Normal matrix-vector multiplication both in the column-major form and the row-major form.
So far this has been tested on iPhone 13 mini 256GB.
with Xcode -
Build a release build
Run the iOS App in release build
Press 'Run' on the screen
Wait until App finished with 'finished!' on the log output.
Copy and paste the log into
. -
Run the following in the terminal.
$ cd 09_dense_matrix_vector_mul
$ grep '\(^INT\|^FLOAT\|^DOUBLE\|data element type\)' doc_ios/make_log.txt > doc_ios/make_log_cleaned.txt
$ python ../common/ -logfile doc_ios/make_log_cleaned.txt -specfile doc_ios/plot_spec.json -show_impl -plot_charts -base_dir doc_ios/
- You will get the PNG files in
NEON intrinsics provide significant benefit compared with the plain C++ implementations. The loop unrolling provides further significant benefit.
The Metal shaders perform well for bigger problems than (M,N) = (4K, 4K), if the Metal threads are alined along the cache line with coalesced reads, i.e., for the col-major, if the threads are assigned vertically over the rows, and for the row-major, if the threads are assigned horizontally over the columns.
BLAS shows the best running time for the problems of size up to (4K, 4K).
The Metal shader with threads over rows shows the best running time for the bigger problems.
vDSP shows the best running time for the problems of size up to (1K, 1K).
NEON with the loop unrolling of factor 8 with 8 threads shows the best performance for the problems of size (1K, 1K) - (4K, 4K).
MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication & the Metal shader with threads over columns reduction shows the best running time for the bigger problems.
Apparently MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication has a similar implementation as my Metal shader kernel with the reduction for each row described below.
NEON with the loop unrolling of factor 8 with a single threaded shows the best performance for the problems of size up to (256, 256).
BLAS shows the best performance for the bigger problems.
BLAS & vDSP shows the best performance for the problems of size up to (1K, 1K).
NEON with the loop unrolling factor of 8 with 8 threads for the bigger problems.
Matrix vector multiplication is an essential operation for many numerical processing tasks. It can also be viewed as a parallelizable set of dot product operations. There are two ways to store the matrix: The column-major used by Fortran and numerical operation softwares, and the row-major is used by mainly by C++. And there are following main ways available on CPU and Metal.
BLAS: cblas_sgemv() & cblas_dgemv()
vDSP: vDSP_mmul() & vDSP_mmulD().
Metal MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication
The purpose is to find the best way to perform the matrix-vector multiplication for 4 combinations: col-major & row-major, and in float & double.
Another purpose is to see how my implementation on CPU utilizing some techniques, notably, NEON intrinsics, the loop-unrolling, and multithreading, performs against BLAS and vDSP.
Yet another purpose on METAL is to measure the performance of the kernels of the following 2 types:
threads-over-rows (and loop over columns)
threads-over-columns (with reduction for each row)
This section an overview for each of float and double.
This section is split further into 4 separate files. Please see the following 4 READMEs for the per-type results.
The following chart shows the mean running times taken to perform one matrix-vector multiplication in float for the representative implementations from both column-major and row-major in log-log scale. X-axis is the number of elements, or M x N, and Y-axis is the time taken in milliseconds.
This can be used as an indicator for the decision on whether to use the column-major or the row-major.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:BLAS 1 1: BLAS cblas_sgemv()
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:NEON 8 1: NEON intrinsics with the loop unrolling factor 8, single thread
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:NEON 8 8: NEON intrinsics with the loop unrolling factor 8 with 8 worker threads
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:METAL THREADS_OVER_ROWS 0 0: Metal shader with threads over rows, loop over columns
MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR:NEON 8 8: NEON intrinsics with the loop unrolling factor 8 with 8 worker threads
MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR:METAL THREADS_OVER_COLUMNS 0 0: Metal shader with threads over columns, reduction per row.
For the problem size smaller than (1K, 1K), it is faster in column-major (BLAS 1 1) than in row-major (VDSP 1 1).
