- Added algorithms and characteristics for attractor methods in mpbn
- Added organizational 'DAE solver' (
) for collecting solvers that can solve DAE problems. - Removed 'has characteristic' some 'differential-algebraic equation problem' from KINSOL and from 'method for solving a system of linear equations'.
- The characteristics 'differential-algebraic equation problem' and ''ordinary differential equation problem' are no longer disjoint (and in fact the former are a complete subset of the latter).
- Reorganized the steady state algorithms: moved flux balance and steady state to 'general steady state method' (
), and others to the 'steady state root-finding method' (KISAO_0000407
- Added algorithm concepts for eQuilibrator.
- Added organizational 'ODE solver' (
) for noting in SED-ML that some solver should be used, but which is not important. - Added 'parameters for' (
) to indicate that the children parameters of this term are applied when the parent general term is implented as the more-specific value of this term.
- Added concepts for Metabolic Pathway Analysis
- Added top-level algorithm concept for network optimization methods and nested the Metabolic Pathway Analysis methods, flux balance methods, and resource balance analysis under this
- Added and unified aggregation functions for SED-ML L1V4
- maximum ignoring NaN (
) - minimum ignoring NaN (
) - mean ignoring NaN (
) - standard deviation ignoring NaN (
) - standard error ignoring NaN (
) - maximum (
) - minimum (
) - mean (
) - standard deviation (
) - standard error (
) - sum ignoring NaN (
) - sum (
) - product ignoring NaN (
) - product (
) - cumulative sum (
) - cumulative sum ignoring NaN (
) - cumulative product ignoring NaN (
) - cumulative product (
) - count ignoring NaN (
): number of non-zero elements, ignoring NaN entries - count (
): number of non-zero elements, ignoring NaN entries - length ignoring NaN (
): number of elements, ignoring NaN entries - length (
): number of elements, ignoring NaN entries - median ignoring NaN (
) - median (
) - variance ignoring NaN (
) - varianc (
- maximum ignoring NaN (
- Added term for number of simulation steps per simulation output needed by BioNetGen
- Improved performance of algorithm substitution in Python library
- Added algorithm parameters for Gillespie and NLEQ2 in RoadRunner
- Added RKQS method in XPP
- Added documentation for XPP methods
- Added algorithm parameters for libRoadRunner/CVODE
- Added algorithm for Resource Balance Analysis
- Aligned Identifiers.org URIs to http:// rather than https://
- Added algorithms and paramters for XPP
- Gear-like method for stiff ODE systems
- Added algorithms and paramters for XPP
- Maximum number of iterations for root finding
- Jacobian epsilon
- Second order backward method for Volterra equations
- Second order backward method for Volterra equations memory size
- Corrected ids for terms whose ids begin with
- Corrected names and synonyms of terms to start with lowercase letters
- Started guidelines for conventions such as the rules above
- Added tests
- URIs of terms follow the above pattern
- URIs of terms are unique
- Terms have names
- Names start with lower case letters (warning)
- Generalized label and description of KISAO_0000216
- Added label for citation for KISAO_0000216
- Added algorithms for logical modeling
- Sequential simulation
- Stable state search
- Trap space identification
- Added parameter for adaptive time steps
- Added terms for simulation outputs (formerly
) - Added method for getting the type of a KiSAO term
- Added terms for sub-methods of CVODE
- Added more functionality to Python package
- Debugged CI action
- Added Python package for getting sets of similar algorithms
- Added unit tests for the above
- Added unit tests to CI action
Improved organization and relationships to facilitate the inference of similar simulation algorithms
- Nested dynamic flux balance (KISAO_0000499) analysis under hybrid method (KISAO_0000352)
- Moved 'has characteristic' some 'ordinary differential equation problem' from DA-DFBA (KISAO_0000502) to parent (dynamic flux balance analysis (KISAO_0000499))
- Corrected relationship for stochastic Runge-Kutta method (KISAO_0000564)
'has characteristic' max 1 'stochastic differential equation problem' to
'has characteristic' some 'stochastic differential equation problem'` - Added relationship for stochastic Runge-Kutta method (KISAO_0000564)
'has characteristic' some 'stochastic system behaviour'
(KISAO_0000104) - Added relationship for stochastic Runge-Kutta method (KISAO_0000564)
not ('has characteristic' some 'ordinary differential equation problem')
(KISAO_0000374) - Added
is hybrid of
relationships for VCell hybrid methods (KISAO_0000598, KISAO_0000599, KISAO_0000600) - Added more detail to
is hybrid of
relationships for Pahle hybrid methods (children of KISAO_0000231) - Added
'is hybrid of' some (LSODA and LSODAR)
to hybrid LSODA/LSODAR method (KISAO_0000560) - Relabeled hybrid LSODA/LSODAR method (KISAO_0000560)
- Added alt label
