This project assumes you have Node.js v8 or greater installed which comes the latest npm v5 or greater installed as well.
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
- Run
yarn dev
- Autoprefixer: prefix css to support old browsers
- Babel: compiles recent js to js compatible with old browsers
- babel-loader: needed to use Babel with Webpack
- compression-webpack-plug: compresses webpack bundles
- css-loader: needed by Webpack to compile CSS in one bundle
- css-nano: CSS minifyer
- file-loader: resolves import and require() on a file for Webpack
- html-webpack-plugin: appends the styles and scripts tags of Webpack bundles in the html files
- postcss-preset-env: permit to use extra features in CSS
- prop-types: Type checking for React props
- React: JS framework
- react-delay-render: delays the rendering of component
- react-imported-component: allows to use code splitting with Reat
- react-router-dom: needed to use routes in React
- style-loader: needed by Webpack to inject CSS into the DOM
- Styled Components: library for CSS-in-JS
- styleLint: linter
- stylelint-custom-processor-loader: webpack loader for Stylelint
- stylelint-processor-styled-components: linter for styled-components
- url-loader: loader for Webpack wich transform files in base64 URIs
- Webpack: bundler