For the problem size around (1K, 1K) and larger, it is slightly faster in row-major (NEON 8 8) than in column-major (BLAS 1 1).
On Metal, it is faster if the matrix is in row-major and the kernel spreads the threads over columns, and uses reductions per row, than in column-major and the kernel spreads the threads over the rows, and loops over the columns.
The following chart shows the mean running times taken to perform one matrix-vector multiplication in double for the representative implementations from both column-major and row-major in log-log scale. X-axis is the number of elements, or M x N, and Y-axis is the time taken in milliseconds.
This can be used as an indicator for the decision on whether to use the column-major or the row-major.
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:BLAS 1 1: BLAS cblas_dgemv()
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:NEON 8 1: NEON intrinsics with the loop unrolling factor 8, single thread
MATRIX_COL_MAJOR:NEON 8 8: NEON intrinsics with the loop unrolling factor 8 with 8 worker threads
MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR:NEON 8 8: NEON intrinsics with the loop unrolling factor 8 with 8 worker threads
For the problem size smaller than (1K, 1K), it is faster in column-major (BLAS 1 1) than in row-major (VDSP 1 1).
For the problem size around (1K, 1K) and larger, it is slightly faster in row-major (NEON 8 8) than in column-major (BLAS 1 1).
This section briefly describes each of the implementations tested with some key points in the code. Those are executed as part of the test program in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp. The top-level object in the 'main()' function is TestExecutorDenseMV, which is a subclass of TestExecutor found in ../common/test_case_with_time_measurements.h. It manages one single test suite, which consists of test cases. It arranges the input data, allocates memory, executes each test case multiple times and measures the running times, cleans up, and reports the results. Each implementation type is implemented as a TestCaseDenseMV, which is a subclass of TestCaseWithTimeMeasurements in ../common/test_case_with_time_measurements.h. The main part is implemented in TestCaseDenseMV::run(), and it is the subject for the running time measurements.
class TestCaseDenseMV_baseline in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp
A plain C++ implementation with two loops.
for ( int i = 0; i < this->m_M; i++ ) {
output_vector[i] = 0.0;
for ( int j = 0; j < this->m_N; j++ ) {
const int mat_index = linear_index_mat<IS_COL_MAJOR>( i, j, M, N );
output_vector[i] += ( matrix[ mat_index ] * vector[j] );
class TestCaseDenseMV_NEON in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp
There are 4 types of implementations: 2 (col-major or row-major) x 2 (float or double). In all the cases, the outer loop iterates over the rows, and the inner loop iterates over the columns. The construct of the loop body is different between column-major and row-major. In column-major, the SIMD lanes are aligned along one column. They span 4 (float) or 2(double) rows for the same column. The body of the inner loop handles 4 or 2 rows simultaneously.
In row-major, the SIMD lanes are aligned along one row. They span 4 (float) or 2(double) columns for the same row. The inner loop handles 1 row per execution, and the body generates partial sum for 4 or 2 columns per inner iteration.
