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Releases: SchweizerischeBundesbahnen/scion-workbench

1.0.0-beta.21 (@scion/workbench-client)

29 Mar 09:16
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1.0.0-beta.21 (2024-03-29)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench-client/view: remove qualifier from microfrontend URL and params (57cfd9e)


  • workbench-client/dialog: enable microfrontend display in a dialog (11d762b)


  • workbench-client/view: Removing qualifier from params has introduced a breaking change.

    The view qualifier has been removed from the view parameters as it is static.

17.0.0-beta.6 (@scion/workbench)

14 Mar 16:27
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17.0.0-beta.6 (2024-03-14)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench: avoid Angular change detection cycle on keyboard event (e99b9a6)
  • workbench: fix moving view to empty main area (3bbe5ca)

17.0.0-beta.5 (@scion/workbench)

29 Feb 14:18
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17.0.0-beta.5 (2024-02-29)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench/router: support moving empty-path view to new window (acebd4c)
  • workbench/view: display arrow cursor when hovering over context menu items (5f41151)
  • workbench/view: ensure sci-router-outlet of inactive microfrontend view has correct attributes in the DOM (3e6be3f)
  • workbench/view: open view moved via drag & drop after the active view (78dc249)


  • workbench/view: enable dependency injection in context menu action callback (7d8d041)
  • workbench/view: support moving view to different workbench window (408f634)


  • workbench/view: Support for programmatically moving view to different workbench window has introduced a breaking change.

    The signature of WorkbenchView#move has changed.

    To migrate:

    • Specify the target part as the first argument, optionally defining the region via options object.
    • Pass new-window instead of blank-window to move the view to a new window.
    • To move a view to a specific workbench window, pass the target workbench id via options object. The target workbench id is available via WORKBENCH_ID DI token in the target application.
    • Note that the built-in view context menu has been renamed from moveBlank to moveToNewWindow, breaking if overriding defaults such as text or accelerators.

17.0.0-beta.4 (@scion/workbench)

26 Jan 18:57
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17.0.0-beta.4 (2024-01-26)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench/dialog: ensure letters of dialog title are not clipped (b877d55)
  • workbench/dialog: prevent resizing blocked dialog (9561166)
  • workbench/dialog: prevent user interaction when opening a blocked dialog (b433cde)
  • workbench/message-box: align message on the left, not in the center (d5950ce)
  • workbench/message-box: increase padding for better aesthetics (3fef14c)
  • workbench/message-box: wrap title if too long (4bb5b89)

17.0.0-beta.3 (@scion/workbench)

23 Jan 18:13
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17.0.0-beta.3 (2024-01-23)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench/dialog: consider minimum size in resizing constraints (408676c)
  • workbench/dialog: do not block dialogs of other views (0c1b88e)
  • workbench/dialog: propagate view context (c22222f)
  • workbench/popup: propagate view context (31e9700)
  • workbench/message-box: open message box in a dialog (bdcd02b), closes #438
  • workbench: throw error for objects not available for dependency injection (a36ae5e)


  • workbench/dialog: support custom header and footer (5c6a4d6)


  • workbench/message-box: Consolidation of the MessageBox API has introduced a breaking change.

    Refer to the documentation for migration examples:

    To migrate:

    • MessageBoxService is now WorkbenchMessageBoxService.
    • MessageBoxConfig is now WorkbenchMessageBoxOptions.
    • Signature of WorkbenchMessageBoxService#open method has changed. Pass the message (text or component) as the first argument, not via options object.
    • injector option has been moved to a top-level property (previously MessageBoxConfig#componentConstructOptions).
    • viewContainerRef option has been removed (no replacement).
    • componentInput option has been renamed to inputs with the type changed to a dictionary. Inputs are now available as input properties in the component, previously via MessageBox#input handle.
    • MessageBox handle has been removed. Configure the message box when opening the message box.
    • Registration of custom action handlers has been removed (no replacement).
    • Pressing the Escape key no longer closes the message box for an action with the 'close' key.
  • workbench/dialog: Support for custom header and footer has introduced a breaking change.

    To migrate:

    • Type of WorkbenchDialog.padding is now boolean. Set to false to remove the padding, or set the CSS variable --sci-workbench-dialog-padding for a custom padding.
    • --sci-workbench-dialog-header-divider-color CSS variable has been removed (no replacement).

17.0.0-beta.2 (@scion/workbench)

29 Nov 15:20
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17.0.0-beta.2 (2023-11-29)


  • workbench/dialog: make dialog resizable (34ce415)

17.0.0-beta.1 (@scion/workbench)

21 Nov 10:23
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17.0.0-beta.1 (2023-11-21)


  • workbench: update @scion/workbench to Angular 17 (637e8bd), closes #485


  • workbench: provide workbench dialog (34e5acc)


  • workbench: Updating @scion/workbench to Angular 17 introduced a breaking change.

    To migrate:

    • update your application to Angular 17.x; for detailed migration instructions, refer to;

    • update @scion/components to version 17; for detailed migration instructions, refer to;

    • If deploying the application in a subdirectory, use a relative directory path for the browser to load the icon files relative to the document base URL (as specified in the <base> HTML tag). Note that using a relative path requires to exclude the icon files from the application build. Depending on building the application with esbuild @angular-devkit/build-angular:application or webpack @angular-devkit/build-angular:browser, different steps are required to exclude the icons from the build.

      Using @angular-devkit/build-angular:application (esbuild)

      Configure the @scion/workbench SCSS module to load the icon font relative to the document base URL:

      @use '@scion/workbench' with (
       $icon-font: (
         directory: 'path/to/font' // no leading slash, typically `assets/fonts`

      Add the path to the externalDependencies build option in the angular.json file:

      "externalDependencies": [

      Using @angular-devkit/build-angular:browser (webpack)

      Configure the @scion/workbench SCSS module to load the icon font relative to the document base URL:

      @use '@scion/workbench' with (
        $icon-font: (
          directory: '^path/to/font' // no leading slash but with a caret (^), typically `^assets/fonts`

16.0.0-beta.10 (@scion/workbench)

08 Nov 11:03
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16.0.0-beta.10 (2023-11-08)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench: show splash if instructed by the capability, but only if not navigating to the same capability (54095b3)
  • workbench: do not render divider preceding tab dragged out of its tabbar (390178a)

16.0.0-beta.9 (@scion/workbench)

31 Oct 13:47
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16.0.0-beta.9 (2023-10-31)


  • workbench: enable microfrontend to display a splash until loaded (7a79065)
  • workbench: enable customizing minimum tab width (4052128)
  • workbench: propagate color scheme to embedded content (276fcf3)

1.0.0-beta.20 (@scion/workbench-client)

31 Oct 13:22
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1.0.0-beta.20 (2023-10-31)


  • workbench-client: enable microfrontend to display a splash until loaded (7a79065)
  • workbench-client: provide workbench color scheme (ed63b22)