diff --git a/History.txt b/History.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..829aaa051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/History.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+== 0.0.1 2008-02-27
+* 1 major enhancement:
+ * Initial release
diff --git a/License.txt b/License.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10aab6490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/License.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Copyright (c) 2008 FIXME full name
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Manifest.txt b/Manifest.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c93acc96f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Manifest.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9eed7154d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Add a comment summarizing the current schema to the top of each ActiveRecord model source file.
+ # Schema as of Sun Feb 26 21:58:32 CST 2006 (schema version 7)
+ #
+ # id :integer(11) not null
+ # quantity :integer(11)
+ # product_id :integer(11)
+ # unit_price :float
+ # order_id :integer(11)
+ #
+ class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
+ belongs_to :product
+ end
+Note that this code will blow away the initial comment block in your models if it looks like it was
+previously added by annotate models, so you don't want to add additional text to an automatically
+created comment block.
+ Dave Thomas
+ Pragmatic Programmers, LLC
+Released under the same license as Ruby. No Support. No Warranty.
+Modifications by:
+ - alex@pivotallabs.com
+ - ctran@pragmaquest.com
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e469154c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+require 'config/requirements'
+require 'config/hoe' # setup Hoe + all gem configuration
+Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |rake| load rake }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/hoe.rb b/config/hoe.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53c8ee35b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/hoe.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+require 'annotate_models/version'
+AUTHOR = 'Dave Thomas' # can also be an array of Authors
+EMAIL = "ctran@pragmaquest.com"
+DESCRIPTION = "Add a comment summarizing the current schema to the top of each ActiveRecord model source file"
+GEM_NAME = 'annotate_models' # what ppl will type to install your gem
+RUBYFORGE_PROJECT = 'annotate-models' # The unix name for your project
+HOMEPATH = "http://#{RUBYFORGE_PROJECT}.rubyforge.org"
+DOWNLOAD_PATH = "http://rubyforge.org/projects/#{RUBYFORGE_PROJECT}"
+@config_file = "~/.rubyforge/user-config.yml"
+@config = nil
+def rubyforge_username
+ unless @config
+ begin
+ @config = YAML.load(File.read(File.expand_path(@config_file)))
+ rescue
+ puts <<-EOS
+ERROR: No rubyforge config file found: #{@config_file}
+Run 'rubyforge setup' to prepare your env for access to Rubyforge
+ - See http://newgem.rubyforge.org/rubyforge.html for more details
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+ RUBYFORGE_USERNAME.replace @config["username"]
+REV = nil
+# REV = `svn info`.each {|line| if line =~ /^Revision:/ then k,v = line.split(': '); break v.chomp; else next; end} rescue nil
+VERS = AnnotateModels::VERSION::STRING + (REV ? ".#{REV}" : "")
+RDOC_OPTS = ['--quiet', '--title', 'annotate_models documentation',
+ "--opname", "index.html",
+ "--line-numbers",
+ "--main", "README",
+ "--inline-source"]
+class Hoe
+ def extra_deps
+ @extra_deps.reject! { |x| Array(x).first == 'hoe' }
+ @extra_deps
+ end
+# Generate all the Rake tasks
+# Run 'rake -T' to see list of generated tasks (from gem root directory)
+hoe = Hoe.new(GEM_NAME, VERS) do |p|
+ p.developer(AUTHOR, EMAIL)
+ p.description = DESCRIPTION
+ p.summary = DESCRIPTION
+ p.url = HOMEPATH
+ p.test_globs = ["test/**/test_*.rb"]
+ p.clean_globs |= ['**/.*.sw?', '*.gem', '.config', '**/.DS_Store'] #An array of file patterns to delete on clean.
+ # == Optional
+ p.changes = p.paragraphs_of("History.txt", 0..1).join("\n\n")
+ #p.extra_deps = [] # An array of rubygem dependencies [name, version], e.g. [ ['active_support', '>= 1.3.1'] ]
+ #p.spec_extras = {} # A hash of extra values to set in the gemspec.
+CHANGES = hoe.paragraphs_of('History.txt', 0..1).join("\\n\\n")
+hoe.remote_rdoc_dir = File.join(PATH.gsub(/^#{RUBYFORGE_PROJECT}\/?/,''), 'rdoc')
+hoe.rsync_args = '-av --delete --ignore-errors'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/requirements.rb b/config/requirements.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5430ea626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/requirements.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+include FileUtils
+require 'rubygems'
+%w[rake hoe newgem rubigen].each do |req_gem|
+ begin
+ require req_gem
+ rescue LoadError
+ puts "This Rakefile requires the '#{req_gem}' RubyGem."
+ puts "Installation: gem install #{req_gem} -y"
+ exit
+ end
+$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. lib]))
+require 'annotate_models'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/annotate_models.rb b/lib/annotate_models.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3495e5ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/annotate_models.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__)
+module AnnotateModels
+ RAILS_ROOT = '.'
+ MODEL_DIR = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "app/models")
+ FIXTURE_DIR = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "test/fixtures")
+ PREFIX = "== Schema Information"
+ # Simple quoting for the default column value
+ def self.quote(value)
+ case value
+ when NilClass then "NULL"
+ when TrueClass then "TRUE"
+ when FalseClass then "FALSE"
+ when Float, Fixnum, Bignum then value.to_s
+ # BigDecimals need to be output in a non-normalized form and quoted.
+ when BigDecimal then value.to_s('F')
+ else
+ value.inspect
+ end
+ end
+ # Use the column information in an ActiveRecord class
+ # to create a comment block containing a line for
+ # each column. The line contains the column name,
+ # the type (and length), and any optional attributes
+ def self.get_schema_info(klass, header)
+ info = "# #{header}\n#\n"
+ info << "# Table name: #{klass.table_name}\n#\n"
+ max_size = klass.column_names.collect{|name| name.size}.max + 1
+ klass.columns.each do |col|
+ attrs = []
+ attrs << "default(#{quote(col.default)})" if col.default
+ attrs << "not null" unless col.null
+ attrs << "primary key" if col.name == klass.primary_key
+ col_type = col.type.to_s
+ if col_type == "decimal"
+ col_type << "(#{col.precision}, #{col.scale})"
+ else
+ col_type << "(#{col.limit})" if col.limit
+ end
+ info << sprintf("# %-#{max_size}.#{max_size}s:%-15.15s %s\n", col.name, col_type, attrs.join(", "))
+ end
+ info << "#\n\n"
+ end
+ # Add a schema block to a file. If the file already contains
+ # a schema info block (a comment starting
+ # with "Schema as of ..."), remove it first.
+ def self.annotate_one_file(file_name, info_block)
+ if File.exist?(file_name)
+ content = File.read(file_name)
+ # Remove old schema info
+ content.sub!(/^# #{PREFIX}.*?\n(#.*\n)*\n/, '')
+ # Write it back
+ File.open(file_name, "w") { |f| f.puts info_block + content }
+ end
+ end
+ # Given the name of an ActiveRecord class, create a schema
+ # info block (basically a comment containing information
+ # on the columns and their types) and put it at the front
+ # of the model and fixture source files.
+ def self.annotate(klass, header)
+ info = get_schema_info(klass, header)
+ model_file_name = File.join(MODEL_DIR, klass.name.underscore + ".rb")
+ annotate_one_file(model_file_name, info)
+ fixture_file_name = File.join(FIXTURE_DIR, klass.table_name + ".yml")
+ annotate_one_file(fixture_file_name, info)
+ end
+ # Return a list of the model files to annotate. If we have
+ # command line arguments, they're assumed to be either
+ # the underscore or CamelCase versions of model names.
+ # Otherwise we take all the model files in the
+ # app/models directory.
+ def self.get_model_names
+ models = ARGV.dup
+ models.shift
+ if models.empty?
+ Dir.chdir(MODEL_DIR) do
+ models = Dir["**/*.rb"]
+ end
+ end
+ models
+ end
+ # We're passed a name of things that might be
+ # ActiveRecord models. If we can find the class, and
+ # if its a subclass of ActiveRecord::Base,
+ # then pas it to the associated block
+ def self.do_annotations
+ header = PREFIX.dup
+ version = ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version rescue 0
+ if version > 0
+ header << "\n# Schema version: #{version}"
+ end
+ annotated = []
+ self.get_model_names.each do |m|
+ class_name = m.sub(/\.rb$/,'').camelize
+ begin
+ klass = class_name.split('::').inject(Object){ |klass,part| klass.const_get(part) }
+ if klass < ActiveRecord::Base && !klass.abstract_class?
+ annotated << class_name
+ self.annotate(klass, header)
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ puts "Unable to annotate #{class_name}: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ end
+ puts "Annotated #{annotated.join(', ')}"
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/annotate_models/version.rb b/lib/annotate_models/version.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9452fba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/annotate_models/version.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module AnnotateModels #:nodoc:
+ module VERSION #:nodoc:
+ MAJOR = 0
+ MINOR = 0
+ TINY = 1
+ STRING = [MAJOR, MINOR, TINY].join('.')
+ end
diff --git a/log/debug.log b/log/debug.log
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1.gem b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1.gem
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df60cb932
Binary files /dev/null and b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1.gem differ
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1.tgz b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f56112b8
Binary files /dev/null and b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1.tgz differ
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/History.txt b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/History.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..829aaa051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/History.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+== 0.0.1 2008-02-27
+* 1 major enhancement:
+ * Initial release
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/License.txt b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/License.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10aab6490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/License.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Copyright (c) 2008 FIXME full name
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/Manifest.txt b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/Manifest.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c93acc96f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/Manifest.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/README.txt b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9eed7154d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Add a comment summarizing the current schema to the top of each ActiveRecord model source file.
+ # Schema as of Sun Feb 26 21:58:32 CST 2006 (schema version 7)
+ #
+ # id :integer(11) not null
+ # quantity :integer(11)
+ # product_id :integer(11)
+ # unit_price :float
+ # order_id :integer(11)
+ #
+ class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
+ belongs_to :product
+ end
+Note that this code will blow away the initial comment block in your models if it looks like it was
+previously added by annotate models, so you don't want to add additional text to an automatically
+created comment block.
+ Dave Thomas
+ Pragmatic Programmers, LLC
+Released under the same license as Ruby. No Support. No Warranty.
+Modifications by:
+ - alex@pivotallabs.com
+ - ctran@pragmaquest.com
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/Rakefile b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/Rakefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e469154c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/Rakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+require 'config/requirements'
+require 'config/hoe' # setup Hoe + all gem configuration
+Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |rake| load rake }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/config/hoe.rb b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/config/hoe.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53c8ee35b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/config/hoe.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+require 'annotate_models/version'
+AUTHOR = 'Dave Thomas' # can also be an array of Authors
+EMAIL = "ctran@pragmaquest.com"
+DESCRIPTION = "Add a comment summarizing the current schema to the top of each ActiveRecord model source file"
+GEM_NAME = 'annotate_models' # what ppl will type to install your gem
+RUBYFORGE_PROJECT = 'annotate-models' # The unix name for your project
+HOMEPATH = "http://#{RUBYFORGE_PROJECT}.rubyforge.org"
+DOWNLOAD_PATH = "http://rubyforge.org/projects/#{RUBYFORGE_PROJECT}"
+@config_file = "~/.rubyforge/user-config.yml"
+@config = nil
+def rubyforge_username
+ unless @config
+ begin
+ @config = YAML.load(File.read(File.expand_path(@config_file)))
+ rescue
+ puts <<-EOS
+ERROR: No rubyforge config file found: #{@config_file}
+Run 'rubyforge setup' to prepare your env for access to Rubyforge
+ - See http://newgem.rubyforge.org/rubyforge.html for more details
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+ RUBYFORGE_USERNAME.replace @config["username"]
+REV = nil
+# REV = `svn info`.each {|line| if line =~ /^Revision:/ then k,v = line.split(': '); break v.chomp; else next; end} rescue nil
+VERS = AnnotateModels::VERSION::STRING + (REV ? ".#{REV}" : "")
+RDOC_OPTS = ['--quiet', '--title', 'annotate_models documentation',
+ "--opname", "index.html",
+ "--line-numbers",
+ "--main", "README",
+ "--inline-source"]
+class Hoe
+ def extra_deps
+ @extra_deps.reject! { |x| Array(x).first == 'hoe' }
+ @extra_deps
+ end
+# Generate all the Rake tasks
+# Run 'rake -T' to see list of generated tasks (from gem root directory)
+hoe = Hoe.new(GEM_NAME, VERS) do |p|
+ p.developer(AUTHOR, EMAIL)
+ p.description = DESCRIPTION
+ p.summary = DESCRIPTION
+ p.url = HOMEPATH
+ p.test_globs = ["test/**/test_*.rb"]
+ p.clean_globs |= ['**/.*.sw?', '*.gem', '.config', '**/.DS_Store'] #An array of file patterns to delete on clean.
+ # == Optional
+ p.changes = p.paragraphs_of("History.txt", 0..1).join("\n\n")
+ #p.extra_deps = [] # An array of rubygem dependencies [name, version], e.g. [ ['active_support', '>= 1.3.1'] ]
+ #p.spec_extras = {} # A hash of extra values to set in the gemspec.
+CHANGES = hoe.paragraphs_of('History.txt', 0..1).join("\\n\\n")
+hoe.remote_rdoc_dir = File.join(PATH.gsub(/^#{RUBYFORGE_PROJECT}\/?/,''), 'rdoc')
+hoe.rsync_args = '-av --delete --ignore-errors'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/config/requirements.rb b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/config/requirements.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5430ea626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/config/requirements.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+include FileUtils
+require 'rubygems'
+%w[rake hoe newgem rubigen].each do |req_gem|
+ begin
+ require req_gem
+ rescue LoadError
+ puts "This Rakefile requires the '#{req_gem}' RubyGem."
+ puts "Installation: gem install #{req_gem} -y"
+ exit
+ end
+$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. lib]))
+require 'annotate_models'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/lib/annotate_models.rb b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/lib/annotate_models.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3495e5ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/lib/annotate_models.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__)
+module AnnotateModels
+ RAILS_ROOT = '.'
+ MODEL_DIR = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "app/models")
+ FIXTURE_DIR = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "test/fixtures")
+ PREFIX = "== Schema Information"
+ # Simple quoting for the default column value
+ def self.quote(value)
+ case value
+ when NilClass then "NULL"
+ when TrueClass then "TRUE"
+ when FalseClass then "FALSE"
+ when Float, Fixnum, Bignum then value.to_s
+ # BigDecimals need to be output in a non-normalized form and quoted.
+ when BigDecimal then value.to_s('F')
+ else
+ value.inspect
+ end
+ end
+ # Use the column information in an ActiveRecord class
+ # to create a comment block containing a line for
+ # each column. The line contains the column name,
+ # the type (and length), and any optional attributes
+ def self.get_schema_info(klass, header)
+ info = "# #{header}\n#\n"
+ info << "# Table name: #{klass.table_name}\n#\n"
+ max_size = klass.column_names.collect{|name| name.size}.max + 1
+ klass.columns.each do |col|
+ attrs = []
+ attrs << "default(#{quote(col.default)})" if col.default
+ attrs << "not null" unless col.null
+ attrs << "primary key" if col.name == klass.primary_key
+ col_type = col.type.to_s
+ if col_type == "decimal"
+ col_type << "(#{col.precision}, #{col.scale})"
+ else
+ col_type << "(#{col.limit})" if col.limit
+ end
+ info << sprintf("# %-#{max_size}.#{max_size}s:%-15.15s %s\n", col.name, col_type, attrs.join(", "))
+ end
+ info << "#\n\n"
+ end
+ # Add a schema block to a file. If the file already contains
+ # a schema info block (a comment starting
+ # with "Schema as of ..."), remove it first.
+ def self.annotate_one_file(file_name, info_block)
+ if File.exist?(file_name)
+ content = File.read(file_name)
+ # Remove old schema info
+ content.sub!(/^# #{PREFIX}.*?\n(#.*\n)*\n/, '')
+ # Write it back
+ File.open(file_name, "w") { |f| f.puts info_block + content }
+ end
+ end
+ # Given the name of an ActiveRecord class, create a schema
+ # info block (basically a comment containing information
+ # on the columns and their types) and put it at the front
+ # of the model and fixture source files.
+ def self.annotate(klass, header)
+ info = get_schema_info(klass, header)
+ model_file_name = File.join(MODEL_DIR, klass.name.underscore + ".rb")
+ annotate_one_file(model_file_name, info)
+ fixture_file_name = File.join(FIXTURE_DIR, klass.table_name + ".yml")
+ annotate_one_file(fixture_file_name, info)
+ end
+ # Return a list of the model files to annotate. If we have
+ # command line arguments, they're assumed to be either
+ # the underscore or CamelCase versions of model names.
+ # Otherwise we take all the model files in the
+ # app/models directory.
+ def self.get_model_names
+ models = ARGV.dup
+ models.shift
+ if models.empty?
+ Dir.chdir(MODEL_DIR) do
+ models = Dir["**/*.rb"]
+ end
+ end
+ models
+ end
+ # We're passed a name of things that might be
+ # ActiveRecord models. If we can find the class, and
+ # if its a subclass of ActiveRecord::Base,
+ # then pas it to the associated block
+ def self.do_annotations
+ header = PREFIX.dup
+ version = ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version rescue 0
+ if version > 0
+ header << "\n# Schema version: #{version}"
+ end
+ annotated = []
+ self.get_model_names.each do |m|
+ class_name = m.sub(/\.rb$/,'').camelize
+ begin
+ klass = class_name.split('::').inject(Object){ |klass,part| klass.const_get(part) }
+ if klass < ActiveRecord::Base && !klass.abstract_class?
+ annotated << class_name
+ self.annotate(klass, header)
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ puts "Unable to annotate #{class_name}: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ end
+ puts "Annotated #{annotated.join(', ')}"
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/lib/annotate_models/version.rb b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/lib/annotate_models/version.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9452fba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/lib/annotate_models/version.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module AnnotateModels #:nodoc:
+ module VERSION #:nodoc:
+ MAJOR = 0
+ MINOR = 0
+ TINY = 1
+ STRING = [MAJOR, MINOR, TINY].join('.')
+ end
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/log/debug.log b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/log/debug.log
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/script/destroy b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/script/destroy
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e48464df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/script/destroy
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+APP_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
+ require 'rubigen'
+rescue LoadError
+ require 'rubygems'
+ require 'rubigen'
+require 'rubigen/scripts/destroy'
+ARGV.shift if ['--help', '-h'].include?(ARGV[0])
+RubiGen::Base.use_component_sources! [:rubygems, :newgem, :newgem_theme, :test_unit]
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/script/generate b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/script/generate
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c27f65593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/script/generate
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+APP_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
+ require 'rubigen'
+rescue LoadError
+ require 'rubygems'
+ require 'rubigen'
+require 'rubigen/scripts/generate'
+ARGV.shift if ['--help', '-h'].include?(ARGV[0])
+RubiGen::Base.use_component_sources! [:rubygems, :newgem, :newgem_theme, :test_unit]
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/script/txt2html b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/script/txt2html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b9200f8a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/script/txt2html
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'rubygems'
+ require 'newgem'
+rescue LoadError
+ puts "\n\nGenerating the website requires the newgem RubyGem"
+ puts "Install: gem install newgem\n\n"
+ exit(1)
+require 'redcloth'
+require 'syntax/convertors/html'
+require 'erb'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/annotate_models/version.rb'
+version = AnnotateModels::VERSION::STRING
+download = 'http://rubyforge.org/projects/annotate_models'
+class Fixnum
+ def ordinal
+ # teens
+ return 'th' if (10..19).include?(self % 100)
+ # others
+ case self % 10
+ when 1: return 'st'
+ when 2: return 'nd'
+ when 3: return 'rd'
+ else return 'th'
+ end
+ end
+class Time
+ def pretty
+ return "#{mday}#{mday.ordinal} #{strftime('%B')} #{year}"
+ end
+def convert_syntax(syntax, source)
+ return Syntax::Convertors::HTML.for_syntax(syntax).convert(source).gsub(%r!^
| $!,'')
+if ARGV.length >= 1
+ src, template = ARGV
+ template ||= File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/../website/template.rhtml')
+ puts("Usage: #{File.split($0).last} source.txt [template.rhtml] > output.html")
+ exit!
+template = ERB.new(File.open(template).read)
+title = nil
+body = nil
+File.open(src) do |fsrc|
+ title_text = fsrc.readline
+ body_text = fsrc.read
+ syntax_items = []
+ body_text.gsub!(%r!<(pre|code)[^>]*?syntax=['"]([^'"]+)[^>]*>(.*?)\1>!m){
+ ident = syntax_items.length
+ element, syntax, source = $1, $2, $3
+ syntax_items << "<#{element} class='syntax'>#{convert_syntax(syntax, source)}#{element}>"
+ "syntax-temp-#{ident}"
+ }
+ title = RedCloth.new(title_text).to_html.gsub(%r!<.*?>!,'').strip
+ body = RedCloth.new(body_text).to_html
+ body.gsub!(%r!(?:)?syntax-temp-(\d+)(?:
)?!){ syntax_items[$1.to_i] }
+stat = File.stat(src)
+created = stat.ctime
+modified = stat.mtime
+$stdout << template.result(binding)
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/setup.rb b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/setup.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..424a5f37c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/setup.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1585 @@
+# setup.rb
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Minero Aoki
+# This program is free software.
