- ?????
FIXME: when doing the update announcement, don't forget to mention that the permission names changed
- make warns un-revokable?
- monitor checks for duplicate active users every 10 minutes, then reports in diagnostics page
- check everything done for xss
- apply the new action log html to the modal
- fix action div - revoke of action with no text looks bad
- adapt all modal actions to offline players
- check why scheduled restarts are not kicking players
- adapt kick messages to use some basic HTML for formatting
- change Server Log page to use the new modal
- replace
and check the places where I'm doingObject.assign()
for shallow clones - convert cl_logger.js to lua, and stop it when not in
- try again the upgrade to Discord.js v12
- add
by gettingweb_baseUrl
maybe from the heartbeat - add ban server-side ban cache (last 500 bans?), updated on every ban change
- add a commend system?
- add stopwatch (or something) to the db functions and print on
- change webserver token every time the server starts
NOTE: when opening a player from the offline list, disable ID-requiring actions like dm,kick,warning
- add some chart to the players page?
- the weekly playtime counter per user?
- tweak dashboard update checker behavior
- add an fxserver changelog page
- Social auth provider setup retry every 15 seconds
- show error when saving discord settings with wrong token
- break down playerController into separate files?
- rename playerController to playerManager?
- Auto updater for txAdmin?
- Check config management libraries (specially 'convict' by Mozilla and nconf)
- Add "discord client id" in the admin settings, this would enable "/kick @user"
- revisit the issue with server restarting too fast (before close) and the the bind failing, causing restart loop. Almost all cases were windows server 2012.
- xxxxxx
# run
cd /e/FiveM/builds
npx nodemon --watch "2539/citizen/system_resources/monitor/src/*" --exec "2539/FXServer.exe +set txAdmin1337 IKnowWhatImDoing +set txAdminVerbose truex +set txAdminFakePlayerlist yesplzx"
# build
cd /e/FiveM/builds/2539/citizen/system_resources/monitor
rm -rf dist
npm run build
# upgrade util:
# F8
con_miniconChannels script:monitor*
https://api.github.com/repos/tabarra/txAdmin/releases/latest https://www.science.co.il/language/Locale-codes.php https://www.npmjs.com/package/humanize-duration https://www.npmjs.com/package/dateformat https://www.npmjs.com/package/dateformat-light https://date-fns.org/v2.0.1/docs/formatDistance
DIV transition: https://tympanus.net/Tutorials/OriginalHoverEffects/index9.html Colors: https://coolors.co/3c4b64-3c4b64-3a4860-1e252d-252e38 CSS Animated: https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/
Interesting shit, could be used to give like vMenu admin powers to txAdmin admins: https://github.com/citizenfx/fivem/commit/fd3fae946163e8af472b7f739aed6f29eae8105f
Grafana query for the /perf/
endpoint data:
histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(tickTime_bucket[5m])) by (le))
- authenticator
- discordBOT
- logger
- webserver
- translator
- players db (new)
- config global (new)
- fxrunner
- monitor
- configvault
- Full Dashboard: Each row will be be one server, with: controls, stats (players, hitches, status), player chart
- Players
- Diagnostics: host + processes + multiple individual server info
- Admin Manager
- txAdmin Log
- Global Settings
- Servers:
- live console
- resources
- log
- cfg editor ...and maybe more, but now I'm going to sleep
- É possível tirar o webserver pra fora do txAdmin?
- Teria que tirar o verbose pra fora
- Criar um metodo pra setar rotas full + atachar socket.io
- Puxar o Authenticator pra fora
- É possível mudar as rotas depois?
- Sim
- É possível Puxar o autenticator pra fora?
- Sim
- É possível só iniciar o txAdmin depois?
- Sim
- Isso vai deixar o código muito zuado?
- Vai valer a pena?
Context: https://discordapp.com/channels/192358910387159041/450373719974477835/701336723589955654 Recipie example:
- clone_repo:
url: https://github.com/citizenfx/cfx-server-data.git
path: .
- clone_resource:
url: https://github.com/meow64bit/uberadmin.git
resourceDir: uberadmin
- download_archive:
url: https://github.com/wtf/wtfwtf/releases/v1.2.3/resource.zip
resourceDir: wtfwtf
stripPath: wtfwtf/
- download_file:
url: https://docs.fivem.net/blah/server.cfg
path: server.cfg
- replace_file:
path: server.cfg
pattern: 's/wtf/ftw/g'
- append_file:
path: server.cfg
start wtfwtf
start uberadmin