diff --git a/.commitlintrc b/.commitlintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0df1d25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.commitlintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "extends": [
+ "@commitlint/config-conventional"
+ ]
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06371aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44fb82c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintrc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ "env": {
+ "browser": true,
+ "es2021": true
+ },
+ "extends": [
+ "eslint:recommended",
+ "standard"
+ ],
+ "parserOptions": {
+ "ecmaVersion": "latest",
+ "sourceType": "module"
+ },
+ "rules": {
+ "complexity": [
+ "error",
+ {
+ "max": 5
+ }
+ ],
+ "function-paren-newline": [
+ "error",
+ "multiline-arguments"
+ ],
+ "linebreak-style": [
+ "error",
+ "unix"
+ ],
+ "max-depth": [
+ "error",
+ 2
+ ],
+ "max-len": [
+ "error",
+ {
+ "code": 80,
+ "ignoreComments": true,
+ "ignoreStrings": true,
+ "ignoreTemplateLiterals": true,
+ "ignoreTrailingComments": true,
+ "ignoreUrls": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "max-lines-per-function": [
+ "error",
+ {
+ "max": 35,
+ "skipComments": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "max-nested-callbacks": [
+ "error",
+ 3
+ ],
+ "max-statements": [
+ "error",
+ 10
+ ],
+ "newline-after-var": [
+ "error",
+ "always"
+ ],
+ "no-bitwise": [
+ "error",
+ {
+ "int32Hint": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "no-cond-assign": [
+ "error",
+ "always"
+ ],
+ "no-console": [
+ "error",
+ {
+ "allow": [
+ "warn",
+ "error"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "no-plusplus": [
+ "error",
+ {
+ "allowForLoopAfterthoughts": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "padding-line-between-statements": [
+ "error",
+ {
+ "blankLine": "always",
+ "prev": "*",
+ "next": "return"
+ }
+ ],
+ "semi": [
+ "error",
+ "always"
+ ],
+ "space-before-function-paren": [
+ "error",
+ "never"
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/.github/pull_request_template.md b/.github/pull_request_template.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98df7aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/pull_request_template.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+## Description
+## Changes made
diff --git a/.github/workflows/github-page.yml b/.github/workflows/github-page.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8783e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/github-page.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+name: Github Page
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ github-page:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Setup Node.js environment
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+ with:
+ node-version: 18
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ env :
+ CI: true
+ run: |
+ npm pkg delete scripts.prepare
+ npm ci
+ - name: Run build
+ run: |
+ npm run build
+ - name: Deploy GitHub Page 🚀
+ uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@releases/v3
+ with:
+ BRANCH: gh-pages
+ FOLDER: dist
diff --git a/.github/workflows/quality.yml b/.github/workflows/quality.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..883d969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/quality.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+name: Quality
+ merge_group:
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ quality:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Setup Node.js environment
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+ with:
+ node-version: 18
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ env :
+ CI: true
+ run: |
+ npm pkg delete scripts.prepare
+ npm ci
+ - name: Run JS and CSS linters
+ run: |
+ npm run eslint && npm run stylelint
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c6bba59..eee0442 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -16,25 +16,6 @@ pids
-# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
-# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
-# nyc test coverage
-# Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files)
-# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/)
-# node-waf configuration
# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html)
@@ -42,12 +23,6 @@ build/Release
-# Snowpack dependency directory (https://snowpack.dev/)
-# TypeScript cache
# Optional npm cache directory
@@ -57,21 +32,9 @@ web_modules/
# Optional stylelint cache
-# Microbundle cache
-# Optional REPL history
# Output of 'npm pack'
-# Yarn Integrity file
# dotenv environment variable files
@@ -79,52 +42,16 @@ web_modules/
-# parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/)
-# Next.js build output
-# Nuxt.js build / generate output
+# Generated output
-# Gatsby files
-# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js
-# https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support
-# public
-# vuepress build output
-# vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory
-# Docusaurus cache and generated files
-# Serverless directories
-# FuseBox cache
-# DynamoDB Local files
-# TernJS port file
+# Intellij
-# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions
+# VisualStudioCode
-# yarn v2
+# macOs
diff --git a/.husky/commit-msg b/.husky/commit-msg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c160a77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.husky/commit-msg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/husky.sh"
+npx --no -- commitlint --edit ${1}
diff --git a/.husky/pre-commit b/.husky/pre-commit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19d9a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.husky/pre-commit
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+. "$(dirname "$0")/_/husky.sh"
+npm run eslint && npm run stylelint
diff --git a/.stylelintignore b/.stylelintignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de4d1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.stylelintignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.stylelintrc.json b/.stylelintrc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e108508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.stylelintrc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "extends": ["stylelint-config-standard-scss", "stylelint-config-rational-order"],
+ "overrides": [
+ {
+ "files": [
+ "*.js"
+ ],
+ "customSyntax": "postcss-lit"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/404.html b/404.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe23006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/404.html
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ Single Page Apps for GitHub Pages
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c75fe2..0000000
--- a/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# pillarbox-web-demo
-Demo application for the pillarbox-web
diff --git a/docs/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/docs/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b34007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers
+pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for
+everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level
+of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit
+ permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
+## Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are
+expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits,
+code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or
+to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
+threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is
+representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include
+using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as
+an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
+further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting
+the project team. The project team will review and investigate all complaints, and will respond in a
+way that it deems appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain
+confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement
+policies may be posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face
+temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, available
+at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4][version]
+[homepage]: http://contributor-covenant.org
+[version]: http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/
diff --git a/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2106de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Contributing
+Thank you very much for your interest in contributing to our project! As a public service company,
+we want to shape a product that better matches our user needs and desires. Ideas or direct
+contributions are therefore warmly welcome and will be considered with great care, provided they
+fulfill a few requirements listed in this document. Please read it first before you decide to
+## Purpose
+Our development team is small, our ability to quickly evaluate a need or a code submission is
+therefore critical. Please follow the present contributing guidelines so that we can efficiently
+consider your proposal. You should also read or our [code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md), providing
+a few guidelines to keep interactions as respectful as possible.
+## Contributions we are looking for
+Any kind of contribution is welcome, as long as it improves the overall quality of our product, for
+* Requests for new features or ideas.
+* Bug reports or fixes.
+* Documentation improvements.
+* Translation improvements.
+Contributions can either take the form of simple issues where you describe the problem you face or
+what you would like to see in our products. If you feel up to the challenge, you can even submit
+code in the form of pull requests which our team will review.
+## Contributions we are not looking for
+Requests which are too vague or not related to our product will not be taken into account. We also
+have no editorial influence, any issue related to the content available on our platform will simply
+be closed.
+## Making a contribution
+You can use issues to report bugs, submit ideas or request features. People with a programming
+background can also submit changes directly via pull requests. Creating issues or pull requests
+requires you to own or [open](https://github.com/join) a GitHub account.
+If you are not sure about the likelihood of a change you propose to be accepted, please open an
+issue first. We can discuss it there, especially whether it is compatible with our product or not.
+This way you can avoid creating an entire pull request we will never be able to merge.
+Templates are available when you want to contribute:
+* [Issues](https://github.com/SRGSSR/pillarbox-web-demo/issues/new/choose): Please follow our issue
+ template. You can omit information which does not make sense but, in general, the more details you
+ can provide, the better. This ensures we can quickly reproduce the problem you are facing,
+ increasing the likelihood we can fix it.
+* [Pull requests](https://github.com/SRGSSR/pillarbox-web-demo/compare): Please follow our code
+ conventions, test your code well, and write unit tests when this makes sense. We will review your
+ work and, if successful, merge it back into the main development branch.
+## Code conventions
+We currently have no formal code conventions, but we try to keep our codebase consistent. In
+general, having a look at the code itself should be enough for you to discover how you should write
+your changes.
+## Code review
+Pull requests, once complete, can be submitted for review by our team. Depending on the complexity
+of the involved changes, a few iterations might be needed. Once a pull request has been approved, it
+will be rebased, merged back into the development trunk and delivered with the next release.
diff --git a/docs/README-images/logo.jpg b/docs/README-images/logo.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ce2499
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/README-images/logo.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..438dfce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Pillarbox-web Demo
+![Pillarbox logo](README-images/logo.jpg)
+This is a demo application for the [pillarbox-web](https://github.com/SRGSSR/pillarbox-web), a web
+SDK that extends the functionality of video.js.
+You can use this demo to see how `pillarbox-web` works and how to integrate it into your own web
+## Requirements
+To run this demo, you need to have the following installed on your system:
+- Node.js (version 14 or higher)
+## Quick start
+To run this demo locally, follow these steps:
+1. Clone this repository: `git clone https://github.com/SRGSSR/pillarbox-web-demo.git`
+2. Navigate to the project folder: `cd pillarbox-web-demo`
+3. Install the dependencies: `npm install`
+4. Start the development server: `npm start`
+5. Open your browser and go to `http://localhost:9696`
+You should see a web page with a video player that uses `pillarbox-web`. You can play around with
+the player settings and see how they affect the player behavior and appearance.
+Sure, I can help you with that. Here is the updated contributing section with the added information:
+## Contributing
+If you want to contribute to this demo, you are welcome to do so. Please follow the code style and
+linting rules defined in this project. You can use the following commands to check and fix your
+- `npm run eslint` to check your JavaScript code
+- `npm run stylelint` to check your CSS and SCSS code
+- `npm run stylelint:fix` to fix your CSS and SCSS code
+This project also has a pre-commit hook that runs the linting check automatically before you commit
+your changes. You can enable this hook by running the `prepare` script: `npm run prepare`.
+Before submitting a pull request, please make sure that your code builds successfully. You can use
+the following commands to do that: `npm run build` to build the project.
+Please take note of our [Contribution Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md).
+## Licensing
+This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](../LICENSE) file for more details.
diff --git a/img/favicon.ico b/img/favicon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21fa14c
Binary files /dev/null and b/img/favicon.ico differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/img/srgssr-logo.png differ
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ Pillarbox - Demo Page
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "lockfileVersion": 3,
+ "requires": true,
+ "packages": {
+ "": {
+ "name": "pillarbox-web-demo",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "highlight.js": "^11.9.0",
+ "lit": "^3.1.1",
+ "material-icons": "^1.13.12",
+ "minimatch": "^9.0.3",
+ "open-props": "^1.6.17",
+ "video.js": "^8.10.0"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "@commitlint/cli": "^18.6.0",
+ "@commitlint/config-conventional": "^18.6.0",
+ "eslint": "^8.56.0",
+ "eslint-config-standard": "^17.1.0",
+ "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.29.1",
+ "eslint-plugin-n": "^16.6.2",
+ "eslint-plugin-promise": "^6.1.1",
+ "husky": "^9.0.6",
+ "postcss-lit": "^1.1.1",
+ "sass": "^1.70.0",
+ "stylelint": "^16.2.0",
+ "stylelint-config-rational-order": "^0.1.2",
+ "stylelint-config-standard": "^36.0.0",
+ "stylelint-config-standard-scss": "^13.0.0",
+ "stylelint-order": "^6.0.4",
+ "vite": "^5.0.12"
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ "name": "@srgssr/pillarbox-web-demo",
+ "description": "Demo application for the pillarbox-web",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "git+https://github.com/SRGSSR/pillarbox-web-demo.git"
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "build": "vite build",
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+ "start": "vite --port 9696",
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+@import "open-props/open-props.min.css";
+@import 'material-icons/iconfont/material-icons.css';
+@import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css';
+$material-icons-font-path: '../node_modules/material-icons/iconfont/';
+*::after {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+html {
+ overflow-y: scroll;
+ --color-1: var(--gray-1);
+ --color-2: var(--gray-2);
+ --color-3: var(--gray-3);
+ --color-4: var(--gray-4);
+ --color-5: var(--gray-5);
+ --color-6: var(--gray-6);
+ --color-7: var(--gray-7);
+ --color-8: var(--gray-8);
+ --color-9: var(--gray-9);
+ --color-10: var(--gray-10);
+ --color-11: var(--gray-11);
+ --color-12: var(--gray-12);
+ @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
+ --color-1: var(--gray-12);
+ --color-2: var(--gray-11);
+ --color-3: var(--gray-10);
+ --color-4: var(--gray-9);
+ --color-5: var(--gray-8);
+ --color-6: var(--gray-7);
+ --color-7: var(--gray-6);
+ --color-8: var(--gray-5);
+ --color-9: var(--gray-4);
+ --color-10: var(--gray-3);
+ --color-11: var(--gray-2);
+ --color-12: var(--gray-1);
+ }
+body {
+ max-width: var(--size-md);
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ padding: 0 var(--size-2);
+ color: var(--color-4);
+ font-size: var(--size-5);
+ font-family: var(--font-sans);
+ background-color: var(--color-11);
diff --git a/src/components/code-block/code-block.js b/src/components/code-block/code-block.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c0968b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/code-block/code-block.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import { html, LitElement, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
+import componentCss from './code-block.scss?inline';
+import { unsafeHTML } from 'lit/directives/unsafe-html.js';
+import hljs from 'highlight.js/lib/core';
+import javascript from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/javascript';
+hljs.registerLanguage('javascript', javascript);
+export class CodeBlock extends LitElement {
+ static styles = [unsafeCSS(componentCss)];
+ static properties = {
+ language: { type: String },
+ code: { tyoe: String, state: true }
+ };
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props);
+ this.language = 'javascript';
+ }
+ #onCodeChanged() {
+ const slottedElements = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('slot').assignedNodes();
+ const codeStr = slottedElements[0].textContent;
+ this.code = hljs.highlight(codeStr, { language: this.language }).value;
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ ${unsafeHTML(this.code)}
+ this.#onCodeChanged()}">
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('code-block', CodeBlock);
diff --git a/src/components/code-block/code-block.scss b/src/components/code-block/code-block.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdb773c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/code-block/code-block.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+@import 'highlight.js/scss/atom-one-dark';
+[part="container"] {
+ overflow-x: auto;
+ font-size: var(--font-size-0);
+slot {
+ display: none;
diff --git a/src/components/content-link/content-link-component.js b/src/components/content-link/content-link-component.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89f61d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/content-link/content-link-component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import router from '../../router/router';
+import { html, LitElement, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
+import componentCSS from './content-link-component.scss?inline';
+ * A component for rendering a content link.
