本說明
+ Information relating to the publication or distribution of the work.與作品的出版或銷售有關的資訊。
+ Index索引
+ A detailed list, usually arranged alphabetically, of the specific information in a publication.通常按字母順序排列的出版物中特定資訊的詳細清單。
+ Introduction引言
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically introducing the reader to the scope or nature of the work's content.作品的開始部分,通常向讀者介紹作品內容的範圍或性質。
+ Landmarks地標
+ A collection of references to well-known/recurring components within the publication出版物中對知名/反覆出現的元件的參考集合
+ List of Audio Clips音訊剪輯清單
+ A listing of audio clips included in the work.作品中包含的音訊剪輯的清單。
+ List of Illustrations插圖清單
+ A listing of illustrations included in the work.作品中包括的插圖的清單。
+ List of Tables表格清單
+ A listing of tables included in the work.作品中包括的表格的清單。
+ List of Video Clips影片剪輯清單
+ A listing of video clips included in the work.作品中包含的影片剪輯的清單。
+ Notice須知
+ Information that requires special attention, and that must not be skipped or suppressed. Examples include: alert, warning, caution, danger, important.需要特別注意的資訊,不得跳過或刪掉。例如包括:警報、警告、注意、危險、重要。
+ Other Credits其他致謝
+ Acknowledgments of previously published parts of the work, illustration credits, and permission to quote from copyrighted material.致謝作品中之前發佈的部分、插圖致謝和引用受版權保護的材料的許可。
+ Page List頁面清單
+ A list of references to pagebreaks (start locations) from a print version of the ebook電子書的列印版本中分頁符(起始位置)的參照清單
+ Part部分
+ A major structural division of a piece of writing, typically encapsulating a set of related chapters.一段作品的主要結構分割,通常封裝一組相關的章節。
+ Preamble前言
+ A section in the beginning of the work, typically containing introductory and/or explanatory prose regarding the scope or nature of the work's content作品開頭的部分,通常包含關於作品內容的範圍或性質的介紹性和/或說明性的內容
+ Preface前言
+ An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the work's author.在作品之前的介紹部分,通常是作品的作者寫的。
+ Prologue序幕
+ An introductory section that sets the background to a story, typically part of the narrative.介紹部分,設定故事的背景,通常是敘事的一部分。
+ Questions and Answers問題與解答
+ A question and answer section.問題與解答章節。
+ Rear Notes後注
+ A collection of notes appearing at the rear (backmatter) of the work, or at the end of a section.出現在作品後部或章節結尾的備註。
+ Revision History修訂記錄
+ A record of changes made to a work.對作品所做更改的記錄。
+ Subchapter子章節
+ A major sub-division of a chapter.一個章節的主要子部分。
+ Title Page標題頁
+ A page at the beginning of a book giving its title, authors, publisher and other publication information.書籍開頭,給出標題、作者、出版商和其他出版資訊的頁面。
+ Table of Contents目錄
+ A table of contents which is a list of the headings or parts of the book or document, organized in the order in which they appear. Typically appearing in the work's frontmatter, or at the beginning of a section.目錄是書籍或文件的標題或部分的清單,按照出現的順序排序。通常出現在作品的前端或在節的開頭。
+ Volume卷
+ A component of a collection.作品集的一個部分。
+ Warning警告
+ A warning or caution about specific material. Status: Deprecated - Replaced by 'notice'.特定材料的警告。狀態:已棄用 - 被「須知」取代。
@@ -8445,14 +8445,13 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
- Plugins
- 外掛
+ &Plugins
- Checkpoints
- 檢查點
+ Chec&kpoints
@@ -8470,6 +8469,11 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Add Existing
+ Checkpoints
+ 檢查點
+ Index
@@ -10843,6 +10847,31 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.Show Log of Checkpoints
+ Focus on CodeView
+ Focus on BookBrowser
+ Focus on Preview
+ Focus on Table of Contents
+ Focus on Clips Window
+ Automate List Editor cancelled.
@@ -10957,37 +10986,37 @@ Stylesheets that are listed first take precedence over later stylesheets.
+ SigilSigil
@@ -11008,17 +11037,17 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ %1[*] - epub%2 - %3%1[*] - epub%2 - %3
+ Sigil [std]
@@ -11266,356 +11295,356 @@ This action cannot be reversed.
