+## 概述
+[**“研究生留学德国:APS审核指南 (2024)”**](https://www.mygermanuniversity.com/zh/articles/APS-China-for-Master%E2%80%99s-applications)
+## 申请流程
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+11/03 快递寄出
+11/04 签收材料
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+12/06 通知12/19上午8点面试
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+## 专业复习
+## CS Major Review for APS
+- 1. 专业基础 Major Foundation Courses
+ - Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
+ - Introduction
+ - This course will teach students the fundamentals of data organization, storage and processing in computer science. Students will be required to grasp why and how a data structure can be applied according to applications.
+ - In this course, we will study the data structures (fundamental and advanced data structures), algorithms analysis and algorithm design methodology (generic and specific algorithm design techniques). Such knowledge is at the core of computer science, and allows us to write faster programs, especially ones whose running time has attractive worst-case bounds. Techniques for analyzing the performance of algorithms, designing beautiful/efficient algorithm will also be discussed in detail. Tentative topics to be covered include array, linked list, queue, stack, searching in ordered lists, sorting, priority queues, binary search trees, graph algorithms, finite state machine, and so on.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Structures
+ - **List**: In computer science, a list is a collection of elements that can be accessed in a sequence. Lists can be either **arrays**, where elements are stored in contiguous memory locations, or **linked lists**, where each element contains a reference (or link) to the next element in the sequence. Lists are versatile and can be used to **implement various data structures**, including stacks and queues, but unlike these structures, lists do not restrict the insertion and removal of elements to specific locations.
+ - **Queue**: A linear structure following a First In, First Out (**FIFO**) order. Elements are added at one end and removed from the other, like a line of people.
+ - **Heap**: A **tree-based** structure where each node is ordered according to a **comparison** property (e.g., in a max heap, each parent node is greater than its children). Used in priority queues and heap sort.
+ - **Stack**: A linear structure following a Last In, First Out (**LIFO**) order. Elements are added and removed from the same end, like a stack of plates.
+ - **Tree**: A **hierarchical** structure with a single **root** element and **nodes** having a **parent-child relationship**. Used in many algorithms and data retrieval processes.
+ - **Graph**: A graph is a structure consisting of **nodes** (also called vertices) and **edges** connecting these nodes. Graphs are used to represent networks, where nodes represent **entities** and edges represent **connections** or relationships between these entities. Graphs can be **directed or undirected**, indicating whether the relationships have a specific direction.
+ - Algorithm
+ - **Sorting**: Sorting involves arranging data in a **particular order** (ascending or descending). Examples include algorithms like QuickSort, MergeSort, and BubbleSort, each with unique efficiencies.
+ - **Pathfinding**: Pathfinding algorithms find the **shortest path** or evaluate available paths in a graph or grid. Used in GPS navigation and games. **BFS, DFS, and Dijkstra’s algorithm** are common examples.
+ - **Greedy**: Greedy algorithms make the **optimal choice at each step**, aiming for a **local optimum**. Used in problems like the coin change problem, where the goal is to minimize the number of coins for a given value.
+ - **Divide and Conquer**: This approach divides a problem into **smaller**, more manageable **sub-problems**, solves them **independently**, and **combines** their solutions. QuickSort and MergeSort are examples, where a list is divided and sorted in parts.
+ - Digital Logic
+ - Introduction
+ - This course aims to provide an understanding of the fundamental concepts, circuits in digital design and expose students to the mainstream approaches and technologies used in digital design.
+ - This foundational digital design course provides an understanding of fundamental concepts, circuits, and contemporary approaches in digital design. Digital logic, which underpins digital computing, is essential for understanding hardware communication in computers and electronic devices. The course covers core logical operations, basic logic circuit design, and practical applications. Students gain hands-on experience building computer hardware, learning to represent and store information as binary data. The course equips students with an in-depth knowledge of digital design principles, enabling them to design combinational and sequential circuits and apply Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) in the digital design process. It prepares them for careers in technology and computer-related fields, laying the foundation for modern logic design.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - **Boolean Algebra & Gate-Level Minimization**: Involves using **Boolean algebra** to simplify logic gates in digital circuits. Example: Reducing a complex circuit to a simpler equivalent using Karnaugh maps.
+ - **Combinational Logic**: Circuits where the **output solely depends on the current inputs**. Example: Adders, which combine several bits of input to produce a sum and carry bit.