+ *
+ * @prop {string} href - The URL to navigate to.
+ * @prop {string} title - The title attribute for the link.
+ *
+ * @csspart a - The anchor element.
+ * @csspart title - The title span within the anchor.
+ * @csspart description - The slot for additional description content within the anchor.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * Additional Description Content
+ *
+ */
+export class ContentLinkComponent extends LitElement {
+ static properties = {
+ href: {}
+ };
+ static styles = unsafeCSS(componentCSS);
+ #onClick = (event) => {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ const url = new URL(`${window.location.origin}/${this.href}`);
+ const queryParams = Object.fromEntries(url.searchParams.entries());
+ router.navigateTo(url.pathname, queryParams);
+ };
+ connectedCallback() {
+ super.connectedCallback();
+ this.addEventListener('click', this.#onClick);
+ }
+ disconnectedCallback() {
+ super.disconnectedCallback();
+ this.removeEventListener('click', this.#onClick);
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ ${this.title}
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('content-link', ContentLinkComponent);
diff --git a/src/components/content-link/content-link-component.scss b/src/components/content-link/content-link-component.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d8695e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/content-link/content-link-component.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+[part="a"] {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ gap: var(--size-2);
+ justify-content: center;
+ min-height: var(--size-10);
+ margin: 0;
+ color: var(--color-0);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-6);
+ font-size: var(--size-3);
+ text-align: justify;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ background-color: var(--color-9);
+ border: 1px solid var(--color-10);
+ transition: background-color 0.4s, border-color 0.4s;
+ padding-inline: var(--size-3);
+ &:hover {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ background-color: var(--color-8);
+ border-color: var(--color-9);
+ }
+[part="title"] {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+::slotted([slot="description"]) {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ color: var(--color-6);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-5);
+ font-size: var(--size-3);
+ font-style: italic;
diff --git a/src/components/dialog/demo-dialog-component.js b/src/components/dialog/demo-dialog-component.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d953c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/dialog/demo-dialog-component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Defines the behaviour of the demo dialog.
+ *
+ * @module
+ */
+import { html, LitElement, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
+import { animations, theme } from '../../theme/theme';
+import componentCSS from './demo-dialog-component.scss?inline';
+export class DemoDialog extends LitElement {
+ static properties = {
+ open: { type: Boolean, reflect: true }
+ };
+ static styles = [
+ theme, animations, unsafeCSS(componentCSS)
+ ];
+ #dialog;
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.open = false;
+ }
+ updated(_changedProperties) {
+ super.updated(_changedProperties);
+ if (_changedProperties.has('open')) {
+ if (this.open) {
+ this.#dialog.showModal();
+ this.#dialog.classList.toggle('slide-up-fade-in', true);
+ } else {
+ this.#dialog.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
+ super.firstUpdated(_changedProperties);
+ this.#dialog = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('dialog');
+ }
+ #onDialogClosed() {
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('close'));
+ }
+ #onDialogClicked(e) {
+ if (this.#dialog !== e.target) return;
+ this.open = false;
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ e.target.classList.remove('slide-up-fade-in')}">
+ { this.open = false; }}"
+ title="Close player dialog">×
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('demo-dialog', DemoDialog);
diff --git a/src/components/dialog/demo-dialog-component.scss b/src/components/dialog/demo-dialog-component.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9c1f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/dialog/demo-dialog-component.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+[part="container"] {
+ block-size: 480px;
+ aspect-ratio: var(--ratio-widescreen);
+ padding: 0;
+ overflow: visible;
+ background-color: var(--color-12);
+[part="close-btn"] {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: calc(var(--size-3) * -1);
+ right: 0;
+ /* video-js error screen is z-index=1 and the button is not easily clickable */
+ z-index: 2;
+ width: var(--size-7);
+ height: var(--size-7);
+ font-size: var(--size-4);
+ text-align: center;
+ background: var(--gray-6);
+ border-radius: var(--radius-round);
diff --git a/src/components/intersection-observer/intersection-observer-component.js b/src/components/intersection-observer/intersection-observer-component.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37b5395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/intersection-observer/intersection-observer-component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
+import { animations } from '../../theme/theme';
+ root: null,
+ rootMargin: '0px',
+ threshold: 0.1
+ * Attach an Intersection Observer to a target element and execute a callback when it becomes visible.
+ *
+ * @param {Element} target - The target element to observe.
+ * @param {Function} callback - The callback function to execute when the target is intersecting.
+ * @param {Object} options - (Optional) Options to configure the Intersection Observer.
+ * @param {Element} [options.root=null] - The element that is used as the viewport for checking visibility.
+ * @param {string} [options.rootMargin='0px'] - Margin around the root. Can have values similar to CSS margin property.
+ * @param {number} [options.threshold=0.1] - The threshold at which the callback will be triggered.
+ */
+const onIntersecting = (target, callback, options = DEFAULT_INT_OPTIONS) => {
+ new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
+ entries.forEach(entry => {
+ if (entry.isIntersecting) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ });
+ }, options).observe(target);
+ * This web component acts as a sentinel for an Intersection Observer,
+ * dispatching an 'intersecting' event when the observed element intersects
+ * with the view.
+ *
+ * @element intersection-observer
+ * @csspart sentinel - the sentinel element.
+ *
+ * @fires IntersectionObserverComponent#intersecting - Dispatched when the observed element intersects with the view.
+ */
+export class IntersectionObserverComponent extends LitElement {
+ static styles = [
+ animations
+ ];
+ firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
+ super.firstUpdated(_changedProperties);
+ onIntersecting(
+ this.renderRoot.querySelector('div'),
+ () => {
+ /**
+ * Custom event dispatched by IntersectionObserverComponent when the observed element intersects
+ * with the view.
+ *
+ * @event IntersectionObserverComponent#intersecting
+ * @type {CustomEvent}
+ * @property {Object} detail - The event detail object.
+ * @property {string} detail.src - The URL or URN of the media content to be loaded.
+ * @property {string | undefined} detail.type - The type of media. Undefined if the type cannot be determined.
+ * @property {Object | undefined} detail.keySystems - DRM key systems for the loaded media.
+ */
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('intersecting'));
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('intersection-observer', IntersectionObserverComponent);
diff --git a/src/components/player/player.js b/src/components/player/player.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1335fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/player/player.js
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * Initialized the demo player.
+ *
+ * @module
+ */
+import '../dialog/demo-dialog-component';
+// import '../../../../src/middleware/srgssr.js';
+import PreferencesProvider from '../../layout/content/settings/preferences-provider';
+import router from '../../router/router';
+import Pillarbox from 'video.js';
+const DEMO_PLAYER_ID = 'player';
+ fill: true,
+ restoreEl: true
+ * Creates and configures a Pillarbox player.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} options - (Optional) options to customize the player behaviour.
+ *
+ * @returns {Object} The configured Pillarbox player instance.
+ */
+const createPlayer = (options = {}) => {
+ const preferences = PreferencesProvider.loadPreferences();
+ window.player = new Pillarbox(DEMO_PLAYER_ID, {
+ ...{
+ muted: preferences.muted ?? true,
+ autoplay: preferences.autoplay ?? false,
+ debug: preferences.debug ?? false
+ },
+ ...options
+ });
+ return window.player;
+ * Disposes of the Pillarbox video player instance.
+ */
+const destroyPlayer = () => {
+ Pillarbox.getPlayer(DEMO_PLAYER_ID).dispose();
+ window.player = null;
+// Expose Pillarbox and player in the window object for debugging
+window.pillarbox = Pillarbox;
+// Configure the dialog
+const playerDialog = document.querySelector('demo-dialog');
+const toParams = (keySystems) => {
+ const vendor = Object.keys(keySystems ?? {})[0];
+ if (!vendor) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return {
+ vendor,
+ ...keySystems[vendor]
+ };
+const toKeySystem = (params) => {
+ if (!params.vendor) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ const keySystem = {};
+ const { certificateUrl, licenseUrl } = params;
+ keySystem[params.vendor] = { certificateUrl, licenseUrl };
+ return keySystem;
+export const asQueryParams = ({ src, type, keySystems }) => {
+ return new URLSearchParams({ src, type, ...toParams(keySystems) }).toString();
+playerDialog.addEventListener('close', () => {
+ destroyPlayer();
+ router.updateState({}, ['src', 'type', 'vendor', 'certificateUrl', 'licenseUrl']);
+const loadPlayerFromRouter = (e) => {
+ const params = e.detail.queryParams;
+ if ('src' in params) {
+ const { src, type } = params;
+ const keySystems = toKeySystem(params);
+ openPlayerModal({ src, type, keySystems });
+ }
+router.addEventListener('routechanged', loadPlayerFromRouter);
+router.addEventListener('queryparams', loadPlayerFromRouter);
+ * Opens a modal containing a video player with specified source and type. Can only
+ * load URN if the type 'srgssr/urn`is explicitly provided, otherwise the created
+ * Pillarbox player tries to guess the type.
+ *
+ * @param {object} options - An object containing the source and type of the video to be played.
+ * @param {string} options.src - The source URL of the video.
+ * @param {string} [options.type] - (Optional) The type/format of the video (e.g., 'video/mp4').
+ * @param {object} [options.keySystems] - (Optional) The DRM configuration for DRM protected sources.
+ * @param {object} [options.playerOptions] - (Optional) Additional configuration for the player.
+ * @param {Boolean} shouldUpdateRouter - Whether the router should be updated or not (Default: true).
+ *
+ * @returns {Object} The configured Pillarbox player instance.
+ */
+export const openPlayerModal = (
+ { src, type, keySystems, playerOptions },
+ shouldUpdateRouter = true
+) => {
+ const player = createPlayer(playerOptions ?? {});
+ playerDialog.open = true;
+ player.src({ src, type, keySystems });
+ if (shouldUpdateRouter) {
+ router.updateState({ src, type, ...toParams(keySystems) });
+ }
+ return player;
diff --git a/src/components/scroll-to-top/scroll-to-top-component.js b/src/components/scroll-to-top/scroll-to-top-component.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..295f019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/scroll-to-top/scroll-to-top-component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import { css, html, LitElement } from 'lit';
+import { animations, theme } from '../../theme/theme';
+ * A custom web component that provides a button to scroll to the top of the page.
+ *
+ * @element scroll-to-top-button
+ */
+export class ScrollToTopComponent extends LitElement {
+ static styles = [
+ theme,
+ animations,
+ css`
+ .scroll-to-top-button {
+ position: fixed;
+ right: 20px;
+ bottom: 20px;
+ z-index: 1;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ width: var(--size-7);
+ height: var(--size-7);
+ padding: 0;
+ border: none;
+ border-radius: var(--radius-round);
+ }
+ .scroll-to-top-button i {
+ font-size: var(--size-8);
+ }
+ `];
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' })}">
+ arrow_circle_up
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('scroll-to-top-button', ScrollToTopComponent);
diff --git a/src/components/spinner/spinner-component.js b/src/components/spinner/spinner-component.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccab98a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/spinner/spinner-component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import { html, LitElement, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
+import spinnerCss from './spinner-component.scss?inline';
+import { animations } from '../../theme/theme';
+ * A spinner component.
+ *
+ * @element loading-spinner
+ */
+export class SpinnerComponent extends LitElement {
+ static properties = {
+ loading: { type: Boolean, reflect: true }
+ };
+ static styles = [animations, unsafeCSS(spinnerCss)];
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.loading = false;
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('loading-spinner', SpinnerComponent);
diff --git a/src/components/spinner/spinner-component.scss b/src/components/spinner/spinner-component.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..165f248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/spinner/spinner-component.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+.spinner {
+ display: block;
+ width: var(--size-7);
+ height: var(--size-7);
+ border: 3px solid var(--color-2);
+ border-bottom-color: transparent;
+ border-radius: var(--radius-round);
+ animation: var(--animation-spin);
+.spinner-container {
+ display: grid;
+ place-content: center;
+ margin: var(--size-10);
+ &.hidden {
+ display: none;
+ }
diff --git a/src/components/toggle-switch/toggle-switch-component.js b/src/components/toggle-switch/toggle-switch-component.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78e734f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/toggle-switch/toggle-switch-component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import { html, LitElement, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
+import { theme } from '../../theme/theme';
+import componentCSS from './toggle-switch-component.scss?inline';
+ * Custom element representing a toggle switch.
+ *
+ * @element toggle-switch
+ *
+ * @csspart switch - The container for the toggle switch.
+ * @csspart slider - The slider button of the toggle switch.
+ *
+ * @prop {Boolean} checked - Reflects the current state of the toggle switch.
+ * @prop {Boolean} disabled - Indicates whether the toggle switch is disabled.
+ *
+ * @attribute {String} role - ARIA role for accessibility, set to 'switch'.
+ * @attribute {String} tabindex - ARIA tabindex for accessibility, set to '0'.
