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Merge pull request #10 from ShapeOfMatter/better_example_monad
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Better example monad
  • Loading branch information
ShapeOfMatter authored Apr 22, 2024
2 parents 61cf943 + fa23349 commit 55480ba
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Showing 12 changed files with 337 additions and 283 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion HasChor.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ library choreography

common lib-dependent
import: basic-config
Expand Down
61 changes: 46 additions & 15 deletions examples/Bank2PC.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,8 +46,15 @@ Bob's balance: 5
module Bank2PC where

import Choreography
import CLI
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data (TestArgs, reference)
import Data.List (intercalate, transpose)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, symbolVal)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, arbitrary, elements, listOf, listOf1)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

$(mkLoc "client")
Expand All @@ -62,13 +69,37 @@ type Action = (String, Int)

type Transaction = [Action]

newtype Args p q = Args [Transaction] deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
instance (KnownSymbol p, KnownSymbol q) => TestArgs (Args p q) [[String]] where
reference (Args tx) = addCoordinator . transpose $ showAll <$> ref start tx
where start = (, 0) <$> [symbolVal (Proxy @p), symbolVal (Proxy @q)]
ref _ [] = []
ref state (t:ts) = let (s', r) = refAs state t
s'' = if r then s' else state
in (r, s'') : ref s'' ts
refAs state [] = (state, True)
refAs state (a:as) = let (s', r) = refA state a
in if r then refAs s' as else (state, False)
refA state (name, amount) = let (otherL, (_, s):otherR) = ((== name) . fst) `break` state
s' = s + amount
in (otherL ++ ((name, s'):otherR), 0 <= s')
showAll :: (Bool, [(String, Int)]) -> [String]
showAll (clnt, servers) = show clnt : (show . snd <$> servers)
addCoordinator (clnt:servers) = clnt : [] : servers
addCoordinator _ = error "this can't happen, right? I could enforce it by types, but it's a core..."
instance (KnownSymbol p, KnownSymbol q) => Arbitrary (Args p q) where
arbitrary = (Args . (++ [[]]) <$>) . listOf . listOf1 $ (,) <$> elements [symbolVal $ Proxy @p, symbolVal $ Proxy @q] <*> arbitrary

-- | `validate` checks if a transaction can be executed while keeping balance >= 0
-- returns if the transaction satisfies the property and the balance after the transaction
validate :: String -> Int -> Transaction -> (Bool, Int)
validate name balance tx = foldl (\(valid, i) (_, amount) -> (let next = i + amount in (valid && next >= 0, next))) (True, balance) actions
actions = filter (\(n, _) -> n == name) tx

render :: Transaction -> String
render txns = intercalate ";" $ (\(a,b) -> a ++ " " ++ show b) <$> txns

-- | `parse` converts the user input into a transaction
parse :: String -> Transaction
parse s = tx
Expand All @@ -87,7 +118,10 @@ parse s = tx
-- then it will decide whether to commit the transaction or not.
-- If the transaction is committed, it will update the state.
-- Otherwise, it will keep the state unchanged.
handleTransaction :: State -> Transaction @ "coordinator" -> Choreo Participants IO (Bool @ "coordinator", State)
handleTransaction :: (Monad m) =>
State ->
Transaction @ "coordinator" ->
Choreo Participants m (Bool @ "coordinator", State)
handleTransaction (aliceBalance, bobBalance) tx = do
-- Voting Phase
txa <- (coordinator, tx) ~> alice
Expand All @@ -108,27 +142,24 @@ handleTransaction (aliceBalance, bobBalance) tx = do
return (canCommit, (aliceBalance, bobBalance))