+ - **Synchronous Sequential Logic**: Logic circuits where the **output depends on the input and the current state** of the system, synchronized by a clock signal. Example: Flip-flops used in memory elements
+ - Probability and Statistics
+ - Introduction
+ - This course introduces the basic concepts in probability and statistics which form the basis for all applications of statistics, and for further probability and statistical theory. Also to introduce statistical methods with a strong emphasis on applying standard statistical techniques appropriately and with clear interpretation. The emphasis is on applications.
+ - To introduce the basic concepts in probability and statistics which form the basis for all applications of statistics, and for further probability and statistical theory and to introduce statistical methods with a strong emphasis on applying standard statistical techniques appropriately and with clear interpretation. The topics to be covered include probability, random variables, joint distribution, expectation, limit theorems, sampling distributions of estimators, parametric estimation problem and testing hypothesis
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - **Probability & Limit Theorems**: Probability measures the likelihood of events. Limit theorems, like the Central Limit Theorem, describe how probabilities behave in the limit. Example: The probability of flipping a coin and getting heads.
+ - **Random Variables: Joint Distribution & Expectation**: A random variable represents possible outcomes. Joint distribution considers multiple variables simultaneously. Expectation is the average value of a random variable. Example: Expectation in a dice roll.
+ - **Sampling Distributions of Estimates**: Refers to the probability distribution of a statistic based on a random sample. Example: Distribution of sample means.
+ - Principles of Database Systems
+ - Introduction
+ - The objective of this course is to understand, both from a theoretical and practical standpoint, **database modeling**, to get a good knowledge of the ubiquitous **SQL language** and to understand the challenges brought by massive amounts of data, **transaction integrity,** **concurrency** and the requirement to minimize data loss after a crash. We’ll see how these challenges are addressed in relational systems as well as new database architectures
+ - This course is focused on specific teaching objectives and learning outcomes in the field of database systems. It aims to provide students with a solid grasp of fundamental concepts, system principles, architecture, maintenance, and applications. Moreover, it emphasizes proficiency in database design, SQL language, and design principles. In terms of learning outcomes, students will master the entire project lifecycle for a database application system, covering project establishment, requirement analysis, data modeling, and schema design. They will also gain expertise in database development, application creation, and system maintenance. Additionally, the course ensures a deep understanding of database system architecture and core principles.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - **DB Concepts & Architecture**: Databases store data in **tables, rows, and columns.** Example: A 'Customer' table in a SQL database storing data like names and addresses.
+ - **SQL**: SQL includes Data-Definition Language (**DDL**) for defining data structures, and Data-Manipulation Language (**DML**) for querying and updating data. Example: Using SQL 'CREATE TABLE' (DDL) and 'SELECT' (DML).
+ - **DB Design & Entity-Relationship Model**: Involves structuring database efficiently. The Entity-Relationship model visualizes entities and their relationships. Example: An ER diagram representing a university database with entities like Students, Courses, and Departments.
+ - Discrete Mathematics
+ - Introduction
+ - This course presents basic concepts in discrete mathematics needed for the study of computer science: logic and proofs, induction, set theory, functions, counting techniques, discrete probability, recursion, basic number theory and cryptography, relations, trees and graph theory. The approach of this course is specifically computer science application oriented.
+ - The objective of this course is to understand and use (abstract) discrete structures that are backbones of computer sciences. In particular, this course is meant to introduce logic, sets and functions, mathematical proofs, complexity, number theory, cryptography, algebraic structures and applications, induction, counting, recurrences, relations, graph theory and related algorithms, with an emphasis on applications in computer science.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Computer Organization
+ - Introduction
+ - This course introduces basic concepts in computer organization and design: **MIPS** instruction set, **arithmetic** for integer and floating point numbers, design and implementation of the **processor** with pipeline, memory hierarchy, and parallel processors from client to cloud, which are the fundamental of software programming in computer science. In this course, students will learn the cost performance **trade-offs**, the relationship between MIPS assembly language, advanced language as well as machine language, interactions between hardware and software, and contents related with **memory and CPU.**
+ - Same
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - **CPU Structure**: The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the primary component for processing instructions.
+ - **Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)**: Performs arithmetic and logical operations.
+ - **Control Unit**: Directs the operation of the processor, managing the flow of data within the CPU and between the CPU and other components.
