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File metadata and controls

361 lines (281 loc) · 10.2 KB


  • used to implement dictionaries (key-value pairs)

  • used to implement sets (only keys)

  • Search, insert, del in O(1) time on avg
    eg: Phone no book

  • All nos in hashtable are unique
    If u insert an existing key, it will overwrite the prev key

  • Hashing is strict search i.e it cannot find(lookup) closest value in O(1) time

Not to be used if you are asked

  • closest value // AVL or redblack tree
    • finding a key which is just above or below the given key in logn time
  • sorted order data // AVL or redblack tree
  • prefix searching (finding key that match with a prefix) // Trie


  • Dictionaries
  • Database indexing
  • Crypto
  • Caches eg: browser data, urls become key and data becomes values
  • Symbol tables in compilers/interpreters
  • routers (mapping of IP/MAC address)
  • Getting data from databases (associative arrays)

Direct address table

Imagine a situation where you have 1000 keys with values from (0 to 999), how would you implement following in O(1) time

  • search
  • insert
  • delete


  • insert(10)
  • insert(20)
  • insert(119)
  • search(10) // op: true
  • search(20) // op: true
  • delete(119)
  • search(119) // op: false
Initialise a bool array of size 1000 with 0
For insert(10), mark arr[10] = 1
For insert(20), mark arr[20] = 1
For insert(119), mark arr[119] = 1
For search(10), lookup arr[10] => if(arr[10])
For search(20), lookup arr[20] => if(arr[20])
For delete(119), mark arr[119] = 0
For search(119), lookup arr[119] => if(arr[119])

Sample function

  • In case of range 0-999

delete(i){                  insert(i){
    table[i] = 0                table[i] = 1
}                           }

    return table[i];

  • In case keys are in range 1000-1999

delete(i){                  insert(i){
    table[i-1000] = 0                table[i-1000] = 1
}                           }

    return table[i-1000];

  • In case of range a-z, consider ascii values Array will be of size 26

delete(i){                  insert(i){
    table[i-'a'] = 0                table[i-'a'] = 1
}                           }

    return table[i-'a'];

Problems with Direct index table cannot handle

  • large keys (10^10 like phone nos)
  • floating point nos as an index (10.97 as an index)
  • keys that are strings (index is gfg)

Idea of hashing

Take a large universe of keys, eg phone nos, names, emp_ids (eg: E1021)
use hash function that does some black magic for converting large keys into small values that can be used as an index for hashtable

  • Hashtable: array that has indexes 0 to m-1
  • Hash functions: functions that transform large keys into small values

How Hash function do the black magic?

Some necessary requirements for hash function

  • Every time you use the key for the hash function, it should generate same idx
  • should generate values from 0 to m-1, m is size of hash table
  • should be fast, O(1) for int and O(len) for string of length 'len'
  • Should uniformly distribute the input keys into hash table slots (practically impossible)

Sample hash functions

1) h(large_int_key) = large_int_key % m
eg: phone nos, m is hash table size which depends on no of keys that you are going to insert
hence, hash function will be phone_no % m
but there will be many phone nos which after modulo will result in same hash value (collision)

2) Hash function for strings, weighted sum
str[] = "abcd"
hash_func = (str[0]*x^0 + str[1]*x^1 + str[2]*x^2 + str[3]*x^3) % m 

3) Universal Hashing
Group of hash functions, randomly pick a hash function and use it to hash all the data in the hash table

Collision: Two distinct large keys when given to a hash function, convert to same small key

Typically m is chosen as prime (less common factors) no which are not close to powers of 2 or 10 bad value of m will be power of 2 or 10 for simple hash

  • eg m = 10^3, here we are considering only last 3 digits of a number, we are ignoring the other 7 nos
  • for power of 2, there is a possibility of considering only some bits of binary representation

Collision Handling

  • If we know keys in advance, then we can do Perfect Hashing
  • else if we do not know keys, then we use
    • Chaning
    • Open Addressing
      • Linear Probing
      • Quadratic Probing
      • Double Hashing