-- | `bank` loops forever and handles transactions.
bank :: State -> Choreo Participants IO ()
bank :: State -> Choreo Participants (CLI m) ()
bank state = do
client `locally_` \_ -> do
putStrLn "Command? (alice|bob {amount};)+"
tx <- (client, \_ -> do { parse <$> getLine }) ~~> coordinator
tx <- (client, \_ -> parse <$> getstr "Command? (alice|bob {amount};)+"
) ~~> coordinator
(committed, state') <- handleTransaction state tx
committed' <- (coordinator, committed) ~> client
client `locally_` \un -> do
putStrLn if un committed' then "Committed" else "Not committed"
alice `locally_` \un -> do putStrLn ("Alice's balance: " ++ show (un (fst state')))
bob `locally_` \un -> do putStrLn ("Bob's balance: " ++ show (un (snd state')))
bank state' -- repeat
return ()
client `locally_` \un -> putOutput "Committed?" (un committed')
alice `locally_` \un -> putOutput "Alice's balance:" (un (fst state'))
bob `locally_` \un -> putOutput "Bob's balance:" (un (snd state'))
cond' (coordinator, \un -> return $ null $ un tx) (`unless` bank state') -- repeat

-- | `startBank` is a choreography that initializes the states and starts the bank application.
startBank :: Choreo Participants IO ()
startBank :: Choreo Participants (CLI m) ()
startBank = do
aliceBalance <- alice `locally` \_ -> do return 0
bobBalance <- bob `locally` \_ -> do return 0
aliceBalance <- alice `_locally` return 0
bobBalance <- bob `_locally` return 0
bank (aliceBalance, bobBalance)

main :: IO ()
main = do
runChoreo startBank
runCLIIO $ runChoreo startBank
33 changes: 16 additions & 17 deletions examples/Bookseller0Network.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,46 +15,45 @@ Same as [`bookseller-1-simple`](../bookseller-1-simple) but with `cabal run book

import Choreography.Network
import Choreography.Network.Http
import CLI
import Data.Time
import System.Environment

import Data (Database, defaultBudget, deliveryDateOf, priceOf, textbooks)
import Data (deliveryDateOf, priceOf)

buyer :: Int -> String -> Network IO (Maybe Day)
buyer budget title = do
buyer :: Network (CLI m) ()
buyer = do
budget <- run $ getInput @Int "Enter your total budget:"
title <- run $ getstr "Enter the title of the book to buy:"
send title "seller"
price <- recv "seller"
if price < budget
if price <= budget
then do
send True "seller"
(deliveryDate :: Day) <- recv "seller"
return $ Just deliveryDate
run $ putOutput "The book will be delivered on:" deliveryDate
else do
send False "seller"
return Nothing
run $ putNote "The book's price is out of the budget"

seller :: Database -> Network IO ()
seller books = do
seller :: Network (CLI m) ()
seller = do
database <- run $ getInput "Enter the book database (for `Read`):"
title <- recv "buyer"
send (priceOf books title) "buyer"
send (database `priceOf` title) "buyer"
decision <- recv "buyer"
if decision
then do
send (deliveryDateOf books title) "buyer"
send (database `deliveryDateOf` title) "buyer"
else do
return ()

main :: IO ()
main = do
[loc] <- getArgs
case loc of
"buyer" -> do putStrLn "Enter the title of the book to buy:"
title <- getLine
result <- runNetwork cfg "buyer" $ buyer defaultBudget title
case result of
Nothing -> putStrLn "The book's price is out of the budget"
Just day -> putStrLn ("The book will be delivered on " ++ show day)
"seller" -> runNetwork cfg "seller" $ seller textbooks
"buyer" -> runCLIIO $ runNetwork cfg "buyer" buyer
"seller" -> runCLIIO $ runNetwork cfg "seller" seller
_ -> error "unknown party"
return ()
Expand Down
79 changes: 27 additions & 52 deletions examples/Bookseller1Simple.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,82 +67,57 @@ Homotopy Type Theory
module Bookseller1Simple where

import Choreography
import Data.Time
import System.Environment

import Data (defaultBudget, deliveryDateOf, priceOf, textbooks)
import Data (deliveryDateOf, priceOf)
import CLI

$(mkLoc "buyer")
$(mkLoc "seller")
type Participants = ["buyer", "seller"]

