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See all Eleventy blog posts on zachleat.com.
- Turn Jekyll up to Eleventy, a guide to converting a Jekyll site to use Eleventy by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "paulrobertlloyd" %}Paul Robert Lloyd
- Build your own Blog from Scratch using Eleventy on the {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "filamentgroup" %}Filament Group blog
- A Site for Front-End Development Conferences (Built with 11ty on Netlify) on {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "css" %}CSS-Tricks
- Video Series: Create an 11ty Theme from a free set of HTML templates by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "brob" %} Bryan Robinson
- Creating A Blog With Eleventy by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "jon_keeping" %} Jon Keeping
- Create a new site from git on Netlify
- Deploying an 11ty Site to GitHub Pages by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "snookca" %}Jonathan Snook
- Create Your Own Search without a Third Party Service by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "philhawksworth" %}Phil Hawksworth
- Lightweight lazy loading with Netlify Large Media by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "philhawksworth" %}Phil Hawksworth
- Multilingual sites with Eleventy (i18n, Internationalization) by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "jeromecoupe" %}Jérôme Coupé
- Language switcher for multilingual JAMstack sites (i18n, Internationalization) by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "jeromecoupe" %}Jérôme Coupé
- Sample Project: Import your Notist events to an Eleventy site by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "philhawksworth" %}Phil Hawksworth
- Sample Project: Import your Medium posts to an Eleventy site by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "philhawksworth" %}Phil Hawksworth
- Import your Disqus Comments into Eleventy by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "zachleat" %}Zach Leatherman
- Static Indieweb pt1: Syndicating Content by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "mxbck" %}Max Böck
- Static Indieweb pt2: Using Webmentions by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "mxbck" %}Max Böck
- Using Eleventy to Generate a Ghost Blog by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "DavidDarnes" %}David Darnes
- Consuming a headless CMS GraphQL API with Eleventy by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "jeromecoupe" %}Jérôme Coupé
- Import Tweets from Twitter API by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "DennisView" %}Dennis Hagemeier
- Using pHTML with Eleventy by {% avatarlocalcache "twitter", "jon_neal" %}Jon Neal
{% for tip in collections.quicktipssorted %}
- Quick Tip
#{{ tip.data.tipindex }}
—{{ tip.data.tiptitle }} {%- endfor %}