+# You can distribute/modify this program under the terms of
+# the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
+unless Enumerable.method_defined?(:map) # Ruby 1.4.6
+ module Enumerable
+ alias map collect
+ end
+unless File.respond_to?(:read) # Ruby 1.6
+ def File.read(fname)
+ open(fname) {|f|
+ return f.read
+ }
+ end
+unless Errno.const_defined?(:ENOTEMPTY) # Windows?
+ module Errno
+ # We do not raise this exception, implementation is not needed.
+ end
+ end
+def File.binread(fname)
+ open(fname, 'rb') {|f|
+ return f.read
+ }
+# for corrupted Windows' stat(2)
+def File.dir?(path)
+ File.directory?((path[-1,1] == '/') ? path : path + '/')
+class ConfigTable
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize(rbconfig)
+ @rbconfig = rbconfig
+ @items = []
+ @table = {}
+ # options
+ @install_prefix = nil
+ @config_opt = nil
+ @verbose = true
+ @no_harm = false
+ end
+ attr_accessor :install_prefix
+ attr_accessor :config_opt
+ attr_writer :verbose
+ def verbose?
+ @verbose
+ end
+ attr_writer :no_harm
+ def no_harm?
+ @no_harm
+ end
+ def [](key)
+ lookup(key).resolve(self)
+ end
+ def []=(key, val)
+ lookup(key).set val
+ end
+ def names
+ @items.map {|i| i.name }
+ end
+ def each(&block)
+ @items.each(&block)
+ end
+ def key?(name)
+ @table.key?(name)
+ end
+ def lookup(name)
+ @table[name] or setup_rb_error "no such config item: #{name}"
+ end
+ def add(item)
+ @items.push item
+ @table[item.name] = item
+ end
+ def remove(name)
+ item = lookup(name)
+ @items.delete_if {|i| i.name == name }
+ @table.delete_if {|name, i| i.name == name }
+ item
+ end
+ def load_script(path, inst = nil)
+ if File.file?(path)
+ MetaConfigEnvironment.new(self, inst).instance_eval File.read(path), path
+ end
+ end
+ def savefile
+ '.config'
+ end
+ def load_savefile
+ begin
+ File.foreach(savefile()) do |line|
+ k, v = *line.split(/=/, 2)
+ self[k] = v.strip
+ end
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ setup_rb_error $!.message + "\n#{File.basename($0)} config first"
+ end
+ end
+ def save
+ @items.each {|i| i.value }
+ File.open(savefile(), 'w') {|f|
+ @items.each do |i|
+ f.printf "%s=%s\n", i.name, i.value if i.value? and i.value
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def load_standard_entries
+ standard_entries(@rbconfig).each do |ent|
+ add ent
+ end
+ end
+ def standard_entries(rbconfig)
+ c = rbconfig
+ rubypath = File.join(c['bindir'], c['ruby_install_name'] + c['EXEEXT'])
+ major = c['MAJOR'].to_i
+ minor = c['MINOR'].to_i
+ teeny = c['TEENY'].to_i
+ version = "#{major}.#{minor}"
+ # ruby ver. >= 1.4.4?
+ newpath_p = ((major >= 2) or
+ ((major == 1) and
+ ((minor >= 5) or
+ ((minor == 4) and (teeny >= 4)))))
+ if c['rubylibdir']
+ # V > 1.6.3
+ libruby = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby"
+ librubyver = c['rubylibdir']
+ librubyverarch = c['archdir']
+ siteruby = c['sitedir']
+ siterubyver = c['sitelibdir']
+ siterubyverarch = c['sitearchdir']
+ elsif newpath_p
+ # 1.4.4 <= V <= 1.6.3
+ libruby = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby"
+ librubyver = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}"
+ librubyverarch = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}/#{c['arch']}"
+ siteruby = c['sitedir']
+ siterubyver = "$siteruby/#{version}"
+ siterubyverarch = "$siterubyver/#{c['arch']}"
+ else
+ # V < 1.4.4
+ libruby = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby"
+ librubyver = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}"
+ librubyverarch = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}/#{c['arch']}"
+ siteruby = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}/site_ruby"
+ siterubyver = siteruby
+ siterubyverarch = "$siterubyver/#{c['arch']}"
+ end
+ parameterize = lambda {|path|
+ path.sub(/\A#{Regexp.quote(c['prefix'])}/, '$prefix')
+ }
+ if arg = c['configure_args'].split.detect {|arg| /--with-make-prog=/ =~ arg }
+ makeprog = arg.sub(/'/, '').split(/=/, 2)[1]
+ else
+ makeprog = 'make'
+ end
+ [
+ ExecItem.new('installdirs', 'std/site/home',
+ 'std: install under libruby; site: install under site_ruby; home: install under $HOME')\
+ {|val, table|
+ case val
+ when 'std'
+ table['rbdir'] = '$librubyver'
+ table['sodir'] = '$librubyverarch'
+ when 'site'
+ table['rbdir'] = '$siterubyver'
+ table['sodir'] = '$siterubyverarch'
+ when 'home'
+ setup_rb_error '$HOME was not set' unless ENV['HOME']
+ table['prefix'] = ENV['HOME']
+ table['rbdir'] = '$libdir/ruby'
+ table['sodir'] = '$libdir/ruby'
+ end
+ },
+ PathItem.new('prefix', 'path', c['prefix'],
+ 'path prefix of target environment'),
+ PathItem.new('bindir', 'path', parameterize.call(c['bindir']),
+ 'the directory for commands'),
+ PathItem.new('libdir', 'path', parameterize.call(c['libdir']),
+ 'the directory for libraries'),
+ PathItem.new('datadir', 'path', parameterize.call(c['datadir']),
+ 'the directory for shared data'),
+ PathItem.new('mandir', 'path', parameterize.call(c['mandir']),
+ 'the directory for man pages'),
+ PathItem.new('sysconfdir', 'path', parameterize.call(c['sysconfdir']),
+ 'the directory for system configuration files'),
+ PathItem.new('localstatedir', 'path', parameterize.call(c['localstatedir']),
+ 'the directory for local state data'),
+ PathItem.new('libruby', 'path', libruby,
+ 'the directory for ruby libraries'),
+ PathItem.new('librubyver', 'path', librubyver,
+ 'the directory for standard ruby libraries'),
+ PathItem.new('librubyverarch', 'path', librubyverarch,
+ 'the directory for standard ruby extensions'),
+ PathItem.new('siteruby', 'path', siteruby,
+ 'the directory for version-independent aux ruby libraries'),
+ PathItem.new('siterubyver', 'path', siterubyver,
+ 'the directory for aux ruby libraries'),
+ PathItem.new('siterubyverarch', 'path', siterubyverarch,
+ 'the directory for aux ruby binaries'),
+ PathItem.new('rbdir', 'path', '$siterubyver',
+ 'the directory for ruby scripts'),
+ PathItem.new('sodir', 'path', '$siterubyverarch',
+ 'the directory for ruby extentions'),
+ PathItem.new('rubypath', 'path', rubypath,
+ 'the path to set to #! line'),
+ ProgramItem.new('rubyprog', 'name', rubypath,
+ 'the ruby program using for installation'),
+ ProgramItem.new('makeprog', 'name', makeprog,
+ 'the make program to compile ruby extentions'),
+ SelectItem.new('shebang', 'all/ruby/never', 'ruby',
+ 'shebang line (#!) editing mode'),
+ BoolItem.new('without-ext', 'yes/no', 'no',
+ 'does not compile/install ruby extentions')
+ ]
+ end
+ private :standard_entries
+ def load_multipackage_entries
+ multipackage_entries().each do |ent|
+ add ent
+ end
+ end
+ def multipackage_entries
+ [
+ PackageSelectionItem.new('with', 'name,name...', '', 'ALL',
+ 'package names that you want to install'),
+ PackageSelectionItem.new('without', 'name,name...', '', 'NONE',
+ 'package names that you do not want to install')
+ ]
+ end
+ private :multipackage_entries
+ 'std-ruby' => 'librubyver',
+ 'stdruby' => 'librubyver',
+ 'rubylibdir' => 'librubyver',
+ 'archdir' => 'librubyverarch',
+ 'site-ruby-common' => 'siteruby', # For backward compatibility
+ 'site-ruby' => 'siterubyver', # For backward compatibility
+ 'bin-dir' => 'bindir',
+ 'bin-dir' => 'bindir',
+ 'rb-dir' => 'rbdir',
+ 'so-dir' => 'sodir',
+ 'data-dir' => 'datadir',
+ 'ruby-path' => 'rubypath',
+ 'ruby-prog' => 'rubyprog',
+ 'ruby' => 'rubyprog',
+ 'make-prog' => 'makeprog',
+ 'make' => 'makeprog'
+ }
+ def fixup
+ ALIASES.each do |ali, name|
+ @table[ali] = @table[name]
+ end
+ @items.freeze
+ @table.freeze
+ @options_re = /\A--(#{@table.keys.join('|')})(?:=(.*))?\z/
+ end
+ def parse_opt(opt)
+ m = @options_re.match(opt) or setup_rb_error "config: unknown option #{opt}"
+ m.to_a[1,2]
+ end
+ def dllext
+ @rbconfig['DLEXT']
+ end
+ def value_config?(name)
+ lookup(name).value?
+ end
+ class Item
+ def initialize(name, template, default, desc)
+ @name = name.freeze
+ @template = template
+ @value = default
+ @default = default
+ @description = desc
+ end
+ attr_reader :name
+ attr_reader :description
+ attr_accessor :default
+ alias help_default default
+ def help_opt
+ "--#{@name}=#{@template}"
+ end
+ def value?
+ true
+ end
+ def value
+ @value
+ end
+ def resolve(table)
+ @value.gsub(%r<\$([^/]+)>) { table[$1] }
+ end
+ def set(val)
+ @value = check(val)
+ end
+ private
+ def check(val)
+ setup_rb_error "config: --#{name} requires argument" unless val
+ val
+ end
+ end
+ class BoolItem < Item
+ def config_type
+ 'bool'
+ end
+ def help_opt
+ "--#{@name}"
+ end
+ private
+ def check(val)
+ return 'yes' unless val
+ case val
+ when /\Ay(es)?\z/i, /\At(rue)?\z/i then 'yes'
+ when /\An(o)?\z/i, /\Af(alse)\z/i then 'no'
+ else
+ setup_rb_error "config: --#{@name} accepts only yes/no for argument"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class PathItem < Item
+ def config_type
+ 'path'
+ end
+ private
+ def check(path)
+ setup_rb_error "config: --#{@name} requires argument" unless path
+ path[0,1] == '$' ? path : File.expand_path(path)
+ end
+ end
+ class ProgramItem < Item
+ def config_type
+ 'program'
+ end
+ end
+ class SelectItem < Item
+ def initialize(name, selection, default, desc)
+ super
+ @ok = selection.split('/')
+ end
+ def config_type
+ 'select'
+ end
+ private
+ def check(val)
+ unless @ok.include?(val.strip)
+ setup_rb_error "config: use --#{@name}=#{@template} (#{val})"
+ end
+ val.strip
+ end
+ end
+ class ExecItem < Item
+ def initialize(name, selection, desc, &block)
+ super name, selection, nil, desc
+ @ok = selection.split('/')
+ @action = block
+ end
+ def config_type
+ 'exec'
+ end
+ def value?
+ false
+ end
+ def resolve(table)
+ setup_rb_error "$#{name()} wrongly used as option value"
+ end
+ undef set
+ def evaluate(val, table)
+ v = val.strip.downcase
+ unless @ok.include?(v)
+ setup_rb_error "invalid option --#{@name}=#{val} (use #{@template})"
+ end
+ @action.call v, table
+ end
+ end
+ class PackageSelectionItem < Item
+ def initialize(name, template, default, help_default, desc)
+ super name, template, default, desc
+ @help_default = help_default
+ end
+ attr_reader :help_default
+ def config_type
+ 'package'
+ end
+ private
+ def check(val)
+ unless File.dir?("packages/#{val}")
+ setup_rb_error "config: no such package: #{val}"
+ end
+ val
+ end
+ end
+ class MetaConfigEnvironment
+ def initialize(config, installer)
+ @config = config
+ @installer = installer
+ end
+ def config_names
+ @config.names
+ end
+ def config?(name)
+ @config.key?(name)
+ end
+ def bool_config?(name)
+ @config.lookup(name).config_type == 'bool'
+ end
+ def path_config?(name)
+ @config.lookup(name).config_type == 'path'
+ end
+ def value_config?(name)
+ @config.lookup(name).config_type != 'exec'
+ end
+ def add_config(item)
+ @config.add item
+ end
+ def add_bool_config(name, default, desc)
+ @config.add BoolItem.new(name, 'yes/no', default ? 'yes' : 'no', desc)
+ end
+ def add_path_config(name, default, desc)
+ @config.add PathItem.new(name, 'path', default, desc)
+ end
+ def set_config_default(name, default)
+ @config.lookup(name).default = default
+ end
+ def remove_config(name)
+ @config.remove(name)
+ end
+ # For only multipackage
+ def packages
+ raise '[setup.rb fatal] multi-package metaconfig API packages() called for single-package; contact application package vendor' unless @installer
+ @installer.packages
+ end
+ # For only multipackage
+ def declare_packages(list)
+ raise '[setup.rb fatal] multi-package metaconfig API declare_packages() called for single-package; contact application package vendor' unless @installer
+ @installer.packages = list
+ end
+ end
+end # class ConfigTable
+# This module requires: #verbose?, #no_harm?
+module FileOperations
+ def mkdir_p(dirname, prefix = nil)
+ dirname = prefix + File.expand_path(dirname) if prefix
+ $stderr.puts "mkdir -p #{dirname}" if verbose?
+ return if no_harm?
+ # Does not check '/', it's too abnormal.
+ dirs = File.expand_path(dirname).split(%r<(?=/)>)
+ if /\A[a-z]:\z/i =~ dirs[0]
+ disk = dirs.shift
+ dirs[0] = disk + dirs[0]
+ end
+ dirs.each_index do |idx|
+ path = dirs[0..idx].join('')
+ Dir.mkdir path unless File.dir?(path)
+ end
+ end
+ def rm_f(path)
+ $stderr.puts "rm -f #{path}" if verbose?
+ return if no_harm?
+ force_remove_file path
+ end
+ def rm_rf(path)
+ $stderr.puts "rm -rf #{path}" if verbose?
+ return if no_harm?
+ remove_tree path
+ end
+ def remove_tree(path)
+ if File.symlink?(path)
+ remove_file path
+ elsif File.dir?(path)
+ remove_tree0 path
+ else
+ force_remove_file path
+ end
+ end
+ def remove_tree0(path)
+ Dir.foreach(path) do |ent|
+ next if ent == '.'
+ next if ent == '..'
+ entpath = "#{path}/#{ent}"
+ if File.symlink?(entpath)
+ remove_file entpath
+ elsif File.dir?(entpath)
+ remove_tree0 entpath
+ else
+ force_remove_file entpath
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ Dir.rmdir path
+ rescue Errno::ENOTEMPTY
+ # directory may not be empty
+ end
+ end
+ def move_file(src, dest)
+ force_remove_file dest
+ begin
+ File.rename src, dest
+ rescue
+ File.open(dest, 'wb') {|f|
+ f.write File.binread(src)
+ }
+ File.chmod File.stat(src).mode, dest
+ File.unlink src
+ end
+ end
+ def force_remove_file(path)
+ begin
+ remove_file path
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ def remove_file(path)
+ File.chmod 0777, path
+ File.unlink path
+ end
+ def install(from, dest, mode, prefix = nil)
+ $stderr.puts "install #{from} #{dest}" if verbose?
+ return if no_harm?
+ realdest = prefix ? prefix + File.expand_path(dest) : dest
+ realdest = File.join(realdest, File.basename(from)) if File.dir?(realdest)
+ str = File.binread(from)
+ if diff?(str, realdest)
+ verbose_off {
+ rm_f realdest if File.exist?(realdest)
+ }
+ File.open(realdest, 'wb') {|f|
+ f.write str
+ }
+ File.chmod mode, realdest
+ File.open("#{objdir_root()}/InstalledFiles", 'a') {|f|
+ if prefix
+ f.puts realdest.sub(prefix, '')
+ else
+ f.puts realdest
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def diff?(new_content, path)
+ return true unless File.exist?(path)
+ new_content != File.binread(path)
+ end
+ def command(*args)
+ $stderr.puts args.join(' ') if verbose?
+ system(*args) or raise RuntimeError,
+ "system(#{args.map{|a| a.inspect }.join(' ')}) failed"
+ end
+ def ruby(*args)
+ command config('rubyprog'), *args
+ end
+ def make(task = nil)
+ command(*[config('makeprog'), task].compact)
+ end
+ def extdir?(dir)
+ File.exist?("#{dir}/MANIFEST") or File.exist?("#{dir}/extconf.rb")
+ end
+ def files_of(dir)
+ Dir.open(dir) {|d|
+ return d.select {|ent| File.file?("#{dir}/#{ent}") }
+ }
+ end
+ DIR_REJECT = %w( . .. CVS SCCS RCS CVS.adm .svn )
+ def directories_of(dir)
+ Dir.open(dir) {|d|
+ return d.select {|ent| File.dir?("#{dir}/#{ent}") } - DIR_REJECT
+ }
+ end
+# This module requires: #srcdir_root, #objdir_root, #relpath
+module HookScriptAPI
+ def get_config(key)
+ @config[key]
+ end
+ alias config get_config
+ # obsolete: use metaconfig to change configuration
+ def set_config(key, val)
+ @config[key] = val
+ end
+ #
+ # srcdir/objdir (works only in the package directory)
+ #
+ def curr_srcdir
+ "#{srcdir_root()}/#{relpath()}"
+ end
+ def curr_objdir
+ "#{objdir_root()}/#{relpath()}"
+ end
+ def srcfile(path)
+ "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{path}"
+ end
+ def srcexist?(path)
+ File.exist?(srcfile(path))
+ end
+ def srcdirectory?(path)
+ File.dir?(srcfile(path))
+ end
+ def srcfile?(path)
+ File.file?(srcfile(path))
+ end
+ def srcentries(path = '.')
+ Dir.open("#{curr_srcdir()}/#{path}") {|d|
+ return d.to_a - %w(. ..)
+ }
+ end
+ def srcfiles(path = '.')
+ srcentries(path).select {|fname|
+ File.file?(File.join(curr_srcdir(), path, fname))
+ }
+ end
+ def srcdirectories(path = '.')
+ srcentries(path).select {|fname|
+ File.dir?(File.join(curr_srcdir(), path, fname))
+ }
+ end
+class ToplevelInstaller
+ Version = '3.4.1'
+ Copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Minero Aoki'
+ TASKS = [
+ [ 'all', 'do config, setup, then install' ],
+ [ 'config', 'saves your configurations' ],
+ [ 'show', 'shows current configuration' ],
+ [ 'setup', 'compiles ruby extentions and others' ],
+ [ 'install', 'installs files' ],
+ [ 'test', 'run all tests in test/' ],
+ [ 'clean', "does `make clean' for each extention" ],
+ [ 'distclean',"does `make distclean' for each extention" ]
+ ]
+ def ToplevelInstaller.invoke
+ config = ConfigTable.new(load_rbconfig())
+ config.load_standard_entries
+ config.load_multipackage_entries if multipackage?
+ config.fixup
+ klass = (multipackage?() ? ToplevelInstallerMulti : ToplevelInstaller)
+ klass.new(File.dirname($0), config).invoke
+ end
+ def ToplevelInstaller.multipackage?
+ File.dir?(File.dirname($0) + '/packages')
+ end
+ def ToplevelInstaller.load_rbconfig
+ if arg = ARGV.detect {|arg| /\A--rbconfig=/ =~ arg }
+ ARGV.delete(arg)
+ load File.expand_path(arg.split(/=/, 2)[1])
+ $".push 'rbconfig.rb'
+ else
+ require 'rbconfig'
+ end
+ ::Config::CONFIG
+ end
+ def initialize(ardir_root, config)
+ @ardir = File.expand_path(ardir_root)
+ @config = config
+ # cache
+ @valid_task_re = nil
+ end
+ def config(key)
+ @config[key]
+ end
+ def inspect
+ "#<#{self.class} #{__id__()}>"
+ end
+ def invoke
+ run_metaconfigs
+ case task = parsearg_global()
+ when nil, 'all'
+ parsearg_config
+ init_installers
+ exec_config
+ exec_setup
+ exec_install
+ else
+ case task
+ when 'config', 'test'
+ ;
+ when 'clean', 'distclean'
+ @config.load_savefile if File.exist?(@config.savefile)
+ else
+ @config.load_savefile
+ end
+ __send__ "parsearg_#{task}"
+ init_installers
+ __send__ "exec_#{task}"
+ end
+ end
+ def run_metaconfigs
+ @config.load_script "#{@ardir}/metaconfig"
+ end
+ def init_installers
+ @installer = Installer.new(@config, @ardir, File.expand_path('.'))
