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\ No newline at end of file +window.navigationData = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,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" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/assets/style.css b/knowledge-base/api-reference/assets/style.css index 07a385b731..98a4377942 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/assets/style.css +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/assets/style.css @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ --light-color-ts-constructor-signature: var(--light-color-ts-constructor); --light-color-ts-parameter: var(--light-color-ts-variable); /* type literal not included as links will never be generated to it */ - --light-color-ts-type-parameter: var(--light-color-ts-type-alias); + --light-color-ts-type-parameter: #a55c0e; --light-color-ts-accessor: var(--light-color-ts-property); --light-color-ts-get-signature: var(--light-color-ts-accessor); --light-color-ts-set-signature: var(--light-color-ts-accessor); @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ --dark-color-ts-constructor-signature: var(--dark-color-ts-constructor); --dark-color-ts-parameter: var(--dark-color-ts-variable); /* type literal not included as links will never be generated to it */ - --dark-color-ts-type-parameter: var(--dark-color-ts-type-alias); + --dark-color-ts-type-parameter: #e07d13; --dark-color-ts-accessor: var(--dark-color-ts-property); --dark-color-ts-get-signature: var(--dark-color-ts-accessor); --dark-color-ts-set-signature: var(--dark-color-ts-accessor); @@ -266,12 +266,12 @@ h6 { line-height: 1.2; } -h1 > a, -h2 > a, -h3 > a, -h4 > a, -h5 > a, -h6 > a { +h1 > a:not(.link), +h2 > a:not(.link), +h3 > a:not(.link), +h4 > a:not(.link), +h5 > a:not(.link), +h6 > a:not(.link) { text-decoration: none; color: var(--color-text); } @@ -649,6 +649,28 @@ input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ svg .tsd-checkbox-checkmark { font-weight: bold; } +.tsd-full-hierarchy:not(:last-child) { + margin-bottom: 1em; + padding-bottom: 1em; + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-accent); +} +.tsd-full-hierarchy, +.tsd-full-hierarchy ul { + list-style: none; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} +.tsd-full-hierarchy ul { + padding-left: 1.5rem; +} +.tsd-full-hierarchy a { + padding: 0.25rem 0 !important; + font-size: 1rem; + display: inline-flex; + align-items: center; + color: var(--color-text); +} + .tsd-panel-group.tsd-index-group { margin-bottom: 0; } @@ -714,12 +736,15 @@ input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ svg .tsd-checkbox-checkmark { } .tsd-navigation > a, .tsd-navigation .tsd-accordion-summary { - width: calc(100% - 0.5rem); + width: calc(100% - 0.25rem); + display: flex; + align-items: center; } .tsd-navigation a, .tsd-navigation summary > span, .tsd-page-navigation a { - display: inline-flex; + display: flex; + width: calc(100% - 0.25rem); align-items: center; padding: 0.25rem; color: var(--color-text); @@ -759,11 +784,6 @@ input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ svg .tsd-checkbox-checkmark { margin-left: -1.5rem; } -.tsd-nested-navigation > li > a, -.tsd-nested-navigation > li > span { - width: calc(100% - 1.75rem - 0.5rem); -} - .tsd-page-navigation ul { padding-left: 1.75rem; } diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.AllFields.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.AllFields.html index 564986b014..909113efbd 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.AllFields.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.AllFields.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ AllFields | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

Represents the selection of all fields. This field should be used in the schema of entities.


Type Parameters


Type Parameters



_entityConstructor _fieldName selectable

Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



  • Type Parameters


    Returns AllFields<EntityT>


_entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
_fieldName: string
selectable: true
\ No newline at end of file +



_entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
_fieldName: string
selectable: true
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BatchChangeSet.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BatchChangeSet.html index 907b0e51e6..0d06e19d4a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BatchChangeSet.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BatchChangeSet.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ BatchChangeSet | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

Representation of a batch change set, which holds a collection of write operations.


Type Parameters


Type Parameters




  • Create an instance of BatchChangeSet.


    Type Parameters



  • Create an instance of BatchChangeSet.


    Type Parameters


    • requests: ChangesetBuilderTypes<DeSerializersT>[]

      Requests to combine to one change set.

    • Optional boundary: string

      Request boundary for separation of sub requests. Defaults to an auto generated value.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Returns BatchChangeSet<DeSerializersT>


boundary: string
requests: ChangesetBuilderTypes<DeSerializersT>[]
\ No newline at end of file +

Returns BatchChangeSet<DeSerializersT>


boundary: string
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BooleanFilterFunction.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BooleanFilterFunction.html index 7d7b921f54..3d40dce7fe 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BooleanFilterFunction.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BooleanFilterFunction.html @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ BooleanFilterFunction | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

Representation of a filter function, that returns a value of type boolean.


Type Parameters



Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Creates an instance of BooleanFilterFunction.


    Type Parameters


    • functionName: string

      Name of the function that returns a boolean value.

    • parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]

      Representation of the parameters passed to the filter function.


    Returns BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>


edmType: EdmTypeShared<ODataVersionOf<EntityT>>
functionName: string
parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]


  • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.




functionName: string


  • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.


    • value: boolean

      Value to be used in the filter.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, boolean>

    The resulting filter.

  • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.


Returns Filter<EntityT, any, boolean>

The resulting filter.

  • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.


    • value: boolean

      Value to be used in the filter.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, boolean>

    The resulting filter.


Returns Filter<EntityT, any, boolean>

The resulting filter.

Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

\ No newline at end of file +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CollectionField.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CollectionField.html index 780b6be8f7..6413bc6033 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CollectionField.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CollectionField.html @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ CollectionField | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

Class CollectionField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, CollectionFieldT, NullableT, SelectableT>

Represents a field of an entity or a complex type, that can have a collection as value.


Type Parameters

  • EntityT extends EntityBase

    Type of the entity the field belongs to.

  • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    Type of the (de-)serializers.

  • CollectionFieldT extends EdmTypeShared<"any"> | Record<string, any> = any

    Type of of elements of the collection. This can either be an EDM type or complex type.

  • NullableT extends boolean = false

    Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

  • SelectableT extends boolean = false

    Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.



  • Field<EntityT, NullableT, SelectableT>
    • CollectionField


Type Parameters

  • EntityT extends EntityBase

    Type of the entity the field belongs to.

  • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    Type of the (de-)serializers.

  • CollectionFieldT extends EdmTypeShared<"any"> | Record<string, any> = any

    Type of of elements of the collection. This can either be an EDM type or complex type.

  • NullableT extends boolean = false

    Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

  • SelectableT extends boolean = false

    Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.


Hierarchy (view full)





  • Creates an instance of CollectionField.


    Type Parameters


    • fieldName: string

      Actual name of the field used in the OData request.

    • _fieldOf: ConstructorOrField<EntityT>

      The constructor of the entity or the complex type field this field belongs to.

    • _fieldType: CollectionFieldType<CollectionFieldT>

      Edm type of the field according to the metadata description.

    • Optional fieldOptions: FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>

      Optional settings for this field.


    Returns CollectionField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, CollectionFieldT, NullableT, SelectableT>


_deSerializers: DeSerializersT
_entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
_fieldName: string
_fieldOf: ConstructorOrField<EntityT>
_fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>
_fieldType: CollectionFieldType<CollectionFieldT>


  • Gets the path to the complex type property represented by this.




_deSerializers: DeSerializersT
_entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
_fieldName: string
_fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>


  • Gets the path to the complex type property represented by this.

    Returns string

    The path to the complex type property.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

\ No newline at end of file +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CollectionFilterFunction.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CollectionFilterFunction.html index 85952ebfe7..4f796956d6 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CollectionFilterFunction.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CollectionFilterFunction.html @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ CollectionFilterFunction | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

Representation of a filter function, that returns a collection of values.


Type Parameters



Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Creates an instance of CollectionFilterFunction.


    Type Parameters


    • functionName: string

      Name of the function that returns a collection value.

    • parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]

      Representation of the parameters passed to the filter function.




edmType: EdmTypeShared<ODataVersionOf<EntityT>>
functionName: string
parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]


  • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.



    • value: FieldT[]

      Value to be used in the filter.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, FieldT[]>

    The resulting filter.

  • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.



    • value: FieldT[]

      Value to be used in the filter.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, FieldT[]>

    The resulting filter.


Returns CollectionFilterFunction<EntityT, FieldT>


functionName: string


  • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.



    • value: FieldT[]

      Value to be used in the filter.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, FieldT[]>

    The resulting filter.

  • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.



    • value: FieldT[]

      Value to be used in the filter.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, FieldT[]>

    The resulting filter.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

\ No newline at end of file +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypeField.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypeField.html index e7357634b7..fb08c1a369 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypeField.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypeField.html @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ can be supplied as argument to the select function, e.g. TimeSheetEntry.TIME_SHEET_DATA_FIELDS. Moreover, classes implementing this abstract class will provide property fields, that can be used for filtering and ordering.

See also: Selectable.


Type Parameters

  • EntityT extends EntityBase

    Type of the entity the field belongs to.

  • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    Type of the (de-)serializers.

  • ComplexT = any

    Type of complex type represented by this field.

  • NullableT extends boolean = false

    Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

  • SelectableT extends boolean = false

    Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.



  • Field<EntityT, NullableT, SelectableT>
    • ComplexTypeField


Type Parameters

  • EntityT extends EntityBase

    Type of the entity the field belongs to.

  • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    Type of the (de-)serializers.

  • ComplexT = any

    Type of complex type represented by this field.

  • NullableT extends boolean = false

    Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

  • SelectableT extends boolean = false

    Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.


Hierarchy (view full)





  • Creates an instance of ComplexTypeField.


    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

    • ComplexT = any

    • NullableT extends boolean = false

    • SelectableT extends boolean = false


    • fieldName: string

      Actual name of the field as used in the OData request.

    • fieldOf: ConstructorOrField<EntityT, ComplexT>

      Either the parent entity constructor of the parent complex type this field belongs to.

    • deSerializers: DeSerializersT

      (De-)serializers used for transformation.

    • _complexType: ComplexTypeNamespace<ComplexT>

      The complex type of the complex type property represented by this.

    • Optional fieldOptions: FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>

      Optional settings for this field.


    Returns ComplexTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ComplexT, NullableT, SelectableT>


_complexType: ComplexTypeNamespace<ComplexT>
_entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
_fieldName: string
_fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>
complexTypeName?: string

Note that this property is crucial, although not really used. +



_entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
_fieldName: string
_fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>
complexTypeName?: string

Note that this property is crucial, although not really used. If it is removed this class becomes structural equivalent to e.g. ComplexTypeStringPropertyField which leads to unexpected behavior on the selectable list of objects.

deSerializers: DeSerializersT
fieldOf: ConstructorOrField<EntityT, ComplexT>


  • Gets the path to the complex type property represented by this.

deSerializers: DeSerializersT


  • Gets the path to the complex type property represented by this.

    Returns string

    The path to the complex type property.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

\ No newline at end of file +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CountRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CountRequestBuilder.html index 5b08d244af..03765728a9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CountRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CountRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ CountRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

Class CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

Create an OData request to count entities based on the configuration of the request. A CountRequestBuilder allows only for execution of the request. If you want to apply query parameters like filter, skip or top do it on the GetAllRequestBuilder the count is created from.


Type Parameters



Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Creates an instance of CountRequestBuilder.


    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


    Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


getAllRequest: GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
requestConfig: ODataCountRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


  • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



    • headers: Record<string, string>

      Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


    Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



    • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


    Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +




  • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



    • headers: Record<string, string>

      Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



    • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



    • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


    Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Append the given path to the URL. +


    • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


    • Rest ...path: string[]

      Path to be appended.


    Returns Omit<CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Execute request.


Returns Omit<CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Execute request.


    Returns Promise<number>

    A promise resolving to the number of entities.


Returns Promise<number>

A promise resolving to the number of entities.

  • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

  • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


    Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

  • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


Returns this

The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. +

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CreateRequestBuilderBase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CreateRequestBuilderBase.html index 9c9e962163..027c937992 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CreateRequestBuilderBase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CreateRequestBuilderBase.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ CreateRequestBuilderBase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>Abstract

    Abstract create request class holding the parts shared in OData v2 and v4.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of CreateRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • _entity: EntityT

        Entity to be created.

      • oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>

        URI conversion functions.




    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    deserializer: EntityDeserializer
    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    requestConfig: ODataCreateRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    responseDataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    serializer: EntitySerializer


    • get entity(): EntityT
    • Returns EntityT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +

    Returns CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    deserializer: EntityDeserializer
    responseDataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    serializer: EntitySerializer


    • get entity(): EntityT
    • Returns EntityT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Specifies the parent of the entity to create.


      Type Parameters


      • parentEntity: ParentEntityT

        Parent of the entity to create.

      • linkField: Link<ParentEntityT, DeSerializersT, EntityApi<EntityT, any>>

        Static representation of the navigation property that navigates from the parent entity to the child entity.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute query.


    Returns Omit<CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Specifies the parent of the entity to create.


      Type Parameters


      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute query.


      Returns Promise<EntityT>

      A promise resolving to the created entity.


    Returns Promise<EntityT>

    A promise resolving to the created entity.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. +

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CustomField.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CustomField.html index 8824aed0c1..d8fb2c6416 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CustomField.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CustomField.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ CustomField | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class CustomField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, NullableT>

    If your entity contains fields not present in your service specification you can model them using custom fields. Alternatively you can also generate a client based on a service specification containing all fields.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • NullableT extends boolean = false


      • fieldName: string
      • entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
      • deSerializers: DeSerializersT
      • Optional isNullable: NullableT

      Returns CustomField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, NullableT>


    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, false>>
    fieldBuilder: FieldBuilder<Constructable<EntityT>, DeSerializersT>


    • Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Binary", NullableT, true>

    • Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Boolean", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Byte", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.DateTimeOffset", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Decimal", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Double", NullableT, true>

    • Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Guid", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Int16", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Int32", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Int64", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.SByte", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Single", NullableT, true>

    • Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.String", NullableT, true>

    • Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.




    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, false>>


    • Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

      Returns string

      Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeleteRequestBuilderBase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeleteRequestBuilderBase.html index a17e8de230..560344953d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeleteRequestBuilderBase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeleteRequestBuilderBase.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ DeleteRequestBuilderBase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>Abstract

    Abstract class to delete an entity holding the shared parts between OData v2 and v4.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of DeleteRequestBuilder. If the entity is passed, version identifier will also be added.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>

        URI conversion functions.

      • keysOrEntity: Record<string, any> | EntityBase

        Entity or key-value pairs of key properties for the given entity.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    requestConfig: ODataDeleteRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.



    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute query.


    Returns Omit<DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute query.


      Returns Promise<void>

      A promise resolving once the entity was deleted.


    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise resolving once the entity was deleted.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Instructs the request to force an overwrite of the entity by sending an 'If-Match: *' header instead of sending the ETag version identifier.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.

    • Instructs the request to force an overwrite of the entity by sending an 'If-Match: *' header instead of sending the ETag version identifier.


      Returns this

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. +

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • eTag: string

      Returns DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • eTag: string

      Returns this

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeField.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeField.html index 57fd9853c6..6056c89e6d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeField.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeField.html @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ For example, when constructing a query on the BusinessPartner entity, an instance of EdmTypeField<BusinessPartner, string> can be supplied as argument to the select function, e.g. BusinessPartner.FIRST_NAME.

    See also: Selectable.


    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

      Type of the entity the field belongs to.

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.

    • EdmT extends EdmTypeShared<"any">

      EDM type of the field.

    • NullableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

    • SelectableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.





    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

      Type of the entity the field belongs to.

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.

    • EdmT extends EdmTypeShared<"any">

      EDM type of the field.

    • NullableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

    • SelectableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.


    Hierarchy (view full)






    • Creates an instance of EdmTypeField.


      Type Parameters


      • fieldName: string

        Actual name of the field used in the OData request.

      • _fieldOf: ConstructorOrField<EntityT>

        Constructor type of the entity the field belongs to.

      • edmType: EdmT

        Type of the field according to the metadata description.

      • _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

        (De-)serializers used for transformation.

      • Optional fieldOptions: FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>

        Optional settings for this field.


      Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT, SelectableT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOf: ConstructorOrField<EntityT>
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>
    edmType: EdmT




    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>
    edmType: EdmT


    • Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

      Returns string

      Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityBase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityBase.html index b8d3479055..39d0ede6e1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityBase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityBase.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ EntityBase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Super class for all representations of OData entity types.




    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Internal


      • _entityApi: any

      Returns EntityBase


    _customFields: Record<string, any>

    A mapper representing custom fields in an entity. +


    • Internal


      • _entityApi: any

      Returns EntityBase


    _customFields: Record<string, any>

    A mapper representing custom fields in an entity. Custom fields are represented by their field names and the corresponding values. A custom field can be added or updated using setCustomField method.

    _entityApi: any
    _oDataVersion: any
    _versionIdentifier: string

    The current ETag version of the entity in the remote system. @@ -33,22 +33,22 @@

    remoteState: {
        [keys: string]: any;

    The remote state of the entity. Remote state refers to the last known state of the entity on the remote system from which it has been retrieved or to which it has been posted. It is stored as map, where the keys are stored in the format of the original OData properties.


    Type declaration

    • [keys: string]: any
    _defaultBasePath: string
    _entityName: string
    _serviceName: string


    • get versionIdentifier(): string
    • ETag version identifier accessor.


      Type declaration

      • [keys: string]: any
    _defaultBasePath: string
    _entityName: string
    _serviceName: string


    • get versionIdentifier(): string
    • ETag version identifier accessor.

      Returns string

      The ETag version identifier of the retrieved entity, returns undefined if not retrieved.



    • Creates an object containing all defined properties, navigation properties and custom fields in the entity.



    • Creates an object containing all defined properties, navigation properties and custom fields in the entity.


      • Optional visitedEntities: EntityBase[]

        List of entities to check in case of circular dependencies.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      EntityBase as an object with all defined entity fields.


    Returns Record<string, any>

    EntityBase as an object with all defined entity fields.

    • Parameters

      Returns any

    • Custom field value getter.


      • fieldName: string

        The name of the custom field.

      Returns any

      The value of the corresponding custom field.

    • Returns a map that contains all entity custom fields.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      A map of all defined custom fields in the entity.

    • Returns all updated custom field properties compared to the last known remote state.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      An object containing all updated custom properties, with their new values.

    • Returns all changed properties compared to the last known remote state. +

    • Returns a map that contains all entity custom fields.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      A map of all defined custom fields in the entity.

    • Returns all updated custom field properties compared to the last known remote state.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      An object containing all updated custom properties, with their new values.

    • Returns all changed properties compared to the last known remote state. The returned properties do not include custom fields. Use getUpdatedCustomFields, if you need custom fields.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      EntityBase with all properties that changed.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      EntityBase with all properties that changed.

    • Returns all changed property names compared to the last known remote state. The returned properties names do not include custom fields. Use getUpdatedCustomFields, if you need custom fields.

      @@ -59,22 +59,22 @@
    • Validates whether a field name does not conflict with an original field name and thus can be defined as custom fields.


      • customFieldName: string

        Field name to check.

      Returns boolean

      Boolean value that describes whether a field name can be defined as custom field.

    • Type Parameters


      • entity: EntityT
      • Optional visitedEntities: EntityBase[]

      Returns boolean

    • Sets a new custom field in the entity or updates it. +

    • Type Parameters


      Returns boolean

    • Sets a new custom field in the entity or updates it. Throws an error, if the provided custom field name is already defined by an original field in entity.


      • fieldName: string

        The name of the custom field to update.

      • value: any

        The value of the field.


      Returns EntityBase

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets custom fields on an entity.



      • customFields: Record<string, any>

        Custom fields to set on the entity.


      Returns EntityBase

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Initializes or sets the remoteState of the entity. +

    Returns this

    The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets custom fields on an entity.



      • customFields: Record<string, any>

        Custom fields to set on the entity.


      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Initializes or sets the remoteState of the entity. This function is called on all read, create and update requests.



      • Optional state: Record<string, any>

        State to be set as remote state.


      Returns EntityBase

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Set the ETag version identifier of the retrieved entity.



      • Optional state: Record<string, any>

        State to be set as remote state.


      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Set the ETag version identifier of the retrieved entity.


      • etag: undefined | string

        The returned ETag version of the entity.


      Returns EntityBase

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Overwrites the default toJSON method so that all instance variables as well as all custom fields of the entity are returned.

      Returns {
          [key: string]: any;

      An object containing all instance variables + custom fields.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

      • [key: string]: any
    \ No newline at end of file +
    • [key: string]: any
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityBuilder.html index 3472ba99ce..27915d5c14 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityBuilder.html @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ EntityBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Contains the methods to build an entity.


    Type Parameters


    Type Parameters


    • Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      Returns EntityBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _entity: EntityT
    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • Builds the entity.


      Returns EntityT

      The entity.

    • Builds an entity from JSON representation. +



    _entity: EntityT


    • Builds the entity.


      Returns EntityT

      The entity.

    • Builds an entity from JSON representation. If you have obtained the JSON object as a request payload use the entityDeserializer methods. Note that fields not mappable to a field in the target entity are silently ignored.



      • json: FromJsonType<EntityT>

        Representation of the entity in JSON format.


      Returns EntityT

      EntityBase constructed from JSON representation.

    • Sets the custom fields for the entity.



      • customFields: Record<string, any>

        The custom fields you want to add.


      Returns EntityBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The entity builder itself for method chaining.



    Returns EntityT

    EntityBase constructed from JSON representation.

    • Sets the custom fields for the entity.



      • customFields: Record<string, any>

        The custom fields you want to add.


      Returns this

      The entity builder itself for method chaining.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EnumField.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EnumField.html index 5b58734d87..8ff82dbf81 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EnumField.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EnumField.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ EnumField | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class EnumField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, EnumT, NullableT, SelectableT>

    Represents a property with an enum value.


    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

      Type of the entity the field belongs to.

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • EnumT extends string = string

      Enum type that contains all valid enum entries for this field.

    • NullableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

    • SelectableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.



    • Field<EntityT, NullableT, SelectableT>
      • EnumField


    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

      Type of the entity the field belongs to.

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • EnumT extends string = string

      Enum type that contains all valid enum entries for this field.

    • NullableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

    • SelectableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.


    Hierarchy (view full)





    • Creates an instance of EnumField.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • EnumT extends string = string

      • NullableT extends boolean = false

      • SelectableT extends boolean = false


      • fieldName: string

        Actual name of the field used in the OData request.

      • _fieldOf: ConstructorOrField<EntityT>

        The constructor of the entity or the complex type field this field belongs to.

      • Optional enumType: Record<string, EnumT>

        Enum type of the field according to the metadata description.

      • Optional fieldOptions: FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>

        Optional settings for this field.


      Returns EnumField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, EnumT, NullableT, SelectableT>


    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOf: ConstructorOrField<EntityT>
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>
    enumType?: Record<string, EnumT>


    • Creates an instance of Filter for this field and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.



      • value: `${EnumT}`

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, DeSerializersT, string>

      The resulting filter.




    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>
    enumType?: Record<string, EnumT>


    • Creates an instance of Filter for this field and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.



      • value: `${EnumT}`

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, DeSerializersT, string>

      The resulting filter.

    • Gets the path to the complex type property represented by this.

      Returns string

      The path to the complex type property.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this field and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.



      • value: `${EnumT}`

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, DeSerializersT, string>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this field and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.



      • value: `${EnumT}`

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, DeSerializersT, string>

      The resulting filter.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Field.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Field.html index 007e1af48b..8e5a79f392 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Field.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Field.html @@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ an OData entity, there exists one static instance of Field (or rather one of its subclasses) in the corresponding generated class file. Fields are used to represent the domain of values that can be used in select, filter and order by functions.

    See also: Selectable, EdmTypeField, ComplexTypeField.


    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

      Type of the entity the field belongs to.

    • NullableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

    • SelectableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.




    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

      Type of the entity the field belongs to.

    • NullableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

    • SelectableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.


    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of Field.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • NullableT extends boolean = false

      • SelectableT extends boolean = false


      • _fieldName: string

        Actual name of the field used in the OData request.

      • _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>

        Constructor type of the entity the field belongs to.

      • Optional fieldOptions: FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>

        Optional settings for this field.


      Returns Field<EntityT, NullableT, SelectableT>


    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>


    • Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.




    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>


    • Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

      Returns string

      Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FieldBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FieldBuilder.html index 896ed478ef..45f130da25 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FieldBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FieldBuilder.html @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ FieldBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Field builder to orchestrate the creation of the different kinds of fields.


    Type Parameters

    • FieldOfT extends ConstructorOrField<any>

      Type of the entity or complex type field this field belongs to.

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.


    Type Parameters

    • FieldOfT extends ConstructorOrField<any>

      Type of the entity or complex type field this field belongs to.

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.


    • Creates an instance of FieldBuilder.


      Type Parameters


      • fieldOf: FieldOfT

        Entity or complex type field, for which the field builder shall create fields.

      • deSerializers: DeSerializersT

        (De-)serializers used for transformation.


      Returns FieldBuilder<FieldOfT, DeSerializersT>


    fieldOf: FieldOfT


    • Build a field for a property with a collection type. +



    fieldOf: FieldOfT


    • Build a field for a property with a complex type. Fields of entities are selectable; fields of complex types are not selectable.


      Type Parameters


      Returns ComplexTypeFieldT

      A complex type field of the given type.

    • Build a field for a property with a enum type.


      Type Parameters

      • EnumT extends string

      • NullableT extends boolean


      • fieldName: string

        Name of the field.

      • enumType: Record<string, EnumT>

        Enum type of this field.

      • isNullable: NullableT

        Whether the field is nullable.


      Returns EnumField<EntityTypeFromFieldOf<FieldOfT>, DeSerializersT, EnumT, NullableT, IsSelectableField<FieldOfT>>

      A collection field with the given collection type.


    Type Parameters


    Returns ComplexTypeFieldT

    A complex type field of the given type.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Filter.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Filter.html index 5e6969fb9f..15237ff32e 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Filter.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Filter.html @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ Filter | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class Filter<EntityT, DeSerializersT, FieldT>

    Represents a filter expression to narrow the data on a GetAllRequestBuilder request for multiple entities that match the specified criteria. A filter refers to the field of an entity and restricts the request based on an operator and a value. Entity.FIELD_NAME.operator(value).



    `Product.NAME.equals('cloud-sdk')` creates a filter for the entity `Product` that matches in case the field `NAME` equals 'cloud-sdk'.

    See also: {@link Filterable}. +


    `Product.NAME.equals('cloud-sdk')` creates a filter for the entity `Product` that matches in case the field `NAME` equals 'cloud-sdk'.

    See also: {@link Filterable}.

    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

      Type of the entity to be filtered on.

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • FieldT

      Type of the field to be filtered by.




    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

      Type of the entity to be filtered on.

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • FieldT

      Type of the field to be filtered by.




    • Creates an instance of Filter.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • FieldT


      • field: string | FilterFunction<EntityT, FieldT>

        Name of the field of the entity to be filtered on or a filter function.




    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Entity type of the entity tp be filtered.

  • value: FieldT

    Value to be used by the operator.

  • Optional edmType: EdmTypeShared<ODataVersionOf<EntityT>>

    EDM type of the field to filter on, needed for custom fields.

  • Returns Filter<EntityT, DeSerializersT, FieldT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Entity type of the entity tp be filtered.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    edmType?: EdmTypeShared<ODataVersionOf<EntityT>>
    field: string | FilterFunction<EntityT, FieldT>
    operator: FilterOperator
    value: FieldT
    \ No newline at end of file +
    field: string | FilterFunction<EntityT, FieldT>
    operator: FilterOperator
    value: FieldT
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunction.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunction.html index de0423ef7a..24e3f43c4e 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunction.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunction.html @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ FilterFunction | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class FilterFunction<EntityT, ReturnT>Abstract

    Data structure to represent OData filter functions. Use the factory function filterFunction to create instances of FilterFunction.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of FilterFunction.


      Type Parameters


      Returns FilterFunction<EntityT, ReturnT>


    edmType: EdmTypeShared<ODataVersionOf<EntityT>>
    functionName: string
    parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]


    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.



      • value: ReturnT

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, ReturnT>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.



      • value: ReturnT

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, ReturnT>

      The resulting filter.




    functionName: string


    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.



      • value: ReturnT

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, ReturnT>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.



      • value: ReturnT

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, ReturnT>

      The resulting filter.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterLambdaExpression.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterLambdaExpression.html index 62f9e0d65d..8b8f5cc693 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterLambdaExpression.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterLambdaExpression.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ FilterLambdaExpression | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class FilterLambdaExpression<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Class representing a filter expression based on a FilterLambdaOperator.


    Type Parameters


    Type Parameters



    filters lambdaOperator

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



    • Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      Returns FilterLambdaExpression<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    filters: FilterList<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    lambdaOperator: FilterLambdaOperator
    \ No newline at end of file +



    lambdaOperator: FilterLambdaOperator
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterLink.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterLink.html index ae6a9eddb5..b9ea791117 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterLink.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterLink.html @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ FilterLink | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class FilterLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

    Data structure to represent filter on properties of a navigation property (link). In OData v2 filtering for navigation properties is ONLY supported for properties with a one-to-one cardinality (OneToOneLink).



    In the following filter statement `Entity.requestBuilder().filter(Entity.to_NavProperty.filter(LinkedEntity.property.equals(value)))`,
    `Entity.to_NavProperty.filter(LinkedEntity.property.equals(value))` is a `FilterLink`.

    In OData v4 filtering is also possible on one-to-many links. See {@link OneToManyLink}. +


    In the following filter statement `Entity.requestBuilder().filter(Entity.to_NavProperty.filter(LinkedEntity.property.equals(value)))`,
    `Entity.to_NavProperty.filter(LinkedEntity.property.equals(value))` is a `FilterLink`.

    In OData v4 filtering is also possible on one-to-many links. See {@link OneToManyLink}.

    Type Param: LinkedEntityT

    Type of the linked entity which is used in the filter.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters



    • Creates an instance of FilterLink.


      Type Parameters


      • link: Link<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

        Linked entity to be used in the filter.

      • filters: Filterable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>, DeSerializersT>[]

        List of filterables for the linked entity.


      Returns FilterLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Entity type of the entity tp be filtered.

    _linkedEntityType: EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>

    Linked entity to be filtered by.




    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Entity type of the entity tp be filtered.

    _linkedEntityType: EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>

    Linked entity to be filtered by.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    filters: Filterable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>, DeSerializersT>[]
    link: Link<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterList.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterList.html index c47f7cec50..545dad11af 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterList.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterList.html @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ FilterList | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Data structure to combine Filterables conjunctively and / or disjunctively. A FilterList matches when all filterables within the andFilters match and when at least one filterable within the orFilters matches. Should not be used directly.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters



    • Creates an instance of FilterList.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • Optional andFilters: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

        Filters to be combined by logical conjunction (and).

      • Optional orFilters: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

        Filters to be combined by logical disjunction (or).


      Returns FilterList<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Entity type of the entity tp be filtered.




    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Entity type of the entity tp be filtered.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    andFilters: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]
    orFilters: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.GetAllRequestBuilderBase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.GetAllRequestBuilderBase.html index bf55104315..2eebb30f39 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.GetAllRequestBuilderBase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.GetAllRequestBuilderBase.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ GetAllRequestBuilderBase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>Abstract

    Base class for the get all request builders GetAllRequestBuilderV2 and GetAllRequestBuilderV4.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)




    • Creates an instance of GetAllRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • getAllRequestConfig: ODataGetAllRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Request config of the get all request.




    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    _entity: EntityT
    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    dataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    entityDeserializer: EntityDeserializer
    requestConfig: ODataGetAllRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +

    Returns GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    _entity: EntityT
    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    dataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    entityDeserializer: EntityDeserializer


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Count the number of entities.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      A count request builder for execution.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      Returns Promise<EntityT[]>

      A promise resolving to the requested entities.


    Returns Promise<EntityT[]>

    A promise resolving to the requested entities.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Restrict the response to the given selection of properties in the request.



      • Rest ...selects: Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

        Fields to select in the request.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. +

    • Restrict the response to the given selection of properties in the request.



      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns this

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip number of entities.


      • skip: number

        Number of matching entities to skip. Useful for paging.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Limit number of returned entities.


      • top: number

        Maximum number of entities to return in the response. Can be less, if less entities match the request.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase.html index 9d1bd59de9..5dcd581b5f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>Abstract

    Abstract class to create a get by key request containing the shared functionality for OData v2 and v4.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of GetByKeyRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • keys: Record<string, any>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a key property of the given entity and the value is the respective value.

      • oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>

        URI conversion functions.



    • Creates an instance of GetByKeyRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    _entity: EntityT
    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    dataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    entityDeserializer: EntityDeserializer
    requestConfig: ODataGetByKeyRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +

    Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    _entity: EntityT
    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    dataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    entityDeserializer: EntityDeserializer


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      Returns Promise<EntityT>

      A promise resolving to the requested entity.


    Returns Promise<EntityT>

    A promise resolving to the requested entity.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Restrict the response to the given selection of properties in the request.



      • Rest ...selects: Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

        Fields to select in the request.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. +

    • Restrict the response to the given selection of properties in the request.



      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns this

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Link.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Link.html index 32cbe98d63..7b451ff11e 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Link.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Link.html @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ OData v4 entity: 1:N is a OneToManyLink, 1:0..1 is a OneToOneLink.

    See also: Selectable.

    Type Param: LinkedEntityT

    Type of the entity to be linked to.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)




    _deSerializers _entity _entityApi @@ -21,18 +21,18 @@



    • Creates an instance of Link.


      Type Parameters


      • _fieldName: string

        Name of the linking field to be used in the OData request.

      • _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • _linkedEntityApi: LinkedEntityApiT

        Constructor of the linked entity.


      Returns Link<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    _expand: Expandable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>, DeSerializersT, EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>>[]
    _fieldName: string
    _linkedEntityApi: LinkedEntityApiT
    _selects: Selectable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>, DeSerializersT>[]

    List of selectables on the linked entity.



    • Create a new link based on a given link.


      Returns Link<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

      Newly created link.

    • Parameters

      Returns Link<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _fieldName: string
    _linkedEntityApi: LinkedEntityApiT

    List of selectables on the linked entity.



    • Create a new link based on a given link.


      Returns this

      Newly created link.

    • Creates a selection on a linked entity. Has the same behavior as GetAllRequestBuilderV2.select and GetByKeyRequestBuilderV4.select but for linked entities.

      See also, Selectable.



      • Rest ...selects: Selectable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>, DeSerializersT>[]

        Selection of fields or links on a linked entity.


      Returns Link<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

      The link itself, to facilitate method chaining.



      Returns this

      The link itself, to facilitate method chaining.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NumberFilterFunction.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NumberFilterFunction.html index 03affaf06d..f444fe9415 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NumberFilterFunction.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NumberFilterFunction.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ NumberFilterFunction | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Representation of a filter function, that returns a value of type number. This supports int, double and decimal values.


    Type Parameters


    • OrderableFilterFunction<EntityT, number>
      • NumberFilterFunction


    Type Parameters


    • OrderableFilterFunction<EntityT, number>
      • NumberFilterFunction




    • Creates an instance of NumberFilterFunction.


      Type Parameters


      • functionName: string

        Name of the function that returns a numeric value.

      • parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]

        Representation of the parameters passed to the filter function.



    • Creates an instance of NumberFilterFunction.


      Type Parameters


      • functionName: string

        Name of the function that returns a numeric value.

      • parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]

        Representation of the parameters passed to the filter function.

      • edmType: "Edm.Decimal" | "Edm.Double" | "Edm.Int32"

        Type of the returned numeric value. This influences the formatting of the returned value.


      Returns NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>


    edmType: EdmTypeShared<ODataVersionOf<EntityT>>
    functionName: string
    parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]


    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.


    Returns NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>


    functionName: string


    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.


      • value: number

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, number>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ge', i.e. >=.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, number>

    The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ge', i.e. >=.


      • value: number

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, number>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'gt', i.e. >.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, number>

    The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'gt', i.e. >.


      • value: number

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, number>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'le', i.e. <=.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, number>

    The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'le', i.e. <=.


      • value: number

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, number>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'lt', i.e. <.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, number>

    The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'lt', i.e. <.


      • value: number

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, number>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, number>

    The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.


      • value: number

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, number>

      The resulting filter.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, number>

    The resulting filter.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataBatchRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataBatchRequestConfig.html index a8722e7b49..8c09b0ca3a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataBatchRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataBatchRequestConfig.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ODataBatchRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    OData batch request configuration for an entity type.




    Hierarchy (view full)



    basePath boundary defaultBasePath @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@


    • Creates an instance of ODataBatchRequestConfig.


      • defaultBasePath: string

        The default OData service path.

      • Optional boundary: string

        Request boundary for separation of subrequests. Defaults to an autogenerated value.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestConfig


    basePath: string
    boundary: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>
    subRequestPathType: BatchSubRequestPathType


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestConfig


    basePath: string
    boundary: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>
    subRequestPathType: BatchSubRequestPathType


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    • Parameters

      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    • Parameters

      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataCountRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataCountRequestConfig.html index 298788ff70..cd9cf08840 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataCountRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataCountRequestConfig.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ODataCountRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataCountRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    OData count request configuration for an entity type.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of ODataGetAllRequestConfig.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      Returns ODataCountRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    getAllRequest: GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.




    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataCreateRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataCreateRequestConfig.html index 5788afb604..8d4e03be33 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataCreateRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataCreateRequestConfig.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ODataCreateRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataCreateRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    OData create request configuration for an entity type.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of ODataRequest.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>

        URI conversion functions.


      Returns ODataCreateRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    basePath: string
    childField: Link<EntityBase, DeSerializersT, EntityApi<EntityT, any>>

    Field that links the parent entity class to the child entity class.

    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    parentKeys: Record<string, any>

    Keys of the parent of the entity to create. Defined only when attempting to create child entities.

    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.




    basePath: string

    Field that links the parent entity class to the child entity class.

    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    parentKeys: Record<string, any>

    Keys of the parent of the entity to create. Defined only when attempting to create child entities.

    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    • Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    • Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataDeleteRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataDeleteRequestConfig.html index 33a7175825..8e2e39508b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataDeleteRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataDeleteRequestConfig.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ODataDeleteRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataDeleteRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    OData delete request configuration for an entity type.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of ODataDeleteRequestConfig.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>

        URI conversion functions.


      Returns ODataDeleteRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    eTag: string

    Version identifier.

    entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>
    versionIdentifierIgnored: boolean

    Ignore the version identifier if set to true.



    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.




    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    eTag: string

    Version identifier.

    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>
    versionIdentifierIgnored: boolean

    Ignore the version identifier if set to true.



    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataFunctionRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataFunctionRequestConfig.html index 044b1e3029..90e59f03f6 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataFunctionRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataFunctionRequestConfig.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ODataFunctionRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataFunctionRequestConfig<DeSerializersT, ParametersT>Abstract

    Function request configuration for an entity type.


    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the deserializer use on the request

    • ParametersT

      Type of the parameter to setup a request with




    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the deserializer use on the request

    • ParametersT

      Type of the parameter to setup a request with


    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of ODataFunctionRequestConfig.


      Type Parameters

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT




    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    functionName: string
    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      • parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>

        Object containing the parameters with a value and additional meta information.

      • oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>

        URI conversion functions.


      Returns ODataFunctionRequestConfig<DeSerializersT, ParametersT>


    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    functionName: string
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataGetAllRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataGetAllRequestConfig.html index cdfe18558e..67630d0c3d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataGetAllRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataGetAllRequestConfig.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ODataGetAllRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataGetAllRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    OData getAll request configuration for an entity type.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of ODataGetAllRequestConfig.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>

        URI conversion functions.


      Returns ODataGetAllRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    expands: Expandable<EntityT, DeSerializersT, EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>>[]
    filter: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Filter the results based on conditions.

    orderBy: Orderable<EntityT>[]

    Order the results in, e.g., asc or desc order.

    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>
    selects: Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

    Select a list of fields on the schema property of the entity api.




    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>

    Filter the results based on conditions.

    orderBy: Orderable<EntityT>[]

    Order the results in, e.g., asc or desc order.

    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>

    Select a list of fields on the schema property of the entity api.

    skip: number

    Skip a number of results in the requested set.

    top: number

    Limit the number of results to the given number.



    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.



    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataGetByKeyRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataGetByKeyRequestConfig.html index cd62a137e5..2718671db2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataGetByKeyRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataGetByKeyRequestConfig.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ODataGetByKeyRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataGetByKeyRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    OData getByKey request configuration for an entity type.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of ODataGetByKeyRequestConfig.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>

        URI conversion functions.


      Returns ODataGetByKeyRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    expands: Expandable<EntityT, DeSerializersT, EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>>[]
    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>
    selects: Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

    Select a list of fields on the schema property of the entity api.



    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.




    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>

    Select a list of fields on the schema property of the entity api.



    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataRequest.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataRequest.html index d5b422a09f..dd962a03bb 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataRequest.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataRequest.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ODataRequest | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    OData request configuration for an entity type.

    Type Param: EntityT

    Type of the entity to setup a request for.


    Type Parameters


    Type Parameters





    customHeaders @@ -16,19 +16,19 @@ resourceUrl serviceUrl url -


    • Creates an instance of ODataRequest.


      Type Parameters


      • config: RequestConfigT

        Configuration of the request.




    config: RequestConfigT


    • get destination(): undefined | HttpDestination
    • Returns undefined | HttpDestination

    • set destination(dest): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Get all custom headers.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

    • Get all default headers. If custom headers are set, those take precedence.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

    • Get the eTag related headers, e.g. if-match.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

    • Execute the given request and return the according promise.


      Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

      Promise resolving to the requested data.

    • Create object containing all headers, including custom headers for the given request.


      Returns Promise<OriginOptions>

      Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.


    Returns ODataRequest<RequestConfigT>



    • get destination(): undefined | HttpDestination
    • Returns undefined | HttpDestination

    • set destination(dest): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Get all custom headers.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

    • Get all default headers. If custom headers are set, those take precedence.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

    • Get the eTag related headers, e.g. if-match.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

    • Execute the given request and return the according promise.


      Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

      Promise resolving to the requested data.

    • Create object containing all headers, including custom headers for the given request.


      Returns Promise<OriginOptions>

      Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

    • Specifies whether the destination needs a specific authentication or not.

      Returns boolean

      A boolean value that specifies whether the destination needs authentication or not.

    • Get query parameters as string. Leads with ? if there are parameters to return.

      @@ -49,4 +49,4 @@
    • Constructs an absolute URL for the given request.

      Returns string

      The absolute URL for the request.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataRequestConfig.html index 3d7356bb6d..09dcabb0f5 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataRequestConfig.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ODataRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Parent class for all OData request configs like getAll, delete or count.




    Hierarchy (view full)




    • Creates an instance of ODataRequest.


      • method: RequestMethodType

        HTTP method of the request.

      • defaultBasePath: string

        Default path of the according service.

      • Optional defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>

        The default headers of the given request as an object.


      Returns ODataRequestConfig


    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      • Optional defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>

        The default headers of the given request as an object.