+ *
+ * @fires ToggleSwitchComponent#change
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ *
+ * @customElement
+ */
+export class ToggleSwitchComponent extends LitElement {
+ static formAssociated = true;
+ static properties = {
+ checked: { type: Boolean, reflect: true },
+ disabled: { type: Boolean }
+ };
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.checked = false;
+ this.disabled = false;
+ }
+ static styles = [
+ theme, unsafeCSS(componentCSS)
+ ];
+ #onKeyDown = (e) => {
+ if (e.key === ' ') {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.toggle();
+ }
+ };
+ #onClick = () => {
+ this.toggle();
+ };
+ connectedCallback() {
+ super.connectedCallback();
+ if (!this.hasAttribute('role')) {
+ this.setAttribute('role', 'switch');
+ }
+ if (!this.hasAttribute('tabindex')) {
+ this.setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
+ }
+ this.addEventListener('click', this.#onClick);
+ this.addEventListener('keydown', this.#onKeyDown);
+ }
+ disconnectedCallback() {
+ super.disconnectedCallback();
+ this.removeEventListener('click', this.#onClick);
+ this.removeEventListener('keydown', this.#onKeyDown);
+ }
+ toggle(force) {
+ if (!this.disabled) {
+ this.checked = force ?? !this.checked;
+ }
+ }
+ updated(_changedProperties) {
+ super.updated(_changedProperties);
+ if (_changedProperties.has('checked')) {
+ this.setAttribute('aria-checked', this.checked.toString());
+ /**
+ * Custom event dispatched when the state of the toggle switch changes.
+ *
+ * @event ToggleSwitchComponent#change
+ * @type {CustomEvent}
+ * @property {Object} detail - The event detail object.
+ * @property {Boolean} detail.checked - The new state of the toggle switch.
+ */
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('change', { detail: { checked: this.checked } }));
+ }
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('toggle-switch', ToggleSwitchComponent);
diff --git a/src/components/toggle-switch/toggle-switch-component.scss b/src/components/toggle-switch/toggle-switch-component.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eba41f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/toggle-switch/toggle-switch-component.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+:host {
+ display: inline-block;
+ cursor: pointer;
+[part="switch"] {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ width: var(--size-9);
+ height: var(--size-7);
+ background-color: var(--gray-6);
+ border-radius: var(--radius-4);
+ transition: .4s;
+[part="slider"] {
+ display: block;
+ width: var(--size-5);
+ height: var(--size-5);
+ margin-left: var(--size-2);
+ background-color: var(--gray-1);
+ border-radius: var(--radius-round);
+ transition: .4s;
+ content: "";
+:host([checked]) [part="switch"] {
+ background-color: var(--green-8);
+:host([checked]) [part="slider"] {
+ transform: translateX(var(--size-5));
+:host([disabled]) [part="switch"] {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ opacity: 0.5;
diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6703d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Main module to import and initialize the demo as a single page application.
+ *
+ * @module
+ */
+import './components/dialog/demo-dialog-component';
+import './components/player/player';
+import './layout/content/examples/examples-page';
+import './layout/content/lists/lists-page';
+import './layout/content/search/search-page';
+import './layout/content/settings/settings-page';
+import './layout/content/showcase/showcase-page';
+import './layout/header/header-component';
+import './router/route-outlet-component';
+import router from './router/router';
+import PreferencesProvider from './layout/content/settings/preferences-provider';
+const preferences = PreferencesProvider.loadPreferences();
+// Initialize the router with the current path or 'examples' if none is found
+router.start({ defaultPath: 'examples' });
+if (router.queryParams.debug) {
+ preferences.debug = router.queryParams.debug === 'true';
+ PreferencesProvider.savePreferences(preferences);
+} else if (preferences.debug) {
+ router.updateState({ debug: 'true' });
diff --git a/src/layout/content/examples/examples-page.js b/src/layout/content/examples/examples-page.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..519ee68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/examples/examples-page.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import router from '../../../router/router';
+import { css, html, LitElement } from 'lit';
+import { animations, theme } from '../../../theme/theme';
+import './load-media-form-component';
+import '../../../components/content-link/content-link-component';
+import Examples from './examples';
+import { map } from 'lit/directives/map.js';
+import { when } from 'lit/directives/when.js';
+import { asQueryParams, openPlayerModal } from '../../../components/player/player';
+ * A web component that represents the examples page.
+ *
+ * @element examples-page
+ */
+export class ExamplesPage extends LitElement {
+ static styles = [
+ theme, animations, css`
+ .example-section p {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ color: var(--color-5);
+ font-size: var(--size-3);
+ text-align: left;
+ }`
+ ];
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ openPlayerModal(e.detail)}">
+ e.target.classList.remove('fade-in')}">
+ ${map(Object.entries(Examples), ([section, examples]) => html`
+ ${section}
+ ${map(examples, example => html`
+ ${when(example.description, () => html`
+ ${example.title}
+ `)}
+ `)}
+ `)}
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('examples-page', ExamplesPage);
+router.addRoute('examples', 'examples-page');
diff --git a/src/layout/content/examples/examples.js b/src/layout/content/examples/examples.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c93c895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/examples/examples.js
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+const EXAMPLES = {
+ {
+ title: 'Horizontal video',
+ src: 'urn:rts:video:6820736',
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Square video',
+ src: 'urn:rts:video:8393241',
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Vertical video',
+ src: 'urn:rts:video:13444390',
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Token-protected video',
+ description: 'Ski alpin, Slalom Messieurs',
+ src: 'urn:swisstxt:video:rts:c56ea781-99ad-40c3-8d9b-444cc5ac3aea',
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Superfluously token-protected video',
+ description: 'Telegiornale flash',
+ src: 'urn:rsi:video:15916771',
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'DRM-protected video',
+ description: 'Top Models 8870',
+ src: 'urn:rts:video:13639837',
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Live video',
+ description: 'SRF 1',
+ src: 'urn:srf:video:c4927fcf-e1a0-0001-7edd-1ef01d441651',
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'DVR video livestream',
+ description: 'RTS 1',
+ src: 'urn:rts:video:3608506',
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'DVR audio livestream',
+ description: 'Couleur 3 (DVR)',
+ src: 'urn:rts:audio:3262363',
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'On-demand audio stream',
+ description: 'Il lavoro di TerraProject per una fotografia documentaria',
+ src: 'urn:rsi:audio:8833144',
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Expired URN',
+ description: 'Content that is not available anymore',
+ src: 'urn:rts:video:13382911',
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Unknown URN',
+ description: 'Content that does not exist',
+ src: 'urn:srf:video:unknown',
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ }
+ ],
+ HLS: [
+ {
+ title: 'VOD - HLS',
+ description: 'Switzerland says sorry! The fondue invasion',
+ src: 'https://swi-vod.akamaized.net/videoJson/47603186/master.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'VOD - HLS (short)',
+ description: 'Des violents orages ont touché Ajaccio, chef-lieu de la Corse, jeudi',
+ src: 'https://rts-vod-amd.akamaized.net/ww/13317145/f1d49f18-f302-37ce-866c-1c1c9b76a824/master.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Brain Farm Skate Phantom Flex',
+ description: '4K video',
+ src: 'https://sample.vodobox.net/skate_phantom_flex_4k/skate_phantom_flex_4k.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Video livestream - HLS',
+ description: 'Couleur 3 en vidéo (live)',
+ src: 'https://rtsc3video.akamaized.net/hls/live/2042837/c3video/3/playlist.m3u8?dw=0',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Video livestream with DVR - HLS',
+ description: 'Couleur 3 en vidéo (DVR)',
+ src: 'https://rtsc3video.akamaized.net/hls/live/2042837/c3video/3/playlist.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Video livestream with DVR and timestamps - HLS',
+ description: 'Tageschau',
+ src: 'https://tagesschau.akamaized.net/hls/live/2020115/tagesschau/tagesschau_1/master.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Audio livestream - HLS',
+ description: 'Couleur 3 (DVR)',
+ src: 'https://lsaplus.swisstxt.ch/audio/couleur3_96.stream/playlist.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Apple Basic 4:3',
+ description: '4x3 aspect ratio, H.264 @ 30Hz',
+ src: 'https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/streaming/examples/bipbop_4x3/bipbop_4x3_variant.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Apple Basic 16:9',
+ description: '16x9 aspect ratio, H.264 @ 30Hz',
+ src: 'https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/streaming/examples/bipbop_16x9/bipbop_16x9_variant.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Apple Advanced 16:9 (TS)',
+ description: '16x9 aspect ratio, H.264 @ 30Hz and 60Hz, Transport stream',
+ src: 'https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/streaming/examples/img_bipbop_adv_example_ts/master.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Apple Advanced 16:9 (fMP4)',
+ description: '16x9 aspect ratio, H.264 @ 30Hz and 60Hz, Fragmented MP4',
+ src: 'https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/streaming/examples/img_bipbop_adv_example_fmp4/master.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Apple Advanced 16:9 (HEVC/H.264)',
+ description: '16x9 aspect ratio, H.264 and HEVC @ 30Hz and 60Hz',
+ src: 'https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/streaming/examples/bipbop_adv_example_hevc/master.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Apple Atmos',
+ src: 'https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/streaming/examples/adv_dv_atmos/main.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Apple WWDC Keynote 2023',
+ src: 'https://events-delivery.apple.com/0105cftwpxxsfrpdwklppzjhjocakrsk/m3u8/vod_index-PQsoJoECcKHTYzphNkXohHsQWACugmET.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Apple tv trailer',
+ description: 'Lot of audios and subtitles choices',
+ src: 'https://play-edge.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZPlayLocal.woa/hls/subscription/playlist.m3u8?cc=CH&svcId=tvs.vds.4021&a=1522121579&isExternal=true&brandId=tvs.sbd.4000&id=518077009&l=en-GB&aec=UHD\n',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Multiple subtitles and audio tracks',
+ description: 'On some devices codec may crash',
+ src: 'https://bitmovin-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: '4K, HEVC',
+ src: 'https://cdn.bitmovin.com/content/encoding_test_dash_hls/4k/hls/4k_profile/master.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'VoD, single audio track',
+ src: 'https://bitmovin-a.akamaihd.net/content/MI201109210084_1/m3u8s/f08e80da-bf1d-4e3d-8899-f0f6155f6efa.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'AES-128',
+ src: 'https://bitmovin-a.akamaihd.net/content/art-of-motion_drm/m3u8s/11331.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'HLS - Fragmented MP4',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel.ism/.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'HLS - Alternate audio language',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-multi-lang.ism/.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'HLS - Audio only',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-multi-lang.ism/.m3u8?filter=(type!=%22video%22)',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'HLS - Trickplay',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/no-handler-origin/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-trickplay.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Limiting bandwidth use',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel.ism/.m3u8?max_bitrate=800000',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dynamic Track Selection',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel.ism/.m3u8?filter=%28type%3D%3D%22audio%22%26%26systemBitrate%3C100000%29%7C%7C%28type%3D%3D%22video%22%26%26systemBitrate%3C1024000%29',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Pure live',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/live/stable/live.isml/.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Timeshift (5 minutes)',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/live/stable/live.isml/.m3u8?time_shift=300',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Live audio',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/live/stable/live.isml/.m3u8?filter=(type!=%22video%22)',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Pure live (scte35)',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/live/stable/scte35.isml/.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'fMP4, clear',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-fmp4.ism/.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'fMP4, HEVC 4K',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-hevc.ism/.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Test1',
+ description: 'Forced subtitles',
+ src: 'https://prd.vod-srgssr.ch/origin/1053457/fr/master.m3u8?complexSubs=true',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ }
+ ],
+ DASH: [
+ {
+ title: 'VoD - Dash (H264)',
+ src: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/wvmedia/clear/h264/tears/tears.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'VoD - Dash Widewine cenc (H264)',
+ src: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/wvmedia/cenc/h264/tears/tears.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml',
+ keySystems: {
+ 'com.widevine.alpha': 'https://proxy.uat.widevine.com/proxy?video_id=2015_tears&provider=widevine_test'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'VoD - Dash (H265)',
+ src: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/wvmedia/clear/hevc/tears/tears.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'VoD - Dash widewine cenc (H265)',
+ src: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/wvmedia/cenc/hevc/tears/tears.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml',
+ keySystems: {
+ 'com.widevine.alpha': 'https://proxy.uat.widevine.com/proxy?video_id=2015_tears&provider=widevine_test'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'VoD - Dash - MP4',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel.mp4/.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - Fragmented MP4',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel.ism/.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - TrickPlay',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/no-handler-origin/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-trickplay.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - Tiled thumbnails (live/timeline)',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-tiled-thumbnails-timeline.ism/.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - Accessibility - hard of hearing',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-hoh-subs.ism/.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - Single - fragmented TTML',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-en.ism/.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - Multiple - RFC 5646 language tags',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-rfc5646.ism/.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - Multiple - fragmented TTML',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-ttml.ism/.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - Audio only',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-multi-lang.ism/.mpd?filter=(type!=%22video%22)',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - Multiple audio codecs',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-multi-codec.ism/.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - Alternate audio language',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-multi-lang.ism/.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - Accessibility - audio description',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/features/stable/video/tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-desc-aud.ism/.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - Pure live',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/live/stable/live.isml/.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - Timeshift (5 minutes)',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/live/stable/live.isml/.mpd?time_shift=300',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Dash - DVB DASH low latency',
+ src: 'https://demo.unified-streaming.com/k8s/live/stable/live-low-latency.isml/.mpd',
+ type: 'application/dash+xml'
+ }
+ ],
+ MP4: [
+ {
+ title: 'VOD - MP4',
+ description: 'The dig',
+ src: 'https://media.swissinfo.ch/media/video/dddaff93-c2cd-4b6e-bdad-55f75a519480/rendition/154a844b-de1d-4854-93c1-5c61cd07e98c.mp4',
+ type: 'video/mp4'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'AVC Progressive',
+ src: 'https://bitmovin-a.akamaihd.net/content/MI201109210084_1/MI201109210084_mpeg-4_hd_high_1080p25_10mbits.mp4',
+ type: 'video/mp4'
+ }
+ ],
+ AOD: [
+ {
+ title: 'Audio HLS',
+ description: 'Content with PTS rollover',
+ src: 'https://cdn.rts.ch/audio-sample/playlist.m3u8',
+ type: 'application/x-mpegURL'
+ }
+ ]
+export default EXAMPLES;
diff --git a/src/layout/content/examples/load-media-form-component.js b/src/layout/content/examples/load-media-form-component.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4af3668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/examples/load-media-form-component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+import { html, LitElement, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
+import { animations, theme } from '../../../theme/theme';
+import componentCSS from './load-media-form-component.scss?inline';
+import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js';
+ * LoadMediaFormComponent is a LitElement that provides a user interface for loading media content.
