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3D summer school 2024

Gabriel Bodard edited this page Jun 20, 2024 · 9 revisions

3D Imaging and Modelling for Cultural Heritage

Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House, University of London

July 1–5, 2024. Senate House MakerSpace

Tutors: Vera Moitinho de Almeida (CODA, University of Porto) & Gabriel Bodard (University of London)

This in-person course will introduce participants to a range of 3D technologies, from photogrammetry to 3D design software, for the imaging, modelling and analysis of ancient artefacts and buildings. We offer a mix of practical and theoretical sessions, including advice on imaging both portable objects and outdoor monuments. Drawing on expertise and partnerships of the Institute of Classical Studies and nearby cultural institutions, this course is suitable for students, archaeologists, teachers and anyone with an interest. No previous technical experience is required.

Before the workshop:

  1. Watch at least the first batch of pre-recorded video tutorials prior to the start of the summer school
  2. Bring your laptop, ideally with a mouse (which is better than trackpad for 3D editing)
  3. Bring a camera or other photographic device (phone, tablet), and a USB cable to download photos to your computer
  4. (NB if you use an iPhone or iPad, make sure you know how to save photographs in JPG format. See e.g. WikiHow; Lifewire.)
  5. Download and install the free trial version of Agisoft Metashape
  6. Make a free account on
  7. Make a free account on Sketchup for Web
  8. Optional: Download and install MeshLab (windows) or MeshLab (mac)
  9. Optional: Make a free account on Tinkercad


Monday July 1

  • 10:30 MakerSpace open
  • 11:00 Welcome and introduction to MakerSpace
  • 12:00 Introduction to Ehrenberg collection (Rosario Rovira Guardiola, ICS)
    • 12:30 lunch break
  • 14:00 Photogrammetry practice
    • 15:00 coffee break
  • 15:30 Photogrammetry practice
  • 17:00 Keynote lecture (in person only): Kimberly Meehan (UCL), Merging and sharing 3D scientific imaging data
    • 18:30 Join us for a pint with the speaker!

Tuesday July 2

  • 10:00 Space open for practice
  • 11:00 Sketchfab Introduction
  • 11:30 Photogrammetry practice
    • 12:30 lunch break
  • 14:00 MeshLab demo and exercise
  • 15:00 Photogrammetry, Sketchfab or Meshlab practice
    • 16:30 Session ends

Wednesday July 3

  • 11:00 Field trip: Outdoor photogrammetry St Pancras Gardens (weather permitting) (Directions)
    • 12:30 lunch break
  • 14:00 3D modelling with SketchUp
  • 15:30 Discussion of 3D documentation and metadata
    • 16:30 Session ends

Thursday July 4

  • 10:00 Space open for practice
  • 11:00 3D printing overview (Ultimaker Cura) (BCN3D Stratos) (CraftWare)
  • 11:30 Tinkercad exercise
  • 12:00 3D modelling practice
    • 12:30 lunch break
  • 14:00 Archaeological site modelling and geophysics (Emlyn Dodd)
  • 14:15 3D modelling practice
  • 15:00 Discussion of 3D imaging and modelling ethical responsibilities
  • 15:30 3D modelling practice
    • 16:30 Session ends

Friday July 5

  • 10:00 Space open for practice
  • 11:00 3D modelling practice and discussion, project reports
    • 12:30 lunch break
  • 14:00 Practice and closing discussion
    • 16:00 coffee break
  • 17:30 Digital Classicist seminar. Chiara Palladino (Furman University), Representing ancient landscapes digitally: the what, the how, the why. (Youtube)
    • 19:00 Join us for a pint with the speaker!

Video tutorials

Overviews (watch before the summer school)

Photogrammetry (watch before Monday/Tuesday)

Postprocessing and Analysis (watch before Tuesday)

3D printing (watch before Wednesday)

3D Modelling with Sketchup Web (Watch before Wednesday/Thursday)

NB the tutorials and materials below were designed for the free SketchUp Make 2017, which has recently been discontinued. They should work fine, with only occasional, minor adaptation with SketchUp Web.

Advanced 3D modelling exercises (optional)

Other resources

Previous keynotes

Other presentations

Tutorials and resources

Further reading

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