+ end
+ #
+ # Hook Script API bases
+ #
+ def srcdir_root
+ @ardir
+ end
+ def objdir_root
+ '.'
+ end
+ def relpath
+ '.'
+ end
+ #
+ # Option Parsing
+ #
+ def parsearg_global
+ while arg = ARGV.shift
+ case arg
+ when /\A\w+\z/
+ setup_rb_error "invalid task: #{arg}" unless valid_task?(arg)
+ return arg
+ when '-q', '--quiet'
+ @config.verbose = false
+ when '--verbose'
+ @config.verbose = true
+ when '--help'
+ print_usage $stdout
+ exit 0
+ when '--version'
+ puts "#{File.basename($0)} version #{Version}"
+ exit 0
+ when '--copyright'
+ puts Copyright
+ exit 0
+ else
+ setup_rb_error "unknown global option '#{arg}'"
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def valid_task?(t)
+ valid_task_re() =~ t
+ end
+ def valid_task_re
+ @valid_task_re ||= /\A(?:#{TASKS.map {|task,desc| task }.join('|')})\z/
+ end
+ def parsearg_no_options
+ unless ARGV.empty?
+ task = caller(0).first.slice(%r<`parsearg_(\w+)'>, 1)
+ setup_rb_error "#{task}: unknown options: #{ARGV.join(' ')}"
+ end
+ end
+ alias parsearg_show parsearg_no_options
+ alias parsearg_setup parsearg_no_options
+ alias parsearg_test parsearg_no_options
+ alias parsearg_clean parsearg_no_options
+ alias parsearg_distclean parsearg_no_options
+ def parsearg_config
+ evalopt = []
+ set = []
+ @config.config_opt = []
+ while i = ARGV.shift
+ if /\A--?\z/ =~ i
+ @config.config_opt = ARGV.dup
+ break
+ end
+ name, value = *@config.parse_opt(i)
+ if @config.value_config?(name)
+ @config[name] = value
+ else
+ evalopt.push [name, value]
+ end
+ set.push name
+ end
+ evalopt.each do |name, value|
+ @config.lookup(name).evaluate value, @config
+ end
+ # Check if configuration is valid
+ set.each do |n|
+ @config[n] if @config.value_config?(n)
+ end
+ end
+ def parsearg_install
+ @config.no_harm = false
+ @config.install_prefix = ''
+ while a = ARGV.shift
+ case a
+ when '--no-harm'
+ @config.no_harm = true
+ when /\A--prefix=/
+ path = a.split(/=/, 2)[1]
+ path = File.expand_path(path) unless path[0,1] == '/'
+ @config.install_prefix = path
+ else
+ setup_rb_error "install: unknown option #{a}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def print_usage(out)
+ out.puts 'Typical Installation Procedure:'
+ out.puts " $ ruby #{File.basename $0} config"
+ out.puts " $ ruby #{File.basename $0} setup"
+ out.puts " # ruby #{File.basename $0} install (may require root privilege)"
+ out.puts
+ out.puts 'Detailed Usage:'
+ out.puts " ruby #{File.basename $0} "
+ out.puts " ruby #{File.basename $0} [] []"
+ fmt = " %-24s %s\n"
+ out.puts
+ out.puts 'Global options:'
+ out.printf fmt, '-q,--quiet', 'suppress message outputs'
+ out.printf fmt, ' --verbose', 'output messages verbosely'
+ out.printf fmt, ' --help', 'print this message'
+ out.printf fmt, ' --version', 'print version and quit'
+ out.printf fmt, ' --copyright', 'print copyright and quit'
+ out.puts
+ out.puts 'Tasks:'
+ TASKS.each do |name, desc|
+ out.printf fmt, name, desc
+ end
+ fmt = " %-24s %s [%s]\n"
+ out.puts
+ out.puts 'Options for CONFIG or ALL:'
+ @config.each do |item|
+ out.printf fmt, item.help_opt, item.description, item.help_default
+ end
+ out.printf fmt, '--rbconfig=path', 'rbconfig.rb to load',"running ruby's"
+ out.puts
+ out.puts 'Options for INSTALL:'
+ out.printf fmt, '--no-harm', 'only display what to do if given', 'off'
+ out.printf fmt, '--prefix=path', 'install path prefix', ''
+ out.puts
+ end
+ #
+ # Task Handlers
+ #
+ def exec_config
+ @installer.exec_config
+ @config.save # must be final
+ end
+ def exec_setup
+ @installer.exec_setup
+ end
+ def exec_install
+ @installer.exec_install
+ end
+ def exec_test
+ @installer.exec_test
+ end
+ def exec_show
+ @config.each do |i|
+ printf "%-20s %s\n", i.name, i.value if i.value?
+ end
+ end
+ def exec_clean
+ @installer.exec_clean
+ end
+ def exec_distclean
+ @installer.exec_distclean
+ end
+end # class ToplevelInstaller
+class ToplevelInstallerMulti < ToplevelInstaller
+ include FileOperations
+ def initialize(ardir_root, config)
+ super
+ @packages = directories_of("#{@ardir}/packages")
+ raise 'no package exists' if @packages.empty?
+ @root_installer = Installer.new(@config, @ardir, File.expand_path('.'))
+ end
+ def run_metaconfigs
+ @config.load_script "#{@ardir}/metaconfig", self
+ @packages.each do |name|
+ @config.load_script "#{@ardir}/packages/#{name}/metaconfig"
+ end
+ end
+ attr_reader :packages
+ def packages=(list)
+ raise 'package list is empty' if list.empty?
+ list.each do |name|
+ raise "directory packages/#{name} does not exist"\
+ unless File.dir?("#{@ardir}/packages/#{name}")
+ end
+ @packages = list
+ end
+ def init_installers
+ @installers = {}
+ @packages.each do |pack|
+ @installers[pack] = Installer.new(@config,
+ "#{@ardir}/packages/#{pack}",
+ "packages/#{pack}")
+ end
+ with = extract_selection(config('with'))
+ without = extract_selection(config('without'))
+ @selected = @installers.keys.select {|name|
+ (with.empty? or with.include?(name)) \
+ and not without.include?(name)
+ }
+ end
+ def extract_selection(list)
+ a = list.split(/,/)
+ a.each do |name|
+ setup_rb_error "no such package: #{name}" unless @installers.key?(name)
+ end
+ a
+ end
+ def print_usage(f)
+ super
+ f.puts 'Inluded packages:'
+ f.puts ' ' + @packages.sort.join(' ')
+ f.puts
+ end
+ #
+ # Task Handlers
+ #
+ def exec_config
+ run_hook 'pre-config'
+ each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_config }
+ run_hook 'post-config'
+ @config.save # must be final
+ end
+ def exec_setup
+ run_hook 'pre-setup'
+ each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_setup }
+ run_hook 'post-setup'
+ end
+ def exec_install
+ run_hook 'pre-install'
+ each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_install }
+ run_hook 'post-install'
+ end
+ def exec_test
+ run_hook 'pre-test'
+ each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_test }
+ run_hook 'post-test'
+ end
+ def exec_clean
+ rm_f @config.savefile
+ run_hook 'pre-clean'
+ each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_clean }
+ run_hook 'post-clean'
+ end
+ def exec_distclean
+ rm_f @config.savefile
+ run_hook 'pre-distclean'
+ each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_distclean }
+ run_hook 'post-distclean'
+ end
+ #
+ # lib
+ #
+ def each_selected_installers
+ Dir.mkdir 'packages' unless File.dir?('packages')
+ @selected.each do |pack|
+ $stderr.puts "Processing the package `#{pack}' ..." if verbose?
+ Dir.mkdir "packages/#{pack}" unless File.dir?("packages/#{pack}")
+ Dir.chdir "packages/#{pack}"
+ yield @installers[pack]
+ Dir.chdir '../..'
+ end
+ end
+ def run_hook(id)
+ @root_installer.run_hook id
+ end
+ # module FileOperations requires this
+ def verbose?
+ @config.verbose?
+ end
+ # module FileOperations requires this
+ def no_harm?
+ @config.no_harm?
+ end
+end # class ToplevelInstallerMulti
+class Installer
+ FILETYPES = %w( bin lib ext data conf man )
+ include FileOperations
+ include HookScriptAPI
+ def initialize(config, srcroot, objroot)
+ @config = config
+ @srcdir = File.expand_path(srcroot)
+ @objdir = File.expand_path(objroot)
+ @currdir = '.'
+ end
+ def inspect
+ "#<#{self.class} #{File.basename(@srcdir)}>"
+ end
+ def noop(rel)
+ end
+ #
+ # Hook Script API base methods
+ #
+ def srcdir_root
+ @srcdir
+ end
+ def objdir_root
+ @objdir
+ end
+ def relpath
+ @currdir
+ end
+ #
+ # Config Access
+ #
+ # module FileOperations requires this
+ def verbose?
+ @config.verbose?
+ end
+ # module FileOperations requires this
+ def no_harm?
+ @config.no_harm?
+ end
+ def verbose_off
+ begin
+ save, @config.verbose = @config.verbose?, false
+ yield
+ ensure
+ @config.verbose = save
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # TASK config
+ #
+ def exec_config
+ exec_task_traverse 'config'
+ end
+ alias config_dir_bin noop
+ alias config_dir_lib noop
+ def config_dir_ext(rel)
+ extconf if extdir?(curr_srcdir())
+ end
+ alias config_dir_data noop
+ alias config_dir_conf noop
+ alias config_dir_man noop
+ def extconf
+ ruby "#{curr_srcdir()}/extconf.rb", *@config.config_opt
+ end
+ #
+ # TASK setup
+ #
+ def exec_setup
+ exec_task_traverse 'setup'
+ end
+ def setup_dir_bin(rel)
+ files_of(curr_srcdir()).each do |fname|
+ update_shebang_line "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{fname}"
+ end
+ end
+ alias setup_dir_lib noop
+ def setup_dir_ext(rel)
+ make if extdir?(curr_srcdir())
+ end
+ alias setup_dir_data noop
+ alias setup_dir_conf noop
+ alias setup_dir_man noop
+ def update_shebang_line(path)
+ return if no_harm?
+ return if config('shebang') == 'never'
+ old = Shebang.load(path)
+ if old
+ $stderr.puts "warning: #{path}: Shebang line includes too many args. It is not portable and your program may not work." if old.args.size > 1
+ new = new_shebang(old)
+ return if new.to_s == old.to_s
+ else
+ return unless config('shebang') == 'all'
+ new = Shebang.new(config('rubypath'))
+ end
+ $stderr.puts "updating shebang: #{File.basename(path)}" if verbose?
+ open_atomic_writer(path) {|output|
+ File.open(path, 'rb') {|f|
+ f.gets if old # discard
+ output.puts new.to_s
+ output.print f.read
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def new_shebang(old)
+ if /\Aruby/ =~ File.basename(old.cmd)
+ Shebang.new(config('rubypath'), old.args)
+ elsif File.basename(old.cmd) == 'env' and old.args.first == 'ruby'
+ Shebang.new(config('rubypath'), old.args[1..-1])
+ else
+ return old unless config('shebang') == 'all'
+ Shebang.new(config('rubypath'))
+ end
+ end
+ def open_atomic_writer(path, &block)
+ tmpfile = File.basename(path) + '.tmp'
+ begin
+ File.open(tmpfile, 'wb', &block)
+ File.rename tmpfile, File.basename(path)
+ ensure
+ File.unlink tmpfile if File.exist?(tmpfile)
+ end
+ end
+ class Shebang
+ def Shebang.load(path)
+ line = nil
+ File.open(path) {|f|
+ line = f.gets
+ }
+ return nil unless /\A#!/ =~ line
+ parse(line)
+ end
+ def Shebang.parse(line)
+ cmd, *args = *line.strip.sub(/\A\#!/, '').split(' ')
+ new(cmd, args)
+ end
+ def initialize(cmd, args = [])
+ @cmd = cmd
+ @args = args
+ end
+ attr_reader :cmd
+ attr_reader :args
+ def to_s
+ "#! #{@cmd}" + (@args.empty? ? '' : " #{@args.join(' ')}")
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # TASK install
+ #
+ def exec_install
+ rm_f 'InstalledFiles'
+ exec_task_traverse 'install'
+ end
+ def install_dir_bin(rel)
+ install_files targetfiles(), "#{config('bindir')}/#{rel}", 0755
+ end
+ def install_dir_lib(rel)
+ install_files libfiles(), "#{config('rbdir')}/#{rel}", 0644
+ end
+ def install_dir_ext(rel)
+ return unless extdir?(curr_srcdir())
+ install_files rubyextentions('.'),
+ "#{config('sodir')}/#{File.dirname(rel)}",
+ 0555
+ end
+ def install_dir_data(rel)
+ install_files targetfiles(), "#{config('datadir')}/#{rel}", 0644
+ end
+ def install_dir_conf(rel)
+ # FIXME: should not remove current config files
+ # (rename previous file to .old/.org)
+ install_files targetfiles(), "#{config('sysconfdir')}/#{rel}", 0644
+ end
+ def install_dir_man(rel)
+ install_files targetfiles(), "#{config('mandir')}/#{rel}", 0644
+ end
+ def install_files(list, dest, mode)
+ mkdir_p dest, @config.install_prefix
+ list.each do |fname|
+ install fname, dest, mode, @config.install_prefix
+ end
+ end
+ def libfiles
+ glob_reject(%w(*.y *.output), targetfiles())
+ end
+ def rubyextentions(dir)
+ ents = glob_select("*.#{@config.dllext}", targetfiles())
+ if ents.empty?
+ setup_rb_error "no ruby extention exists: 'ruby #{$0} setup' first"
+ end
+ ents
+ end
+ def targetfiles
+ mapdir(existfiles() - hookfiles())
+ end
+ def mapdir(ents)
+ ents.map {|ent|
+ if File.exist?(ent)
+ then ent # objdir
+ else "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{ent}" # srcdir
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ # picked up many entries from cvs-1.11.1/src/ignore.c
+ JUNK_FILES = %w(
+ core RCSLOG tags TAGS .make.state
+ .nse_depinfo #* .#* cvslog.* ,* .del-* *.olb
+ *~ *.old *.bak *.BAK *.orig *.rej _$* *$
+ *.org *.in .*
+ )
+ def existfiles
+ glob_reject(JUNK_FILES, (files_of(curr_srcdir()) | files_of('.')))
+ end
+ def hookfiles
+ %w( pre-%s post-%s pre-%s.rb post-%s.rb ).map {|fmt|
+ %w( config setup install clean ).map {|t| sprintf(fmt, t) }
+ }.flatten
+ end
+ def glob_select(pat, ents)
+ re = globs2re([pat])
+ ents.select {|ent| re =~ ent }
+ end
+ def glob_reject(pats, ents)
+ re = globs2re(pats)
+ ents.reject {|ent| re =~ ent }
+ end
+ '.' => '\.',
+ '$' => '\$',
+ '#' => '\#',
+ '*' => '.*'
+ }
+ def globs2re(pats)
+ /\A(?:#{
+ pats.map {|pat| pat.gsub(/[\.\$\#\*]/) {|ch| GLOB2REGEX[ch] } }.join('|')
+ })\z/
+ end
+ #
+ # TASK test
+ #
+ TESTDIR = 'test'
+ def exec_test
+ unless File.directory?('test')
+ $stderr.puts 'no test in this package' if verbose?
+ return
+ end
+ $stderr.puts 'Running tests...' if verbose?
+ begin
+ require 'test/unit'
+ rescue LoadError
+ setup_rb_error 'test/unit cannot loaded. You need Ruby 1.8 or later to invoke this task.'
+ end
+ runner = Test::Unit::AutoRunner.new(true)
+ runner.to_run << TESTDIR
+ runner.run
+ end
+ #
+ # TASK clean
+ #
+ def exec_clean
+ exec_task_traverse 'clean'
+ rm_f @config.savefile
+ rm_f 'InstalledFiles'
+ end
+ alias clean_dir_bin noop
+ alias clean_dir_lib noop
+ alias clean_dir_data noop
+ alias clean_dir_conf noop
+ alias clean_dir_man noop
+ def clean_dir_ext(rel)
+ return unless extdir?(curr_srcdir())
+ make 'clean' if File.file?('Makefile')
+ end
+ #
+ # TASK distclean
+ #
+ def exec_distclean
+ exec_task_traverse 'distclean'
+ rm_f @config.savefile
+ rm_f 'InstalledFiles'
+ end
+ alias distclean_dir_bin noop
+ alias distclean_dir_lib noop
+ def distclean_dir_ext(rel)
+ return unless extdir?(curr_srcdir())
+ make 'distclean' if File.file?('Makefile')
+ end
+ alias distclean_dir_data noop
+ alias distclean_dir_conf noop
+ alias distclean_dir_man noop
+ #
+ # Traversing
+ #
+ def exec_task_traverse(task)
+ run_hook "pre-#{task}"
+ FILETYPES.each do |type|
+ if type == 'ext' and config('without-ext') == 'yes'
+ $stderr.puts 'skipping ext/* by user option' if verbose?
+ next
+ end
+ traverse task, type, "#{task}_dir_#{type}"
+ end
+ run_hook "post-#{task}"
+ end
+ def traverse(task, rel, mid)
+ dive_into(rel) {
+ run_hook "pre-#{task}"
+ __send__ mid, rel.sub(%r[\A.*?(?:/|\z)], '')
+ directories_of(curr_srcdir()).each do |d|
+ traverse task, "#{rel}/#{d}", mid
+ end
+ run_hook "post-#{task}"
+ }
+ end
+ def dive_into(rel)
+ return unless File.dir?("#{@srcdir}/#{rel}")
+ dir = File.basename(rel)
+ Dir.mkdir dir unless File.dir?(dir)
+ prevdir = Dir.pwd
+ Dir.chdir dir
+ $stderr.puts '---> ' + rel if verbose?
+ @currdir = rel
+ yield
+ Dir.chdir prevdir
+ $stderr.puts '<--- ' + rel if verbose?
+ @currdir = File.dirname(rel)
+ end
+ def run_hook(id)
+ path = [ "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{id}",
+ "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{id}.rb" ].detect {|cand| File.file?(cand) }
+ return unless path
+ begin
+ instance_eval File.read(path), path, 1
+ rescue
+ raise if $DEBUG
+ setup_rb_error "hook #{path} failed:\n" + $!.message
+ end
+ end
+end # class Installer
+class SetupError < StandardError; end
+def setup_rb_error(msg)
+ raise SetupError, msg
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ begin
+ ToplevelInstaller.invoke
+ rescue SetupError
+ raise if $DEBUG
+ $stderr.puts $!.message
+ $stderr.puts "Try 'ruby #{$0} --help' for detailed usage."
+ exit 1
+ end
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/tasks/deployment.rake b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/tasks/deployment.rake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f437425b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/tasks/deployment.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+desc 'Release the website and new gem version'
+task :deploy => [:check_version, :website, :release] do
+ puts "Remember to create SVN tag:"
+ puts "svn copy svn+ssh://#{rubyforge_username}@rubyforge.org/var/svn/#{PATH}/trunk " +
+ "svn+ssh://#{rubyforge_username}@rubyforge.org/var/svn/#{PATH}/tags/REL-#{VERS} "
+ puts "Suggested comment:"
+ puts "Tagging release #{CHANGES}"
+desc 'Runs tasks website_generate and install_gem as a local deployment of the gem'
+task :local_deploy => [:website_generate, :install_gem]
+task :check_version do
+ unless ENV['VERSION']
+ puts 'Must pass a VERSION=x.y.z release version'
+ exit
+ end
+ unless ENV['VERSION'] == VERS
+ puts "Please update your version.rb to match the release version, currently #{VERS}"
+ exit
+ end
+desc 'Install the package as a gem, without generating documentation(ri/rdoc)'
+task :install_gem_no_doc => [:clean, :package] do
+ sh "#{'sudo ' unless Hoe::WINDOZE }gem install pkg/*.gem --no-rdoc --no-ri"
+namespace :manifest do
+ desc 'Recreate Manifest.txt to include ALL files'
+ task :refresh do
+ `rake check_manifest | patch -p0 > Manifest.txt`
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/tasks/environment.rake b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/tasks/environment.rake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..691ed3b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/tasks/environment.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+task :ruby_env do
+ RUBY_APP = if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/
+ "jruby"
+ else
+ "ruby"
+ end unless defined? RUBY_APP
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/tasks/website.rake b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/tasks/website.rake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93e03faa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/tasks/website.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+desc 'Generate website files'
+task :website_generate => :ruby_env do
+ (Dir['website/**/*.txt'] - Dir['website/version*.txt']).each do |txt|
+ sh %{ #{RUBY_APP} script/txt2html #{txt} > #{txt.gsub(/txt$/,'html')} }
+ end
+desc 'Upload website files to rubyforge'
+task :website_upload do
+ host = "#{rubyforge_username}@rubyforge.org"
+ remote_dir = "/var/www/gforge-projects/#{PATH}/"
+ local_dir = 'website'
+ sh %{rsync -aCv #{local_dir}/ #{host}:#{remote_dir}}
+desc 'Generate and upload website files'
+task :website => [:website_generate, :website_upload, :publish_docs]
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/test/test_annotate_models.rb b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/test/test_annotate_models.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..628b94b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/test/test_annotate_models.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb'
+class TestAnnotateModels < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ end
+ def test_truth
+ assert true
+ end
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/test/test_helper.rb b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/test/test_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30f83d987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/test/test_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/annotate_models'
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/index.html b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a5da3bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ annotate_models
→ ‘annotate_models’
sudo gem install annotate_models
The basics
Demonstration of usage
TODO – create Google Group – annotate_models
How to submit patches
Read the 8 steps for fixing other people’s code and for section 8b: Submit patch to Google Groups , use the Google Group above.