+ *
+ * @element load-media-form
+ *
+ * @fires LoadMediaFormComponent#submit-media - Dispatched when the user submits media with the specified details.
+ *
+ * @prop {String} src - The URL or URN of the media content to be loaded.
+ * @prop {{vendor: String, certificateUrl: String, licenseUrl: String}} drmSettings - DRM settings for the loaded media.
+ */
+export class LoadMediaFormComponent extends LitElement {
+ static properties = {
+ src: { type: String },
+ drmSettings: { type: Object },
+ drmSettingsShown: { state: true, type: Boolean }
+ };
+ static styles = [theme, animations, unsafeCSS(componentCSS)];
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.src = '';
+ this.#initDrmSettings();
+ }
+ #initDrmSettings() {
+ this.drmSettings = {
+ vendor: '',
+ certificateUrl: '',
+ licenseUrl: ''
+ };
+ }
+ #submitMedia() {
+ const src = this.src;
+ const type = src.startsWith('urn:') ? 'srgssr/urn' : undefined;
+ const keySystems = this.#keySystems;
+ /**
+ * Custom event dispatched by LoadMediaFormComponent when the user submits media.
+ *
+ * @event LoadMediaFormComponent#submit-media
+ * @type {CustomEvent}
+ * @property {Object} detail - The event detail object.
+ * @property {string} detail.src - The URL or URN of the media content to be loaded.
+ * @property {string | undefined} detail.type - The type of media. Undefined if the type cannot be determined.
+ * @property {Object | undefined} detail.keySystems - DRM key systems for the loaded media.
+ */
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('submit-media', {
+ detail: { src, type, keySystems }
+ }));
+ }
+ #handleLoadBarKeyUp(event) {
+ this.src = event.target.value;
+ if (event.key === 'Enter' && this.src) {
+ this.#submitMedia();
+ }
+ }
+ get #keySystems() {
+ if (!this.drmSettings?.vendor) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ const certificateUrl = this.drmSettings.certificateUrl;
+ const licenseUrl = this.drmSettings.licenseUrl;
+ if (this.drmSettings.vendor === 'com.apple.fps.1_0') {
+ return { [this.drmSettings.vendor]: { certificateUrl, licenseUrl } };
+ }
+ return { [this.drmSettings.vendor]: { licenseUrl } };
+ }
+ render() {
+ const btnSettingsClassMap = {
+ spin: this.drmSettingsShown === true,
+ 'spin-back': this.drmSettingsShown === false
+ };
+ return html`
+ e.target.classList.remove('fade-in')}">
+ insert_link
+ { this.drmSettingsShown = !this.drmSettingsShown; }}">
+ e.target.classList.remove('spin', 'spin-back')}">
+ key
+ ${this.#drmSettingsTemplate()}
+ play_circle Play content
+ `;
+ }
+ updated(_changedProperties) {
+ super.updated(_changedProperties);
+ if (_changedProperties.has('drmSettingsShown') && this.drmSettingsShown) {
+ this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.drm-settings-container').classList.add('active');
+ }
+ }
+ #onFormAnimationEnd(e) {
+ if (e.target.classList.contains('shrink')) {
+ e.target.classList.remove('active');
+ }
+ e.target.classList.remove('fade-in-grow', 'shrink');
+ }
+ #formAnimationClassMap() {
+ return {
+ 'fade-in-grow': this.drmSettingsShown === true,
+ shrink: this.drmSettingsShown === false
+ };
+ }
+ #drmSettingsTemplate() {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('load-media-form', LoadMediaFormComponent);
diff --git a/src/layout/content/examples/load-media-form-component.scss b/src/layout/content/examples/load-media-form-component.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab1329e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/examples/load-media-form-component.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+.load-bar-container {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ padding: 0 var(--size-3);
+ background-color: var(--color-8);
+ border-radius: var(--radius-2);
+ input {
+ width: 90%;
+ }
+ button {
+ background-color: var(--color-8);
+ border: 0;
+ }
+.drm-settings-container {
+ display: none;
+ input {
+ border-radius: var(--radius-2);
+ }
+ select {
+ border-right: var(--size-5) solid var(--color-8);
+ }
+ &.active {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ }
+.load-bar-action {
+ width: 100%;
+.fade-in-grow {
+ opacity: 0;
+ animation: fade-in .4s var(--ease-elastic-in-3) forwards,
+ grow .4s ease;
+.shrink {
+ opacity: 0;
+ animation: grow .4s ease;
+ animation-direction: reverse;
+@keyframes grow {
+ from {
+ max-height: 0;
+ }
+ to {
+ max-height: var(--size-15);
+ }
diff --git a/src/layout/content/lists/lists-page-state-manager.js b/src/layout/content/lists/lists-page-state-manager.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20fa8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/lists/lists-page-state-manager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+import { toKebabCase } from '../../../utils/string-utils';
+ * Manages the state of a lists page, allowing navigation and retrieval of section data.
+ *
+ * @class
+ */
+class ListsPageStateManager {
+ /**
+ * Creates an instance of ListsPageStateManager.
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {Array} root - The root level of the lists page.
+ */
+ constructor(root) {
+ /**
+ * Stack to keep track of the traversal steps for navigation.
+ *
+ * @type {Array<{level: Array, sectionIndex: number, nodeIndex: number}>}
+ */
+ this.stack = [];
+ /**
+ * The current level of the content tree.
+ *
+ * @type {Array}
+ */
+ this.level = root;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initializes the state manager with the provided section, business unit, and nodes.
+ *
+ * @async
+ * @param {string} section - The section to initialize.
+ * @param {string} bu - The business unit associated with the section.
+ * @param {string} nodes - A comma-separated string of nodes representing the initial state.
+ * @returns {Promise} - A promise that resolves when initialization is complete.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Example Usage:
+ * await stateManager.initialize("radio-shows", "rts", "a9e7621504c6959e35c3ecbe7f6bed0446cdf8da,urn:rts:show:radio:9801398");
+ */
+ async initialize(section, bu, nodes) {
+ if (!section || !bu) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const sectionIndex = this.#findSectionIndex(section);
+ const nodeIndex = this.#findNodeIndex(this.level[sectionIndex].nodes, bu);
+ await this.fetchNextState(sectionIndex, nodeIndex);
+ for (const nodeStr of (nodes?.split(',') || [])) {
+ const nodeIndex = this.#findNodeIndex(this.level[0].nodes, nodeStr);
+ await this.fetchNextState(0, nodeIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetches the next state based on the provided section index and node index.
+ *
+ * @param {number} sectionIndex - The index of the section.
+ * @param {number} nodeIndex - The index of the node.
+ * @returns {Promise} - A promise that resolves when the state is fetched.
+ */
+ async fetchNextState(sectionIndex, nodeIndex) {
+ const section = this.level[sectionIndex];
+ this.stack.push({ level: this.level, sectionIndex, nodeIndex });
+ this.level = [await section.resolve(section.nodes[nodeIndex])];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetches the previous state based on the provided stack index.
+ *
+ * @param {number} stackIndex - The index in the stack.
+ */
+ fetchPreviousState(stackIndex) {
+ this.level = this.stack[stackIndex].level;
+ this.stack.splice(stackIndex);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the specified section at the given index is a leaf section.
+ *
+ * @param {number} sectionIndex - The index of the section.
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} - True if the section is a leaf section, false otherwise.
+ */
+ isLeafSection(sectionIndex) {
+ return this.level[sectionIndex]?.isLeaf();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the node at the specified section and node indices.
+ *
+ * @param {number} sectionIndex - The index of the section.
+ * @param {number} nodeIndex - The index of the node.
+ *
+ * @returns {any} - The retrieved node.
+ */
+ retrieveNode(sectionIndex, nodeIndex) {
+ return this.level[sectionIndex]?.nodes[nodeIndex];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the root level of the content tree.
+ *
+ * @returns {Array} - The root level of the content tree.
+ */
+ get root() {
+ return this.stack[0]?.level || this.level;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the current state of this manager as query params that are parsable
+ * by {@link #initialize}.
+ *
+ * @returns {{}|{bu: string, section: string, nodes?: string}} The current state as query params.
+ */
+ get params() {
+ return ListsPageStateManager.#params(this.stack);
+ }
+ static #params(stack) {
+ if (stack.length === 0) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ const root = stack[0];
+ const rootSection = root.level[root.sectionIndex];
+ const nodes = stack.slice(1).map(n => {
+ const node = n.level[n.sectionIndex].nodes[n.nodeIndex];
+ return node.id || node.urn;
+ });
+ const params = {
+ section: toKebabCase(rootSection.title),
+ bu: rootSection.nodes[root.nodeIndex].toLowerCase()
+ };
+ if (nodes && nodes.length) {
+ params.nodes = nodes.join(',');
+ }
+ return params;
+ }
+ paramsAt(sectionIndex, nodeIndex) {
+ return ListsPageStateManager.#params(
+ [...this.stack, { level: this.level, sectionIndex, nodeIndex }]
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds the index of a section based on its title in kebab case.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {string} sectionStr - The section title to find.
+ * @returns {number} - The index of the section.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * const index = stateManager.#findSectionIndex("Products");
+ */
+ #findSectionIndex(sectionStr) {
+ const normalizedSectionStr = toKebabCase(sectionStr).toLowerCase();
+ return this.level
+ .map(s => toKebabCase(s.title).toLowerCase())
+ .findIndex(title => title === normalizedSectionStr);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds the index of a node based on its string representation.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Array} nodes - The array of nodes to search.
+ * @param {string} str - The string representation of the node to find.
+ *
+ * @returns {number} - The index of the node.
+ */
+ #findNodeIndex(nodes, str) {
+ const normalizedStr = str.toLowerCase();
+ return nodes
+ .map(n => (n.urn || n.id || n.toString()).toLowerCase())
+ .findIndex(n => n === normalizedStr);
+ }
+export default ListsPageStateManager;
diff --git a/src/layout/content/lists/lists-page.js b/src/layout/content/lists/lists-page.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..264e85c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/lists/lists-page.js
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+import { html, LitElement, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
+import { animations, theme } from '../../../theme/theme';
+import router from '../../../router/router';
+import componentCSS from './lists-page.scss?inline';
+import '../../../components/spinner/spinner-component';
+import '../../../components/intersection-observer/intersection-observer-component';
+import '../../../components/scroll-to-top/scroll-to-top-component';
+import { map } from 'lit/directives/map.js';
+import { when } from 'lit/directives/when.js';
+import ListsPageStateManager from './lists-page-state-manager';
+import { listsSections } from './lists-sections';
+import Pillarbox from 'video.js';
+export class ListsPage extends LitElement {
+ static properties = {
+ loading: { state: true, type: Boolean },
+ stack: { state: true, type: Array },
+ level: { state: true, type: Object },
+ nextPage: { state: true, type: Function }
+ };
+ static styles = [
+ theme, animations, unsafeCSS(componentCSS)
+ ];
+ /**
+ * The abort controller for handling search cancellation.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @type {AbortController}
+ */
+ #abortController = new AbortController();
+ /**
+ * Keeps track of the state of the list page : the current level in display, as
+ * well as the traversal stack.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @type {ListsPageStateManager}
+ */
+ #stateManager;
+ /**
+ * The reference to the query params changed event handler.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @type {Function}
+ */
+ #onQueryParamsChanged;
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.loading = false;
+ this.#stateManager = new ListsPageStateManager(listsSections);
+ this.#updateState();
+ }
+ connectedCallback() {
+ super.connectedCallback();
+ this.#onQueryParamsChanged = async(event) => {
+ if (!event.detail.popstate) return;
+ this.abortFetch();
+ const manager = new ListsPageStateManager(this.#stateManager.root);
+ const { section, bu, nodes } = event.detail.queryParams;
+ this.loading = true;
+ try {
+ await manager.initialize(section, bu, nodes);
+ this.#stateManager = manager;
+ this.#updateState();
+ } finally {
+ this.loading = false;
+ }
+ };
+ router.addEventListener('queryparams', this.#onQueryParamsChanged);
+ }
+ disconnectedCallback() {
+ super.disconnectedCallback();
+ this.abortFetch();
+ router.removeEventListener('queryparams', this.#onQueryParamsChanged);
+ }
+ firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
+ super.firstUpdated(_changedProperties);
+ this.#onQueryParamsChanged(
+ { detail: { popstate: true, queryParams: router.queryParams } }
+ );
+ }
+ #updateState() {
+ this.stack = [...this.#stateManager.stack];
+ this.level = [...this.#stateManager.level];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Navigates to the specified section and node in the content tree.
+ *
+ * @param {number} sectionIndex - The index of the section.
+ * @param {number} nodeIndex - The index of the node.
