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Examples: ENV-DATA and DNA derived data


eDNA & DNA derived data

The following example use cases draw on both the GBIF guide and the DNA derived data extension to illustrate how to incorporate a DNA derived data extension file into a Darwin Core archive. Note: for the purposes of this section, only required Occurrence core terms are shown, in addition to all eDNA & DNA specific terms. For additional Occurrence core terms, refer to Occurrence.

eDNA data from Monterey Bay, California

The data for this example is from the use case "18S Monterey Bay Time Series: an eDNA data set from Monterey Bay, California, including years 2006, 2013 - 2016'. The data from this study originate from marine filtered seawater samples that have undergone metabarcoding of the 18S V9 region.

Occurrence core:

We can populate the Occurrence core with all the required and highly recommended fields, as well as considering the eDNA and DNA specific fields. The Occurrence core contain the taxonomic identification of each ASV observed; its number of reads, as well as relevant metadata including the sample collection location, references for the identification procedure, and links to archived sequences.

OccurrenceID and basisOfRecord are some of the required Occurrence core terms, in addition to the highly recommended fields of organismQuantity and organismQuantityType. A selection of samples from this plate were included in another publication (Djurhuus et al., 2020),which is recorded in identificationReferences along with the GitHub repository where the data can be found.

occurrenceID basisOfRecord organismQuantity OrganismQuantityType associatedSequences
11216c01_12_edna_1_S_occ1 MaterialSample 19312 DNA sequence reads NCBI BioProject acc. nr. PRJNA433203
11216c01_12_edna_2_S_occ1 MaterialSample 16491 DNA sequence reads NCBI BioProject acc. nr. PRJNA433203
11216c01_12_edna_3_S_occ1 MaterialSample 21670 DNA sequence reads NCBI BioProject acc. nr. PRJNA433203
sampleSizeValue sampleSizeUnit identificationReferences identificationRemarks
147220 DNA sequence reads GitHub repository Djurhuus et al. 2020 unassigned, Genbank nr Release 221 September 20 2017
121419 DNA sequence reads GitHub repository Djurhuus et al. 2020 unassigned, Genbank nr Release 221 September 20 2017
161525 DNA sequence reads GitHub repository Djurhuus et al. 2020 unassigned, Genbank nr Release 221 September 20 2017

DNA Derived Data extension:

Next, we can create the DNA Derived Data extension which will be connected to the Occurrence core with the use of occurrenceID. This extension contains the DNA sequences and relevant DNA metadata, including sequencing procedures, primers used and SOP's. The recommended use of ENVO's biome classes were applied to describe the environmental system from which the sample was extracted. The samples were collected by CTD rosette and filtered by a peristaltic pump system. Illumina MiSeq metabarcoding was applied for the target_gene 18S and the target_subfragment, V9 region. URL's are provided for the protocols followed for nucleic acids extraction and amplification.

For a detailed description of the steps taken to process the data, including algorithms used, see the original publication. Adding Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) related data are highly recommended and should be as complete as possible, for example:

occurrenceID env-broad_scale env_local_scale env_medium
11216c01_12_edna_1_S_occ1 marine biome (ENVO:00000447) coastal water (ENVO:00001250) waterborne particulate matter (ENVO:01000436)
11216c01_12_edna_2_S_occ1 marine biome (ENVO:00000447) coastal water (ENVO:00001250) waterborne particulate matter (ENVO:01000436)
11216c01_12_edna_3_S_occ1 marine biome (ENVO:00000447) coastal water (ENVO:00001250) waterborne particulate matter (ENVO:01000436)
samp_vol_we_dna_ext nucl_acid_ext nucl_acid_amp lib_layout target_gene
1000ml paired 18S
1000ml paired 18S
1000ml paired 18S
target_subfragment seq_meth otu_class_appr otu_seq_comp_appr
V9 Illumina MiSeq 2x250 dada2;1.14.0;ASV blast;2.9.0+;80% identity;e-value cutoff: x MEGAN6;6.18.5;bitscore: 100 :2%
V9 Illumina MiSeq 2x250 dada2;1.14.0;ASV blast;2.9.0+;80% identity;e-value cutoff: x MEGAN6;6.18.5;bitscore: 100 :2%
V9 Illumina MiSeq 2x250 dada2;1.14.0;ASV blast;2.9.0+;80% identity;e-value cutoff: x MEGAN6;6.18.5;bitscore: 100 :2%
otu_db sop DNA_sequence
Genbank nr;221 or GitHub repository GCTACTACCGATT...
Genbank nr;221 or GitHub repository GCTACTACCGATT...
Genbank nr;221 or GitHub repository GCTACTACCGATT...
pcr_primer_forward pcr_primer_reverse pcr_primer_name_forward pcr_primer_name_reverse pcr_primer_reference
16S rRNA gene metabarcoding data of Pico- to Mesoplankton

DNA derived datasets can also include an extendedMeasurementsOrFact (eMoF) extension file, in addition to the Occurrence and DNA derived extensions. In this example, environmental measurements were provided in an eMoF file, in addition to the DNA derived data and occurrence data. Here we show how to incorporate such measurements in the extensions.

In the publication "Diversity of Pico- to Mesoplankton along the 2000 km Salinity Gradient of the Baltic Sea", a dataset with 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding data of surface water microbial communities was created from 21 off-shore stations, following a transect from Kattegat to the Gulf of Bothnia in the Baltic Sea. The full dataset entitled "Diversity of Pico- to Mesoplankton along the 2000 km Salinity Gradient of the Baltic Sea (Hu et al. 2016) is available from GBIF.

Occurrence core:

The Occurrence core contain information about the organisms in the sample including the taxonomy and quantity of organisms detected, the collection location, references for the identification procedure, and links to the sequences generated.

