etcd-manager configures certificates for TLS communication between kube-apiserver and etcd, as well as between etcd members. These certificates are signed by the cluster CA and are valid for a duration of 1 year.
Affected versions of etcd-manager currently do NOT automatically rotate these certificates before expiration. If these certificates are not rotated prior to their expiration, Kubernetes apiserver will become inaccessible and your control-plane will experience downtime.
Clusters are affected by this issue if they're using a version of etcd-manager < 3.0.20200428
The etcd-manager version is set automatically based on the kOps version.
These kOps versions are affected:
- kOps 1.10.0-alpha.1 through 1.15.2
- kOps 1.16.0-alpha.1 through 1.16.1
- kOps 1.17.0-alpha.1 through 1.17.0-beta.1
- kOps 1.18.0-alpha.1 through 1.18.0-alpha.2
The issue can be confirmed by checking for the existence of etcd-manager pods and observing their image tags:
kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l k8s-app=etcd-manager-main \
-o jsonpath='{range .items[*].spec.containers[*]}{.image}{"\n"}{end}'
- If this outputs
images with tags older than3.0.20200428
, the cluster is affected. - If this outputs an image other than
, the cluster may be affected. - If this does does not output anything or outputs
images with tags >=3.0.20200428
, the cluster is not affected.
The issue can be confirmed also by checking the certificate expiry using openssl
on each master node.
find /mnt/ -type f -name me.crt -print -exec openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in {} \;
Upgrade etcd-manager. etcd-manager version >= 3.0.20200428
manages certificate lifecycle and will automatically request new certificates before expiration.
We have two suggested workflows to upgrade etcd-manager in your cluster. While both workflows require a rolling-update of the master nodes, neither require control-plane downtime (if the clusters have highly available masters).
- Upgrade to kOps 1.15.3, 1.16.2, 1.17.0-beta.2, or 1.18.0-alpha.3.
This is the recommended approach.
Follow the normal steps when upgrading kOps and confirm the etcd-manager image will be updated based on the output of
kops update cluster
.kops update cluster --yes kops rolling-update cluster --instance-group-roles=Master --cloudonly
- Another solution is to override the etcd-manager image in the ClusterSpec.
The image will be set in two places, one for each etcdCluster (main and events).
kops edit cluster $CLUSTER_NAME # Set `spec.etcdClusters[*].manager.image` to `kopeio/etcd-manager:3.0.20200428` kops update cluster # confirm the image is being updated kops update cluster --yes kops rolling-update cluster --instance-group-roles=Master --force --cloudonly