diff --git a/Content.Server/Doors/Systems/AirlockSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Doors/Systems/AirlockSystem.cs
index c3a722efedb24d..9392ff52128268 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Doors/Systems/AirlockSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Doors/Systems/AirlockSystem.cs
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ private void OnBeforePry(EntityUid uid, AirlockComponent component, ref BeforePr
if (this.IsPowered(uid, EntityManager) && !args.PryPowered)
- Popup.PopupClient(Loc.GetString("airlock-component-cannot-pry-is-powered-message"), uid, args.User);
+ Popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("airlock-component-cannot-pry-is-powered-message"), uid, args.User);
args.Cancelled = true;
diff --git a/Content.Server/ImmovableRod/ImmovableRodSystem.cs b/Content.Server/ImmovableRod/ImmovableRodSystem.cs
index 99c949ebceb4a3..d688941abff37a 100644
--- a/Content.Server/ImmovableRod/ImmovableRodSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/ImmovableRod/ImmovableRodSystem.cs
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ private void OnCollide(EntityUid uid, ImmovableRodComponent component, ref Start
_popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("immovable-rod-penetrated-mob", ("rod", uid), ("mob", ent)), uid, PopupType.LargeCaution);
_bodySystem.GibBody(ent, body: body);
+ return;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/ContainerTemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/ContainerTemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent.cs
index ae8acc49ef6297..024b8a013b3a72 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/ContainerTemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/ContainerTemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent.cs
@@ -3,11 +3,9 @@
public sealed partial class ContainerTemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent: Component
- [DataField("heatDamageThreshold")]
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
public float? HeatDamageThreshold;
- [DataField("coldDamageThreshold")]
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
public float? ColdDamageThreshold;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/EntityHeaterComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/EntityHeaterComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..3a162c20e3253a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/EntityHeaterComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+using Content.Server.Temperature.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Temperature;
+namespace Content.Server.Temperature.Components;
+/// Adds thermal energy to entities with placed on it.
+[RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(EntityHeaterSystem))]
+public sealed partial class EntityHeaterComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// Power used when heating at the high setting.
+ /// Low and medium are 33% and 66% respectively.
+ ///
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public float Power = 2400f;
+ ///
+ /// Current setting of the heater. If it is off or unpowered it won't heat anything.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public EntityHeaterSetting Setting = EntityHeaterSetting.Off;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/TemperatureComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/TemperatureComponent.cs
index 6ace329426f9a0..7330ebf9ba5b3d 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/TemperatureComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Temperature/Components/TemperatureComponent.cs
@@ -4,84 +4,80 @@
using Robust.Shared.Physics;
using Robust.Shared.Physics.Components;
-namespace Content.Server.Temperature.Components
+namespace Content.Server.Temperature.Components;
+/// Handles changing temperature,
+/// informing others of the current temperature,
+/// and taking fire damage from high temperature.
+public sealed partial class TemperatureComponent : Component
- ///
- /// Handles changing temperature,
- /// informing others of the current temperature,
- /// and taking fire damage from high temperature.
- ///
- [RegisterComponent]
- public sealed partial class TemperatureComponent : Component
- {
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("currentTemperature")]
- public float CurrentTemperature { get; set; } = Atmospherics.T20C;
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public float CurrentTemperature = Atmospherics.T20C;
- [DataField("heatDamageThreshold")]
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public float HeatDamageThreshold = 360f;
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public float HeatDamageThreshold = 360f;
- [DataField("coldDamageThreshold")]
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public float ColdDamageThreshold = 260f;
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public float ColdDamageThreshold = 260f;
- ///
- /// Overrides HeatDamageThreshold if the entity's within a parent with the TemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent component.
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public float? ParentHeatDamageThreshold;
+ ///
+ /// Overrides HeatDamageThreshold if the entity's within a parent with the TemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent component.
+ ///
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public float? ParentHeatDamageThreshold;
- ///
- /// Overrides ColdDamageThreshold if the entity's within a parent with the TemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent component.
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public float? ParentColdDamageThreshold;
+ ///
+ /// Overrides ColdDamageThreshold if the entity's within a parent with the TemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent component.
+ ///
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public float? ParentColdDamageThreshold;
- [DataField("specificHeat")]
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public float SpecificHeat = 50f;
+ ///
+ /// Heat capacity per kg of mass.
+ ///
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public float SpecificHeat = 50f;
- ///
- /// How well does the air surrounding you merge into your body temperature?
- ///
- [DataField("atmosTemperatureTransferEfficiency")]
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public float AtmosTemperatureTransferEfficiency = 0.1f;
+ ///
+ /// How well does the air surrounding you merge into your body temperature?
+ ///
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public float AtmosTemperatureTransferEfficiency = 0.1f;
- [ViewVariables] public float HeatCapacity
+ [ViewVariables] public float HeatCapacity
+ {
+ get
- get
+ if (IoCManager.Resolve().TryGetComponent(Owner, out var physics) && physics.FixturesMass != 0)
- if (IoCManager.Resolve().TryGetComponent(Owner, out var physics) && physics.FixturesMass != 0)
- {
- return SpecificHeat * physics.FixturesMass;
- }
- return Atmospherics.MinimumHeatCapacity;
+ return SpecificHeat * physics.FixturesMass;
+ return Atmospherics.MinimumHeatCapacity;
+ }
- [DataField("coldDamage")]
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public DamageSpecifier ColdDamage = new();
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public DamageSpecifier ColdDamage = new();
- [DataField("heatDamage")]
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public DamageSpecifier HeatDamage = new();
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public DamageSpecifier HeatDamage = new();
- ///
- /// Temperature won't do more than this amount of damage per second.
- ///
- /// Okay it genuinely reaches this basically immediately for a plasma fire.
- ///
- [DataField("damageCap")]
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public FixedPoint2 DamageCap = FixedPoint2.New(8);
+ ///
+ /// Temperature won't do more than this amount of damage per second.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Okay it genuinely reaches this basically immediately for a plasma fire.
+ ///
+ [DataField, ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public FixedPoint2 DamageCap = FixedPoint2.New(8);
- ///
- /// Used to keep track of when damage starts/stops. Useful for logs.
- ///
- public bool TakingDamage = false;
- }
+ ///
+ /// Used to keep track of when damage starts/stops. Useful for logs.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public bool TakingDamage = false;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Temperature/Systems/EntityHeaterSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Temperature/Systems/EntityHeaterSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..6da774ba076edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Temperature/Systems/EntityHeaterSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+using Content.Server.Power.Components;
+using Content.Server.Temperature.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Examine;
+using Content.Shared.Placeable;
+using Content.Shared.Popups;
+using Content.Shared.Temperature;
+using Content.Shared.Verbs;
+namespace Content.Server.Temperature.Systems;
+/// Handles updating and events.
+public sealed class EntityHeaterSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedAppearanceSystem _appearance = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedPopupSystem _popup = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly TemperatureSystem _temperature = default!;
+ private readonly int SettingCount = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EntityHeaterSetting)).Length;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnExamined);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent>(OnGetVerbs);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnPowerChanged);
+ }
+ public override void Update(float deltaTime)
+ {
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var comp, out var placer, out var power))
+ {
+ if (!power.Powered)
+ continue;
+ // don't divide by total entities since its a big grill
+ // excess would just be wasted in the air but that's not worth simulating
+ // if you want a heater thermomachine just use that...
+ var energy = power.PowerReceived * deltaTime;
+ foreach (var ent in placer.PlacedEntities)
+ {
+ _temperature.ChangeHeat(ent, energy);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnExamined(EntityUid uid, EntityHeaterComponent comp, ExaminedEvent args)
+ {
+ if (!args.IsInDetailsRange)
+ return;
+ args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("entity-heater-examined", ("setting", comp.Setting)));
+ }
+ private void OnGetVerbs(EntityUid uid, EntityHeaterComponent comp, GetVerbsEvent args)
+ {
+ if (!args.CanAccess || !args.CanInteract)
+ return;
+ var setting = (int) comp.Setting;
+ setting++;
+ setting %= SettingCount;
+ var nextSetting = (EntityHeaterSetting) setting;
+ args.Verbs.Add(new AlternativeVerb()
+ {
+ Text = Loc.GetString("entity-heater-switch-setting", ("setting", nextSetting)),
+ Act = () =>
+ {
+ ChangeSetting(uid, nextSetting, comp);
+ _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("entity-heater-switched-setting", ("setting", nextSetting)), uid, args.User);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ private void OnPowerChanged(EntityUid uid, EntityHeaterComponent comp, ref PowerChangedEvent args)
+ {
+ // disable heating element glowing layer if theres no power
+ // doesn't actually turn it off since that would be annoying
+ var setting = args.Powered ? comp.Setting : EntityHeaterSetting.Off;
+ _appearance.SetData(uid, EntityHeaterVisuals.Setting, setting);
+ }
+ private void ChangeSetting(EntityUid uid, EntityHeaterSetting setting, EntityHeaterComponent? comp = null, ApcPowerReceiverComponent? power = null)
+ {
+ if (!Resolve(uid, ref comp, ref power))
+ return;
+ comp.Setting = setting;
+ power.Load = SettingPower(setting, comp.Power);
+ _appearance.SetData(uid, EntityHeaterVisuals.Setting, setting);
+ }
+ private float SettingPower(EntityHeaterSetting setting, float max)
+ {
+ switch (setting)
+ {
+ case EntityHeaterSetting.Low:
+ return max / 3f;
+ case EntityHeaterSetting.Medium:
+ return max * 2f / 3f;
+ case EntityHeaterSetting.High:
+ return max;
+ default:
+ return 0f;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Temperature/Systems/TemperatureSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Temperature/Systems/TemperatureSystem.cs
index 9c567548616687..4796704d27be1e 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Temperature/Systems/TemperatureSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Temperature/Systems/TemperatureSystem.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
using Content.Server.Administration.Logs;
using Content.Server.Atmos.Components;
using Content.Server.Atmos.EntitySystems;
@@ -13,351 +10,349 @@
using Content.Shared.Rejuvenate;
using Content.Shared.Temperature;
using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
+using System.Linq;
-namespace Content.Server.Temperature.Systems
- public sealed class TemperatureSystem : EntitySystem
- {
- [Dependency] private readonly TransformSystem _transformSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly DamageableSystem _damageableSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly AtmosphereSystem _atmosphereSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly AlertsSystem _alertsSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly IAdminLogManager _adminLogger = default!;
- ///
- /// All the components that will have their damage updated at the end of the tick.
- /// This is done because both AtmosExposed and Flammable call ChangeHeat in the same tick, meaning
- /// that we need some mechanism to ensure it doesn't double dip on damage for both calls.
- ///
- public HashSet ShouldUpdateDamage = new();
+namespace Content.Server.Temperature.Systems;
- public float UpdateInterval = 1.0f;
+public sealed class TemperatureSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly AlertsSystem _alerts = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly AtmosphereSystem _atmosphere = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IAdminLogManager _adminLogger = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly DamageableSystem _damageable = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly TransformSystem _transform = default!;
- private float _accumulatedFrametime;
+ ///
+ /// All the components that will have their damage updated at the end of the tick.
+ /// This is done because both AtmosExposed and Flammable call ChangeHeat in the same tick, meaning
+ /// that we need some mechanism to ensure it doesn't double dip on damage for both calls.
+ ///
+ public HashSet ShouldUpdateDamage = new();
- public override void Initialize()
- {
- SubscribeLocalEvent(EnqueueDamage);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnAtmosExposedUpdate);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRejuvenate);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(ServerAlert);
- SubscribeLocalEvent>(
- OnTemperatureChangeAttempt);
- // Allows overriding thresholds based on the parent's thresholds.
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnParentChange);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(
- OnParentThresholdStartup);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(
- OnParentThresholdShutdown);
- }
+ public float UpdateInterval = 1.0f;
- public override void Update(float frameTime)
- {
- base.Update(frameTime);
+ private float _accumulatedFrametime;
- _accumulatedFrametime += frameTime;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(EnqueueDamage);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnAtmosExposedUpdate);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRejuvenate);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(ServerAlert);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent>(
+ OnTemperatureChangeAttempt);
+ // Allows overriding thresholds based on the parent's thresholds.
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnParentChange);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(
+ OnParentThresholdStartup);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(
+ OnParentThresholdShutdown);
+ }
- if (_accumulatedFrametime < UpdateInterval)
- return;
- _accumulatedFrametime -= UpdateInterval;
+ public override void Update(float frameTime)
+ {
+ base.Update(frameTime);
- if (!ShouldUpdateDamage.Any())
- return;
+ _accumulatedFrametime += frameTime;
- foreach (var comp in ShouldUpdateDamage)
- {
- MetaDataComponent? metaData = null;
+ if (_accumulatedFrametime < UpdateInterval)
+ return;
+ _accumulatedFrametime -= UpdateInterval;
- var uid = comp.Owner;
- if (Deleted(uid, metaData) || Paused(uid, metaData))
- continue;
+ if (!ShouldUpdateDamage.Any())
+ return;
- ChangeDamage(uid, comp);
- }
+ foreach (var comp in ShouldUpdateDamage)
+ {
+ MetaDataComponent? metaData = null;
- ShouldUpdateDamage.Clear();
- }
+ var uid = comp.Owner;
+ if (Deleted(uid, metaData) || Paused(uid, metaData))
+ continue;
- public void ForceChangeTemperature(EntityUid uid, float temp, TemperatureComponent? temperature = null)
- {
- if (!Resolve(uid, ref temperature))
- return;
- float lastTemp = temperature.CurrentTemperature;
- float delta = temperature.CurrentTemperature - temp;
- temperature.CurrentTemperature = temp;
- RaiseLocalEvent(uid, new OnTemperatureChangeEvent(temperature.CurrentTemperature, lastTemp, delta),
- true);
+ ChangeDamage(uid, comp);
- public void ChangeHeat(EntityUid uid, float heatAmount, bool ignoreHeatResistance = false,
- TemperatureComponent? temperature = null)
- {
- if (Resolve(uid, ref temperature))
- {
- if (!ignoreHeatResistance)
- {
- var ev = new ModifyChangedTemperatureEvent(heatAmount);
- RaiseLocalEvent(uid, ev, false);
- heatAmount = ev.TemperatureDelta;
- }
+ ShouldUpdateDamage.Clear();
+ }
- float lastTemp = temperature.CurrentTemperature;
- temperature.CurrentTemperature += heatAmount / temperature.HeatCapacity;
- float delta = temperature.CurrentTemperature - lastTemp;
+ public void ForceChangeTemperature(EntityUid uid, float temp, TemperatureComponent? temperature = null)
+ {
+ if (!Resolve(uid, ref temperature))
+ return;
+ float lastTemp = temperature.CurrentTemperature;
+ float delta = temperature.CurrentTemperature - temp;
+ temperature.CurrentTemperature = temp;
+ RaiseLocalEvent(uid, new OnTemperatureChangeEvent(temperature.CurrentTemperature, lastTemp, delta),
+ true);
+ }
- RaiseLocalEvent(uid, new OnTemperatureChangeEvent(temperature.CurrentTemperature, lastTemp, delta),
- true);
- }
- }
+ public void ChangeHeat(EntityUid uid, float heatAmount, bool ignoreHeatResistance = false,
+ TemperatureComponent? temperature = null)
+ {
+ if (!Resolve(uid, ref temperature))
+ return;
- private void OnAtmosExposedUpdate(EntityUid uid, TemperatureComponent temperature,
- ref AtmosExposedUpdateEvent args)
+ if (!ignoreHeatResistance)
- var transform = args.Transform;
- if (transform.MapUid == null)
- return;
+ var ev = new ModifyChangedTemperatureEvent(heatAmount);
+ RaiseLocalEvent(uid, ev, false);
+ heatAmount = ev.TemperatureDelta;
+ }
- var position = _transformSystem.GetGridOrMapTilePosition(uid, transform);
+ float lastTemp = temperature.CurrentTemperature;
+ temperature.CurrentTemperature += heatAmount / temperature.HeatCapacity;
+ float delta = temperature.CurrentTemperature - lastTemp;
- var temperatureDelta = args.GasMixture.Temperature - temperature.CurrentTemperature;
- var tileHeatCapacity =
- _atmosphereSystem.GetTileHeatCapacity(transform.GridUid, transform.MapUid.Value, position);
- var heat = temperatureDelta * (tileHeatCapacity * temperature.HeatCapacity /
- (tileHeatCapacity + temperature.HeatCapacity));
- ChangeHeat(uid, heat * temperature.AtmosTemperatureTransferEfficiency, temperature: temperature);
- }
+ RaiseLocalEvent(uid, new OnTemperatureChangeEvent(temperature.CurrentTemperature, lastTemp, delta), true);
+ }
- private void OnRejuvenate(EntityUid uid, TemperatureComponent comp, RejuvenateEvent args)
- {
- ForceChangeTemperature(uid, Atmospherics.T20C, comp);
- }
+ private void OnAtmosExposedUpdate(EntityUid uid, TemperatureComponent temperature,
+ ref AtmosExposedUpdateEvent args)
+ {
+ var transform = args.Transform;
+ if (transform.MapUid == null)
+ return;
+ var position = _transform.GetGridOrMapTilePosition(uid, transform);
+ var temperatureDelta = args.GasMixture.Temperature - temperature.CurrentTemperature;
+ var tileHeatCapacity =
+ _atmosphere.GetTileHeatCapacity(transform.GridUid, transform.MapUid.Value, position);
+ var heat = temperatureDelta * (tileHeatCapacity * temperature.HeatCapacity /
+ (tileHeatCapacity + temperature.HeatCapacity));
+ ChangeHeat(uid, heat * temperature.AtmosTemperatureTransferEfficiency, temperature: temperature);
+ }
- private void ServerAlert(EntityUid uid, AlertsComponent status, OnTemperatureChangeEvent args)
- {
- switch (args.CurrentTemperature)
- {
- // Cold strong.
- case <= 260:
- _alertsSystem.ShowAlert(uid, AlertType.Cold, 3);
- break;
- // Cold mild.
- case <= 280 and > 260:
- _alertsSystem.ShowAlert(uid, AlertType.Cold, 2);
- break;
- // Cold weak.
- case <= 292 and > 280:
- _alertsSystem.ShowAlert(uid, AlertType.Cold, 1);
- break;
- // Safe.
- case <= 327 and > 292:
- _alertsSystem.ClearAlertCategory(uid, AlertCategory.Temperature);
- break;
- // Heat weak.
- case <= 335 and > 327:
- _alertsSystem.ShowAlert(uid, AlertType.Hot, 1);
- break;
- // Heat mild.
- case <= 360 and > 335:
- _alertsSystem.ShowAlert(uid, AlertType.Hot, 2);
- break;
- // Heat strong.
- case > 360:
- _alertsSystem.ShowAlert(uid, AlertType.Hot, 3);
- break;
- }
- }
+ private void OnRejuvenate(EntityUid uid, TemperatureComponent comp, RejuvenateEvent args)
+ {
+ ForceChangeTemperature(uid, Atmospherics.T20C, comp);
+ }
- private void EnqueueDamage(EntityUid uid, TemperatureComponent component, OnTemperatureChangeEvent args)
+ private void ServerAlert(EntityUid uid, AlertsComponent status, OnTemperatureChangeEvent args)
+ {
+ switch (args.CurrentTemperature)
- ShouldUpdateDamage.Add(component);
+ // Cold strong.
+ case <= 260:
+ _alerts.ShowAlert(uid, AlertType.Cold, 3);
+ break;
+ // Cold mild.
+ case <= 280 and > 260:
+ _alerts.ShowAlert(uid, AlertType.Cold, 2);
+ break;
+ // Cold weak.
+ case <= 292 and > 280:
+ _alerts.ShowAlert(uid, AlertType.Cold, 1);
+ break;
+ // Safe.
+ case <= 327 and > 292:
+ _alerts.ClearAlertCategory(uid, AlertCategory.Temperature);
+ break;
+ // Heat weak.
+ case <= 335 and > 327:
+ _alerts.ShowAlert(uid, AlertType.Hot, 1);
+ break;
+ // Heat mild.
+ case <= 360 and > 335:
+ _alerts.ShowAlert(uid, AlertType.Hot, 2);
+ break;
+ // Heat strong.
+ case > 360:
+ _alerts.ShowAlert(uid, AlertType.Hot, 3);
+ break;
+ }
- private void ChangeDamage(EntityUid uid, TemperatureComponent temperature)
- {
- if (!HasComp(uid))
- return;
- // See this link for where the scaling func comes from:
- // https://www.desmos.com/calculator/0vknqtdvq9
- // Based on a logistic curve, which caps out at MaxDamage
- var heatK = 0.005;
- var a = 1;
- var y = temperature.DamageCap;
- var c = y * 2;
+ private void EnqueueDamage(EntityUid uid, TemperatureComponent component, OnTemperatureChangeEvent args)
+ {
+ ShouldUpdateDamage.Add(component);
+ }
- var heatDamageThreshold = temperature.ParentHeatDamageThreshold ?? temperature.HeatDamageThreshold;
- var coldDamageThreshold = temperature.ParentColdDamageThreshold ?? temperature.ColdDamageThreshold;
+ private void ChangeDamage(EntityUid uid, TemperatureComponent temperature)
+ {
+ if (!HasComp(uid))
+ return;
- if (temperature.CurrentTemperature >= heatDamageThreshold)
- {
- if (!temperature.TakingDamage)
- {
- _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Temperature, $"{ToPrettyString(uid):entity} started taking high temperature damage");
- temperature.TakingDamage = true;
- }
+ // See this link for where the scaling func comes from:
+ // https://www.desmos.com/calculator/0vknqtdvq9
+ // Based on a logistic curve, which caps out at MaxDamage
+ var heatK = 0.005;
+ var a = 1;
+ var y = temperature.DamageCap;
+ var c = y * 2;
- var diff = Math.Abs(temperature.CurrentTemperature - heatDamageThreshold);
- var tempDamage = c / (1 + a * Math.Pow(Math.E, -heatK * diff)) - y;
- _damageableSystem.TryChangeDamage(uid, temperature.HeatDamage * tempDamage, ignoreResistances: true, interruptsDoAfters: false);
- }
- else if (temperature.CurrentTemperature <= coldDamageThreshold)
- {
- if (!temperature.TakingDamage)
- {
- _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Temperature, $"{ToPrettyString(uid):entity} started taking low temperature damage");
- temperature.TakingDamage = true;
- }
+ var heatDamageThreshold = temperature.ParentHeatDamageThreshold ?? temperature.HeatDamageThreshold;
+ var coldDamageThreshold = temperature.ParentColdDamageThreshold ?? temperature.ColdDamageThreshold;
- var diff = Math.Abs(temperature.CurrentTemperature - coldDamageThreshold);
- var tempDamage =
- Math.Sqrt(diff * (Math.Pow(temperature.DamageCap.Double(), 2) / coldDamageThreshold));
- _damageableSystem.TryChangeDamage(uid, temperature.ColdDamage * tempDamage, ignoreResistances: true, interruptsDoAfters: false);
- }
- else if (temperature.TakingDamage)
+ if (temperature.CurrentTemperature >= heatDamageThreshold)
+ {
+ if (!temperature.TakingDamage)
- _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Temperature, $"{ToPrettyString(uid):entity} stopped taking temperature damage");
- temperature.TakingDamage = false;
+ _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Temperature, $"{ToPrettyString(uid):entity} started taking high temperature damage");
+ temperature.TakingDamage = true;
- }
- private void OnTemperatureChangeAttempt(EntityUid uid, TemperatureProtectionComponent component,
- InventoryRelayedEvent args)
- {
- args.Args.TemperatureDelta *= component.Coefficient;
+ var diff = Math.Abs(temperature.CurrentTemperature - heatDamageThreshold);
+ var tempDamage = c / (1 + a * Math.Pow(Math.E, -heatK * diff)) - y;
+ _damageable.TryChangeDamage(uid, temperature.HeatDamage * tempDamage, ignoreResistances: true, interruptsDoAfters: false);
- private void OnParentChange(EntityUid uid, TemperatureComponent component,
- ref EntParentChangedMessage args)
+ else if (temperature.CurrentTemperature <= coldDamageThreshold)
- var temperatureQuery = GetEntityQuery();
- var transformQuery = GetEntityQuery();
- var thresholdsQuery = GetEntityQuery();
- // We only need to update thresholds if the thresholds changed for the entity's ancestors.
- var oldThresholds = args.OldParent != null
- ? RecalculateParentThresholds(args.OldParent.Value, transformQuery, thresholdsQuery)
- : (null, null);
- var newThresholds = RecalculateParentThresholds(transformQuery.GetComponent(uid).ParentUid, transformQuery, thresholdsQuery);
- if (oldThresholds != newThresholds)
+ if (!temperature.TakingDamage)
- RecursiveThresholdUpdate(uid, temperatureQuery, transformQuery, thresholdsQuery);
+ _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Temperature, $"{ToPrettyString(uid):entity} started taking low temperature damage");
+ temperature.TakingDamage = true;
- }
- private void OnParentThresholdStartup(EntityUid uid, ContainerTemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent component,
- ComponentStartup args)
+ var diff = Math.Abs(temperature.CurrentTemperature - coldDamageThreshold);
+ var tempDamage =
+ Math.Sqrt(diff * (Math.Pow(temperature.DamageCap.Double(), 2) / coldDamageThreshold));
+ _damageable.TryChangeDamage(uid, temperature.ColdDamage * tempDamage, ignoreResistances: true, interruptsDoAfters: false);
+ }
+ else if (temperature.TakingDamage)
- RecursiveThresholdUpdate(uid, GetEntityQuery(), GetEntityQuery(),
- GetEntityQuery());
+ _adminLogger.Add(LogType.Temperature, $"{ToPrettyString(uid):entity} stopped taking temperature damage");
+ temperature.TakingDamage = false;
+ }
+ private void OnTemperatureChangeAttempt(EntityUid uid, TemperatureProtectionComponent component,
+ InventoryRelayedEvent args)
+ {
+ args.Args.TemperatureDelta *= component.Coefficient;
+ }
- private void OnParentThresholdShutdown(EntityUid uid, ContainerTemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent component,
- ComponentShutdown args)
+ private void OnParentChange(EntityUid uid, TemperatureComponent component,
+ ref EntParentChangedMessage args)
+ {
+ var temperatureQuery = GetEntityQuery();
+ var transformQuery = GetEntityQuery();
+ var thresholdsQuery = GetEntityQuery();
+ // We only need to update thresholds if the thresholds changed for the entity's ancestors.
+ var oldThresholds = args.OldParent != null
+ ? RecalculateParentThresholds(args.OldParent.Value, transformQuery, thresholdsQuery)
+ : (null, null);
+ var newThresholds = RecalculateParentThresholds(transformQuery.GetComponent(uid).ParentUid, transformQuery, thresholdsQuery);
+ if (oldThresholds != newThresholds)
- RecursiveThresholdUpdate(uid, GetEntityQuery(), GetEntityQuery(),
- GetEntityQuery());
+ RecursiveThresholdUpdate(uid, temperatureQuery, transformQuery, thresholdsQuery);
+ }
- ///
- /// Recalculate and apply parent thresholds for the root entity and all its descendant.
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- private void RecursiveThresholdUpdate(EntityUid root, EntityQuery temperatureQuery,
- EntityQuery transformQuery,
- EntityQuery tempThresholdsQuery)
- {
- RecalculateAndApplyParentThresholds(root, temperatureQuery, transformQuery, tempThresholdsQuery);
+ private void OnParentThresholdStartup(EntityUid uid, ContainerTemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent component,
+ ComponentStartup args)
+ {
+ RecursiveThresholdUpdate(uid, GetEntityQuery(), GetEntityQuery(),
+ GetEntityQuery());
+ }
- foreach (var child in Transform(root).ChildEntities)
- {
- RecursiveThresholdUpdate(child, temperatureQuery, transformQuery, tempThresholdsQuery);
- }
- }
+ private void OnParentThresholdShutdown(EntityUid uid, ContainerTemperatureDamageThresholdsComponent component,
+ ComponentShutdown args)
+ {
+ RecursiveThresholdUpdate(uid, GetEntityQuery(), GetEntityQuery(),
+ GetEntityQuery());
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Recalculate and apply parent thresholds for the root entity and all its descendant.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private void RecursiveThresholdUpdate(EntityUid root, EntityQuery temperatureQuery,
+ EntityQuery transformQuery,
+ EntityQuery tempThresholdsQuery)
+ {
+ RecalculateAndApplyParentThresholds(root, temperatureQuery, transformQuery, tempThresholdsQuery);
- ///
- /// Recalculate parent thresholds and apply them on the uid temperature component.
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- private void RecalculateAndApplyParentThresholds(EntityUid uid,
- EntityQuery temperatureQuery, EntityQuery transformQuery,
- EntityQuery tempThresholdsQuery)
+ foreach (var child in Transform(root).ChildEntities)
- if (!temperatureQuery.TryGetComponent(uid, out var temperature))
- {
- return;
- }
+ RecursiveThresholdUpdate(child, temperatureQuery, transformQuery, tempThresholdsQuery);
+ }
+ }
- var newThresholds = RecalculateParentThresholds(transformQuery.GetComponent(uid).ParentUid, transformQuery, tempThresholdsQuery);
- temperature.ParentHeatDamageThreshold = newThresholds.Item1;
- temperature.ParentColdDamageThreshold = newThresholds.Item2;
+ ///
+ /// Recalculate parent thresholds and apply them on the uid temperature component.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private void RecalculateAndApplyParentThresholds(EntityUid uid,
+ EntityQuery temperatureQuery, EntityQuery transformQuery,
+ EntityQuery tempThresholdsQuery)
+ {
+ if (!temperatureQuery.TryGetComponent(uid, out var temperature))
+ {
+ return;
- ///
- /// Recalculate Parent Heat/Cold DamageThreshold by recursively checking each ancestor and fetching the
- /// maximum HeatDamageThreshold and the minimum ColdDamageThreshold if any exists (aka the best value for each).
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- private (float?, float?) RecalculateParentThresholds(
- EntityUid initialParentUid,
- EntityQuery transformQuery,
- EntityQuery tempThresholdsQuery)
+ var newThresholds = RecalculateParentThresholds(transformQuery.GetComponent(uid).ParentUid, transformQuery, tempThresholdsQuery);
+ temperature.ParentHeatDamageThreshold = newThresholds.Item1;
+ temperature.ParentColdDamageThreshold = newThresholds.Item2;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Recalculate Parent Heat/Cold DamageThreshold by recursively checking each ancestor and fetching the
+ /// maximum HeatDamageThreshold and the minimum ColdDamageThreshold if any exists (aka the best value for each).
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private (float?, float?) RecalculateParentThresholds(
+ EntityUid initialParentUid,
+ EntityQuery transformQuery,
+ EntityQuery tempThresholdsQuery)
+ {
+ // Recursively check parents for the best threshold available
+ var parentUid = initialParentUid;
+ float? newHeatThreshold = null;
+ float? newColdThreshold = null;
+ while (parentUid.IsValid())
- // Recursively check parents for the best threshold available
- var parentUid = initialParentUid;
- float? newHeatThreshold = null;
- float? newColdThreshold = null;
- while (parentUid.IsValid())
+ if (tempThresholdsQuery.TryGetComponent(parentUid, out var newThresholds))
- if (tempThresholdsQuery.TryGetComponent(parentUid, out var newThresholds))
+ if (newThresholds.HeatDamageThreshold != null)
- if (newThresholds.HeatDamageThreshold != null)
- {
- newHeatThreshold = Math.Max(newThresholds.HeatDamageThreshold.Value,
- newHeatThreshold ?? 0);
- }
- if (newThresholds.ColdDamageThreshold != null)
- {
- newColdThreshold = Math.Min(newThresholds.ColdDamageThreshold.Value,
- newColdThreshold ?? float.MaxValue);
- }
+ newHeatThreshold = Math.Max(newThresholds.HeatDamageThreshold.Value,
+ newHeatThreshold ?? 0);
- parentUid = transformQuery.GetComponent(parentUid).ParentUid;
+ if (newThresholds.ColdDamageThreshold != null)
+ {
+ newColdThreshold = Math.Min(newThresholds.ColdDamageThreshold.Value,
+ newColdThreshold ?? float.MaxValue);
+ }
- return (newHeatThreshold, newColdThreshold);
+ parentUid = transformQuery.GetComponent(parentUid).ParentUid;
+ return (newHeatThreshold, newColdThreshold);
- public sealed class OnTemperatureChangeEvent : EntityEventArgs
- {
- public float CurrentTemperature { get; }
- public float LastTemperature { get; }
- public float TemperatureDelta { get; }
+public sealed class OnTemperatureChangeEvent : EntityEventArgs
+ public float CurrentTemperature { get; }
+ public float LastTemperature { get; }
+ public float TemperatureDelta { get; }
- public OnTemperatureChangeEvent(float current, float last, float delta)
- {
- CurrentTemperature = current;
- LastTemperature = last;
- TemperatureDelta = delta;
- }
+ public OnTemperatureChangeEvent(float current, float last, float delta)
+ {
+ CurrentTemperature = current;
+ LastTemperature = last;
+ TemperatureDelta = delta;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorBoltSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorBoltSystem.cs
index 1deb6e3f7c0083..a950fe6930aff3 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorBoltSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorBoltSystem.cs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ private void OnDoorPry(EntityUid uid, DoorBoltComponent component, ref BeforePry
if (component.BoltsDown && !args.Force)
- Popup.PopupClient(Loc.GetString("airlock-component-cannot-pry-is-bolted-message"), uid, args.User);
+ Popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("airlock-component-cannot-pry-is-bolted-message"), uid, args.User);
args.Cancelled = true;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Sericulture/SericultureComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Sericulture/SericultureComponent.cs
index 23143f5ac43d27..c98a2171b0d295 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Sericulture/SericultureComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Sericulture/SericultureComponent.cs
@@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ public sealed partial class SericultureComponent : Component
/// What will be produced at the end of the action.
- [DataField("entityProduced", required: true, customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdSerializer))]
+ [DataField(required: true)]
- public string EntityProduced = string.Empty;
+ public EntProtoId EntityProduced;
/// The entity needed to actually preform sericulture. This will be granted (and removed) upon the entity's creation.
- [DataField("action", required: true, customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdSerializer))]
+ [DataField(required: true)]
- public string Action = string.Empty;
+ public EntProtoId Action;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Temperature/SharedEntityHeater.cs b/Content.Shared/Temperature/SharedEntityHeater.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..597104e1ba155b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Temperature/SharedEntityHeater.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared.Temperature;
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public enum EntityHeaterVisuals
+ Setting
+/// What heat the heater is set to, if on at all.
