Locate-Me is a simple tracker application built using React Native and Expo.
It allows the user to track their own movements in real-time and shows the path they have taken.
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/SerdarMustafa1/trackerApplication.git
cd tracker
npm install
You will also need to install expo-cli:
npm install -g expo-cli
Some macOS users encounter issues if they do not have Watchman installed on their machine, so if you are using a Mac we recommend that you install it. Download and install Watchman.
UPDATE --- The server is now running on heroku so you can just follow the instructions for running the app via Expo on your device or an emulator.
You will need to run three seperate terminals:
- Tracks folder - This is your front end in Expo for your phone or emulator.
Run by using
npm run start
- Tracks-Server folder - This will run your node/Express server
npm run start
- ngrok - to expose a webserver from your local machine
ngrok http 3000
To run on an iOS simulator, follow the instructions available on the Expo website.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.