  • Hashtable will be an array of of Linked List Headers
  • Whenever a collision happens, insert the item at the end of LL
  • eg
hash func = h(key) = key % 7
keys to be inserted: 50, 21, 58, 17, 15, 49, 56, 22, 23, 25
  • Vertical representation of array (hashtable) after inserting keys
idx | LL
0   | 21 -> 49 -> 56
1   | 50 -> 15 -> 22
2   | 58 -> 23
3   | 17
4   | 25
5   |
6   |

Performance of Chaning

  • m: no of slots Hash table
  • n: no of keys to be inserted
  • Load factor = n/m
  • Most library func in C++/Java provide an option to specify load factor
  • Small hash table results in big load factor, more likely to have more collisions
  • viceversa big hash table will result in low load factor thereby having less no of collisions
  • Hence, there will be a trade-off b/w space and no of collisions

Expected chain length:

  • Worst case will be all keys go to same index, O(no of keys) will be chain length
  • We don't know average case scenario, so we make an assumption keys will be uniformly distributed
  • hence chain length in this case will be load factor

Expected time to search/insert/delete = O(1+load factor)

Data strcuture to store chain

  • Linked List: Search/Del/insert will be O(len), not cache friendly, not space optimised
  • Dynamic arrays: Search/Del/insert will be O(len), cache friendly
  • Self balancing BST (AVL tree, red black tree): Search/Del/insert will be O(log(len))

Implementation of Chaning using LL

struct MyHash
    int hashTableSize;
    // list is a doubly linked list
    list <int> *table;

    MyHash(int sz)
        hashTableSize = sz;
        table = new list<int> [sz];

    void insertKey(int key)
        int idx = key % hashTableSize;

    bool search(int key)
        int idx = key % hashTableSize;
        // traverse the specific linked list

        for(auto x : table[i])
            if (x == key)
                return true;
        return false;

    void removeKey(int key)
        int idx = key % hashTableSize;

Open Addressing

  • use single array without any chains
  • one requirement for open addr
No of slots (m) >= No of keys to be inserted (n)
  • more cache friendly than Chaining

  • eg

hash func = h(key) = key % 7
keys to be inserted: 50, 51, 49, 16, 56, 15, 19
  • Vertical representation of array (hashtable) after inserting keys using Linear Probing i.e in case of collision search for the next empty slot present linearly
idx | value
0   | 49
1   | 50 
2   | 51 
3   | 16
4   | 56
5   | 15
6   | 19
  • If a key maps to last slot and last slot is occupied, search in a circular manner

  • for searching a key, find hash_func again, if found, great, else stop till - go to next slot till key found - stop if empty slot found - if after traversing entire table, key still not found

  • for deletion, find hash func value viz idx, start searching, when u delete the slot, mark it as deleted so search function can work properly

  • search function will now continue searching if slot is marked deleted, and stops when either element is found or empty slot is encountered

Problem of clustering in Open Addressing due to linear probing

  • Since chaining is not allowed, keys having same hash func value will keep on piling one after the other thus making search, insert and delete operations costly
  • To handle this, we
h(key) = key % m
hash(key, i) =  (h(key) + i) % m
Quadratic probing results in Secondary clusters
h(key) = key % m
hash(key, i) =  (h(key) + i*i) % m

Double hashing

Double Hashing
h(key) = key % m
hash(key, i) =  (h1(key) + i*h2(key)) % m
i = ith collision
  • In double hashing we use two hash functions

    • one is simple hash
    • the other is to find next slot
  • If h2(key) is relatively prime to m, then it always find a free slot

  • No clustering

  • Distributes keys uniformly than linear and quadraric probing

  • h2(key) should never return 0 for any value

  • Algorithm

void doubleHashingInsert(int key)
        return error
    probe = h1(key)
    offset = h2(key)

    // whenver there is coll, add offset to idx
    while(table[probe] is occupied)
        probe = (probe + offset) % m

    table[probe] = key;
Chaining Open Addressing
Hash Table never fills Table may become full and resizing becomes mandatory
Less sensitive to Hash functions Extra care required for clustering
Not cache friendly Cache friendly
Extra space for links Extra space might be needed to achieve same performance as chaining

Problems based on Hashing concept