+ - **Registers**: Small, fast storage locations within the CPU that temporarily hold data and instructions during processing.
+ - **Cache Memory**: A small, fast memory storage area for frequently accessed or recently accessed data to speed up processing.
+ - **Buses**: These are communication systems that transfer data between components inside or outside of the CPU.
+ - **Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)**: Defines the CPU's functions and capabilities, including control mechanisms and addressing modes. Example: x86 and ARM architectures with different instruction sets.
+ - **Pipeline and Parallelism**: Pipelining improves CPU efficiency by processing multiple instruction stages concurrently. Parallelism involves multiple processors working simultaneously. Example: Modern CPUs using pipelining for speed enhancement.
+ - **Memory & Cache**: Memory hierarchy in computers includes RAM and cache. Cache is faster and stores frequently accessed data. Example: L1, L2, and L3 caches in CPUs for quick data access.
+ - Algorithm Design and Analysis
+ - Introduction
+ - This course introduces basic algorithms, including **sorting and searching**, **divide and conquer**, etc., and their **related date structures**, to undergraduate students with some programming skills. After completing this course, students should have a conceptual understanding of the algorithms and have necessary knowledge on implementing the algorithms.
+ - The course aims to introduces basic concepts on algorithms by looking at the real-world problems that motivate them. It teaches various design and analysis techniques for problems that arise in computing applications, and encourage the students to understand the algorithm design process and the role of algorithms in the broader field of computer sciences. The students will be familiar with major algorithms, such as fundamental graph-based algorithms, greedy algorithms, divide-and-conquer algorithms, dynamic programming algorithms, and network flow algorithms. In addition, upon completion of this course, the students should be able to program these algorithms for solving corresponding problems.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - **Greedy Algorithms**: Greedy algorithms make **locally optimal** choices at each step to find a global optimum. Example: In the *Knapsack Problem*(a knapsack with a fixed capacity and a set of items, each with a specific weight and value), a greedy approach might continually choose the item with the highest value-to-weight ratio, aiming to maximize total value.
+ - **Divide and Conquer**: This strategy breaks a problem into smaller **sub-problems**, solves each **independently**, and **combines** their results. Example: The *MergeSort algorithm* divides an array into halves, sorts each half, and then merges them into a sorted array.
+ - **Dynamic Programming**: This method solves complex problems by breaking them down into simpler **sub-problems**, **storing the results** of these sub-problems to avoid redundant calculations. Example: The Fibonacci Sequence calculation, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, uses dynamic programming to store previous results for efficiency.
+- 2. 专业核心 Major Core Courses
+ - Artificial Intelligence
+ - Introduction
+ - The course is an introduction to AI for undergraduate students. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a big field, we will try to explore the most important topics of the field, which encompasses search, game, constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), logic, machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP), and we will go into some depth. We will have 2 or 3 mini-projects in this course, and the programing language can be Java or Python. The students’ programs will be partially automatically graded, so they must be written to run on the computers. The goal is to provide every student who takes the course a basic set of ideas and tools to employ on AI, and to be able to pursue advanced study and research in the field if desired.
+ - This course is an introduction to AI for undergraduate students. We will try to explore the most important topics of the field, which encompasses search, game, constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), logic, machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP), and we will go into some depth. We will have 2 or 3 mini-projects in this course, and the programing language can be Java or Python. The students’ programs will be partially automatically graded, so they must be written to run on the computers. The goal is to provide every student who takes the course a basic set of ideas and tools to employ on AI, and to be able to pursue advanced study and research in the field if desired
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+ - Computer Networks
+ - Introduction
+ - This course introduces fundamental communications and networking knowledge on physical, link, network, transportation, application layers, as well as basic network skills including setup, configuration, analysis and programming
+ - Using the Internet as a vehicle, this course introduces the underlying concepts and principles of modern computer networks, with emphasis on protocols, architectures, and implementation issues. Students will first learn how to implement network applications (e.g., e-mail, ftp) using the existing network protocols and architectures. Students then study how/why these protocols and architectures work by using the layered organization of the Internet in a top-down fashion: Application, Transport, Network, Data Link and Physical layers. The course will also cover advance topics including software-defined networking, wireless networking
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+ - Object- oriented Analysis and Design
+ - Introduction
+ - This course introduces the fundamental concepts such as object oriented and united modeling language (UML), then mainly explores the requirement elicitation, system analysis, system design, design principles, design pattern, implementation and test. And the programming paradigms and software development methodologies will be discussed.
