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OpenVPN + OIDC for Docker

Based on kylemanna/docker-openvpn & zhaow-de/pam-keycloak-oidc. Additional documentation can be found on the respective repositories.

Disclaimer : I'm not an OpenVPN/OAuth expert, therefore this project might not respect the best practices. Use it at your own risk.


This example will use the following paths and variables:

  • /srv/openvpn for the location on the host machine of OpenVPN configuration files that will be mounted on the container as a volume.
  • for the network range used for VPN clients
  • for the DNS server
  • vpn.domain.local for the public domain name

1. Docker image build

  docker build -t <image_name> .

2. OAuth client configuration

Keycloak will be used as an example.

  1. Create a new Role at Keycloak, e.g. demo-pam-authentication. (Assuming the server is at

  2. Create a new Client Scope, e.g. pam_roles:

    • Protocol: openid-connect
    • Display On Consent Screen: OFF
    • Include in Token Scope: ON
    • Mapper:
      • Name: e.g. pam roles
      • Mapper Type: User Realm Role
      • Multivalued: ON
      • Token Claim Name: pam_roles (the name of the Client Scope)
      • Claim JSON Type: String
      • Add to ID token: OFF
      • Add to access token: ON
      • Add to userinfo: OFF
    • Scope:
      • Effective Roles: demo-pam-authentication (the name of the Role)
  3. Create a new Keycloak Client:

    • Client ID: demo-pam (or whatever valid client name)
    • Enabled: ON
    • Consent Required: OFF
    • Client Protocol: openid-connect
    • Access Type: confidential
    • Standard Flow Enabled: ON
    • Implicit Flow Enabled: OFF
    • Direct Access Grants Enabled: ON
    • Service Accounts Enabled: OFF
    • Authorization Enabled: OFF
    • Valid Redirect URIs: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
    • Fine Grain OpenID Connect Configuration:
      • Access Token Signature Algorithm: e.g. RS256
    • Client Scopes:
      • Assigned Default Client Scopes: pam_roles
    • Scope:
      • Full Scope Allowed: OFF
      • Effective Roles: demo-pam-authentication
  4. Assign the role demo-pam-authentication to relevant users. A common practice is to assign the role to a Group, then make the relevant users join that group.

3. OpenVPN server configuration

  • Initialize the OpenVPN server configuration.

    docker run -v /srv/openvpn:/etc/openvpn --rm <image_name> ovpn_genconfig -s -n -u udp://vpn.domain.local
  • Intialize the PKI

    docker run -v /srv/openvpn:/etc/openvpn --rm -it <image_name> ovpn_initpki nopass

4. OpenVPN client configuration

Get the OpenVPN client configuration.

  docker run -v /srv/openvpn:/etc/openvpn --rm <image_name> ovpn_getclient > client.ovpn

5. OpenVPN server launch

  docker run -v /srv/openvpn:/etc/openvpn <image_name>


Authentication & Encryption

  • This image is designed to use solely an OIDC authentication and does not provide certificates or keys for clients.
  • The server identity is checked with the CA certificate hardcoded in the client configuration.
  • TLS keys are used to negotiate a secured channel.