Decomposing a symmetric real PD matrix A into L x Lt, and then solving x for Ax = b, where L is a lower triangular matrix, and Lt is the transpose of L.
So far this has been tested on iPhone 13 mini 256GB.
with Xcode -
Build a release build
Run the iOS App in release build
Press 'Run' on the screen
Wait until App finished with 'finished!' on the log output.
Copy and paste the log into
. -
Run the following in the terminal.
$ cd 10_cholesky_decomp
$ grep '\(^INT\|^FLOAT\|^DOUBLE\|data element type\)' doc_ios/make_log.txt > doc_ios/make_log_cleaned.txt
$ python ../common/ -logfile doc_ios/make_log_cleaned.txt -specfile doc_ios/plot_spec.json -show_impl -plot_charts -base_dir doc_ios/
- You will get the PNG files in
LAPACK shows best running time for all the cases
On Metal, my shader runs about 20% faster than MPSMatrixDecompositionCholesky
Cholesky factorization (decomposition) is one of the major operations on the symmetric PD matrices that has many practical applications, including solution to Ax=b.
LAPACK provides sposv_() & dposv_(), and Apple provides MPSMatrixDecompositionCholesky in Metal. There are some other public implementations such as Eigen3 and GNU scientific library, which are also tested below.
In the field of parallel computing research, the problem of the Cholesky factorization is split into two: the parallel dense Cholesky, and the parallel sparse Cholesky. This section deals with the dense Cholesky only, and the sparse Cholesky is out of the scope.
The main purpose is to measure the performance of the GPU implementations, my own shader ,and MPSMatrixDecomposition against the established CPU implementations, notably LAPACK.
The following experiments are done with test_cholesky.cpp in this directory.
Compiler: Apple clang version 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3) Target: arm64-apple-darwin20.6.0 Thread model: posix
Device: Mac mini (M1, 2020) Chip Apple M1, Memory 8GB, macOS Big Sur Version 11.6
Please type make all
in this directory to reproduce the results.
The following chart shows the mean running times taken to perform one cholesky factorization and then solution to the output vector in float for each implementation in log-log scale. X-axis is (M x N), and Y-axis is the time taken in milliseconds.
MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR:CPP_SUBMATRIX_CHOLESKY 1 1 : row-major, C++ implementation, the algorithm is type submatrix.
MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR:CPP_COLUMN_CHOLESKY 1 1 : row-major, C++ implementation, the algorithm is type column.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:CPP_SUBMATRIX_CHOLESKY 1 1 : col-major, C++ implementation, the algorithm is type submatrix.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:CPP_COLUMN_CHOLESKY 1 1 : col-major, C++ implementation, the algorithm is type column.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:EIGEN3 1 1 : col-major with eigen3 Eigen::LLT.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:LAPACK 1 1 : col-major with LAPACK sposv_().
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:LAPACK_WITH_MAT_INVERSE 1 1 : col-major with LAPACK sposv_() with extra calculation of the matric inverse.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:METAL MPS 0 0 : col-major with MPSMatrixDecompositionCholesky.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:METAL DEFAULT 0 0 : Metal shader, the algorithm is type column.
LAPACK is the clear winner.
The implementations in the col-major perform clearly better than in the row-major regardless of the underlying algorithm.
The overhead of launching the Metal kernel is not amortized within the range of sizes tested above. Use of Metal is probably not justified.
The following chart shows the relative running times taken to perform one cholesky factorization and then solution to the output vector in float with for two Metal implementations in log-lin scale. X-axis is (M x N), and Y-axis is the relative running time of each implementation relative to 'MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:METAL MPS 0 0', which is fixed at 1.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:METAL MPS 0 0 : MPSMatrixDecompositionCholesky.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:METAL DEFAULT 0 0 : own shader, the algorithm is type column.
My implementation based on the algorithm column cholesky performs better than MPSMatrixDecompositionCholesky.
The following chart shows the mean running times taken to perform one cholesky factorization and then solution to the output vector in double for each implementation in log-log scale. X-axis is (M x N), and Y-axis is the time taken in milliseconds.
MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR:CPP_SUBMATRIX_CHOLESKY 1 1 : row-major, C++ implementation, the algorithm is type submatrix.
MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR:CPP_COLUMN_CHOLESKY 1 1 : row-major, C++ implementation, the algorithm is type column.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:CPP_SUBMATRIX_CHOLESKY 1 1 : col-major, C++ implementation, the algorithm is type submatrix.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:CPP_COLUMN_CHOLESKY 1 1 : col-major, C++ implementation, the algorithm is type column.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:EIGEN3 1 1 : col-major with Eigen3 Eigen::LLT.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:LAPACK 1 1 : col-major with LAPACK sposv_().
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:LAPACK_WITH_MAT_INVERSE 1 1 : col-major with LAPACK sposv_() with extra calculation of the matric inverse.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:GSL 1 1 : col-major with gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp().
LAPACK is the clear winner.
The implementations in the col-major perform clearly better than in the row-major regardless of the underlying algorithm.
This section briefly describes each of the implementations tested with some key points in the code. Those are executed as part of the test program in test_cholesky.cpp. The top-level object in the 'main()' function is TestExecutorCholesky, which is a subclass of TestExecutor found in ../common/test_case_with_time_measurements.h. It manages one single test suite, which consists of test cases. It arranges the input data, allocates memory, executes each test case multiple times and measures the running times, cleans up, and reports the results. Each implementation type is implemented as a TestCaseCholesky, which is a subclass of TestCaseWithTimeMeasurements in ../common/test_case_with_time_measurements.h. The main part is implemented in TestCaseCholesky::run(), and it is the subject for the running time measurements.
class TestCaseCholesky_baseline in test_case_cholesky_baseline.h
This corresponds to 'The cholesky algorithm' in Wikipedia. Following is an excerpt from test_case_cholesky_baseline.h.
template<class T, bool IS_COL_MAJOR>
static void factorize_in_place_submatrix_cholesky( T* A, const int dim )
for ( int k = 0; k < dim; k++ ) {
const T A_kk = sqrt( A[ lower_mat_index<IS_COL_MAJOR>( k, k, dim ) ] );
A[ lower_mat_index<IS_COL_MAJOR>( k, k, dim ) ] = A_kk;
for ( int i = k + 1; i < dim ; i++ ) {
A[ lower_mat_index<IS_COL_MAJOR>( i, k, dim ) ] /= A_kk;
for ( int j = k + 1; j < dim ; j++ ) {
for ( int i = j; i < dim; i++ ) {
A[ lower_mat_index<IS_COL_MAJOR>( i, j, dim ) ]
-= ( A[ lower_mat_index<IS_COL_MAJOR>( i, k, dim ) ] * A[ lower_mat_index<IS_COL_MAJOR>( j, k, dim )] );
class TestCaseCholesky_baseline in test_case_cholesky_baseline.h
This is a version of the parallelizable algorithms described in UoI course.
Following is an excerpt from test_case_cholesky_baseline.h.
template<class T, bool IS_COL_MAJOR>
static void factorize_in_place_column_cholesky( T* A, const int dim )
for ( int j = 0; j < dim; j++ ) {
for ( int k = 0 ; k < j - 1; k++ ) {
for ( int i = j; i < dim; i++ ) {
A[ lower_mat_index<IS_COL_MAJOR>( i, j, dim ) ]
-= ( A[ lower_mat_index<IS_COL_MAJOR>( i, k, dim ) ] * A[ lower_mat_index<IS_COL_MAJOR>( j, k, dim ) ] );
const T A_jj = sqrt( A[ lower_mat_index<IS_COL_MAJOR>( j, j, dim ) ] );
A[ lower_mat_index<IS_COL_MAJOR>( j, j, dim ) ] = A_jj;
for ( int i = j + 1; i < dim ; i++ ) {
A[ lower_mat_index<IS_COL_MAJOR>( i, j, dim ) ] /= A_jj;
The two parts in the loop body before and after the A_jj assignment are parallelizable. However NEON or Multi-thread version is not implemented for this study due to high complexity.
class TestCaseCholesky_eigen3 in test_case_cholesky_baseline.h
This uses the Eigen3 library.
Following is an excerpt from test_case_cholesky_eigen3.h .
#include <Eigen/Cholesky>
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> eA;
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> eL;
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> ex;
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> eb;
Eigen::LLT< Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> , Eigen::Lower > llt( eA );
eL = llt.matrixL();
ex = llt.solve( eb );
class TestCaseCholesky_lapack in test_case_cholesky_baseline.h
This uses LAPACK.
It uses sposv_()
for float, and dposv_()
for double.
The implementation is found in test_case_cholesky_lapack.h.
Another example code is found in this Intel site.
class TestCaseCholesky_gsl in test_case_cholesky_baseline.h
This implementation is for double only. This implementation uses gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp1() and gsl_linalg_cholesky_solve().