+ or或
+ No CSS styles named沒有找到名為
+ found, or stylesheet not linked.的 CSS 樣式,或沒有連結樣式表。
+ <html><p>The href <b>%1</b> found in <b>%2</b> does not exist (and there may be more). Splitting or merging under these conditions can result in broken links.</p><p>Do you still wish to continue?</p></html><html><p>在 <b>%2</b> 找到的 href <b>%1</b> 不存在(而且可能有更多)。在這種狀況下分割或合併可能導致連結損壞。</p><p>您還是想要繼續嗎?</html>
+ Add Cover新增封面
+ An existing Cover file has been found.找到已存在的封面檔案。
+ Unexpected error. Only image files can be used for the cover.未預期的錯誤。封面只能使用圖片檔。
+ Cover added.封面已新增。
+ Not Available for epub2.不適用於 epub2。
+ OPF Manifest Properties Updated.OPF 資訊清單屬性已更新。
+ NCX and Guide removed.NCX 和 Guide 已移除。
+ NCX and Guide generation failed.NCX 和 Guide 產生失敗。
+ NCX and Guide generated.NCX 和 Guide 已產生。
+ An existing Index file has been found.找到已存在的索引檔案。
+ Styles deleted.樣式已刪除。
+ Reports Being Generated.正在產生報告。
+ Reports cancelled due to XML not well formed.報告已取消,因為 XML 格式不正確。
+ Delete Unused Media Files cancelled due to XML not well formed.刪除未使用的媒體檔案已取消,因為 XML 格式不正確。
+ Unused media files deleted.未使用的媒體檔案已刪除。
+ There are no unused image, video or audio files to delete.沒有未使用的圖片、影片或音效檔可以刪除。
+ Delete Unused Styles cancelled due to XML not well formed.刪除未使用的樣式已取消,因為 XML 格式不正確。
+ There are no unused stylesheet selectors to delete.沒有未使用的樣式表選擇器可以刪除。
+ You cannot insert a file at this position.您不能在此位置插入檔案。
+ Insert File插入檔案
+ The file "%1" does not exist.檔案 "%1" 不存在。
+ You cannot insert an id at this position.您不能在此位置插入 ID。
+ ID is invalid - must start with a letter, followed by letter number _ : - or .ID 不合法 - 需要以字母開頭,後面跟著字母、數字、_ : - 或 .
+ You cannot insert a link at this position.您不能在此位置插入連結。
+ Link is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'連結不合法 - 不能含有 '<' 或 '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position or without selecting text.您不能在此位置標記索引而不選取任何文字。
+ Entry is invalid - cannot contain '<' or '>'項目不合法 - 不能含有 '<' 或 '>'
+ You cannot mark an index at this position.您不能在此位置標記索引。
+ Select the destination to paste into first.先選擇要貼上的目標。
+ Pasted clip entry %1.已貼上片段條目 %1。
+ One resource selected and there is no previous resource to merge into.選擇了一個資源,而沒有可併入的資源。
+ Are you sure you want to merge the selected files?
This action cannot be reversed.您確定您要合併選取的檔案嗎?
+ Merge cancelled: XHTML files involved in merge are not well formed.合併已取消:要合併的 XHTML 檔案格式不正確。
+ Cannot merge file %1無法合併檔案 %1
+ Merge completed. You may need to regenerate or edit your Table Of Contents.合併已完成。您可能需要重新產生或編輯您的目錄表。
+ Link Stylesheets cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.連結樣式表取消:%1,XML 格式不正確。
+ Word updated.單字已更新。
+ Link Javascripts cancelled: %1, XML not well formed.
+ File(s) deleted.檔案已刪除。
+ Edit Table of Contents cancelled.編輯目錄已取消。
+ Table Of Contents edited.目錄已編輯。
+ Generate TOC cancelled.建立目錄已取消。
+ Table Of Contents generated.目錄已產生。
+ No Table Of Contents changes were necessary.沒有變更目錄的需要。
+ An existing HTML Table of Contents file has been found.找到已存在的 HTML 目錄檔案。
+ Text selection marked.已標記選取的文字。
+ Text selection unmarked.已取消標記選取的文字。
+ Metadata Editor cancelled.中繼資料編輯器已取消。
+ Metadata edited.中繼資料已編輯。
+ RunPlugin執行外掛
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to validate.EPUB 沒有包含任何 CSS 樣式表,因此無法驗證。
+ This EPUB does not contain any CSS stylesheets to reformat.
+ Line: %1, Col: %2行: %1, 欄: %2
+ File cannot be split at this position.檔案無法從此位置分割。
+ Split completed.分割完成。
+ Cannot split since at least one file is not an HTML file.無法分割,因為至少有一個檔不是 HTML 檔。
+ Cannot split: %1 XML is not well formed無法分割:%1,因為 XML 格式不正確
+ Cannot split since at least one file may not be an HTML file.無法分割,因為至少有一個檔不是 HTML 檔。
+ Split completed. You may need to update the Table of Contents.分割已完成。您可能需要更新目錄。
+ No split file markers found. Use Insert->Split Marker.找不到分割檔案標記。請使用「插入」─「分割標記」。
+ The document has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?文件已更改。
+ Should Sigil overwrite this file?Sigil 應該覆寫這個檔案嗎?
+ No importer for file type: %1沒有此檔案型態的匯入器:%1
+ The following file was not loaded due to invalid content or not well formed XML:
%1 (line %2: %3)
@@ -11628,113 +11657,141 @@ Try setting the Clean Source preference to Mend XHTML Source Code on Open and re
請試著設定「整理源碼」選項為「開啟時修復 HTML 代碼」然後重新載入該檔案。
+ Loading file...載入檔案中...
+ File loaded.檔案已載入。
+ The creator of this file has encrypted it with DRM. Sigil cannot open such files.這個檔案使用了DRM加密。Sigil無法開啟這類檔案。
+ Cannot load EPUB: %1無法載入 EPUB: %1
+ Cannot load file %1: %2無法載入檔案 %1: %2
+ Saving EPUB...儲存 EPUB...