The trunk repository is svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/annotate_models/trunk
for anonymous access.
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.
Comments are welcome. Send an email to FIXME full name email via the forum
+ FIXME full name , 27th February 2008
+ Theme extended from Paul Battley
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/index.txt b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/index.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c699468b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/index.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+h1. annotate_models
+h1. → 'annotate_models'
+h2. What
+h2. Installing
+sudo gem install annotate_models
+h2. The basics
+h2. Demonstration of usage
+h2. Forum
+TODO - create Google Group - annotate_models
+h2. How to submit patches
+Read the "8 steps for fixing other people's code":http://drnicwilliams.com/2007/06/01/8-steps-for-fixing-other-peoples-code/ and for section "8b: Submit patch to Google Groups":http://drnicwilliams.com/2007/06/01/8-steps-for-fixing-other-peoples-code/#8b-google-groups, use the Google Group above.
+The trunk repository is svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/annotate_models/trunk
for anonymous access.
+h2. License
+This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.
+h2. Contact
+Comments are welcome. Send an email to "FIXME full name":mailto:FIXME email via the "forum":http://groups.google.com/group/annotate_models
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/javascripts/rounded_corners_lite.inc.js b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/javascripts/rounded_corners_lite.inc.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..afc3ea327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/javascripts/rounded_corners_lite.inc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ /****************************************************************
+ * *
+ * curvyCorners *
+ * ------------ *
+ * *
+ * This script generates rounded corners for your divs. *
+ * *
+ * Version 1.2.9 *
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 Cameron Cooke *
+ * By: Cameron Cooke and Tim Hutchison. *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * Website: http://www.curvycorners.net *
+ * Email: info@totalinfinity.com *
+ * Forum: http://www.curvycorners.net/forum/ *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute *
+ * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *
+ * Lesser General Public License as published by the *
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the *
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will *
+ * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the *
+ * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A *
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public *
+ * License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser *
+ * General Public License along with this library; *
+ * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, *
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA *
+ * *
+ ****************************************************************/
+var isIE = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") > -1; var isMoz = document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument; var isSafari = ((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari')!=-1)&&(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac')!=-1))?true:false; function curvyCorners()
+{ if(typeof(arguments[0]) != "object") throw newCurvyError("First parameter of curvyCorners() must be an object."); if(typeof(arguments[1]) != "object" && typeof(arguments[1]) != "string") throw newCurvyError("Second parameter of curvyCorners() must be an object or a class name."); if(typeof(arguments[1]) == "string")
+{ var startIndex = 0; var boxCol = getElementsByClass(arguments[1]);}
+{ var startIndex = 1; var boxCol = arguments;}
+var curvyCornersCol = new Array(); if(arguments[0].validTags)
+var validElements = arguments[0].validTags; else
+var validElements = ["div"]; for(var i = startIndex, j = boxCol.length; i < j; i++)
+{ var currentTag = boxCol[i].tagName.toLowerCase(); if(inArray(validElements, currentTag) !== false)
+{ curvyCornersCol[curvyCornersCol.length] = new curvyObject(arguments[0], boxCol[i]);}
+this.objects = curvyCornersCol; this.applyCornersToAll = function()
+{ for(var x = 0, k = this.objects.length; x < k; x++)
+{ this.objects[x].applyCorners();}
+function curvyObject()
+{ this.box = arguments[1]; this.settings = arguments[0]; this.topContainer = null; this.bottomContainer = null; this.masterCorners = new Array(); this.contentDIV = null; var boxHeight = get_style(this.box, "height", "height"); var boxWidth = get_style(this.box, "width", "width"); var borderWidth = get_style(this.box, "borderTopWidth", "border-top-width"); var borderColour = get_style(this.box, "borderTopColor", "border-top-color"); var boxColour = get_style(this.box, "backgroundColor", "background-color"); var backgroundImage = get_style(this.box, "backgroundImage", "background-image"); var boxPosition = get_style(this.box, "position", "position"); var boxPadding = get_style(this.box, "paddingTop", "padding-top"); this.boxHeight = parseInt(((boxHeight != "" && boxHeight != "auto" && boxHeight.indexOf("%") == -1)? boxHeight.substring(0, boxHeight.indexOf("px")) : this.box.scrollHeight)); this.boxWidth = parseInt(((boxWidth != "" && boxWidth != "auto" && boxWidth.indexOf("%") == -1)? boxWidth.substring(0, boxWidth.indexOf("px")) : this.box.scrollWidth)); this.borderWidth = parseInt(((borderWidth != "" && borderWidth.indexOf("px") !== -1)? borderWidth.slice(0, borderWidth.indexOf("px")) : 0)); this.boxColour = format_colour(boxColour); this.boxPadding = parseInt(((boxPadding != "" && boxPadding.indexOf("px") !== -1)? boxPadding.slice(0, boxPadding.indexOf("px")) : 0)); this.borderColour = format_colour(borderColour); this.borderString = this.borderWidth + "px" + " solid " + this.borderColour; this.backgroundImage = ((backgroundImage != "none")? backgroundImage : ""); this.boxContent = this.box.innerHTML; if(boxPosition != "absolute") this.box.style.position = "relative"; this.box.style.padding = "0px"; if(isIE && boxWidth == "auto" && boxHeight == "auto") this.box.style.width = "100%"; if(this.settings.autoPad == true && this.boxPadding > 0)
+this.box.innerHTML = ""; this.applyCorners = function()
+{ for(var t = 0; t < 2; t++)
+{ switch(t)
+{ case 0:
+if(this.settings.tl || this.settings.tr)
+{ var newMainContainer = document.createElement("DIV"); newMainContainer.style.width = "100%"; newMainContainer.style.fontSize = "1px"; newMainContainer.style.overflow = "hidden"; newMainContainer.style.position = "absolute"; newMainContainer.style.paddingLeft = this.borderWidth + "px"; newMainContainer.style.paddingRight = this.borderWidth + "px"; var topMaxRadius = Math.max(this.settings.tl ? this.settings.tl.radius : 0, this.settings.tr ? this.settings.tr.radius : 0); newMainContainer.style.height = topMaxRadius + "px"; newMainContainer.style.top = 0 - topMaxRadius + "px"; newMainContainer.style.left = 0 - this.borderWidth + "px"; this.topContainer = this.box.appendChild(newMainContainer);}
+break; case 1:
+if(this.settings.bl || this.settings.br)
+{ var newMainContainer = document.createElement("DIV"); newMainContainer.style.width = "100%"; newMainContainer.style.fontSize = "1px"; newMainContainer.style.overflow = "hidden"; newMainContainer.style.position = "absolute"; newMainContainer.style.paddingLeft = this.borderWidth + "px"; newMainContainer.style.paddingRight = this.borderWidth + "px"; var botMaxRadius = Math.max(this.settings.bl ? this.settings.bl.radius : 0, this.settings.br ? this.settings.br.radius : 0); newMainContainer.style.height = botMaxRadius + "px"; newMainContainer.style.bottom = 0 - botMaxRadius + "px"; newMainContainer.style.left = 0 - this.borderWidth + "px"; this.bottomContainer = this.box.appendChild(newMainContainer);}
+if(this.topContainer) this.box.style.borderTopWidth = "0px"; if(this.bottomContainer) this.box.style.borderBottomWidth = "0px"; var corners = ["tr", "tl", "br", "bl"]; for(var i in corners)
+{ if(i > -1 < 4)
+{ var cc = corners[i]; if(!this.settings[cc])
+{ if(((cc == "tr" || cc == "tl") && this.topContainer != null) || ((cc == "br" || cc == "bl") && this.bottomContainer != null))
+{ var newCorner = document.createElement("DIV"); newCorner.style.position = "relative"; newCorner.style.fontSize = "1px"; newCorner.style.overflow = "hidden"; if(this.backgroundImage == "")
+newCorner.style.backgroundColor = this.boxColour; else
+newCorner.style.backgroundImage = this.backgroundImage; switch(cc)
+{ case "tl":
+newCorner.style.height = topMaxRadius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newCorner.style.marginRight = this.settings.tr.radius - (this.borderWidth*2) + "px"; newCorner.style.borderLeft = this.borderString; newCorner.style.borderTop = this.borderString; newCorner.style.left = -this.borderWidth + "px"; break; case "tr":
+newCorner.style.height = topMaxRadius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newCorner.style.marginLeft = this.settings.tl.radius - (this.borderWidth*2) + "px"; newCorner.style.borderRight = this.borderString; newCorner.style.borderTop = this.borderString; newCorner.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (topMaxRadius + this.borderWidth) + "px 0px"; newCorner.style.left = this.borderWidth + "px"; break; case "bl":
+newCorner.style.height = botMaxRadius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newCorner.style.marginRight = this.settings.br.radius - (this.borderWidth*2) + "px"; newCorner.style.borderLeft = this.borderString; newCorner.style.borderBottom = this.borderString; newCorner.style.left = -this.borderWidth + "px"; newCorner.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (this.borderWidth) + "px -" + (this.boxHeight + (botMaxRadius + this.borderWidth)) + "px"; break; case "br":
+newCorner.style.height = botMaxRadius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newCorner.style.marginLeft = this.settings.bl.radius - (this.borderWidth*2) + "px"; newCorner.style.borderRight = this.borderString; newCorner.style.borderBottom = this.borderString; newCorner.style.left = this.borderWidth + "px"
+newCorner.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (botMaxRadius + this.borderWidth) + "px -" + (this.boxHeight + (botMaxRadius + this.borderWidth)) + "px"; break;}
+{ if(this.masterCorners[this.settings[cc].radius])
+{ var newCorner = this.masterCorners[this.settings[cc].radius].cloneNode(true);}
+{ var newCorner = document.createElement("DIV"); newCorner.style.height = this.settings[cc].radius + "px"; newCorner.style.width = this.settings[cc].radius + "px"; newCorner.style.position = "absolute"; newCorner.style.fontSize = "1px"; newCorner.style.overflow = "hidden"; var borderRadius = parseInt(this.settings[cc].radius - this.borderWidth); for(var intx = 0, j = this.settings[cc].radius; intx < j; intx++)
+{ if((intx +1) >= borderRadius)
+var y1 = -1; else
+var y1 = (Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(borderRadius, 2) - Math.pow((intx+1), 2))) - 1); if(borderRadius != j)
+{ if((intx) >= borderRadius)
+var y2 = -1; else
+var y2 = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(borderRadius,2) - Math.pow(intx, 2))); if((intx+1) >= j)
+var y3 = -1; else
+var y3 = (Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(j ,2) - Math.pow((intx+1), 2))) - 1);}
+if((intx) >= j)
+var y4 = -1; else
+var y4 = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(j ,2) - Math.pow(intx, 2))); if(y1 > -1) this.drawPixel(intx, 0, this.boxColour, 100, (y1+1), newCorner, -1, this.settings[cc].radius); if(borderRadius != j)
+{ for(var inty = (y1 + 1); inty < y2; inty++)
+{ if(this.settings.antiAlias)
+{ if(this.backgroundImage != "")
+{ var borderFract = (pixelFraction(intx, inty, borderRadius) * 100); if(borderFract < 30)
+{ this.drawPixel(intx, inty, this.borderColour, 100, 1, newCorner, 0, this.settings[cc].radius);}
+{ this.drawPixel(intx, inty, this.borderColour, 100, 1, newCorner, -1, this.settings[cc].radius);}
+{ var pixelcolour = BlendColour(this.boxColour, this.borderColour, pixelFraction(intx, inty, borderRadius)); this.drawPixel(intx, inty, pixelcolour, 100, 1, newCorner, 0, this.settings[cc].radius, cc);}
+{ if(y3 >= y2)
+{ if (y2 == -1) y2 = 0; this.drawPixel(intx, y2, this.borderColour, 100, (y3 - y2 + 1), newCorner, 0, 0);}
+{ if(y3 >= y1)
+{ this.drawPixel(intx, (y1 + 1), this.borderColour, 100, (y3 - y1), newCorner, 0, 0);}
+var outsideColour = this.borderColour;}
+{ var outsideColour = this.boxColour; var y3 = y1;}
+{ for(var inty = (y3 + 1); inty < y4; inty++)
+{ this.drawPixel(intx, inty, outsideColour, (pixelFraction(intx, inty , j) * 100), 1, newCorner, ((this.borderWidth > 0)? 0 : -1), this.settings[cc].radius);}
+this.masterCorners[this.settings[cc].radius] = newCorner.cloneNode(true);}
+if(cc != "br")
+{ for(var t = 0, k = newCorner.childNodes.length; t < k; t++)
+{ var pixelBar = newCorner.childNodes[t]; var pixelBarTop = parseInt(pixelBar.style.top.substring(0, pixelBar.style.top.indexOf("px"))); var pixelBarLeft = parseInt(pixelBar.style.left.substring(0, pixelBar.style.left.indexOf("px"))); var pixelBarHeight = parseInt(pixelBar.style.height.substring(0, pixelBar.style.height.indexOf("px"))); if(cc == "tl" || cc == "bl"){ pixelBar.style.left = this.settings[cc].radius -pixelBarLeft -1 + "px";}
+if(cc == "tr" || cc == "tl"){ pixelBar.style.top = this.settings[cc].radius -pixelBarHeight -pixelBarTop + "px";}
+{ case "tr":
+pixelBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + Math.abs((this.boxWidth - this.settings[cc].radius + this.borderWidth) + pixelBarLeft) + "px -" + Math.abs(this.settings[cc].radius -pixelBarHeight -pixelBarTop - this.borderWidth) + "px"; break; case "tl":
+pixelBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + Math.abs((this.settings[cc].radius -pixelBarLeft -1) - this.borderWidth) + "px -" + Math.abs(this.settings[cc].radius -pixelBarHeight -pixelBarTop - this.borderWidth) + "px"; break; case "bl":
+pixelBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + Math.abs((this.settings[cc].radius -pixelBarLeft -1) - this.borderWidth) + "px -" + Math.abs((this.boxHeight + this.settings[cc].radius + pixelBarTop) -this.borderWidth) + "px"; break;}
+{ switch(cc)
+{ case "tl":
+if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.top = "0px"; if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.left = "0px"; if(this.topContainer) this.topContainer.appendChild(newCorner); break; case "tr":
+if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.top = "0px"; if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.right = "0px"; if(this.topContainer) this.topContainer.appendChild(newCorner); break; case "bl":
+if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.bottom = "0px"; if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.left = "0px"; if(this.bottomContainer) this.bottomContainer.appendChild(newCorner); break; case "br":
+if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.bottom = "0px"; if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.right = "0px"; if(this.bottomContainer) this.bottomContainer.appendChild(newCorner); break;}
+var radiusDiff = new Array(); radiusDiff["t"] = Math.abs(this.settings.tl.radius - this.settings.tr.radius)
+radiusDiff["b"] = Math.abs(this.settings.bl.radius - this.settings.br.radius); for(z in radiusDiff)
+{ if(z == "t" || z == "b")
+{ if(radiusDiff[z])
+{ var smallerCornerType = ((this.settings[z + "l"].radius < this.settings[z + "r"].radius)? z +"l" : z +"r"); var newFiller = document.createElement("DIV"); newFiller.style.height = radiusDiff[z] + "px"; newFiller.style.width = this.settings[smallerCornerType].radius+ "px"
+newFiller.style.position = "absolute"; newFiller.style.fontSize = "1px"; newFiller.style.overflow = "hidden"; newFiller.style.backgroundColor = this.boxColour; switch(smallerCornerType)
+{ case "tl":
+newFiller.style.bottom = "0px"; newFiller.style.left = "0px"; newFiller.style.borderLeft = this.borderString; this.topContainer.appendChild(newFiller); break; case "tr":
+newFiller.style.bottom = "0px"; newFiller.style.right = "0px"; newFiller.style.borderRight = this.borderString; this.topContainer.appendChild(newFiller); break; case "bl":
+newFiller.style.top = "0px"; newFiller.style.left = "0px"; newFiller.style.borderLeft = this.borderString; this.bottomContainer.appendChild(newFiller); break; case "br":
+newFiller.style.top = "0px"; newFiller.style.right = "0px"; newFiller.style.borderRight = this.borderString; this.bottomContainer.appendChild(newFiller); break;}
+var newFillerBar = document.createElement("DIV"); newFillerBar.style.position = "relative"; newFillerBar.style.fontSize = "1px"; newFillerBar.style.overflow = "hidden"; newFillerBar.style.backgroundColor = this.boxColour; newFillerBar.style.backgroundImage = this.backgroundImage; switch(z)
+{ case "t":
+{ if(this.settings.tl.radius && this.settings.tr.radius)
+{ newFillerBar.style.height = topMaxRadius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newFillerBar.style.marginLeft = this.settings.tl.radius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newFillerBar.style.marginRight = this.settings.tr.radius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newFillerBar.style.borderTop = this.borderString; if(this.backgroundImage != "")
+newFillerBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (topMaxRadius + this.borderWidth) + "px 0px"; this.topContainer.appendChild(newFillerBar);}
+this.box.style.backgroundPosition = "0px -" + (topMaxRadius - this.borderWidth) + "px";}
+break; case "b":
+{ if(this.settings.bl.radius && this.settings.br.radius)
+{ newFillerBar.style.height = botMaxRadius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newFillerBar.style.marginLeft = this.settings.bl.radius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newFillerBar.style.marginRight = this.settings.br.radius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newFillerBar.style.borderBottom = this.borderString; if(this.backgroundImage != "")
+newFillerBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (botMaxRadius + this.borderWidth) + "px -" + (this.boxHeight + (topMaxRadius + this.borderWidth)) + "px"; this.bottomContainer.appendChild(newFillerBar);}
+if(this.settings.autoPad == true && this.boxPadding > 0)
+{ var contentContainer = document.createElement("DIV"); contentContainer.style.position = "relative"; contentContainer.innerHTML = this.boxContent; contentContainer.className = "autoPadDiv"; var topPadding = Math.abs(topMaxRadius - this.boxPadding); var botPadding = Math.abs(botMaxRadius - this.boxPadding); if(topMaxRadius < this.boxPadding)
+contentContainer.style.paddingTop = topPadding + "px"; if(botMaxRadius < this.boxPadding)
+contentContainer.style.paddingBottom = botMaxRadius + "px"; contentContainer.style.paddingLeft = this.boxPadding + "px"; contentContainer.style.paddingRight = this.boxPadding + "px"; this.contentDIV = this.box.appendChild(contentContainer);}
+this.drawPixel = function(intx, inty, colour, transAmount, height, newCorner, image, cornerRadius)
+{ var pixel = document.createElement("DIV"); pixel.style.height = height + "px"; pixel.style.width = "1px"; pixel.style.position = "absolute"; pixel.style.fontSize = "1px"; pixel.style.overflow = "hidden"; var topMaxRadius = Math.max(this.settings["tr"].radius, this.settings["tl"].radius); if(image == -1 && this.backgroundImage != "")
+{ pixel.style.backgroundImage = this.backgroundImage; pixel.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (this.boxWidth - (cornerRadius - intx) + this.borderWidth) + "px -" + ((this.boxHeight + topMaxRadius + inty) -this.borderWidth) + "px";}
+{ pixel.style.backgroundColor = colour;}
+if (transAmount != 100)
+setOpacity(pixel, transAmount); pixel.style.top = inty + "px"; pixel.style.left = intx + "px"; newCorner.appendChild(pixel);}
+function insertAfter(parent, node, referenceNode)
+{ parent.insertBefore(node, referenceNode.nextSibling);}
+function BlendColour(Col1, Col2, Col1Fraction)
