diff --git a/audiplay.js b/audiplay.js
index 509c468..634208b 100644
--- a/audiplay.js
+++ b/audiplay.js
@@ -1,151 +1,225 @@
-//Create Elements ...
-const ap_html = '
-let ap_audio = o('.audiplay');
-let play = o('.playpausebtn');
-let ap_loop = o('.ap_loop');
-let slider = document.querySelector('.duration_slider');
-let track = o('.audiplay');
-let showtimer = o('.ap_time');
-let ap_time = ap_audio.currentTime;
-let Playing_song = false;
-let playing_time = ' '+secondsToMinutes(ap_audio.duration);
-let autoplay = false;
-let loop = false;
-function createcontainer() {
- ap_audio.insertAdjacentHTML( 'Beforebegin' ,ap_html)
- }
-ap_audio.style.display = "none";
-if(ap_audio.style.width!='') {
- o('.ap_container').style.width = ap_audio.style.width ;
+// Constants
+const ap_playsvg = `
+const ap_pausesvg = `
+const ap_loopsvg = `
+const ap_loopedsvg = `
+let ap_downloadsvg = `
+const ap_soundsvg = `
+const ap_soundmutesvg = `
+// HTML template for audio player
+const ap_html = `
+ ${ap_playsvg}
+ ${ap_loopsvg}
+ ${ap_downloadsvg}
+ ${ap_soundsvg}
+// Get all audio elements with class 'audiplay'
+const ap_audioElements = document.querySelectorAll('.audiplay');
+// Insert the audio player before each audio element
+ap_audioElements.forEach((audioElement, index) => {
+ audioElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', ap_html);
+ createContainer(audioElement, index);
+// Function to create container with appropriate class
+function createContainer(audioElement, index) {
+ const apContainer = audioElement.previousElementSibling;
+ apContainer.classList.add(`ap_container_${index}`);
+ apContainer.querySelector('.playpausebtn').dataset.index = index;
+ apContainer.querySelector('.ap_loop').dataset.index = index;
+ apContainer.querySelector('.duration_slider').dataset.index = index;
+ apContainer.querySelector('.ap_time').dataset.index = index;
+ apContainer.querySelector('.ap_download').dataset.index = index;
+ apContainer.querySelector('.ap_sound').dataset.index = index;
-function range_slider() {
- let position = 0;
- showtime();
- // update slider position
- if (!isNaN(track.duration)) {
- position = track.currentTime * (100 / track.duration);
- slider.value = position;
+// Play-Pause function
+function justplay(element) {
+ const index = element.dataset.index;
+ const audioElement = ap_audioElements[index];
+ if (audioElement.paused) {
+ audioElement.play();
+ element.innerHTML = ap_pausesvg;
+ } else {
+ audioElement.pause();
+ element.innerHTML = ap_playsvg;
- // function will run when the song is over
- if (track.ended) {
- play.innerHTML = ap_playsvg;
- if (autoplay == 1) {
- index_no += 1;
- //load_track(index_no);
- playsong();
- }
- }
+// Change duration function
+function change_duration(element) {
+ const index = element.dataset.index;
+ const audioElement = ap_audioElements[index];
+ const seekto = audioElement.duration * (element.value / 100);
+ audioElement.currentTime = seekto;
-function ap_mute() {
- if (!ap_audio.muted) {
- ap_audio.muted = 1;
- o('.ap_sound').innerHTML = ap_mutesvg;
+// Mute function
+function ap_mute(element) {
+ const index = element.dataset.index;
+ const audioElement = ap_audioElements[index];
+ if (!audioElement.muted) {
+ audioElement.muted = true;
+ element.innerHTML = ap_soundmutesvg;
} else {
- ap_audio.muted = 0;
- o('.ap_sound').innerHTML = ap_volumnsvg;
+ audioElement.muted = false;
+ element.innerHTML = ap_soundsvg;
-function ap_loopf() {
- if(!ap_audio.loop){
- ap_audio.loop = true ;
- o('.ap_loop').innerHTML = ap_loopedsvg ;
+// Loop function
+function ap_loopf(element) {
+ const index = element.dataset.index;
+ const audioElement = ap_audioElements[index];
+ if (audioElement.loop) {
+ audioElement.loop = false;
+ element.innerHTML = ap_loopsvg;
} else {
- ap_audio.loop = false ;
- o('.ap_loop').innerHTML = ap_loopsvg ;
+ audioElement.loop = true;
+ element.innerHTML = ap_loopedsvg;
-const ap_playsvg = ' ';
-const ap_pausesvg = ' ';
-const ap_loopsvg = '';
-const ap_loopedsvg = ' ';
-const ap_downloadsvg = ' ';
-const ap_volumnsvg = ' ';
-const ap_mutesvg = ' ';
-//Inner Htmls
-ap_loop.innerHTML = ap_loopsvg;
-o('.ap_download').innerHTML = ap_downloadsvg;
-play.innerHTML = ap_playsvg;
-o('.ap_sound').innerHTML = ap_volumnsvg;
-// play song
-function playsong() {
- setInterval(function () {
- range_slider()
- }, 700);
- track.play();
- Playing_song = true;
- play.innerHTML = ap_pausesvg;
-//pause song
-function pausesong() {
- track.pause();
- Playing_song = false;
- play.innerHTML = ap_playsvg;
+// Event Listeners
+ap_audioElements.forEach((audioElement, index) => {
+ audioElement.addEventListener('timeupdate', function() {
+ const progress = (audioElement.currentTime / audioElement.duration) * 100;
+ document.querySelector(`.ap_container_${index} .duration_slider`).value = progress;
+ showtime(audioElement, index);
+ });
+ audioElement.addEventListener('ended', function() {
+ document.querySelector(`.ap_container_${index} .playpausebtn`).innerHTML = ap_playsvg;
+ audioElement.currentTime = 0;
+ });
+// Function to display audio time
+function showtime(audioElement, index) {
+ const current = audioElement.currentTime;
+ const duration = audioElement.duration;
+ const minutes = Math.floor(current / 60);
+ const seconds = Math.floor(current - minutes * 60);
+ const duration_minutes = Math.floor(duration / 60);
+ const duration_seconds = Math.floor(duration - duration_minutes * 60);
+ let time = minutes + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds) + " / " + duration_minutes + ":" + (duration_seconds < 10 ? "0" + duration_seconds : duration_seconds);
+ document.querySelector(`.ap_container_${index} .ap_time`).innerHTML = time;
+// Function to download audio
+function ap_download(element) {
+ const index = element.dataset.index;
+ const audioElement = ap_audioElements[index];
+ const audioSrc = audioElement.src;
+ const link = document.createElement('a');
+ link.href = audioSrc;
+ link.download = 'audio';
+ document.body.appendChild(link);
+ link.click();
+ document.body.removeChild(link);