Important note: even though this dataset uses OTU identifiers for taxonomy (therefore not including scientificNameID) OBIS still recommends using scientificNameID.

basisOfRecord occurrenceID eventID eventDate
MaterialSample SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1:919a2aa9d306e4cf3fa9ca02a2aa5730 SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1 2013-07-13 07:08:00
MaterialSample SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1:43e088977eba5732bfa45e20b1d8cdd2 SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1 2013-07-13 07:08:00
MaterialSample SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1:887bc7033b46d960e893caceb711700b SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1 2013-07-13 07:08:00
organismQuantity organismQuantityType sampleSizeValue sampleSizeUnit
2235 DNA sequence reads 12393 DNA sequence reads
795 DNA sequence reads 12393 DNA sequence reads
40 DNA sequence reads 12393 DNA sequence reads
samplingProtocol associatedSequences identificationReferences identificationRemarks
200–500 mL seawater were filtered onto 0.22 μm pore-size mixed cellulose ester membrane filters; [] [] [] DADA2:assignTaxonomy:addSpecies annotation against sbdi-gtdb=R06-RS202-1; confidence at lowest specified (ASV portal) taxon: 0.5
200–500 mL seawater were filtered onto 0.22 μm pore-size mixed cellulose ester membrane filters; [] [] [] DADA2:assignTaxonomy:addSpecies annotation against sbdi-gtdb=R06-RS202-1; confidence at lowest specified (ASV portal) taxon: 0.56
200–500 mL seawater were filtered onto 0.22 μm pore-size mixed cellulose ester membrane filters; [] [] [] DADA2:assignTaxonomy:addSpecies annotation against sbdi-gtdb=R06-RS202-1; confidence at lowest specified (ASV portal) taxon: 0.99
decimalLatitude decimalLongitude taxonID scientificName
55.185 13.791 ASV:919a2aa9d306e4cf3fa9ca02a2aa5730 UBA6821
55.185 13.791 ASV:43e088977eba5732bfa45e20b1d8cdd2 Chthoniobacterales
55.185 13.791 ASV:887bc7033b46d960e893caceb711700b BACL27 sp014190055
kingdom phylum class order family genus
Bacteria Verrucomicrobiota Verrucomicrobiae Chthoniobacterales UBA6821 UBA6821
Bacteria Verrucomicrobiota Verrucomicrobiae Chthoniobacterales NA NA
Bacteria Actinobacteriota Acidimicrobiia Acidimicrobiales Ilumatobacteraceae BACL27

DNA Derived Data extension:

The DNA Derived Data extension for metabarcoding data contains the DNA sequences and relevant DNA metadata, primers and procedures. This example table contains the highly recommended and recommended fields as populated with the example dataset data. For this dataset, authors additionally provided measurements of of water sample temperature and salinity, which are provided in an extendedMeasurementOrFact extension file:

id env_broad_scale env_local_scale env_medium
SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1:919a2aa9d306e4cf3fa9ca02a2aa5730 aquatic biome [ENVO_00002030] marine biome [ENVO_00000447] brackish water [ENVO_00002019]
SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1:43e088977eba5732bfa45e20b1d8cdd2 aquatic biome [ENVO_00002030] marine biome [ENVO_00000447] brackish water [ENVO_00002019]
SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1:887bc7033b46d960e893caceb711700b aquatic biome [ENVO_00002030] marine biome [ENVO_00000447] brackish water [ENVO_00002019]
lib_layout target_gene target_subfragment seq_meth sop
paired 16S rRNA V3-V4 Illumina MiSeq
paired 16S rRNA V3-V4 Illumina MiSeq
paired 16S rRNA V3-V4 Illumina MiSeq
pcr_primer_forward pcr_primer_reverse pcr_primer_name_forward pcr_primer_name_reverse DNA_sequence

extendedMeasurementOrFact (eMoF) extension:

measurementID occurrenceID measurementType measurementValue measurementUnit
SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1:temperature SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1:919a2aa9d306e4cf3fa9ca02a2aa5730 temperature 16.9 °C
SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1:salinity SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1:919a2aa9d306e4cf3fa9ca02a2aa5730 salinity 7.25 psu
SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1:temperature SBDI-ASV-3:16S_1:1ead98754d34073a4606f7ff1e94126e temperature 16.9 °C

Fish abundance & distribution

(example coming soon)


Hard coral cover & composition

(example coming soon)


Invertebrates abundance & distribution

(example coming soon)


Macroalgae canopy cover & composition

In this section we will encode a fictional macroalgal survey dataset into Darwin Core using the ENV-DATA approach, i.e. using an Event core with an Occurrence extension and an extendedMeasurementOrFact extension.

Figure: A fictional macroalgae survey with a single site, multiple zones, quadrats, and different types of transects.

Event core:

First we can create the Event core table by extracting all events in a broad sense and populating attributes such as time, location, and depth at the appropriate level. The events at the different levels are linked together using eventID and parentEventID. As the survey sites has a fixed location we can populate decimalLongitude and decimalLatitude at the top level event. The zones have different depths, so minimumDepthInMeters and maximumDepthInMeters are populated at the zone level. Finally, as not all sampling was done on the same day, eventDate is populated at the quadrat and transect level.

eventID parentEventID eventDate decimalLongitude decimalLatitude minimumDepthInMeters maximumDepthInMeters
site_1 54.7943 16.9425
zone_1 site_1 0 0
zone_2 site_1 0 5
zone_3 site_1 5 10
quadrat_1 zone_1 2019-01-02
transect_1 zone_2 2019-01-03
transect_2 zone_3 2019-01-04

Occurrence extension:

