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SARDONYX edited this page Jan 20, 2024 · 50 revisions

DAR to OAR Converter(GUI & CLI)


  • DAR to OAR conversion(CLI & GUI applications)
  • Implemented sub commands (Remove OAR dir, Unhide DAR files)
  • Mapping table complements OAR's readability on GUI
  • Localization system(Could be customized)
  • Could edit JavaScript & CSS

Getting Started for User


  • For Windows, select g_dar2oar_{VERSON}_x64_en-US.msi or g_dar2oar_{VERSON}_x64-setup.exe

  • What is the one marked It is a compressed file that contains the GUI and CLI, it is not an installer, so it does not automatically install the dependent libraries needed to start the GUI.


  1. Download the latest binary from Nexus or GitHub

  2. Click g_dar2oar.exe


How do I customize my translation? -> You can customize it by writing JavaScript as follows.

See custom_translation sample

Set a key named 'custom-translation-dict' in the localStorage, and enter en-US.json format Json is embedded in it.

CLI (For example, if you want to list multiple mods using PowerShell commands and convert them automatically in the CLI)

  1. Download the latest binary from GitHub
  2. Use Command


  • Simple
./dar2oar convert "./test/data/UNDERDOG Animations" --mapping-file "./test/mapping_tables/UnderDog Animations_v1.9.6_mapping_table.txt" --run-parallel --stdout
  • Multi mods conversion
<# Example dir status
  ├─── test
  │     └─── data
  │           ├─── Modern Female Sitting Animations Overhaul
  │           └─── UNDERDOG Animations
  └─── logs

  └─── dar2oar.exe

$base_dir = "D:/Programming/rust/dar-to-oar" # Convert target base directory
$bin_dir = "D:/Programming/rust/dar-to-oar/target/release" # Directory with dar2oar.exe

if (!$(Get-Command dar2oar -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
  # Temporarily pass through to access without specifying an absolute path.
  $env:Path += ";$bin_dir"

function Convert-Mods($base, $mods_dir, $log_level) {
  # Create log dir if it doesn't exist.
  if (!$(Test-Path "$base_dir/logs")) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory "$base_dir/logs"

  Get-ChildItem $mods_dir -Directory |
  ForEach-Object {
    # The following values are expected for `$_.FullName`.
    # - D:/Programming/rust/dar-to-oar/test/data/Modern Female Sitting Animations Overhaul
    # - D:/Programming/rust/dar-to-oar/test/data/UNDERDOG Animations

    # The following values are expected for `$_.Name`.
    # - Modern Female Sitting Animations Overhaul
    # - UNDERDOG Animations
    dar2oar convert $_.FullName `
      --run-parallel `
      --stdout `
      --log-level $log_level `
      --log-path "$base_dir/logs/convert-$($_.Name).log"
    Write-Host ""

function Show-Dar($base, $mods_dir, $log_level) {
  if (!$(Test-Path "$base_dir/logs")) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory "$base_dir/logs"

  Get-ChildItem $mods_dir -Directory |
  ForEach-Object {
    dar2oar unhide-dar $_.FullName `
      --stdout `
      --log-level $log_level `
      --log-path "$base_dir/logs/convert-$($_.Name).log"
    Write-Host ""

function Remove-Oar($base, $mods_dir, $log_level) {
  if (!$(Test-Path "$base_dir/logs")) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory "$base_dir/logs"

  Get-ChildItem $mods_dir -Directory |
  ForEach-Object {
    dar2oar remove-oar $_.FullName `
      --stdout `
      --log-level $log_level `
      --log-path "$base_dir/logs/convert-$($_.Name).log"
    Write-Host ""

function Get-Help() {
  dar2oar --help
  dar2oar --help
  dar2oar convert --help
  dar2oar remove-oar --help
  dar2oar unhide-dar --help

# Convert-Mods $base_dir "$base_dir/test/data" "debug"
# Remove-Oar  $base_dir "$base_dir/test/data" "debug"
# Show-Dar $base_dir "$base_dir/test/data" "debug"