for ( int i = row_begin; i < row_end_past_one; i += 4 ) {
float32x4_t qw_row_sum1 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
for ( int j = 0; j < N; j++ ) {
const int mat_index1 = linear_index_mat<IS_COL_MAJOR>( i, j, M, N );
const float col_v = this->vector[j];
const float32x4_t qw_mat1 = vld1q_f32( &(matrix[ mat_index1 ]) );
const float32x4_t qw_col = { col_v, col_v, col_v, col_v };
const float32x4_t qw_mc1 = vmulq_f32( qw_mat1, qw_col );
qw_row_sum1 = vaddq_f32( qw_mc1, qw_row_sum1 );
memcpy(&(output_vector[i ]), &qw_row_sum1, sizeof(float)*4);
for ( int i = row_begin; i < row_end_past_one; i += 2 ) {
float64x2_t qw_row_sum1 = { 0.0, 0.0 };
for ( int j = 0; j < N; j++ ) {
const int mat_index1 = linear_index_mat<IS_COL_MAJOR>( i, j, M, N );
const float col_v = this->m_vector[j];
const float64x2_t qw_mat1 = vld1q_f64( &(matrix[ mat_index1 ]) );
const float64x2_t qw_col = { col_v, col_v };
const float64x2_t qw_mc1 = vmulq_f64( qw_mat1, qw_col );
qw_row_sum1 = vaddq_f64( qw_mc1, qw_row_sum1 );
memcpy(&(output_vector[i]), &qw_row_sum1, sizeof(double)*2);
for ( int i = row_begin; i < row_end_past_one; i++ ) {
float32x4_t qw_lanewise_sum1 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
for ( int j = 0; j < this->N; j+=4 ) {
const int mat_index1 = linear_index_mat( i, j, M, N );
const float32x4_t qw_mat1 = vld1q_f32( &(matrix[ mat_index1 ] ) );
const float32x4_t qw_col1 = vld1q_f32( &(vector[ j ] ) );
const float32x4_t qw_mc1 = vmulq_f32( qw_mat1, qw_col1 );
qw_lanewise_sum1 = vaddq_f32( qw_mc1, qw_lanewise_sum1 );
output_vector[i] = qw_lanewise_sum1[0] + qw_lanewise_sum1[1] + qw_lanewise_sum1[2] + qw_lanewise_sum1[3];
for ( int i = row_begin; i < row_end_past_one; i++ ) {
float64x2_t qw_lanewise_sum1 = { 0.0, 0.0 };
for ( int j = 0; j < N; j+=2 ) {
const int mat_index1 = linear_index_mat( i, j, M, N );
const float64x2_t qw_mat1 = vld1q_f64( &(matrix[ mat_index1 ] ) );
const float64x2_t qw_col1 = vld1q_f64( &(vector[ j ] ) );
const float64x2_t qw_mc1 = vmulq_f64( qw_mat1, qw_col1 );
qw_lanewise_sum1 = vaddq_f64( qw_mc1, qw_lanewise_sum1 );
output_vector[i] = qw_lanewise_sum1[0] + qw_lanewise_sum1[1];
Please see run_col_major_loop_unrolling_1()
and run_row_major_loop_unrolling_1()
in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp for details.
class TestCaseDenseMV_NEON in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp
This is based on NEON 1 1 and expanding the SIMD lanes by stacking multiple NEON instructions.
In column-major, the SIMD lanes are aligned along one column. They span 4X (float) or 2X(double) rows for the same column. The body of the inner loop handles 4X or 2X rows simultaneously.
In row-major, the SIMD lanes are aligned along one row. They span 4X(float) or 2X(double) columns for the same row. The inner loop handles 1 row per execution, and the body generates partial sum for 4X or 2X columns per inner iteration. The following are excerpt from the code with loop unrlling factor of 4.