      Returns ODataRequestConfig


    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataUpdateRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataUpdateRequestConfig.html index c2f52323e4..a48f5b1496 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataUpdateRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataUpdateRequestConfig.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ODataUpdateRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataUpdateRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    OData update request configuration for an entity type.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of ODataUpdateRequestConfig.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>

        URI conversion functions.


      Returns ODataUpdateRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    eTag: string

    Version identifier.

    entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>
    versionIdentifierIgnored: boolean

    Ignore the version identifier if set to true.



    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.




    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    eTag: string

    Version identifier.

    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>
    versionIdentifierIgnored: boolean

    Ignore the version identifier if set to true.



    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    • Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    • Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OneToManyLink.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OneToManyLink.html index f7dd36d1e3..191c790a4f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OneToManyLink.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OneToManyLink.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ OneToManyLink | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class OneToManyLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

    Represents a one to many relation for OData v4 entities. For OData v2 entities the Link is used to represent one to many relation. See Link for more information.


    Type Parameters


    • Link<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>
      • OneToManyLink


    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)




    • Creates an instance of Link.


      Type Parameters


      • _fieldName: string

        Name of the linking field to be used in the OData request.

      • _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • _linkedEntityApi: LinkedEntityApiT

        Constructor of the linked entity.


      Returns OneToManyLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    _expand: Expandable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>, DeSerializersT, EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>>[]
    _fieldName: string
    _filters: FilterLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>
    _linkedEntityApi: LinkedEntityApiT
    _orderBy: Orderable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>>[]
    _selects: Selectable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>, DeSerializersT>[]

    List of selectables on the linked entity.

    _skip: number
    _top: number


    • Create a new link based on a given link.


      Returns OneToManyLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

      Newly created link.

    • Create filter statements to be applied to the OData request based on the linked entity values.



      Returns OneToManyLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

      Newly created FilterLink.

    • Add order-by statements to the request.



      • Rest ...orderBy: Orderable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>>[]

        OrderBy statements to order the response by.


      Returns OneToManyLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.




    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _fieldName: string
    _linkedEntityApi: LinkedEntityApiT

    List of selectables on the linked entity.

    _skip: number
    _top: number


    • Create a new link based on a given link.


      Returns this

      Newly created link.

    • Add order-by statements to the request.



      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip number of entities.



      Returns this

      The link itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip number of entities.


      • skip: number

        Number of matching entities to skip. Useful for paging.


      Returns OneToManyLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Number of returned entities.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Number of returned entities.


      • top: number

        Maximum number of entities to return in the response. Can be less, if less entities match the request.


      Returns OneToManyLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OneToOneLink.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OneToOneLink.html index 137fc9f0f0..0981b55af1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OneToOneLink.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OneToOneLink.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ OneToOneLink | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class OneToOneLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

    Represents a link from one entity to one other linked entity (as opposed to a list of linked entities). In OData v2 a OneToOneLink can be used to filter and order a selection on an entity based on filters and orders on a linked entity.

    Type Param: LinkedEntityT

    Type of the entity to be linked to.


    Type Parameters


    • Link<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>
      • OneToOneLink


    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)




    • Creates an instance of Link.


      Type Parameters


      • _fieldName: string

        Name of the linking field to be used in the OData request.

      • _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • _linkedEntityApi: LinkedEntityApiT

        Constructor of the linked entity.


      Returns OneToOneLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    _expand: Expandable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>, DeSerializersT, EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>>[]
    _fieldName: string
    _linkedEntityApi: LinkedEntityApiT
    _selects: Selectable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>, DeSerializersT>[]

    List of selectables on the linked entity.

    filters: Filterable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>, DeSerializersT>

    Filterables to apply to the given entity based on the linked entity.

    orderBys: Order<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>>[]

    List of criteria of the linked entity to order the given entity by with descending priority.



    • Create a new link based on a given link.


      Returns OneToOneLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

      Newly created link.

    • Create filter statements to be applied to the OData request based on the linked entity values.



      • Rest ...filters: Filterable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>, DeSerializersT>[]

        Filters based on the linked entity.


      Returns FilterLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

      Newly created FilterLink.

    • Create order statements for the OData request based on the linked entity. The given statements have descending priority.



      Returns OrderLink<EntityT, LinkedEntityApiT>

      Newly created order link.



      .orderBy(Entity.TO_LINKED_ENTITY.orderBy(asc(LinkedEntity.PROPERTY1), desc(LinkedEntity.PROPERTY2))); +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _fieldName: string
    _linkedEntityApi: LinkedEntityApiT

    List of selectables on the linked entity.


    Filterables to apply to the given entity based on the linked entity.


    List of criteria of the linked entity to order the given entity by with descending priority.



    • Create a new link based on a given link.


      Returns this

      Newly created link.

    • Create order statements for the OData request based on the linked entity. The given statements have descending priority.



      Returns OrderLink<EntityT, LinkedEntityApiT>

      Newly created order link.



      .orderBy(Entity.TO_LINKED_ENTITY.orderBy(asc(LinkedEntity.PROPERTY1), desc(LinkedEntity.PROPERTY2)));


    Returns this

    The link itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OperationParameter.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OperationParameter.html index 30ccfad3e1..cf04758216 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OperationParameter.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OperationParameter.html @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ OperationParameter | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Internal representation of operation parameters. It adds metadata to the value.


    Type Parameters

    • ValueT

      Type of the value.


    Type Parameters

    • ValueT

      Type of the value.




    • Creates an instance of OperationParameter.


      Type Parameters

      • ValueT


      • originalName: string

        The original name of the parameter in the OData service.



    • Creates an instance of OperationParameter.


      Type Parameters

      • ValueT


      • originalName: string

        The original name of the parameter in the OData service.

      • edmType: EdmTypeCommon | ExclusiveEdmTypeV2 | ExclusiveEdmTypeV4

        Original EDM type.

      • value: ValueT

        Value to be used as parameter.

      • value: ValueT

        Value to be used as parameter.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


      Returns OperationParameter<ValueT>


    originalName: string
    value: ValueT
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns OperationParameter<ValueT>


    originalName: string
    value: ValueT
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OperationRequestBuilderBase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OperationRequestBuilderBase.html index 1913a10e84..dfb7492905 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OperationRequestBuilderBase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OperationRequestBuilderBase.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ OperationRequestBuilderBase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, ReturnT, RequestConfigT>Abstract

    Create OData request to execute an action or function.


    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.

    • ReturnT

      Type of the function return value.

    • RequestConfigT extends ODataRequestConfig

      Type of the request config.





    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.

    • ReturnT

      Type of the function return value.

    • RequestConfigT extends ODataRequestConfig

      Type of the request config.


    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Base class for function and action request builder.


      Type Parameters


      • responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

        Transformation function for the response.

          • (data): ReturnT
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns ReturnT

      • requestConfig: RequestConfigT

        Request config for an action or function.

      • _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

        (De-)serializers used for transformation.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, ReturnT, RequestConfigT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    requestConfig: RequestConfigT
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration

      • (data): ReturnT
      • Parameters

        • data: any

        Returns ReturnT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, ReturnT, RequestConfigT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, ReturnT, RequestConfigT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    requestConfig: RequestConfigT
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, ReturnT, RequestConfigT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, ReturnT, RequestConfigT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Returns ODataRequest<RequestConfigT>

    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<ODataRequest<RequestConfigT>>

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, ReturnT, RequestConfigT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      • destination: HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions

        Destination or DestinationFetchOptions to execute the request against.

      • Optional dataAccessor: ((data) => any)

        A function to modify the received response data.

          • (data): any
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns any

      Returns Promise<ReturnT>

      A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<ReturnT>

    A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, ReturnT, RequestConfigT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, ReturnT, RequestConfigT>

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. +

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, ReturnT, RequestConfigT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, ReturnT, RequestConfigT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Order.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Order.html index 8d57eb2675..fc34ae6b67 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Order.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Order.html @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ Order | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    OData queries take this to determine the order of results.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters



    • Creates an instance of Order.


      Type Parameters


      • _fieldName: string

        Field to order by.



    • Creates an instance of Order.


      Type Parameters


      • _fieldName: string

        Field to order by.

      • Optional orderType: OrderType

        Type of ordering, can be 'asc' for ascending or 'desc' for descending.


      Returns Order<EntityT>


    _deSerializers: any

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.


    Returns Order<EntityT>


    _deSerializers: any

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    orderType: OrderType
    \ No newline at end of file +
    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    orderType: OrderType
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderLink.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderLink.html index af8ba91c87..177f29b5f0 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderLink.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderLink.html @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ OrderLink | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Link to represent an order by on a linked entity.

    Type Param: LinkedEntityT

    Type of the entity to link to.


    Type Parameters


    Type Parameters


    • Creates an instance of OrderLink.


      Type Parameters




    entityType: EntityT
    link: Link<EntityT, any, LinkedEntityApiT>
    linkedEntityType: EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>
    orderBy: Orderable<EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>, EntityApi<EntityBase, any>>[]
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns OrderLink<EntityT, LinkedEntityApiT>


    entityType: EntityT
    linkedEntityType: EntityType<LinkedEntityApiT>
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableEdmTypeField.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableEdmTypeField.html index 6434d88636..21dc77d590 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableEdmTypeField.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableEdmTypeField.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ OrderableEdmTypeField | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT, SelectableT>

    EdmTypeField, that represents a property with an EDM type, that can be compared with greaterThan, greaterOrEqual, lessThan and lessOrEqual.


    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

      Type of the entity the field belongs to.

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • EdmT extends EdmTypeShared<"any">

      EDM type of the field.

    • NullableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

    • SelectableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.



    • EdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT, SelectableT>
      • OrderableEdmTypeField


    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

      Type of the entity the field belongs to.

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • EdmT extends EdmTypeShared<"any">

      EDM type of the field.

    • NullableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is nullable.

    • SelectableT extends boolean = false

      Boolean type that represents whether the field is selectable.


    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of EdmTypeField.


      Type Parameters


      • fieldName: string

        Actual name of the field used in the OData request.

      • _fieldOf: ConstructorOrField<EntityT>

        Constructor type of the entity the field belongs to.

      • edmType: EdmT

        Type of the field according to the metadata description.

      • _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

        (De-)serializers used for transformation.

      • Optional fieldOptions: FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>

        Optional settings for this field.


      Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT, SelectableT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOf: ConstructorOrField<EntityT>
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>
    edmType: EdmT




    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>>
    edmType: EdmT


    • Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

      Returns string

      Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this field and the given value using the operator 'ge', i.e. >=.



      • value: FieldTypeByEdmType<DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT>

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, DeSerializersT, FieldTypeByEdmType<DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT>>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this field and the given value using the operator 'gt', i.e. >.



      • value: FieldTypeByEdmType<DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT>

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, DeSerializersT, FieldTypeByEdmType<DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT>>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this field and the given value using the operator 'le', i.e. <=.



      • value: FieldTypeByEdmType<DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT>

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, DeSerializersT, FieldTypeByEdmType<DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT>>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this field and the given value using the operator 'lt', i.e. <.



      • value: FieldTypeByEdmType<DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT>

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, DeSerializersT, FieldTypeByEdmType<DeSerializersT, EdmT, NullableT>>

      The resulting filter.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.RequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.RequestBuilder.html index 589fc24e92..91e586c3eb 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.RequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.RequestBuilder.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ RequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class RequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>Abstract

    Represents a request builder for a given entity API.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters



    • Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      Returns RequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.




    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.StringFilterFunction.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.StringFilterFunction.html index 5601087f02..7f1707d69f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.StringFilterFunction.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.StringFilterFunction.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ StringFilterFunction | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Representation of a filter function, that returns a value of type string.


    Type Parameters


    • OrderableFilterFunction<EntityT, string>
      • StringFilterFunction


    Type Parameters


    • OrderableFilterFunction<EntityT, string>
      • StringFilterFunction




    • Creates an instance of StringFilterFunction.


      Type Parameters


      • functionName: string

        Name of the function that returns a string value.

      • parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]

        Representation of the parameters passed to the filter function.


      Returns StringFilterFunction<EntityT>


    edmType: EdmTypeShared<ODataVersionOf<EntityT>>
    functionName: string
    parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]


    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.



    • Creates an instance of StringFilterFunction.


      Type Parameters


      • functionName: string

        Name of the function that returns a string value.

      • parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]

        Representation of the parameters passed to the filter function.


      Returns StringFilterFunction<EntityT>


    functionName: string


    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.


      • value: string

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, string>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ge', i.e. >=.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, string>

    The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ge', i.e. >=.


      • value: string

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, string>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'gt', i.e. >.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, string>

    The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'gt', i.e. >.


      • value: string

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, string>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'le', i.e. <=.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, string>

    The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'le', i.e. <=.


      • value: string

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, string>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'lt', i.e. <.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, string>

    The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'lt', i.e. <.


      • value: string

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, string>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, string>

    The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.


      • value: string

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, string>

      The resulting filter.


    Returns Filter<EntityT, any, string>

    The resulting filter.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.UnaryFilter.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.UnaryFilter.html index 7baf214802..62a4fbf03a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.UnaryFilter.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.UnaryFilter.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ UnaryFilter | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class representing a unary filter which is a filter containing just a single argument e.g. not.


    Type Parameters


    Type Parameters



    operator singleOperand

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



    • Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • singleOperand: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
      • operator: "not"

      Returns UnaryFilter<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    operator: "not"
    singleOperand: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    \ No newline at end of file +



    operator: "not"
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.UpdateRequestBuilderBase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.UpdateRequestBuilderBase.html index de6b4aee82..85aacf9a5c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.UpdateRequestBuilderBase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.UpdateRequestBuilderBase.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ UpdateRequestBuilderBase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>Abstract

    Abstract class to create OData query to update an entity containing methods shared for OData v2 and v4.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of UpdateRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • _entity: EntityT

        Entity to be updated.

      • oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>

        URI conversion functions.



    • Creates an instance of UpdateRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>


      • _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • _entity: EntityT

        Entity to be updated.

      • oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>

        URI conversion functions.

      • entitySerializer: EntitySerializer

        Entity serializer.

      • extractODataEtag: ((json) => undefined | string)

        Extractor for ETag from payload.

          • (json): undefined | string
          • Parameters

            • json: Record<string, any>

            Returns undefined | string

      • payloadManipulator: ((body) => Record<string, any>)

        Manipulator for the payload.

          • (body): Record<string, any>
          • Parameters

            • body: Record<string, any>

            Returns Record<string, any>

      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    entitySerializer: EntitySerializer
    extractODataEtag: ((json) => undefined | string)

    Type declaration

      • (json): undefined | string
      • Parameters

        • json: Record<string, any>

        Returns undefined | string

    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    payloadManipulator: ((body) => Record<string, any>)

    Type declaration

      • (body): Record<string, any>
      • Parameters

        • body: Record<string, any>

        Returns Record<string, any>

    requestConfig: ODataUpdateRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • get entity(): EntityT
    • Returns EntityT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +

        • (json): undefined | string
        • Parameters

          • json: Record<string, any>

          Returns undefined | string

    • payloadManipulator: ((body) => Record<string, any>)

      Manipulator for the payload.

        • (body): Record<string, any>
        • Parameters

          • body: Record<string, any>

          Returns Record<string, any>

    Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    entitySerializer: EntitySerializer
    extractODataEtag: ((json) => undefined | string)

    Type declaration

      • (json): undefined | string
      • Parameters

        • json: Record<string, any>

        Returns undefined | string

    payloadManipulator: ((body) => Record<string, any>)

    Type declaration

      • (body): Record<string, any>
      • Parameters

        • body: Record<string, any>

        Returns Record<string, any>


    • get entity(): EntityT
    • Returns EntityT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Executes the query.



      Returns Promise<EntityT>

      A promise resolving to the entity once it was updated.

    • Gets identifier for the batch request.


    Returns Omit<UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Returns Record<string, any>

    • Instructs the request to force an overwrite of the entity by sending an 'If-Match: *' header instead of sending the ETag version identifier.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Parameters

      • obj: any

      Returns boolean

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.

    • Returns Record<string, any>

    • Instructs the request to force an overwrite of the entity by sending an 'If-Match: *' header instead of sending the ETag version identifier.


      Returns this

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Parameters

      • obj: any

      Returns boolean

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Explicitly configure 'PUT' as the method of the update request. By default, only the properties that have changed compared to the last known remote state are sent using 'PATCH', while with 'PUT', the whole entity is sent.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. +

    • Explicitly configure 'PUT' as the method of the update request. By default, only the properties that have changed compared to the last known remote state are sent using 'PATCH', while with 'PUT', the whole entity is sent.


      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Sets entity fields to ignore by the update request.



      • Rest ...fields: Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

        Enumeration of the fields to be ignored.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    • Sets required entity keys for the update request.



      • Rest ...fields: Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

        Enumeration of the fields to be required.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    • Sets ETag version identifier of the entity to update.


    Returns void

    • Sets entity fields to ignore by the update request.



      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns this

    • Sets required entity keys for the update request.



      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns this

    • Sets ETag version identifier of the entity to update.


      • etag: string

        Custom ETag version identifier to be sent in the header of the request.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CountRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CountRequestBuilder.html index a37f54c489..97de98361f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CountRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CountRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ CountRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Create an OData request to count entities based on the configuration of the request. A CountRequestBuilder allows only for execution of the request. If you want to apply query parameters like filter, skip or top do it on the GetAllRequestBuilder the count is created from.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    getAllRequest: GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    requestConfig: ODataCountRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +




    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      Returns Promise<number>

      A promise resolving to the number of entities.


    Returns Promise<number>

    A promise resolving to the number of entities.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. +

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CreateRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CreateRequestBuilder.html index 8af58f24d6..0ff9f27624 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CreateRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CreateRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ CreateRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Create OData request to create an entity.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of CreateRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • _entity: EntityT

        Entity to be created.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    deserializer: EntityDeserializer
    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    requestConfig: ODataCreateRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    responseDataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    serializer: EntitySerializer


    • get entity(): EntityT
    • Returns EntityT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    deserializer: EntityDeserializer
    responseDataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    serializer: EntitySerializer


    • get entity(): EntityT
    • Returns EntityT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Specifies the parent of the entity to create.


      Type Parameters


      • parentEntity: ParentEntityT

        Parent of the entity to create.

      • linkField: Link<ParentEntityT, DeSerializersT, EntityApi<EntityT, any>>

        Static representation of the navigation property that navigates from the parent entity to the child entity.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute query.


    Returns Omit<CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Specifies the parent of the entity to create.


      Type Parameters


      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute query.


      Returns Promise<EntityT>

      A promise resolving to the created entity.


    Returns Promise<EntityT>

    A promise resolving to the created entity.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CustomField.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CustomField.html index fd9282f199..3536ae714b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CustomField.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CustomField.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ CustomField | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class CustomField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, NullableT>

    If your entity contains fields not present in your service specification you can model them using custom fields. Alternatively you can also generate a client based on a service specification containing all fields.


    Type Parameters


    • CustomField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, NullableT>
      • CustomField


    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends Entity

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • NullableT extends boolean = false


      • fieldName: string
      • entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
      • deSerializers: DeSerializersT
      • Optional isNullable: NullableT

      Returns CustomField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, NullableT>


    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, false>>
    fieldBuilder: FieldBuilder<Constructable<EntityT>, DeSerializersT>


    • Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Binary", NullableT, true>

    • Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Boolean", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.DateTime", NullableT, true>

    • Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Guid", NullableT, true>

    • Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.String", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Time", NullableT, true>

    • Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.




    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, false>>


    • Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

      Returns string

      Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.DeleteRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.DeleteRequestBuilder.html index 244e937ef7..6a4d48eb71 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.DeleteRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.DeleteRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ DeleteRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Create OData query to delete an entity.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of DeleteRequestBuilder. If the entity is passed, version identifier will also be added.


      Type Parameters


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • keysOrEntity: Record<string, any> | EntityT

        Entity or Key-value pairs of key properties for the given entity.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    requestConfig: ODataDeleteRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.



    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute query.


    Returns Omit<DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute query.


      Returns Promise<void>

      A promise resolving once the entity was deleted.


    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise resolving once the entity was deleted.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Instructs the request to force an overwrite of the entity by sending an 'If-Match: *' header instead of sending the ETag version identifier.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Instructs the request to force an overwrite of the entity by sending an 'If-Match: *' header instead of sending the ETag version identifier.


      Returns this

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Add an eTag version identifier in the delete request header.


    Returns void

    • Add an eTag version identifier in the delete request header.


      • eTag: string

        The version identifier of the entity.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.Entity.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.Entity.html index 5beddfddd0..a2ba813517 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.Entity.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.Entity.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Entity | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Super class for all representations of OData v2 entity types.




    Hierarchy (view full)



    _customFields: Record<string, any>

    A mapper representing custom fields in an entity. +



    _customFields: Record<string, any>

    A mapper representing custom fields in an entity. Custom fields are represented by their field names and the corresponding values. A custom field can be added or updated using setCustomField method.

    _entityApi: any
    _oDataVersion: "v2"
    _versionIdentifier: string

    The current ETag version of the entity in the remote system. +

    _entityApi: any
    _oDataVersion: "v2"
    _versionIdentifier: string

    The current ETag version of the entity in the remote system. The ETag identified the version of the in the remote system. It will be automatically set in the "if-match" header of update requests and can be set as a custom header for delete requests. When no ETag is provided by the remote system the value of this variable defaults to "*".

    remoteState: {
        [keys: string]: any;

    The remote state of the entity. Remote state refers to the last known state of the entity on the remote system from which it has been retrieved or to which it has been posted. It is stored as map, where the keys are stored in the format of the original OData properties.


    Type declaration

    • [keys: string]: any
    _defaultBasePath: string
    _entityName: string
    _serviceName: string


    • get versionIdentifier(): string
    • ETag version identifier accessor.


      Type declaration

      • [keys: string]: any
    _defaultBasePath: string
    _entityName: string
    _serviceName: string


    • get versionIdentifier(): string
    • ETag version identifier accessor.

      Returns string

      The ETag version identifier of the retrieved entity, returns undefined if not retrieved.



    • Creates an object containing all defined properties, navigation properties and custom fields in the entity.



    • Creates an object containing all defined properties, navigation properties and custom fields in the entity.


      • Optional visitedEntities: EntityBase[]

        List of entities to check in case of circular dependencies.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      EntityBase as an object with all defined entity fields.


    Returns Record<string, any>

    EntityBase as an object with all defined entity fields.

    • Parameters

      Returns any

    • Custom field value getter.


      • fieldName: string

        The name of the custom field.

      Returns any

      The value of the corresponding custom field.

    • Returns a map that contains all entity custom fields.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      A map of all defined custom fields in the entity.

    • Returns all updated custom field properties compared to the last known remote state.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      An object containing all updated custom properties, with their new values.

    • Returns all changed properties compared to the last known remote state. +

    • Returns a map that contains all entity custom fields.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      A map of all defined custom fields in the entity.

    • Returns all updated custom field properties compared to the last known remote state.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      An object containing all updated custom properties, with their new values.

    • Returns all changed properties compared to the last known remote state. The returned properties do not include custom fields. Use getUpdatedCustomFields, if you need custom fields.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      EntityBase with all properties that changed.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      EntityBase with all properties that changed.

    • Returns all changed property names compared to the last known remote state. The returned properties names do not include custom fields. Use getUpdatedCustomFields, if you need custom fields.

      @@ -59,22 +59,22 @@
    • Validates whether a field name does not conflict with an original field name and thus can be defined as custom fields.


      • customFieldName: string

        Field name to check.

      Returns boolean

      Boolean value that describes whether a field name can be defined as custom field.

    • Type Parameters


      • entity: EntityT
      • Optional visitedEntities: EntityBase[]

      Returns boolean

    • Sets a new custom field in the entity or updates it. +

    • Sets a new custom field in the entity or updates it. Throws an error, if the provided custom field name is already defined by an original field in entity.


      • fieldName: string

        The name of the custom field to update.

      • value: any

        The value of the field.


      Returns Entity

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets custom fields on an entity.



      • customFields: Record<string, any>

        Custom fields to set on the entity.


      Returns Entity

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Initializes or sets the remoteState of the entity. +

    Returns this

    The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets custom fields on an entity.



      • customFields: Record<string, any>

        Custom fields to set on the entity.


      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Initializes or sets the remoteState of the entity. This function is called on all read, create and update requests.



      • Optional state: Record<string, any>

        State to be set as remote state.


      Returns Entity

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Set the ETag version identifier of the retrieved entity.



      • Optional state: Record<string, any>

        State to be set as remote state.


      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Set the ETag version identifier of the retrieved entity.


      • etag: undefined | string

        The returned ETag version of the entity.


      Returns Entity

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Overwrites the default toJSON method so that all instance variables as well as all custom fields of the entity are returned.

      Returns {
          [key: string]: any;

      An object containing all instance variables + custom fields.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

      • [key: string]: any
    \ No newline at end of file +
    • [key: string]: any
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.GetAllRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.GetAllRequestBuilder.html index e95fb37970..4324f88352 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.GetAllRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.GetAllRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ GetAllRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Represents an object that is related to an entity. Objects that have the same structure would be represented by the same type in TypeScript. This interface allows to identify equal structures as different structures if they are related to different entities.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)





    • Creates an instance of GetAllRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    dataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    entityDeserializer: EntityDeserializer
    requestConfig: ODataGetAllRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    dataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    entityDeserializer: EntityDeserializer


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      Returns Promise<EntityT[]>

      A promise resolving to the requested entities.


    Returns Promise<EntityT[]>

    A promise resolving to the requested entities.

    • Add filter statements to the request.



      • expressions: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

        Filter expressions to restrict the response.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...expressions: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Add filter statements to the request.



      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Restrict the response to the given selection of properties in the request.



      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns this

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip number of entities.


      • skip: number

        Number of matching entities to skip. Useful for paging.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Limit number of returned entities.


      • top: number

        Maximum number of entities to return in the response. Can be less, if less entities match the request.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.GetByKeyRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.GetByKeyRequestBuilder.html index 65d41ff0b3..fb8a2ce99a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.GetByKeyRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.GetByKeyRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ GetByKeyRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Create an OData request to get a single entity based on its key properties. The properties available in the response can be restricted by creating a selection, where no selection is equal to selecting all fields. Note that navigational properties are automatically expanded if they included in a select.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of GetByKeyRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • keys: Record<string, any>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a key property of the given entity and the value is the respective value.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    dataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    entityDeserializer: EntityDeserializer
    requestConfig: ODataGetByKeyRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    dataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    entityDeserializer: EntityDeserializer


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      Returns Promise<EntityT>

      A promise resolving to the requested entity.


    Returns Promise<EntityT>

    A promise resolving to the requested entity.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Restrict the response to the given selection of properties in the request.



      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns this

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ODataBatchRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ODataBatchRequestBuilder.html index cfb7e14031..2bfcfb165a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ODataBatchRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ODataBatchRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ODataBatchRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Create a batch request to invoke multiple requests as a batch. The batch request builder accepts retrieve requests, i.e. getAll and getByKey requests and change sets, which in turn can contain create, update or delete requests. The retrieve and change sets will be executed in order, while the order within a change set can vary.


    Type Parameters


    • BatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>
      • ODataBatchRequestBuilder


    Type Parameters




    deSerializers: undefined | DeSerializersT
    defaultBasePath: string
    requests: (BatchChangeSet<DeSerializersT> | GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityBase, DeSerializersT> | GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityBase, DeSerializersT> | Omit<OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, unknown, ODataRequestConfig>, "execute">)[]


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    deSerializers: undefined | DeSerializersT
    defaultBasePath: string


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute the given request and return the according promise. Please notice: The sub-requests may fail even the main request is successful.


    Returns Omit<ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute the given request and return the according promise. Please notice: The sub-requests may fail even the main request is successful.


      Returns Promise<BatchResponse<DeSerializersT>[]>

      Promise resolving to the requested data.


    Returns Promise<BatchResponse<DeSerializersT>[]>

    Promise resolving to the requested data.

    • Returns Record<string, EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>>

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. +

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    • Parameters

      Returns this

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ODataFunctionRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ODataFunctionRequestConfig.html index a76cf9f72e..309a7afbc2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ODataFunctionRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ODataFunctionRequestConfig.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ODataFunctionRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataFunctionRequestConfig<DeSerializersT, ParametersT>

    Function request configuration for an entity type.


    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the deserializer use on the request

    • ParametersT

      Type of the parameter to setup a request with




    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the deserializer use on the request

    • ParametersT

      Type of the parameter to setup a request with


    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of ODataFunctionRequestConfig.


      Type Parameters

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT




    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    functionName: string
    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void



    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    functionName: string
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.OperationRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.OperationRequestBuilder.html index 9023e6bb67..9c67bc1017 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.OperationRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.OperationRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ OperationRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

    Create OData request to execute an operation. For v2, only function, but not action, is supported.


    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • ParametersT

      Type of the function import parameters.

    • ReturnT

      Type of the function import return value.




    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • ParametersT

      Type of the function import parameters.

    • ReturnT

      Type of the function import return value.


    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of OperationRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT

      • ReturnT



    • Creates an instance of OperationRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT

      • ReturnT


      • method: RequestMethodType

        HTTP method to be used for the request.

      • defaultBasePath: string

        Default base path for the service the operation belongs to.

      • operationName: string

        The name of the operation.

      • responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

        Transformation function for the response.

          • (data): ReturnT
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns ReturnT

      • parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>

        Parameters to be set in the operation.

      • deSerializers: DeSerializersT

        (De-)serializers used for transformation.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    requestConfig: ODataFunctionRequestConfig<DeSerializersT, ParametersT>
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration

      • (data): ReturnT
      • Parameters

        • data: any

        Returns ReturnT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +

    • responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

      Transformation function for the response.

    • parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>

      Parameters to be set in the operation.

    • deSerializers: DeSerializersT

      (De-)serializers used for transformation.


    Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      • destination: HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions

        Destination or DestinationFetchOptions to execute the request against.

      • Optional dataAccessor: ((data) => any)

        A function to modify the received response data.

          • (data): any
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns any

      Returns Promise<ReturnT>

      A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<ReturnT>

    A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.UpdateRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.UpdateRequestBuilder.html index b5f17e8c66..8bb839103a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.UpdateRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.UpdateRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ UpdateRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Create OData query to update an entity.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of UpdateRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • _entity: EntityT

        Entity to be updated.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    entitySerializer: EntitySerializer
    extractODataEtag: ((json) => undefined | string)

    Type declaration

      • (json): undefined | string
      • Parameters

        • json: Record<string, any>

        Returns undefined | string

    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    payloadManipulator: ((body) => Record<string, any>)

    Type declaration

      • (body): Record<string, any>
      • Parameters

        • body: Record<string, any>

        Returns Record<string, any>

    requestConfig: ODataUpdateRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • get entity(): EntityT
    • Returns EntityT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    entitySerializer: EntitySerializer
    extractODataEtag: ((json) => undefined | string)

    Type declaration

      • (json): undefined | string
      • Parameters

        • json: Record<string, any>

        Returns undefined | string

    payloadManipulator: ((body) => Record<string, any>)

    Type declaration

      • (body): Record<string, any>
      • Parameters

        • body: Record<string, any>

        Returns Record<string, any>


    • get entity(): EntityT
    • Returns EntityT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Executes the query.


    Returns Omit<UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Executes the query.


      Returns Promise<EntityT>

      A promise resolving to the entity once it was updated.


    Returns Promise<EntityT>

    A promise resolving to the entity once it was updated.

    • Executes the query.



      Returns Promise<EntityT>

      A promise resolving to the entity once it was updated.

    • Gets identifier for the batch request.


    Returns Promise<undefined | HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse when the request is executed or undefined otherwise.

    • Returns Record<string, any>

    • Instructs the request to force an overwrite of the entity by sending an 'If-Match: *' header instead of sending the ETag version identifier.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Parameters

      • obj: any

      Returns boolean

    • Returns Record<string, any>

    • Instructs the request to force an overwrite of the entity by sending an 'If-Match: *' header instead of sending the ETag version identifier.


      Returns this

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Parameters

      • obj: any

      Returns boolean

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Explicitly configure 'PUT' as the method of the update request. By default, only the properties that have changed compared to the last known remote state are sent using 'PATCH', while with 'PUT', the whole entity is sent.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Explicitly configure 'PUT' as the method of the update request. By default, only the properties that have changed compared to the last known remote state are sent using 'PATCH', while with 'PUT', the whole entity is sent.


      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Sets ETag version identifier of the entity to update.


    Returns void

    • Sets ETag version identifier of the entity to update.


      • etag: string

        Custom ETag version identifier to be sent in the header of the request.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ActionImportParameter.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ActionImportParameter.html index 48557648ee..e5f2041bad 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ActionImportParameter.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ActionImportParameter.html @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ ActionImportParameter | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0


    Since 3.3.0. Use OperationParameter instead.


    Type Parameters

    • ValueT


    Type Parameters

    • ValueT




    • Creates an instance of FunctionImportParameter.


      Type Parameters

      • ValueT


      • originalName: string

        The original name of the parameter in the OData service.



    • Creates an instance of FunctionImportParameter.


      Type Parameters

      • ValueT


      • originalName: string

        The original name of the parameter in the OData service.

      • edmType: EdmTypeCommon | ExclusiveEdmTypeV2 | ExclusiveEdmTypeV4

        Original EDM type.

      • value: ValueT

        Value to be used as parameter.

      • value: ValueT

        Value to be used as parameter.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


      Returns ActionImportParameter<ValueT>


    originalName: string
    value: ValueT
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns ActionImportParameter<ValueT>


    originalName: string
    value: ValueT
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ActionImportRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ActionImportRequestBuilder.html index 2035f125f4..5f6b3b02cd 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ActionImportRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ActionImportRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ActionImportRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ActionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    Since 3.3.0. Use OperationRequestBuilder instead.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Type Parameters

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT

      • ReturnT


      • defaultBasePath: string
      • operationName: string
      • responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)
          • (data): ReturnT
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns ReturnT

      • parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>
      • deSerializers: DeSerializersT

      Returns ActionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    requestConfig: ODataRequestConfig
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration

      • (data): ReturnT
      • Parameters

        • data: any

        Returns ReturnT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns ActionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns ActionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    requestConfig: ODataRequestConfig
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns ActionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<ActionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<ActionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      • destination: HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions

        Destination or DestinationFetchOptions to execute the request against.

      • Optional dataAccessor: ((data) => any)

        A function to modify the received response data.

          • (data): any
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns any

      Returns Promise<ReturnT>

      A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<ReturnT>

    A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns ActionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BoundActionImportRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BoundActionImportRequestBuilder.html index 209b8d36e8..5fe74dadad 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BoundActionImportRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BoundActionImportRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ BoundActionImportRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class BoundActionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    Since 3.3.0. Use OperationRequestBuilder instead.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT

      • ReturnT


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
      • entity: EntityT
      • operationName: string
      • responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)
          • (data): ReturnT
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns ReturnT

      • parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>
      • deSerializers: DeSerializersT

      Returns BoundActionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    requestConfig: ODataBoundFunctionRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT> | ODataBoundActionRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT>
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration

      • (data): ReturnT
      • Parameters

        • data: any

        Returns ReturnT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns BoundActionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns BoundActionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns BoundActionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<BoundActionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<BoundActionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      • destination: HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions

        Destination or DestinationFetchOptions to execute the request against.

      • Optional dataAccessor: ((data) => any)

        A function to modify the received response data.

          • (data): any
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns any

      Returns Promise<ReturnT>

      A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<ReturnT>

    A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns BoundActionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder.html index e0677c30e5..d805e3cca2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    Since 3.3.0. Use OperationRequestBuilder instead.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT

      • ReturnT


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
      • entity: EntityT
      • operationName: string
      • responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)
          • (data): ReturnT
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns ReturnT

      • parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>
      • deSerializers: DeSerializersT

      Returns BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    requestConfig: ODataBoundFunctionRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT> | ODataBoundActionRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT>
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration

      • (data): ReturnT
      • Parameters

        • data: any

        Returns ReturnT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      • destination: HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions

        Destination or DestinationFetchOptions to execute the request against.

      • Optional dataAccessor: ((data) => any)

        A function to modify the received response data.

          • (data): any
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns any

      Returns Promise<ReturnT>

      A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<ReturnT>

    A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns BoundFunctionImportRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BoundOperationRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BoundOperationRequestBuilder.html index ed4e1a4611..59a1668b4c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BoundOperationRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BoundOperationRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ BoundOperationRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class BoundOperationRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

    Create bound OData request to execute an operation.


    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • ParametersT

      Type of the operation parameters.

    • ReturnT

      Type of the operation return value.




    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • ParametersT

      Type of the operation parameters.

    • ReturnT

      Type of the operation return value.


    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends EntityBase

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT

      • ReturnT


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
      • entity: EntityT
      • operationName: string
      • responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)
          • (data): ReturnT
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns ReturnT

      • parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>
      • deSerializers: DeSerializersT
      • type: "function" | "action"

      Returns BoundOperationRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    requestConfig: ODataBoundFunctionRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT> | ODataBoundActionRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT>
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration

      • (data): ReturnT
      • Parameters

        • data: any

        Returns ReturnT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns BoundOperationRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns BoundOperationRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns BoundOperationRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<BoundOperationRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<BoundOperationRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      • destination: HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions

        Destination or DestinationFetchOptions to execute the request against.

      • Optional dataAccessor: ((data) => any)

        A function to modify the received response data.

          • (data): any
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns any

      Returns Promise<ReturnT>

      A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<ReturnT>

    A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns BoundOperationRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CountRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CountRequestBuilder.html index 3901c9c18f..8dc4097764 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CountRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CountRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ CountRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Create an OData request to count entities based on the configuration of the request. A CountRequestBuilder allows only for execution of the request. If you want to apply query parameters like filter, skip or top do it on the GetAllRequestBuilder the count is created from.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    getAllRequest: GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    requestConfig: ODataCountRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +




    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      Returns Promise<number>

      A promise resolving to the number of entities.


    Returns Promise<number>

    A promise resolving to the number of entities.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. +

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns CountRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CreateRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CreateRequestBuilder.html index 07946dced9..0f3af70877 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CreateRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CreateRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ CreateRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Create OData request to create an entity.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of CreateRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • _entity: EntityT

        Entity to be created.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    deserializer: EntityDeserializer
    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    requestConfig: ODataCreateRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    responseDataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    serializer: EntitySerializer


    • get entity(): EntityT
    • Returns EntityT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    deserializer: EntityDeserializer
    responseDataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    serializer: EntitySerializer


    • get entity(): EntityT
    • Returns EntityT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Specifies the parent of the entity to create.


      Type Parameters


      • parentEntity: ParentEntityT

        Parent of the entity to create.

      • linkField: Link<ParentEntityT, DeSerializersT, EntityApi<EntityT, any>>

        Static representation of the navigation property that navigates from the parent entity to the child entity.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute query.


    Returns Omit<CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Specifies the parent of the entity to create.


      Type Parameters


      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute query.


      Returns Promise<EntityT>

      A promise resolving to the created entity.


    Returns Promise<EntityT>

    A promise resolving to the created entity.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns CreateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CustomField.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CustomField.html index 99041e7e64..51b7acd2fe 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CustomField.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CustomField.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ CustomField | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class CustomField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, NullableT>

    If your entity contains fields not present in your service specification you can model them using custom fields. Alternatively you can also generate a client based on a service specification containing all fields.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Type Parameters

      • EntityT extends Entity

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • NullableT extends boolean = false


      • fieldName: string
      • entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
      • deSerializers: any
      • Optional isNullable: NullableT

      Returns CustomField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, NullableT>


    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, false>>
    fieldBuilder: FieldBuilder<Constructable<EntityT>, any>


    • Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, any, "Edm.Binary", NullableT, true>

    • Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, any, "Edm.Boolean", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Date", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.Duration", NullableT, true>

    • Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, any, "Edm.Guid", NullableT, true>

    • Returns EdmTypeField<EntityT, any, "Edm.String", NullableT, true>

    • Returns OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, "Edm.TimeOfDay", NullableT, true>

    • Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.




    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    _fieldName: string
    _fieldOptions: Required<FieldOptions<NullableT, false>>
    fieldBuilder: FieldBuilder<Constructable<EntityT>, any>


    • Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

      Returns string

      Path to the field to be used in filter and order by queries.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DateFilterFunction.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DateFilterFunction.html index 25522dfe65..895cfbeca1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DateFilterFunction.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DateFilterFunction.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ DateFilterFunction | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Representation of a filter function, that returns a value of type date. This supports DateTimeOffset values.


    Type Parameters


    • OrderableFilterFunction<EntityT, moment.Moment>
      • DateFilterFunction


    Type Parameters


    • OrderableFilterFunction<EntityT, moment.Moment>
      • DateFilterFunction




    • Creates an instance of DateFilterFunction.


      Type Parameters


      • functionName: string

        Name of the function that returns a numeric value.

      • parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]

        Representation of the parameters passed to the filter function.


      Returns DateFilterFunction<EntityT>


    edmType: EdmTypeShared<ODataVersionOf<EntityT>>
    functionName: string
    parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]


    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.



      • value: Moment

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, Moment>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ge', i.e. >=.



      • value: Moment

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, Moment>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'gt', i.e. >.



      • value: Moment

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, Moment>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'le', i.e. <=.



      • value: Moment

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, Moment>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'lt', i.e. <.



      • value: Moment

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, Moment>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.



      • value: Moment

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, Moment>

      The resulting filter.



    • Creates an instance of DateFilterFunction.


      Type Parameters


      • functionName: string

        Name of the function that returns a numeric value.

      • parameters: FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>[]

        Representation of the parameters passed to the filter function.


      Returns DateFilterFunction<EntityT>


    functionName: string


    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'eq', i.e. ==.



      • value: Moment

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, Moment>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ge', i.e. >=.



      • value: Moment

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, Moment>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'gt', i.e. >.



      • value: Moment

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, Moment>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'le', i.e. <=.



      • value: Moment

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, Moment>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'lt', i.e. <.



      • value: Moment

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, Moment>

      The resulting filter.

    • Creates an instance of Filter for this filter function and the given value using the operator 'ne', i.e. !=.



      • value: Moment

        Value to be used in the filter.


      Returns Filter<EntityT, any, Moment>

      The resulting filter.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DeleteRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DeleteRequestBuilder.html index 520d0367af..8ad07d191f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DeleteRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DeleteRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ DeleteRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Create OData query to delete an entity.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of DeleteRequestBuilder. If the entity is passed, a version identifier will also be added.


      Type Parameters


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • keysOrEntity: Record<string, any> | EntityT

        Entity or key-value pairs of key properties for the given entity.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    requestConfig: ODataDeleteRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.



    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute query.


    Returns Omit<DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute query.


      Returns Promise<void>

      A promise resolving once the entity was deleted.


    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise resolving once the entity was deleted.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Instructs the request to force an overwrite of the entity by sending an 'If-Match: *' header instead of sending the ETag version identifier.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Instructs the request to force an overwrite of the entity by sending an 'If-Match: *' header instead of sending the ETag version identifier.