+ - In this course, based on the fundamental object-oriented principles and UML modeling techniques, we would focus on design patterns and code refactoring approaches. This course also includes a software development project that allows students to enhance their software development skills and engineering abilities. Students need to learn website development and master front-end and back-end development skills in lab classes.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - **UML Model**: UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a standardized visual language for describing and designing software systems. Example: Creating class diagrams to depict the structure of a system.
+ - **Design Patterns**: Reusable solutions to common software design problems. Example: The Singleton pattern ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.
+ - **Refactoring**: The process of restructuring existing computer code without changing its external behavior. Example: Simplifying a complex method into smaller, more readable methods while maintaining the same functionality.
+ - Group Projects I
+ - Introduction
+ - NA
+ - The module is designed to give students the first experience of applying their learned CSE knowledge to solve a non-trivial real-world problem, under the supervision of an academic staff member. The primary aim is to bridge the gap between subjective-based classroom learning and real-world problem solving that requires a synergistic combination of different skills and subject knowledge.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+ - Operating Systems
+ - Introduction
+ - This course introduces fundamental computer operation and management knowledge on scheduling, memory, file system, I/O peripheral, user interface, networking, as well as resource allocation methods. It will help students to develop programing skills for computer system management, and design proper operating systems for specific applications.
+ - This course will introduce design principles and implementation methodologies. On the theory side, this course will present the basic concept of operating systems, their taxonomy, and the evolution of classical operating systems. It will focus on the three important functionalities of an operating system: virtualization, concurrency, and persistence. Students will learn how the operating system manages CPU, memory, and I/O and filesystems. On the practice side, the course will guide the students to build an educational operating system from scratch. They will learn how to handle interrupts, manage physical memory and virtual memory, manage processes, and schedule processes and build file systems.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+ - Software Engineering
+ - Introduction
+ - The course systematically covers the fundamental knowledge, key technologies, and typical applications in the field of software engineering. It trains students' practical collaboration skills through medium-sized projects. Topics includes software processes, DevOps, version control, software requirements, software design, software build system, software maintenance, software testing, software deployment, cloud-native software, etc.
+ - Concepts, methods, and current practice of software engineering. Large-scale software production, software life cycle models, manual software testing and automated software testing methods, principles and techniques for each stage of development.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - **Waterfall Model (**distinct, sequential phases):
+ - **Requirements**: This initial stage involves gathering and documenting all the client's **needs and specifications**. Tools like Jira or Trello can be used for tracking requirements.
+ - **Design**: In this phase, software architects and designers create a plan for the **software structure**. Common tools include **UML** (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams and Microsoft Visio for design documentation.
+ - **Implementation**: Here, **developers** write the code based on the design documents. Integrated Development Environments (**IDEs**) like Eclipse or Visual Studio are often used.
+ - **Verification**: This phase involves **testing** the software for defects and verifying it meets the requirements. Testing tools like Selenium or QTP (QuickTest Professional) are used.
+ - **Maintenance**: After deployment, the software enters the maintenance phase, where it receives **updates and fixes**. Tools like Git are used for version control and collaboration.
+ - **Design Patterns**: Standard solutions to common problems. Example: Singleton pattern for ensuring a class has only one instance.
+ - **Agile Methodology**: A flexible approach emphasizing **incremental** development and customer collaboration. Example: Scrum framework for iterative development.
+ - Group Projects II
+ - Introduction
+ - NA
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+- 3. 专业选修 Major Elective Courses
+ - Deep Learning
+ - Introduction
+ - This course provides an introduction to the field of deep learning, covering the main deep learning techniques from both a theoretical and practical point of view. Architectures that will be covered include Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Autoencoders, and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) The goal of the course is that of equipping students with the necessary skills to access the rapidly evolving field of deep learning. To this end lectures and labs will draw multiple links to both the Industry and state-of-the-art academic research, allowing the students to pursue a successful career in both directions. The practical elements of the course will be based on the PyTorch framework, a widely used open source Python framework for deep learning.