+{ var red1 = parseInt(Col1.substr(1,2),16); var green1 = parseInt(Col1.substr(3,2),16); var blue1 = parseInt(Col1.substr(5,2),16); var red2 = parseInt(Col2.substr(1,2),16); var green2 = parseInt(Col2.substr(3,2),16); var blue2 = parseInt(Col2.substr(5,2),16); if(Col1Fraction > 1 || Col1Fraction < 0) Col1Fraction = 1; var endRed = Math.round((red1 * Col1Fraction) + (red2 * (1 - Col1Fraction))); if(endRed > 255) endRed = 255; if(endRed < 0) endRed = 0; var endGreen = Math.round((green1 * Col1Fraction) + (green2 * (1 - Col1Fraction))); if(endGreen > 255) endGreen = 255; if(endGreen < 0) endGreen = 0; var endBlue = Math.round((blue1 * Col1Fraction) + (blue2 * (1 - Col1Fraction))); if(endBlue > 255) endBlue = 255; if(endBlue < 0) endBlue = 0; return "#" + IntToHex(endRed)+ IntToHex(endGreen)+ IntToHex(endBlue);}
+function IntToHex(strNum)
+{ base = strNum / 16; rem = strNum % 16; base = base - (rem / 16); baseS = MakeHex(base); remS = MakeHex(rem); return baseS + '' + remS;}
+function MakeHex(x)
+{ if((x >= 0) && (x <= 9))
+{ return x;}
+{ switch(x)
+{ case 10: return "A"; case 11: return "B"; case 12: return "C"; case 13: return "D"; case 14: return "E"; case 15: return "F";}
+function pixelFraction(x, y, r)
+{ var pixelfraction = 0; var xvalues = new Array(1); var yvalues = new Array(1); var point = 0; var whatsides = ""; var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r,2) - Math.pow(x,2))); if ((intersect >= y) && (intersect < (y+1)))
+{ whatsides = "Left"; xvalues[point] = 0; yvalues[point] = intersect - y; point = point + 1;}
+var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r,2) - Math.pow(y+1,2))); if ((intersect >= x) && (intersect < (x+1)))
+{ whatsides = whatsides + "Top"; xvalues[point] = intersect - x; yvalues[point] = 1; point = point + 1;}
+var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r,2) - Math.pow(x+1,2))); if ((intersect >= y) && (intersect < (y+1)))
+{ whatsides = whatsides + "Right"; xvalues[point] = 1; yvalues[point] = intersect - y; point = point + 1;}
+var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r,2) - Math.pow(y,2))); if ((intersect >= x) && (intersect < (x+1)))
+{ whatsides = whatsides + "Bottom"; xvalues[point] = intersect - x; yvalues[point] = 0;}
+switch (whatsides)
+{ case "LeftRight":
+pixelfraction = Math.min(yvalues[0],yvalues[1]) + ((Math.max(yvalues[0],yvalues[1]) - Math.min(yvalues[0],yvalues[1]))/2); break; case "TopRight":
+pixelfraction = 1-(((1-xvalues[0])*(1-yvalues[1]))/2); break; case "TopBottom":
+pixelfraction = Math.min(xvalues[0],xvalues[1]) + ((Math.max(xvalues[0],xvalues[1]) - Math.min(xvalues[0],xvalues[1]))/2); break; case "LeftBottom":
+pixelfraction = (yvalues[0]*xvalues[1])/2; break; default:
+pixelfraction = 1;}
+return pixelfraction;}
+function rgb2Hex(rgbColour)
+{ try{ var rgbArray = rgb2Array(rgbColour); var red = parseInt(rgbArray[0]); var green = parseInt(rgbArray[1]); var blue = parseInt(rgbArray[2]); var hexColour = "#" + IntToHex(red) + IntToHex(green) + IntToHex(blue);}
+catch(e){ alert("There was an error converting the RGB value to Hexadecimal in function rgb2Hex");}
+return hexColour;}
+function rgb2Array(rgbColour)
+{ var rgbValues = rgbColour.substring(4, rgbColour.indexOf(")")); var rgbArray = rgbValues.split(", "); return rgbArray;}
+function setOpacity(obj, opacity)
+{ opacity = (opacity == 100)?99.999:opacity; if(isSafari && obj.tagName != "IFRAME")
+{ var rgbArray = rgb2Array(obj.style.backgroundColor); var red = parseInt(rgbArray[0]); var green = parseInt(rgbArray[1]); var blue = parseInt(rgbArray[2]); obj.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(" + red + ", " + green + ", " + blue + ", " + opacity/100 + ")";}
+else if(typeof(obj.style.opacity) != "undefined")
+{ obj.style.opacity = opacity/100;}
+else if(typeof(obj.style.MozOpacity) != "undefined")
+{ obj.style.MozOpacity = opacity/100;}
+else if(typeof(obj.style.filter) != "undefined")
+{ obj.style.filter = "alpha(opacity:" + opacity + ")";}
+else if(typeof(obj.style.KHTMLOpacity) != "undefined")
+{ obj.style.KHTMLOpacity = opacity/100;}
+function inArray(array, value)
+{ for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ if (array[i] === value) return i;}
+return false;}
+function inArrayKey(array, value)
+{ for(key in array){ if(key === value) return true;}
+return false;}
+function addEvent(elm, evType, fn, useCapture) { if (elm.addEventListener) { elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); return true;}
+else if (elm.attachEvent) { var r = elm.attachEvent('on' + evType, fn); return r;}
+else { elm['on' + evType] = fn;}
+function removeEvent(obj, evType, fn, useCapture){ if (obj.removeEventListener){ obj.removeEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); return true;} else if (obj.detachEvent){ var r = obj.detachEvent("on"+evType, fn); return r;} else { alert("Handler could not be removed");}
+function format_colour(colour)
+{ var returnColour = "#ffffff"; if(colour != "" && colour != "transparent")
+{ if(colour.substr(0, 3) == "rgb")
+{ returnColour = rgb2Hex(colour);}
+else if(colour.length == 4)
+{ returnColour = "#" + colour.substring(1, 2) + colour.substring(1, 2) + colour.substring(2, 3) + colour.substring(2, 3) + colour.substring(3, 4) + colour.substring(3, 4);}
+{ returnColour = colour;}
+return returnColour;}
+function get_style(obj, property, propertyNS)
+{ try
+{ if(obj.currentStyle)
+{ var returnVal = eval("obj.currentStyle." + property);}
+{ if(isSafari && obj.style.display == "none")
+{ obj.style.display = ""; var wasHidden = true;}
+var returnVal = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, '').getPropertyValue(propertyNS); if(isSafari && wasHidden)
+{ obj.style.display = "none";}
+{ }
+return returnVal;}
+function getElementsByClass(searchClass, node, tag)
+{ var classElements = new Array(); if(node == null)
+node = document; if(tag == null)
+tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\s)"+searchClass+"(\s|$)"); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++)
+{ if(pattern.test(els[i].className))
+{ classElements[j] = els[i]; j++;}
+return classElements;}
+function newCurvyError(errorMessage)
+{ return new Error("curvyCorners Error:\n" + errorMessage)
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/stylesheets/screen.css b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/stylesheets/screen.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c84cd00c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/stylesheets/screen.css
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+body {
+ background-color: #E1D1F1;
+ font-family: "Georgia", sans-serif;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.6em;
+ padding: 1.6em 0 0 0;
+ color: #333;
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ color: #444;
+h1 {
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-size: 4em;
+ line-height: 0.8em;
+ letter-spacing: -0.1ex;
+ margin: 5px;
+li {
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ list-style-type: square;
+a {
+ color: #5E5AFF;
+ background-color: #DAC;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+blockquote {
+ font-size: 90%;
+ font-style: italic;
+ border-left: 1px solid #111;
+ padding-left: 1em;
+.caps {
+ font-size: 80%;
+#main {
+ width: 45em;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+.coda {
+ text-align: right;
+ color: #77f;
+ font-size: smaller;
+table {
+ font-size: 90%;
+ line-height: 1.4em;
+ color: #ff8;
+ background-color: #111;
+ padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px;
+ border-style: dashed;
+th {
+ color: #fff;
+td {
+ padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px;
+.success {
+ color: #0CC52B;
+.failed {
+ color: #E90A1B;
+.unknown {
+ color: #995000;
+pre, code {
+ font-family: monospace;
+ font-size: 90%;
+ line-height: 1.4em;
+ color: #ff8;
+ background-color: #111;
+ padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px;
+.comment { color: #aaa; font-style: italic; }
+.keyword { color: #eff; font-weight: bold; }
+.punct { color: #eee; font-weight: bold; }
+.symbol { color: #0bb; }
+.string { color: #6b4; }
+.ident { color: #ff8; }
+.constant { color: #66f; }
+.regex { color: #ec6; }
+.number { color: #F99; }
+.expr { color: #227; }
+#version {
+ float: right;
+ text-align: right;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ background-color: #B3ABFF;
+ color: #141331;
+ padding: 15px 20px 10px 20px;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ margin-top: 15px;
+ border: 3px solid #141331;
+#version .numbers {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 4em;
+ line-height: 0.8em;
+ letter-spacing: -0.1ex;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+#version p {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ color: #141331;
+ background-color: #B3ABFF;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+#version a {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ color: #141331;
+ background-color: #B3ABFF;
+.clickable {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ cursor: hand;
diff --git a/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/template.rhtml b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/template.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8517350d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/annotate_models-0.0.1/website/template.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ <%= title %>
<%= title %>
+ <%= body %>
+ FIXME full name , <%= modified.pretty %>
+ Theme extended from Paul Battley
diff --git a/script/destroy b/script/destroy
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e48464df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/destroy
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+APP_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
+ require 'rubigen'
+rescue LoadError
+ require 'rubygems'
+ require 'rubigen'
+require 'rubigen/scripts/destroy'
+ARGV.shift if ['--help', '-h'].include?(ARGV[0])
+RubiGen::Base.use_component_sources! [:rubygems, :newgem, :newgem_theme, :test_unit]
diff --git a/script/generate b/script/generate
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c27f65593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/generate
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+APP_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
+ require 'rubigen'
+rescue LoadError
+ require 'rubygems'
+ require 'rubigen'
+require 'rubigen/scripts/generate'
+ARGV.shift if ['--help', '-h'].include?(ARGV[0])
+RubiGen::Base.use_component_sources! [:rubygems, :newgem, :newgem_theme, :test_unit]
diff --git a/script/txt2html b/script/txt2html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b9200f8a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/txt2html
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'rubygems'
+ require 'newgem'
+rescue LoadError
+ puts "\n\nGenerating the website requires the newgem RubyGem"
+ puts "Install: gem install newgem\n\n"
+ exit(1)
+require 'redcloth'
+require 'syntax/convertors/html'
+require 'erb'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/annotate_models/version.rb'
+version = AnnotateModels::VERSION::STRING
+download = 'http://rubyforge.org/projects/annotate_models'
+class Fixnum
+ def ordinal
+ # teens
+ return 'th' if (10..19).include?(self % 100)
+ # others
+ case self % 10
+ when 1: return 'st'
+ when 2: return 'nd'
+ when 3: return 'rd'
+ else return 'th'
+ end
+ end
+class Time
+ def pretty
+ return "#{mday}#{mday.ordinal} #{strftime('%B')} #{year}"
+ end
+def convert_syntax(syntax, source)
+ return Syntax::Convertors::HTML.for_syntax(syntax).convert(source).gsub(%r!^| $!,'')
+if ARGV.length >= 1
+ src, template = ARGV
+ template ||= File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/../website/template.rhtml')
+ puts("Usage: #{File.split($0).last} source.txt [template.rhtml] > output.html")
+ exit!
+template = ERB.new(File.open(template).read)
+title = nil
+body = nil
+File.open(src) do |fsrc|
+ title_text = fsrc.readline
+ body_text = fsrc.read
+ syntax_items = []
+ body_text.gsub!(%r!<(pre|code)[^>]*?syntax=['"]([^'"]+)[^>]*>(.*?)\1>!m){
+ ident = syntax_items.length
+ element, syntax, source = $1, $2, $3
+ syntax_items << "<#{element} class='syntax'>#{convert_syntax(syntax, source)}#{element}>"
+ "syntax-temp-#{ident}"
+ }
+ title = RedCloth.new(title_text).to_html.gsub(%r!<.*?>!,'').strip
+ body = RedCloth.new(body_text).to_html
+ body.gsub!(%r!(?:)?syntax-temp-(\d+)(?:
)?!){ syntax_items[$1.to_i] }
+stat = File.stat(src)
+created = stat.ctime
+modified = stat.mtime
+$stdout << template.result(binding)
diff --git a/setup.rb b/setup.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..424a5f37c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1585 @@
+# setup.rb
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Minero Aoki
+# This program is free software.
+# You can distribute/modify this program under the terms of
+# the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
+unless Enumerable.method_defined?(:map) # Ruby 1.4.6
+ module Enumerable
+ alias map collect
+ end
+unless File.respond_to?(:read) # Ruby 1.6
+ def File.read(fname)
+ open(fname) {|f|
+ return f.read
+ }
+ end
+unless Errno.const_defined?(:ENOTEMPTY) # Windows?
+ module Errno
+ # We do not raise this exception, implementation is not needed.
+ end
+ end
+def File.binread(fname)
+ open(fname, 'rb') {|f|
+ return f.read
+ }
+# for corrupted Windows' stat(2)
+def File.dir?(path)
+ File.directory?((path[-1,1] == '/') ? path : path + '/')
+class ConfigTable
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize(rbconfig)
+ @rbconfig = rbconfig
+ @items = []
+ @table = {}
+ # options
+ @install_prefix = nil
+ @config_opt = nil
+ @verbose = true
+ @no_harm = false
+ end
+ attr_accessor :install_prefix
+ attr_accessor :config_opt
+ attr_writer :verbose
+ def verbose?
+ @verbose
+ end
+ attr_writer :no_harm
+ def no_harm?
+ @no_harm
+ end
+ def [](key)
+ lookup(key).resolve(self)
+ end
+ def []=(key, val)
+ lookup(key).set val
+ end
+ def names
+ @items.map {|i| i.name }
+ end
+ def each(&block)
+ @items.each(&block)
+ end
+ def key?(name)
+ @table.key?(name)
+ end
+ def lookup(name)
+ @table[name] or setup_rb_error "no such config item: #{name}"
+ end
+ def add(item)
+ @items.push item
+ @table[item.name] = item
+ end
+ def remove(name)
+ item = lookup(name)
+ @items.delete_if {|i| i.name == name }
+ @table.delete_if {|name, i| i.name == name }
+ item
+ end
+ def load_script(path, inst = nil)
+ if File.file?(path)
+ MetaConfigEnvironment.new(self, inst).instance_eval File.read(path), path
+ end
+ end
+ def savefile
+ '.config'
+ end
+ def load_savefile
+ begin
+ File.foreach(savefile()) do |line|
+ k, v = *line.split(/=/, 2)
+ self[k] = v.strip
+ end
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ setup_rb_error $!.message + "\n#{File.basename($0)} config first"
+ end
+ end
+ def save
+ @items.each {|i| i.value }
+ File.open(savefile(), 'w') {|f|
+ @items.each do |i|
+ f.printf "%s=%s\n", i.name, i.value if i.value? and i.value
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def load_standard_entries
+ standard_entries(@rbconfig).each do |ent|
+ add ent
+ end
+ end
+ def standard_entries(rbconfig)
+ c = rbconfig
+ rubypath = File.join(c['bindir'], c['ruby_install_name'] + c['EXEEXT'])
+ major = c['MAJOR'].to_i
+ minor = c['MINOR'].to_i
+ teeny = c['TEENY'].to_i
+ version = "#{major}.#{minor}"
+ # ruby ver. >= 1.4.4?
+ newpath_p = ((major >= 2) or
+ ((major == 1) and
+ ((minor >= 5) or
+ ((minor == 4) and (teeny >= 4)))))
+ if c['rubylibdir']
+ # V > 1.6.3
+ libruby = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby"
+ librubyver = c['rubylibdir']
+ librubyverarch = c['archdir']
+ siteruby = c['sitedir']
+ siterubyver = c['sitelibdir']
+ siterubyverarch = c['sitearchdir']
+ elsif newpath_p
+ # 1.4.4 <= V <= 1.6.3
+ libruby = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby"
+ librubyver = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}"
+ librubyverarch = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}/#{c['arch']}"
+ siteruby = c['sitedir']
+ siterubyver = "$siteruby/#{version}"
+ siterubyverarch = "$siterubyver/#{c['arch']}"
+ else
+ # V < 1.4.4
+ libruby = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby"
+ librubyver = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}"
+ librubyverarch = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}/#{c['arch']}"
+ siteruby = "#{c['prefix']}/lib/ruby/#{version}/site_ruby"
+ siterubyver = siteruby
+ siterubyverarch = "$siterubyver/#{c['arch']}"
+ end
+ parameterize = lambda {|path|
+ path.sub(/\A#{Regexp.quote(c['prefix'])}/, '$prefix')
+ }
+ if arg = c['configure_args'].split.detect {|arg| /--with-make-prog=/ =~ arg }
+ makeprog = arg.sub(/'/, '').split(/=/, 2)[1]
+ else
+ makeprog = 'make'
+ end
+ [
+ ExecItem.new('installdirs', 'std/site/home',
+ 'std: install under libruby; site: install under site_ruby; home: install under $HOME')\
+ {|val, table|
+ case val
+ when 'std'
+ table['rbdir'] = '$librubyver'
+ table['sodir'] = '$librubyverarch'
+ when 'site'
+ table['rbdir'] = '$siterubyver'
+ table['sodir'] = '$siterubyverarch'
+ when 'home'
+ setup_rb_error '$HOME was not set' unless ENV['HOME']
+ table['prefix'] = ENV['HOME']
+ table['rbdir'] = '$libdir/ruby'
+ table['sodir'] = '$libdir/ruby'
+ end
+ },
+ PathItem.new('prefix', 'path', c['prefix'],
+ 'path prefix of target environment'),
+ PathItem.new('bindir', 'path', parameterize.call(c['bindir']),
+ 'the directory for commands'),
+ PathItem.new('libdir', 'path', parameterize.call(c['libdir']),
+ 'the directory for libraries'),
+ PathItem.new('datadir', 'path', parameterize.call(c['datadir']),
+ 'the directory for shared data'),
+ PathItem.new('mandir', 'path', parameterize.call(c['mandir']),
+ 'the directory for man pages'),
+ PathItem.new('sysconfdir', 'path', parameterize.call(c['sysconfdir']),
+ 'the directory for system configuration files'),
+ PathItem.new('localstatedir', 'path', parameterize.call(c['localstatedir']),
+ 'the directory for local state data'),
+ PathItem.new('libruby', 'path', libruby,
+ 'the directory for ruby libraries'),
+ PathItem.new('librubyver', 'path', librubyver,
+ 'the directory for standard ruby libraries'),
+ PathItem.new('librubyverarch', 'path', librubyverarch,
+ 'the directory for standard ruby extensions'),
+ PathItem.new('siteruby', 'path', siteruby,
+ 'the directory for version-independent aux ruby libraries'),
+ PathItem.new('siterubyver', 'path', siterubyver,
+ 'the directory for aux ruby libraries'),
+ PathItem.new('siterubyverarch', 'path', siterubyverarch,
+ 'the directory for aux ruby binaries'),
+ PathItem.new('rbdir', 'path', '$siterubyver',
+ 'the directory for ruby scripts'),
+ PathItem.new('sodir', 'path', '$siterubyverarch',
+ 'the directory for ruby extentions'),
+ PathItem.new('rubypath', 'path', rubypath,
+ 'the path to set to #! line'),
+ ProgramItem.new('rubyprog', 'name', rubypath,
+ 'the ruby program using for installation'),
+ ProgramItem.new('makeprog', 'name', makeprog,
+ 'the make program to compile ruby extentions'),
+ SelectItem.new('shebang', 'all/ruby/never', 'ruby',
+ 'shebang line (#!) editing mode'),
+ BoolItem.new('without-ext', 'yes/no', 'no',
+ 'does not compile/install ruby extentions')
+ ]
+ end
+ private :standard_entries
+ def load_multipackage_entries
+ multipackage_entries().each do |ent|
+ add ent
+ end
+ end
+ def multipackage_entries
+ [
+ PackageSelectionItem.new('with', 'name,name...', '', 'ALL',
+ 'package names that you want to install'),
+ PackageSelectionItem.new('without', 'name,name...', '', 'NONE',
+ 'package names that you do not want to install')
+ ]
+ end
+ private :multipackage_entries
+ 'std-ruby' => 'librubyver',
+ 'stdruby' => 'librubyver',
+ 'rubylibdir' => 'librubyver',
+ 'archdir' => 'librubyverarch',
+ 'site-ruby-common' => 'siteruby', # For backward compatibility
+ 'site-ruby' => 'siterubyver', # For backward compatibility
+ 'bin-dir' => 'bindir',
+ 'bin-dir' => 'bindir',
+ 'rb-dir' => 'rbdir',
+ 'so-dir' => 'sodir',
+ 'data-dir' => 'datadir',
+ 'ruby-path' => 'rubypath',
+ 'ruby-prog' => 'rubyprog',
+ 'ruby' => 'rubyprog',
+ 'make-prog' => 'makeprog',
+ 'make' => 'makeprog'
+ }
+ def fixup
+ ALIASES.each do |ali, name|
+ @table[ali] = @table[name]
+ end
+ @items.freeze
+ @table.freeze
+ @options_re = /\A--(#{@table.keys.join('|')})(?:=(.*))?\z/
+ end
+ def parse_opt(opt)
+ m = @options_re.match(opt) or setup_rb_error "config: unknown option #{opt}"
+ m.to_a[1,2]
+ end
+ def dllext
+ @rbconfig['DLEXT']
+ end
+ def value_config?(name)
+ lookup(name).value?