      Returns this

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Add ETag version identifier in the delete request header.


    Returns void

    • Add ETag version identifier in the delete request header.


      • etag: string

        The version identifier of the entity.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns DeleteRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.Entity.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.Entity.html index 35c6d6b0c2..ce0d9f0a8c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.Entity.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.Entity.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Entity | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Super class for all representations of OData v4 entity types.




    Hierarchy (view full)



    _customFields: Record<string, any>

    A mapper representing custom fields in an entity. +



    _customFields: Record<string, any>

    A mapper representing custom fields in an entity. Custom fields are represented by their field names and the corresponding values. A custom field can be added or updated using setCustomField method.

    _entityApi: any
    _oDataVersion: "v4"
    _versionIdentifier: string

    The current ETag version of the entity in the remote system. +

    _entityApi: any
    _oDataVersion: "v4"
    _versionIdentifier: string

    The current ETag version of the entity in the remote system. The ETag identified the version of the in the remote system. It will be automatically set in the "if-match" header of update requests and can be set as a custom header for delete requests. When no ETag is provided by the remote system the value of this variable defaults to "*".

    remoteState: {
        [keys: string]: any;

    The remote state of the entity. Remote state refers to the last known state of the entity on the remote system from which it has been retrieved or to which it has been posted. It is stored as map, where the keys are stored in the format of the original OData properties.


    Type declaration

    • [keys: string]: any
    _defaultBasePath: string
    _entityName: string
    _serviceName: string


    • get versionIdentifier(): string
    • ETag version identifier accessor.


      Type declaration

      • [keys: string]: any
    _defaultBasePath: string
    _entityName: string
    _serviceName: string


    • get versionIdentifier(): string
    • ETag version identifier accessor.

      Returns string

      The ETag version identifier of the retrieved entity, returns undefined if not retrieved.



    • Creates an object containing all defined properties, navigation properties and custom fields in the entity.



    • Creates an object containing all defined properties, navigation properties and custom fields in the entity.


      • Optional visitedEntities: EntityBase[]

        List of entities to check in case of circular dependencies.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      EntityBase as an object with all defined entity fields.


    Returns Record<string, any>

    EntityBase as an object with all defined entity fields.

    • Parameters

      Returns any

    • Custom field value getter.


      • fieldName: string

        The name of the custom field.

      Returns any

      The value of the corresponding custom field.

    • Returns a map that contains all entity custom fields.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      A map of all defined custom fields in the entity.

    • Returns all updated custom field properties compared to the last known remote state.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      An object containing all updated custom properties, with their new values.

    • Returns all changed properties compared to the last known remote state. +

    • Returns a map that contains all entity custom fields.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      A map of all defined custom fields in the entity.

    • Returns all updated custom field properties compared to the last known remote state.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      An object containing all updated custom properties, with their new values.

    • Returns all changed properties compared to the last known remote state. The returned properties do not include custom fields. Use getUpdatedCustomFields, if you need custom fields.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      EntityBase with all properties that changed.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      EntityBase with all properties that changed.

    • Returns all changed property names compared to the last known remote state. The returned properties names do not include custom fields. Use getUpdatedCustomFields, if you need custom fields.

      @@ -59,22 +59,22 @@
    • Validates whether a field name does not conflict with an original field name and thus can be defined as custom fields.


      • customFieldName: string

        Field name to check.

      Returns boolean

      Boolean value that describes whether a field name can be defined as custom field.

    • Type Parameters


      • entity: EntityT
      • Optional visitedEntities: EntityBase[]

      Returns boolean

    • Sets a new custom field in the entity or updates it. +

    • Sets a new custom field in the entity or updates it. Throws an error, if the provided custom field name is already defined by an original field in entity.


      • fieldName: string

        The name of the custom field to update.

      • value: any

        The value of the field.


      Returns Entity

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets custom fields on an entity.



      • customFields: Record<string, any>

        Custom fields to set on the entity.


      Returns Entity

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Initializes or sets the remoteState of the entity. +

    Returns this

    The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets custom fields on an entity.



      • customFields: Record<string, any>

        Custom fields to set on the entity.


      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Initializes or sets the remoteState of the entity. This function is called on all read, create and update requests.



      • Optional state: Record<string, any>

        State to be set as remote state.


      Returns Entity

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Set the ETag version identifier of the retrieved entity.



      • Optional state: Record<string, any>

        State to be set as remote state.


      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Set the ETag version identifier of the retrieved entity.


      • etag: undefined | string

        The returned ETag version of the entity.


      Returns Entity

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Overwrites the default toJSON method so that all instance variables as well as all custom fields of the entity are returned.

      Returns {
          [key: string]: any;

      An object containing all instance variables + custom fields.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

      • [key: string]: any
    \ No newline at end of file +
    • [key: string]: any
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.FunctionImportRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.FunctionImportRequestBuilder.html index 78f14c2382..de9e5385cb 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.FunctionImportRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.FunctionImportRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ FunctionImportRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class FunctionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    Since 3.3.0. Use OperationRequestBuilder instead.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Type Parameters

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT

      • ReturnT


      • defaultBasePath: string
      • operationName: string
      • responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)
          • (data): ReturnT
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns ReturnT

      • parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>
      • deSerializers: DeSerializersT

      Returns FunctionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    requestConfig: ODataRequestConfig
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration

      • (data): ReturnT
      • Parameters

        • data: any

        Returns ReturnT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns FunctionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns FunctionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    requestConfig: ODataRequestConfig
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns FunctionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<FunctionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<FunctionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      • destination: HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions

        Destination or DestinationFetchOptions to execute the request against.

      • Optional dataAccessor: ((data) => any)

        A function to modify the received response data.

          • (data): any
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns any

      Returns Promise<ReturnT>

      A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<ReturnT>

    A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns FunctionImportRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.GetAllRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.GetAllRequestBuilder.html index ed630d8faf..143493eee3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.GetAllRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.GetAllRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ GetAllRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Represents an object that is related to an entity. Objects that have the same structure would be represented by the same type in TypeScript. This interface allows to identify equal structures as different structures if they are related to different entities.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)





    • Creates an instance of GetAllRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    dataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    entityDeserializer: EntityDeserializer
    requestConfig: ODataGetAllRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    dataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    entityDeserializer: EntityDeserializer


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      Returns Promise<EntityT[]>

      A promise resolving to the requested entities.


    Returns Promise<EntityT[]>

    A promise resolving to the requested entities.

    • Add filter statements to the request.



      • Rest ...expressions: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

        Filter expressions to restrict the response.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Add filter statements to the request.



      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Restrict the response to the given selection of properties in the request.



      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns this

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip number of entities.


      • skip: number

        Number of matching entities to skip. Useful for paging.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Limit number of returned entities.


      • top: number

        Maximum number of entities to return in the response. Can be less, if less entities match the request.


      Returns GetAllRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.GetByKeyRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.GetByKeyRequestBuilder.html index 119010aa21..280dd0f959 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.GetByKeyRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.GetByKeyRequestBuilder.html @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ The properties available in the response can be restricted by creating a selection, where no selection is equal to selecting all fields of the entity. Navigational properties need to be expanded explicitly by GetAllRequestBuilder.expand. Where no selection is equal to selecting all fields.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of GetByKeyRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • keys: Record<string, any>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a key property of the given entity and the value is the respective value.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    dataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    entityDeserializer: EntityDeserializer
    requestConfig: ODataGetByKeyRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>
    dataAccessor: ResponseDataAccessor
    entityDeserializer: EntityDeserializer


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      Returns Promise<EntityT>

      A promise resolving to the requested entity.


    Returns Promise<EntityT>

    A promise resolving to the requested entity.

    • Gets identifier for the batch request.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Restrict the response to the given selection of properties in the request.



      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns this

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns GetByKeyRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataActionRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataActionRequestConfig.html index 0a13ed140e..48022fa28d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataActionRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataActionRequestConfig.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ODataActionRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataActionRequestConfig<DeSerializersT, ParametersT>

    Action request configuration for an entity type.


    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the deserializer use on the request

    • ParametersT

      Type of the parameter to setup a request with




    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the deserializer use on the request

    • ParametersT

      Type of the parameter to setup a request with


    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of ODataActionRequestConfig.


      Type Parameters

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT


      • defaultBasePath: string

        Default base path of the service.




    actionName: string
    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void



    actionName: string
    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • params: Record<string, any>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Internal

      Returns string

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBatchRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBatchRequestBuilder.html index e6539567ca..073c65fb2d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBatchRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBatchRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ODataBatchRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Create a batch request to invoke multiple requests as a batch. The batch request builder accepts retrieve requests, i.e. getAll and getByKey requests and change sets, which in turn can contain create, update or delete requests. The retrieve and change sets will be executed in order, while the order within a change set can vary.


    Type Parameters


    • BatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>
      • ODataBatchRequestBuilder


    Type Parameters




    deSerializers: undefined | DeSerializersT
    defaultBasePath: string
    requests: (BatchChangeSet<DeSerializersT> | GetAllRequestBuilderBase<EntityBase, DeSerializersT> | GetByKeyRequestBuilderBase<EntityBase, DeSerializersT> | Omit<OperationRequestBuilderBase<DeSerializersT, unknown, ODataRequestConfig>, "execute">)[]


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    deSerializers: undefined | DeSerializersT
    defaultBasePath: string


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute the given request and return the according promise. Please notice: The sub-requests may fail even the main request is successful.


    Returns Omit<ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute the given request and return the according promise. Please notice: The sub-requests may fail even the main request is successful.


      Returns Promise<BatchResponse<DeSerializersT>[]>

      Promise resolving to the requested data.


    Returns Promise<BatchResponse<DeSerializersT>[]>

    Promise resolving to the requested data.

    • Returns Record<string, EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>>

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. +

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns ODataBatchRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    • Parameters

      Returns this

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBoundActionImportRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBoundActionImportRequestConfig.html index 836f122ab2..1f613ad603 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBoundActionImportRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBoundActionImportRequestConfig.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ODataBoundActionImportRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataBoundActionImportRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT>


    Since 3.3.0. Use ODataBoundActionRequestConfig instead.


    Type Parameters



    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    actionName: string
    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.




    actionName: string
    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBoundActionRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBoundActionRequestConfig.html index ece8458d62..dbdf545b04 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBoundActionRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBoundActionRequestConfig.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ODataBoundActionRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataBoundActionRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT>

    Action request configuration for an entity type.


    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the deserializer use on the request

    • ParametersT

      Type of the parameter to setup a request with





    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the deserializer use on the request

    • ParametersT

      Type of the parameter to setup a request with


    Hierarchy (view full)




    actionName: string
    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.




    actionName: string
    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBoundFunctionRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBoundFunctionRequestConfig.html index 6b6e7f6331..69942f5ef1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBoundFunctionRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataBoundFunctionRequestConfig.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ODataBoundFunctionRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataBoundFunctionRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ParametersT>

    Function request configuration for an entity type.


    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the deserializer use on the request

    • ParametersT

      Type of the parameter to setup a request with





    Type Parameters

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the deserializer use on the request

    • ParametersT

      Type of the parameter to setup a request with


    Hierarchy (view full)




    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    functionName: string
    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.




    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    functionName: string
    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataFunctionRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataFunctionRequestConfig.html index 3bd141c96f..90bc44271e 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataFunctionRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataFunctionRequestConfig.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ODataFunctionRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class ODataFunctionRequestConfig<DeSerializersT, ParametersT>

    Function request configuration for an entity type.


    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the deserializer use on the request

    • ParametersT

      Type of the parameter to setup a request with




    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the deserializer use on the request

    • ParametersT

      Type of the parameter to setup a request with


    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of ODataFunctionRequestConfig.


      Type Parameters

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT




    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    functionName: string
    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void



    basePath: string
    defaultBasePath: string
    defaultHeaders: Record<string, any>
    functionName: string
    parameterEncoder: ParameterEncoder
    payload: string | Record<string, any>


    • get appendedPaths(): string[]
    • Returns string[]

    • get customHeaders(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customHeaders(headers): void
    • Parameters

      • headers: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customQueryParameters(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customQueryParameters(queryParameters): void
    • Parameters

      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get customRequestConfiguration(): Record<string, string>
    • Returns Record<string, string>

    • set customRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration): void
    • Parameters

      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

      Returns void

    • get fetchCsrfToken(): boolean
    • Returns boolean

    • set fetchCsrfToken(fetchCsrfToken): void
    • Parameters

      • fetchCsrfToken: boolean

      Returns void

    • get middlewares(): HttpMiddleware[]
    • Returns HttpMiddleware[]

    • set middlewares(middlewares): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


    • Add custom headers to the request. This is useful in case you want to provide your own authorization headers for example.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a header property and the value is the respective value.

      Returns void

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. This is useful in case your OData service allows non-standard query parameters.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.



        • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a query parameter and the value is the respective value.

        Returns void

    • Add custom request configuration to the request.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.



        • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

          Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a request configuration and the value is the respective value.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    • Parameters

      • Rest ...path: string[]

      Returns void

    • Internal

      Returns Record<string, any>

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.OperationRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.OperationRequestBuilder.html index 916806db7c..dd18a7dbf2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.OperationRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.OperationRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ OperationRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

    Create OData request to execute an operation.


    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • ParametersT

      Type of the operation parameters.

    • ReturnT

      Type of the operation return value.




    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • ParametersT

      Type of the operation parameters.

    • ReturnT

      Type of the operation return value.


    Hierarchy (view full)


    • Creates an instance of OperationRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT

      • ReturnT


      • defaultBasePath: string

        Default base path for the service the operation belongs to.



    • Creates an instance of OperationRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters

      • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      • ParametersT

      • ReturnT


      • defaultBasePath: string

        Default base path for the service the operation belongs to.

      • operationName: string

        The name of the operation.

      • responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

        Transformation function for the response.

          • (data): ReturnT
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns ReturnT

      • parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>

        Parameters to be set in the operation.

      • deSerializers: DeSerializersT

        (De-)serializers used for transformation.

      • responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

        Transformation function for the response.

      • parameters: OperationParameters<ParametersT>

        Parameters to be set in the operation.

      • deSerializers: DeSerializersT

        (De-)serializers used for transformation.

      • type: "function" | "action"

        Type of operation, whether it is a function or an action.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    requestConfig: ODataRequestConfig
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration

      • (data): ReturnT
      • Parameters

        • data: any

        Returns ReturnT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +

    Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT
    requestConfig: ODataRequestConfig
    responseTransformer: ((data) => ReturnT)

    Type declaration


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


    Returns Omit<OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request.


      • destination: HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions

        Destination or DestinationFetchOptions to execute the request against.

      • Optional dataAccessor: ((data) => any)

        A function to modify the received response data.

          • (data): any
          • Parameters

            • data: any

            Returns any

      Returns Promise<ReturnT>

      A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<ReturnT>

    A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns OperationRequestBuilder<DeSerializersT, ParametersT, ReturnT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns void

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.UpdateRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.UpdateRequestBuilder.html index 8641ea2ce5..f3699e7913 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.UpdateRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.UpdateRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ UpdateRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Create OData query to update an entity.


    Type Parameters




    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)



    • Creates an instance of UpdateRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters


      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

        Entity API for building and executing the request.

      • _entity: EntityT

        Entity to be updated.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>
    entitySerializer: EntitySerializer
    extractODataEtag: ((json) => undefined | string)

    Type declaration

      • (json): undefined | string
      • Parameters

        • json: Record<string, any>

        Returns undefined | string

    oDataUri: ODataUri<DeSerializersT>
    payloadManipulator: ((body) => Record<string, any>)

    Type declaration

      • (body): Record<string, any>
      • Parameters

        • body: Record<string, any>

        Returns Record<string, any>

    requestConfig: ODataUpdateRequestConfig<EntityT, DeSerializersT>


    • get entity(): EntityT
    • Returns EntityT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. +



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: EntityT

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    entitySerializer: EntitySerializer
    extractODataEtag: ((json) => undefined | string)

    Type declaration

      • (json): undefined | string
      • Parameters

        • json: Record<string, any>

        Returns undefined | string

    payloadManipulator: ((body) => Record<string, any>)

    Type declaration

      • (body): Record<string, any>
      • Parameters

        • body: Record<string, any>

        Returns Record<string, any>


    • get entity(): EntityT
    • Returns EntityT


    • Add custom headers to the request. Existing headers will be overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom query parameters to the request. If a query parameter with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • queryParameters: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom query parameters to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add a custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying a response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains disallowed keys, those will be ignored.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. +


      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Append the given path to the URL. This can be used for querying navigation properties of an entity. To execute a request with an appended path use executeRaw to avoid errors during deserialization. When using this, the execute method is omitted from the return type.


      • Rest ...path: string[]

        Path to be appended.


      Returns Omit<UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

      The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Executes the query.


    Returns Omit<UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>, "execute">

    The request builder itself without "execute" function, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Executes the query.


      Returns Promise<EntityT>

      A promise resolving to the entity once it was updated.


    Returns Promise<EntityT>

    A promise resolving to the entity once it was updated.

    • Executes the query.



      Returns Promise<EntityT>

      A promise resolving to the entity once it was updated.

    • Gets identifier for the batch request.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Returns Record<string, any>

    • Instructs the request to force an overwrite of the entity by sending an 'If-Match: *' header instead of sending the ETag version identifier.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Parameters

      • obj: any

      Returns boolean

    • Returns Record<string, any>

    • Instructs the request to force an overwrite of the entity by sending an 'If-Match: *' header instead of sending the ETag version identifier.


      Returns this

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Parameters

      • obj: any

      Returns boolean

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Create the relative URL based on configuration of the given builder.

      Returns string

      The relative URL for the request.

    • Explicitly configure 'PUT' as the method of the update request. By default, only the properties that have changed compared to the last known remote state are sent using 'PATCH', while with 'PUT', the whole entity is sent.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Explicitly configure 'PUT' as the method of the update request. By default, only the properties that have changed compared to the last known remote state are sent using 'PATCH', while with 'PUT', the whole entity is sent.


      Returns this

      The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Replace the default service path with the given custom path. In case of the SAP S/4HANA APIs the basePath defaults to /sap/opu/odata/sap/<SERVICE_NAME> and can be overwritten here.


      • basePath: string

        Path to override the default with.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Sets user-defined identifier for the batch reference.


      • id: string

        User-defined batch request identifier.


      Returns void

    • Sets ETag version identifier of the entity to update.


    Returns void

    • Sets ETag version identifier of the entity to update.


      • etag: string

        Custom ETag version identifier to be sent in the header of the request.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns UpdateRequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


    Returns this

    The request itself to ease chaining while executing the request.

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Create the URL based on configuration of the given builder.


      Returns Promise<string>

      Promise resolving to the URL for the request.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise resolving to the URL for the request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi.OpenApiRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi.OpenApiRequestBuilder.html index 522ee04057..5ab793a63f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi.OpenApiRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi.OpenApiRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ OpenApiRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Request builder for OpenAPI requests.


    Type Parameters

    • ResponseT = any

      Type of the response for the request.


    Type Parameters

    • ResponseT = any

      Type of the response for the request.





    • Create an instance of OpenApiRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters

      • ResponseT = any


      • method: Method

        HTTP method of the request to be built.



    • Create an instance of OpenApiRequestBuilder.


      Type Parameters

      • ResponseT = any


      • method: Method

        HTTP method of the request to be built.

      • pathPattern: string

        Path for the request containing path parameter references as in the OpenAPI specification.

      • Optional parameters: OpenApiRequestParameters

        Query parameters and or body to pass to the request.


      Returns OpenApiRequestBuilder<ResponseT>


    method: Method


    • Add custom headers to the request. If a header field with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns OpenApiRequestBuilder<ResponseT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying response type for downloading files. +

    Returns OpenApiRequestBuilder<ResponseT>


    method: Method


    • Add custom headers to the request. If a header field with the given name already exists it is overwritten.



      • headers: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom headers.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Add custom request configuration to the request. Typically, this is used when specifying response type for downloading files. If the custom request configuration contains keys in this list @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!defaultDisallowedKeys, they will be removed.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns OpenApiRequestBuilder<ResponseT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request and get the response data. Use this to conveniently access the data of a service without technical information about the response.



      • requestConfiguration: Record<string, string>

        Key-value pairs denoting additional custom request configuration options to be set in the request.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Execute request and get the response data. Use this to conveniently access the data of a service without technical information about the response.


      Returns Promise<ResponseT>

      A promise resolving to the requested return type.


    Returns Promise<ResponseT>

    A promise resolving to the requested return type.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!HttpResponse.

    • Set middleware for requests towards the target system given in the destination.


      Returns OpenApiRequestBuilder<ResponseT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

    • Parameters

      Returns OpenApiRequestBuilder<ResponseT>

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns OpenApiRequestBuilder<ResponseT>

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.


    Returns this

    The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

  • Parameters

    Returns this

    • Skip fetching csrf token for this request, which is typically useful when the csrf token is not required.


      Returns this

      The request builder itself, to facilitate method chaining.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_util.ErrorWithCause.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_util.ErrorWithCause.html index b1f774a286..b115de1251 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_util.ErrorWithCause.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_util.ErrorWithCause.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ErrorWithCause | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents an error that was caused by another error.



    • Error
      • ErrorWithCause



    • Error
      • ErrorWithCause



    cause message name @@ -10,14 +10,16 @@




    cause: Error

    Original error, causing this error.

    message: string
    name: string
    stack?: string
    prepareStackTrace?: ((err, stackTraces) => any)

    Type declaration

    stackTraceLimit: number


    • get rootCause(): Error
    • Root cause of the error. +

    • cause: Error

      Original error, causing this error.


    Returns ErrorWithCause


    cause: Error

    Original error, causing this error.

    message: string
    name: string
    stack?: string
    prepareStackTrace?: ((err, stackTraces) => any)

    Optional override for formatting stack traces


    Type declaration

    stackTraceLimit: number


    • get rootCause(): Error
    • Root cause of the error. If there are multiple errors caused one by another, the root cause is the first error that occurred. In case there is no root cause.


      Returns Error

      The root cause.




    • Create .stack property on a target object

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



      • targetObject: object
      • Optional constructorOpt: Function

      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +


    • targetObject: object
    • Optional constructorOpt: Function

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_util.UniqueNameGenerator.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_util.UniqueNameGenerator.html index 0da7323ca5..9e302adf4a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_util.UniqueNameGenerator.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/classes/sap_cloud_sdk_util.UniqueNameGenerator.html @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
  • suffixes: string[]

    Additional name of suffixes to be considered for the finding process, as well as the output.

  • Optional caseSensitive: boolean

    Whether to check the already used names in a case sensitive manner.

  • Returns string[]

    A list of unique names. The length of this array is one plus the number of suffixes provided. The first entry corresponds to the given name.



    if `MyName` and `MyName_1MySuffix` is already taken, `[MyName_2, MyName_2MySuffix]` will be generated by default.


    if `MyName` and `MyName_1MySuffix` is already taken, `[MyName_2, MyName_2MySuffix]` will be generated by default.
    • Generate a unique name by appending an index separated by the indexSeparator if necessary, e.g. if MyName is already taken MyName_1 will be found by default. If the name is already unique nothing is appended.

      @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
    • suffixes: string[]

      Additional name of suffixes to be considered for the finding process, as well as the output.

    • Optional caseSensitive: boolean

      Whether to check the already used names in a case sensitive manner.

    Returns string[]

    A list of unique names. The length of this array is one plus the number of suffixes provided. The first entry corresponds to the given name.



    if `MyName` and `MyName_1MySuffix` is already taken, `[MyName_2, MyName_2MySuffix]` will be generated by default.


    if `MyName` and `MyName_1MySuffix` is already taken, `[MyName_2, MyName_2MySuffix]` will be generated by default.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.alwaysProvider.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.alwaysProvider.html index 31843f7f79..fca9c43041 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.alwaysProvider.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.alwaysProvider.html @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  • destinationName: string

    Name of the destination to retrieve.

  • Returns Destination | null

    The destination to retrieve, returns null, if no matched provider destination is found.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.alwaysSubscriber.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.alwaysSubscriber.html index a78d00b5d0..c42554a855 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.alwaysSubscriber.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.alwaysSubscriber.html @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  • destinationName: string

    Name of the destination to retrieve.

  • Returns Destination | null

    The destination to retrieve, returns null, if no matched subscriber destination is found.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.assertHttpDestination.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.assertHttpDestination.html index 467d56fd87..774451c977 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.assertHttpDestination.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.assertHttpDestination.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ This method comes in handy when you retrieved a destination from the destination service and need to check if it is a HttpDestination.


    • destination: Destination | HttpDestination

      Destination or HttpDestination.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Returns asserts destination is HttpDestination

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns asserts destination is HttpDestination

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.buildHeadersForDestination.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.buildHeadersForDestination.html index f52a36b5a5..5ba433b180 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.buildHeadersForDestination.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.buildHeadersForDestination.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -buildHeadersForDestination | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Build a request header object, that contains authentication headers and SAP specific headers like 'sap-client', from a given destination.

      +buildHeadersForDestination | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
      • Build a request header object, that contains authentication headers and SAP specific headers like 'sap-client', from a given destination.


        • destination: Destination

          The given destination that contains e.g., authentication and SAP client information.


        Returns Promise<Record<string, string>>

        A request header object, built from the given destination.


    Returns Promise<Record<string, string>>

    A request header object, built from the given destination.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.decodeJwt.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.decodeJwt.html index dfd04204c6..5100707a86 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.decodeJwt.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.decodeJwt.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    Returns JwtPayload

    Decoded payload.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.destinationForServiceBinding.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.destinationForServiceBinding.html index d57d74d462..7643e41a5f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.destinationForServiceBinding.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.destinationForServiceBinding.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -destinationForServiceBinding | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Tries to build a destination from a service binding with the given name. +destinationForServiceBinding | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Tries to build a destination from a service binding with the given name. Throws an error if no services are bound at all, no service with the given name can be found, or the service type is not supported. The last error can be circumvent by using the second parameter to provide a custom function that transforms a service binding to a destination.


        Returns Promise<Destination>

        A destination.


    Returns Promise<Destination>

    A destination.


    Since v3.4.0. Use getDestinationFromServiceBinding instead.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getAgentConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getAgentConfig.html index 8c07cefe9b..3dd99ab7d9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getAgentConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getAgentConfig.html @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@

    Returns HttpAgentConfig | HttpsAgentConfig

    The HTTP or HTTPS agent configuration.


    Temporarily replaced by getAgentConfigAsync, will change its default behavior to be asynchronous in next major release.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getAgentConfigAsync.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getAgentConfigAsync.html index 1ae372a075..2598be7e9a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getAgentConfigAsync.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getAgentConfigAsync.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -getAgentConfigAsync | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Returns Promise<HttpAgentConfig | HttpsAgentConfig>

    A promise of the HTTP or HTTPS agent configuration.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getAllDestinationsFromDestinationService.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getAllDestinationsFromDestinationService.html index a0ed3e7c0f..52f267e3ce 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getAllDestinationsFromDestinationService.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getAllDestinationsFromDestinationService.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -getAllDestinationsFromDestinationService | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Returns Promise<DestinationWithoutToken[]>

    A promise of an array of all destinations without authTokens from the destination service, on success.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getClientCredentialsToken.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getClientCredentialsToken.html index 1f3b88c64e..679101cd5b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getClientCredentialsToken.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getClientCredentialsToken.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -getClientCredentialsToken | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Returns Promise<ClientCredentialsResponse>

    Client credentials token.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getDestination.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getDestination.html index 379db346ac..e33075cd62 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getDestination.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getDestination.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -getDestination | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Builds a destination from one of three sources (in the given order):

      +getDestination | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
      • Builds a destination from one of three sources (in the given order):

        • from the environment variable "destinations".
        • from service bindings.
        • @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@

          If you want to get a destination only from a specific source, use the corresponding function directly (getDestinationFromEnvByName, destinationForServiceBinding, getDestinationFromDestinationService).


        Returns Promise<Destination | null>

        A promise returning the requested destination on success.


    Returns Promise<Destination | null>

    A promise returning the requested destination on success.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getDestinationFromDestinationService.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getDestinationFromDestinationService.html index 51872d243e..7bc24d6586 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getDestinationFromDestinationService.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getDestinationFromDestinationService.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -getDestinationFromDestinationService | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Retrieves a destination with the given name from the Cloud Foundry destination service. +getDestinationFromDestinationService | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Retrieves a destination with the given name from the Cloud Foundry destination service. Returns null, if no destination can be found. Requires the following service bindings: destination, XSUAA By default, selects subscriber over provider and instance over subaccount destinations.


        Returns Promise<Destination | null>

        A promise returning the requested destination on success.


    Returns Promise<Destination | null>

    A promise returning the requested destination on success.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getDestinationFromServiceBinding.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getDestinationFromServiceBinding.html index 2be257f5d4..ab4784a568 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getDestinationFromServiceBinding.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getDestinationFromServiceBinding.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -getDestinationFromServiceBinding | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Tries to build a destination from a service binding with the given name. +getDestinationFromServiceBinding | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Tries to build a destination from a service binding with the given name. Throws an error if no services are bound at all, no service with the given name can be found, or the service type is not supported. The last error can be circumvent by using the second parameter to provide a custom function that transforms a service binding to a destination.



        Returns Promise<Destination>

        A destination.



      Returns Promise<Destination>

      A destination.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getUserToken.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getUserToken.html index d2235e35a5..c62fe24021 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getUserToken.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.getUserToken.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -getUserToken | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Make a user token request against the XSUAA service.

      +getUserToken | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
      • Make a user token request against the XSUAA service.


        • service: Service

          Service as it is defined in the environment variable.

        • userJwt: string

          User JWT.


        Returns Promise<string>

        User token.


    Returns Promise<string>

    User token.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.isHttpDestination.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.isHttpDestination.html index 2d770c518d..6f6b2abbba 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.isHttpDestination.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.isHttpDestination.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    Returns destination is HttpDestination


    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.jwtBearerToken.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.jwtBearerToken.html index 611bb818fb..fdd2ed8d18 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.jwtBearerToken.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.jwtBearerToken.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -jwtBearerToken | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Returns a jwt bearer token that can be used to call the given service. +jwtBearerToken | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Returns a jwt bearer token that can be used to call the given service. The token is fetched via a JWT bearer token grant using the user token + client credentials.

        Throws an error if there is no instance of the given service type or the XSUAA service, or if the request to the XSUAA service fails.


        • jwt: string

          The JWT of the user for whom the access token should be fetched.

        • service: string | Service

          The type of the service or an instance of Service.


        Returns Promise<string>

        A jwt bearer token.


    Returns Promise<string>

    A jwt bearer token.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.parseDestination.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.parseDestination.html index 4113b6950f..09f6494f5b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.parseDestination.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.parseDestination.html @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@


    Returns Destination

    An SDK compatible destination object.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.parseProxyEnv.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.parseProxyEnv.html index 240c3f1a15..90ec92c3b2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.parseProxyEnv.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.parseProxyEnv.html @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@


    • proxyEnvValue: string

      Environment variable which is parsed.

    Returns ProxyConfiguration | undefined

    Configuration with default values or undefined if the parsing failed.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.registerDestination.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.registerDestination.html index f1a6c2040c..3a8c5e2009 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.registerDestination.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.registerDestination.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -registerDestination | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Returns Promise<void>

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.retrieveJwt.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.retrieveJwt.html index a703c47100..a1ebbb0e52 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.retrieveJwt.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.retrieveJwt.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ retrieveJwt | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Retrieve JWT from a request that is based on the node IncomingMessage. Fails if no authorization header is given or has the wrong format. Expected format is 'Bearer '.



      • req: IncomingMessage

        Request to retrieve the JWT from.



        • req: IncomingMessage

          Request to retrieve the JWT from.

        Returns string | undefined

        JWT found in header.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.sanitizeDestination.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.sanitizeDestination.html index 23b6864a53..db05e4bc50 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.sanitizeDestination.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.sanitizeDestination.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ sanitizeDestination | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Takes an existing or a parsed destination and returns an SDK compatible destination object.



      • destination: Record<string, any>

        An object that adheres to the Destination interface.



        • destination: Record<string, any>

          An object that adheres to the Destination interface.

        Returns Destination

        An SDK compatible destination object.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.serviceToken.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.serviceToken.html index 850b387c68..16a1400a53 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.serviceToken.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.serviceToken.html @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -serviceToken | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Returns an access token that can be used to call the given service. The token is fetched via a client credentials grant with the credentials of the given service. +serviceToken | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Returns an access token that can be used to call the given service. The token is fetched via a client credentials grant with the credentials of the given service. If multiple instances of the provided service exist, the first instance will be selected. When a JWT is passed, the tenant of the JWT will be used when performing the grant. When no JWT is passed, the grant will be performed using the provider tenant.

        Throws an error if there is no instance of the given service type or the XSUAA service, or if the request to the XSUAA service fails.


        Returns Promise<string>

        Access token.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Access token.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.setDestinationCache.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.setDestinationCache.html index 2891a635eb..f8f85eb792 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.setDestinationCache.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.setDestinationCache.html @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@

    NOTE: This function should be called at the beginning before any calls to either getDestination or @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client!executeHttpRequest.


    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.subscriberFirst.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.subscriberFirst.html index 7c7689de87..ded4fe68bc 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.subscriberFirst.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.subscriberFirst.html @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
  • destinationName: string

    Name of the destination to retrieve.

  • Returns Destination | null

    The destination to retrieve, returns null if no matched destination is found.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.toDestinationNameUrl.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.toDestinationNameUrl.html index 540b6908ed..bcd5cfaf04 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.toDestinationNameUrl.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.toDestinationNameUrl.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    Returns string

    String containing information on the destination.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.useOrFetchDestination.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.useOrFetchDestination.html index 38abd60745..93678aa553 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.useOrFetchDestination.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.useOrFetchDestination.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -useOrFetchDestination | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Returns the parameter if it is a destination, calls getDestination otherwise (which will try to fetch the destination +useOrFetchDestination | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Returns the parameter if it is a destination, calls getDestination otherwise (which will try to fetch the destination from the Cloud Foundry destination service).

        Fetching a destination requires:

          @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@

        If either of the prerequisites is not met or one of the services returns an error, this function will either throw an error or return a promise that rejects.


        Returns Promise<Destination | null>

        A promise resolving to the requested destination on success.


    Returns Promise<Destination | null>

    A promise resolving to the requested destination on success.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_generator.generate.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_generator.generate.html index 0df6d1e8b4..bb4d6555c3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_generator.generate.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_generator.generate.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -generate | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Main entry point for the OData client generation. +generate | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Main entry point for the OData client generation. Generates models and API files.


        • options: GeneratorOptions & {
              config?: string;

          Options to configure generation.


        Returns Promise<void>

        A promise to void.


    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise to void.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.buildHttpRequest.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.buildHttpRequest.html index 614b4f34c6..46914c27c8 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.buildHttpRequest.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.buildHttpRequest.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -buildHttpRequest | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Returns Promise<DestinationHttpRequestConfig>

    A DestinationHttpRequestConfig.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.csrf.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.csrf.html index f53cf963a2..057b7b5382 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.csrf.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.csrf.html @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@


    Returns HttpMiddleware

    The middleware for fetching CSRF tokens.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.encodeAllParameters.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.encodeAllParameters.html index f710f379c4..5d337fe8b1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.encodeAllParameters.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.encodeAllParameters.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -encodeAllParameters | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.executeHttpRequest.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.executeHttpRequest.html index 9fedfae9b8..3078d40d9c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.executeHttpRequest.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.executeHttpRequest.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -executeHttpRequest | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.executeHttpRequestWithOrigin.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.executeHttpRequestWithOrigin.html index f95847cd3f..95f3a8e02d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.executeHttpRequestWithOrigin.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.executeHttpRequestWithOrigin.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -executeHttpRequestWithOrigin | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Returns Promise<HttpResponse>

    A promise resolving to an HttpResponse.



    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.sendMail.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.sendMail.html index 3509d14048..bd192859df 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.sendMail.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.sendMail.html @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -sendMail | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.and.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.and.html index ca094c072c..133005bc44 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.and.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.and.html @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ -and | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.asc.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.asc.html index 5b10b6c902..b2f2720e26 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.asc.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.asc.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -asc | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.desc.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.desc.html index 9595312eae..925df5b389 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.desc.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.desc.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -desc | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.entityBuilder-1.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.entityBuilder-1.html index d09bcfdbdf..0d30a5d79c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.entityBuilder-1.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.entityBuilder-1.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -entityBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.entityDeserializer-1.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.entityDeserializer-1.html index 070f7d4239..e088ec096a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.entityDeserializer-1.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.entityDeserializer-1.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -entityDeserializer | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.entitySerializer-1.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.entitySerializer-1.html index 29ea9bcd04..618552dfda 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.entitySerializer-1.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.entitySerializer-1.html @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@


    • deSerializers: DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

      (De-)serializers used for transformation.

    Returns EntitySerializer

    A entity serializer as defined by EntitySerializer.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.filterFunction-1.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.filterFunction-1.html index cb93047531..dedbbbc555 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.filterFunction-1.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.filterFunction-1.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    -filterFunction | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +filterFunction | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.isOrderableEdmType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.isOrderableEdmType.html index 8f2d0e8905..1aaa4238b9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.isOrderableEdmType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.isOrderableEdmType.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    Returns boolean

    Whether the given edmType is of type OrderableEdmType.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.not.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.not.html index 0af2bdb6f5..ba2c87a758 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.not.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.not.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -not | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.or.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.or.html index 6ce74a76c3..ce4a92de03 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.or.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.or.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -or | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.throwErrorWhenReturnTypeIsUnionType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.throwErrorWhenReturnTypeIsUnionType.html index 29359b78f0..ef40c2a4fa 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.throwErrorWhenReturnTypeIsUnionType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.throwErrorWhenReturnTypeIsUnionType.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • data: any


    • functionActionName: string


      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Returns never

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns never

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.transformVariadicArgumentToArray.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.transformVariadicArgumentToArray.html index 657e7c3495..934bac4c36 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.transformVariadicArgumentToArray.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.transformVariadicArgumentToArray.html @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -transformVariadicArgumentToArray | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • We want to provide methods which accept a variable single number of elements and arrays. +transformVariadicArgumentToArray | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • We want to provide methods which accept a variable single number of elements and arrays. The overloaded signature to achieve this is:

        function doSomething(array: T[])
        function doSomething(...varArgs: T[])
        function doSomething(first: undefined | T | T[], ...rest: T[]) {
        } +
        function doSomething(array: T[])
        function doSomething(...varArgs: T[])
        function doSomething(first: undefined | T | T[], ...rest: T[]) {

        This wrapper methods makes it easy build an array from the input.


        Type Parameters

        • T


        • firstOrArray: undefined | T | T[]

          Either an array, the first element of the var args or undefined, if no argument was given.

        • rest: T[]

          Second to last element, if var args were used, empty array, if the first argument is an array.


        Returns T[]

        Array from the input or empty array if no input was given.


      Type Parameters

      • T


      • firstOrArray: undefined | T | T[]

        Either an array, the first element of the var args or undefined, if no argument was given.

      • rest: T[]

        Second to last element, if var args were used, empty array, if the first argument is an array.


      Returns T[]

      Array from the input or empty array if no input was given.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.edmToTs.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.edmToTs.html index 1b34ed2928..69df097705 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.edmToTs.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.edmToTs.html @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
  • deSerializers: DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

    (De-)serializers used for transformation.

  • Returns any

    Deserialized value.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.entityDeserializer.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.entityDeserializer.html index 1f069ee649..f9ffc77c52 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.entityDeserializer.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.entityDeserializer.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -entityDeserializer | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.filterFunctions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.filterFunctions.html index 97b954b329..4f839b77d3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.filterFunctions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.filterFunctions.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -filterFunctions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.length.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.length.html index 62fff8af1e..5f46b21e6c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.length.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.length.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -length | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.mergeDefaultDeSerializersWith.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.mergeDefaultDeSerializersWith.html index acb231833e..b3d9bb71e2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.mergeDefaultDeSerializersWith.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.mergeDefaultDeSerializersWith.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -mergeDefaultDeSerializersWith | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.replace.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.replace.html index 9681570b32..b39e2ce036 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.replace.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.replace.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -replace | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.substring.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.substring.html index 9060346066..8ae3511ffd 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.substring.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.substring.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -substring | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.substringOf.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.substringOf.html index cc05f14375..bb81c17eda 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.substringOf.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.substringOf.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -substringOf | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForComplexType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForComplexType.html index 8fc7faa49f..2f5cbadbd5 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForComplexType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForComplexType.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -transformReturnValueForComplexType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForComplexTypeList.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForComplexTypeList.html index efa0c65569..623c2d5ea0 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForComplexTypeList.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForComplexTypeList.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -transformReturnValueForComplexTypeList | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEdmType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEdmType.html index 27f959a8d3..99c0bc55f8 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEdmType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEdmType.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -transformReturnValueForEdmType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEdmTypeList.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEdmTypeList.html index 596e7815ef..6b186201fc 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEdmTypeList.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEdmTypeList.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -transformReturnValueForEdmTypeList | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEntity.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEntity.html index 9bea911dd7..f4198e4c4c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEntity.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEntity.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -transformReturnValueForEntity | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEntityList.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEntityList.html index e38442d8b6..dc8a153a61 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEntityList.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForEntityList.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -transformReturnValueForEntityList | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForUndefined.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForUndefined.html index df903e5021..14c3f6706a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForUndefined.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.transformReturnValueForUndefined.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -transformReturnValueForUndefined | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Transform the payload of the OData response to undefined. +transformReturnValueForUndefined | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Transform the payload of the OData response to undefined. This function is used in function imports, when no values need to be returned.


        Type Parameters

        • ReturnT


        • data: any

          The OData payload.

        • builderFn: ((data) => ReturnT)

          The deserialization function for transforming the payload.

            • (data): ReturnT
            • Parameters

              • data: any

              Returns ReturnT

        Returns ReturnT

        The transformed value.


      Type Parameters

      • ReturnT


      • data: any

        The OData payload.

      • builderFn: ((data) => ReturnT)

        The deserialization function for transforming the payload.


      Returns ReturnT

      The transformed value.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.all.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.all.html index 71a9a6a5a6..c1c5e2d0a5 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.all.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.all.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -all | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.any.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.any.html index a84b1004c1..e42d2d3e82 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.any.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.any.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -any | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.contains.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.contains.html index ec83217448..de238d31bd 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.contains.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.contains.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -contains | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.edmToTs.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.edmToTs.html index b18b149982..085808c1a6 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.edmToTs.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.edmToTs.html @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
  • deSerializers: DeSerializers<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>

    (De-)serializers used for transformation.