CLI Help

dar2oar 0.4.0
DAR to OAR Converter CLI

    dar2oar.exe <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information

    convert       Convert DAR to OAR
    help          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    remove-oar    Find and delete `OpenAnimationReplacer` directory
    unhide-dar    Unhide all files in the `DynamicAnimationReplacer` directory by removing the
                      `mohidden` extension
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.74s
     Running `target\release\dar2oar.exe convert --help`
Convert DAR to OAR

    dar2oar.exe convert [OPTIONS] <SRC>

            DAR source dir path

        --author <AUTHOR>
            Mod author in config.json

        --destination <DESTINATION>
            OAR destination dir path(If not, it is inferred from DAR path)

    -h, --help
            Print help information

            After conversion, add ".mohidden" to all DAR files to hide them(For MO2 user)

        --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
            Log level

            trace | debug | info | warn | error

            [default: error]

        --log-path <LOG_PATH>
            Output path of log file

            [default: ./convert.log]

        --mapping-1person-file <MAPPING_1PERSON_FILE>
            Path to section name table(For _1st_person)

        --mapping-file <MAPPING_FILE>
            Path to section name table

            - See more details

        --name <NAME>
            Mod name in config.json & directory name(If not, it is inferred from DAR path)

            Use multi thread

            [Note] More than twice the processing speed can be expected, but the concurrent
            processing results in thread termination timings being out of order, so log writes will
            be out of order as well, greatly reducing readability of the logs.

            Log output to stdout as well
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.72s
     Running `target\release\dar2oar.exe remove-oar --help`
Find and delete `OpenAnimationReplacer` directory

    dar2oar.exe remove-oar [OPTIONS] <TARGET_PATH>

            Path containing the "OpenAnimationReplacer" directory

    -h, --help
            Print help information

        --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
            Log level

            trace | debug | info | warn | error

            [default: error]

        --log-path <LOG_PATH>
            Output path of log file

            [default: ./convert.log]

            Log output to stdout as well
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.70s
     Running `target\release\dar2oar.exe unhide-dar --help`
Unhide all files in the `DynamicAnimationReplacer` directory by removing the `mohidden` extension

    dar2oar.exe unhide-dar [OPTIONS] <DAR_DIR>

            DAR directory containing files with ".mohidden" extension

    -h, --help
            Print help information

        --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
            Log level

            trace | debug | info | warn | error

            [default: error]

        --log-path <LOG_PATH>
            Output path of log file

            [default: ./convert.log]

            Log output to stdout as well

What is the mapping file?

DAR priority folder name -> A specific name

Sample is here

1 It is interpreted as follows


  • mapping_table.txt
8000000  Combat
// This is a line comment. It is ignored until a line break comes, so you can freely write notes.
8000005  Female
8001000  Unarmed
8001010  Sword
// More to follow below...

2 Parse to...

(As you can see, if there is no corresponding priority folder name, a sequential number will be added at the end.)

8000000  Combat
8000001  Combat_1
8000002  Combat_2
8000005  Female
8001000  Unarmed
8001010  Sword
// More to follow below...

3.1. Convert Result(Mapping table specified)

Smooth Moveset
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE

3.2 Convert Result(Mapping table isn't specified) => The name of the priority folder is used.

└─Smooth Moveset
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE
    │  └─XPMSE

For Developer

If it is too much trouble to set up an environment, you can also fork the system and build it with github CI by typing git tag -s "100.0.0".


Build commands

  • GUI
npm run dev              # Development mode
npm run build            # Release (See target directory)
  • CLI
cargo run                   # Development mode
cargo build --release # Release (See target directory)

Static link as library

If you can use Rust, you can easily incorporate my code into your software as a library.

See dar2oar_core readme

Acknowledgements & Credits

I could not have made this Rust converter without the source of the C# application and the bug report from POST.

Thank you.

  • MIT OR Apache-2.0 Copyright (c) 2023 SARDONYX License
  • Original Application: MIT License Copyright (c) 2023 Allison Payne MIT License
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