The documentation is found in the official documentation at
The test implementation is found in test_case_cholesky_gsl.cpp.
class TestCaseCholesky_metal in test_case_cholesky_baseline.h
This implementation uses MPSMatrixDecompositionCholesky and MPSMatrixSolveTriangular in MPS. Please see metal/ for details.
class TestCaseCholesky_metal in test_case_cholesky_baseline.h
This is my own kernel in column cholesky algorithm.
Following is an excerpt from the decomposition kernel. The outer loop iterates over the column and in the body threads are assigned the rows to parallelize. Please see metal/cholesky.metal for details.
kernel void decompose_cholesky (
device float* L [[ buffer(0) ]],
) {
threadgroup float recip_a_jj;
threadgroup float col_cache[1024];
const int DIM = (int)constants.dim;
for ( int col = 0; col < DIM; col++ ) {
if ( col > 0 ) {
threadgroup_barrier( mem_flags::mem_device );
const int first_valid_row_pos = ((int)(col / 1024)) * 1024;
const int remaining_col = DIM - col;
for ( int iter_row_pos = first_valid_row_pos; iter_row_pos < DIM; iter_row_pos += 1024 ) {
const int row = iter_row_pos + thread_position_in_threadgroup;
const int Lpos = lower_mat_index( row, col, DIM );
if ( row >= col && row < DIM ) {
float Lval = L[ Lpos ];
for ( int k = 0; k < col; k++ ) {
Lval -= ( L [ lower_mat_index( row, k, DIM ) ] * L [ lower_mat_index( col, k, DIM ) ] );
if ( col == row ) {
Lval = sqrt(Lval);
recip_a_jj = 1.0 / Lval;
if ( remaining_col <= 1024 ) {
col_cache[ thread_position_in_threadgroup ] = Lval;
else {
L [ Lpos ] = Lval;
if ( remaining_col > 1024 ) {
threadgroup_barrier( mem_flags::mem_device );
threadgroup_barrier( mem_flags::mem_threadgroup );
for ( int iter_row_pos = first_valid_row_pos; iter_row_pos < DIM; iter_row_pos += 1024 ) {
const int row = iter_row_pos + thread_position_in_threadgroup;
const int Lpos = lower_mat_index( row, col, DIM );
if ( remaining_col > 1024 ) {
if ( row > col && row < DIM ) {
L [ Lpos ] = L [ Lpos ] * recip_a_jj;
else {
if ( row >= col && row < DIM ) {
if (row == col) {
L [ Lpos ] = col_cache[ thread_position_in_threadgroup ];
else {
L [ Lpos ] = col_cache[ thread_position_in_threadgroup ] * recip_a_jj;
And the following is the forward substitution to solve Ly = b. The outer loop iterates over the rows, and threads are assigned the columns to parallelize, and then reduction is performed. Following is an excerpt from solve_Lyeb() in in metal/cholesky.metal for details.
kernel void solve_Lyeb (
device float* L [[ buffer(0) ]],
device float* y [[ buffer(1) ]],
device float* b [[ buffer(2) ]],
) {
threadgroup float sum_cache[1024];
const int DIM = (int)constants.dim;
for ( int row = 0; row < DIM; row++ ) {
// local sum
float sum = 0.0;
for ( int col_pos_offset = 0; col_pos_offset < row; col_pos_offset += 1024 ) {
const int col_pos = col_pos_offset + thread_position_in_threadgroup;
if (col_pos < row ) {
sum += ( L [ lower_mat_index( row, col_pos, DIM ) ] * y[col_pos] );
sum_cache[ thread_position_in_threadgroup ] = sum;
threadgroup_barrier( mem_flags::mem_threadgroup );
// reduce
for ( int i = 512; i > 0 ; i = i >> 1 ) {
if ( (int)thread_position_in_threadgroup < i ) {
sum_cache[ thread_position_in_threadgroup ] += sum_cache[ thread_position_in_threadgroup + i ];
threadgroup_barrier( mem_flags::mem_threadgroup );
if ( thread_position_in_threadgroup == 0 ) {
y[row] = ( b[row] - sum_cache[ thread_position_in_threadgroup ] )/ L [ lower_mat_index( row, row, DIM ) ];
The backward substitution is done in a similar way. Please see solve_Ltxey()
in metal/cholesky.metal for details.
Course Notes From Univercity of Illinois - explains the submatrix cholesky and the column cholesky