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public enum EntityHeaterSetting
+ Off,
+ Low,
+ Medium,
+ High
diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml
index 8f599f3f5d6d06..be02c04282657d 100644
--- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml
+++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,4 @@
-- author: Phill101
- changes:
- - {message: The crew manifest is now a PDA cartridge program., type: Tweak}
- id: 4444
- time: '2023-08-05T08:37:08.0000000+00:00'
-- author: Slava0135
- changes:
- - {message: Splash spill now has a visual effect., type: Add}
- id: 4445
- time: '2023-08-05T11:44:19.0000000+00:00'
-- author: FillerVK
- changes:
- - {message: 'Added craftable TaxiBot. Robotics can now construct autonomous, ghost-powered
- taxis to drive people around the station at high speed.', type: Add}
- id: 4446
- time: '2023-08-05T18:36:32.0000000+00:00'
-- author: lapatison
- changes:
- - {message: 'Syndicate lobbying bundle: briefcase containing 5,000 spacebucks has
- been added to the uplink!', type: Add}
- id: 4447
- time: '2023-08-05T21:10:21.0000000+00:00'
- author: Vordenburg
- {message: Nuclear fission devices need enough floor around them to anchor now.,
@@ -2959,3 +2937,26 @@ Entries:
- {message: Small firearms now fit in boots., type: Tweak}
id: 4943
time: '2023-10-01T21:23:41.0000000+00:00'
+- author: deltanedas
+ changes:
+ - {message: 'Added the Electric Grill for cooking steaks quickly, research food
+ service to make it.', type: Add}
+ id: 4944
+ time: '2023-10-02T00:17:50.0000000+00:00'
+- author: Pigeonpeas
+ changes:
+ - {message: 'Added a new lizard horn marking for the head, kobold ears!', type: Add}
+ id: 4945
+ time: '2023-10-02T07:08:20.0000000+00:00'
+- author: JoeHammad
+ changes:
+ - {message: 'the north star gloves have had their damage changed back to 8, as was
+ originally intended', type: Tweak}
+ id: 4946
+ time: '2023-10-02T15:34:22.0000000+00:00'
+- author: Vasilis
+ changes:
+ - {message: The immovable rod gibs you instead of deleting your character again.,
+ type: Fix}
+ id: 4947
+ time: '2023-10-02T18:30:51.0000000+00:00'
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/reptilian.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/reptilian.ftl
index bd2725c3507d2e..462d4140c2d700 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/reptilian.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/reptilian.ftl
@@ -84,3 +84,6 @@ marking-LizardHornsMyrsore = Lizard Horns (Myrsore)
marking-LizardHornsBighorn-horns_bighorn = Lizard Horns (Bighorn)
marking-LizardHornsBighorn = Lizard Horns (Bighorn)
+marking-LizardHornsKoboldEars-horns_kobold_ears = Lizard Ears (Kobold)
+marking-LizardHornsKoboldEars = Lizard Ears (Kobold)
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/temperature/entity-heater.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/temperature/entity-heater.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..a809d508e7c664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/temperature/entity-heater.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+entity-heater-examined = It is set to [color=gray]{$setting}[/color]
+entity-heater-switch-setting = Switch to {$setting}
+entity-heater-switched-setting = Switched to {$setting}
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/cluster.yml b/Resources/Maps/cluster.yml
index c58e130f8c5c92..0e25239c362871 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/cluster.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/cluster.yml
@@ -1,83374 +1,80694 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 2: FloorArcadeBlue2
- 11: FloorBar
- 14: FloorBlueCircuit
- 15: FloorBoxing
- 17: FloorCarpetClown
- 22: FloorDark
- 23: FloorDarkDiagonal
- 26: FloorDarkMini
- 27: FloorDarkMono
- 29: FloorDarkPavement
- 34: FloorEighties
- 35: FloorElevatorShaft
- 37: FloorFreezer
- 38: FloorGlass
- 41: FloorGrassDark
- 48: FloorHydro
- 50: FloorLaundry
- 51: FloorLino
- 54: FloorMime
- 59: FloorRGlass
- 60: FloorReinforced
- 63: FloorShowroom
- 71: FloorSteel
- 74: FloorSteelDiagonal
- 77: FloorSteelHerringbone
- 79: FloorSteelMono
- 83: FloorTechMaint
- 87: FloorWhite
- 88: FloorWhiteDiagonal
- 90: FloorWhiteHerringbone
- 91: FloorWhiteMini
- 92: FloorWhiteMono
- 97: FloorWood
- 99: Lattice
- 100: Plating
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - pos: -0.484375,-0.5
- parent: 12281
- type: Transform
- - chunks:
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- -1,0:
- ind: -1,0
- version: 6
- -1,-1:
- ind: -1,-1
- version: 6
- 0,-1:
- ind: 0,-1
- version: 6
- -1,1:
- ind: -1,1
- version: 6
- 0,1:
- ind: 0,1
- version: 6
- -2,0:
- ind: -2,0
- version: 6
- 1,0:
- ind: 1,0
- version: 6
- 0,-2:
- ind: 0,-2
- version: 6
- -2,1:
- ind: -2,1
- version: 6
- 0,2:
- ind: 0,2
- version: 6
- -1,2:
- ind: -1,2
- version: 6
- -2,2:
- ind: -2,2
- version: 6
- -2,-1:
- ind: -2,-1
- version: 6
- -1,-2:
- ind: -1,-2
- version: 6
- -2,-2:
- ind: -2,-2
- version: 6
- -3,-1:
- ind: -3,-1
- version: 6
- 1,1:
- ind: 1,1
- version: 6
- 2,0:
- ind: 2,0
- version: 6
- 2,1:
- ind: 2,1
- version: 6
- 2,2:
- ind: 2,2
- version: 6
- 1,2:
- ind: 1,2
- version: 6
- 1,-1:
- ind: 1,-1
- version: 6
- 2,-1:
- ind: 2,-1
- version: 6
- 1,-2:
- ind: 1,-2
- version: 6
- 2,-2:
- ind: 2,-2
- version: 6
- 0,-3:
- ind: 0,-3
- version: 6
- -1,-3:
- ind: -1,-3
- version: 6
- 3,-1:
- ind: 3,-1
- version: 6
- 3,-2:
- ind: 3,-2
- version: 6
- -3,0:
- ind: -3,0
- version: 6
- -3,1:
- ind: -3,1
- version: 6
- -3,-2:
- ind: -3,-2
- version: 6
- -3,-3:
- ind: -3,-3
- version: 6
- -2,-3:
- ind: -2,-3
- version: 6
- -3,2:
- ind: -3,2
- version: 6
- 0,3:
- ind: 0,3
- version: 6
- -1,3:
- ind: -1,3
- version: 6
- -2,-4:
- ind: -2,-4
- version: 6
- -1,-4:
- ind: -1,-4
- version: 6
- 3,2:
- ind: 3,2
- version: 6
- 3,1:
- ind: 3,1
- version: 6
- 3,0:
- ind: 3,0
- version: 6
- -1,4:
- ind: -1,4
- version: 6
- 0,4:
- ind: 0,4
- version: 6
- type: MapGrid
- - type: Broadphase
- - bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- type: Physics
- - fixtures: {}
- type: Fixtures
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- type: Gravity
- - chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes:
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Basalt1
- decals:
- 1358: 25.881918,34.192333
- 1361: 36.05116,32.59352
- 1386: -23.029747,20.063555
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Basalt5
- decals:
- 1359: 31.894993,33.661083
- 1371: 25.780825,32.109146
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- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Basalt8
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- 1360: 33.992474,34.93727
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- 1124: 14,-23
- 1125: 14,-22
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- 1127: 18,-27
- 1128: 17,-27
- 1129: 17,-28
- 1130: 16,-27
- 1131: 16,-28
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BotLeft
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- 1450: 6,-21
- 1451: 6,-20
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- 1456: -1,17
- 1457: 0,17
- - node:
- color: '#EFB341FF'
- id: BotRight
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- 1035: 26,-7
- 1036: 26,-6
- 1037: 26,-5
- 1038: 26,-4
- 1039: 27,-4
- 1040: 27,-5
- 1041: 27,-6
- 1042: 27,-7
- 1043: 28,-7
- 1044: 28,-6
- 1045: 28,-5
- 1046: 28,-4
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkBox
- decals:
- 958: -17,-9
- 973: -17,-13
- 974: -17,-11
- 975: -17,-15
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkCornerNe
- decals:
- 115: -4,56
- 116: -3,55
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- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- 114: -10,56
- 123: -8,46
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkCornerSe
- decals:
- 109: -4,48
- 110: -3,49
- 121: -6,44
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkCornerSw
- decals:
- 111: -10,48
- 112: -11,49
- 122: -8,44
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkEndE
- decals:
- 838: -10,-3
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkEndW
- decals:
- 835: -12,-3
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkInnerNe
- decals:
- 118: -4,55
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkInnerNw
- decals:
- 117: -10,55
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkInnerSe
- decals:
- 119: -4,49
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkInnerSw
- decals:
- 120: -10,49
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkLineE
- decals:
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- 88: -3,53
- 89: -3,52
- 90: -3,51
- 91: -3,50
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- decals:
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- 93: -9,56
- 94: -7,56
- 95: -5,56
- 96: -5,56
- 97: -6,56
- 128: -7,46
- 837: -11,-3
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkLineS
- decals:
- 104: -9,48
- 105: -8,48
- 106: -7,48
- 107: -6,48
- 108: -5,48
- 127: -7,44
- 836: -11,-3
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileDarkLineW
- decals:
- 98: -11,54
- 99: -11,53
- 100: -11,53
- 101: -11,51
- 102: -11,52
- 103: -11,50
- 126: -8,45
- - node:
- color: '#334E6DFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelBox
- decals:
- 196: 2,49
- 197: 3,49
- - node:
- color: '#52B4E9FF'
- id: BrickTileSteelBox
- decals:
- 193: -1,49
- 194: 0,49
- 195: 1,49
- - node:
- color: '#9FED58FF'
- id: BrickTileSteelBox
- decals:
- 187: -1,53
- 188: 0,53
- - node:
- color: '#A46106FF'
- id: BrickTileSteelBox
- decals:
- 185: -1,55
- 186: 0,55
- - node:
- color: '#B7FF8FFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelBox
- decals:
- 189: 2,55
- 190: 3,55
- - node:
- color: '#D381C9FF'
- id: BrickTileSteelBox
- decals:
- 191: -1,51
- 192: 0,51
- - node:
- color: '#DE3A3AFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelBox
- decals:
- 181: 2,51
- 182: 3,51
- - node:
- color: '#EFB341FF'
- id: BrickTileSteelBox
- decals:
- 183: 2,53
- 184: 3,53
- - node:
- color: '#52B4E9FF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe
- decals:
- 748: -19,16
- 749: -23,16
- - node:
- color: '#D381C9FF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe
- decals:
- 896: -21,-1
- - node:
- color: '#DE3A3AFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe
- decals:
- 492: 29,14
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe
- decals:
- 813: 2,-5
- 814: -2,-5
- 1244: -14,-51
- 1251: -41,-18
- - node:
- color: '#52B4E9FF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerNw
- decals:
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- 343: 3,25
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- 430: 17,8
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- 433: 19,8
- 434: 21,8
- 435: 22,8
- 436: 23,8
- 437: 24,8
- 438: 25,8
- 439: 26,8
- 440: 27,8
- 441: 28,8
- 442: 29,8
- 443: 30,8
- 444: 31,8
- 445: 32,8
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- 449: 33,11
- 450: 33,12
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- 452: 33,14
- 453: 33,15
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- 411: 26,10
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- 413: 25,10
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- 415: 22,10
- 416: 21,10
- 417: 20,10
- 418: 19,10
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- 0: 65535
- -2,-3:
- 0: 65535
- -2,-2:
- 0: 65535
- -2,-1:
- 0: 65535
- -1,-3:
- 0: 65535
- -1,-2:
- 0: 65535
- -1,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-2:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 1,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 1,-2:
- 0: 65535
- 1,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 2,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 2,-2:
- 0: 65535
- 2,-1:
- 0: 65535
- -4,4:
- 0: 65535
- -4,5:
- 0: 65535
- -4,6:
- 0: 65535
- -4,7:
- 0: 65535
- -3,4:
- 0: 65535
- -3,5:
- 0: 65535
- -3,6:
- 0: 65535
- -3,7:
- 0: 65535
- -2,4:
- 0: 65535
- -2,5:
- 0: 65535
- -2,6:
- 0: 65535
- -2,7:
- 0: 65535
- -1,4:
- 0: 65535
- -1,5:
- 0: 65535
- -1,6:
- 0: 65535
- -1,7:
- 0: 65535
- 0,4:
- 0: 65535
- 0,5:
- 0: 65535
- 0,6:
- 0: 65535
- 0,7:
- 0: 65535
- 1,4:
- 0: 65535
- 1,5:
- 0: 65535
- 1,6:
- 0: 65535
- 1,7:
- 0: 65535
- -8,1:
- 0: 65535
- -8,2:
- 0: 65535
- -8,3:
- 0: 65535
- -8,0:
- 0: 65535
- -7,0:
- 0: 65535
- -7,1:
- 0: 65535
- -7,2:
- 0: 65535
- -7,3:
- 0: 65535
- -6,0:
- 0: 65535
- -6,1:
- 0: 65535
- -6,2:
- 0: 65535
- -6,3:
- 0: 65535
- -5,0:
- 0: 65535
- -5,1:
- 0: 65535
- -5,2:
- 0: 65535
- -5,3:
- 0: 65535
- 4,0:
- 0: 65535
- 5,0:
- 0: 65535
- 6,0:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-7:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-6:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -8,4:
- 0: 65535
- -7,4:
- 0: 65535
- -6,4:
- 0: 65535
- -6,5:
- 0: 65535
- -6,6:
- 0: 65535
- -5,4:
- 0: 65535
- -5,5:
- 0: 65535
- -5,6:
- 0: 65535
- -5,7:
- 0: 65535
- 0,8:
- 0: 32095
- 1,8:
- 0: 6559
- -4,8:
- 0: 44911
- -3,8:
- 0: 28655
- -2,8:
- 0: 58287
- -1,8:
- 0: 61951
- -5,8:
- 0: 28495
- -4,-4:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-3:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-2:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-1:
- 0: 65535
- -3,-4:
- 0: 65535
- -3,-3:
- 0: 65535
- -3,-2:
- 0: 65535
- -3,-1:
- 0: 65535
- -2,-4:
- 0: 65535
- -1,-4:
- 0: 65535
- -8,-3:
- 0: 65535
- -8,-2:
- 0: 65535
- -8,-1:
- 0: 65535
- -7,-3:
- 0: 65535
- -7,-2:
- 0: 65535
- -7,-1:
- 0: 65535
- -6,-4:
- 0: 65533
- -6,-3:
- 0: 65533
- -6,-2:
- 0: 65535
- -6,-1:
- 0: 65535
- -5,-4:
- 0: 65535
- -5,-3:
- 0: 65535
- -5,-2:
- 0: 65535
- -5,-1:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -3,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -2,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -1,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -6,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -5,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -9,-3:
- 0: 65535
- -9,-2:
- 0: 65535
- -9,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,3:
- 0: 65535
- 1,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 2,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 3,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 3,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,-2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 2,4:
- 0: 65535
- 2,5:
- 0: 65535
- 2,6:
- 0: 65535
- 3,4:
- 0: 65535
- 3,5:
- 0: 65535
- 4,1:
- 0: 65535
- 4,2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,3:
- 0: 65535
- 5,1:
- 0: 65535
- 5,2:
- 0: 65535
- 5,3:
- 0: 65535
- 6,1:
- 0: 65535
- 6,2:
- 0: 65535
- 6,3:
- 0: 65535
- 7,0:
- 0: 65535
- 7,1:
- 0: 65535
- 7,2:
- 0: 65535
- 7,3:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-8:
- 0: 65535
- 1,-8:
- 0: 65521
- 1,-7:
- 0: 65535
- 1,-6:
- 0: 65535
- 1,-5:
- 0: 65535
- 2,-8:
- 0: 65534
- 2,-7:
- 0: 65535
- 2,-6:
- 0: 65535
- 2,-5:
- 0: 65535
- 3,-8:
- 0: 65535
- 3,-7:
- 0: 65535
- 3,-6:
- 0: 65535
- 3,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -8,5:
- 0: 65535
- -8,6:
- 0: 65535
- -7,5:
- 0: 65535
- -7,6:
- 0: 65535
- -6,7:
- 0: 16383
- -7,-4:
- 0: 65279
- 2: 256
- -4,-6:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-8:
- 0: 65534
- -4,-7:
- 0: 65535
- -3,-8:
- 0: 65535
- -3,-7:
- 0: 65535
- -3,-6:
- 0: 65535
- -2,-8:
- 0: 65535
- -2,-7:
- 0: 65535
- -2,-6:
- 0: 65535
- -1,-8:
- 0: 65535
- -1,-7:
- 0: 65535
- -1,-6:
- 0: 65535
- -7,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -7,-6:
- 0: 65535
- -6,-6:
- 0: 65535
- -5,-6:
- 0: 65535
- 4,4:
- 0: 65535
- 5,4:
- 0: 65535
- 5,5:
- 0: 65535
- 5,6:
- 0: 65535
- 5,7:
- 0: 65535
- 6,4:
- 0: 65535
- 6,5:
- 0: 65535
- 6,6:
- 0: 65535
- 6,7:
- 0: 61951
- 7,4:
- 0: 65535
- 7,5:
- 0: 65535
- 7,6:
- 0: 65535
- 7,7:
- 0: 65535
- 8,0:
- 0: 65535
- 8,1:
- 0: 65535
- 8,2:
- 0: 65535
- 8,3:
- 0: 65535
- 9,0:
- 0: 65535
- 9,1:
- 0: 65535
- 9,2:
- 0: 65535
- 9,3:
- 0: 65535
- 10,0:
- 0: 65535
- 10,1:
- 0: 65535
- 10,2:
- 0: 65535
- 10,3:
- 0: 65535
- 11,0:
- 0: 65535
- 11,1:
- 0: 65535
- 11,2:
- 0: 65535
- 11,3:
- 0: 65535
- 8,4:
- 0: 65535
- 8,5:
- 0: 65535
- 8,6:
- 0: 65535
- 8,7:
- 0: 65535
- 9,4:
- 0: 65535
- 9,5:
- 0: 65535
- 9,6:
- 0: 65535
- 9,7:
- 0: 65535
- 10,4:
- 0: 65535
- 10,5:
- 0: 65535
- 11,4:
- 0: 65535
- 8,8:
- 0: 65535
- 9,8:
- 0: 65535
- 5,8:
- 0: 65535
- 6,8:
- 0: 65535
- 7,8:
- 0: 65535
- 4,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 4,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 4,-2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 5,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 5,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 5,-2:
- 0: 65535
- 5,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 6,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 6,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 6,-2:
- 0: 65535
- 6,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 7,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 7,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 7,-2:
- 0: 65535
- 7,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 8,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 8,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 8,-2:
- 0: 65535
- 8,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 9,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 9,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 9,-2:
- 0: 65535
- 9,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 10,-4:
- 0: 63479
- 3: 8
- 4: 2048
- 10,-3:
- 0: 63479
- 4: 2056
- 10,-2:
- 0: 63479
- 5: 8
- 6: 2048
- 10,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 11,-4:
- 3: 3
- 0: 64764
- 4: 768
- 11,-3:
- 4: 771
- 0: 64764
- 11,-2:
- 5: 3
- 0: 64764
- 6: 768
- 11,-1:
- 0: 65535
- 4,-8:
- 0: 65534
- 4,-7:
- 0: 65535
- 4,-6:
- 0: 65535
- 4,-5:
- 0: 65535
- 5,-8:
- 0: 65327
- 5,-7:
- 0: 65535
- 5,-6:
- 0: 65535
- 5,-5:
- 0: 65535
- 6,-8:
- 0: 61696
- 6,-7:
- 0: 65535
- 6,-6:
- 0: 65535
- 6,-5:
- 0: 65535
- 7,-8:
- 0: 28672
- 7,-7:
- 0: 23933
- 7,-6:
- 0: 63447
- 7,-5:
- 0: 65535
- 12,0:
- 0: 4369
- 12,1:
- 0: 4369
- 12,2:
- 0: 4369
- 12,3:
- 0: 4369
- 8,-7:
- 0: 65327
- 8,-6:
- 0: 65331
- 4: 204
- 8,-5:
- 0: 65535
- 9,-7:
- 0: 32559
- 9,-6:
- 4: 17
- 0: 63462
- 9,-5:
- 0: 65535
- 10,-7:
- 0: 4369
- 10,-6:
- 0: 16145
- 10,-5:
- 0: 63487
- 4: 2048
- 11,-6:
- 0: 40704
- 11,-5:
- 0: 64767
- 4: 768
- 0,-9:
- 0: 65535
- -3,-9:
- 0: 63984
- -2,-9:
- 0: 65533
- -1,-9:
- 0: 65535
- 12,-4:
- 0: 12834
- 12,-3:
- 0: 12834
- 12,-2:
- 0: 8994
- 12,-1:
- 0: 12850
- 12,4:
- 0: 12561
- 12,-6:
- 0: 8960
- 12,-5:
- 0: 8754
- -9,0:
- 0: 65535
- 2,7:
- 0: 65535
- 3,6:
- 0: 65535
- 3,7:
- 0: 65535
- -8,7:
- 0: 61182
- -7,7:
- 0: 65535
- 0,9:
- 0: 48826
- 0,10:
- 0: 21621
- 0,11:
- 0: 63477
- 1,9:
- 0: 1
- 1,11:
- 0: 64240
- 3,8:
- 0: 20479
- -4,9:
- 0: 52390
- -4,11:
- 0: 41580
- -4,10:
- 0: 34952
- -3,9:
- 0: 27503
- -3,10:
- 0: 65199
- -3,11:
- 0: 65518
- -2,9:
- 0: 58361
- -2,10:
- 0: 64245
- -2,11:
- 0: 65535
- -1,9:
- 0: 62712
- -1,10:
- 0: 62706
- -1,11:
- 0: 65535
- -8,8:
- 0: 65327
- -8,9:
- 0: 65327
- -8,10:
- 0: 11183
- -8,11:
- 0: 14
- -7,8:
- 0: 65375
- -7,9:
- 0: 65311
- -7,10:
- 0: 43839
- -7,11:
- 0: 15
- -6,8:
- 0: 32079
- -6,9:
- 0: 21845
- -6,10:
- 0: 1863
- -8,-4:
- 0: 65535
- -8,-8:
- 0: 65525
- -8,-7:
- 0: 65525
- -8,-6:
- 0: 65535
- -8,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -7,-8:
- 0: 44962
- -7,-7:
- 0: 65530
- -6,-8:
- 0: 65529
- -6,-7:
- 0: 65535
- -5,-8:
- 0: 64186
- -5,-7:
- 0: 65535
- -12,-4:
- 0: 2794
- -11,-4:
- 0: 61439
- -11,-3:
- 0: 61166
- -11,-2:
- 0: 61182
- -11,-1:
- 0: 61423
- -10,-4:
- 0: 65535
- -10,-3:
- 0: 65535
- -10,-2:
- 0: 65535
- -10,-1:
- 0: 65535
- -9,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 4,5:
- 0: 65535
- 4,6:
- 0: 65535
- 4,7:
- 0: 65535
- 10,6:
- 0: 65535
- 8,9:
- 0: 2047
- 9,9:
- 0: 4095
- 4,8:
- 0: 61439
- 4,9:
- 0: 3823
- 5,9:
- 0: 3583
- 6,9:
- 0: 2047
- 7,9:
- 0: 3327
- -4,-12:
- 0: 12031
- -4,-11:
- 0: 44722
- -4,-10:
- 0: 43770
- -4,-9:
- 0: 58610
- -3,-12:
- 0: 3007
- -12,0:
- 0: 34824
- -12,1:
- 0: 2184
- -12,2:
- 0: 34816
- -12,3:
- 0: 2184
- -11,0:
- 0: 65518
- -11,1:
- 0: 65535
- -11,2:
- 0: 65535
- -11,3:
- 0: 61439
- -10,0:
- 0: 65535
- -10,1:
- 0: 65535
- -10,2:
- 0: 65535
- -10,3:
- 0: 65535
- -9,1:
- 0: 65535
- -9,2:
- 0: 65535
- -9,3:
- 0: 65535
- -11,4:
- 0: 61182
- -11,5:
- 0: 61167
- -11,6:
- 0: 36527
- -10,4:
- 0: 65535
- -10,5:
- 0: 65535
- -10,6:
- 0: 61167
- -9,4:
- 0: 65535
- -9,5:
- 0: 65535
- -9,6:
- 0: 65535
- -9,7:
- 0: 35002
- -12,-6:
- 0: 43054
- -12,-5:
- 0: 43754
- -11,-7:
- 0: 65439
- -11,-6:
- 0: 65535
- -11,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -10,-7:
- 0: 64393
- -10,-6:
- 0: 65535
- -10,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -10,-8:
- 0: 34952
- -9,-8:
- 0: 61410
- -9,-7:
- 0: 65508
- -9,-6:
- 0: 65535
- -9,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -10,-10:
- 0: 32768
- -10,-9:
- 0: 34952
- -9,-10:
- 0: 45792
- -9,-9:
- 0: 65258
- -8,-10:
- 0: 63984
- -8,-9:
- 0: 65523
- -7,-10:
- 0: 12288
- -7,-9:
- 0: 58146
- -6,-12:
- 0: 3754
- -6,-11:
- 0: 34944
- -6,-10:
- 0: 34952
- -6,-9:
- 0: 63624
- -5,-12:
- 0: 60335
- -5,-11:
- 0: 60330
- -5,-10:
- 0: 60090
- -5,-9:
- 0: 64186
- -9,8:
- 0: 17484
- -9,9:
- 0: 17484
- -9,10:
- 0: 3140
- 0,12:
- 0: 65535
- 0,13:
- 0: 65535
- 0,14:
- 0: 62207
- 0,15:
- 0: 48757
- 1,12:
- 0: 65471
- 1,13:
- 0: 49147
- 1,14:
- 0: 63935
- -4,12:
- 0: 43694
- -4,13:
- 0: 60142
- -4,14:
- 0: 28330
- -4,15:
- 0: 12
- -3,12:
- 0: 65535
- -3,13:
- 0: 65535
- -3,14:
- 0: 16383
- -3,15:
- 0: 15
- -2,12:
- 0: 65535
- -2,13:
- 0: 65535
- -2,14:
- 0: 40959
- -2,15:
- 0: 34831
- -1,12:
- 0: 65535
- -1,13:
- 0: 65535
- -1,14:
- 0: 61439
- -1,15:
- 0: 53151
- -6,-14:
- 0: 34952
- -6,-13:
- 0: 60138
- -5,-14:
- 0: 65519
- -5,-13:
- 0: 65535
- -5,-16:
- 0: 11852
- -5,-15:
- 0: 44714
- -4,-16:
- 0: 32543
- -4,-15:
- 0: 12287
- -4,-14:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-13:
- 0: 65535
- -3,-16:
- 0: 8977
- -3,-15:
- 0: 8754
- -3,-14:
- 0: 49075
- -3,-13:
- 0: 48123
- 10,7:
- 0: 65535
- 11,5:
- 0: 65535
- 11,6:
- 0: 65535
- 11,7:
- 0: 65535
- 10,8:
- 0: 65535
- 10,9:
- 0: 239
- 11,8:
- 0: 65535
- 11,9:
- 0: 255
- 12,5:
- 0: 13107
- 12,6:
- 0: 13107
- 12,7:
- 0: 13107
- 12,8:
- 0: 13107
- 12,9:
- 0: 49
- 1,-9:
- 0: 4369
- -12,-2:
- 0: 34952
- -12,-1:
- 0: 34952
- -3,-10:
- 0: 49152
- -2,-10:
- 0: 7936
- -1,-10:
- 0: 9984
- -12,-7:
- 0: 17484
- 2,8:
- 0: 4095
- 3,9:
- 0: 14
- -5,9:
- 0: 15
- -12,4:
- 0: 34952
- -12,5:
- 0: 34952
- -12,6:
- 0: 136
- -11,7:
- 0: 136
- -10,7:
- 0: 242
- -2,16:
- 0: 34952
- -2,17:
- 0: 8
- -1,16:
- 0: 52847
- 3: 128
- -1,17:
- 0: 245
- 0,16:
- 0: 39931
- 0,17:
- 0: 124
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 21.824879
- - 82.10312
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.14996
- moles:
- - 21.824879
- - 82.10312
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.14996
- moles:
- - 20.078888
- - 75.53487
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 6666.982
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 6666.982
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 6666.982
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- chunkSize: 4
- type: GridAtmosphere
- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: RadiationGridResistance
- - id: Cluster
- type: BecomesStation
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
- - uid: 12281
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- - type: Map
- - type: PhysicsMap
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: LoadedMap
- - type: GridTree
- - type: MovedGrids
-- proto: AcousticGuitarInstrument
- entities:
- - uid: 5973
- components:
- - pos: 3.5402613,7.6028175
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AdvancedCapacitorStockPart
- entities:
- - uid: 9498
- components:
- - pos: -2.8552828,-31.280602
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9500
- components:
- - pos: -3.7302828,-31.280602
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AdvancedMatterBinStockPart
- entities:
- - uid: 9499
- components:
- - pos: -3.3396578,-31.327477
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirAlarm
- entities:
- - uid: 8049
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3203
- - 3204
- - 3205
- - 3219
- - 3327
- - 3217
- - 3213
- - 3214
- - 3215
- - 11609
- - 11608
- - 10602
- - 10601
- - 10599
- - 10600
- - 10548
- - 10550
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11592
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -12.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3197
- - 3194
- - 3198
- - 10762
- - 10763
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11593
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3193
- - 3192
- - 3196
- - 3194
- - 3195
- - 10748
- - 10751
- - 10749
- - 10750
- - 10724
- - 10727
- - 10725
- - 10726
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11594
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3185
- - 3191
- - 3193
- - 3192
- - 3186
- - 10696
- - 10697
- - 10812
- - 10706
- - 10707
- - 10813
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11598
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 5009
- - 5010
- - 5011
- - 3190
- - 3199
- - 3191
- - 3134
- - 3133
- - 46
- - 5004
- - 5003
- - 5002
- - 5000
- - 5001
- - 10665
- - 10664
- - 10821
- - 10814
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11601
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3200
- - 3201
- - 3202
- - 1766
- - 1765
- - 3209
- - 3208
- - 3206
- - 3207
- - 3203
- - 3204
- - 3205
- - 10552
- - 10551
- - 10547
- - 10549
- - 10514
- - 10511
- - 10513
- - 10510
- - 10512
- - 10509
- - 11605
- - 11604
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11611
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3224
- - 3225
- - 3226
- - 3227
- - 3228
- - 3220
- - 3221
- - 3222
- - 3223
- - 10658
- - 10663
- - 10662
- - 10660
- - 10661
- - 10659
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11612
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3134
- - 3133
- - 46
- - 3135
- - 3136
- - 3138
- - 3137
- - 11622
- - 11621
- - 11620
- - 11619
- - 11618
- - 11617
- - 11616
- - 11615
- - 11614
- - 10778
- - 10786
- - 10785
- - 10772
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11623
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3143
- - 3141
- - 3142
- - 3139
- - 3140
- - 10247
- - 11176
- - 10773
- - 10246
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11625
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3145
- - 3146
- - 3143
- - 3142
- - 11337
- - 10248
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11630
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3120
- - 3119
- - 3118
- - 3149
- - 3150
- - 3151
- - 5508
- - 5498
- - 5495
- - 5008
- - 5003
- - 5002
- - 5004
- - 3135
- - 3136
- - 10994
- - 10995
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11632
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3183
- - 3184
- - 3171
- - 3170
- - 3169
- - 3168
- - 3167
- - 3166
- - 3165
- - 3189
- - 3164
- - 3173
- - 3172
- - 10879
- - 10880
- - 10902
- - 10900
- - 11646
- - 11645
- - 10903
- - 10901
- - 10924
- - 10921
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11634
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -22.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11636
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -27.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 10923
- - 10922
- - 3164
- - 3188
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11638
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3187
- - 11637
- - 11643
- - 10967
- - 10972
- - 10971
- - 10969
- - 10968
- - 10970
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11642
- components:
- - pos: -9.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3178
- - 3179
- - 3180
- - 3181
- - 10899
- - 10944
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11647
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3151
- - 3150
- - 3149
- - 3155
- - 3156
- - 3157
- - 11054
- - 11057
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11649
- components:
- - pos: -27.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3151
- - 3150
- - 3149
- - 3155
- - 3156
- - 3157
- - 11054
- - 11057
- - 2284
- - 2094
- - 3160
- - 3272
- - 3273
- - 3158
- - 3159
- - 3161
- - 11058
- - 11055
- - 11059
- - 11042
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11651
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 11085
- - 11083
- - 11084
- - 11082
- - 3158
- - 3159
- - 3161
- - 11653
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11655
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 2284
- - 2094
- - 3160
- - 3162
- - 3163
- - 11149
- - 11147
- - 11151
- - 11150
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11657
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 11162
- - 11174
- - 11163
- - 11175
- - 3272
- - 3273
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11658
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 11195
- - 11332
- - 3115
- - 3116
- - 3117
- - 3104
- - 3103
- - 3102
- - 3096
- - 3097
- - 3100
- - 3101
- - 3118
- - 3119
- - 3120
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11660
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 11234
- - 11233
- - 3094
- - 3095
- - 3102
- - 3103
- - 3104
- - 3105
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11661
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 11667
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11662
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 11666
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11664
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -21.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 11286
- - 11284
- - 11283
- - 11285
- - 3111
- - 3112
- - 3113
- - 3106
- - 3107
- - 3108
- - 3109
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11670
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -27.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 1979
- - 2283
- - 996
- - 11321
- - 11322
- - 11320
- - 11323
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11672
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3091
- - 3090
- - 3109
- - 3093
- - 3092
- - 11260
- - 11261
- - 11331
- - 11330
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11674
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3117
- - 3116
- - 3115
- - 3145
- - 3121
- - 3122
- - 3123
- - 3266
- - 3265
- - 3264
- - 11366
- - 11367
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11676
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3123
- - 3122
- - 3121
- - 11629
- - 11628
- - 11627
- - 3125
- - 3124
- - 3126
- - 3243
- - 10197
- - 10204
- - 3828
- - 7182
- - 10219
- - 10220
- - 1832
- - 3055
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11678
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3229
- - 3230
- - 3233
- - 3232
- - 10160
- - 10161
- - 10112
- - 10113
- - 11687
- - 11688
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11680
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3231
- - 3232
- - 3233
- - 3241
- - 3242
- - 10145
- - 10144
- - 10143
- - 10142
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11682
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3235
- - 3234
- - 3232
- - 3233
- - 3240
- - 10114
- - 10115
- - 11687
- - 11688
- - 11689
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11684
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 7152
- - 7151
- - 3236
- - 3237
- - 1222
- - 11686
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11690
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3129
- - 3128
- - 3127
- - 3498
- - 3499
- - 10358
- - 10361
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11692
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3499
- - 3498
- - 3501
- - 3502
- - 3503
- - 10362
- - 10359
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11694
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 40.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3503
- - 3502
- - 3501
- - 3504
- - 3505
- - 3506
- - 10360
- - 10363
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11697
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3506
- - 3505
- - 3504
- - 3507
- - 4898
- - 10388
- - 10390
- - 10389
- - 10391
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11698
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 40.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 10413
- - 10414
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11699
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 43.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 4898
- - 4897
- - 11703
- - 11704
- - 10432
- - 10433
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11700
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 11703
- - 11704
- - 10448
- - 10450
- - 10449
- - 10451
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11705
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3262
- - 3261
- - 3263
- - 3264
- - 3265
- - 3266
- - 11410
- - 11408
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11707
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3260
- - 3259
- - 3258
- - 3267
- - 3270
- - 3269
- - 3271
- - 3268
- - 11476
- - 11472
- - 11473
- - 11477
- - 11471
- - 11479
- - 11481
- - 11482
- - 11478
- - 11474
- - 11480
- - 11475
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11709
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3584
- - 3585
- - 3586
- - 3587
- - 3263
- - 3262
- - 3261
- - 3260
- - 3259
- - 3258
- - 7083
- - 7084
- - 7085
- - 11409
- - 11411
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11711
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 7086
- - 7083
- - 7084
- - 7085
- - 11507
- - 11510
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11714
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3247
- - 3246
- - 3250
- - 3251
- - 3252
- - 3253
- - 2186
- - 11719
- - 11720
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11718
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 7250
- - 7249
- - 3595
- - 7301
- - 3257
- - 11589
- - 11587
- - 11588
- - 11590
- type: DeviceList
-- proto: AirCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 6999
- components:
- - pos: 37.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7000
- components:
- - pos: 37.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7004
- components:
- - pos: 37.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7204
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8862
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8867
- components:
- - pos: -27.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8868
- components:
- - pos: -34.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9126
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9180
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9250
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9336
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9337
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9338
- components:
- - pos: 7.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9691
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9692
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12006
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Airlock
- entities:
- - uid: 3575
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -14.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3576
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -6.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3577
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3600
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3601
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3602
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockArmoryLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3314
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockAtmosphericsGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3347
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3348
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockBrigGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3321
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3322
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3323
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3324
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4899
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4901
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockCaptainLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3282
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9651
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockCargoGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3588
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3589
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3590
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3591
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3592
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3593
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockChapelLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3445
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockChemistryLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3400
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -14.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockChiefEngineerGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3344
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockChiefMedicalOfficerLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3399
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -17.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockCommandGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3275
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3276
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3277
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3278
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -12.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3279
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3609
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -9.5,44.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4906
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 43.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockCommandLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3611
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -4.5,45.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockDetectiveLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3325
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockEngineeringGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3333
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3334
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3335
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3336
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3337
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3338
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3339
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3340
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3341
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3342
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3343
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3345
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3346
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockEngineeringLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3357
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3359
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3360
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -19.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3361
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -25.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3362
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -30.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3363
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -8.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3364
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3557
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4510
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7082
- components:
- - name: Tech Vault
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -0.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockExternal
- entities:
- - uid: 3550
- components:
- - pos: -39.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8327
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockExternalGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 50
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-46.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 57
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2862
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -11.5,-47.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3051
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3052
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3053
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3054
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3067
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -42.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3068
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -42.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3069
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -42.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3070
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -42.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5547
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12282
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12283
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockExternalGlassCargoLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 1523
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1717
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1720
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1752
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockExternalGlassEngineeringLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3571
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -35.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3572
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -33.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3573
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -29.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3574
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -28.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockExternalGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3284
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3285
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3286
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3354
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3355
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3607
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -9.5,43.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3608
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -8.5,45.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleArrivals
- entities:
- - uid: 1268
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1278
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleEmergencyLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3059
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -44.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3060
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -44.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3061
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -44.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3062
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -44.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleEscape
- entities:
- - uid: 2998
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,-35.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4815
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5553
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -42.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8326
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 1728
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1729
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3047
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3048
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3049
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3050
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockFreezerKitchenHydroLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3367
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3368
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 1348
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3381
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -3.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3382
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3383
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3384
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3385
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3387
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3437
- components:
- - pos: -35.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3438
- components:
- - pos: -34.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3439
- components:
- - pos: -33.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3440
- components:
- - pos: -36.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3441
- components:
- - pos: -37.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3486
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3487
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3488
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3489
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3490
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3491
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3492
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3493
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3494
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3495
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3496
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3497
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3542
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3543
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3544
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3579
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -3.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3580
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3581
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3582
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3796
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4909
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6295
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockHeadOfPersonnelLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3287
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3288
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockHeadOfSecurityLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3313
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockHydroponicsLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3144
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockJanitorLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3366
- components:
- - name: Jani Closet
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMaint
- entities:
- - uid: 1021
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -30.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3545
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -22.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3546
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3547
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3548
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3551
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3552
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3553
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3554
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3555
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12517
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -22.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMaintAtmoLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 1305
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6988
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMaintCargoLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3598
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3599
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMaintChapelLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3444
- components:
- - pos: -30.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMaintCommandLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3280
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -9.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3281
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4907
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMaintEngiLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3330
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3331
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3332
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMaintJanitorLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3365
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMaintLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 1666
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3291
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3292
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3293
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3294
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3295
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3296
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3297
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3298
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3299
- components:
- - pos: 44.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3300
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3301
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3302
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3303
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3304
- components:
- - pos: -19.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3305
- components:
- - pos: -35.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3306
- components:
- - pos: -30.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3307
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3308
- components:
- - pos: -38.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3309
- components:
- - pos: -6.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3840
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4896
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMaintMedLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3394
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -27.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3395
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -23.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3396
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMaintRnDLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3428
- components:
- - pos: -25.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3429
- components:
- - pos: -13.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3431
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMaintSalvageLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3597
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMaintSecLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3328
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3329
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMedicalGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 1859
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1860
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3388
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -10.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3389
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -10.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3390
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -10.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3391
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -10.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3392
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -24.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMedicalLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 734
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3393
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -23.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3560
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -21.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockQuartermasterLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3596
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockResearchDirectorLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3411
- components:
- - pos: -19.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockSalvageGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 1530
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7248
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockScienceGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3412
- components:
- - pos: -26.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3413
- components:
- - pos: -23.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3414
- components:
- - pos: -23.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3415
- components:
- - pos: -19.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3416
- components:
- - pos: -19.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3417
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3418
- components:
- - pos: -13.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3419
- components:
- - pos: -13.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3420
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3421
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3422
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3423
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3424
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3425
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3426
- components:
- - pos: -18.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3427
- components:
- - pos: -18.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockSecurityGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3310
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3311
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3312
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3315
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3316
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3317
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3318
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3319
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3320
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockSecurityLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 2351
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockServiceGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3369
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3370
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3371
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3373
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3374
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockServiceLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3442
- components:
- - pos: -37.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3443
- components:
- - pos: -35.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockTheatreLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3578
- components:
- - name: Theatre Room
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -11.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockVirologyLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3397
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -16.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3398
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -15.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirSensor
- entities:
- - uid: 11666
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11667
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AltarSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 3467
- components:
- - pos: -34.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AmeController
- entities:
- - uid: 6778
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AmePart
- entities:
- - uid: 6775
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 6774
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
- - uid: 6776
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 6774
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
- - uid: 6777
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 6774
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: AnalysisComputerCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 9509
- components:
- - pos: -4.5700207,-34.400963
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AnomalyScanner
- entities:
- - uid: 6083
- components:
- - pos: -28.443977,-5.4184704
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6084
- components:
- - pos: -28.568977,-5.2934704
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: APCBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 1872
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1886
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- - pos: -24.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1887
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1889
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -14.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1929
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -12.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1930
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1931
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- - pos: 1.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1932
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -16.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1933
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -21.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1934
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -8.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1935
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- - pos: -14.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1942
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- - pos: -0.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1945
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- - pos: 13.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1946
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- - pos: 26.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1947
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1948
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2442
- components:
- - pos: -31.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,-49.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3685
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,43.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3686
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- - pos: -6.5,57.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3687
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,52.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 6248
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- pos: 6.5,0.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 6278
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,7.5
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- type: Transform
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- pos: -0.5,-15.5
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- type: Transform
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -4.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6523
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,-25.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 6525
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6526
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,-5.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 6527
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: 17.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7088
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7089
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,-28.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 7090
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7555
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- - pos: -39.5,24.5
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- - uid: 7574
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,9.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 7575
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- pos: -38.5,14.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 7580
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -39.5,-8.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 7766
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,-33.5
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- - uid: 8020
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,0.5
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- - uid: 8021
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,14.5
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- - uid: 8022
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- - pos: 41.5,24.5
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- - uid: 8023
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,28.5
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- - uid: 8189
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-2.5
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- - uid: 8330
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 8383
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8415
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,32.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9183
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- components:
- - pos: -33.5,-14.5
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-- proto: APCElectronics
- entities:
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: 29.131155,27.228777
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- type: Transform
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- components:
- - pos: 11.639883,-20.394583
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- type: Transform
-- proto: ArtifactAnalyzerMachineCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 9508
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- - pos: -4.4293957,-34.588463
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
- entities:
- - uid: 1949
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1950
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1954
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- - pos: 13.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1955
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- - pos: 11.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3001
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- - pos: 1.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3063
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -44.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3064
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -44.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3065
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -44.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3066
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -44.5,3.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 3147
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,2.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 3148
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,2.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 4816
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,22.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 7073
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- - pos: -42.5,-10.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8324
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- - pos: 10.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12494
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12495
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,38.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12496
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,38.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12497
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
- entities:
- - uid: 7260
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,-9.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 7261
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- - pos: 44.5,-9.5
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- - uid: 7262
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- - pos: 45.5,-9.5
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- - uid: 7263
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- - pos: 43.5,-11.5
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- - uid: 7264
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- - pos: 44.5,-11.5
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- - uid: 7265
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- - pos: 45.5,-11.5
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- - uid: 7266
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- - pos: 43.5,-13.5
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- - uid: 7267
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- - pos: 44.5,-13.5
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- - uid: 7268
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- - pos: 45.5,-13.5
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- - uid: 7269
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- - pos: 43.5,-17.5
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- - uid: 7270
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- - pos: 44.5,-17.5
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- - uid: 7271
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- - pos: 45.5,-17.5
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- - uid: 7272
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- - pos: 34.5,-22.5
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- - uid: 7273
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- - pos: 34.5,-23.5
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- - uid: 7274
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- - pos: 35.5,-22.5
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- - uid: 7275
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- - pos: 35.5,-23.5
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- - uid: 7276
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- - pos: 36.5,-22.5
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- - uid: 7277
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- - pos: 36.5,-23.5
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-- proto: AtmosFixNitrogenMarker
- entities:
- - uid: 7251
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- - pos: 43.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7252
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- - pos: 44.5,-5.5
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- - uid: 7253
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- - pos: 45.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: AtmosFixOxygenMarker
- entities:
- - uid: 7254
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- - pos: 43.5,-7.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 7255
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- - pos: 44.5,-7.5
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- - uid: 7256
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- - pos: 45.5,-7.5
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-- proto: AtmosFixPlasmaMarker
- entities:
- - uid: 7257
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- - pos: 43.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7258
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- - pos: 44.5,-15.5
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- - uid: 7259
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- - pos: 45.5,-15.5
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- - uid: 12339
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- - pos: -0.5,65.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: Autolathe
- entities:
- - uid: 1024
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- - pos: 17.5,-3.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1878
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- - pos: 13.5,-20.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 3808
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- - pos: -8.5,-0.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: BananaPhoneInstrument
- entities:
- - uid: 12404
- components:
- - pos: -9.729915,-30.052383
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- type: Transform
-- proto: BananaSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 5467
- components:
- - pos: 31.256155,27.175816
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-- proto: BannerNanotrasen
- entities:
- - uid: 4059
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- - pos: -9.5,31.5
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-- proto: BannerSecurity
- entities:
- - uid: 5303
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- - pos: 9.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: Barricade
- entities:
- - uid: 8278
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- - pos: -25.5,-20.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: BarSign
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- - uid: 60
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- - pos: -0.5,4.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: BassGuitarInstrument
- entities:
- - uid: 12290
- components:
- - pos: -27.503199,41.532513
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Beaker
- entities:
- - uid: 6085
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- - pos: -27.912727,-5.4184704
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6086
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- - pos: -27.662727,-5.1840954
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Bed
- entities:
- - uid: 1805
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- - pos: 25.5,12.5
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- - uid: 1806
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- - pos: 27.5,16.5
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- - uid: 1810
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- - pos: 25.5,24.5
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- - uid: 1818
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- - pos: 25.5,28.5
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- - uid: 1851
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- - pos: -20.5,-3.5
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- - uid: 3482
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- - pos: -31.5,13.5
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- - uid: 4098
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- - pos: 3.5,31.5
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- - uid: 4962
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- - pos: -5.5,19.5
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- - uid: 5361
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- - pos: 28.5,5.5
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- - uid: 5438
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- - pos: 17.5,5.5
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- - uid: 5439
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- - pos: 14.5,5.5
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- - uid: 5440
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- - pos: 11.5,5.5
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- - uid: 5663
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- - pos: 16.5,-15.5
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- - uid: 7442
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- - pos: 4.5,-17.5
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- - uid: 7714
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- - pos: -5.5,-29.5
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- - uid: 7715
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- - pos: -1.5,-29.5
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- - uid: 8261
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- - pos: -17.5,-53.5
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- - uid: 9017
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- - pos: -38.5,-10.5
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- - uid: 9620
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- - pos: 15.5,27.5
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- - uid: 12405
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- - pos: -10.5,-28.5
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- - uid: 12406
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- - pos: -10.5,-31.5
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- - uid: 12407
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- - pos: -13.5,-30.5
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-- proto: BedsheetCaptain
- entities:
- - uid: 4099
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- - pos: 3.5,31.5
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-- proto: BedsheetCE
- entities:
- - uid: 5662
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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-- proto: BedsheetClown
- entities:
- - uid: 12410
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- - pos: -10.5,-31.5
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-- proto: BedsheetCMO
- entities:
- - uid: 1861
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,16.5
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- entities:
- - uid: 8262
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,-53.5
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- - uid: 12408
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- - pos: -13.5,-30.5
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- - uid: 3481
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,13.5
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- entities:
- - uid: 5619
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- - pos: -10.5,18.5
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- - uid: 5620
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- - pos: -5.5,19.5
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-- proto: BedsheetHOS
- entities:
- - uid: 5373
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- - pos: 25.5,12.5
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-- proto: BedsheetMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 5621
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -18.5,5.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5622
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -15.5,5.5
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-- proto: BedsheetMime
- entities:
- - uid: 12409
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- - pos: -10.5,-28.5
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-- proto: BedsheetOrange
- entities:
- - uid: 5441
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- - pos: 14.5,5.5
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- - uid: 5442
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- - pos: 11.5,5.5
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- - uid: 5443
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- - pos: 17.5,5.5
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-- proto: BedsheetQM
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- - uid: 7441
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,-17.5
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-- proto: BedsheetRD
- entities:
- - uid: 1850
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,-3.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: BedsheetRed
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- - pos: 27.5,16.5
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- - uid: 5362
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- entities:
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- - pos: -5.5,-29.5
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- - pos: -1.5,-29.5
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- - uid: 9018
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- - pos: -38.5,-10.5
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- type: Transform
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,28.5
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,24.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9621
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Bible
- entities:
- - uid: 7547
- components:
- - pos: -31.507103,14.620898
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: BiomassReclaimer
- entities:
- - uid: 1921
- components:
- - pos: -22.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: BlastDoor
- entities:
- - uid: 3218
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- - pos: 34.5,11.5
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- type: Transform
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- - 5389
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- - 6337
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- - uid: 3561
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- - pos: -35.5,25.5
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- - links:
- - 1978
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- - pos: 35.5,-24.5
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- - uid: 7432
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- - pos: 10.5,-28.5
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- - 7436
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- - uid: 7433
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- - pos: 10.5,-31.5
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- - 7436
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- - uid: 7434
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- - pos: 14.5,-31.5
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- - 7437
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- - uid: 7435
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- - pos: 14.5,-28.5
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- - links:
- - 7437
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- entities:
- - uid: 4064
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- - pos: 5.5,32.5
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- type: Transform
- - links:
- - 4100
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- - 4100
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- - uid: 4066
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- - pos: 3.5,32.5
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- - links:
- - 4100
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-- proto: BlockGameArcade
- entities:
- - uid: 4945
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Bloodpack
- entities:
- - uid: 9642
- components:
- - pos: -26.340826,24.655668
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9643
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- - pos: -26.622076,24.452543
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: BodyBag_Container
- entities:
- - uid: 8242
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- - pos: -23.819975,23.448257
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 75.31249
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
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- entities:
- - uid: 5577
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- - pos: -37.35744,-3.616012
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- - uid: 5578
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- - pos: -37.623066,-3.397262
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- - uid: 5579
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- - pos: -37.41994,-3.100387
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- - uid: 5580
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- - pos: -37.421623,-3.3253686
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- entities:
- - uid: 1262
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- - pos: -40.5,-3.5
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- - uid: 1271
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- - pos: -40.5,-2.5
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- - uid: 1287
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- - pos: -41.5,-3.5
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- - uid: 1952
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- - pos: -39.5,-3.5
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- - uid: 1961
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- - pos: -41.5,-2.5
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- - uid: 1962
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- - pos: -39.5,-2.5
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- - uid: 2785
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- - pos: -18.5,-48.5
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- - uid: 2802
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- - pos: -17.5,-48.5
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- - uid: 4858
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- - pos: -39.5,-0.5
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- - uid: 4862
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- - pos: -40.5,-0.5
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- - uid: 4870
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- - pos: -41.5,-0.5
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- - uid: 4879
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- - pos: -38.5,-0.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: BoozeDispenser
- entities:
- - uid: 5950
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,5.5
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- - uid: 8270
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- - pos: -14.5,-48.5
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- - uid: 8292
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- - pos: -31.5,-12.5
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-- proto: BorgCharger
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- - uid: 658
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- - pos: -4.5,-12.5
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- - uid: 659
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- - pos: -4.5,-11.5
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- - pos: -10.486181,15.653046
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- - pos: 38.515625,12.538095
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- - uid: 3988
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- - uid: 3989
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- - uid: 3993
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- - uid: 6055
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- - pos: -16.543133,-2.3470023
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- - uid: 6056
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- - pos: -4.5636053,19.549007
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- - uid: 5421
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- - pos: 36.5625,13.600595
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- - pos: 37.5,16.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8418
- components:
- - pos: 36.5,16.5
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- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 8419
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- - pos: 36.5,17.5
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- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 8420
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- - pos: 36.5,18.5
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- - uid: 8421
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- - pos: 36.5,19.5
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- - enabled: True
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- - uid: 8422
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- - pos: 36.5,20.5
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- - uid: 8423
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- - pos: 36.5,21.5
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- - uid: 8424
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- - pos: 36.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8425
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- - pos: 36.5,23.5
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- type: AmbientSound
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- - pos: 36.5,24.5
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- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 8427
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- - pos: 36.5,25.5
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- - uid: 8428
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- - pos: 36.5,26.5
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- - pos: 36.5,27.5
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- - uid: 8430
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- - pos: 36.5,28.5
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- - uid: 8431
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- - pos: 36.5,29.5
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- - uid: 8432
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- - pos: 36.5,30.5
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- - enabled: True
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- - pos: 36.5,31.5
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- - uid: 8434
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- - pos: 36.5,32.5
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- - uid: 8435
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- - pos: 35.5,32.5
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- - uid: 8436
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- - pos: 34.5,32.5
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- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 9185
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- - pos: -24.5,29.5
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- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 9186
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- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 9187
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- - pos: -25.5,28.5
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- - enabled: True
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- - uid: 9188
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- - pos: -25.5,27.5
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- - uid: 9189
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- - pos: -26.5,28.5
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- - uid: 9190
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- - uid: 9191
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- - pos: -27.5,27.5
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- - uid: 9192
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- - pos: -28.5,27.5
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- - enabled: True
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- - uid: 9193
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- - pos: -28.5,26.5
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- - pos: -28.5,25.5
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- - pos: -28.5,23.5
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- - pos: -33.5,-14.5
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-- proto: CableMVStack
- entities:
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- components:
- - pos: -2.5254679,44.593964
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7642
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-- proto: CableTerminal
- entities:
- - uid: 1130
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,-13.5
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: 24.5,-13.5
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- - pos: 25.5,-13.5
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- - pos: -27.5,30.5
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- - pos: -0.5,46.5
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- - uid: 7558
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -41.5,22.5
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-- proto: CannabisSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 5466
- components:
- - pos: 30.131155,27.66019
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: CaptainIDCard
- entities:
- - uid: 4981
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- - pos: 4.562398,31.612326
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: CarbonDioxideCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 6323
- components:
- - pos: -19.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6809
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Carpet
- entities:
- - uid: 5022
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- - pos: 2.5,10.5
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- - uid: 5024
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- - pos: 1.5,10.5
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- components:
- - pos: 0.5,10.5
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- - pos: 0.5,9.5
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- - pos: 1.5,9.5
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- - uid: 5029
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,9.5
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- type: Transform
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,11.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5044
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5045
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5623
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,14.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5624
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,13.5
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- - uid: 5625
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- pos: 27.5,14.5
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- pos: 27.5,13.5
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- pos: 28.5,14.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5628
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,13.5
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- - uid: 5629
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,12.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5630
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,12.5
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- - uid: 5631
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- pos: 25.5,13.5
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- - uid: 5632
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5633
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5634
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,12.5
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- - uid: 5635
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,16.5
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- - uid: 5636
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,17.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5637
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- pos: 28.5,16.5
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- pos: 28.5,17.5
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- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,6.5
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- type: Transform
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- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,5.5
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,6.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12441
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,5.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: CarpetBlack
- entities:
- - uid: 2010
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2011
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2012
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2013
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2014
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2015
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2016
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2017
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -33.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2018
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -32.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: CarpetBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 5645
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -5.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5646
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -5.5,20.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5647
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -4.5,19.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5648
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -4.5,20.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5649
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -18.5,16.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5650
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -18.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5651
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -19.5,16.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5652
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -19.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5653
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -21.5,-2.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5654
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -21.5,-2.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5655
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -21.5,-3.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5656
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -20.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5657
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -20.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: CarpetGreen
- entities:
- - uid: 3833
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,10.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5023
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,10.5
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- - uid: 5025
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,11.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9019
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- - pos: -37.5,-2.5
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- - uid: 9020
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- - pos: -37.5,-3.5
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- - uid: 9021
- components:
- - pos: -40.5,-6.5
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- - uid: 9022
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- - pos: -40.5,-5.5
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- - uid: 9023
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- - pos: -36.5,-2.5
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- - uid: 9024
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- - pos: -36.5,-3.5
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- - uid: 9025
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- - pos: -38.5,-5.5
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- - uid: 9026
- components:
- - pos: -38.5,-4.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9027
- components:
- - pos: -38.5,-6.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9028
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- - pos: -37.5,-5.5
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- - uid: 9029
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- - pos: -36.5,-5.5
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- - uid: 9030
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- - pos: -39.5,-7.5
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- - uid: 9031
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- - pos: -38.5,-7.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9032
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- - pos: -37.5,-4.5
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- - uid: 9033
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- - pos: -36.5,-4.5
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- - uid: 9034
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- - pos: -39.5,-6.5
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- - uid: 9035
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- - pos: -40.5,-7.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9036
- components:
- - pos: -39.5,-4.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9037
- components:
- - pos: -39.5,-5.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9038
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- - pos: -40.5,-4.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9039
- components:
- - pos: -41.5,-4.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9040
- components:
- - pos: -41.5,-5.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9041
- components:
- - pos: -41.5,-6.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9042
- components:
- - pos: -41.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: CarpetOrange
- entities:
- - uid: 5658
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5659
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,-15.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5660
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 17.5,-14.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5661
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12419
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- - pos: 4.5,-17.5
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- - uid: 12420
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- - pos: 4.5,-16.5
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- - uid: 12421
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- - pos: 5.5,-17.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12422
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,-16.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: CarpetPurple
- entities:
- - uid: 5018
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5019
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,10.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5020
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: CarpetSBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 5639
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,30.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5640
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,31.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5641
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,31.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5642
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- pos: 5.5,31.5
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- - uid: 5643
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- pos: 4.5,30.5
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- - uid: 5644
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Catwalk
- entities:
- - uid: 1100
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- - pos: 22.5,-15.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1106
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- - pos: 22.5,-14.5
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- - pos: 22.5,-13.5
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- - pos: 24.5,-15.5
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- - pos: 25.5,-15.5
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- - pos: 26.5,-14.5
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- - pos: 26.5,-13.5
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- - pos: 27.5,-7.5
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- - pos: -31.5,-28.5
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- - pos: -31.5,-29.5
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- - uid: 2455
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- - pos: -31.5,-30.5
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- - pos: -31.5,-32.5
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- - pos: -31.5,-33.5
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- - pos: -31.5,-34.5
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- - pos: -32.5,-29.5
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- - pos: -33.5,-29.5
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- pos: 36.5,18.5
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- type: Transform
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- - uid: 9753
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-- proto: Cautery
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-- proto: Chair
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 41.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4852
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 42.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4853
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 43.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4854
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 44.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4910
- components:
- - pos: 46.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5538
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5539
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5540
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5541
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5542
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5543
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5544
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5545
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5546
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5549
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 35.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5550
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5559
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5572
- components:
- - pos: -39.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7501
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7502
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7503
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7505
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7506
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7510
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7511
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -24.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7512
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7513
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7514
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7515
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7516
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7517
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7518
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7519
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7520
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7521
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7522
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7523
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8892
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8895
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8898
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -24.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8899
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -27.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9141
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9165
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9232
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9234
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9235
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9236
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9237
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- - pos: 27.5,35.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9238
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,35.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9239
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,35.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9316
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9361
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9362
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9367
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9383
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9528
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9529
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9540
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9701
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -35.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9705
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9706
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9712
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ChairCursed
- entities:
- - uid: 8763
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -41.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ChairFolding
- entities:
- - uid: 1812
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1813
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3449
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -37.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3450
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -37.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3451
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -37.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3452
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -37.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3453
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -36.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3454
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -36.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3455
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -36.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3456
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -36.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3457
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -32.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3458
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -32.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3459
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -32.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3460
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -32.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3461
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -31.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3462
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -31.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3463
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -31.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3464
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -31.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3465
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -31.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3466
- components:
- - pos: -34.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5570
- components:
- - pos: -40.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5571
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8803
- components:
- - pos: -38.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8804
- components:
- - pos: -37.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8810
- components:
- - pos: -42.5,-16.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8811
- components:
- - pos: -43.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8812
- components:
- - pos: -42.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8813
- components:
- - pos: -41.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8814
- components:
- - pos: -40.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8893
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -15.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8896
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8897
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -33.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9142
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9166
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 42.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9360
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- components:
- - pos: 37.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- components:
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- pos: -28.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9708
- components:
- - pos: -22.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ChairFoldingSpawnFolded
- entities:
- - uid: 8801
- components:
- - pos: -40.497337,-24.45458
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8802
- components:
- - pos: -40.481712,-24.251455
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ChairOfficeDark
- entities:
- - uid: 778
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 779
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1710
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -21.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -12.5,-50.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3914
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -9.5,51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3915
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -9.5,53.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3916
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -6.5,55.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3917
- components:
- - pos: -4.5,49.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4053
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4054
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4055
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4056
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4057
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4058
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4078
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4079
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4080
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -4.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4081
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -5.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4082
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4083
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4096
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4902
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 40.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4903
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 41.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 44.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4905
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4912
- components:
- - pos: 39.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4966
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5332
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5364
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5367
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5375
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5574
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -39.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5575
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -36.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5673
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5674
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6394
- components:
- - pos: -9.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6786
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7397
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7398
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7399
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8013
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8894
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9317
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9385
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9633
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11749
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- components:
- - pos: -6.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12455
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ChairOfficeLight
- entities:
- - uid: 1874
- components:
- - pos: -19.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5608
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -12.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5609
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -9.5,13.5
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- type: Transform
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -8.5,6.5
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: -12.5,13.5
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- type: Transform
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9152
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9162
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- - pos: 22.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9366
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9702
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -32.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9704
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -24.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ChairRitual
- entities:
- - uid: 8761
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -42.5,-23.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8762
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- - pos: -41.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ChairWood
- entities:
- - uid: 2031
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2787
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 5033
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- - pos: -1.5,11.5
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- - uid: 5034
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 5037
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- - pos: 0.5,11.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5038
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- - pos: 1.5,11.5
- parent: 1
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- - uid: 5046
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,9.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5047
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,9.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5048
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- - pos: 2.5,11.5
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- - uid: 5576
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8301
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- - pos: -35.5,-15.5
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- - uid: 8302
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8304
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
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-- proto: ChemDispenser
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-- proto: ChemistryHotplate
- entities:
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- - pos: -11.5,13.5
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- entities:
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-- proto: CigarGoldCase
- entities:
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- - pos: -23.5,-28.5
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- - 6.568249
- - 0
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- entities:
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: 46.5,3.5
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- - pos: 42.5,4.5
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: -20.5,-16.5
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- - pos: 5.5,-27.5
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- - pos: -39.5,13.5
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- - pos: -39.5,4.5
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- - pos: -34.5,-1.5
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- - pos: -14.628023,27.492704
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskFlameBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 9327
- components:
- - pos: -14.268648,27.648954
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskPainted
- entities:
- - uid: 9718
- components:
- - pos: -23.488003,26.56069
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatWitch1
- entities:
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- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8280
- components:
- - pos: -24.502247,-20.155039
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingMaskClown
- entities:
- - uid: 7790
- components:
- - pos: -9.354882,-29.035347
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingMaskGasCentcom
- entities:
- - uid: 9014
- components:
- - pos: -22.500423,-8.478397
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingMaskGasSecurity
- entities:
- - uid: 9321
- components:
- - pos: 12.497511,21.52373
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingMaskSterile
- entities:
- - uid: 5349
- components:
- - pos: 23.509787,5.6575975
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9645
- components:
- - pos: -25.575201,24.655668
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingNeckMantleCap
- entities:
- - uid: 6397
- components:
- - pos: 4.585783,31.487268
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingNeckMantleCE
- entities:
- - uid: 5675
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- - pos: 18.495747,-13.358288
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingNeckMantleCMO
- entities:
- - uid: 1869
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- - pos: -20.496048,14.567978
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingNeckMantleHOP
- entities:
- - uid: 5927
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 4965
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingNeckMantleRD
- entities:
- - uid: 1877
- components:
- - pos: -22.452333,-1.4018333
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingNeckScarfStripedBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 5883
- components:
- - pos: -20.521955,5.5536256
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingNeckStethoscope
- entities:
- - uid: 5889
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- - pos: -14.496586,5.5848756
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingNeckTieRed
- entities:
- - uid: 12534
- components:
- - pos: -21.717651,-29.127533
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingOuterCoatBomber
- entities:
- - uid: 7807
- components:
- - pos: -3.4980807,-28.439547
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingOuterCoatInspector
- entities:
- - uid: 12524
- components:
- - pos: -21.321499,-29.42984
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingOuterCoatJensen
- entities:
- - uid: 9322
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- - pos: -24.505365,-15.407537
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingOuterCoatPirate
- entities:
- - uid: 9487
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- - pos: 14.396911,32.515858
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9488
- components:
- - pos: 14.615661,32.578358
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingOuterRobesCult
- entities:
- - uid: 8799
- components:
- - pos: -39.591087,-24.532705
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8800
- components:
- - pos: -39.356712,-24.532705
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingOuterWinterCap
- entities:
- - uid: 5926
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 4090
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingOuterWinterCE
- entities:
- - uid: 5670
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 5669
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingOuterWinterCMO
- entities:
- - uid: 1868
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 1867
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingOuterWinterHoP
- entities:
- - uid: 5928
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 4965
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingOuterWinterHoS
- entities:
- - uid: 12478
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 5374
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingOuterWinterQM
- entities:
- - uid: 7444
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 7443
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
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-- proto: ClothingOuterWinterRD
- entities:
- - uid: 12418
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 1845
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- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingShoesBootsCombat
- entities:
- - uid: 8275
- components:
- - desc: Robust pilot's boots for combat scenarios or combat situations. All combat, all the time.
