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File metadata and controls

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Configuring Lockdown Parameters

The model allows experimentation with lockdown techniques, in particular, the forcing of a full lockdown and subsequent easing. Lockdown parameters are specified in the model.json parameter file - see example_model_params_lockdown for the exact format.

Lockdown Events

The main lockdown event is the FullLockdown which does the following:

  • Non-key premises close. Those that are open increase social distance based on the socialDistance parameter
  • Staff at key places who are set to furlough (currently only non-COVID hospital staff) stop going to work
  • Regular Hospital appts decrease based on the lockdownApptDecreasePercentage parameter (in population parameters)
  • People stop visiting restaurants and neighbours (if lockdown compliant)
  • Shopping frequencies are decreased by lockdownShoppingProbabilityAdjustment (in population parameters)
  • Households with a shielding member begin shielding (no working, shopping, restaurants or neighbour visits)
  • Any external infection seeding from travel stops

We then support easing events to start adding in more interactions between the population:

  • ConstructionSiteEasing: Sets keyPremises (probability) of sites as key (i.e. open) and reduces social distancing to socialDistance
  • OfficeEasing: Sets keyPremises (probability) of offices as key (i.e. open) and reduces social distancing to socialDistance
  • NurseryEasing: Sets keyPremises (probability) of nurseries as key (i.e. open) and reduces social distancing to socialDistance
  • RestaurantEasing: Sets keyPremises (probability) of restaurants as key (i.e. open), reduces social distancing to socialDistance, and adjusts the visit frequency by visitFrequencyAdjustment
  • ShopEasing: Sets keyPremises (probability) of shops as key (i.e. open), reduces social distancing to socialDistance, and adjusts the visit frequency by visitFrequencyAdjustment
  • SchoolEasing: Sets keyPremises (probability) of schools as key (i.e. open), reduces social distancing to socialDistance, and allows pAttendsSchool children to return (note each time it's called you might get a different set of children as we resample all their statuses).
  • TravelEasing: Starts external seeding to model travelling to the pTravelSeed daily infection probability
  • ShieldingEasing: Stops households from shielding. If partial is true, then partialShieldProbability of households enter partial shielding mode where they can visit other households (still avoiding work etc)
  • FullLockdownEasing: Reverts the changes made by a FullLockdown event

Dynamic Events

To allow lockdowns to be introduced based on the current state of the model, we also support LockdownEventGenerators. Currently we only have the LocalLockdownEventGenerator which does the following:

  • If the number of new cases in a day is greater than newCasesThreshold or the number hospitalised in a day is greater than numHospitalisedThreshold then generate a FullLockdownEvent

Creating New Events

While we support a limited range of events, it's design to be as easy as possible to ad new events/generators.

Lockdown events are found in the and packages. New events should inherit from LockdownEvent and override the apply() method to specify what should happen to the population when the event occurs.

To make the event settable from the parameters file, you must also add the component to the maps within which registers it with the parser.

Creating a Generator

Similarly, lockdown event generators are in the packages. New generator should inherit from LockdownEventGenerator and override the generateEvents(Time now) method. Unlike events, this method is called daily (after startDay) allowing control based on the population state over time. Event generators should never directly perform lockdowns, and instead generate a list of new LockdownEvent objects. This approach allows a generator to, for example, both perform a full lockdown and schedule the release one week later.

To make the generator settable from the parameters file, you must also add the component to the maps within which registers it with the parser.