+ - NA
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+ - C/C++ Program Design
+ - Introduction
+ - The objective of this course is to give **a good knowledge of C and C++**, as well as a working practice of Linux, and to prepare to future courses in the Computer Science curriculum. Through lectures and small programming projects, it covers topics such as how to build a program on Linux, what are the **major differences** between a language such as C and Object oriented languages such as Java (and C++), how Object oriented Programming in C++ differs from Object oriented Programming in Java, **pointers and memory management**, data structures in C and C++, as well as system calls. The first half of the course will solely be devoted to mastering C, and the second half will present C++ and the efforts to build a “better C”, as well as how to interact with the operating system through "system calls".
+ - C/C++ is a professional foundation course in computer science and technology. C is a general-purpose programming language focused on problem-solving, characterized by its simplicity, extensive data types, complete structure, strong expressiveness, direct memory manipulation, and modular application. C combines the advantages of high-level languages with low-level language features.
+ C++, on the other hand, is an object-oriented development method that extends from the C language, absorbing valuable concepts and effective software engineering methods. It encapsulates data and data operations while integrating abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism for highly modular, abstracted, concealed, reusable, and adaptable program development. The course is divided into two parts, covering general design principles in C++ and object-oriented programming.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - **Memory Management**: Involves manually allocating (`malloc` in C, `new` in C++) and deallocating (`free` in C, `delete` in C++) memory. It's crucial for optimizing resource use.
+ - **Pointer and Reference**: Pointers hold memory addresses, allowing direct memory access and manipulation. References are aliases for existing variables, providing an alternative way to access a variable's value.
+ - **Class & Object**: C++ uses classes for OOP, supporting features like namespaces (to avoid name conflicts) and inheritance (for code reuse and hierarchy).
+ - **Function**: Functions in C/C++ can be inline (suggesting compiler to embed function body where invoked), and support overloading (same function name with different parameters).
+ - Computer System Design and Applications A
+ - Introduction
+ - The course aims to teach students advanced skills of **object oriented programming** in java, including **network programing and multimedia processing**. The students should be familiar with java programing environment and related APIs. Students will learn how to develop a software project to solve some practical problems.
+ - NA
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - **Functional Programming & Stream**: This paradigm treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions. Streams in Java, for instance, allow for functional-style operations on streams of elements, such as map-reduce transformations on collections.
+ - **Multi-Thread & Web Servers**: Multi-threading enables concurrent execution of two or more parts of a program to maximize utilization of CPU. It's crucial in web servers like Apache or Nginx for handling multiple client requests simultaneously.
+ - **Reflection**: Reflection allows inspection and modification of a program's behavior at runtime. For example, in Java, it enables examining or modifying runtime behavior of classes, methods, and interfaces.
+- 4. 通识基础 General education required courses
+ - Experiments of Fundamental Physics
+ - Introduction
+ - Physics Laboratory I is a fundamental experiment course after undergraduates enter the university. This course plays an important role in training experimental skills, innovative thinking and practical capability of students. This course includes the fundamental physics experiments of mechanics, thermodynamics, optics, electromagnetics and modern physics. Fundamental experimental apparatus and basic science thoughts and methods are also introduced in this course. This course aims to train the scientific experimental literacy of undergraduates and enhance the interests of experimental physics for students.
+ - Same
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+ - General Physics B I
+ - Introduction
+ - The main objective of this course is to introduce basic physics concepts including kinematics, Newtonian mechanics, elasticity, fluid dynamics, oscillations, waves and thermal physics. The course aims to provide trainings for scientists and engineers to apply the above physics concepts.
+ - Same
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+ - General Physics B II
+ - Introduction
+ - The main objective of this course is to introduce basic physics concepts including electricity, magnetism, wave nature of light, and the introduction to relativity and quantum mechanics. The course aims to provide trainings for scientists and engineers to apply the above physics concepts.
+ - Same
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+ - Introduction to Computer Programming A
+ - Introduction
+ - The course aims to cultivate talented students who have programming experience before their university study. In this course, we will introduce **the fundamentals of object oriented programming language (java) and programming techniques**, and the students will be familiar with a programming language and be able construct software for **solving general programming problems.**
+ - The course introduces the fundamentals of object-oriented programming languages and programming techniques, as well as basic syntax. It also provides preliminary knowledge of data types and data structures. Students will become familiar with two popular programming languages, namely Java and Python, and will be able to create programs to solve general problems.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Basic data types and data structures
+ - Primitive data types: byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, and boolean
+ - Common data structures: arrays, strings, lists, sets, maps, stacks, and queues
+ - Class & Object: constructor, methods, etc.