  • Returns any

    Deserialized value.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.entityDeserializer.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.entityDeserializer.html index b8834d848c..366695a052 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.entityDeserializer.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.entityDeserializer.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -entityDeserializer | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.filterFunction.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.filterFunction.html index 0aca0ad52e..6a99b933a0 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.filterFunction.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.filterFunction.html @@ -1,42 +1,42 @@ -filterFunction | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.filterFunctions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.filterFunctions.html index 76150d602b..b13873315e 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.filterFunctions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.filterFunctions.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -filterFunctions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.fractionalSeconds.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.fractionalSeconds.html index 5f277d6cb3..6841319ce5 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.fractionalSeconds.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.fractionalSeconds.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -fractionalSeconds | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.hasSubsequence.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.hasSubsequence.html index 21f585fec9..a382155586 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.hasSubsequence.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.hasSubsequence.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -hasSubsequence | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.hasSubset.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.hasSubset.html index a3be06dd1e..bb528af982 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.hasSubset.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.hasSubset.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -hasSubset | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.matchesPattern.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.matchesPattern.html index 85fa83b7ff..5751df3a2a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.matchesPattern.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.matchesPattern.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -matchesPattern | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.maxDateTime.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.maxDateTime.html index 53acfa3d01..f70f6f6c00 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.maxDateTime.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.maxDateTime.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -maxDateTime | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.mergeDefaultDeSerializersWith.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.mergeDefaultDeSerializersWith.html index 6f9342ae07..4c7d2f445a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.mergeDefaultDeSerializersWith.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.mergeDefaultDeSerializersWith.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -mergeDefaultDeSerializersWith | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.minDateTime.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.minDateTime.html index 07a1f7d3a8..4a20d51b10 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.minDateTime.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.minDateTime.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -minDateTime | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.now.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.now.html index dab7bf0ef2..ac29d7fe45 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.now.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.now.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -now | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.totalOffsetMinutes.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.totalOffsetMinutes.html index abf1dfe895..46984fd5e2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.totalOffsetMinutes.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.totalOffsetMinutes.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -totalOffsetMinutes | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForComplexType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForComplexType.html index a88588f149..67f438cca4 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForComplexType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForComplexType.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -transformReturnValueForComplexType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForComplexTypeList.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForComplexTypeList.html index f5cd31eadd..860567e463 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForComplexTypeList.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForComplexTypeList.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -transformReturnValueForComplexTypeList | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEdmType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEdmType.html index 8be6593a4b..6e75ca23c3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEdmType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEdmType.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -transformReturnValueForEdmType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEdmTypeList.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEdmTypeList.html index 61b9094123..0f962765f9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEdmTypeList.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEdmTypeList.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -transformReturnValueForEdmTypeList | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEntity.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEntity.html index 78a523343a..19ca306e79 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEntity.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEntity.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -transformReturnValueForEntity | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEntityList.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEntityList.html index 0ed537e28c..81b57662c2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEntityList.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForEntityList.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -transformReturnValueForEntityList | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForUndefined.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForUndefined.html index 9cfb602a2b..6f7489a00f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForUndefined.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.transformReturnValueForUndefined.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -transformReturnValueForUndefined | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Transform the payload of the OData response to undefined. +transformReturnValueForUndefined | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Transform the payload of the OData response to undefined. This function is used in function imports, when no values need to be returned.


        Type Parameters

        • ReturnT


        • data: any

          The OData payload.

        • builderFn: ((data) => ReturnT)

          The deserialization function for transforming the payload.

            • (data): ReturnT
            • Parameters

              • data: any

              Returns ReturnT

        Returns ReturnT

        The transformed value.


      Type Parameters

      • ReturnT


      • data: any

        The OData payload.

      • builderFn: ((data) => ReturnT)

        The deserialization function for transforming the payload.


      Returns ReturnT

      The transformed value.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi_generator.generate.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi_generator.generate.html index b5b4d815c9..adaddab6fc 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi_generator.generate.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi_generator.generate.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -generate | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Main entry point for the OpenAPI client generation. +generate | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Main entry point for the OpenAPI client generation. Generates models and API files.



        Returns Promise<void>

        A promise to void.



      Returns Promise<void>

      A promise to void.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.circuitBreaker.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.circuitBreaker.html index ff83287cce..4235f43221 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.circuitBreaker.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.circuitBreaker.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -circuitBreaker | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.circuitBreakerHttp.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.circuitBreakerHttp.html index 60994a4f12..aae971971c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.circuitBreakerHttp.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.circuitBreakerHttp.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -circuitBreakerHttp | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.resilience.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.resilience.html index dbba28067c..9062332f97 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.resilience.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.resilience.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -resilience | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.retry.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.retry.html index ebb299f0ea..944fed8259 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.retry.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.retry.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -retry | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.timeout.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.timeout.html index 506c293748..0a98553088 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.timeout.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.timeout.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -timeout | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.getTestDestinationByAlias.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.getTestDestinationByAlias.html index 2d071d96f8..d8d71055ba 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.getTestDestinationByAlias.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.getTestDestinationByAlias.html @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
  • Optional options: GetTestDestinationOptions

    References to the systems.json and credentials.json files.

  • Returns Destination

    An array of destinations.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.getTestDestinations.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.getTestDestinations.html index 898430e762..b7f1d041a9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.getTestDestinations.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.getTestDestinations.html @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@


    Returns Destination[]

    An array of destinations.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.mockAllTestDestinations.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.mockAllTestDestinations.html index 98e4246b5f..84c3686d1f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.mockAllTestDestinations.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.mockAllTestDestinations.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@

    Throws an error if a destination with the same name as the given test destinations already exists.


    • Optional options: GetTestDestinationOptions

      References to the systems.json and credentials.json files.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.mockTestDestination.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.mockTestDestination.html index 80cb1c70f0..8efc3a56d1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.mockTestDestination.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.mockTestDestination.html @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@


    • name: string

      Name of the test destination to add to the destinations environment variable.

    • Optional options: GetTestDestinationOptions

      References to the systems.json and credentials.json files.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.setTestDestination.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.setTestDestination.html index 0557a895df..f902a1fc87 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.setTestDestination.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.setTestDestination.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@

    Throws an error if a destination with the same name as the given test destination already exists.


    • destination: Destination

      Test destination to add to the destinations environment variable.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.unmockAllTestDestinations.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.unmockAllTestDestinations.html index 3a0d04658c..513df564b0 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.unmockAllTestDestinations.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.unmockAllTestDestinations.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ unmockAllTestDestinations | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Removes all test destinations stored in systems.json and credentials.json files or added through setTestDestination() from the destinations environment variable.

      This function should be called to invert the behavior of mockAllTestDestinations() and other add single mocked destination functions.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.unmockTestDestination.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.unmockTestDestination.html index 2ee755f273..46aa1b78bf 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.unmockTestDestination.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.unmockTestDestination.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ This function should be called to invert the behavior of mockTestDestination() and setTestDestination().


    • name: string

      Name of the mocked destination to remove.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.assoc.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.assoc.html index 4267de8124..eca3ff65e5 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.assoc.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.assoc.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -assoc | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Adds a key value pair to the given objects and returns a shallow copy. +assoc | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Adds a key value pair to the given objects and returns a shallow copy. If the key is already present it will be overwritten.


        Type Parameters

        • T


        • key: string

          Key to be added.


          Type Parameters

          • T


          • key: string

            Key to be added.

          • value: any

            Value to be added.

          • obj: T

            Object the key value pair is added to.


          Returns T & {
              [key: string]: any;

          The object with the key value pair added.

      • obj: T

        Object the key value pair is added to.


      Returns T & {
          [key: string]: any;

      The object with the key value pair added.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.camelCase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.camelCase.html index eb01bd8d1c..f9d37d7309 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.camelCase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.camelCase.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • str: string

      The string to be transformed.

    Returns string

    The transformed string.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.caps.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.caps.html index 53ad1cd5bd..3a78d9414c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.caps.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.caps.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • oDataVersion: any

      OData version in lower case: 'v2' or 'v4'.

    Returns "V2" | "V4"

    'V2' or 'V4'.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.checkUrlExists.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.checkUrlExists.html index 5fabe85064..e1b96969d8 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.checkUrlExists.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.checkUrlExists.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -checkUrlExists | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Checks whether a URL is existing via a head request.

      +checkUrlExists | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
      • Checks whether a URL is existing via a head request.


        • url: string

          URL to be checked.


        Returns Promise<number>

        Promise - resolves if the URL exists.


    Returns Promise<number>

    Promise - resolves if the URL exists.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.codeBlock.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.codeBlock.html index dc4e9d0cb4..e10efdf9a7 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.codeBlock.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.codeBlock.html @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ codeBlock | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Experimental

      This API is experimental and might change in newer versions. Use with caution. Transform strings and arguments to a string formatted as a code block, keeping the indentation of sub code blocks. Use in tagged templates, e.g.:

      codeBlock`Code with ${arguments} and more code;`
      codeBlock`Code with ${arguments} and more code;`


      • strings: TemplateStringsArray

        Strings in the tagged template. In the example above that would be ['Code with ', ' and more code;'].



        • strings: TemplateStringsArray

          Strings in the tagged template. In the example above that would be ['Code with ', ' and more code;'].

        • Rest ...args: any[]

          Arguments in the tagged template. In the example above that would be the resolved value for arguments;.

        Returns string

        A string formatted as code block.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.createLogger.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.createLogger.html index f2b8c5e681..ca7e62d557 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.createLogger.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.createLogger.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -createLogger | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Create a logger for the given message context, if available.

      +createLogger | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
      • Create a logger for the given message context, if available.

        Usage: To create a logger in your module, it is recommended to pass a module identifier that will be logged as messageContext for all messages from this logger: const logger = createLogger('my-module');. Not setting any module identifier will retrieve the default logger. @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ There will always be only one instance of a logger per module identifier. You can pass any custom data that you want to be logged in addition by passing an object instead. You can change the default logging level (INFO) using the level key in the object. In those cases, provide the messageContext as a key in the object:

        const logger = createLogger({
        messageContext: 'my-module',
        myCustomKey: 'my-custom-data',
        level: 'debug'
        }); +
        const logger = createLogger({
        messageContext: 'my-module',
        myCustomKey: 'my-custom-data',
        level: 'debug'

        You will find these information under the custom_fields key in your Cloud Foundry logs.

        To retrieve a logger after its creation use getLogger. If you want to change the log level of a logger use setLogLevel.


        • Optional messageContext: string | MessageContextObj & LoggerOptions

          Either a key for the message context of all messages produced by the logger or an object with additional keys to set in the message.


        Returns Logger

        A newly created or an already existing logger for the given context.


    Returns Logger

    A newly created or an already existing logger for the given context.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.disableExceptionLogger.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.disableExceptionLogger.html index 3aa7f006da..7988987872 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.disableExceptionLogger.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.disableExceptionLogger.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ disableExceptionLogger | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Disable logging of exceptions. Enabled by default.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.documentationBlock.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.documentationBlock.html index 9342c08d63..36fdd4c83d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.documentationBlock.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.documentationBlock.html @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ The formatting is block like so no leading or trailing spaces. New lines in the beginning and end are also removed. Use in tagged templates, e.g.:

    documentationBlock`Docs with ${arguments} and more content;`
    documentationBlock`Docs with ${arguments} and more content;`


    • strings: TemplateStringsArray

      Strings in the tagged template. In the example above that would be ['Docs with ', ' and more content;'].



      • strings: TemplateStringsArray

        Strings in the tagged template. In the example above that would be ['Docs with ', ' and more content;'].

      • Rest ...args: string[]

        Arguments in the tagged template. In the example above that would be the resolved value for arguments;.

      Returns string

      A string formatted as documentation block.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.enableExceptionLogger.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.enableExceptionLogger.html index c21ea9b46e..c331b69484 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.enableExceptionLogger.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.enableExceptionLogger.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ enableExceptionLogger | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Enable logging of exceptions. Enabled by default.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.encodeBase64.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.encodeBase64.html index 14c2f82041..2395bea785 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.encodeBase64.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.encodeBase64.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • str: string

      String to encode.

    Returns string

    Base64 encoded string.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.equal.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.equal.html index daadaf1030..2e10f2229a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.equal.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.equal.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -equal | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.equalArrays.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.equalArrays.html index 8c8fa2622b..8ed68667c4 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.equalArrays.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.equalArrays.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -equalArrays | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.equalObjects.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.equalObjects.html index 1b4d840c81..86b0bf4825 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.equalObjects.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.equalObjects.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ equalObjects | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Checks whether the keys and values of two objects are equal.



      • obj1: Record<string, any>

        The first object.

      • obj2: Record<string, any>

        The second object.



        • obj1: Record<string, any>

          The first object.

        • obj2: Record<string, any>

          The second object.

        Returns boolean

        A boolean, indicating whether the two objects are equal to each other.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.exclude.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.exclude.html index 186d23cb9b..2c9cdb6545 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.exclude.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.exclude.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -exclude | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Create a shallow copy of the given object, that does not contain the given keys. +exclude | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Create a shallow copy of the given object, that does not contain the given keys. Non existing keys in the source object are ignored.


        Type Parameters

        • T extends Record<string, unknown>


        • keys: string[]

          Properties to be selected.

        • obj: T

          Object from which the values are taken.


        Returns Partial<T>

        An object with the selected keys and corresponding values.


      Type Parameters

      • T extends Record<string, unknown>


      • keys: string[]

        Properties to be selected.

      • obj: T

        Object from which the values are taken.


      Returns Partial<T>

      An object with the selected keys and corresponding values.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.filterDuplicates.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.filterDuplicates.html index 0c3b040ad0..d889249c4b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.filterDuplicates.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.filterDuplicates.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -filterDuplicates | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Filter an array by removing duplicates and keeping the left most occurrence. By default this compares by identity.


      Type Parameters

      • T


      • arr: T[]

        Array to remove duplicates from.

        +filterDuplicates | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
        • Filter an array by removing duplicates and keeping the left most occurrence. By default this compares by identity.


          Type Parameters

          • T


          • arr: T[]

            Array to remove duplicates from.

          • comparator: ((left, right) => boolean) = ...

            Optional comparator function, indicating whether two items are equal and therefore handled as duplicates. Defaults to identity.

              • (left, right): boolean
              • Parameters

                • left: T
                • right: T

                Returns boolean

          Returns T[]

          A filtered array containing no duplicates.

          • (left, right): boolean
          • Parameters

            • left: T
            • right: T

            Returns boolean

      Returns T[]

      A filtered array containing no duplicates.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.filterDuplicatesRight.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.filterDuplicatesRight.html index fd8290abd9..3c17e10af2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.filterDuplicatesRight.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.filterDuplicatesRight.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -filterDuplicatesRight | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Filter an array by removing duplicates and keeping the right most occurrence. By default this compares by identity.


      Type Parameters

      • T


      • arr: T[]

        Array to remove duplicates from.

        +filterDuplicatesRight | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
        • Filter an array by removing duplicates and keeping the right most occurrence. By default this compares by identity.


          Type Parameters

          • T


          • arr: T[]

            Array to remove duplicates from.

          • comparator: ((left, right) => boolean) = ...

            Optional comparator function, indicating whether two items are equal and therefore handled as duplicates. Defaults to identity.

              • (left, right): boolean
              • Parameters

                • left: T
                • right: T

                Returns boolean

          Returns T[]

          A filtered array containing no duplicates.

          • (left, right): boolean
          • Parameters

            • left: T
            • right: T

            Returns boolean

      Returns T[]

      A filtered array containing no duplicates.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.findProjectRoot.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.findProjectRoot.html index 6f4a75b179..a51c419269 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.findProjectRoot.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.findProjectRoot.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    -findProjectRoot | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +findProjectRoot | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.finishAll.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.finishAll.html index a98bb95598..230d062422 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.finishAll.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.finishAll.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -finishAll | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Returns Promise<void>

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.first.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.first.html index a16a0ab944..b18aa2f2b8 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.first.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.first.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -first | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.flat.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.flat.html index 74c40c8114..a3ff264b51 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.flat.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.flat.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -flat | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.flatten.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.flatten.html index 35ff35ef53..b3914d7f6d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.flatten.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.flatten.html @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@


    • input: any[]

      Array to be flattened.

    Returns any[]

    The flattened array.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.formatJson.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.formatJson.html index da1ad1ff8e..983bfb8d39 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.formatJson.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.formatJson.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • json: any

      Object to be stringified.

    Returns string

    The JSON object as string.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getGlobalLogFormat.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getGlobalLogFormat.html index a9668409f5..c8918d0f1a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getGlobalLogFormat.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getGlobalLogFormat.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -getGlobalLogFormat | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getGlobalLogLevel.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getGlobalLogLevel.html index d1fd04b228..79fc3dbee5 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getGlobalLogLevel.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getGlobalLogLevel.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ getGlobalLogLevel | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Get the global log level of the container.

      Returns string | undefined

      The global log level, or undefined when not defined.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getLogger.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getLogger.html index dc4aff65c1..e58f2a258f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getLogger.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getLogger.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -getLogger | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Get logger for a given message context, if available.

      +getLogger | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
      • Get logger for a given message context, if available.


        • Optional messageContext: string

          A key for the message context of all messages produced by the logger.


        Returns Logger | undefined

        The logger for the given messageContext if it was created before.


    Returns Logger | undefined

    The logger for the given messageContext if it was created before.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getMessageOrStack.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getMessageOrStack.html index 517af78720..7685b91906 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getMessageOrStack.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.getMessageOrStack.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ getMessageOrStack | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Internal

      Gets the stack of the given error if available, otherwise the message.



      • info: TransformableInfo

        Object to be transformed.



        • info: TransformableInfo

          Object to be transformed.

        Returns string

        The message string to be used.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.identity.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.identity.html index 8634ba8234..70cb1b9fb2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.identity.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.identity.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -identity | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.isErrorWithCause.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.isErrorWithCause.html index 8413e77d7c..66aa574be0 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.isErrorWithCause.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.isErrorWithCause.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ isErrorWithCause | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Type guard to check whether an error is of type ErrorWithCause.



    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.isNullish.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.isNullish.html index 6fec76de9e..e158324249 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.isNullish.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.isNullish.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • val: any

      Value to check.

    Returns val is undefined | null

    true for null or undefined, false otherwise.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.kebabCase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.kebabCase.html index e362a77d2b..574ebc44b1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.kebabCase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.kebabCase.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • str: string

      The string to be transformed.

    Returns string

    The transformed string.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.last.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.last.html index 4fac6709c6..42c9a4e4a8 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.last.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.last.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -last | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.mergeIgnoreCase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.mergeIgnoreCase.html index 7bb4a3dbb1..873e944000 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.mergeIgnoreCase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.mergeIgnoreCase.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -mergeIgnoreCase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.mergeLeftIgnoreCase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.mergeLeftIgnoreCase.html index 1ce778cf64..7ec86a0ead 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.mergeLeftIgnoreCase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.mergeLeftIgnoreCase.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -mergeLeftIgnoreCase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.muteLoggers.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.muteLoggers.html index 5a597cf017..25560aa511 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.muteLoggers.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.muteLoggers.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ muteLoggers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Mute all logger output created by the SAP Cloud SDK Logger. This also applies to future loggers created. Useful for tests.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.partition.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.partition.html index 9bd23897b5..def2fc4822 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.partition.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.partition.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -partition | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Split an array into two based on a condition.


      Type Parameters

      • T


      • arr: T[]

        Array to partition.

        +partition | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
        • Split an array into two based on a condition.


          Type Parameters

          • T


          • arr: T[]

            Array to partition.

          • condition: ((item) => boolean)

            Function to determine to where to put each item.

              • (item): boolean
              • Parameters

                • item: T

                Returns boolean

          Returns [T[], T[]]

          A two dimensional array containing two arrays, where the first one includes all items where the given condition was met and the second one includes all items where it was not met.

          • (item): boolean
          • Parameters

            • item: T

            Returns boolean

      Returns [T[], T[]]

      A two dimensional array containing two arrays, where the first one includes all items where the given condition was met and the second one includes all items where it was not met.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pascalCase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pascalCase.html index f6824de43d..0909da1ba0 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pascalCase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pascalCase.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • str: string

      The string to be transformed.

    Returns string

    The transformed string.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pick.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pick.html index bbed1e4a85..492341c9a1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pick.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pick.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -pick | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Create a shallow copy of the given object, that contains the given keys. +pick | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Create a shallow copy of the given object, that contains the given keys. Non existing keys in the source object are ignored.


        Type Parameters

        • T extends Record<string, unknown>


        • keys: string[]

          Properties to be selected.

        • obj: T

          Object from which the values are taken.


        Returns Partial<T>

        An object with the selected keys and corresponding values.


      Type Parameters

      • T extends Record<string, unknown>


      • keys: string[]

        Properties to be selected.

      • obj: T

        Object from which the values are taken.


      Returns Partial<T>

      An object with the selected keys and corresponding values.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pickIgnoreCase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pickIgnoreCase.html index 0cdf9b3325..9094a3d578 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pickIgnoreCase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pickIgnoreCase.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -pickIgnoreCase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Create a shallow copy of the given object, that contains the given keys, independent of casing. +pickIgnoreCase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Create a shallow copy of the given object, that contains the given keys, independent of casing. Non existing keys in the source object are ignored.


        Type Parameters

        • T extends Record<string, any>


        • Optional obj: T

          Object to pick the given key from.


          Type Parameters

          • T extends Record<string, any>


          • Optional obj: T

            Object to pick the given key from.

          • Rest ...keys: string[]

            Keys of the pair to be picked.


          Returns Partial<Pick<T, typeof keys[number]>>


      Returns Partial<Pick<T, typeof keys[number]>>

      • An object containing the given key-value pairs in its original case or an empty object if none of them are found.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pickNonNullish.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pickNonNullish.html index 06d108bf74..7dd0672824 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pickNonNullish.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pickNonNullish.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -pickNonNullish | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pickValueIgnoreCase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pickValueIgnoreCase.html index eaced39aec..83660c0a54 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pickValueIgnoreCase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.pickValueIgnoreCase.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -pickValueIgnoreCase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.propertyExists.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.propertyExists.html index e2fa6df771..2db3845768 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.propertyExists.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.propertyExists.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ propertyExists | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Checks if a chain of properties exists on the given object.



      • obj: Record<string, any>

        The object to be checked.



        • obj: Record<string, any>

          The object to be checked.

        • Rest ...properties: string[]

          Chained properties.

        Returns boolean

        true if the property chain leads to a truthy value, false otherwise.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.readJSON.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.readJSON.html index 242ff2a50a..8040071ee3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.readJSON.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.readJSON.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ readJSON | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Read a JSON file from the file system.



      • path: PathLike

        The path to the JSON file.



        • path: PathLike

          The path to the JSON file.

        Returns {
            [key: string]: any;

        An object parsed from the JSON file.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

        • [key: string]: any
    \ No newline at end of file +
    • [key: string]: any
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeFileExtension.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeFileExtension.html index 10674be659..ec328f5001 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeFileExtension.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeFileExtension.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • fileName: string

      File name to remove the file extension from.

    Returns string

    File name without extension.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeLeadingSlashes.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeLeadingSlashes.html index 03cba0998c..dfb808d4b9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeLeadingSlashes.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeLeadingSlashes.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    -removeLeadingSlashes | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +removeLeadingSlashes | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeSlashes.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeSlashes.html index 34c077f142..4fef2e1380 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeSlashes.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeSlashes.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    -removeSlashes | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +removeSlashes | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeTrailingSlashes.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeTrailingSlashes.html index 1d60eae800..ec90ed61b1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeTrailingSlashes.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.removeTrailingSlashes.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    -removeTrailingSlashes | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +removeTrailingSlashes | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.renameKeys.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.renameKeys.html index 08f102b03a..83fe73a1a0 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.renameKeys.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.renameKeys.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -renameKeys | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Takes an object and returns a new object whose keys are renamed according to the provided key mapping. +renameKeys | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Takes an object and returns a new object whose keys are renamed according to the provided key mapping. Any keys in the input object not present in the key mapping will be present in the output object as-is. If a key in the key mapping is not present in the input object, the output object will contain the key with value "undefined".



        • keyMapping: Record<string, string>

          An object mapping keys of the input object to keys of the output object.

        • obj: Record<string, any>

          The input object.


        Returns Record<string, any>

        An object with renamed keys.



      • keyMapping: Record<string, string>

        An object mapping keys of the input object to keys of the output object.

      • obj: Record<string, any>

        The input object.


      Returns Record<string, any>

      An object with renamed keys.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.resetCustomLogFormats.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.resetCustomLogFormats.html index dbb891f164..816e9436af 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.resetCustomLogFormats.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.resetCustomLogFormats.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ resetCustomLogFormats | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Reset all the custom log formats for loggers and message context.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.resetCustomLogLevels.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.resetCustomLogLevels.html index c98f8ced12..05c668d175 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.resetCustomLogLevels.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.resetCustomLogLevels.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ resetCustomLogLevels | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Reset all the custom log levels for loggers and message context.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.sanitizeRecord.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.sanitizeRecord.html index 3110f76cb4..0f59f81572 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.sanitizeRecord.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.sanitizeRecord.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -sanitizeRecord | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Potentially sensitive keys will be matched case-insensitive and as substrings. +sanitizeRecord | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • Potentially sensitive keys will be matched case-insensitive and as substrings. Matches will be replaced with a placeholder string.


        Type Parameters

        • T = any


        • input: Record<string, T>

          The record to be sanitized.


          Type Parameters

          • T = any


          • input: Record<string, T>

            The record to be sanitized.

          • Optional replacementString: string

            The placeholder string.

          • Optional sensitiveKeys: string[]

            The list of keys to be replaced. This overrides the default list.


          Returns Record<string, T>

          The sanitized copy of the input record.


      Returns Record<string, T>

      The sanitized copy of the input record.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setGlobalLogFormat.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setGlobalLogFormat.html index d1979582cc..b741f55188 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setGlobalLogFormat.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setGlobalLogFormat.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ setGlobalLogFormat | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Change the global log format of the container which will set default format for all active loggers. e.g., to set the global log format to local call setGlobalLogLevel(logFormat.local) or use a custom log format.



      • format: Format

        The log format to set the global log format to.



        • format: Format

          The log format to set the global log format to.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setGlobalLogLevel.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setGlobalLogLevel.html index 2a1a1fd30b..ff820634ca 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setGlobalLogLevel.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setGlobalLogLevel.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ e.g., to set the global log level call setGlobalLogLevel('debug').


    • level: LogLevel

      The log level to set the global log level to.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setGlobalTransports.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setGlobalTransports.html index 84d2f5e105..fc5c401e65 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setGlobalTransports.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setGlobalTransports.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ setGlobalTransports | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Change the global transport of the container which will set default transport for all active loggers. e.g., to set the global transport call setGlobalTransports(httpTransport).



      • customTransports: TransportStream | TransportStream[]

        The transport to set the global transport to. Both single transport and an array with multiple transports are supported.



        • customTransports: TransportStream | TransportStream[]

          The transport to set the global transport to. Both single transport and an array with multiple transports are supported.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setLogFormat.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setLogFormat.html index ea7dd501a3..86260b31d6 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setLogFormat.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setLogFormat.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ setLogFormat | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Change the log format of a logger based on its message context. e.g., to set the log format for the destination accessor module of the SDK to local, simply call setLogFormat(logFormat.local, 'destination-accessor').



      • format: Format

        Format to set the logger to. Use logFormat to get the pre-defined log formats or use a custom log format.

      • Optional messageContextOrLogger: string | Logger

        Message context of the logger to change the log level for or the logger itself.



        • format: Format

          Format to set the logger to. Use logFormat to get the pre-defined log formats or use a custom log format.

        • Optional messageContextOrLogger: string | Logger

          Message context of the logger to change the log level for or the logger itself.

          Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setLogLevel.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setLogLevel.html index b627402e03..406086379d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setLogLevel.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.setLogLevel.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ setLogLevel | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Change the log level of a logger based on its message context. e.g., to set the log level for the destination accessor module of the SDK to debug, simply call setLogLevel('debug', 'destination-accessor').


      • level: "" | LogLevel

        Level to set the logger to. Use an empty string '' as level to unset context level.

      • Optional messageContextOrLogger: string | Logger

        Message context of the logger to change the log level for or the logger itself.

      • Optional messageContextOrLogger: string | Logger

        Message context of the logger to change the log level for or the logger itself.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.splitInChunks.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.splitInChunks.html index 6eedb25c7b..ffa54677d6 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.splitInChunks.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.splitInChunks.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -splitInChunks | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Split the given array in chunks.


      Type Parameters

      • T


      • arr: T[]

        Array to be split into chunks.

        +splitInChunks | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
        • Split the given array in chunks.


          Type Parameters

          • T


          • arr: T[]

            Array to be split into chunks.

          • chunkSize: number

            Size of the chunks.


          Returns T[][]

          Two dimensional array with arrays of length chunkSize. The last subarray could be shorter.


      Returns T[][]

      Two dimensional array with arrays of length chunkSize. The last subarray could be shorter.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.titleFormat.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.titleFormat.html index c375b07230..f8006749c3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.titleFormat.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.titleFormat.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • str: string

      The string to be transformed.

    Returns string

    The transformed string.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.toSanitizedObject.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.toSanitizedObject.html index 9c7b20f6df..89c722f0f9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.toSanitizedObject.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.toSanitizedObject.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -toSanitizedObject | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Create an object based on the given key and value if neither key nor value are nullish.

      +toSanitizedObject | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
      • Create an object based on the given key and value if neither key nor value are nullish.


        • key: string

          Name of the header.

        • value: any

          Value of the header.


        Returns Record<string, any>


    Returns Record<string, any>

    • An object containing the given key and value of an empty object.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.transformVariadicArgumentToArray.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.transformVariadicArgumentToArray.html index 1324ed9779..fd46788c68 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.transformVariadicArgumentToArray.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.transformVariadicArgumentToArray.html @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -transformVariadicArgumentToArray | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • We want to provide methods which accept a variable single number of elements and arrays. +transformVariadicArgumentToArray | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

      • We want to provide methods which accept a variable single number of elements and arrays. The overloaded signature to achieve this is:

        function doSomething(array: T[])
        function doSomething(...varArgs: T[])
        function doSomething(first: undefined | T | T[], ...rest: T[]) {
        } +
        function doSomething(array: T[])
        function doSomething(...varArgs: T[])
        function doSomething(first: undefined | T | T[], ...rest: T[]) {

        This wrapper methods makes it easy build an array from the input.


        Type Parameters

        • T


        • firstOrArray: undefined | T | T[]

          Either an array, the first element of the var args or undefined, if no argument was given.

        • rest: T[]

          Second to last element, if var args were used, empty array, if the first argument is an array.


        Returns T[]

        Array from the input or empty array if no input was given.


      Type Parameters

      • T


      • firstOrArray: undefined | T | T[]

        Either an array, the first element of the var args or undefined, if no argument was given.

      • rest: T[]

        Second to last element, if var args were used, empty array, if the first argument is an array.


      Returns T[]

      Array from the input or empty array if no input was given.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.trim.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.trim.html index 72ec9c996d..304604cf82 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.trim.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.trim.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • string: string

      String to trim.

    Returns string

    String without outer whitespace.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.trimLeft.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.trimLeft.html index c71a8bc69b..4a7ce3694e 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.trimLeft.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.trimLeft.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • string: string

      String to trim.

    Returns string

    String without whitespace on the left side.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.trimRight.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.trimRight.html index 0d9aea1243..11d8dc9f5e 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.trimRight.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.trimRight.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • string: string

      String to trim.

    Returns string

    String without whitespace on the right side.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.unique.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.unique.html index 295b7aa3f5..4c619b8082 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.unique.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.unique.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -unique | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.unmuteLoggers.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.unmuteLoggers.html index 4d6f54e164..4a64baad1a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.unmuteLoggers.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.unmuteLoggers.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ unmuteLoggers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    • Unmute all logger output created by the SAP Cloud SDK Logger. This also applies to future loggers created. Useful for tests.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


      Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.upperCaseSnakeCase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.upperCaseSnakeCase.html index 8a6357f3ac..5c802843bb 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.upperCaseSnakeCase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.upperCaseSnakeCase.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@


    • str: string

      The string to be transformed.

    Returns string

    The input string in the case used by static methods on entity-classes.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.zip.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.zip.html index 0beef22fe6..ac6727a227 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.zip.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/functions/sap_cloud_sdk_util.zip.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -zip | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/hierarchy.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/hierarchy.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96c3919089 --- /dev/null +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/hierarchy.html @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    +SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Class Hierarchy

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/index.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/index.html index 450602138d..9c21e3eef3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/index.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/index.html @@ -12,4 +12,4 @@
  • Sample repository
  • Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/generatorcommon_src.CommonGeneratorOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/generatorcommon_src.CommonGeneratorOptions.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8c1988d7e3..0000000000 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/generatorcommon_src.CommonGeneratorOptions.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -CommonGeneratorOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Generator options shared by the OData and OpenApi generator.

    interface CommonGeneratorOptions {
        clearOutputDir?: boolean;
        include?: string;
        input: string;
        metadata?: boolean;
        optionsPerService?: string;
        outputDir: string;
        overwrite?: boolean;
        packageJson?: boolean;
        prettierConfig?: string;
        readme?: boolean;
        skipValidation?: boolean;
        transpile?: boolean;
        tsconfig?: string;
        verbose?: boolean;



    clearOutputDir?: boolean

    Delete EVERYTHING in the specified output directory before generating code.

    include?: string

    Include files matching the given glob into the root of each generated client directory.

    input: string

    Specify the path to the directory or file containing the service definition(s) to generate clients for. -Throws an error if the path does not exist.

    metadata?: boolean

    Hidden option only for internal usage - generate metadata for API hub integration.

    optionsPerService?: string

    Configuration file to ensure consistent names between multiple generation runs with updated / changed metadata files. -The configuration allows to set a directoryName and npmPackageName for every service, identified by the path to the original file. -It also makes sure that names do not change between generator runs. -If a directory is passed, a options-per-service.json file is read/created in this directory.

    outputDir: string

    Directory to save the generated code in.

    overwrite?: boolean

    Exit when encountering a file that already exists. -When set to true, it will be overwritten instead. -Note, that compared to the clearOutputDir option, this will not delete outdated files.

    packageJson?: boolean

    Generate a package.json file, specifying dependencies and scripts for compiling.

    prettierConfig?: string

    Specify the path to the prettier config. If not given a default config will be used for the generated sources.

    readme?: boolean

    Generate default README.md files in the client directories.

    skipValidation?: boolean

    Generation will stop if objects need renaming due to non-unique conditions or conflicts to JavaScript keywords. -If you enable this option, conflicts are resolved by appending postfixes like '_1".

    transpile?: boolean

    When enabled, generates transpiled .js, .js.map, and .d.ts files. -By default, only .ts files are generated.

    tsconfig?: string

    Replace the default tsconfig.json by passing a path to a custom configuration. -By default, a tsconfig.json is only generated when transpilation is enabled (transpile). -If a directory is passed, a tsconfig.json file is read from this directory.

    verbose?: boolean

    By default, only errors, warnings and important info logs will be displayed. -If set to true, all logs will be displayed.


    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.AllDestinations.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.AllDestinations.html index 61c0570052..2519b08002 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.AllDestinations.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.AllDestinations.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ AllDestinations | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Collection of all destinations from the provider and subscriber account. The used DestinationSelectionStrategy will decide which destination is selected in the end.

    interface AllDestinations {
        provider: DestinationsByType;
        subscriber: DestinationsByType;


    interface AllDestinations {
        provider: DestinationsByType;
        subscriber: DestinationsByType;



    Collection of all destinations from the provider account.

    subscriber: DestinationsByType

    Collection of all destinations from the subscriber account.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
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    Standard proxy configuration without additional headers nor authorization info.

    interface BasicProxyConfiguration {
        host: string;
        port: number;
        protocol: Protocol;



    interface BasicProxyConfiguration {
        host: string;
        port: number;
        protocol: Protocol;

    Hierarchy (view full)



    host: string

    The host of the proxy.

    port: number

    The port of the proxy.

    protocol: Protocol

    The protocol used by the proxy.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.CacheEntry.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.CacheEntry.html index 1371849ee0..0856e1c03b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.CacheEntry.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.CacheEntry.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ CacheEntry | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Representation of a cached object.

    interface CacheEntry {
        entry: T;
        expires?: number;

    Type Parameters

    • T


    interface CacheEntry<T> {
        entry: T;
        expires?: number;

    Type Parameters

    • T



    entry: T

    The cache entry.



    entry: T

    The cache entry.

    expires?: number

    The expiration time of the cache entry in milliseconds.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
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    Options to enable caching when fetching destinations.

    interface CachingOptions {
        useCache?: boolean;


    interface CachingOptions {
        useCache?: boolean;



    useCache?: boolean

    A boolean value that indicates whether to read destinations from cache.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ClientCredentialsResponse.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ClientCredentialsResponse.html index e0d83c3e3f..42a1e67c2d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ClientCredentialsResponse.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ClientCredentialsResponse.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ClientCredentialsResponse | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents the response to a client credentials request.

    interface ClientCredentialsResponse {
        access_token: string;
        expires_in: number;
        jti: string;
        scope: string;
        token_type: string;


    interface ClientCredentialsResponse {
        access_token: string;
        expires_in: number;
        jti: string;
        scope: string;
        token_type: string;


    access_token expires_in jti scope @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
    scope: string

    Scopes associated with the token.

    token_type: string

    Type of the token, e.g., Bearer.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
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    A resolved destination containing information needed to execute requests, such as the system URL.

    You can create a destination as a local object when supplying all necessary information, or it could be retrieved from the destination service on SAP Business Technology Platform (via DestinationFetchOptions). When creating a local object representing a destination, you need to supply at least the url and, if required by the target system, valid credentials with username and password.

    interface Destination {
        authTokens?: null | DestinationAuthToken[];
        authentication?: AuthenticationType;
        certificates?: DestinationCertificate[];
        clientId?: string;
        clientSecret?: string;
        cloudConnectorLocationId?: string;
        forwardAuthToken?: boolean;
        headers?: Record<string, any>;
        isTestDestination?: boolean;
        isTrustingAllCertificates?: boolean;
        jwks?: string;
        jwksUri?: string;
        keyStoreName?: string;
        keyStorePassword?: string;
        mtls?: boolean;
        name?: null | string;
        originalProperties?: {
            [key: string]: any;
        password?: null | string;
        proxyConfiguration?: ProxyConfiguration;
        proxyType?: DestinationProxyType;
        queryParameters?: Record<string, any>;
        sapClient?: null | string;
        systemUser?: string;
        tokenServicePassword?: string;
        tokenServiceUrl?: string;
        tokenServiceUser?: string;
        trustStoreCertificate?: DestinationCertificate;
        type?: "HTTP" | "LDAP" | "MAIL" | "RFC";
        url?: string;
        username?: null | string;


    interface Destination {
        authTokens?: null | DestinationAuthToken[];
        authentication?: AuthenticationType;
        certificates?: DestinationCertificate[];
        clientId?: string;
        clientSecret?: string;
        cloudConnectorLocationId?: string;
        forwardAuthToken?: boolean;
        headers?: Record<string, any>;
        isTestDestination?: boolean;
        isTrustingAllCertificates?: boolean;
        jwks?: string;
        jwksUri?: string;
        keyStoreName?: string;
        keyStorePassword?: string;
        mtls?: boolean;
        name?: null | string;
        originalProperties?: {
            [key: string]: any;
        password?: null | string;
        proxyConfiguration?: ProxyConfiguration;
        proxyType?: DestinationProxyType;
        queryParameters?: Record<string, any>;
        sapClient?: null | string;
        systemUser?: string;
        tokenServicePassword?: string;
        tokenServiceUrl?: string;
        tokenServiceUser?: string;
        trustStoreCertificate?: DestinationCertificate;
        type?: "HTTP" | "LDAP" | "MAIL" | "RFC";
        url?: string;
        username?: null | string;


    clientSecret?: string

    Client Secret used to retrieve access token for "OAuth2ClientCredentials", "OAuth2UserTokenExchange" and "OAuth2JWTBearer" authentication.

    cloudConnectorLocationId?: string

    Location ID of the Cloud Connector to be used for connection to an On-Premise system. Optional. Corresponds to property "CloudConnectorLocationId" in the additional properties of a destination.

    forwardAuthToken?: boolean

    If set to true the auth token provided to the request execution is forwarded to the destination target.

    headers?: Record<string, any>

    Additional headers to be used for calls against the destination, originally defined by URL.headers.<header-name>. +

    headers?: Record<string, any>

    Additional headers to be used for calls against the destination, originally defined by URL.headers.<header-name>. The keys of this object denote the names of the headers and the values their values.

    isTestDestination?: boolean

    Flag indicating whether the destination is for test purpose. Should be "undefined" or "false" for non-mocked destinations.

    isTrustingAllCertificates?: boolean

    Flag indicating whether all certificates should be accepted when communicating with the destination. Should not be "true" in production.

    @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@

    Type declaration

    • [key: string]: any
    password?: null | string

    Password to use for basic authentication, optional if other means of authentication shall be used.

    proxyConfiguration?: ProxyConfiguration

    ProxyConfiguration for on-premise connectivity and http(s) web proxies. Is present if proxyType of the destination equals "OnPremise" or environment variables [http_proxy] or [https_proxy] are set See ProxyConfiguration.

    Proxy type to specify whether the target resides on-premise (not used).

    queryParameters?: Record<string, any>

    Additional query parameters to be used for calls against the destination, originally defined by URL.queries.<query-parameter-name>. +

    queryParameters?: Record<string, any>

    Additional query parameters to be used for calls against the destination, originally defined by URL.queries.<query-parameter-name>. The keys of this object denote the names of the query parameters and the values their values.

    sapClient?: null | string

    Client to target in an SAP system, will be added as HTTP header sap-client if set.

    systemUser?: string

    System user to be used for OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion authentication type.