Next we can construct the Occurrence extension table. This table has the scientific names and links to the World Register of Marine Species in scientificNameID. The first column of the table references the events in the core table (see quadrat_1 for example highlighted in green).

id occurrenceID scientificName scientificNameID
quadrat_1 occ_1 Ulva rigida
quadrat_1 occ_2 Ulva lactuca
transect_1 occ_3 Plantae
transect_1 occ_4 Plantae
transect_2 occ_5 Gracilaria
transect_2 occ_6 Laurencia

extendedMeasurementOrFact (eMoF) extension:

And finally there is the MeasurementOrFact extension table, which has attributes of the zones (shore height), the quadrats (surface area), the transects (surface area and length), and the occurrences (percentage cover and functional group). Attributes of occurrences point to the Occurrence extension table using the occurrenceID column (see occ_1 and occ_2 highlighted in blue and orange). Note that besides NERC vocabulary terms we are also referencing the CATAMI vocabulary for macroalgal functional groups.

id occurrenceID measurementType measurementTypeID measurementValue measurementValueID measurementUnit measurementUnitID
zone_1 shore height ? high ?
quadrat_1 surface area P01/current/AREABEDS 0.25 m2 P06/current/UMSQ
quadrat_1 occ_1 cover P01/current/SDBIOL10 24 percent P06/current/UPCT
quadrat_1 occ_2 cover P01/current/SDBIOL10 56 percent P06/current/UPCT
transect_1 surface area P01/current/AREABEDS 60 m2 P06/current/UMSQ
transect_1 length P01/current/LENTRACK 30 m P06/current/ULAA
transect_1 occ_3 functional group ? sheet-like red CATAMI:80300925
transect_1 occ_4 functional group ? filamentous brown CATAMI:80300931
transect_1 occ_3 cover P01/current/SDBIOL10 8 percent P06/current/UPCT
transect_1 occ_4 cover P01/current/SDBIOL10 24 percent P06/current/UPCT
transect_2 occ_5 cover P01/current/SDBIOL10 4 percent P06/current/UPCT
transect_2 occ_6 cover P01/current/SDBIOL10 16 percent P06/current/UPCT

Mangroves cover & composition

(example coming soon)


Marine birds abundance & distribution

The example for ENV-DATA collected with marine bird sightings/occurrences is based on the dataset "RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V02 Seabird Observations, Australia (2017)". In this dataset, seabird sightings were recorded continuously during daylight hours during a voyage to recover and redeploy moorings at the SOTS site, southwest of Tasmania, Australia, in March 2017. Observations were made from c.30 minutes before sunrise to c.30 minutes after sunset, extending to 300m in the forward quadrant with the best viewing conditions. There were 1200 observations from 38 species of birds along with 3 cetacean species and one seal. This example will focus on the ENV-DATA associated with the bird sightings. The most frequently sighted bird species were Puffinus tenuirostris (Short-tailed Shearwater) and Pachyptila turtur (Fairy Prion).

For this dataset, human observation recorded individual bird sightings (thus, each specimen is a single occurrence). The dataset contains abiotic measurements (ENV-DATA) which are related to each individual sighting, instead of an entire sample. Therefore, we can create an Occurrence core with an eMoF extension that contain the abiotic environmental measurements or facts.

Occurrence core:

The Occurrence core is populated with the occurrence records of seabirds sighted during the RV voyages. Occurrence details and scientific names are provided here. All birds were observed above sea level, all minimumDepthInMeters and maximumDepthInMeters values equal zero.

occurrenceID eventDate institutionCode collectionCode
in2017_v02_00998 2017-03-17 01:07:00 Australasian Seabird Group, BirdLife Australia in2017_v02_wov
in2017_v02_01380 2017-03-19 22:26:00 Australasian Seabird Group, BirdLife Australia in2017_v02_wov
in2017_v02_01012 2017-03-17 02:38:00 Australasian Seabird Group, BirdLife Australia in2017_v02_wov
basisOfRecord recordedBy organismQuantity organismQuantityType occurrenceStatus
HumanObservation EJW+CRC+TAH 2 individuals present
HumanObservation EJW+CRC+TAH 1 individuals present
HumanObservation EJW+CRC+TAH 1 individuals present
decimalLatitude decimalLongitude coordinateUncertaintyInMeters coordinatePrecision footprintWKT
-43.40741 147.45576 200 0.0018 POINT (147.45576 -43.40741)
-45.98644 142.1445 200 0.0018 POINT (142.14450 -45.98644)
-43.40728 147.45549 200 0.0018 POINT (147.45549 -43.40728)
scientificNameID scientificName scientificNameAuthorship vernacularName Morus serrator (Gray,1843) Australasian Gannet Pachyptila turtur (Kuhl,1820) Fairy Prion Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae Stephens,1826 Silver Gull

extendedMeasurementOrFact (eMoF) extension:

As shown in previous examples, the MeasurementOrFact extension table contains abiotic measurements or facts corresponding to an occurrence / sighting. Individual sightings and abiotic measurements are linked with occurrenceID. In the example dataset, the ENV-DATA consist of measurements taken during the moorings deployment at the SOTS site, at the time of the marine bird sightings. In addition to NERC vocabulary terms, authors also referenced the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) Discovery Parameter Vocabulary for Sea-floor depth (m) and Sea Surface Temperature as measurementType. NERC equivalents to the AODN terms are added as additional MeasurementOrFact (MoF) records.