algorithm to Gillespie direct algorithm (KISAO_0000029) - Added relationship 'has characteristic' some hybridity to BKMC (KISAO_0000581)
- Nested
Composite-rejection stochastic simulation algorithm
(KISAO_0000610) under accelerated SSA (KISAO_0000333) - Added updating policy chacteristics to logical simulation methods (children of KISAO_0000448)
- Added parent term for parsimonious FBA methods (children of KISAO_0000620)
- Nested methods under generalized SSA (KISA_0000335)
- bunker (KISAO_0000618)
- EMC (KISAO_0000619)
- iSSA (KISAO_0000611)
- NMC (KISAO_0000613)
- Bortz-Kalos-Lebowitz algorithm (KISAO_0000051)
- Gillespie multi-particle method (KISAO_0000075)
- Added organizational term for stochastic simulation leaping methods (KISAO_0000621)
- Added missing exact (KISAO_0000236) vs approximate (KISAO_0000237) characteristics for non-generalized Gillespie-like methods
- Added organizational term for flux balance methods (KISAO_0000622)
- Added 'flux balance problem' (KISAO_0000623)
- Added algorithms for iBioSim bunker and emc-sim methods
- Added algorithms for VCell finite volume methods and VCell hybrid IDA/CVODE method
- Added algorithm and parameter terms for iBioSim methods
- Added missing subclass annotation for KISAO_0000435 of KISAO_0000302
- Added algorithm and parameter terms for Salis hybrid methods implemented in VCell
- Corrected capitalization of OptFlux to Optflux
- Added BioSimulators identifiers for simulation tools
- added term suggested in ticket 85
- added algorithm and parameter terms for COBRA Toolbox, Optflux, RAVEN, The Cell Collective, MaBoSS, E-Cell 4, JSim, SBSCL, BioUML, COBRApy
- organized order and tolerance parameter terms
- fixed data types of created dates
- added terms suggested in tickets 45-83
- added gFBA, pFBA, FVA and related parameters (tickets 37-44)
- added patitioned leaping (KISAO_0000524) and stop condition (KISAO_0000525) (tickets 35-36)
- added optimisation methods (ticket 33)
- added dynamic FBA methods (ticket 32)
- 'number of runs' added (ticket 31)
- KLU added (ticket 30)
- KLU added (ticket 30)
- several terms updated (tickets 21-29)
- several algorithm parameters updated (ticket 20)
- several algorithm parameters added (tickets 15-19)
- several algorithm parameters added (tickets 12-13)
- 'optimization algorithm' branch added (ticket 6) including 2 child terms: -- 'local optimization algorithm' added (ticket 7) -- 'global optimization algorithm' added (ticket 8)
- 'bayesian inference algorithm' added (ticket 9)
- 'maximal timestep method' added
- 'maximum step size' parameter is added
- hierarchical relationships for 'Newton-type method' is updated
- COAST method is added
- 'logical model simulation method' sub-branch is added
- 'type of updating policy' sub-brach is added to characteristics
- 'flux balance analysis' is added.
- 'Embedded Runge-Kutta method' branch is updated: 'Dormand-Prince 8(5,3) method' and 'Higham-Hall method' are added.
- KINSOL and IDA solvers are moved to the 'Newton-type method' subbranch of the algorithm hierarchy tree.
- MIRIAM URNs in 'seeAlso' annotations are replaced with corresponding identifiers.org URLs.
- steady state method branch is added
- PLSR method branch is added
- 'kinetic simulation algorithm' term is renamed to 'modeling and simulation algorithm'.
- more Krylov subspace projection methods
- 'type of problem' characteristic is added
- skos:definition annotation is now used to represent definitions (instead of rdfs:comment)
- skos:altLabel annotation is now used to represent synonyms (instead of oboInOwl:Synonym)
- consists of two parts: -- kisao.owl: the core version containing all but deprecated terms -- kisao_full.owl: the full version which imports the core KiSAO and also contains deprecated terms.
- two times more simulation algorithms, than in the previous versions
- characteristic and parameter branches, linked to the algorithms which possess them, e.g. 'tau-leaping method' 'has parameter' 'tau-leaping epsilon'
- both hierarchical relations between simulation methods, e.g. 'Poisson tau-leaping method' subClassOf 'tau-leaping method', and ones representing a complex method switching between several algorithms, e.g. 'LSODA' uses 'backward differentiation formula'
- consists of two parts: -- kisao.owl: the core version containing all but deprecated terms -- kisao_full.owl: the full version which imports the core KiSAO and also contains deprecated terms.
- the first of the KiSAO versions representing algorithm characteristics as a separate branch of OWL class hierarchy
- algorithms are linked to the characteristics they possess using 'has property' relationship, e.g. 'Gillespie direct method' 'has property' 'stochastic system behaviour'
- an old version of KiSAO
- algorithm parameters are not covered
- algorithm subclassing is based on algorithm types, derivation (algorithm derived from another pre-existing one), and characteristics.
- characteristics are represented as subsumptions in algorithm branch, e.g. 'algorithm using adaptive time steps'
- multiple inheritance of algorithms (subsumptions as parents)