    @@ -71,4 +71,4 @@ The path for requests against this destination will be appended to the path defined in the URL as a new path segment.

    username?: null | string

    Username to use for basic authentication, optional if other means of authentication shall be used.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationAccessorOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationAccessorOptions.html index d04ad42183..e5282e47ae 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationAccessorOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationAccessorOptions.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ DestinationAccessorOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Options to configure the behavior of the destination accessor.

    interface DestinationAccessorOptions {
        iasToXsuaaTokenExchange?: boolean;
        iss?: string;
        jwt?: string;
        refreshToken?: string;
        selectionStrategy?: DestinationSelectionStrategy;


    interface DestinationAccessorOptions {
        iasToXsuaaTokenExchange?: boolean;
        iss?: string;
        jwt?: string;
        refreshToken?: string;
        selectionStrategy?: DestinationSelectionStrategy;


    selectionStrategy?: DestinationSelectionStrategy

    Method that implements the selection strategy of the retrieved destination. Uses subscriberFirst per default. Use the selector helper DestinationSelectionStrategies to select the appropriate selection strategy.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationAuthToken.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationAuthToken.html index f70e8cdafb..45cac0c5d3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationAuthToken.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationAuthToken.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ DestinationAuthToken | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents authentication token returned from destination service.

    interface DestinationAuthToken {
        error: null | string;
        expiresIn?: string;
        http_header: {
            key: string;
            value: string;
        type: string;
        value: string;


    interface DestinationAuthToken {
        error: null | string;
        expiresIn?: string;
        http_header: {
            key: string;
            value: string;
        type: string;
        value: string;


    error expiresIn? http_header type @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@

    Type declaration

    • key: string
    • value: string
    type: string

    Type of the token, e.g., Bearer.

    value: string

    Value of the token.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
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    Represents a certificate attached to a destination.

    interface DestinationCertificate {
        content: string;
        name: string;
        type: string;


    interface DestinationCertificate {
        content: string;
        name: string;
        type: string;



    content: string

    Content of the certificate as base64 encoded binary.

    name: string

    Name of the certificate file.

    type: string

    Type of the certificate.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
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    Configuration of a destination as it is available through the destination service.

    interface DestinationConfiguration {
        Authentication?: AuthenticationType;
        Name?: string;
        Password?: string;
        ProxyType?: string;
        SystemUser?: string;
        TrustAll?: string;
        Type?: "HTTP" | "LDAP" | "MAIL" | "RFC";
        URL?: string;
        User?: string;
        clientId?: string;
        clientSecret?: string;
        sap-client?: string;
        tokenServicePass?: string;
        tokenServiceURL?: string;
        tokenServiceURLType?: "Common" | "Dedicated;";
        tokenServiceUsername?: string;
        [key: string]: any;


    [key: string]: any


    interface DestinationConfiguration {
        Authentication?: AuthenticationType;
        Name?: string;
        Password?: string;
        ProxyType?: string;
        SystemUser?: string;
        TrustAll?: string;
        Type?: "HTTP" | "LDAP" | "MAIL" | "RFC";
        URL?: string;
        User?: string;
        clientId?: string;
        clientSecret?: string;
        sap-client?: string;
        tokenServicePass?: string;
        tokenServiceURL?: string;
        tokenServiceURLType?: "Common" | "Dedicated;";
        tokenServiceUsername?: string;
        [key: string]: any;


    [key: string]: any


    tokenServiceUsername?: string

    Fixed username to retrieve an auth token from the endpoint.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationFetchOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationFetchOptions.html index fec6bd9803..b490846b60 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationFetchOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationFetchOptions.html @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ The destination will be retrieved via its DestinationFetchOptions.destinationName according to the following algorithm:

    1. If a destination of this DestinationFetchOptions.destinationName is defined in the environment variable destinations (if available), it will be converted into a Destination and used for the request.
    2. -
    3. Otherwise, the destination service on SAP Business Technology Platform is queried for a destination with the given DestinationFetchOptions.destinationName, using the access token provided as value of property jwt. +
    4. Otherwise, the destination service on SAP Business Technology Platform is queried for a destination with the given DestinationFetchOptions.destinationName, using the access token provided as value of property jwt. Additionally, you can set DestinationOptions for objects of this interface. For more information check out our documentation: https://sap.github.io/cloud-sdk/docs/js/features/connectivity/destination.
    interface DestinationFetchOptions {
        cacheVerificationKeys?: boolean;
        destinationName: string;
        iasToXsuaaTokenExchange?: boolean;
        isolationStrategy?: IsolationStrategy;
        iss?: string;
        jwt?: string;
        refreshToken?: string;
        retry?: boolean;
        selectionStrategy?: DestinationSelectionStrategy;
        useCache?: boolean;



    interface DestinationFetchOptions {
        cacheVerificationKeys?: boolean;
        destinationName: string;
        iasToXsuaaTokenExchange?: boolean;
        isolationStrategy?: IsolationStrategy;
        iss?: string;
        jwt?: string;
        refreshToken?: string;
        retry?: boolean;
        selectionStrategy?: DestinationSelectionStrategy;
        useCache?: boolean;

    Hierarchy (view full)


    selectionStrategy?: DestinationSelectionStrategy

    Method that implements the selection strategy of the retrieved destination. Uses subscriberFirst per default. Use the selector helper DestinationSelectionStrategies to select the appropriate selection strategy.

    useCache?: boolean

    A boolean value that indicates whether to read destinations from cache.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationForServiceBindingOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationForServiceBindingOptions.html index 4929aae8e7..db3f33898a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationForServiceBindingOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationForServiceBindingOptions.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ DestinationForServiceBindingOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Options to customize the behavior of getDestinationFromServiceBinding.

    interface DestinationForServiceBindingOptions {
        serviceBindingTransformFn?: ServiceBindingTransformFunction;


    interface DestinationForServiceBindingOptions {
        serviceBindingTransformFn?: ServiceBindingTransformFunction;


    serviceBindingTransformFn?: ServiceBindingTransformFunction

    Custom transformation function to control how a Destination is built from the given Service.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
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    Destination configuration alongside auth tokens and certificates.

    interface DestinationJson {
        authTokens?: Record<string, string>[];
        certificates?: Record<string, string>[];
        destinationConfiguration: DestinationConfiguration;
        [key: string]: any;


    [key: string]: any


    interface DestinationJson {
        authTokens?: Record<string, string>[];
        certificates?: Record<string, string>[];
        destinationConfiguration: DestinationConfiguration;
        [key: string]: any;


    [key: string]: any


    authTokens?: Record<string, string>[]

    Authentication tokens as they are available through the destination service.

    certificates?: Record<string, string>[]

    Certificates for authentication as they are available through the destination service.



    authTokens?: Record<string, string>[]

    Authentication tokens as they are available through the destination service.

    certificates?: Record<string, string>[]

    Certificates for authentication as they are available through the destination service.

    destinationConfiguration: DestinationConfiguration

    Configuration of a destination as it is available through the destination service.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationsByType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationsByType.html index 20d613868a..693b1ea09c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationsByType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationsByType.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ DestinationsByType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Collection of all destinations from an account. For a given account a destination can originate from the destination service instance or subaccount.

    interface DestinationsByType {
        instance: Destination[];
        subaccount: Destination[];


    interface DestinationsByType {
        instance: Destination[];
        subaccount: Destination[];



    instance: Destination[]

    Collection of destinations from the destination service instance.

    subaccount: Destination[]

    Collection of destinations from the subaccount.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpAgentConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpAgentConfig.html index 9c307e1a34..67be749fc6 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpAgentConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpAgentConfig.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ HttpAgentConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface for the http-agent within the Axios request config.

    interface HttpAgentConfig {
        httpAgent: Agent;



    httpAgent: Agent

    HTTP agent either the node default or an HTTP proxy agent if needed.

    interface HttpAgentConfig {
        httpAgent: Agent;



    httpAgent: Agent

    HTTP agent either the node default or an HTTP proxy agent if needed.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpsAgentConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpsAgentConfig.html index 46ef129426..3d7beef256 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpsAgentConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpsAgentConfig.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ HttpsAgentConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface for the https-agent within the Axios request config.

    interface HttpsAgentConfig {
        httpsAgent: Agent;



    httpsAgent: Agent

    HTTPS agent either the node default or an HTTPS proxy agent if needed.

    interface HttpsAgentConfig {
        httpsAgent: Agent;



    httpsAgent: Agent

    HTTPS agent either the node default or an HTTPS proxy agent if needed.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.JwtPayload.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.JwtPayload.html index c66480d055..2c42bd1508 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.JwtPayload.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.JwtPayload.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ JwtPayload | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    This is copied from @types/jsonwebtoken.

    interface JwtPayload {
        aud?: string | string[];
        exp?: number;
        iat?: number;
        iss?: string;
        jti?: string;
        nbf?: number;
        sub?: string;
        [key: string]: any;


    [key: string]: any


    interface JwtPayload {
        aud?: string | string[];
        exp?: number;
        iat?: number;
        iss?: string;
        jti?: string;
        nbf?: number;
        sub?: string;
        [key: string]: any;


    [key: string]: any


    aud? exp? iat? iss? @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
    nbf?: number
    sub?: string

    Standard claims https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ProxyConfiguration.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ProxyConfiguration.html index ba69d29783..4d7446e383 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ProxyConfiguration.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ProxyConfiguration.html @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ For user and password non alphanumeric characters need to be percent-encoded. Note: The [no_proxy] environment variables contains a list of URLs for which no proxy will be used even if [http_proxy, https_proxy] are set. Wildcards like *.some.domain.com are not supported while checking the no_proxy env.

    interface ProxyConfiguration {
        headers?: ProxyConfigurationHeaders;
        host: string;
        port: number;
        protocol: Protocol;
        proxy-authorization?: string;



    interface ProxyConfiguration {
        headers?: ProxyConfigurationHeaders;
        host: string;
        port: number;
        protocol: Protocol;
        proxy-authorization?: string;

    Hierarchy (view full)


    headers? host port protocol @@ -19,4 +19,4 @@
    protocol: Protocol

    The protocol used by the proxy.

    proxy-authorization?: string

    A JWT for proxy authorization, which is used when HTTP headers are not applicable, e.g., using socket protocols.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ProxyConfigurationHeaders.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ProxyConfigurationHeaders.html index 98824ac150..267054f4d4 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ProxyConfigurationHeaders.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ProxyConfigurationHeaders.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ProxyConfigurationHeaders | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents the request headers when using a proxy like the connectivity proxy to reach On-Premise systems.

    interface ProxyConfigurationHeaders {
        Proxy-Authorization: string;
        SAP-Connectivity-Authentication?: string;
        [header: string]: string | undefined;


    [header: string]: string | undefined


    interface ProxyConfigurationHeaders {
        Proxy-Authorization: string;
        SAP-Connectivity-Authentication?: string;
        [header: string]: string | undefined;


    [header: string]: string | undefined


    Proxy-Authorization: string

    Proxy-Authorization header sent to the proxy.

    SAP-Connectivity-Authentication?: string

    SAP-Connectivity-Authentication header sent via the proxy to the target system containing the propagated user.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.Service.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.Service.html index 57da10cc1d..2dfb3393a9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.Service.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.Service.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Service | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Unspecific representation of a service as read from VCAP_SERVICES (for Cloud Foundry) or mounted secrets (for K8S).

    interface Service {
        credentials: ServiceCredentials;
        label: string;
        name: string;
        tags: string[];
        [other: string]: any;


    [other: string]: any


    interface Service {
        credentials: ServiceCredentials;
        label: string;
        name: string;
        tags: string[];
        [other: string]: any;


    [other: string]: any


    credentials label name tags @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
    name: string

    The name of the service.

    tags: string[]

    The tags of the service.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.VerifyJwtOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.VerifyJwtOptions.html index 52b5aafe90..849251e9ec 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.VerifyJwtOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.VerifyJwtOptions.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ VerifyJwtOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Options to control certain aspects of JWT verification behavior.

    interface VerifyJwtOptions {
        cacheVerificationKeys?: boolean;


    interface VerifyJwtOptions {
        cacheVerificationKeys?: boolean;


    cacheVerificationKeys?: boolean

    The verification keys are cached if set to true.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_generator.GeneratorOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_generator.GeneratorOptions.html index 8a0e91aed5..cd5eddb5ed 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_generator.GeneratorOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_generator.GeneratorOptions.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ GeneratorOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Options to configure OData client generation when using the generator programmatically.

    interface GeneratorOptions {
        clearOutputDir?: boolean;
        include?: string;
        input: string;
        metadata?: boolean;
        optionsPerService?: string;
        outputDir: string;
        overwrite?: boolean;
        packageJson?: boolean;
        prettierConfig?: string;
        readme?: boolean;
        skipValidation?: boolean;
        transpilationProcesses?: number;
        transpile?: boolean;
        tsconfig?: string;
        useSwagger?: boolean;
        verbose?: boolean;



    interface GeneratorOptions {
        clearOutputDir?: boolean;
        include?: string;
        input: string;
        metadata?: boolean;
        optionsPerService?: string;
        outputDir: string;
        overwrite?: boolean;
        packageJson?: boolean;
        prettierConfig?: string;
        readme?: boolean;
        skipValidation?: boolean;
        transpilationProcesses?: number;
        transpile?: boolean;
        tsconfig?: string;
        useSwagger?: boolean;
        verbose?: boolean;

    Hierarchy (view full)


    clearOutputDir?: boolean

    Delete EVERYTHING in the specified output directory before generating code.

    include?: string

    Include files matching the given glob into the root of each generated client directory.

    input: string

    Specify the path to the directory or file containing the service definition(s) to generate clients for. +

    include?: string

    Include files matching the given glob into the root of each generated client directory.

    input: string

    Specify the path to the directory or file containing the service definition(s) to generate clients for. Throws an error if the path does not exist.

    metadata?: boolean

    Hidden option only for internal usage - generate metadata for API hub integration.

    optionsPerService?: string

    Configuration file to ensure consistent names between multiple generation runs with updated / changed metadata files. +

    metadata?: boolean

    Hidden option only for internal usage - generate metadata for API hub integration.

    optionsPerService?: string

    Configuration file to ensure consistent names between multiple generation runs with updated / changed metadata files. The configuration allows to set a directoryName and npmPackageName for every service, identified by the path to the original file. It also makes sure that names do not change between generator runs. If a directory is passed, a options-per-service.json file is read/created in this directory.

    outputDir: string

    Directory to save the generated code in.

    overwrite?: boolean

    Exit when encountering a file that already exists. +

    outputDir: string

    Directory to save the generated code in.

    overwrite?: boolean

    Exit when encountering a file that already exists. When set to true, it will be overwritten instead. Note, that compared to the clearOutputDir option, this will not delete outdated files.

    packageJson?: boolean

    Generate a package.json file, specifying dependencies and scripts for compiling.

    prettierConfig?: string

    Specify the path to the prettier config. If not given a default config will be used for the generated sources.

    readme?: boolean

    Generate default README.md files in the client directories.

    skipValidation?: boolean

    Generation will stop if objects need renaming due to non-unique conditions or conflicts to JavaScript keywords. +

    packageJson?: boolean

    Generate a package.json file, specifying dependencies and scripts for compiling.

    prettierConfig?: string

    Specify the path to the prettier config. If not given a default config will be used for the generated sources.

    readme?: boolean

    Generate default README.md files in the client directories.

    skipValidation?: boolean

    Generation will stop if objects need renaming due to non-unique conditions or conflicts to JavaScript keywords. If you enable this option, conflicts are resolved by appending postfixes like '_1".

    transpilationProcesses?: number

    Number of node processes used for transpilation of JavaScript files.

    transpilationProcesses?: number

    Number of node processes used for transpilation of JavaScript files.

    transpile?: boolean

    When enabled, generates transpiled .js, .js.map, and .d.ts files. By default, only .ts files are generated.

    tsconfig?: string

    Replace the default tsconfig.json by passing a path to a custom configuration. +

    tsconfig?: string

    Replace the default tsconfig.json by passing a path to a custom configuration. By default, a tsconfig.json is only generated when transpilation is enabled (transpile). If a directory is passed, a tsconfig.json file is read from this directory.

    useSwagger?: boolean

    If set to true, swagger definitions (JSON) are used for generation.

    useSwagger?: boolean

    If set to true, swagger definitions (JSON) are used for generation.

    verbose?: boolean

    By default, only errors, warnings and important info logs will be displayed. If set to true, all logs will be displayed.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_generator_common.CommonGeneratorOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_generator_common.CommonGeneratorOptions.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..28d38ebdcd --- /dev/null +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_generator_common.CommonGeneratorOptions.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +CommonGeneratorOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Generator options shared by the OData and OpenApi generator.

    interface CommonGeneratorOptions {
        clearOutputDir?: boolean;
        include?: string;
        input: string;
        metadata?: boolean;
        optionsPerService?: string;
        outputDir: string;
        overwrite?: boolean;
        packageJson?: boolean;
        prettierConfig?: string;
        readme?: boolean;
        skipValidation?: boolean;
        transpile?: boolean;
        tsconfig?: string;
        verbose?: boolean;

    Hierarchy (view full)


    clearOutputDir?: boolean

    Delete EVERYTHING in the specified output directory before generating code.

    include?: string

    Include files matching the given glob into the root of each generated client directory.

    input: string

    Specify the path to the directory or file containing the service definition(s) to generate clients for. +Throws an error if the path does not exist.

    metadata?: boolean

    Hidden option only for internal usage - generate metadata for API hub integration.

    optionsPerService?: string

    Configuration file to ensure consistent names between multiple generation runs with updated / changed metadata files. +The configuration allows to set a directoryName and npmPackageName for every service, identified by the path to the original file. +It also makes sure that names do not change between generator runs. +If a directory is passed, a options-per-service.json file is read/created in this directory.

    outputDir: string

    Directory to save the generated code in.

    overwrite?: boolean

    Exit when encountering a file that already exists. +When set to true, it will be overwritten instead. +Note, that compared to the clearOutputDir option, this will not delete outdated files.

    packageJson?: boolean

    Generate a package.json file, specifying dependencies and scripts for compiling.

    prettierConfig?: string

    Specify the path to the prettier config. If not given a default config will be used for the generated sources.

    readme?: boolean

    Generate default README.md files in the client directories.

    skipValidation?: boolean

    Generation will stop if objects need renaming due to non-unique conditions or conflicts to JavaScript keywords. +If you enable this option, conflicts are resolved by appending postfixes like '_1".

    transpile?: boolean

    When enabled, generates transpiled .js, .js.map, and .d.ts files. +By default, only .ts files are generated.

    tsconfig?: string

    Replace the default tsconfig.json by passing a path to a custom configuration. +By default, a tsconfig.json is only generated when transpilation is enabled (transpile). +If a directory is passed, a tsconfig.json file is read from this directory.

    verbose?: boolean

    By default, only errors, warnings and important info logs will be displayed. +If set to true, all logs will be displayed.


    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.CsrfMiddlewareOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.CsrfMiddlewareOptions.html index 06408d1537..fef583b1b5 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.CsrfMiddlewareOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.CsrfMiddlewareOptions.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ CsrfMiddlewareOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Options for middleware to fetch CSRF tokens.

    interface CsrfMiddlewareOptions {
        method?: Method;
        middleware?: HttpMiddleware[];
        url?: string;


    interface CsrfMiddlewareOptions {
        method?: Method;
        middleware?: HttpMiddleware[];
        url?: string;


    method?: Method

    Method used for the token fetching. Default is head.

    middleware?: HttpMiddleware[]

    Middlewares added to the token retrieval request.

    url?: string

    URL used for the token fetching. Default is the resource path without parameters.

    middleware?: HttpMiddleware[]

    Middlewares added to the token retrieval request.

    url?: string

    URL used for the token fetching. Default is the resource path without parameters.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.DestinationHttpRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.DestinationHttpRequestConfig.html index b923a9bcf9..447f1d75bd 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.DestinationHttpRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.DestinationHttpRequestConfig.html @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ DestinationHttpRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents the request configuration, that was inferred from a destination.

    interface DestinationHttpRequestConfig {
        baseURL: string;
        headers: Record<string, string>;
        httpAgent?: Agent;
        httpsAgent?: Agent;
        params?: Record<string, string>;
        proxy?: false | BasicProxyConfiguration;


    interface DestinationHttpRequestConfig {
        baseURL: string;
        headers: Record<string, string>;
        httpAgent?: Agent;
        httpsAgent?: Agent;
        params?: Record<string, string>;
        proxy?: false | BasicProxyConfiguration;


    baseURL: string

    Will be prepended to HttpRequestConfigBase#url unless url is absolute.

    headers: Record<string, string>

    Additional headers to be sent.

    httpAgent?: Agent

    Agent to be used when performing HTTP requests.

    httpsAgent?: Agent

    Agent to be used when performing HTTPS requests.

    params?: Record<string, string>

    URL parameters to be sent with the request.

    headers: Record<string, string>

    Additional headers to be sent.

    httpAgent?: Agent

    Agent to be used when performing HTTP requests.

    httpsAgent?: Agent

    Agent to be used when performing HTTPS requests.

    params?: Record<string, string>

    URL parameters to be sent with the request.

    proxy?: false | BasicProxyConfiguration

    Proxy configuration, when going through a proxy like the SAP Cloud Connector.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpMiddlewareContext.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpMiddlewareContext.html index 1d5f1da6e8..d77c3566c7 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpMiddlewareContext.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpMiddlewareContext.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ HttpMiddlewareContext | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Context for HttpRequests of the middleware.

    interface HttpMiddlewareContext {
        destinationName?: string;
        jwt?: string;
        tenantId: undefined | string;
        uri: string;



    interface HttpMiddlewareContext {
        destinationName?: string;
        jwt?: string;
        tenantId: undefined | string;
        uri: string;

    Hierarchy (view full)


    tenantId: undefined | string

    Tenant identifier.

    uri: string

    URI of the function passed to the middleware.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestConfigBase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestConfigBase.html index f61682661f..53499b83ac 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestConfigBase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestConfigBase.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ HttpRequestConfigBase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents an HTTP request config. This is the basis for actual request configurations and request configurations with origins.

    interface HttpRequestConfigBase {
        data?: any;
        httpAgent?: any;
        httpsAgent?: any;
        maxContentLength?: number;
        method: Method;
        middleware?: HttpMiddleware[];
        parameterEncoder?: ParameterEncoder;
        proxy?: false;
        url?: string;
        [key: string]: any;


    [key: string]: any


    interface HttpRequestConfigBase {
        data?: any;
        httpAgent?: any;
        httpsAgent?: any;
        maxContentLength?: number;
        method: Method;
        middleware?: HttpMiddleware[];
        parameterEncoder?: ParameterEncoder;
        proxy?: false;
        url?: string;
        [key: string]: any;


    [key: string]: any


    url?: string

    Server URL that will be used for the request. Relative url can be used together with DestinationHttpRequestConfig#baseURL.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestOptions.html index 71b8af1cab..8e75dab23f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestOptions.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ HttpRequestOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Options to configure the behavior when sending HTTP requests. For example, whether the CSRF token is fetched automatically.

    interface HttpRequestOptions {
        fetchCsrfToken?: boolean;


    interface HttpRequestOptions {
        fetchCsrfToken?: boolean;



    fetchCsrfToken?: boolean

    A boolean value that indicates whether to fetch the csrf token for a non-get request. For a get request, the csrf token is not fetched and this option is ignored. By default, the value is true.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpResponse.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpResponse.html index a1622ccba4..75f1dcff61 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpResponse.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpResponse.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ HttpResponse | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents an HTTP response, that contains response code, headers, payload and the original request. This interface is compatible with AxiosResponse.

    interface HttpResponse {
        data: any;
        headers: any;
        request: any;
        status: number;
        [otherKey: string]: any;


    • KnownHttpResponseFields
      • HttpResponse


    [otherKey: string]: any


    interface HttpResponse {
        data: any;
        headers: any;
        request: any;
        status: number;
        [otherKey: string]: any;


    • KnownHttpResponseFields
      • HttpResponse


    [otherKey: string]: any


    data headers request status

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



    data: any
    headers: any
    request: any
    status: number
    \ No newline at end of file +


    data: any
    headers: any
    request: any
    status: number
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.OriginOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.OriginOptions.html index 0dd888a427..be36b193bd 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.OriginOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.OriginOptions.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ OriginOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    This interface is used for defining e.g., headers and query parameters with origin information. Options defined in custom take precedence over requestConfig.

    interface OriginOptions {
        custom?: Record<string, any>;
        requestConfig?: Record<string, any>;


    interface OriginOptions {
        custom?: Record<string, any>;
        requestConfig?: Record<string, any>;


    custom?: Record<string, any>

    Header or parameters properties set explicitly, which take precedence over requestConfig.

    requestConfig?: Record<string, any>

    Header or parameter properties originating from the request config.



    custom?: Record<string, any>

    Header or parameters properties set explicitly, which take precedence over requestConfig.

    requestConfig?: Record<string, any>

    Header or parameter properties originating from the request config.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Address.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Address.html index c50942a2c1..c5f280b2a1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Address.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Address.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ Address | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents an e-mail address. This interface is compatible with Mail.Address of nodemailer.

    interface Address {
        address: string;
        name: string;


    interface Address {
        address: string;
        name: string;



    address: string

    E-mail address of the recipient, e.g. sender@server.com.

    name: string

    Name of the recipient.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Attachment.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Attachment.html index f7865a58c4..51f24ce5ee 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Attachment.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Attachment.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Attachment | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents an attachment. This interface is compatible with Attachment of nodemailer.

    interface Attachment {
        cid?: string;
        content?: string | Readable | Buffer;
        contentDisposition?: "attachment" | "inline";
        contentTransferEncoding?: false | "base64" | "7bit" | "quoted-printable";
        contentType?: string;
        encoding?: string;
        filename?: string | false;
        headers?: Headers;
        path?: string | Url;
        raw?: string | Readable | Buffer | AttachmentLike;



    interface Attachment {
        cid?: string;
        content?: string | Readable | Buffer;
        contentDisposition?: "attachment" | "inline";
        contentTransferEncoding?: false | "base64" | "7bit" | "quoted-printable";
        contentType?: string;
        encoding?: string;
        filename?: string | false;
        headers?: Headers;
        path?: string | Url;
        raw?: string | Readable | Buffer | AttachmentLike;

    Hierarchy (view full)


    cid?: string

    Optional content id for using inline images in HTML message source. Using cid sets the default contentDisposition to 'inline' and moves the attachment into a multipart/related MIME node, so use it only if you actually want to use this attachment as an embedded image.

    content?: string | Readable | Buffer

    Contents of the attachment stored in a string, buffer or stream.

    content?: string | Readable | Buffer

    Contents of the attachment stored in a string, buffer or stream.

    contentDisposition?: "attachment" | "inline"

    Content disposition type of the attachment. Defaults to attachment.

    contentTransferEncoding?: false | "base64" | "7bit" | "quoted-printable"

    Encoding for the attachment transfer. Will be derived from the contentType property, if not set. Example values: quoted-printable, base64. If it is unset then base64 encoding is used for the attachment. If set to false, the previous default applies (base64 for most, 7bit for text).

    contentType?: string

    Content type of the attachment. Will be derived from the filename property, if not set.

    encoding?: string

    Encoding used to encode the content to a buffer. Example values: base64, hex, binary etc. Useful if you want to use binary attachments in a JSON formatted e-mail object.

    filename?: string | false

    Filename to be reported as the name of the attached file, use of unicode is allowed. If you do not want to use a filename, set this value to false, otherwise a filename is generated automatically.

    headers?: Headers

    Additional headers to be sent with the attachment.

    path?: string | Url

    File path or URL (data URIs are allowed as well) if you want to read a file instead of including it (better for larger attachments).

    raw?: string | Readable | Buffer | AttachmentLike

    A raw value that overrides entire node content in the MIME message. If used, all other options set for this node are ignored.

    path?: string | Url

    File path or URL (data URIs are allowed as well) if you want to read a file instead of including it (better for larger attachments).

    raw?: string | Readable | Buffer | AttachmentLike

    A raw value that overrides entire node content in the MIME message. If used, all other options set for this node are ignored.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.AttachmentLike.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.AttachmentLike.html index e7368765a5..46627db403 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.AttachmentLike.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.AttachmentLike.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ AttachmentLike | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents the structure of an attachment. This interface is compatible with AttachmentLike of nodemailer.

    interface AttachmentLike {
        content?: string | Readable | Buffer;
        path?: string | Url;



    interface AttachmentLike {
        content?: string | Readable | Buffer;
        path?: string | Url;

    Hierarchy (view full)



    content?: string | Readable | Buffer

    Contents of the attachment stored in a string, buffer or stream.

    path?: string | Url

    File path or URL (data URIs are allowed as well) if you want to read a file instead of including it (better for larger attachments).



    content?: string | Readable | Buffer

    Contents of the attachment stored in a string, buffer or stream.

    path?: string | Url

    File path or URL (data URIs are allowed as well) if you want to read a file instead of including it (better for larger attachments).

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Envelope.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Envelope.html index ff2e56e9ae..d699fb403c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Envelope.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Envelope.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ Envelope | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents an envelope that contains the e-mail addresses of the sender and the recipients. This interface is compatible with MimeNode.Envelope of nodemailer.

    interface Envelope {
        from: string | false;
        to: string[];


    interface Envelope {
        from: string | false;
        to: string[];



    from: string | false

    E-mail address of the sender or false if it should not be shown.

    to: string[]

    Array of e-mail addresses of recipients.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.MailClientOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.MailClientOptions.html index 42a330095e..64dc8fabff 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.MailClientOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.MailClientOptions.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ MailClientOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents options of the mail client.

    interface MailClientOptions {
        connection?: Socket;
        connectionTimeout?: number;
        debug?: boolean;
        greetingTimeout?: number;
        ignoreTLS?: boolean;
        logger?: boolean;
        opportunisticTLS?: boolean;
        proxy?: string;
        requireTLS?: boolean;
        sdkOptions?: SDKOptions;
        secure?: boolean;
        socket?: Socket;
        socketTimeout?: number;
        tls?: ConnectionOptions;



    interface MailClientOptions {
        connection?: Socket;
        connectionTimeout?: number;
        debug?: boolean;
        greetingTimeout?: number;
        ignoreTLS?: boolean;
        logger?: boolean;
        opportunisticTLS?: boolean;
        proxy?: string;
        requireTLS?: boolean;
        sdkOptions?: SDKOptions;
        secure?: boolean;
        socket?: Socket;
        socketTimeout?: number;
        tls?: ConnectionOptions;

    Hierarchy (view full)


    connection?: Socket

    Connected socket to use instead of creating and connecting a new one. If secure option is true, then socket is upgraded from plain text to cipher text.



    connection?: Socket

    Connected socket to use instead of creating and connecting a new one. If secure option is true, then socket is upgraded from plain text to cipher text.

    connectionTimeout?: number

    How many milliseconds to wait for the connection to establish.

    debug?: boolean

    If set to true, then logs SMTP traffic and message content, otherwise logs only transaction events.

    greetingTimeout?: number

    How many milliseconds to wait for the greeting after connection is established.

    @@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
    requireTLS?: boolean

    Forces the client to use STARTTLS. Returns an error if upgrading the connection is not possible or fails.

    sdkOptions?: SDKOptions

    Defines whether mails are sent in parallel.

    secure?: boolean

    Defines if the connection should use SSL (if true) or not (if false).

    socket?: Socket

    Initialized socket to use instead of creating a new one.

    socket?: Socket

    Initialized socket to use instead of creating a new one.

    socketTimeout?: number

    How many milliseconds of inactivity to allow.

    tls?: ConnectionOptions

    Defines additional options to be passed to the socket constructor.



    { rejectUnauthorized: `true` }
    tls?: ConnectionOptions

    Defines additional options to be passed to the socket constructor.



    { rejectUnauthorized: `true` }

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.MailConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.MailConfig.html index a2c155654e..788b51a024 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.MailConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.MailConfig.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ MailConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents configurations for sending an e-mail. This interface is compatible with Mail.Options of nodemailer.

    interface MailConfig {
        attachments?: Attachment[];
        bcc?: string | Address | (string | Address)[];
        cc?: string | Address | (string | Address)[];
        date?: string | Date;
        encoding?: string;
        from?: string | Address;
        headers?: Headers;
        html?: string | Readable | Buffer | AttachmentLike;
        priority?: "high" | "normal" | "low";
        replyTo?: string | Address;
        sender?: string | Address;
        subject?: string;
        text?: string | Readable | Buffer | AttachmentLike;
        to?: string | Address | (string | Address)[];


    interface MailConfig {
        attachments?: Attachment[];
        bcc?: string | Address | (string | Address)[];
        cc?: string | Address | (string | Address)[];
        date?: string | Date;
        encoding?: string;
        from?: string | Address;
        headers?: Headers;
        html?: string | Readable | Buffer | AttachmentLike;
        priority?: "high" | "normal" | "low";
        replyTo?: string | Address;
        sender?: string | Address;
        subject?: string;
        text?: string | Readable | Buffer | AttachmentLike;
        to?: string | Address | (string | Address)[];


    attachments? bcc? cc? date? @@ -17,16 +17,16 @@


    attachments?: Attachment[]

    Array of attachment objects.

    bcc?: string | Address | (string | Address)[]

    Comma separated list or array of recipients e-mail addresses that will appear in the "Bcc:" field.

    cc?: string | Address | (string | Address)[]

    Comma separated list or array of recipients' e-mail addresses that will appear in the "Cc:" field.

    date?: string | Date

    Date value, current UTC string will be used if not set.

    date?: string | Date

    Date value, current UTC string will be used if not set.

    encoding?: string

    Transfer encoding for the textual parts.

    from?: string | Address

    The e-mail address of the sender. E-mail addresses can be plain 'sender@server.com' or formatted 'Sender Name sender@server.com'.

    headers?: Headers

    Object or array with additional headers.

    html?: string | Readable | Buffer | AttachmentLike

    The HTML version of the message.

    html?: string | Readable | Buffer | AttachmentLike

    The HTML version of the message.

    priority?: "high" | "normal" | "low"

    Priority of the e-mail.

    replyTo?: string | Address

    E-mail address that will appear in the "Reply-To:" field.

    sender?: string | Address

    E-mail address that will appear in the "Sender:" field.

    subject?: string

    Subject of the e-mail.

    text?: string | Readable | Buffer | AttachmentLike

    Plaintext version of the message.

    text?: string | Readable | Buffer | AttachmentLike

    Plaintext version of the message.

    to?: string | Address | (string | Address)[]

    Comma separated list or array of recipients' e-mail addresses that will appear in the "To:" field.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.MailResponse.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.MailResponse.html index 45e126c154..9918c63244 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.MailResponse.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.MailResponse.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ MailResponse | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents the response from the mail server. This interface is compatible with SMTPTransport.SentMessageInfo of nodemailer.

    interface MailResponse {
        accepted?: (string | Address)[];
        envelope?: Envelope;
        pending?: (string | Address)[];
        rejected?: (string | Address)[];
        response?: string;


    interface MailResponse {
        accepted?: (string | Address)[];
        envelope?: Envelope;
        pending?: (string | Address)[];
        rejected?: (string | Address)[];
        response?: string;


    rejected?: (string | Address)[]

    Array of e-mail addresses that rejected the requests.

    response?: string

    Other response message from the mail server.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.SDKOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.SDKOptions.html index abecac7d1c..58d2b7c783 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.SDKOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.SDKOptions.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ SDKOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents options for sending mails provided by the SDK. For example whether the mails are sent in parallel.

    interface SDKOptions {
        parallel?: boolean;


    interface SDKOptions {
        parallel?: boolean;



    parallel?: boolean

    Option to define the strategy of sending emails. The emails will be sent in parallel when set to true, otherwise in sequential. The default value is true.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.SmtpTransportOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.SmtpTransportOptions.html index c9407bc0d3..4c9fb78512 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.SmtpTransportOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.SmtpTransportOptions.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ SmtpTransportOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents options for setting up the SMTP connection. This interface is compatible with SMTPConnection.Options of nodemailer.

    interface SmtpTransportOptions {
        connection?: Socket;
        connectionTimeout?: number;
        debug?: boolean;
        greetingTimeout?: number;
        ignoreTLS?: boolean;
        logger?: boolean;
        opportunisticTLS?: boolean;
        proxy?: string;
        requireTLS?: boolean;
        secure?: boolean;
        socket?: Socket;
        socketTimeout?: number;
        tls?: ConnectionOptions;



    interface SmtpTransportOptions {
        connection?: Socket;
        connectionTimeout?: number;
        debug?: boolean;
        greetingTimeout?: number;
        ignoreTLS?: boolean;
        logger?: boolean;
        opportunisticTLS?: boolean;
        proxy?: string;
        requireTLS?: boolean;
        secure?: boolean;
        socket?: Socket;
        socketTimeout?: number;
        tls?: ConnectionOptions;

    Hierarchy (view full)


    connection?: Socket

    Connected socket to use instead of creating and connecting a new one. If secure option is true, then socket is upgraded from plain text to cipher text.



    connection?: Socket

    Connected socket to use instead of creating and connecting a new one. If secure option is true, then socket is upgraded from plain text to cipher text.

    connectionTimeout?: number

    How many milliseconds to wait for the connection to establish.

    debug?: boolean

    If set to true, then logs SMTP traffic and message content, otherwise logs only transaction events.

    greetingTimeout?: number

    How many milliseconds to wait for the greeting after connection is established.

    @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
    proxy?: string

    A proxy URL used for connecting the SMTP server. This value will be forwarded to the underlying nodemailer lib, so it handles the proxy job for the SDK.

    requireTLS?: boolean

    Forces the client to use STARTTLS. Returns an error if upgrading the connection is not possible or fails.

    secure?: boolean

    Defines if the connection should use SSL (if true) or not (if false).

    socket?: Socket

    Initialized socket to use instead of creating a new one.

    socket?: Socket

    Initialized socket to use instead of creating a new one.

    socketTimeout?: number

    How many milliseconds of inactivity to allow.

    tls?: ConnectionOptions

    Defines additional options to be passed to the socket constructor.



    { rejectUnauthorized: `true` }
    tls?: ConnectionOptions

    Defines additional options to be passed to the socket constructor.



    { rejectUnauthorized: `true` }

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BatchReference.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BatchReference.html index a6b567f54e..1e5092fbe2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BatchReference.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BatchReference.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ BatchReference | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface implemented by OData requests needing identifier to reference an entity for a batch request like create, delete, getByKey, update or bound actions/functions.

    interface BatchReference {
        id: string;


    id +
    interface BatchReference {
        id: string;



    id: string

    Batch reference identifier.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypeNamespace.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypeNamespace.html index d7230f906a..e74c3fc660 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypeNamespace.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypeNamespace.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ComplexTypeNamespace | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface to represent meta information on the _propertyMetadata property of a complex type.

    interface ComplexTypeNamespace {
        _propertyMetadata: PropertyMetadata<ComplexT>[];

    Type Parameters

    • ComplexT



    _propertyMetadata: PropertyMetadata<ComplexT>[]

    Metadata like Edm.Type of the complex type properties.

    interface ComplexTypeNamespace<ComplexT> {
        _propertyMetadata: PropertyMetadata<ComplexT>[];

    Type Parameters

    • ComplexT



    _propertyMetadata: PropertyMetadata<ComplexT>[]

    Metadata like Edm.Type of the complex type properties.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Constructable.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Constructable.html index d329bacaaf..e9ac7917d8 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Constructable.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Constructable.html @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ Constructable | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents the static API of an entity.

    interface Constructable {
        new Constructablenew (...args): EntityT;
        _defaultBasePath: string;
        _entityName: string;
        _keys: string[];

    Type Parameters


    interface Constructable<EntityT> {
        new Constructablenew (...args): EntityT;
        _defaultBasePath: string;
        _entityName: string;
        _keys: string[];

    Type Parameters


    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: any[]

      Returns EntityT


    _defaultBasePath: string

    Base path as specified in the options-per-service.json, e.g., /sap/opu/odata/sap/API_COMMON_SRV.



    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: any[]

      Returns EntityT


    _defaultBasePath: string

    Base path as specified in the options-per-service.json, e.g., /sap/opu/odata/sap/API_COMMON_SRV.

    _entityName: string

    Name of the entity.

    _keys: string[]

    Names of the key properties of the entity.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeSerializer.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeSerializer.html index 6cf327397a..d1d3dcafc1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeSerializer.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeSerializer.html @@ -1,22 +1,30 @@ DeSerializer | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents a set of functions for serialization, deserialization and optionally serialization for URIs. The return type of the deserialize function is the type of the input to the serialize and serializeToUri functions.

    interface DeSerializer {
        deserialize: ((value) => DeserializedT);
        serialize: ((value) => any);
        serializeToUri?: ((value, serialize) => string);

    Type Parameters

    • DeserializedT

      The return type of deserialize and input of serialize and serializeToUri.

    interface DeSerializer<DeserializedT> {
        deserialize: ((value) => DeserializedT);
        serialize: ((value) => any);
        serializeToUri?: ((value, serialize) => string);

    Type Parameters

    • DeserializedT

      The return type of deserialize and input of serialize and serializeToUri.


    deserialize: ((value) => DeserializedT)

    Type declaration

      • (value): DeserializedT
      • Function to deserialize a value which is usually a string.



    deserialize: ((value) => DeserializedT)

    Function to deserialize a value which is usually a string.


    Type declaration

      • (value): DeserializedT
      • Function to deserialize a value which is usually a string.


        • value: any

          Serialized value to deserialize.


        Returns DeserializedT

        Deserialized value.

    serialize: ((value) => any)

    Type declaration

      • (value): any
      • Function to serialize a value.



        • value: DeserializedT

          Deserialized value to serialize.


        Returns DeserializedT

        Deserialized value.


    Param: value

    Serialized value to deserialize.



    Deserialized value.

    serialize: ((value) => any)

    Function to serialize a value.


    Type declaration

      • (value): any
      • Function to serialize a value.



        Returns any

        Serialized value.

    serializeToUri?: ((value, serialize) => string)

    Type declaration

      • (value, serialize): string
      • Function to serialize a value for use in a URI. +

    Param: value

    Deserialized value to serialize.



    Serialized value.

    serializeToUri?: ((value, serialize) => string)

    Function to serialize a value for use in a URI. This function is optional. If not specified, the serialize function will be used.



    • value: DeserializedT

      Deserialized value to serialize.


      Type declaration

        • (value, serialize): string
        • Function to serialize a value for use in a URI. +This function is optional. If not specified, the serialize function will be used.



          • value: DeserializedT

            Deserialized value to serialize.

          • serialize: ((value) => any)

            A reference to the serialize function which is usually used to serialize the payload.

              • (value): any
              • Function to serialize a value.



                • value: DeserializedT

                  Deserialized value to serialize.


                Returns any

                Serialized value.


          Returns string

          Serialized value for URIs.


    Returns string

    Serialized value for URIs.


    Param: value

    Deserialized value to serialize.


    Param: serialize

    A reference to the serialize function which is usually used to serialize the payload.



    Serialized value for URIs.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeSerializers.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeSerializers.html index f1c650259d..24ad309788 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeSerializers.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeSerializers.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ DeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface DeSerializers<BinaryT, BooleanT, ByteT, DecimalT, DoubleT, FloatT, Int16T, Int32T, Int64T, GuidT, SByteT, SingleT, StringT, AnyT>

    Represents a set of functions that determine (de-)serialization per EDM type.

    interface DeSerializers {
        Edm.Any: DeSerializer<AnyT>;
        Edm.Binary: DeSerializer<BinaryT>;
        Edm.Boolean: DeSerializer<BooleanT>;
        Edm.Byte: DeSerializer<ByteT>;
        Edm.Decimal: DeSerializer<DecimalT>;
        Edm.Double: DeSerializer<DoubleT>;
        Edm.Float: DeSerializer<FloatT>;
        Edm.Guid: DeSerializer<GuidT>;
        Edm.Int16: DeSerializer<Int16T>;
        Edm.Int32: DeSerializer<Int32T>;
        Edm.Int64: DeSerializer<Int64T>;
        Edm.SByte: DeSerializer<SByteT>;
        Edm.Single: DeSerializer<SingleT>;
        Edm.String: DeSerializer<StringT>;

    Type Parameters

    • BinaryT = any

    • BooleanT = any

    • ByteT = any

    • DecimalT = any

    • DoubleT = any

    • FloatT = any

    • Int16T = any

    • Int32T = any

    • Int64T = any

    • GuidT = any

    • SByteT = any

    • SingleT = any

    • StringT = any

    • AnyT = any



    Type Parameters

    • BinaryT = any

    • BooleanT = any

    • ByteT = any

    • DecimalT = any

    • DoubleT = any

    • FloatT = any

    • Int16T = any

    • Int32T = any

    • Int64T = any

    • GuidT = any

    • SByteT = any

    • SingleT = any

    • StringT = any

    • AnyT = any

    Hierarchy (view full)


    Edm.Any: DeSerializer<AnyT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Any to the generic type AnyT.