+ end
+ class Item
+ def initialize(name, template, default, desc)
+ @name = name.freeze
+ @template = template
+ @value = default
+ @default = default
+ @description = desc
+ end
+ attr_reader :name
+ attr_reader :description
+ attr_accessor :default
+ alias help_default default
+ def help_opt
+ "--#{@name}=#{@template}"
+ end
+ def value?
+ true
+ end
+ def value
+ @value
+ end
+ def resolve(table)
+ @value.gsub(%r<\$([^/]+)>) { table[$1] }
+ end
+ def set(val)
+ @value = check(val)
+ end
+ private
+ def check(val)
+ setup_rb_error "config: --#{name} requires argument" unless val
+ val
+ end
+ end
+ class BoolItem < Item
+ def config_type
+ 'bool'
+ end
+ def help_opt
+ "--#{@name}"
+ end
+ private
+ def check(val)
+ return 'yes' unless val
+ case val
+ when /\Ay(es)?\z/i, /\At(rue)?\z/i then 'yes'
+ when /\An(o)?\z/i, /\Af(alse)\z/i then 'no'
+ else
+ setup_rb_error "config: --#{@name} accepts only yes/no for argument"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class PathItem < Item
+ def config_type
+ 'path'
+ end
+ private
+ def check(path)
+ setup_rb_error "config: --#{@name} requires argument" unless path
+ path[0,1] == '$' ? path : File.expand_path(path)
+ end
+ end
+ class ProgramItem < Item
+ def config_type
+ 'program'
+ end
+ end
+ class SelectItem < Item
+ def initialize(name, selection, default, desc)
+ super
+ @ok = selection.split('/')
+ end
+ def config_type
+ 'select'
+ end
+ private
+ def check(val)
+ unless @ok.include?(val.strip)
+ setup_rb_error "config: use --#{@name}=#{@template} (#{val})"
+ end
+ val.strip
+ end
+ end
+ class ExecItem < Item
+ def initialize(name, selection, desc, &block)
+ super name, selection, nil, desc
+ @ok = selection.split('/')
+ @action = block
+ end
+ def config_type
+ 'exec'
+ end
+ def value?
+ false
+ end
+ def resolve(table)
+ setup_rb_error "$#{name()} wrongly used as option value"
+ end
+ undef set
+ def evaluate(val, table)
+ v = val.strip.downcase
+ unless @ok.include?(v)
+ setup_rb_error "invalid option --#{@name}=#{val} (use #{@template})"
+ end
+ @action.call v, table
+ end
+ end
+ class PackageSelectionItem < Item
+ def initialize(name, template, default, help_default, desc)
+ super name, template, default, desc
+ @help_default = help_default
+ end
+ attr_reader :help_default
+ def config_type
+ 'package'
+ end
+ private
+ def check(val)
+ unless File.dir?("packages/#{val}")
+ setup_rb_error "config: no such package: #{val}"
+ end
+ val
+ end
+ end
+ class MetaConfigEnvironment
+ def initialize(config, installer)
+ @config = config
+ @installer = installer
+ end
+ def config_names
+ @config.names
+ end
+ def config?(name)
+ @config.key?(name)
+ end
+ def bool_config?(name)
+ @config.lookup(name).config_type == 'bool'
+ end
+ def path_config?(name)
+ @config.lookup(name).config_type == 'path'
+ end
+ def value_config?(name)
+ @config.lookup(name).config_type != 'exec'
+ end
+ def add_config(item)
+ @config.add item
+ end
+ def add_bool_config(name, default, desc)
+ @config.add BoolItem.new(name, 'yes/no', default ? 'yes' : 'no', desc)
+ end
+ def add_path_config(name, default, desc)
+ @config.add PathItem.new(name, 'path', default, desc)
+ end
+ def set_config_default(name, default)
+ @config.lookup(name).default = default
+ end
+ def remove_config(name)
+ @config.remove(name)
+ end
+ # For only multipackage
+ def packages
+ raise '[setup.rb fatal] multi-package metaconfig API packages() called for single-package; contact application package vendor' unless @installer
+ @installer.packages
+ end
+ # For only multipackage
+ def declare_packages(list)
+ raise '[setup.rb fatal] multi-package metaconfig API declare_packages() called for single-package; contact application package vendor' unless @installer
+ @installer.packages = list
+ end
+ end
+end # class ConfigTable
+# This module requires: #verbose?, #no_harm?
+module FileOperations
+ def mkdir_p(dirname, prefix = nil)
+ dirname = prefix + File.expand_path(dirname) if prefix
+ $stderr.puts "mkdir -p #{dirname}" if verbose?
+ return if no_harm?
+ # Does not check '/', it's too abnormal.
+ dirs = File.expand_path(dirname).split(%r<(?=/)>)
+ if /\A[a-z]:\z/i =~ dirs[0]
+ disk = dirs.shift
+ dirs[0] = disk + dirs[0]
+ end
+ dirs.each_index do |idx|
+ path = dirs[0..idx].join('')
+ Dir.mkdir path unless File.dir?(path)
+ end
+ end
+ def rm_f(path)
+ $stderr.puts "rm -f #{path}" if verbose?
+ return if no_harm?
+ force_remove_file path
+ end
+ def rm_rf(path)
+ $stderr.puts "rm -rf #{path}" if verbose?
+ return if no_harm?
+ remove_tree path
+ end
+ def remove_tree(path)
+ if File.symlink?(path)
+ remove_file path
+ elsif File.dir?(path)
+ remove_tree0 path
+ else
+ force_remove_file path
+ end
+ end
+ def remove_tree0(path)
+ Dir.foreach(path) do |ent|
+ next if ent == '.'
+ next if ent == '..'
+ entpath = "#{path}/#{ent}"
+ if File.symlink?(entpath)
+ remove_file entpath
+ elsif File.dir?(entpath)
+ remove_tree0 entpath
+ else
+ force_remove_file entpath
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ Dir.rmdir path
+ rescue Errno::ENOTEMPTY
+ # directory may not be empty
+ end
+ end
+ def move_file(src, dest)
+ force_remove_file dest
+ begin
+ File.rename src, dest
+ rescue
+ File.open(dest, 'wb') {|f|
+ f.write File.binread(src)
+ }
+ File.chmod File.stat(src).mode, dest
+ File.unlink src
+ end
+ end
+ def force_remove_file(path)
+ begin
+ remove_file path
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ def remove_file(path)
+ File.chmod 0777, path
+ File.unlink path
+ end
+ def install(from, dest, mode, prefix = nil)
+ $stderr.puts "install #{from} #{dest}" if verbose?
+ return if no_harm?
+ realdest = prefix ? prefix + File.expand_path(dest) : dest
+ realdest = File.join(realdest, File.basename(from)) if File.dir?(realdest)
+ str = File.binread(from)
+ if diff?(str, realdest)
+ verbose_off {
+ rm_f realdest if File.exist?(realdest)
+ }
+ File.open(realdest, 'wb') {|f|
+ f.write str
+ }
+ File.chmod mode, realdest
+ File.open("#{objdir_root()}/InstalledFiles", 'a') {|f|
+ if prefix
+ f.puts realdest.sub(prefix, '')
+ else
+ f.puts realdest
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def diff?(new_content, path)
+ return true unless File.exist?(path)
+ new_content != File.binread(path)
+ end
+ def command(*args)
+ $stderr.puts args.join(' ') if verbose?
+ system(*args) or raise RuntimeError,
+ "system(#{args.map{|a| a.inspect }.join(' ')}) failed"
+ end
+ def ruby(*args)
+ command config('rubyprog'), *args
+ end
+ def make(task = nil)
+ command(*[config('makeprog'), task].compact)
+ end
+ def extdir?(dir)
+ File.exist?("#{dir}/MANIFEST") or File.exist?("#{dir}/extconf.rb")
+ end
+ def files_of(dir)
+ Dir.open(dir) {|d|
+ return d.select {|ent| File.file?("#{dir}/#{ent}") }
+ }
+ end
+ DIR_REJECT = %w( . .. CVS SCCS RCS CVS.adm .svn )
+ def directories_of(dir)
+ Dir.open(dir) {|d|
+ return d.select {|ent| File.dir?("#{dir}/#{ent}") } - DIR_REJECT
+ }
+ end
+# This module requires: #srcdir_root, #objdir_root, #relpath
+module HookScriptAPI
+ def get_config(key)
+ @config[key]
+ end
+ alias config get_config
+ # obsolete: use metaconfig to change configuration
+ def set_config(key, val)
+ @config[key] = val
+ end
+ #
+ # srcdir/objdir (works only in the package directory)
+ #
+ def curr_srcdir
+ "#{srcdir_root()}/#{relpath()}"
+ end
+ def curr_objdir
+ "#{objdir_root()}/#{relpath()}"
+ end
+ def srcfile(path)
+ "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{path}"
+ end
+ def srcexist?(path)
+ File.exist?(srcfile(path))
+ end
+ def srcdirectory?(path)
+ File.dir?(srcfile(path))
+ end
+ def srcfile?(path)
+ File.file?(srcfile(path))
+ end
+ def srcentries(path = '.')
+ Dir.open("#{curr_srcdir()}/#{path}") {|d|
+ return d.to_a - %w(. ..)
+ }
+ end
+ def srcfiles(path = '.')
+ srcentries(path).select {|fname|
+ File.file?(File.join(curr_srcdir(), path, fname))
+ }
+ end
+ def srcdirectories(path = '.')
+ srcentries(path).select {|fname|
+ File.dir?(File.join(curr_srcdir(), path, fname))
+ }
+ end
+class ToplevelInstaller
+ Version = '3.4.1'
+ Copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Minero Aoki'
+ TASKS = [
+ [ 'all', 'do config, setup, then install' ],
+ [ 'config', 'saves your configurations' ],
+ [ 'show', 'shows current configuration' ],
+ [ 'setup', 'compiles ruby extentions and others' ],
+ [ 'install', 'installs files' ],
+ [ 'test', 'run all tests in test/' ],
+ [ 'clean', "does `make clean' for each extention" ],
+ [ 'distclean',"does `make distclean' for each extention" ]
+ ]
+ def ToplevelInstaller.invoke
+ config = ConfigTable.new(load_rbconfig())
+ config.load_standard_entries
+ config.load_multipackage_entries if multipackage?
+ config.fixup
+ klass = (multipackage?() ? ToplevelInstallerMulti : ToplevelInstaller)
+ klass.new(File.dirname($0), config).invoke
+ end
+ def ToplevelInstaller.multipackage?
+ File.dir?(File.dirname($0) + '/packages')
+ end
+ def ToplevelInstaller.load_rbconfig
+ if arg = ARGV.detect {|arg| /\A--rbconfig=/ =~ arg }
+ ARGV.delete(arg)
+ load File.expand_path(arg.split(/=/, 2)[1])
+ $".push 'rbconfig.rb'
+ else
+ require 'rbconfig'
+ end
+ ::Config::CONFIG
+ end
+ def initialize(ardir_root, config)
+ @ardir = File.expand_path(ardir_root)
+ @config = config
+ # cache
+ @valid_task_re = nil
+ end
+ def config(key)
+ @config[key]
+ end
+ def inspect
+ "#<#{self.class} #{__id__()}>"
+ end
+ def invoke
+ run_metaconfigs
+ case task = parsearg_global()
+ when nil, 'all'
+ parsearg_config
+ init_installers
+ exec_config
+ exec_setup
+ exec_install
+ else
+ case task
+ when 'config', 'test'
+ ;
+ when 'clean', 'distclean'
+ @config.load_savefile if File.exist?(@config.savefile)
+ else
+ @config.load_savefile
+ end
+ __send__ "parsearg_#{task}"
+ init_installers
+ __send__ "exec_#{task}"
+ end
+ end
+ def run_metaconfigs
+ @config.load_script "#{@ardir}/metaconfig"
+ end
+ def init_installers
+ @installer = Installer.new(@config, @ardir, File.expand_path('.'))
+ end
+ #
+ # Hook Script API bases
+ #
+ def srcdir_root
+ @ardir
+ end
+ def objdir_root
+ '.'
+ end
+ def relpath
+ '.'
+ end
+ #
+ # Option Parsing
+ #
+ def parsearg_global
+ while arg = ARGV.shift
+ case arg
+ when /\A\w+\z/
+ setup_rb_error "invalid task: #{arg}" unless valid_task?(arg)
+ return arg
+ when '-q', '--quiet'
+ @config.verbose = false
+ when '--verbose'
+ @config.verbose = true
+ when '--help'
+ print_usage $stdout
+ exit 0
+ when '--version'
+ puts "#{File.basename($0)} version #{Version}"
+ exit 0
+ when '--copyright'
+ puts Copyright
+ exit 0
+ else
+ setup_rb_error "unknown global option '#{arg}'"
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def valid_task?(t)
+ valid_task_re() =~ t
+ end
+ def valid_task_re
+ @valid_task_re ||= /\A(?:#{TASKS.map {|task,desc| task }.join('|')})\z/
+ end
+ def parsearg_no_options
+ unless ARGV.empty?
+ task = caller(0).first.slice(%r<`parsearg_(\w+)'>, 1)
+ setup_rb_error "#{task}: unknown options: #{ARGV.join(' ')}"
+ end
+ end
+ alias parsearg_show parsearg_no_options
+ alias parsearg_setup parsearg_no_options
+ alias parsearg_test parsearg_no_options
+ alias parsearg_clean parsearg_no_options
+ alias parsearg_distclean parsearg_no_options
+ def parsearg_config
+ evalopt = []
+ set = []
+ @config.config_opt = []
+ while i = ARGV.shift
+ if /\A--?\z/ =~ i
+ @config.config_opt = ARGV.dup
+ break
+ end
+ name, value = *@config.parse_opt(i)
+ if @config.value_config?(name)
+ @config[name] = value
+ else
+ evalopt.push [name, value]
+ end
+ set.push name
+ end
+ evalopt.each do |name, value|
+ @config.lookup(name).evaluate value, @config
+ end
+ # Check if configuration is valid
+ set.each do |n|
+ @config[n] if @config.value_config?(n)
+ end
+ end
+ def parsearg_install
+ @config.no_harm = false
+ @config.install_prefix = ''
+ while a = ARGV.shift
+ case a
+ when '--no-harm'
+ @config.no_harm = true
+ when /\A--prefix=/
+ path = a.split(/=/, 2)[1]
+ path = File.expand_path(path) unless path[0,1] == '/'
+ @config.install_prefix = path
+ else
+ setup_rb_error "install: unknown option #{a}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def print_usage(out)
+ out.puts 'Typical Installation Procedure:'
+ out.puts " $ ruby #{File.basename $0} config"
+ out.puts " $ ruby #{File.basename $0} setup"
+ out.puts " # ruby #{File.basename $0} install (may require root privilege)"
+ out.puts
+ out.puts 'Detailed Usage:'
+ out.puts " ruby #{File.basename $0} "
+ out.puts " ruby #{File.basename $0} [] []"
+ fmt = " %-24s %s\n"
+ out.puts
+ out.puts 'Global options:'
+ out.printf fmt, '-q,--quiet', 'suppress message outputs'
+ out.printf fmt, ' --verbose', 'output messages verbosely'
+ out.printf fmt, ' --help', 'print this message'
+ out.printf fmt, ' --version', 'print version and quit'
+ out.printf fmt, ' --copyright', 'print copyright and quit'
+ out.puts
+ out.puts 'Tasks:'
+ TASKS.each do |name, desc|
+ out.printf fmt, name, desc
+ end
+ fmt = " %-24s %s [%s]\n"
+ out.puts
+ out.puts 'Options for CONFIG or ALL:'
+ @config.each do |item|
+ out.printf fmt, item.help_opt, item.description, item.help_default
+ end
+ out.printf fmt, '--rbconfig=path', 'rbconfig.rb to load',"running ruby's"
+ out.puts
+ out.puts 'Options for INSTALL:'
+ out.printf fmt, '--no-harm', 'only display what to do if given', 'off'
+ out.printf fmt, '--prefix=path', 'install path prefix', ''
+ out.puts
+ end
+ #
+ # Task Handlers
+ #
+ def exec_config
+ @installer.exec_config
+ @config.save # must be final
+ end
+ def exec_setup
+ @installer.exec_setup
+ end
+ def exec_install
+ @installer.exec_install
+ end
+ def exec_test
+ @installer.exec_test
+ end
+ def exec_show
+ @config.each do |i|
+ printf "%-20s %s\n", i.name, i.value if i.value?
+ end
+ end
+ def exec_clean
+ @installer.exec_clean
+ end
+ def exec_distclean
+ @installer.exec_distclean
+ end
+end # class ToplevelInstaller
+class ToplevelInstallerMulti < ToplevelInstaller
+ include FileOperations
+ def initialize(ardir_root, config)
+ super
+ @packages = directories_of("#{@ardir}/packages")
+ raise 'no package exists' if @packages.empty?
+ @root_installer = Installer.new(@config, @ardir, File.expand_path('.'))
+ end
+ def run_metaconfigs
+ @config.load_script "#{@ardir}/metaconfig", self
+ @packages.each do |name|
+ @config.load_script "#{@ardir}/packages/#{name}/metaconfig"
+ end
+ end
+ attr_reader :packages
+ def packages=(list)
+ raise 'package list is empty' if list.empty?
+ list.each do |name|
+ raise "directory packages/#{name} does not exist"\
+ unless File.dir?("#{@ardir}/packages/#{name}")
+ end
+ @packages = list
+ end
+ def init_installers
+ @installers = {}
+ @packages.each do |pack|
+ @installers[pack] = Installer.new(@config,
+ "#{@ardir}/packages/#{pack}",
+ "packages/#{pack}")
+ end
+ with = extract_selection(config('with'))
+ without = extract_selection(config('without'))
+ @selected = @installers.keys.select {|name|
+ (with.empty? or with.include?(name)) \
+ and not without.include?(name)
+ }
+ end
+ def extract_selection(list)
+ a = list.split(/,/)
+ a.each do |name|
+ setup_rb_error "no such package: #{name}" unless @installers.key?(name)
+ end
+ a
+ end
+ def print_usage(f)
+ super
+ f.puts 'Inluded packages:'
+ f.puts ' ' + @packages.sort.join(' ')
+ f.puts
+ end
+ #
+ # Task Handlers
+ #
+ def exec_config
+ run_hook 'pre-config'
+ each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_config }
+ run_hook 'post-config'
+ @config.save # must be final
+ end
+ def exec_setup
+ run_hook 'pre-setup'
+ each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_setup }
+ run_hook 'post-setup'
+ end
+ def exec_install
+ run_hook 'pre-install'
+ each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_install }
+ run_hook 'post-install'
+ end
+ def exec_test
+ run_hook 'pre-test'
+ each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_test }
+ run_hook 'post-test'
+ end
+ def exec_clean
+ rm_f @config.savefile
+ run_hook 'pre-clean'
+ each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_clean }
+ run_hook 'post-clean'
+ end
+ def exec_distclean
+ rm_f @config.savefile
+ run_hook 'pre-distclean'
+ each_selected_installers {|inst| inst.exec_distclean }
+ run_hook 'post-distclean'
+ end
+ #
+ # lib
+ #
+ def each_selected_installers
+ Dir.mkdir 'packages' unless File.dir?('packages')
+ @selected.each do |pack|
+ $stderr.puts "Processing the package `#{pack}' ..." if verbose?
+ Dir.mkdir "packages/#{pack}" unless File.dir?("packages/#{pack}")
+ Dir.chdir "packages/#{pack}"
+ yield @installers[pack]
+ Dir.chdir '../..'
+ end
+ end
+ def run_hook(id)
+ @root_installer.run_hook id
+ end
+ # module FileOperations requires this
+ def verbose?
+ @config.verbose?
+ end
+ # module FileOperations requires this
+ def no_harm?
+ @config.no_harm?
+ end
+end # class ToplevelInstallerMulti
+class Installer
+ FILETYPES = %w( bin lib ext data conf man )
+ include FileOperations
+ include HookScriptAPI
+ def initialize(config, srcroot, objroot)
+ @config = config
+ @srcdir = File.expand_path(srcroot)
+ @objdir = File.expand_path(objroot)
+ @currdir = '.'
+ end
+ def inspect
+ "#<#{self.class} #{File.basename(@srcdir)}>"
+ end
+ def noop(rel)
+ end
+ #
+ # Hook Script API base methods
+ #
+ def srcdir_root
+ @srcdir
+ end
+ def objdir_root
+ @objdir
+ end
+ def relpath
+ @currdir
+ end
+ #
+ # Config Access
+ #
+ # module FileOperations requires this
+ def verbose?
+ @config.verbose?
+ end
+ # module FileOperations requires this
+ def no_harm?
