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Releases: SchweizerischeBundesbahnen/scion-workbench

1.0.0-beta.25 (@scion/workbench-client)

28 Aug 12:18
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1.0.0-beta.25 (2024-08-28)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench-client/dialog: unsubscribe previous title observable when setting new title observable (2e72b39)

18.0.0-beta.3 (@scion/workbench)

21 Jun 07:31
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18.0.0-beta.3 (2024-06-21)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench/perspective: create default perspective if no perspective exists (7010623)
  • workbench/view: align microfrontend with view bounds when moving it to another part of the same size (e57f0d0)
  • workbench/view: do not error when initializing view in ngOnInit (1374260)
  • workbench/view: initialize microfrontend loaded into inactive view (764f89e)


  • workbench/perspective: activate first view of each part if not specified (161d05d)
  • workbench/perspective: enable micro app to contribute perspective (f20f607), closes #449
  • workbench/view: display "Not Found" page if microfrontend is not available (93be385)


  • workbench/perspective: The return type of the function to select the initial perspective has changed. To migrate, return the perspective id instead of the perspective instance.
  • workbench: SCION Workbench requires @scion/microfrontend-platform version 1.3.0 or later.
  • workbench: SCION Workbench requires @scion/workbench-client version 1.0.0-beta.24 or later.

1.0.0-beta.24 (@scion/workbench-client)

21 Jun 07:05
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1.0.0-beta.24 (2024-06-21)


  • workbench-client/router: control workbench part to navigate views (af702d0)
  • workbench-client/view: provide part via view handle (849d7f3)
  • workbench-client/perspective: enable micro app to contribute perspective (f20f607), closes #449

18.0.0-beta.2 (@scion/workbench)

13 Jun 14:13
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18.0.0-beta.2 (2024-06-13)

Code Refactoring

  • workbench: change default icon font directory from /assets/fonts to /fonts (d347dae)


  • workbench: The default icon font directory has changed from /assets/fonts to /fonts.

    To migrate:

    • Move the fonts folder from /src/assets to /public.
    • Include content of the public folder in angular.json:
      "assets": [
          "glob": "**/*",
          "input": "public"
    • Alternatively, to not change the folder structure, you can configure a custom path to the icon font directory in your styles.scss:
      use '@scion/workbench' with (
        $icon-font: (
          directory: 'assets/fonts'

18.0.0-beta.1 (@scion/workbench)

10 Jun 12:32
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18.0.0-beta.1 (2024-06-10)


  • workbench: update @scion/workbench to Angular 18 (d39fa85)


17.0.0-beta.9 (@scion/workbench)

22 May 09:18
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17.0.0-beta.9 (2024-05-22)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench/dialog: avoid ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError when registering dialog header, footer and actions (5554428)
  • workbench/dialog: set initial focus on delayed content (312280e)


  • workbench/message-box: enable microfrontend display in a message box (3e9d88d)


  • workbench/message-box: Support for displaying microfrontend in a message box has been added.

    To migrate, update to the latest version of @scion/workbench-client.

1.0.0-beta.23 (@scion/workbench-client)

22 May 05:10
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1.0.0-beta.23 (2024-05-21)


  • workbench-client/message-box: enable microfrontend display in a message box (3e9d88d), closes #488


  • workbench-client/message-box: The signature of the method has changed.

    To migrate:

    • To display a text message, pass the message as the first argument, not via the content property in the options.
    • To display a custom message box, pass the qualifier as the first argument and options, if any, as the second argument.

    Example migration to display a text message

    // Before Migration
      content: 'Do you want to continue?',
      actions: {yes: 'Yes', no: 'No'},
    // After Migration
    inject(WorkbenchMessageBoxService).open('Do you want to continue?', {
      actions: {yes: 'Yes', no: 'No'},

    Example migration to open a custom message box capability

    // Before Migration
        title: 'Unsaved Changes',
        params: {changes: ['change 1', 'change 2']},
        actions: {yes: 'Yes', no: 'No'},
      {confirmation: 'unsaved-changes'},
    // After Migration
    inject(WorkbenchMessageBoxService).open({confirmation: 'unsaved-changes'}, {
      title: 'Unsaved Changes',
      params: {changes: ['change 1', 'change 2']},
      actions: {yes: 'Yes', no: 'No'},

17.0.0-beta.8 (@scion/workbench)

07 May 10:20
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17.0.0-beta.8 (2024-05-07)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench/view: fix issues to prevent a view from closing (a280af9), closes #27 #344
  • workbench/view: update view properties when navigating an open view (02a24ff)

Code Refactoring

  • workbench/router: remove blank prefix from navigation extras (446fa51)
  • workbench/router: remove option to close view via workbench router link (88d1704)


  • workbench: require Angular version 17.0.6 or later to fix angular/angular#53239 (dd78d07)


  • workbench/router: control workbench part to navigate views (0bf35a7)
  • workbench/router: provide API to modify the workbench layout (46ea446)
  • workbench/router: support navigation to children of the empty path route (da578a9), closes #487
  • workbench: provide function to set up the SCION Workbench (1a506ef)
  • workbench: support navigation of views in the initial layout (or perspective) (1ffd757), closes #445


  • workbench/view: Interface and method for preventing closing of a view have changed.

    To migrate, implement the CanClose instead of the WorkbenchViewPreDestroy interface.