-- | `bookseller` is a choreography that implements the bookseller protocol.
bookseller :: String -> Choreo Participants IO (Maybe Day)
bookseller userTitle = do
-- the buyer node prompts the user to enter the title of the book to buy
title <- buyer `locally` \_ -> return userTitle
-- the buyer sends the title to the seller
title' <- (buyer, title) ~> seller
bookseller :: Choreo Participants (CLI m) ()
bookseller = do
database <- seller `_locally` getInput "Enter the book database (for `Read`):"
buyer_budget <- buyer `_locally` getInput "Enter your total budget:"
title <- buyer `_locally` getstr "Enter the title of the book to buy:"

-- the seller checks the price of the book
price <- seller `locally` \un -> return $ priceOf textbooks (un title')
-- the seller sends back the price of the book to the buyer
title' <- (buyer, title) ~> seller
price <- seller `locally` \un -> return $ priceOf (un database) (un title')
price' <- (seller, price) ~> buyer
decision <- buyer `locally` \un -> return $ un price' <= un buyer_budget

-- the buyer decides whether to buy the book or not
decision <- buyer `locally` \un -> return $ un price' < budget

-- if the buyer decides to buy the book, the seller sends the delivery date to the buyer
delivery <- cond (buyer, decision) \case
cond (buyer, decision) \case
True -> do
deliveryDate <- seller `locally` \un -> return $ deliveryDateOf textbooks (un title')
deliveryDate <- seller `locally` \un -> return $ deliveryDateOf (un database) (un title')
deliveryDate' <- (seller, deliveryDate) ~> buyer

buyer `locally` \un -> do
putStrLn $ "The book will be delivered on " ++ show (un deliveryDate')
return $ Just (un deliveryDate')

buyer `locally_` \un -> putOutput "The book will be delivered on " $ un deliveryDate'
False -> do
buyer `locally` \_ -> do
putStrLn "The book's price is out of the budget"
return Nothing
reveal buyer delivery
buyer `_locally_` putNote "The book's price is out of the budget"

-- `bookseller'` is a simplified version of `bookseller` that utilizes `~~>`
bookseller' :: String -> Choreo Participants IO (Maybe Day)
bookseller' userTitle = do
title <- (buyer, \_ -> do
return userTitle
~~> seller

price <- (seller, \un -> return $ priceOf textbooks (un title)) ~~> buyer

delivery <- cond' (buyer, \un -> return $ un price < budget) \case
bookseller' :: Choreo Participants (CLI m) ()
bookseller' = do
database <- seller `_locally` getInput "Enter the book database (for `Read`):"
buyer_budget <- buyer `_locally` getInput "Enter your total budget:"
title <- (buyer, \_ -> getstr "Enter the title of the book to buy:") ~~> seller
price <- (seller, \un -> return $ priceOf (un database) (un title)) ~~> buyer

cond' (buyer, \un -> return $ un price <= un buyer_budget) \case
True -> do
deliveryDate <- (seller, \un -> return $ deliveryDateOf textbooks (un title)) ~~> buyer

buyer `locally` \un -> do
putStrLn $ "The book will be delivered on " ++ show (un deliveryDate)
return $ Just (un deliveryDate)

deliveryDate <- (seller, \un -> return $ deliveryDateOf (un database) (un title)) ~~> buyer
buyer `locally_` \un -> putOutput "The book will be delivered on:" $ un deliveryDate
False -> do
buyer `locally` \_ -> do
putStrLn "The book's price is out of the budget"
return Nothing
reveal buyer delivery
buyer `_locally_` putNote "The book's price is out of the budget"

budget :: Int
budget = defaultBudget

main :: IO ()
main = do
[loc] <- getArgs
putStrLn "Enter the title of the book to buy"
title <- getLine
delivery <- case loc of
"buyer" -> runChoreography cfg (bookseller' title) "buyer"
"seller" -> runChoreography cfg (bookseller' title) "seller"
"buyer" -> runCLIIO $ runChoreography cfg bookseller' "buyer"
"seller" -> runCLIIO $ runChoreography cfg bookseller' "seller"
_ -> error "unknown party"
print delivery
Expand Down
55 changes: 19 additions & 36 deletions examples/Bookseller2HigherOrder.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,13 +53,11 @@ but with buyer2's contribution, now it can.

module Bookseller2HigherOrder where

import Control.Monad.Cont (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Choreography
import Data.Time
import System.Environment

import TTY
import Data
import CLI
import Data (deliveryDateOf, priceOf)