+ @config.no_harm?
+ end
+ def verbose_off
+ begin
+ save, @config.verbose = @config.verbose?, false
+ yield
+ ensure
+ @config.verbose = save
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # TASK config
+ #
+ def exec_config
+ exec_task_traverse 'config'
+ end
+ alias config_dir_bin noop
+ alias config_dir_lib noop
+ def config_dir_ext(rel)
+ extconf if extdir?(curr_srcdir())
+ end
+ alias config_dir_data noop
+ alias config_dir_conf noop
+ alias config_dir_man noop
+ def extconf
+ ruby "#{curr_srcdir()}/extconf.rb", *@config.config_opt
+ end
+ #
+ # TASK setup
+ #
+ def exec_setup
+ exec_task_traverse 'setup'
+ end
+ def setup_dir_bin(rel)
+ files_of(curr_srcdir()).each do |fname|
+ update_shebang_line "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{fname}"
+ end
+ end
+ alias setup_dir_lib noop
+ def setup_dir_ext(rel)
+ make if extdir?(curr_srcdir())
+ end
+ alias setup_dir_data noop
+ alias setup_dir_conf noop
+ alias setup_dir_man noop
+ def update_shebang_line(path)
+ return if no_harm?
+ return if config('shebang') == 'never'
+ old = Shebang.load(path)
+ if old
+ $stderr.puts "warning: #{path}: Shebang line includes too many args. It is not portable and your program may not work." if old.args.size > 1
+ new = new_shebang(old)
+ return if new.to_s == old.to_s
+ else
+ return unless config('shebang') == 'all'
+ new = Shebang.new(config('rubypath'))
+ end
+ $stderr.puts "updating shebang: #{File.basename(path)}" if verbose?
+ open_atomic_writer(path) {|output|
+ File.open(path, 'rb') {|f|
+ f.gets if old # discard
+ output.puts new.to_s
+ output.print f.read
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def new_shebang(old)
+ if /\Aruby/ =~ File.basename(old.cmd)
+ Shebang.new(config('rubypath'), old.args)
+ elsif File.basename(old.cmd) == 'env' and old.args.first == 'ruby'
+ Shebang.new(config('rubypath'), old.args[1..-1])
+ else
+ return old unless config('shebang') == 'all'
+ Shebang.new(config('rubypath'))
+ end
+ end
+ def open_atomic_writer(path, &block)
+ tmpfile = File.basename(path) + '.tmp'
+ begin
+ File.open(tmpfile, 'wb', &block)
+ File.rename tmpfile, File.basename(path)
+ ensure
+ File.unlink tmpfile if File.exist?(tmpfile)
+ end
+ end
+ class Shebang
+ def Shebang.load(path)
+ line = nil
+ File.open(path) {|f|
+ line = f.gets
+ }
+ return nil unless /\A#!/ =~ line
+ parse(line)
+ end
+ def Shebang.parse(line)
+ cmd, *args = *line.strip.sub(/\A\#!/, '').split(' ')
+ new(cmd, args)
+ end
+ def initialize(cmd, args = [])
+ @cmd = cmd
+ @args = args
+ end
+ attr_reader :cmd
+ attr_reader :args
+ def to_s
+ "#! #{@cmd}" + (@args.empty? ? '' : " #{@args.join(' ')}")
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # TASK install
+ #
+ def exec_install
+ rm_f 'InstalledFiles'
+ exec_task_traverse 'install'
+ end
+ def install_dir_bin(rel)
+ install_files targetfiles(), "#{config('bindir')}/#{rel}", 0755
+ end
+ def install_dir_lib(rel)
+ install_files libfiles(), "#{config('rbdir')}/#{rel}", 0644
+ end
+ def install_dir_ext(rel)
+ return unless extdir?(curr_srcdir())
+ install_files rubyextentions('.'),
+ "#{config('sodir')}/#{File.dirname(rel)}",
+ 0555
+ end
+ def install_dir_data(rel)
+ install_files targetfiles(), "#{config('datadir')}/#{rel}", 0644
+ end
+ def install_dir_conf(rel)
+ # FIXME: should not remove current config files
+ # (rename previous file to .old/.org)
+ install_files targetfiles(), "#{config('sysconfdir')}/#{rel}", 0644
+ end
+ def install_dir_man(rel)
+ install_files targetfiles(), "#{config('mandir')}/#{rel}", 0644
+ end
+ def install_files(list, dest, mode)
+ mkdir_p dest, @config.install_prefix
+ list.each do |fname|
+ install fname, dest, mode, @config.install_prefix
+ end
+ end
+ def libfiles
+ glob_reject(%w(*.y *.output), targetfiles())
+ end
+ def rubyextentions(dir)
+ ents = glob_select("*.#{@config.dllext}", targetfiles())
+ if ents.empty?
+ setup_rb_error "no ruby extention exists: 'ruby #{$0} setup' first"
+ end
+ ents
+ end
+ def targetfiles
+ mapdir(existfiles() - hookfiles())
+ end
+ def mapdir(ents)
+ ents.map {|ent|
+ if File.exist?(ent)
+ then ent # objdir
+ else "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{ent}" # srcdir
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ # picked up many entries from cvs-1.11.1/src/ignore.c
+ JUNK_FILES = %w(
+ core RCSLOG tags TAGS .make.state
+ .nse_depinfo #* .#* cvslog.* ,* .del-* *.olb
+ *~ *.old *.bak *.BAK *.orig *.rej _$* *$
+ *.org *.in .*
+ )
+ def existfiles
+ glob_reject(JUNK_FILES, (files_of(curr_srcdir()) | files_of('.')))
+ end
+ def hookfiles
+ %w( pre-%s post-%s pre-%s.rb post-%s.rb ).map {|fmt|
+ %w( config setup install clean ).map {|t| sprintf(fmt, t) }
+ }.flatten
+ end
+ def glob_select(pat, ents)
+ re = globs2re([pat])
+ ents.select {|ent| re =~ ent }
+ end
+ def glob_reject(pats, ents)
+ re = globs2re(pats)
+ ents.reject {|ent| re =~ ent }
+ end
+ '.' => '\.',
+ '$' => '\$',
+ '#' => '\#',
+ '*' => '.*'
+ }
+ def globs2re(pats)
+ /\A(?:#{
+ pats.map {|pat| pat.gsub(/[\.\$\#\*]/) {|ch| GLOB2REGEX[ch] } }.join('|')
+ })\z/
+ end
+ #
+ # TASK test
+ #
+ TESTDIR = 'test'
+ def exec_test
+ unless File.directory?('test')
+ $stderr.puts 'no test in this package' if verbose?
+ return
+ end
+ $stderr.puts 'Running tests...' if verbose?
+ begin
+ require 'test/unit'
+ rescue LoadError
+ setup_rb_error 'test/unit cannot loaded. You need Ruby 1.8 or later to invoke this task.'
+ end
+ runner = Test::Unit::AutoRunner.new(true)
+ runner.to_run << TESTDIR
+ runner.run
+ end
+ #
+ # TASK clean
+ #
+ def exec_clean
+ exec_task_traverse 'clean'
+ rm_f @config.savefile
+ rm_f 'InstalledFiles'
+ end
+ alias clean_dir_bin noop
+ alias clean_dir_lib noop
+ alias clean_dir_data noop
+ alias clean_dir_conf noop
+ alias clean_dir_man noop
+ def clean_dir_ext(rel)
+ return unless extdir?(curr_srcdir())
+ make 'clean' if File.file?('Makefile')
+ end
+ #
+ # TASK distclean
+ #
+ def exec_distclean
+ exec_task_traverse 'distclean'
+ rm_f @config.savefile
+ rm_f 'InstalledFiles'
+ end
+ alias distclean_dir_bin noop
+ alias distclean_dir_lib noop
+ def distclean_dir_ext(rel)
+ return unless extdir?(curr_srcdir())
+ make 'distclean' if File.file?('Makefile')
+ end
+ alias distclean_dir_data noop
+ alias distclean_dir_conf noop
+ alias distclean_dir_man noop
+ #
+ # Traversing
+ #
+ def exec_task_traverse(task)
+ run_hook "pre-#{task}"
+ FILETYPES.each do |type|
+ if type == 'ext' and config('without-ext') == 'yes'
+ $stderr.puts 'skipping ext/* by user option' if verbose?
+ next
+ end
+ traverse task, type, "#{task}_dir_#{type}"
+ end
+ run_hook "post-#{task}"
+ end
+ def traverse(task, rel, mid)
+ dive_into(rel) {
+ run_hook "pre-#{task}"
+ __send__ mid, rel.sub(%r[\A.*?(?:/|\z)], '')
+ directories_of(curr_srcdir()).each do |d|
+ traverse task, "#{rel}/#{d}", mid
+ end
+ run_hook "post-#{task}"
+ }
+ end
+ def dive_into(rel)
+ return unless File.dir?("#{@srcdir}/#{rel}")
+ dir = File.basename(rel)
+ Dir.mkdir dir unless File.dir?(dir)
+ prevdir = Dir.pwd
+ Dir.chdir dir
+ $stderr.puts '---> ' + rel if verbose?
+ @currdir = rel
+ yield
+ Dir.chdir prevdir
+ $stderr.puts '<--- ' + rel if verbose?
+ @currdir = File.dirname(rel)
+ end
+ def run_hook(id)
+ path = [ "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{id}",
+ "#{curr_srcdir()}/#{id}.rb" ].detect {|cand| File.file?(cand) }
+ return unless path
+ begin
+ instance_eval File.read(path), path, 1
+ rescue
+ raise if $DEBUG
+ setup_rb_error "hook #{path} failed:\n" + $!.message
+ end
+ end
+end # class Installer
+class SetupError < StandardError; end
+def setup_rb_error(msg)
+ raise SetupError, msg
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ begin
+ ToplevelInstaller.invoke
+ rescue SetupError
+ raise if $DEBUG
+ $stderr.puts $!.message
+ $stderr.puts "Try 'ruby #{$0} --help' for detailed usage."
+ exit 1
+ end
diff --git a/tasks/deployment.rake b/tasks/deployment.rake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f437425b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/deployment.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+desc 'Release the website and new gem version'
+task :deploy => [:check_version, :website, :release] do
+ puts "Remember to create SVN tag:"
+ puts "svn copy svn+ssh://#{rubyforge_username}@rubyforge.org/var/svn/#{PATH}/trunk " +
+ "svn+ssh://#{rubyforge_username}@rubyforge.org/var/svn/#{PATH}/tags/REL-#{VERS} "
+ puts "Suggested comment:"
+ puts "Tagging release #{CHANGES}"
+desc 'Runs tasks website_generate and install_gem as a local deployment of the gem'
+task :local_deploy => [:website_generate, :install_gem]
+task :check_version do
+ unless ENV['VERSION']
+ puts 'Must pass a VERSION=x.y.z release version'
+ exit
+ end
+ unless ENV['VERSION'] == VERS
+ puts "Please update your version.rb to match the release version, currently #{VERS}"
+ exit
+ end
+desc 'Install the package as a gem, without generating documentation(ri/rdoc)'
+task :install_gem_no_doc => [:clean, :package] do
+ sh "#{'sudo ' unless Hoe::WINDOZE }gem install pkg/*.gem --no-rdoc --no-ri"
+namespace :manifest do
+ desc 'Recreate Manifest.txt to include ALL files'
+ task :refresh do
+ `rake check_manifest | patch -p0 > Manifest.txt`
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tasks/environment.rake b/tasks/environment.rake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..691ed3b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/environment.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+task :ruby_env do
+ RUBY_APP = if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/
+ "jruby"
+ else
+ "ruby"
+ end unless defined? RUBY_APP
diff --git a/tasks/website.rake b/tasks/website.rake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93e03faa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/website.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+desc 'Generate website files'
+task :website_generate => :ruby_env do
+ (Dir['website/**/*.txt'] - Dir['website/version*.txt']).each do |txt|
+ sh %{ #{RUBY_APP} script/txt2html #{txt} > #{txt.gsub(/txt$/,'html')} }
+ end
+desc 'Upload website files to rubyforge'
+task :website_upload do
+ host = "#{rubyforge_username}@rubyforge.org"
+ remote_dir = "/var/www/gforge-projects/#{PATH}/"
+ local_dir = 'website'
+ sh %{rsync -aCv #{local_dir}/ #{host}:#{remote_dir}}
+desc 'Generate and upload website files'
+task :website => [:website_generate, :website_upload, :publish_docs]
diff --git a/test/test_annotate_models.rb b/test/test_annotate_models.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..628b94b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_annotate_models.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb'
+class TestAnnotateModels < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ end
+ def test_truth
+ assert true
+ end
diff --git a/test/test_helper.rb b/test/test_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30f83d987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/annotate_models'
diff --git a/website/index.html b/website/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a5da3bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ annotate_models
→ ‘annotate_models’
sudo gem install annotate_models
The basics
Demonstration of usage
TODO – create Google Group – annotate_models
How to submit patches
Read the 8 steps for fixing other people’s code and for section 8b: Submit patch to Google Groups , use the Google Group above.
The trunk repository is svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/annotate_models/trunk
for anonymous access.
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.
Comments are welcome. Send an email to FIXME full name email via the forum
+ FIXME full name , 27th February 2008
+ Theme extended from Paul Battley
diff --git a/website/index.txt b/website/index.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c699468b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/index.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+h1. annotate_models
+h1. → 'annotate_models'
+h2. What
+h2. Installing
+sudo gem install annotate_models
+h2. The basics
+h2. Demonstration of usage
+h2. Forum
+TODO - create Google Group - annotate_models
+h2. How to submit patches
+Read the "8 steps for fixing other people's code":http://drnicwilliams.com/2007/06/01/8-steps-for-fixing-other-peoples-code/ and for section "8b: Submit patch to Google Groups":http://drnicwilliams.com/2007/06/01/8-steps-for-fixing-other-peoples-code/#8b-google-groups, use the Google Group above.
+The trunk repository is svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/annotate_models/trunk
for anonymous access.
+h2. License
+This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.
+h2. Contact
+Comments are welcome. Send an email to "FIXME full name":mailto:FIXME email via the "forum":http://groups.google.com/group/annotate_models
diff --git a/website/javascripts/rounded_corners_lite.inc.js b/website/javascripts/rounded_corners_lite.inc.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..afc3ea327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/javascripts/rounded_corners_lite.inc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ /****************************************************************
+ * *
+ * curvyCorners *
+ * ------------ *
+ * *
+ * This script generates rounded corners for your divs. *
+ * *
+ * Version 1.2.9 *
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 Cameron Cooke *
+ * By: Cameron Cooke and Tim Hutchison. *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * Website: http://www.curvycorners.net *
+ * Email: info@totalinfinity.com *
+ * Forum: http://www.curvycorners.net/forum/ *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute *
+ * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *
+ * Lesser General Public License as published by the *
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the *
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will *
+ * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the *
+ * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A *
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public *
+ * License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser *
+ * General Public License along with this library; *
+ * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, *
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA *
+ * *
+ ****************************************************************/
+var isIE = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") > -1; var isMoz = document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument; var isSafari = ((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari')!=-1)&&(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac')!=-1))?true:false; function curvyCorners()
+{ if(typeof(arguments[0]) != "object") throw newCurvyError("First parameter of curvyCorners() must be an object."); if(typeof(arguments[1]) != "object" && typeof(arguments[1]) != "string") throw newCurvyError("Second parameter of curvyCorners() must be an object or a class name."); if(typeof(arguments[1]) == "string")
+{ var startIndex = 0; var boxCol = getElementsByClass(arguments[1]);}
+{ var startIndex = 1; var boxCol = arguments;}
+var curvyCornersCol = new Array(); if(arguments[0].validTags)
+var validElements = arguments[0].validTags; else
+var validElements = ["div"]; for(var i = startIndex, j = boxCol.length; i < j; i++)
+{ var currentTag = boxCol[i].tagName.toLowerCase(); if(inArray(validElements, currentTag) !== false)
+{ curvyCornersCol[curvyCornersCol.length] = new curvyObject(arguments[0], boxCol[i]);}
+this.objects = curvyCornersCol; this.applyCornersToAll = function()
+{ for(var x = 0, k = this.objects.length; x < k; x++)
+{ this.objects[x].applyCorners();}
+function curvyObject()
+{ this.box = arguments[1]; this.settings = arguments[0]; this.topContainer = null; this.bottomContainer = null; this.masterCorners = new Array(); this.contentDIV = null; var boxHeight = get_style(this.box, "height", "height"); var boxWidth = get_style(this.box, "width", "width"); var borderWidth = get_style(this.box, "borderTopWidth", "border-top-width"); var borderColour = get_style(this.box, "borderTopColor", "border-top-color"); var boxColour = get_style(this.box, "backgroundColor", "background-color"); var backgroundImage = get_style(this.box, "backgroundImage", "background-image"); var boxPosition = get_style(this.box, "position", "position"); var boxPadding = get_style(this.box, "paddingTop", "padding-top"); this.boxHeight = parseInt(((boxHeight != "" && boxHeight != "auto" && boxHeight.indexOf("%") == -1)? boxHeight.substring(0, boxHeight.indexOf("px")) : this.box.scrollHeight)); this.boxWidth = parseInt(((boxWidth != "" && boxWidth != "auto" && boxWidth.indexOf("%") == -1)? boxWidth.substring(0, boxWidth.indexOf("px")) : this.box.scrollWidth)); this.borderWidth = parseInt(((borderWidth != "" && borderWidth.indexOf("px") !== -1)? borderWidth.slice(0, borderWidth.indexOf("px")) : 0)); this.boxColour = format_colour(boxColour); this.boxPadding = parseInt(((boxPadding != "" && boxPadding.indexOf("px") !== -1)? boxPadding.slice(0, boxPadding.indexOf("px")) : 0)); this.borderColour = format_colour(borderColour); this.borderString = this.borderWidth + "px" + " solid " + this.borderColour; this.backgroundImage = ((backgroundImage != "none")? backgroundImage : ""); this.boxContent = this.box.innerHTML; if(boxPosition != "absolute") this.box.style.position = "relative"; this.box.style.padding = "0px"; if(isIE && boxWidth == "auto" && boxHeight == "auto") this.box.style.width = "100%"; if(this.settings.autoPad == true && this.boxPadding > 0)
+this.box.innerHTML = ""; this.applyCorners = function()
+{ for(var t = 0; t < 2; t++)
+{ switch(t)
+{ case 0:
+if(this.settings.tl || this.settings.tr)
+{ var newMainContainer = document.createElement("DIV"); newMainContainer.style.width = "100%"; newMainContainer.style.fontSize = "1px"; newMainContainer.style.overflow = "hidden"; newMainContainer.style.position = "absolute"; newMainContainer.style.paddingLeft = this.borderWidth + "px"; newMainContainer.style.paddingRight = this.borderWidth + "px"; var topMaxRadius = Math.max(this.settings.tl ? this.settings.tl.radius : 0, this.settings.tr ? this.settings.tr.radius : 0); newMainContainer.style.height = topMaxRadius + "px"; newMainContainer.style.top = 0 - topMaxRadius + "px"; newMainContainer.style.left = 0 - this.borderWidth + "px"; this.topContainer = this.box.appendChild(newMainContainer);}
+break; case 1:
+if(this.settings.bl || this.settings.br)
+{ var newMainContainer = document.createElement("DIV"); newMainContainer.style.width = "100%"; newMainContainer.style.fontSize = "1px"; newMainContainer.style.overflow = "hidden"; newMainContainer.style.position = "absolute"; newMainContainer.style.paddingLeft = this.borderWidth + "px"; newMainContainer.style.paddingRight = this.borderWidth + "px"; var botMaxRadius = Math.max(this.settings.bl ? this.settings.bl.radius : 0, this.settings.br ? this.settings.br.radius : 0); newMainContainer.style.height = botMaxRadius + "px"; newMainContainer.style.bottom = 0 - botMaxRadius + "px"; newMainContainer.style.left = 0 - this.borderWidth + "px"; this.bottomContainer = this.box.appendChild(newMainContainer);}
+if(this.topContainer) this.box.style.borderTopWidth = "0px"; if(this.bottomContainer) this.box.style.borderBottomWidth = "0px"; var corners = ["tr", "tl", "br", "bl"]; for(var i in corners)
+{ if(i > -1 < 4)
+{ var cc = corners[i]; if(!this.settings[cc])
+{ if(((cc == "tr" || cc == "tl") && this.topContainer != null) || ((cc == "br" || cc == "bl") && this.bottomContainer != null))
+{ var newCorner = document.createElement("DIV"); newCorner.style.position = "relative"; newCorner.style.fontSize = "1px"; newCorner.style.overflow = "hidden"; if(this.backgroundImage == "")
+newCorner.style.backgroundColor = this.boxColour; else
+newCorner.style.backgroundImage = this.backgroundImage; switch(cc)
+{ case "tl":
+newCorner.style.height = topMaxRadius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newCorner.style.marginRight = this.settings.tr.radius - (this.borderWidth*2) + "px"; newCorner.style.borderLeft = this.borderString; newCorner.style.borderTop = this.borderString; newCorner.style.left = -this.borderWidth + "px"; break; case "tr":
