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+# Pillarbox Integration Samples
+This "samples" folder contains various projects demonstrating how to integrate our library with
+different technologies. Each subfolder represents a separate project, showcasing integration with
+popular frameworks and languages such as TypeScript, React, or Angular.
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+# pillarbox-web typescript sample
+This project demonstrates the integration og pillarbox with typescript. Feel free to explore and
+experiment with this sample via the following playground:
+[![Open in StackBlitz](https://developer.stackblitz.com/img/open_in_stackblitz.svg)][stackblitz]
+You can also use this project as a template.
+## Quick guide
+This project uses [Vite][vite] for building and previewing the example. The following commands are
+- Rune the server in development mode.
+ ```shell
+ npm run dev
+ ```
+- Compile Typescript and build the project.
+ ```shell
+ npm run build
+ ```
+- Preview the compiled project:
+ ```shell
+ npm run preview
+ ```
+[stackblitz]: https://stackblitz.com/github/srgssr/pillarbox-web-demo/tree/main/samples/vanilla-ts
+[vite]: https://vitejs.dev/
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