$(mkLoc "buyer")
$(mkLoc "seller")
Expand All @@ -69,62 +67,47 @@ type Participants = ["buyer", "seller", "buyer2"]

-- | `bookseller` is a choreography that implements the bookseller protocol.
-- This version takes a choreography `mkDecision` that implements the decision making process.
bookseller :: (Int @ "buyer" -> Choreo Participants (TTY IO) (Bool @ "buyer")) -> Choreo Participants (TTY IO) (Maybe Day @ "buyer")
bookseller :: (Int @ "buyer" -> Choreo Participants (CLI m) (Bool @ "buyer")) -> Choreo Participants (CLI m) ()
bookseller mkDecision = do
-- the buyer reads the title of the book and sends it to the seller
title <- (buyer, \_ -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Enter the title of the book to buy"
~~> seller
database <- seller `_locally` getInput "Enter the book database (for `Read`):"
title <- (buyer, \_ -> getstr "Enter the title of the book to buy:") ~~> seller

-- the seller checks the price of the book and sends it to the buyer
price <- (seller, \un -> return $ priceOf textbooks (un title)) ~~> buyer
price <- (seller, \un -> return $ priceOf (un database) (un title)) ~~> buyer

-- the buyer makes a decision using the `mkDecision` choreography
decision <- mkDecision price

-- if the buyer decides to buy the book, the seller sends the delivery date to the buyer
cond (buyer, decision) \case
True -> do
deliveryDate <- (seller, \un -> return $ deliveryDateOf textbooks (un title)) ~~> buyer

buyer `locally` \un -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "The book will be delivered on:"
putln $ show (un deliveryDate)
return $ Just (un deliveryDate)
deliveryDate <- (seller, \un -> return $ deliveryDateOf (un database) (un title)) ~~> buyer
buyer `locally_` \un -> putstr "The book will be delivered on:" $ show (un deliveryDate)

False -> do
buyer `locally` \_ -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "The book's price is out of the budget"
return Nothing
buyer `locally_` \_ -> putNote "The book's price is out of the budget"

-- | `mkDecision1` checks if buyer's budget is greater than the price of the book
mkDecision1 :: Int @ "buyer" -> Choreo Participants (TTY IO) (Bool @ "buyer")
mkDecision1 :: Int @ "buyer" -> Choreo Participants (CLI m) (Bool @ "buyer")
mkDecision1 price = do
buyer `locally` \un -> return $ un price < budget
budget <- buyer `_locally` getInput "What are you willing to pay?"
buyer `locally` \un -> return $ un price <= un budget

-- | `mkDecision2` asks buyer2 how much they're willing to contribute and checks
-- if the buyer's budget is greater than the price of the book minus buyer2's contribution
mkDecision2 :: Int @ "buyer" -> Choreo Participants (TTY IO) (Bool @ "buyer")
mkDecision2 :: Int @ "buyer" -> Choreo Participants (CLI m) (Bool @ "buyer")
mkDecision2 price = do
contrib <- (buyer2, \_ -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "How much you're willing to contribute?"
read <$> getln
~~> buyer
buyer `locally` \un -> return $ un price - un contrib <= budget

budget :: Int
budget = defaultBudget
contrib1 <- buyer `_locally` getInput "What are you willing to pay?"
contrib2 <- (buyer2, \_ -> getInput "How much you're willing to contribute?") ~~> buyer
buyer `locally` \un -> return $ un price - un contrib2 <= un contrib1

main :: IO ()
main = do
[loc] <- getArgs
_ <- case loc of
"buyer" -> runTTYIO $ runChoreography cfg choreo "buyer"
"seller" -> runTTYIO $ runChoreography cfg choreo "seller"
"buyer2" -> runTTYIO $ runChoreography cfg choreo "buyer2"
"buyer" -> runCLIIO $ runChoreography cfg choreo "buyer"
"seller" -> runCLIIO $ runChoreography cfg choreo "seller"
"buyer2" -> runCLIIO $ runChoreography cfg choreo "buyer2"
_ -> error "unknown party"
return ()
Expand Down

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