occurrenceID measurementID measurementType measurementTypeID
in2017_v02_00998 in2017_v02_00998-depth Sea-floor depth (m)
in2017_v02_00998 in2017_v02_00998-depth Sea-floor depth
in2017_v02_00998 in2017_v02_00998-air_pressure Air Pressure (hPa)
in2017_v02_00998 in2017_v02_00998-air_temp Atmospheric temperature (deg C)
in2017_v02_00998 in2017_v02_00998-wov_sea_state Sea state
in2017_v02_00998 in2017_v02_00998-sea_surface_temp Sea surface temperature
in2017_v02_00998 in2017_v02_00998-sea_surface_temp Sea surface temperature
in2017_v02_00998 in2017_v02_00998-wind_direction Wind direction (deg)
in2017_v02_00998 in2017_v02_00998-wind_speed Wind Speed (knt)
measurementValue measurementValueID measurementUnit measurementUnitID
73.0313 NA Metres
73.0313 NA Metres
1024.91385 NA hPa
15.3 NA degrees Celsius
moderate 1.25 - 2.5 m
17.32 NA degrees Celsius
17.32 NA degrees Celsius
283 NA degrees
5.49 NA Knots (nautical miles per hour)

Marine mammals abundance & distribution

In this section we will explore how to encode a survey data set into Darwin Core using the ENV-DATA approach. As an example, sections of the actual data set of CETUS: Cetacean monitoring surveys in the Eastern North Atlantic, is used.

Figure: A representation of the observation events of [CETUS: Cetacean monitoring surveys in the Eastern North Atlantic](, presenting the route **Madeira** as a site with three cruises (zones). Each **Cruise** is divided into different **Transects** and each transect contains a number of **Positions**.

Event core:

Create the Event core table by extracting all events and populating attributes. As in the previous example, the events at the different levels are linked together using eventID and parentEventID. As the survey observations were made at locations of cetacean sightings instead of fixed locations, we can populate footprintWKT and footprintSRS as location information. Not all sampling was done on the same day, therefore eventDate is populated at the transect level.

eventID parentEventID eventDate footprintWKT footprintSRS
Madeira 2012-07/2017-09 POLYGON ((-16.74 31.49, -16.74 41.23, -8.70 41.23, -8.70 31.49, -16.74 31.49)) EPSG:4326
Madeira:Cruise-001 Madeira 2012-07 MULTIPOINT ( (-8.7 41.19), (-9.15 38.7)) EPSG:4326
Madeira:Cruise-002 Madeira 2012-07 MULTIPOINT ( (-9.15 38.7), (-16.73 32.74)) EPSG:4326
Madeira:Cruise-003 Madeira 2012-07 MULTIPOINT ( (-16.73 32.74), (-9.15 38.7)) EPSG:4326

Occurrence extension:

Construct the Occurrence extension table with the scientific names and links to the World Register of Marine Species in scientificNameID. The first column of the table references the events in the core table (see Madeira:Cruise-001 highlighted in green).The occurrenceID corresponds to the Position of the observation (see Transect-01:Pos-0001 and CIIMAR-CETUS-0001 highlighted in blue, or Transect-01:Pos-0002 and CIIMAR-CETUS-0002 highlighted in orange).

id occurrenceID scientificNameID scientificName
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-01:Pos-0001 CIIMAR-CETUS-0001 Cetacea
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-01:Pos-0002 CIIMAR-CETUS-0002 Cetacea
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-01:Pos-0003 CIIMAR-CETUS-0003 Cetacea
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-02:Pos-0004 CIIMAR-CETUS-0004 Cetacea
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-02:Pos-0005 CIIMAR-CETUS-0005 Cetacea
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-02:Pos-0006 CIIMAR-CETUS-0006 Cetacea
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-02:Pos-0007 CIIMAR-CETUS-0007 Cetacea

extendedMeasurementOrFact (eMoF) extension:

And finally, the extendedMeasurementOrFact extension table has attributes of the zones (such as Vessel speed and Vessel Heading), the Transects (such as Wave height and Wind speed), and the Positions (such as Visibility and the Number of smaal/big ships >20m). Attributes of Positions point to the Occurrence extension table using the occurrenceID column (see Transect-01:Pos-0001 and Transect-01:Pos-0002 highlighted in blue and orange, respectively).

id occurrenceID measurementType measurementTypeID measurementValue measurementUnit measurementUnitID
Madeira:Cruise-001 Vessel name Q01/current/Q0100001 Monte da Guia
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-01 Length of the track P01/current/DSRNCV01 39.75 km P06/current/ULKM
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-01:Pos-0001 CIIMAR-CETUS-0001 Visibility 2000-4000 Meters P06/current/ULAA
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-01:Pos-0001 CIIMAR-CETUS-0001 Wind speed P01/current/WMOCWFBF 1 Beaufort scale
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-01:Pos-0001 CIIMAR-CETUS-0001 Wave height 2 Douglas scale
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-01:Pos-0001 CIIMAR-CETUS-0001 Number of big ships (>20m) 3
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-01:Pos-0001 CIIMAR-CETUS-0001 Vessel heading P01/current/HDNGGP01 206 Degrees P06/current/UAAA
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-01:Pos-0001 CIIMAR-CETUS-0001 Number of small ships (<20m) 0
Madeira:Cruise-001:Transect-01:Pos-0001 CIIMAR-CETUS-0001 Vessel speed P01/current/APSAGP01 16 Knots (nautical miles per hour) P06/current/UKNT

Marine turtles abundance & distribution

Survey & sighting data

This section deals with encoding survey and/ or sighting data of sea turtles into Darwin Core using the ENV-DATA approach. Extracts from the actual data set of Presence of sea turtles collected through Fixed-Line-Transect monitoring across the Western Mediterranean Sea (Civitavecchia-Barcelona route) between 2013 and 2017, are used as an example.

