In this lab, we are going to install and configure the Environment Sensor to push it's data to out local Kubernetes cluster
Before start the lab you need to install and configure the software to manage the M5Stick Sensors. Open a Browser and go the the URL located below. Download the proper version of software for your OS
- Kubernetes
- MQTT Server deployed
- IP address of MQTT Service
- Node Red Deployed
1) Download the following files from
- UIFlow-Desktop-UI
- M5Burner
- CP2104 Driver (or proper driver for your OS)
- Reboot may be need to USB driver
- Select the COM Driver and the Speed
- Select the Orange STICKC
- Select the Latest Rom for UIFLOW(StickC Plus)
- Select the COM
- Select the Latest Rom for UIFLOW(StickC Plus)
- Select the Orange STICKC
- deviceName - [Your Device Name]
- server - [MQTT Service IP Address]
- node-red-dashboard
- node-red-contrib-ui-level