+ */
+ async navigateTo(sectionIndex, nodeIndex) {
+ if (!this.#stateManager.isLeafSection(sectionIndex)) {
+ this.abortFetch();
+ this.loading = true;
+ try {
+ await this.#stateManager.fetchNextState(sectionIndex, nodeIndex);
+ this.#updateState();
+ } finally {
+ this.loading = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Aborts the previous fetch by cancelling the associated abort signal and
+ * creates a new abort controller for the next fetch.
+ *
+ * @returns {AbortSignal} - The abort signal associated with the new fetch.
+ */
+ abortFetch() {
+ this.#abortController?.abort('New search launched');
+ this.#abortController = new AbortController();
+ return this.#abortController.signal;
+ }
+ #toMediaButtonParams(node) {
+ return new URLSearchParams({ ...router.queryParams, src: node.urn, type: 'srgssr/urn' }).toString();
+ }
+ #renderMediaButton(node) {
+ const date = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('fr-CH').format(new Date(node.date));
+ const duration = Pillarbox.formatTime(node.duration / 1000);
+ return html`
+ ${node.mediaType === 'VIDEO' ? 'movie' : 'audiotrack'}
+ | ${date} | ${duration}
+ `;
+ }
+ #toLevelParams(sectionIdx, nodeIdx) {
+ const params = this.#stateManager.paramsAt(sectionIdx, nodeIdx);
+ return new URLSearchParams(params).toString();
+ }
+ #renderLevelButton(node, sectionIdx, nodeIdx) {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ }
+ async #nextPage(section) {
+ const signal = this.abortFetch();
+ await section.fetchNext(signal);
+ this.#updateState();
+ }
+ #renderNodes(nodes, sectionIdx) {
+ const firstSection = this.level[0];
+ const hasIntesectionObserver = this.level.length === 1 && firstSection.next;
+ return html`
+ ${map(nodes, (node, idx) => html`
+ ${when(node.mediaType, () => this.#renderMediaButton(node, idx), () => this.#renderLevelButton(node, sectionIdx, idx))}
+ `)}
+ ${when(hasIntesectionObserver, () => html`
+ this.#nextPage(firstSection)}">
+ `)}
+ `;
+ }
+ async #onSectionsClicked(e) {
+ const button = e.target.closest('content-link');
+ if (this.loading || !('nodeIdx' in button.dataset)) return;
+ const sectionIndex = button.dataset.sectionIdx;
+ const nodeIndex = button.dataset.nodeIdx;
+ await this.navigateTo(sectionIndex, nodeIndex);
+ }
+ #renderResults() {
+ return html`
+ e.target.classList.remove('fade-in')}"
+ @click="${this.#onSectionsClicked.bind(this)}">
+ ${map(this.level, (section, idx) => html`
+ ${section.title}
+ ${this.#renderNodes(section.nodes, idx)}
+ `)}
+ `;
+ }
+ #renderSpinner() {
+ return html`
+ e.target.classList.remove('slide-up-fade-in')}">
+ `;
+ }
+ #renderScrollToTopBtn() {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ }
+ #onNavigationClicked(e) {
+ if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'button') return;
+ this.abortFetch();
+ this.#stateManager.fetchPreviousState(e.target.dataset.navigationIdx);
+ this.#updateState();
+ router.updateState(this.#stateManager.params, ['section', 'bu', 'nodes']);
+ }
+ #renderNavigation() {
+ return html`
+ ${when(this.stack.length > 0, () => html`
+ Home
+ `)}
+ ${map(this.stack.slice(1), (step, idx) => html`
+ chevron_right
+ ${step.level[step.sectionIndex].title}
+ `)}
+ `;
+ }
+ render() {
+ const renderScrollBtn = this.level.length === 1 && this.level[0].next;
+ return html`
+ ${this.#renderNavigation()}
+ ${when(this.loading, this.#renderSpinner.bind(this), this.#renderResults.bind(this))}
+ ${when(renderScrollBtn, this.#renderScrollToTopBtn.bind(this))}
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('lists-page', ListsPage);
+router.addRoute('lists', 'lists-page');
diff --git a/src/layout/content/lists/lists-page.scss b/src/layout/content/lists/lists-page.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43c59b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/lists/lists-page.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+.tree-navigation-container {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: end;
+ & button {
+ padding: 0;
+ color: var(--color-6);
+ background: transparent;
+ border: none;
+ &:hover {
+ color: inherit;
+ }
+ }
+ i {
+ font-size: var(--size-3);
+ }
+intersection-observer::part(sentinel) {
+ width: 100%;
+ height: var(--size-9);
+ margin-top: var(--size-4);
+ background-color: var(--color-9);
+ border: 1px solid var(--color-10);
+ border-radius: var(--radius-3);
+ animation: var(--animation-blink);
diff --git a/src/layout/content/lists/lists-sections.js b/src/layout/content/lists/lists-sections.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47c45f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/lists/lists-sections.js
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+import ilProvider from '../../../utils/il-provider';
+ * A section within the content hierarchy.
+ *
+ * @property {string} title - The title of the section node.
+ * @property {string[]} values - An array of values associated with the section.
+ * @property {function} resolve - A function that, when defined, resolves the next level
+ * of the hierarchy asynchronously.
+ */
+class Section {
+ /**
+ * Creates an instance of Section.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} options - The options for creating the section.
+ * @param {string} options.title - The title of the section.
+ * @param {string[]} options.nodes - An array of nodes associated with the section.
+ * @param {function} [options.resolve] - (Optional) A function that, when defined, resolves the next level
+ * of the hierarchy asynchronously.
+ * @param {function} [options.next] - (Optional) A function that, when defined, resolves the next level
+ * of the hierarchy asynchronously.
+ */
+ constructor({
+ title,
+ nodes,
+ resolve = undefined,
+ next = undefined
+ }) {
+ this.title = title;
+ this.nodes = nodes;
+ this.resolve = resolve;
+ this.next = next;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the node is a leaf node (i.e., has no further levels to resolve).
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} True if the node is a leaf node, false otherwise.
+ */
+ isLeaf() {
+ return !this.resolve;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch more nodes from the next function if available.
+ * @param signal
+ * @returns {Promise<*>}
+ */
+ async fetchNext(signal = undefined) {
+ if (!this.next) return;
+ const data = await this.next(signal);
+ this.next = data.next;
+ this.nodes.push(...data.results);
+ return data.results;
+ }
+const toNodesAndNext = (data) => ({
+ nodes: data.results,
+ next: data.next
+ * An asynchronous tree-like structure that allows traversing the SRG SSR content
+ * by category in a hierarchical fashion.
+ *
+ * @type {Section[]}
+ */
+export const listsSections = [
+ new Section({
+ title: 'TV Topics',
+ nodes: ['RSI', 'RTR', 'RTS', 'SRF', 'SWI'],
+ resolve: async(bu) => new Section({
+ title: `${bu} TV Topics`,
+ nodes: await ilProvider.topics(bu),
+ resolve: async(topic) => new Section({
+ title: topic.title,
+ ...toNodesAndNext(await ilProvider.latestByTopic(topic.urn))
+ })
+ })
+ }),
+ new Section({
+ title: 'TV Shows',
+ nodes: ['RSI', 'RTR', 'RTS', 'SRF', 'SWI'],
+ resolve: async(bu) => new Section({
+ title: `${bu} TV Shows`,
+ nodes: await ilProvider.shows(bu),
+ resolve: async(show) => new Section({
+ title: show.title,
+ ...toNodesAndNext(await ilProvider.latestByShow(show.urn))
+ })
+ })
+ }),
+ new Section({
+ title: 'TV Latest Videos',
+ nodes: ['RSI', 'RTR', 'RTS', 'SRF'],
+ resolve: async(bu) => new Section({
+ title: `${bu} TV Latest Videos`,
+ ...toNodesAndNext(await ilProvider.editorial(bu))
+ })
+ }),
+ new Section({
+ title: 'TV Livestreams',
+ nodes: ['RSI', 'RTR', 'RTS', 'SRF'],
+ resolve: async(bu) => new Section({
+ title: `${bu} TV Livestreams`,
+ nodes: await ilProvider.livestreams(bu)
+ })
+ }),
+ new Section({
+ title: 'Live web',
+ nodes: ['RSI', 'RTR', 'RTS', 'SRF'],
+ resolve: async(bu) => new Section({
+ title: `${bu} Live web`,
+ ...toNodesAndNext(await ilProvider.scheduledLivestream(bu))
+ })
+ }),
+ new Section({
+ title: 'Live center',
+ nodes: ['RSI', 'RTR', 'RTS', 'SRF'],
+ resolve: async(bu) => new Section({
+ title: `${bu} Live center`,
+ nodes: await ilProvider.livecenter(bu)
+ })
+ }),
+ new Section({
+ title: 'Radio Shows',
+ nodes: ['RSI', 'RTR', 'RTS', 'SRF'],
+ resolve: async(bu) => new Section({
+ title: `${bu} Radio Channels`,
+ nodes: await ilProvider.channels(bu),
+ resolve: async(channel) => new Section({
+ title: `${channel.title} Radio shows`,
+ nodes: await ilProvider.radioShowByChannel(bu, channel.id),
+ resolve: async(show) => new Section({
+ title: show.title,
+ ...toNodesAndNext(await ilProvider.latestByShow(show.urn))
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ }),
+ new Section({
+ title: 'Radio Livestreams',
+ nodes: ['RSI', 'RTR', 'RTS', 'SRF'],
+ resolve: async(bu) => new Section({
+ title: `${bu} Radio Livestreams`,
+ nodes: await ilProvider.livestreams(bu, 'audio')
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/src/layout/content/search/search-bar-component.js b/src/layout/content/search/search-bar-component.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..225057e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/search/search-bar-component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+import { html, LitElement, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
+import { animations, theme } from '../../../theme/theme';
+import componentCSS from './search-bar-component.scss?inline';
+import Pillarbox from 'video.js';
+const DEFAULT_BU = 'rsi';
+ * A search bar component for filtering content based on a query and business unit.
+ *
+ * @element search-bar
+ *
+ * @fires SearchBarComponent#change - Dispatched when the value of the search bar changes.
+ */
+export class SearchBarComponent extends LitElement {
+ static properties = {
+ bu: { type: String },
+ query: { type: String }
+ };
+ static styles = [theme, animations, unsafeCSS(componentCSS)];
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.bu = DEFAULT_BU;
+ this.query = '';
+ }
+ #handleSearchBarKeyUp() {
+ this.query = this.renderRoot.querySelector('input').value;
+ }
+ #handleSelectChange(e) {
+ this.bu = e.target.value;
+ }
+ updated(_changedProperties) {
+ super.updated(_changedProperties);
+ if (['bu', 'query'].some(property => _changedProperties.has(property))) {
+ const query = this.query ?? '';
+ const bu = this.bu ?? DEFAULT_BU;
+ /**
+ * Custom event dispatched by SearchBarComponent when the value of the bar changes.
+ *
+ * @event SearchBarComponent#change
+ * @type {CustomEvent}
+ * @property {Object} detail - The event detail object.
+ * @property {string} detail.query - The query on the search bar.a
+ * @property {string} detail.bu - The selected bu.
+ */
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('change', {
+ detail: { query, bu }
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ #clearSearchBar() {
+ this.query = '';
+ this.renderRoot.querySelector('input').value = '';
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ e.target.classList.remove('fade-in')}">
+ close
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('search-bar', SearchBarComponent);
diff --git a/src/layout/content/search/search-bar-component.scss b/src/layout/content/search/search-bar-component.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..012ad37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/search/search-bar-component.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+.search-bar-container {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ margin: 0 0 var(--size-1) 0;
+ padding: 0 var(--size-2);
+ background-color: var(--color-8);
+ border-radius: var(--radius-2);
+ input {
+ width: 90%;
+ }
+ button {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ background-color: var(--color-8);
+ border: 0;
+ }
diff --git a/src/layout/content/search/search-page.js b/src/layout/content/search/search-page.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4676b2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/search/search-page.js
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+import { html, LitElement, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
+import { animations, theme } from '../../../theme/theme';
+import router from '../../../router/router';
+import componentCSS from './search-page.scss?inline';
+import './search-bar-component';
+import ilProvider from '../../../utils/il-provider';
+import '../../../components/spinner/spinner-component';
+import '../../../components/intersection-observer/intersection-observer-component';
+import '../../../components/scroll-to-top/scroll-to-top-component';
+import '../../../components/content-link/content-link-component';
+import { map } from 'lit/directives/map.js';
+import Pillarbox from 'video.js';
+import { when } from 'lit/directives/when.js';
+import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js';
+export class SearchPage extends LitElement {
+ static properties = {
+ loading: {
+ state: true,
+ type: Boolean
+ },
+ results: {
+ state: true,
+ type: Array
+ },
+ nextPage: {
+ state: true,
+ type: Function
+ }
+ };
+ static styles = [
+ theme, animations, unsafeCSS(componentCSS)
+ ];
+ /**
+ * The abort controller for handling search cancellation.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @type {AbortController}
+ */
+ #abortController = new AbortController();
+ /**
+ * The reference to the query params changed event handler.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @type {Function}
+ */
+ #onQueryParamsChanged;
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.loading = false;
+ this.results = null;
+ this.nextPage = null;
+ }
+ connectedCallback() {
+ super.connectedCallback();
+ this.#onQueryParamsChanged = () => {
+ const searchBar = this.renderRoot.querySelector('search-bar');
+ searchBar.query = router.queryParams.query ?? '';
+ searchBar.bu = router.queryParams.bu ?? 'rsi';
+ };
+ router.addEventListener('queryparams', this.#onQueryParamsChanged);
+ }
+ disconnectedCallback() {
+ super.disconnectedCallback();
+ this.abortSearch();
+ router.removeEventListener('queryparams', this.#onQueryParamsChanged);
+ }
+ async firstUpdated(_changedProperties) {
+ super.firstUpdated(_changedProperties);
+ const searchBar = this.renderRoot.querySelector('search-bar');
+ this.#onQueryParamsChanged();
+ await this.#search(searchBar.bu, searchBar.query);
+ }
+ async #onSearchBarChanged(bu, query) {
+ router.updateState({ bu, ...(query ? { query } : {}) });
+ await this.#search(bu, query);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs a search based on the specified business unit and query. Performing
+ * a new search will abort the previous search if it's ongoing and display a
+ * loading spinner for the asynchronous operation.