Event core:

The Event core is created by extracting all sighting events and populating the attributes at each event. The events at the different levels are linked together using eventID and parentEventID. In the example dataset, turtle sightings have been recorded since 2007, along a ferry route between Italy and Spain, as part of the monitoring project FLT Med Net (Fixed Line Transect Mediterranean monitoring Network). Turtle sighting locations can be given by populating the fields footprintWKT and footprintSRS with location information. Sightings were recorded at different dates, therefore eventDate is populated at the transect level.

id modified datasetID datasetName
TURTLE_CBAR_0043 2021-05-05 07:59:08 Presence of sea turtles collected through Fixed-Line-Transect monitoring across the Western Mediterranean Sea
TURTLE_CBAR_0045 2021-05-05 07:59:08 Presence of sea turtles collected through Fixed-Line-Transect monitoring across the Western Mediterranean Sea
TURTLE_CBAR_0045_0001 2021-05-05 07:59:08 Presence of sea turtles collected through Fixed-Line-Transect monitoring across the Western Mediterranean Sea
TURTLE_CBAR_0045_0002 2021-05-05 07:59:08 Presence of sea turtles collected through Fixed-Line-Transect monitoring across the Western Mediterranean Sea
eventID parentEventID eventDate
TURTLE_CBAR_0043 2013-04-03T05:30:00+02:00/2013-04-03T16:00:00+02:00
TURTLE_CBAR_0045 2013-04-18T05:22:00+02:00/2013-04-18T15:53:00+02:00
TURTLE_CBAR_0045_0001 TURTLE_CBAR_0045 2013-04-18T05:55:00+02:00
TURTLE_CBAR_0045_0002 TURTLE_CBAR_0045 2013-04-18T08:35:00+02:00
eventRemarks minimumDepthInMeters maximumDepthInMeters decimalLatitude decimalLongitude
transect 0 0 41.26179967 4.933265167
transect 0 0 41.30371367 4.936571167
sample 0 0 41.3228 7.4984
sample 0 0 41.322845 5.995345
geodeticDatum coordinateUncertaintyInMeters footprintWKT footprintSRS
EPSG:4326 222970.2874 LINESTRING (7.602633333333 41.24378333333, 2.263897 41.279816) EPSG:4326
EPSG:4326 225420.0359 LINESTRING (7.636983333333 41.32418333333, 2.236159 41.283244) EPSG:4326

Occurrence extension:

The Occurrence extension contain details regarding the sighted animals and include scientificName and the links to the World Register of Marine Species in scientificNameID. The EventID references the events as in the Event core. This table further provides information on the basisOfRecord and occurrenceStatus.

EventID occurrenceID datasetID collectionCode basisOfRecord
TURTLE_CBAR_0043 AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0001 TURTLE_CBAR_13-17 HumanObservation
TURTLE_CBAR_0045 AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0004 TURTLE_CBAR_13-17 HumanObservation
TURTLE_CBAR_0045_0001 AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0005 TURTLE_CBAR_13-17 HumanObservation
TURTLE_CBAR_0045_0002 AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0006 TURTLE_CBAR_13-17 HumanObservation
catalogNumber recordedBy occurrenceStatus
AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0001 Ilaria Campana | Miriam Paraboschi | Erica Ercoli | Erica absent
AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0004 Antonella Arcangeli | Cristina Berardi | Lucilla Giulietti | Claudia Boccardi absent
AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0005 Antonella Arcangeli | Cristina Berardi | Lucilla Giulietti | Claudia Boccardi present
AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0006 Antonella Arcangeli | Cristina Berardi | Lucilla Giulietti | Claudia Boccardi present
scientificNameID scientificName kingdom scientificNameAuthorship Cheloniidae Animalia Oppel, 1811 Cheloniidae Animalia Oppel, 1811 Caretta caretta Animalia Linnaeus, 1758 Caretta caretta Animalia Linnaeus, 1758

extendedMeasurementOrFact (eMoF) extension:

The extendedMeasurementOrFact extension (eMoF) for survey or sighting data contains additional attributes and measurements recorded during the survey, such as those regarding the Research Vessel, environmental conditions, and/ or animal measurements. These attributes are linked to the Occurrence extension using the occurrenceID. The example dataset contain measurements regarding the sampling method; speed and height of the Research Vessel as platform; wind force; sighting distance; as well as the count and developmental stage of the biological entity.

id occurrenceID measurementType measurementTypeID
TURTLE_CBAR_0045 AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0004 Platform height
TURTLE_CBAR_0045 AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0004 Sampling method
TURTLE_CBAR_0045 AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0004 Speed of measurement platform relative to ground surface {speed over ground} by unspecified GPS system
TURTLE_CBAR_0045_0001 AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0005 Development stage of biological entity specified elsewhere
TURTLE_CBAR_0045_0001 AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0005 Count (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere
TURTLE_CBAR_0045_0001 AdL_TURTLE_CBAR_0005 Sighting distance
measurementValue measurementUnit measurementUnitID
0 Beaufort scale
29 Metres
visual observation from ferries
23.291 Knots (nautical miles per hour)
20 Metres

In addition to the measurements recorded by the example dataset, other measurements are also possible depending on the scope and aims of the survey project. The example dataset Incidental sea snake and turtle bycatch records from the RV Southern Surveyor voyage SS199510, Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia (Nov 1995) for example, contain information regarding the length and weight of the biological entity as follows:

extendedMeasurementOrFact (eMoF) extension:

id measurementID occurrenceID measurementType measurementTypeID measurementValue measurementUnit measurementUnitID
SS199510-001 SS199510-001-length SS199510-001 Length 1250 Millimetres
SS199510-001 SS199510-001-weight SS199510-001 Weight 800 Grams
SS199510-002 SS199510-002-length SS199510-002 Length 1630 Millimetres
SS199510-002 SS199510-002-weight SS199510-002 Weight 1477.7 Grams
Tracking data