for ( int i = row_begin; i < row_end_past_one; i += 16 ) {
float32x4_t qw_row_sum1 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
float32x4_t qw_row_sum2 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
float32x4_t qw_row_sum3 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
float32x4_t qw_row_sum4 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
for ( int j = 0; j < N; j++ ) {
const int mat_index1 = linear_index_mat( i, j, M, N );
const int mat_index2 = mat_index1 + 4 ;
const int mat_index3 = mat_index1 + 8 ;
const int mat_index4 = mat_index1 + 12 ;
const float col_v = this->m_vector[j];
const float32x4_t qw_mat1 = vld1q_f32( &(matrix[ mat_index1 ]) );
const float32x4_t qw_mat2 = vld1q_f32( &(matrix[ mat_index2 ]) );
const float32x4_t qw_mat3 = vld1q_f32( &(matrix[ mat_index3 ]) );
const float32x4_t qw_mat4 = vld1q_f32( &(matrix[ mat_index4 ]) );
const float32x4_t qw_col = { col_v, col_v, col_v, col_v };
const float32x4_t qw_mc1 = vmulq_f32( qw_mat1, qw_col );
const float32x4_t qw_mc2 = vmulq_f32( qw_mat2, qw_col );
const float32x4_t qw_mc3 = vmulq_f32( qw_mat3, qw_col );
const float32x4_t qw_mc4 = vmulq_f32( qw_mat4, qw_col );
qw_row_sum1 = vaddq_f32( qw_mc1, qw_row_sum1 );
qw_row_sum2 = vaddq_f32( qw_mc2, qw_row_sum2 );
qw_row_sum3 = vaddq_f32( qw_mc3, qw_row_sum3 );
qw_row_sum4 = vaddq_f32( qw_mc4, qw_row_sum4 );
memcpy(&(output_vector[i ]), &qw_row_sum1, sizeof(float)*4);
memcpy(&(output_vector[i+ 4]), &qw_row_sum2, sizeof(float)*4);
memcpy(&(output_vector[i+ 8]), &qw_row_sum3, sizeof(float)*4);
memcpy(&(output_vector[i+12]), &qw_row_sum4, sizeof(float)*4);
for ( int i = row_begin; i < row_end_past_one; i += 8 ) {
float64x2_t qw_row_sum1 = { 0.0, 0.0 };
float64x2_t qw_row_sum2 = { 0.0, 0.0 };
float64x2_t qw_row_sum3 = { 0.0, 0.0 };
float64x2_t qw_row_sum4 = { 0.0, 0.0 };
for ( int j = 0; j < N; j++ ) {
const int mat_index1 = linear_index_mat( i, j, M, N );
const int mat_index2 = mat_index1 + 2 ;
const int mat_index3 = mat_index1 + 4 ;
const int mat_index4 = mat_index1 + 6 ;
const float col_v = this->m_vector[j];
const float64x2_t qw_mat1 = vld1q_f64( &(matrix[ mat_index1 ]) );
const float64x2_t qw_mat2 = vld1q_f64( &(matrix[ mat_index2 ]) );
const float64x2_t qw_mat3 = vld1q_f64( &(matrix[ mat_index3 ]) );
const float64x2_t qw_mat4 = vld1q_f64( &(matrix[ mat_index4 ]) );
const float64x2_t qw_col = { col_v, col_v };
const float64x2_t qw_mc1 = vmulq_f64( qw_mat1, qw_col );
const float64x2_t qw_mc2 = vmulq_f64( qw_mat2, qw_col );
const float64x2_t qw_mc3 = vmulq_f64( qw_mat3, qw_col );
const float64x2_t qw_mc4 = vmulq_f64( qw_mat4, qw_col );
qw_row_sum1 = vaddq_f64( qw_mc1, qw_row_sum1 );
qw_row_sum2 = vaddq_f64( qw_mc2, qw_row_sum2 );
qw_row_sum3 = vaddq_f64( qw_mc3, qw_row_sum3 );
qw_row_sum4 = vaddq_f64( qw_mc4, qw_row_sum4 );
memcpy(&(output_vector[i ]), &qw_row_sum1, sizeof(double)*2);
memcpy(&(output_vector[i+2]), &qw_row_sum2, sizeof(double)*2);
memcpy(&(output_vector[i+4]), &qw_row_sum3, sizeof(double)*2);
memcpy(&(output_vector[i+6]), &qw_row_sum4, sizeof(double)*2);
for ( int i = row_begin; i < row_end_past_one; i++ ) {
float32x4_t qw_lanewise_sum1 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
float32x4_t qw_lanewise_sum2 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
float32x4_t qw_lanewise_sum3 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