+ *
+ * @param {string} bu - The selected business unit.
+ * @param {string} query - The search query.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if
+ * the fetch request for the search results fails.
+ */
+ async #search(bu, query) {
+ const signal = this.abortSearch();
+ if (!query) {
+ [this.results, this.nextPage] = [null, null];
+ return;
+ }
+ this.loading = true;
+ try {
+ const data = await ilProvider.search(bu, query, signal);
+ [this.results, this.nextPage] = [data.results, data.next];
+ } finally {
+ this.loading = false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Advances to the next page of search results and updates the UI accordingly.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if
+ * the fetch request for the next page fails.
+ */
+ async #fetchNextPage() {
+ const signal = this.abortSearch();
+ const data = await this.nextPage(signal);
+ this.nextPage = data.next;
+ this.results = [...this.results, ...data.results];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Aborts the previous search by cancelling the associated abort signal and
+ * creates a new abort controller for the next search.
+ *
+ * @returns {AbortSignal} - The abort signal associated with the new search.
+ */
+ abortSearch() {
+ this.#abortController?.abort('New search launched');
+ this.#abortController = new AbortController();
+ return this.#abortController.signal;
+ }
+ #toQueryParams(r) {
+ return new URLSearchParams({
+ ...router.queryParams,
+ src: r.urn,
+ type: 'srgssr/urn'
+ }).toString();
+ }
+ #renderButton(r) {
+ const date = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('fr-CH').format(new Date(r.date));
+ const duration = Pillarbox.formatTime(r.duration / 1000);
+ return html`
+ ${r.mediaType === 'VIDEO' ? 'movie' : 'audiotrack'}
+ | ${date} | ${duration}
+ `;
+ }
+ #renderResults() {
+ const resultsClassMap = {
+ empty: this.results == null,
+ 'no-results': this.results && this.results.length === 0,
+ 'material-icons': !this.results || this.results.length === 0
+ };
+ return html`
+ e.target.classList.remove('fade-in')}">
+ ${map(this.results ?? [], this.#renderButton.bind(this))}
+ ${when(this.nextPage, () => html`
+ `)}
+ `;
+ }
+ #renderSpinner() {
+ return html`
+ e.target.classList.remove('slide-up-fade-in')}">
+ `;
+ }
+ #renderScrollToTopBtn() {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ this.#onSearchBarChanged(e.detail.bu, e.detail.query)}">
+ ${when(this.loading, this.#renderSpinner.bind(this), this.#renderResults.bind(this))}
+ ${when(this.results?.length > 0, this.#renderScrollToTopBtn.bind(this))}
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('search-page', SearchPage);
+router.addRoute('search', 'search-page');
diff --git a/src/layout/content/search/search-page.scss b/src/layout/content/search/search-page.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0edd960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/search/search-page.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+$material-icons-font-path: '../../../../node_modules/material-icons/iconfont/';
+@import 'material-icons/iconfont/material-icons';
+@import 'material-icons/css/material-icons';
+.results-container {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ margin-top: var(--size-3);
+.results-container.empty, .results-container.no-results {
+ gap: var(--size-3);
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ min-height: var(--size-12);
+ margin-top: var(--size-10);
+ color: var(--gray-8);
+ &::before {
+ font-size: var(--size-9);
+ }
+ &::after {
+ font-family: var(--font-sans);
+ }
+.results-container.empty {
+ @include material-icon('search');
+ &::after {
+ content: "Enter something to search";
+ }
+.results-container.no-results {
+ @include material-icon('do_not_disturb_alt');
+ &::after {
+ content: "No results";
+ }
+intersection-observer::part(sentinel) {
+ width: 100%;
+ height: var(--size-9);
+ margin-top: var(--size-4);
+ background-color: var(--color-9);
+ border: 1px solid var(--color-10);
+ border-radius: var(--radius-3);
+ animation: var(--animation-blink);
diff --git a/src/layout/content/settings/preferences-provider.js b/src/layout/content/settings/preferences-provider.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c236aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/settings/preferences-provider.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Utility class for loading and saving preferences to local storage.
+ *
+ * @class PreferencesProvider
+ */
+class PreferencesProvider {
+ /**
+ * Load preferences from local storage.
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @returns {Object} An object representing the loaded preferences.
+ */
+ static loadPreferences() {
+ return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('preferences')) || {};
+ }
+ /**
+ * Save preferences to local storage.
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @param {Object} preferences - An object representing the preferences to be saved.
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ static savePreferences(preferences) {
+ localStorage.setItem('preferences', JSON.stringify(preferences));
+ }
+export default PreferencesProvider;
diff --git a/src/layout/content/settings/settings-page.js b/src/layout/content/settings/settings-page.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2a0a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/settings/settings-page.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import router from '../../../router/router';
+import { html, LitElement, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
+import { animations, theme } from '../../../theme/theme';
+import '../../../components/toggle-switch/toggle-switch-component.js';
+import PreferencesProvider from './preferences-provider';
+import componentCss from './settings-page.scss?inline';
+ * A web component that represents the settings page.
+ *
+ * @element settings-page
+ */
+export class SettingsPage extends LitElement {
+ static properties = {
+ autoplay: { type: Boolean, state: true },
+ muted: { type: Boolean, state: true },
+ debug: { type: Boolean, state: true }
+ };
+ static styles = [theme, animations, unsafeCSS(componentCss)];
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ const preferences = PreferencesProvider.loadPreferences();
+ this.autoplay = preferences.autoplay ?? false;
+ this.muted = preferences.muted ?? true;
+ this.debug = preferences.debug ?? false;
+ }
+ updated(_changedProperties) {
+ super.updated(_changedProperties);
+ const preferences = PreferencesProvider.loadPreferences();
+ [..._changedProperties.keys()]
+ .filter(property => ['autoplay', 'muted', 'debug'].includes(property))
+ .forEach((property) => { preferences[property] = this[property]; });
+ PreferencesProvider.savePreferences(preferences);
+ if (_changedProperties.has('debug')) {
+ router.replaceState(this.debug ? { debug: 'true' } : {});
+ }
+ }
+ #renderToggle(property, label) {
+ return html`
+ ${label}
+ { this[property] = e.detail.checked; }}">
+ `;
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ e.target.classList.remove('fade-in')}">
+ Player Settings
+ ${this.#renderToggle('autoplay', 'Autoplay')}
+ ${this.#renderToggle('muted', 'Player starts muted')}
+ ${this.#renderToggle('debug', 'Enable debug mode')}
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('settings-page', SettingsPage);
+router.addRoute('settings', 'settings-page');
diff --git a/src/layout/content/settings/settings-page.scss b/src/layout/content/settings/settings-page.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08f3f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/settings/settings-page.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+[part="title"] {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: var(--size-3) 0;
+[part="toggle-container"] {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ margin: 0;
+ color: var(--color-0);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-6);
+ font-size: var(--size-3);
+ text-align: justify;
+ background-color: var(--color-9);
+ border: 1px solid var(--color-10);
+ &:first-of-type {
+ border-radius: var(--radius-3) var(--radius-3) 0 0;
+ }
+ &:last-of-type {
+ border-radius: 0 0 var(--radius-3) var(--radius-3);
+ }
+[part="label"] {
+ flex: 1;
+ line-height: var(--size-8);
+ cursor: pointer;
+ padding-inline: var(--size-3);
+[part="toggle-switch"] {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ height: var(--size-8);
+ padding-inline: var(--size-3);
diff --git a/src/layout/content/showcase/showcase-component.js b/src/layout/content/showcase/showcase-component.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2730d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/showcase/showcase-component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import { css, html, LitElement } from 'lit';
+import '../../../components/code-block/code-block';
+import { theme } from '../../../theme/theme';
+export class ShowcaseComponent extends LitElement {
+ static styles = [theme, css`
+ ::slotted([slot='demo']) {
+ aspect-ratio: var(--ratio-widescreen);
+ }
+ ::slotted([slot='description']) {
+ padding-left: var(--size-2);
+ color: var(--color-4);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-1);
+ font-size: var(--font-size-1);
+ text-align: justify;
+ border-left: 3px solid var(--color-5);
+ }
+ .hidden {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ `];
+ static properties = {
+ hasCodeExample: { type: Boolean, state: true },
+ exampleLanguage: { type: String }
+ };
+ connectedCallback() {
+ super.connectedCallback();
+ this.shadowRoot.addEventListener('slotchange', () => {
+ this.hasCodeExample = this.#hasSlot('code');
+ });
+ }
+ #hasSlot(name) {
+ return this.shadowRoot.querySelector(`slot[name="${name}"]`).assignedNodes().length > 0;
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('showcase-component', ShowcaseComponent);
diff --git a/src/layout/content/showcase/showcase-page.js b/src/layout/content/showcase/showcase-page.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..891c075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/showcase/showcase-page.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import router from '../../../router/router';
+import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
+import { animations, theme } from '../../../theme/theme';
+import './start-time-showcase';
+export class ShowCasePage extends LitElement {
+ static styles = [theme, animations];
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ e.target.classList.remove('fade-in')}">
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('showcase-page', ShowCasePage);
+router.addRoute('showcase', 'showcase-page');
diff --git a/src/layout/content/showcase/start-time-showcase.js b/src/layout/content/showcase/start-time-showcase.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c786ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/showcase/start-time-showcase.js
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import { css, html, LitElement } from 'lit';
+import { theme } from '../../../theme/theme';
+import exampleTxt from './starttime-example.txt?raw';
+import './showcase-component';
+import { openPlayerModal } from '../../../components/player/player';
+ * This component allows to showcase videos with a specified start time.
+ *
+ * @element starttime-showcase
+ *
+ * @prop {Number} starttime - The start time of the video playback in seconds. Default value: 300.
+ *
+ * @prop {String} src - The source URL of the video. Default value: 'urn:swi:video:48115940'.
+ *
+ * @prop {String} type - The MIME type of the video. It defines the media type of the video file
+ * specified in the `src` property. Default value: 'srsgssr/urn'.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * ```html
+ *
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @customElement
+ */
+export class StartTimeShowcase extends LitElement {
+ static styles = [theme, css`button {
+ width: 100%;
+ margin: var(--size-1) 0;
+ padding: var(--size-4) var(--size-3);
+ border-radius: var(--radius-2);
+ }`];
+ static properties = {
+ starttime: { type: Number },
+ src: { type: String },
+ type: { type: String }
+ };
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props);
+ this.starttime = 300;
+ this.src = 'urn:swi:video:48115940';
+ this.type = 'srgssr/urn';
+ }
+ #openDemo() {
+ const player = openPlayerModal({
+ src: this.src,
+ type: this.type,
+ playerOptions: { trackers: { srgAnalytics: false } }
+ }, false);
+ player.on('loadeddata', () => player.currentTime(this.starttime));
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ Start the player at a given position
+ In this showcase, we'll demonstrate how to load a video source and
+ start playback at a specific position using Pillarbox. This can be
+ useful when you want to provide users with the option to begin
+ watching a video from a predefined timestamp. To achieve this
+ functionality, follow the code snippet below:
+ ${exampleTxt}
+ this.#openDemo()}">Run the demo
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('starttime-showcase', StartTimeShowcase);
diff --git a/src/layout/content/showcase/starttime-example.txt b/src/layout/content/showcase/starttime-example.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7803149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/content/showcase/starttime-example.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Create by referencing the video element with its unique ID
+const player = new Pillarbox('video-element-id')
+// Load the video source
+player.src({src: 'urn:swi:video:48115940', type: 'srgssr/urn'});
+// Listen for the 'loadeddata' event, indicating that the video data has loaded
+player.on('loadeddata', () => {
+ // Set the desired start position in seconds (e.g., start at 5 minutes)
+ player.currentTime(300);
diff --git a/src/layout/header/header-component.js b/src/layout/header/header-component.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e11567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/header/header-component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import githubLogoSvg from '../../../img/github-logo.svg?raw';
+import srgssrLogo from '../../../img/srgssr-logo.png';
+// import Pillarbox from '../../../../src/pillarbox';
+import { html, LitElement, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
+import { unsafeSVG } from 'lit/directives/unsafe-svg.js';
+import '../../router/route-link-component';
+import { theme } from '../../theme/theme';
+import headerCSS from './header-component.scss?inline';
+import router from '../../router/router';
+ * A web component that represents the header element of the demo page.