    Before migration:

    class YourComponent implements WorkbenchViewPreDestroy {
      public async onWorkbenchViewPreDestroy(): Promise<boolean> {
        // return `true` to close the view, otherwise `false`.

    After migration:

    class YourComponent implements CanClose {
      public async canClose(): Promise<boolean> {
        // return `true` to close the view, otherwise `false`.
  • workbench/router: Property blankInsertionIndex in WorkbenchNavigationExtras has been renamed.

    To migrate, update to the latest version of @scion/workbench-client and use WorkbenchNavigationExtras.position instead of WorkbenchNavigationExtras.blankInsertionIndex.

  • workbench/router: Property blankPartId in WorkbenchNavigationExtras has been renamed.

    To migrate, use WorkbenchNavigationExtras.partId instead of WorkbenchNavigationExtras.blankPartId.

  • workbench: Views in the initial layout (or perspective) must now be navigated.

    Previously, no explicit navigation was required because views and routes were coupled via route outlet and view id.

    Migrate the layout as follows:

    Explicitly navigate views, passing an empty array of commands and the view id as navigation hint.

    // Before Migration
      layout: (factory: WorkbenchLayoutFactory) => factory
        .addPart('left', {relativeTo: MAIN_AREA, align: 'left'})
        .addView('navigator', {partId: 'left', activateView: true}),
    // After Migration
      layout: (factory: WorkbenchLayoutFactory) => factory
        .addPart('left', {relativeTo: MAIN_AREA, align: 'left'})
        .addView('navigator', {partId: 'left', activateView: true})
        // Navigate view, passing hint to match route.
        .navigateView('navigator', [], {hint: 'navigator'}),

    Migrate the routes as follows:

    • Remove the outlet property;
    • Add canMatchWorkbenchView guard and initialize it with the hint passed to the navigation;
    // Before Migration
        path: '',
        outlet: 'navigator',
        loadComponent: () => ...,
    // After Migration
        path: '',
        // Match route only if navigated with specified hint.
        canMatch: [canMatchWorkbenchView('navigator')],
        loadComponent: () => ...,
  • workbench: Changed type of view id from string to ViewId.

    If storing the view id in a variable, change its type from string to ViewId.

  • workbench/router: Removed the option to close a view via the wbRouterLink directive.

    The router link can no longer be used to close a view. To close a view, use the WorkbenchView, the WorkbenchRouter, or the WorkbenchService instead.


    // Closing a view via `WorkbenchView` handle
    // Closing view(s) via `WorkbenchRouter`
    inject(WorkbenchRouter).navigate(['path/*/view'], {close: true});
    // Closing view(s) via `WorkbenchService`
    inject(WorkbenchService).closeViews('view.1', 'view.2');
  • workbench: SCION Workbench requires Angular version 17.0.6 or later to fix angular/angular#53239

1.0.0-beta.22 (@scion/workbench-client)

07 May 09:47
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1.0.0-beta.22 (2024-05-07)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench-client/view: fix issues to prevent a view from closing (a280af9), closes #27 #344


  • workbench-client/router: remove blank prefix from navigation extras (446fa51)


  • workbench-client/view: Interface and method for preventing closing of a view have changed.

    To migrate, implement the CanClose instead of the ViewClosingListener interface.

    Before migration:

    class YourComponent implements ViewClosingListener {
      constructor() {
      public async onClosing(event: ViewClosingEvent): Promise<void> {
        // invoke 'event.preventDefault()' to prevent closing the view.

    After migration:

    class YourComponent implements CanClose {
      constructor() {
      public async canClose(): Promise<boolean> {
        // return `true` to close the view, otherwise `false`.
  • workbench-client/router: Property blankInsertionIndex in WorkbenchNavigationExtras has been renamed.

    Use WorkbenchNavigationExtras.position instead of WorkbenchNavigationExtras.blankInsertionIndex.

  • workbench-client/view: Changed type of view id from string to ViewId.

    If storing the view id in a variable, change its type from string to ViewId.

17.0.0-beta.7 (@scion/workbench)

29 Mar 09:45
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17.0.0-beta.7 (2024-03-29)

Bug Fixes

  • workbench/view: do not overwrite CSS classes set in different scopes (02bc372), closes #394
  • workbench/view: handle undefined keydown event key (66358dd)
  • workbench/view: render tab content when dragging view quickly into the window (73645d8)

Code Refactoring

  • workbench/dialog: consolidate API for closing a dialog (40414c4)
  • workbench/view: move navigational state from route data to view handle (3d6a5ca)


  • workbench/dialog: enable microfrontend display in a dialog (11d762b)


  • workbench/dialog: The method closeWithError has been removed from the WorkbenchDialog handle. Instead, pass an Error object to the close method.


    import {WorkbenchDialog} from '@scion/workbench';
    inject(WorkbenchDialog).closeWithError('some error');


    import {WorkbenchDialog} from '@scion/workbench';
    inject(WorkbenchDialog).close(new Error('some error'));
  • workbench/view: Removed WorkbenchView.cssClasses property for reading CSS classes. Use WorkbenchView.cssClass for both reading and setting CSS class(es) instead.

  • workbench/view: Moving navigational state to the view handle has introduced a breaking change.

    To migrate, read the navigational view state from the view handle instead of the activated route data, as follows: WorkbenchView.state.