+ Sigil cannot save files of type "%1".
Please choose a different format.Sigil 無法儲存型態為 "%1" 的檔案。
- This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to automatically mend on Save. Saving a file that is not well formed will cause it to be automatically fixed, which very rarely may result in some data loss.
-Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
- 此 EPUB 內有格式不正確的 HTML 檔,而您目前的「整理源碼」選項設定為儲存時自動修復。儲存格式不正確的檔案時會試圖自動修復,但有很少的可能會造成一些資料遺失。
+ This EPUB has HTML files that are not well formed and your current Clean Source preferences are set to mend on Save.
+Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving? Or cancel the Save?
+ Saving EPUB... cancelled
+ EPUB saved, but not all HTML files are well formed.EPUB 已儲存,但並非所有的 HTML 檔格式都正確。
+ EPUB saved.EPUB 已儲存。
+ Cannot save file %1: %2無法儲存檔案 %1: %2
+ EPUB files (*.epub)EPUB檔案(*.epub)
+ HTML files (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)HTML檔案 (*.htm *.html *.xhtml)
+ Text files (*.txt)文字檔案(*.txt)
+ All files (*.*)所有檔案(*.*)
+ EPUB file (*.epub)EPUB檔案(*.epub)
+ Preserve existing heading attributes is now:保留現有的標題屬性現在為:
+ ON開
+ OFF關
+ &%1 %2&%1 %2
+ Focus changed to CodeView window.
+ Focus changed to BookBrowser window.
+ Focus changed to Preview window.
+ Focus changed to Table Of Contents window.
+ Focus changed to Clips window.
+ ManageRepos
@@ -15583,12 +15640,12 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ [Title here][這裡填入標題]
+ [Main title here][這裡填入主要標題]
@@ -16217,128 +16274,128 @@ Do you want to automatically mend the files before saving?
+ Launcher process crashed執行器處理程序已當機
+ Status: finished狀態:已完成
+ Status: failed狀態:失敗
+ Status: No Changes Made狀態:未做任何更改
+ Error: Plugin Tried to Remove the Last XHTML file .. aborting changes錯誤:外掛試圖移除最後一個 XHTML 檔案 .. 終止變更
+ Status:狀態:
+ Plugin failed to start無法啟動外掛
+ Status: error狀態:錯誤
+ Plugin cancelled外掛已取消
+ Status: cancelled狀態:已取消
+ Error Parsing Result XML: 解析結果的 XML 時發生錯誤:
+ Status: checking狀態:正在檢查
+ Incorrect XHTML:不正確的 XHTML:
+ Line/Col行/欄
+ Check Report檢查報告
+ Incorrect XHTML/XML Detected
Are you Sure You Want to Continue?偵測到不正確的 XHTML/XML
+ Status: cleaning up - deleting files狀態:清除中 - 正在刪除檔案
+ Status: deleting狀態:正在刪除
+ Status: Loading狀態:正在載入
+ Input Plugin輸入外掛
+ Your current book will be completely replaced losing any unsaved changes ... Are you sure you want to proceed你目前的書籍將會被完全取代,所有未儲存的變更將會遺失... 你確定要繼續嗎
+ Status: adding狀態:正在加入
+ Status: cleaning up - modifying files狀態:清除中 - 正在修改檔案
+ Status: modifying狀態:正在修改
@@ -16615,43 +16672,43 @@ Entities can be separated by lines, commas, or spaces.
+ Preview預覽
+ Inspect Page檢查頁面
+ Select-All全部選取
+ Copy Selection To ClipBoard將選取的文字複製到剪貼簿
+ Update Preview Window更新預覽視窗
+ Cycle Custom CSS Files
+ Print Preview View
+ Feature not available before Qt5.12.x功能在 Qt5.12.x 前的版本無法使用
@@ -16811,7 +16868,7 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
OPF 檔未包含 NCX 檔。
+ Adding Existing Files..增加已存在的檔案..
@@ -16841,19 +16898,19 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
<p>有新版的 Sigil 可用,版本 <b>%1</b>。<br/><p>你要去下載頁面嗎?</p>
+ Cannot read file %1:
%2.無法讀取檔案 %1:
+ Sigil has encountered a problem.Sigil 遇到了問題。
+ Sigil may need to close.Sigil 可能需要關閉。
@@ -16879,28 +16936,28 @@ Line: %1 Column %2 - %3
不合法的 NCX 檔:%1
+ Quit結束
+ About關於
+ Preferences偏好設定
+ New新增
+ Open開啟
@@ -18973,32 +19030,32 @@ your book and automatically insert into your document.
+ Files In the Book書裡的檔案
+ Thumbnails縮圖
+ shades陰影
+ colors顏色
+ Grayscale灰階
+ Color顏色
@@ -19575,17 +19632,17 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ The file "%1" does not exist.檔案 "%1" 不存在。
+ Collapse All全部折疊
+ Expand All全部展開
@@ -19601,12 +19658,12 @@ Use if you edit any HTML files while Spellcheck is open.
+ SigilSigil
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