Encoding Tracking data into Darwin Core follows the same standards as that of survey/ sighting data. Tracking data should additionally indicate the accuracy in latitudinal and longitudinal measurements received from the positioning system, grouped by location accuracy classes. Extracts from the extendedMeasurementOrFact extension (eMoF) of the actual dataset Ningaloo Outlook turtle tracking of Green turtles (Chelonia mydas), Western Australia (2018-present), are used as an example, following ARGOS Location class codes.

extendedMeasurementOrFact (eMoF) extension:

id measurementID occurrenceID measurementType measurementValue measurementValueID
2347540 2347540-argosclass 2347540 ARGOS Location Class A
2347541 2347541-argosclass 2347541 ARGOS Location Class B
2347542 2347542-argosclass 2347542 ARGOS Location Class 2
2347543 2347543-argosclass 2347543 ARGOS Location Class 3

Microbes biomass & diversity

(example coming soon)


Phytoplankton biomass & diversity

This example deals with encoding phytoplankton observation data, including environmental data, into Darwin Core. Extracts from the actual data set LifeWatch observatory data: phytoplankton observations by imaging flow cytometry (FlowCam) in the Belgian Part of the North Sea, are used as an example.

Event core:

The Event core contains events at the different levels and are linked together with eventID and parentEventID. In this example,the dataset contains records pointing to the origin, the in-situ sampling position as well as a record referring to the ex-situ collection of living specimens. In this case, the the event type information is provided in type. The recommended practice for providing the countryCode is to use an ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code. If additional information regarding licencing is provided, these can be populated under rightsHolder and accessRights. The remaining Event core fields provide location data including datasetID and datasetName, locationID, waterBody, maximumDepthInMeters, minimumDepthInMeters, decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude, coordinateUncertaintyInMeters, geodeticDatum and footprintSRS.

eventID parentEventID eventRemarks eventDate modified
TripNR3242 cruise 2017-05T13:18:00+00:00/2017-05T22:14:00+00:00 2021-10-21 15:52:00
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781 TripNR3242 stationVisit 2017-05-08T20:44:00+00:00/2017-05-08T20:55:00+00:00 2021-10-21 15:52:00
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598 TripNR3242TripStationNR16781 sample 2017-05-08T20:50:00+00:00 2021-10-21 15:52:00
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598UW TripNR3242TripStationNR16781 sample 2017-05-08T20:50:00+00:00 2021-10-21 15:52:00
datasetID datasetName locationID waterBody country countryCode LifeWatch observatory data: phytoplankton observations... North Sea Belgium BE JN17_5 JN17_5 JN17_5
minimumDepthInMeters maximumDepthInMeters decimalLatitude decimalLongitude geodeticDatum coordinateUncertaintyInMeters footprintSRS
EPSG:4326 EPSG:4326
0 30.22 51.0131 1.90562 EPSG:4326 1.11 EPSG:4326
0 1 51.01203 1.90217 EPSG:4326 1.11 EPSG:4326
3 3 51.01203 1.90217 EPSG:4326 1.11 EPSG:4326

Occurrence extension:

The Occurrence extension contains data of each occurrence with an occurrenceID and is linked to the Event core with the eventID. The Occurrence extension should provide information on the basisOfRecord and occurrenceStatus. Scientific names and links to the World Register of Marine Species should be provided under scientificName and scientificNameID, respectively.

eventID occurrenceID
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598 TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598occurenceIDTA_105598_(Pseudo-)pediastrum_5
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598 TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598occurenceIDTA_105598_Actinoptychus senarius_5
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598 TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598occurenceIDTA_105598_Actinoptychus splendens_5
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598 TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598occurenceIDTA_105598_Actinoptychus_5
modified basisOfRecord occurrenceStatus scientificNameID scientificName
2021-10-21 Occurrence absent Hydrodictyaceae
2021-10-21 Occurrence present Actinoptychus senarius
2021-10-21 Occurrence present Actinoptychus splendens
2021-10-21 Occurrence present Actinoptychus

extendedMeasurementOrFact (eMoF) extension:

The eMoF extension contains the environmental and measurement information and data of each occurrence. This extension is also linked to the Event core using the eventID, and linked to the Occurrence extension table using the occurrenceID. The various measurements are populated with measurementID, measurementType, measurementTypeID, measurementUnit, measurementUnitID, measurementValue, measurementValueID, measurementAccuracy, measurementMethod, measurementDeterminedBy and measurementDeterminedDate. In the example dataset,the LifeWatch observatory data was compiled using imaging flow cytometry (FlowCam) to observe and identify phytoplankton in the Belgian Part of the North Sea and recorded a number of measurements including abundance, lifestages, sampling device information as well as environmental measurements such as water temperature, salinity and conductivity with accompanying vocabulary.