float32x4_t qw_lanewise_sum4 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
for ( int j = 0; j < N; j+=16 ) {
const int mat_index1 = linear_index_mat( i, j, M, N );
const int mat_index2 = mat_index1 + 4;
const int mat_index3 = mat_index1 + 8;
const int mat_index4 = mat_index1 + 12;
const float32x4_t qw_mat1 = vld1q_f32( &(matrix[ mat_index1 ] ) );
const float32x4_t qw_mat2 = vld1q_f32( &(matrix[ mat_index2 ] ) );
const float32x4_t qw_mat3 = vld1q_f32( &(matrix[ mat_index3 ] ) );
const float32x4_t qw_mat4 = vld1q_f32( &(matrix[ mat_index4 ] ) );
const float32x4_t qw_col1 = vld1q_f32( &(vector[ j ] ) );
const float32x4_t qw_col2 = vld1q_f32( &(vector[ j + 4 ] ) );
const float32x4_t qw_col3 = vld1q_f32( &(vector[ j + 8 ] ) );
const float32x4_t qw_col4 = vld1q_f32( &(vector[ j + 12 ] ) );
const float32x4_t qw_mc1 = vmulq_f32( qw_mat1, qw_col1 );
const float32x4_t qw_mc2 = vmulq_f32( qw_mat2, qw_col2 );
const float32x4_t qw_mc3 = vmulq_f32( qw_mat3, qw_col3 );
const float32x4_t qw_mc4 = vmulq_f32( qw_mat4, qw_col4 );
qw_lanewise_sum1 = vaddq_f32( qw_mc1, qw_lanewise_sum1 );
qw_lanewise_sum2 = vaddq_f32( qw_mc2, qw_lanewise_sum2 );
qw_lanewise_sum3 = vaddq_f32( qw_mc3, qw_lanewise_sum3 );
qw_lanewise_sum4 = vaddq_f32( qw_mc4, qw_lanewise_sum4 );
vector[i] = qw_lanewise_sum1[0] + qw_lanewise_sum1[1] + qw_lanewise_sum1[2] + qw_lanewise_sum1[3]
+ qw_lanewise_sum2[0] + qw_lanewise_sum2[1] + qw_lanewise_sum2[2] + qw_lanewise_sum2[3]
+ qw_lanewise_sum3[0] + qw_lanewise_sum3[1] + qw_lanewise_sum3[2] + qw_lanewise_sum3[3]
+ qw_lanewise_sum4[0] + qw_lanewise_sum4[1] + qw_lanewise_sum4[2] + qw_lanewise_sum4[3];
for ( int i = row_begin; i < row_end_past_one; i++ ) {
float64x2_t qw_lanewise_sum1 = { 0.0, 0.0 };
float64x2_t qw_lanewise_sum2 = { 0.0, 0.0 };
float64x2_t qw_lanewise_sum3 = { 0.0, 0.0 };
float64x2_t qw_lanewise_sum4 = { 0.0, 0.0 };
for ( int j = 0; j < N; j+=8 ) {
const int mat_index1 = linear_index_mat( i, j, M, N );
const int mat_index2 = mat_index1 + 2;
const int mat_index3 = mat_index1 + 4;
const int mat_index4 = mat_index1 + 6;
const float64x2_t qw_mat1 = vld1q_f64( &(matrix[ mat_index1 ] ) );
const float64x2_t qw_mat2 = vld1q_f64( &(matrix[ mat_index2 ] ) );
const float64x2_t qw_mat3 = vld1q_f64( &(matrix[ mat_index3 ] ) );
const float64x2_t qw_mat4 = vld1q_f64( &(matrix[ mat_index4 ] ) );
const float64x2_t qw_col1 = vld1q_f64( &(vector[ j ] ) );
const float64x2_t qw_col2 = vld1q_f64( &(vector[ j + 2 ] ) );
const float64x2_t qw_col3 = vld1q_f64( &(vector[ j + 4 ] ) );
const float64x2_t qw_col4 = vld1q_f64( &(vector[ j + 6 ] ) );
const float64x2_t qw_mc1 = vmulq_f64( qw_mat1, qw_col1 );
const float64x2_t qw_mc2 = vmulq_f64( qw_mat2, qw_col2 );
const float64x2_t qw_mc3 = vmulq_f64( qw_mat3, qw_col3 );
const float64x2_t qw_mc4 = vmulq_f64( qw_mat4, qw_col4 );
qw_lanewise_sum1 = vaddq_f64( qw_mc1, qw_lanewise_sum1 );
qw_lanewise_sum2 = vaddq_f64( qw_mc2, qw_lanewise_sum2 );
qw_lanewise_sum3 = vaddq_f64( qw_mc3, qw_lanewise_sum3 );
qw_lanewise_sum4 = vaddq_f64( qw_mc4, qw_lanewise_sum4 );
output_vector[i] = qw_lanewise_sum1[0] + qw_lanewise_sum1[1] + qw_lanewise_sum2[0] + qw_lanewise_sum2[1]
+ qw_lanewise_sum3[0] + qw_lanewise_sum3[1] + qw_lanewise_sum4[0] + qw_lanewise_sum4[1];
Please see run_col_major_loop_unrolling_X()
and run_row_major_loop_unrolling_X()
in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp for details.