- name: pilot's boots
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -19.507818,-48.36427
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingShoesBootsJack
- entities:
- - uid: 9320
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- - pos: 14.338758,21.725782
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- - pos: 14.573133,21.522657
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- entities:
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- - pos: 39.41031,21.404913
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- - uid: 4928
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- - pos: 39.613434,21.529913
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- - uid: 7137
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- - pos: 31.59061,-16.652718
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-- proto: ClothingUniformColorRainbow
- entities:
- - uid: 8279
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- - pos: -24.486622,-20.530039
- parent: 1
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-- proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtOperative
- entities:
- - uid: 9622
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- - pos: 15.393528,25.548008
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-- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitOperative
- entities:
- - uid: 9623
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- - pos: 15.721653,25.376133
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitPirate
- entities:
- - uid: 9491
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- - pos: 14.350036,33.375233
- parent: 1
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- - uid: 9492
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- - pos: 14.662536,33.531483
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- type: Transform
-- proto: ClownRecorder
- entities:
- - uid: 8274
- components:
- - pos: -9.689836,-28.97975
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComfyChair
- entities:
- - uid: 1711
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1873
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -19.5,13.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1876
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- - pos: -21.5,-0.5
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- - uid: 2866
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- - pos: -15.5,-53.5
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- - uid: 2867
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- - pos: -13.5,-53.5
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- - uid: 4304
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- - pos: -9.5,30.5
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- - uid: 4911
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- - pos: 42.5,34.5
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- - uid: 5039
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,10.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5053
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,25.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5054
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,25.5
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- - uid: 5377
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,13.5
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- - uid: 5573
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 5953
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,5.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 7712
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,-29.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8232
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -3.5,-29.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerAnalysisConsole
- entities:
- - uid: 6123
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerCargoBounty
- entities:
- - uid: 7247
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerCargoOrders
- entities:
- - uid: 4919
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7395
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerCargoShuttle
- entities:
- - uid: 4918
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerComms
- entities:
- - uid: 4076
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- - pos: -1.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4097
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring
- entities:
- - uid: 1888
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -8.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4074
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- - pos: -4.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerCriminalRecords
- entities:
- - uid: 776
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- - pos: 14.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5366
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- - pos: 25.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5370
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- - pos: 28.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerFrame
- entities:
- - uid: 2685
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -4.5,48.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2752
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- - pos: -6.5,56.5
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- - uid: 2757
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,51.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2765
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,53.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5904
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,6.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerId
- entities:
- - uid: 4070
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- - pos: -2.5,32.5
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- - uid: 4955
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,19.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerMedicalRecords
- entities:
- - uid: 1871
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerPowerMonitoring
- entities:
- - uid: 4072
- components:
- - pos: -5.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5415
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,-13.5
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- - uid: 5668
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerRadar
- entities:
- - uid: 7282
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerResearchAndDevelopment
- entities:
- - uid: 3805
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5365
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -22.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerSalvageExpedition
- entities:
- - uid: 5667
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerShuttleCargo
- entities:
- - uid: 1723
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerSolarControl
- entities:
- - uid: 2557
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -24.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2931
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,-51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4807
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -31.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6760
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerStationRecords
- entities:
- - uid: 774
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4073
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,31.5
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- - uid: 4959
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,19.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5360
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor
- entities:
- - uid: 777
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3794
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- - pos: 1.5,55.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4071
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- - pos: 1.5,31.5
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- - uid: 5313
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,8.5
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- - uid: 5363
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,6.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5369
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- - pos: 26.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerTechnologyDiskTerminal
- entities:
- - uid: 3822
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ConveyorBelt
- entities:
- - uid: 1730
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- - pos: 10.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- - 7429
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- - uid: 1731
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- - pos: 10.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - links:
- - 7429
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- - uid: 1732
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- - pos: 10.5,-29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- - 7429
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- - uid: 1733
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- - pos: 10.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - links:
- - 7429
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- - uid: 1734
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- - pos: 10.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - links:
- - 7429
- type: DeviceLinkSink
- - uid: 1735
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- - pos: 14.5,-31.5
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- - links:
- - 7430
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- - uid: 1736
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- - pos: 14.5,-30.5
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- type: Transform
- - links:
- - 7430
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- - uid: 1737
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- - pos: 14.5,-29.5
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- type: Transform
- - links:
- - 7430
- type: DeviceLinkSink
- - uid: 1738
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- - pos: 14.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - links:
- - 7430
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- - uid: 1739
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- - pos: 14.5,-27.5
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- - links:
- - 7430
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- - uid: 1740
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - links:
- - 7431
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- - uid: 1741
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - links:
- - 7431
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- - uid: 1742
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - links:
- - 7431
- type: DeviceLinkSink
- - uid: 3563
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - links:
- - 9199
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- - uid: 3564
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,25.5
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- type: Transform
- - links:
- - 9199
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- - uid: 3565
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,25.5
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- type: Transform
- - links:
- - 9199
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- - uid: 3566
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - 9199
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- - uid: 3567
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- - links:
- - 9199
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- - uid: 3568
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -33.5,23.5
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- - 9199
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- - uid: 3569
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- - links:
- - 9199
- type: DeviceLinkSink
-- proto: CowToolboxFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 12285
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- - pos: 47.516796,-12.569088
- parent: 1
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- entities:
- - uid: 3823
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- - pos: -14.5,-18.5
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- - pos: -15.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
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- entities:
- - uid: 1529
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- - pos: 21.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
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- - pos: 16.5,-26.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 7428
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- - pos: 17.5,-27.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9365
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- - pos: 21.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9374
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- - pos: 17.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9548
- components:
- - pos: 36.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEJar
- entities:
- - uid: 6773
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEShielding
- entities:
- - uid: 6774
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- occludes: True
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- - 6775
- - 6776
- - 6777
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- ent: null
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- entities:
- - uid: 1136
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- - pos: 18.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2524
- components:
- - pos: -29.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
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-- proto: CrateEngineeringCableHV
- entities:
- - uid: 2556
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- - pos: -26.5,29.5
- parent: 1
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- entities:
- - uid: 1512
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7285
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- - pos: 20.5,-27.5
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- - uid: 7296
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- - pos: 22.5,-26.5
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- - pos: -23.5,-24.5
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- - uid: 8824
- components:
- - pos: -25.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9245
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- - pos: 28.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9685
- components:
- - pos: -20.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateFreezer
- entities:
- - uid: 5911
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,1.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateHydroponicsSeedsExotic
- entities:
- - uid: 6008
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,-4.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateMedicalSurgery
- entities:
- - uid: 5520
- components:
- - pos: -22.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateNPCCow
- entities:
- - uid: 5971
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,3.5
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- type: Transform
- - open: True
- removedMasks: 28
- type: EntityStorage
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- - Impassable
- - MidImpassable
- - HighImpassable
- - LowImpassable
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- - BulletImpassable
- - Opaque
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- type: Fixtures
- - isPlaceable: True
- type: PlaceableSurface
-- proto: CrateNPCHamlet
- entities:
- - uid: 7180
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,30.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateSecurityRiot
- entities:
- - uid: 8344
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- - pos: 23.5,14.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateServiceJanitorialSupplies
- entities:
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- - pos: 12.5,-2.5
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- entities:
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- - pos: -9.510162,-31.109522
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- - pos: -13.70612,-29.090147
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- components:
- - pos: -13.596745,-29.121397
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-- proto: Crematorium
- entities:
- - uid: 3477
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: CrewMonitoringServer
- entities:
- - uid: 3773
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- - pos: 1.5,49.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: CrewMonitoringServerMachineCircuitboard
- entities:
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- - pos: -2.4571166,54.52544
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- type: Transform
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- entities:
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- entities:
- - uid: 8760
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- - pos: -41.5,-23.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: d20Dice
- entities:
- - uid: 5591
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- - pos: -39.55801,-5.7503414
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- type: Transform
-- proto: d8Dice
- entities:
- - uid: 5592
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- - pos: -40.636135,-6.3128414
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- type: Transform
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- entities:
- - uid: 7803
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- - pos: -11.479882,-31.566597
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- entities:
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- - pos: 35.5,4.5
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- - pos: -19.5,4.5
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- - uid: 12559
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
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-- proto: DeployableBarrier
- entities:
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- pos: 22.5,12.5
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- type: Transform
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- pos: 23.5,12.5
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: -8.312405,12.452121
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-- proto: DiceBag
- entities:
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- - pos: -40.011135,-5.1565914
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DiseaseDiagnoser
- entities:
- - uid: 5689
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- - pos: -15.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- entities:
- - uid: 2941
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- type: Transform
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- type: Transform
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- - uid: 10029
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- - uid: 10030
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- - uid: 10032
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- - pos: 5.5,-22.5
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- - uid: 10033
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- - uid: 10034
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- - uid: 10067
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- - pos: 8.5,15.5
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- - uid: 10068
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- - uid: 12599
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- - uid: 12600
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- - uid: 12601
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- - uid: 12602
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- - uid: 12603
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- type: Transform
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -37.5,-13.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12605
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - pos: -30.5,-17.5
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-- proto: DisposalJunction
- entities:
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- pos: 2.5,24.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 6130
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- - pos: -5.5,9.5
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: 45.5,13.5
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- type: Transform
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10059
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10061
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- - uid: 10063
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10088
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10089
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12465
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,-7.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12560
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,2.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: DisposalJunctionFlipped
- entities:
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- - pos: -5.5,8.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 7179
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,-5.5
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- type: Transform
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -28.5,4.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9896
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9897
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -5.5,-5.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9907
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-8.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9910
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- - pos: 8.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9990
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10060
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10062
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DisposalPipe
- entities:
- - uid: 2203
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -30.5,-18.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2252
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- - uid: 2958
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- pos: -16.5,-43.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2959
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- pos: -16.5,-42.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2960
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- - uid: 2961
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- - uid: 2962
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- - uid: 2963
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- - uid: 2964
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2965
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- pos: -16.5,-36.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2966
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2967
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- type: Transform
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10052
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10064
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10069
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10070
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- pos: -3.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10071
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10072
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- - uid: 10073
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- type: Transform
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10075
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10076
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10077
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10078
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10079
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10080
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- - pos: 8.5,14.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10081
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- - pos: -5.5,14.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10082
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- - pos: -5.5,13.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10083
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- - pos: -5.5,12.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10084
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- - pos: -5.5,11.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10085
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- - pos: -5.5,10.5
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- - uid: 10086
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- - pos: 7.5,16.5
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- type: Transform
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12467
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12512
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12513
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,-32.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12514
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-32.5
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- - uid: 12515
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- pos: -18.5,-32.5
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- - uid: 12569
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 12570
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- - uid: 12573
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-19.5
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- - uid: 12574
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- - pos: -37.5,-18.5
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- - uid: 12576
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- - pos: -37.5,-17.5
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- - uid: 12577
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- - pos: -37.5,-16.5
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- - uid: 12578
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- - pos: -37.5,-15.5
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- - uid: 12581
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- - uid: 12582
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12583
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12584
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12585
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- pos: -33.5,-10.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12586
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -33.5,-9.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12587
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12588
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -33.5,-7.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12589
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -33.5,-6.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12590
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -33.5,-5.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12591
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -33.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12592
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -33.5,-3.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12593
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -32.5,-2.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12594
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- pos: -31.5,-2.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12595
- components:
- - pos: -30.5,-1.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12596
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- - pos: -30.5,-0.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12597
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- - pos: -30.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12598
- components:
- - pos: -30.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DisposalTrunk
- entities:
- - uid: 2953
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -16.5,-48.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2975
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- - pos: -26.5,-25.5
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- type: Transform
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- - pos: -6.5,44.5
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,26.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 4044
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6125
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6126
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -12.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6127
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6149
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- - pos: 17.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6163
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- - pos: -0.5,12.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 6175
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7154
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7185
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9834
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9835
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -29.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9858
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -33.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9909
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9985
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9986
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9991
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10054
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10055
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10056
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10057
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10058
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10065
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-12.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 10087
- components:
- - pos: 7.5,17.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12464
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12562
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DisposalUnit
- entities:
- - uid: 1007
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1838
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1892
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,7.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1903
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,11.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1995
- components:
- - pos: -39.5,16.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2952
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,-48.5
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- - pos: -14.5,-3.5
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- - pos: 2.5,23.5
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- - uid: 3825
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- - pos: -13.5,31.5
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- - uid: 3826
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- - pos: -7.5,26.5
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- - uid: 3827
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- - pos: 17.5,10.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 3829
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- - pos: 0.5,3.5
- parent: 1
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- - uid: 3830
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- - pos: -17.5,18.5
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- - uid: 3831
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- - pos: 7.5,17.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 3832
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- - pos: -29.5,4.5
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- - uid: 3834
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- - pos: 38.5,4.5
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- - pos: -5.5,-22.5
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- - pos: 3.5,-12.5
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- - pos: 23.5,1.5
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- - pos: -13.5,-26.5
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- - uid: 3842
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- - pos: 3.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3843
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3844
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,-20.5
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- - uid: 3845
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- - pos: 44.5,13.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 3846
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,35.5
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- - pos: -6.5,44.5
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- - pos: 46.5,25.5
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: -0.5,12.5
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- - pos: -14.5,-16.5
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- - pos: 21.5,-3.5
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- type: Transform
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- components:
- - pos: -32.5,-15.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: DisposalYJunction
- entities:
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- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -28.5,2.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: DogBed
- entities:
- - uid: 4960
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,19.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 4971
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,29.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: Drill
- entities:
- - uid: 9639
- components:
- - pos: -26.392878,20.608793
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DrinkBottleWine
- entities:
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- components:
- - pos: -33.460228,11.714648
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DrinkChangelingStingCan
- entities:
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- - pos: -11.69306,-33.29647
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DrinkDetFlask
- entities:
- - uid: 12525
- components:
- - pos: -21.680874,-28.320465
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DrinkGlass
- entities:
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- components:
- - pos: 0.57151127,7.5559425
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5977
- components:
- - pos: 0.22776127,7.7278175
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5978
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- type: Transform
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- - uid: 8269
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- - pos: -15.056568,-48.478172
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- components:
- - pos: -29.313759,-12.206892
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8310
- components:
- - pos: -29.454384,-12.456892
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DrinkGlassCoupeShaped
- entities:
- - uid: 5979
- components:
- - pos: 1.8058863,7.6653175
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7544
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 7545
- components:
- - pos: -34.319603,11.730273
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DrinkGoldenCup
- entities:
- - uid: 4129
- components:
- - pos: -1.434155,24.205725
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DrinkMilkCarton
- entities:
- - uid: 6014
- components:
- - pos: 0.5749459,1.7185974
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- entities:
- - uid: 4913
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- - pos: 40.67775,25.53639
- parent: 1
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- entities:
- - uid: 4915
- components:
- - pos: 40.318375,25.458265
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DrinkMugRed
- entities:
- - uid: 4914
- components:
- - pos: 40.380875,25.75514
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DrinkShaker
- entities:
- - uid: 5975
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- - pos: 1.0246363,7.6965675
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- components:
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8276
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- - pos: -14.415943,-53.165672
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8308
- components:
- - pos: -29.766884,-12.316267
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: DrinkVacuumFlask
- entities:
- - uid: 12354
- components:
- - pos: 5.53118,46.361736
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - solutions:
- drink:
- temperature: 293.15
- canMix: False
- canReact: True
- maxVol: 30
- reagents:
- - Quantity: 30
- ReagentId: LongIslandIcedTea
- type: SolutionContainerManager
-- proto: DrinkWhiskeyBottleFull
- entities:
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- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 5356
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: Dropper
- entities:
- - uid: 6088
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- - pos: -28.506477,-7.2309704
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- components:
- - pos: -28.412727,-7.5278454
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ElectricGuitarInstrument
- entities:
- - uid: 7804
- components:
- - pos: -13.014593,-31.488472
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: EmergencyLight
- entities:
- - uid: 5524
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -11.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
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- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- - uid: 5525
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,27.5
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- type: Transform
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- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- - uid: 5526
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
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- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 5527
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,23.5
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- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
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- - uid: 5528
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,16.5
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- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
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- - uid: 5529
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,14.5
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- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
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- - uid: 5530
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
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- - uid: 5531
- components:
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- pos: 29.5,8.5
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- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
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- - uid: 5532
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- - enabled: True
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- - uid: 5533
- components:
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- pos: 30.5,24.5
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- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
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- - uid: 5534
- components:
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- pos: 9.5,7.5
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- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 6606
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 6607
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12362
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12363
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 35.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12364
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12365
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 11.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12366
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12367
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12369
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12370
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12371
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12372
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12373
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12374
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12375
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12376
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -5.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12377
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12378
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12379
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -12.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12380
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12381
- components:
- - pos: -21.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12382
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -24.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12383
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -18.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12384
- components:
- - pos: -30.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12385
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -37.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12386
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12387
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12388
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -27.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12389
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12390
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12391
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -10.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12392
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12393
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12394
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12395
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12396
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12397
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12398
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12399
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12400
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,53.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12401
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
- - uid: 12454
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: PointLight
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - type: ActiveEmergencyLight
-- proto: EmergencyMedipen
- entities:
- - uid: 1925
- components:
- - pos: -22.134233,11.75826
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7681
- components:
- - pos: -22.212358,11.492635
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: EmergencyRollerBed
- entities:
- - uid: 5862
- components:
- - pos: -14.510358,11.588304
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5863
- components:
- - pos: -13.494733,11.588304
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: EncryptionKeyCargo
- entities:
- - uid: 3778
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 3777
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
-- proto: EncryptionKeyCommand
- entities:
- - uid: 3780
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 3779
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
-- proto: EncryptionKeyCommon
- entities:
- - uid: 3783
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 3782
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
-- proto: EncryptionKeyEngineering
- entities:
- - uid: 3785
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 3784
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
-- proto: EncryptionKeyMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 3772
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 3771
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
-- proto: EncryptionKeyScience
- entities:
- - uid: 3790
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 3789
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
-- proto: EncryptionKeySecurity
- entities:
- - uid: 3793
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 3792
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
-- proto: EncryptionKeyService
- entities:
- - uid: 3770
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 3769
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
-- proto: ExosuitFabricator
- entities:
- - uid: 663
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5490
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5502
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5503
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5505
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5506
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5507
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5509
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5510
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5511
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5512
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5513
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5514
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5515
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,44.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5516
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,50.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5517
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,50.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5518
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,56.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5519
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9279
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9280
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9281
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9282
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9283
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -23.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9284
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9285
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9286
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9287
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9289
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9290
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9291
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9292
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9293
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9294
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9295
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9296
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9297
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9298
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9299
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9300
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9301
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9302
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9303
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9304
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9305
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9306
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11600
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12023
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12402
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12403
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-33.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FaxMachineBase
- entities:
- - uid: 4111
- components:
- - pos: -8.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - name: Bridge
- type: FaxMachine
- - uid: 4968
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - name: HoP Office
- type: FaxMachine
- - uid: 5329
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - name: Security
- type: FaxMachine
- - uid: 5582
- components:
- - pos: -37.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - name: Library
- type: FaxMachine
- - uid: 5882
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - name: Medical
- type: FaxMachine
- - uid: 5974
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - name: Bar
- type: FaxMachine
- - uid: 6027
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - name: Science
- type: FaxMachine
- - uid: 6785
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - name: Engineering
- type: FaxMachine
- - uid: 7242
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - name: Cargo
- type: FaxMachine
- - uid: 9129
- components:
- - pos: 40.5,33.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - name: Courthouse
- type: FaxMachine
-- proto: FaxMachineCaptain
- entities:
- - uid: 4102
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FireAlarm
- entities:
- - uid: 5969
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3200
- - 3201
- - 3202
- - 1766
- - 1765
- - 3209
- - 3208
- - 3206
- - 3207
- - 3203
- - 3204
- - 3205
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11595
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -12.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3197
- - 3194
- - 3198
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11596
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3193
- - 3192
- - 3196
- - 3194
- - 3195
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11597
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3185
- - 3191
- - 3193
- - 3192
- - 3186
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11599
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 5009
- - 5010
- - 5011
- - 3190
- - 3199
- - 3191
- - 3134
- - 3133
- - 46
- - 5004
- - 5003
- - 5002
- - 5000
- - 5001
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11607
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3203
- - 3204
- - 3205
- - 3219
- - 3327
- - 3217
- - 3213
- - 3214
- - 3215
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11610
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3224
- - 3225
- - 3226
- - 3227
- - 3228
- - 3220
- - 3221
- - 3222
- - 3223
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11613
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3134
- - 3133
- - 46
- - 3135
- - 3136
- - 3138
- - 3137
- - 11622
- - 11621
- - 11620
- - 11619
- - 11618
- - 11617
- - 11616
- - 11615
- - 11614
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11624
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3143
- - 3141
- - 3142
- - 3139
- - 3140
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11626
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3145
- - 3146
- - 3143
- - 3142
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11631
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3120
- - 3119
- - 3118
- - 3149
- - 3150
- - 3151
- - 5508
- - 5498
- - 5495
- - 5008
- - 5003
- - 5002
- - 5004
- - 3135
- - 3136
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11633
- components:
- - pos: -18.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3183
- - 3184
- - 3171
- - 3170
- - 3169
- - 3168
- - 3167
- - 3166
- - 3165
- - 3189
- - 3164
- - 3173
- - 3172
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11635
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -22.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11639
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3187
- - 11637
- - 11643
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11640
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -27.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3164
- - 3188
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11641
- components:
- - pos: -8.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3178
- - 3179
- - 3180
- - 3181
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11648
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3151
- - 3150
- - 3149
- - 3155
- - 3156
- - 3157
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11650
- components:
- - pos: -26.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3151
- - 3150
- - 3149
- - 3155
- - 3156
- - 3157
- - 11054
- - 11057
- - 2284
- - 2094
- - 3160
- - 3272
- - 3273
- - 3158
- - 3159
- - 3161
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11652
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3158
- - 3159
- - 3161
- - 11653
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11654
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 2284
- - 2094
- - 3160
- - 3162
- - 3163
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11656
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3273
- - 3272
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11659
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -4.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3115
- - 3116
- - 3117
- - 3104
- - 3103
- - 3102
- - 3096
- - 3097
- - 3100
- - 3101
- - 3118
- - 3119
- - 3120
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11663
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3094
- - 3095
- - 3102
- - 3103
- - 3104
- - 3105
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11665
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -21.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3111
- - 3112
- - 3113
- - 3106
- - 3107
- - 3108
- - 3109
- - 11668
- - 11669
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11671
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -26.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 1979
- - 2283
- - 996
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11673
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3091
- - 3090
- - 3109
- - 3093
- - 3092
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11675
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3117
- - 3116
- - 3115
- - 3145
- - 3121
- - 3122
- - 3123
- - 3266
- - 3265
- - 3264
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11677
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3123
- - 3122
- - 3121
- - 11629
- - 11628
- - 11627
- - 3125
- - 3124
- - 3126
- - 3243
- - 1832
- - 3055
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11679
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3229
- - 3230
- - 3233
- - 3232
- - 11687
- - 11688
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11681
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3231
- - 3232
- - 3233
- - 3241
- - 3242
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11683
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3235
- - 3234
- - 3232
- - 3233
- - 3240
- - 11687
- - 11688
- - 11689
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11685
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3236
- - 3237
- - 1222
- - 11686
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11691
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3129
- - 3128
- - 3127
- - 3498
- - 3499
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11693
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3499
- - 3498
- - 3501
- - 3502
- - 3503
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11695
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 41.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3503
- - 3502
- - 3501
- - 3504
- - 3505
- - 3506
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11696
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3506
- - 3505
- - 3504
- - 3507
- - 4898
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11701
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 11703
- - 11704
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11702
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 42.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 4898
- - 4897
- - 11703
- - 11704
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11706
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3262
- - 3261
- - 3263
- - 3264
- - 3265
- - 3266
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11708
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -8.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3260
- - 3259
- - 3258
- - 3267
- - 3270
- - 3269
- - 3271
- - 3268
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11710
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3584
- - 3585
- - 3586
- - 3587
- - 3263
- - 3262
- - 3261
- - 3260
- - 3259
- - 3258
- - 7083
- - 7084
- - 7085
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11712
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 7086
- - 7083
- - 7084
- - 7085
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11715
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3247
- - 3246
- - 3250
- - 3251
- - 3252
- - 3253
- - 2186
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11716
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 3248
- - 3249
- type: DeviceList
- - uid: 11717
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - devices:
- - 7250
- - 7249
- - 3595
- - 7301
- - 3257
- type: DeviceList
-- proto: FireAxeCabinetFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 4101
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12471
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FireExtinguisher
- entities:
- - uid: 6334
- components:
- - pos: -14.675418,-8.401124
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Firelock
- entities:
- - uid: 3508
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 40.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3509
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 40.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3510
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3511
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3512
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3513
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3514
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3515
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3516
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3517
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3518
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3519
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -11.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3520
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -11.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3521
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3522
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3523
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -21.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3524
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -21.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3525
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3526
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3527
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -29.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3528
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3529
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3530
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -33.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3531
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3532
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -37.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3533
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3534
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3535
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -12.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3536
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -12.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3537
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3538
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3539
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3540
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3541
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12493
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FirelockEdge
- entities:
- - uid: 996
- components:
- - pos: -25.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1222
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1764
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1765
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1766
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1832
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2186
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2864
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -11.5,-48.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3055
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3105
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3114
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3162
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3187
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3188
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -23.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3189
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3197
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3198
- components:
- - pos: -9.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3208
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3209
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3222
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3223
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3224
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3225
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3226
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3227
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3228
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3238
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3240
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3242
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3256
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3257
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3274
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3507
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3584
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3585
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3586
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3587
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4897
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4898
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5000
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5001
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- - pos: 1.5,17.5
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-- proto: FirelockGlass
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- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3504
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3505
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3506
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3595
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5008
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5009
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5010
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5011
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5495
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5498
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5508
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7083
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7084
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7085
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7086
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7087
- components:
- - pos: -5.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7249
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7250
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7301
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11602
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11603
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11614
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11615
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11616
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11617
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11618
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11619
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11620
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11621
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11622
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11637
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11643
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11653
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -32.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11687
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11688
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11689
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11703
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 42.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11704
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 43.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Fireplace
- entities:
- - uid: 4961
- components:
- - pos: -5.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12563
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Flash
- entities:
- - uid: 5064
- components:
- - pos: -0.72998714,31.713612
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FlashlightLantern
- entities:
- - uid: 8929
- components:
- - pos: -24.399763,-12.310871
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8930
- components:
- - pos: -24.618513,-12.670246
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9550
- components:
- - pos: 36.560673,24.84187
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9556
- components:
- - pos: 36.357548,24.52937
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9732
- components:
- - pos: -33.69252,18.729115
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9733
- components:
- - pos: -33.34877,18.49474
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FlashlightSeclite
- entities:
- - uid: 12531
- components:
- - pos: -21.477749,-28.757965
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12532
- components:
- - pos: 12.504955,21.180922
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12533
- components:
- - pos: 12.504955,20.899672
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Floodlight
- entities:
- - uid: 7307
- components:
- - pos: 24.51259,-24.494957
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FloorDrain
- entities:
- - uid: 5872
- components:
- - pos: -23.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - fixtures: {}
- type: Fixtures
- - uid: 5873
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - fixtures: {}
- type: Fixtures
- - uid: 9655
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - fixtures: {}
- type: Fixtures
- - uid: 10117
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - fixtures: {}
- type: Fixtures
- - uid: 12481
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - fixtures: {}
- type: Fixtures
-- proto: FloorTileItemArcadeBlue2
- entities:
- - uid: 8752
- components:
- - pos: -39.510826,-23.477228
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - count: 30
- type: Stack
-- proto: FloorTileItemBoxing
- entities:
- - uid: 8725
- components:
- - pos: -43.51509,-18.484356
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8726
- components:
- - pos: -42.51509,-19.46873
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8727
- components:
- - pos: -41.499466,-19.49998
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8728
- components:
- - pos: -41.468216,-20.53123
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8729
- components:
- - pos: -41.48384,-17.49998
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FluteInstrument
- entities:
- - uid: 7805
- components:
- - pos: -11.967718,-31.457222
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoamBlade
- entities:
- - uid: 12286
- components:
- - pos: -11.477329,-33.530846
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoamCutlass
- entities:
- - uid: 9495
- components:
- - pos: 16.350037,33.593983
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9496
- components:
- - pos: 16.646912,33.578358
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodBreadPlain
- entities:
- - uid: 7542
- components:
- - pos: -36.085228,11.652148
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodBurgerMime
- entities:
- - uid: 7785
- components:
- - pos: -13.67487,-28.683897
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodBurgerRobot
- entities:
- - uid: 12427
- components:
- - pos: -12.540917,-11.312796
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodCakeClown
- entities:
- - uid: 7789
- components:
- - pos: -9.479882,-28.394722
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodCakeSuppermatterSlice
- entities:
- - uid: 12541
- components:
- - pos: -31.503586,-35.411694
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodCartCold
- entities:
- - uid: 1793
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodCartHot
- entities:
- - uid: 1795
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodContainerEgg
- entities:
- - uid: 6015
- components:
- - pos: 0.6686959,0.7498474
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodDonutJellySlugcat
- entities:
- - uid: 12540
- components:
- - pos: 17.536278,36.515877
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodDonutJellySpaceman
- entities:
- - uid: 12355
- components:
- - pos: 47.534332,36.51474
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodFrozenSandwichStrawberry
- entities:
- - uid: 12289
- components:
- - pos: -13.495724,52.499588
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodFrozenSnowconeClown
- entities:
- - uid: 7792
- components:
- - pos: -9.261132,-30.191597
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodFrozenSnowconeMime
- entities:
- - uid: 7784
- components:
- - pos: -13.67487,-29.449522
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodMeatClown
- entities:
- - uid: 7793
- components:
- - pos: -9.698632,-30.535347
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodPieBananaCream
- entities:
- - uid: 7794
- components:
- - pos: -9.370507,-31.394722
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7795
- components:
- - pos: -9.370507,-31.394722
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7796
- components:
- - pos: -9.370507,-31.394722
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7797
- components:
- - pos: -9.370507,-31.394722
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7798
- components:
- - pos: -9.370507,-31.394722
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodTartMime
- entities:
- - uid: 7783
- components:
- - pos: -13.20612,-28.277647
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Fork
- entities:
- - uid: 5985
- components:
- - pos: 1.2974858,10.5533285
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasAnalyzer
- entities:
- - uid: 6339
- components:
- - pos: -14.47985,-9.759103
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasFilterFlipped
- entities:
- - uid: 6840
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6841
- components:
- - name: plasma filter
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6842
- components:
- - name: water vapor filter
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6843
- components:
- - name: n2o filter
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6844
- components:
- - name: co2 filter
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6845
- components:
- - name: o2 filter
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6846
- components:
- - name: n2 filter
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasMinerCarbonDioxide
- entities:
- - uid: 6804
- components:
- - pos: 44.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasMinerNitrogenStation
- entities:
- - uid: 6808
- components:
- - pos: 44.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasMinerOxygenStation
- entities:
- - uid: 6807
- components:
- - pos: 44.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasMinerPlasma
- entities:
- - uid: 6806
- components:
- - pos: 44.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasMinerWaterVapor
- entities:
- - uid: 6805
- components:
- - pos: 44.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasMixer
- entities:
- - uid: 6942
- components:
- - name: n2 + o2 to mix
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 37.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasMixerFlipped
- entities:
- - uid: 6932
- components:
- - name: distro mixer
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 35.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - inletTwoConcentration: 0.22000003
- inletOneConcentration: 0.78
- type: GasMixer
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 6943
- components:
- - name: co2 to mix
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 37.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6944
- components:
- - name: n2o to mix
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 37.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6945
- components:
- - name: water vapor to mix
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 37.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6946
- components:
- - name: plasma to mix
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 37.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6947
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 37.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasOutletInjector
- entities:
- - uid: 1436
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6815
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6816
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6817
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6818
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6819
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6821
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6959
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 36.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasPassiveVent
- entities:
- - uid: 6119
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6120
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6121
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6122
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6839
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6875
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6876
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6877
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6878
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6879
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6880
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6881
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6958
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6992
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 41.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasPipeBend
- entities:
- - uid: 6882
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6883
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6884
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6885
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6886
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6887
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6888
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6931
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 35.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6936
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 35.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6941
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 36.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6948
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6949
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6950
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 35.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6979
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 6982
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- - uid: 10159
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10162
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10163
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10164
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
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-- proto: GasPipeFourway
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-- proto: GasPipeStraight
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- type: AmbientSound
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- type: AmbientSound
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- type: AmbientSound
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- type: AmbientSound
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- type: AmbientSound
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-- proto: GasPipeTJunction
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- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10875
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,9.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10876
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- - pos: -20.5,9.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10878
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- - pos: -21.5,10.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10905
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10908
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -24.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10925
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10946
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10947
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10948
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- - pos: -14.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10949
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,19.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10981
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10982
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,3.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10983
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,5.5
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- type: Transform
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- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10984
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,1.5
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- type: Transform
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- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10992
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,2.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11045
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -23.5,1.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11046
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -12.5,1.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11047
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- - pos: -13.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11048
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- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11050
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- type: Transform
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- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11056
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- pos: -33.5,1.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11066
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- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11067
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
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- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11091
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- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11094
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- - pos: -36.5,3.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11110
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -40.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11115
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,3.5
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- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11116
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- pos: -41.5,5.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11117
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11118
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11119
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11131
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11140
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11161
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -37.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11164
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11190
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11192
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11194
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11198
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -9.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11199
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11254
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -17.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11255
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- - pos: -16.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11259
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -16.5,-5.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11275
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11276
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11287
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -18.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11307
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -24.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11308
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -26.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11343
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11344
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- - pos: 2.5,-7.5
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- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11347
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- - pos: 4.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11355
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11387
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11388
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11389
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11390
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11391
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11392
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11402
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11403
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11416
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11433
- components:
- - pos: -8.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11439
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11440
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11441
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- - pos: -2.5,-26.5
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- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11442
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -3.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11443
- components:
- - pos: -5.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11444
- components:
- - pos: -6.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11445
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11446
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- - pos: -11.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11485
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11486
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11513
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11514
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11516
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11528
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11529
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11531
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11543
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11553
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11554
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 11568
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 12197
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,44.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 12198
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,46.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 12207
- components:
- - pos: -6.5,48.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 12213
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,49.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 12219
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 12221
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,53.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 12222
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,53.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 12248
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,52.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
-- proto: GasPort
- entities:
- - uid: 1836
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 3835
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 6101
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6102
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6109
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6110
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6984
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 35.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6985
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 35.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6986
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 35.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7199
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7203
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 11.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasPressurePump
- entities:
- - uid: 3239
- components:
- - name: waste pump
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 38.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 6104
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6106
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6107
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6108
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6868
- components:
- - name: n2 pump
- type: MetaData
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6869
- components:
- - name: o2 pump
- type: MetaData
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6870
- components:
- - name: co2 pump
- type: MetaData
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6871
- components:
- - name: n2o pump
- type: MetaData
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6872
- components:
- - name: water vapor pump
- type: MetaData
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6873
- components:
- - name: plasma pump
- type: MetaData
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6874
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6964
- components:
- - name: distro pump
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 35.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 6976
- components:
- - name: mix to space pump
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 35.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6977
- components:
- - name: mix pump
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 36.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6980
- components:
- - name: mix output pump
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10190
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 10192
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0055CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
-- proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer
- entities:
- - uid: 7020
- components:
- - pos: 34.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7021
- components:
- - pos: 34.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: GasThermoMachineHeater
- entities:
- - uid: 6814
- components:
- - pos: 34.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
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-- proto: GasVentPump
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-- proto: GasVentScrubber
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- type: AmbientSound
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- - uid: 11409
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- type: AmbientSound
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- - uid: 11472
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- - uid: 11473
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- - uid: 11474
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- - uid: 11475
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-- proto: GeneratorBasic15kW
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-- proto: Girder
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-- proto: Grille
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-- proto: GrilleBroken
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- - uid: 8525
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- - uid: 8527
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- - uid: 8549
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- - uid: 8559
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- - uid: 8564
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- - uid: 8570
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- - uid: 8582
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- - uid: 8586
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- - uid: 8592
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- - uid: 8597
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- - uid: 8600
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- - uid: 8604
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- - uid: 8605
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- - uid: 8610
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- - uid: 8614
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- - uid: 8616
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- - uid: 8621
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- - uid: 8623
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- - uid: 8626
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- - uid: 8628
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- - uid: 8632
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8637
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- - pos: -14.5,46.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8641
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- - uid: 8642
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8644
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8647
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- - uid: 8649
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8650
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- - uid: 8651
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8656
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- - pos: -33.5,38.5
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- - uid: 8660
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- - pos: -21.5,40.5
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- - uid: 8663
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8671
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,44.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8677
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -33.5,35.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8681
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8684
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- - pos: -40.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8686
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- - pos: -37.5,29.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8690
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,29.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8692
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- - pos: -32.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8694
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,26.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8698
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -44.5,16.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8701
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -44.5,21.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8704
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -44.5,18.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8707
- components:
- - pos: -44.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8710
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,36.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8712
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,38.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8716
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8719
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- - pos: -46.5,-14.5
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- - uid: 8722
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- pos: -46.5,-18.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8731
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -46.5,-20.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8735
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -40.5,-27.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8737
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8739
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8744
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -44.5,-7.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8747
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -44.5,-4.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8749
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -44.5,-0.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8756
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8767
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,38.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12317
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- - pos: -4.5,66.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12321
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 12324
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- - uid: 12329
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- - pos: 3.5,67.5
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- - uid: 12336
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 12337
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- - uid: 12338
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- - uid: 12341
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- - uid: 12529
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- - pos: -26.5,-27.5
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- - uid: 12530
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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-- proto: Handcuffs
- entities:
- - uid: 5063
- components:
- - pos: -0.47162104,32.53128
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-- proto: HandheldGPSBasic
- entities:
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- - pos: 20.351448,-20.427984
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 12546
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- - pos: -12.421777,-11.625296
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-- proto: HandLabeler
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- entities:
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- - pos: -18.5,-50.5
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- entities:
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- - flags: SessionSpecific
- desc: jim :)
- name: jim :)
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- - uid: 7081
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- - pos: -5.5,-32.5
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-- proto: HolofanProjector
- entities:
- - uid: 7144
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- - pos: 31.574986,-16.324593
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- type: Transform
-- proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen
- entities:
- - uid: 794
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- - pos: 25.5,12.5
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- - pos: 28.5,5.5
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- - pos: -20.5,-3.5
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- - uid: 1858
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- - pos: -5.5,19.5
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-- proto: HydroponicsToolClippers
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: -2.465951,-0.3052745
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- type: Transform
-- proto: IntercomAll
- entities:
- - uid: 5491
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5492
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: IntercomCommand
- entities:
- - uid: 5488
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5489
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -12.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5504
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: IntercomCommon
- entities:
- - uid: 3910
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,53.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 3911
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3912
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,53.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3913
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: IntercomEngineering
- entities:
- - uid: 9272
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9273
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9274
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9275
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9276
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9277
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9278
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: IntercomMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 5702
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9258
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -10.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9259
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9260
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -25.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9261
- components:
- - pos: -22.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9262
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -27.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: IntercomScience
- entities:
- - uid: 24
- components:
- - pos: -27.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9263
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9265
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9266
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -10.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9267
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: IntercomSecurity
- entities:
- - uid: 5302
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5494
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5496
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5497
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5499
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5500
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5501
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10116
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11606
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: IntercomService
- entities:
- - uid: 9256
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: IntercomSupply
- entities:
- - uid: 9268
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9269
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9270
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9271
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: JanitorialTrolley
- entities:
- - uid: 12437
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: JetpackBlueFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5005
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 4120
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: JetpackMiniFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 4926
- components:
- - pos: 40.56656,21.748663
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4927
- components:
- - pos: 40.50406,21.498663
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: KitchenMicrowave
- entities:
- - uid: 4942
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5968
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: KitchenReagentGrinder
- entities:
- - uid: 4941
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5870
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5914
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5967
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: KitchenSpike
- entities:
- - uid: 5970
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Lamp
- entities:
- - uid: 3986
- components:
- - pos: -9.510255,48.896393
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3990
- components:
- - pos: -8.49463,57.014515
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3991
- components:
- - pos: -10.55713,54.97145
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4012
- components:
- - pos: -7.5221167,46.845314
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5584
- components:
- - pos: -40.604885,-5.037887
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6026
- components:
- - pos: -12.614596,-0.4335618
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6048
- components:
- - pos: -17.453178,-4.0584826
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7287
- components:
- - pos: 16.489933,-23.942678
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8246
- components:
- - pos: -9.624902,-11.094046
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9589
- components:
- - pos: 40.264347,31.975986
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9590
- components:
- - pos: 46.436222,31.944736
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9591
- components:
- - pos: 39.451847,33.913486
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9635
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.518274,26.145664
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LampGold
- entities:
- - uid: 5583
- components:
- - pos: -36.27676,-2.084762
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7418
- components:
- - pos: 11.72576,-18.556658
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9016
- components:
- - pos: -38.493835,-9.175766
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LargeBeaker
- entities:
- - uid: 6087
- components:
- - pos: -27.397102,-5.3872204
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LightReplacer
- entities:
- - uid: 7668
- components:
- - pos: 12.627049,-0.27726722
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerAtmosphericsFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 7128
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7129
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerBooze
- entities:
- - uid: 8297
- components:
- - pos: -27.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- - 0
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- type: EntityStorage
-- proto: LockerBoozeFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5951
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerBotanistFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 3372
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5994
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerCaptainFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 4090
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1497
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
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- - containers:
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- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 5926
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
-- proto: LockerChemistryFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5613
- components:
- - pos: -13.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerChiefEngineerFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5669
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 93.465614
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- type: EntityStorage
- - containers:
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 5670
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
-- proto: LockerChiefMedicalOfficerFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1867
- components:
- - pos: -20.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 98.0039
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- - 0
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- type: EntityStorage
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 1868
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
-- proto: LockerDetectiveFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5356
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 93.465614
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- - 0
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- - 0
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- type: EntityStorage
- - containers:
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 5357
- - 5358
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
-- proto: LockerElectricalSuppliesFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 3898
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,46.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6762
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8827
- components:
- - pos: -21.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9138
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9355
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9680
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerEngineerFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 3797
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6770
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6771
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6772
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerEvidence
- entities:
- - uid: 12065
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12066
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12067
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerFreezer
- entities:
- - uid: 4120
- components:
- - pos: -4.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
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- type: EntityStorage
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
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- - 4829
- - 4842
- - 5005
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
-- proto: LockerHeadOfPersonnelFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 4965
- components:
- - pos: -4.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1497
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
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- type: EntityStorage
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 5928
- - 5927
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
-- proto: LockerHeadOfSecurityFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5374
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
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- - 0
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- - 0
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- - 0
- type: EntityStorage
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 12478
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
-- proto: LockerMedicalFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1908
- components:
- - pos: -26.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1909
- components:
- - pos: -25.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5917
- components:
- - pos: -23.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12608
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerMedicineFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1905
- components:
- - pos: -19.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1910
- components:
- - pos: -18.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerQuarterMasterFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 7443
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 75.31249
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- type: EntityStorage
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 7444
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
-- proto: LockerResearchDirectorFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1845
- components:
- - pos: -21.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
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- - 0
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- type: EntityStorage
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 12418
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
-- proto: LockerSalvageSpecialistFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 3594
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7295
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerScienceFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 3816
- components:
- - pos: -18.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3817
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3818
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5912
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerSecurityFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 764
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- - 0
- - 0
- type: EntityStorage
- - uid: 765
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 766
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerWallMedicalFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 10854
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10855
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerWardenFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5368
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: LockerWeldingSuppliesFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 6761
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8828
- components:
- - pos: -21.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8831
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9354
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9681
- components:
- - pos: -27.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MachineAnomalyGenerator
- entities:
- - uid: 6063
- components:
- - pos: -26.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
-- proto: MachineAnomalyVessel
- entities:
- - uid: 6097
- components:
- - pos: -31.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7153
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MachineAPE
- entities:
- - uid: 6093
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6094
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6095
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6096
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MachineArtifactAnalyzer
- entities:
- - uid: 6124
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MagazinePistol
- entities:
- - uid: 5403
- components:
- - pos: 29.556211,16.447828
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MagazinePistolSubMachineGunRubber
- entities:
- - uid: 5311
- components:
- - pos: 18.504484,15.628139
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5312
- components:
- - pos: 18.77011,15.612514
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MagazinePistolSubMachineGunTopMounted
- entities:
- - uid: 5386
- components:
- - pos: 27.431211,14.508017
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5387
- components:
- - pos: 27.431211,14.367392
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MagazineRifle
- entities:
- - uid: 5432
- components:
- - pos: 38.28125,11.49122
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5433
- components:
- - pos: 38.421875,11.506845
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MagazineRifleRubber
- entities:
- - uid: 5434
- components:
- - pos: 38.59375,11.506845
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5435
- components:
- - pos: 38.75,11.506845
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaintenanceFluffSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 8830
- components:
- - pos: -25.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8907
- components:
- - pos: -33.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8914
- components:
- - pos: -26.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8915
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- - pos: -33.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8916
- components:
- - pos: -31.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8920
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8921
- components:
- - pos: -5.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8922
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8923
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8926
- components:
- - pos: -27.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9049
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9146
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9150
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9154
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- - pos: 26.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9167
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- - pos: 22.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9255
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- - pos: -36.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9329
- components:
- - pos: -13.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9330
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9471
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9472
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9477
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9478
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- - pos: 14.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9481
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- - pos: 18.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9482
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- - pos: 19.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9485
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,35.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9486
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- - pos: 29.5,35.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9551
- components:
- - pos: 36.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9557
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- - pos: 41.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9558
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- - pos: 37.5,7.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9559
- components:
- - pos: 42.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9714
- components:
- - pos: -35.5,18.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9716
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,18.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9717
- components:
- - pos: -24.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9721
- components:
- - pos: -19.5,20.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9722
- components:
- - pos: -19.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9727
- components:
- - pos: -31.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaintenancePlantSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 10641
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10642
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 10643
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,35.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaintenanceToolSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 8832
- components:
- - pos: -23.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8903
- components:
- - pos: -41.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8905
- components:
- - pos: -33.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8906
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- - pos: -30.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8912
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- - pos: -24.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8913
- components:
- - pos: -26.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8918
- components:
- - pos: -18.5,-20.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8919
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,-22.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8924
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8925
- components:
- - pos: -4.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9145
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9147
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- - pos: 9.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9148
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- - pos: 28.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9153
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9168
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- - pos: 42.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9169
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9473
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- - pos: 12.5,33.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9474
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- - pos: 12.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9476
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- - pos: 12.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9479
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9480
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9552
- components:
- - pos: 36.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9553
- components:
- - pos: 41.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9554
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- - pos: 38.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9555
- components:
- - pos: 42.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9713
- components:
- - pos: -34.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9719
- components:
- - pos: -22.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9720
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9723
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9728
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9729
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaintenanceWeaponSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 8834
- components:
- - pos: -23.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8910
- components:
- - pos: -31.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9144
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9170
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9470
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,30.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9483
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- - pos: 19.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9484
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- - pos: 23.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9549
- components:
- - pos: 36.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9715
- components:
- - pos: -22.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9724
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaterialCloth
- entities:
- - uid: 5089
- components:
- - pos: 0.3902992,21.580257
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaterialDurathread
- entities:
- - uid: 5090
- components:
- - pos: 0.4215492,21.564632
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaterialReclaimer
- entities:
- - uid: 7289
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaterialReclaimerMachineCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 9518
- components:
- - pos: -2.569489,-34.556107
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaterialWoodPlank
- entities:
- - uid: 8495
- components:
- - pos: -30.470095,-14.477021
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MedicalBed
- entities:
- - uid: 1853
- components:
- - pos: -18.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1854
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1862
- components:
- - pos: -18.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5339
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- - pos: 23.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5607
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5618
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MedicalTechFab
- entities:
- - uid: 5597
- components:
- - pos: -23.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MedkitAdvancedFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 4118
- components:
- - pos: -2.430763,27.440598
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5900
- components:
- - pos: -26.652166,11.588954
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MedkitBruteFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5893
- components:
- - pos: -24.902317,11.678088
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5897
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- - pos: -24.902166,11.526454
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8819
- components:
- - pos: -40.48545,-16.453053
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MedkitBurnFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5891
- components:
- - pos: -25.409866,11.671727
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5898
- components:
- - pos: -25.402166,11.510829
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MedkitCombatFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 4119
- components:
- - pos: -2.4295425,27.687153
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MedkitFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5059
- components:
- - pos: 5.540815,19.460373
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5347
- components:
- - pos: 23.535002,7.498471
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5895
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- - pos: -24.402317,11.678088
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5896
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- - pos: -24.386541,11.526454
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7419
- components:
- - pos: 11.436758,-19.113333
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9579
- components:
- - pos: 44.521946,6.5499096
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9641
- components:
- - pos: -26.512701,21.421293
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MedkitO2
- entities:
- - uid: 5066
- components:
- - pos: -3.487246,31.609404
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MedkitOxygenFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5352
- components:
- - pos: 23.535002,7.373471
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5890
- components:
- - pos: -25.909866,11.671727
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5899
- components:
- - pos: -25.902166,11.510829
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MedkitRadiationFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5892
- components:
- - pos: -26.402166,11.656432
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MedkitToxinFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 5894
- components:
- - pos: -26.394794,11.510829
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Mirror
- entities:
- - uid: 7888
- components:
- - pos: -18.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7889
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,-23.5
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- - uid: 7890
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MonkeyCube
- entities:
- - uid: 5990
- components:
- - pos: -2.5931392,3.6905057
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MonkeyCubeBox
- entities:
- - uid: 6333
- components:
- - pos: -14.498325,-10.477551
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MopBucketFull
- entities:
- - uid: 8847
- components:
- - pos: 17.627773,-0.48197973
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9652
- components:
- - pos: 13.5359125,24.626709
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11938
- components:
- - pos: 13.5359125,25.564209
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MopItem
- entities:
- - uid: 8848
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- - pos: 17.455898,-0.46635473
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9654
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- - pos: 13.2546625,23.517334
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9657
- components:
- - pos: 13.4890375,23.501709
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Morgue
- entities:
- - uid: 1913
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -25.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1914
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -26.5,13.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1915
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -24.5,13.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1916
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- - pos: -26.5,16.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1917
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- - pos: -25.5,16.5
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- - uid: 1918
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- - pos: -24.5,16.5
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- - uid: 3476
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,16.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 5343
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: MouseTimedSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 11909
- components:
- - pos: -37.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11910
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,26.5
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- - uid: 11911
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11912
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Multitool
- entities:
- - uid: 6072
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- - pos: -5.580178,-15.315853
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6335
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- - pos: -14.316043,-8.369874
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: NanoManipulatorStockPart
- entities:
- - uid: 9501
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- - pos: -3.015568,-31.493607
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9502
- components:
- - pos: -3.960114,-31.306107
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: NetworkConfigurator
- entities:
- - uid: 5602
- components:
- - pos: -23.538898,5.5020247
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: NitrogenCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 6803
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6996
- components:
- - pos: 36.5,-4.5
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- - uid: 6998
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- - pos: 35.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
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- - uid: 8864
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- - pos: -13.5,-20.5
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- - uid: 8865
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- - pos: -29.5,-10.5
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- - uid: 8869
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9127
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- - pos: 24.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9182
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- - pos: 28.5,-0.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9251
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- - pos: 31.5,32.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9342
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- - pos: 35.5,16.5
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- - uid: 9343
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- - pos: 21.5,23.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9344
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- - pos: 7.5,21.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 9693
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- - pos: -15.5,23.5
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- - uid: 9694
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,20.5
- parent: 1
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-- proto: NitrogenTankFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 8927
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- - pos: -33.671288,-7.446391
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9730
- components:
- - pos: -28.673817,12.610113
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: NitrousOxideCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 6324
- components:
- - pos: -18.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6810
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7003
- components:
- - pos: 36.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: NuclearBomb
- entities:
- - uid: 4128
- components:
- - pos: -4.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Ointment
- entities:
- - uid: 9630
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- - pos: 18.654701,27.734482
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Omnitool
- entities:
- - uid: 4829
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- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 4120
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: OperatingTable
- entities:
- - uid: 5521
- components:
- - pos: -24.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: OreProcessor
- entities:
- - uid: 7286
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- - pos: 20.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: OreProcessorMachineCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 9517
- components:
- - pos: -2.366364,-34.35298
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: OrganHumanHeart
- entities:
- - uid: 12288
- components:
- - pos: -11.34931,-33.29647
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: OxygenCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 3356
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4924
- components:
- - pos: 41.5,21.5
- parent: 1
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- - uid: 6802
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- - pos: 43.5,-7.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 6995
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- - pos: 36.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6997
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- - pos: 35.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7283
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- - pos: 26.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8805
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- - pos: -34.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8863
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- - uid: 6320
- components:
- - pos: -20.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6812
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- - pos: 43.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7002
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- - pos: 35.5,-2.5
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: 7.5,-23.5
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: 10.5,-31.5
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- - uid: 1745
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- - pos: 10.5,-28.5
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- - pos: 14.5,-28.5
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- - uid: 1747
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- - pos: 14.5,-31.5
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: -35.5,25.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: PlasticFlapsAirtightOpaque
- entities:
- - uid: 2046
- components:
- - pos: -38.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: PlushieLamp
- entities:
- - uid: 5991
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- - pos: 5.7439585,10.615243
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7808
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- - pos: -7.528466,-28.402908
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 8263
- components:
- - pos: -17.703978,-52.27695
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: PlushieRGBee
- entities:
- - uid: 2201
- components:
- - pos: -24.499949,-19.444412
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: PlushieSpaceLizard
- entities:
- - uid: 12542
- components:
- - pos: -14.489916,-61.54038
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: PonderingOrb
- entities:
- - uid: 12340
- components:
- - desc: It shines a brilliant irradiating blue.
