Adding Dreamer-v3's implementation tricks to CleanRL's PPO
poetry install
poetry run pip install --pre torch --index-url
For quick and easy experiments, feel free to just run them with the --track
flag and use wandb's report to visualize them. For slightly more serious experiments, please use the benchmark utility.
The following commands will generate the dry run commands.
poetry run python -m cleanrl_utils.benchmark \
--env-ids Breakout-v5 Pong-v5 \
--command "poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track" \
--num-seeds 3
autotag feature is enabled
identified git tag: v0.0.1-4-gb17d3b5
local variable 'pr_number' referenced before assignment
======= commands to run:
poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track --env-id Breakout-v5 --seed 1
poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track --env-id Pong-v5 --seed 1
poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track --env-id Breakout-v5 --seed 2
poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track --env-id Pong-v5 --seed 2
poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track --env-id Breakout-v5 --seed 3
poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track --env-id Pong-v5 --seed 3
not running the experiments because --workers is set to 0; just printing the commands to run
Once you are comfortable with the commands, you can run them with --workers 1
to run them in a single machine
poetry run python -m cleanrl_utils.benchmark \
--env-ids Breakout-v5 Pong-v5 \
--command "poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track" \
--num-seeds 3
--workers 1
Warning While it is possible to run it with
--workers 6
, it is not recommended. Envpool will likely compete for resources with the other workers and will slow down the experiments.
It is also possible to use slurm. For example, the following command will generate a slurm script and submit it to the slurm queue.
poetry run python -m cleanrl_utils.benchmark \
--env-ids Breakout-v5 Pong-v5 \
--command "poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track" \
--num-seeds 3
--workers 3
--slurm-gpus-per-task 1 \
--slurm-template-path ppov3.slurm_template
Note when running with slurm,
> 1 is ok. In fact--workers
is the maximum concurrent jobs allowed in the job array in SLURM, and you should use a larger number like --workers 100 to maximize the utilization of the cluster.
autotag feature is enabled
identified git tag: v0.0.1-4-gb17d3b5
local variable 'pr_number' referenced before assignment
======= commands to run:
poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track --env-id Breakout-v5 --seed 1
poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track --env-id Pong-v5 --seed 1
poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track --env-id Breakout-v5 --seed 2
poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track --env-id Pong-v5 --seed 2
poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track --env-id Breakout-v5 --seed 3
poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track --env-id Pong-v5 --seed 3
not running the experiments because --workers is set to 0; just printing the commands to run
======= slurm commands to run:
saving command in slurm/5edda234-e8b9-4014-a164-9964e2475847.slurm
running sbatch slurm/5edda234-e8b9-4014-a164-9964e2475847.slurm
sbatch: [info] Determined priority for your job: idle
Submitted batch job 19846
The logs will be available in the slurm/logs
When running the experiments with python -m cleanrl_utils.benchmark
, the script will automatically tag the git commit. This is useful for comparing experiments and for reproducibility. For example, when running
python -m cleanrl_utils.benchmark \
--env-ids Breakout-v5 \
--command "poetry run python ppo_v3/ --track" \
--num-seeds 1 \
--workers 1
The experiments will be tagged with v0.0.1-5-g61d4028
Note Wandb tags are super useful! You can also prepend the
python -m cleanrl_utils.benchmark
command with custom tags such asWANDB_TAGS=rtx3060
We can then use this tag for comparing experiments leveraging the openrlbenchmark
utility. Please see for more documentation and ask Costa for more data.
python -m openrlbenchmark.rlops \
--filters '?we=openrlbenchmark&wpn=baselines&ceik=env&cen=exp_name&metric=charts/episodic_return' 'baselines-ppo2-cnn' \
--filters '?we=dream-team-v3&wpn=PPO-v3&ceik=env_id&cen=exp_name&metric=charts/episodic_return' 'ppo_atari_envpool?tag=v0.0.1-5-g61d4028' \
--env-ids Breakout-v5 \
--check-empty-runs False \
--ncols 1 \
--ncols-legend 1 \
--output-filename static/cleanrl_vs_baselines \
--scan-history \
It's going to generate the following plots:
cleanrl_vs_baselines.png | cleanrl_vs_baselines-time.png |
Furthermore, it will generate a table with the following information:
openrlbenchmark/baselines/baselines-ppo2-cnn ({}) | dream-team-v3/PPO-v3/ppo_atari_envpool ({'tag': ['v0.0.1-5-g61d4028']}) | |
Breakout-v5 | 405.73 ± 11.47 | 403.59 ± 0.00 |
Generated wandb report:
poetry run python -m openrlbenchmark.rlops \
--filters '?we=dream-team-v3&wpn=PPO-v3&ceik=env_id&cen=exp_name&metric=charts/episodic_return' 'ppo_dmc_envpool?tag=v0.0.1-14-gb2aee2d' \
--env-ids AcrobotSwingup-v1 CartpoleBalance-v1 CartpoleBalanceSparse-v1 CartpoleSwingup-v1 CartpoleSwingupSparse-v1 CheetahRun-v1 BallInCupCatch-v1 FingerSpin-v1 FingerTurnEasy-v1 FingerTurnHard-v1 HopperHop-v1 HopperStand-v1 PendulumSwingup-v1 ReacherEasy-v1 ReacherHard-v1 WalkerRun-v1 WalkerStand-v1 WalkerWalk-v1 \
--check-empty-runs False \
--ncols 4 \
--ncols-legend 1 \
--output-filename static/dmc \
--scan-history \
dmc.png | dmc-time.png |
dream-team-v3/PPO-v3/ppo_dmc_envpool ({'tag': ['v0.0.1-14-gb2aee2d']}) | |
AcrobotSwingup-v1 | 25.02 ± 0.00 |
CartpoleBalance-v1 | 295.69 ± 0.00 |
CartpoleBalanceSparse-v1 | 87.18 ± 0.00 |
CartpoleSwingup-v1 | 187.35 ± 0.00 |
CartpoleSwingupSparse-v1 | 0.00 ± 0.00 |
CheetahRun-v1 | 63.84 ± 0.00 |
BallInCupCatch-v1 | 96.97 ± 0.00 |
FingerSpin-v1 | 88.81 ± 0.00 |
FingerTurnEasy-v1 | 192.32 ± 0.00 |
FingerTurnHard-v1 | 62.02 ± 0.00 |
HopperHop-v1 | 0.05 ± 0.00 |
HopperStand-v1 | 3.85 ± 0.00 |
PendulumSwingup-v1 | 48.45 ± 0.00 |
ReacherEasy-v1 | 81.29 ± 0.00 |
ReacherHard-v1 | 12.34 ± 0.00 |
WalkerRun-v1 | 47.38 ± 0.00 |
WalkerStand-v1 | 178.81 ± 0.00 |
WalkerWalk-v1 | 138.64 ± 0.00 |
Generated wandb report:
The cleanrl_utils
package also provides a hyperparameter tuning utility. It is based on Optuna. See docs for more detail. I have also included an example
in the root folder.
Poetry locks the dependencies and makes sure that we are using the same versions of the dependencies. It also helps us manage our virtual environments. It is a great tool to use for any python project. For a good usage tutorial, check out CleanRL's usage guide
Additionally, when adding dependencies, it's best to use the poetry add mypackage
command. When updating dependencies, it's best to use the poetry update mypackage
command. As a last resort, you can modify pyproject.toml
directly, and then run poetry lock --no-update
Warning Do not attempt to run
poetry lock
. It will update all dependencies and will likely take a long time to complete.