    Edm.Binary: DeSerializer<BinaryT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Binary to the generic type BinaryT.

    Edm.Boolean: DeSerializer<BooleanT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Boolean to the generic type BooleanT.

    Edm.Byte: DeSerializer<ByteT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Byte to the generic type ByteT.

    Edm.Decimal: DeSerializer<DecimalT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Decimal to the generic type DecimalT.

    Edm.Double: DeSerializer<DoubleT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Double to the generic type DoubleT.

    Edm.Float: DeSerializer<FloatT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Float to the generic type FloatT.

    Edm.Guid: DeSerializer<GuidT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Guid to the generic type GuidT.

    Edm.Int16: DeSerializer<Int16T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int16 to the generic type Int16T.

    Edm.Int32: DeSerializer<Int32T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int32 to the generic type Int32T.

    Edm.Int64: DeSerializer<Int64T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int64 to the generic type Int64T.

    Edm.SByte: DeSerializer<SByteT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.SByte to the generic type SByteT.

    Edm.Single: DeSerializer<SingleT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Single to the generic type SingleT.

    Edm.String: DeSerializer<StringT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.String to the generic type StringT.



    Edm.Any: DeSerializer<AnyT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Any to the generic type AnyT.

    Edm.Binary: DeSerializer<BinaryT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Binary to the generic type BinaryT.

    Edm.Boolean: DeSerializer<BooleanT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Boolean to the generic type BooleanT.

    Edm.Byte: DeSerializer<ByteT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Byte to the generic type ByteT.

    Edm.Decimal: DeSerializer<DecimalT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Decimal to the generic type DecimalT.

    Edm.Double: DeSerializer<DoubleT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Double to the generic type DoubleT.

    Edm.Float: DeSerializer<FloatT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Float to the generic type FloatT.

    Edm.Guid: DeSerializer<GuidT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Guid to the generic type GuidT.

    Edm.Int16: DeSerializer<Int16T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int16 to the generic type Int16T.

    Edm.Int32: DeSerializer<Int32T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int32 to the generic type Int32T.

    Edm.Int64: DeSerializer<Int64T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int64 to the generic type Int64T.

    Edm.SByte: DeSerializer<SByteT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.SByte to the generic type SByteT.

    Edm.Single: DeSerializer<SingleT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Single to the generic type SingleT.

    Edm.String: DeSerializer<StringT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.String to the generic type StringT.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityApi.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityApi.html index cc00800dcc..0b1f978c16 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityApi.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityApi.html @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ EntityApi | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Represents the API of an entity, including its request and entity builders as well as its schema.

    Type Param: JsonT

    Type of the entity without methods.

    interface EntityApi {
        deSerializers: DeSerializersT;
        entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>;
        schema: Record<string, any>;
        customField<NullableT>(fieldName): CustomField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, NullableT>;
        entityBuilder(): EntityBuilderType<EntityT, DeSerializersT>;
        requestBuilder(): RequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>;

    Type Parameters

    Type Parameters


    deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Set of functions that determine (de-)serialization per EDM type.

    entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>

    Constructor function for the entity.

    schema: Record<string, any>

    Schema of the entity api.



    deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Set of functions that determine (de-)serialization per EDM type.

    entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>

    Constructor function for the entity.

    schema: Record<string, any>

    Schema of the entity api.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



    • Type Parameters

      • NullableT extends boolean


      • fieldName: string

      Returns CustomField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, NullableT>

    • Returns RequestBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    \ No newline at end of file +


    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityDeserializer.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityDeserializer.html index 36919c8f18..923bef94c5 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityDeserializer.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityDeserializer.html @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ EntityDeserializer | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface representing the return type of the builder function entityDeserializer.

    interface EntityDeserializer {
        deserializeComplexType: ((json, complexType) => any);
        deserializeEntity: (<EntityT>(json, entityApi, requestHeader?) => EntityT);


    interface EntityDeserializer {
        deserializeComplexType: ((json, complexType) => any);
        deserializeEntity: (<EntityT>(json, entityApi, requestHeader?) => EntityT);


    deserializeComplexType: ((json, complexType) => any)

    Type declaration

      • (json, complexType): any
      • Method to deserialize the full entity from JSON to the complex type property.



        Returns any

    deserializeEntity: (<EntityT>(json, entityApi, requestHeader?) => EntityT)

    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(json, entityApi, requestHeader?): EntityT
      • Method to deserialize the full entity from JSON to an entity object.



    deserializeComplexType: ((json, complexType) => any)

    Method to deserialize the full entity from JSON to the complex type property.


    Type declaration

      • (json, complexType): any
      • Method to deserialize the full entity from JSON to the complex type property.



        Returns any

    deserializeEntity: (<EntityT>(json, entityApi, requestHeader?) => EntityT)

    Method to deserialize the full entity from JSON to an entity object.


    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(json, entityApi, requestHeader?): EntityT
      • Method to deserialize the full entity from JSON to an entity object.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Type Parameters


        • json: any
        • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, any>
        • Optional requestHeader: any

        Returns EntityT

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters


    Returns EntityT

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityIdentifiable.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityIdentifiable.html index 7997b13dc0..db4768a58c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityIdentifiable.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityIdentifiable.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ EntityIdentifiable | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents an object that is related to an entity. Objects that have the same structure would be represented by the same type in TypeScript. This interface allows to identify equal structures as different structures if they are related to different entities.

    interface EntityIdentifiable {
        _deSerializers: DeSerializersT;
        _entity: T;

    Type Parameters

    Implemented by


    interface EntityIdentifiable<T, DeSerializersT> {
        _deSerializers: DeSerializersT;
        _entity: T;

    Type Parameters

    Implemented by


    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: T

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.



    _deSerializers: DeSerializersT

    Dummy property to also include the deserializer type in the structure of the entity type.

    _entity: T

    Dummy property whose type makes structurally identical entities distinguishable in TypeScript.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntitySerializer.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntitySerializer.html index ed145f3846..60145232ac 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntitySerializer.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntitySerializer.html @@ -1,9 +1,12 @@ EntitySerializer | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface representing the return type of the builder function entitySerializer.

    interface EntitySerializer {
        serializeComplexType: (<ComplexTypeNamespaceT>(fieldValue, complexTypeNameSpace) => any);
        serializeEntity: (<EntityT>(entity, entityApi, diff?) => Record<string, any>);
        serializeEntityNonCustomFields: (<EntityT>(entity, entityApi) => Record<string, any>);


    interface EntitySerializer {
        serializeComplexType: (<ComplexTypeNamespaceT>(fieldValue, complexTypeNameSpace) => any);
        serializeEntity: (<EntityT>(entity, entityApi, diff?) => Record<string, any>);
        serializeEntityNonCustomFields: (<EntityT>(entity, entityApi) => Record<string, any>);


    serializeComplexType: (<ComplexTypeNamespaceT>(fieldValue, complexTypeNameSpace) => any)

    Type declaration

      • <ComplexTypeNamespaceT>(fieldValue, complexTypeNameSpace): any
      • Method to serialize a complex type to JSON.


        Type Parameters


        • fieldValue: any
        • complexTypeNameSpace: ComplexTypeNamespaceT

        Returns any

    serializeEntity: (<EntityT>(entity, entityApi, diff?) => Record<string, any>)

    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(entity, entityApi, diff?): Record<string, any>
      • Converts an instance of an entity class into a JSON payload to be sent to an OData service.


        Type Parameters


        • entity: EntityT
        • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, any>
        • Optional diff: boolean

        Returns Record<string, any>

    serializeEntityNonCustomFields: (<EntityT>(entity, entityApi) => Record<string, any>)

    Type declaration


    serializeComplexType: (<ComplexTypeNamespaceT>(fieldValue, complexTypeNameSpace) => any)

    Method to serialize a complex type to JSON.


    Type declaration

    serializeEntity: (<EntityT>(entity, entityApi, diff?) => Record<string, any>)

    Converts an instance of an entity class into a JSON payload to be sent to an OData service.


    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(entity, entityApi, diff?): Record<string, any>
      • Converts an instance of an entity class into a JSON payload to be sent to an OData service.


        Type Parameters


        Returns Record<string, any>

    serializeEntityNonCustomFields: (<EntityT>(entity, entityApi) => Record<string, any>)

    Like EntitySerializer#serializeEntity ignoring custom fields.


    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(entity, entityApi): Record<string, any>
      • Like EntitySerializer#serializeEntity ignoring custom fields.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


        Type Parameters


        • entity: EntityT
        • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, any>

        Returns Record<string, any>

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters


    Returns Record<string, any>

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ErrorResponse.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ErrorResponse.html index 76143651d3..a55812877c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ErrorResponse.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ErrorResponse.html @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ ErrorResponse | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents an erroneous response to a retrieve or change set request within a batch request.

    interface ErrorResponse {
        body: Record<string, any>;
        httpCode: number;
        isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse);
        isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponse<any>);
        isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponse<any> | WriteResponses<any>);
        isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponses<any>);
        responseType: "ErrorResponse";


    • BatchResponseTypeGuards<any>
      • ErrorResponse


    interface ErrorResponse {
        body: Record<string, any>;
        httpCode: number;
        isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse);
        isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponse<any>);
        isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponse<any> | WriteResponses<any>);
        isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponses<any>);
        responseType: "ErrorResponse";


    • BatchResponseTypeGuards<any>
      • ErrorResponse


    body: Record<string, any>

    HTTP raw body.

    httpCode: number

    HTTP response status code.

    isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse)

    Type declaration

    isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponse<any>)

    Type declaration

    isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponse<any> | WriteResponses<any>)

    Type declaration

    isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponses<any>)

    Type declaration

    responseType: "ErrorResponse"

    Tag for identifying the type of a batch response.



    body: Record<string, any>

    HTTP raw body.

    httpCode: number

    HTTP response status code.

    isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse)

    Type declaration

    isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponse<any>)

    Type declaration

    isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponse<any> | WriteResponses<any>)

    Type declaration

    isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponses<any>)

    Type declaration

    responseType: "ErrorResponse"

    Tag for identifying the type of a batch response.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FieldOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FieldOptions.html index 4cfa2b5f29..8fbdc49731 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FieldOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FieldOptions.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ FieldOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT>

    Optional settings for fields.

    interface FieldOptions {
        isNullable?: NullableT;
        isSelectable?: SelectableT;

    Type Parameters

    • NullableT extends boolean = false

    • SelectableT extends boolean = false


    interface FieldOptions<NullableT, SelectableT> {
        isNullable?: NullableT;
        isSelectable?: SelectableT;

    Type Parameters

    • NullableT extends boolean = false

    • SelectableT extends boolean = false


    isNullable?: NullableT

    Whether the value of the field can be null.

    isSelectable?: SelectableT

    Whether the field can be reference in a .select statement.



    isNullable?: NullableT

    Whether the value of the field can be null.

    isSelectable?: SelectableT

    Whether the field can be reference in a .select statement.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionsType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionsType.html index 99df09a72e..4b6e418aa3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionsType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionsType.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ FilterFunctionsType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface containing all filter functions like startsWith, toUpper or floor.

    interface FilterFunctionsType {
        ceiling: (<EntityT>(num, returnType?) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        concat: (<EntityT>(str1, str2) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        day: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        endsWith: (<EntityT>(str, suffix) => BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        floor: (<EntityT>(num, returnType?) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        hour: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        indexOf: (<EntityT>(str, substr) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        isOf: {
            <EntityT>(type): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>;
            <EntityT>(expression, type): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>;
        length: (<EntityT>(str) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        minute: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        month: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        round: (<EntityT>(num, returnType?) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        second: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        startsWith: (<EntityT>(str, prefix) => BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        substring: (<EntityT>(str, pos, len?) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        toLower: (<EntityT>(str) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        toUpper: (<EntityT>(str) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        trim: (<EntityT>(str) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        year: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);


    interface FilterFunctionsType {
        ceiling: (<EntityT>(num, returnType?) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        concat: (<EntityT>(str1, str2) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        day: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        endsWith: (<EntityT>(str, suffix) => BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        floor: (<EntityT>(num, returnType?) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        hour: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        indexOf: (<EntityT>(str, substr) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        isOf: {
            <EntityT>(type): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>;
            <EntityT>(expression, type): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>;
        length: (<EntityT>(str) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        minute: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        month: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        round: (<EntityT>(num, returnType?) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        second: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        startsWith: (<EntityT>(str, prefix) => BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        substring: (<EntityT>(str, pos, len?) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        toLower: (<EntityT>(str) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        toUpper: (<EntityT>(str) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        trim: (<EntityT>(str) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>);
        year: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>);


    ceiling concat day endsWith @@ -18,25 +18,44 @@ toUpper trim year -


    ceiling: (<EntityT>(num, returnType?) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    concat: (<EntityT>(str1, str2) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    day: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    endsWith: (<EntityT>(str, suffix) => BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    floor: (<EntityT>(num, returnType?) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    hour: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    indexOf: (<EntityT>(str, substr) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    isOf: {
        <EntityT>(type): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>;
        <EntityT>(expression, type): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>;

    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(type): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>
      • Build a filter function to test whether a selection or a field is of a given type. Evaluates to boolean.


        Type Parameters


        • type: string

        Returns BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>

      • <EntityT>(expression, type): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>
      • Build a filter function to test whether a selection or a field is of a given type. Evaluates to boolean.


        Type Parameters


        • expression: Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean>
        • type: string

        Returns BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>

    length: (<EntityT>(str) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    minute: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    month: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    round: (<EntityT>(num, returnType?) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    second: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    startsWith: (<EntityT>(str, prefix) => BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    substring: (<EntityT>(str, pos, len?) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    toLower: (<EntityT>(str) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    toUpper: (<EntityT>(str) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    trim: (<EntityT>(str) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

    year: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(date): NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>
      • Build a filter function to get the year of a date. Evaluates to int.



    ceiling: (<EntityT>(num, returnType?) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to ceil a number. Evaluates to double or decimal, defaults to double.


    Type declaration

    concat: (<EntityT>(str1, str2) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to concatenate two strings. Evaluates to string.


    Type declaration

    Build a filter function to get the day of a date. Evaluates to int.


    Type declaration

    endsWith: (<EntityT>(str, suffix) => BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to test whether a string ends with another. Evaluates to boolean.


    Type declaration

    floor: (<EntityT>(num, returnType?) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to floor a number. Evaluates to double or decimal, defaults to double.


    Type declaration

    Build a filter function to get the hour of a date. Evaluates to int.


    Type declaration

    indexOf: (<EntityT>(str, substr) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to get the start index of a substring. Evaluates to int.


    Type declaration

    isOf: {
        <EntityT>(type): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>;
        <EntityT>(expression, type): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>;

    Build a filter function to test whether a selection or a field is of a given type. Evaluates to boolean.


    Type declaration

    length: (<EntityT>(str) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to get the length of a string. Evaluates to int.


    Type declaration

    minute: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to get the minute of a date. Evaluates to int.


    Type declaration

    month: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to get the month of a date. Evaluates to int.


    Type declaration

    round: (<EntityT>(num, returnType?) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to round a number. Evaluates to double or decimal, defaults to double.


    Type declaration

    second: (<EntityT>(date) => NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to get the second of a date. Evaluates to int.


    Type declaration

    startsWith: (<EntityT>(str, prefix) => BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to test whether a string starts with another. Evaluates to boolean.


    Type declaration

    substring: (<EntityT>(str, pos, len?) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to get a substring starting from a designated position. Evaluates to string.


    Type declaration

    toLower: (<EntityT>(str) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to transform a string to lower case. Evaluates to string.


    Type declaration

    toUpper: (<EntityT>(str) => StringFilterFunction<EntityT>)

    Build a filter function to transform a string to upper case. Evaluates to string.


    Type declaration

    Build a filter function to trim whitespace from a string. Evaluates to string.


    Type declaration

    Build a filter function to get the year of a date. Evaluates to int.


    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters


    Returns NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataUri.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataUri.html index 76f618f6f9..879cb5c0aa 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataUri.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataUri.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ODataUri | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Union of necessary methods for the OData URI conversion. In v2/uri-conversion/odata-uri.ts and v4/uri-conversion/odata-uri.ts the instance for v2 and v4 are created.

    interface ODataUri {
        convertToUriFormat(value, edmType): string;
        getEntityKeys<EntityT>(entity, entityApi): Record<string, any>;
        getExpand<EntityT>(selects, expands, entityApi): Partial<{
            expand: string;
        getFilter<EntityT>(filter, entityApi): Partial<{
            filter: string;
        getOrderBy<EntityT>(orderBy): Partial<{
            orderby: string;
        getResourcePathForKeys<EntityT>(keys, _entityApi): string;
        getSelect<EntityT>(selects): Partial<{
            select: string;

    Type Parameters


    interface ODataUri<DeSerializersT> {
        convertToUriFormat(value, edmType): string;
        getEntityKeys<EntityT>(entity, entityApi): Record<string, any>;
        getExpand<EntityT>(selects, expands, entityApi): Partial<{
            expand: string;
        getFilter<EntityT>(filter, entityApi): Partial<{
            filter: string;
        getOrderBy<EntityT>(orderBy): Partial<{
            orderby: string;
        getResourcePathForKeys<EntityT>(keys, _entityApi): string;
        getSelect<EntityT>(selects): Partial<{
            select: string;

    Type Parameters


    convertToUriFormat getEntityKeys getExpand getFilter @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ getResourcePathForKeys getSelect

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



    • Type Parameters


      • entity: EntityT
      • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Type Parameters


      Returns Partial<{
          expand: string;

    • Type Parameters


      Returns Partial<{
          filter: string;

    • Type Parameters


      Returns Partial<{
          orderby: string;

    • Type Parameters


      • keys: Record<string, any>
      • _entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

      Returns string

    • Type Parameters


      Returns Partial<{
          select: string;

    \ No newline at end of file +


    • Type Parameters


      Returns Record<string, any>

    • Type Parameters


      Returns Partial<{
          orderby: string;

    • Type Parameters


      Returns string

    • Type Parameters


      Returns Partial<{
          select: string;

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.PropertyMetadata.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.PropertyMetadata.html index 7881f2612c..c54d13af1d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.PropertyMetadata.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.PropertyMetadata.html @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ PropertyMetadata | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface to represent meta information on a property of a complex type.

    interface PropertyMetadata {
        isCollection?: boolean;
        name: keyof ComplexT;
        originalName: string;
        type: EdmTypeCommon | ExclusiveEdmTypeV2 | ExclusiveEdmTypeV4 | ComplexTypeNamespace<any>;

    Type Parameters

    • ComplexT = any


    interface PropertyMetadata<ComplexT> {
        isCollection?: boolean;
        name: keyof ComplexT;
        originalName: string;
        type: EdmTypeCommon | ExclusiveEdmTypeV2 | ExclusiveEdmTypeV4 | ComplexTypeNamespace<any>;

    Type Parameters

    • ComplexT = any


    isCollection?: boolean

    If true, the property is a collection property.

    name: keyof ComplexT

    Name of the complex type property.

    name: keyof ComplexT

    Name of the complex type property.

    originalName: string

    Original name of the complex type property.

    Type of the complex type property.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ReadResponse.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ReadResponse.html index c01d24e1ee..caea8c1fb4 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ReadResponse.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ReadResponse.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ReadResponse | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents a response to a retrieve request within a batch request.

    interface ReadResponse {
        as: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT[]);
        body: Record<string, any>;
        httpCode: number;
        isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse);
        isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponse<DeSerializersT>);
        isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponse<DeSerializersT> | WriteResponses<DeSerializersT>);
        isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponses<DeSerializersT>);
        responseType: "ReadResponse";
        type: EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>;

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.



    • BatchResponseTypeGuards<DeSerializersT>
      • ReadResponse


    as +
    interface ReadResponse<DeSerializersT> {
        as: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT[]);
        body: Record<string, any>;
        httpCode: number;
        isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse);
        isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponse<DeSerializersT>);
        isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponse<DeSerializersT> | WriteResponses<DeSerializersT>);
        isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponses<DeSerializersT>);
        responseType: "ReadResponse";
        type: EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>;

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.





    as: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT[])

    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(entityApi): EntityT[]
      • Transform the raw data into an instance of an entity represented by the given entity API. +


    as: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT[])

    Transform the raw data into an instance of an entity represented by the given entity API. Note, this method transforms the raw data to an array of entities, even if the original request was a GetByKeyRequestBuilder.


    Type Parameters


    • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Returns EntityT[]

    body: Record<string, any>

    HTTP raw body.

    httpCode: number

    HTTP response status code.

    isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse)

    Type declaration

    isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponse<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponse<DeSerializersT> | WriteResponses<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponses<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    responseType: "ReadResponse"

    Tag for identifying the type of a batch response.

    type: EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>

    EntityApi of the response data. Can be undefined for function/action imports or not mappable entities.


    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(entityApi): EntityT[]
      • Transform the raw data into an instance of an entity represented by the given entity API. +Note, this method transforms the raw data to an array of entities, even if the original request was a GetByKeyRequestBuilder.


        Type Parameters


        Returns EntityT[]

    body: Record<string, any>

    HTTP raw body.

    httpCode: number

    HTTP response status code.

    isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse)

    Type declaration

    isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponse<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponses<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    responseType: "ReadResponse"

    Tag for identifying the type of a batch response.


    EntityApi of the response data. Can be undefined for function/action imports or not mappable entities.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ResponseDataAccessor.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ResponseDataAccessor.html index eb17a9dac1..6c7108fd09 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ResponseDataAccessor.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ResponseDataAccessor.html @@ -1,15 +1,22 @@ ResponseDataAccessor | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface containing the functions to extract the data from the response object. For example the getCollectionResult extracts the data from data.d.results per default but this needs to be adjusted in some situations.

    interface ResponseDataAccessor {
        getCollectionResult: ((data) => any[]);
        getLinkedCollectionResult: ((data) => any[]);
        getSingleResult: ((data) => Record<string, any>);
        isCollectionResult: ((data) => boolean);


    interface ResponseDataAccessor {
        getCollectionResult: ((data) => any[]);
        getLinkedCollectionResult: ((data) => any[]);
        getSingleResult: ((data) => Record<string, any>);
        isCollectionResult: ((data) => boolean);


    getCollectionResult: ((data) => any[])

    Type declaration

      • (data): any[]
      • A function that extracts array data from the response object. +


    getCollectionResult: ((data) => any[])

    A function that extracts array data from the response object. The data is extracted per default from data.d.results.



    • data: any

    Returns any[]

    getLinkedCollectionResult: ((data) => any[])

    Type declaration

      • (data): any[]
      • Extract the collection data from the one-to-many link response. +

        Type declaration

          • (data): any[]
          • A function that extracts array data from the response object. +The data is extracted per default from data.d.results.



            • data: any

            Returns any[]

    getLinkedCollectionResult: ((data) => any[])

    Extract the collection data from the one-to-many link response. +If the data does not contain a collection, an empty array is returned.


    Type declaration

      • (data): any[]
      • Extract the collection data from the one-to-many link response. If the data does not contain a collection, an empty array is returned.



        • data: any

        Returns any[]

    getSingleResult: ((data) => Record<string, any>)

    Type declaration

      • (data): Record<string, any>
      • A function that extracts object data from the response object. +


        • data: any

        Returns any[]

    getSingleResult: ((data) => Record<string, any>)

    A function that extracts object data from the response object. +The data is extracted by default from data.d.results.


    Type declaration

      • (data): Record<string, any>
      • A function that extracts object data from the response object. The data is extracted by default from data.d.results.



        • data: any

        Returns Record<string, any>

    isCollectionResult: ((data) => boolean)

    Type declaration

      • (data): boolean
      • Checks if the response is an array-like object.



        • data: any

        Returns Record<string, any>

    isCollectionResult: ((data) => boolean)

    Checks if the response is an array-like object.


    Type declaration

      • (data): boolean
      • Checks if the response is an array-like object.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



        • data: any

        Returns boolean

    \ No newline at end of file +


    • data: any

    Returns boolean

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Time.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Time.html index 512157803f..de576d9ec3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Time.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Time.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ Time | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface to represent Time or Duration.

    interface Time {
        hours: number;
        minutes: number;
        seconds: number;


    interface Time {
        hours: number;
        minutes: number;
        seconds: number;



    hours: number

    The number of hours.

    minutes: number

    The number of minutes.

    seconds: number

    The number of seconds.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithBatchReference.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithBatchReference.html index 064485b03d..75cb090740 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithBatchReference.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithBatchReference.html @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ WithBatchReference | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface implemented by OData requests defining the getter and setter for the batch reference.

    interface WithBatchReference {
        getBatchReference: (() => BatchReference);
        setBatchId: ((id) => void);

    Implemented by


    interface WithBatchReference {
        getBatchReference: (() => BatchReference);
        setBatchId: ((id) => void);

    Implemented by


    getBatchReference: (() => BatchReference)

    Type declaration

    setBatchId: ((id) => void)

    Type declaration

      • (id): void
      • Setter for the batch reference.



    getBatchReference: (() => BatchReference)

    Getter for the batch reference.


    Type declaration

    setBatchId: ((id) => void)

    Setter for the batch reference.


    Type declaration

      • (id): void
      • Setter for the batch reference.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



        • id: string

        Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file +


    • id: string

    Returns void

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithETag.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithETag.html index 995d1f35ed..1f8976eb9a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithETag.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithETag.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ WithETag | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface implemented by OData requests needing ETagsto avoid conflicts in the persisted data like update or delete.

    interface WithETag {
        eTag: string;
        versionIdentifierIgnored: boolean;

    Implemented by


    interface WithETag {
        eTag: string;
        versionIdentifierIgnored: boolean;

    Implemented by


    eTag: string

    Version identifier.

    versionIdentifierIgnored: boolean

    Ignore the version identifier if set to true.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithGetAllRestrictions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithGetAllRestrictions.html index 565b7a18f0..4fab457a84 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithGetAllRestrictions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithGetAllRestrictions.html @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ WithGetAllRestrictions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface WithGetAllRestrictions<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Interface representing options on a getAll request like top or orderBy.

    interface WithGetAllRestrictions {
        filter: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>;
        orderBy: Orderable<EntityT, EntityApi<EntityBase, DefaultDeSerializers>>[];
        selects: Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[];
        skip: number;
        top: number;

    Type Parameters


    Implemented by


    interface WithGetAllRestrictions<EntityT, DeSerializersT> {
        filter: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>;
        orderBy: Orderable<EntityT, EntityApi<EntityBase, DefaultDeSerializers>>[];
        selects: Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[];
        skip: number;
        top: number;

    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)

    Implemented by


    filter: Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Filter the results based on conditions.


    Order the results in, e.g., asc or desc order.

    selects: Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

    Select a list of fields on the schema property of the entity api.



    Filter the results based on conditions.


    Order the results in, e.g., asc or desc order.


    Select a list of fields on the schema property of the entity api.

    skip: number

    Skip a number of results in the requested set.

    top: number

    Limit the number of results to the given number.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithKeys.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithKeys.html index 8cb3fb632a..c57f4848f8 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithKeys.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithKeys.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ WithKeys | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface implemented by OData requests needing keys to identify an entity like getByKey, delete or update.

    interface WithKeys {
        keys: Record<string, any>;

    Implemented by



    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    interface WithKeys {
        keys: Record<string, any>;

    Implemented by



    keys: Record<string, any>

    Map containing the key name and value.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithSelection.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithSelection.html index db05636f34..87000de8f2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithSelection.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WithSelection.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ WithSelection | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface WithSelection<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Interface implemented by OData requests returning data like getAll or getByKey.

    interface WithSelection {
        selects: Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[];

    Type Parameters


    Implemented by



    selects: Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[]

    Select a list of fields on the schema property of the entity api.

    interface WithSelection<EntityT, DeSerializersT> {
        selects: Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>[];

    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (view full)

    Implemented by



    Select a list of fields on the schema property of the entity api.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WriteResponse.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WriteResponse.html index 8dd28b30c0..8719925859 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WriteResponse.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WriteResponse.html @@ -1,15 +1,17 @@ WriteResponse | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents a single subresponse to a changeset request within a batch request.

    interface WriteResponse {
        as?: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT);
        body?: Record<string, any>;
        httpCode: number;
        responseType: "WriteResponse";
        type?: EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>;

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.



    as? +
    interface WriteResponse<DeSerializersT> {
        as?: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT);
        body?: Record<string, any>;
        httpCode: number;
        responseType: "WriteResponse";
        type?: EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>;

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.



    as?: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT)

    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(entityApi): EntityT
      • Transform the raw string body into an instance of the given constructor. +


    as?: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT)

    Transform the raw string body into an instance of the given constructor. Note that the response may not exist, so you should only call this method if you know that there is data.


    Type Parameters


    • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Returns EntityT

    body?: Record<string, any>

    HTTP raw body.

    httpCode: number

    HTTP response status code.

    responseType: "WriteResponse"

    Tag for identifying the type of a batch response.

    type?: EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>

    EntityApi of the response data. Can be undefined for function/action imports or not mappable entities.


    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(entityApi): EntityT
      • Transform the raw string body into an instance of the given constructor. +Note that the response may not exist, so you should only call this method if you know that there is data.


        Type Parameters


        Returns EntityT

    body?: Record<string, any>

    HTTP raw body.

    httpCode: number

    HTTP response status code.

    responseType: "WriteResponse"

    Tag for identifying the type of a batch response.


    EntityApi of the response data. Can be undefined for function/action imports or not mappable entities.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WriteResponses.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WriteResponses.html index 3b37766c68..8559812c20 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WriteResponses.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.WriteResponses.html @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ WriteResponses | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents the list of responses for a change set in a batch request.

    interface WriteResponses {
        isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse);
        isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponse<DeSerializersT>);
        isSuccess: (() => this is WriteResponses<DeSerializersT> | ReadResponse<DeSerializersT>);
        isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponses<DeSerializersT>);
        responses: WriteResponse<DeSerializersT>[];

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.



    • BatchResponseTypeGuards<DeSerializersT>
      • WriteResponses


    interface WriteResponses<DeSerializersT> {
        isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse);
        isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponse<DeSerializersT>);
        isSuccess: (() => this is WriteResponses<DeSerializersT> | ReadResponse<DeSerializersT>);
        isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponses<DeSerializersT>);
        responses: WriteResponse<DeSerializersT>[];

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.




    isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse)

    Type declaration

    isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponse<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    isSuccess: (() => this is WriteResponses<DeSerializersT> | ReadResponse<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponses<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    responses: WriteResponse<DeSerializersT>[]

    List of responses for a change set in a batch request.



    isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse)

    Type declaration

    isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponse<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponses<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    List of responses for a change set in a batch request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.DeSerializers.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.DeSerializers.html index 1eadab9394..996a3a09c9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.DeSerializers.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.DeSerializers.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ DeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface DeSerializers<BinaryT, BooleanT, ByteT, DecimalT, DoubleT, FloatT, Int16T, Int32T, Int64T, GuidT, SByteT, SingleT, StringT, AnyT, DateTimeT, DateTimeOffsetT, TimeT>

    Represents a set of functions that determine (de-)serialization per EDM type.

    interface DeSerializers {
        Edm.Any: DeSerializer<AnyT>;
        Edm.Binary: DeSerializer<BinaryT>;
        Edm.Boolean: DeSerializer<BooleanT>;
        Edm.Byte: DeSerializer<ByteT>;
        Edm.DateTime: DeSerializer<DateTimeT>;
        Edm.DateTimeOffset: DeSerializer<DateTimeOffsetT>;
        Edm.Decimal: DeSerializer<DecimalT>;
        Edm.Double: DeSerializer<DoubleT>;
        Edm.Float: DeSerializer<FloatT>;
        Edm.Guid: DeSerializer<GuidT>;
        Edm.Int16: DeSerializer<Int16T>;
        Edm.Int32: DeSerializer<Int32T>;
        Edm.Int64: DeSerializer<Int64T>;
        Edm.SByte: DeSerializer<SByteT>;
        Edm.Single: DeSerializer<SingleT>;
        Edm.String: DeSerializer<StringT>;
        Edm.Time: DeSerializer<TimeT>;

    Type Parameters

    • BinaryT = any

    • BooleanT = any

    • ByteT = any

    • DecimalT = any

    • DoubleT = any

    • FloatT = any

    • Int16T = any

    • Int32T = any

    • Int64T = any

    • GuidT = any

    • SByteT = any

    • SingleT = any

    • StringT = any

    • AnyT = any

    • DateTimeT = any

    • DateTimeOffsetT = any

    • TimeT = any


    • DeSerializers<BinaryT, BooleanT, ByteT, DecimalT, DoubleT, FloatT, Int16T, Int32T, Int64T, GuidT, SByteT, SingleT, StringT, AnyT>
      • DeSerializers


    Type Parameters

    • BinaryT = any

    • BooleanT = any

    • ByteT = any

    • DecimalT = any

    • DoubleT = any

    • FloatT = any

    • Int16T = any

    • Int32T = any

    • Int64T = any

    • GuidT = any

    • SByteT = any

    • SingleT = any

    • StringT = any

    • AnyT = any

    • DateTimeT = any

    • DateTimeOffsetT = any

    • TimeT = any

    Hierarchy (view full)


    Edm.Any: DeSerializer<AnyT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Any to the generic type AnyT.

    Edm.Binary: DeSerializer<BinaryT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Binary to the generic type BinaryT.

    Edm.Boolean: DeSerializer<BooleanT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Boolean to the generic type BooleanT.

    Edm.Byte: DeSerializer<ByteT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Byte to the generic type ByteT.

    Edm.DateTime: DeSerializer<DateTimeT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.DateTime to the generic type DateTimeT.

    Edm.DateTimeOffset: DeSerializer<DateTimeOffsetT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.DateTimeOffset to the generic type DateTimeOffsetT.

    Edm.Decimal: DeSerializer<DecimalT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Decimal to the generic type DecimalT.

    Edm.Double: DeSerializer<DoubleT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Double to the generic type DoubleT.

    Edm.Float: DeSerializer<FloatT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Float to the generic type FloatT.

    Edm.Guid: DeSerializer<GuidT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Guid to the generic type GuidT.

    Edm.Int16: DeSerializer<Int16T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int16 to the generic type Int16T.

    Edm.Int32: DeSerializer<Int32T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int32 to the generic type Int32T.

    Edm.Int64: DeSerializer<Int64T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int64 to the generic type Int64T.

    Edm.SByte: DeSerializer<SByteT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.SByte to the generic type SByteT.

    Edm.Single: DeSerializer<SingleT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Single to the generic type SingleT.

    Edm.String: DeSerializer<StringT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.String to the generic type StringT.

    Edm.Time: DeSerializer<TimeT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Time to the generic type TimeT.



    Edm.Any: DeSerializer<AnyT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Any to the generic type AnyT.

    Edm.Binary: DeSerializer<BinaryT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Binary to the generic type BinaryT.

    Edm.Boolean: DeSerializer<BooleanT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Boolean to the generic type BooleanT.

    Edm.Byte: DeSerializer<ByteT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Byte to the generic type ByteT.

    Edm.DateTime: DeSerializer<DateTimeT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.DateTime to the generic type DateTimeT.

    Edm.DateTimeOffset: DeSerializer<DateTimeOffsetT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.DateTimeOffset to the generic type DateTimeOffsetT.

    Edm.Decimal: DeSerializer<DecimalT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Decimal to the generic type DecimalT.

    Edm.Double: DeSerializer<DoubleT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Double to the generic type DoubleT.

    Edm.Float: DeSerializer<FloatT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Float to the generic type FloatT.

    Edm.Guid: DeSerializer<GuidT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Guid to the generic type GuidT.

    Edm.Int16: DeSerializer<Int16T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int16 to the generic type Int16T.

    Edm.Int32: DeSerializer<Int32T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int32 to the generic type Int32T.

    Edm.Int64: DeSerializer<Int64T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int64 to the generic type Int64T.

    Edm.SByte: DeSerializer<SByteT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.SByte to the generic type SByteT.

    Edm.Single: DeSerializer<SingleT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Single to the generic type SingleT.

    Edm.String: DeSerializer<StringT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.String to the generic type StringT.

    Edm.Time: DeSerializer<TimeT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Time to the generic type TimeT.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ErrorResponse.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ErrorResponse.html index 8dc5650ee8..314be8a5a2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ErrorResponse.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ErrorResponse.html @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ ErrorResponse | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents an erroneous response to a retrieve or change set request within a batch request.

    interface ErrorResponse {
        body: Record<string, any>;
        httpCode: number;
        isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse);
        isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<any>);
        isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<any> | WriteResponsesCommon<any>);
        isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<any>);
        responseType: "ErrorResponse";


    • BatchResponseTypeGuards<any>
      • ErrorResponse


    interface ErrorResponse {
        body: Record<string, any>;
        httpCode: number;
        isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse);
        isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<any>);
        isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<any> | WriteResponsesCommon<any>);
        isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<any>);
        responseType: "ErrorResponse";


    • BatchResponseTypeGuards<any>
      • ErrorResponse


    body: Record<string, any>

    HTTP raw body.



    body: Record<string, any>

    HTTP raw body.

    httpCode: number

    HTTP response status code.

    isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse)

    Type declaration

    isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<any>)

    Type declaration

    isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<any> | WriteResponsesCommon<any>)

    Type declaration

    isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<any>)

    Type declaration

    responseType: "ErrorResponse"

    Tag for identifying the type of a batch response.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ReadResponseCommon.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ReadResponseCommon.html index 704748af41..17e9164e1b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ReadResponseCommon.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ReadResponseCommon.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ReadResponseCommon | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents a response to a retrieve request within a batch request.

    interface ReadResponseCommon {
        as: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT[]);
        body: Record<string, any>;
        httpCode: number;
        isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse);
        isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>);
        isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT> | WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT>);
        isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT>);
        responseType: "ReadResponse";
        type: EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>;

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.



    • BatchResponseTypeGuards<DeSerializersT>
      • ReadResponseCommon


    as +
    interface ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT> {
        as: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT[]);
        body: Record<string, any>;
        httpCode: number;
        isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse);
        isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>);
        isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT> | WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT>);
        isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT>);
        responseType: "ReadResponse";
        type: EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>;

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.





    as: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT[])

    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(entityApi): EntityT[]
      • Transform the raw data into an instance of an entity represented by the given entity API. +


    as: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT[])

    Transform the raw data into an instance of an entity represented by the given entity API. Note, this method transforms the raw data to an array of entities, even if the original request was a GetByKeyRequestBuilder.


    Type Parameters


    • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Returns EntityT[]

    body: Record<string, any>

    HTTP raw body.


    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(entityApi): EntityT[]
      • Transform the raw data into an instance of an entity represented by the given entity API. +Note, this method transforms the raw data to an array of entities, even if the original request was a GetByKeyRequestBuilder.


        Type Parameters


        Returns EntityT[]

    body: Record<string, any>

    HTTP raw body.

    httpCode: number

    HTTP response status code.

    isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse)

    Type declaration

    isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    isSuccess: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT> | WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    responseType: "ReadResponse"

    Tag for identifying the type of a batch response.

    type: EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>

    EntityApi of the response data. Can be undefined for function/action imports or not mappable entities.

    isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse)

    Type declaration

    isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    responseType: "ReadResponse"

    Tag for identifying the type of a batch response.


    EntityApi of the response data. Can be undefined for function/action imports or not mappable entities.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.WriteResponseCommon.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.WriteResponseCommon.html index 17e9efc7ec..075df99bd7 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.WriteResponseCommon.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.WriteResponseCommon.html @@ -1,15 +1,17 @@ WriteResponseCommon | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents a single subresponse to a changeset request within a batch request.

    interface WriteResponseCommon {
        as?: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT);
        body?: Record<string, any>;
        httpCode: number;
        responseType: "WriteResponse";
        type?: EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>;

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.

    interface WriteResponseCommon<DeSerializersT> {
        as?: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT);
        body?: Record<string, any>;
        httpCode: number;
        responseType: "WriteResponse";
        type?: EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>;

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.


    as?: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT)

    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(entityApi): EntityT
      • Transform the raw string body into an instance of the given constructor. +


    as?: (<EntityT>(entityApi) => EntityT)

    Transform the raw string body into an instance of the given constructor. Note that the response may not exist, so you should only call this method if you know that there is data.


    Type Parameters


    • entityApi: EntityApi<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Returns EntityT

    body?: Record<string, any>

    HTTP raw body.


    Type declaration

      • <EntityT>(entityApi): EntityT
      • Transform the raw string body into an instance of the given constructor. +Note that the response may not exist, so you should only call this method if you know that there is data.


        Type Parameters


        Returns EntityT

    body?: Record<string, any>

    HTTP raw body.

    httpCode: number

    HTTP response status code.

    responseType: "WriteResponse"

    Tag for identifying the type of a batch response.

    type?: EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>

    EntityApi of the response data. Can be undefined for function/action imports or not mappable entities.


    EntityApi of the response data. Can be undefined for function/action imports or not mappable entities.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.WriteResponsesCommon.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.WriteResponsesCommon.html index 524e40c6b5..97ef727fd0 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.WriteResponsesCommon.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.WriteResponsesCommon.html @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ WriteResponsesCommon | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents the list of responses for a change set in a batch request.

    interface WriteResponsesCommon {
        isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse);
        isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>);
        isSuccess: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT> | ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>);
        isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT>);
        responses: WriteResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>[];

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.