id occurrenceID measurementType
TripNR3242 Platform Name
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598 TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598occurenceIDTA_105598_Actinoptychus_5 Abundance of Actinoptychus (WoRMS:148947) per unit volume of the water body by image analysis
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598 TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598occurenceIDTA_105598_Actinoptychus senarius_5 Abundance of Actinoptychus senarius (WoRMS:148948) per unit volume of the water body by image analysis
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598 TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598occurenceIDTA_105598_(Pseudo-)pediastrum_5 Lifestage
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598 TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598occurenceIDTA_105598_Actinoptychus senarius_5 Lifestage
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598 Sampling device aperture diameter
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598 Sampling instrument name
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598 Sampling net mesh size
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598UW Conductivity of the water body
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598UW Practical salinity of the water body
TripNR3242TripStationNR16781MidasTripActionID105598UW Temperature of the water body
measurementTypeID measurementValue measurementValueID measurementUnit Simon Stevin 2.24 specimens/L 1.12 specimens/L adult adult 0.4 meter Planktonnet Apstein 55 micrometer 3.916 Siemens per metre 34.295 Grams per kilogram 11.881 Degrees Celsius
measurementUnitID measurementDeterminedBy measurementMethod
Flanders Marine Institute Flanders Marine Institute identified and counted by image analysis and normalised to a unit volume of water body, validated by human Flanders Marine Institute identified and counted by image analysis and normalised to a unit volume of water body, validated by human
Flanders Marine Institute identified and counted by image analysis and normalised to a unit volume of water body, validated by human
Flanders Marine Institute identified and counted by image analysis and normalised to a unit volume of water body, validated by human Flanders Marine Institute
Flanders Marine Institute Flanders Marine Institute Flanders Marine Institute Electrical conductivity of the water body by thermosalinograph, based on the UnderWaySystem of the ship Flanders Marine Institute Practical salinity of the water body based on water from the UnderWaySystem of the ship Flanders Marine Institute Temperature of the water body based on water from the UnderWaySystem of the ship

Seagrass cover & composition

The structure of the Event, Occurrence and extendedMeasurementOrFact extensions for Seagrass Cover & Composition is based on community feedback organised through the the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR): Coordinated Global Research Assessment of Seagrass System (C-GRASS). We acknowledge the work that the C-grass SCOR work group has done to develop a proposed scheme for completing Seagrass related extension files.

Here encode seagrass survey data into Darwin Core according to the ENV-DATA approach and using sections of the actual data set of Seagrass Monitoring at Chengue Bay, Colombia as an example dataset.

Event core:

The Event core table is created by extracting all events and attributes. All events are linked together using eventID and parentEventID. eventDate is populated at the transect level with the recommended format that conforms to ISO 8601-1:2019. habitat is populated as a category or description of the habitat in which the event occurred. Additional fieldNotes can also be provided if applicable. The recommended best practice for countryCode is to use an ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code. The remaining Event core fields comprise of location data including maximumDepthInMeters, minimumDepthInMeters, decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude, coordinateUncertaintyInMeters, footprintWKT and footprintSRS. Addtionally in the Event core, it is recommended to further include information regarding license, rightsHolder, bibliographicCitation, institutionID, datasetID, institutionCode and datasetName.

eventID parentEventID eventDate habitat fieldNotes countryCode
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral 2019-05-13 seagrass no notes CO
USBsg-chengue-pastomanglar 2019-05-14 seagrass no notes CO
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-SquidPopTransect1 USBsg-chengue-pastocoral 2019-05-13 seagrass no notes CO
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-SquidPopTransect2 USBsg-chengue-pastocoral 2019-05-13 seagrass no notes CO
minimumDepthInMeters maximumDepthInMeters decimalLatitude decimalLongitude coordinateUncertaintyInMeters footprintWKT footprintSRS
0.8 2 11.32021806 -74.12753684 10 POLYGON ((-74.1273259763024 11.320475512862,-74.1272978004008 11.3201655779439)) EPSG:4326
0.8 0.8 11.31977189 -74.12536879 10 POLYGON ((-74.1253370891273 11.3195001294432,-74.1253337743154 11.3194968146313)) EPSG:4326
0.8 2 11.32039927 -74.12737404 50 POINT (-74.1273740410759 11.3203992721869) EPSG:4326
0.8 2 11.32027662 -74.1273989 50 POINT (-74.1273989021655 11.3202766241445) EPSG:4326

Occurrence extension:

The Occurrence extension table contain data for each occurrence with an occurrenceID and is linked to the Event core with the eventID. This table should provide information on the basisOfRecord and occurrenceStatus. Scientific names and links to the World Register of Marine Species should be provided under scientificName and scientificNameID, respectively. If a species was identified by an expert, the field identifiedBy can be populated. If the species is well-known by another common name, this name can be provided under vernacularName.

eventID occurrenceID basisOfRecord occurrenceStatus scientificNameID scientificName
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt HumanObservation present Thalassia testudinum
USBsg-chengue-pastomanglar USBsg-chengue-manglar-tt HumanObservation present Thalassia testudinum
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-SquidPopTransect1 USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-fish-001 HumanObservation present Halichoeres bivittatus
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-SquidPopTransect1 USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-fish-002 HumanObservation present Lactophrys triqueter

extendedMeasurementOrFact (eMoF) extension:

The eMoF table contains the measurement information and data of each occurrence. This extension is also linked to the Event core using the eventID, and linked to the Occurrence table using the occurrenceID. The various measurements are populated with measurementType, measurementTypeID, measurementUnit, measurementUnitID, measurementValue, measurementValueID, measurementAccuracy, measurementMethod, measurementDeterminedBy and measurementDeterminedDate. The example dataset of Seagrass Monitoring at Chengue Bay, Colombia recorded a number of measurements and can be used as an example of how to populate the respective fields:

eventID occurrenceID measurementID measurementType
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-PhyQ01 WaterTemp
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-PhyQ02 Salinity
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-PhyQ03 Dissolved oxygen
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-T1C1-shoot-01 Shoot Density
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-T1C1-leafLenght-01 Leaf Length
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-T1N1-DryBiomass Total Dry Biomass
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-T1N1-biomassGL Dry biomass of green leaves
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-T1N1-biomassNGL Dry biomass of non green leaves
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-T1N1-biomassSH Dry biomass of the shoots
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-T1N2-biomassR Dry biomass of the roots
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-T1N2-biomassRIZ Dry biomass of the rizome
USBsg-chengue-pastocoral USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-tt USBsg-chengue-pastocoral-T1N2-biomassOTH Dry biomass of other seagrass species
measurementTypeID measurementValue measurementUnit measurementUnitID 29.23 Degrees Celsius 36 Parts per thousand 6.58 Milligrams per litre 128 Number per square metre 18 Centimetres 0.32055 Grams per square metre 0.05575 Grams per square metre 0.1469 Grams per square metre 0.07625 Grams per square metre 0.0385 Grams per square metre 0.02725 Grams per square metre 0 Grams per square metre

Zooplankton biomass & diversity

Here we will encode zooplankton observation and environmental data into Darwin Core. Extracts from the actual dataset LifeWatch observatory data: zooplankton observations by imaging (ZooScan) in the Belgian Part of the North Sea, are used as an example.