+ *
+ * @element pbw-header
+ */
+export class DemoHeaderElement extends LitElement {
+ static properties = {
+ debug: { type: Boolean, state: true }
+ };
+ static styles = [theme, unsafeCSS(headerCSS)];
+ #onRouteUpdated = ({ detail: { queryParams } }) => {
+ this.debug = queryParams.debug === 'true';
+ };
+ connectedCallback() {
+ super.connectedCallback();
+ this.debug = router.queryParams.debug === 'true';
+ router.addEventListener('routechanged', this.#onRouteUpdated);
+ router.addEventListener('queryparams', this.#onRouteUpdated);
+ }
+ disconnectedCallback() {
+ router.removeEventListener('routechanged', this.#onRouteUpdated);
+ router.removeEventListener('queryparams', this.#onRouteUpdated);
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ ${this.#renderHeaderElement()}
+ ${this.#renderNavElement()}
+ `;
+ }
+ #renderHeaderElement() {
+ return html`
+ Pillarbox
+ `;
+ }
+ #renderNavElement() {
+ return html`
+ Examples
+ Search
+ Lists
+ Showcase
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('demo-header', DemoHeaderElement);
diff --git a/src/layout/header/header-component.scss b/src/layout/header/header-component.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5074847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layout/header/header-component.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ul, li {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ list-style: none;
+li {
+ display: inline-block;
+header {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: baseline;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ margin: var(--size-4) 0;
+ h1 {
+ display: flex;
+ gap: .15em;
+ align-items: center;
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+.pbw-logo {
+ height: var(--size-7);
+.version-txt {
+ align-self: flex-end;
+ color: var(--color-6);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-4);
+ font-size: var(--size-3);
+ line-height: var(--size-5);
+.github-link {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+.github-icon {
+ fill: var(--color-5);
+ &:hover {
+ fill: var(--color-2);
+ }
+route-link::part(a) {
+ padding: var(--size-1) var(--size-1);
+ font-size: var(--size-4);
+ border-radius: var(--radius-3);
+ transition: background-color 0.4s, color 0.4s;
+route-link::part(a active) {
+ color: var(--color-8);
+ text-decoration: none;
+ background-color: var(--color-5);
+ cursor: default;
+ transition: background-color 0.8s, color 0.4s;
+.header-end {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ route-link {
+ margin-left: var(--size-2);
+ }
+ route-link::part(a) {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ }
+ .material-icons-outlined {
+ font-size: var(--size-7);
+ }
+nav ul {
+ margin-bottom: var(--size-4);
+ li {
+ margin-right: var(--size-1);
+ }
+ li:last-child {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
diff --git a/src/router/route-link-component.js b/src/router/route-link-component.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45360f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/router/route-link-component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import router from './router';
+import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
+import { animations, theme } from '../theme/theme';
+export class RouteLinkCompenent extends LitElement {
+ static properties = {
+ href: { type: String },
+ title: { type: String },
+ selected: { type: Boolean, state: true }
+ };
+ static styles = [theme, animations];
+ #updateSelected() {
+ const url = new URL(`${window.location.origin}/${this.href}`);
+ this.selected = router.isActiveRoute(url.pathname);
+ }
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ router.addEventListener('routechanged', () => {
+ this.#updateSelected();
+ });
+ }
+ #onClick = (event) => {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ const url = new URL(`${window.location.origin}/${this.href}`);
+ const queryParams = Object.fromEntries(url.searchParams.entries());
+ router.navigateTo(url.pathname, queryParams);
+ };
+ connectedCallback() {
+ super.connectedCallback();
+ this.#updateSelected();
+ this.addEventListener('click', this.#onClick);
+ }
+ disconnectedCallback() {
+ super.disconnectedCallback();
+ this.removeEventListener('click', this.#onClick);
+ }
+ render() {
+ return html`
+ `;
+ }
+customElements.define('route-link', RouteLinkCompenent);
diff --git a/src/router/route-outlet-component.js b/src/router/route-outlet-component.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9663fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/router/route-outlet-component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import router from './router';
+import { LitElement } from 'lit';
+import { unsafeHTML } from 'lit/directives/unsafe-html.js';
+export class RouteOutletComponent extends LitElement {
+ static properties = {
+ route: { state: true }
+ };
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.route = router.currentRoute;
+ router.addEventListener('routechanged', ({ detail: { route } }) => {
+ this.route?.destroy();
+ this.route = route;
+ });
+ }
+ render() {
+ return unsafeHTML(`<${this.route.component}>${this.route.component}>`);
+ }
+customElements.define('route-outlet', RouteOutletComponent);
diff --git a/src/router/router.js b/src/router/router.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c706bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/router/router.js
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+import { Minimatch } from 'minimatch';
+ * Router class for managing client-side navigation in a Single Page Application (SPA).
+ * This class enables the creation of a simple client-side router to handle navigation within an SPA,
+ * allowing developers to define routes and associated actions.
+ *
+ * ## Usage:
+ * 1. Import the router in your project:
+ * ```javascript
+ * import router from './path/to/Router';
+ * ```
+ * 2. Define routes by using the `addRoute` method:
+ * ```javascript
+ * router.addRoute('/', 'home-component', () => {
+ * // Function to execute when navigating to the root path
+ * console.log('Navigated to the root path');
+ * }, () => {
+ * // Function to execute when navigating away from the root path
+ * console.log('Navigated away from the root path');
+ * });
+ * ```
+ * 3. Integrate with an `` tag using the `href` attribute:
+ * ```html
+ * Home
+ * About
+ * ```
+ * Clicking on these links will trigger the router to navigate to the specified paths.
+ * 4. Define a route outlet where the component associated with the route will be rendered :
+ * ```html
+ *
+ * ``
+ * @class
+ */
+class Router extends EventTarget {
+ /**
+ * The fallback route to be used in case no matching route is found.
+ * @private
+ * @type {string|null}
+ */
+ #defaultPath = null;
+ /**
+ * The currently active route.
+ * @private
+ * @type {{ path: Minimatch, start: function, destroy: function }|null}
+ */
+ #currentRoute = null;
+ /**
+ * The query parameters associated with the current route.
+ * @private
+ * @type {object}
+ */
+ #currentQueryParams = {};
+ /**
+ * An array containing registered route objects with their patterns and associated actions.
+ * @private
+ * @type {Array<{ path: Minimatch, start: function, destroy: function }>}
+ */
+ #routes = [];
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ // Event listener for the popstate event
+ window.addEventListener('popstate', () => {
+ const entries = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.entries();
+ const queryParams = Object.fromEntries(entries);
+ this.#handleRouteChange(window.location.pathname, queryParams, true);
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a route to the router.
+ *
+ * @param {string} pattern - The path of the route, can be a glob pattern.
+ * @param {string} component - The component to be rendered when the route is navigated to.
+ * @param {function} start - The function to be called when the route is navigated to.
+ * @param {function} destroy - The function to be called when the route is navigated away from.
+ */
+ addRoute(pattern, component = null, start = () => {
+ }, destroy = () => {
+ }) {
+ const path = new Minimatch(pattern, { matchBase: true });
+ this.#routes.push({
+ path,
+ start,
+ component,
+ destroy
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the given path is the current active route.
+ *
+ * @param {string} path - The path to check.
+ * @returns {boolean} - True if the given path is the current active route, false otherwise.
+ */
+ isActiveRoute(path) {
+ return this.#currentRoute &&
+ this.#currentRoute.path === this.findRoute(path)?.path;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds a route based on the given path.
+ *
+ * @param {string} path - The path to find the route for.
+ * @returns {object} - The route object if found, otherwise undefined.
+ */
+ findRoute(path) {
+ return this.#routes.find(r => r.path.match(path));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Navigates to the specified path.
+ *
+ * @param {string} path - The path to navigate to.
+ * @param {object} [queryParams={}] - (Optional) query parameters to be associated with the route.
+ */
+ navigateTo(path, queryParams = {}) {
+ const url = new URL(window.location.href);
+ const normalizedPath = '/' + path.trim().replace(/^\/+/, '');
+ url.pathname = normalizedPath.startsWith(this.base)
+ ? normalizedPath
+ : this.base + normalizedPath;
+ url.search = new URLSearchParams(queryParams).toString();
+ window.history.pushState({}, '', url.href);
+ this.#handleRouteChange(path, queryParams);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the state by navigating to the current path with the provided query parameters.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} queryParams - The new query parameters to be merged with the current ones.
+ */
+ updateState(queryParams, keysToRemove = []) {
+ const filteredParams = Object.fromEntries(
+ Object.entries(this.#currentQueryParams)
+ .filter(([key]) => !keysToRemove.includes(key))
+ );
+ this.navigateTo(
+ window.location.pathname,
+ { ...filteredParams, ...queryParams }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Replaces the current state by navigating to the current path with the provided query parameters,
+ * discarding the current query parameters.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} newParams - The new query parameters to replace the current ones.
+ */
+ replaceState(newParams) {
+ this.navigateTo(window.location.pathname, newParams);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles a change in the route.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {string} path - The path of the new route.
+ * @param {object} [queryParams={}] - (Optional) The query parameters associated with the route.
+ * @param {boolean} [popstate=false] - (Optional) if a popstate is at the origin of this route change.
+ */
+ #handleRouteChange(path, queryParams = {}, popstate = false) {
+ if (this.isActiveRoute(path)) {
+ if (!this.#matchCurrentParams(queryParams)) {
+ this.#currentQueryParams = queryParams;
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('queryparams', {
+ detail: {
+ route: this.#currentRoute,
+ popstate,
+ queryParams
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const route = this.findRoute(path);
+ if (route) {
+ this.#updateCurrentRoute(route, queryParams, popstate);
+ } else if (this.#defaultPath) {
+ this.#handleRouteChange(this.#defaultPath, queryParams, popstate);
+ } else {
+ throw Error(`No route found for '${path}'`);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the given query parameters match the current query parameters.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {object} params - The query parameters to compare.
+ * @returns {boolean} - True if the given parameters match the current query parameters, false otherwise.
+ */
+ #matchCurrentParams(params) {
+ const paramsKeys = Object.keys(params);
+ if (paramsKeys.length !== Object.keys(this.#currentQueryParams).length) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return paramsKeys.every(k => this.#currentQueryParams[k] === params[k]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the current route and dispatches the 'routechanged' event.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {object} route - The route object.
+ * @param {object} queryParams - The query parameters associated with the route.
+ * @param {boolean} [popstate=false] - (Optional) if a popstate is at the origin of this route change.
+ */
+ #updateCurrentRoute(route, queryParams, popstate = false) {
+ this.#currentRoute?.destroy();
+ this.#currentRoute = route;
+ this.#currentQueryParams = queryParams;
+ route.start(queryParams);
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('routechanged', {
+ detail: {
+ route,
+ popstate,
+ queryParams
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initiates the router based on the current window location.
+ *
+ * @param defaultPath - The fallback path when no path is found during route resolving.
+ */
+ start({ defaultPath }) {
+ const url = new URL(window.location.href);
+ const path = url.pathname;
+ const queryParams = Object.fromEntries(url.searchParams.entries());
+ this.#defaultPath = defaultPath;
+ this.base = this.findRoute(path)
+ ? path.replace(/\/[^/]+\/?$/, '/')
+ : path;
+ this.base = this.base.replace(/\/+$/, '');
+ this.#handleRouteChange(path, queryParams);
+ }
+ get queryParams() {
+ return this.#currentQueryParams;
+ }
+ get currentRoute() {
+ return this.#currentRoute;
+ }
+// Export a singleton instance of the router
+export default new Router();
diff --git a/src/theme/animations.scss b/src/theme/animations.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fe5952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/theme/animations.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+@import "open-props/animations.min.css";
+.fade-in {
+ opacity: 0;
+ animation: fade-in .4s var(--ease-elastic-in-3) forwards;
+.spin, .spin-back {
+ animation: spin 0.5s var(--ease-out-3) 1;
+.spin-back {
+ animation-direction: reverse;
+.slide-up-fade-in {
+ opacity: 0;
+ animation: fade-in .4s var(--ease-elastic-in-3) forwards,
+ slide-in-up .4s var(--ease-elastic-in-3);
diff --git a/src/theme/theme.js b/src/theme/theme.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5eec2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/theme/theme.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import themeCSS from './theme.scss?inline';
+import animationsCSS from './animations.scss?inline';
+import { unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
+export const theme = unsafeCSS(themeCSS);
+export const animations = unsafeCSS(animationsCSS);
diff --git a/src/theme/theme.scss b/src/theme/theme.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d5774c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/theme/theme.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+@import 'material-icons/iconfont/outlined.css';
+a {
+ color: var(--color-4);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-6);
+ font-size: var(--size-4);
+ text-decoration: none;
+a:hover {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+hr {
+ width: 100%;
+ border-color: var(--color-6);
+button {
+ color: var(--color-0);
+ font-weight: var(--font-weight-6);
+ font-size: var(--size-3);
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ background-color: var(--color-9);
+ border: 1px solid var(--color-10);
+ cursor: pointer;
+ transition: background-color 0.4s, border-color 0.4s;
+ &.icon-btn {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ margin: var(--size-1) 0;
+ padding: var(--size-4) var(--size-3);
+ border-radius: var(--radius-2);
+ span {
+ margin-right: var(--size-2);
+ }
+ }
+ &:hover {
+ background-color: var(--color-8);
+ border-color: var(--color-9);
+ }
+ &:disabled, &:hover:disabled {
+ color: var(--color-9);
+ background-color: var(--color-7);
+ border-color: var(--color-7);
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ }
+h1 {
+ font-size: var(--size-7);
+h2 {
+ font-size: var(--size-4);
+ &.sticky {
+ position: sticky;
+ top: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: var(--size-3) 0;
+ background-color: var(--color-11);
+ }
+h3 {
+ font-size: var(--size-3);
+input[type="text"], select {
+ margin: var(--size-1) 0 0 0;
+ padding: var(--size-4) var(--size-3);
+ color: var(--color-2);
+ font-size: var(--size-3);
+ background-color: var(--color-8);
+ border: none;
+ outline: none;
+select {
+ cursor: pointer;
+select:required:invalid {
+ color: var(--color-5);
+input[type="text"]::placeholder {
+ color: var(--color-5);
+// Removes autofill styling
+input:-webkit-autofill:active {
+ box-shadow: 0 0 0 30px var(--color-8) inset !important;
+ -webkit-text-fill-color: var(--color-2) !important;
+dialog::backdrop {
+ background: rgb(0 0 0 / 50%);
+content-link {
+ &:first-of-type::part(a) {
+ border-radius: var(--radius-3) var(--radius-3) 0 0;
+ }
+ &:last-of-type::part(a) {
+ border-radius: 0 0 var(--radius-3) var(--radius-3);
+ }
+.warning-text {
+ color: var(--red-7);
diff --git a/src/utils/il-provider.js b/src/utils/il-provider.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..397c197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/il-provider.js
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+const IL_DEFAULT_HOST = 'il.srgssr.ch';
+ vector: 'srgplay'
+ includeAggregations: false,
+ includeSuggestions: false,
+ sortBy: 'default',
+ sortDir: 'desc',
+ pageSize: 50,
+ onlyActiveShows: true,
+const toMedia = ({ title, urn, mediaType, date, duration }) => ({
+ title, urn, mediaType, date, duration
+ * Class representing a provider for the integration layer.