class TestCaseDenseMV_NEON_multithread in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp This is based on NEON X 1, and the rows are split over Y threads.
The following is the definition of the worker threads. Each thread is responsible for the given range of rows.
auto thread_lambda = [ this, num_rows_per_thread ]( const size_t thread_index ) {
const size_t row_begin = thread_index * num_rows_per_thread;
const size_t row_end = row_begin + num_rows_per_thread;
while ( true ) {
m_fan_out.wait( thread_index );
if( m_fan_out.isTerminating() ) {
this->calc_block( row_begin, row_end );
if( m_fan_in.isTerminating() ) {
Please see class TestCaseDenseMV_NEON_multithread
in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp for details.
class TestCaseDenseMV_multithread in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp
This is based on CPP_BLOCK 1 1, and the rows are split over Y threads.
The following is the definition of the worker threads. Each thread is responsible for the given range of rows.
auto thread_lambda = [ this, num_rows_per_thread ]( const size_t thread_index ) {
const size_t row_begin = thread_index * num_rows_per_thread;
const size_t row_end = row_begin + num_rows_per_thread;
while ( true ) {
m_fan_out.wait( thread_index );
if( m_fan_out.isTerminating() ) {
for ( int i = row_begin; i < row_end; i++ ) {
this->m_output_vector[i] = 0.0;
for ( int j = 0; j < this->m_N; j++ ) {
const int mat_index = linear_index_mat<IS_COL_MAJOR>( i, j, this->m_M, this->m_N );
this->m_output_vector[i] += ( this->m_matrix[ mat_index ] * this->m_vector[j] );
if( m_fan_in.isTerminating() ) {
Please see class TestCaseDenseMV_multithread
in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp for details.
class TestCaseDenseMV_blas in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp
This is for BLAS cblas_sgemv() and cblas_dgemv().
virtual void run() {
CBLAS_ORDER order = IS_COL_MAJOR ? CblasColMajor : CblasRowMajor;
if constexpr ( is_same< float,T >::value ) {
cblas_sgemv( order, CblasNoTrans, M, N, 1.0, matrix, M, vector, 1, 1.0, output_vector, 1 );
else { // is_same< double,T >::value
cblas_dgemv( order, CblasNoTrans, M, N, 1.0, matrix, M, vector, 1, 1.0, output_vector, 1 );
class TestCaseDenseMV_vDSP in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp
This is for vDSP's vDSP_mmul()
and vDSP_mmulD()
virtual void run() {
if constexpr ( is_same< float,T >::value ) {
vDSP_mmul( matrix, 1, vector, 1, output_vector, 1, M, 1, N );
else { // is_same< double,T >::value
vDSP_mmulD( matrix, 1, vector, 1, output_vector, 1, M, 1, N );
class TestCaseDenseMV_MPS in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp
This involves an encoding with Metal, but it is straightforward to understand.
Please see metal/dense_matrix_vector_metal_objc_mps.h and metal/ for details. It is managed by class TestCaseDenseMV_MPS in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp.