+newCorner.style.height = topMaxRadius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newCorner.style.marginLeft = this.settings.tl.radius - (this.borderWidth*2) + "px"; newCorner.style.borderRight = this.borderString; newCorner.style.borderTop = this.borderString; newCorner.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (topMaxRadius + this.borderWidth) + "px 0px"; newCorner.style.left = this.borderWidth + "px"; break; case "bl":
+newCorner.style.height = botMaxRadius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newCorner.style.marginRight = this.settings.br.radius - (this.borderWidth*2) + "px"; newCorner.style.borderLeft = this.borderString; newCorner.style.borderBottom = this.borderString; newCorner.style.left = -this.borderWidth + "px"; newCorner.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (this.borderWidth) + "px -" + (this.boxHeight + (botMaxRadius + this.borderWidth)) + "px"; break; case "br":
+newCorner.style.height = botMaxRadius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newCorner.style.marginLeft = this.settings.bl.radius - (this.borderWidth*2) + "px"; newCorner.style.borderRight = this.borderString; newCorner.style.borderBottom = this.borderString; newCorner.style.left = this.borderWidth + "px"
+newCorner.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (botMaxRadius + this.borderWidth) + "px -" + (this.boxHeight + (botMaxRadius + this.borderWidth)) + "px"; break;}
+{ if(this.masterCorners[this.settings[cc].radius])
+{ var newCorner = this.masterCorners[this.settings[cc].radius].cloneNode(true);}
+{ var newCorner = document.createElement("DIV"); newCorner.style.height = this.settings[cc].radius + "px"; newCorner.style.width = this.settings[cc].radius + "px"; newCorner.style.position = "absolute"; newCorner.style.fontSize = "1px"; newCorner.style.overflow = "hidden"; var borderRadius = parseInt(this.settings[cc].radius - this.borderWidth); for(var intx = 0, j = this.settings[cc].radius; intx < j; intx++)
+{ if((intx +1) >= borderRadius)
+var y1 = -1; else
+var y1 = (Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(borderRadius, 2) - Math.pow((intx+1), 2))) - 1); if(borderRadius != j)
+{ if((intx) >= borderRadius)
+var y2 = -1; else
+var y2 = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(borderRadius,2) - Math.pow(intx, 2))); if((intx+1) >= j)
+var y3 = -1; else
+var y3 = (Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(j ,2) - Math.pow((intx+1), 2))) - 1);}
+if((intx) >= j)
+var y4 = -1; else
+var y4 = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(j ,2) - Math.pow(intx, 2))); if(y1 > -1) this.drawPixel(intx, 0, this.boxColour, 100, (y1+1), newCorner, -1, this.settings[cc].radius); if(borderRadius != j)
+{ for(var inty = (y1 + 1); inty < y2; inty++)
+{ if(this.settings.antiAlias)
+{ if(this.backgroundImage != "")
+{ var borderFract = (pixelFraction(intx, inty, borderRadius) * 100); if(borderFract < 30)
+{ this.drawPixel(intx, inty, this.borderColour, 100, 1, newCorner, 0, this.settings[cc].radius);}
+{ this.drawPixel(intx, inty, this.borderColour, 100, 1, newCorner, -1, this.settings[cc].radius);}
+{ var pixelcolour = BlendColour(this.boxColour, this.borderColour, pixelFraction(intx, inty, borderRadius)); this.drawPixel(intx, inty, pixelcolour, 100, 1, newCorner, 0, this.settings[cc].radius, cc);}
+{ if(y3 >= y2)
+{ if (y2 == -1) y2 = 0; this.drawPixel(intx, y2, this.borderColour, 100, (y3 - y2 + 1), newCorner, 0, 0);}
+{ if(y3 >= y1)
+{ this.drawPixel(intx, (y1 + 1), this.borderColour, 100, (y3 - y1), newCorner, 0, 0);}
+var outsideColour = this.borderColour;}
+{ var outsideColour = this.boxColour; var y3 = y1;}
+{ for(var inty = (y3 + 1); inty < y4; inty++)
+{ this.drawPixel(intx, inty, outsideColour, (pixelFraction(intx, inty , j) * 100), 1, newCorner, ((this.borderWidth > 0)? 0 : -1), this.settings[cc].radius);}
+this.masterCorners[this.settings[cc].radius] = newCorner.cloneNode(true);}
+if(cc != "br")
+{ for(var t = 0, k = newCorner.childNodes.length; t < k; t++)
+{ var pixelBar = newCorner.childNodes[t]; var pixelBarTop = parseInt(pixelBar.style.top.substring(0, pixelBar.style.top.indexOf("px"))); var pixelBarLeft = parseInt(pixelBar.style.left.substring(0, pixelBar.style.left.indexOf("px"))); var pixelBarHeight = parseInt(pixelBar.style.height.substring(0, pixelBar.style.height.indexOf("px"))); if(cc == "tl" || cc == "bl"){ pixelBar.style.left = this.settings[cc].radius -pixelBarLeft -1 + "px";}
+if(cc == "tr" || cc == "tl"){ pixelBar.style.top = this.settings[cc].radius -pixelBarHeight -pixelBarTop + "px";}
+{ case "tr":
+pixelBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + Math.abs((this.boxWidth - this.settings[cc].radius + this.borderWidth) + pixelBarLeft) + "px -" + Math.abs(this.settings[cc].radius -pixelBarHeight -pixelBarTop - this.borderWidth) + "px"; break; case "tl":
+pixelBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + Math.abs((this.settings[cc].radius -pixelBarLeft -1) - this.borderWidth) + "px -" + Math.abs(this.settings[cc].radius -pixelBarHeight -pixelBarTop - this.borderWidth) + "px"; break; case "bl":
+pixelBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + Math.abs((this.settings[cc].radius -pixelBarLeft -1) - this.borderWidth) + "px -" + Math.abs((this.boxHeight + this.settings[cc].radius + pixelBarTop) -this.borderWidth) + "px"; break;}
+{ switch(cc)
+{ case "tl":
+if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.top = "0px"; if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.left = "0px"; if(this.topContainer) this.topContainer.appendChild(newCorner); break; case "tr":
+if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.top = "0px"; if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.right = "0px"; if(this.topContainer) this.topContainer.appendChild(newCorner); break; case "bl":
+if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.bottom = "0px"; if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.left = "0px"; if(this.bottomContainer) this.bottomContainer.appendChild(newCorner); break; case "br":
+if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.bottom = "0px"; if(newCorner.style.position == "absolute") newCorner.style.right = "0px"; if(this.bottomContainer) this.bottomContainer.appendChild(newCorner); break;}
+var radiusDiff = new Array(); radiusDiff["t"] = Math.abs(this.settings.tl.radius - this.settings.tr.radius)
+radiusDiff["b"] = Math.abs(this.settings.bl.radius - this.settings.br.radius); for(z in radiusDiff)
+{ if(z == "t" || z == "b")
+{ if(radiusDiff[z])
+{ var smallerCornerType = ((this.settings[z + "l"].radius < this.settings[z + "r"].radius)? z +"l" : z +"r"); var newFiller = document.createElement("DIV"); newFiller.style.height = radiusDiff[z] + "px"; newFiller.style.width = this.settings[smallerCornerType].radius+ "px"
+newFiller.style.position = "absolute"; newFiller.style.fontSize = "1px"; newFiller.style.overflow = "hidden"; newFiller.style.backgroundColor = this.boxColour; switch(smallerCornerType)
+{ case "tl":
+newFiller.style.bottom = "0px"; newFiller.style.left = "0px"; newFiller.style.borderLeft = this.borderString; this.topContainer.appendChild(newFiller); break; case "tr":
+newFiller.style.bottom = "0px"; newFiller.style.right = "0px"; newFiller.style.borderRight = this.borderString; this.topContainer.appendChild(newFiller); break; case "bl":
+newFiller.style.top = "0px"; newFiller.style.left = "0px"; newFiller.style.borderLeft = this.borderString; this.bottomContainer.appendChild(newFiller); break; case "br":
+newFiller.style.top = "0px"; newFiller.style.right = "0px"; newFiller.style.borderRight = this.borderString; this.bottomContainer.appendChild(newFiller); break;}
+var newFillerBar = document.createElement("DIV"); newFillerBar.style.position = "relative"; newFillerBar.style.fontSize = "1px"; newFillerBar.style.overflow = "hidden"; newFillerBar.style.backgroundColor = this.boxColour; newFillerBar.style.backgroundImage = this.backgroundImage; switch(z)
+{ case "t":
+{ if(this.settings.tl.radius && this.settings.tr.radius)
+{ newFillerBar.style.height = topMaxRadius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newFillerBar.style.marginLeft = this.settings.tl.radius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newFillerBar.style.marginRight = this.settings.tr.radius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newFillerBar.style.borderTop = this.borderString; if(this.backgroundImage != "")
+newFillerBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (topMaxRadius + this.borderWidth) + "px 0px"; this.topContainer.appendChild(newFillerBar);}
+this.box.style.backgroundPosition = "0px -" + (topMaxRadius - this.borderWidth) + "px";}
+break; case "b":
+{ if(this.settings.bl.radius && this.settings.br.radius)
+{ newFillerBar.style.height = botMaxRadius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newFillerBar.style.marginLeft = this.settings.bl.radius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newFillerBar.style.marginRight = this.settings.br.radius - this.borderWidth + "px"; newFillerBar.style.borderBottom = this.borderString; if(this.backgroundImage != "")
+newFillerBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (botMaxRadius + this.borderWidth) + "px -" + (this.boxHeight + (topMaxRadius + this.borderWidth)) + "px"; this.bottomContainer.appendChild(newFillerBar);}
+if(this.settings.autoPad == true && this.boxPadding > 0)
+{ var contentContainer = document.createElement("DIV"); contentContainer.style.position = "relative"; contentContainer.innerHTML = this.boxContent; contentContainer.className = "autoPadDiv"; var topPadding = Math.abs(topMaxRadius - this.boxPadding); var botPadding = Math.abs(botMaxRadius - this.boxPadding); if(topMaxRadius < this.boxPadding)
+contentContainer.style.paddingTop = topPadding + "px"; if(botMaxRadius < this.boxPadding)
+contentContainer.style.paddingBottom = botMaxRadius + "px"; contentContainer.style.paddingLeft = this.boxPadding + "px"; contentContainer.style.paddingRight = this.boxPadding + "px"; this.contentDIV = this.box.appendChild(contentContainer);}
+this.drawPixel = function(intx, inty, colour, transAmount, height, newCorner, image, cornerRadius)
+{ var pixel = document.createElement("DIV"); pixel.style.height = height + "px"; pixel.style.width = "1px"; pixel.style.position = "absolute"; pixel.style.fontSize = "1px"; pixel.style.overflow = "hidden"; var topMaxRadius = Math.max(this.settings["tr"].radius, this.settings["tl"].radius); if(image == -1 && this.backgroundImage != "")
+{ pixel.style.backgroundImage = this.backgroundImage; pixel.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (this.boxWidth - (cornerRadius - intx) + this.borderWidth) + "px -" + ((this.boxHeight + topMaxRadius + inty) -this.borderWidth) + "px";}
+{ pixel.style.backgroundColor = colour;}
+if (transAmount != 100)
+setOpacity(pixel, transAmount); pixel.style.top = inty + "px"; pixel.style.left = intx + "px"; newCorner.appendChild(pixel);}
+function insertAfter(parent, node, referenceNode)
+{ parent.insertBefore(node, referenceNode.nextSibling);}
+function BlendColour(Col1, Col2, Col1Fraction)
+{ var red1 = parseInt(Col1.substr(1,2),16); var green1 = parseInt(Col1.substr(3,2),16); var blue1 = parseInt(Col1.substr(5,2),16); var red2 = parseInt(Col2.substr(1,2),16); var green2 = parseInt(Col2.substr(3,2),16); var blue2 = parseInt(Col2.substr(5,2),16); if(Col1Fraction > 1 || Col1Fraction < 0) Col1Fraction = 1; var endRed = Math.round((red1 * Col1Fraction) + (red2 * (1 - Col1Fraction))); if(endRed > 255) endRed = 255; if(endRed < 0) endRed = 0; var endGreen = Math.round((green1 * Col1Fraction) + (green2 * (1 - Col1Fraction))); if(endGreen > 255) endGreen = 255; if(endGreen < 0) endGreen = 0; var endBlue = Math.round((blue1 * Col1Fraction) + (blue2 * (1 - Col1Fraction))); if(endBlue > 255) endBlue = 255; if(endBlue < 0) endBlue = 0; return "#" + IntToHex(endRed)+ IntToHex(endGreen)+ IntToHex(endBlue);}
+function IntToHex(strNum)
+{ base = strNum / 16; rem = strNum % 16; base = base - (rem / 16); baseS = MakeHex(base); remS = MakeHex(rem); return baseS + '' + remS;}
+function MakeHex(x)
+{ if((x >= 0) && (x <= 9))
+{ return x;}
+{ switch(x)
+{ case 10: return "A"; case 11: return "B"; case 12: return "C"; case 13: return "D"; case 14: return "E"; case 15: return "F";}
+function pixelFraction(x, y, r)
+{ var pixelfraction = 0; var xvalues = new Array(1); var yvalues = new Array(1); var point = 0; var whatsides = ""; var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r,2) - Math.pow(x,2))); if ((intersect >= y) && (intersect < (y+1)))
+{ whatsides = "Left"; xvalues[point] = 0; yvalues[point] = intersect - y; point = point + 1;}
+var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r,2) - Math.pow(y+1,2))); if ((intersect >= x) && (intersect < (x+1)))
+{ whatsides = whatsides + "Top"; xvalues[point] = intersect - x; yvalues[point] = 1; point = point + 1;}
+var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r,2) - Math.pow(x+1,2))); if ((intersect >= y) && (intersect < (y+1)))
+{ whatsides = whatsides + "Right"; xvalues[point] = 1; yvalues[point] = intersect - y; point = point + 1;}
+var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r,2) - Math.pow(y,2))); if ((intersect >= x) && (intersect < (x+1)))
+{ whatsides = whatsides + "Bottom"; xvalues[point] = intersect - x; yvalues[point] = 0;}
+switch (whatsides)
+{ case "LeftRight":
+pixelfraction = Math.min(yvalues[0],yvalues[1]) + ((Math.max(yvalues[0],yvalues[1]) - Math.min(yvalues[0],yvalues[1]))/2); break; case "TopRight":
+pixelfraction = 1-(((1-xvalues[0])*(1-yvalues[1]))/2); break; case "TopBottom":
+pixelfraction = Math.min(xvalues[0],xvalues[1]) + ((Math.max(xvalues[0],xvalues[1]) - Math.min(xvalues[0],xvalues[1]))/2); break; case "LeftBottom":
+pixelfraction = (yvalues[0]*xvalues[1])/2; break; default:
+pixelfraction = 1;}
+return pixelfraction;}
+function rgb2Hex(rgbColour)
+{ try{ var rgbArray = rgb2Array(rgbColour); var red = parseInt(rgbArray[0]); var green = parseInt(rgbArray[1]); var blue = parseInt(rgbArray[2]); var hexColour = "#" + IntToHex(red) + IntToHex(green) + IntToHex(blue);}
+catch(e){ alert("There was an error converting the RGB value to Hexadecimal in function rgb2Hex");}
+return hexColour;}
+function rgb2Array(rgbColour)
+{ var rgbValues = rgbColour.substring(4, rgbColour.indexOf(")")); var rgbArray = rgbValues.split(", "); return rgbArray;}
+function setOpacity(obj, opacity)
+{ opacity = (opacity == 100)?99.999:opacity; if(isSafari && obj.tagName != "IFRAME")
+{ var rgbArray = rgb2Array(obj.style.backgroundColor); var red = parseInt(rgbArray[0]); var green = parseInt(rgbArray[1]); var blue = parseInt(rgbArray[2]); obj.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(" + red + ", " + green + ", " + blue + ", " + opacity/100 + ")";}
+else if(typeof(obj.style.opacity) != "undefined")
+{ obj.style.opacity = opacity/100;}
+else if(typeof(obj.style.MozOpacity) != "undefined")
+{ obj.style.MozOpacity = opacity/100;}
+else if(typeof(obj.style.filter) != "undefined")
+{ obj.style.filter = "alpha(opacity:" + opacity + ")";}
+else if(typeof(obj.style.KHTMLOpacity) != "undefined")
+{ obj.style.KHTMLOpacity = opacity/100;}
+function inArray(array, value)
+{ for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ if (array[i] === value) return i;}
+return false;}
+function inArrayKey(array, value)
+{ for(key in array){ if(key === value) return true;}
+return false;}
+function addEvent(elm, evType, fn, useCapture) { if (elm.addEventListener) { elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); return true;}
+else if (elm.attachEvent) { var r = elm.attachEvent('on' + evType, fn); return r;}
+else { elm['on' + evType] = fn;}
+function removeEvent(obj, evType, fn, useCapture){ if (obj.removeEventListener){ obj.removeEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); return true;} else if (obj.detachEvent){ var r = obj.detachEvent("on"+evType, fn); return r;} else { alert("Handler could not be removed");}
+function format_colour(colour)
+{ var returnColour = "#ffffff"; if(colour != "" && colour != "transparent")
+{ if(colour.substr(0, 3) == "rgb")
+{ returnColour = rgb2Hex(colour);}
+else if(colour.length == 4)
+{ returnColour = "#" + colour.substring(1, 2) + colour.substring(1, 2) + colour.substring(2, 3) + colour.substring(2, 3) + colour.substring(3, 4) + colour.substring(3, 4);}
+{ returnColour = colour;}
+return returnColour;}
+function get_style(obj, property, propertyNS)
+{ try
+{ if(obj.currentStyle)
+{ var returnVal = eval("obj.currentStyle." + property);}
+{ if(isSafari && obj.style.display == "none")
+{ obj.style.display = ""; var wasHidden = true;}
+var returnVal = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, '').getPropertyValue(propertyNS); if(isSafari && wasHidden)
+{ obj.style.display = "none";}
+{ }
+return returnVal;}
+function getElementsByClass(searchClass, node, tag)
+{ var classElements = new Array(); if(node == null)
+node = document; if(tag == null)
+tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\s)"+searchClass+"(\s|$)"); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++)
+{ if(pattern.test(els[i].className))
+{ classElements[j] = els[i]; j++;}
+return classElements;}
+function newCurvyError(errorMessage)
+{ return new Error("curvyCorners Error:\n" + errorMessage)
diff --git a/website/stylesheets/screen.css b/website/stylesheets/screen.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c84cd00c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/stylesheets/screen.css
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+body {
+ background-color: #E1D1F1;
+ font-family: "Georgia", sans-serif;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.6em;
+ padding: 1.6em 0 0 0;
+ color: #333;
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ color: #444;
+h1 {
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-size: 4em;
+ line-height: 0.8em;
+ letter-spacing: -0.1ex;
+ margin: 5px;
+li {
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ list-style-type: square;
+a {
+ color: #5E5AFF;
+ background-color: #DAC;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+blockquote {
+ font-size: 90%;
+ font-style: italic;
+ border-left: 1px solid #111;
+ padding-left: 1em;
+.caps {
+ font-size: 80%;
+#main {
+ width: 45em;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+.coda {
+ text-align: right;
+ color: #77f;
+ font-size: smaller;
+table {
+ font-size: 90%;
+ line-height: 1.4em;
+ color: #ff8;
+ background-color: #111;
+ padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px;
+ border-style: dashed;
+th {
+ color: #fff;
+td {
+ padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px;
+.success {
+ color: #0CC52B;
+.failed {
+ color: #E90A1B;
+.unknown {
+ color: #995000;
+pre, code {
+ font-family: monospace;
+ font-size: 90%;
+ line-height: 1.4em;
+ color: #ff8;
+ background-color: #111;
+ padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px;
+.comment { color: #aaa; font-style: italic; }
+.keyword { color: #eff; font-weight: bold; }
+.punct { color: #eee; font-weight: bold; }
+.symbol { color: #0bb; }
+.string { color: #6b4; }
+.ident { color: #ff8; }
+.constant { color: #66f; }
+.regex { color: #ec6; }
+.number { color: #F99; }
+.expr { color: #227; }
+#version {
+ float: right;
+ text-align: right;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ background-color: #B3ABFF;
+ color: #141331;
+ padding: 15px 20px 10px 20px;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ margin-top: 15px;
+ border: 3px solid #141331;
+#version .numbers {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 4em;
+ line-height: 0.8em;
+ letter-spacing: -0.1ex;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+#version p {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ color: #141331;
+ background-color: #B3ABFF;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+#version a {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ color: #141331;
+ background-color: #B3ABFF;
+.clickable {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ cursor: hand;
diff --git a/website/template.rhtml b/website/template.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8517350d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/template.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ <%= title %>
<%= title %>
+ <%= body %>
+ FIXME full name , <%= modified.pretty %>
+ Theme extended from Paul Battley