- Approuter to visualize HTML5 applications
- Proxy to Retrieve the Web Container Calls from FSM Mobile and Forward to Approuter
- HTML5 Applications
- SAP Leonardo IoT Service Instance
- FSM Cloud
SAP Leonardo IoT - SAP Help Portal
Create the Service Instances of SAP Leonardo IoT inside the tenant space. A detailed information to create a service instance can be found here.
Create the Service Keys for the above created Service Instance for later uses. A detailed information to create service keys can be found here.
Note down the service instance name and uaa credentials of Leonardo IoT Service.
- Now launch the Terminal/MS-DOS prompt and navigate to the cloned repository location.
- Login to Cloud Foundry using "cf login"
Obtain Field Service Management Account details and fill fsm-backend.json file as per below.
"cloudAccount" : "<<FSM_ACCOUNT_NAME>>",
"objectType" : "SERVICECALL",
"companyName" : "<<COMPANY_NAME>>",
"desc": "Account Description",
"user": "<<USER_NAME>>",
"password": "<<PASSWORD>>",
NOTE: Replace the placeholders enclosed within '<<' and '>>' with FSM Account details.
This file is used by proxy application to validate the incoming call from Mobile Web Container. Incorrect configuration of t his file would result in failure of Web Container workflows.
Execute the below command to create an user provided service with above json.
cf create-user-provided-service fsm-backend -p fsm-backend.json
Edit manifest.yml file located in approuter/manifest.yml and replace the placeholder called "<<LEONARDO_IOT_SERVICE>>" with the Service Instance name of Leonardo IoT.
For example: If the service instance name is "leonardo_iot_service", then this file should look like this.
--- applications: - name: fsm-approuter host: fsm-approuter path: virtual-approuter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war buildpack: sap_java_buildpack parameters: memory: 256M env: TARGET_RUNTIME: tomee JBP_CONFIG_RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION: "['tomee/conf/server.xml': {'connector.maxHttpHeaderSize':32768}]" destinations: > [ {"name": "IOTAS_CONTROLS","url": "https://sapuiiot.cfapps.eu10.hana.ondemand.com", "forwardAuthToken": false, strictSSL:false } ] services: - fsm_html5_repo_runtime- <<LEONARDO_IOT_SERVICE>>- leonardo_iot_service
Deploy the approuter by executing the below command from approuter folder
cf push -f manifest.yml
Note down the generated host URL for the approuter application after the successful deployment.
HTML5 Application has been maintained in a folder called "html5-app"
This application contains an example HTML5 application visualize thing data for the selected device of Type
refers to the tenant package namespace. -
In this folder (html5-app/ui), find and replace the all placeholders with actual values in all matched files as explained below.
Placeholder | Details | More Information |
<<TENANT-PACKAGE-NAMESPACE>> | Tenant Package Namespace | Please refer SAP Help Portal for more details |
<<TENANT-PACKAGE-NAMESPACE-UNDERSCORE-WITHOUT-DOTS>> | Tenant Package Namespace with dot symbols replaced by underscore symbols |
- Build the html5 application using below command inside "html5-app" folder.
java -jar <path-to-mta-archive-builder>\mta_archive_builder.jar --build-target=CF build
Please refer Building MTA applications and Deploying MTA applications from SAP Help Portal to understand the MTA Build and deployment.
- Deploy the generated html5-app.mtar using below command
cf deploy html5-app.mtar
Navigate to proxy application located in proxy folder. build the proxy application using below command
mvn clean build
Edit manifest.yml file of proxy application located at proxy/manifest.yml
Replace the place holders as explained below.
Place holder Name | Description | More Information |
<<APPROUTER_HOST>> | Generated Approuter HOST URL | |
<<SAP_LEONARDO_IOT_UAA_HOST_URL>> | UAA URL for Leonardo IoT Instance | |
<<CLIENT_ID>> | UAA clientId for Leonardo IoT Instance | |
<<TENANT-PACKAGE-NAMESPACE>> | Tenant Namespace | Documentation |
Deploy the proxy application using below command.
cf push -f manifest.yml
Note down the generated HOST URL of proxy application
- Launch Coresuite of FSM and login to using the FSM credentials
- Navigate to Settings -> Web Containers -> Web Containers.
- Click on "Create New" button, this will add a form in the right side pane.
- Fill the form as per below.
Name : "EquipmentIoTData"
URL : "<<PROXY_HOST_URL>>/iotData"
Authentication Key : "<<CLIENT_SECRET>>"
Object Type : "Service Call"
Replace "<<PROXY_HOST_URL>>" with the generated proxy application host url and "<<CLIENT_SECRET>>" with UAA client secret of Leonardo IoT Service Instance.
Now the setup has been completed.
- Install FSM Mobile application on iPhone mobile
- Click on Calender and choose a Date
- Recently generated Service calls will be listed here
- Navigate to Service Call and click the menu list at top right corner
- You should see a menu called "Equipment Data", click this menu
- IoT Application will render the Equipment data from Leonardo IoT
Follow these steps to develop an IoT Application and deploy it on CF using Web-IDE.