Judging from the charts above, MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication
performs a similar reduction found in
mult_row_major_threads_over_columns ()
in metal/dense_matrix_vector.metal.
class TestCaseDenseMV_metal in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp
This is suitable for matrices in the col-major. This is similar to NEON X 1 but with much more lanes (up to 1024). The following are the kernel definitions for both col-major and row-major.
kernel void mult_col_major_threads_over_rows (
device float* mat [[ buffer(0) ]],
device float* vec [[ buffer(1) ]],
device float* outvec [[ buffer(2) ]],
) {
if ( (int)thread_position_in_grid < constants.M ) {
float sum = 0.0;
for ( int col = 0; col < constants.N; col++ ) {
sum += ( mat[ thread_position_in_grid + constants.M * col ] * vec[ col ] );
outvec[ thread_position_in_grid ] = sum;
kernel void mult_row_major_threads_over_rows (
device float* mat [[ buffer(0) ]],
device float* vec [[ buffer(1) ]],
device float* outvec [[ buffer(2) ]],
) {
if ( (int)thread_position_in_grid < constants.M ) {
float sum = 0.0;
const uint row_base = thread_position_in_grid * constants.N;
for ( int col = 0; col < constants.N; col++ ) {
sum += ( mat[ row_base + col ] * vec[ col ] );
outvec[ thread_position_in_grid ] = sum;
Pelase see metal/dense_matrix_vector.metal for details.
class TestCaseDenseMV_metal in test_dense_matrix_vector.cpp
In this case, each thread-group performs one reduction for one row. The reduction uses a shared memory and simd_sum() for better performance.
kernel void mult_col_major_threads_over_columns (
device float* mat [[ buffer(0) ]],
device float* vec [[ buffer(1) ]],
device float* outvec [[ buffer(2) ]],
) {
const int THREADS_PER_THREADGROUP = 1024; // macos
threadgroup float sum_cache[ THREADS_PER_THREADGROUP ];
const int row = threadgroup_position_in_grid;
float sum = 0.0;
for ( int col = thread_position_in_threadgroup ; col < constants.N ; col += threads_per_threadgroup ) {
sum += ( mat[ row + constants.M * col ] * vec[ col ] );
const float warp_sum = simd_sum (sum);
if ( thread_index_in_simdgroup == 0 ){
sum_cache[ simdgroup_index_in_threadgroup ] = warp_sum;
threadgroup_barrier( mem_flags::mem_threadgroup );
if ( simdgroup_index_in_threadgroup == 0 ) {
const float local_sum = (thread_index_in_simdgroup< simdgroups_per_threadgroup)? sum_cache[ thread_index_in_simdgroup ] : 0.0;
const float warp_sum = simd_sum( local_sum );
if ( thread_position_in_threadgroup == 0 ) {
outvec[row] =warp_sum;
kernel void mult_row_major_threads_over_columns (
device float* mat [[ buffer(0) ]],
device float* vec [[ buffer(1) ]],
device float* outvec [[ buffer(2) ]],
) {
const int THREADS_PER_THREADGROUP = 1024; // macos
threadgroup float sum_cache[ THREADS_PER_THREADGROUP ];
const int row = threadgroup_position_in_grid;
float sum = 0.0;
for ( int col = thread_position_in_threadgroup ; col < constants.N ; col += threads_per_threadgroup ) {
sum += ( mat[ row * constants.N + col ] * vec[ col ] );
const float warp_sum = simd_sum (sum);
if ( thread_index_in_simdgroup == 0 ){
sum_cache[ simdgroup_index_in_threadgroup ] = warp_sum;
threadgroup_barrier( mem_flags::mem_threadgroup );
if ( simdgroup_index_in_threadgroup == 0 ) {
const float local_sum = (thread_index_in_simdgroup< simdgroups_per_threadgroup)? sum_cache[ thread_index_in_simdgroup ] : 0.0;
const float warp_sum = simd_sum( local_sum );
if ( thread_position_in_threadgroup == 0 ) {
outvec[row] =warp_sum;
Please see metal/dense_matrix_vector.metal for details.