Contains list of all courses that are crucial to Autonomous Vehicles and Robotics in general. This list has been borrowed from Mithi ( and contains some additional courses.
- Udacity: Robotics Nanodegree
- Udacity: Self-Driving Car Nanodegree
- Coursera: Robotics Specialization, University of Pennsylvania
- EdX: Robotics MicroMasters, University of Pennsylvania
- FutureLearn: Robot Academy, Queensland University of Technology
- Autonomous Mobile Robots, ETHZurich
- Autonomous Navigation for Flying Robots, Technische Universitat Munchen
- Underactuated Robotics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Robotics, Columbia University in the city of New York
- Robot Mechanics and Control Part I and Part II, Seoul National University
- Udacity c++ for programmers
- Google:
- Control of Mobile Robots, Georgia Institute of technology
- Autonomous Intelligent Systems, University of Freiburg
- MIT Race Car, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- SLAM Lectures, Clause Brenne
- Introduction to Robotics, Stanford Engineering Everywhere
- Introduction to Robotics, MIT OCW
- Intro to Aerial Robotics, Dr Kostas Alexis, University of Nevada, Reno
- Deep-learning for Self-Driving Cars, MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars
- Andreis Interview Repo
- Coursera: Video Playlist 1 and Video Playlist 2, Princeton University
- C++
- ROS: Learn ROS Fast, Robot Ignite Academy
- Source Control: GitKraken, and GIT SCM
- The Unix Shell and Shell Scripting
- Python
- MATLAB and LaTex Tutorials, Michelle Krummel
- Fancy Text Editors: Sublime, Atom
- Deep-Learning: Deep RL Bootcamp, Fast.AI, and Deep Learning (dot) AI
- Kalman Filters and Bayesian Thinking
- Control Systems: Control Bootcamp, Steve Brunton
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- Parallel Programming, Cuda: Udacity Intro to Parallel Programming
- Functional Programming Paradigm: Haskell, Real World Haskell, Scheme, Common Lisp, Elixir