    • BatchResponseTypeGuards<DeSerializersT>
      • WriteResponsesCommon


    interface WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT> {
        isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse);
        isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>);
        isSuccess: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT> | ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>);
        isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT>);
        responses: WriteResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>[];

    Type Parameters

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

      Type of the (de-)serializers.




    isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse)

    Type declaration

    isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    isSuccess: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT> | ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    responses: WriteResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>[]

    List of responses for a change set in a batch request.



    isError: (() => this is ErrorResponse)

    Type declaration

    isReadResponse: (() => this is ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    isWriteResponses: (() => this is WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT>)

    Type declaration

    List of responses for a change set in a batch request.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DeSerializers.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DeSerializers.html index 255959fc78..5bafd42586 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DeSerializers.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DeSerializers.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ DeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface DeSerializers<BinaryT, BooleanT, ByteT, DecimalT, DoubleT, FloatT, Int16T, Int32T, Int64T, GuidT, SByteT, SingleT, StringT, AnyT, DateT, DateTimeOffsetT, DurationT, TimeOfDayT, EnumT>

    Represents a set of functions that determine (de-)serialization per EDM type.

    interface DeSerializers {
        Edm.Any: DeSerializer<AnyT>;
        Edm.Binary: DeSerializer<BinaryT>;
        Edm.Boolean: DeSerializer<BooleanT>;
        Edm.Byte: DeSerializer<ByteT>;
        Edm.Date: DeSerializer<DateT>;
        Edm.DateTimeOffset: DeSerializer<DateTimeOffsetT>;
        Edm.Decimal: DeSerializer<DecimalT>;
        Edm.Double: DeSerializer<DoubleT>;
        Edm.Duration: DeSerializer<DurationT>;
        Edm.Enum: DeSerializer<EnumT>;
        Edm.Float: DeSerializer<FloatT>;
        Edm.Guid: DeSerializer<GuidT>;
        Edm.Int16: DeSerializer<Int16T>;
        Edm.Int32: DeSerializer<Int32T>;
        Edm.Int64: DeSerializer<Int64T>;
        Edm.SByte: DeSerializer<SByteT>;
        Edm.Single: DeSerializer<SingleT>;
        Edm.String: DeSerializer<StringT>;
        Edm.TimeOfDay: DeSerializer<TimeOfDayT>;

    Type Parameters

    • BinaryT = any

    • BooleanT = any

    • ByteT = any

    • DecimalT = any

    • DoubleT = any

    • FloatT = any

    • Int16T = any

    • Int32T = any

    • Int64T = any

    • GuidT = any

    • SByteT = any

    • SingleT = any

    • StringT = any

    • AnyT = any

    • DateT = any

    • DateTimeOffsetT = any

    • DurationT = any

    • TimeOfDayT = any

    • EnumT = any


    • DeSerializers<BinaryT, BooleanT, ByteT, DecimalT, DoubleT, FloatT, Int16T, Int32T, Int64T, GuidT, SByteT, SingleT, StringT, AnyT>
      • DeSerializers


    Type Parameters

    • BinaryT = any

    • BooleanT = any

    • ByteT = any

    • DecimalT = any

    • DoubleT = any

    • FloatT = any

    • Int16T = any

    • Int32T = any

    • Int64T = any

    • GuidT = any

    • SByteT = any

    • SingleT = any

    • StringT = any

    • AnyT = any

    • DateT = any

    • DateTimeOffsetT = any

    • DurationT = any

    • TimeOfDayT = any

    • EnumT = any

    Hierarchy (view full)


    Edm.Any: DeSerializer<AnyT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Any to the generic type AnyT.

    Edm.Binary: DeSerializer<BinaryT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Binary to the generic type BinaryT.

    Edm.Boolean: DeSerializer<BooleanT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Boolean to the generic type BooleanT.

    Edm.Byte: DeSerializer<ByteT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Byte to the generic type ByteT.

    Edm.Date: DeSerializer<DateT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.DateTime to the generic type DateTimeT.

    Edm.DateTimeOffset: DeSerializer<DateTimeOffsetT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.DateTimeOffset to the generic type DateTimeOffsetT.

    Edm.Decimal: DeSerializer<DecimalT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Decimal to the generic type DecimalT.

    Edm.Double: DeSerializer<DoubleT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Double to the generic type DoubleT.

    Edm.Duration: DeSerializer<DurationT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Duration to the generic type DurationT.

    Edm.Enum: DeSerializer<EnumT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Enum to the generic type EnumT.

    Edm.Float: DeSerializer<FloatT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Float to the generic type FloatT.

    Edm.Guid: DeSerializer<GuidT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Guid to the generic type GuidT.

    Edm.Int16: DeSerializer<Int16T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int16 to the generic type Int16T.

    Edm.Int32: DeSerializer<Int32T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int32 to the generic type Int32T.

    Edm.Int64: DeSerializer<Int64T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int64 to the generic type Int64T.

    Edm.SByte: DeSerializer<SByteT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.SByte to the generic type SByteT.

    Edm.Single: DeSerializer<SingleT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Single to the generic type SingleT.

    Edm.String: DeSerializer<StringT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.String to the generic type StringT.

    Edm.TimeOfDay: DeSerializer<TimeOfDayT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.TimeOfDay to the generic type TimeOfDayT.



    Edm.Any: DeSerializer<AnyT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Any to the generic type AnyT.

    Edm.Binary: DeSerializer<BinaryT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Binary to the generic type BinaryT.

    Edm.Boolean: DeSerializer<BooleanT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Boolean to the generic type BooleanT.

    Edm.Byte: DeSerializer<ByteT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Byte to the generic type ByteT.

    Edm.Date: DeSerializer<DateT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.DateTime to the generic type DateTimeT.

    Edm.DateTimeOffset: DeSerializer<DateTimeOffsetT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.DateTimeOffset to the generic type DateTimeOffsetT.

    Edm.Decimal: DeSerializer<DecimalT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Decimal to the generic type DecimalT.

    Edm.Double: DeSerializer<DoubleT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Double to the generic type DoubleT.

    Edm.Duration: DeSerializer<DurationT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Duration to the generic type DurationT.

    Edm.Enum: DeSerializer<EnumT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Enum to the generic type EnumT.

    Edm.Float: DeSerializer<FloatT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Float to the generic type FloatT.

    Edm.Guid: DeSerializer<GuidT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Guid to the generic type GuidT.

    Edm.Int16: DeSerializer<Int16T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int16 to the generic type Int16T.

    Edm.Int32: DeSerializer<Int32T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int32 to the generic type Int32T.

    Edm.Int64: DeSerializer<Int64T>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Int64 to the generic type Int64T.

    Edm.SByte: DeSerializer<SByteT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.SByte to the generic type SByteT.

    Edm.Single: DeSerializer<SingleT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.Single to the generic type SingleT.

    Edm.String: DeSerializer<StringT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.String to the generic type StringT.

    Edm.TimeOfDay: DeSerializer<TimeOfDayT>

    DeSerializer for Edm.TimeOfDay to the generic type TimeOfDayT.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi.OpenApiRequestParameters.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi.OpenApiRequestParameters.html index 82641f21a0..43543f0f60 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi.OpenApiRequestParameters.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi.OpenApiRequestParameters.html @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ OpenApiRequestParameters | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type of the request parameters to be passed to OpenApiRequestBuilder.

    interface OpenApiRequestParameters {
        body?: any;
        pathParameters?: Record<string, any>;
        queryParameters?: Record<string, any>;


    interface OpenApiRequestParameters {
        body?: any;
        pathParameters?: Record<string, any>;
        queryParameters?: Record<string, any>;


    body?: any

    Request body typically used with "create" and "update" operations (POST, PUT, PATCH).

    pathParameters?: Record<string, any>

    Collection of path parameters.

    queryParameters?: Record<string, any>

    Collection of query parameters.

    pathParameters?: Record<string, any>

    Collection of path parameters.

    queryParameters?: Record<string, any>

    Collection of query parameters.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.MiddlewareContext.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.MiddlewareContext.html index fa8dc77bc1..34b29482f1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.MiddlewareContext.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.MiddlewareContext.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ MiddlewareContext | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Minimal Context of the middleware.

    interface MiddlewareContext {
        tenantId: undefined | string;
        uri: string;

    Type Parameters

    • ArgumentT



    interface MiddlewareContext<ArgumentT> {
        tenantId: undefined | string;
        uri: string;

    Type Parameters

    • ArgumentT

    Hierarchy (view full)



    tenantId: undefined | string

    Tenant identifier.

    uri: string

    URI of the function passed to the middleware.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.MiddlewareOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.MiddlewareOptions.html index 493afea9ed..8bc0990e86 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.MiddlewareOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.MiddlewareOptions.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ MiddlewareOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface MiddlewareOptions<ArgumentT, ReturnT, ContextT>

    Input parameter of a middleware.

    interface MiddlewareOptions {
        context: ContextT;
        fn: MiddlewareFunction<ArgumentT, ReturnT>;

    Type Parameters


    interface MiddlewareOptions<ArgumentT, ReturnT, ContextT> {
        context: ContextT;
        fn: MiddlewareFunction<ArgumentT, ReturnT>;

    Type Parameters



    context: ContextT

    Context of the execution e.g. the request context or URL.

    fn: MiddlewareFunction<ArgumentT, ReturnT>

    Initial function enriched by the middleware e.g. axios request getting a timeout.



    context: ContextT

    Context of the execution e.g. the request context or URL.


    Initial function enriched by the middleware e.g. axios request getting a timeout.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.ResilienceOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.ResilienceOptions.html index 4ba8f47a49..7a474657e4 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.ResilienceOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.ResilienceOptions.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ResilienceOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Interface for Resilience Options.

    interface ResilienceOptions {
        circuitBreaker?: boolean;
        retry?: number | boolean;
        timeout?: number | boolean;


    interface ResilienceOptions {
        circuitBreaker?: boolean;
        retry?: number | boolean;
        timeout?: number | boolean;


    circuitBreaker?: boolean

    Option for circuit breaker middleware. @@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ True by default, with a 10000 milliseconds timeout. Assign a different value to set a custom timeout.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.GetTestDestinationOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.GetTestDestinationOptions.html index 77bf1278a0..84411a0f52 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.GetTestDestinationOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.GetTestDestinationOptions.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ GetTestDestinationOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    An interface to define systems.json and credentials.json for loading destinations.

    interface GetTestDestinationOptions {
        credentialsFilePath?: string;
        systemsFilePath?: string;


    interface GetTestDestinationOptions {
        credentialsFilePath?: string;
        systemsFilePath?: string;


    credentialsFilePath?: string

    The path of the credentials.json file.

    systemsFilePath?: string

    The path of the systems.json file.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_util.LoggerOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_util.LoggerOptions.html index 103820acd9..7aef88d11f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_util.LoggerOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_util.LoggerOptions.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ LoggerOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Configurable logger options.

    interface LoggerOptions {
        level?: LogLevel;


    interface LoggerOptions {
        level?: LogLevel;



    level?: LogLevel

    The log level of the logger.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_util.MessageContextObj.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_util.MessageContextObj.html index 6843d542ae..46e49c387b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_util.MessageContextObj.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/interfaces/sap_cloud_sdk_util.MessageContextObj.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ MessageContextObj | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Log message context for a logger with additional custom data.

    interface MessageContextObj {
        messageContext?: string;
        [key: string]: any;


    [key: string]: any


    interface MessageContextObj {
        messageContext?: string;
        [key: string]: any;


    [key: string]: any



    messageContext?: string

    Name of the message context.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/generatorcommon_src.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/generatorcommon_src.html deleted file mode 100644 index d6a60d79dd..0000000000 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/generatorcommon_src.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -generator-common/src | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.html index 361b4e883b..480fc5cbfd 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.html @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@


    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.






    AllDestinations BasicProxyConfiguration CacheEntry CachingOptions @@ -98,4 +98,4 @@ toDestinationNameUrl useOrFetchDestination

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_generator.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_generator.html index df57528a8a..da4b482193 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_generator.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_generator.html @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@


    This packages contains the generator to create your own service module using a service specification (.edmx file).



    $ npm install @sap-cloud-sdk/generator


    $ npm install @sap-cloud-sdk/generator

    Usage (CLI)

    The generator is primarily meant to be used on the command line:

    generate-odata-client --input path/to/your/service-specification(s) --outputDir path/where/the/modules/are/stored
    generate-odata-client --input path/to/your/service-specification(s) --outputDir path/where/the/modules/are/stored

    Run generate-odata-client --help for further options.

    Usage (programatically)

    You can also use the generator programmatically. You will have to provide the options anyways.

    import { generate } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/generator';

    // initialize generator options based on what you want to do
    const options: GeneratorOptions = initializeOptions();

    // generate the client using the provided options
    generate(options); +
    import { generate } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/generator';

    // initialize generator options based on what you want to do
    const options: GeneratorOptions = initializeOptions();

    // generate the client using the provided options

    For more detailed overview visit our generator documentation.

    @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@


    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.








    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_generator_common.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_generator_common.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b8034b6865 --- /dev/null +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_generator_common.html @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +@sap-cloud-sdk/generator-common | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    + +

    SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript Logo

    + + +


    This package contains common functions of OData client generator and OpenAPI clint generator. +The APIs of this package are internal and might change in newer versions. Use with caution.

    + + +


    The recommended way to get in touch with us is to create an issue on GitHub. +Select the issue category Bug, Feature, or Question depending on the nature of your request. +We try to provide fixes, features and answers as soon as possible.



    If you would like to contribute to the SAP Cloud SDK, please make yourself familiar with our contributing guidelines and follow the given instructions.





    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.

    + +



    CommonGeneratorOptions +

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.html index 9af7ce469d..11a57d6f95 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.html @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@


    $ npm install @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client


    To make a request, use the executeHttpRequest function.

    executeHttpRequest(destination, requestConfig, httpRequestOptions);
    executeHttpRequest(destination, requestConfig, httpRequestOptions);

    For more detailed overview visit our Generic HTTP Client documentation.

    @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@


    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.






    CsrfMiddlewareOptions DestinationHttpRequestConfig HttpMiddlewareContext HttpRequestConfigBase @@ -51,4 +51,4 @@ executeHttpRequest executeHttpRequestWithOrigin

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.html index baae5c21ce..c25ae1b9f9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.html @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@


    $ npm install @sap-cloud-sdk/mail-client


    Use the sendMail function to send e-mails.

    sendMail(destination, { from: 'from@sap.com', to: 'to@sap.com', subject: 'subject', text: 'text' });
    sendMail(destination, { from: 'from@sap.com', to: 'to@sap.com', subject: 'subject', text: 'text' });
    @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@


    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.






    Type Aliases



    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.html index bd90a8a163..264eb45fc9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.html @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@


    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.






    AllFields BatchChangeSet BooleanFilterFunction CollectionField @@ -158,4 +158,4 @@ throwErrorWhenReturnTypeIsUnionType transformVariadicArgumentToArray

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.html index a85d4a07dc..b2ee0c9219 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.html @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@


    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.




    AllFields BatchChangeSet ComplexTypeField Constructable @@ -96,4 +96,4 @@ transformReturnValueForEntityList transformReturnValueForUndefined

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



    Re-exports AllFields
    Re-exports BatchChangeSet
    Re-exports ComplexTypeField
    Re-exports Constructable
    Re-exports ConstructorOrField
    Renames and re-exports CustomOrDefaultType
    Re-exports DeSerializer
    Renames and re-exports DeSerializers
    Re-exports DeserializedType
    Re-exports EdmTypeField
    Re-exports EntityApi
    Re-exports EntityBase
    Re-exports EntityBuilder
    Re-exports EntityBuilderType
    Re-exports FieldBuilder
    Re-exports FieldOptions
    Re-exports Link
    Re-exports OneToManyLink
    Re-exports OneToOneLink
    Re-exports OperationParameter
    Re-exports OrderableEdmTypeField
    Re-exports PropertyMetadata
    Re-exports RequestBuilder
    Re-exports Time
    Re-exports and
    Re-exports asc
    Re-exports desc
    Re-exports entityBuilder
    Re-exports not
    Re-exports or
    Re-exports throwErrorWhenReturnTypeIsUnionType
    Re-exports transformVariadicArgumentToArray
    \ No newline at end of file +


    Re-exports AllFields
    Re-exports BatchChangeSet
    Re-exports ComplexTypeField
    Re-exports Constructable
    Re-exports ConstructorOrField
    Renames and re-exports CustomOrDefaultType
    Re-exports DeSerializer
    Renames and re-exports DeSerializers
    Re-exports DeserializedType
    Re-exports EdmTypeField
    Re-exports EntityApi
    Re-exports EntityBase
    Re-exports EntityBuilder
    Re-exports EntityBuilderType
    Re-exports FieldBuilder
    Re-exports FieldOptions
    Re-exports Link
    Re-exports OneToManyLink
    Re-exports OneToOneLink
    Re-exports OperationParameter
    Re-exports OrderableEdmTypeField
    Re-exports PropertyMetadata
    Re-exports RequestBuilder
    Re-exports Time
    Re-exports and
    Re-exports asc
    Re-exports desc
    Re-exports entityBuilder
    Re-exports not
    Re-exports or
    Re-exports throwErrorWhenReturnTypeIsUnionType
    Re-exports transformVariadicArgumentToArray
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.html index 2aae72b264..4a5f3d7d90 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.html @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@


    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.




    AllFields BatchChangeSet CollectionField ComplexTypeField @@ -115,4 +115,4 @@ transformReturnValueForEntityList transformReturnValueForUndefined

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



    Re-exports AllFields
    Re-exports BatchChangeSet
    Re-exports CollectionField
    Re-exports ComplexTypeField
    Re-exports Constructable
    Re-exports ConstructorOrField
    Renames and re-exports CustomOrDefaultType
    Re-exports DeSerializer
    Renames and re-exports DeSerializers
    Re-exports DeserializedType
    Re-exports EdmTypeField
    Re-exports EntityApi
    Re-exports EntityBase
    Re-exports EntityBuilder
    Re-exports EntityBuilderType
    Re-exports EnumField
    Re-exports FieldBuilder
    Re-exports FieldOptions
    Re-exports Link
    Re-exports OneToManyLink
    Re-exports OneToOneLink
    Re-exports OperationParameter
    Re-exports OrderableEdmTypeField
    Re-exports PropertyMetadata
    Re-exports RequestBuilder
    Re-exports Time
    Re-exports and
    Re-exports asc
    Re-exports desc
    Re-exports entityBuilder
    Re-exports not
    Re-exports or
    Re-exports throwErrorWhenReturnTypeIsUnionType
    Re-exports transformVariadicArgumentToArray
    \ No newline at end of file +


    Re-exports AllFields
    Re-exports BatchChangeSet
    Re-exports CollectionField
    Re-exports ComplexTypeField
    Re-exports Constructable
    Re-exports ConstructorOrField
    Renames and re-exports CustomOrDefaultType
    Re-exports DeSerializer
    Renames and re-exports DeSerializers
    Re-exports DeserializedType
    Re-exports EdmTypeField
    Re-exports EntityApi
    Re-exports EntityBase
    Re-exports EntityBuilder
    Re-exports EntityBuilderType
    Re-exports EnumField
    Re-exports FieldBuilder
    Re-exports FieldOptions
    Re-exports Link
    Re-exports OneToManyLink
    Re-exports OneToOneLink
    Re-exports OperationParameter
    Re-exports OrderableEdmTypeField
    Re-exports PropertyMetadata
    Re-exports RequestBuilder
    Re-exports Time
    Re-exports and
    Re-exports asc
    Re-exports desc
    Re-exports entityBuilder
    Re-exports not
    Re-exports or
    Re-exports throwErrorWhenReturnTypeIsUnionType
    Re-exports transformVariadicArgumentToArray
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi.html index 4cf15ba77a..f3caab4e85 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi.html @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@


    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.








    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi_generator.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi_generator.html index d005fa1fa0..757607091f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi_generator.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi_generator.html @@ -5,17 +5,17 @@


    This package contains the generator to create your own service module using a OpenAPI specification. This generator is based on the OpenAPI Tools generator for OpenAPI and adds some additional code for convenience to better integrate with the SAP Cloud SDK.



    $ npm install @sap-cloud-sdk/openapi-generator


    $ npm install @sap-cloud-sdk/openapi-generator

    To run the CLI locally, compile and link the package.

    $ yarn install

    $ yarn compile

    $ npm link

    $ openapi-generator help +
    $ yarn install

    $ yarn compile

    $ npm link

    $ openapi-generator help

    Usage (CLI)

    The generator is primarily meant to be used on the command line:

    npx openapi-generator --input path/to/your/service-specification(s) --outputDir path/where/the/modules/are/stored
    npx openapi-generator --input path/to/your/service-specification(s) --outputDir path/where/the/modules/are/stored

    Run openapi-generator --help for further options.

    Usage (programatically)

    You can also use the generator programmatically. You will have to provide the options anyways.

    import { generate } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/openapi-generator';

    // initialize generator options based on what you want to do
    const options: GeneratorOptions = initializeOptions();

    // generate the client using the provided options
    generate(options); +
    import { generate } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/openapi-generator';

    // initialize generator options based on what you want to do
    const options: GeneratorOptions = initializeOptions();

    // generate the client using the provided options

    For more detailed overview visit our generator documentation.

    @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
  • Sample repository
  • License

    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.



    Type Aliases


    Type Aliases



    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.html index 15c257ebcb..f1c30f14f6 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.html @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@


    $ npm install @sap-cloud-sdk/resilience


    Add a timeout middleware to a request.

    executeHttpRequest(destination, { middleware: [ timeout() ] }, httpRequestOptions);
    executeHttpRequest(destination, { middleware: [ timeout() ] }, httpRequestOptions);

    For more detailed overview visit our resilience documentation.

    @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@


    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.






    Type Aliases

    Middleware @@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ retry timeout

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_temporal_de_serializers.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_temporal_de_serializers.html index e755fa325e..cbe25bff89 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_temporal_de_serializers.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_temporal_de_serializers.html @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@


    This package contains the Temporal based middleware for date/time (de-)serialization in the SAP Cloud SDK.


    $ npm install @sap-cloud-sdk/temporal-de-serializers


    import { temporalDeSerializersV4 } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/temporal-de-serializers';

    const { businessPartnerApi } = businessPartnerService(temporalDeSerializersV4);
    .build(); +


    import { temporalDeSerializersV4 } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/temporal-de-serializers';

    const { businessPartnerApi } = businessPartnerService(temporalDeSerializersV4);

    For more detailed overview visit the Temporal middleware documentation.

    @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@


    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.






    temporalDeSerializersV2 temporalDeSerializersV4

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.html index caf958cc10..b4fa8f260a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_test_util.html @@ -8,13 +8,13 @@


    The test-util package makes writing tests for your SAP Business Technology Platform application more convenient.

    For example, you can create a mock destination for your tests by using the function mockTestDestination.

    import { mockTestDestination } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/test-util';
    mockTestDestination('mockDestinationName'); +
    import { mockTestDestination } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/test-util';

    You need to save your system information in local file systems.json:

    "systems": [
    "alias": "mockDestinationName",
    "uri": "https://www.example.com"
    } +
    "systems": [
    "alias": "mockDestinationName",
    "uri": "https://www.example.com"

    and credentials.json:

    "credentials": [
    "alias": "SYS_001",
    "username": "username",
    "password": "password"
    } +
    "credentials": [
    "alias": "SYS_001",
    "username": "username",
    "password": "password"
    @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@


    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.







    getTestDestinationByAlias getTestDestinations mockAllTestDestinations @@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ unmockAllTestDestinations unmockTestDestination

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_util.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_util.html index 9040adf09b..60ceb80d11 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_util.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/modules/sap_cloud_sdk_util.html @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@


    The util package collects useful tools that help build your SAP Business Technology Platform application. For example, the following code snippet changes the log level of the destination accessor of the SDK.

    import { setLogLevel } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/util';
    setLogLevel('debug', 'destination-accessor'); +
    import { setLogLevel } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/util';
    setLogLevel('debug', 'destination-accessor');
    @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@


    The SAP Cloud SDK is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.







    LoggerOptions MessageContextObj @@ -112,4 +112,4 @@ upperCaseSnakeCase zip

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.AllDestinationOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.AllDestinationOptions.html index e979b4f4f6..41db5fa93a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.AllDestinationOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.AllDestinationOptions.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -AllDestinationOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    AllDestinationOptions: Omit<DestinationOptions, "selectionStrategy" | "isolationStrategy">

    Options used to fetch all destinations.

    +AllDestinationOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    AllDestinationOptions: Omit<DestinationOptions, "selectionStrategy" | "isolationStrategy">

    Options used to fetch all destinations.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.AuthenticationType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.AuthenticationType.html index 9b5f2ac67e..f61454035b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.AuthenticationType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.AuthenticationType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ AuthenticationType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    AuthenticationType: "PrincipalPropagation" | "NoAuthentication" | "BasicAuthentication" | "SAMLAssertion" | "OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion" | "OAuth2ClientCredentials" | "OAuth2UserTokenExchange" | "ClientCertificateAuthentication" | "OAuth2JWTBearer" | "OAuth2Password" | "OAuth2RefreshToken"

    Represents the authentication type of a destination.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationCacheInterface.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationCacheInterface.html index 473d30116f..13cd2aef44 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationCacheInterface.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationCacheInterface.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -DestinationCacheInterface | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DestinationCacheInterface: AsyncCacheInterface<Destination>

    Type to implement custom destination caching. +DestinationCacheInterface | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    DestinationCacheInterface: AsyncCacheInterface<Destination>

    Type to implement custom destination caching. To use a custom cache, call setDestinationCache and pass a cache instance that implements this interface.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationOptions.html index 0ebbaabf3d..1825950fc4 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationOptions.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ DestinationOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationOrFetchOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationOrFetchOptions.html index 06454e3eb3..6e284fe1a8 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationOrFetchOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationOrFetchOptions.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ DestinationOrFetchOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationProxyType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationProxyType.html index 4cbe5db9aa..384f828238 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationProxyType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationProxyType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ DestinationProxyType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DestinationProxyType: "OnPremise" | "Internet" | "PrivateLink" | null

    Represents the proxy type on a destination.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationRetrievalOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationRetrievalOptions.html index 0f5af7eac4..4ff127fe94 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationRetrievalOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationRetrievalOptions.html @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ This parameter enables 3 retries on the destination by name calls. By default, the retry is disabled.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationSelectionStrategy.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationSelectionStrategy.html index 62fa543fe2..5acdffd2a5 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationSelectionStrategy.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationSelectionStrategy.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -DestinationSelectionStrategy | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DestinationSelectionStrategy: ((allDestinations, destinationName) => Destination | null)

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationWithName.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationWithName.html index 16bc4bb626..6bd02f092b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationWithName.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationWithName.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ DestinationWithName | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DestinationWithName: Destination & {
        name: string;

    Represents a destination with a name property.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    • name: string
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    • name: string
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationWithoutToken.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationWithoutToken.html index d96ee6b81f..1a4341203b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationWithoutToken.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationWithoutToken.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -DestinationWithoutToken | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DestinationWithoutToken: Omit<Destination, "authTokens">

    A Destination which does not contain | authTokens.

    +DestinationWithoutToken | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DestinationWithoutToken: Omit<Destination, "authTokens">

    A Destination which does not contain | authTokens.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpDestination.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpDestination.html index 1c8693ce4a..0864f9173f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpDestination.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpDestination.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ HttpDestination | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    HttpDestination: Destination & {
        url: string;

    Destination for HTTP request where the URL is mandatory.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    • url: string
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    • url: string
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions.html index a22a070ce6..dba5c1cf27 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ HttpDestinationOrFetchOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.IsolationStrategy.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.IsolationStrategy.html index 5aa4c2db44..75b43a585d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.IsolationStrategy.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.IsolationStrategy.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ IsolationStrategy | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    IsolationStrategy: "tenant" | "tenant-user"

    Represents the isolation strategy in the destination cache. The available strategies are isolation by tenant or isolation by tenant and user.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.PartialDestinationFetchOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.PartialDestinationFetchOptions.html index a67998316a..9623083dfc 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.PartialDestinationFetchOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.PartialDestinationFetchOptions.html @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@


    Since v3.4.0. Use either ServiceBindingTransformOptions or getDestinationFromServiceBinding. Represents partial options to fetch destinations.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.Protocol.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.Protocol.html index 18b96e5fce..6ab0be9caa 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.Protocol.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.Protocol.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ Protocol | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    Protocol: "http" | "https" | "socks"

    Supported web protocols for requests made by the SAP Cloud SDK.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.RegisterDestinationOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.RegisterDestinationOptions.html index 4c5f267942..64d9ff75a0 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.RegisterDestinationOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.RegisterDestinationOptions.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -RegisterDestinationOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    RegisterDestinationOptions: Pick<DestinationFetchOptions, "jwt" | "isolationStrategy"> & {
        inferMtls?: boolean;
        useMtlsCache?: boolean;

    Represents options to configure how a destination should be registered.

    +RegisterDestinationOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    RegisterDestinationOptions: Pick<DestinationFetchOptions, "jwt" | "isolationStrategy"> & {
        inferMtls?: boolean;
        useMtlsCache?: boolean;

    Represents options to configure how a destination should be registered.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    • Optional inferMtls?: boolean
    • Optional useMtlsCache?: boolean
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    • Optional inferMtls?: boolean
    • Optional useMtlsCache?: boolean
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ServiceBindingTransformFunction.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ServiceBindingTransformFunction.html index 20e754bf8f..ae4e4cc74e 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ServiceBindingTransformFunction.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ServiceBindingTransformFunction.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -ServiceBindingTransformFunction | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ServiceBindingTransformFunction: ((service, options?) => Promise<Destination>)

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ServiceBindingTransformOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ServiceBindingTransformOptions.html index 8b3cde5d54..c523702434 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ServiceBindingTransformOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ServiceBindingTransformOptions.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ ServiceBindingTransformOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ServiceBindingTransformOptions: {
        jwt?: JwtPayload;
    } & CachingOptions

    Represents options passed to the service binding transform function.

    Type declaration

    • Optional jwt?: JwtPayload

      The JWT payload used to fetch destinations.

      Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ServiceCredentials.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ServiceCredentials.html index 5e7f2197c5..15b466771b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ServiceCredentials.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.ServiceCredentials.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ ServiceCredentials | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ServiceCredentials: {
        clientid: string;
        [other: string]: any;
    } & ({
        clientsecret: string;
    } | {
        certificate: string;
        key: string;

    Unspecific representation of a service's credentials as read from VCAP_SERVICES (for Cloud Foundry) or mounted secrets (for K8S).

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    • [other: string]: any
    • clientid: string
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    • [other: string]: any
    • clientid: string
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.XsuaaServiceCredentials.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.XsuaaServiceCredentials.html index 19019a5723..558ba923e9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.XsuaaServiceCredentials.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.XsuaaServiceCredentials.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ XsuaaServiceCredentials | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    XsuaaServiceCredentials: ServiceCredentials & {
        identityzone: string;
        identityzoneid: string;
        sburl: string;
        tenantid: string;
        tenantmode: string;
        uaadomain: string;
        url: string;
        verificationkey: string;
        xsappname: string;

    Credentials for the XSUAA service.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    • identityzone: string
    • identityzoneid: string
    • sburl: string
    • tenantid: string
    • tenantmode: string
    • uaadomain: string
    • url: string
    • verificationkey: string
    • xsappname: string
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    • identityzone: string
    • identityzoneid: string
    • sburl: string
    • tenantid: string
    • tenantmode: string
    • uaadomain: string
    • url: string
    • verificationkey: string
    • xsappname: string
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpMiddleware.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpMiddleware.html index efdd7c2582..489af93a8b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpMiddleware.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpMiddleware.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ HttpMiddleware | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpMiddlewareOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpMiddlewareOptions.html index 82db2b9467..c121656521 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpMiddlewareOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpMiddlewareOptions.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ HttpMiddlewareOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestConfig.html index f9af43d67d..8429259f9d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestConfig.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -HttpRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    HttpRequestConfig: HttpRequestConfigBase & {
        headers?: Record<string, any>;
        params?: Record<string, any>;

    This interface is compatible with RawAxiosRequestConfig.

    +HttpRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    HttpRequestConfig: HttpRequestConfigBase & {
        headers?: Record<string, any>;
        params?: Record<string, any>;

    This interface is compatible with RawAxiosRequestConfig.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    • Optional headers?: Record<string, any>
    • Optional params?: Record<string, any>
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    • Optional headers?: Record<string, any>
    • Optional params?: Record<string, any>
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestConfigWithOrigin.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestConfigWithOrigin.html index 0864c96137..e272298969 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestConfigWithOrigin.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.HttpRequestConfigWithOrigin.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ HttpRequestConfigWithOrigin | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    HttpRequestConfigWithOrigin: HttpRequestConfigBase & {
        headers?: OriginOptions;
        params?: OriginOptions;

    This interface is similar to HttpRequestConfig. In addition, the headers and params can be defined with "origin" information.

    Type declaration



    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.Method.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.Method.html index 8035610800..8013e863d9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.Method.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.Method.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ Method | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    Method: "get" | "GET" | "delete" | "DELETE" | "head" | "HEAD" | "options" | "OPTIONS" | "post" | "POST" | "put" | "PUT" | "patch" | "PATCH"

    HTTP Methods supported by the http-client.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.ParameterEncoder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.ParameterEncoder.html index 1f5d918b07..aed5306617 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.ParameterEncoder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.ParameterEncoder.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -ParameterEncoder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ParameterEncoder: ((parameter) => Record<string, any>)

    Type declaration

      • (parameter): Record<string, any>
      • Type of the parameter encoder.

        +ParameterEncoder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
        ParameterEncoder: ((parameter) => Record<string, any>)

        Type of the parameter encoder.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



        • parameter: Record<string, any>

        Returns Record<string, any>

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

      • (parameter): Record<string, any>
      • Parameters

        • parameter: Record<string, any>

        Returns Record<string, any>

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Headers.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Headers.html index e8d0397782..d02b8e8050 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Headers.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_mail_client.Headers.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ Prepared header values that are not folded or encoded by Nodemailer. This type is compatible with Headers of nodemailer.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    • [key: string]: string | string[] | {
          prepared: boolean;
          value: string;
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    • [key: string]: string | string[] | {
          prepared: boolean;
          value: string;
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BatchSubRequestPathType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BatchSubRequestPathType.html index 32ed140c62..17bf01b92d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BatchSubRequestPathType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.BatchSubRequestPathType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ BatchSubRequestPathType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    BatchSubRequestPathType: "absolute" | "relativeToService" | "relativeToEntity" | "noPath"

    The path in the sub request should be serialized as an absolute or relative URL.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ChangesetBuilderTypes.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ChangesetBuilderTypes.html index e0e631f56c..7be4a5f201 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ChangesetBuilderTypes.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ChangesetBuilderTypes.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -ChangesetBuilderTypes | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ChangesetBuilderTypes<DeSerializersT>: CreateRequestBuilderBase<EntityBase, DeSerializersT> | UpdateRequestBuilderBase<EntityBase, DeSerializersT> | DeleteRequestBuilderBase<EntityBase, DeSerializersT> | Omit<OperationRequestBuilderBase<any, any, any>, "execute">

    Some function imports contain not serializable entities and the execute() method is removed from them. +ChangesetBuilderTypes | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Some function imports contain not serializable entities and the execute() method is removed from them. Since the execute method is not needed in batch the execute it is removed from all function imports.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CollectionFieldType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CollectionFieldType.html index 387b5317ed..d84e083fea 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CollectionFieldType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CollectionFieldType.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -CollectionFieldType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    CollectionFieldType<CollectionFieldT>: CollectionFieldT | ComplexTypeNamespace<CollectionFieldT>

    Convenience type to reflect the type of the instances of a collection field. +CollectionFieldType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Convenience type to reflect the type of the instances of a collection field. The actual type of the elements for complex type collections is ComplexTypeNamespace.


    Type Parameters

    • CollectionFieldT extends EdmTypeShared<"any"> | Record<string, any>

      Type of of elements of the collection. This can either be an EDM type or complex type.


      Type Parameters

      • CollectionFieldT extends EdmTypeShared<"any"> | Record<string, any>

        Type of of elements of the collection. This can either be an EDM type or complex type.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypeFieldConstructor.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypeFieldConstructor.html index e44f11c911..b267d25849 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypeFieldConstructor.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypeFieldConstructor.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -ComplexTypeFieldConstructor | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias ComplexTypeFieldConstructor<ComplexTypeFieldT, EntityT, DeSerializersT, ComplexT, NullableT, SelectableT>

    ComplexTypeFieldConstructor<ComplexTypeFieldT, EntityT, DeSerializersT, ComplexT, NullableT, SelectableT>: (new (fieldName, fieldOf, deSerializers, fieldOptions?) => ComplexTypeFieldT)

    Type Parameters

    • ComplexTypeFieldT extends ComplexTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, ComplexT, NullableT, SelectableT>

    • EntityT extends EntityBase

    • DeSerializersT extends DeSerializers

    • ComplexT

    • NullableT extends boolean

    • SelectableT extends boolean

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypePropertyFields.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypePropertyFields.html index 381ec337bd..7e28a539ac 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypePropertyFields.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ComplexTypePropertyFields.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -ComplexTypePropertyFields | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ComplexTypePropertyFields<EntityT>: EdmTypeField<EntityT, any, any, boolean, false> | OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, any, any, boolean, false>

    A complex type contains multiple properties. +ComplexTypePropertyFields | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    ComplexTypePropertyFields<EntityT>: EdmTypeField<EntityT, any, any, boolean, false> | OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, any, any, boolean, false>

    A complex type contains multiple properties. This type represents the possible types of these properties.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

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    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ConstructorOrField.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ConstructorOrField.html index 748d53cd1a..4eeb7806ad 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ConstructorOrField.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ConstructorOrField.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -ConstructorOrField | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ConstructorOrField<EntityT, ComplexT>: Constructable<EntityT> | ComplexTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializers, ComplexT, boolean, boolean>

    Union type to represent the parent of a field. This can either be an entity constructor or a complex type field.

    +ConstructorOrField | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ConstructorOrField<EntityT, ComplexT>: Constructable<EntityT> | ComplexTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializers, ComplexT, boolean, boolean>

    Union type to represent the parent of a field. This can either be an entity constructor or a complex type field.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

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    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CustomOrDefaultType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CustomOrDefaultType.html index 87f2e5ecd6..f885e1c832 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CustomOrDefaultType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.CustomOrDefaultType.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -CustomOrDefaultType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias CustomOrDefaultType<CustomDeSerializerT, EdmT, DefaultDeSerializersT>

    CustomOrDefaultType<CustomDeSerializerT, EdmT, DefaultDeSerializersT>: EdmT extends keyof CustomDeSerializerT
        ? CustomDeSerializerT[EdmT] extends DeSerializer<infer CustomT> | undefined
            ? CustomT
            : DeserializedType<DefaultDeSerializersT, EdmT>
        : DeserializedType<DefaultDeSerializersT, EdmT>

    Infers the deserialized type for an EDM type, based on custom (de-)serializers. +CustomOrDefaultType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias CustomOrDefaultType<CustomDeSerializerT, EdmT, DefaultDeSerializersT>

    CustomOrDefaultType<CustomDeSerializerT, EdmT, DefaultDeSerializersT>: EdmT extends keyof CustomDeSerializerT
        ? CustomDeSerializerT[EdmT] extends DeSerializer<infer CustomT> | undefined
            ? CustomT
            : DeserializedType<DefaultDeSerializersT, EdmT>
        : DeserializedType<DefaultDeSerializersT, EdmT>

    Infers the deserialized type for an EDM type, based on custom (de-)serializers. If the custom (de-)serializers specify a type for the given EDM type, this type is inferred. Otherwise the given DefaultType is used.


    Type Parameters

    • CustomDeSerializerT

      Type of the custom (de-)serializers.

    • EdmT

      The EDM type to infer the type for.


      Type Parameters

      • CustomDeSerializerT

        Type of the custom (de-)serializers.

      • EdmT

        The EDM type to infer the type for.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

      • DefaultDeSerializersT extends DefaultDeSerializers

    \ No newline at end of file +
  • DefaultDeSerializersT extends DefaultDeSerializers

  • \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DefaultDeSerializers.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DefaultDeSerializers.html index 5eb1f0452d..28127dcabe 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DefaultDeSerializers.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DefaultDeSerializers.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -DefaultDeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DefaultDeSerializers: DeSerializers<string, boolean, number, BigNumber, number, number, number, number, BigNumber, string, number, number, string, any>

    Type of the default (de-)serializers.

    +DefaultDeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DefaultDeSerializers: DeSerializers<string, boolean, number, BigNumber, number, number, number, number, BigNumber, string, number, number, string, any>

    Type of the default (de-)serializers.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeserializedType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeserializedType.html index 7faa284e25..a855f25dea 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeserializedType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.DeserializedType.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -DeserializedType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias DeserializedType<DeSerializersT, EdmT>

    DeserializedType<DeSerializersT, EdmT>: EdmT extends keyof DeSerializersT
        ? DeSerializersT[EdmT] extends DeSerializer<infer DeserializedT>
            ? DeserializedT
            : any
        : any

    Infers the deserialized type for an EDM type from the given (de-)serializers type.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeCommon.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeCommon.html index 670a18c7b9..e0e5d4e954 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeCommon.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeCommon.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ EdmTypeCommon | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeDifferentConverters.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeDifferentConverters.html index 4fdf24fcbb..47131df7d8 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeDifferentConverters.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeDifferentConverters.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ EdmTypeDifferentConverters | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    EdmTypeDifferentConverters: "Edm.DateTimeOffset"

    Includes all EDM types that have different converters for OData version 2 and 4.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeSameConverters.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeSameConverters.html index 2cd63350a8..7e77d42395 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeSameConverters.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeSameConverters.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ EdmTypeSameConverters | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    EdmTypeSameConverters: "Edm.String" | "Edm.Boolean" | "Edm.Decimal" | "Edm.Double" | "Edm.Single" | "Edm.Float" | "Edm.Int16" | "Edm.Int32" | "Edm.Int64" | "Edm.SByte" | "Edm.Binary" | "Edm.Guid" | "Edm.Byte" | "Edm.Any"


    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeShared.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeShared.html index 9c4ff11f08..3bf93e9ee6 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeShared.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EdmTypeShared.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -EdmTypeShared | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    EdmTypeShared<VersionT>: VersionT extends any
        ? EdmTypeCommon | ExclusiveEdmTypeV2 | ExclusiveEdmTypeV4
        : EdmTypeCommon | ExclusiveEdmTypeV2 | ExclusiveEdmTypeV4

    Represents all valid EDM types for one OData version (either v2 or v4). +EdmTypeShared | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Represents all valid EDM types for one OData version (either v2 or v4). Currently, due to an issue in TypeScript, this includes all valid types for OData v2 and v4.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

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    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityBuilderType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityBuilderType.html index 6e39059aef..ab01bac0d1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityBuilderType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityBuilderType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -EntityBuilderType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias EntityBuilderType<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    EntityBuilderType<EntityT, DeSerializersT>: {
        [property in keyof Required<Omit<EntityT, keyof EntityBase>>]: ((value) => EntityBuilderType<EntityT, DeSerializersT>)
    } & EntityBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Entity builder type with check for EntityT.

    +EntityBuilderType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias EntityBuilderType<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    EntityBuilderType<EntityT, DeSerializersT>: {
        [property in keyof Required<Omit<EntityT, keyof EntityBase>>]: ((value) => EntityBuilderType<EntityT, DeSerializersT>)
    } & EntityBuilder<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Entity builder type with check for EntityT.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

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    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityType.html index 5d2254a229..b949a0fe13 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -EntityType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    EntityType<forExtraction>: forExtraction extends EntityApi<infer EntityT, any>
        ? EntityT
        : never

    Helper type to extract the type of an entity from an API so EntityType<MyPetApi> is Dog.

    +EntityType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    EntityType<forExtraction>: forExtraction extends EntityApi<infer EntityT, any>
        ? EntityT
        : never

    Helper type to extract the type of an entity from an API so EntityType<MyPetApi> is Dog.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

    • forExtraction

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    • forExtraction

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityTypeFromFieldOf.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityTypeFromFieldOf.html index 9c98b2caa5..fd73aa60d9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityTypeFromFieldOf.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.EntityTypeFromFieldOf.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -EntityTypeFromFieldOf | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    EntityTypeFromFieldOf<FieldOfT>: FieldOfT extends ConstructorOrField<infer EntityT>
        ? EntityT
        : never

    Helper type to extract the entity from a field so EntityTypeFromFieldOf<EdmTypeField> is MyEntity.