- name: demon core
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -0.50479734,65.52099
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - slope: 0.32
- intensity: 2
- type: RadiationSource
-- proto: PortableGeneratorJrPacman
- entities:
- - uid: 5965
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5987
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- - pos: 8.5,-14.5
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- - uid: 5988
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- - pos: -32.5,-10.5
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- - uid: 5989
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: -7.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6067
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: PortableGeneratorPacman
- entities:
- - uid: 2857
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,-53.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5958
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: PortableGeneratorSuperPacmanMachineCircuitboard
- entities:
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- - pos: -7.3825207,-32.322838
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9516
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- - pos: -7.6012707,-32.572838
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- type: Transform
-- proto: PortableScrubber
- entities:
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- - pos: 10.5,-4.5
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- - pos: 11.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: PosterBroken
- entities:
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2159
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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-- proto: PosterContrabandAtmosiaDeclarationIndependence
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- - pos: 32.5,-15.5
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-- proto: PosterContrabandClown
- entities:
- - uid: 11966
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- - pos: -10.5,-27.5
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-- proto: PosterContrabandDonutCorp
- entities:
- - uid: 11956
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- - pos: 2.5,-0.5
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-- proto: PosterContrabandMissingGloves
- entities:
- - uid: 11970
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: PosterContrabandNuclearDeviceInformational
- entities:
- - uid: 11964
- components:
- - pos: -5.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: PosterContrabandTools
- entities:
- - uid: 11969
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- - pos: 16.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: PosterLegitCarbonDioxide
- entities:
- - uid: 11973
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: PosterLegitCleanliness
- entities:
- - uid: 11965
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- - pos: -19.5,12.5
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-- proto: PosterLegitIan
- entities:
- - uid: 11961
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- - pos: -4.5,18.5
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-- proto: PosterLegitLoveIan
- entities:
- - uid: 11960
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- - pos: -0.5,22.5
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-- proto: PosterLegitObey
- entities:
- - uid: 11957
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- - pos: 16.5,6.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: PosterLegitReportCrimes
- entities:
- - uid: 11958
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- - pos: 20.5,16.5
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-- proto: PosterLegitSafetyEyeProtection
- entities:
- - uid: 11972
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- - pos: 11.5,-13.5
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-- proto: PosterLegitSafetyInternals
- entities:
- - uid: 11971
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- - pos: 21.5,-9.5
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-- proto: PosterLegitScience
- entities:
- - uid: 11979
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- - pos: -18.5,-7.5
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-- proto: PosterLegitSecWatch
- entities:
- - uid: 11962
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- - pos: 17.5,13.5
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-- proto: PosterLegitSpaceCops
- entities:
- - uid: 11959
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- - pos: 30.5,12.5
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-- proto: PosterLegitStateLaws
- entities:
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- - pos: 10.5,25.5
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: -4.5,57.5
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- entities:
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- - pos: 13.5,-8.5
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- - pos: -12.5,-48.5
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- - pos: -7.5,44.5
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- - pos: -2.5,53.5
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- - pos: -9.5,56.5
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- - pos: -3.5,56.5
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- - pos: 0.5,-19.5
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- - pos: 22.5,-25.5
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-- proto: PottedPlantRD
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- - pos: 33.68436,-18.590218
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: -14.5,-2.5
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- - pos: -9.5,7.5
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- - uid: 5902
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- - pos: -1.5,-20.5
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-- proto: Poweredlight
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- - uid: 3923
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- - uid: 3927
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- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -24.5,5.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5930
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- - pos: -22.5,11.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5931
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -16.5,8.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5932
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -11.5,7.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5933
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,13.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5934
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- - pos: -8.5,14.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5935
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,16.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5936
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5937
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,6.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5938
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,6.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5939
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -21.5,6.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5940
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5941
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,20.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5942
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,20.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5943
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,19.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5944
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,8.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 5995
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-0.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 6406
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,14.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 6407
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,7.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,7.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 6409
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,5.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 6410
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,1.5
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- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- pos: -2.5,3.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 6412
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,-5.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- - pos: 5.5,-1.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 6414
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 6743
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- - pos: -26.5,-0.5
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- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 6744
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -26.5,-7.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 6746
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- type: Transform
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- - pos: -14.5,-0.5
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- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 6748
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- pos: -14.5,-13.5
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
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- pos: -17.5,-18.5
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- type: Transform
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- pos: -20.5,-12.5
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- pos: -9.5,-15.5
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- type: Transform
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
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- pos: -9.5,-7.5
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- pos: -2.5,-9.5
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- pos: 45.5,-15.5
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- - uid: 7209
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- - uid: 7211
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 7901
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
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- - uid: 9063
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 9064
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- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 11929
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 11930
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
-- proto: PoweredlightSodium
- entities:
- - uid: 7461
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
-- proto: PoweredSmallLight
- entities:
- - uid: 28
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.5,-45.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 1794
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2781
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -11.5,-51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 2928
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,-48.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 2929
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-48.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 3928
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -9.5,45.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 4992
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 6742
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 8316
- components:
- - pos: -34.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 8807
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -40.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 8932
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 9060
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 9065
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 9066
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 9155
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 9156
- components:
- - pos: -31.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 9157
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -40.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 9331
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9649
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 12126
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 12476
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 12518
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -21.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: PoweredSmallLightEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 8317
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 8806
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -42.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Protolathe
- entities:
- - uid: 3806
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Rack
- entities:
- - uid: 559
- components:
- - pos: -24.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 657
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 775
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2761
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,50.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2762
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,54.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2934
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-48.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4920
- components:
- - pos: 39.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4921
- components:
- - pos: 40.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5333
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5342
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5555
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5556
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5598
- components:
- - pos: -23.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7074
- components:
- - pos: -4.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7075
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7076
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7077
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7134
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7293
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7713
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7806
- components:
- - pos: -5.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8240
- components:
- - pos: -26.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8241
- components:
- - pos: -25.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8283
- components:
- - pos: -25.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8287
- components:
- - pos: -23.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8484
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,-33.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8490
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8496
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8764
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -39.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8808
- components:
- - pos: -43.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8880
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -24.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8883
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8884
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -33.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8885
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8891
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8900
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8901
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -40.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9130
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9134
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9254
- components:
- - pos: -36.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9314
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9323
- components:
- - pos: -13.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9351
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9358
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,33.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9359
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9368
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9369
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9371
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,33.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9543
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 41.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9544
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9618
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9619
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9684
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9687
- components:
- - pos: -22.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9699
- components:
- - pos: -34.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12425
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12426
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RadarConsoleCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 9522
- components:
- - pos: -7.3932076,-33.368607
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RadioHandheld
- entities:
- - uid: 12547
- components:
- - pos: 20.335823,-20.56861
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12548
- components:
- - pos: 20.679573,-20.66236
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Railing
- entities:
- - uid: 437
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 438
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 647
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -9.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 648
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 649
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 651
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3015
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -29.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7017
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7018
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7019
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7664
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8596
- components:
- - pos: -43.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8609
- components:
- - pos: -42.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8758
- components:
- - pos: -40.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8872
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8873
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -32.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9124
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9125
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9175
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9176
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9333
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9334
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 7.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9335
- components:
- - pos: 7.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12491
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12492
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RailingCornerSmall
- entities:
- - uid: 652
- components:
- - pos: -8.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 653
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12489
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12490
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomArcade
- entities:
- - uid: 8795
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -38.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8796
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -37.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomArtifactSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 6321
- components:
- - pos: -20.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6325
- components:
- - pos: -20.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomArtifactSpawner20
- entities:
- - uid: 8233
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,-29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8234
- components:
- - pos: 42.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8235
- components:
- - pos: -25.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomDrinkBottle
- entities:
- - uid: 5982
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomDrinkGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 5980
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7653
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7654
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8311
- components:
- - pos: -31.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8312
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomFoodBakedWhole
- entities:
- - uid: 5984
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomFoodMeal
- entities:
- - uid: 5983
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7655
- components:
- - pos: 34.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8313
- components:
- - pos: -35.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomFoodSingle
- entities:
- - uid: 5981
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7652
- components:
- - pos: -25.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8314
- components:
- - pos: -29.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomInstruments
- entities:
- - uid: 4951
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4952
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6399
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7801
- components:
- - pos: -13.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7802
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomPosterAny
- entities:
- - uid: 11981
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11984
- components:
- - pos: -23.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11985
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11986
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11987
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11988
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11989
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11990
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11991
- components:
- - pos: 40.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11992
- components:
- - pos: 37.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11993
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11994
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11996
- components:
- - pos: 7.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11997
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12106
- components:
- - pos: -33.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12107
- components:
- - pos: -25.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12108
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12109
- components:
- - pos: -9.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12122
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomPosterContraband
- entities:
- - uid: 11983
- components:
- - pos: -44.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11995
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomPosterLegit
- entities:
- - uid: 29
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11939
- components:
- - pos: -5.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11940
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11941
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11942
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11943
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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-- proto: RandomSoap
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-- proto: RandomVending
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-- proto: RandomVendingDrinks
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-- proto: RandomVendingSnacks
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- - uid: 1898
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
- 1941:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 1940:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 1978
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 4100
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- 4066:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 5072
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- 5071:
- - Pressed: Toggle
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- - Pressed: Toggle
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- 5067:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 5388
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - type: ItemCooldown
- - uid: 5389
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - state: True
- type: SignalSwitch
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - type: ItemCooldown
- - uid: 5447
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- 1824:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 1847:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 5448
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- 1797:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 5449
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- 1798:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 1866:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 5671
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
- 5687:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 5685:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 5684:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 5683:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 5686:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 6337
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 6338
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 7436
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,-28.5
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- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- 7433:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 7437
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- 7434:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 7439
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
- 7438:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 7484
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Pressed: Toggle
- 12451:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 12450:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 12449:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 7485:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 12444:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 12445:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 12446:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 12447:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 7670
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
- 5459:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 5460:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 9264
- components:
- - pos: -25.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
- 3436:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 11713
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
- 11733:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 11732:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 11729:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 11727:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 11726:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 11725:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 11724:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 11723:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 11722:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 11721:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 11728:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 11730:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 11731:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- type: DeviceLinkSource
-- proto: SignAnomaly
- entities:
- - uid: 6077
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignAnomaly2
- entities:
- - uid: 6076
- components:
- - pos: -19.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignArmory
- entities:
- - uid: 5305
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5307
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignBridge
- entities:
- - uid: 4067
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignCargoDock
- entities:
- - uid: 1721
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1722
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignChem
- entities:
- - uid: 5700
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5701
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignCloning
- entities:
- - uid: 1924
- components:
- - pos: -22.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignConference
- entities:
- - uid: 4068
- components:
- - pos: -6.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalBar
- entities:
- - uid: 12028
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.48991406,-12.586099
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12030
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.500732,4.885596
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12041
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.46916193,-19.753078
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalBridge
- entities:
- - uid: 12014
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.548269,5.4918203
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12020
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.4735146,0.6779753
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12027
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.48991406,-12.367349
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12031
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.500732,4.682471
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12042
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.46916193,-19.546629
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalChapel
- entities:
- - uid: 12035
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.484905,0.5560063
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalDorms
- entities:
- - uid: 12009
- components:
- - pos: 10.501394,0.38287616
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12025
- components:
- - pos: -0.4927984,-10.414679
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalEng
- entities:
- - uid: 12007
- components:
- - pos: 10.501394,0.78912616
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12022
- components:
- - pos: -7.4735146,0.2561003
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12033
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.500732,4.260596
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12037
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.46722627,-23.206203
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12044
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.4593363,-10.397989
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalEvac
- entities:
- - uid: 12015
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.548269,5.6793203
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12016
- components:
- - pos: -6.456008,15.288413
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12019
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.4735146,0.8654753
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalGravity
- entities:
- - uid: 12034
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.488332,0.7605958
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalJanitor
- entities:
- - uid: 12010
- components:
- - pos: 13.517019,0.82037616
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalLibrary
- entities:
- - uid: 12036
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.484905,0.3372563
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalMed
- entities:
- - uid: 12013
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.548269,5.2886953
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12026
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.48820066,-10.617804
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12040
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.46722627,-23.831203
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalSci
- entities:
- - uid: 12011
- components:
- - pos: 10.501394,0.19537616
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12017
- components:
- - pos: -6.456008,15.507163
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12038
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.46722627,-23.409328
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalSec
- entities:
- - uid: 12012
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.548269,5.1011953
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12021
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.4735146,0.4592253
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12032
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.500732,4.463721
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12039
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.46722627,-23.628078
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12043
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.4593363,-10.210489
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalSolar
- entities:
- - uid: 11982
- components:
- - pos: -29.486988,-21.20969
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12024
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.4927984,-12.149054
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12113
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -24.472755,28.702217
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12114
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -29.444752,5.7120094
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12115
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.46161,16.234806
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12116
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -27.46682,17.811657
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12117
- components:
- - pos: -31.445858,-0.22823012
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12118
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.514,-11.739195
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12119
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -37.451214,-21.220106
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12120
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.486212,-20.751356
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12121
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -9.470587,-23.708044
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalSupply
- entities:
- - uid: 9288
- components:
- - pos: -0.4927984,-10.195929
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12008
- components:
- - pos: 10.501394,0.58600116
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12018
- components:
- - pos: -6.458366,15.721934
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDirectionalWash
- entities:
- - uid: 12029
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.500072,-24.746931
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDisposalSpace
- entities:
- - uid: 2976
- components:
- - pos: -26.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignDrones
- entities:
- - uid: 9653
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignEscapePods
- entities:
- - uid: 25
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 34
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- - pos: 0.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 51
- components:
- - pos: -39.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6395
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignEVA
- entities:
- - uid: 4908
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 43.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignGravity
- entities:
- - uid: 7646
- components:
- - pos: -41.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignHead
- entities:
- - uid: 4069
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignInterrogation
- entities:
- - uid: 9307
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 5301
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9257
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignMorgue
- entities:
- - uid: 1923
- components:
- - pos: -22.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignPrison
- entities:
- - uid: 5341
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5487
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignRadiationMed
- entities:
- - uid: 12342
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,63.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12343
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,65.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12344
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,67.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12345
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,65.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignRobo
- entities:
- - uid: 6078
- components:
- - pos: -13.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6079
- components:
- - pos: -5.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignScience
- entities:
- - uid: 6080
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignSecureMed
- entities:
- - uid: 5304
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignSecureMedRed
- entities:
- - uid: 12346
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,64.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12347
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,66.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12348
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,67.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12349
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,67.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12350
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,66.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12351
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,64.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12352
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,63.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12353
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,63.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignSecurity
- entities:
- - uid: 5493
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignSurgery
- entities:
- - uid: 4884
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -21.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignTelecomms
- entities:
- - uid: 3969
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,53.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3971
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignVirology
- entities:
- - uid: 12097
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Sink
- entities:
- - uid: 6400
- components:
- - pos: -18.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6401
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6402
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12482
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SinkWide
- entities:
- - uid: 5945
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5946
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8835
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9110
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SMESBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 1097
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1118
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- - pos: 24.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1119
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- - pos: 25.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2445
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- - pos: -32.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2553
- components:
- - pos: -27.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2856
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,-52.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3671
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,45.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7557
- components:
- - pos: -41.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SMESMachineCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 9512
- components:
- - pos: -1.3981457,-34.369713
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SoapOmega
- entities:
- - uid: 12356
- components:
- - pos: -43.500492,24.479343
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: soda_dispenser
- entities:
- - uid: 5954
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8265
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- - pos: -13.5,-48.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8296
- components:
- - pos: -30.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SolarPanel
- entities:
- - uid: 2472
- components:
- - pos: -34.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2473
- components:
- - pos: -33.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2474
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2475
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- - pos: -34.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2476
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- - pos: -33.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2477
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2478
- components:
- - pos: -30.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2479
- components:
- - pos: -29.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2480
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2481
- components:
- - pos: -30.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2482
- components:
- - pos: -29.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2483
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2484
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2485
- components:
- - pos: -29.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2486
- components:
- - pos: -30.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2487
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- - pos: -32.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2488
- components:
- - pos: -33.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2489
- components:
- - pos: -34.5,-32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2490
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- - pos: -34.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2491
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- - pos: -33.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2492
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- - pos: -32.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2493
- components:
- - pos: -30.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2494
- components:
- - pos: -29.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2495
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,-34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2558
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2559
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2560
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -29.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2561
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2562
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,40.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2563
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,40.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2564
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -29.5,40.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2565
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,40.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2566
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2567
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2568
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -29.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2569
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2570
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2571
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2572
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -29.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2573
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2574
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2575
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -25.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2576
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -24.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2577
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -23.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2578
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2579
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -25.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2580
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -24.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2581
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -23.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2582
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,40.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2583
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -25.5,40.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2584
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -24.5,40.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2585
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -23.5,40.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2586
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2587
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -25.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2588
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -24.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2589
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -23.5,38.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2816
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,-57.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2817
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,-57.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2818
- components:
- - pos: -13.5,-57.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2819
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-57.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2820
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-59.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2821
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,-59.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2823
- components:
- - pos: -13.5,-59.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2838
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,-59.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SolarTracker
- entities:
- - uid: 2521
- components:
- - pos: -31.5,-36.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2653
- components:
- - pos: -27.5,42.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2815
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,-60.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpaceCash1000
- entities:
- - uid: 4132
- components:
- - pos: -1.4122305,23.498293
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - count: 2000
- type: Stack
-- proto: SpaceVillainArcadeFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 2869
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -11.5,-50.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobAlexander
- entities:
- - uid: 11924
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobBandito
- entities:
- - uid: 11925
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobCatException
- entities:
- - uid: 5924
- components:
- - pos: -19.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobCatRuntime
- entities:
- - uid: 11923
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobCorgi
- entities:
- - uid: 4967
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobDrone
- entities:
- - uid: 9658
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9659
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9661
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobFoxRenault
- entities:
- - uid: 4084
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobMcGriff
- entities:
- - uid: 5925
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobMonkeyPunpun
- entities:
- - uid: 5416
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobMouse
- entities:
- - uid: 11913
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11914
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11915
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11916
- components:
- - pos: 41.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11917
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11918
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11919
- components:
- - pos: -9.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11920
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11921
- components:
- - pos: -34.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11922
- components:
- - pos: -24.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobPossumMorty
- entities:
- - uid: 11926
- components:
- - pos: -9.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobRaccoonMorticia
- entities:
- - uid: 11927
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11928
- components:
- - pos: -38.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobShiva
- entities:
- - uid: 8256
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobWalter
- entities:
- - uid: 5922
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointAssistant
- entities:
- - uid: 7496
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7497
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7498
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7499
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointAtmos
- entities:
- - uid: 7130
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7131
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointBartender
- entities:
- - uid: 6037
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointBorg
- entities:
- - uid: 5913
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointBotanist
- entities:
- - uid: 6038
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6039
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointCaptain
- entities:
- - uid: 6046
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointCargoTechnician
- entities:
- - uid: 7475
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7476
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointChaplain
- entities:
- - uid: 7487
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointChef
- entities:
- - uid: 6036
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointChemist
- entities:
- - uid: 6031
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointChiefEngineer
- entities:
- - uid: 7279
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointChiefMedicalOfficer
- entities:
- - uid: 1870
- components:
- - pos: -19.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointClown
- entities:
- - uid: 7488
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointDetective
- entities:
- - uid: 12411
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointHeadOfPersonnel
- entities:
- - uid: 6045
- components:
- - pos: -5.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointHeadOfSecurity
- entities:
- - uid: 6044
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointJanitor
- entities:
- - uid: 7491
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointLatejoin
- entities:
- - uid: 7480
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7481
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7482
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7483
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointLawyer
- entities:
- - uid: 12442
- components:
- - pos: 42.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12443
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointLibrarian
- entities:
- - uid: 7486
- components:
- - pos: -37.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointMedicalDoctor
- entities:
- - uid: 6029
- components:
- - pos: -22.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointMedicalIntern
- entities:
- - uid: 6030
- components:
- - pos: -21.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointMime
- entities:
- - uid: 7489
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointMusician
- entities:
- - uid: 7490
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointObserver
- entities:
- - uid: 7492
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointQuartermaster
- entities:
- - uid: 7477
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointResearchAssistant
- entities:
- - uid: 6035
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointResearchDirector
- entities:
- - uid: 6034
- components:
- - pos: -21.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointSalvageSpecialist
- entities:
- - uid: 7478
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7479
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointScientist
- entities:
- - uid: 6032
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6033
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointSecurityCadet
- entities:
- - uid: 6042
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointSecurityOfficer
- entities:
- - uid: 6040
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointSeniorEngineer
- entities:
- - uid: 5915
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointSeniorOfficer
- entities:
- - uid: 5916
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointSeniorPhysician
- entities:
- - uid: 5923
- components:
- - pos: -20.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointSeniorResearcher
- entities:
- - uid: 770
- components:
- - pos: -16.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointServiceWorker
- entities:
- - uid: 7493
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7494
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7495
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointStationEngineer
- entities:
- - uid: 7278
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7280
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointTechnicalAssistant
- entities:
- - uid: 7281
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnPointWarden
- entities:
- - uid: 6043
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnVehicleJanicart
- entities:
- - uid: 7663
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnVehicleSecway
- entities:
- - uid: 5319
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5320
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnVendingMachineRestockDrink
- entities:
- - uid: 3058
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7673
- components:
- - pos: -38.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnVendingMachineRestockFood
- entities:
- - uid: 3836
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7672
- components:
- - pos: -21.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnVendingMachineRestockFoodDrink
- entities:
- - uid: 7671
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8833
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8909
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9149
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9164
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9475
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9726
- components:
- - pos: 41.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12488
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpeedLoaderPistol
- entities:
- - uid: 5358
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 5356
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: Spoon
- entities:
- - uid: 5986
- components:
- - pos: 1.7662358,10.5377035
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SprayBottleSpaceCleaner
- entities:
- - uid: 5350
- components:
- - pos: 23.525412,5.6263475
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: StasisBed
- entities:
- - uid: 1885
- components:
- - pos: -21.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: StationMap
- entities:
- - uid: 12501
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12502
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12503
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12504
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12505
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12506
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12507
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12508
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12509
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12510
- components:
- - pos: -29.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12511
- components:
- - pos: -38.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Stool
- entities:
- - uid: 4946
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: StoolBar
- entities:
- - uid: 5013
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5014
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5015
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5016
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5017
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8305
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -31.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8306
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -30.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8307
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -29.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: StorageCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 6322
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6813
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6993
- components:
- - pos: 34.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7001
- components:
- - pos: 34.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9561
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9562
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9563
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Stunbaton
- entities:
- - uid: 5327
- components:
- - pos: 19.341703,15.5968685
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5328
- components:
- - pos: 19.622953,15.5812435
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SubstationBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 1469
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1714
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1715
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1716
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1718
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1719
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1749
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1951
- components:
- - pos: -20.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2260
- components:
- - pos: -29.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2426
- components:
- - pos: 40.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2555
- components:
- - pos: -24.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2855
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,-51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3672
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,44.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7556
- components:
- - pos: -40.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SubstationMachineCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 9510
- components:
- - pos: -1.3825207,-34.682213
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9511
- components:
- - pos: -1.5075207,-34.557213
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageAtmos
- entities:
- - uid: 1849
- components:
- - pos: 34.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4931
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageCaptain
- entities:
- - uid: 4934
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageCE
- entities:
- - uid: 4933
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageCMO
- entities:
- - uid: 1865
- components:
- - pos: -20.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageEngi
- entities:
- - uid: 1510
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1522
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4916
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageEVA
- entities:
- - uid: 762
- components:
- - pos: 40.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1846
- components:
- - pos: 41.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5410
- components:
- - pos: 42.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5411
- components:
- - pos: 39.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageEVAPrisoner
- entities:
- - uid: 4935
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5412
- components:
- - pos: 34.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageHOS
- entities:
- - uid: 4973
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageRD
- entities:
- - uid: 4929
- components:
- - pos: -22.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageSalv
- entities:
- - uid: 5382
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5413
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageSec
- entities:
- - uid: 4917
- components:
- - pos: 37.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4932
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageWarden
- entities:
- - uid: 4930
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraCommand
- entities:
- - uid: 3970
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,52.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Telecomms
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 3972
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,56.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: AI Room North
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 3973
- components:
- - pos: -5.5,48.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: AI Room South
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 3974
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,44.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: AI Room Entrance
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 3975
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,44.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: AI Electrical Room
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 5909
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -11.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Meeting Room
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 5910
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Bridge
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12098
- components:
- - pos: -3.5,23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Vault
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12099
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: HoP Office
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12100
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Entrance
- type: SurveillanceCamera
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraEngineering
- entities:
- - uid: 12070
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Equipment Room
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12071
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Reception
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12072
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Atmospherics North
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12073
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Atmospherics South
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12074
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: SMES Room
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12077
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Tech Vault
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12088
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Gravity Generator Room
- type: SurveillanceCamera
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraGeneral
- entities:
- - uid: 12068
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Courtroom
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12069
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Arrivals
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12078
- components:
- - pos: -4.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Dorms
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12087
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Evac
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12089
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -37.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Chapel
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12090
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Library
- type: SurveillanceCamera
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 12091
- components:
- - pos: -25.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Cloning
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12092
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Morgue
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12093
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -17.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Ward
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12094
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Entrance
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12095
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -12.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Chemistry
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12096
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Virology
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12111
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -22.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Surgery Room
- type: SurveillanceCamera
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterCommand
- entities:
- - uid: 3776
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,49.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterEngineering
- entities:
- - uid: 3787
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,53.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterGeneral
- entities:
- - uid: 3791
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,55.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 3774
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,49.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterScience
- entities:
- - uid: 3788
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterSecurity
- entities:
- - uid: 3775
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterService
- entities:
- - uid: 3786
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,53.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterSupply
- entities:
- - uid: 3781
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,55.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraScience
- entities:
- - uid: 12082
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Xenoarchaeology
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12083
- components:
- - pos: -8.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Robotics
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12084
- components:
- - pos: -9.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Entrance
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12085
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Equipment Room
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12086
- components:
- - pos: -27.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Anomaly Lab
- type: SurveillanceCamera
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraSecurity
- entities:
- - uid: 12059
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Permabrig
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12060
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 37.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Armory
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12061
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Hallway
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12062
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Equipment Room
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12063
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Entrance
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12064
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Brig Area
- type: SurveillanceCamera
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraService
- entities:
- - uid: 12079
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Botany
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12080
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Kitchen
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12081
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Bar
- type: SurveillanceCamera
-- proto: SurveillanceCameraSupply
- entities:
- - uid: 12075
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Reception
- type: SurveillanceCamera
- - uid: 12076
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - id: Cargo Bay
- type: SurveillanceCamera
-- proto: SurvivalKnife
- entities:
- - uid: 8272
- components:
- - desc: Weapon of last resort for a certified pilot.
- name: dataknife
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -19.460943,-48.42677
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Table
- entities:
- - uid: 233
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 477
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -9.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 478
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -8.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 479
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -9.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 480
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -8.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 481
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -9.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 482
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -8.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 483
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -17.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 484
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -14.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 485
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -20.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 767
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 768
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 769
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 771
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 772
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 11.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 773
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 781
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 782
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 786
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1505
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1701
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1702
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1703
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1704
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1705
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1706
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1707
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1708
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1709
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1756
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1808
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-- proto: TableCarpet
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-- proto: TelecomServer
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- type: Transform
-- proto: ToyFireRipley
- entities:
- - uid: 8259
- components:
- - desc: A figure of a well known titan, and perhaps an old friend.
- name: bt-7274 figurine
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -17.266478,-52.27695
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ToyIan
- entities:
- - uid: 12483
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- - pos: -1.0943661,19.21257
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: ToySpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 7809
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: TrashBananaPeel
- entities:
- - uid: 7799
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- - pos: -9.558007,-30.972847
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7800
- components:
- - pos: -9.354882,-30.879097
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: TwoWayLever
- entities:
- - uid: 7429
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Left: Forward
- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
- 1733:
- - Left: Forward
- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
- 1732:
- - Left: Forward
- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
- 1731:
- - Left: Forward
- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
- 1730:
- - Left: Forward
- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 7430
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,-27.5
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- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Left: Forward
- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
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- - Left: Forward
- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
- 1737:
- - Left: Forward
- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
- 1736:
- - Left: Forward
- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
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- - Left: Forward
- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 7431
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- - pos: 9.5,-22.5
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- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Left: Forward
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- - Left: Forward
- - Right: Reverse
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- type: DeviceLinkSource
- - uid: 9199
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,23.5
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- type: Transform
- - linkedPorts:
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- - Right: Reverse
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- - Left: Forward
- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
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- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
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- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
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- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
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- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
- 3564:
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- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
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- - Right: Reverse
- - Middle: Off
- type: DeviceLinkSource
-- proto: UnfinishedMachineFrame
- entities:
- - uid: 1926
- components:
- - pos: -26.5,7.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1927
- components:
- - pos: -26.5,5.5
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- type: Transform
-- proto: UniformPrinter
- entities:
- - uid: 4954
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: UniformShortsRed
- entities:
- - uid: 8815
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- - pos: -43.7042,-16.640553
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8816
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- - pos: -43.438576,-16.624928
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- type: Transform
-- proto: UniformShortsRedWithTop
- entities:
- - uid: 8817
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- - pos: -43.54795,-16.390553
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8818
- components:
- - pos: -43.251076,-16.406178
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: UprightPianoInstrument
- entities:
- - uid: 8299
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -28.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Vaccinator
- entities:
- - uid: 5688
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VehicleKeyJanicart
- entities:
- - uid: 7660
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 7659
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: VehicleKeySecway
- entities:
- - uid: 5321
- components:
- - pos: 25.427599,10.5971575
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5322
- components:
- - pos: 25.708849,10.6596575
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingBarDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 5952
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 5.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineAtmosDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 7093
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 31.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineBooze
- entities:
- - uid: 5949
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 0.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8293
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -27.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineCargoDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 1712
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 11.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineCart
- entities:
- - uid: 4953
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -2.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineChapel
- entities:
- - uid: 3478
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -31.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineChefDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 5961
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 5.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineChefvend
- entities:
- - uid: 5962
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 1.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineChemDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 5611
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -13.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineChemicals
- entities:
- - uid: 5617
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -10.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineCigs
- entities:
- - uid: 4048
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -11.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7533
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- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -33.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7539
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 5.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineClothing
- entities:
- - uid: 7697
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -7.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineDetDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 5359
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 28.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineDinnerware
- entities:
- - uid: 5964
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 2.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineEngiDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 7184
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 23.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineEngivend
- entities:
- - uid: 6556
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 16.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineGames
- entities:
- - uid: 5596
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -36.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineHydrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 6011
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 5.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineJaniDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 7658
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 13.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineLawDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 5334
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 33.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 1911
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -20.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5344
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 20.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineMediDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 1891
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -12.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineNutri
- entities:
- - uid: 6010
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 1.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineRoboDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 660
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -12.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineRobotics
- entities:
- - uid: 654
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -4.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineSalvage
- entities:
- - uid: 7291
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 18.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineSciDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 3820
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -14.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineSec
- entities:
- - uid: 759
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 23.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineSecDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 5335
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 33.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 6007
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -0.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked
- entities:
- - uid: 4949
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 32.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineSovietSoda
- entities:
- - uid: 9246
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 27.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEngineering
- entities:
- - uid: 6994
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 34.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA
- entities:
- - uid: 4923
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 42.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6767
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- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 21.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7292
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 19.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineTheater
- entities:
- - uid: 7699
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -8.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineVendomat
- entities:
- - uid: 7695
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -1.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9519
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- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -1.5,-31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineViroDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 5691
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -17.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineWallMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 1912
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -21.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: VendingMachineYouTool
- entities:
- - uid: 6779
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: 15.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7696
- components:
- - flags: SessionSpecific
- type: MetaData
- - pos: -1.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WallReinforced
- entities:
- - uid: 106
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 107
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- - pos: 2.5,19.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 111
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- - pos: 2.5,18.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 112
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- - pos: 6.5,17.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 117
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- - pos: 2.5,17.5
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- - uid: 118
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- - pos: 6.5,18.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 119
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- - pos: 6.5,19.5
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- - uid: 120
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- - uid: 122
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- - pos: -5.5,22.5
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- - uid: 123
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- - uid: 125
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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-- proto: WallSolid
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- - uid: 1984
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1985
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -30.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1996
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -32.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1997
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1998
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -33.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1999
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2000
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2002
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2003
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2004
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2005
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2006
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2007
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2008
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2009
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2019
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2020
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -37.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2021
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -33.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2022
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2023
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2024
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2025
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2026
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2027
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2028
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,13.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2029
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,14.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2030
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,14.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2032
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,17.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2033
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -32.5,17.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2034
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -33.5,17.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2035
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,17.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2036
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,17.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2037
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2038
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,15.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2095
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-1.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2096
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-2.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2097
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-3.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2098
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2099
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2100
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-9.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2101
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-7.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2112
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,0.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2113
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,0.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2137
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,16.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2139
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,-8.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2140
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -40.5,-8.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2141
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,-10.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2142
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,-8.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2143
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,-9.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2144
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,-8.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2145
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-8.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2146
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,-8.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2147
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,-11.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2148
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -38.5,-11.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2149
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -37.5,-11.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2150
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,-11.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2151
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -35.5,-11.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2153
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -39.5,-20.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2155
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -9.5,-27.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2156
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,-27.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2158
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- - pos: -20.5,-27.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2160
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.5,-29.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2162
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -14.5,-26.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2163
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,-26.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2165
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,-23.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2166
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,-23.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2167
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,-23.5
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- - uid: 2168
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,-23.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2170
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,-23.5
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- - uid: 2171
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,-24.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2172
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,-26.5
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- - uid: 2174
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,-11.5
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- - uid: 2175
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -26.5,-12.5
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- - uid: 2176
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -9.5,-23.5
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- - uid: 2177
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2178
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2179
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2180
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- - uid: 2182
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- - uid: 2183
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2184
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- - uid: 2185
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- - uid: 2187
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- - uid: 2188
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2189
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2190
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- - uid: 2191
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- - uid: 2192
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2193
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -25.5,-18.5
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- - uid: 2194
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2195
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- - uid: 2196
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2197
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2198
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2199
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2200
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2202
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- - uid: 2204
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -32.5,-13.5
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- - uid: 2205
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2206
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2207
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2208
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,-15.5
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- - uid: 2209
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2210
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2211
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2212
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,-17.5
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- - uid: 2213
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,-18.5
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- - uid: 2214
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2215
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -34.5,-18.5
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- - uid: 2216
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -33.5,-18.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2237
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- - uid: 2238
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -39.5,-18.5
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- - uid: 2239
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -39.5,-19.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2251
- components:
- - pos: -23.5,-27.5
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- - uid: 2253
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- - pos: -21.5,-27.5
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- - uid: 2254
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -21.5,-23.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2256
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2257
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2258
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2259
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2261
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2310
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- - pos: 12.5,31.5
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- - uid: 2314
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- - pos: 9.5,31.5
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- - uid: 2315
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- - pos: 13.5,31.5
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- - uid: 2320
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,31.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2322
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,32.5
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- - uid: 2323
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,33.5
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- - uid: 2343
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,31.5
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- - uid: 2344
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,19.5
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- - uid: 2345
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,19.5
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- - uid: 2346
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,19.5
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- - uid: 2347
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2348
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2349
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2350
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2352
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2353
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2354
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2355
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2356
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2357
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- - uid: 2358
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2359
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2364
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- - uid: 2365
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2366
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2367
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2378
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2380
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,19.5
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- - uid: 2418
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,31.5
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- - uid: 2419
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2420
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- - pos: 13.5,32.5
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- - uid: 2421
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- - pos: 13.5,33.5
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- - uid: 2423
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2424
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2425
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2431
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 2432
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2433
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2441
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -24.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3074
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -39.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3076
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -39.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3077
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -39.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3078
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -40.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3079
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -41.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3110
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,-15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3152
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3483
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -24.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3484
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -23.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3485
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3500
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3549
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -30.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5345
- components:
- - pos: -32.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6616
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7237
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8323
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8325
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WallSolidRust
- entities:
- - uid: 9058
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11950
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WallWood
- entities:
- - uid: 2759
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-54.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2760
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-53.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2768
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2770
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-47.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2771
- components:
- - pos: -18.5,-54.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2773
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,-54.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2774
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-48.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2775
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-45.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2776
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-45.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2777
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-46.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2779
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-47.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2780
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,-45.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2788
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -19.5,-51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2789
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,-47.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2791
- components:
- - pos: -15.5,-47.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2798
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-52.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2801
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,-51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2803
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,-51.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2805
- components:
- - pos: -17.5,-54.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2808
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-50.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2854
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-49.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2858
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,-47.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2859
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,-47.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2860
- components:
- - pos: -13.5,-47.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2861
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,-47.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2872
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,-47.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2873
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-45.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2926
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,-50.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2932
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -20.5,-48.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WardrobeCargoFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 7240
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WardrobeChapelFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 3479
- components:
- - pos: -33.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WardrobePrisonFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1815
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1816
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5444
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5445
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5446
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WardrobeRobotics
- entities:
- - uid: 661
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WarningCO2
- entities:
- - uid: 6969
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 42.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WarningN2
- entities:
- - uid: 6967
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WarningN2O
- entities:
- - uid: 6971
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 42.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WarningO2
- entities:
- - uid: 6968
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WarningPlasma
- entities:
- - uid: 6970
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 42.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WarningTritium
- entities:
- - uid: 6972
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 42.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WarningWaste
- entities:
- - uid: 6973
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 42.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WarpPoint
- entities:
- - uid: 12045
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: bar
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12046
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: bridge
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12047
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,52.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: ai sat
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12048
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -17.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: med
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12049
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,-3.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: sci
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12050
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: engi
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12051
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: atmos
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12052
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: abandoned evac dock
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12053
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: sec
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12054
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: courthouse
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12055
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 45.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: arrivals
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12056
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: cargo
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12057
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: dorms
- type: WarpPoint
- - uid: 12058
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -40.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - location: evac
- type: WarpPoint
-- proto: WaterCooler
- entities:
- - uid: 4856
- components:
- - pos: 39.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6396
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WaterTankFull
- entities:
- - uid: 4948
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7665
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8853
- components:
- - pos: -30.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8859
- components:
- - pos: -7.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9140
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9177
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9377
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9378
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9536
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9690
- components:
- - pos: -13.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9710
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WaterTankHighCapacity
- entities:
- - uid: 6009
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WaterVaporCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 6811
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeaponCapacitorRecharger
- entities:
- - uid: 780
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 784
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4116
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5060
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5330
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeaponDisabler
- entities:
- - uid: 5324
- components:
- - pos: 19.372377,15.690639
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5325
- components:
- - pos: 19.544252,15.612514
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5326
- components:
- - pos: 19.747377,15.550014
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5437
- components:
- - pos: 16.478151,15.561477
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeaponLaserCarbine
- entities:
- - uid: 5424
- components:
- - pos: 38.328125,13.694345
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5425
- components:
- - pos: 38.375,13.58497
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeaponPistolMk58
- entities:
- - uid: 5396
- components:
- - pos: 29.446836,16.541578
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5422
- components:
- - pos: 37.46875,13.61622
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5436
- components:
- - pos: 37.546875,13.55372
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeaponRevolverDeckard
- entities:
- - uid: 4842
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 4120
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: WeaponRifleLecter
- entities:
- - uid: 5431
- components:
- - pos: 38.533405,11.484736
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeaponShotgunKammerer
- entities:
- - uid: 5426
- components:
- - pos: 38.470905,12.377476
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5427
- components:
- - pos: 38.54903,12.330601
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeaponSubMachineGunDrozd
- entities:
- - uid: 5418
- components:
- - pos: 36.546875,13.694345
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeaponSubMachineGunDrozdRubber
- entities:
- - uid: 5310
- components:
- - pos: 18.660734,15.690639
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeaponSubMachineGunWt550
- entities:
- - uid: 5385
- components:
- - pos: 27.524961,14.648642
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeaponTurretSyndicateBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 2688
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,55.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2750
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,55.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2753
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,49.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2754
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,49.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WelderIndustrialAdvanced
- entities:
- - uid: 7139
- components:
- - pos: 33.606236,-18.496468
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeldingFuelTankFull
- entities:
- - uid: 6766
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8858
- components:
- - pos: -8.5,-17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8860
- components:
- - pos: -31.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9139
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,-18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9178
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9375
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9376
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9535
- components:
- - pos: 36.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9689
- components:
- - pos: -14.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9709
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Windoor
- entities:
- - uid: 8315
- components:
- - pos: -28.5,-14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8759
- components:
- - pos: -41.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindoorChapelLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3474
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -33.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3475
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -33.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindoorSecure
- entities:
- - uid: 3290
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3350
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3405
- components:
- - pos: -9.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3406
- components:
- - pos: -8.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3407
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -9.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3408
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -8.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3603
- components:
- - pos: -9.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3604
- components:
- - pos: -8.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5099
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5100
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7245
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7246
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindoorSecureCargoLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 7243
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7244
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7288
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 7290
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindoorSecureChemistryLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3401
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -12.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3402
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -9.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3403
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -8.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindoorSecureCommandLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3614
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,52.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3615
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,52.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4127
- components:
- - pos: -4.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4730
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4972
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindoorSecureEngineeringLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3349
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindoorSecureHeadOfPersonnelLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3289
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindoorSecureMedicalLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3404
- components:
- - pos: -12.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3409
- components:
- - pos: -9.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3410
- components:
- - pos: -8.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3558
- components:
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- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
-- proto: WindoorSecureSalvageLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 7297
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,-24.5
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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-- proto: WindoorSecureScienceLocked
- entities:
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- pos: -9.5,-4.5
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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-- proto: WindoorSecureSecurityLocked
- entities:
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- pos: 21.5,7.5
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- pos: 22.5,7.5
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- pos: 13.5,14.5
- parent: 1
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,13.5
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- - pos: 12.5,7.5
- parent: 1
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- - 12485
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- - pos: 15.5,7.5
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- type: Transform
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- - 12486
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- - uid: 5537
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,7.5
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- - 12487
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- components:
- - pos: 36.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12004
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12005
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindoorServiceLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 3375
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3376
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- - pos: 3.5,-0.5
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- - pos: 3.5,4.5
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- pos: 3.5,4.5
- parent: 1
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- pos: -2.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Window
- entities:
- - uid: 40
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 41
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- - pos: 0.5,-0.5
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- - pos: -1.5,13.5
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- - pos: -2.5,12.5
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- - pos: -3.5,11.5
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- - pos: 4.5,13.5
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- - pos: -1.5,12.5
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- - pos: 5.5,12.5
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- - pos: 4.5,12.5
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- - uid: 82
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- - pos: 6.5,11.5
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- - uid: 84
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- - pos: 5.5,11.5
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- - uid: 86
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- - pos: -2.5,11.5
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- - uid: 95
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- - pos: -3.5,6.5
- parent: 1
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- - uid: 96
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- - pos: -3.5,5.5
- parent: 1
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- - uid: 97
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,6.5
- parent: 1
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- - uid: 98
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -15.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- - pos: -0.5,-20.5
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- type: Transform
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- components:
- - pos: -0.5,-21.5
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- - pos: -0.5,-22.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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- components:
- - pos: -5.5,-23.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1626
- components:
- - pos: -4.5,-23.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1627
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- - pos: -2.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
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- - uid: 1628
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,-23.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1987
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -37.5,4.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1988
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -36.5,4.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1989
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -32.5,4.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 1990
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -31.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2092
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -41.5,0.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 2110
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -40.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2111
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- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -39.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4820
- components:
- - pos: 44.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4821
- components:
- - pos: 46.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindowDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 315
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -11.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 316
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- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -11.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindowFrostedDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 312
- components:
- - pos: -10.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 313
- components:
- - pos: -11.5,20.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 3473
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -33.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9631
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9632
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12452
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12453
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindowReinforcedDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 727
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 728
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- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1688
- components:
- - pos: 46.5,33.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1697
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1698
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1699
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-20.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 1700
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3556
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,33.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3583
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3798
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3799
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3800
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4126
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4895
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 45.5,33.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4969
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4970
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,30.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 11963
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12000
- components:
- - pos: 38.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12001
- components:
- - pos: 38.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 12002
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Wirecutter
- entities:
- - uid: 6073
- components:
- - pos: -6.449393,-15.322836
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: WoodDoor
- entities:
- - uid: 3088
- components:
- - pos: -34.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3446
- components:
- - pos: -37.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: Wrench
- entities:
- - uid: 5603
- components:
- - pos: -23.498562,5.5333753
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 6090
- components:
- - pos: -28.522102,-7.4028454
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
-- proto: YellowOxygenTankFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 8928
- components:
- - pos: -33.421288,-7.524516
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
- - uid: 9731
- components:
- - pos: -28.423817,12.547613
- parent: 1
- type: Transform
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+ 1396: 12,27
+ 1397: 13,27
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+ 798: 3,1
+ 799: 1,1
+ 800: 4,2
+ 801: 2,1
+ 802: 1,2
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+ color: '#334E6DC8'
+ id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale
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+ 308: -7,29
+ 309: -13,30
+ 310: -16,30
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+ 322: 4,17
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+ color: '#52B4E996'
+ id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale
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+ 482: 22,4
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+ id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale
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+ 504: 30,17
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+ 510: 33,19
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+ 514: 33,22
+ 515: 32,24
+ 516: 33,24
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+ 536: 26,27
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Grassc1
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+ id: Grassd1
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Grassd3
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: Grasse1
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+ id: Grasse2
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+ 324: 3,16
+ 325: 5,16
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+ 343: 3,25
+ 344: 4,25
+ 345: -2,32
+ 346: -3,32
+ 347: 0,31
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+ 374: -1,17
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+ 470: 22,7
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+ 472: 22,5
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+ id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180
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+ 508: 33,20
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+ id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180
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+ 303: -12,29
+ 304: -12,30
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+ 370: 0,24
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+ 852: -13,-2
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+ 533: 27,26
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+ 433: 19,8
+ 434: 21,8
+ 435: 22,8
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+ 438: 25,8
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+ 440: 27,8
+ 441: 28,8
+ 442: 29,8
+ 443: 30,8
+ 444: 31,8
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+ 449: 33,11
+ 450: 33,12
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+ 413: 25,10
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+ 417: 20,10
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+ 0: 65535
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+ 0: 65535
+ -2,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -4,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -4,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -4,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -4,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -6,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ -6,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -6,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -6,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -6,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -6,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -6,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,8:
+ 0: 32095
+ 1,8:
+ 0: 6559
+ -4,8:
+ 0: 44911
+ -3,8:
+ 0: 28655
+ -2,8:
+ 0: 58287
+ -1,8:
+ 0: 61951
+ -5,8:
+ 0: 28495
+ -4,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -4,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -4,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -4,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -6,-4:
+ 0: 65533
+ -6,-3:
+ 0: 65533
+ -6,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -6,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -4,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -6,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -9,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -9,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -9,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,-8:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,-8:
+ 0: 65521
+ 1,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,-8:
+ 0: 65534
+ 2,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,-8:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -6,7:
+ 0: 16383
+ -7,-4:
+ 0: 65279
+ 2: 256
+ -4,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -4,-8:
+ 0: 65534
+ -4,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,-8:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,-8:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,-8:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -6,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,7:
+ 0: 61951
+ 7,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 10,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 10,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 10,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 10,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 11,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 11,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 11,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 11,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 10,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 10,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 11,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,8:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,8:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,8:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,8:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,8:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 10,-4:
+ 0: 63479
+ 3: 8
+ 4: 2048
+ 10,-3:
+ 0: 63479
+ 4: 2056
+ 10,-2:
+ 0: 63479
+ 5: 8
+ 6: 2048
+ 10,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 11,-4:
+ 3: 3
+ 0: 64764
+ 4: 768
+ 11,-3:
+ 4: 771
+ 0: 64764
+ 11,-2:
+ 5: 3
+ 0: 64764
+ 6: 768
+ 11,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,-8:
+ 0: 65534
+ 4,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,-8:
+ 0: 65327
+ 5,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 5,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,-8:
+ 0: 61696
+ 6,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 6,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 7,-8:
+ 0: 28672
+ 7,-7:
+ 0: 23933
+ 7,-6:
+ 0: 63447
+ 7,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 12,0:
+ 0: 4369
+ 12,1:
+ 0: 4369
+ 12,2:
+ 0: 4369
+ 12,3:
+ 0: 4369
+ 8,-7:
+ 0: 65327
+ 8,-6:
+ 0: 65331
+ 4: 204
+ 8,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 9,-7:
+ 0: 32559
+ 9,-6:
+ 4: 17
+ 0: 63462
+ 9,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 10,-7:
+ 0: 4369
+ 10,-6:
+ 0: 16145
+ 10,-5:
+ 0: 63487
+ 4: 2048
+ 11,-6:
+ 0: 40704
+ 11,-5:
+ 0: 64767
+ 4: 768
+ 0,-9:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,-9:
+ 0: 63984
+ -2,-9:
+ 0: 65533
+ -1,-9:
+ 0: 65535
+ 12,-4:
+ 0: 12834
+ 12,-3:
+ 0: 12834
+ 12,-2:
+ 0: 8994
+ 12,-1:
+ 0: 12850
+ 12,4:
+ 0: 12561
+ 12,-6:
+ 0: 8960
+ 12,-5:
+ 0: 8754
+ -9,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 2,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 3,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,7:
+ 0: 61182
+ -7,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,9:
+ 0: 48826
+ 0,10:
+ 0: 21621
+ 0,11:
+ 0: 63477
+ 1,9:
+ 0: 1
+ 1,11:
+ 0: 64240
+ 3,8:
+ 0: 20479
+ -4,9:
+ 0: 52390
+ -4,11:
+ 0: 41580
+ -4,10:
+ 0: 34952
+ -3,9:
+ 0: 27503
+ -3,10:
+ 0: 65199
+ -3,11:
+ 0: 65518
+ -2,9:
+ 0: 58361
+ -2,10:
+ 0: 64245
+ -2,11:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,9:
+ 0: 62712
+ -1,10:
+ 0: 62706
+ -1,11:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,8:
+ 0: 65327
+ -8,9:
+ 0: 65327
+ -8,10:
+ 0: 11183
+ -8,11:
+ 0: 14
+ -7,8:
+ 0: 65375
+ -7,9:
+ 0: 65311
+ -7,10:
+ 0: 43839
+ -7,11:
+ 0: 15
+ -6,8:
+ 0: 32079
+ -6,9:
+ 0: 21845
+ -6,10:
+ 0: 1863
+ -8,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,-8:
+ 0: 65525
+ -8,-7:
+ 0: 65525
+ -8,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -8,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -7,-8:
+ 0: 44962
+ -7,-7:
+ 0: 65530
+ -6,-8:
+ 0: 65529
+ -6,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,-8:
+ 0: 64186
+ -5,-7:
+ 0: 65535
+ -12,-4:
+ 0: 2794
+ -11,-4:
+ 0: 61439
+ -11,-3:
+ 0: 61166
+ -11,-2:
+ 0: 61182
+ -11,-1:
+ 0: 61423
+ -10,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -10,-3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -10,-2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -10,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -9,-4:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 4,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 10,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 8,9:
+ 0: 2047
+ 9,9:
+ 0: 4095
+ 4,8:
+ 0: 61439
+ 4,9:
+ 0: 3823
+ 5,9:
+ 0: 3583
+ 6,9:
+ 0: 2047
+ 7,9:
+ 0: 3327
+ -4,-12:
+ 0: 12031
+ -4,-11:
+ 0: 44722
+ -4,-10:
+ 0: 43770
+ -4,-9:
+ 0: 58610
+ -3,-12:
+ 0: 3007
+ -12,0:
+ 0: 34824
+ -12,1:
+ 0: 2184
+ -12,2:
+ 0: 34816
+ -12,3:
+ 0: 2184
+ -11,0:
+ 0: 65518
+ -11,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -11,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -11,3:
+ 0: 61439
+ -10,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ -10,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -10,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -10,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -9,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -9,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -9,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ -11,4:
+ 0: 61182
+ -11,5:
+ 0: 61167
+ -11,6:
+ 0: 36527
+ -10,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -10,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -10,6:
+ 0: 61167
+ -9,4:
+ 0: 65535
+ -9,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -9,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -9,7:
+ 0: 35002
+ -12,-6:
+ 0: 43054
+ -12,-5:
+ 0: 43754
+ -11,-7:
+ 0: 65439
+ -11,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -11,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -10,-7:
+ 0: 64393
+ -10,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -10,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -10,-8:
+ 0: 34952
+ -9,-8:
+ 0: 61410
+ -9,-7:
+ 0: 65508
+ -9,-6:
+ 0: 65535
+ -9,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -10,-10:
+ 0: 32768
+ -10,-9:
+ 0: 34952
+ -9,-10:
+ 0: 45792
+ -9,-9:
+ 0: 65258
+ -8,-10:
+ 0: 63984
+ -8,-9:
+ 0: 65523
+ -7,-10:
+ 0: 12288
+ -7,-9:
+ 0: 58146
+ -6,-12:
+ 0: 3754
+ -6,-11:
+ 0: 34944
+ -6,-10:
+ 0: 34952
+ -6,-9:
+ 0: 63624
+ -5,-12:
+ 0: 60335
+ -5,-11:
+ 0: 60330
+ -5,-10:
+ 0: 60090
+ -5,-9:
+ 0: 64186
+ -9,8:
+ 0: 17484
+ -9,9:
+ 0: 17484
+ -9,10:
+ 0: 3140
+ 0,12:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,13:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,14:
+ 0: 62207
+ 0,15:
+ 0: 48757
+ 1,12:
+ 0: 65471
+ 1,13:
+ 0: 49147
+ 1,14:
+ 0: 63935
+ -4,12:
+ 0: 43694
+ -4,13:
+ 0: 60142
+ -4,14:
+ 0: 28330
+ -4,15:
+ 0: 12
+ -3,12:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,13:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,14:
+ 0: 16383
+ -3,15:
+ 0: 15
+ -2,12:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,13:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,14:
+ 0: 40959
+ -2,15:
+ 0: 34831
+ -1,12:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,13:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,14:
+ 0: 61439
+ -1,15:
+ 0: 53151
+ -6,-14:
+ 0: 34952
+ -6,-13:
+ 0: 60138
+ -5,-14:
+ 0: 65519
+ -5,-13:
+ 0: 65535
+ -5,-16:
+ 0: 11852
+ -5,-15:
+ 0: 44714
+ -4,-16:
+ 0: 32543
+ -4,-15:
+ 0: 12287
+ -4,-14:
+ 0: 65535
+ -4,-13:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,-16:
+ 0: 8977
+ -3,-15:
+ 0: 8754
+ -3,-14:
+ 0: 49075
+ -3,-13:
+ 0: 48123
+ 10,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 11,5:
+ 0: 65535
+ 11,6:
+ 0: 65535
+ 11,7:
+ 0: 65535
+ 10,8:
+ 0: 65535
+ 10,9:
+ 0: 239
+ 11,8:
+ 0: 65535
+ 11,9:
+ 0: 255
+ 12,5:
+ 0: 13107
+ 12,6:
+ 0: 13107
+ 12,7:
+ 0: 13107
+ 12,8:
+ 0: 13107
+ 12,9:
+ 0: 49
+ 1,-9:
+ 0: 4369
+ -12,-2:
+ 0: 34952
+ -12,-1:
+ 0: 34952
+ -3,-10:
+ 0: 49152
+ -2,-10:
+ 0: 7936
+ -1,-10:
+ 0: 9984
+ -12,-7:
+ 0: 17484
+ 2,8:
+ 0: 4095
+ 3,9:
+ 0: 14
+ -5,9:
+ 0: 15
+ -12,4:
+ 0: 34952
+ -12,5:
+ 0: 34952
+ -12,6:
+ 0: 136
+ -11,7:
+ 0: 136
+ -10,7:
+ 0: 242
+ -2,16:
+ 0: 34952
+ -2,17:
+ 0: 8
+ -1,16:
+ 0: 52847
+ 3: 128
+ -1,17:
+ 0: 245
+ 0,16:
+ 0: 39931
+ 0,17:
+ 0: 124
+ uniqueMixes:
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 21.824879
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.14996
+ moles:
+ - 21.824879
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.14996
+ moles:
+ - 20.078888
+ - 75.53487
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 6666.982
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 6666.982
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 0
+ - 6666.982
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ chunkSize: 4
+ type: GridAtmosphere
+ - type: GasTileOverlay
+ - type: RadiationGridResistance
+ - id: Cluster
+ type: BecomesStation
+ - type: SpreaderGrid
+ - type: GridPathfinding
+ - uid: 12281
+ components:
+ - type: MetaData
+ - type: Transform
+ - type: Map
+ - type: PhysicsMap
+ - type: Broadphase
+ - type: OccluderTree
+ - type: LoadedMap
+ - type: GridTree
+ - type: MovedGrids
+- proto: AcousticGuitarInstrument
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5973
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5402613,7.6028175
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AdvancedCapacitorStockPart
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9498
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.8552828,-31.280602
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9500
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.7302828,-31.280602
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AdvancedMatterBinStockPart
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9499
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.3396578,-31.327477
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirAlarm
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8049
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3203
+ - 3204
+ - 3205
+ - 3219
+ - 3327
+ - 3217
+ - 3213
+ - 3214
+ - 3215
+ - 11609
+ - 11608
+ - 10602
+ - 10601
+ - 10599
+ - 10600
+ - 10548
+ - 10550
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11592
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3197
+ - 3194
+ - 3198
+ - 10762
+ - 10763
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11593
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3193
+ - 3192
+ - 3196
+ - 3194
+ - 3195
+ - 10748
+ - 10751
+ - 10749
+ - 10750
+ - 10724
+ - 10727
+ - 10725
+ - 10726
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11594
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3185
+ - 3191
+ - 3193
+ - 3192
+ - 3186
+ - 10696
+ - 10697
+ - 10812
+ - 10706
+ - 10707
+ - 10813
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11598
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 5009
+ - 5010
+ - 5011
+ - 3190
+ - 3199
+ - 3191
+ - 3134
+ - 3133
+ - 46
+ - 5004
+ - 5003
+ - 5002
+ - 5000
+ - 5001
+ - 10665
+ - 10664
+ - 10821
+ - 10814
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11601
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3200
+ - 3201
+ - 3202
+ - 1766
+ - 1765
+ - 3209
+ - 3208
+ - 3206
+ - 3207
+ - 3203
+ - 3204
+ - 3205
+ - 10552
+ - 10551
+ - 10547
+ - 10549
+ - 10514
+ - 10511
+ - 10513
+ - 10510
+ - 10512
+ - 10509
+ - 11605
+ - 11604
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11611
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3224
+ - 3225
+ - 3226
+ - 3227
+ - 3228
+ - 3220
+ - 3221
+ - 3222
+ - 3223
+ - 10658
+ - 10663
+ - 10662
+ - 10660
+ - 10661
+ - 10659
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11612
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3134
+ - 3133
+ - 46
+ - 3135
+ - 3136
+ - 3138
+ - 3137
+ - 11622
+ - 11621
+ - 11620
+ - 11619
+ - 11618
+ - 11617
+ - 11616
+ - 11615
+ - 11614
+ - 10778
+ - 10786
+ - 10785
+ - 10772
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11623
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3143
+ - 3141
+ - 3142
+ - 3139
+ - 3140
+ - 10247
+ - 11176
+ - 10773
+ - 10246
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11625
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3145
+ - 3146
+ - 3143
+ - 3142
+ - 11337
+ - 10248
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11630
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3120
+ - 3119
+ - 3118
+ - 3149
+ - 3150
+ - 3151
+ - 5508
+ - 5498
+ - 5495
+ - 5008
+ - 5003
+ - 5002
+ - 5004
+ - 3135
+ - 3136
+ - 10994
+ - 10995
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11632
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3183
+ - 3184
+ - 3171
+ - 3170
+ - 3169
+ - 3168
+ - 3167
+ - 3166
+ - 3165
+ - 3189
+ - 3164
+ - 3173
+ - 3172
+ - 10879
+ - 10880
+ - 10902
+ - 10900
+ - 11646
+ - 11645
+ - 10903
+ - 10901
+ - 10924
+ - 10921
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11634
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11636
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -27.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 10923
+ - 10922
+ - 3164
+ - 3188
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11638
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3187
+ - 11637
+ - 11643
+ - 10967
+ - 10972
+ - 10971
+ - 10969
+ - 10968
+ - 10970
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11642
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3178
+ - 3179
+ - 3180
+ - 3181
+ - 10899
+ - 10944
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11647
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3151
+ - 3150
+ - 3149
+ - 3155
+ - 3156
+ - 3157
+ - 11054
+ - 11057
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11649
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3151
+ - 3150
+ - 3149
+ - 3155
+ - 3156
+ - 3157
+ - 11054
+ - 11057
+ - 2284
+ - 2094
+ - 3160
+ - 3272
+ - 3273
+ - 3158
+ - 3159
+ - 3161
+ - 11058
+ - 11055
+ - 11059
+ - 11042
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11651
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 11085
+ - 11083
+ - 11084
+ - 11082
+ - 3158
+ - 3159
+ - 3161
+ - 11653
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11655
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 2284
+ - 2094
+ - 3160
+ - 3162
+ - 3163
+ - 11149
+ - 11147
+ - 11151
+ - 11150
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11657
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 11162
+ - 11174
+ - 11163
+ - 11175
+ - 3272
+ - 3273
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11658
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 11195
+ - 11332
+ - 3115
+ - 3116
+ - 3117
+ - 3104
+ - 3103
+ - 3102
+ - 3096
+ - 3097
+ - 3100
+ - 3101
+ - 3118
+ - 3119
+ - 3120
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11660
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 11234
+ - 11233
+ - 3094
+ - 3095
+ - 3102
+ - 3103
+ - 3104
+ - 3105
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11661
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 11667
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11662
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 11666
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11664
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 11286
+ - 11284
+ - 11283
+ - 11285
+ - 3111
+ - 3112
+ - 3113
+ - 3106
+ - 3107
+ - 3108
+ - 3109
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11670
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -27.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 1979
+ - 2283
+ - 996
+ - 11321
+ - 11322
+ - 11320
+ - 11323
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11672
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3091
+ - 3090
+ - 3109
+ - 3093
+ - 3092
+ - 11260
+ - 11261
+ - 11331
+ - 11330
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11674
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3117
+ - 3116
+ - 3115
+ - 3145
+ - 3121
+ - 3122
+ - 3123
+ - 3266
+ - 3265
+ - 3264
+ - 11366
+ - 11367
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11676
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3123
+ - 3122
+ - 3121
+ - 11629
+ - 11628
+ - 11627
+ - 3125
+ - 3124
+ - 3126
+ - 3243
+ - 10197
+ - 10204
+ - 3828
+ - 7182
+ - 10219
+ - 10220
+ - 1832
+ - 3055
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11678
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3229
+ - 3230
+ - 3233
+ - 3232
+ - 10160
+ - 10161
+ - 10112
+ - 10113
+ - 11687
+ - 11688
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11680
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3231
+ - 3232
+ - 3233
+ - 3241
+ - 3242
+ - 10145
+ - 10144
+ - 10143
+ - 10142
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11682
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3235
+ - 3234
+ - 3232
+ - 3233
+ - 3240
+ - 10114
+ - 10115
+ - 11687
+ - 11688
+ - 11689
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11684
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 33.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 7152
+ - 7151
+ - 3236
+ - 3237
+ - 1222
+ - 11686
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11690
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3129
+ - 3128
+ - 3127
+ - 3498
+ - 3499
+ - 10358
+ - 10361
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11692
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3499
+ - 3498
+ - 3501
+ - 3502
+ - 3503
+ - 10362
+ - 10359
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11694
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 40.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3503
+ - 3502
+ - 3501
+ - 3504
+ - 3505
+ - 3506
+ - 10360
+ - 10363
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11697
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3506
+ - 3505
+ - 3504
+ - 3507
+ - 4898
+ - 10388
+ - 10390
+ - 10389
+ - 10391
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11698
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 40.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 10413
+ - 10414
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11699
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 43.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 4898
+ - 4897
+ - 11703
+ - 11704
+ - 10432
+ - 10433
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11700
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 38.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 11703
+ - 11704
+ - 10448
+ - 10450
+ - 10449
+ - 10451
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11705
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3262
+ - 3261
+ - 3263
+ - 3264
+ - 3265
+ - 3266
+ - 11410
+ - 11408
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11707
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3260
+ - 3259
+ - 3258
+ - 3267
+ - 3270
+ - 3269
+ - 3271
+ - 3268
+ - 11476
+ - 11472
+ - 11473
+ - 11477
+ - 11471
+ - 11479
+ - 11481
+ - 11482
+ - 11478
+ - 11474
+ - 11480
+ - 11475
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11709
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3584
+ - 3585
+ - 3586
+ - 3587
+ - 3263
+ - 3262
+ - 3261
+ - 3260
+ - 3259
+ - 3258
+ - 7083
+ - 7084
+ - 7085
+ - 11409
+ - 11411
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11711
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 7086
+ - 7083
+ - 7084
+ - 7085
+ - 11507
+ - 11510
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11714
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3247
+ - 3246
+ - 3250
+ - 3251
+ - 3252
+ - 3253
+ - 2186
+ - 11719
+ - 11720
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11718
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 7250
+ - 7249
+ - 3595
+ - 7301
+ - 3257
+ - 11589
+ - 11587
+ - 11588
+ - 11590
+ type: DeviceList
+- proto: AirCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6999
+ components:
+ - pos: 37.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7000
+ components:
+ - pos: 37.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7004
+ components:
+ - pos: 37.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7204
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8862
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8867
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8868
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9126
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9180
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9250
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9336
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9337
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9338
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9691
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9692
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12006
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Airlock
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3575
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3576
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3577
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3600
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3601
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3602
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockArmoryLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3314
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockAtmosphericsGlassLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3347
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3348
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockBrigGlassLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3321
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3322
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3323
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3324
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4899
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4901
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockCaptainLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3282
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9651
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockCargoGlassLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3588
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3589
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3590
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3591
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3592
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3593
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockChapelLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3445
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockChemistryLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3400
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -14.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockChiefEngineerGlassLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3344
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockChiefMedicalOfficerLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3399
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -17.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockCommandGlassLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3275
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3276
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3277
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3278
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3279
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3609
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,44.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4906
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 43.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockCommandLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3611
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,45.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockDetectiveLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3325
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockEngineeringGlassLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3333
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3334
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3335
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3336
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3337
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3338
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3339
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3340
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3341
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3342
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3343
+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3345
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 30.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3346
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 30.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockEngineeringLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3357
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3359
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3360
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3361
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -25.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3362
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -30.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3363
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3364
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3557
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4510
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7082
+ components:
+ - name: Tech Vault
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -0.5,-32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockExternal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3550
+ components:
+ - pos: -39.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8327
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 50
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-46.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 57
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 47.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2862
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-47.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3051
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 23.5,36.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3052
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,36.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3053
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 31.5,36.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3054
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 33.5,36.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3067
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3068
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3069
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3070
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5547
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,-34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12282
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 47.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12283
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 47.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassCargoLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1523
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1717
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1720
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1752
+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassEngineeringLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3571
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3572
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -33.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3573
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -29.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3574
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -28.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3284
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3285
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3286
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3354
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 29.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3355
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 30.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3607
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,43.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3608
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,45.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleArrivals
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1268
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 48.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1278
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 48.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleEmergencyLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3059
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -44.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3060
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -44.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3061
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -44.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3062
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -44.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleEscape
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2998
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,-35.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4815
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 48.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5553
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8326
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1728
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1729
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3047
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 33.5,38.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3048
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 31.5,38.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3049
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,38.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3050
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 23.5,38.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockFreezerKitchenHydroLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3367
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3368
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1348
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3381
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3382
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3383
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3384
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3385
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3387
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3437
+ components:
+ - pos: -35.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3438
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3439
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3440
+ components:
+ - pos: -36.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3441
+ components:
+ - pos: -37.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3486
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3487
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3488
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3489
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3490
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3491
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3492
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3493
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3494
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3495
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3496
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3497
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3542
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3543
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3544
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3579
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3580
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3581
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3582
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3796
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4909
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 45.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6295
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockHeadOfPersonnelLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3287
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3288
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockHeadOfSecurityLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3313
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockHydroponicsLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3144
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockJanitorLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3366
+ components:
+ - name: Jani Closet
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaint
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1021
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -30.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3545
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3546
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3547
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3548
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3551
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -30.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3552
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3553
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3554
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3555
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12517
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -22.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaintAtmoLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1305
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 30.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6988
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 38.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaintCargoLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3598
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3599
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaintChapelLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3444
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaintCommandLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3280
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3281
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4907
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaintEngiLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3330
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3331
+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3332
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaintJanitorLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3365
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaintLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1666
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3291
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3292
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3293
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3294
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3295
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3296
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3297
+ components:
+ - pos: 31.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3298
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3299
+ components:
+ - pos: 44.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3300
+ components:
+ - pos: 31.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3301
+ components:
+ - pos: 31.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3302
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3303
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3304
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3305
+ components:
+ - pos: -35.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3306
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3307
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3308
+ components:
+ - pos: -38.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3309
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3840
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 30.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4896
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 38.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaintMedLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3394
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -27.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3395
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3396
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaintRnDLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3428
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3429
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+ - pos: -13.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 3431
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaintSalvageLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3597
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMaintSecLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3328
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+ - pos: 22.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3329
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMedicalGlassLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1859
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+ - pos: -15.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1860
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+ - pos: -14.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3388
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3389
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3390
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3391
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3392
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -24.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockMedicalLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 734
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+ - pos: 22.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3393
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3560
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+- proto: AirlockQuartermasterLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3596
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockResearchDirectorLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3411
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+ - pos: -19.5,-2.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockSalvageGlassLocked
+ entities:
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+ - pos: 17.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7248
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+ - pos: 17.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockScienceGlassLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3412
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+ - pos: -26.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3413
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3414
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3415
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3416
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3417
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3418
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3419
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3420
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3421
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3422
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3423
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3424
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3425
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3426
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3427
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockSecurityGlassLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3310
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+ - pos: 15.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3311
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3312
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3315
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3316
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3317
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3318
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3319
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3320
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockSecurityLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2351
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockServiceGlassLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3369
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+ - pos: 3.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3370
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+ - pos: 6.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3371
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3373
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3374
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockServiceLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3442
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+ - pos: -37.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3443
+ components:
+ - pos: -35.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockTheatreLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3578
+ components:
+ - name: Theatre Room
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirlockVirologyLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3397
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -16.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3398
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -15.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AirSensor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11666
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11667
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AltarSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3467
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AmeController
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6778
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+ - pos: 29.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AmePart
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6775
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+ - flags: InContainer
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+ - parent: 6774
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+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
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+ - uid: 6776
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+ - flags: InContainer
+ type: MetaData
+ - parent: 6774
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+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - type: InsideEntityStorage
+ - uid: 6777
+ components:
+ - flags: InContainer
+ type: MetaData
+ - parent: 6774
+ type: Transform
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - type: InsideEntityStorage
+- proto: AnalysisComputerCircuitboard
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9509
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5700207,-34.400963
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: AnomalyScanner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6083
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+ - pos: -28.443977,-5.4184704
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6084
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.568977,-5.2934704
+ parent: 1
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+- proto: APCBasic
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1886
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+ - pos: -24.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1887
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+ pos: -14.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 1889
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -14.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1929
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,29.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1930
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,26.5
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+ - uid: 1931
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+ - pos: 1.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 1932
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+ pos: -16.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1933
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1934
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+ pos: -8.5,-16.5
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+ - uid: 1935
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+ - pos: -14.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1942
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+ - uid: 1945
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+ - pos: 13.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1946
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+ - pos: 26.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1947
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1948
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2442
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+ - pos: -31.5,-21.5
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+ - uid: 2870
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+ pos: -10.5,-49.5
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+ pos: -3.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: -20.5,-25.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: 33.5,-5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6527
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+ pos: 33.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: 15.5,-28.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: 38.5,28.5
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+ - pos: -4.4293957,-34.588463
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - pos: 13.5,-31.5
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+ - uid: 1955
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+ - pos: 11.5,-31.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3001
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3065
+ components:
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+ pos: -44.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 3066
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+ - uid: 3147
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+ - uid: 3148
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 10.5,34.5
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+ pos: 23.5,38.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: 25.5,38.5
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+ pos: 31.5,38.5
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+ - uid: 12497
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ entities:
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+ components:
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+ - pos: 45.5,-13.5
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+ - uid: 7269
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+ - uid: 7270
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+ - uid: 7271
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+ - pos: 45.5,-17.5
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+ - uid: 7273
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+ components:
+ - pos: 36.5,-23.5
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+ - pos: -9.729915,-30.052383
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: BananaSeeds
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5467
+ components:
+ - pos: 31.256155,27.175816
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: BannerNanotrasen
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4059
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: BannerSecurity
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5303
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+ - pos: 9.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: Barricade
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8278
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+ - pos: -25.5,-20.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: BarSign
+ entities:
+ - uid: 60
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: BassGuitarInstrument
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12290
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.503199,41.532513
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Beaker
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6085
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+ - pos: -27.912727,-5.4184704
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6086
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.662727,-5.1840954
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Bed
+ entities:
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+ - pos: 25.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1806
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1810
+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1818
+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1851
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3482
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4098
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,31.5
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+ - uid: 4962
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,19.5
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+ - uid: 5361
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5438
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5439
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5440
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5663
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7442
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7714
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 7715
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-29.5
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+ - uid: 8261
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-53.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9017
+ components:
+ - pos: -38.5,-10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9620
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12405
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12406
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-31.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12407
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: BedsheetCaptain
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+ - pos: 3.5,31.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: BedsheetCE
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+- proto: BedsheetClown
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+ - pos: -10.5,-31.5
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+- proto: BedsheetCMO
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,16.5
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+- proto: BedsheetCosmos
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+ pos: -17.5,-53.5
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+ parent: 1
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+ pos: -31.5,13.5
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+- proto: BedsheetGreen
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+ - pos: -10.5,18.5
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+ - uid: 5620
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+- proto: BedsheetHOS
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+ - pos: 25.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: BedsheetMedical
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5622
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -15.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
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+- proto: BedsheetMime
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+ - uid: 12409
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+ - pos: -10.5,-28.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: BedsheetOrange
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+ - pos: 14.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5442
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+ - pos: 11.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 5443
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+ - pos: 17.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
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+- proto: BedsheetQM
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: BedsheetRD
+ entities:
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: BedsheetRed
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+ - pos: 27.5,16.5
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+ pos: 28.5,5.5
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+- proto: BedsheetSpawner
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9018
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+ parent: 1
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+- proto: BedsheetSyndie
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+ pos: 25.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1817
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9621
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 15.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Bible
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7547
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.507103,14.620898
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: BiomassReclaimer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1921
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: BlastDoor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3218
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+ - pos: 34.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 5388
+ - 5389
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+ - 6337
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+ components:
+ - pos: -35.5,25.5
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+ - links:
+ - 1978
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+ - uid: 3795
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7432
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+ - pos: 10.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ parent: 1
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+ components:
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+ - 7437
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+ - uid: 7435
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+ - pos: 14.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7437
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+- proto: BlastDoorOpen
+ entities:
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+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 4100
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ - 4100
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+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 4100
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+- proto: BlockGameArcade
+ entities:
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 30.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Bloodpack
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9642
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.340826,24.655668
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9643
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.622076,24.452543
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: BodyBag_Container
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8242
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.819975,23.448257
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 75.31249
+ moles:
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
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+ - 0
+ type: EntityStorage
+- proto: BookRandom
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -37.35744,-3.616012
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5578
+ components:
+ - pos: -37.623066,-3.397262
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+ - uid: 5579
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+ - pos: -37.41994,-3.100387
+ parent: 1
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+- proto: BooksBag
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+ - pos: -37.421623,-3.3253686
+ parent: 1
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+- proto: BookshelfFilled
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -40.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1271
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+ - pos: -40.5,-2.5
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+ - uid: 1287
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1952
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+ - pos: -39.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1961
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1962
+ components:
+ - pos: -39.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2785
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,-48.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2802
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-48.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4858
+ components:
+ - pos: -39.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4862
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.5,-0.5
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+ - uid: 4870
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4879
+ components:
+ - pos: -38.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: BoozeDispenser
+ entities:
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8270
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8292
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,-12.5
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+- proto: BorgCharger
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+ - pos: -4.5,-12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 659
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,-11.5
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+- proto: BoxBeaker
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+ - uid: 3993
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+ - pos: 39.5,17.5
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+ - pos: 42.5,15.5
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ - pos: 36.5,29.5
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+ - pos: 36.5,30.5
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+ - pos: 34.5,32.5
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+ - pos: -28.5,26.5
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+ - uid: 9194
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+ - pos: -28.5,25.5
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+ - pos: -28.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 12123
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+ - pos: 45.5,28.5
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+ - uid: 12565
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+ - pos: -33.5,-16.5
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+ - uid: 12567
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: CableMVStack
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+ - uid: 3982
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+ - pos: -2.5254679,44.593964
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7642
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.491985,19.264193
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+ - uid: 9647
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.6765375,23.532959
+ parent: 1
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+- proto: CableTerminal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1130
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+ - pos: 23.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1131
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+ - pos: 24.5,-13.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,30.5
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -41.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: CannabisSeeds
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+ - uid: 5466
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+ - pos: 30.131155,27.66019
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CaptainIDCard
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4981
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+ - pos: 4.562398,31.612326
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ entities:
+ - uid: 6323
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+ - pos: -19.5,-18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6809
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+ - pos: 43.5,-9.5
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+ - pos: 2.5,10.5
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+ - pos: 1.5,10.5
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+ - pos: 1.5,9.5
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+ - pos: 2.5,9.5
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+ - uid: 5043
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5044
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5045
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 5623
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 26.5,14.5
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 26.5,13.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,14.5
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+ - uid: 5626
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,13.5
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+ components:
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+ - uid: 5628
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 28.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 5629
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 26.5,12.5
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+ - uid: 5630
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,12.5
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+ - uid: 5631
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 5632
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5633
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,12.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 28.5,12.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,16.5
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+ - uid: 5636
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 27.5,17.5
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+ - uid: 5637
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 28.5,16.5
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+ - uid: 5638
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 28.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12438
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 27.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12439
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 27.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 12440
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 28.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12441
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 28.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: CarpetBlack
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2010
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 2011
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,7.5
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+ - uid: 2012
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2013
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2014
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,10.5
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+ - uid: 2015
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2016
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2017
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+- proto: CarpetBlue
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+- proto: CarpetGreen
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+ - uid: 12422
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,-16.5
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+ - pos: 4.5,11.5
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+ - pos: 4.5,10.5
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+ - pos: 5.5,10.5
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,30.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3889
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9074
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9075
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9076
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9077
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9078
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9079
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9080
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9081
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9082
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9083
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9084
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 20.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9085
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 21.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9086
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 19.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9087
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9088
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 26.5,-18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9089
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9090
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 28.5,-17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9091
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 28.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9092
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 28.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9093
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 29.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9094
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 28.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9095
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 30.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9096
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 31.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9097
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 31.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9098
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 32.5,-5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9099
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 32.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9100
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 31.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9101
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 31.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9102
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 33.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9103
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 29.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9104
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9105
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9106
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 22.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9107
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 22.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9108
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 21.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9109
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9111
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 19.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9112
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 28.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9113
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 29.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9114
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9115
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 40.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9116
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 42.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9117
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 39.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9118
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 42.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9119
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 44.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9120
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9121
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 26.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9122
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9123
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9184
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9332
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,42.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9384
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 23.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9386
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9387
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9388
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9389
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9390
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9391
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9392
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9393
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9394
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9395
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9396
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9397
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9398
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9399
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9400
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9401
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9402
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9403
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9404
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9405
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9406
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9407
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9408
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9409
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9410
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9411
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9412
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9413
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9414
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9415
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9416
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9417
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9418
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9419
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9420
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9421
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9422
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9423
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9424
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9425
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9426
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 23.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9427
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9428
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9429
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9430
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 27.5,21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9431
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 28.5,20.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9432
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 28.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9433
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,32.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9434
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,33.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9435
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,35.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9436
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 27.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9437
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 30.5,34.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9438
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 31.5,34.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9439
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 31.5,35.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9440
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,33.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9441
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 35.5,33.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9442
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,32.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9443
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9444
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9445
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9446
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9447
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9448
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9449
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9450
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9451
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9452
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 38.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9453
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 40.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9454
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 41.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9455
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 41.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9456
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9457
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9458
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9459
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 41.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9460
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9461
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 41.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9462
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9463
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9464
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9465
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 35.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9466
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9467
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9468
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 33.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9469
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 30.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9741
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9742
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9743
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9744
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9745
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9746
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9747
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9748
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9749
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -28.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9750
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9751
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,23.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9752
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9753
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -28.5,25.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9754
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9755
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -32.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9756
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,23.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9757
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -32.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9758
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9759
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -27.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9760
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9761
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -27.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9762
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -24.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9763
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -23.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9764
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9765
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9766
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9767
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9768
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9769
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9770
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9771
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9772
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9773
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9774
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9775
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9776
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9777
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9778
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9779
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9780
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9781
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9782
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9783
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9784
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9785
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9786
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9787
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9788
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9789
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9790
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9791
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9792
+ components:
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+ pos: -23.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9793
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -25.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9794
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9795
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -28.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9796
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9797
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9798
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9799
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -28.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9800
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9801
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -28.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9802
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9803
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9804
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9805
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 10090
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12516
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Cautery
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8244
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.632475,20.505098
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9628
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.576576,27.750107
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Chair
+ entities:
+ - uid: 664
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 665
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 666
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1839
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1893
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1894
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1895
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1899
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1900
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -16.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1901
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3210
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3211
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 27.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3212
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 44.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3801
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3802
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3803
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4845
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 39.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4846
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 40.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4847
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 41.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4848
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 44.5,27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4849
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 45.5,27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4850
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 46.5,27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4851
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 41.5,25.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4852
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 42.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4853
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 43.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4854
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 44.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4910
+ components:
+ - pos: 46.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5538
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 44.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5539
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 44.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5540
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 44.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5541
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 46.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5542
+ components:
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+ pos: 46.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5543
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 46.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5544
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 44.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5545
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 44.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5546
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 44.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5549
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 35.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5550
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 33.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5559
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 46.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5572
+ components:
+ - pos: -39.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7501
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7502
+ components:
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+ pos: 0.5,-21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7503
+ components:
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+ pos: 0.5,-22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7505
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+ - pos: 2.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7506
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7510
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7511
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -24.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7512
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7513
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7514
+ components:
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+ pos: -39.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7515
+ components:
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+ pos: -39.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7516
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7517
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7518
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7519
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7520
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7521
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7522
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7523
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8892
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8895
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,-16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8898
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -24.5,-15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8899
+ components:
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+ pos: -27.5,-21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9141
+ components:
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+ pos: 9.5,-12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9165
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 32.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9232
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,32.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9234
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 23.5,32.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9235
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 22.5,32.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9236
+ components:
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+ pos: 25.5,32.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9237
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,35.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9238
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,35.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9239
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,35.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9316
+ components:
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+ pos: 15.5,23.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9361
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9362
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9367
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,30.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9383
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 23.5,20.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9528
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9529
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,-7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9540
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9701
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -35.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: -19.5,21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9706
+ components:
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+ pos: -7.5,23.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9712
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -28.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChairCursed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8763
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -41.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChairFolding
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+ - uid: 1812
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,25.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1813
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+ pos: 25.5,27.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -37.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -37.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -37.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3453
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -36.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3454
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -36.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3455
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -36.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3456
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -36.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3457
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -32.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -32.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3459
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -32.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3460
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -32.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3461
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -31.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3462
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -31.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3463
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -31.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3464
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -31.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3465
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -31.5,10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3466
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5570
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5571
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8803
+ components:
+ - pos: -38.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8804
+ components:
+ - pos: -37.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8810
+ components:
+ - pos: -42.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8811
+ components:
+ - pos: -43.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8812
+ components:
+ - pos: -42.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8813
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8814
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8893
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8896
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8897
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9142
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9166
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 42.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9360
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 16.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9539
+ components:
+ - pos: 37.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9703
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -28.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9708
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChairFoldingSpawnFolded
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8801
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.497337,-24.45458
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8802
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.481712,-24.251455
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChairOfficeDark
+ entities:
+ - uid: 778
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 779
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1710
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1875
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2868
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-50.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3914
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,51.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3915
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,53.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3916
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -6.5,55.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3917
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,49.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4053
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4054
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4055
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4056
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4057
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4058
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4078
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4079
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4080
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4081
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4082
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4083
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4096
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4902
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 40.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4903
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 41.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4904
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 44.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4905
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 45.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4912
+ components:
+ - pos: 39.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4966
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5332
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5364
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 26.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5367
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 28.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5375
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 28.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5574
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -39.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5575
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -36.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5673
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5674
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6394
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6786
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7397
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7398
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7399
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8013
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8894
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9317
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9385
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 23.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9633
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11749
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12424
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12455
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChairOfficeLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1874
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5608
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5609
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5610
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5921
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9143
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 28.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9152
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 26.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9162
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9366
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9547
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9702
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -32.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9704
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -24.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChairRitual
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8761
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8762
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChairWood
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2031
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2787
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-50.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3448
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5030
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5033
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5034
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5037
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5038
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5046
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5047
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5048
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5576
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8301
+ components:
+ - pos: -35.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8302
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8303
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8304
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8499
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12523
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: chem_master
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5604
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+ - pos: -8.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5605
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChemDispenser
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5606
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+ - pos: -12.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5612
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChemistryHotplate
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5871
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChessBoard
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5058
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.502126,25.59834
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7657
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5021737,-31.407312
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ChurchOrganInstrument
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3468
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -31.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CigarGoldCase
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4136
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.2445543,23.545168
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CircuitImprinter
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3807
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClosetBase
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12521
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1496
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ type: EntityStorage
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+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 12522
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+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
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+- proto: ClosetChefFilled
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+ - uid: 5963
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+ - pos: -2.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
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+- proto: ClosetEmergencyFilledRandom
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -9.5,46.5
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+ - uid: 4085
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,27.5
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+ - uid: 5057
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,18.5
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+ - uid: 5562
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+ - pos: 44.5,23.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5563
+ components:
+ - pos: 46.5,3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5565
+ components:
+ - pos: 42.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6330
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7238
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7526
+ components:
+ - pos: -39.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7647
+ components:
+ - pos: -39.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8836
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8839
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8840
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8841
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+ - pos: -2.5,-11.5
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+ - uid: 8844
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+ - uid: 8845
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8849
+ components:
+ - pos: 44.5,-1.5
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+ - uid: 8902
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.5,-12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9173
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9247
+ components:
+ - pos: 37.5,35.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9248
+ components:
+ - pos: 36.5,35.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9345
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+ - pos: 7.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9347
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9356
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,33.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9379
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9531
+ components:
+ - pos: 41.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9534
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9665
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9668
+ components:
+ - pos: -36.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9669
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 9672
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12536
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClosetFireFilled
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -5.5,27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5056
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5564
+ components:
+ - pos: 46.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6100
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+ - pos: -26.5,-7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6331
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7239
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7530
+ components:
+ - pos: -39.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 8837
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8838
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
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+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,-12.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,-12.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,-6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9249
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,35.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9348
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9380
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9532
+ components:
+ - pos: 42.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9533
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9574
+ components:
+ - pos: 46.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9666
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9667
+ components:
+ - pos: -36.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9670
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.5,7.5
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+ - uid: 9671
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12537
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClosetJanitorFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7659
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.14972
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
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+- proto: ClothingHeadHatRichard
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+- proto: ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskPainted
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+- proto: ClothingNeckMantleCE
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+- proto: ClothingNeckMantleHOP
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+- proto: ClothingNeckMantleRD
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -22.452333,-1.4018333
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+ - pos: -20.521955,5.5536256
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+- proto: ClothingNeckStethoscope
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+- proto: ClothingNeckTieRed
+ entities:
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClothingOuterCoatBomber
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClothingOuterCoatInspector
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -21.321499,-29.42984
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClothingOuterCoatJensen
+ entities:
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClothingOuterCoatPirate
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+ - pos: 14.396911,32.515858
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9488
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.615661,32.578358
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClothingOuterRobesCult
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -39.591087,-24.532705
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8800
+ components:
+ - pos: -39.356712,-24.532705
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClothingOuterWinterCap
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5926
+ components:
+ - flags: InContainer
+ type: MetaData
+ - parent: 4090
+ type: Transform
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - type: InsideEntityStorage
+- proto: ClothingOuterWinterCE
+ entities:
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+ - flags: InContainer
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+ - parent: 5669
+ type: Transform
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - type: InsideEntityStorage
+- proto: ClothingOuterWinterCMO
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1868
+ components:
+ - flags: InContainer
+ type: MetaData
+ - parent: 1867
+ type: Transform
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - type: InsideEntityStorage
+- proto: ClothingOuterWinterHoP
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5928
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+ - flags: InContainer
+ type: MetaData
+ - parent: 4965
+ type: Transform
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - type: InsideEntityStorage
+- proto: ClothingOuterWinterHoS
+ entities:
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+ components:
+ - flags: InContainer
+ type: MetaData
+ - parent: 5374
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+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
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+- proto: ClothingOuterWinterQM
+ entities:
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+ - flags: InContainer
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+ - parent: 7443
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+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
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+- proto: ClothingOuterWinterRD
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+ - flags: InContainer
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+ - parent: 1845
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+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - type: InsideEntityStorage
+- proto: ClothingShoesBootsCombat
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8275
+ components:
+ - desc: Robust pilot's boots for combat scenarios or combat situations. All combat, all the time.
+ name: pilot's boots
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -19.507818,-48.36427
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ClothingShoesBootsJack
+ entities:
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+- proto: ClothingShoesBootsMag
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+- proto: ClothingUniformColorRainbow
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+ - pos: 15.393528,25.548008
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+ - pos: 15.721653,25.376133
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+- proto: ClownRecorder
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8274
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+ - pos: -9.689836,-28.97975
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComfyChair
+ entities:
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+ - pos: 5.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1873
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+ - linkedPorts:
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+ - ArtifactAnalyzerSender: ArtifactAnalyzerReceiver
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+- proto: ComputerCargoBounty
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+- proto: ComputerComms
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+ entities:
+ - uid: 4070
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4955
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComputerMedicalRecords
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1871
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComputerPowerMonitoring
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4072
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5415
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5668
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComputerRadar
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7282
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 26.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComputerResearchAndDevelopment
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3805
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5365
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComputerSalvageExpedition
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5667
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComputerShuttleCargo
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1723
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComputerSolarControl
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2557
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -24.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2931
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-51.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4807
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6760
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComputerStationRecords
+ entities:
+ - uid: 774
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4073
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4959
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5360
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 777
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3794
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,55.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4071
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5313
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 29.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5363
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5369
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ComputerTechnologyDiskTerminal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3822
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ConveyorBelt
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1730
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7429
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 1731
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7429
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 1732
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7429
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 1733
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7429
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 1734
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7429
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 1735
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7430
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 1736
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7430
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 1737
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7430
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 1738
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7430
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 1739
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7430
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 1740
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7431
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 1741
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7431
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 1742
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 7431
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 3563
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 9199
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 3564
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 9199
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 3565
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 9199
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 3566
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 9199
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 3567
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -33.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 9199
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 3568
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -33.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 9199
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 3569
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -33.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 9199
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+- proto: CowToolboxFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12285
+ components:
+ - pos: 47.516796,-12.569088
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrateArtifactContainer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3823
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6327
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrateEmptySpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1529
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7427
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7428
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9365
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9374
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9548
+ components:
+ - pos: 36.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEJar
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6773
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEShielding
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6774
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1496
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ type: EntityStorage
+ - containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 6775
+ - 6776
+ - 6777
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+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ type: ContainerContainer
+- proto: CrateEngineeringCableBulk
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1136
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2524
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrateEngineeringCableHV
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2556
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrateFilledSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1512
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7285
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7296
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8284
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8824
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9245
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9685
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrateFreezer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5911
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrateHydroponicsSeedsExotic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6008
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrateMedicalSurgery
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5520
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrateNPCCow
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5971
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - open: True
+ removedMasks: 28
+ type: EntityStorage
+ - fixtures:
+ fix1:
+ shape: !type:PolygonShape
+ radius: 0.01
+ vertices:
+ - -0.4,-0.4
+ - 0.4,-0.4
+ - 0.4,0.29
+ - -0.4,0.29
+ mask:
+ - Impassable
+ - MidImpassable
+ - HighImpassable
+ - LowImpassable
+ layer:
+ - BulletImpassable
+ - Opaque
+ density: 135
+ hard: True
+ restitution: 0
+ friction: 0.4
+ type: Fixtures
+ - isPlaceable: True
+ type: PlaceableSurface
+- proto: CrateNPCHamlet
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7180
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrateSecurityRiot
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8344
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrateServiceJanitorialSupplies
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7661
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+ - pos: 12.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrayonBox
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+ - uid: 6041
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+ - pos: -9.510162,-31.109522
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrayonMime
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+ - uid: 7787
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+ - pos: -13.70612,-29.090147
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7788
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.596745,-29.121397
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Crematorium
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3477
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrewMonitoringServer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3773
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,49.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrewMonitoringServerMachineCircuitboard
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4007
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.4571166,54.52544
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CrowbarRed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5601
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+ - pos: -23.451687,5.4552503
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6336
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9580
+ components:
+ - pos: 46.50183,2.500444
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 9581
+ components:
+ - pos: 46.673706,2.406694
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9582
+ components:
+ - pos: 44.47058,20.50442
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+ - uid: 9583
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12526
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.430874,-29.30484
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: CultAltarSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8760
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: d20Dice
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5591
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+ - pos: -39.55801,-5.7503414
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: d8Dice
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5592
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.636135,-6.3128414
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: DawInstrumentMachineCircuitboard
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7803
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.479882,-31.566597
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 328
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8372
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8373
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9831
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12543
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12551
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12552
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12554
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12555
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12556
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12557
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+ - uid: 12558
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+ - uid: 12559
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+ - uid: 12561
+ components:
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+ pos: -0.5,25.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12607
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+ entities:
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+ - pos: 22.5,10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 761
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+ - pos: 22.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 763
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+ - pos: 23.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1842
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+ - pos: 23.5,10.5
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+ - pos: 13.386117,14.75304
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+ - pos: 0.7052691,18.503328
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+ - uid: 5458
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+ - pos: -12.205997,12.431334
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8486
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 3.1651187,7.7825413
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8488
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.4230685,-21.500029
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8489
+ components:
+ - pos: -36.9685,-2.2472436
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8494
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.247385,4.510758
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8498
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.278635,-0.52339196
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: DiceBag
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5590
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.011135,-5.1565914
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: DiseaseDiagnoser
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5689
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: DisposalBend
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2941
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+ - pos: -16.5,-32.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3941
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,41.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3942
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,40.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,39.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3944
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3945
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,37.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3946
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,39.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3947
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,40.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3948
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,41.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3949
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3950
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,37.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4015
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,29.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4016
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4032
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5856
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -26.5,-32.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ pos: -16.5,9.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: 0.5,2.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: -16.5,-5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7176
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7177
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-16.5
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+ - pos: -16.5,-7.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-6.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: -13.5,-5.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: -9.5,-5.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: -7.5,-5.5
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+ pos: -36.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 9826
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+ - uid: 9827
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+ - uid: 9837
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+ - uid: 9849
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+ - uid: 9850
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+ type: Transform
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+ - uid: 9857
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+ pos: -26.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 9867
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+ - uid: 9868
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+ - uid: 9869
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+ - uid: 9870
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+ - uid: 9890
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ pos: 45.5,12.5
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+ components:
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+- proto: DisposalYJunction
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+- proto: DogBed
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+ components:
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+- proto: Drill
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -26.392878,20.608793
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: DrinkBottleWine
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+ components:
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+- proto: DrinkChangelingStingCan
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+ - uid: 5977
+ components:
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+ - uid: 5978
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+ components:
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+ - uid: 8310
+ components:
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+- proto: DrinkGlassCoupeShaped
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+ - uid: 7544
+ components:
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+ - uid: 7545
+ components:
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+- proto: DrinkGoldenCup
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+ components:
+ - pos: -1.434155,24.205725
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+- proto: DrinkMilkCarton
+ entities:
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+ - pos: 0.5749459,1.7185974
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: DrinkMugBlack
+ entities:
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+ - pos: 40.67775,25.53639
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+- proto: DrinkMugBlue
+ entities:
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+- proto: DrinkMugRed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4914
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+ - pos: 40.380875,25.75514
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: DrinkShaker
+ entities:
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+ - pos: 1.0246363,7.6965675
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8264
+ components:
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+ - uid: 8308
+ components:
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+- proto: DrinkVacuumFlask
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12354
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.53118,46.361736
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - solutions:
+ drink:
+ temperature: 293.15
+ canMix: False
+ canReact: True
+ maxVol: 30
+ reagents:
+ - data: null
+ ReagentId: LongIslandIcedTea
+ Quantity: 30
+ type: SolutionContainerManager
+- proto: DrinkWhiskeyBottleFull
+ entities:
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+ - flags: InContainer
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+ - parent: 5356
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+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
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+- proto: Dropper
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+ components:
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: ElectricGuitarInstrument
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+ - pos: -13.014593,-31.488472
+ parent: 1
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - enabled: True
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+ - uid: 5525
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+ - uid: 5526
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+ - uid: 5527
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+ - uid: 5528
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+ - uid: 5530
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+ - uid: 5531
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+ pos: 29.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - enabled: True
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+ - uid: 5532
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+ pos: 33.5,17.5
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+ - uid: 5533
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+ - uid: 5534
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+ pos: 9.5,7.5
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+ - uid: 6606
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+ pos: 44.5,18.5
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+ - uid: 6607
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+ pos: 39.5,30.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - enabled: True
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+ - uid: 12362
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+ pos: 44.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - enabled: True
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+ - uid: 12363
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+ pos: 35.5,1.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - uid: 12364
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+- proto: EmergencyMedipen
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+ - pos: -7.5,-15.5
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+ - uid: 5513
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 27.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5514
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5515
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,44.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5516
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,50.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5517
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,50.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5518
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,56.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5519
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9279
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9280
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9281
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9282
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -30.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9283
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -23.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9284
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9285
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9286
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9287
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9289
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9290
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9291
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9292
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9293
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9294
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 47.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9295
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 38.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9296
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9297
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 30.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9298
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9299
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9300
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9301
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9302
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 23.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9303
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9304
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9305
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9306
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11600
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12023
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12402
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12403
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FaxMachineBase
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4111
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - name: Bridge
+ type: FaxMachine
+ - uid: 4968
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - name: HoP Office
+ type: FaxMachine
+ - uid: 5329
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - name: Security
+ type: FaxMachine
+ - uid: 5582
+ components:
+ - pos: -37.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - name: Library
+ type: FaxMachine
+ - uid: 5882
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - name: Medical
+ type: FaxMachine
+ - uid: 5974
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - name: Bar
+ type: FaxMachine
+ - uid: 6027
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - name: Science
+ type: FaxMachine
+ - uid: 6785
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - name: Engineering
+ type: FaxMachine
+ - uid: 7242
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - name: Cargo
+ type: FaxMachine
+ - uid: 9129
+ components:
+ - pos: 40.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - name: Courthouse
+ type: FaxMachine
+- proto: FaxMachineCaptain
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4102
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FireAlarm
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5969
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3200
+ - 3201
+ - 3202
+ - 1766
+ - 1765
+ - 3209
+ - 3208
+ - 3206
+ - 3207
+ - 3203
+ - 3204
+ - 3205
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11595
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3197
+ - 3194
+ - 3198
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11596
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3193
+ - 3192
+ - 3196
+ - 3194
+ - 3195
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11597
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3185
+ - 3191
+ - 3193
+ - 3192
+ - 3186
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11599
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 5009
+ - 5010
+ - 5011
+ - 3190
+ - 3199
+ - 3191
+ - 3134
+ - 3133
+ - 46
+ - 5004
+ - 5003
+ - 5002
+ - 5000
+ - 5001
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11607
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3203
+ - 3204
+ - 3205
+ - 3219
+ - 3327
+ - 3217
+ - 3213
+ - 3214
+ - 3215
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11610
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3224
+ - 3225
+ - 3226
+ - 3227
+ - 3228
+ - 3220
+ - 3221
+ - 3222
+ - 3223
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11613
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3134
+ - 3133
+ - 46
+ - 3135
+ - 3136
+ - 3138
+ - 3137
+ - 11622
+ - 11621
+ - 11620
+ - 11619
+ - 11618
+ - 11617
+ - 11616
+ - 11615
+ - 11614
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11624
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3143
+ - 3141
+ - 3142
+ - 3139
+ - 3140
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11626
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3145
+ - 3146
+ - 3143
+ - 3142
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11631
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3120
+ - 3119
+ - 3118
+ - 3149
+ - 3150
+ - 3151
+ - 5508
+ - 5498
+ - 5495
+ - 5008
+ - 5003
+ - 5002
+ - 5004
+ - 3135
+ - 3136
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11633
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3183
+ - 3184
+ - 3171
+ - 3170
+ - 3169
+ - 3168
+ - 3167
+ - 3166
+ - 3165
+ - 3189
+ - 3164
+ - 3173
+ - 3172
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11635
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11639
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3187
+ - 11637
+ - 11643
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11640
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -27.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3164
+ - 3188
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11641
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3178
+ - 3179
+ - 3180
+ - 3181
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11648
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3151
+ - 3150
+ - 3149
+ - 3155
+ - 3156
+ - 3157
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11650
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3151
+ - 3150
+ - 3149
+ - 3155
+ - 3156
+ - 3157
+ - 11054
+ - 11057
+ - 2284
+ - 2094
+ - 3160
+ - 3272
+ - 3273
+ - 3158
+ - 3159
+ - 3161
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11652
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3158
+ - 3159
+ - 3161
+ - 11653
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11654
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 2284
+ - 2094
+ - 3160
+ - 3162
+ - 3163
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11656
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3273
+ - 3272
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11659
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3115
+ - 3116
+ - 3117
+ - 3104
+ - 3103
+ - 3102
+ - 3096
+ - 3097
+ - 3100
+ - 3101
+ - 3118
+ - 3119
+ - 3120
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11663
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3094
+ - 3095
+ - 3102
+ - 3103
+ - 3104
+ - 3105
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11665
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3111
+ - 3112
+ - 3113
+ - 3106
+ - 3107
+ - 3108
+ - 3109
+ - 11668
+ - 11669
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11671
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -26.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 1979
+ - 2283
+ - 996
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11673
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3091
+ - 3090
+ - 3109
+ - 3093
+ - 3092
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11675
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3117
+ - 3116
+ - 3115
+ - 3145
+ - 3121
+ - 3122
+ - 3123
+ - 3266
+ - 3265
+ - 3264
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11677
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3123
+ - 3122
+ - 3121
+ - 11629
+ - 11628
+ - 11627
+ - 3125
+ - 3124
+ - 3126
+ - 3243
+ - 1832
+ - 3055
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11679
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3229
+ - 3230
+ - 3233
+ - 3232
+ - 11687
+ - 11688
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11681
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3231
+ - 3232
+ - 3233
+ - 3241
+ - 3242
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11683
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 26.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3235
+ - 3234
+ - 3232
+ - 3233
+ - 3240
+ - 11687
+ - 11688
+ - 11689
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11685
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 33.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3236
+ - 3237
+ - 1222
+ - 11686
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11691
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3129
+ - 3128
+ - 3127
+ - 3498
+ - 3499
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11693
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3499
+ - 3498
+ - 3501
+ - 3502
+ - 3503
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11695
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 41.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3503
+ - 3502
+ - 3501
+ - 3504
+ - 3505
+ - 3506
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11696
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3506
+ - 3505
+ - 3504
+ - 3507
+ - 4898
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11701
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 38.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 11703
+ - 11704
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11702
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 42.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 4898
+ - 4897
+ - 11703
+ - 11704
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11706
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3262
+ - 3261
+ - 3263
+ - 3264
+ - 3265
+ - 3266
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11708
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3260
+ - 3259
+ - 3258
+ - 3267
+ - 3270
+ - 3269
+ - 3271
+ - 3268
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11710
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3584
+ - 3585
+ - 3586
+ - 3587
+ - 3263
+ - 3262
+ - 3261
+ - 3260
+ - 3259
+ - 3258
+ - 7083
+ - 7084
+ - 7085
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11712
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 7086
+ - 7083
+ - 7084
+ - 7085
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11715
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3247
+ - 3246
+ - 3250
+ - 3251
+ - 3252
+ - 3253
+ - 2186
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11716
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 3248
+ - 3249
+ type: DeviceList
+ - uid: 11717
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - devices:
+ - 7250
+ - 7249
+ - 3595
+ - 7301
+ - 3257
+ type: DeviceList
+- proto: FireAxeCabinetFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4101
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12471
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 33.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FireExtinguisher
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6334
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.675418,-8.401124
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Firelock
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3508
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 40.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3509
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 40.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3510
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 38.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3511
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3512
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3513
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 25.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3514
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3515
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3516
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3517
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3518
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3519
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3520
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3521
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3522
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3523
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ pos: 1.5,-18.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 2.5,-18.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: 0.5,-10.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 1.5,-10.5
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+ pos: 43.5,1.5
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+ pos: 43.5,2.5
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: 7.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5011
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: -7.5,9.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7086
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,-32.5
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+ - uid: 7087
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,-32.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7249
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7250
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7301
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 21.5,-24.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 13.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 11603
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+ - pos: 13.5,14.5
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+ - uid: 11614
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+ pos: -2.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11615
+ components:
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+ pos: -1.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11616
+ components:
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+ pos: -0.5,7.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 0.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11618
+ components:
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+ pos: 1.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11619
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11620
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11621
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11622
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11637
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11643
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11653
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -32.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11687
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,-9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11688
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 23.5,-9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11689
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 27.5,-9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11703
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 42.5,29.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11704
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 43.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Fireplace
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4961
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12563
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Flash
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5064
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.72998714,31.713612
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FlashlightLantern
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8929
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.399763,-12.310871
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8930
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.618513,-12.670246
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9550
+ components:
+ - pos: 36.560673,24.84187
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9556
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9732
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.69252,18.729115
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9733
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.34877,18.49474
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FlashlightSeclite
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12531
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.477749,-28.757965
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12532
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.504955,21.180922
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12533
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.504955,20.899672
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Floodlight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7307
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.51259,-24.494957
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FloorDrain
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5872
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - fixtures: {}
+ type: Fixtures
+ - uid: 5873
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - fixtures: {}
+ type: Fixtures
+ - uid: 9655
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - fixtures: {}
+ type: Fixtures
+ - uid: 10117
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - fixtures: {}
+ type: Fixtures
+ - uid: 12481
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - fixtures: {}
+ type: Fixtures
+- proto: FloorTileItemArcadeBlue2
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8752
+ components:
+ - pos: -39.510826,-23.477228
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - count: 30
+ type: Stack
+- proto: FloorTileItemBoxing
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8725
+ components:
+ - pos: -43.51509,-18.484356
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8726
+ components:
+ - pos: -42.51509,-19.46873
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8727
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.499466,-19.49998
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8728
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.468216,-20.53123
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8729
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.48384,-17.49998
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FluteInstrument
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7805
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.967718,-31.457222
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoamBlade
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12286
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.477329,-33.530846
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoamCutlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9495
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.350037,33.593983
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9496
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.646912,33.578358
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodBreadPlain
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7542
+ components:
+ - pos: -36.085228,11.652148
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodBurgerMime
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7785
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.67487,-28.683897
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodBurgerRobot
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12427
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.540917,-11.312796
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodCakeClown
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7789
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.479882,-28.394722
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodCakeSuppermatterSlice
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12541
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.503586,-35.411694
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodCartCold
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1793
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodCartHot
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1795
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodContainerEgg
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6015
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.6686959,0.7498474
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodDonutJellySlugcat
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12540
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.536278,36.515877
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodDonutJellySpaceman
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12355
+ components:
+ - pos: 47.534332,36.51474
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodFrozenSandwichStrawberry
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12289
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.495724,52.499588
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodFrozenSnowconeClown
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7792
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.261132,-30.191597
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodFrozenSnowconeMime
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7784
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.67487,-29.449522
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodMeatClown
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7793
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.698632,-30.535347
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodPieBananaCream
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7794
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.370507,-31.394722
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7795
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.370507,-31.394722
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7796
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.370507,-31.394722
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7797
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.370507,-31.394722
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7798
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.370507,-31.394722
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: FoodTartMime
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7783
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.20612,-28.277647
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Fork
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5985
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.2974858,10.5533285
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasAnalyzer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6339
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.47985,-9.759103
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasFilterFlipped
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6840
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6841
+ components:
+ - name: plasma filter
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6842
+ components:
+ - name: water vapor filter
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6843
+ components:
+ - name: n2o filter
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6844
+ components:
+ - name: co2 filter
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6845
+ components:
+ - name: o2 filter
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6846
+ components:
+ - name: n2 filter
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasMinerCarbonDioxide
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6804
+ components:
+ - pos: 44.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasMinerNitrogenStation
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6808
+ components:
+ - pos: 44.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasMinerOxygenStation
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6807
+ components:
+ - pos: 44.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasMinerPlasma
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6806
+ components:
+ - pos: 44.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasMinerWaterVapor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6805
+ components:
+ - pos: 44.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasMixer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6942
+ components:
+ - name: n2 + o2 to mix
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 37.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasMixerFlipped
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6932
+ components:
+ - name: distro mixer
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 35.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - inletTwoConcentration: 0.22000003
+ inletOneConcentration: 0.78
+ type: GasMixer
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 6943
+ components:
+ - name: co2 to mix
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6944
+ components:
+ - name: n2o to mix
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6945
+ components:
+ - name: water vapor to mix
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6946
+ components:
+ - name: plasma to mix
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6947
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasOutletInjector
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1436
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6815
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6816
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6817
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6818
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6819
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6821
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6959
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 36.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasPassiveVent
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6119
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6120
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6121
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6122
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6839
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6875
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 45.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6876
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 45.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6877
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 45.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6878
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 45.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6879
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 45.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6880
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 45.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6881
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 45.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6958
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 34.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6992
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 41.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasPipeBend
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6882
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6883
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6884
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6885
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6886
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6887
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6888
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6931
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 35.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 6936
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 35.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6941
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 36.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6948
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6949
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6950
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 35.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6979
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6982
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 10159
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 20.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10162
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10163
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10164
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10165
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10166
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10167
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10186
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10196
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10201
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10203
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10273
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 23.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10274
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 23.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10275
+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10276
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10322
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10323
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 30.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10353
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 44.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10354
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 46.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10401
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 45.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10408
+ components:
+ - pos: 46.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10419
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10425
+ components:
+ - pos: 44.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10437
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10440
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10456
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10457
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 8.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10458
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10575
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 31.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10580
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 33.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10607
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 32.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10624
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10637
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 28.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10646
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10682
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10686
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10687
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10688
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10699
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10700
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10717
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10719
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10734
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10752
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10753
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10800
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10801
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10802
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10820
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10846
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10847
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -11.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10906
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -24.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10907
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -25.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10954
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10955
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11070
+ components:
+ - pos: -35.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11071
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -37.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11072
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11078
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11079
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -32.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11109
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11120
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -41.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11130
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -39.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11210
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11211
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11226
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11227
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11228
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11318
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11319
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11420
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11422
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11483
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11484
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11530
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11532
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11533
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11536
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11537
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11544
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11555
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10983
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10984
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10992
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11045
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11046
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11047
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11048
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11050
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -34.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11056
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -33.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11066
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11067
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11091
+ components:
+ - pos: -37.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11094
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+ - pos: -36.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11110
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -40.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11115
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11116
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11117
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11118
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11119
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11131
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11140
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11161
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11164
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11190
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11192
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11194
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11198
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11199
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11254
+ components:
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+ pos: -17.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11255
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11259
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11275
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11276
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11287
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11307
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -24.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11308
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -26.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11343
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11344
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11347
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11355
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11387
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11388
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11389
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11390
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-23.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11391
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11392
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11402
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11403
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11416
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11433
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11439
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11440
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11441
+ components:
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11442
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11443
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11444
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11445
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11446
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11485
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11486
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-30.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11513
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11514
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+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11516
+ components:
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11528
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11529
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11531
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11543
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11553
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11554
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 11568
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 12197
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,44.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 12198
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,46.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 12207
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,48.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 12213
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,49.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 12219
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,51.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 12221
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,53.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 12222
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,53.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 12248
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,52.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+- proto: GasPort
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1836
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 3835
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 6101
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6102
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6109
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6110
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6984
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 35.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6985
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 35.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6986
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 35.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7199
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7203
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasPressurePump
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3239
+ components:
+ - name: waste pump
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 38.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 6104
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6106
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6107
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6108
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6868
+ components:
+ - name: n2 pump
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6869
+ components:
+ - name: o2 pump
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6870
+ components:
+ - name: co2 pump
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6871
+ components:
+ - name: n2o pump
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6872
+ components:
+ - name: water vapor pump
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6873
+ components:
+ - name: plasma pump
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6874
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6964
+ components:
+ - name: distro pump
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 35.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 6976
+ components:
+ - name: mix to space pump
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 35.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6977
+ components:
+ - name: mix pump
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 36.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6980
+ components:
+ - name: mix output pump
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 34.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 10190
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10192
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+- proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7020
+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7021
+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasThermoMachineHeater
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6814
+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: GasValve
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6978
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - open: False
+ type: GasValve
+ - uid: 6990
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - open: False
+ type: GasValve
+- proto: GasVentPump
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7151
+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 7182
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10112
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10115
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 26.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10143
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10144
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10160
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10204
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10219
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - color: '#0055CCFF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10236
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ - color: '#990000FF'
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+ - uid: 10433
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+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10474
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - uid: 10510
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ - color: '#990000FF'
+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ type: AtmosPipeColor
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+ parent: 1
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+ - pos: -7.5,5.5
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+ - pos: -7.5,6.5
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+ - pos: -10.5,8.5
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+ - pos: -14.5,14.5
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+ - pos: -14.5,16.5
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+ - pos: -26.5,8.5
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+ - pos: -17.5,14.5
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+ - pos: -9.5,4.5
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+ - pos: -8.5,4.5
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+ - pos: -25.5,8.5
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+ - pos: -13.5,6.5
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+ - pos: -13.5,5.5
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+ - pos: -14.5,4.5
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+ - pos: -15.5,4.5
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+ - pos: -12.5,4.5
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+ - pos: -11.5,4.5
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+ - pos: -16.5,5.5
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+ - pos: -16.5,6.5
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+ - pos: -17.5,4.5
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+ - pos: -18.5,4.5
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+ - pos: -19.5,6.5
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+ - pos: -21.5,4.5
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+ - pos: -4.5,32.5
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+ - pos: -4.5,33.5
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+ - pos: -2.5,33.5
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,32.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: -6.5,27.5
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+ pos: -8.5,32.5
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,32.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: -1.5,33.5
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+ - pos: -0.5,33.5
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+ - pos: 0.5,33.5
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+ - pos: 0.5,32.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,32.5
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+ - pos: -13.5,32.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-8.5
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-9.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -11.5,0.5
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 492
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 493
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 494
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-2.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 522
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 523
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-2.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 533
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 546
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-7.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 583
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 584
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-12.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 586
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 596
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 601
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 619
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: -23.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 621
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-12.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 623
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -24.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 624
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -28.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 678
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 713
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 714
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 715
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 716
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 717
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 718
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 719
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,4.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - uid: 722
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ pos: 14.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 744
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ - pos: 27.5,31.5
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+ - pos: 24.5,31.5
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+ - pos: 28.5,29.5
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+ - pos: 31.5,29.5
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+ - pos: 32.5,29.5
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+ - pos: 13.5,-9.5
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+ - pos: 17.5,-7.5
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+ - pos: 19.5,-9.5
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+ - pos: 33.5,-23.5
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+ - pos: 20.5,-28.5
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+ - pos: 9.5,-29.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,-30.5
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+ - pos: 12.5,-30.5
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+ - uid: 1556
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-29.5
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+ - pos: 15.5,-29.5
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+ - uid: 1558
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,-30.5
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+ - uid: 1563
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+ - pos: 24.5,-25.5
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+ - pos: 26.5,-25.5
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+ - pos: 27.5,-23.5
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+ - pos: 27.5,-24.5
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+ - uid: 1572
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+ - pos: 12.5,-23.5
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+ - uid: 1573
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+ - pos: 12.5,-20.5
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+ - pos: 11.5,-24.5
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+ - uid: 1575
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+ - pos: 8.5,-24.5
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+ - pos: 3.5,-30.5
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+ - pos: 3.5,-29.5
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+ - pos: -0.5,-22.5
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+ - pos: -0.5,-21.5
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+ - pos: -1.5,-23.5
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+ - pos: -2.5,-23.5
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+ - pos: -4.5,-23.5
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+ - pos: -5.5,-23.5
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+ - pos: 43.5,23.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-31.5
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+ - pos: 19.5,-28.5
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+ - pos: 21.5,-28.5
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - pos: 30.5,14.5
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+ - pos: -23.5,19.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - pos: 16.5,-9.5
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+ - uid: 1959
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+ - pos: 15.5,-9.5
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+ - uid: 1991
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 1992
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -32.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1993
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1994
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2001
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2068
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2069
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -43.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2070
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -44.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -44.5,2.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -43.5,2.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -43.5,10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2076
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 28.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2078
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2079
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -44.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2080
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2093
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -40.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2109
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2114
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 27.5,36.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2115
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2116
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -43.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2117
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -43.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2118
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -44.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2119
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2120
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -44.5,10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2121
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2122
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2128
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2129
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -43.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2133
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -44.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2152
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+ - pos: -42.5,-9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2221
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+ - pos: 43.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2234
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+ - pos: -42.5,-11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2265
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -32.5,-24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2266
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2267
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -30.5,-24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2268
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,-24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2270
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,-23.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2272
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,-24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2285
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,26.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2286
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,26.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2287
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -32.5,26.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2288
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,26.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2293
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -27.5,31.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2294
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,31.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2295
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -25.5,31.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2296
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -24.5,31.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2298
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -30.5,30.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -40.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2325
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,37.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2332
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2339
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 26.5,37.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2377
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 32.5,37.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 32.5,38.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,38.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 32.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 30.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 30.5,37.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2387
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,36.5
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+ - uid: 2388
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,36.5
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+ - uid: 2389
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2390
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 30.5,38.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 26.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,37.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2393
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,38.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,36.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 26.5,38.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,37.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2397
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,38.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 35.5,36.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2411
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 36.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2412
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2415
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2417
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: -6.5,54.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - uid: 2784
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+ - pos: -16.5,-47.5
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+ - uid: 2795
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+ - pos: -14.5,-54.5
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+ - pos: -15.5,-54.5
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+ - pos: -13.5,-54.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-54.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: -18.5,-55.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: -18.5,-52.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-54.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: -18.5,-56.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-57.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-58.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-60.5
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+ components:
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-61.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2899
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-62.5
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ pos: -15.5,-63.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-63.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-63.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-63.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-62.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2908
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-61.5
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+ - uid: 2909
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-58.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-57.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2913
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2914
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-55.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2915
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2916
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-54.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2918
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - uid: 2920
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-50.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-49.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-47.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2925
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
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+ - uid: 2947
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+ components:
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+ pos: -20.5,-35.5
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+ - pos: -24.5,-32.5
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+ - pos: 46.5,29.5
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+- proto: GrilleBroken
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+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,38.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8719
+ components:
+ - pos: -46.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 8722
+ components:
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+ pos: -46.5,-18.5
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+ - uid: 8731
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -46.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8735
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -40.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8737
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -45.5,-24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8739
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -43.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8744
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -44.5,-7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8747
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -44.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8749
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -44.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8756
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8767
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,38.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12317
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,66.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12321
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,69.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12324
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,69.5
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+ - uid: 12329
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,67.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12336
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,61.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12337
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,63.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12338
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,62.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,61.5
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+ - uid: 12529
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,-27.5
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+ - uid: 12530
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -26.5,-30.5
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+- proto: Handcuffs
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5063
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.47162104,32.53128
+ parent: 1
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+- proto: HandheldGPSBasic
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+ - pos: 20.351448,-20.427984
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+ - uid: 12546
+ components:
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: HandheldHealthAnalyzer
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+ - pos: -12.421777,-11.625296
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: HandLabeler
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5093
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+ - pos: -4.5167303,19.595882
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+ - pos: 11.496555,-20.355099
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+ - pos: -18.5,-50.5
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+- proto: HeadSkeleton
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8257
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+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ desc: jim :)
+ name: jim :)
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 25.50356,16.52645
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 18.467201,27.515732
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: HighSecArmoryLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3326
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+ - pos: 35.5,11.5
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+- proto: HighSecCommandLocked
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+ - pos: -3.5,26.5
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+ - pos: -1.5,52.5
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+ - uid: 3670
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 7081
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,-32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: HolofanProjector
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7144
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+ - pos: 31.574986,-16.324593
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen
+ entities:
+ - uid: 794
+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1804
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 1843
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1852
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1855
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -21.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1856
+ components:
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+ pos: -20.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1857
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,7.5
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+ - uid: 1858
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,7.5
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+ - uid: 5371
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,19.5
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+ - uid: 5372
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 5376
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 27.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: 4.5,-17.5
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+ - uid: 7718
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+ - pos: -5.5,-29.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-31.5
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+ - uid: 12414
+ components:
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+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 12415
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+ - pos: -17.5,-53.5
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+ - uid: 12416
+ components:
+ - pos: -38.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12417
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: HydroponicsToolClippers
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5462
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+ - pos: 29.474905,24.50394
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12458
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.512826,-0.5396495
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: HydroponicsToolHatchet
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12460
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.2798755,-0.4458995
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: HydroponicsToolMiniHoe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5461
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+ - pos: 29.474905,24.550816
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12457
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.012826,-0.4458995
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: HydroponicsToolSpade
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5463
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.506155,24.550816
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12459
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.465951,-0.3052745
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: hydroponicsTray
+ entities:
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+ - pos: 31.5,28.5
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+ - uid: 4940
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+ - pos: 30.5,28.5
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+ - uid: 4943
+ components:
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+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,-2.5
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+ - pos: 1.5,-2.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-2.5
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+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 6001
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+ - uid: 6006
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: InflatableDoorStack
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7147
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+ - pos: 32.62186,-18.512093
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: InflatableWallStack
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7146
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+ - pos: 32.40311,-18.355843
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: IngotGold
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4131
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+ - pos: -1.465405,25.0651
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: IngotSilver
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4137
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+ - pos: -1.4981794,24.932814
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: IntercomAll
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+ - uid: 5492
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,29.5
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+- proto: IntercomCommand
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5489
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+- proto: IntercomCommon
+ entities:
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,53.5
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+ - uid: 3911
+ components:
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+ pos: -5.5,51.5
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+ pos: -7.5,53.5
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+ - uid: 3913
+ components:
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+ pos: -7.5,51.5
+ parent: 1
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+- proto: IntercomEngineering
+ entities:
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-5.5
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+ - uid: 9273
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+ pos: 12.5,-13.5
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+ pos: 22.5,-12.5
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+ - uid: 9275
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+ - pos: 22.5,-2.5
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+ - uid: 9276
+ components:
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+ pos: 30.5,-5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9277
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+ pos: 33.5,-15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9278
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 33.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: IntercomMedical
+ entities:
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9258
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+ - uid: 9260
+ components:
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+ pos: -25.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9261
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9262
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -27.5,21.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: IntercomScience
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -27.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9263
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9265
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9266
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+ pos: -10.5,-16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9267
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: IntercomSecurity
+ entities:
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 5494
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,14.5
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+ - uid: 5497
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+ pos: 21.5,4.5
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+ pos: 34.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: 24.5,13.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: 26.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11606
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,11.5
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+- proto: IntercomService
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+- proto: IntercomSupply
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+ - uid: 9271
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+- proto: JanitorialTrolley
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: JetpackBlueFilled
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+ - flags: InContainer
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+ type: Physics
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+ - pos: 40.56656,21.748663
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+ - uid: 4927
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+- proto: KitchenMicrowave
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+ - pos: 28.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5968
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+ - pos: 5.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
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+- proto: KitchenReagentGrinder
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+ - pos: 27.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: -10.5,16.5
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+ - uid: 5914
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5967
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: KitchenSpike
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5970
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+ - pos: -1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Lamp
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3986
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+ - pos: -9.510255,48.896393
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3990
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+ - pos: -8.49463,57.014515
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3991
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+ - pos: -10.55713,54.97145
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+ - uid: 4012
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5221167,46.845314
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5584
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6026
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.614596,-0.4335618
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7287
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.489933,-23.942678
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8246
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.624902,-11.094046
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9589
+ components:
+ - pos: 40.264347,31.975986
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9590
+ components:
+ - pos: 46.436222,31.944736
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9591
+ components:
+ - pos: 39.451847,33.913486
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9635
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.518274,26.145664
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LampGold
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -36.27676,-2.084762
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7418
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.72576,-18.556658
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9016
+ components:
+ - pos: -38.493835,-9.175766
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LargeBeaker
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+ - pos: -27.397102,-5.3872204
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LightReplacer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7668
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+ - pos: 12.627049,-0.27726722
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerAtmosphericsFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7128
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+ - pos: 33.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7129
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerBooze
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8297
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1496
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
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+- proto: LockerBoozeFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5951
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+ - pos: 1.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerBotanistFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3372
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+ - pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5994
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerCaptainFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4090
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1497
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
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+ type: EntityStorage
+ - containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 5926
+ paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ type: ContainerContainer
+- proto: LockerChemistryFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5613
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerChiefEngineerFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5669
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 93.465614
+ moles:
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ type: EntityStorage
+ - containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 5670
+ paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ type: ContainerContainer
+- proto: LockerChiefMedicalOfficerFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1867
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 98.0039
+ moles:
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ type: EntityStorage
+ - containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 1868
+ paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ type: ContainerContainer
+- proto: LockerDetectiveFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5356
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 93.465614
+ moles:
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ type: EntityStorage
+ - containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 5357
+ - 5358
+ paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ type: ContainerContainer
+- proto: LockerElectricalSuppliesFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3898
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,46.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6762
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8827
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9138
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9355
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9680
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerEngineerFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3797
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6770
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6771
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6772
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerEvidence
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12065
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12066
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12067
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerFreezer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4120
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1496
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ type: EntityStorage
+ - containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 4829
+ - 4842
+ - 5005
+ paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ type: ContainerContainer
+- proto: LockerHeadOfPersonnelFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4965
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1497
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ type: EntityStorage
+ - containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 5928
+ - 5927
+ paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ type: ContainerContainer
+- proto: LockerHeadOfSecurityFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5374
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1496
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ type: EntityStorage
+ - containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 12478
+ paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ type: ContainerContainer
+- proto: LockerMedicalFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1908
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1909
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5917
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12608
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerMedicineFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1905
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1910
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerQuarterMasterFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7443
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 75.31249
+ moles:
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ type: EntityStorage
+ - containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 7444
+ paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ type: ContainerContainer
+- proto: LockerResearchDirectorFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1845
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1496
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ type: EntityStorage
+ - containers:
+ entity_storage: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents:
+ - 12418
+ paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ type: ContainerContainer
+- proto: LockerSalvageSpecialistFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3594
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7295
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerScienceFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3816
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3817
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3818
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5912
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerSecurityFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 764
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1496
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ type: EntityStorage
+ - uid: 765
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 766
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerWallMedicalFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 10854
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 10855
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerWardenFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5368
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: LockerWeldingSuppliesFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6761
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8828
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8831
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9354
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9681
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MachineAnomalyGenerator
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6063
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MachineAnomalyVessel
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6097
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7153
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MachineAPE
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6093
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6094
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -30.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6095
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6096
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -30.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MachineArtifactAnalyzer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6124
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 6123
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+- proto: MagazinePistol
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5403
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.556211,16.447828
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MagazinePistolSubMachineGunRubber
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5311
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.504484,15.628139
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5312
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.77011,15.612514
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MagazinePistolSubMachineGunTopMounted
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5386
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.431211,14.508017
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5387
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.431211,14.367392
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MagazineRifle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5432
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.28125,11.49122
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5433
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.421875,11.506845
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MagazineRifleRubber
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5434
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.59375,11.506845
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5435
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.75,11.506845
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MaintenanceFluffSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8830
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8907
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8914
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8915
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8916
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8920
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8921
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8922
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8923
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8926
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9049
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9146
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9150
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9154
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9167
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9255
+ components:
+ - pos: -36.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9329
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9330
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9471
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9472
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9477
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9478
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9481
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9482
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9485
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,35.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9486
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,35.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9551
+ components:
+ - pos: 36.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9557
+ components:
+ - pos: 41.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9558
+ components:
+ - pos: 37.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9559
+ components:
+ - pos: 42.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9714
+ components:
+ - pos: -35.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9716
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9717
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9721
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9722
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9727
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MaintenancePlantSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 10641
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 10642
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 10643
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,35.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MaintenanceToolSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8832
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8903
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8905
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8906
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8912
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8913
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8918
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8919
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8924
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8925
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9145
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9147
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9148
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9153
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9168
+ components:
+ - pos: 42.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9169
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9473
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9474
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9476
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9479
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9480
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9552
+ components:
+ - pos: 36.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9553
+ components:
+ - pos: 41.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9554
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9555
+ components:
+ - pos: 42.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9713
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9719
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9720
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9723
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9728
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9729
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MaintenanceWeaponSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8834
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8910
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9144
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9170
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9470
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9483
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9484
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9549
+ components:
+ - pos: 36.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9715
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9724
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MaterialCloth
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5089
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.3902992,21.580257
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MaterialDurathread
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5090
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.4215492,21.564632
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MaterialReclaimer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7289
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MaterialReclaimerMachineCircuitboard
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9518
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.569489,-34.556107
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MaterialWoodPlank
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8495
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.470095,-14.477021
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MedicalBed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1853
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1854
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1862
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5339
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5607
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5618
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MedicalTechFab
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -23.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MedkitAdvancedFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4118
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+ - pos: -2.430763,27.440598
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5900
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.652166,11.588954
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MedkitBruteFilled
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -24.902317,11.678088
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 5897
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.902166,11.526454
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8819
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.48545,-16.453053
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MedkitBurnFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5891
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.409866,11.671727
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5898
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.402166,11.510829
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MedkitCombatFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4119
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.4295425,27.687153
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MedkitFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5059
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+ - pos: 5.540815,19.460373
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5347
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.535002,7.498471
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5895
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.402317,11.678088
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5896
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.386541,11.526454
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7419
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.436758,-19.113333
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9579
+ components:
+ - pos: 44.521946,6.5499096
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9641
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.512701,21.421293
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MedkitO2
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+ - uid: 5066
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+ - pos: -3.487246,31.609404
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MedkitOxygenFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5352
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+ - pos: 23.535002,7.373471
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5890
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.909866,11.671727
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5899
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.902166,11.510829
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MedkitRadiationFilled
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+ - uid: 5892
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.402166,11.656432
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MedkitToxinFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5894
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.394794,11.510829
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Mirror
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7888
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+ - pos: -18.5,-23.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7889
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-23.5
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+ - uid: 7890
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-23.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: MonkeyCube
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+ - pos: -2.5931392,3.6905057
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MonkeyCubeBox
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -14.498325,-10.477551
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: MopBucketFull
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+ - pos: 17.627773,-0.48197973
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9652
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5359125,24.626709
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11938
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5359125,25.564209
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: MopItem
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+ - pos: 17.455898,-0.46635473
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+ - uid: 9654
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+ - pos: 13.2546625,23.517334
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+ - uid: 9657
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.4890375,23.501709
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Morgue
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1913
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -25.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1914
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -26.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 1915
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+ pos: -24.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1916
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+ - pos: -26.5,16.5
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+ - uid: 1917
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,16.5
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+ - uid: 1918
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.5,16.5
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+ - uid: 3476
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5343
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 20.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: MouseTimedSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11909
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+ - pos: -37.5,-13.5
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+ - uid: 11910
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,26.5
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+ - uid: 11911
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+ - uid: 11912
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Multitool
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+ - pos: -5.580178,-15.315853
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 6335
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.30331,-8.459229
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: NanoManipulatorStockPart
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+ - pos: -3.015568,-31.493607
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+ - uid: 9502
+ components:
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: NetworkConfigurator
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+ - uid: 5602
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+ - pos: -23.538898,5.5020247
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: NitrogenCanister
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+ - uid: 6803
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+ - pos: 43.5,-5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6996
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+ - pos: 36.5,-4.5
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+ - uid: 6998
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,-4.5
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+ - uid: 8864
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+ - pos: -13.5,-20.5
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+ - uid: 8865
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.5,-10.5
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+ - uid: 8869
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+ - pos: -32.5,-19.5
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+ - uid: 9127
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+ - pos: 24.5,-18.5
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+ - uid: 9182
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,-0.5
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+ - uid: 9251
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+ - pos: 31.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9342
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+ - pos: 35.5,16.5
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+ - uid: 9343
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+ - pos: 21.5,23.5
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+ - uid: 9344
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+ type: Transform
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+ - uid: 9694
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
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+- proto: NitrogenTankFilled
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+ - pos: -33.671288,-7.446391
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9730
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+ - pos: -28.673817,12.610113
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: NitrousOxideCanister
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+ - pos: -18.5,-18.5
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+ - uid: 6810
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,-11.5
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+ - uid: 7003
+ components:
+ - pos: 36.5,-2.5
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+- proto: NuclearBomb
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+ - pos: -4.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Ointment
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+ - uid: 9630
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+- proto: Omnitool
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+ type: Physics
+ - type: InsideEntityStorage
+- proto: OperatingTable
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+ - uid: 5521
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+ - pos: -24.5,22.5
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+- proto: OreProcessor
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+ - pos: 20.5,-24.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: OreProcessorMachineCircuitboard
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+ - uid: 9517
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+ - pos: -2.366364,-34.35298
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: OrganHumanHeart
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+ - uid: 12288
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+ - pos: -11.34931,-33.29647
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: OxygenCanister
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+ - uid: 3356
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+ - pos: 28.5,-20.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4924
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+ - pos: 41.5,21.5
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+ - desc: It shines a brilliant irradiating blue.