+ - A Java **class** defines a **blueprint** for **objects**, including fields (**variables**) and **methods** (functions). *Example*: class Car with a constructor, speed method. Objects are instances of classes.
+ - 3 features of object-oriented programming (OOP): **encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism.**
+ - OOP in Java focuses on creating objects with characteristics and behaviors. Features include **encapsulation** (securing data), **inheritance** (reusing code), and **polymorphism** (many forms). *Example*: a Vehicle class inherited by a Car class.
+ - Calculus I A
+ - Introduction
+ - In this course, we emphasize intuitive and conceptual understanding of theory of single-variable Calculus, computation skills, and nurture the mentality and the ability to use Calculus to solve problems in other scientific disciplines. The course will cover limits and continuity, derivatives, single variable integrals, and ordinary differential equations.
+ - Same
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+ - Calculus II A
+ - Introduction
+ - In this course, we emphasize intuitive and conceptual understanding of theory of multi-variable Calculus, computation skills, and nurture the mentality and the ability to use Calculus to solve problems in other scientific disciplines. The course will cover series, calculus of vector functions, partial derivatives, vector fields, and multiple integrals on regions in Euclidean space and on curves and surfaces.
+ - Same
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+ - Linear Algebra A
+ - Introduction
+ - To introduce the basic concepts in linear algebra including systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, singular value decomposition and quadratic forms. It is a prerequisite for Linear Algebra II. The emphasis is on operations with matrices, solving systems of linear equations, fundamental theory of vector spaces and linear transformations, solving eigenvalues and eigenvectors problems, and quadratic forms.
+ - Same
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+ - Introduction to Life Science
+ - Introduction
+ - BIO102B is an introductory/discovery course for freshmen (but not limited to) to understand biology through laying out some major modern-day issues that we and other species of the planet have been facing. In the past half century, the biological and biomedical research represents an actively evolved rapidly progressed scientific field to expand and somehow to quick subvert traditional and contemporary knowledge of life. The course is thus intended to explain why the field is challenging and requires an enormous effort of inter-disciplines (including but not restricted to the chemistry, physics, mathematics, medicine, computer science, health science and material science) and why biotech and biomedical research has been heavily invested in developed countries around the world. Unlike the stereotype of biology course, i.e., applying a few theorems or rules and memorizing lots of names, terms and facts, BIO102B would guide the students to experience a new learning journey of life science, and to cherish, revere and appreciate life more.
+ - BIO102B offers an introductory approach to biology for freshmen and others interested. The course explores pressing contemporary biological issues and the rapid evolution of the field, transcending traditional knowledge. It emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of biology, involving chemistry, physics, mathematics, medicine, computer science, health science, and material science. BIO102B highlights the substantial global investments in biotech and biomedical research. Unlike typical biology courses focused on memorization, it encourages students to embark on a dynamic learning journey, fostering a deeper appreciation for life and its complexities. This course aims to instill a profound respect for the science of life.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+ - Introduction to Python Programming
+ - Introduction
+ - The course starts with an introduction of variable types in Python and their basic rules. These are followed by the explanations of the commonly used packages in Python such as NumPy, SciPy and Pandas. We also introduce the flow control, functions and basic 2D and 3D plotting using Matplotlib. At the end, the high-level application such as object-oriented programming are also introduced.
+ - NA
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+- 5. 其他(人文社科艺术英语体育思政)General education elective courses
+ - Introduction to Chinese Information processing
+ - Introduction
+ - This course give a fundamental introduction to Chinese Information Processing (CIP), including: 1. the nature and history of CIP; 2.the fundamental principle of CIP, like corpus, matching, rules, statistics, and corpus annotation; 3. frequently-used tools, corpora and how to use them. We’ll do some computer programming in this course, so it is easier for students who have enough knowledge on programming. However, the programming tasks in this course are too easy to worry about for most students.
