If you encounter a bug, please write an issue,
describing the system and environment where you encountered the error.
If you are using Spack, please include the output of spack spec discotec
(to your installed discotec version) and/or spack load --list
if you are
using spack modules.
If you find yourself in the very common (but sometimes seemingly endless) pain of compilation on HPC systems, feel free to open an issue as well. If it is a problem in the DisCoTec Spack package or CMake setup, our contributors may be able to solve it, otherwise they may be able to give pointers to common solutions.
If you run into any combination technique or DisCoTec programming trouble, please also raise an issue. We know that the documentation may be insufficient in places, but we need your feedback to know where to expand!
To find a good place to start coding, have a look at the issue tracker and comment if you start working on an issue.
If you want to implement a new feature not mentioned in the issues, please also create an issue to prevent duplicate work.
DisCoTec uses the Google bracket style (2 spaces) and camelCase naming
convention; member variables are appended with _
If you are not affiliated with the SGpp Team, we typically expect you develop the code on your fork and create a pull request for review. Please include (unit) tests in the ./tests folder. Reviews will be based on function, understandability, and testability / test coverage.
If you want to contribute in another way or collaborate with The SGpp Team, get in touch at [email protected].