    +EntityTypeFromFieldOf | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    EntityTypeFromFieldOf<FieldOfT>: FieldOfT extends ConstructorOrField<infer EntityT>
        ? EntityT
        : never

    Helper type to extract the entity from a field so EntityTypeFromFieldOf<EdmTypeField> is MyEntity.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

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    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ExclusiveEdmTypeV2.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ExclusiveEdmTypeV2.html index 5ea88f32fd..1168c06d49 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ExclusiveEdmTypeV2.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ExclusiveEdmTypeV2.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ ExclusiveEdmTypeV2 | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ExclusiveEdmTypeV4.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ExclusiveEdmTypeV4.html index 2248832609..f75f06937d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ExclusiveEdmTypeV4.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ExclusiveEdmTypeV4.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ ExclusiveEdmTypeV4 | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ExclusiveEdmTypeV4: "Edm.Date" | "Edm.Duration" | "Edm.TimeOfDay" | "Edm.Enum"

    Exclusive EDM types for OData v4.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Expandable.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Expandable.html index 502907f5d8..942a1848e9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Expandable.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Expandable.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Expandable | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias Expandable<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

    Expandable<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>: ODataVersionOf<EntityT> extends "v2"
        ? never
        : OneToManyLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT> | OneToOneLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT> | AllFields<EntityT>

    Represents everything that can be used in an .expand statement. Only relevant for OData v4 requests.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FieldTypeByEdmType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FieldTypeByEdmType.html index 83cffb8302..631e6bb9c2 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FieldTypeByEdmType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FieldTypeByEdmType.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -FieldTypeByEdmType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias FieldTypeByEdmType<T, EdmT, NullableT>

    FieldTypeByEdmType<T, EdmT, NullableT>: NullableFieldType<DeserializedType<T, EdmT>, NullableT>

    Convenience type that maps the given EDM type to a field type. It also considers whether the field is nullable.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionParameterType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionParameterType.html index 2bf910f757..e21ef54d05 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionParameterType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionParameterType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -FilterFunctionParameterType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FilterFunctionParameterType<EntityT>: FilterFunctionPrimitiveParameterType | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | FilterFunction<EntityT, any> | FilterFunctionPrimitiveParameterType[]

    Type of a parameter of a filter function. This can either be a primitive type, a reference to a field or another filter function.

    +FilterFunctionParameterType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type of a parameter of a filter function. This can either be a primitive type, a reference to a field or another filter function.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionPrimitiveParameterType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionPrimitiveParameterType.html index 9e64f59436..289a58496b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionPrimitiveParameterType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionPrimitiveParameterType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -FilterFunctionPrimitiveParameterType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FilterFunctionPrimitiveParameterType: number | string | moment.Moment

    Primitive type of a parameter of a filter function.

    +FilterFunctionPrimitiveParameterType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FilterFunctionPrimitiveParameterType: number | string | moment.Moment

    Primitive type of a parameter of a filter function.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionTypes.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionTypes.html index 6928d5eb70..f40fb61e06 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionTypes.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterFunctionTypes.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ FilterFunctionTypes | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FilterFunctionTypes: typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type | typeof __type

    Union type of all the possible filter functions contained in FilterFunctionsType.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterLambdaOperator.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterLambdaOperator.html index 7d8053d6e2..8d54dee1da 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterLambdaOperator.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterLambdaOperator.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ FilterLambdaOperator | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FilterLambdaOperator: "any" | "all"

    Possible operators used to filter one to many relations in OData v4. Values are any or all.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperator.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperator.html index 0cce9fb3c2..899a84608a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperator.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperator.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ FilterOperator | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperatorBoolean.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperatorBoolean.html index bb8c2bbd31..4a4c529936 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperatorBoolean.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperatorBoolean.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ FilterOperatorBoolean | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FilterOperatorBoolean: "eq" | "ne"

    Union type representing all filter operations for boolean properties. Possible values are eq and ne.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperatorNumber.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperatorNumber.html index 135b7c302e..97804e0ee0 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperatorNumber.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperatorNumber.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ FilterOperatorNumber | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FilterOperatorNumber: "eq" | "ne" | "lt" | "le" | "gt" | "ge"

    Union type representing all filter operations for number properties like le or gt.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperatorString.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperatorString.html index 4307bcc527..4b47dbc5ea 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperatorString.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FilterOperatorString.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ FilterOperatorString | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FilterOperatorString: "eq" | "ne" | "lt" | "le" | "gt" | "ge"

    Union type representing all filter operations for string properties like eq or ne.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Filterable.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Filterable.html index 5611f9bdde..d91e639175 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Filterable.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Filterable.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Filterable | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

    Filterable<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>: Filter<EntityT, DeSerializersT, any> | FilterLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT> | FilterList<EntityT, DeSerializersT> | FilterLambdaExpression<EntityT, DeSerializersT> | UnaryFilter<EntityT, DeSerializersT> | BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT> | OneToManyLink<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

    A union of all types that can be used for filtering.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FromJsonType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FromJsonType.html index 1172eb2a9e..ad6237bcfd 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FromJsonType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FromJsonType.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -FromJsonType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FromJsonType<JsonT>: {
        [key: string]: any;
    } & {
        [P in keyof PureEntityType<JsonT>]?: PureEntityType<JsonT>[P] extends (infer U)[] | null | undefined
            ? U extends Record<string, any>
                ? FromJsonType<U>[]
                : PureEntityType<JsonT>[P]
            : PureEntityType<JsonT>[P] extends Record<string, any> | null | undefined
                ? FromJsonType<PureEntityType<JsonT>[P]> | null | undefined
                : PureEntityType<JsonT>[P]

    Type to describe possible inputs for .fromJson. +FromJsonType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    FromJsonType<JsonT>: {
        [key: string]: any;
    } & {
        [P in keyof PureEntityType<JsonT>]?: PureEntityType<JsonT>[P] extends (infer U)[] | null | undefined
            ? U extends Record<string, any>
                ? FromJsonType<U>[]
                : PureEntityType<JsonT>[P]
            : PureEntityType<JsonT>[P] extends Record<string, any> | null | undefined
                ? FromJsonType<PureEntityType<JsonT>[P]> | null | undefined
                : PureEntityType<JsonT>[P]

    Type to describe possible inputs for .fromJson. This is based on the JSON type of an entity and allows all properties to be optional recursively. It also allows setting unknown properties, which will be treated as custom fields.


    Type Parameters

    • JsonT

      JSON type of the entity.


      Type Parameters

      • JsonT

        JSON type of the entity.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


      Type declaration

      • [key: string]: any
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    • [key: string]: any
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FunctionImportParameters.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FunctionImportParameters.html index 1b8730d9ce..5022483602 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FunctionImportParameters.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FunctionImportParameters.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -FunctionImportParameters | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FunctionImportParameters<ParametersT>: OperationParameters<ParametersT>

    Type Parameters

    • ParametersT


    Since 3.3.0. Use OperationParameters instead.

    +FunctionImportParameters | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FunctionImportParameters<ParametersT>: OperationParameters<ParametersT>

    Type Parameters

    • ParametersT


    Since 3.3.0. Use OperationParameters instead.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.IsSelectableField.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.IsSelectableField.html index b483467ed7..8383a489ee 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.IsSelectableField.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.IsSelectableField.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -IsSelectableField | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    IsSelectableField<FieldOfT>: FieldOfT extends Constructable<any>
        ? true
        : false

    Convenience type to determine whether a field should be selectable. If the given FieldOfT is the type of an entity, it is selectable.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NonNullishType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NonNullishType.html index 2f66577b2e..d7e71d4f23 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NonNullishType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NonNullishType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -NonNullishType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    NonNullishType<T>: Exclude<T, NullishTypes>

    Exclude all nullish types from the given type so NonNullishType<TypeA | TypeB | undefined> is TypeA | TypeB.

    +NonNullishType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    NonNullishType<T>: Exclude<T, NullishTypes>

    Exclude all nullish types from the given type so NonNullishType<TypeA | TypeB | undefined> is TypeA | TypeB.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

    • T

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    • T

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NullableFieldType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NullableFieldType.html index bdd11d2fae..06d81011c1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NullableFieldType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NullableFieldType.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -NullableFieldType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    NullableFieldType<FieldT, NullableT>: NullableT extends true
        ? FieldT | null
        : FieldT

    Convenience type that maps the given field type to a new type that is either nullable or not, depending on the given NullableT.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NullishTypes.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NullishTypes.html index 02f8738a2e..d5eeac652a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NullishTypes.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.NullishTypes.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ NullishTypes | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataVersionOf.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataVersionOf.html index 6bc5114595..3118f7d027 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataVersionOf.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataVersionOf.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -ODataVersionOf | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ODataVersionOf<T>: T["_oDataVersion"]

    Helper type to extract the @sap-cloud-sdk/util!ODataVersion from a given entity so ODataVersionOf is v2.

    +ODataVersionOf | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ODataVersionOf<T>: T["_oDataVersion"]

    Helper type to extract the @sap-cloud-sdk/util!ODataVersion from a given entity so ODataVersionOf is v2.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OperationParameters.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OperationParameters.html index 2e19d5433b..738d2380c9 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OperationParameters.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OperationParameters.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -OperationParameters | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    OperationParameters<ParametersT>: {
        [K in keyof ParametersT]: OperationParameter<ParametersT[K]>

    Internal representation of all parameters of an operation as a map.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderType.html index 6f654c4822..24128b28f4 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ OrderType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Orderable.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Orderable.html index ca6e445cdd..b3c4764b8d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Orderable.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Orderable.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Orderable | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias Orderable<EntityT, LinkedEntityApiT>

    Orderable<EntityT, LinkedEntityApiT>: Order<EntityT> | OrderLink<EntityT, LinkedEntityApiT>

    A union of all types that can be used for ordering.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableAndOrderableInput.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableAndOrderableInput.html index f10c71fea7..123aac284a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableAndOrderableInput.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableAndOrderableInput.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -OrderableAndOrderableInput | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias OrderableAndOrderableInput<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT, LinkedEntityApiTOptional>

    OrderableAndOrderableInput<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT, LinkedEntityApiTOptional>: Orderable<EntityT, LinkedEntityApiTOptional> | OrderableInput<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

    A union of Orderable and OrderableInput.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableEdmType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableEdmType.html index 8655a11bde..f5b949418d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableEdmType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableEdmType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ OrderableEdmType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    OrderableEdmType: "Edm.Decimal" | "Edm.Double" | "Edm.Single" | "Edm.Float" | "Edm.Int16" | "Edm.Int32" | "Edm.Int64" | "Edm.SByte" | "Edm.Byte" | "Edm.DateTime" | "Edm.DateTimeOffset" | "Edm.Time" | "Edm.Date" | "Edm.Duration" | "Edm.TimeOfDay" | "Edm.String" | "Edm.Boolean" | "Edm.Guid"

    EDM types that can be compared with greaterThan, greaterOrEqual, lessThan and lessOrEqual.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableInput.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableInput.html index ff68e6f6fc..96351d2ac8 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableInput.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.OrderableInput.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -OrderableInput | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias OrderableInput<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>

    OrderableInput<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT>: SimpleTypeFields<EntityT> | Link<EntityT, DeSerializersT, LinkedEntityApiT> | ComplexTypePropertyFields<EntityT>

    A union of all types that can be used as input for ordering.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.PureEntityType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.PureEntityType.html index 359fae1473..145a990578 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.PureEntityType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.PureEntityType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -PureEntityType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    PureEntityType<T>: Omit<NonNullishType<T>, keyof EntityBase>

    Omits all nullish properties as well as all properties of the EntityBase from a given type.

    +PureEntityType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    PureEntityType<T>: Omit<NonNullishType<T>, keyof EntityBase>

    Omits all nullish properties as well as all properties of the EntityBase from a given type.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

    • T

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    • T

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.RequestMethodType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.RequestMethodType.html index 186319b7bb..6dada135b7 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.RequestMethodType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.RequestMethodType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ RequestMethodType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    RequestMethodType: "get" | "post" | "patch" | "delete" | "put"

    Set of possible request methods.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Selectable.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Selectable.html index c554d46b5c..b98a80c85b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Selectable.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.Selectable.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -Selectable | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>: ODataVersionOf<EntityT> extends "v2"
        ? SimpleTypeFields<EntityT> | Link<EntityT, DeSerializersT, EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>> | ComplexTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, any, boolean, boolean> | CustomField<EntityT, any, boolean> | CollectionField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, any, boolean, boolean> | AllFields<EntityT>
        : ODataVersionOf<EntityT> extends "v4"
            ? SimpleTypeFields<EntityT> | ComplexTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, any, boolean, boolean> | CustomField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, boolean> | CollectionField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, any, boolean, boolean> | AllFields<EntityT>
            : never

    Union type of all selectable fields.

    +Selectable | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>

    Selectable<EntityT, DeSerializersT>: ODataVersionOf<EntityT> extends "v2"
        ? SimpleTypeFields<EntityT> | Link<EntityT, DeSerializersT, EntityApi<EntityBase, DeSerializersT>> | ComplexTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, any, boolean, boolean> | CustomField<EntityT, any, boolean> | CollectionField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, any, boolean, boolean> | AllFields<EntityT>
        : ODataVersionOf<EntityT> extends "v4"
            ? SimpleTypeFields<EntityT> | ComplexTypeField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, any, boolean, boolean> | CustomField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, boolean> | CollectionField<EntityT, DeSerializersT, any, boolean, boolean> | AllFields<EntityT>
            : never

    Union type of all selectable fields.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.SimpleTypeFields.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.SimpleTypeFields.html index 9370855dff..ef505d05c1 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.SimpleTypeFields.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.SimpleTypeFields.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -SimpleTypeFields | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    SimpleTypeFields<EntityT>: EdmTypeField<EntityT, any, any, boolean, true> | OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, any, any, boolean, true>

    Helper type to unite the EdmTypeField and OrderableEdmTypeField which are appearing often together.

    +SimpleTypeFields | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    SimpleTypeFields<EntityT>: EdmTypeField<EntityT, any, any, boolean, true> | OrderableEdmTypeField<EntityT, any, any, boolean, true>

    Helper type to unite the EdmTypeField and OrderableEdmTypeField which are appearing often together.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.BatchResponse.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.BatchResponse.html index 7de97d761f..8081ff3e76 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.BatchResponse.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.BatchResponse.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -BatchResponse | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    BatchResponse<DeSerializersT>: ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT> | WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT> | ErrorResponse

    Union of the possible batch responses: ReadResponseCommon, WriteResponsesCommon and @sap-cloud-sdk/odata-common!ErrorResponse.

    +BatchResponse | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CustomDeSerializers.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CustomDeSerializers.html index ede5dde2e4..7d2c29bb35 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CustomDeSerializers.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CustomDeSerializers.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -CustomDeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    CustomDeSerializers<T>: DeSerializers<CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Binary">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Boolean">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Byte">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Decimal">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Double">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Float">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Int16">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Int32">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Int64">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Guid">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.SByte">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Single">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.String">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Any">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.DateTime">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.DateTimeOffset">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Time">>

    Type of the full set of (de-)serialization functions, that include custom (de-)serializers (aka. default (de-)serializers type merged with custom (de-)serializers type).

    +CustomDeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    CustomDeSerializers<T>: DeSerializers<CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Binary">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Boolean">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Byte">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Decimal">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Double">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Float">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Int16">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Int32">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Int64">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Guid">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.SByte">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Single">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.String">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Any">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.DateTime">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.DateTimeOffset">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Time">>

    Type of the full set of (de-)serialization functions, that include custom (de-)serializers (aka. default (de-)serializers type merged with custom (de-)serializers type).

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

    • T

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    • T

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CustomOrDefaultType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CustomOrDefaultType.html index 4ecb668045..2ae75db2eb 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CustomOrDefaultType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.CustomOrDefaultType.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -CustomOrDefaultType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias CustomOrDefaultType<CustomDeSerializerT, EdmT>

    CustomOrDefaultType<CustomDeSerializerT, EdmT>: CustomOrDefaultType<CustomDeSerializerT, EdmT, DefaultDeSerializers>

    Infers the deserialized type for an EDM type, based on custom (de-)serializers. +CustomOrDefaultType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias CustomOrDefaultType<CustomDeSerializerT, EdmT>

    Infers the deserialized type for an EDM type, based on custom (de-)serializers. If the custom (de-)serializers specify a type for the given EDM type, this type is inferred. Otherwise the given DefaultType is used.


    Type Parameters

    • CustomDeSerializerT

      Type of the custom (de-)serializers.

    • EdmT

      The EDM type to infer the type for.


      Type Parameters

      • CustomDeSerializerT

        Type of the custom (de-)serializers.

      • EdmT

        The EDM type to infer the type for.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.DefaultDeSerializers.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.DefaultDeSerializers.html index 3965f8c398..3e53227ad3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.DefaultDeSerializers.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.DefaultDeSerializers.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -DefaultDeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DefaultDeSerializers: DeSerializers<string, boolean, number, BigNumber, number, number, number, number, BigNumber, string, number, number, string, any, moment.Moment, moment.Moment, Time>

    Type of the default (de-)serializers.

    +DefaultDeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DefaultDeSerializers: DeSerializers<string, boolean, number, BigNumber, number, number, number, number, BigNumber, string, number, number, string, any, moment.Moment, moment.Moment, Time>

    Type of the default (de-)serializers.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.FilterFunctionsType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.FilterFunctionsType.html index 919657e710..4f04c3cccd 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.FilterFunctionsType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.FilterFunctionsType.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ FilterFunctionsType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FilterFunctionsType: FilterFunctionsType & {
        replace: typeof replace;
        substringOf: typeof substringOf;

    Extending the common filter function by the OData v2 specific onessubstringOf and replace.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ActionImportParameters.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ActionImportParameters.html index 3324ac6e83..6f1975c25c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ActionImportParameters.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ActionImportParameters.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -ActionImportParameters | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ActionImportParameters<ParametersT>: {
        [K in keyof ParametersT]: ActionImportParameter<ParametersT[K]>

    Type Parameters

    • ParametersT


    Since 3.3.0. Use OperationParameter instead.

    +ActionImportParameters | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ActionImportParameters<ParametersT>: {
        [K in keyof ParametersT]: ActionImportParameter<ParametersT[K]>

    Type Parameters

    • ParametersT


    Since 3.3.0. Use OperationParameter instead.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BatchResponse.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BatchResponse.html index b4bf8dd179..068df3274f 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BatchResponse.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.BatchResponse.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -BatchResponse | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    BatchResponse<DeSerializersT>: ReadResponseCommon<DeSerializersT> | WriteResponsesCommon<DeSerializersT> | ErrorResponse

    Union of the possible batch responses: ReadResponseCommon, WriteResponsesCommon and @sap-cloud-sdk/odata-common!ErrorResponse.

    +BatchResponse | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CustomDeSerializers.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CustomDeSerializers.html index 3f819b3d6e..02fa0a3798 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CustomDeSerializers.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CustomDeSerializers.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -CustomDeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    CustomDeSerializers<T>: DeSerializers<CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Binary">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Boolean">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Byte">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Decimal">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Double">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Float">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Int16">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Int32">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Int64">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Guid">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.SByte">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Single">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.String">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Any">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.DateTime">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.DateTimeOffset">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Time">>

    Type of the full set of (de-)serialization functions, that include custom (de-)serializers (aka. default (de-)serializers type merged with custom (de-)serializers type).

    +CustomDeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    CustomDeSerializers<T>: DeSerializers<CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Binary">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Boolean">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Byte">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Decimal">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Double">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Float">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Int16">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Int32">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Int64">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Guid">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.SByte">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Single">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.String">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Any">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.DateTime">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.DateTimeOffset">, CustomOrDefaultType<T, "Edm.Time">>

    Type of the full set of (de-)serialization functions, that include custom (de-)serializers (aka. default (de-)serializers type merged with custom (de-)serializers type).

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

    • T

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    • T

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CustomOrDefaultType.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CustomOrDefaultType.html index 8a02c5ba83..05c00b7250 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CustomOrDefaultType.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.CustomOrDefaultType.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -CustomOrDefaultType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias CustomOrDefaultType<CustomDeSerializerT, EdmT>

    CustomOrDefaultType<CustomDeSerializerT, EdmT>: CustomOrDefaultType<CustomDeSerializerT, EdmT, DefaultDeSerializers>

    Infers the deserialized type for an EDM type, based on custom (de-)serializers. +CustomOrDefaultType | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias CustomOrDefaultType<CustomDeSerializerT, EdmT>

    Infers the deserialized type for an EDM type, based on custom (de-)serializers. If the custom (de-)serializers specify a type for the given EDM type, this type is inferred. Otherwise the given DefaultType is used.


    Type Parameters

    • CustomDeSerializerT

      Type of the custom (de-)serializers.

    • EdmT

      The EDM type to infer the type for.


      Type Parameters

      • CustomDeSerializerT

        Type of the custom (de-)serializers.

      • EdmT

        The EDM type to infer the type for.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DefaultDeSerializers.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DefaultDeSerializers.html index a11e273452..89060f1e14 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DefaultDeSerializers.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.DefaultDeSerializers.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -DefaultDeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DefaultDeSerializers: DeSerializers<string, boolean, number, BigNumber, number, number, number, number, BigNumber, string, number, number, string, any, moment.Moment, moment.Moment, moment.Duration, Time, any>

    Type of the default (de-)serializers.

    +DefaultDeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DefaultDeSerializers: DeSerializers<string, boolean, number, BigNumber, number, number, number, number, BigNumber, string, number, number, string, any, moment.Moment, moment.Moment, moment.Duration, Time, any>

    Type of the default (de-)serializers.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.FilterFunctionTypes.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.FilterFunctionTypes.html index fb48b4fa54..e2db330eed 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.FilterFunctionTypes.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.FilterFunctionTypes.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ FilterFunctionTypes | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    FilterFunctionTypes: FilterFunctionsType & {
        contains: typeof contains;
        fractionalSeconds: typeof fractionalSeconds;
        hasSubsequence: typeof hasSubsequence;
        hasSubset: typeof hasSubset;
        matchesPattern: typeof matchesPattern;
        maxDateTime: typeof maxDateTime;
        minDateTime: typeof minDateTime;
        now: typeof now;
        totalOffsetMinutes: typeof totalOffsetMinutes;

    Extending the common filter function by the OData v4 specification for example contains or matchesPattern.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi_generator.GeneratorOptions.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi_generator.GeneratorOptions.html index 03aa68ae4f..f239c8098a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi_generator.GeneratorOptions.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_openapi_generator.GeneratorOptions.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -GeneratorOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    GeneratorOptions: CommonGeneratorOptions

    Options to configure OData client generation when using the generator programmatically.

    +GeneratorOptions | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    GeneratorOptions: CommonGeneratorOptions

    Options to configure OData client generation when using the generator programmatically.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.Middleware.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.Middleware.html index 1bf4d18064..581a24fad7 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.Middleware.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.Middleware.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Middleware | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias Middleware<ArgumentT, ReturnT, ContextT>

    Middleware<ArgumentT, ReturnT, ContextT>: ((options) => MiddlewareFunction<ArgumentT, ReturnT>)

    Type Parameters

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.MiddlewareFunction.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.MiddlewareFunction.html index 510d8adc7a..373f1ff55a 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.MiddlewareFunction.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_resilience.MiddlewareFunction.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -MiddlewareFunction | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Type alias MiddlewareFunction<ArgumentT, ReturnT>

    MiddlewareFunction<ArgumentT, ReturnT>: ((arg) => Promise<ReturnT>)

    Type Parameters

    • ArgumentT

    • ReturnT

    Type declaration

      • (arg): Promise<ReturnT>
      • Function around which the middlewares are added.

        +MiddlewareFunction | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

        Type alias MiddlewareFunction<ArgumentT, ReturnT>

        MiddlewareFunction<ArgumentT, ReturnT>: ((arg) => Promise<ReturnT>)

        Function around which the middlewares are added.

        Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



        • arg: ArgumentT

        Returns Promise<ReturnT>

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    • ArgumentT

    • ReturnT

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.LogLevel.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.LogLevel.html index a9f86acb46..7cd512bafa 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.LogLevel.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.LogLevel.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ LogLevel | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    LogLevel: "error" | "warn" | "info" | "verbose" | "debug" | "silly"

    Npm log levels used for the SAP Cloud SDK logger.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.ODataVersion.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.ODataVersion.html index be30eadbf7..6187f5c17e 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.ODataVersion.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.ODataVersion.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ ODataVersion | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.Without.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.Without.html index 22a8beddb1..9ce63ea130 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.Without.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.Without.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Without | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    Without<T>: {
        [P in keyof T]?: never

    A type which sets all properties of a generic type to never. +Without | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Without<T>: {
        [P in keyof T]?: never

    A type which sets all properties of a generic type to never. Used in the exclusive or type Xor.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

    • T

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    • T

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.Xor.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.Xor.html index 095005e13a..125a9b7784 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.Xor.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/types/sap_cloud_sdk_util.Xor.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Xor | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    Xor<T, U>: Without<T> & U | Without<U> & T

    XOR of two types containing keys with different names. +Xor | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0

    Xor<T, U>: Without<T> & U | Without<U> & T

    XOR of two types containing keys with different names. If the two types show an overlap the type is never.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type Parameters

    • T

    • U

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type Parameters

    • T

    • U

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationSelectionStrategies.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationSelectionStrategies.html index c1408a235f..0dd50b46f0 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationSelectionStrategies.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_connectivity.DestinationSelectionStrategies.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ DestinationSelectionStrategies | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    DestinationSelectionStrategies: {
        alwaysProvider: typeof alwaysProvider;
        alwaysSubscriber: typeof alwaysSubscriber;
        subscriberFirst: typeof subscriberFirst;

    Selector of destination selection strategies. See alwaysProvider, alwaysSubscriber and subscriberFirst for more information available selection strategies.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.defaultDisallowedKeys.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.defaultDisallowedKeys.html index 9eb472da7b..a17c3883f7 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.defaultDisallowedKeys.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_http_client.defaultDisallowedKeys.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ defaultDisallowedKeys | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    defaultDisallowedKeys: string[]

    A list of request config keys that are not allowed to be customized by default.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ActionFunctionImportRequestBuilderBase.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ActionFunctionImportRequestBuilderBase.html index 2e2b769150..29215c4780 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ActionFunctionImportRequestBuilderBase.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ActionFunctionImportRequestBuilderBase.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ ActionFunctionImportRequestBuilderBase | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    ActionFunctionImportRequestBuilderBase: typeof OperationRequestBuilderBase


    Since 3.3.0. Use OperationRequestBuilderBase instead.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FunctionImportParameter.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FunctionImportParameter.html index 99a6c5f6b5..6591e2951d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FunctionImportParameter.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.FunctionImportParameter.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ FunctionImportParameter | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig.html index bc45dc5643..5a3c6aef2b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_common.ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.FunctionImportRequestBuilder.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.FunctionImportRequestBuilder.html index 3e3644890e..44255979d5 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.FunctionImportRequestBuilder.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.FunctionImportRequestBuilder.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ FunctionImportRequestBuilder | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig.html index a073e07a52..e2c8e6e406 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.defaultDeSerializers-1.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.defaultDeSerializers-1.html index 31be1091cd..8154c6e0c8 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.defaultDeSerializers-1.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v2.defaultDeSerializers-1.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ defaultDeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataActionImportRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataActionImportRequestConfig.html index eec424bacc..ccbcc3622d 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataActionImportRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataActionImportRequestConfig.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ ODataActionImportRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig.html index 7df2cc708c..2cc1fbb557 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ ODataFunctionImportRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.OdataBoundFunctionImportRequestConfig.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.OdataBoundFunctionImportRequestConfig.html index 622348a2dd..171878f61b 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.OdataBoundFunctionImportRequestConfig.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.OdataBoundFunctionImportRequestConfig.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ OdataBoundFunctionImportRequestConfig | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    OdataBoundFunctionImportRequestConfig: typeof ODataBoundFunctionRequestConfig


    Since 3.3.0. Use ODataBoundFunctionRequestConfig instead.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.defaultDeSerializers-1.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.defaultDeSerializers-1.html index 7d1b6d5433..5a69ee1a29 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.defaultDeSerializers-1.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_odata_v4.defaultDeSerializers-1.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ defaultDeSerializers | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_temporal_de_serializers.temporalDeSerializersV2.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_temporal_de_serializers.temporalDeSerializersV2.html index 017195ca36..5ebe06c197 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_temporal_de_serializers.temporalDeSerializersV2.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_temporal_de_serializers.temporalDeSerializersV2.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -temporalDeSerializersV2 | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    temporalDeSerializersV2: {
        Edm.DateTime: DeSerializer<Temporal.PlainDateTime>;
        Edm.DateTimeOffset: DeSerializer<Temporal.ZonedDateTime>;
        Edm.Time: DeSerializer<Temporal.PlainTime>;

    Temporal (de-)serializers for Odata-v2.

    +temporalDeSerializersV2 | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    temporalDeSerializersV2: {
        Edm.DateTime: DeSerializer<Temporal.PlainDateTime>;
        Edm.DateTimeOffset: DeSerializer<Temporal.ZonedDateTime>;
        Edm.Time: DeSerializer<Temporal.PlainTime>;

    Temporal (de-)serializers for Odata-v2.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_temporal_de_serializers.temporalDeSerializersV4.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_temporal_de_serializers.temporalDeSerializersV4.html index f97eb33220..7ac0300155 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_temporal_de_serializers.temporalDeSerializersV4.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_temporal_de_serializers.temporalDeSerializersV4.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -temporalDeSerializersV4 | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    temporalDeSerializersV4: {
        Edm.Date: DeSerializer<Temporal.PlainDate>;
        Edm.DateTimeOffset: DeSerializer<Temporal.ZonedDateTime>;
        Edm.Duration: DeSerializer<Temporal.Duration>;
        Edm.TimeOfDay: DeSerializer<Temporal.PlainTime>;

    Temporal (de-)serializers for Odata-v4.

    +temporalDeSerializersV4 | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    temporalDeSerializersV4: {
        Edm.Date: DeSerializer<Temporal.PlainDate>;
        Edm.DateTimeOffset: DeSerializer<Temporal.ZonedDateTime>;
        Edm.Duration: DeSerializer<Temporal.Duration>;
        Edm.TimeOfDay: DeSerializer<Temporal.PlainTime>;

    Temporal (de-)serializers for Odata-v4.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.cloudSdkExceptionLogger.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.cloudSdkExceptionLogger.html index 9f67118a43..05c7bd5dc3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.cloudSdkExceptionLogger.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.cloudSdkExceptionLogger.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -cloudSdkExceptionLogger | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    cloudSdkExceptionLogger: Logger

    Default logger for the SAP Cloud SDK for unhandled exceptions.

    +cloudSdkExceptionLogger | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    cloudSdkExceptionLogger: Logger

    Default logger for the SAP Cloud SDK for unhandled exceptions.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.kibana.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.kibana.html index 4e38896812..25792b7382 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.kibana.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.kibana.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -kibana | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    kibana: Format

    Format for logging in Kibana.

    +kibana | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.local.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.local.html index aa8345a6a3..722016e860 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.local.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.local.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -local | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    local: Format

    Format for local logging.

    +local | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.logFormat.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.logFormat.html index f8cc077005..c0b43cb5e3 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.logFormat.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.logFormat.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -logFormat | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    logFormat: {
        kibana: Format;
        local: Format;

    Log formats provided by the util package.

    +logFormat | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    logFormat: {
        kibana: Format;
        local: Format;

    Log formats provided by the util package.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


    Type declaration

    • kibana: Format
    • local: Format
    \ No newline at end of file +

    Type declaration

    • kibana: Format
    • local: Format
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.unixEOL.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.unixEOL.html index 60e662bc89..1290156d18 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.unixEOL.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.unixEOL.html @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ We do not consider if the generator is executed on windows or unix systems. It will always be \n to have consistent clients between operating systems.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.webEOL.html b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.webEOL.html index 6877597ad7..f5ade11c5c 100644 --- a/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.webEOL.html +++ b/knowledge-base/api-reference/variables/sap_cloud_sdk_util.webEOL.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ webEOL | SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript - v3.11.0
    webEOL: "\r\n" = "\r\n"

    For request payloads, etc., it is convention to use the \r\n new line.

    Copyright Ⓒ 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    \ No newline at end of file +
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 14b51157ee..e9eb574ab0 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ "ts-jest": "^29.1.2", "ts-node": "^10.9.2", "turbo": "^1.11.3", - "typedoc": "^0.25.4", + "typedoc": "^0.25.7", "typescript": "~5.3.3" }, "resolutions": { diff --git a/packages/generator-common/src/index.ts b/packages/generator-common/src/index.ts index de49ab08dc..dda79f02a5 100644 --- a/packages/generator-common/src/index.ts +++ b/packages/generator-common/src/index.ts @@ -1 +1,7 @@ +/** + * [[include:generator-common/README.md]] + * @packageDocumentation + * @module @sap-cloud-sdk/generator-common + */ + export { CommonGeneratorOptions } from './options'; diff --git a/scripts/generate-docs.ts b/scripts/generate-docs.ts index 465e450c6c..dc00dde03c 100644 --- a/scripts/generate-docs.ts +++ b/scripts/generate-docs.ts @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import { transformFile } from './util'; import { gunzip, gzip } from 'zlib'; import { promisify } from 'util'; -const gunzipP = promisify(gunzip) -const gzipP = promisify(gzip) +const gunzipP = promisify(gunzip); +const gzipP = promisify(gzip); const docPath = resolve( JSON.parse(readFileSync('tsconfig.typedoc.json', 'utf8')).typedocOptions.out @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ const readDir = input => const isHtmlFile = fileName => extname(fileName) === '.html'; const isSearchJs = fileName => basename(fileName) === 'search.js'; -const isNavigationJs = fileName => basename(fileName) === 'navigation.js' +const isNavigationJs = fileName => basename(fileName) === 'navigation.js'; const pipe = (...fns) => @@ -42,14 +42,17 @@ const pipe = async function adjustForGitHubPages() { const documentationFilePaths = flatten(readDir(resolve(docPath))); const htmlPaths = documentationFilePaths.filter(isHtmlFile); - + await adjustSearchJs(documentationFilePaths); await adjustNavigationJs(documentationFilePaths); - - await Promise.all(htmlPaths.map(filePath => - transformFile(filePath, file => - file.replace(/]*_[^>]*.html[^>]*>/gi, removeUnderlinePrefix) + ) + ) + ); htmlPaths.forEach(filePath => removeUnderlinePrefixFromFileName(filePath)); } @@ -59,26 +62,35 @@ async function adjustSearchJs(paths) { if (filtered.length !== 1) { throw Error(`Expected one 'search.js', but found: ${filtered.length}.`); } - + await transformFile(filtered[0], async file => { - const dataRegexResult = /window.searchData = "data:application\/octet-stream;base64,(.*)"/.exec(file); + const dataRegexResult = + /window.searchData = "data:application\/octet-stream;base64,(.*)"/.exec( + file + ); - if(!dataRegexResult) { - throw Error(`Cannot adjust links in 'search.js'. File content did not match expected pattern.`) + if (!dataRegexResult) { + throw Error( + `Cannot adjust links in 'search.js'. File content did not match expected pattern.` + ); } - const encodedData = dataRegexResult[1] - - const ungzipped = (await gunzipP(Buffer.from(encodedData, 'base64'))).toString('utf8') - const searchItems = JSON.parse(ungzipped) + const encodedData = dataRegexResult[1]; + + const ungzipped = ( + await gunzipP(Buffer.from(encodedData, 'base64')) + ).toString('utf8'); + const searchItems = JSON.parse(ungzipped); searchItems.rows.forEach(s => { s.url = removeUnderlinePrefix(s.url); - }) + }); - const encodedAdjustedData = (await gzipP(JSON.stringify(searchItems))).toString('base64'); - return `window.searchData = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,${encodedAdjustedData}"` - }) + const encodedAdjustedData = ( + await gzipP(JSON.stringify(searchItems)) + ).toString('base64'); + return `window.searchData = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,${encodedAdjustedData}"`; + }); } async function adjustNavigationJs(paths) { @@ -86,33 +98,42 @@ async function adjustNavigationJs(paths) { if (filtered.length !== 1) { throw Error(`Expected one 'navigation.js', but found: ${filtered.length}.`); } - + await transformFile(filtered[0], async file => { - const dataRegexResult = /window.navigationData = "data:application\/octet-stream;base64,(.*)"/.exec(file); - - if (!dataRegexResult){ - throw Error(`Cannot adjust links in 'navigation.js'. File content did not match expected pattern.`) + const dataRegexResult = + /window.navigationData = "data:application\/octet-stream;base64,(.*)"/.exec( + file + ); + + if (!dataRegexResult) { + throw Error( + `Cannot adjust links in 'navigation.js'. File content did not match expected pattern.` + ); } - - const encodedData = dataRegexResult[1] - - const ungzipped = (await gunzipP(Buffer.from(encodedData, 'base64'))).toString('utf8') - const navigationItems = JSON.parse(ungzipped) - - navigationItems.forEach(n => { - n.path = removeUnderlinePrefix(n.path) - n.children.forEach(c => { - c.path = removeUnderlinePrefix(c.path) - }) - }) - const encodedAdjustedData = (await gzipP(JSON.stringify(navigationItems))).toString('base64'); - return `window.navigationData = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,${encodedAdjustedData}"` - }) + const encodedData = dataRegexResult[1]; + + const ungzipped = ( + await gunzipP(Buffer.from(encodedData, 'base64')) + ).toString('utf8'); + const navigationItems = JSON.parse(ungzipped); + + navigationItems + .filter(n => n.path) + .forEach(n => { + n.path = removeUnderlinePrefix(n.path); + n.children.forEach(c => { + c.path = removeUnderlinePrefix(c.path); + }); + }); + + const encodedAdjustedData = ( + await gzipP(JSON.stringify(navigationItems)) + ).toString('base64'); + return `window.navigationData = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,${encodedAdjustedData}"`; + }); } - - function removeUnderlinePrefix(str) { const i = str.indexOf('_'); // Remove the first `_` @@ -128,20 +149,22 @@ function removeUnderlinePrefixFromFileName(filePath) { async function insertCopyright() { const filePaths = flatten(readDir(docPath)).filter(isHtmlFile); - - await Promise.all(filePaths.map(async filePath => { - const copyrightDiv = `

    Copyright Ⓒ ${new Date().getFullYear()} SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    `; - return transformFile(filePath, file => { - const lines = file.split(unixEOL); - // Insert the copyright div before the line including #yikes - lines.splice( - lines.findIndex(line => line.includes('')), - 0, - copyrightDiv - ); - return lines.join(unixEOL); - }); - })) + + await Promise.all( + filePaths.map(async filePath => { + const copyrightDiv = `

    Copyright Ⓒ ${new Date().getFullYear()} SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    `; + return transformFile(filePath, file => { + const lines = file.split(unixEOL); + // Insert the copyright div before the line including #yikes + lines.splice( + lines.findIndex(line => line.includes('')), + 0, + copyrightDiv + ); + return lines.join(unixEOL); + }); + }) + ); } function validateLogs(generationLogs: string) { diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json index bdce5920c8..24e1deaf23 100644 --- a/tsconfig.json +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ "incremental": true, "skipLibCheck": true, "strictNullChecks": true, - "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "inlineSources": false diff --git a/tsconfig.typedoc.json b/tsconfig.typedoc.json index ae9ce9fc41..3028f271ab 100644 --- a/tsconfig.typedoc.json +++ b/tsconfig.typedoc.json @@ -16,9 +16,7 @@ "./packages/test-util/**/*", "./packages/temporal-de-serializers/**/*" ], - "exclude": [ - "**/*.spec.ts" - ], + "exclude": ["**/*.spec.ts"], "references": [ { "path": "./packages/util" @@ -91,6 +89,9 @@ "treatWarningsAsErrors": true, "validation": { "invalidLink": true + }, + "navigation": { + "includeFolders": false } } } diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock index 68bda29b72..baa714d4ff 100644 --- a/yarn.lock +++ b/yarn.lock @@ -8734,10 +8734,10 @@ shebang-regex@^3.0.0: resolved "https://registry.npmjs.org/shebang-regex/-/shebang-regex-3.0.0.tgz#ae16f1644d873ecad843b0307b143362d4c42172" integrity sha512-7++dFhtcx3353uBaq8DDR4NuxBetBzC7ZQOhmTQInHEd6bSrXdiEyzCvG07Z44UYdLShWUyXt5M/yhz8ekcb1A== -shiki@^0.14.1: - version "0.14.1" - resolved "https://registry.npmjs.org/shiki/-/shiki-0.14.1.tgz#9fbe082d0a8aa2ad63df4fbf2ee11ec924aa7ee1" - integrity sha512-+Jz4nBkCBe0mEDqo1eKRcCdjRtrCjozmcbTUjbPTX7OOJfEbTZzlUWlZtGe3Gb5oV1/jnojhG//YZc3rs9zSEw== +shiki@^0.14.7: + version "0.14.7" + resolved "https://registry.npmjs.org/shiki/-/shiki-0.14.7.tgz#c3c9e1853e9737845f1d2ef81b31bcfb07056d4e" + integrity sha512-dNPAPrxSc87ua2sKJ3H5dQ/6ZaY8RNnaAqK+t0eG7p0Soi2ydiqbGOTaZCqaYvA/uZYfS1LJnemt3Q+mSfcPCg== dependencies: ansi-sequence-parser "^1.1.0" jsonc-parser "^3.2.0" @@ -9774,15 +9774,15 @@ typedarray@^0.0.6: resolved "https://registry.npmjs.org/typedarray/-/typedarray-0.0.6.tgz#867ac74e3864187b1d3d47d996a78ec5c8830777" integrity sha512-/aCDEGatGvZ2BIk+HmLf4ifCJFwvKFNb9/JeZPMulfgFracn9QFcAf5GO8B/mweUjSoblS5In0cWhqpfs/5PQA== -typedoc@^0.25.4: - version "0.25.4" - resolved "https://registry.npmjs.org/typedoc/-/typedoc-0.25.4.tgz#5c2c0677881f504e41985f29d9aef0dbdb6f1e6f" - integrity sha512-Du9ImmpBCw54bX275yJrxPVnjdIyJO/84co0/L9mwe0R3G4FSR6rQ09AlXVRvZEGMUg09+z/usc8mgygQ1aidA== +typedoc@^0.25.7: + version "0.25.7" + resolved "https://registry.npmjs.org/typedoc/-/typedoc-0.25.7.tgz#11e3f527ca80ca3c029cb8e15f362e6d9f715e25" + integrity sha512-m6A6JjQRg39p2ZVRIN3NKXgrN8vzlHhOS+r9ymUYtcUP/TIQPvWSq7YgE5ZjASfv5Vd5BW5xrir6Gm2XNNcOow== dependencies: lunr "^2.3.9" marked "^4.3.0" minimatch "^9.0.3" - shiki "^0.14.1" + shiki "^0.14.7" "typescript-4.6@npm:typescript@~4.6.0-0": version "4.6.4"