+ *
+ * @class
+ */
+class ILProvider {
+ /**
+ * Creates an instance of ILProvider.
+ *
+ * @param {string} [hostName='il.srgssr.ch'] - The hostname for the integration layer (without the protocol).
+ */
+ constructor(hostName = IL_DEFAULT_HOST) {
+ this.baseUrl = `${hostName}/integrationlayer/2.0`;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs a search for media content based on the provided business unit and query.
+ *
+ * @param {string} bu - The business unit for which the search is performed (rsi, rtr, rts, srf or swi).
+ * @param {string} query - The search query.
+ * @param {AbortSignal} [signal=undefined] - (Optional) An abort signal,
+ * allows to abort the query through an abort controller.
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise<{ results: Array<{ title: string, urn: string }>, next: function }>} - A promise
+ * that resolves to an object containing :
+ * - `results`: An array of objects containing the title, URN, media type, date, and duration of the search results.
+ * - `next`: A function that, when called, retrieves the next set of data and returns a new object with updated results and the next function.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if the fetch request fails.
+ */
+ async search(bu, query, signal = undefined) {
+ const data = await this.#fetch(
+ `/${bu.toLowerCase()}/searchResultMediaList`,
+ { ...DEFAULT_SEARCH_PARAMS, q: query },
+ signal
+ );
+ const toResults = (data) => data.searchResultMediaList.map(toMedia);
+ return {
+ results: toResults(data),
+ next: data.next ? this.#nextProvider(data.next, toResults) : undefined
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a list of topics for the specified business unit and transmission type.
+ *
+ * @param {string} bu - The business unit for which to retrieve topics (rsi, rtr, rts, srf, or swi).
+ * @param {string} [transmission='tv'] - The transmission type ('tv' or 'radio').
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise>} - A promise that resolves to an array
+ * of objects containing the title and URN of the topics.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if the fetch request fails.
+ */
+ async topics(bu, transmission = 'tv') {
+ const data = await this.#fetch(`/${bu.toLowerCase()}/topicList/${transmission}`);
+ return data.topicList.map(
+ ({ title, urn }) => ({ title, urn })
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the latest media content for a specific topic.
+ *
+ * @param {string} topicUrn - The URN (Unique Resource Name) of the topic.
+ * @param {number} [pageSize=30] - The maximum number of episodes to retrieve.
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise<{ results: Array<{ title: string, urn: string }>, next: function }>} - A promise
+ * that resolves to an object containing :
+ * - `results`: An array of objects containing the title, URN, media type, date, and duration of the medias.
+ * - `next`: A function that, when called, retrieves the next set of data and returns a new object with updated results and the next function.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if the fetch request fails.
+ */
+ async latestByTopic(topicUrn, pageSize = 30) {
+ const data = await this.#fetch(`/mediaList/latest/byTopicUrn/${topicUrn}`, { pageSize });
+ const toResults = (data) => data.mediaList.map(toMedia);
+ return {
+ results: toResults(data),
+ next: data.next ? this.#nextProvider(data.next, toResults) : undefined
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a list of shows for the specified business unit, transmission type, and ordering.
+ *
+ * @param {string} bu - The business unit for which to retrieve shows (rsi, rtr, rts, srf, or swi).
+ * @param {string} [pageSize='unlimited'] - The maximum number of shows to retrieve. Use 'unlimited' for all shows.
+ * @param {string} [transmission='tv'] - The transmission type ('tv' or 'radio').
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise>} - A promise that resolves to an array
+ * of objects containing the title and URN of the shows.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if the fetch request fails.
+ */
+ async shows(bu, pageSize = 'unlimited', transmission = 'tv') {
+ const data = await this.#fetch(
+ `/${bu.toLowerCase()}/showList/${transmission}/alphabetical`,
+ );
+ return data.showList.map(
+ ({ title, urn }) => ({ title, urn })
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the latest media content for a specific show.
+ *
+ * @param {string} showUrn - The URN (Unique Resource Name) of the show.
+ * @param {number} [pageSize=30] - The maximum number of episodes to retrieve.
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise<{ results: Array<{ title: string, urn: string }>, next: function }>} - A promise
+ * that resolves to an object containing :
+ * - `results`: An array of objects containing the title, URN, media type, date, and duration of the medias.
+ * - `next`: A function that, when called, retrieves the next set of data and returns a new object with updated results and the next function.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if the fetch request fails.
+ */
+ async latestByShow(showUrn, pageSize = 30) {
+ const data = await this.#fetch(
+ `/episodeComposition/latestByShow/byUrn/${showUrn}`,
+ { ...DEFAULT_QUERY_PARAMS, pageSize }
+ );
+ const toResults = (data) => data.episodeList
+ .map(({ mediaList }) => mediaList[0])
+ .map(toMedia);
+ return {
+ results: toResults(data),
+ next: data.next ? this.#nextProvider(data.next, toResults) : undefined
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves editorial media content for the specified business unit.
+ *
+ * @param {string} bu - The business unit for which to retrieve editorial media (rsi, rtr, rts, srf, or swi).
+ * @param {number} [pageSize=30] - The maximum number of editorial media items to retrieve.
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise<{ results: Array<{ title: string, urn: string }>, next: function }>} - A promise
+ * that resolves to an object containing :
+ * - `results`: An array of objects containing the title, URN, media type, date, and duration of the medias.
+ * - `next`: A function that, when called, retrieves the next set of data and returns a new object with updated results and the next function.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if the fetch request fails.
+ */
+ async editorial(bu, pageSize = 30) {
+ const data = await this.#fetch(
+ `/${bu.toLowerCase()}/mediaList/video/editorial`,
+ { ...DEFAULT_QUERY_PARAMS, pageSize }
+ );
+ const toResults = (data) => data.mediaList.map(toMedia);
+ return {
+ results: toResults(data),
+ next: data.next ? this.#nextProvider(data.next, toResults) : undefined
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves livestream media content for the specified business unit and media type.
+ *
+ * @param {string} bu - The business unit for which to retrieve livestreams (rsi, rtr, rts, srf, or swi).
+ * @param {string} [mediaType='video'] - The media type ('video' or 'audio').
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise>} - A promise that resolves to an array
+ * of objects containing the title and URN of the livestream media content.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if the fetch request fails.
+ */
+ async livestreams(bu, mediaType = 'video') {
+ const data = await this.#fetch(`/${bu.toLowerCase()}/mediaList/${mediaType}/livestreams`);
+ return data.mediaList.map(toMedia);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves scheduled livestream media content for the specified business unit.
+ *
+ * @param {string} bu - The business unit for which to retrieve scheduled livestreams (rsi, rtr, rts, srf, or swi).
+ * @param {number} [pageSize=10] - The maximum number of scheduled livestreams to retrieve.
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise<{ results: Array<{ title: string, urn: string }>, next: function }>} - A promise
+ * that resolves to an object containing :
+ * - `results`: An array of objects containing the title, URN, media type, date, and duration of the medias.
+ * - `next`: A function that, when called, retrieves the next set of data and returns a new object with updated results and the next function.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if the fetch request fails.
+ */
+ async scheduledLivestream(bu, pageSize = 10) {
+ const data = await this.#fetch(
+ `/${bu.toLowerCase()}/mediaList/video/scheduledLivestreams`,
+ { ...DEFAULT_QUERY_PARAMS, pageSize }
+ );
+ const toResults = (data) => data.mediaList.map(toMedia);
+ return {
+ results: toResults(data),
+ next: data.next ? this.#nextProvider(data.next, toResults) : undefined
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves media content for the livecenter for the specified business unit.
+ *
+ * @param {string} bu - The business unit for which to retrieve livecenter media (rsi, rtr, rts, srf, or swi).
+ * @param {number} [pageSize=10] - The maximum number of livecenter media items to retrieve.
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise<{ results: Array<{ title: string, urn: string }>, next: function }>} - A promise
+ * that resolves to an object containing :
+ * - `results`: An array of objects containing the title, URN, media type, date, and duration of the medias.
+ * - `next`: A function that, when called, retrieves the next set of data and returns a new object with updated results and the next function.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if the fetch request fails.
+ */
+ async livecenter(bu, pageSize = 10) {
+ const data = await this.#fetch(
+ `/${bu.toLowerCase()}/mediaList/video/scheduledLivestreams/livecenter`,
+ { ...DEFAULT_QUERY_PARAMS, pageSize }
+ );
+ const toResults = (data) => data.mediaList.map(toMedia);
+ return {
+ results: toResults(data),
+ next: data.next ? this.#nextProvider(data.next, toResults) : undefined
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a list of channels for the specified business unit and transmission type.
+ *
+ * @param {string} bu - The business unit for which to retrieve channels (rsi, rtr, rts, srf, or swi).
+ * @param {string} [transmission='radio'] - The transmission type ('tv' or 'radio').
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise>} - A promise that resolves to an array
+ * of objects containing the title and ID of the channels.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if the fetch request fails.
+ */
+ async channels(bu, transmission = 'radio') {
+ const data = await this.#fetch(`/${bu.toLowerCase()}/channelList/${transmission}`);
+ return data.channelList.map(
+ ({ title, id }) => ({ title, id })
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves radio shows for the specified business unit and channel.
+ *
+ * @param {string} bu - The business unit for which to retrieve radio shows (rsi, rtr, rts, srf, or swi).
+ * @param {string} channelId - The ID of the channel.
+ * @param {string} [pageSize='unlimited'] - The maximum number of radio shows to retrieve. Use 'unlimited' for all shows.
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise>} - A promise that resolves to an array
+ * of objects containing the title and URN of the radio shows.
+ *
+ * @throws {Promise} - A rejected promise with the response object if the fetch request fails.
+ */
+ async radioShowByChannel(bu, channelId, pageSize = 'unlimited') {
+ const data = await this.#fetch(
+ `/${bu.toLowerCase()}/showList/radio/alphabeticalByChannel/${channelId}`,
+ { ...DEFAULT_QUERY_PARAMS, pageSize }
+ );
+ return data.showList.map(
+ ({ title, urn }) => ({ title, urn })
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously fetches data from the IL for the specified path and parameters.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {string} path - The path to fetch data from.
+ * @param {Object} [params=DEFAULT_QUERY_PARAMS] - (Optional) parameters for the request.
+ * @param {AbortSignal} [signal=undefined] - (Optional) AbortSignal to abort the request.
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise<*>} A Promise that resolves to the JSON response data.
+ *
+ * @throws {Response} If the HTTP response is not ok (status code other than 2xx).
+ * @throws {Error} If the fetch operation fails for any other reason.
+ */
+ async #fetch(path, params = DEFAULT_QUERY_PARAMS, signal = undefined) {
+ const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(params).toString();
+ const url = `https://${this.baseUrl}/${path.replace(/^\/+/, '')}?${queryParams}`;
+ return fetch(url, { signal }).then(response => {
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ return Promise.reject(response);
+ }
+ return response.json();
+ }).catch((reason) => {
+ return Promise.reject(reason);
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates a function that, when called, retrieves the next set of data and
+ * returns a new object with updated results and the next function.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @template T - The type of data returned by the resultMapper function.
+ *
+ * @param {string} nextUrl - The URL for fetching the next set of data.
+ * @param {(data: any) => T} resultMapper - A function to map the raw data to the desired format.
+ *
+ * @returns {(signal?: AbortSignal) => Promise<{ results: T, next: function }>} - A function that,
+ * when called, retrieves the next set of data and returns a new object with updated results and the next function.
+ */
+ #nextProvider(nextUrl, resultMapper) {
+ return async(signal = undefined) => {
+ const nextData = await fetch(nextUrl, { signal }).then(response => {
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ return Promise.reject(response);
+ }
+ return response.json();
+ }).catch((reason) => {
+ return Promise.reject(reason);
+ });
+ const nextResults = resultMapper(nextData);
+ return {
+ results: nextResults,
+ next: this.#nextProvider(nextData.next, resultMapper)
+ };
+ };
+ }
+export default new ILProvider();
diff --git a/src/utils/string-utils.js b/src/utils/string-utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1ee987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/string-utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Converts a given string to kebab case, spaces are replaced with hyphens
+ * and all letters are converted to lowercase.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str - The input string to be converted to kebab case.
+ * @returns {string} - The input string converted to kebab case.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * const result = toKebabCase("Hello World");
+ * console.log(result); // Output: "hello-world"
+ *
+ * @example
+ * const result = toKebabCase("CamelCase Example");
+ * console.log(result); // Output: "camelcase-example"
+ */
+export const toKebabCase = (str) => str.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase();