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Vagrant Azure Provider

Gem Version

This is a Vagrant 1.7.3+ plugin that adds Microsoft Azure provider to Vagrant, allowing Vagrant to control and provision machines in Microsoft Azure.

Getting Started

Install Vagrant

Create an Azure Active Directory (AAD) Application

AAD encourages the use of Applications / Service Principals for authenticating applications. An application / service principal combination provides a service identity for Vagrant to manage your Azure Subscription. Click here to learn about AAD applications and service principals.

  • Install the Azure CLI
  • run az login to log into Azure
  • run az ad sp create-for-rbac to create an Azure Active Directory Application with access to Azure Resource Manager for the current Azure Subscription
    • If you want to run this for a different Azure Subscription, run az account set --subscription 'your subscription name'
  • run az account list --query "[?isDefault].id" -o tsv to get your Azure Subscription Id.

The output of az ad sp create-for-rbac should look like the following:

  "displayName": "some-display-name",
  "name": "http://azure-cli-2017-04-03-15-30-52",

The values tenant, appId and password map to the configuration values azure.tenant_id, azure.client_id and azure.client_secret in your Vagrant file or environment variables.

For *nix, edit your Vagrantfile as shown below and provide all the values as explained.

Create a Vagrantfile

Create a directory and add the Linux or Windows Vagrantfile content below to a file named Vagrantfile.

Linux Vagrantfile

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| = 'azure'

  # use local ssh key to connect to remote vagrant box
  config.ssh.private_key_path = '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
  config.vm.provider :azure do |azure, override|

    # each of the below values will default to use the env vars named as below if not specified explicitly
    azure.tenant_id = ENV['AZURE_TENANT_ID']
    azure.client_id = ENV['AZURE_CLIENT_ID']
    azure.client_secret = ENV['AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET']
    azure.subscription_id = ENV['AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID']


Windows Vagrantfile

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| = 'azure'

  config.vm.provider :azure do |azure, override|

    # each of the below values will default to use the env vars named as below if not specified explicitly
    azure.tenant_id = ENV['AZURE_TENANT_ID']
    azure.client_id = ENV['AZURE_CLIENT_ID']
    azure.client_secret = ENV['AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET']
    azure.subscription_id = ENV['AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID']

    azure.vm_image_urn = 'MicrosoftSQLServer:SQL2016-WS2012R2:Express:latest'
    azure.instance_ready_timeout = 600
    azure.vm_password = 'TopSecretPassw0rd'
    azure.admin_username = "OctoAdmin"
    override.winrm.transport = :ssl
    override.winrm.port = 5986
    override.winrm.ssl_peer_verification = false # must be false if using a self signed cert


Spin Up a Box in Azure

Install the vagrant-azure plugin using the standard Vagrant 1.1+ installation methods. After installing the plugin, you can vagrant up and use azure provider. For example:

$ vagrant box add azure --provider azure
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-azure
$ vagrant up --provider=azure

This will bring up an Azure VM as per the configuration options set above.

You can now either SSH (if its a *Nix VM) using vagrant ssh, RDP (if its a Windows VM) using vagrant rdp or PowerShell vagrant powershell.

Normally, a lot of the options, e.g., vm_image_urn, will be embedded in a box file and you just have to provide minimal options in the Vagrantfile. Since, we're using a dummy box, there are no pre-configured defaults.


The vagrant-azure provide exposes Azure specific configuration options:

Mandatory Parameters

  • tenant_id: Your Azure Active Directory Tenant Id.
  • client_id: Your Azure Active Directory application client id.
  • client_secret: Your Azure Active Directory application client secret.
  • subscription_id: The Azure subscription Id you'd like to use. Note: to procure these values see: Create an Azure Active Directory Application

Optional VM Parameters

  • vm_name: Name of the virtual machine
  • vm_password: (Optional for *nix) Password for the VM -- This is not recommended for *nix deployments
  • vm_size: VM size to be used -- defaults to 'Standard_DS2_v2'. See sizes for *nix, Windows.
  • admin_username: The root/administrator username for the VM
  • custom_data: (Optional) Custom data to apply to the VM.
  • allowed_inbound_ip_addresses: (Optional) An IP address or address range to be allowed to connect to the instance.

Optional VM Image Parameters

vm_image_urn, vm_vhd_uri, and vm_managed_image_id are mutually exclusive. They should not be used in combination.

  • vm_image_urn: Name of the virtual machine image urn to use -- defaults to 'canonical:ubuntuserver:16.04-LTS:latest'. See documentation for *nix, Windows.
  • vm_vhd_uri: URI to the custom VHD. If the VHD is not publicly accessible, provide a SAS token in the URI.
    • vm_operating_system: (Mandatory) Must provide the OS if using a custom image ("Linux" or "Windows")
    • vm_vhd_storage_account_id: (Manditory) The Storage Account Azure Resource Manager Id where the OS Image is stored (like: /subscriptions/{subscription id}/resourceGroups/{resource group}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{account name}).
  • vm_managed_image_id: Create a VM from a generalized VM that is stored as either a managed or unmanaged disk. See:

Optional VM Data Disk Parameters (Preview)

The data disk functionality is preview and may change before the 2.0 release.

override.data_disks = [
    # sample of creating empty data disk
      name: "mydatadisk1", 
      size_gb: 30

Optional Networking Parameters

  • virtual_network_name: (Optional) Name of the virtual network resource
  • dns_name: (Optional) DNS Label Prefix
  • nsg_name: (Optional) Network Security Group Label Prefix
  • subnet_name: (Optional) Name of the virtual network subnet resource
  • tcp_endpoints: (Optional) The custom inbound security rules part of network security group (a.k.a. opened tcp endpoints). Allows specifying one or more intervals in the form of:
    • an array ['8000-9000', '9100-9200'],
    • a single interval as '8000-9000',
    • a single port as 8000.

Optional Windows Parameters

  • winrm_install_self_signed_cert: (Optional, Windows only) Whether to install a self-signed cert automatically to enable WinRM to communicate over HTTPS (5986). Only available when a custom deployment_template is not supplied. Default 'true'.

Optional Provisioning Parameters

  • instance_ready_timeout: (Optional) The timeout to wait for an instance to become ready -- default 120 seconds.
  • instance_check_interval: (Optional) The interval to wait for checking an instance's state -- default 2 seconds.
  • wait_for_destroy: (Optional) Wait for all resources to be deleted prior to completing Vagrant destroy -- default false.

Optional Azure Parameters

  • endpoint: (Optional) The Azure Management API endpoint -- default ENV['AZURE_MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINT'] if exists, falls back to
  • resource_group_name: (Optional) Name of the resource group to use.
  • resource_group_tags: (Optional) Tags to tag the resource group with.
  • location: (Optional) Azure location to build the VM -- defaults to westus

For more information on common scenarios and other features visit the extended documentation.