cli tool to convert aseprite files (*.ase) to c source (*.c) and header (*.h) files compatible with the sprites library.
- nodejs 14.15.3 or later.
- bash.
- aseprite available via bash path (use setup-aseprite-cli-action in continuous integration).
within a terminal in the same directory as the package.json:
npm install --save-dev @neomura/c-tool-aseprite
then, to convert a file:
npx neomura-c-tool-aseprite [options]
within a terminal:
npm install --global @neomura/c-tool-aseprite
then, to convert a file:
neomura-c-tool-aseprite [options]
the path to the aseprite file to convert.
the path to the neomura.h file from the c library.
the path to the sprites.h file from the sprites library.
the path to the source (*.c) and header (*.h) files to create; for example,
will produce a/path/to/a/file.c
and a/path/to/a/file.h
#pragma once
#include "../../fictional/neomura/header/file/from/submodules.h"
#include "../../fictional/neomura/sprites/header/file/from/submodules.h"
extern const sprite_t taken_from_name_of_aseprite_file;
extern const sprite_animation_t tag_a_name;
extern const sprite_animation_t tag_b_name;
extern const sprite_animation_t tag_c_name;
only visible layers will be included in image data.
the center of the canvas is taken as the origin of the sprite. as a consequence the width and height must be even.