+ name: demon core
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+ - pos: 8.5,-27.5
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+ - pos: -6.5,-24.5
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+ - pos: 0.5,-33.5
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+ - pos: 44.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,-11.5
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+- proto: PottedPlantRandomPlastic
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+ components:
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+ entities:
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+ - pos: -20.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: PowerCellHigh
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7145
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+ - pos: 33.68436,-18.590218
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: PowerCellRecharger
+ entities:
+ - uid: 785
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+ - pos: 12.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: -14.5,-2.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 3923
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+ pos: -2.5,53.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 3924
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+ pos: -5.5,48.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 3927
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,49.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4982
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,29.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4983
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,29.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4984
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4985
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,30.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4986
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+ - pos: 4.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4987
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4988
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+ - pos: -0.5,21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4989
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4990
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4991
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4993
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -6.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4994
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -14.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4995
+ components:
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+ pos: 2.5,33.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5468
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+ - pos: 25.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5469
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5470
+ components:
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+ pos: 28.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5471
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 33.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5472
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 34.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5473
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+ pos: 33.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5474
+ components:
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+ pos: 28.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5475
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+ pos: 27.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5476
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+ - pos: 30.5,10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5477
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+ pos: 38.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ pos: 19.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5479
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+ pos: 26.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5480
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+ pos: 23.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5481
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+ pos: 18.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5482
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+ pos: 16.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ - powerLoad: 0
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+ pos: 11.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ pos: 14.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ pos: 17.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ pos: 20.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ pos: 25.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 5931
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+ pos: -16.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: -11.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ pos: -16.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
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+ pos: -26.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ pos: -18.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
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+ pos: -15.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: -21.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7219
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 36.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7220
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 41.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7221
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 41.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7222
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 45.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7223
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 41.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7224
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 41.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7462
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7463
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7464
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7465
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7466
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7467
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7468
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7469
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7470
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7471
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7472
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7473
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7474
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 21.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7891
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7892
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -17.5,1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7893
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7896
+ components:
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+ pos: -29.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7897
+ components:
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+ pos: -37.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7898
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7899
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7900
+ components:
+ - pos: -35.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7901
+ components:
+ - pos: -37.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7902
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7903
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -40.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 7904
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -37.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8001
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8002
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8003
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -43.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8004
+ components:
+ - pos: -43.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8005
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8006
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8007
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8008
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8009
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8010
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8011
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8012
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8014
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8015
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8016
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8017
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8018
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8019
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9043
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9044
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9052
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9053
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 17.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9054
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9055
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 36.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9056
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 44.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9057
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 44.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9059
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 41.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9061
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9062
+ components:
+ - pos: 39.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9063
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 43.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9064
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 46.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 11929
+ components:
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+ pos: -41.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 11930
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+- proto: PoweredlightSodium
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7461
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+- proto: PoweredSmallLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 28
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-45.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
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+ - uid: 1794
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2781
+ components:
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+ pos: -11.5,-51.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 2928
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,-48.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 2929
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-48.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 3928
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,45.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 4992
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 6742
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8316
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8807
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -40.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8932
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9060
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9065
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9066
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9155
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 25.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9156
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9157
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -40.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 9331
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9649
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 12126
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -28.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 12476
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 12518
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: PoweredSmallLightEmpty
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8317
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -28.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - powerLoad: 0
+ type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - uid: 8806
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Protolathe
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -10.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Rack
+ entities:
+ - uid: 559
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+ - pos: -24.5,-7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 657
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - pos: -2.5,50.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2762
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,54.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2934
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-48.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4920
+ components:
+ - pos: 39.5,21.5
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+ - uid: 4921
+ components:
+ - pos: 40.5,21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5333
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+ - pos: 28.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 23.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: 46.5,2.5
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+ components:
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+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: -1.5,-28.5
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+ - uid: 7806
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,-28.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ - uid: 8283
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+ - uid: 8287
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8490
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,-32.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8496
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,-31.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8764
+ components:
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+ pos: -39.5,-24.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: -24.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-17.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ - pos: 13.5,30.5
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+ - pos: 14.5,32.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,33.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9619
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 16.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9684
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9687
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9699
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12425
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12426
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RadarConsoleCircuitboard
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9522
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.3932076,-33.368607
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RadioHandheld
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12547
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.335823,-20.56861
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12548
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.679573,-20.66236
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Railing
+ entities:
+ - uid: 437
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 438
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 647
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 648
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 649
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 651
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3015
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7017
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7018
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7019
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7664
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8596
+ components:
+ - pos: -43.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8609
+ components:
+ - pos: -42.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8758
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8872
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8873
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -32.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9124
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 22.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9125
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9175
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 28.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9176
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 26.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9333
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 21.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9334
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9335
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12491
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12492
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RailingCornerSmall
+ entities:
+ - uid: 652
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 653
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12489
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12490
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomArcade
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8795
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -38.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8796
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -37.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomArtifactSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6321
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6325
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomArtifactSpawner20
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8233
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8234
+ components:
+ - pos: 42.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8235
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomDrinkBottle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5982
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomDrinkGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5980
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7653
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7654
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8311
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8312
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomFoodBakedWhole
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5984
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomFoodMeal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5983
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7655
+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8313
+ components:
+ - pos: -35.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomFoodSingle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5981
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7652
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8314
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomInstruments
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4951
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4952
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6399
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7801
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7802
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomPosterAny
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11981
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11984
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11985
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11986
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11987
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11988
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11989
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11990
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11991
+ components:
+ - pos: 40.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11992
+ components:
+ - pos: 37.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11993
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11994
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11996
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11997
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12106
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12107
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12108
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12109
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12122
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomPosterContraband
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11983
+ components:
+ - pos: -44.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11995
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomPosterLegit
+ entities:
+ - uid: 29
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11939
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11940
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11941
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11942
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11943
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11944
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11945
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11946
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11947
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11948
+ components:
+ - pos: 39.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11949
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11951
+ components:
+ - pos: 40.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11952
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11953
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11954
+ components:
+ - pos: -38.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11955
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11967
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11968
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11975
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11976
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11977
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11978
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11980
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11998
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12101
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12102
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,47.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12103
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,51.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12104
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,53.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12110
+ components:
+ - pos: -38.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomSoap
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12498
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12499
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12500
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RandomSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11734
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11735
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11736
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - uid: 11737
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11738
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11739
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11740
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11741
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11742
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11743
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11744
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11745
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11746
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11747
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11748
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11750
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11751
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11752
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11753
+ components:
+ - pos: 7.5,9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11754
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11755
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,9.5
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+ - uid: 11756
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11757
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11758
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11759
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11760
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,2.5
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+ - uid: 11761
+ components:
+ - pos: 37.5,1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11762
+ components:
+ - pos: 40.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11763
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11764
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+ - pos: 46.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11765
+ components:
+ - pos: 46.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11766
+ components:
+ - pos: 44.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11767
+ components:
+ - pos: 40.5,26.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11768
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11769
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,26.5
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+ - uid: 11770
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,26.5
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+ - uid: 11771
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+ - pos: 33.5,21.5
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+ - uid: 11772
+ components:
+ - pos: 31.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11773
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 11774
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11775
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+ - pos: 20.5,10.5
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+ - uid: 11776
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11777
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11778
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11779
+ components:
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+ - uid: 11781
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+ - pos: 42.5,15.5
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+ - pos: 41.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 11783
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+ - pos: 36.5,19.5
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+ - pos: 37.5,29.5
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+ - pos: 33.5,34.5
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+ - uid: 11786
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,33.5
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+ - uid: 11787
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,35.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11788
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,29.5
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+ - uid: 11789
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,30.5
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+ - uid: 11790
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+ - pos: 9.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11791
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 11792
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+ - pos: 13.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11793
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11794
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,20.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11795
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,26.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11796
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+ - pos: 15.5,21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11799
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,26.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: -8.5,18.5
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+ - pos: -16.5,24.5
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+ - pos: -17.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11804
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+ - pos: -27.5,26.5
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+ - uid: 11805
+ components:
+ - pos: -23.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11806
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11807
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11808
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11809
+ components:
+ - pos: -36.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11810
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11811
+ components:
+ - pos: -39.5,15.5
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+ - uid: 11812
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.5,12.5
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+ - uid: 11813
+ components:
+ - pos: -40.5,9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11814
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.5,3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11815
+ components:
+ - pos: -35.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - pos: -13.5,10.5
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+ - pos: 44.5,14.5
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+ - pos: 1.5,23.5
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+ - pos: 2.5,-28.5
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+ - pos: 39.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 9569
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+ - pos: 44.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - pos: -39.5,11.5
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+ - pos: -2.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 7540
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+ - pos: 0.5,-7.5
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+ - pos: 26.5,32.5
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+ - uid: 9526
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+ - uid: 9567
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+ - pos: 40.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 9571
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+ - pos: 44.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: RCD
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+ - uid: 7135
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+ - pos: 31.574986,-16.418343
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 18.51267,-13.338883
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+ - uid: 7136
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+ - pos: 31.27811,-16.605843
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+ - pos: 18.434546,-13.526383
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+ - pos: 0.46557093,1.1092224
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+ - uid: 6017
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+ - pos: 0.6191431,1.0935974
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+ type: Transform
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+ - uid: 3570
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -33.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 9199
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
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+ entities:
+ - uid: 521
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ - uid: 539
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+ - pos: 42.5,-11.5
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+ - pos: 42.5,-13.5
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+ - pos: 42.5,-15.5
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+ - uid: 1440
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+ - pos: 42.5,-17.5
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: 4.5,-6.5
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+ - uid: 62
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+ - pos: 6.5,-4.5
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+ - uid: 63
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+ - pos: 3.5,20.5
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+ - uid: 109
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+ - uid: 110
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+ - pos: 0.5,33.5
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+ - pos: -2.5,33.5
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+ - pos: -0.5,33.5
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+ - pos: -4.5,32.5
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: -6.5,30.5
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ pos: 10.5,12.5
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+ pos: 13.5,12.5
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+ pos: 14.5,4.5
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+ pos: 12.5,4.5
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+ pos: 19.5,11.5
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+ pos: 22.5,11.5
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+ - pos: 10.6452875,24.486084
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+ - pos: 15.5,0.5
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+ - 7670
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+- proto: ShuttersNormalOpen
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+ - pos: 14.5,4.5
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+ - 5448
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+ - 5448
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+ - 5447
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+ - 5447
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+ - 5449
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+ - 1896
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+ - pos: -20.5,4.5
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+ - 1896
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+ - 1897
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+ - 1897
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+ - 1898
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+ - 1898
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+ - 5072
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+ - 5448
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+ - 5449
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+ - 5671
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+ - 5671
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+ - 5671
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+ - 5671
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+ - 7439
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+ - 11713
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+ - 11713
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+ - 11713
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+ - uid: 11733
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+ - 11713
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 12444
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+ - 7484
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+ - 7484
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+ - 7484
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+ - 7484
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+ - 7484
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+ - uid: 12449
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+ - pos: 13.5,15.5
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+ - 7484
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+- proto: ShuttersWindowOpen
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+ - 5072
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+ - 11713
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+ - 11713
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
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+ - 7484
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+ - uid: 12451
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,13.5
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+ - 7484
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+- proto: ShuttleConsoleCircuitboard
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9523
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+ - pos: -7.5807076,-33.60298
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignAi
+ entities:
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+ - pos: -12.5,31.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: -8.5,43.5
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: -5.5,47.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignalButton
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+ - uid: 1799
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - linkedPorts:
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+ 3432:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 3433:
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+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 1896
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - linkedPorts:
+ 1937:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 1936:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 1897
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -16.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - linkedPorts:
+ 1939:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 1938:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 1898
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
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+ - linkedPorts:
+ 1941:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 1940:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 1978
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -30.5,23.5
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+ 3561:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 4100
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,30.5
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+ - linkedPorts:
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+ 4065:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 4066:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
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+ - uid: 5072
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,20.5
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+ - linkedPorts:
+ 5070:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 5071:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 5069:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 5068:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 5067:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 5388
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - linkedPorts:
+ 3218:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - type: ItemCooldown
+ - uid: 5389
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 26.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - state: True
+ type: SignalSwitch
+ - linkedPorts:
+ 3218:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - type: ItemCooldown
+ - uid: 5447
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 13.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - linkedPorts:
+ 5450:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 1824:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 1847:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 5448
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 16.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - linkedPorts:
+ 5451:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 1796:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 1797:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 5449
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 19.5,7.5
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+ - linkedPorts:
+ 5452:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 1798:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 1866:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 5671
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - linkedPorts:
+ 5687:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 5685:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 5684:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 5683:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 5686:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 6337
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - linkedPorts:
+ 3435:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 6338
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-11.5
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+ 3434:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
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+ - uid: 7436
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-28.5
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+ 7432:
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+ 7433:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 7437
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-28.5
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+ - linkedPorts:
+ 7435:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 7434:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+ - uid: 7439
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-16.5
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+ 7438:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
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+ - uid: 7484
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 12451:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 12450:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 12449:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 7485:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 12444:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
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+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 12446:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 12447:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
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+ - uid: 7670
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+ pos: 14.5,-2.5
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+ 5460:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
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+ - uid: 9264
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,-4.5
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+ - uid: 11713
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ - linkedPorts:
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+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 11732:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 11729:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 11727:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 11726:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 11725:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 11724:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 11723:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 11722:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 11721:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 11728:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 11730:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 11731:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ type: DeviceLinkSource
+- proto: SignAnomaly
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+ - pos: -14.5,-7.5
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+ - pos: -6.5,30.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12031
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12042
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12033
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ parent: 1
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.548269,5.2886953
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12026
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.48820066,-10.617804
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12040
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.46722627,-23.831203
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignDirectionalSci
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12011
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.501394,0.19537616
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12017
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.456008,15.507163
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12038
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.46722627,-23.409328
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignDirectionalSec
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12012
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.548269,5.1011953
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12021
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.4735146,0.4592253
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12032
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.500732,4.463721
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12039
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.46722627,-23.628078
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12043
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.4593363,-10.210489
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignDirectionalSolar
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11982
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.486988,-21.20969
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12024
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.4927984,-12.149054
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12113
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -24.472755,28.702217
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12114
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -29.444752,5.7120094
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12115
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.46161,16.234806
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12116
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -27.46682,17.811657
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12117
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.445858,-0.22823012
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12118
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.514,-11.739195
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12119
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.451214,-21.220106
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12120
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.486212,-20.751356
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12121
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.470587,-23.708044
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignDirectionalSupply
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9288
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.4927984,-10.195929
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12008
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.501394,0.58600116
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12018
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.458366,15.721934
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignDirectionalWash
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12029
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.500072,-24.746931
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignDisposalSpace
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2976
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignDrones
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9653
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+ - pos: 10.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignEscapePods
+ entities:
+ - uid: 25
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 47.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 34
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+ - pos: 0.5,-34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 51
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+ - pos: -39.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6395
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignEVA
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4908
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 43.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignGravity
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7646
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignHead
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4069
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+ - pos: -3.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignInterrogation
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9307
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignMedical
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5301
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9257
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignMorgue
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1923
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignPrison
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5341
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+ - pos: 31.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5487
+ components:
+ - pos: 31.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignRadiationMed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12342
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,63.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12343
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,65.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12344
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,67.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12345
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,65.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignRobo
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6078
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6079
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignScience
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6080
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignSecureMed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5304
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignSecureMedRed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12346
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,64.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12347
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,66.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12348
+ components:
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+ pos: -1.5,67.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12349
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,67.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12350
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,66.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12351
+ components:
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+ pos: 1.5,64.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12352
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,63.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12353
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,63.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignSecurity
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5493
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignSurgery
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4884
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -21.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignTelecomms
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3969
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,53.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3971
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,51.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SignVirology
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12097
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Sink
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6400
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+ - pos: -18.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6401
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6402
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12482
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SinkWide
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5945
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5946
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8835
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9110
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SMESBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1097
+ components:
+ - name: SMES Bank 1
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 23.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1118
+ components:
+ - name: SMES Bank 2
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 24.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1119
+ components:
+ - name: SMES Bank 3
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 25.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2445
+ components:
+ - name: South solars SMES
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -32.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2553
+ components:
+ - name: North solars SMES
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -27.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2856
+ components:
+ - name: Annex SMES
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -11.5,-52.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3671
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,45.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7557
+ components:
+ - name: Gravity SMES
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -41.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SMESMachineCircuitboard
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9512
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.3981457,-34.369713
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SoapOmega
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12356
+ components:
+ - pos: -43.500492,24.479343
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: soda_dispenser
+ entities:
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8265
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+ - pos: -13.5,-48.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8296
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SolarPanel
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2472
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+ - pos: -34.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2473
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,-28.5
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+ - uid: 2474
+ components:
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+ - uid: 2475
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+ - uid: 2476
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,-30.5
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+ - uid: 2477
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2478
+ components:
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2479
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2480
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,-28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2481
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2482
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2483
+ components:
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+ - uid: 2484
+ components:
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+ - uid: 2485
+ components:
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+ - uid: 2486
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,-32.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2487
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,-32.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2488
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2489
+ components:
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+ - uid: 2490
+ components:
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+ - uid: 2491
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2492
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2493
+ components:
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2494
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.5,-34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2495
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,-34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2558
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2559
+ components:
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+ pos: -30.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2560
+ components:
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+ pos: -29.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2561
+ components:
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+ pos: -28.5,36.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2562
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,40.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2563
+ components:
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+ pos: -30.5,40.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2564
+ components:
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+ pos: -29.5,40.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2565
+ components:
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+ pos: -28.5,40.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2566
+ components:
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+ pos: -31.5,38.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2567
+ components:
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+ pos: -30.5,38.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2568
+ components:
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+ pos: -29.5,38.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2569
+ components:
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+ pos: -28.5,38.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2570
+ components:
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+ pos: -31.5,34.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2571
+ components:
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+ pos: -30.5,34.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2572
+ components:
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+ pos: -29.5,34.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2573
+ components:
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+ pos: -28.5,34.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2574
+ components:
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+ pos: -26.5,34.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2575
+ components:
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+ pos: -25.5,34.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2576
+ components:
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+ pos: -24.5,34.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2577
+ components:
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+ pos: -23.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2578
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,36.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2579
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -25.5,36.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2580
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -24.5,36.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2581
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -23.5,36.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2582
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,40.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2583
+ components:
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+ pos: -25.5,40.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2584
+ components:
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+ pos: -24.5,40.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2585
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -23.5,40.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2586
+ components:
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+ pos: -26.5,38.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2587
+ components:
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+ pos: -25.5,38.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2588
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -24.5,38.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2589
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -23.5,38.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2816
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-57.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2817
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-57.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2818
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,-57.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2819
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-57.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2820
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-59.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2821
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-59.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2823
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,-59.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2838
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-59.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SolarTracker
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2521
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,-36.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2653
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,42.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2815
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,-60.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpaceCash1000
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4132
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.4122305,23.498293
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - count: 2000
+ type: Stack
+- proto: SpaceVillainArcadeFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2869
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-50.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobAlexander
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11924
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobBandito
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11925
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobCatException
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5924
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobCatRuntime
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11923
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobCorgi
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4967
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobDrone
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9658
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9659
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9661
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobFoxRenault
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4084
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobMcGriff
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5925
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobMonkeyPunpun
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5416
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobMouse
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11913
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11914
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11915
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11916
+ components:
+ - pos: 41.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11917
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11918
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11919
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11920
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11921
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11922
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobPossumMorty
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11926
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobRaccoonMorticia
+ entities:
+ - uid: 11927
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11928
+ components:
+ - pos: -38.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobShiva
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8256
+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnMobWalter
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5922
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointAssistant
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7496
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7497
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7498
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7499
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointAtmos
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7130
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7131
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointBartender
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6037
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointBorg
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5913
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointBotanist
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6038
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6039
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointCaptain
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6046
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointCargoTechnician
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7475
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7476
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointChaplain
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7487
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointChef
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6036
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointChemist
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6031
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointChiefEngineer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7279
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointChiefMedicalOfficer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1870
+ components:
+ - pos: -19.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointClown
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7488
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointDetective
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12411
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointHeadOfPersonnel
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6045
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointHeadOfSecurity
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6044
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointJanitor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7491
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointLatejoin
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7480
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7481
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7482
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7483
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointLawyer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12442
+ components:
+ - pos: 42.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12443
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointLibrarian
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7486
+ components:
+ - pos: -37.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointMedicalDoctor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6029
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointMedicalIntern
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6030
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointMime
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7489
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointMusician
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7490
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointObserver
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7492
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointQuartermaster
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7477
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointResearchAssistant
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6035
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointResearchDirector
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6034
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointSalvageSpecialist
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7478
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7479
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointScientist
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6032
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6033
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointSecurityCadet
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6042
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointSecurityOfficer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6040
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointSeniorEngineer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5915
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointSeniorOfficer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5916
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointSeniorPhysician
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5923
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointSeniorResearcher
+ entities:
+ - uid: 770
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointServiceWorker
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7493
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7494
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7495
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointStationEngineer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7278
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7280
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointTechnicalAssistant
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7281
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnPointWarden
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6043
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnVehicleJanicart
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7663
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnVehicleSecway
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5319
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5320
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnVendingMachineRestockDrink
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3058
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7673
+ components:
+ - pos: -38.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnVendingMachineRestockFood
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3836
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7672
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpawnVendingMachineRestockFoodDrink
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7671
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8833
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8909
+ components:
+ - pos: 32.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9149
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9164
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9475
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9726
+ components:
+ - pos: 41.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12488
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SpeedLoaderPistol
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5358
+ components:
+ - flags: InContainer
+ type: MetaData
+ - parent: 5356
+ type: Transform
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - type: InsideEntityStorage
+- proto: Spoon
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5986
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.7662358,10.5377035
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SprayBottleSpaceCleaner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5350
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.525412,5.6263475
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: StasisBed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1885
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: StationMap
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12501
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12502
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12503
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12504
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12505
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12506
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12507
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12508
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12509
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12510
+ components:
+ - pos: -29.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12511
+ components:
+ - pos: -38.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Stool
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4946
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: StoolBar
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5013
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5014
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5015
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5016
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5017
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8305
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8306
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -30.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8307
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -29.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: StorageCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6322
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6813
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6993
+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7001
+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9561
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9562
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9563
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Stunbaton
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5327
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.341703,15.5968685
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5328
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.622953,15.5812435
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SubstationBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1469
+ components:
+ - name: Security Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 22.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1714
+ components:
+ - name: Dorms Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -7.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1715
+ components:
+ - name: Supply Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 24.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1716
+ components:
+ - name: Engineering Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 14.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1718
+ components:
+ - name: Science Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -7.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1719
+ components:
+ - name: Bridge Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -14.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1749
+ components:
+ - name: Service Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 10.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1951
+ components:
+ - name: Medical Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -20.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2260
+ components:
+ - name: South solars Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -29.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2426
+ components:
+ - name: Arrivals Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 40.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2555
+ components:
+ - name: North solars Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -24.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2855
+ components:
+ - name: Annex Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -11.5,-51.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3672
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,44.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7556
+ components:
+ - name: Gravity Substation
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -40.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SubstationMachineCircuitboard
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9510
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.3825207,-34.682213
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9511
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5075207,-34.557213
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SuitStorageAtmos
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1849
+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4931
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SuitStorageCaptain
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4934
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SuitStorageCE
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4933
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SuitStorageCMO
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1865
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SuitStorageEngi
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1510
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1522
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4916
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SuitStorageEVA
+ entities:
+ - uid: 762
+ components:
+ - pos: 40.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1846
+ components:
+ - pos: 41.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5410
+ components:
+ - pos: 42.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5411
+ components:
+ - pos: 39.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SuitStorageEVAPrisoner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4935
+ components:
+ - pos: 31.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5412
+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SuitStorageHOS
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4973
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SuitStorageRD
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4929
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SuitStorageSalv
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5382
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5413
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SuitStorageSec
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4917
+ components:
+ - pos: 37.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4932
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SuitStorageWarden
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4930
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraCommand
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3970
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,52.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Telecomms
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 3972
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,56.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: AI Room North
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 3973
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,48.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: AI Room South
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 3974
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,44.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: AI Room Entrance
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 3975
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,44.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: AI Electrical Room
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 5909
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Meeting Room
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 5910
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Bridge
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12098
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Vault
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12099
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: HoP Office
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12100
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Entrance
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraEngineering
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12070
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 23.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Equipment Room
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12071
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Reception
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12072
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Atmospherics North
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12073
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Atmospherics South
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12074
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: SMES Room
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12077
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Tech Vault
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12088
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Gravity Generator Room
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraGeneral
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12068
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Courtroom
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12069
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 44.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Arrivals
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12078
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Dorms
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12087
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Evac
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12089
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Chapel
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12090
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Library
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraMedical
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12091
+ components:
+ - pos: -25.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Cloning
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12092
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Morgue
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12093
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -17.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Ward
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12094
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Entrance
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12095
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Chemistry
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12096
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Virology
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12111
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Surgery Room
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterCommand
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3776
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,49.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterEngineering
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3787
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,53.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterGeneral
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3791
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,55.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterMedical
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3774
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,49.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterScience
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3788
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,51.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterSecurity
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3775
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,51.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterService
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3786
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,53.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterSupply
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3781
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,55.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraScience
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12082
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Xenoarchaeology
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12083
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Robotics
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12084
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Entrance
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12085
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Equipment Room
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12086
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Anomaly Lab
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraSecurity
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12059
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 33.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Permabrig
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12060
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 37.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Armory
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12061
+ components:
+ - pos: 31.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Hallway
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12062
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 20.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Equipment Room
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12063
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Entrance
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12064
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Brig Area
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraService
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12079
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Botany
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12080
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Kitchen
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12081
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Bar
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+- proto: SurveillanceCameraSupply
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12075
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Reception
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+ - uid: 12076
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - id: Cargo Bay
+ type: SurveillanceCamera
+- proto: SurvivalKnife
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8272
+ components:
+ - desc: Weapon of last resort for a certified pilot.
+ name: dataknife
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -19.460943,-48.42677
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Table
+ entities:
+ - uid: 233
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 477
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 478
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 479
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 480
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 481
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 482
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 483
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -17.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 484
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -14.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 485
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -20.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 767
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 768
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 19.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 769
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 20.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 771
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 772
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 773
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 781
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 782
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 786
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1505
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1701
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1702
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1703
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1704
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1705
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1706
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1707
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1708
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1709
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1756
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1808
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1811
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1890
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1902
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -21.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1904
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -22.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1906
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -25.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1907
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -24.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1919
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1920
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1922
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1928
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2369
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2748
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,52.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2749
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,54.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2751
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,50.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2755
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,48.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2756
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,48.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2758
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,48.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2763
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,56.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2764
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,56.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2766
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,56.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2767
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,56.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3662
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3809
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3810
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3811
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3812
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3813
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3814
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3922
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,44.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3925
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,46.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3954
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,44.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3955
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,46.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3956
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,46.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4062
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4063
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4075
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4077
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4087
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4088
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4089
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4857
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 40.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4936
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4937
+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4938
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5052
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5055
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5061
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5314
+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5315
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5316
+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5317
+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5318
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5340
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5404
+ components:
+ - pos: 36.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5405
+ components:
+ - pos: 37.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5406
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5407
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5408
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5409
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5551
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 26.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5552
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 34.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5554
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 46.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5557
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 44.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5676
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5690
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5692
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5693
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5864
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5865
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5866
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5867
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5868
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5869
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5955
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5956
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5957
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5959
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5960
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5966
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5992
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5993
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6398
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6617
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6758
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+ - desc: A figure of a well known titan, and perhaps an old friend.
+ name: bt-7274 figurine
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+- proto: UprightPianoInstrument
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+- proto: Vaccinator
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+- proto: VehicleKeyJanicart
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+ type: Physics
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+ - uid: 5322
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+- proto: VendingBarDrobe
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+ - pos: 5.5,5.5
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+ - pos: 31.5,-18.5
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+- proto: VendingMachineBooze
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+ - pos: 0.5,5.5
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+ - pos: 11.5,-23.5
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+- proto: VendingMachineCart
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+ - flags: SessionSpecific
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+ - pos: -2.5,21.5
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+- proto: VendingMachineChapel
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+ - pos: 1.5,3.5
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+ - pos: -13.5,16.5
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+ - pos: -10.5,13.5
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+- proto: VendingMachineCigs
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+ type: Transform
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+ - flags: SessionSpecific
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+ - flags: SessionSpecific
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+ - pos: 28.5,6.5
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+- proto: VendingMachineDinnerware
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+ - flags: SessionSpecific
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+ - pos: 2.5,3.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineEngiDrobe
+ entities:
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+ - flags: SessionSpecific
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+ - pos: 23.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineEngivend
+ entities:
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+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 16.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineGames
+ entities:
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+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -36.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineHydrobe
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+ - uid: 6011
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 5.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineJaniDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7658
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+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 13.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineLawDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5334
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 33.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineMedical
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1911
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+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -20.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5344
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+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 20.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineMediDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1891
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -12.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineNutri
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6010
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 1.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineRoboDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 660
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -12.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineRobotics
+ entities:
+ - uid: 654
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -4.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineSalvage
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7291
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 18.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineSciDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3820
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -14.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineSec
+ entities:
+ - uid: 759
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 23.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineSecDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5335
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 33.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineSeeds
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6007
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -0.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4949
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 32.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineSovietSoda
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9246
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 27.5,32.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEngineering
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6994
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 34.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4923
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 42.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6767
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+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 21.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7292
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 19.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineTheater
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7699
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -8.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineVendomat
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7695
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -1.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9519
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -1.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineViroDrobe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5691
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -17.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineWallMedical
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1912
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -21.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: VendingMachineYouTool
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6779
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: 15.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7696
+ components:
+ - flags: SessionSpecific
+ type: MetaData
+ - pos: -1.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WallReinforced
+ entities:
+ - uid: 106
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 107
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 111
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 112
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 117
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 118
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 119
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 120
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 122
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 123
+ components:
+ - pos: 2.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 124
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 125
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 126
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+ - pos: -0.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 127
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+ - pos: -1.5,22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 128
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+ - pos: -2.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 129
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+ - pos: -3.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 130
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+ - pos: -3.5,21.5
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+ - pos: -4.5,22.5
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+ - pos: -3.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 133
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+ - pos: -3.5,18.5
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+ - pos: -6.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 143
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
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+ components:
+ - pos: -6.5,20.5
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+ - pos: -6.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: -6.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: -4.5,18.5
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+ - pos: -8.5,15.5
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+ - uid: 155
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+ - pos: -9.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: -6.5,24.5
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+ pos: -6.5,23.5
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+ pos: -6.5,26.5
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+ pos: -5.5,25.5
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+ pos: -5.5,24.5
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+ pos: 6.5,32.5
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+ pos: 7.5,32.5
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+ - pos: 40.5,20.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -29.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -32.5,-7.5
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ - uid: 537
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+ - uid: 538
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -28.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -29.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 541
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 542
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-4.5
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 547
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -27.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 548
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -25.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -22.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 550
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 551
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -29.5,-5.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -26.5,0.5
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 555
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -32.5,-5.5
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+ pos: -32.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 562
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+ pos: -30.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ pos: -19.5,0.5
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+ pos: -20.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 588
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-8.5
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+ - uid: 590
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 597
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 599
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 603
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 612
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 613
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 614
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 615
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 616
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 617
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -22.5,-16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 618
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 625
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 626
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 627
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-1.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 628
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-2.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 629
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 630
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 631
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -22.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 644
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 670
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 673
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 676
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 677
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 679
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 680
+ components:
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+ pos: 16.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 681
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+ pos: 17.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 682
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 683
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 684
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 685
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 686
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+ pos: 17.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 687
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 688
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 689
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 690
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 691
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 692
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 693
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 694
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 695
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 696
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,6.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 697
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 698
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 699
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,7.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: 19.5,6.5
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+ pos: 19.5,5.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,4.5
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+ pos: 24.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 731
+ components:
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+ pos: 24.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 732
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+ pos: 24.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 733
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+ pos: 23.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 735
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 21.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 736
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 20.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 748
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+ pos: 18.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 749
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 19.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 750
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 20.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 751
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 21.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 752
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 23.5,16.5
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+ - pos: 24.5,17.5
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+ - uid: 754
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 755
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 756
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 24.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 757
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ - uid: 758
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ - uid: 788
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+ - pos: 27.5,15.5
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+ - pos: 28.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 29.5,15.5
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+ - uid: 791
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+ - pos: 30.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 795
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+ - pos: 30.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 796
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+ - pos: 29.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 797
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+ - pos: 28.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 799
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+ - pos: 25.5,11.5
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+ - pos: 25.5,7.5
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+ - pos: 29.5,5.5
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+ - pos: 29.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 28.5,4.5
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+ - pos: 27.5,4.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,4.5
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+ - pos: 30.5,7.5
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+ - pos: 34.5,7.5
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+ - pos: 34.5,9.5
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+ - uid: 826
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+ - pos: 36.5,8.5
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+ - pos: 37.5,9.5
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+ - pos: 37.5,8.5
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+ - pos: 38.5,9.5
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+ - pos: 40.5,15.5
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+ - pos: 40.5,14.5
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+ - pos: 40.5,13.5
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+ - pos: 40.5,12.5
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+ - pos: 38.5,14.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 38.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 39.5,9.5
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+ - pos: 39.5,10.5
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+ - pos: 39.5,11.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 39.5,12.5
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+ - pos: 39.5,13.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 39.5,14.5
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+ - pos: 39.5,15.5
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+ - pos: 37.5,14.5
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+ - pos: 37.5,15.5
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+ - pos: 36.5,14.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 36.5,15.5
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+ - uid: 853
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 854
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 855
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+ - pos: 30.5,16.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,18.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 30.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 29.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 28.5,19.5
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+ - pos: 27.5,19.5
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+ - pos: 26.5,19.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 26.5,17.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 26.5,16.5
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+ - uid: 865
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+ - pos: 34.5,16.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 34.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 870
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 40.5,11.5
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+ - pos: 40.5,10.5
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+ - pos: 40.5,9.5
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+ - pos: 40.5,8.5
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+ - pos: 35.5,12.5
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+ - pos: 35.5,13.5
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+ - pos: 35.5,19.5
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+ - pos: 30.5,22.5
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+ - pos: 30.5,23.5
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+ - pos: 29.5,23.5
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+ - pos: 28.5,23.5
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+ - pos: 27.5,23.5
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+ - pos: 26.5,22.5
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+ - pos: 26.5,23.5
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+ - pos: 25.5,23.5
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+ - pos: 24.5,23.5
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+ - pos: 23.5,22.5
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+ - pos: 23.5,23.5
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+ - pos: 35.5,25.5
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+ - pos: 35.5,26.5
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+ - pos: 35.5,27.5
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+ - pos: 35.5,28.5
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+ - pos: 21.5,20.5
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+ - pos: 25.5,26.5
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+ - pos: 26.5,26.5
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+ - pos: 22.5,31.5
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+ parent: 1
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+ - pos: 43.5,-10.5
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+ - pos: 44.5,-10.5
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+ - pos: 45.5,-10.5
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+ - pos: 45.5,-12.5
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+ - pos: 44.5,-12.5
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+ - pos: 43.5,-12.5
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+ - pos: 42.5,-12.5
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+ - pos: 42.5,-14.5
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+ - pos: 43.5,-14.5
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+ - pos: 44.5,-14.5
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+ - pos: 45.5,-14.5
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+ - pos: 45.5,-16.5
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+ - pos: 44.5,-16.5
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+ - pos: 43.5,-16.5
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+ - pos: 42.5,-16.5
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+ - pos: 3.5,-13.5
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+ - pos: 27.5,-22.5
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+ - pos: 27.5,-21.5
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+ - pos: 23.5,-26.5
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+ - pos: 23.5,-28.5
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+ - pos: 22.5,-28.5
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+ - pos: 17.5,-28.5
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+ - pos: 16.5,-28.5
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+ - pos: 15.5,-31.5
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+ - pos: 9.5,-28.5
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+ - pos: 8.5,-28.5
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+ - pos: -6.5,-22.5
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+ - pos: 9.5,20.5
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+ - pos: -2.5,-30.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: -14.5,-31.5
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+ pos: -13.5,-32.5
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+ - pos: 31.5,24.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ - pos: 10.5,22.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - uid: 1968
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,28.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -23.5,31.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -30.5,25.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,17.5
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+ - uid: 1986
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ - uid: 2063
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,20.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2138
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -42.5,-7.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 40.5,24.5
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+ - pos: 42.5,24.5
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+ - pos: 8.5,34.5
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+ - pos: 7.5,33.5
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+ pos: 38.5,36.5
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+ pos: 18.5,36.5
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+ pos: 18.5,35.5
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+ pos: 10.5,27.5
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+ pos: 10.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,54.5
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+ - pos: 2.5,57.5
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+ - pos: -11.5,46.5
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+ - pos: 30.5,32.5
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+ - pos: 43.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 4812
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+ pos: 47.5,23.5
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+ pos: 48.5,21.5
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+ pos: 47.5,21.5
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+ - pos: 47.5,24.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 39.5,35.5
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+ pos: 46.5,35.5
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+- proto: WallSolid
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+ - pos: -30.5,7.5
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+ - uid: 279
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+ - pos: -30.5,8.5
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+ - uid: 280
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+ - pos: -30.5,9.5
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+ - uid: 281
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+ - pos: -30.5,10.5
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+ - uid: 282
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+ - pos: -30.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 283
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,12.5
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+ - uid: 284
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 285
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,14.5
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+ - uid: 286
+ components:
+ - pos: -24.5,17.5
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+ - uid: 287
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+ - pos: -25.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 288
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+ - pos: -26.5,17.5
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+ - uid: 289
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+ - pos: -27.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 290
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,16.5
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+ - uid: 291
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+ - pos: -27.5,15.5
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+ - uid: 292
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 293
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+ - pos: -22.5,12.5
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+ - uid: 294
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+ - pos: -27.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 295
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+ - pos: -27.5,9.5
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+ - uid: 296
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+ - pos: -29.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 297
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+ - pos: -9.5,20.5
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+ - uid: 298
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,21.5
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+ - uid: 299
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+ - pos: -9.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 300
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+ - pos: -10.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 301
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+ - pos: -11.5,22.5
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+ - pos: -12.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 303
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+ - pos: -18.5,21.5
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+ - pos: -14.5,22.5
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+ - pos: -15.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 306
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+ - pos: -16.5,22.5
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+ - pos: -17.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 308
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+ - pos: -18.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 309
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,20.5
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+ - uid: 310
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+ - pos: -18.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 311
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,18.5
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,16.5
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,27.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,26.5
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,26.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,26.5
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+ - pos: -14.5,23.5
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+ - uid: 436
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+ - pos: -18.5,23.5
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -14.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -15.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -16.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -17.5,0.5
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-10.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-7.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 469
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-10.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 476
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 486
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 496
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 497
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 498
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 499
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 500
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 501
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 502
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 505
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 506
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 507
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 508
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 509
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 510
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-16.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 512
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 513
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 514
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 515
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 516
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 517
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 518
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 519
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 566
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 576
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 604
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+ - pos: -14.5,-11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 632
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 633
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 634
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 635
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 636
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 637
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 638
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 639
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 640
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: -13.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-18.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 747
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 813
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+ - pos: 30.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 815
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+ - pos: 32.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 816
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+ - pos: 33.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 817
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+ - pos: 34.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 818
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+ - pos: 35.5,4.5
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+ - pos: -26.5,25.5
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+ - pos: 36.5,4.5
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+ - pos: 37.5,4.5
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+ - uid: 881
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+ - pos: 37.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 882
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+ - pos: 38.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 883
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+ - pos: 39.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 884
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+ - pos: 40.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 885
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+ - pos: 41.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 886
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+ - pos: 42.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 985
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 986
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -29.5,-18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 987
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 988
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -28.5,-18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 989
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 990
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 991
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -27.5,-18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 992
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 993
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 994
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+ - pos: 17.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 995
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+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 18.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 997
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+ - pos: 20.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 998
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+ - pos: 21.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 22.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: 23.5,0.5
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+ - uid: 1001
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+ - pos: 24.5,0.5
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+ - pos: 25.5,0.5
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+ - uid: 1003
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+ - pos: 26.5,0.5
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+ - uid: 1004
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+ - pos: 27.5,0.5
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+ - pos: 28.5,0.5
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+ - pos: 29.5,0.5
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+ - pos: 31.5,0.5
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+ - pos: 32.5,0.5
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+ - pos: 33.5,0.5
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+ - pos: 34.5,0.5
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+ - pos: 35.5,0.5
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+ - pos: 36.5,0.5
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+ - pos: 37.5,0.5
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+ - pos: 38.5,0.5
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+ - uid: 1016
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+ - pos: 39.5,0.5
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+ - pos: 40.5,0.5
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+ - uid: 1018
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+ - pos: 41.5,0.5
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+ - uid: 1019
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1020
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-2.5
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+ - pos: 14.5,-2.5
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+ - pos: 15.5,-2.5
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+ - uid: 1025
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+ - pos: 17.5,-2.5
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+ - pos: 18.5,-2.5
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+ - pos: 19.5,-2.5
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+ - uid: 1028
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+ - pos: 10.5,-9.5
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+ - uid: 1032
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1033
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-8.5
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+ - uid: 1034
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1036
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1038
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1039
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+ - pos: 3.5,-10.5
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+ - pos: 4.5,-10.5
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+ - pos: 5.5,-10.5
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+ - pos: 6.5,-10.5
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+ - pos: 7.5,-10.5
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+ - uid: 1044
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+ - pos: 8.5,-10.5
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+ - uid: 1045
+ components:
+ - pos: 9.5,-10.5
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+ - pos: 10.5,-10.5
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+ - uid: 1050
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+ - pos: 17.5,-8.5
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+ - uid: 1051
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,-5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1054
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-11.5
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+ - uid: 1055
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-12.5
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+ - uid: 1056
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1057
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+ - pos: 11.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1058
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1060
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1065
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+ - pos: 17.5,-9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1083
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,-9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1090
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,-2.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1091
+ components:
+ - pos: 22.5,-2.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1092
+ components:
+ - pos: 23.5,-2.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1221
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1230
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,5.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,6.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,7.5
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+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1235
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1236
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1237
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1238
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,12.5
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+ - uid: 1239
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 1240
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1242
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1243
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1248
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1249
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1453
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1455
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1462
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1463
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1464
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1465
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-18.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1466
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1467
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1468
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1470
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,-19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1471
+ components:
+ - pos: 17.5,-19.5
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+ - uid: 1472
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+ - pos: 18.5,-19.5
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+ - uid: 1473
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.5,-19.5
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+ - uid: 1474
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+ - pos: 20.5,-19.5
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+ - uid: 1476
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+ - pos: 22.5,-19.5
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+ - pos: -1.5,-10.5
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+ - uid: 1496
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+ - pos: -2.5,-10.5
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+ - uid: 1498
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+ - pos: 7.5,-24.5
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+ - uid: 1589
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+ - uid: 1590
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+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,-28.5
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+ - uid: 1639
+ components:
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+ components:
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+ components:
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+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-27.5
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+ - uid: 1647
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,-27.5
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+ - uid: 1648
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,-27.5
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+ - uid: 1649
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,-27.5
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+ - uid: 1650
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,-28.5
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+ - uid: 1651
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,-29.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1659
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1660
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1667
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-23.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1668
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-23.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1669
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1671
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+ - pos: -12.5,-19.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: -14.5,-28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1673
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1674
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1675
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+ - pos: -12.5,-20.5
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+ - uid: 1676
+ components:
+ - pos: -16.5,-20.5
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+ - uid: 1677
+ components:
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1682
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1689
+ components:
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+ pos: 38.5,25.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1690
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1691
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1692
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,29.5
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+ - uid: 1693