Event core:

The Event core contains events at the different levels and are linked together with eventID and parentEventID. In this example,the dataset contains records pointing to the origin, the in-situ sampling position as well as a record referring to the ex-situ collection of living specimens. In this case, the the event type information is provided in type. The recommended practice for providing the countryCode is to use an ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code. If additional information regarding licencing is provided, these can be populated under rightsHolder and accessRights. The remaining Event core fields provide location data including datasetID and datasetName, locationID, waterBody, maximumDepthInMeters, minimumDepthInMeters, decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude, coordinateUncertaintyInMeters, geodeticDatum and footprintSRS.

eventID parentEventID eventRemarks eventDate modified
TripNR2547 cruise 2013-07-22T06:58:00+00:00/2013-07-22T16:58:00+00:00 2021-06-23 14:54:00
TripNR2547TripStationNR9781 TripNR2547 stationVisit 2013-07-22T07:13:00+00:00/2013-07-22T07:26:00+00:00 2021-06-23 14:54:00
TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024 TripNR2547TripStationNR9781 sample 2013-07-22T07:22:00+00:00 2021-06-23 14:54:00
TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024UW TripNR2547TripStationNR9781 sample 2013-07-22T07:22:00+00:00 2021-06-23 14:54:00
datasetID datasetName locationID waterBody country LifeWatch observatory data: zooplankton observations... Belgian Part of the North Sea Belgium LifeWatch observatory data: zooplankton observations... 130 LifeWatch observatory data: zooplankton observations... 130 LifeWatch observatory data: zooplankton observations... 130
minimumDepthInMeters maximumDepthInMeters decimalLatitude decimalLongitude geodeticDatum footprintSRS
EPSG:4326 EPSG:4326
0 13.4 51.27083333 2.905 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4326
0 0 51.2687318 2.901797 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4326
3 3 51.2687318 2.901797 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4326

Occurrence extension:

The Occurrence extension contains data of each occurrence with an occurrenceID and is linked to the Event core with the eventID. The Occurrence extension should provide information on the basisOfRecord and occurrenceStatus. Scientific names and links to the World Register of Marine Species should be provided under scientificName and scientificNameID, respectively.

eventID occurrenceID
TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024 TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024occurenceIDTA23024_Amphipoda_sub2_130
TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024 TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024occurenceIDTA23024_Annelida_sub2_130
TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024 TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024occurenceIDTA23024_Anomura_sub2_130
TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024 TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024occurenceIDTA23024_Appendicularia_sub2_130
modified basisOfRecord occurrenceStatus scientificNameID scientificName
2021-06-22 Occurrence absent Amphipoda
2021-06-22 Occurrence present Annelida
2021-06-22 Occurrence absent Anomura
2021-06-22 Occurrence absent Appendicularia

extendedMeasurementOrFact (eMoF) extension:

The eMoF extension table contains the measurement information and data of each occurrence. This extension is also linked to the Event core using the eventID, and linked to the Occurrence table using the occurrenceID. The various measurements are populated with measurementType, measurementTypeID, measurementUnit, measurementUnitID, measurementValue, measurementValueID, measurementAccuracy, measurementMethod, measurementDeterminedBy and measurementDeterminedDate. The example dataset of LifeWatch observatory data: zooplankton observations by imaging (ZooScan) in the Belgian Part of the North Sea recorded some ENV-DATA and organism measurements the can be used as an example of how to populate the respective fields, including conductivity of the water body; concentration of chlorophyll-a per unit volume of the water body; sampling instrument name; sampling net mesh size; lifestage of the organism observed; and abundance of the organism observed.

id occurrenceID measurementType
TripNR3256TripStationNR17157MidasTripActionID106326 Sampling instrument name
TripNR3256TripStationNR17157MidasTripActionID106326 Sampling net mesh size
TripNR3529TripStationNR19242MidasTripActionID109631UW Conductivity of the water body
TripNR3529TripStationNR19243MidasTripActionID109634 Concentration of chlorophyll-a per unit volume of the water body
TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024 TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024occurenceIDTA23024_Annelida_sub2_130 Lifestage
TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024 TripNR2547TripStationNR9781MidasTripActionID23024occurenceIDTA23024_Annelida_sub2_130 Abundance of Annelida (ITIS: 64357: WoRMS 882) per unit volume of the water body by image analysis
measurementTypeID measurementValue measurementValueID measurementUnit Planktonnet WP2 200 micrometer 4.05 Siemens per metre 1.42 Micrograms per litre unspecified 0.50 specimens/m³
measurementUnitID measurementDeterminedBy measurementMethod Flanders Marine Institute Electrical conductivity of the water body by thermosalinograph, based on the UnderWaySystem of the ship Flanders Marine Institute Concentration of chlorophyll-a per unit volume of the water body [particulate >GF/F phase] by filtration, acetone extraction and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Flanders Marine Institute identified and counted by image analysis and normalised to a unit volume of water body, validated by human Flanders Marine Insitute identified and counted by image analysis and normalised to a unit volume of water body, validated by human