+ - Main concepts (or themes)
+ - Important learned things/examples
+## 其他可能有用信息
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+# 动机信 (Motivation Letter)
+## 0. 引言
+本文将讲解留学申请中的动机信,英文 Motivation Letter 或 Letter of Motivation。
+1. 第一节:解释动机信的含义。本节首先会展示三个申请项目对于动机信的要求,随后我将根据我的申请经验来总结动机信的格式和内容。如果你对“动机信”一词毫无了解,那么本节可以帮助你对“动机信”建立一个基础且正确的印象。
+2. 第二节:解释动机信的内容和格式。本节将沿用第一部分的总结,逐段讲述注意事项和撰写思路。
+3. 第三节:本人动机信案例讲解。本节我会使用我的一封动机信成稿作为案例,逐句讲解我的全文构思、撰写思路,以及其中琐碎的的写作技巧;并且我会尽量将这种思路总结为一种较为通用的模板,以便大家参考。
+4. 第四节:多个项目的动机信。申请多个项目时并不需要为每个项目都写一封动机信,而是基于一个通稿,根据项目具体内容修改其中一两段。本节我将使用我的两封动机信,讲解我根据两个项目的差异而对动机信的修改内容和修改思路。
+5. 第五节:该思路的其他应用。虽然本文讲述的是动机信写作思路,但是其适用性远不止“动机信”这一个文书;其他常见文书和奇奇怪怪的文笔材料也可以套用。
+- 大量使用举例论证,每个例子都来自项目官网且注明出处以验证正确性。
+- 所有写作思路不止于空话套话,而是给出非常具体、能够复现的思路,努力让任何读者走一遍流程后能找到自己的写作内容。
+- 在较为重要的写作节点中设置保底文案,即俗称“万金油”。即使你跟着我的思路走一遍后依然未能自发产出内容,依然能参考该保底文案撰写初稿。
+- 使用我本人的一封动机信成稿作为案例进行讲解,既能佐证思路的可行性,也放出了成稿文本供大家参考。
+- 将我的动机信修改为通用模板,并将可下载文件放置于文末。你可以参考这篇模板撰写初稿,应该会比完全从零开始写简单一些。
+## 1. 什么是动机信
+1. University of Helsinki, Master’s Programme in Computer Science;
+ 赫尔辛基大学,计算机科学硕士项目。
+ URL:https://opintopolku.fi/konfo/en/hakukohde/
+ 原文:
+ > You must write a motivation letter on the application form. Your motivation to complete a master's degree in the Master’s Programme in Computer Science will be assessed on the basis of your motivation letter.
+ >
+ > In the motivation letter, you must explain why you are applying for the Master’s Programme in Computer Science and how your previous studies would support successful performance in the programme. You must include a study plan in the motivation letter. A maximum of 6 points can be given for the motivation letter.
+ >
+ > The motivation letter must not exceed the length defined on the application form. Any text exceeding the defined limit will not be assessed.
+ >
+ > The quality of the language of the motivation letter will also be taken into account. Your motivation letter must be fluently written and coherent. You must write the motivation letter in the language in which you intend to complete the degree.
+ >
+ > To be admitted, you must have obtained at least 3 points for motivation.
+ >
+ 翻译:
+ > 您必须在申请表上写一封动机信。我们将根据您的动机信对您攻读计算机科学硕士项目的动机进行评估。
+ >
+ > 在动机信中,您必须解释申请计算机科学硕士项目的原因,以及您以前的学习经历将如何帮助您在该课程中取得优异成绩。您必须在动机信中附上一份学习计划。动机信最多可得 6 分。
+ >
+ > 动机信的长度不得超过申请表中规定的长度。任何超出规定长度的文字将不予评定。
+ >
+ > 动机信的语言质量也将被考虑在内。您的动机信必须书写流畅、连贯。您必须用您打算完成学业的语言撰写动机信。
+ >
+ > 您必须在动机方面至少获得 3 分才能被录取。
+ >
+ 注:此处提及的分值为芬兰留学制度的打分制,与动机信无关,故不详述。
+2. Aalto University, Master of Science in Computer Science;
+ 阿尔托大学,计算机科学理学硕士项目。
+ URL:https://www.aalto.fi/en/study-options/computer-science-computer-communication-and-information-sciences-master-of-science-technology
+ 原文:
+ > Based on your application documents (transcript of records, CV, other supporting documents), reflect on your
+ >
+ > - relevant experience and achievements,
+ > - expectations and motivation for MSc studies majoring in Computer Science at Aalto University including which study track of the major you tentatively wish to follow, and
+ > - future career aspirations and how MSc studies in Computer Science contribute to them.
+ >
+ > The motivation letter should be written in English. The recommended length is one page (font size 11 pt).
+ >
+ 翻译:
+ > 根据您的申请材料(成绩单、简历、其他证明文件),反映您的
+ >
+ > - 相关经历和成就、
+ > - 对在阿尔托大学主修计算机科学理学硕士项目的期望和动机,包括您暂定的主修方向,以及
+ > - 未来的职业抱负,以及计算机科学理学硕士项目如何有助于实现这些抱负。
+ >
+ > 动机信应使用英语书写。建议长度为一页(字体大小为 11 磅)。
+3. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, master’s programme in Computer Science;
+ 皇家理工学院,计算机科学硕士项目。
+ URL:https://www.kth.se/en/studies/master/computer-science/entry-requirements-computer-science-1.419975
+ 原文:
+ > The letter of motivation explains why you have chosen this programme at KTH, what you hope to gain from it and how your interests and skills will help you succeed in your studies. Include an autobiography with the development and relevance of your academic and professional pursuits, extra-curricular activities and related experiences. KTH does not require a standard template, but it must be in English and less than 500 words. If you apply to multiple programmes that require a letter of motivation, you should submit one for each and state which programme each letter applies to at the top of the page.
+ >
+ 翻译:
+ > 在动机信中说明您为什么选择 KTH 的这一项目,您希望从该课程中获得什么,以及您的兴趣和技能将如何帮助您成功完成学业。在动机信中还应包括一份自传,介绍您的学术和专业追求、课外活动及相关经历的发展和相关性。瑞典皇家理工学院不要求标准模板,但它必须为英文,字数不超过500字。如果您申请的多个专业都需要动机信,您应为每个专业提交一封动机信,并在页面顶部注明每封动机信适用于哪个专业。
+ >
+- 简单的自我介绍
+- 你的相关经历和成就
+- 为什么选择该大学、为什么选择该项目
+- 你的经历和技能如何帮助你在项目中取得成功
+- 期望从项目中获得什么
+- 未来的职业方向、该项目如何帮助你实现该目标
+- 书信格式
+- 包含在一页 A4 纸内
+例如荷兰的埃因霍温大学(Eindhoven University of Technology, TU/e)对于动机信的要求中有提到:
+- with a maximum of two A4 pages
+- 最多两张 A4 纸
+ 来源:TU/e申请系统,需要注册登录后才能看到,故无固定URL
+那么在撰写该项目的动机信时,就可以在某些部分酌情多写一点、多提一些项目经历,让动机信内容保持在两页 A4 纸内而不是一页。
+## 2. 如何撰写动机信
+### 2.1 动机信格式
+#### 2.1.1 书信格式
+- To whom it may concern,
+- To Admission Office,
+Yours sincerely,
+Yuhang Lin
+除去动机信内容本身外,部分项目还可能要求你在顶部或底部加一些额外文本,如第一部分提到的 KTH 便要求:
+> If you apply to multiple programmes … you should … state which programme each letter applies to at the top of the page.
+> 如果你申请多个项目…你应该…在页面顶部注明每封动机信适用于哪个项目。
+3. 就业市场、人生帮助
+ 结尾句需要将硕士生涯的计划与职业目标联系起来,说明你这样规划硕士生涯,就是为了实现你的职业目标,也就是高考作文中的“升华主题”。
+ 构思此处时需要将视角再提高一层,从整个就业市场甚至是人生的角度去思考,并尽量让“就业市场”“人生”这些宏观表达出现在句子中。例如“能增强我在就业市场中的竞争力”“能让我朝着人生理想更进一步”等等。努力夸大事实、怎么听着厉害怎么来。
+#### 2.2.5 结尾
+Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to and learning from your distinguished program.
+## 3. 本人动机信案例讲解
+本小节,我将使用我为阿尔托大学的软件与服务工程硕士项目 ([Aalto University, MSc Software and Service Engineering](https://www.aalto.fi/en/study-options/software-and-service-engineering-computer-communication-and-information-sciences-master-of-science)) 撰写的动机信作为案例,逐段讲解写作思路。我会先讲解我在撰写时的心路历程,然后将这封动机信比较通用的文本总结成一个模板,供大家参考。只要你遵循与我相同的步骤,至少能写出一封不差的动机信初稿。