This page details other important types within the project.
direction LR
class EstimatorValues {
upstream: Upstream
onPremise: OnPremise
cloud: Cloud
downstream: Downstream
EstimatorValues --> "upstream" Upstream
EstimatorValues --> "onPremise" OnPremise
EstimatorValues --> "cloud" Cloud
EstimatorValues --> "downstream" Downstream
class OnPremise {
estimateServerCount: boolean
serverLocation: WorldLocation
numberOfServers: number
OnPremise --> "serverLocation" WorldLocation
class Upstream {
headCount: number
desktopPercentage: number
employeeLocation: WorldLocation
Upstream --> "employeeLocation" WorldLocation
class Cloud {
noCloudServices: boolean
cloudLocation: WorldLocation
cloudPercentage: number
monthlyCloudBill: CostRange
Cloud --> "cloudLocation" WorldLocation
Cloud --> "monthlyCloudBill" CostRange
class Downstream {
noDownstream: boolean
customerLocation: WorldLocation
monthlyActiveUsers: number
mobilePercentage: number
purposeOfSite: PurposeOfSite
Downstream --> "customerLocation" WorldLocation
Downstream --> "purposeOfSite" PurposeOfSite
class WorldLocation{
class CostRange {
min: number
max: number
class BasePurposeOfSite{
class PurposeOfSite{
PurposeOfSite --|> BasePurposeOfSite
This is the input data that the CarbonEstimationService requires.
This contains the data as entered on the main form, which uses Angular FormGroup and FormControl classes. It is mostly the same as the above but it also allows for unknown
to be selected for On-premise and Cloud locations, which will be converted to global
before sending to the estimation service.
class DeviceCategory {
This union defines the possible direct/upstream TCS categories that a device can fall under. This helps to simplify the code that calculates the total for each category in the estimation.
direction LR
class CarbonEstimation {
version: string
upstreamEmissions: UpstreamEstimation
indirectEmissions: IndirectEstimation
directEmissions: DirectEstimation
downstreamEmissions: DownstreamEstimation
CarbonEstimation --> "upstreamEmissions" UpstreamEstimation
CarbonEstimation --> "indirectEmissions" IndirectEstimation
CarbonEstimation --> "directEmissions" DirectEstimation
CarbonEstimation --> "downstreamEmissions" DownstreamEstimation
class UpstreamEstimation {
software: number
employee: number
network: number
server: number
class IndirectEstimation {
cloud: number
saas: number
managed: number
class DirectEstimation {
employee: number
network: number
server: number
class DownstreamEstimation {
endUser: number;
networkTransfer: number;
This is the type output at the end of the estimation process. As a final output the values will be in percentages that add up to 100 but the components are also reused in the process to hold real values in Kg CO2e. The version will be driven by the version of the npm package.
class ChartOptions {
chart: ApexChart
plotOptions: ApexPlotOptions
legend: ApexLegend
tooltip: ApexTooltip
states: ApexStates
dataLabels: ApexDataLabels
This contains options used to specify the layout of the visualisation chart.
We make use of multiple types that redefine the Typescript number
type. At present this is for easy documentation of inputs and return types, it does not prevent you from calling functions with any kind of number type. There are libraries and ways to make this a compile error but it would add overhead and complicate test expectation setup so this is something that you should be aware of.
export type Watt = number;
export type Hour = number;
export type Year = number;
export type KilowattHour = number;
export type KgCo2e = number;
export type gCo2ePerKwh = number;
export type Gb = number;
We define a NumberObject
type as follows:
export type NumberObject = { [s: string]: number };
Which essentially refers to any kind of object with properties that are all numeric. We export two utility functions to perform some generic actions on objects of this type.
sumValues(input: NumberObject): number
Returns the total of every number in the object.
multiplyValues<T extends NumberObject>(input: T, factor: number): T
Multiplies every number in the object by the given factor, returning the same type as the input.
These are used at the end of the estimation process to calculate totals and scale the estimations from Kg CO2e to percentages.