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,30.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1694
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,34.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1695
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,33.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1696
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 38.5,32.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ - pos: -26.5,25.5
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+ - uid: 1760
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+ - pos: -25.5,25.5
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+ - uid: 1761
+ components:
+ - pos: -26.5,19.5
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+ - uid: 1762
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,25.5
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+ - uid: 1774
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,22.5
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+ - uid: 1777
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 1778
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,23.5
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+ - uid: 1783
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,25.5
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+ - uid: 1784
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,20.5
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+ - uid: 1789
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,19.5
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+ - uid: 1791
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1809
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,25.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1819
+ components:
+ - pos: -27.5,24.5
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+ - uid: 1820
+ components:
+ - pos: -22.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1826
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,19.5
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+ - uid: 1827
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1831
+ components:
+ - pos: -21.5,20.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1833
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1834
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1835
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1840
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-3.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1984
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -30.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1985
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -30.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1996
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -32.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1997
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1998
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,-0.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1999
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2000
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2002
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2003
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2004
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2005
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2006
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2007
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2008
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2009
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2019
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2020
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2021
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2022
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2023
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2024
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2025
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2026
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,12.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2027
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2028
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2029
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2030
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2032
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2033
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -32.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2034
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2035
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -34.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2036
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,17.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2037
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2038
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2095
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - uid: 2096
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - uid: 2097
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-3.5
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+ - uid: 2098
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2099
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-5.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2100
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2101
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-7.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2112
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,0.5
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+ - uid: 2113
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,0.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - uid: 2139
+ components:
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+ - uid: 2140
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -40.5,-8.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - uid: 2142
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,-8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2143
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,-9.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2144
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,-8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2145
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2146
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,-8.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2147
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,-11.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -38.5,-11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2149
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.5,-11.5
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+ - uid: 2150
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,-11.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -35.5,-11.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2155
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2156
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2158
+ components:
+ - pos: -20.5,-27.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2160
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2162
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-26.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2163
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-26.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2165
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-23.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2167
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-23.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-23.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-26.5
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -26.5,-11.5
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+ components:
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+ pos: -26.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2315
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+ - pos: 13.5,31.5
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+ - uid: 2320
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ pos: 18.5,32.5
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+ pos: 18.5,33.5
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+ pos: 13.5,19.5
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+ pos: 14.5,19.5
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+ pos: 15.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: 16.5,19.5
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+ pos: 18.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: 18.5,20.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: 18.5,22.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: 18.5,23.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2354
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2355
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2356
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+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,25.5
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+ pos: 19.5,26.5
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+ pos: 19.5,27.5
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+ pos: 19.5,28.5
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+ pos: 18.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2365
+ components:
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+ pos: 17.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2366
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2367
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,28.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2378
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2380
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,19.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2418
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,31.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2419
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,31.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2420
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+ - pos: 13.5,32.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2421
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,33.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2423
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+ pos: 14.5,31.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ pos: 15.5,31.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,31.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: 15.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
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+ components:
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+ pos: 16.5,24.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2433
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2441
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -24.5,-25.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3074
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -39.5,-16.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3076
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -39.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3077
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -39.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3078
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -40.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3079
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -41.5,-13.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3110
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,-15.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3152
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,4.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3483
+ components:
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+ pos: -24.5,-21.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3484
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -23.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3485
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3500
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 24.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3549
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -30.5,-11.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5345
+ components:
+ - pos: -32.5,-14.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6616
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7237
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-26.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8323
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8325
+ components:
+ - pos: 8.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WallSolidRust
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9058
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 11950
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 43.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WallWood
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2759
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+ - pos: -10.5,-54.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2760
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-53.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2768
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-51.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2770
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-47.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2771
+ components:
+ - pos: -18.5,-54.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2773
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,-54.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2774
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-48.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2775
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-45.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2776
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-45.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2777
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-46.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2779
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-47.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2780
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,-45.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2788
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-51.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2789
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-47.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2791
+ components:
+ - pos: -15.5,-47.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2798
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-52.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2801
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-51.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2803
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-51.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2805
+ components:
+ - pos: -17.5,-54.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2808
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-50.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2854
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-49.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2858
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,-47.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2859
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-47.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2860
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,-47.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2861
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,-47.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2872
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-47.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2873
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-45.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2926
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-50.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2932
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-48.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WardrobeCargoFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7240
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WardrobeChapelFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3479
+ components:
+ - pos: -33.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WardrobePrisonFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1815
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1816
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5444
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5445
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5446
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WardrobeRobotics
+ entities:
+ - uid: 661
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WarningCO2
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6969
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 42.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WarningN2
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6967
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WarningN2O
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6971
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 42.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WarningO2
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6968
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WarningPlasma
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6970
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 42.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WarningTritium
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6972
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 42.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WarningWaste
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6973
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 42.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WarpPoint
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12045
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,10.5
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+ type: Transform
+ - location: bar
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12046
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,29.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: bridge
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12047
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,52.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: ai sat
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12048
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: med
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12049
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: sci
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12050
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: engi
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12051
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 37.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: atmos
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12052
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 27.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: abandoned evac dock
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12053
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 21.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: sec
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12054
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 42.5,31.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: courthouse
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12055
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 45.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: arrivals
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12056
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: cargo
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12057
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: dorms
+ type: WarpPoint
+ - uid: 12058
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -40.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - location: evac
+ type: WarpPoint
+- proto: WaterCooler
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4856
+ components:
+ - pos: 39.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 6396
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WaterTankFull
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4948
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7665
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8853
+ components:
+ - pos: -30.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8859
+ components:
+ - pos: -7.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9140
+ components:
+ - pos: 14.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9177
+ components:
+ - pos: 24.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9377
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9378
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,26.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9536
+ components:
+ - pos: 35.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9690
+ components:
+ - pos: -13.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9710
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WaterTankHighCapacity
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6009
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WaterVaporCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6811
+ components:
+ - pos: 43.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WeaponCapacitorRecharger
+ entities:
+ - uid: 780
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 784
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4116
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5060
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5330
+ components:
+ - pos: 11.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WeaponDisabler
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5324
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.372377,15.690639
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5325
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.544252,15.612514
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5326
+ components:
+ - pos: 19.747377,15.550014
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5437
+ components:
+ - pos: 16.478151,15.561477
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WeaponLaserCarbine
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5424
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.328125,13.694345
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5425
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.375,13.58497
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WeaponPistolMk58
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5396
+ components:
+ - pos: 29.446836,16.541578
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5422
+ components:
+ - pos: 37.46875,13.61622
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5436
+ components:
+ - pos: 37.546875,13.55372
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WeaponRevolverDeckard
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4842
+ components:
+ - flags: InContainer
+ type: MetaData
+ - parent: 4120
+ type: Transform
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - type: InsideEntityStorage
+- proto: WeaponRifleLecter
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5431
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.533405,11.484736
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WeaponShotgunKammerer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5426
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.470905,12.377476
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5427
+ components:
+ - pos: 38.54903,12.330601
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WeaponSubMachineGunDrozd
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5418
+ components:
+ - pos: 36.546875,13.694345
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WeaponSubMachineGunDrozdRubber
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5310
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.660734,15.690639
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WeaponSubMachineGunWt550
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5385
+ components:
+ - pos: 27.524961,14.648642
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WeaponTurretSyndicateBroken
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2688
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,55.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2750
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,55.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2753
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,49.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2754
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,49.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WelderIndustrialAdvanced
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7139
+ components:
+ - pos: 33.606236,-18.496468
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WeldingFuelTankFull
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6766
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8858
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8860
+ components:
+ - pos: -31.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9139
+ components:
+ - pos: 13.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9178
+ components:
+ - pos: 25.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9375
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9376
+ components:
+ - pos: 10.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9535
+ components:
+ - pos: 36.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9689
+ components:
+ - pos: -14.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9709
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Windoor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8315
+ components:
+ - pos: -28.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 8759
+ components:
+ - pos: -41.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindoorChapelLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3474
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3475
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -33.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindoorSecure
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3290
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3350
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3405
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3406
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3407
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3408
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3603
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3604
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5099
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5100
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7245
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7246
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindoorSecureCargoLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7243
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7244
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7288
+ components:
+ - pos: 20.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7290
+ components:
+ - pos: 21.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindoorSecureChemistryLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3401
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -12.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3402
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3403
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindoorSecureCommandLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3614
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,52.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3615
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,52.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4127
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4730
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4972
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,30.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindoorSecureEngineeringLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3349
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindoorSecureHeadOfPersonnelLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3289
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindoorSecureMedicalLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3404
+ components:
+ - pos: -12.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3409
+ components:
+ - pos: -9.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3410
+ components:
+ - pos: -8.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3558
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3559
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,18.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindoorSecureSalvageLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 7297
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 21.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 7300
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 20.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindoorSecureScienceLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3605
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3606
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindoorSecureSecurityLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1775
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 21.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1776
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 22.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4900
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 45.5,34.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5097
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5098
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 5535
+ components:
+ - pos: 12.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 12485
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 5536
+ components:
+ - pos: 15.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 12486
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 5537
+ components:
+ - pos: 18.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - links:
+ - 12487
+ type: DeviceLinkSink
+ - uid: 12003
+ components:
+ - pos: 36.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12004
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 38.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12005
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 38.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindoorServiceLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3375
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3376
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3377
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3378
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3379
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3380
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Window
+ entities:
+ - uid: 40
+ components:
+ - pos: 1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 41
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 73
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 75
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 77
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 78
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 79
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 80
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 81
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 82
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 84
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 86
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 95
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 96
+ components:
+ - pos: -3.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 97
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 98
+ components:
+ - pos: 6.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 420
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,28.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1604
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1611
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1619
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1625
+ components:
+ - pos: -5.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1626
+ components:
+ - pos: -4.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1627
+ components:
+ - pos: -2.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1628
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1987
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -37.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1988
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -36.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1989
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -32.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1990
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -31.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2092
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -41.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2110
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -40.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 2111
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -39.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4820
+ components:
+ - pos: 44.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4821
+ components:
+ - pos: 46.5,24.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindowDirectional
+ entities:
+ - uid: 315
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 316
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindowFrostedDirectional
+ entities:
+ - uid: 312
+ components:
+ - pos: -10.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 313
+ components:
+ - pos: -11.5,20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3473
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -33.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9631
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,27.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 9632
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12452
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 12453
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WindowReinforcedDirectional
+ entities:
+ - uid: 727
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 20.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 728
+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 23.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1688
+ components:
+ - pos: 46.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1697
+ components:
+ - pos: 5.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1698
+ components:
+ - pos: 4.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1699
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 1700
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3556
+ components:
+ - pos: 45.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3583
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3798
+ components:
+ - pos: -1.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3799
+ components:
+ - pos: -0.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3800
+ components:
+ - pos: 0.5,17.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4126
+ components:
+ - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,25.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4895
+ components:
+ - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 45.5,33.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 4969
+ components:
+ - pos: 3.5,30.5
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+ components:
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+ components:
+ - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: Wirecutter
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6073
+ components:
+ - pos: -6.449393,-15.322836
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+- proto: WoodDoor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3088
+ components:
+ - pos: -34.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ type: Transform
+ - uid: 3446
+ components:
+ - pos: -37.5,12.5
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diff --git a/Resources/Maps/kettle.yml b/Resources/Maps/kettle.yml
index 9bea1311dfc63c..506ced0a6733e3 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/kettle.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/kettle.yml
@@ -18762,9 +18762,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 34.5,12.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -507010.16
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 11588
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18773,9 +18778,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 34.5,14.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -507010.16
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 11588
type: DeviceLinkSink
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- pos: 34.5,13.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -507010.16
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 11588
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18827,9 +18842,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 53.5,-25.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -505275.1
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 8852
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18838,9 +18858,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 53.5,-26.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -505275.1
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 8852
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18849,9 +18874,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 53.5,-27.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -505275.1
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 8852
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18860,9 +18890,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 53.5,-28.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -505275.1
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 8852
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18871,9 +18906,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 53.5,-29.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -505275.1
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 8852
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18882,9 +18922,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 53.5,-30.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -505275.1
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 8852
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18893,9 +18938,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 56.5,-25.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -505275.1
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 8852
type: DeviceLinkSink
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- pos: 56.5,-26.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -505275.1
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 8852
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18915,9 +18970,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 56.5,-27.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -505275.1
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 8852
type: DeviceLinkSink
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- pos: 56.5,-28.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -505275.1
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 8852
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18937,9 +19002,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 56.5,-29.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -505275.1
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 8852
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18948,9 +19018,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 56.5,-30.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -505275.1
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 8852
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18959,9 +19034,14 @@ entities:
- pos: -21.5,50.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -445930.03
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 23015
type: DeviceLinkSink
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- pos: -21.5,48.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -445930.03
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 23015
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18981,9 +19066,14 @@ entities:
- pos: -21.5,49.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -445930.03
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 23015
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -18992,9 +19082,14 @@ entities:
- pos: -21.5,47.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -445930.03
- state: Opening
+ - state: Open
type: Door
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: False
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 23015
type: DeviceLinkSink
@@ -19057,9 +19152,14 @@ entities:
- pos: 23.5,14.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -507071.4
- state: Closing
+ - state: Closed
type: Door
+ - enabled: True
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: True
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: True
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 22394
type: DeviceLinkSink
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- pos: 23.5,13.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -507071.4
- state: Closing
+ - state: Closed
type: Door
+ - enabled: True
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: True
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: True
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 22394
type: DeviceLinkSink
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- pos: 23.5,12.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -507071.4
- state: Closing
+ - state: Closed
type: Door
+ - enabled: True
+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: True
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: True
+ type: Airtight
- links:
- 22394
type: DeviceLinkSink
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6232
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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@@ -46405,43 +43547,31 @@ entities:
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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@@ -46452,99 +43582,71 @@ entities:
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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@@ -46555,960 +43657,686 @@ entities:
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@@ -50324,190 +46512,136 @@ entities:
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
- - enabled: True
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- uid: 16888
- pos: 13.5,45.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 16889
- pos: 14.5,45.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 15.5,45.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 16.5,45.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
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parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 18.5,45.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: PointLight
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type: PointLight
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 758
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -87054,8 +81902,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 815
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -87064,8 +81910,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#947507FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 818
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -87074,8 +81918,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#947507FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 822
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -87084,8 +81926,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#947507FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 900
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -87102,8 +81942,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0055CCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1140
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -87130,8 +81968,6 @@ entities:
pos: 2.5,34.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2255
- pos: 6.5,34.5
@@ -87139,8 +81975,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0055CCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2734
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -87185,8 +82019,6 @@ entities:
pos: 9.5,71.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8127
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -87317,8 +82149,6 @@ entities:
pos: 21.5,-78.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9872
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -87573,8 +82403,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0055CCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 13212
- pos: 10.5,36.5
@@ -87855,8 +82683,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#990000FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 15270
- pos: -40.5,-26.5
@@ -87880,8 +82706,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#990000FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 15438
- pos: -50.5,-22.5
@@ -87912,8 +82736,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0055CCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 15455
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -87922,8 +82744,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0055CCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 15458
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -87932,8 +82752,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0055CCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 15467
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -88056,8 +82874,6 @@ entities:
pos: 55.5,-30.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 20055
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -88120,8 +82936,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#990000FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1858
- pos: 18.5,16.5
@@ -88129,8 +82943,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9510
- pos: 21.5,16.5
@@ -88339,395 +83151,285 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 382
- pos: 0.5,7.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 383
- pos: 0.5,6.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 384
- pos: 2.5,6.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 385
- pos: 2.5,7.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 386
- pos: 1.5,3.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 387
- pos: 1.5,2.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 388
- pos: 7.5,3.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 389
- pos: 7.5,2.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 390
- pos: 13.5,3.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 391
- pos: 13.5,2.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 398
- pos: 6.5,7.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 399
- pos: 6.5,6.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 400
- pos: 8.5,7.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 401
- pos: 8.5,6.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 402
- pos: 12.5,7.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 403
- pos: 12.5,6.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 404
- pos: 14.5,7.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 405
- pos: 14.5,6.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 406
- pos: 14.5,5.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 407
- pos: 12.5,5.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 408
- pos: 8.5,5.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 409
- pos: 6.5,5.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 410
- pos: 2.5,5.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 411
- pos: 0.5,5.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 422
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 0.5,9.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 423
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 2.5,9.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 424
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 6.5,9.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 425
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 8.5,9.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 426
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 12.5,9.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 427
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 14.5,9.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 428
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -0.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 429
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 1.5,15.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 430
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 1.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 593
- pos: 0.5,23.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 594
- pos: 0.5,22.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 595
- pos: 0.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 596
- pos: 2.5,23.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 597
- pos: 2.5,22.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 598
- pos: 2.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 599
- pos: 4.5,23.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 600
- pos: 4.5,22.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 601
- pos: 4.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 602
- pos: 6.5,23.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 603
- pos: 6.5,22.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 604
- pos: 6.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 605
- pos: 8.5,23.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 606
- pos: 8.5,22.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 607
- pos: 8.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 608
- pos: 10.5,23.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 609
- pos: 10.5,22.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 610
- pos: 10.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 611
- pos: 12.5,23.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 612
- pos: 12.5,22.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 613
- pos: 12.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 614
- pos: 16.5,23.5
@@ -88735,8 +83437,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 615
- pos: 16.5,22.5
@@ -88744,8 +83444,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 616
- pos: 16.5,21.5
@@ -88753,8 +83451,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 617
- pos: 15.5,21.5
@@ -88762,246 +83458,176 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 618
- pos: 11.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 619
- pos: 9.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 620
- pos: 7.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 621
- pos: 5.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 622
- pos: 3.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 623
- pos: 1.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 624
- pos: -0.5,21.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 626
- pos: -0.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 627
- pos: -0.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 628
- pos: 0.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 629
- pos: 1.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 630
- pos: 1.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 631
- pos: 2.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 632
- pos: 2.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 633
- pos: 3.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 634
- pos: 3.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 635
- pos: 4.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 636
- pos: 4.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 637
- pos: 5.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 638
- pos: 5.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 639
- pos: 6.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 640
- pos: 6.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 641
- pos: 7.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 642
- pos: 7.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 643
- pos: 8.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 644
- pos: 8.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 645
- pos: 9.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 646
- pos: 9.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 647
- pos: 10.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 648
- pos: 10.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 649
- pos: 11.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 650
- pos: 11.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 651
- pos: 12.5,20.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 652
- pos: 12.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 653
- pos: 15.5,20.5
@@ -89009,8 +83635,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 654
- pos: 15.5,19.5
@@ -89018,8 +83642,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 655
- pos: 16.5,20.5
@@ -89027,8 +83649,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 656
- pos: 16.5,19.5
@@ -89036,8 +83656,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 657
- pos: 16.5,18.5
@@ -89045,8 +83663,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 658
- pos: 15.5,18.5
@@ -89054,72 +83670,54 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 667
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 0.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 668
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -0.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 669
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 0.5,17.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 670
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 2.5,17.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 671
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 4.5,17.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 672
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 6.5,17.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 673
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 8.5,17.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 674
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 10.5,17.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 675
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -89128,119 +83726,89 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#990000FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 677
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 12.5,17.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 679
- pos: -1.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 684
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 1.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 685
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 2.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 686
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 3.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 687
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 4.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 688
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 5.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 689
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 6.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 690
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 7.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 691
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 8.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 692
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 9.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 693
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 10.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 694
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 11.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 695
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 12.5,18.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 714
- pos: 16.5,16.5
@@ -89248,8 +83816,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 720
- pos: 18.5,12.5
@@ -89257,8 +83823,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0055CCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 722
- pos: 18.5,10.5
@@ -89266,112 +83830,84 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0055CCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 723
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 11.5,15.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 739
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -0.5,15.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 740
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 3.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 741
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 3.5,15.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 742
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 5.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 743
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 5.5,15.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 744
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 7.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 745
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 7.5,15.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 746
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 9.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 748
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 11.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 750
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 10.5,14.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 751
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 10.5,15.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 752
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 11.5,15.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 755
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@@ -89380,8 +83916,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- pos: -5.5,18.5
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pos: 0.5,14.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 791
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pos: 2.5,14.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 792
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 1.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 793
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- uid: 794
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 3.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 795
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 5.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 796
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 7.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 797
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 9.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 798
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 11.5,16.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 816
- pos: -1.5,13.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 4.5,14.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 829
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 6.5,14.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 830
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 8.5,14.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 878
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- type: AmbientSound
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- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- pos: -36.5,-37.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- type: AmbientSound
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- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -90350,8 +84804,6 @@ entities:
pos: 2.5,46.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7277
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -90692,22 +85144,16 @@ entities:
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9725
- pos: 19.5,-81.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9726
- pos: 19.5,-82.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9727
- pos: 19.5,-78.5
@@ -90715,8 +85161,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- pos: 19.5,-77.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- pos: 19.5,-75.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- pos: 19.5,-69.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- pos: 19.5,-68.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- pos: 19.5,-65.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- pos: 19.5,-64.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- pos: 19.5,-63.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- pos: 19.5,-62.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9842
- pos: 21.5,-81.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9843
- pos: 21.5,-80.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9845
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10119
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -92247,8 +86617,6 @@ entities:
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10838
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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pos: 55.5,-32.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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pos: 55.5,-33.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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pos: 9.5,15.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: GasValve
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type: GasValve
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type: GasValve
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type: GasValve
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type: GasValve
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type: GasValve
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type: GasValve
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type: GasValve
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: GasValve
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: GasValve
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 20.5,11.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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pos: 9.5,-89.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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pos: 9.5,-98.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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pos: 31.5,-98.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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pos: 17.5,-103.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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pos: 23.5,-103.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 36.5,28.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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+ type: Physics
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+ type: Physics
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+ type: Physics
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type: Door
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+ type: Airtight
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type: DeviceLinkSink
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- - SecondsUntilStateChange: -399951.5
- state: Opening
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
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type: Door
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type: Door
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type: Door
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+ type: Physics
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type: Door
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+ type: Airtight
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+ type: Physics
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type: Door
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type: Door
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parent: 82
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+ type: Physics
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type: Door
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type: Door
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type: Door
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type: Door
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
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+ type: Physics
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type: Door
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
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type: DeviceLinkSink
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parent: 82
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type: Door
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type: Door
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type: Door
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type: Door
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type: Door
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pos: 57.5,-10.5
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- state: Opening
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type: Door
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parent: 82
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- state: Opening
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+ type: Physics
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type: Door
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
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- 3190
type: DeviceLinkSink
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pos: 57.5,-9.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- state: Opening
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+ type: Physics
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type: Door
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
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- 3190
type: DeviceLinkSink
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pos: 59.5,-14.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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- state: Opening
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+ type: Physics
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type: Door
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
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- 3190
type: DeviceLinkSink
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pos: 59.5,-15.5
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type: Transform
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+ type: Physics
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type: Door
+ - airBlocked: False
+ type: Airtight
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- 3190
type: DeviceLinkSink
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Door
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type: DeviceLinkSink
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type: Door
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+ type: Occluder
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type: DeviceLinkSink
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type: Transform
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type: Door
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+ type: Occluder
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+ type: Physics
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+ type: Airtight
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type: DeviceLinkSink
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Door
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+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: True
+ type: Physics
+ - airBlocked: True
+ type: Airtight
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- 24531
type: DeviceLinkSink
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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- state: Closing
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type: Door
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+ type: Occluder
+ - canCollide: True
+ type: Physics
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+ type: Airtight
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- 24531
type: DeviceLinkSink
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parent: 82
type: Transform
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- state: Opening
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type: Door
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+ type: Physics
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+ type: Airtight
+ - enabled: False
+ type: Occluder
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- pos: -11.5,19.5
parent: 82
type: Transform
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type: Door
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+ type: Physics
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+ type: Airtight
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- 10: FloorAsteroidTile
- 11: FloorBar
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- 22: FloorDark
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- 27: FloorDarkMono
- 29: FloorDarkPavement
- 34: FloorEighties
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- 40: FloorGrass
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- 48: FloorHydro
- 50: FloorLaundry
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- 84: FloorTechMaint2
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+ 74: FloorShowroom
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+ 96: FloorTechMaint2
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+ 113: PlatingAsteroid
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5242
- pos: -11.5,-53.5
@@ -14960,8 +14598,6 @@ entities:
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -14.5,-22.5
@@ -14972,8 +14608,6 @@ entities:
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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@@ -15176,8 +14808,6 @@ entities:
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 18.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 16.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 15.5,-32.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 15.5,-31.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -44.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9390
- pos: -44.5,10.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -44.5,11.5
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9463
- pos: -50.5,6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9464
- pos: -50.5,5.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9465
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9466
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9467
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7965
- pos: -31.5,7.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7966
- pos: -30.5,7.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7967
- pos: -29.5,7.5
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -29.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7969
- pos: -28.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7970
- pos: -27.5,8.5
@@ -22291,15 +20917,11 @@ entities:
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -44.5,-5.5
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type: Transform
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- pos: -39.5,6.5
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -36.5,-4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -36.5,-6.5
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -36.5,-7.5
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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@@ -23729,92 +22037,66 @@ entities:
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10560
- pos: -34.5,-24.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10561
- pos: -34.5,-23.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10562
- pos: -34.5,-22.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10563
- pos: -34.5,-21.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10564
- pos: -34.5,-20.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10565
- pos: -35.5,-20.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10638
- pos: -45.5,-12.5
@@ -23855,8 +22137,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -51.5,-11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10646
- pos: -52.5,-11.5
@@ -23887,8 +22167,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -51.5,-13.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10669
- pos: -45.5,-6.5
@@ -23904,8 +22182,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -47.5,-6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10672
- pos: -48.5,-6.5
@@ -23916,575 +22192,411 @@ entities:
- pos: 33.5,-39.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 32.5,-39.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11396
- pos: 31.5,-39.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 33.5,-38.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11398
- pos: 33.5,-37.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11399
- pos: 33.5,-36.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11400
- pos: 34.5,-36.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11401
- pos: 35.5,-36.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11402
- pos: 36.5,-36.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11403
- pos: 37.5,-36.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11404
- pos: 38.5,-36.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11405
- pos: 31.5,-38.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11406
- pos: 31.5,-37.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11407
- pos: 31.5,-36.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11408
- pos: 31.5,-35.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11409
- pos: 31.5,-34.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11410
- pos: 31.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11411
- pos: 30.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11412
- pos: 29.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11413
- pos: 28.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11414
- pos: 27.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11415
- pos: 26.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11416
- pos: 25.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11417
- pos: 24.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11418
- pos: 23.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 22.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 21.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 20.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 19.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 52.5,-36.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 39.5,-36.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 41.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 41.5,-32.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 43.5,-35.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 43.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 43.5,-32.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11490
- pos: 45.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 45.5,-35.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 47.5,-35.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 47.5,-34.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 47.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 47.5,-32.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 49.5,-35.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 49.5,-34.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 49.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 49.5,-32.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 51.5,-35.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 51.5,-34.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 51.5,-33.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 51.5,-32.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 51.5,-40.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 51.5,-39.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 51.5,-38.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 51.5,-37.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 49.5,-40.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11510
- pos: 49.5,-39.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11511
- pos: 49.5,-38.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11512
- pos: 49.5,-37.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 47.5,-40.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11514
- pos: 47.5,-39.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11515
- pos: 47.5,-38.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11516
- pos: 47.5,-37.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 45.5,-40.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11518
- pos: 45.5,-39.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11519
- pos: 45.5,-38.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11520
- pos: 45.5,-37.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 43.5,-40.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11522
- pos: 43.5,-39.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11523
- pos: 43.5,-38.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11524
- pos: 43.5,-37.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11525
- pos: 41.5,-40.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11526
- pos: 41.5,-39.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11527
- pos: 41.5,-38.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11528
- pos: 41.5,-37.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: CableHVStack
- uid: 8587
@@ -24514,484 +22626,346 @@ entities:
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -14.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 973
- pos: -14.5,9.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -14.5,10.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 975
- pos: -14.5,11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 976
- pos: -14.5,12.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 977
- pos: -14.5,13.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 978
- pos: -13.5,13.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 979
- pos: -12.5,13.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 980
- pos: -12.5,14.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 981
- pos: -8.5,-2.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 982
- pos: -8.5,-3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 983
- pos: -9.5,-3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 984
- pos: -10.5,-3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -12.5,-3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -11.5,-3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -12.5,-2.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 988
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 989
- pos: -12.5,-0.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 990
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 991
- pos: -12.5,1.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 992
- pos: -12.5,2.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 993
- pos: -12.5,3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 994
- pos: -12.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 995
- pos: -12.5,5.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 996
- pos: -12.5,6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 997
- pos: -12.5,7.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 998
- pos: -12.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -12.5,9.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1000
- pos: -12.5,10.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -12.5,12.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1004
- pos: 6.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1005
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1006
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1007
- pos: 9.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1008
- pos: 9.5,5.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1009
- pos: 9.5,6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1010
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1011
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1012
- pos: 9.5,9.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1013
- pos: 9.5,10.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1014
- pos: 9.5,11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1015
- pos: 8.5,11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1016
- pos: 7.5,11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1017
- pos: 6.5,11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1018
- pos: 5.5,11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1019
- pos: 4.5,11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1020
- pos: 3.5,11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1021
- pos: 2.5,11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1023
- pos: 7.5,-8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1024
- pos: 7.5,-9.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1025
- pos: 8.5,-9.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1026
- pos: 9.5,-9.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1027
- pos: 9.5,-8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1028
- pos: 9.5,-7.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1029
- pos: 9.5,-6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1030
- pos: 9.5,-5.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1031
- pos: 9.5,-4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1032
- pos: 9.5,-3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1033
- pos: 9.5,-2.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1034
- pos: 9.5,-1.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1035
- pos: 9.5,-0.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1036
- pos: 9.5,0.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1037
- pos: 9.5,1.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1038
- pos: 9.5,2.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1039
- pos: 9.5,3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1419
- pos: 8.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1543
- pos: 5.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1858
- pos: 0.5,28.5
@@ -25082,8 +23056,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -6.5,31.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 2.5,31.5
@@ -25159,8 +23131,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 0.5,21.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2172
- pos: 3.5,25.5
@@ -25206,8 +23176,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 9.5,27.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2181
- pos: 8.5,24.5
@@ -25218,8 +23186,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 8.5,23.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2183
- pos: 6.5,24.5
@@ -25230,8 +23196,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 6.5,23.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2185
- pos: -2.5,31.5
@@ -25242,15 +23206,11 @@ entities:
- pos: 4.5,24.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 4.5,26.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2188
- pos: -2.5,30.5
@@ -25276,8 +23236,6 @@ entities:
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2193
- pos: -3.5,28.5
@@ -25293,8 +23251,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -4.5,27.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -1.5,28.5
@@ -25310,8 +23266,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -0.5,27.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2200
- pos: 0.5,29.5
@@ -25417,8 +23371,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -14.5,25.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- pos: -44.5,-19.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- uid: 10023
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10024
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: -44.5,-15.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 10.5,-30.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 8.5,-30.5
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 30.5,-37.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: PointLight
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type: PointLight
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type: PointLight
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type: PointLight
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type: PointLight
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type: PointLight
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: Transform
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type: PointLight
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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pos: -53.5,6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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pos: -53.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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pos: -53.5,12.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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pos: -53.5,10.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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pos: -53.5,2.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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pos: -53.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -46.5,5.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 16.5,46.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- uid: 8553
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49740,8 +47148,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8774
- pos: -30.5,-3.5
@@ -49756,8 +47162,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8776
- pos: -30.5,-5.5
@@ -49799,8 +47203,6 @@ entities:
pos: -35.5,-36.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8946
- pos: -10.5,-34.5
@@ -49822,8 +47224,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8952
- pos: -10.5,-31.5
@@ -49831,8 +47231,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8954
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49841,8 +47239,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8955
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49851,8 +47247,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8956
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49861,8 +47255,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8957
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49871,8 +47263,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8958
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49881,8 +47271,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8959
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49891,8 +47279,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8960
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49901,8 +47287,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8961
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49911,8 +47295,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8962
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49921,8 +47303,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8963
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49931,8 +47311,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8964
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49941,8 +47319,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8965
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49951,8 +47327,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8966
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49961,8 +47335,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8977
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -49971,8 +47343,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8978
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -49981,8 +47351,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8980
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50035,8 +47403,6 @@ entities:
pos: -35.5,-34.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8997
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50048,8 +47414,6 @@ entities:
- pos: -37.5,-36.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9001
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50068,31 +47432,23 @@ entities:
pos: -40.5,-36.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9036
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -49.5,11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9075
- pos: -45.5,13.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9116
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -52.5,12.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9118
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50101,8 +47457,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FDC3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9119
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50117,8 +47471,6 @@ entities:
pos: -48.5,12.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9123
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50135,24 +47487,18 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FDC3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9126
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -49.5,12.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9127
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -50.5,12.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9129
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50161,8 +47507,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FDC3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9132
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50171,48 +47515,36 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FDC3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9134
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -51.5,12.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9135
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -49.5,10.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9136
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -50.5,10.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9137
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -51.5,10.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9138
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -52.5,10.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9146
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50229,8 +47561,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9148
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50287,8 +47617,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9159
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50297,8 +47625,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9160
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50307,8 +47633,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9161
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50317,8 +47641,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9162
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50327,8 +47649,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9167
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50337,474 +47657,352 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9175
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -48.5,1.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9177
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -50.5,1.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9178
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -48.5,3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9179
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -49.5,1.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9180
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -50.5,3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9181
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -48.5,5.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9182
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -49.5,3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9183
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -50.5,5.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9184
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -48.5,7.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9185
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -49.5,5.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9186
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -50.5,7.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9187
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -48.5,9.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9188
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -49.5,7.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9189
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -50.5,9.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9190
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -48.5,11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9191
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -49.5,9.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9192
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -50.5,11.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9205
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -48.5,10.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9207
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -52.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9208
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -51.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9209
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -50.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9210
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -49.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9211
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -48.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9213
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -52.5,6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9214
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -51.5,6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9215
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -50.5,6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9216
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -49.5,6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9217
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -48.5,6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9219
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -52.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9220
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -51.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9221
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -50.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9222
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -49.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9223
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -48.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9225
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -52.5,2.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9226
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -51.5,2.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9227
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -50.5,2.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9228
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -49.5,2.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9229
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -48.5,2.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9231
- pos: -47.5,2.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9232
- pos: -47.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9233
- pos: -47.5,6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9234
- pos: -47.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9235
- pos: -47.5,10.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9238
- pos: -45.5,7.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9241
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -46.5,6.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9246
- pos: -45.5,9.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9249
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -46.5,8.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9250
- pos: -46.5,3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9252
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -45.5,3.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9253
- pos: -46.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9255
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -46.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9257
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -46.5,12.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9259
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -46.5,10.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9262
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -47.5,12.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9263
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -47.5,13.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9489
- pos: -45.5,14.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9490
- pos: -45.5,15.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9491
- pos: -43.5,14.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9492
- pos: -43.5,15.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9493
- pos: -43.5,13.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9514
- pos: -43.5,11.5
@@ -50812,8 +48010,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9515
- pos: -43.5,10.5
@@ -50821,8 +48017,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9516
- pos: -43.5,9.5
@@ -50830,8 +48024,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9539
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -50840,8 +48032,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9541
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50850,8 +48040,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9545
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -50860,8 +48048,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9546
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -50870,8 +48056,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11963
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -50887,8 +48071,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11965
- pos: -36.5,-0.5
@@ -50896,8 +48078,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11966
- pos: -36.5,-1.5
@@ -50905,8 +48085,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11967
- pos: -36.5,-2.5
@@ -50914,8 +48092,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11968
- pos: -36.5,-3.5
@@ -50923,8 +48099,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11969
- pos: -36.5,-4.5
@@ -50932,8 +48106,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11970
- pos: -36.5,-5.5
@@ -50941,8 +48113,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11971
- pos: -36.5,-6.5
@@ -50950,8 +48120,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11973
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -51008,8 +48176,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11980
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -51156,8 +48322,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 12004
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -51190,8 +48354,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 12008
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -51256,8 +48418,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 12018
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -51287,8 +48447,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -33.5,-34.5
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -14.5,-12.5
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -26.5,-4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -26.5,-11.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: -2.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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pos: -19.5,-23.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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pos: -10.5,-27.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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pos: -12.5,-27.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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pos: -22.5,-28.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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pos: -25.5,-28.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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pos: -17.5,-25.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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+ - name: AI satellite SMES
+ type: MetaData
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- pos: 5.5,4.5
parent: 4812
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 4812
type: Transform
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+++ b/Resources/Maps/packed.yml
@@ -4,33 +4,33 @@ meta:
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3: FloorArcadeRed
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- 14: FloorBlueCircuit
- 18: FloorCarpetOffice
- 22: FloorDark
- 27: FloorDarkMono
- 34: FloorEighties
- 37: FloorFreezer
- 40: FloorGrass
- 44: FloorGreenCircuit
- 48: FloorHydro
- 50: FloorLaundry
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- 60: FloorReinforced
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- 76: FloorSteelDirty
- 78: FloorSteelMini
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- 84: FloorTechMaint2
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- 91: FloorWhiteMini
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- 99: Lattice
- 100: Plating
+ 12: FloorBar
+ 14: FloorBlue
+ 15: FloorBlueCircuit
+ 19: FloorCarpetOffice
+ 26: FloorDark
+ 31: FloorDarkMono
+ 38: FloorEighties
+ 41: FloorFreezer
+ 44: FloorGrass
+ 51: FloorGreenCircuit
+ 55: FloorHydro
+ 58: FloorLaundry
+ 59: FloorLino
+ 70: FloorRGlass
+ 71: FloorReinforced
+ 73: FloorRockVault
+ 74: FloorShowroom
+ 83: FloorSteel
+ 88: FloorSteelDirty
+ 90: FloorSteelMini
+ 95: FloorTechMaint
+ 96: FloorTechMaint2
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+ 103: FloorWhiteMini
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+ 111: Lattice
+ 112: Plating
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supplyRampPosition: 2.4463015
type: PowerNetworkBattery
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parent: 2
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type: PowerNetworkBattery
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 2
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parent: 2
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 2
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 2
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- type: AmbientSound
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- type: AmbientSound
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type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 2
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parent: 2
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parent: 2
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type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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pos: 47.5,-24.5
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pos: 47.5,-28.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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pos: 47.5,-30.5
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: Transform
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pos: 35.5,-34.5
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 38.5,-27.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 41.5,-43.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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pos: 44.5,-45.5
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 42.5,-31.5
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 41.5,-33.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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pos: 44.5,-30.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
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- uid: 319
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 44.5,-34.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
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- uid: 321
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 43.5,-34.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 322
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 42.5,-34.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
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- pos: 3.5,4.5
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pos: 46.5,-34.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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pos: 41.5,-34.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 409
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 45.5,-32.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 410
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 44.5,-32.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 415
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pos: 43.5,-32.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 416
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 46.5,-32.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 425
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -46383,8 +43257,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 439
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -46393,8 +43265,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 440
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -46410,8 +43280,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 444
- pos: 25.5,-17.5
@@ -46432,8 +43300,6 @@ entities:
pos: 44.5,-23.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 512
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -46495,55 +43361,41 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 676
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 43.5,-30.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 677
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 42.5,-30.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 678
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 38.5,-34.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 743
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 36.5,-34.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 744
- pos: 39.5,-33.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 755
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 37.5,-34.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 817
- pos: 42.5,2.5
@@ -46559,8 +43411,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 820
- pos: 31.5,-25.5
@@ -46568,8 +43418,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 825
- pos: 42.5,3.5
@@ -46597,48 +43445,36 @@ entities:
pos: 42.5,-32.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 839
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 46.5,-30.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 842
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 45.5,-30.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 850
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 46.5,-28.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 851
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 45.5,-28.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 869
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 44.5,-28.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 879
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -46647,8 +43483,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 887
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -46665,8 +43499,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 890
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -46721,8 +43553,6 @@ entities:
pos: 43.5,-25.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 901
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -46809,8 +43639,6 @@ entities:
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parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1037
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -46819,8 +43647,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1038
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -46829,8 +43655,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1043
- pos: 25.5,-0.5
@@ -46914,8 +43738,6 @@ entities:
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parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1212
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -46948,8 +43770,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1222
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -46958,8 +43778,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1224
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -46968,8 +43786,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1226
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -46978,32 +43794,24 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1228
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 41.5,-31.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1229
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 44.5,-33.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1230
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 43.5,-33.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1237
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -47012,8 +43820,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#03FCD3FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1245
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -47022,8 +43828,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1249
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -47032,48 +43836,36 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1300
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 45.5,-26.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1301
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 42.5,-26.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1302
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 46.5,-24.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1303
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 44.5,-26.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1346
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 39.5,-24.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1371
- pos: 31.5,-33.5
@@ -47086,8 +43878,6 @@ entities:
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parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1485
- pos: 31.5,-34.5
@@ -47517,8 +44307,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1719
- pos: 25.5,33.5
@@ -47767,8 +44555,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1845
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -48251,8 +45037,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1934
- pos: 42.5,12.5
@@ -48290,8 +45074,6 @@ entities:
pos: 40.5,-26.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1959
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -48394,8 +45176,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2032
- pos: 11.5,-39.5
@@ -48403,8 +45183,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2052
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -48420,8 +45198,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2063
- pos: 25.5,-9.5
@@ -48435,32 +45211,24 @@ entities:
pos: 41.5,-27.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2070
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 43.5,-23.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2071
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 43.5,-27.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2148
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 42.5,-23.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2161
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -48477,8 +45245,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2316
- pos: 25.5,-12.5
@@ -48554,24 +45320,18 @@ entities:
pos: 44.5,-27.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2390
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 42.5,-27.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2391
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 44.5,-29.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2396
- pos: 25.5,-6.5
@@ -48679,32 +45439,24 @@ entities:
pos: 43.5,-28.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2438
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 42.5,-28.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2439
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 41.5,-32.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2440
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 41.5,-30.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2452
- pos: 27.5,44.5
@@ -48825,8 +45577,6 @@ entities:
pos: 42.5,-33.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 2731
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -48841,8 +45591,6 @@ entities:
pos: 40.5,-24.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3553
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -48946,8 +45694,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3955
- pos: 38.5,-46.5
@@ -48955,8 +45701,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 3958
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49010,8 +45754,6 @@ entities:
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parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4003
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -49036,16 +45778,12 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4008
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 41.5,-29.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4009
- pos: 19.5,12.5
@@ -49100,8 +45838,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4043
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49132,16 +45868,12 @@ entities:
pos: 41.5,-23.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4052
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 44.5,-25.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4058
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49150,8 +45882,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4060
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49200,8 +45930,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4068
- pos: 25.5,-25.5
@@ -49217,8 +45945,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4070
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49249,8 +45975,6 @@ entities:
pos: 41.5,-25.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4083
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -49259,8 +45983,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4084
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49269,8 +45991,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4085
- pos: 19.5,10.5
@@ -49284,24 +46004,18 @@ entities:
pos: 42.5,-25.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4095
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 44.5,-31.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4097
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 43.5,-29.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4103
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49390,8 +46104,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4131
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49400,40 +46112,30 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4133
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 44.5,-24.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4135
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 40.5,-28.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4136
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 43.5,-24.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4140
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 42.5,-24.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4144
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49442,24 +46144,18 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4147
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 40.5,-30.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4151
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 41.5,-24.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4155
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -49474,8 +46170,6 @@ entities:
pos: 40.5,-32.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4159
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49484,8 +46178,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4160
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -49547,8 +46239,6 @@ entities:
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parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4184
- pos: 46.5,-3.5
@@ -49572,8 +46262,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4192
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -49898,48 +46586,36 @@ entities:
pos: 43.5,-31.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4269
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 41.5,-28.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4270
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 41.5,-26.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4271
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 43.5,-26.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4272
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 45.5,-24.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4273
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 46.5,-26.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4274
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -49954,8 +46630,6 @@ entities:
pos: 42.5,-29.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4281
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -49979,8 +46653,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4285
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50041,8 +46713,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4353
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50051,43 +46721,31 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4356
- pos: 35.5,-33.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4357
- pos: 35.5,-29.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4358
- pos: 35.5,-28.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4359
- pos: 35.5,-27.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4360
- pos: 35.5,-26.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4444
- pos: 32.5,-36.5
@@ -50137,8 +46795,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4462
- pos: 20.5,-36.5
@@ -50153,8 +46809,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4480
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50163,8 +46817,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4493
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50173,8 +46825,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4495
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50183,8 +46833,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 4970
- pos: 27.5,34.5
@@ -50279,8 +46927,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5192
- pos: 55.5,-7.5
@@ -50307,8 +46953,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 79.5,-8.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5259
- pos: 79.5,-7.5
@@ -50376,8 +47020,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
- color: '#0335FCFF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5670
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -50409,8 +47051,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5683
- pos: 38.5,-44.5
@@ -50418,8 +47058,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6425
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -50480,8 +47118,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6503
- pos: 27.5,39.5
@@ -50497,8 +47133,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- - enabled: True
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6508
- pos: 46.5,-4.5
@@ -50867,8 +47501,6 @@ entities:
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 42.5,33.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- uid: 12879
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pos: 44.5,-44.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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- uid: 12880
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pos: 45.5,-45.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 38.5,-24.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 39.5,-26.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 42.5,-43.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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pos: 43.5,-43.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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pos: 44.5,-43.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: GasValve
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: GasValve
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: GasValve
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: Transform
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type: GasValve
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 26.5,-29.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 20.5,-38.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 11.5,-40.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 36.5,42.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 30.5,-12.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 34.5,-3.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 6640
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- 11508
type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 6927
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- 12473
type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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pos: 49.5,24.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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- uid: 7838
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 2124
type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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- 8011
type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 8220
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pos: 9.5,19.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 8222
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- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 8239
type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
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@@ -56527,8 +52947,6 @@ entities:
- ShutdownSubscribers:
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type: DeviceNetwork
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 8240
@@ -56536,8 +52954,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 26.5,21.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
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parent: 2
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type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 10402
@@ -57790,8 +53998,6 @@ entities:
- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 5101
type: DeviceNetwork
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 10403
@@ -57802,8 +54008,6 @@ entities:
- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 151
type: DeviceNetwork
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 10411
@@ -57815,8 +54019,6 @@ entities:
- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 10419
type: DeviceNetwork
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 10412
@@ -57828,8 +54030,6 @@ entities:
- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 1647
type: DeviceNetwork
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 10652
@@ -57841,8 +54041,6 @@ entities:
- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 10653
type: DeviceNetwork
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 11367
@@ -57854,8 +54052,6 @@ entities:
- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 12163
type: DeviceNetwork
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 11719
@@ -57867,8 +54063,6 @@ entities:
- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 11730
type: DeviceNetwork
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 11726
@@ -57877,8 +54071,6 @@ entities:
pos: 67.5,-1.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 11729
@@ -57890,8 +54082,6 @@ entities:
- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 12503
type: DeviceNetwork
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 11744
@@ -57903,8 +54093,6 @@ entities:
- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 12488
type: DeviceNetwork
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 11923
@@ -57912,8 +54100,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 60.5,-4.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 11936
@@ -57922,8 +54108,6 @@ entities:
pos: 60.5,-10.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 11938
@@ -57934,8 +54118,6 @@ entities:
- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 12152
type: DeviceNetwork
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- uid: 11957
@@ -57946,8 +54128,6 @@ entities:
- ShutdownSubscribers:
- 12506
type: DeviceNetwork
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- color: '#FF1212FF'
type: AtmosPipeColor
- proto: GasVolumePump
@@ -63303,8 +59483,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 70.5,15.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: MachineAnomalyVessel
- uid: 5380
@@ -65138,8 +61316,6 @@ entities:
pos: 44.5,3.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 441
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -65162,24 +61338,18 @@ entities:
pos: 25.5,-15.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1473
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 32.5,-41.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1491
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 28.5,-41.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 1765
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -65374,8 +61544,6 @@ entities:
- pos: 51.5,-4.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5080
- pos: 50.5,4.5
@@ -65388,50 +61556,36 @@ entities:
- pos: 45.5,-23.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5128
- pos: 45.5,-25.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5132
- pos: 45.5,-27.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5133
- pos: 45.5,-29.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5134
- pos: 45.5,-31.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5152
- pos: 45.5,-33.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5154
- pos: 30.5,2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5164
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -65461,40 +61615,30 @@ entities:
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parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5218
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 46.5,-40.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5219
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 38.5,-40.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5220
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 43.5,-34.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5221
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 43.5,-22.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5275
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -65724,55 +61868,41 @@ entities:
pos: 32.5,-7.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6652
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 39.5,-5.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6653
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 41.5,-5.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6654
- pos: 31.5,-2.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6657
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 33.5,-9.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6658
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 40.5,-11.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 6660
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 47.5,-5.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7034
- pos: 4.5,-11.5
@@ -65785,15 +61915,11 @@ entities:
- pos: 37.5,1.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7295
- pos: 22.5,1.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7344
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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pos: -2.5,-5.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7527
- pos: 50.5,11.5
@@ -65959,8 +62083,6 @@ entities:
pos: -16.5,-14.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7720
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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pos: -8.5,-14.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7724
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -21.5,-14.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7726
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -5.5,-10.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7768
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
@@ -66071,31 +62187,23 @@ entities:
- pos: -6.5,0.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7958
- pos: -0.5,0.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7959
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 3.5,9.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7960
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 3.5,13.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 8129
- pos: 37.5,-22.5
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pos: 9.5,18.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 9061
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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pos: 51.5,-8.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10450
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 62.5,27.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10451
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 64.5,22.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10452
- pos: 58.5,27.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10453
- pos: 54.5,27.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 10708
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
@@ -66333,91 +62429,67 @@ entities:
pos: 60.5,-10.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11856
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 63.5,-10.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11857
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 62.5,-6.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11859
- pos: 60.5,4.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11862
- pos: 63.5,4.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11864
- pos: 66.5,4.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11865
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 70.5,7.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11869
- pos: 77.5,5.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11870
- pos: 55.5,3.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 11906
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 74.5,6.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 12977
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 40.5,-48.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 12978
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 35.5,-48.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: PoweredlightExterior
- uid: 5606
@@ -66425,23 +62497,17 @@ entities:
- pos: 14.5,-44.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 5607
- pos: 28.5,-46.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- uid: 7836
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -3.5,-15.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: PoweredlightSodium
- uid: 7961
@@ -66450,8 +62516,6 @@ entities:
pos: -17.5,15.5
parent: 2
type: Transform
- - enabled: False
- type: AmbientSound
- proto: PoweredSmallLight
- uid: 317
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Hands/gloves.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Hands/gloves.yml
index 71c799ee068388..f1c477f5b53a8b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Hands/gloves.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Hands/gloves.yml
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
attackRate: 4
- Blunt: 7
+ Blunt: 8
collection: Punch
animation: WeaponArcFist
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/reptilian.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/reptilian.yml
index 72da7b1d2a5933..c569b71c3cfe12 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/reptilian.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/reptilian.yml
@@ -262,3 +262,12 @@
- sprite: Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi
state: horns_bighorn
+- type: marking
+ id: LizardHornsKoboldEars
+ bodyPart: HeadTop
+ markingCategory: HeadTop
+ speciesRestriction: [Reptilian]
+ sprites:
+ - sprite: Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi
+ state: horns_kobold_ears
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/Circuitboards/Machine/production.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/Circuitboards/Machine/production.yml
index 7b4bc4b7bed5b8..1ea9f4548e6255 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/Circuitboards/Machine/production.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/Circuitboards/Machine/production.yml
@@ -710,6 +710,20 @@
Glass: 1
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseMachineCircuitboard
+ id: ElectricGrillMachineCircuitboard
+ name: electric grill machine board
+ description: A machine printed circuit board for an electric grill.
+ components:
+ - type: MachineBoard
+ prototype: KitchenElectricGrill
+ requirements:
+ Capacitor: 4
+ materialRequirements:
+ Glass: 2
+ Cable: 5
- type: entity
id: StasisBedMachineCircuitboard
parent: BaseMachineCircuitboard
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/HMGs/hmgs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/HMGs/hmgs.yml
index 00e5c3767f3830..785b36cc6200b3 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/HMGs/hmgs.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/HMGs/hmgs.yml
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
map: ["enum.GunVisualLayers.Base"]
- type: Item
sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/HMGs/minigun.rsi
+ size: 90
- type: Gun
fireRate: 15
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/grill.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/grill.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..dbd31b3eae26f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/grill.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseHeaterMachine
+ id: KitchenElectricGrill
+ name: electric grill
+ description: A microwave? No, a real man cooks steaks on a grill!
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ # TODO: draw a sprite
+ sprite: Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi
+ drawdepth: SmallObjects
+ snapCardinals: true
+ layers:
+ - state: icon
+ - map: ["enum.EntityHeaterVisuals.Setting"]
+ shader: unshaded
+ visible: false
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 0 # off by default
+ - type: EntityHeater
+ - type: ItemPlacer
+ maxEntities: 4 # big grill, many steaks
+ whitelist:
+ components:
+ - Temperature
+ - type: PlaceableSurface
+ - type: Machine
+ board: ElectricGrillMachineCircuitboard
+ - type: GenericVisualizer
+ visuals:
+ enum.EntityHeaterVisuals.Setting:
+ enum.EntityHeaterVisuals.Setting:
+ Off: { visible: false }
+ Low: { visible: true, state: low }
+ Medium: { visible: true, state: medium }
+ High: { visible: true, state: high }
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/hotplate.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/hotplate.yml
index c5ed1de80cebf1..3f2dc05a3062b2 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/hotplate.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/hotplate.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+# heats an entity or solution placed on it
- type: entity
- id: ChemistryHotplate
+ abstract: true
parent: [ BaseMachinePowered, ConstructibleMachine ]
- name: hotplate
- description: "The descendent of the microwaves, our newest invention in beaker heating technology: the hotplate!"
+ id: BaseHeaterMachine
- type: Transform
anchored: true
@@ -19,6 +19,20 @@
- MidImpassable
- LowImpassable
hard: false
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 300
+ - type: Appearance
+ - type: ContainerContainer
+ containers:
+ machine_board: !type:Container
+ machine_parts: !type:Container
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseHeaterMachine
+ id: ChemistryHotplate
+ name: hotplate
+ description: "The descendent of the microwaves, our newest invention in beaker heating technology: the hotplate!"
+ components:
- type: Sprite
sprite: Structures/Machines/hotplate.rsi
drawdepth: SmallObjects
@@ -28,15 +42,6 @@
- state: on
map: ["enum.SolutionHeaterVisuals.IsOn"]
shader: unshaded
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 300
- - type: ItemMapper
- sprite: Structures/Machines/hotplate.rsi
- mapLayers:
- beaker:
- whitelist:
- components:
- - FitsInDispenser
- type: SolutionHeater
- type: ItemPlacer
@@ -47,11 +52,6 @@
positionOffset: 0, 0.25
- type: Machine
board: HotplateMachineCircuitboard
- - type: Appearance
- - type: ContainerContainer
- containers:
- machine_board: !type:Container
- machine_parts: !type:Container
- type: GenericVisualizer
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml
index 28e487cc8bf8cc..9a6c6a575d19b2 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml
@@ -326,6 +326,7 @@
- ReagentGrinderMachineCircuitboard
- HotplateMachineCircuitboard
- MicrowaveMachineCircuitboard
+ - ElectricGrillMachineCircuitboard
- FatExtractorMachineCircuitboard
- SheetifierMachineCircuitboard
- UniformPrinterMachineCircuitboard
@@ -686,6 +687,7 @@
- Hemostat
- BluespaceBeaker
- SyringeBluespace
+ - Jug
- type: Machine
board: MedicalTechFabCircuitboard
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml
index a1bd2ae2dfe48b..50ba3b50f978ef 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml
@@ -517,6 +517,14 @@
Steel: 100
Glass: 900
+- type: latheRecipe
+ id: ElectricGrillMachineCircuitboard
+ result: ElectricGrillMachineCircuitboard
+ completetime: 4
+ materials:
+ Steel: 100
+ Glass: 900
- type: latheRecipe
id: FatExtractorMachineCircuitboard
result: FatExtractorMachineCircuitboard
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/medical.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/medical.yml
index e2ac7d31de8aa7..aa7c874b274d69 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/medical.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/medical.yml
@@ -194,4 +194,4 @@
result: Jug
completetime: 4
- Plastic: 700
+ Plastic: 400
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Research/biochemical.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Research/biochemical.yml
index 18145052aed321..a3b9090fe68200 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Research/biochemical.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Research/biochemical.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
- HotplateMachineCircuitboard
- ChemicalPayload
- ClothingEyesGlassesChemical
+ - Jug
- type: technology
id: SurgicalTools
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Research/civilianservices.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Research/civilianservices.yml
index b0de5d319b9f05..92087750944707 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Research/civilianservices.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Research/civilianservices.yml
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
recipeUnlocks: #remove all of these once we have more kitchen equipment
- MicrowaveMachineCircuitboard
- ReagentGrinderMachineCircuitboard
+ - ElectricGrillMachineCircuitboard
- BoozeDispenserMachineCircuitboard
- SodaDispenserMachineCircuitboard
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_kobold_ears.png b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_kobold_ears.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..8e859f4104f2e7
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/horns_kobold_ears.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/meta.json
index 9b4e9b5db443dd..ac25bd5a2512b2 100644
--- a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/meta.json
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/reptilian_parts.rsi/meta.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 1,
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
- "copyright": "https://github.com/Skyrat-SS13/Skyrat-tg/tree/40e3cdbb15b8bc0d5ef2fb46133adf805bda5297, while Argali, Ayrshire, Myrsore and Bighorn are drawn by Ubaser",
+ "copyright": "https://github.com/Skyrat-SS13/Skyrat-tg/tree/40e3cdbb15b8bc0d5ef2fb46133adf805bda5297, while Argali, Ayrshire, Myrsore and Bighorn are drawn by Ubaser, and Kobold Ears are drawn by Pigeonpeas.",
"size": {
"x": 32,
"y": 32
@@ -163,6 +163,10 @@
"name": "horns_bighorn",
"directions": 4
+ {
+ "name": "horns_kobold_ears",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
"name": "r_leg_tiger",
"directions": 4
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/high.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/high.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..b1fe72eb4ffd00
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/high.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/icon.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..d085b5b4c89e1d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/icon.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/low.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/low.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..db27683a63dfef
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/low.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/medium.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/medium.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..ed5d431e8d4905
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/medium.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/meta.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..acb06666dbcc78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/electric_grill.rsi/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "version": 1,
+ "license": "CC0-1.0",
+ "copyright": "Created by deltanedas (github) for SS14.",
+ "size": {
+ "x": 32,
+ "y": 32
+ },
+ "states": [
+ {
+ "name": "icon"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "low"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "medium"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "high"
+ }
+ ]